Gazette April 27 2015 - the National Printing Corporation of St
Gazette April 27 2015 - the National Printing Corporation of St
RY T O T EN U TS T UM C A D ST STRAN D A IN TE N SE S A Statutory Instrument THE following document is published and is available for sale at the National Printing Corporation (NPC): No. 39 of 2015 — Montreal Protocol (Substances That Deplete The Ozone Layer) Regulations Assented Acts THE following document is published and is available for sale at the National Printing Corporation (NPC): No. 3 of 2015 — Banking Act THE following documents are published with and form part of this Gazette: No. 4 of 2015 — National Savings and Development Bonds (Amendment) Act No. 5 of 2015 — Excise Tax (Amendment) Act CY N CA A V S CE I T O N Sir Arthur Lewis Community College POST OF PRINCIPAL JOB SUMMARY THE Principal is the Chief Executive Officer of the College and has overall responsibility for the academic, administrative and financial management of the College. The Principal is accountable to the Board of Governors and his/ her actions will, at all times, be in keeping with the College’s Vision and Mission, Laws and Policies. QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE A Doctoral Degree and five (5) years experience in Educational Administration/Management or related area. A Certificate/Diploma in Business Management will be an asset. OR A Master’s Degree and ten years (10) experience in Educational Administration/Management or related area. A Certificate/Diploma in Business Management would be an asset. SKILLS & OTHER ATTRIBUTES REQUIRED The Principal must: Possess proven experience in tertiary institution administration; Demonstrate interpersonal skills; strong Be an effective communicator and motivator; Have strong understanding of business and financial management; Demonstrate strong institutional and administrative leadership skills; Demonstrate the ability to take initiative; Be able to make sound analysis of institutional needs; Have sound knowledge of computer technology and a working knowledge of Microsoft Office; Have strong reporting skills; analytical and Demonstrate delegate; the ability to Demonstrate decisive and timely leadership management skills; Possess strong reporting skills; writing and Possess a proven record of successfully undertaken initiatives CORE FUNCTIONS AND MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PRINCIPAL Participates and plays a lead role in the development and implementation of the Strategic Plan of the Sir Arthur Lewis Community College; Prepares the Annual Operational Plan of the College to achieve the goals of the Strategic Plan; Coordinates the resources aimed at sustainability and selfreliance: Ensure the preparation of proposals, management of finances, strategic alliances for scholarships to the College; Ensures compliance with provision of the SALCC Act , and other legislation of the country; Develops and presents to the Board of Governors for ratification new policies as needed by SALCC; Works in close collaboration with the Vice Principal , Internal Committees, Government Agencies on matters of design, development, introduction of new programmes and ensure the effectiveness of existing programmes; Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 581 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Ensures the design and implementation of activities aimed at the holistic development of students; Monitors and ensures the proper functioning of other standard and Ad hoc committees (Management & Finance Committee, Academic Board, Marketing Committee, etc.); Provides direction and guidance for the College in fulfilling its Vision and Mission. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Interested, eligible candidates are invited to apply by completing the prescribed forms which can be S CE I T NO PUBLIC SERVICE BOARD OF APPEAL TAKE NOTICE that ALL correspondence to the Public Service Board of Appeal should be addressed to: The Secretary Public Service Board of Appeal c/o Ministry of Legal Affairs Brazil Street CASTRIES Verna Mondesir Secretary Completed application forms must be returned to the Secretary, Board of Governors by 31st May, 2015 TERMS OF APPOINTMENT Appointment will be on a two (2) year contract with the possibility of renewal. The salary will be determined by the qualifications of the applicant and TAKE NOTICE that the International Business Company, NOTZ STUCKI PROTECTOR LTD., IBC No. 2005-00314, which was incorporated on the 30th day of August 2005 and which company commenced dissolution on the 24th day of March 2015 has been dissolved and has been struck off by the Registrar of International Business Companies. TAKE NOTICE that the dissolution of the above named company became effective on the 8th day of April 2015. Dated this 8th day of April, 2015 (International Business Companies Act, Cap 12.14) NOTZ STUCKI PROTECTOR LTD. NO. 2005-00314 582 in accordance with the salary scales approved by the College. Quarters, transportation to and from work, free medical attention and medicines will not be provided. The successful applicant’s income will be liable to taxation in accordance with the local Income Tax Ordinance. Beverley Josie Registrar/Secretary Board of Governors Sir Arthur Lewis Community College Tel.: 758-457-7322 Dated 23rd March, 2015. LTD., IBC No. 2005-00182, which was incorporated on the 6th day of May 2005 and which company commenced dissolution on the 23rd day of March 2015 has been dissolved and has been struck off by the Registrar of International Business Companies. TAKE NOTICE that the dissolution of the above named company became effective on the 8th day of April 2015. Dated this 8th day of April, 2015 Nicholas John Liquidator Nicholas John Liquidator Notice of Company Dissolution Notice of Company Dissolution (International Business Companies Act, Cap 12.14) Saint Lucia Government Gazette obtained from the College’s website, a detailed curriculum vitae, and names of two (2) referees who can confirm the required experience, skills and disposition of the applicant. AFRICA PORT MANAGEMENT LTD. NO. 2005-00182 TAKE NOTICE that the International Business Company, AFRICA PORT MANAGEMENT Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 CARIBBEAN REGIONAL COMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAM IDA CREDIT #5117-SLU PROJECT NO. P114963 Ministry of The Public Service, Information and Broadcasting Caribbean Regional Communications Infrstructure Program REQUEST FOR CALL FOR PROPOSALS The Government of St Luciahas received financing from the International Development Association (the World Bank) to wards the cost of the “Caribbean Regional Communications Infrastructure Program”and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under various contracts for delivery of training. The Government of Saint Lucia herein represented by the Ministry of the Public Service, Information and Broadcasting now invites sealed proposals from eligible training providers for delivery of training in the following competence and skilled areas: Multimedia Production/Animation Application Development (Mobile, web, Database) Computer Graphics Photography Database Management A complete set of the Call for Proposal documents in English may be obtained on the submission of a written application to the address below (*). All Proposals must be delivered to the address below (**) on or before April 27, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. (1600 hours). Electronic Bidding shall not be permitted. The address (es) referred to above are: *The Project Coordinator Project Coordination Unit 5th Floor Conway Business Centre Waterfront Castries, Saint Lucia Fax: 758-453-0417 Email: **CARCIP ICT Skills Development Programme Departmental Tenders Board 2nd Floor Greaham Louisy Administrative Building Waterfront, Castries Automotive Technology End Point Maintenance and Repair Information and Communications Technology (ICT)/ IT Management Internet Security, Cyber Security, Network Security Systems Analysis & Design Bidding will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, (current edition) and the Call for Proposal Document, and is open to all eligible Training Providers as defined in the Call for Proposal Document. Interested eligible Training Providers may obtain further information from the Business Incubation and Training Grants Manager, CARCIP, National ICT Office, Bourbon Street, Castries, Saint Lucia during office hours from 0800 hours (8:00 a.m.) to 1630 hours (4:30 p.m.) and the CARCIP website – REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST SAINT LUCIA DISASTER VULNERABILITY REDUCTION PROJECT Project ID: P127226 Credit No. 5493-LC Assignment Title: Finance Manager, Project Coordination Unit Reference No.: SLU DVRP-CSIC-UCS-Ol-15 The Government of Saint Lucia has received financing in the amount of sixty eight million United States dollars from the International Development Association (World Bank) towards the cost of the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds to hire Finance Manager who will be responsible for the financial management aspects of Projects. The Department of Planning and National Development now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Individual Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services; (Curriculum Vitae, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, clients 'references etc). A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures for Selection of Individual Consultants method set out in the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank Borrowers (2011). The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank's Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers (2011) ("Consultant Guidelines"), setting forth the World Bank's policy on conflict of interest. SERVICES REQUIRED Objectives of the Assignment The objective of the assignment is to engage a suitably qualified Finance Manager to provide develop and document an integral accounting system for the projects, manage and maintain the financial management system for the Projects utilizing international standard accounting procedures and provide guidance and oversight financial management staff of the Project Coordination Unit. Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 583 Saint Lucia Government Gazette SPECIFIC OUTPUTS DUTIES AND The following are some of general responsibilities to be undertaken. The Finance Manager shall be responsible for the development, maintenance and management of the financial management system to enable the Government of Saint Lucia to meets its financial obligations under the financing agreements and to ensure that the Department of Planning and National Development and other implementing agencies in meeting the obligations under the Finance Act. Specifically the Finance Manager will be responsible for the financial management planning, financial management administration, monitoring and evaluation, reporting and supervision of the financial management team. The Finance Manager is predominantly responsible for the maintenance of the financial management system to ensure its accuracy and integrity by: Developing and implementing appropriate financial and accounting systems for the Project Coordination Unit or project to meet the requirements of the Government of Saint Lucia and the World Bank Integrating financial procedures and systems with the Management Information System QuickBooks and Government's Integrated Financial Management System - SmartStream to track project progress and management performance Work together with Implementing Agencies and Procurement team to gather the information from their work plan that will serve as input to prepare the Financial Management estimates and budget forecasts. Preparing, maintaining and updating as necessary a Financial Saint Lucia Government Gazette 584 Management Manual to be used for financial monitoring of the system for the Projects including specific requirements for each project Providing training I orientation to staff of the Project Coordination Unit, project staff and staff of Implementation Units (where necessary) on the Financial Management Manual, one year renewable annually based on performance. Engagement can cover a period of five years subject to an annual performance review with an intermediate performance evaluation after the first six months of services rendered. QUALIFICATIONS The minimum required qualifications and experience are: Taking the lead role in the project's financial management planning and preparation of annual budgets and ensure that the assumptions, parameters, guidelines and policies in planning are complied with Education and Qualification -Professional qualification such as ACCA, CPA, CGA or equivalent and at least a Bachelors degree in Accounting or related field from a reputable University Monitoring financial disbursements in line with the Government of Saint Lucia and The World Bank requirements Experience - Minimum 6 years' experience in the field of accounting or auditing, with at least 2 years being at a supervisory level. Reviewing monthly reconciliation of Project accounts, including all bank reconciliations, reconciliations with the integrated financial management system of the Government of Saint Lucia and Client Connection Records (disbursement against categories reflected on Client Connection). Specific knowledge required to start Compilation and consolidation of accounts and preparing Unaudited Reports and Financial Statements for Audited Project Accounts by the stipulated date for each Fiscal Year as agreed in loan/credit agreement Ensuring the timeliness of required financial reports to The World Bank on a regular basis Prepare the Financial Management Reports and Financial Statements for Project assigned. DURATION The Finance Manager will by hired as a part of the Project Coordination Unit on a full time basis and is expected to start on June I, 2015 for a period of Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 Government of Saint Lucia Procurement and Stores Regulations Government of Saint Lucia Finance Act and Financial Regulations Principles and procedures for Procurement and Selection of Consultants QuickBooks Software Financial Accounting Financial donors Management Reporting Accounting Standards for and and major Auditing Labour Laws Planning and Forecasting National Insurance Contribution regulation Required competencies The successful candidate will have: Budget Formulation and Execution - Able to perform assessments, provide advice, and contribute to capacity building on budget formulation and execution processes at the government and project level Financial Management Information Systems - Has basic understanding of Financial Management Information Systems with ability to perform assessments, provide advice and contribute to capacity building on matters at the project level. Knowledge of the Government's Integrated accounting system would be a plus Internal Controls, Internal Audit, and Risk Management - Possesses ability to perform assessments, provide advice and contribute to capacity building on internal control and internal audit arrangements at the project level Accounting and Financial Reporting - Has knowledge of the individual International Financial Reporting Standards, International Public Sector Accounting Standards, or comparable national standards; able to perform assessments, provide advice and contribute to capacity building on accounting and financial reporting at the project level External Audit and Oversight Understands international auditing standards issued by IF AC and INTOSAI; reviews audited project and entity financial statements, identifying deficiencies and gaps in compliance with financing agreement covenants, including audit compliance Operational Project Management - Participates in the review of bidding documents, evaluation reports, safeguard studies draft fiduciary, safeguard and assessments, and implementation progress reports, and in the development/updates of procurement plans and action plans Drive for Results - Takes personal ownership and accountability to meet deadlines and achieve agreedupon results, and has the personal organization to do so Government of Saint Lucia would be a plus Interested eligible candidates must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services and are invited to submit their CV (Curriculum Vitae), including employment records, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills, previous remunerations, etc. Deadline for submission of applications is May 8, 2015 and should be sent to; Business Judgment and Analytical Decision Making - Analyzes facts and data to support sound, logical decisions regarding own and others' work. Project Coordination Unit Attn: Cheryl Mathurin, Project Coordinator Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project Department of Planning and National Development Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs, Planning and Social Security 5th Floor, Conway Business Centre Waterfront. Castries Saint Lucia Fax Number: 1-758-453-0417 Ernail: Previous experience working with Donor-financed projects and the NB: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted Teamwork (Collaboration) and Inclusion - Collaborates with other team members and contributes productively to the team's work and output Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 585 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Saint Lucia Government Gazette 586 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 587 Saint Lucia Government Gazette In Accordance with Banking Act #56 Section 7,The 1st National Bank St.Lucia Limited. Publishes Dormant Reports of which beenAct unclaimed for 14 years Over. Bank St.Lucia Limited. In Accounts Accordance withhave Banking #56 Section 7,The 1stand National Publishes Dormant Reports of Accounts which have been unclaimed for 14 years and Over. Anthony ALCIDE &/OR Catherine Cetolene Labayee,c/o Dennery P.O., Dennery La Bayee Cetolene Labayee,c/o Dennery P.O., Dennery La Bayee Vieux-fort Catholic Yout Anthony ALCIDE &/OR Catherine Vieux-fort Vieux-fort Catholic Yout Vieux-fort Francisca PAUL-CHASSANG c/o Babonneau P. O, Castries FranciscaCallula PAUL-CHASSANG c/oCastries Babonneau P. O, Castries Gabriel PREVILLE INTRUST Khadijah Preville Cabishe, c/o Babonneau P O, Cabishe, Qr. of Babonneau Gabriel PREVILLE INTRUST Khadijah Preville Cabishe, c/oOffice, Babonneau P O, Castries Cabishe, Qr. of Babon Emmanuel Abraham La Croix, Callula Babonneau, Babonneau Post Castries Emmanuel Abraham La Croix, Babonneau, Babonneau Post Office, Castries Samuel Adjodha Castries Adjodha Castries Virginia Adjutant &/or TonySamuel Sandiford Richfond, Dennery Richfond SandifordCastries Richfond, Dennery Richfond Ida Natally Tina Adolph Virginia Adjutant &/or TonyBagatelle, Bagatelle Ida Natally Tina Adolph 1350 E Flamingo Rd,No.54 ,Bagatelle, Dr. Andreas Adrian Las VegasCastries N.v., Nevada, 89119, USA1350 E. Flamingo Road Bagatelle Dr. Andreas Adrian N.v., Nevada, Mr Howard Adrien La Croix Maingot, Castries 1350 E Flamingo Rd,No.54 , Las VegasStudent, C.a.r.e.89119, USA1350 E. Flamingo Roa Mr Howard Adrien La Croix Maingot, Castries Student, C.a.r.e. Lucia Aimable Bagatelle, Castries Lucia Aimable Bagatelle, Castries Mary Anna And/Or A Marguerite Foster Pavee, c/o General P O, Castries Pavee Mary Anna And/Or A Marguerite Pavee, c/o General P O, Castries Pavee Mary Anna Aimable Pavee Foster Rd., Castries Mary Anna Aimable Pavee Rd., Castries Veronica Albert Castries Veronica Albert Justina Albert Augier, c/o VFCSS (CampasCastries A), Vieux Fort Student Justina Albert c/o VFCSS (Campas A), Vieux Fort Student Allison Albert Babonneau, c/o BabonneauAugier, Post office, Castries Allison Albert Babonneau, c/o Babonneau Post office, Castries Diana Albert Ciceron, c/o Leslie Land Post Office, Castries Ciceron Diana Albert Ciceron, c/o Leslie LandFort Post Office, Castries Ciceron Holmes I Albert c/o V.fort Junoir Sec. School, New Dock Rd, Vieux Rd, Vieux Fort Diana Albert For Josephine Holmes S AlfredI Albert c/o Marian Home, Castries c/o V.fort Junoir Sec. School, New Dock Ciceron Diana Albert For Josephine J.e.m S Alfred Marian Home, Castries Ciceron Rhonda Shari Alcee Salomon Street, Vieuxc/o Fort Rhonda Shari Alcee J.e.m Salomon Street, Vieux Fort Regis Alcee c/o La Croix Maingot P.O., Castries Mole Street, Anse-la-raye Regis Alcee LaCastries Croix Maingot P.O., Castries Hospital Road Mole Street, Anse-laAndrea Eulalie Alcee Hospital Rd, c/o Hospital Rdc/o P O, Andrea Eulalie Alcee Hospital Rd, c/o Hospital Rd P O, Castries Hospital Road Christophe Alcindor c/o Garrand P.O., Garrand,b/neau, Castries Garrand, Babonneau Christophe Alcindor c/o Garrand P.O., Garrand,b/neau, Castries Garrand, Babonneau Laurent Alcindor Aux Leon, Dennery Aux Leon Laurent Alcindor Aux Leon, Dennery Aux Leon Christopher Alcindor Arrundel Hill, Marchand P O, Castries Christopher Alcindor Arrundel Hill, Marchand P O, Castriesc/o Belle Vue Combined School Marylyn Aldonza Belle Vue, Vieux Fort Marylyn Aldonza Belle Vue, Vieux Fort c/o Belle Vue Combin Philomene Alexander Balata, Castries Philomene Alexander Balata, Castries Victoria Alexander Blanchard, Desruisseaux, Micoud Victoria Alexander Blanchard, Desruisseaux, Micoud La Clery Christine A Alexander c/o Box 815, Castries Christine A Alexander Box 815, Castries La Clery Maria Mc. Loren- Alexand Babonneau, c/o Babonneauc/o P O, Castries Maria Mc. LorenAlexand Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Emilien (apin) &/or Alex Cacoa, Babonneau, c/o Girard P O, Castries Emilien (apin) &/or Alex Paix Bouche,Babonneau, c/o Cacoa, Babonneau, c/o Girard P O, Castries Augustin Alexander Babonneau P O, Castries O, Castries Marie Egyptienne Alexand Augustin Alexander Paix Bouche, Babonneau Paix Bouche,Babonneau, c/o Babonneau PaixPBouche, Babonneau Marie Egyptienne Alexand c/o Americ Post office, B/neau, Paix Bouche, Paix Bouche, Babonn Sinclair Alexander Castries Babonneau Paix Bouche Sinclair Alexander c/o Americ Post office, B/neau, Castries Paix Bouche Augustin Alexander La Tourney, Vieux Fort Tourney, Vieux Fort Frances Barbara Alexande Augustin Alexander Cedars, c/o Leslie Land P O,LaCastries Cedars Frances Barbara Alexande L'Anse Road, c/o G P O, Castries Cedars, c/o Leslie Land P O, Castries Cedars Angela Olga Alexander Angela Olga Alexander L'Anse Road, c/o G P O, Castries Anthony Alexander Castries Anthony Alexander Castries Philomene Alexander Balata, Castries Philomene Alexander Balata, Castries Anita & Or Alexander Morne Cayenne, c/o Belle Vue Boxing Plant, Vieux Fort Anita & Or Alexander Morne Cayenne, c/o Belle Vue BoxingLaPlant, Fort Javen Alexander La Croix, Babonneau, Castries Croix,Vieux Babonneau Javen Alexander La Croix, Babonneau, Castries La Croix, Babonneau Lambert Alexander La Clery, c/o La Clery P O, Castries Lambert Alexander c/o La Clery P O, Castries Merlia Alexander Derniere Riviere, Dennery PLaO,Clery, Castries Alexander Derniere Riviere, Dennery P O,USA Castries Leroy Alexander &/or AlfredMerlia Alexander Joseph 3145 Barness Drive, Apt D Corpus Christi, Texas, 78415, Babonneau, c/o B/neau P.O. Leroy Alexander Alexander Joseph 3145 Barness Drive, Apt D Corpus Christi, Texas, 78415, USA Babonneau, c/o B/ne Moses Alexander And/or Laureen Eugene &/or AlfredBanse, Laborie Moses Alexander And/or Laureen EugeneMicoud Banse, Laborie Vitus Alexander For Ermaine Vye Alexander Desruisseaux, Vitus Alexander For Ermaine Vye Alexander Desruisseaux, Micoud Raymunda Alexis Ti Rocher, Micoud Raymunda Alexis Ti Rocher, Micoud Saint Lucia Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 588 Government Gazette Ramona E Alexis Abdon Alexis Sharon Alfred James Alfred Lelia Alfred Kenneth Alfred Madeleine Alfred Lelia H. Alfred Lelia H. Alfred Eustace Alfred For Avril Ava Alfred Bi Bi Shaida Ali Mr Fabian Michael Alphonse Susanna Altius And Or Sammie Altius Blanchea Henrietta Ambro Sharon Ambrose PHILOMENE Ambrose Herman Joseph Amedee Leo Amedee And/or Philbert J Polius Eugenia Andrew Linus Anderson Josephat Andrew Sebastien Andrew Donika Ange Christine Angello For Ju'quan Angello Jason Angelo Elius Anglio Dorista Anius Mr Yann Cuthbert Anselm Cornelius Anthony Mcvane Dwain Anthony Delphius Anthony Aneshar Dione Antoine or Clarita Louis Candida Antoine Kedla Antoine And/or Merlika Emmanuel Milicar Aristide And Marciana Aristide Jennifer Arnold Mr Linus Arthur Elian And Or Arthur Sylvia Arthur Simone Arthur National Secretaries Association of Slu Viviane Asson Agatha Asson Lydia Atilde Shirley S. Atkins Lawrence Augusta Carmelite Auguste Stephen Auguste Adrian Auguste Wilfred Auguste Minerva Michel Auguste Luciana Auguste Marie Auguste Vanessa Auguste Francis Auguste Alida Auguste Arthur Auguste Fabian Auguste Dowlin Augustin Ignitius /for Augustin or Jeremiah Alexander Stephen Augustin Earl Augustin Geneive Augustin Stephen Augustin Sebastain R. Augustin Vinceslaus Augustin Ryan Roy Augustin Alphia Augustin Therese Augustin P.O.BOX 544, Castries Millet, Anse La Raye c/o Leslie Land Post office, Castries Di Maie Blanchard, Desruisseaux Arundell Hill, Castries Coubaril, Castries Grande Rivierre, c/o Grande Riviere P O, Castries Arrundell Hill, c/o G P O, Castries Arrundell Hill, c/o G P O, Castries La Ressource, Vieux Fort 1-3 Maruana Road, Valsayn Park (south), Trinidad c/o New Field P.O., Dennery St Jude's Highway, Vieux-Fort 4717 68 Avenue Hyatts Ville, Maryland, US, 20784 Morne Cayenne, Vieux Fort 48 St. John's Street, Gros Islet Cedars Road, c/o 51 Maryann St, Castries Trois Piton,c/o Ti Rocher Post office, Castries c/o Dennery Post office, Dennery Hospital Road, Castries Georgeville, La Pansee, Castries Blk J, Apt 8, Castries Rodney Bay, c/o Box 1538, Castries Castries Babonneau Central, c/o B/neau P.O., Castries Grace, Vieux Fort Sunbilt, c/o P O Box 621, Castries Coubail, P O Box 1311, Castries c/o Jacmel Post office, Anse La Raye c/o Babonneau Primary School, Babonneau, Castries La Toc Road, c/o G P O, Castries Agard,c/o Leslie Post office, Castries Hospital Road, Dennery. c/o Dennery P O, Dennery Belle-vue, Vieux Fort La Ressource, Vieux Fort Plateau, Babonneau, Castries La Croix, Babonneau, Babonneau Post Office, Castries New Dock Rd, Vieux Fort Corinth, c/o P O Box 1978, Castries Morne Du Don, c/o Marchand P O, Castries P.O. Box 594, Castries Morne Cayenne, Vieux Fort Pierrot, Vieux Fort Old Morne Road, c/o P O Box 190, Castries Mon Repos, c/o Patience P O, Micoud # 2 Dick St., Canaries Castries Morne Du Don, Castries Augier, Vieux Fort c/o P.O. Box 805, Castries Morne Fortune, Castries Rose Hill, Castries Goodlands, Castries Sarrot, c/o Vanard P O, Castries La Croix Maingot, c/o La Croix Maingot P O, Castries La Perla, Laborie La Caye, c/o P O Box 101, Castries Anse Ger D'sseaux, Micoud Victoria Street, Dennery Gros Islet Grace, Vieux Fort Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries c/o El Paso Marketing Co. Cacoa, B/neau, Castries Grace, Vieux Fort c/o Vanard Post office, Anse La Raye Marisule, c/o P O Box 695, Castries Ravine Poisson, c/o Bexon Post Office, Castries La Croix Maingot, Castries Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 c/o Slu School of Music Cedars Valsayn Park (south) c/o New Field P.O. Morne Cayanne Cedars Road Trois Piton Georgeville, La Pansee Blk J. Apt. 8 Vigie Bois Patat c/o Morne Du Don P.O. Babonneau Central, c/o B/neau P.O., Qr. Coubaril Jacmel Babonneau Proper Agard c/o Agromart Corinth Cas En Bas, Gros Islet. Morne Fortune Rose Hill Selfemployed Mechanic Marisule Capital Hill, Morne Fortune, c/o Secure St. Lucia Vanard 589 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Trevor Augustin Lucius Augustin Priscillia Augustin Arthur Augustin Peter Augustin Merlyn Augustin And Or Vilna Augustin Rose Augustine Calton Aurelien Leonard Austin CLEUS Avril Dalton Avril Babonneau Branch St Lucia Teachers Union Bachelier Limited Kenny Bakie Betsy Baldwin Mehugh Banana Salvation Committee Barthelmy W. &/or Baptise or Anestazie Baptiste Nidea Baptiste Lindon Baptiste Glendora Baptiste Celita Barnard Anthony Barthelmy Franciscaakamargaret Bar Cecilia Barthelmy Fabiana Barthelmy George Bartlette Jemima K. Bastien Martina Beausoliel Mary Beausoliel Fenton Beharry Anthony Belizaire Sabinus Bellas Marcus &/or Bellase Starcia Benoit Peter Berance Roseline Berance And Or Ken Berance Daniel Bernard Theresa Bernard Wilfred Bernard Juliana Bernard For Esau Gandi Peter Theresa Bernard Intrust for Hemech Nicolas Aristotle Gillon Andre B Sheena Biscette Cornelia Biscette Tierry Biscette Aline Marciane Biscette Patrick Bissemba And Or Imran Bissemba Alwyn Black Jillian Alexis Blackman Junior Blades Cynthia Blanchard Marie Blyden Marie Blyden Anthony Bonaparte Vidya Boodhoo Matthew Boulie Dylon Bourne Theresa Bousquet Mr Hadley David Brathwaite Mr Franklin Bray Ann Marie Breen Alisha Bretney Lester Broomes Jacinta Brown Davidson Brown Jennifer Brown Terrence Brown Candia Burin Jane Burin And/or Dominina Justine Prospere Saint Lucia Government Gazette 590 The Morne, Castries Capital Hill, Morne Fortune, c/o G P O, Castries Marisule, Gros-islet. c/o Marisule P O, Gros Islet Sunbilt, Castries La Feuille, Monchy, Gros Islet New Row, Micoud Morne Road, Castries c/o Her Majesty's Prison, Castries Leslie Land, Castries Cabishe, c/o B/neau P.O., B/neau, Castries Cabishe, c/o Babonneau Primary School, Castries Babonneau Post office, Babonneau, Castries P.O.BOX 1575, Castries Augier, Vieux Fort 13145n 20th St.apt.109, Tampa, Florida, 33612-0486 Mon Repos, Micoud c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Desserieux, Micoud La Caye, c/o Dennery P.O, Dennery Babonneau, c/o B/neau P.O. Grande Riviere,c/o Dennery P O, Castries Trois Pitons, Castries 29 Broglie Street, Castries Rockhall Rd., Castries La Toc Road, c/o G P O, Castries Bagatelle, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Ti Morne, c/o G.p.o, Castries Augier, Vieux Fort Augier, Vieux Fort L'Anse Rd., c/o G P O, Castries Pavee Rd., Castries Vernard, Anse La Raye Morne'dor, c/o Jacmel P O, Castries Grace, Vieux Fort Piaye, Laborie Piaye, Laborie Vieux Fort Babonneau, c/o Babonneau Post office, Castries Marc, c/o Bexon P O, Castries New Dock Road, Vieux Fort c/o Babonneau P.O., Castries Marchand Rd, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Banse, La-grace, Laborie Babonneau P O, Castries c/o Ti Rocher Post office, Castries By Pass Road, c/o Denney P O, Dennery Augier, Vieux Fort Yorke Hill, P O Box 1510, Castries c/o Boguis P.O., Boguis, Qr. of B/neau, Castries La Ressource, Vieux Fort 30 Avoudale Rd.walthamstow, London E17, UK c/o Civillia Evans, 95 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY, 11238 95 Eastern Pky #6a, Brooklyn, NY, USA Ti Rocher, Micoud La Ressource, Vieux Fort Morne Ciseaux, Anse la Raye, Castries c/o Winera Ltd, Walcott Street, Vieux Fort Vigie, Castries Reduit, P. O. Box 812, Castries Ravine Poisson, P O Box 8321, Choc, Castries Paix Bouche B'neau, c/o L'amerique P O, Castries Monchy, Gros Islet Eucalyptus Avenue, Laborie c/o Royal St Lucia Police Force Morne Du Don, Castries The Morne, c/o G P O, Castries Water Works Road, Castries Barre Denis, c/o La Croix Maingot P.O., Castries Marisule, Gros-islet Riverside Road, Canaries Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 Capital Hill - Morne Fortune Monchy Gadette,dennery Cabishe, Babonneau Cabishe, B/neau, Qr of 13145n 20th St.apt.109 c/o John Cenac's office La Caye Babonneau, c/o B/neau P.O. Grande Riviere Ti Morne Vernard Babonneau Proper Marchand Road Student, c/o La-grace Combined School Babonneau P.O. Ti Rocher Bovguis, B/neau c/o Johnson's Garage B/neau Proper, c/o Bab P.O., Babnneau Brooklyn, New York P. O. Box 812 P.O. Box 8321, Choc c/o Royal St. Lucia Police Force Riverside Road Wayne Burton Paul Busette Jonathan Sheldon Butcher Genevieve Butcher Ursula Butcher Jacinta Butcher Trevor Cadette or Schnieder Cadette Montagu Calderon Leander Marlyn Calixte Rosemarie Calixte &/or Maria Johannie Simon Callender Jana Cammie Estina Philisia Campbell Finbar Camsel Jean For Camsell Anelta Canai Cosmus Casime Bernard Francis Casimir Jacintha Casimir John Cassius Barrie Cassius Geraldine Cassius Andrew Castang Nicholas Caul Genifa Cazaubon Southern Invincible Cber Elton Celestin Andre Celestin Unita Celise Penelope Karen Cenac Gregory Valentine Cenac John Mervin Cenac Alexander Cenac Sardia Cenac Gregory Cenac And/or Ann Frankie Dale Cerry Margaret Cerry Stewart Chandler Eustatius Charlemagne Cletus Charlemagne Terry Charlemagne Natasha Charlemagne &/or Mary Charlemagne Graig Charlery Sharon Ann And Or Charle Liz Charlery Sharon Charlery Tessa Charlery Joseph Charlery Francillia Charlery Lydia Charlery Andy Charlery & Or Bethelina Charlery Alie Charlery And Or James Charlery Joseph Charlery For Chelsie Joseph Darcan Charles Trevor Charles Desmond Charles Deterville Charles Gabriel Charles Augustin Charles Gemma Charles Joseph Charles Jared Charles Aloysia Charles Delbert Charles Roderick Charles Bernadette Charles Juliana Charles Agatha Charles Marilyn Charles Bocage, c/o P O Box 1088, Castries Pierrot, Vieux Fort No 12 Westall Group, Vieux Fort c/o Hortex Garment Factory Rose Hill, Castries Rose Hill, Castries Rose Hill, Castries Bishop's Gap, Castries c/o Leslie Land P.O., Castries Guesneau, c/o Ti Rocher P O, Castries Guesneau #45 B Chaussee Road,, c/o Chaussee Rd P O, Castries #45 B Chaussee Road Pavee Road, Castries 14 Cemetery Street, Vieux Fort, c/o Soufriere Comprehensive Sec. Sch. Cacoa, Babonneau, c/o G P O, Castries Cacao,babonneau Ciceron, Castries Ciceron St Jude's Highway, Vieux-Fort Bexon, Castries c/o Fond Assau P.O.,B/NEAU, Castries Fond Assau, Qtr of Babonneau Belle-vue, Vieux Fort Grand Rivere, Gros Isle Babonneau P O, Castries Cabishe, Babonneau, c/o Leon Hess Comprehensive Sec. School Cabishe, Babonneau Pavee Road, Castries Bishops Gap, Castries Bishops Gap c/o La Guerre P.O, B/neau, Castries La Guerre, Babonneau Cabiche, Babonneau Cabiche, Babonneau Vieux Fort c/o Girard P.O., B/neau, Castries Cacoa-girard, B/neau Corinth, c/o P O Box 1436, Castries Corinth Marchand Road, c/o Marchand P O, Castries No 103 Entrepot, c/o P O Box 946, Castries No. 103 Entrepot Vide Bouteille, Castries Vide Boutielle Bexon, P.O., Castries Forestiere, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Mon Du Don, c/o P O Box 1296, Castries Bexon, Castries Bexon Marchand Post office, Castries Marchand, c/o Marchand P.O., Castries Ciceron, c/o Ciceron P O, Castries Church St, c/o Dennery P O, Anse La Raye Church Street No 11 Bay Street, Soufriere No. 11 Bay Street c/o Bexon Post office, Castries Bexon Trouya, Bois D'orange, P O Box 337, Castries Trouya - Bois D'orange - Gros Islet Patience Qr.of Mon Repos, Micoud c/o Patience Combined School c/o 209 Manufacturing, Grace, Vieux Fort Grace, Vieux Fort c/o Hortex, Vieux Fort Babonneau Proper, c/o B/neau Post office, Castries Babonneau Proper, c/o B/neau Post office Pavee Rd., c/o Marchand P.O, Castries Pavee Road c/o Club Med Vendor, Aupicon, Vieux Fort Jn. Baptiste Hill. c/o Micoud P O, Micoud Anse Ger, Desruisseaux, Micoud No.10 Jn.baptiste Hill, Micoud c/o Marchand P.O, Castries Pavee Road Theodore Street, Vieux Fort 22 Marcus Garvey Street, Vieux Fort Caco, Babonneau, c/o Babonneau, Castries Paix Bouche,c/o Babonneau P.O., Castries Resina,babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Babonneau P.O., Castries La Croix Chaubou Bexon, c/o GPO, Castries Bisee Paix Bouche, Babonneau Paix Bouche Entrepot, c/o P O Box 1032, Castries Entrepot Morne du don, c/o General Post office, Castries Morne Du Don Millet, c/o Millet P O, Anse La Raye P.O Box 1960, Castries Babonneau, Castries Grass Street, Castries #27 Hibiscus Lane,entrepot, Castries Bexon, c/o Bexon P O, Castries Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 591 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Calixta Charles Remy Charles Richardson Charles Key Andrey Bertrand Charles James Charles & Or Rosanna Charles Sylvia Charles &/or Mary Edwin Titus Charles And Or Florentine Charles David Charles For Kervin Antonio Curtis Dany Charlrmagne Stanislaus Cherry Simon Cherubin Mr Johnny Chery Margarita Donna Chesney Albert Chicot Ms Valencia Chicot Peter Linus Chiquot Happy Learners Pre-School Jermaine Cigobine Francis Civilien Sylvia Clairmont in trust for Rohan Plummer Harriette Clairmont Joseph Clarke Gordon Clarke Dale Classe Benedict John Clauzel Junior Clement Wulston Clement Urban Clercin Hilda Clercin Charlene Clermont Jefferson Clermont Kerbie Clersaint Clovis Clery Paul Clifford Lucius Clovis Terry Peter Clovis Moses Clovis Curtis Clovis Cornelia Clovis And Or Vernasha Clovis Under Twenty (20) Club Roseline For Collymore Diane Collymore Lloyd Jr. Collymore Suzette Marie Collymore Michael Collymore & Or Cynthia Collymore Selron Collymore And Or Petrona Collymore Mary Common Mary Common Community North Dist. Service. Fed Merlyn Sultina Compton Clerona Compton Niall Kervin Constantine Marcel Constantine For Marlon M Constantine Lucy Samantha Cools Janelle Cooman Stanislas Cooper Ann Marguerite Copin Bernis Cornibert Micolette Cox Denroy Anthony Cox Johnathan Brian Cox Winkey Cox &/or Timothy Joseph Dillon Crick Lion Hearts Sports & Dexter Cumberbatch Haynes Cyril Lucas Cyrillien Ariana Dalphinis Winston John Damase And Veronica Damaze Saint Lucia Government Gazette 592 La Toc Road, c/o Faux-a-chaux P O, Castries Castries Sans Souci, c/o G P O, Castries c/o Bexon P.O., Bexon, Castries Clarke St, Castries Derniere Riviere P.O, Dennery Bridge St, Vieux Fort Black Mallet Gap, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Grande Riviere, c/o General P O, Castries Bexon George Ville La Pansee, Castries Active Hill, Castries c/o G.p.o., Castries Citrus Grove, Laborie Citrus Grove, Laborie Laborie Post office, Laborie #42 Micoud Street, c/o G P O, Castries Morne du don, c/o Morne P O, Post office, Castries Babonneau, c/o Americ Post Office, Castries Balata, c/o Balata Post office, Castries Petite Bough St., Anse La Raye P.O Box 290, Castries La Clery, Castries Louis Street, Vieux Fort The Morne, c/o P O Box 97, Castries c/o Babonneau Post office, Castries c/o Babonneau P.O., Castries St.judes Highway, Vieux Fort Vide Bouteille, c/o P O Box 790, Castries 32 Petropolis Street, Micoud La Guerre, Babonneau, Castries Up The Line, Micoud Castries Augier, Vieux Fort 2 Giraudy Street, Vieux Fort 2 Giraudy Street, Vieux Fort Pierrot, Vieux Fort Pierrot, Vieux Fort Clarke St, Vieux Fort Giraudy Street, Vieux Fort Westall Group, Vieux-Fort La Ressource, Vieux Fort Union,balata, c/o Balata P O, Castries Bisee, Castries Westall Group, Vieux-Fort Westall Group, Vieux-Fort Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Babonneau, c/o Babonneau Post office, Castries c/o Clement Williams, G P O, Castries Clarke Ave, Vigie, c/o P O Box 1343, Castries Water Works Rd., Castries Entrepot,c/o Marchand Post office, Castries Ti Rocher, Micoud Morne Road, Castries La Ressource, Vieux Fort Monchy, c/o G P O, Castries Belle Vue, Vieux Fort Ciceron, Castries 101 Reduit Park, P O Box 626, Castries 45 Eve Rd,Stratford Rd. Glazer London, England, UK, E15 Block N, Apt. 2, Castries c/o Babonneau P.O., B/neau, Castries La Clery P O, Castries Bridge St, Anse La Raye No. 1 La Pansee Road, Castries Maynard Hill, c/o P O Box 1650, Castries Arrundell Hill, Castries P.O Box 646, Castries La Caye, Dennery Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 c/o Bexon P.O. Derniere Riviere P.O Black Mallet Gap Grande Riviere Summersdale Babonneau Balata, c/o Balata Post office Babonneau Central Paix Bouche,babonneau Vide Boutielle La Guerre, Babonneau Rose Hill General P.O. Clarke Ave, Vigie Entrepot c/o F.k. Peters Constructions Morne Road 101 Reduit Park 45 Eve Rd. Desbarras, Babonneau, c/o La Clery Post office Bridge Street No. 1 La Pansee Road Entrepot La Caye Veronica Damaze Stanley Damaze Simon Dominique Daniel Henry Daniel Josephine Daniel Assunta Daniel Melania Geraldine Daniel or Davianne Doleon Adrian Darcheville Joseph Darius Wendy David Ms Lucilla David Cyril S. David And/or Andrea Hales David Ms. Rasona E. Davis Dinah Daytes Luke De-freitas Michael Delaire Joseph Delaire Walthen Delice Stephen Delice Jenitha Delice Antoine Delice Jeremiah Delice & Or Joanna Bicar Magdalene Demille For Shaniah James Deborah Denis Ann Marie Derriviere Catherine Desir Cecile Desir Paulinus Desir Prisca Louise Desir Philippa Sharon Desroses Monica Deterville Andrew Deterville Viola C. Deterville Anson Devaux Miguel Devenish Shana Devenish Andrew Doctrine Julian Narcissus Dolcy & Demetria Joseph Marinus Doleus Andrina Donelly Marie Dorius Samantha Dorius Wellington Dorius Kester Dornellien Shain Dorville Louis Doseide Henry Mc.d. Douglas Teresa Doxilie Micheal Doxilly Bertram Hudson Doxilly Doris Duboulay Michael Aldrick Dugillar Christine S Dujon Edward Dujon Bethelmy Duncan Stephanie Duncan Eugene Osbert Duncan Franklyn Duncan T/a Franks Furniture Shop Delma Duplessis Christiana Dupre For Cletus Dupre Mr Leo Dusauzay Daniel Duvernais Integrated Services Sam Flood Advertising limited Margaret Edgar Ms Berthalina Edward Francis Edward Anthony Edward Brendon Edward Marisule, c/o G P O, Castries General Post office Morne Du Don, Castries Victoria, Choiseul Forestiere, Castries La Toc Hill, Castries Pierrot, Vieux Fort Monier, Gros Islet Monier c/o St.lucia Air & Sea Port, La Croix Rd, Laborie Grande Raviere, Gros-Islet Hospital Road, c/o Hospital Road P O, Castries 15 Rue Alexandre Trissort, Terres Sainville, Fort de France, Martinique Terres Sainville Morne Du Don Road, Castries Morne Du Don Road Villa Apartments, Apt. K, c/o P O Box 129, Castries c/o P.O. Box 129 Morne Du Don Road, c/o P O Box GM572, Castries Morne Du Don Road c/o Ministry of Education. La Pointe, Choiseul 16 Matthew Lane/windsor, Connecticut, 06095, USA Ti Rocher,c/o P.O.BOX 196, Castries Ti Rocher,c/o P.O.BOX 196 Babonneau P O, Castries Cacoa Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries High Street, c/o Chaussee P O, Castries Bishop's Gap, c/o G P O, Castries Dugard, Micoud c/o P.O. Box 718, Castries Bishop's Gap La Croix Maingot, c/o Valmonts, Castries La Clery, c/o La Clery P O, Castries Conway, Castries Church Street, Anse-la-raye Morne du don Rd, c/o P O Box 604, Castries Morne Du Don Rod Water Works Rd., c/o Leslie Land P O, Castries No. 28 New Row, Micoud Ciceron, P O Box 4, Castries La Pansee Road, P O Box 1019, Castries c/o P. O. Box 4, Castries c/o P. O. Box 4 Ravine Chabot, c/o #11 Chaussee Rd, Castries c/o Babonneau Primary School, B/neau Babonneau Central, B/neau Babonneau, Castries Ti Rocher, Micoud La Croix c/o Babonneau Post office, Castries La Croix c/o Babonneau Post office Castries Mongiraud La Croix Maingot, Castries Babonneau, Castries Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Babonneau,c/o Babonneau P.O., Castries Belle Vue, Vieux Fort Corinth, Marisule Marchand Rd., Castries 13 Algernon Rd.edgebaston, Birmingham, London, UK La Feuille, c/o Gros Islet P O, Gros Islet La Croix, c/o Babonneau Post office, Castries La Croix Marisule, c/o Marisule P.O., Gros Islet Castries 3002c Reed Avenue, Ft Campbell, Kenturky, USA, 42223 3002c Reed Avenue Rodney Bay, Gros Islet c/o St.lucia Rep. Services Water Works Road, c/o P O Box 1529, Castries 2 Giraudy Street, Vieux Fort c/o Ministry of Comm & Works San Souci, Castries 11 Highway Boulevard, Guyana Lot #99, Massade, Gros Islet Massade Garvey Street, Vieux Fort c/o Grace Combined School Bexon, c/o Bexon P O, Castries Bexon P.O. Box 709, Castries Tour Rouge, Castries Tour Rouge P.O.BOX 1834, Castries P.O.BOX 1236, Castries La Pansee, P O Box 374, Castries Plateau, Babonneau, Castries Fond Assau Babonneau, Fond Assau P O, Castries Plateau,babonneau, Castries Moule A Chique Hill, Vieux Fort c/o Super Speedway Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 593 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Shane Elroy Edward Michael Edward Marcia Edward Kindreth Edward Julitta Edward Hildreth Edward Mary Edward Irmina Edward Jennifer Edward Angela Sandra Edward Winson Edward And Or Paula Polidore Edward Celcut Marvey Edward And Margoryna Edward Marcel Edward For Talbot Cymbert Edward Cynthia Edward Intrust For Kelvin Edward Priscilla Edwards And/or Arthur Barnabus Edwards Elias Edwin Emelia Edwin Marcus Curtney Edwin Emily Elcock Cecilia Eleuthere Lionel Eliodore Duran For Elliotte or Kurisha Sandra Elliotte Muriel H Ellis Andre And Indira Elwin t/a Digitext Magdalene Emilaire &/or Claudia Emilaire Leo Emile Felix Emmanuel Girard Emmanuel Dorcas Emmanuel or Favien K Dupre Lucillia And Or Emmanuel Shirley Emmanuel Phillip Emmanuel Belinda Emmanuel Clementia Emmanuel Marie Louis Emmanuel Mathew Emmanuel Franklyn Emmanuel Gerald.i. Emmanuel And Jane Joseph Sonia Emmanuel For Mary Pierre Cecile Epiphane Huphren Epiphane Corsine Ermay Lucy Ernest Shana L Ernest Sherman Esnard Anthony Etienne Christopher Etienne Nathaniel Etienne Rose-marie Etienne Valence Etienne And/or Debra A Joseph Cathy Eugene Emilien Eugene Victor A. Eugene Leonard Eugene Thelma Eugene Octave Eugene Alberta Eugene Theresa Eugene Joseph Eugene Fulgencia Eugene Ingrid Eugune Alfred Eustace And Or Maria Alcee Frances Evans or Amanda Francis Patrika Leyanda Evence Baptiste Exale & Or David Vitalis Lesha Exius Bernick & Or Faisal Priscillia Fanus Yann Farrel Saint Lucia Government Gazette 594 Augier, Vieux Fort New Dock Road / Shanty Town, Vieux Fort La-pointe, Mon Repos, Micoud Grace, Vieux Fort Vide Bouteille,c/o La Clery P.O., Castries Grande Riviere, Gros Islet Rich Fond, c/o Deleide P O, Dennery Grande Rivierre, c/o Grande Riviere P O, Castries Bishop's Gap - Marchand, c/o P O Box 103, Castries c/o La Clery Post office, Castries St.judes Highway, Vieux Fort Morne Cayenne, Vieux Fort c/o La Croix Maingot Post office, Castries La Croix, Babonneau, Castries c/o Ciceron Post Office, Castries c/o Babonneau P.O., B/neau, Castries Grand Riviere, Dennery. c/o Grande Riviere P O, Dennery St Judes Highway, Vieux Fort Morne D'or, c/o P O Box 81, Castries Babonneau, Castries Garrand,c/o Garrand P.O./BABONNEAU, Castries Belle Vue, Vieux Fort P.O.BOX 17, Castries P.O.BOX 38, Castries Babonneau P.O., Castries La Toc Road., c/o #52 Mary Ann St, Castries La Pansee, Castries Reduit Park, c/o Police Headquarters, Castries New Field, Dennery La Fargue, Choiseul. Guy O'reilly Street, Laborie Ravine Chabot, Castries By Pass, Dennery. c/o Dennery P O, Dennery Micoud, c/o #17 Dix Street, Micoud Riverside Rd., c/o G P O, Castries Marigot, c/o Roseau P O, Castries La Bayee, c/o P O Box 681, Castries New Dock Lane, Vieux Fort # 7 Grass St, Castries Paix Bouche,c/o La Guerre P.O., Castries Cabishe, Babonneau Hospital Road, Castries Babonneau,c/o B/neau P.O., Castries Monier, c/o P O Box 111, Castries c/o Marchand Post, Castries Deniere Riviere, Dennery Bexon, c/o P O Box 621, Castries Mole Road, Dennery Bexon, c/o Bexon P O, Castries La Grace, Laborie.c/o P O Box 199, Castries Pierrot, Vieux Fort Monier, Grande Riviere, Gros Islet Bocage, Castries Bagatelle, Castries Babonneau, Castries Garrand, c/o Garrand Post office, B/neau, Castries Bexon, c/o P O Box 1234, Castries Babonneau, Castries Vide Bouteille. c/o Police Headquarters, Castries Mongouge, c/o Victoria P O, Choiseul Cedars, c/o Leslie Land P O, Castries Dierre Morne, Vieux Fort 968 Schenectady Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11203 USA Richfond, Dennery, c/o P O Box 539, Castries Victoria Street, Vieux Fort Pierrot, c/o C & G Enterprises Ltd, Vieux Fort D'Sseaux, Micoud Dugard, Micoud Au Leon, Dennery Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 c/o Brabo Caribbean Ltd c/o National Contractors Vide Bouteille,c/o La Clery P.O. c/o La Clery Post office St.judes Highway St.joseph, La Croix Maingot La Croix, Babonneau Ciceron Babonneau c/o The Swan Ltd #7 Grass Street Paix Bouche,c/o La Guerre P.O. Cabishe, Babonneau Babonneau,c/o B/neau P.O. Monier Rock Hall La Grace, Laborie c/o Skyway Inn Monier, Grande Riviere, Qr of Gros Islet Babonneau c/o Hewanorra Int'l Airport 968 Schenectady Ave. Richfond, Dennery Jeanne Farrell Anansha Faucher Gregory &/or Julietta Fedee t/a Colors of Life Ann Geralda Felicien Keylash And Or Felicien Prescott Felicien Jonathan Felicien Ms Thelma Felicien Leonetta Felicien For Delphina Felicien Sydney Felix Kirby Felix Linus Keith Felix Mr Baptiste Felix Ferdec Ltd Hubert Ferdinand Frederick Ferdinand Alison Ferdinand Jeremiah P. Louis Fernan Rupert Fevrier John Fevrier Marvin Fevriere Martha Fevriere Leo A. Fevriere Charles Flavien Kerwin Flavien Michael Flavien Emmery And Or Flavius Cyriaca Henry Kensel Flavius Conrad And/or Flavius Ethaline &/or Florence Raphael Florent Carol Florent Josiah Florenville Steve Florenville Steva Florenville Bernice Fontenelle Myrtle Fontenelle Bernice Fontenelle Myrtle Fontenelle Henrietta Fontenelle GABRIELLA Fontenelle Footprints & Silhouettes George Foster Nathalie Fostin Lucy Francis Magdalina Francis Mager Francis For Cassidy Shemi Edward Paschalina Francois Mera Francois Joseph Ricardo Francois Edith Francois Joseph Frederick Ira Frederick Anslem Frederick And Or Vanessa Frederick Paul Fredericks Dominic Fulgence Mr. Randy Gabriel Boniface Rawle Taf Gabriel Adolton Gabriel Joseph Gabriel Frederick Gabriel Deborah A. Gajadhar Donald Douglas Gamble Bernadette Gaspard Auguste Gaspard Michelle Gaston Stephen George Roydien George Catherine Hazeline Georg Castries Morne Du Don, Castries P.O. Box 1179, Castries Bridge Street, Gros Islet Garvey Street, Vieux Fort Blanchard, D'sseaux, Micoud Arrundel Hill, P O Box 43, Castries c/o Grand Riviere P.O, Dennery Augier, Vieux Fort La Guerre, Babonneau, Castries Desruisseaux, Micoud Ciceron, c/o Ciceron P O, Castries P.O. Box 17, Marchand P O, Castries Vide Boutielle, c/o P O Box 139, Castries New Row, Micoud La Caye, c/o Delaide P O, Dennery Augier, c/o P O Box 885, Castries 13 La Pansee'housing Scheme, c/o P O Box 822, Castries Marc, c/o SLBGA, Castries Balata Qr.of Castries, c/o Balata Post Office, Castries c/o Morne Du Don Post office, Castries Marc, Castries Ravine Poisson, c/o Bexon Post Office, Castries Leslie Land, Castries Piaye, Laborie Dennery Morne Cayenne, Vieux Fort Desserieux, Micoud La Croix Maingot, c/o La Croix Maingot P O, Castries Anse La Raye, c/o Anse La Raye P O, Anse La Raye Balata, c/o Balata Post office, Castries Paragon Rd., London UK Babonneau P O, Castries Babonneau, c/o Babonneau Post office, Castries Resina, Babonneau. c/o Castries SDA Primary School, Castries Union, Castries, c/o General Post Office, Castries Hill 20 Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Ti Morne,union, c/o General P O, Castries c/o Babonneau P.O., Castries Desserieux, Micoud Ti Morne,c/o B/neau Primary School, Castries P.O.BOX 3019, La Clery, Castries Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Cap Estate, Gros Islet c/o Saltibus Post office, Choiseul Marchand Rd., Castries Jetrine, Saltibus, Choiseul Banse, Laborie c/o Fond Assau Post office, Babonneau, Castries Lafeuille Monchy, P O Box 1149, Castries Deniere Riviere, Dennery c/o Fond Assau P.O., Castries Cocoa Babonneau. c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Grace, Vieux Fort Marchand, c/o G P O, Castries Old Victoria Rd.,the Morne, Castries 6 Mole St, Anse La Raye Westall Group, Vieux Fort Marchand, Castries c/o St.lucy's Home, Bishops Gap, Castries P. O. Box Ma034, Marchand P O, Castries Sunny Acres, c/o G P O, Castries Rock Hall, Castries Fond Assau Babonneau, Fond Assau P O, Castries Cocoa, c/o B/neau P.O., B/neau, Castries Lafayie,c/o Monchy Post office, Gros Islet 36 Bridge St, Vieux Fort Babonneau, Castries c/o G.p.o., Castries Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 595 Bagatelle c/o Hortex Garment Factory Paix Bouche, Qr. of Babonneau, Ciceron Marchand P.O. c/o P.O.BOX 139 c/o Delaide Post office Morne Du Don c/o La Croix Maingot P.O Babonneau Resina, Babonneau Ti Morne,union Hill 20,babonneau Ti Morne, Balata , Union Qr of La Clery P.O Box143 Castries c/o Saltibus Post office c/o J. Q. Charles Ltd. Fond Assau Lafeuille Monchy Fond Assau Marchand 6 Mole Street Marchand Post office Sunny Acres Cacoa, Babonneau Babonneau La Pansee Saint Lucia Government Gazette Kent George Susanna George John George Sibil George Marva Cadella George Felicia & Or Geo Victor George Franklin C. George Judy George Intrust For Lencha George Augustin Georgie Simone Gerald Monica Germain For Kershelle Germain Marie For Gervais or Rochelle Gervais Melinda Giddings Jonas Gideon Victoria Gilbert Lydda Gilbert Sophia R. Gilbert Archie Gittens Helena Glasgow Gaius Glasgow Jason Goddard &/or Theresa Goddard Bertha Mavis Gonzague Micheline And/or Gonzagu Maude Gooding Tracey Samantha Goodman Goodwill Sucssors Community Group Juliana And Or Goston Felix John Gravillise Morella Greenidge Belina Elka Gregg Norris Griffith Gros-islet Fidelity Lodge #4 Ms Cheryl Guard Joyce L. Moore Hallpike Celia Hamilton Francoisnise Harcurt Julitta Harris Robert Harris Marlin Harrow Cheryl Harrow Jermina Harry &/or Gregory L White Edmund Neville Hassell Cuthbert Henry Valencia Henry Joseph Henry Ann Helen Henry Cynthia Henry Jeffrey Henry Edward Henry Kimson Henry Peterson Henry Melissa Henry Elizabeth Henry Mr. Joachim Andre Henry Kathleen Bablue Henry Bernard Henry And Or Marilyn Stephen Patricia Henry For Roland Cliff Henry Crecentia Hercules Mr Callixtus Herman Mary Theresa Herman Kenneth Hilaire Stephen Hilaire Alex Hilaire Gertrude L.& Or Hilarian Suzanna Hippolyte Zaheer Hippolyte Marcus Hippolyte Mary Hippolyte Saint Lucia Government Gazette 596 Castries Forestierre, Castries The Morne, c/o Police Headquarters, Castries Bexon, c/o Bexon P O, Castries Rock Hall, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Black Mallet Gap, c/o Marchand P O, Castries c/o Choiseul Sweet Factory, Choiseul Vide Boutielle, c/o P O Box 343, Castries Talvern, Babonneau, c/o Girard P.O.,Castries Vanard, Castries Rockhall, c/o Marchand Post Office, Castries c/o P.O. Box 1531, Castries c/o Leslie Land Post office, Castries Belair, c/o Millet P O, Castries New Village, c/o Chaussee P O, Castries Garvey Street, Vieux Fort Ti Rocher, Micoud Hospital Rd., Castries La Ressource, Vieux Fort 28 La Pansee, La Pansee Housing Area, Castries Goodlands, c/o P O Box 609, Castries Vigie, P O Box 369, Castries Cedars, Castries Ciceron, c/o G P O, Castries Castries c/o Babonneau P.O., B/neau, Castries c/o Hospital Road P.O., Faux a Chaud, Castries Ti Roche', Micoud c/o Laborie Post office, Laborie Water Works Rd., c/o Leslie Land P O, Castries Ti Rocher Post office, Castries Morne Road, c/o G P O, Castries Bridge Street, Gros Islet c/o G.p.o., Castries Independence City, c/o G P O, Castries St.judes Highway, Vieux Fort Jacmel, Castries Soufriere Balata, c/o Balata Post office, Castries Pierrot, Vieux Fort Grace, Vieux Fort 912 N Claiborne Parkway, LA, US Fond Assau, P O Box 52, Castries 24 Up The Line, Micoud MARISULE, P O Box 225, Castries Castries Mon Repos, Micoud Fond Assau Babonneau, Fond Assau P O, Castries New Dock Road, Vieux Fort New Field,c/o Dennery Post office, Dennery Bagatelle, c/o Marchand P O, Castries P.O BOX 181, Castries Babonneau, Castries Hospital Rd., Castries Chase Gardens, c/o Min. of Planning, Castries La Ressource, Vieux Fort Anse Ger Qr.of Desruisseaux, Micoud Garrand, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries c/o P.O Box 1103, Castries 19 Mole Street, Anse la Raye Odsan, c/o General P O, Castries La Clery, Castries Water Works Road, P O Box 891, Castries c/o Gardatte P.O., Dennery Lanse Rd., Castries Marchand, Castries Pierrot, Vieux Fort Babonneau, Castries Ti Colon, Castries Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 Marchand Road Forestierre Corinth Estate Sunbuilt c/o Millet P.O. New Village Vigie Cedars Babonneau Central c/o Hospital Road P.O. Laborie Water Works Road Ti Rocher Post office Fond Bernier Balata c/o Sunrise Garment Factory Westwego Fond Assau La Clery New Field Bagatelle Babonneau Central, c/o B/neau P.O. c/o Min. of Planning La Ressource Garrand Water Works Road Union Hill Top Caroline Lorna &/or Hip Bois Patat, Castries Ms Linda Hippolyte Rodney Bay, P O Box 1538, Castries P.O.BOX 1538 Auguste Hippolyte For Arlette Hippolyte c/o Grande Riviere Post office, Dennery Grande Riviere Mildred Hodge Marisule, Gros Islet Cynthia Louisa Holder Pierrot, Vieux Fort c/o Kentucky Fried Chicken,vieux Fort Jason Holder For Clayson Holder La Croix Road, Laborie Ms Sylvie Caroline Homew or Francis Julius Union, Babonneau Herman Honora Babonneau P O, Castries Matilda For Hubert or Gail Daniel Westall Group, Vieux-Fort Robertson Hubert Garrand,c/o Garrand P.O., Babonneau, Castries Garrand,c/o Garrand P.O. Shun Hubert Garrand, Babonneau Babonneau Infant School Aisha Shunell Huggins Georgeville, La Pansee, c/o P O Box 1677, Castries Georgeville La Pansee Mikelear Hunt For Melvin Savery 74 St.paul's Lane, Vieux Fort Mikelear Hunt For Kamal Savery 74 St.paul's Lane, Vieux Fort Bernadette Hunte Banse, La Grace, Laborie Christina Hunte Banse, Laborie c/o Baron Foods Factory Myrtle Hunte c/o Angel Sealy,641 Crown St. Apt B3, Brooklyn, NY, USA, 11213c/o Angel Sealy Laureen Hutchinson Luther King Street, Vieux Fort St.Mary Magdalene Catholic friendly society La Croix Maingot, Castries Mc. Cartney R. Imbert New Dock Road, Vieux Fort Student c/o Vieux-fort Primary School Lisa Inglis Paix Bouche, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Paix-bouche, Babonneau Frances Innocent L Anse Road, Castries Romillus A. Innocent Saltibus, Choiseul c/o Spencer's Garage Claudia Innocent Dennery Church Street Frances Innocent &/or Sharon Elizabeth Akers L'Anse Road, Castries Peter Joseph T/a Inter-island Private Investigation Services New Dock Lane, Vieux Fort New Dock Lane Deyonne Daniel Isaac La-ressource, Vieux Fort Callixtus Isaie Balata, c/o Balata Post office, Castries Anne-marie Isaie And/or Jesse Isaie c/o Grande Riviere Post office, Gros Islet Grande Riviere Ephraim Ishmael Morne Du Don, Castries Morne Du Don Paul Jude Isidore Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Noela Isidore c/o Babonneau P.O., Castries Babonneau Central Andrea Isidore for Aphiah Morgan Entrepot, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Entrepot Kim Isidore c/o Babonneau P.O., Castries Babonneau Central Lisa Isidore c/o Babonneau Post office, Castries B/neau Claude Isidore Bexon, Castries Antoinette Isidore Ciceron, c/o Ciceron P O, Castries Hermina Isidore Grace, Vieux Fort Grace Rosemina Ismond Ti Rocher, Micoud c/o Brabo Caribbean Ltd. Elisha Jackson Hospital Road, c/o P O Box 769, Castries Hospital Road MONICA Jacob Cabishe, Babonneau, Castries Cabishe, Qr. of Babonneau, Antoine Jacobie Fond Assau, Babonneau, Castries Ann James Monchy, c/o Monchy P O, Gros Islet Ken James La Ressource, Vieux Fort Guy James DESRUISSEAUX, Micoud Sandra James La Tourney, Vieux Fort c/o St.judes Hospital George James Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries John Aka Ricky James Cabishe,Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Anthony Gerard James St. Jude Highway, Vieux Fort Calixta James Pierrot, Vieux Fort Joan James Morne du don, c/o General Post office, Castries Morne Du Don Gilbert James St.john's Street, c/o Gros Islet Post Office, Gros Islet St.john's Street Yasmin Janelle Natasha J P.O. Box 104, Castries P.O. Box 104 Wendy James City Gate, c/o La Clery P O, Castries City Gate Emertrude James Jacmel c/o Jacmel Post office, Anse La Raye Clement James Morne du don, c/o Chaussee Post office, Castries Louisa James Vannard, P.O., Castries Pelagia James Delcer, Choiseul Jason James La Clery, c/o Roses Enterprises, Castries Sebastien James Arrundell Hill, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Mr Marcellus Anthony James Rose Hill, c/o No.9 Leslie Land, Castries c/o No.9 Leslie Land Mr Berkman James & Benedicta James t/z A K J Ent. c/o G.p.o., Castries Merlica James & Or Theresa James Westall Group, Vieux-Fort Sylvia James &/or Tennyson Joseph c/o Victoria Hospital, Castries Bexon Tyron James And Or Glory Mary William Anse Ger, Desruisseaux, Micoud Lee James And Or Cuthbert James Augier, Vieux Fort Patricia James For Victoria B A Penn c/o P.O. 1585, Castries Ravine Chabot Moses Jameson Marigot, c/o Marigot P O, Castries Marigot Robert Jaqanath Vaughn Cacoa, Babonneau, Castries Cacoa Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 597 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Angelica Aka Ancilla Jea Libert Jean Jonas Jean Leonia Jean Juliana Jean Ronald Jean Anthony Jean Baptiste For Chrystal George Patricka Jeremie Mohammed Francis Jeremie Theodora Jervis Glenda Jimmy Mc Cathy Neil Jn Baptist Arlette And Or Jn Baptis Albert Jn Baptiste Louis George Jn Marie or Simon Jean-Marie Alexander Jn Pierre Titus Andrew Jn. Baptist Williamson Jn. Baptiste Netta Jn. Francois Tamara Jn. Jacques Monica Jn. Louis Intrust for Stacy Roxson Jn Louis Marlene Jn.baptiste Lesmond Jn.baptiste Aretha Jn.baptiste Jermyl Jn.baptiste Kady Leta Jn.baptiste Anicia Jn.baptiste Joseph Jn.baptiste Imina W. Jn.baptiste Shera Jn.baptiste & Or Placide Jn Baptiste Rosana Jn.charles Malcolm Job Audrey Joe And Or Richardson Lashley Joycelyn Johannes Anthony John Philomene John Jo Ashkelon John Ronald John Augustina John Rodis And Rosemary John Pedro John Veronica John Vickey Dolores John George John Irma Josephine John or Crecentia John Victoria C. John James John Ms Christine M. John Julian John For Jade John Evans Johney Paul James Johnny Noelson And Or Johnson or Margaret George Clarence Johny Robert Jones Peter Jones Gallian Josaphat Jane Joseph Meredith Joseph Cyrus Joseph Prisca Joseph Priscilla Joseph Francie Joseph Marvin Joseph Frances Joseph Gregory Joseph Chriselda Raymond Joseph Emmerline & Or Joseph Junior Joseph Marlan Lawrence Joseph Saint Lucia Government Gazette 598 Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries c/o Babonneau P.O., Castries c/o Fond Assau P.O., B/neau, Castries Cedars Road, Castries Maynard Hill, Castries L'Anse Road, c/o La Clery P O 3001, Castries Castries Entrepot, Castries La Ressource, Vieux Fort Rock Hall, Castries P.O.BOX 1403, Castries Up the Line, c/o Micoud P O, Micoud New Dock Road, Vieux Fort Maynard Hill, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Forestiere, Castries Maynard Hill, Marchand P O, Castries Upper Gran St, c/o G P O, Castries Bagatelle, Castries Morne Du Don, c/o 91 Brazil St, Castries Corinth Estate, Gros Islet. c/o P O Box 1251, Castries Garrand, c/o Garrand Post office, B/neau, Castries La Ressource, Vieux Fort, c/o Community Post Office Pierrot, Vieux Fort Up The Line Micoud Westall Group, Vieux Fort Fond Berange, Laborie Pierrot, Vieux Fort New Village, Castries Trois Piton, c/o G P O, Castries Pierrot, Vieux Fort Vigier, Vieux Fort Morne Du Don, Castries La Mar, Laborie Cabishe Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Grande Riviere, Dennery La Croix Chaubourg, Castries Wilton's Yard, Castries c/o Bexon P.O., Castries La Guerre, c/o La Guerre P O, Castries Black Bay, Vieux Fort Jetty Street, Vieux Fort Odsan, Castries c/o Laborie Post office, Laborie Fond Assou, c/o Babonneau Post Office, Castries Bexon, c/o Bexon P O, Castries Ciceron, Castries Goodlands, c/o Ministry of Communications, Castries P.O.BOX 2123, Gros Islet Belvedere Street, Vieux Fort Bexon, Castries Degazon, Gros Islet Pierrot, Vieux Fort Cedars Rd, c/o Chaussee Rd P O, Castries New Dock Road, Vieux Fort Grand Riviere, Gros Islet Derniere Riviere, Dennery Sans Souci, Castries Marchand Rd., Castries Guesneau, Castries Babonneau, Castries La Croix Maingot, Castries Morne Cayenne, Vieux Fort New Dock Road, Vieux Fort Pierrot, Vieux Fort La Ressource, Vieux Fort Pierrot, Vieux Fort c/o Koacha Mills, Augier, Vieux Fort Paix Bouche,c/o Americ P.O.Babonneau, Castries c/o Marchand P.O, Castries Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 Fond Assau, Babonneau Fond Assau, B/neau c/o Ciceron Post office La-ressource Rock Hall P.O.BOX 1403 Up The Line Forestiere Marchand P.O. Upper Gran St Corinth Estate - Gros Islet Garrand, c/o Garrand Post office, B/neau c/o Community Development office c/o S.a.l.c.c.v/fort Crownlands Piaye Fond Assau Bexon c/o Police Control Room Pierrot Cedars Road Derniere Riviere c/o Vieux Fort Senior Primary School c/o National Gloves Maynard Hill Ms Cecilia A. Joseph Gervin Joseph Anthia Donna Joseph Ula Joseph Michael Joseph Balthasar Joseph Josephine Joseph Eric George Joseph Ann Marie Joseph Trever Cleve Joseph Della Joseph Wayne Joseph Lain Samuel Joseph Maurice Joseph Ernest Joseph Angus Joseph Hildan Joseph Martha Joseph Gibbling Joseph Rosemary Joseph Fedora Joseph Cuthbert Joseph Eddie Joseph Augustine Damian Joseph Sylvia Joseph Lucan Joseph Yasaline Yasmin Joseph Cera Joseph Dale Joseph Leonard Joseph Donna Joseph Evarista Joseph Julietta Joseph Lambert Joseph Emma Joseph Claudius Joseph Eddie Joseph Julian And Or Joseph Suella Joseph Elizabeth Joseph Ricky Joseph Mary Anna Joseph Maureen Elisabeth Joseph Felixia Joseph Hilaire Joseph Clermina M. Joseph Doris F. Joseph Camillus Joseph Linus Joseph Sylverius Joseph Brendon Joseph or Lucelta Joseph Mary Christina Joseph &/ Roderick Douglas Joseph Etienne Wells Joseph And Suzanne Joseph Elizabeth Joseph And/or Thomas Edward James Joseph In Trust For Albert Albertha SHARON FLAVIA Joseph In trust for Kary O'reilly Mr Andre Joseph-danzie Forbina Joshua Swithin Joy Austin Jude Mary Jules Karon Jules Matthew Jules Marie Francoise Jules John Julien Florian Justin Martha Justin Wendy Justin Fidel Justin c/o C. Griffith, 1st District Court Hse., Castries c/o G.p.o, Castries La Croix Chaubourg, Babonneau Pierrot, Vieux Fort Castries Fond Assau Babonneau, Fond Assau P O, Castries Garrand, Babonneau, c/o Garrand P O, Castries Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries c/o Babonneau Post office, Castries La Ressource, Vieux Fort Augier, Vieux Fort La Ressource, Vieux Fort Augier, Vieux Fort New Extension, Micoud La Croix,babonneau, Castries Babonneau, Castries Bexon, Castries Hospital Road, Castries c/o Bexon Post office, Castries c/o Bexon Post office, Castries Hospital Rd, c/o G P O, Castries Morne Du Don, Castries Casabar, c/o La Clery P O, Castries c/o La Clery P.O., Castries La Ressource, c/o La Ressource P O, Vieux Fort Grande Riviere, Dennery Rock Hall, Castries Bexon, c/o Bexon P O, Castries Jacmel, c/o Jacmel P O, Castries Ravine Chabot, c/o G.p.o., Castries By Pass, Dennery Sarrot, c/o Vanard P O, Castries Bexon, c/o Bexon P O, Castries Patterson Gap, c/o Leslie Land P O, Castries Morne Du Don, Castries c/o Morne Du Don Post office, Castries Pierrot, Vieux Fort Garrand , B/neau c/o Children's Services Broker, #16 Micoud St, Castries Hospital Rd., c/o Hospital Rd P O, Castries Cul-de-sac, Castries 43-44 Kissena Blvd. #2r, Flashing, New York, USA La Pointe, Dennery P O, Castries Monier, Castries c/o Anse-la-raye P.O., Anse La Raye Ravine Poisson, Castries Ciceron, c/o Millet P O, Anse La Raye P.O Box1366, Castries Bagatelle, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Babonneau Proper (back of Bank c/o Mon Repos P.O., Castries Aupicion, Vieux Fort Bridge Street, Vieux Fort Augier, Vieux Fort Cacoa,c/o Girard Post office, B/neau, Castries Marisule,gros-islet. c/o P O Box 1054, Castries Black-bay, Vieux Fort Chassin, Castries La Bayee, c/o P O Box 522, Castries Barre Joseph, Cul-de-sac, Castries Entrepot, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Vanard, P.O., Castries Grey Street, Canaries La Clery P.O., Castries Cabishe, B/neau, c/o B/nbeau Po., Qr. of Vigier, Vieux Fort c/o Garrand P.O., Castries Garrand, c/o Garrand Post office, B/neau, Castries Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 Independence City Reduit Park La Croix Chaubourg B/neau c/o Vieux Fort Comprehensive Sec. Sch. c/o Global Guardian Babonneau Bexon Bexon Hospital Road Morne Du Don Casabar La Clery La Ressource Grande Riviere Rock Hall c/o Bexon Post office Jacmel Morne Du Don c/o S.a.l.c.c. Morne Du Don Babonneau Primary School P.O Box1366 c/o Marchand P.O. Mon Repos Cacoa, Babonneau c/o P.O.BOX 1054 c/o Lions Preschool Chassin Cabishe, B/neau, c/o B/nbeau Po., Qr. of Garrand Garrand,babonneau 599 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Carmane Justin Ernest Garfeild for Antoinette S King Albertha King Mr Jermaine Dwayne Kirton Holy Trinity Sunday Scho La Place Carenage Assoc. Allan Lacompte Alvin Lafeuille Robert Duane Lalljie Mary A. Lambert Stephen Lambert Imron Lambert Steve Lambert Peter Lansiquot Raymunus Cyril Laurencin Agatha Laurent or Peter Lawrence Mr Rupert Lay Claudius Leo Simon Leo Cleofa Leo Phillip Leon Shervon Leo Julian Leon Robinson Leon Kendell Leon Kerwin Leon Felicia Leon Camillus Leon And/or Aaron Darius Leon Jane Leonce Theresa Leonce Helena Leonce Lucy Oswalda Leriche Donna Lesmond Moses Lesporis Lynch Lewis Headley Jesey C. Lewis Claire Amal Lewis Leona Lewis Estephane Liecier Ms Linda Lieffering For Wyzelle Lieffering Andrea B. Limmois Michael Lionel Mason Maureen Lionel Lions Club of Castries Hurricane Disaster Fund Herbertson Loctor Linda Louis Agnes Louis Euther B.f. Louis Ursula I. Louis Beverley Louis George Louis & Or Joyceline Louis Andes Louis And/or Francis Alfred Ursula I. Louis In Trust Chad Louisy Anthony C. Louvin Merlin Lubin Corona Lubin And/or Avril Lubin Avril Coletta Lucien Feria Lucien Michael Lynch Leandra Mahy For Bertrand Mahy Cornisius For Cornilius Mangal Williams Manius Cecilia Mann Mona Marcellin Cyprian Marcellin Shawn Marcellin Eulalie Marcellin Theresa Marcellin & Or Fredin Marcellin Saint Lucia Government Gazette 600 Garand, Babonneau, Castries Marchand, c/o Marchand P.O., Castries Morne-du-don, c/o Chaussee P O, Castries c/o P.O Box Ma 031, Marchand, Castries Trinity Church Road, Castries La Place Carenage, Castries c/o Cas Enbas P.O., Gros Islet Cabishe, Qr. of Babonneau, Castries Cedars, Castries Fond Assau, Castries # 38 Chisel Street, Castries Paix Bouche, Babonneau, Castries Bagatelle, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Faux -a-chaux, Castries Au Tabor, Anse la Raye Morne du don, c/o Chaussee Post office, Castries Marisule,gros Islet. c/o P O Box GM583, Castries Monier,babonneau.c/o Grande Riviere P O, Gros Islet Millet, Castries Marigot, c/o Roseau P O, Castries c/o Boguis Post office, Babonneau New Village, Castries Derniere Riviere, Dennery Independence City, c/o P O Box #3, Castries Paix Bouche, Babonneau, Castries Paix Bouche, B/neau, Castries Bocage, c/o Bocage P O, Castries Aaron Darius Leon Hill 20, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Rock Hall, Castries Fond Assau, Babonneau, Castries La Toc Rd, c/o Hospital Rd P O, Castries #30 French Row, Micoud La Ressource, Vieux Fort Morne Dudon, Castries Grande Riviere, c/o Grande Riviere P O, Dennery The Morne, P O Box 979, Castries The Morne, c/o Slu Fire Service, Castries Leslie Land Post office, Castries P.O. Box 1538, Castries Patience, Mon Repos, Micoud Augier, Vieux Fort La Clery Post office, Castries P.O. Box 596, Castries Cabiche, Babonneau, Castries Chassin, c/o Fond Assau P.O., Babonneau, Castries La Point, Mon Repos Marchand Road, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Babonneau, Babonneau P O, Castries La Croix-maingot, c/o P O Box 232, Castries DESRUISSEAUX, Micoud Sarrot, c/o Bexon Post office, Castries Babonneau, c/o Babonneau Post office, Castries Castries La Pansee Housing Scheme, c/o Chaussee Rd P O, Castries Barre Denis, c/o Millet P O, Castries Avril Lubin Pavee Rd, C/o G P O, Castries Vide Bouteille, La Clery P O, Castries La Croix Maingot, c/o La Croix Maingot P O, Castries Giraudy Street, Vieux Fort Dugard, Micoud Castries Ciceron, Castries Ti Rocher, Micoud London Road, Desruisseaux, Micoud Sunny Acres, Castries Bagatelle, c/o Leslie Land P O, Castries Dennery Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 Garrand, c/o Garrand Po., Marchand Cas Enbas Cabishe, Qr. of Babonneau, Paix Bouche, Babonneau Au Tabor Morne Du Don Boguis, Babonneau Paix Bouche, Babonneau Hill 20, Babonneau La Toc Road Student c/o Micoud Infant School Morne-du-don c/o Grande Riviere Post office The Morne c/o Slu Fire Service Leslie Land Post office Reduit c/o Zooms Supermarket La Clery Post office Cabiche Chassin, Babonneau Marchand Road c/o B & D Construction Sarrot Babonneau Marchand Road La Pansee, Housing Scheme Pavee Road c/o Linmore International House Ltd. Sunny Acres C\o Belle Fashions Ulina Marcellin And/or Clara Marcellin Diego Marhall Victor Marius Marcellus Marius Rufus Markie Irwin Marquis Celita Marquis Cyrina Marshall or Carlisle Marshall Alisa Martelly Alson Arthur Martelly Thomas Martial Marcus Martial &/or Anne Marie Martial Vivian And / Or Martin Sylvester Felix Martin Scott &/or James Harrison Andelina Martyr Clayton Martyr Clayton Martyr For Myla Mc Lean Theresa Marville Randall Orlando Samora M Vitalis Mathew Catherine E Mathurin Keeran Mathurin Cuthbert Mathurin Mary Mathurin Daniel Mathurin Patrick Mathurin Veronica Mathurin Fabianus Mathurin Bede Mathurin Fabianus Mathurin Jane Mathurin Hester Mathurin Patricia Mathurin Mathurin Enterprises limited Chanterlina Mathurin For Val Chantal Crick Titus Mathurin For Tyler Mathurin Canice Matthew Joseph D. Matthew Fernande Matthew Lauretta For Maurice or Marsha Maurice Neranda Maurice Victoria Mauricette Julie Maximin Mariah And Or Gibson Maxwell Curtis Maxwell Trevor Maxwell Liza Maxwell And Or Rumelia Maxwell Everad Maynard Hezron Maynard Trevor Mc Donald Anne Mary Mc Dowell Gills Mc.donald Merlisa For Yarkima Mc.farlane Delton Mc.lean Hetha Andrane Medard And Samuel Frederick Lucia Mederick Rufus Mederick Mr Winston Melchor Joseph Melius Sylvester Melius Emmanuel Melius Leonard Thomas Melius Orion Mendes Gertrude Mendes Mr Ricky Mercedes Mr. Derick Michand Hans Michel Josephine Mitchel Julia Miller Sarrot, c/o Bexon Post office, Castries Gros-Islet Paix-bouche, Babonneau, c/o Americ P O, Castries La Toc Hill, c/o G P O, Castries Babonneau, Castries Belle Vue, Vieux Fort Blanchard, Desruisseaux, Micoud Corinth,c/o Carlisle Marshall, Audit Department, Castries Mon Repos, Micoud Mon Repos, c/o Mon Repos P O, Micoud Bexon, Castries c/o Aux Lyons P O, Dennery 88 High Street Post office, Dennery 42 Langdale Road, Darlington, Co UK Pierrot, Vieux Fort La Tourney Phase 3, Lot #5, Vieux Fort La Tourney Phase 3, Lot #5, Vieux Fort La Croix,c/o B/neau P.O.,B/NEAU, Castries c/o G P O, Castries Babonneau, Babonneau P O, Castries Morne Citton, Babonneau Marisule, Gros Islet P.O Box 630, Castries New Extension, Micoud La Point, c/o Dennery P O, Dennery Ciceron, c/o P O Box 738, Castries Marc, c/o Marc P O, Castries Marigot, c/o Marigot P O, Castries Hospital Road, Castries Marigot, c/o Marigot P O, Castries Grande Riviere, c/o Grande Riviere P O, Dennery Marisule, Gros Islet Arundel Hill, P O Box 1401, Castries Derniere Riviere, Dennery. P O Box 540, Castries Moule-a-chique Road, Vieux Fort Bridge Street, Vieux Fort Marisule, Gros Islet Morne Fortune, c/o P O Box 581, Castries Blk. Fs Apt. 5, Jeremie St, Castries Grace, Vieux Fort La Ressource, Vieux Fort Lot No. D 86 - Rodney Bay - Gros Islet. P O Box 269, Castries La Bayee, c/o Bexon P O, Castries 32 Sea Front, Vieux Fort Hewanorra Industrial Freezone, Vieux Fort Belle Vue, Vieux Fort 31 Coventry Road, IIford, Essex, UK, IG1 4QR Cedars, Castries Sunbilt, c/o P O Box 1709, Castries c/o Bocage Post office, Castries Morne A Vite, Gros Islet Mon Gouge, Choiseul La Ressource, Vieux Fort La Croix Maingot P.O., Castries Church St, c/o Anse la Raye P O, Anse La Raye #9 Church St., Anse La Raye Maynard Hill, Castries Bexon, C/o Bexon P O, Castries #7 Fauboig L'abris, Cayenne New Dock Lane, Vieux Fort Boguis, Babonneau, Castries Morne Dudon, c/o Golden Hope Hospital, Castries Morne Fortune, Castries Morne Fortune, c/o P O Box 287, Castries La Croix Maingot, c/o La Croix Maingot P O, Castries Gros Islet P.O.BOX 733, Castries Hospital Road, c/o Hospital Road P O, Castries 35 Grass Street, Castries Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 Sarrot P.O. Box 2130 Paix-bouche, Babonneau Corinth Bexon Aux Lyon 88 High Street Post office Darlington, Co. c/o Brabo Industries Ltd. c/o Vieux Fort Post office c/o Vieux Fort Post office La Croix, B/neau c/o G.p.o. Marisule Corinth c/o Fenwall Electronics La Point Ciceron Marc c/o Marigot Post office Arundell Hill P.O.BOX 540 Marisule c/o Micoud Secondary School Lot No. D 86 - Rodney Bay - Gros Islet c/o Fenwall Electronics Ltd. Church Street c/o Bexon P.O Boguis, Babonneau c/o La Croix Maingot Post office St. John's Street Rodney Bay 601 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Albert Jerking Milord Pavee Rd, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Pavee Road Kimya & Or Minvielle or Coletta Prince St Jude's Highway, Vieux-Fort Anna Misson 20 Kier Hardy House, Marion Way Harlesden, London Hugland Mitchael Belle Vue, Vieux Fort Jason Mitchel Shanty Town, Vieux Fort Carlos Mitchel P.O.BOX 733, Castries Rodney Bay Irma Mitchell Castries Mr Reginald Mitchell P.O.BOX 108, Castries Idry Valentine Modest Jetrine, Choiseul John Modeste Desruisseaux, Micoud Verious Modeste Desserieux, Micoud Juliana Modeste Jetrine, Saltibus, Choiseul Gena Modeste Morne Cayenne, Vieux Fort c/o Hortex Garment Factory Laura Moise 50 Marie Therese St., Gros Islet Andre Moise Union, c/o Balata P O, Castries Kerlin Moise And/or Albertha Moise Girard, Babonneau, Castries Girard,babonneau Harold Mombelly Grand Riviere, P.O., Dennery Mc.donald Moncherry La-tourney, Vieux Fort Miriam Moncherry c/o Sportex, Desruisseaux, Micoud Eligias Moncherry Blanchard, Micoud John Monchery Bocage, c/o G.p.o., Castries Bocage Grace E. Mondesir Reuinion, Choiseul Simone Cecilia Mondesir Fond Benier, c/o Soufriere Post Office, Soufriere Fond Benier Marguerite T. Mondesir Cedars Road, P O Box 929, Castries Paul Monero #5 Sandford Avenue, Woodgrain, London N22 5EJ, UK Wilson K. Monerville Over The Bridge, c/o Dennery Post Office, Dennery Over The Bridge Francis Monerville Millet, c/o Millet P O, Anse La Raye David Monlouis P O Box 657, Castries Block Apt. 328 Waterfront Ricardo Sean Monplaisir Arundell Hill, c/o Marchand P.O., Castries Arundell Hill Heidi Monplaisir Carielle Gardens, Castries Carielle Gardens Catherine Monrose Paix Bouche,Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries James Monrose Morne Du Don. c/o Chaussee P O, Castries Evestus Montoute Ti Rocher, Micoud Kathleen Louis And/or Peter Louis 168 Goodrich Street,Hamden, CT 06517, USA 168 Goodrich Street Mr Damascus Moses Balata P O, Castries Theresa Mulcare Bois D'orange Gros Islet. c/o P O Box 1094, Castries Bois D'orange Gros Islet Ms Janine Murray P.O.BOX 879, Castries P.O.BOX 879 Everly Narcisse Entrepot Summit, Castries Entrepot Summit Yearlin Narcisse Marchand Rd, P.O.BOX 1510, Castries P.O.BOX 1510 Magnetta Nathan Augier, Vieux Fort Peter Nelson c/o Babonneau P.O., Castries Babonneau Gloriana Nelson La-tourney, Vieux Fort La-tourney Linda Nelson La Tourney, Vieux Fort Justina Nelson Bishops Gap,c/o Marchand Post office, Castries Bishop's Gap Thomas Nelson Garrand, Babonneau Garrand Winston Nervais Hospital Road, Castries Marie Magdalene Nerve Mongiraud, c/o P O Box 614 GM, Castries Mongiraud Cathelina Nicholas &/or Alexander Louis Balata, Castries (1) Balata, Qr. of Castries Kahler Atmar Nichols #37 Hospital Road, Vieux Fort Ricardo Troy Nickelson Bagatelle, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Bagatelle Yolande Niles Bishop's Gap,marchand. c/o P O Box 99, Castries Association Ste Lucimart Cacoa Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Juliana Noel Marchand Road, c/o P O Box 221, Castries Marchand Road Justina Gemma Ethel Noel Hospital Road, c/o Hospital Road P O, Castries Anacletus Noel And/or Mitchel Polimis 245 Dorset St. Brooklyn, NY, 11236, USA Edwin Norbert Micoud La Pointe Mary Norlay Grande Riviere, Gros Islet Jesse Norley Ciceron, c/o P.O. Box Gm 819, Castries c/o P.O. Box Gm 819 Ulrica Nuptial La-fargue, Choiseul Mayers Printing Comp c/o P.O. Box 1782, Castries St.lucian Fishing Comp c/o Johnson's Hardware, P O Box 96, Castries Phillip E O Shaughnessy Summersdale, P O Box 1188, Castries P.O. Box 1188 Stephen O`reilly Pavee Road, Castries Lucretia Ochilien Grande-riviere, Castries Marline Octave Pierrot, Vieux Fort c/o Pierrot Combined School Catherine Octave Maynard Hill, c/o G P O, Castries Cedric Orielly Girard Cacoa, c/o Babonneau Primary School, Babonneau, Castries Girard-cacoa, B/neau Lazarus O'Rielly Cacoa,c/o Girard Post office, Babonneau, Castries Cacoa, Babonneau Elsie Osbourne-marshall or Norman or Roger Sutherland L'anse Rd, P.O.GM 866, Castries P.O.GM 866 Saint Lucia Government Gazette 602 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 Desney And Or Pamphile Julius Papie Anthony And Or Paul Simon Paul Sheldon Paul Lucius Paul Francillia Paul Lucius Paul Gilberte Jeanne Paul John Paul Rosella Paul Cynthia Paul And Or Delia Paul Marlyne And Or Perpie Joseph Peter Clive Peter Sheran Peter Hamish C G Peter Sophia Peter Dale Peterson Peter Francis Peters Ms Phillipa Philgence Andrix Philip Fabian Philip Anthony Philip Finicia Philip Dorothy Philip And/or Kurt Phillip Ulric Phillip Francis Phillip Andrea Phillipe David For Phillips Jeremiah Philogence And Finbar Philogence Cyprian Philogene Collins Philomen Paul John For Pierre Kenny Ronald Pierre Dave Pierre Wayne Vaughn Pierre Sylvester Pierre Jane Petra Pierre Agatha Pierre For Martha Edward Annot Pierrot Rita Placide Montgomery David Plummer Octave Plummer And/or Catherina Alfred Lona Poleon Elymaus Poleon Ricky Jerome Poleon Hubert Poleon Celina Poleon And Avitus John Poleon Joseph Polinaire Jermain Polius Barbara Polius Javer And Or Polius Lawerence Pologne Junadeen Popo Ionie Popo Horace Popo Julian `imbert' For Popo Patrick Potiron Jane Powell Sharon Poyotte Albert Precius B/neau Disaster Prepared Peterson Junior Prescott Francis Prescott Marlus And Or President Bunny Preville Sheraleen Preville Aaron Primus Morne Sion, Choiseul Anse Ger, Desruisseaux, Micoud c/o Family Choice Bakery Desserieux, Micoud New Field, c/o Dennery Post office, Dennery New Field Entrepot, P O Box 1616, Castries Maynard Hill, Castries Marchand Rd.(trou Rouge), c/o Marchand P O, Castries Ravine Chabot, c/o P O Box 1475, Castries Ravine Chabot Aupicon, Vieux Fort Bocage, Leslie Land P O, Castries La Clery, c/o La Clery P O, Castries St Jude's Highway, Vieux-Fort Westhall Group, Vieux Fort Marisule Post office, Gros Islet Marisule Augier, Vieux Fort c/o Health Department Black Mallet Gap, Castries c/o Nato's Ltd., Castries Reduit, Gros-Islet Reduit c/o D'sseaux D/care Centre, Desruisseaux, Micoud La Croix Chabot, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Desruisseaux, Micoud Notre Dame St., Gros Islet Grande Riviere, Gros Islet Grand Riviere Gros Islet Chaple Street Grande Riviere Gros Islet, c/o 31F Brogile St, Castries Grande Riviere Gros Islet Morne Du Don, c/o P O Box 35, Castries Ti Roche', Micoud c/o 209 Manufacturing #41 Grass St., Castries Pavee' Road, c/o G P O, Castries Garrand, P.O., Castries Black Bay, Vieux-Fort Jacmel Post office, Anse La Raye Jacmel Post office Bois D'orange, c/o Customs & Excise, Castries Marigot, c/o Marigot P O, Castries Marigot Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries c/o G.p.o., Castries Cabiche, Babonneau La Croix Maingot, Castries La Croix Maingot Morne Du Don Road, c/o Morne du don P O, Castries Morne Du Don Road Paix Bouche, Babonneau, Castries Hospital Road, c/o P O Box 953, Castries Ravine Chabot, c/o P O Box 953, Castries Ravine Chabot 2819 Mott Ave. Far Rockway, Queens, NY, 11691, USA Grande Riviere, Gros Islet Maynard Hill, Marchand P O, Castries La Tourney, Vieux Fort 35 Back Street, Vieux Fort c/o A.f.valmont Blanchard, Desruisseaux, Micoud Belle Vue Vieux Fort. c/o G P O, Castries Belle Vue Vieux Fort La Clery, c/o P O Box 111, Castries Belle Vue, Vieux Fort Deniere Riviere, Dennery Massade, Gros Islet Massade Barre Denis, c/o La Croix P O, Castries Barre Denis La Croix Rd, Laborie La Fargue, Choiseul. c/o Met Office c/o Met. office c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Cabishe,Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Odson, c/o G P O, Castries T/a Brico Shop Enterprise, c/o Michael Gordon Chambers, Castries 1353 Brooklyn Ave., Brooklyn, NY, 11203, USA c/o Marchand P.O., Castries Gros Islet c/o Babonneau P.O., B/neau, Castries c/o Babonneau P.O., B/neau, Qr. of Bridge Street, Vieux Fort Monier, c/o Grande Riviere P O, Gros Islet Westall Group, Vieux Fort Cabishe, Babonneau c/o Babonneau P.O., Castries Student - Babonneau Primary School Cabishe, Babonneau Cabishe, Babonneau Arrundel Hill, Castries Arrundel Hill Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 603 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Genovefa Promesse Fedrick Prospera Lennon Prospere Albert Prospere Leonard Prospere Mr.leonard John Denis Pr Alain Prudent Ms Rosslyn Quintyne R & N Earthmoving Equipment Serv Ltd Davinand Ramnarine Virginia And Or Randolph or Marie Marcellin Jerrie Acar Raphael Harry Raphael Felix Raphael Christopher Raphael Gregory Raspal Norma Raveneau Pamella &/or Rav Christina And/or Ray Vincent Regis Winsbert Remy Marcia Doriel Remy Lucina Remy Clement Remy Lenzy Rene Karen Herminia Rene Florence Or Anthony Rene Albelony Rene Joseph Reneau Ernie Reneau For Shana Reneau Mariana Renee Leoncius And Or Agnes Renee Angela Reynold Lawrence Riboul Jacques Clodette Richard Lawrence Richards Fay Richards & Or John Gregory Richelieu Marie Veronica Rismay-jo Dionne Makini Robert Miguel Slinton Robert Julian A. Roberts Curtis George Roberts Mechtilde Robinson Thomas Robinson Joachim Robinson Lisa Lana Robinson For Stella Leon Christina Rosemon Terry Rosemond Denis Saint Clair Edmund Neville Saltibus Glenn Saltibus Mary Marcia Saltibus For Neddy Matthias Saltibus Peter Sampson Clifford Maxim & Or Samp Leonise Sampson Joyce Samuel Peter Samuel Paul Samuel Elieen Samuel Imran And Or Samuel or Christopher Barley Maria Samuel Martinus Samuel Valence Samuel Janice Sophia Samuel For Cheriss Samuel Tony Sandiford Celistine Satoute Cantia Savery Club St.lucia Christmas Saint Lucia Government Gazette 604 Blanchard, Desruisseaux, Micoud Market St. Anse La Raye. c/o G P O, Castries La Toc Rd, c/o G P O, Castries Bexon c/o The Morne P.O., Castries P. O. Box 1621 Gt, Grand Cayman P.O.BOX 11621, A P O, Grand Cayman Grande Riviere Gros Islet, Castries c/o P.O.Box 76, Castries Mongiraud, Gros Islet. P O Box GM 690, Castries Pierrot, Vieux Fort La-courville Qr.of Ti-rocher, Micoud Babonneau Central, B/neau, Castries Jacmel,c/o Jamel Post office, Castries Grande Riviere, c/o Grande Riviere P O, Dennery Jacmel, Anse La Raye La Croix Maingot, c/o La Croix Maingot P O, Castries Castries Monchy, c/o Monchy P O, Gros Islet Boguis,Babonneau, c/o Boguis Post Office, Castries La Caye, c/o Grande Riviere P O, Dennery Bexon, c/o P O Box 1, Castries Marc, c/o Marc P O, Castries Guesneau, Babonneau, Castries Marc, c/o Marc P O, Castries La Bayee, Bexon, Castries La Pearle,c/o Marigot Post office c/o La Croix Maingot Post office, Castries La Croix Maingot, Castries Reduit Park, c/o P O Box 1112, Castries c/o G.p.o., Castries Millet, Castries Rock Hall, Castries c/o Girard Cacoa,babonneau, Castries 3075, La Clery Ti Colon, G P O, Castries Entrepot, c/o Marchand P O, Castries c/o P.O. Box 1682, Castries Millet, c/o Millet P O, Anse La Raye Block V Apt 209 - Darling Road, c/o G P O, Castries c/o Dennery Post office, Dennery # 1 Hospital Rd, The Morne, Castries Forestierre, Castries New Row, Micoud Patience, Mon Repos, Micoud Augier, Vieux Fort Castries Anse Ger, Micoud Arundel Hill, c/o Marchand P O, Castries Bayier Banse, Laborie Sunbilt, c/o P O Box 553, Castries Fond Assou, c/o P O Box 96, Castries La Toc Rd, c/o Hospital Rd P O, Castries Contonement, Vieux Fort 75, Brazil St, Castries Post office Box 304, New Dock Rd, Vieux Fort # 75 Brazil Street, Castries Vigier, Vieux Fort Bridge Steet, Vieux Fort c/o Girard Post office, Castries Dugard, Micoud Pierrot, Vieux Fort Bocage, P O Box 444, Castries Bocage, c/o Bocage P O, Castries Morne Fortune, Castries c/o Marchand P.O, Castries Richfond, Dennery G P O, Castries Shanty Town, Vieux Fort c/o Micoud Secondary School P.O. Box 915, Castries Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 La Toc Road Bexon c/o The Morne P.O. P. O. Box 1621 Gt APO Grande Riviere Gros Islet P.O. Box Gm 690 Babonneau Central, B/neau Jacmel La Croix Maingot Bexon Marc La Pearle,c/o Marigot Post office La Croix Maingot George Ville, La Pansee Girard Cacoa Reduit Entrepot c/o P.O. Box 1682 Block V Apt 209 - Darling Road New Field # 1 Hospital Rd Forestierre New Row C\o Brabo Int'd Ltd Rose Hill c/o Ministry of Finance-vfort P.O. Sunbilt Fond Assau La Toc Road c/o Caribbean Electronics Cacoa c/o N.i.s Vieux-fort Bocage Arrundell Hill Richfond Ciceron c/o Micoud Secondary School c/o Club St.lucia(claudius Quashie) Arthur Scott Joseph Sealy Cornelia Sealys Theresa Sebastian Anthony &/or Seb Ian Francois Serieux Vibert Joseph Serieux Christopher Serieux Velma Severin Jennifer Severin Racquel Severin Mary Jane Severin Bernice Bertha Severin Rosanna Shepherd Claude Anthony Shoulette Natasha Sidney And Or Henrietta James Mark Sifflet Justina Sigobin Mr Shem Similien Eugene Simmons Kevin Simon Fegnatius T. Simone And Edward Maryatte Jot Preet Singh Balwan Singh And Or Taramati Singh Slu Asso.of Farmers Co-op Soc Ltd Imbert Bailey Small For George Gurley Fred Smith Nicholas Smith Antoine Smith Sharon Samantha Smith Lester Smith &/or Irvin Smith Martin Smith And/or Maryanna Elouise Kara Smythe Brenda Snagg Arthur Soanes Genevieve Solomon Estephanie Sonny Smedley Sonson Joseph Francis Sonson James And Or Soodat or Germa Moncherry Watson Sookhanty And/or Nixon James Southern Entrepreneurs Assistance Club Francis M. Spencer Valence St Ange V F St Juste St Lucia Bakers Association Ltd. Elizabeth St Rose Yana St. Ange &/or Frederick Auguste Ian St. Catherine Michael St. John Michael St. John Macarius St. Martin Ernest St. Omer Hilfa And/or St. Omer Eugene St. Romain Margaret And/Or Sylvetre St Rose Joseph St. Rose (jr) Laurie St.ange Nicholas St.catherine Bernard St.croix Andrea Quincy St.helene Victor St.hilaire Terry St.hill Anthony Steve St.hill Yvette St.louis Augustus St.luce Lucilla St.marthe Desire St.marthe Christopher and Frances St Marthe Hospital Rd, c/o Hospital Rd P O, Castries Fond Assau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries c/o Grace P.O., Vieux Fort Grace Marisule, Gros Islet. c/o Marisule P O, Gros Islet Marisule, Gros Islet Ti-rocher, Micoud Forestierre, c/o Ti Rocher Post Office, Castries Forestierre Mon Repos, Micoud Babonneau, c/o G P O, Castries c/o G.p.o. Babonneau, c/o Girard Post office, Castries La Toc Hill, c/o Hospital Road P O, Castries Babonneau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Girard, c/o P.O.BOX Gm 733, Castries c/o P.O.BOX Gm 733 Morne Road, c/o G P O, Castries c/o Delaide Post office, Dennery Grande Riviere Westall Group, Vieux Fort Blk A S Apt 3, Jeremie street, Castries Talvern c/o Girard P.O., Babonneau, Castries Gros Islet Post Office, Gros Islet Bois D'orange Vide Boutielle, c/o P O Box 1160, Castries La Ressource, Vieux Fort Dugard, Micoud P.O Box 324, Vieux Fort P.O Box 324 Reunion, Choiseul c/o Llewllyn Gill, c/o P O Box 546, Castries c/o P.O Box 546 Lot 27 Bisee Housing Scheme, Castries Lot 27 Bisee Housing Scheme St.paul's Lane, Vieux Fort c/o Global Guardian St. Paul's Lane, Vieux Fort c/o Jalousie Hilton Hotel Anse-ger,d'sseaux, Micoud c/o Ciceron Post office, Castries Ciceron Pays Perdu; Garrand, Babonneau. c/o P O Box QGB 166 Babonneau Pays Perdu; Garrand Babonneau c/o Jacmel Post office, Anse La Raye Jacmel Reduit, Gros-Islet Reduit Hospital Road, c/o Hospital Road P O, Castries La Ressource, Vieux Fort Pavee Rd, C/o G P O, Castries Pavee Road Castries c/o Babonneau P.O., Castries Balata, Babonneau Cedars Road, Castries Blanchard, Desruisseaux, Micoud La Tourney, Vieux Fort P.O.BOX 386, Vieux Fort c/o Irvin Lee, P.O. Box 3041, St John's,Antigua c/o Irvin Lee, P.O. Box 3041 Barre St Joseph, c/o La Croix Post Office, Castries Barre St Joseph 10 Coaldale Walk,rosendale Rd., Lairdale Estate, London SE21 81Z, UK P. O. Box 868, Castries St Judes Highway, Vieux Fort Fond Assau, Qtr of Babonneau, Castries Fond Assau, Qtr of Babonneau Pierrot, Vieux Fort c/o Wibdeco Gros Islet Reduit Park Reduit Park, Gros Islet Gros-islet c/o P.O. Box 416, Castries Rock Hall Barre Denis, c/o Geneal P O, Castries Barre Denis La Pansee Post office, Castries Saltibus, Choiseul La Feuille,c/o Gros Islet P O, Gros Islet La Feuille P O Box 1177, Castries La Clery P.O.BOX Mc 040, Entrepot, Castries P.O.BOX Gm 807, Castries Leslie Land, Patterson Gap, Castries Corinth Gros Islet, P O Box 366, Castries Corinth Gros Islet Grande Riviere, c/o Grande Riviere P.O., Dennery Harbour View Dr.,Entrepot Barre Denis, c/o La Croix P O, Castries c/o P.O. Box 170, Castries Black Mallet Gap, Marchand, Castries Black Mallet Gap c/o Babonneau P O, Castries Desrameaux, Gros Islet Desrameaux Hospital Rd., c/o Lucelec, P O Box 230, Castries Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 605 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Vincent Q St.marthe And Oliver Monrose Eurance St.martin Jamarl St.martin Courtney Desmond St.prix Paul Kusbert St.prix Mr Damas W St.rose Nadina For St.rose Veronica St.rose Joseph St.rose(jr) Joseph St.ville Sylvius St.ville Joshua Stanio Callistus Stanislas For Keturah Bowens Angela Vernesta Stanisla Lucelta Stanislaus Antoine &/or Stanley Peter Stanley James Stephen Laureen Stephen Graham Stephen Lawrence Stephen Thomas Stevens Agnes Cynthia Sutherland Bonita Sydney Laura Sylvain Linda Sylvester Nicholas Sylvester Catherinette Sylvester or Susan Erysthee Challa Sylvestre Jerome Taliam And Or Theresa Taliam Augustin Tate Ms Morella Taylor Ms Morella Taylor The Eastern Clothing Company Ltd Ivan Theobalds Adrienne P. Theobalds Maurice Theodore Janice Theodore George Theodore Cuthbert A. Theodore Wayne Theodore & Or Therese Louis Fliia Cyrilene Gaul Theo Anazilta Thomas Augustus Thomas Mr John Eustace Thomas Valeria Thomas Naomi Thomas Earl Thomas Katie Thomas And Or Francis Langelier Benjamin Tisson Marcia Tisson Christopher Tisson Timotheus Tobierre Tracy Toussaint Wallison Toutouyoutte Thelma And Or Trim St.john Gc Friendly Soci Grand Lodge I.b.po.eof W Fire Service Benevolent Julia Valcin Sylvia Valcin Angela Valsaint &/or George Marius Fond Assau Vector Con'tl Keith John Vernege Elijah & Or Verneuil or Coletta Prince Enock Vernor And/or Veronica Vernor Vf Comp Sec School Peterson & Or Victor George Victorin Saint Lucia Government Gazette 606 c/o Aux Lyon P.O, Castries Blanchard Desruisseaux, Micoud Morne Du Don, Morne du don P O, Castries 5201 Clarendon Rd,2b.brooklyn Ny.11203 Marchand Rd., Castries c/o Monchy Post office Bois D'Orange,Gros Islet Millet, Millet P O, Anse la Raye 113 Lexington Ave., Freeport, NY, 11520 Babonneau, Castries Plateau, c/o L'americ P O, Castries Aux Lyons, Dennery New Dock Road, Vieux Fort c/o Grande Riviere Post office, Dennery Ravineau, Choiseul Borne Ravine, c/o Dennery P O, Dennery Ciceron, c/o P O Box 280, Castries Desruisseaux, Micoud Londonderry, Saltibus, Choiseul 2237 Dunedin,oakville, Ontario, CA Babonneau, Castries Entrepot, c/o Marchand P.O, Castries Hospital Rd., Castries P.O.BOX 1719, Castries Barre Denis, c/o La Croix Maingot P.O., Castries Belle Vue, Vieux Fort De Mailly, Belle Vue, Vieux Fort 42 Perth Rd, Palistow, London, England E13 9DS Marie Therese St., Gros Iset Ti-rocher, Micoud Grande Riviere, Gros Islet. c/o P O Box 741, Castries Marisule, P O Box 816, Castries Marisule, c/o P O Box 816, Castries Bois Jolie Road, c/o Grande Riviere P O, Dennery The Morne, c/o P O Box 230, Castries Reduit Orchard,c/o P O Box 789, Castries Jetty Street, Vieux Fort New Dock Road, Vieux Fort Morne du don,c/o Chaussee Road Post office, Castries Wilton's Yard, Castries.c/o Chaussee Rd P O, Castries Desruisseaux, Micoud Goodlands, c/o P O Box GM937, Castries Fond Assau, Babonneau, Castries Rose Hill, Castries Ravine Toutwelle, Marchand, Castries Derniere-riviere, c/o P O Box 96, Dennery Desserieux, Micoud La Croix Maingot, c/o La Croix Maingot P O, Castries Belle Vue, Vieux Fort Ciceron, c/o G P O, Castries Garrand, Babonneau, Castries Plateau, Babonneau, Castries Desruisseaux, Micoud c/o Fond Assau Post office, Castries Ti Rocher, Micoud c/o Data Delay Devices, Grace, Vieux Fort Grande Riviere, Dennery Castries P.O. Box 496, Castries Ti Rocher, P.O., Castries Ciceron, c/o G P O, Castries c/o Cozy Corner, Manoel Street, Castries Fond Assau, c/o Babonneau P O, Castries 234 Humberstone Rd, London E139nq, UK St Jude's Highway, Vieux-Fort La Ressource, Vieux Fort La Ressource, Vieux Fort Grace, Vieux Fort Grace, Vieux Fort Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 Aux Lyon 5201 Clarendon Rd,2b.brooklyn Ny.11203 Monchy, Gros Islet Bois D'orange c/o Vieux-fort Town Council Grande Riviere Ravineau 2237 Dunedin,oakville Entrepot c/o Cariman 42 Perth Rd, Palistow Grande Riviere,gros Islet c/o P.O Box 816 c/o Grande Riviere Post office Morne Du Don Goodlands Ciceron Fond Assau 234 Humberstone Rd, London E139nq La Ressource c/o St.lucia Fire Service Mervin S. And Or Victoria or Claire Majorie Severin Dawn Vidal Vieux-fort Youth And Sports Council Anthony For Vincent Fernand Vincent Vincent Doxerie Trading as Stat Beauty & Supplies Shirleyanne Vitalis Hubert Vitalis Francis G. Walter Winfred Walter Ian Walter Dion I L Weekes Catherine Weekes Winsbert Weeks Hermina Wellington Terry Wells Hedridge Wells &/or Keron Wells Glena Wells For Shermaine Wells Safraz Ramond Fernand Wh Francois R.p. White Suzanne Wilfred Romiel Wilfred Marina Wilfred Ms Sabina Wilkie Wilson William Joseph William Leo William Evans William Cletus William Julian William Augier, Vieux Fort Pavee Road, Castries P.O Box 500, Vieux Fort Bois D'Orange, Gros Islet By Pass Dennery, Dennery P O, Dennery c/o P.O Box 1810, Castries La Croix Maingot, c/o La Croix Maingot P O, Castries Morne Du Don, Castries Chassin,babonneau, c/o Fond Assau P O, Castries Chassin, Babonneau, Castries La Ressource, Vieux Fort P.O. Box 1696, Castries Morne-du-don, Castries St Jude's Highway, Vieux-Fort Jacmel, c/o Jacmel P O, Castries c/o Aux Leon P.O., Dennery Limiere, Dennery Delaide Post office, Dennery Blanchard, Desruisseaux, Micoud c/o Marchand P.O, Castries Marchand Road, Castries Des Barra, Garrand P O, Babonneau Desbarras, Babonneau, c/o Garrand P O, Castries Entrepot, P O Box MA079, Marchand, Castries No.1 Christopher Row, Vieux Fort Praslin, Micoud Dugard, Micoud Bay St., Laborie Bexon, Castries c/o Ti Rocher Post office, Castries P.O Box 500 Bois D'orange By Pass Dennery c/o P.O Box 1810 c/o Tolyn Ltd. Goodlands Aux Leon Limiere La Caye Maynard Hill Garrand P.O. P.O.BOX Ma 079 Fond Cannie P. O. Box 763,Cruz Bay St.john, British Virgin Islands, US Cyprian William Cornelius William Leo William For Leonie William CHRISTINA William Intru Kawanna Meleah Gaston Davis R Williams Naula Williams Anderson Williams Sheldon Williams Israel Williams Helena Williams or Michelle Pauline West Mr Kent Williams Conrad Willie Anne Lentha Willie Sara Lee Willix Pamella And Or Wilson or Sherean Wilson Vera Wilson Percy Wilson Anna Agatha Wilson Michael Wilson Horace Wilson & Or Jay H Wilson Cecil Wilson &/or Vincent Wilson Windward Islands Football Association Morrison Yarde Daphne Yarde James Yarde Marcellina Yorke Young Dragon's Sports Club Chassin Youth Group Grace Club Sixty B/boneau Peer Counsellor Nature Club Boguis Cultural Group Club Phoenix Youth Group of The Emmanuel Baptiste Church P. O. Box 763 La Ressource, c/o Delaide P O, Dennery Dugard, Micoud Chassin, Babonneau, Castries Darling Rd, Castries Union, Castries Barre Denis, Castries Bexon, Castries Marisule, c/o Marisule P.O., Gros Islet La Toc Road, Castries Flora Villa, c/o Canaries P O, Canaries Augier, Vieux Fort Ti Rocher, c/o Ti Rocher Post Office, Micoud Garrand, c/o Garrand Post office, B/neau, Castries Blanchard, Desruisseaux, Micoud Desserieux, Micoud Chassin, c/o Fond Assau P.O., Babonneau, Castries Mon Repos, c/o Mon Repos P O, Micoud Grande Riviere, Gros Islet Ti-roche, Micoud c/o Americ Post office, B/neau, Castries P.O.BOX 255, Castries Bay Street, Soufriere Castries Jacmel, c/o Jacmel P O, Castries P.O. Box 2084, Gros Islet P.O Box 390, Vieux Fort Chassin,babonneau, c/o Fond Assau P O, Castries c/o Grace Post office, Vieux Fort Babonneau, c/o Babonneau Post office, Castries Babonneau Central, c/o B/neau P.O., Castries c/o Maureen Cornibert, Boguis Hlth Centr P.O.BOX 553, Castries Aux Leon, Dennery Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 c/o Wasa Chassin, Babonneau Barre Denis Bexon c/o Canaries P.O. Ti Rocher Garrand, Babonneau Chassin, c/o Fond Assau P.O. La Guerre, B/neau Bonneterre P.O Box 390 Fond Assau P.O. Babonneau, c/o Babonneau Post office Babonneau Central, c/o B/neau P.O. c/o Maureen Cornibert, Boguis Hlth Centr Aux Leon 607 Saint Lucia Government Gazette File No (210): TM/2014/ 000147 K AR NS M E O ADCATI R T LI P AP Mark Name: SAILCLEAR Applicant (730): CARIBBEAN CUSTOMS LAWS Filing Date (220): 26/05/2014 Class (511): 9 (computer software, namely software that records pre arrival information from small see pay vessels.) Agent: George Charlemagne Colours claimed: Blue, Yellow & White File No (210): TM/2014/ 000264 Mark Name: BAN Applicant (730): KAO KABUSHIKI KAISHA A/T/A KAO CORPORATION Filing Date (220): 14/08/2014 Class (511): 3 (Cosmetics; moisturizers; toiletries; soaps; perfumery; fragrances; essential oils; cleansers; lotions; creams; anti-perspirants and deodorants for personal use; preparations for the care and treatment of the body, face and skin; wipes for cosmetic use.) Agent: Tyrone Chong File No (210): TM/2014/ 000277 Mark Name: CURÉL CURÉL Applicant (730): KAO KABUSHIKI KAISHA A/T/A KAO CORPORATION Filing Date (220): 28/08/2014 Class (511): 3 (cosmetics; moisturizers; toileteries; soaps; perfumery; fragrances; essential oils; cleansers; lotions; creams; anti-perspirants and deodorants for personal use; preparations for the care and treatment of the body, face and skin; wipes for cosmetic use.) Agent: Tyrone Chong File No (210): TM/2014/ 000398 Mark Name: LOLAANDGRACE LOLAANDGRACE Applicant (730): SWAROVSKI AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT Filing Date (220): 19/11/2014 Class (511): 14 (goods in precious metals or coated therewith, not included in other classes; jewelry; genuine and costume jewelry; jewelry stones; ornaments (jewelry); necklaces; earrings; bracelets; rings (jewelry); brooches; bangles; charms (jewelry); pendants; chains of precious metals; lockets; small items of jewelry of glass, natural or artificial precious stones, plastic, common or precious metal for personal use; watches and clocks and their parts; natural or synthetic, precious stones of all types and for every purpose; gem stones, in particular cut glass stones and faceted glass gem stones.) Agent: Tyrone Chong Priority Claimed: 20th May, 2014 Leichtenstein 2014-357 Saint Lucia Government Gazette 608 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 File No (210): TM/2014/ 000405 Mark Name: PREMIUM HOLLANDIA EVAPORATED MILK Applicant (730): Cannex S.A. Filing Date (220): 05/12/2014 Class (511): 16 (paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters; and office requisites (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); playing cards; printers' type; printing blocks.) 29 (Meat, fish poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, fruit sauces; eggs; milk and milk products; edible oils and fats.) Agent: Mc Namara & Co File No (210): TM/2015/ 000003 DIGICEL VIBES Mark Name: DIGICEL VIBES Applicant (730): DIGICEL CARIBBEAN LIMITED Filing Date (220): 08/01/2015 Class (511): 9 (telecommunications, telephonic and communications apparatus and instruments; data communication apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for the processing, transmission, storage, logging, reception and retrieval of data being in the form of encoded data, text, audio, graphic images or video or a combination of these formats; modems; radio apparatus and instruments including radio pagers and radio facsimile apparatus and instruments: machine readable encoded cards including prepaid telephone calling cards and credit cards; smart cards: media for storing information, data, images and sound; machine readable media; digital music (downloadable) provided from a computer database or the internet, including mp3 internet websites; personal digital assistants; satellite receiving and transmission apparatus and instruments; apparatus for listening to music downloaded from the internet; battery chargers for use with telecommunications apparatus; batteries; adapters for use with telecommunications apparatus; radio telephones, mobile and fixed telephones; films, video, audio and graphic images downloadable from the internet; television apparatus and instruments; peripheral equipment for televisions and computers; electrical and electronic game apparatus included in class 9; computers including laptop and notebook computers; electronic personal organizers; electronic navigational and positional apparatus and instruments including global positioning systems; satellite navigational and positional apparatus and instruments; desk or car mounted units incorporating a loud speaker which permits hands-free use of a telephone handset; in-car telephone handset cradles; parts and fittings included in class 9 for all the aforementioned goods; computer software; downloadable ringtones and graphics for mobile phones; cd roms; electronic publications (downloadable) provided on-line from a computer database, the internet or other electronic network;) 16 (Paper, card, printed matter including printed directories, books, magazines, periodicals and publications; point of sale materials including posters, cardboard strut cards, cardboard leaflet dispensers; window decals and three dimensional cardboard constructions; photographs; stationery; writing instruments; office Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 609 Saint Lucia Government Gazette requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); calendars; book marks; diaries including desk diaries; note books and address books;) 38 (Telecommunication, mobile and fixed telecommunication and telephone, satellite telecommunication, cellular telecommunication, radio and cellular telephone, radio facsimile, radio paging and radio communication services; transmission and receiving by radio; hire, leasing and rental of telecommunications, radio, radio telecommunications and by satellite; automatic telephone answering services; personal numbering services; loan of replacement, telecommunications apparatus in access services; telecommunication of information (including web pages), computer programs and any other data; electronic mail services; provision of customized display screens on telecommunications apparatus; provision of directory services; provision of wireless application protocol services including those utilizing a secure communications channel; provision of information relating to or telephone and telecommunications apparatus and instruments; provision of telephone directory services; data interchange services; transfer of data by telecommunications; broadcast or transmission of radio or television programs; video teletext and view data services, messaging services, namely, sending receiving and forwarding messages in the form of text, audio, graphic images or video or a combination of these formats; unified messaging services; voicemail services; providing data network services; video conferencing services; video telephone services; providing telecommunications connections to the internet or databases; providing access to digital music websites on the internet; providing access to mp3 websites on the internet; delivery of digital music by messages, data and images; computer communications services; news agency services; transmission of news and current affairs information; providing chatline services; provision and operation of electronic conferencing, discussion groups and chat rooms; provision of on-line access to exhibitions and exhibition services; provision of information relating to the aforementioned services;) 41 (Entertainment; providing games; providing on-line electronic publications; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; providing chat-line services; operating quizzes via the internet or other electronic network; sporting and cultural activities; exhibition services; provision of on-line access to exhibitions and exhibition services; news programming services for transmission across the internet; ticket reservation and booking services for entertainment, sporting and cultural events; electronic library services for the supply of electronic information (including archive information) in the form of text, audio and/or video information; provision and operation of electronic conferencing, discussion groups and chat rooms; providing digital music (not downloadable) from the internet; providing digital music (not downloadable from mp3 internet websites); provision of information relating to all aforementioned services in this class.) Agent: Floissac, Fleming & Associates File No (210): TM/2015/ 000005 Mark Name: SHARP Applicant (730): SHARP KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as SHARP CORPORATION) Filing Date (220): 08/01/2015 Class (511): 9 (lcd television receivers; television receivers; mounting frames and metal parts for fixing of lcd television receivers; tuners for satellite broadcasting; usb memories; hard disc drives; set-top boxes; power cables; Saint Lucia Government Gazette 610 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 hdmi cables; antenna cables; lcd monitors; monitors; dvd players; dvd recorders; optical disc players; optical disc recorders; combined lcd televisions and/or monitors with optical disc recorders and optical disc players; video cassette recorders; video cameras; video camcorders; digital cameras; digital audio players/recorders; compact disc players; mini disc players; mini disc recorders; speakers; amplifiers; sub woofers; radio cassette tape recorders, radio cassette tape recorders with a compact disc player; home theater systems consisting of disc players/recorders, amplifiers, sub woofers, speakers and remote controllers; stereo component systems consisting of disc players/ recorders, tuners, cassette tape players/recorders, speakers and remote controllers; channel systems and music stereo systems for smart phones and digital audio players/recorders playback; sound bar systems consisting of subwoofers, speakers and amplifiers; remote controllers; sound rack systems consisting of disc players, recorders, tuners, speakers, amplifiers and a rack; karaoke machines; navigational instruments; electronic dictionaries; electronic organizers; personal digital assistants; electronic calculators; computers; notebook computers; tablet computers; tablet personal computers; phs (personal handy-phone systems) phones; computer software; cash registers; pos systems; telephones, mobile phones; copying machines; printers; facsimile machines; scanners; copying machines having functions of printers, facsimile machines and scanners; solar cell modules; power conditioners; photovoltaic power generating systems consisting of solar cell modules, power conditioners, interconnecting cables, mounting frame and hardware of which fix the solar cell modules on roofs of houses and buildings; accumulators; controllers; electronic components; integrated circuits; light emitting diodes; light emitting diodes modules; lcd panels; lcd modules; el display modules; cmos image sensors; cmos camera modules; camera modules for mobile phones; ccd modules; lsis; flash memories; combination memories; memories; laser diodes; power devices; pickups; rf components; ic card reader/writers; one-segment tuner modules; printed circuit boards; switching power supplies; photocouplers; phototriac couplers; photointerrupters; phototransistors; photodiodes; infrared Infrared emitting diodes; optical-electric sensors; fiber optics; infrared data devices; ion generating devices, low noise block converters; digital television tuners; television tuners; multi-channel triacs; satellite data modems; satellite data modem modules; ac adapters; power transistor units; light detectors; printed wiring boards; magneto-optical disks; dat memory drive units; magneto-optical disk drive units; infrared detecting unit for remote controls; infrared data communication devices; three dimension eye glasses for television receivers; electronic publications (downloadable); electronic book readers; digital photo frames; integrated white boards; interactive white boards, integrated white board with touch panels; interactive white boards with touch panels; liquid crystal display monitors with touch panels; liquid crystal display monitors for video conferences systems; liquid crystal display monitors and multi monitor system for news, advertising and entertainment; batteries; dry batteries; batteries for mobile phones and smart phones; battery-based back-up power supply apparatus having accumulators; liquid crystal display projectors, data projectors, theater projectors; dual function boards, opc (organic photo conduction) drums for copying machines and copying machines having functions of printers; drums for facsimile machines; finishers for copying machines and copying machines having functions of printers, facsimile machines and scanners; trays for copying machines and copying machines having functions of printers, facsimile machines and scanners; ion generating devices and units; monitoring and alarming apparatus for security and emergency purposes; camcorders for monitoring purposes; memory cards; electronic notebooks; Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 611 Saint Lucia Government Gazette electronic memos; liquid crystal display touch panels; monitoring apparatus for environmental monitoring apparatus; sensor modules for environmental monitoring apparatus; microbe sensors; bacteriological sensors.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co BROADBAND File No (210): TM/2015/ 000011 Mark Name: BROADBAND Applicant (730): BASF Corporation Filing Date (220): 19/01/2015 Class (511): 5 (preparations for destroying and combating vermin, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, nematicides, nematodes for insect control, biological control agents, pesticides.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co File No (210): TM/2015/ 000013 MUNEO Mark Name: MUNEO Applicant (730): BASF Corporation Filing Date (220): 19/01/2015 Class (511): 1 (chemiclas used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, especially plant fortifying preparations, chemical and/or biological preparations for stress management in plants, plant growth regulating preparations, chemical preparations for the treatment of seeds, surfactants, natural or artificial chemicals to be used as sexual baits or agents to confuse insects, beneficial bacteria for use in ponds and lakes to improve water quality.) 5 (Preparations for destroying and combating vermin, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, pesticides.) 31 (Agricultural, horticultural and forestry producs namely with pesticides and/or chemical/biological products treated seeds, grains, seeds and vegetative parts of plants; not included in other classes.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co File No (210): TM/2015/ 000016 Mark Name: SINCE 1954 Applicant (730): Burger King Corporation (a Company incorporated in U.S.A.) Filing Date (220): 16/01/2015 Class (511): 43 (services for providing food and drink, temporary accommodation, cafe and coffee bar services, food and drink preparation services, food and drink takeaway services, restaurant services, fast-food restaurant services, quick service restaurant services, self-service restaurant services, snack bars, restaurant and bar services including kiosk and take-away, providing prepared meals, preparation of foodstuffs or meals for consumption on or off the premises.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co Priority Claimed: 16th july, 2014 U.S.A. 86/339, 364 Saint Lucia Government Gazette 612 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 KICKS File No (210): TM/2015/ 000017 Mark Name: KICKS Applicant (730): Nissa Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha (also trading as Nissan Motot Co., Ltd.) Filing Date (220): 16/01/2015 Class (511): 12 (non-electric prime movers for land vehicles (not including "their parts"); shafts, axles or spindles [for land vehicles]; bearings [for land vehicles]; shaft couplings or connectors [for land vehicles]; transmissions, for land vehicles; shock absorbers [for land vehicles]; springs [for land vehicles]; brakes [for land vehicles]; ac motors or dc motors for land vehicles (not including "their parts" ); motor vehicles and their parts and fittings; electric vehicles and their parts and fittings; fuel cell vehicles and their parts and fittings.) Agent: Tyrone Chong Priority Claimed: 25th July, 2014 Japan 2014-062335 File No (210): TM/2015/ 000018 JANSPORT Mark Name: JANSPORT Applicant (730): JanSport Apparel Corp. Filing Date (220): 19/01/2015 Class (511): 9 (backpacks, bags, briefcases, handbags, messenger bags, shoulder bags, tote bags, wheeled backpacks, wheeled messenger bags, and wheeled briefcases, all specifically adapted to carry laptops, notebook computers, tablets and personal electronic devices; protective sleeves and cases for laptops, notebook computers, tablets and personal electronic devices; organizer pouches adapted for carrying computer cables, computer mice and portable keyboards for laptops, notebook computers, tablets and personal electronic devices; cases and sleeves for mobile phones; phone lanyards, phone holders, mobile phone straps; cases adapted for laptops, notebook computers, tablets and personal electronic devices; camera bags; mp3 cases.) 18 (Backpacks; bags; briefcases; handbags; cross body bags; duffels; external frame packs; fanny packs, waist packs; internal frame packs; lunch bags; luggage; mesh bags; messenger bags; modular pockets, bags; pencil cases; pouches; shoulder bags; slings; stuff sacks; tote bags; wheeled backpacks; wheeled duffels; wheeled luggage.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co File No (210): TM/2015/ 000019 CRETA Mark Name: CRETA Applicant (730): Hyundai Motor Company Filing Date (220): 21/01/2015 Class (511): 12 (automobiles; parts and accessories for automobiles; tires for vehicle wheels; tubes for vehicle wheels; suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; braking devices for vehicles; power transmissions and gearings for land vehicles; bearings for land vehicles; couplings for land vehicles axle journals; lorries; dump cars; buses; trucks; passenger cars [automobiles]; passenger cars for more than 7 passengers; speed change gears for land vehicles; transmissions for land vehicles; automobile engines.) Agent: Tyrone Chong Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 613 Saint Lucia Government Gazette File No (210): TM/2015/ 000020 LUVI Mark Name: LUVI Applicant (730): SSANGYONG MOTOR COMPANY Filing Date (220): 26/01/2015 Class (511): 12 (land vehicles, namely, sport utility vehicles; passenger cars; vans; pick-ups; multi-purpose vehicles; buses; trailers; tractors; trucks; racing motor cars; vehicle wheels; motorcycles; bicycles; structural parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods.) Agent: Peter Foster & Associates VISA ELECTRON File No (210): TM/2015/ 000021 Mark Name: VISA ELECTRON Applicant (730): Visa International Services Association Filing Date (220): 28/01/2015 Class (511): 36 (financial services, banking, bill payment services, credit card services, debit card services, charge card services, pre-paid card services, electronic credit and debit transactions, electronic funds transfer, smart cards and electronic cash services, cash disbursement, cash replacement rendered by credit cards and debit cards, electronic cash transactions, rendered by credit cards and debit cards, electronic cash transactions, check verification, check cashing, deposit access and automated teller machines, payment processing services, processing of financial transactions online via a global computer network or via telecommunication, mobile or wireless devices, transaction authentication and verification services, travel insurance underwriting services, electronic funds transfer and currency exchange services, financial assessment and risk management services for others in the field of consumer credit, credit management services, and dissemination of financial information and electronic payment data via a global computer network or via telecommunication, mobile or wireless devices; financial sponsorship of sporting events for others and musical concerts and wine festivals.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co File No (210): TM/2015/ 000022 Mark Name: Applicant (730): Berger International Limited Filing Date (220): 03/02/2015 Class (511): 2 (Paints.) Agent: Tyrone Chong Colours Claimed: Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, grey, brown, pink and white as depicted. File No (210): TM/2015/ 000028 Mark Name: ORBIT Applicant (730): Wm. Wrigley jr. Company Filing Date (220): 09/02/2015 Class (511): 30 (confectionery, chewing gum, bubble gum, candy, mints, drops and non-medicated lozenges.) Agent: Tyrone Chong Saint Lucia Government Gazette 614 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 File No (210): TM/2014/ 000141 Mark Name: Applicant (730): Sothy's International Filing Date (220): 20/05/2014 Class (511): 3 (Beauty preparations, make-up, creams, powders, soaps, perfumery, essential oils, hair lotions; perfume essences; scented water; Eaude-Cologne; massage oil; cosmetic preparations for preparing, activating and prolonging sun tans; cosmetic preparations for protecting the skin from solar rays; cosmetic preparations and preparations for baths and showers; beauty masks for the face and body; body powders; cosmetic preparations and creams for the face and body; cosmetic pencils; lipstick; make-up removing preparations; shaving preparations; antiperspirants (toiletries); cleansing creams for the face and body; face and body scrubs; astringent for cosmetic purposes; creams and gels for slimming; soothing and refreshing creams for the legs; sea muds and minerals muds; cosmetic preparations for skin care; tissues and cotton-wool impregnated with cosmetic lotions for skin care; night and day creams, gels and serum for the face; non-medical hair-care preparations; depilatory wax; depilatory creams and preparations; pomades for cosmetic purposes, cosmetic kits.) Agent: Nicholas John & Co File No (210): TM/2014/ 000323 Mark Name: ALTERVIN Applicant (730): BASF SE ALTERVIN Filing Date (220): 19/09/2014 Class (511): 1 (Chemicals used in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, especially plant fortifying preparations, chemical and/or biological preparations for stress management in plants, plant growth regulating preparations, chemical preparations for the treatment of seeds, surfactants, natural or artificial chemicals to be used as sexual baits or agents to confuse insects.) 5 (Preparations for destroying and combating vermin, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, pesticides) Agent: Nicholas John & Co File No (210): TM/2014/ 000404 Mark Name: BIG SHAKE High Nutrition Shake Applicant (730): Cannex S.A. Filing Date (220): 05/12/2014 Class (511): 16 (Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters; and office requisites (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other Classes); playing cards; printers' type; printing blocks.) 29 (Meat, fish poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, fruit sauces; eggs; milk and milk products; edible oils and fats.) Agent: Mc Namara & Co Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 615 Saint Lucia Government Gazette File No (210): TM/2015/ 000025 Mark Name: VIRGIN Applicant (730): Virgin Enterprises Limited Filing Date (220): 06/02/2015 Class (511): 39 (Arranging and organising of cruises; operating a cruise line namely, the transportation of passengers by water.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co Priority claimed: September 15, 2014 United Kingdom UK00003072550 TRINETI File No (210): TM/2015/ 000031 Mark Name: TRINETI Applicant (730): JOHNSON & JOHNSON Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co INVEGA TREVICTA File No (210): TM/2015/ 000032 Mark Name: INVEGA TREVICTA Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co File No (210): TM/2015/ 000033 Mark Name: EXCEDRIN Applicant (730): Novartis AG (a Swiss Company) Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Pharmaceutical preprations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co Colours Claimed: light green and dark green File No (210): TM/2015/ 000034 INVEGA TRELAY Mark Name: INVEGA TRELAY Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preprations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co File No (210): TM/2015/ 000035 LYONTRES Mark Name: LYONTRES Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co Saint Lucia Government Gazette 616 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 INVEGA TRITAIN File No (210): TM/2015/ 000036 Mark Name: INVEGA TRITAIN Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co INVEGA LONTRI File No (210): TM/2015/ 000037 Mark Name: INVEGA LONTRI Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co INVEGA LYONTRES File No (210): TM/2015/ 000038 Mark Name: INVEGA LYONTRES Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co CLARVEGA File No (210): TM/2015/ 000039 Mark Name: CLARVEGA Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co INVEGA CLARVEGA File No (210): TM/2015/ 000040 Mark name: INVEGA CLARVEGA Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co INVEGA INTAYN File No (210): TM/2015/ 000041 Mark Name: INVEGA INTAYN Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 617 Saint Lucia Government Gazette File No (210): TM/2015/ 000042 INTAYN Mark Name: INTAYN Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent:Gordon, Gordon & Co TRELVEGA File No (210): TM/2015/ 000043 Mark Name: TRELVEGA Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co INVEGA TRELVEGA File No (210): TM/2015/ 000044 Mark Name: INVEGA TRELVEGA Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co INVEGA TRYLEGA File No (210): TM/2015/ 000045 Mark Name: INVEGA TRYLEGA Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co TRYLEGA File No (210): TM/2015/ 000046 Mark name: TRYLEGA Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent:Gordon, Gordon & Co INVEGA TRINETI File No (210): TM/2015/ 000047 Mark name: INVEGA TRINETI Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co Saint Lucia Government Gazette 618 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 TRINZA File No (210): TM/2015/ 000048 Mark Name: TRINZA Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co INVEGA TRINZA File No (210): TM/2015/ 000049 Mark Name: INVEGA TRINZA Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 16/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent:Gordon, Gordon & Co INFO HQ File No (210): TM/2015/ 000050 Mark Name: INFO HQ Applicant (730): Abbott Pointe of Care Inc. Filing Date (220): 26/02/2015 Class (511): 9 (Software and hardware in the field of medical diagnostics; Software and hardware related to blood, bodily fluid and tissue testing; electronic data interfacing for medical diagnostic instruments; electronic data interfacing for blood, bodily fluid and tissue testing systems; software and hardware for configuring medical diagnostic instruments; software and hardware for configuring blood, bodily fluid and tissue testing systems.) 35 (Data and information management, tracking, analyzing, reporting and support services for software and hardware in the field of medical diagnostics; Data and information management, tracking, analyzing, reporting and support services for software and hardware for blood, bodily fluid and tissues testing systems.) 42 (Software services for data and information management, tracking, analyzing and reporting in the field of medical diagnostics; Software services for data and information management, tracking, analyzing and reporting related to blood, bodily fluid and tissue testing systems; Remote operational monitoring of medical diagnostic instruments and related data; operational monitoring of blood, bodily fluid and tissue testing instruments and related data and information from medical diagnostic instruments and blood, bodily fluid and tissue testing systems; Design and development of software consultancy in the field of medical diagnostics; Maintenance of computer software and hardware in the field of medical diagnostics; Providing technical support services for medical diagnostic instruments; Providing technical support services for software in the field of medical diagnostics; Providing a web-based software platform for data management, sharing, monitoring and analysis in the field in the field of medical diagnostics.) 44 (Medical diagnostic testing, monitoring, analyzing and reporting services; In vitro diagnostics services; Providing information in the field of medical diagnostics; Providing information relating to diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of medical conditions.) Agent: Mc Namara & Co Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 619 Saint Lucia Government Gazette INVOKANA File No (210): TM/2015/ 000051 Mark Name: INVOKANA Applicant (730): Johnson & Johnson Filing Date (220): 27/02/2015 Class (511): 5 (Human pharmaceutical preparations.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co File No (210): TM/2015/ 000052 STAYFREE Mark Name: STAYFREE Applicant (730): Eveready Battery Company, Inc. Filing Date (220): 03/03/2015 Class (511): 5 (Feminine snaitary protection products.) ROYALTON Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co File No (210): TM/2015/ 000056 Mark Name: ROYALTON Applicant (730): Blue Diamond Hotels and Resorts Filing Date (220): 10/03/2015 Class (511): 43 (Hotel accommodation services; Services for providing food and drink.) MEMORIES Agent:Mc Namara & Co File No (210): TM/2015/ 000057 Mark Name: MEMORIES Applicant (730): Blue Diamond Hotels and Resorts Inc. Filing Date (220): 10/03/2015 Class (511): 43 (Hotel accommodation services; Services for providing food and drink.) CHIC Agent: Mc Namara & Co File No (210): TM/2015/ 000058 Mark Name: CHIC Applicant (730): Blue Diamond Hotels and Resorts Inc. Filing Date (220): 10/03/2015 Class (511): 43 (Hotel accommodation services; Services for providing food and drink.) IPHONE Agent: Mc Namara & Co File No (210): TM/2015/ 000079 Mark Name: IPHONE Applicant (730): Apple Inc. Filing Date (220): 12/03/2015 Class (511): 9 (Computers; computer peripherals; computer hardware; hand held computers; tablet computers; laptop computers; handheld digital Saint Lucia Government Gazette 620 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 electronic devices capable of providing access to the Internet and for the sending, receiving, and storing of telephone calls, electronic mail, and other digital data; wearable computer peripherals; wearable computer hardware; peripherals for mobile devices; wearable digital electronic devices capable of providing access to the internet, for sending, receiving and storing of telephone calls, electronic mail, and other digital data; radios, radio transmitters, and receivers; earphones, headphones; audio speakers; microphones; audio components and accessories; network communication apparatus; electronic communication equipment and instruments; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; telephones; mobile phones; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; cables; apparatus for data storage; chips; cameras; batteries; television; televisions; television receivers; television monitors; set top boxes; computer software; computer software for use on wearable and handheld mobile digital electronic devices and other consumer electronics; software for setting up, configuring, operating and controlling mobile and wearable devices, mobile phones, computers and computer peripherals; application development software; computer application software for mobile phones, mobile and wearable devices and computer peripherals; electrical and electronic connectors, couplers, wires, cables, chargers, docks, docking stations, interfaces, and adapters for use with all the aforesaid goods; covers, bags and cases adapted or shaped to contain computers, computer peripherals, computer hardware, hand held computers, tablet computers, laptop computers, mobile phones, and wearable computer peripherals.) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co File No (210): TM/2014/ 000254 Mark Name: REMY MARTIN Applicant (730): E. Remy Martin & Co. Filing Date (220): 08/08/2014 Class (511): 33 (Alcoholic beverages (except beers).) Agent: Gordon, Gordon & Co Colours Claimed: Black, gold and red (Pantone 186C) Priority Claimed: February 10, 2014 France 14/4067384 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 621 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Saint Lucia Government Gazette 622 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 623 Saint Lucia Government Gazette Saint Lucia Government Gazette 624 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 AL CI I D JU and Adjudication by the Sheriff or his Officer to the Highest Bidder in the High Court House, on Peynier Street in the City of Castries on the 21st day of July, 2015 at ten o’clock in the forenoon, the following immovable property of the Defendant to wit: ES L SA SCHEDULE BLOCK 1458B PARCEL 468 N OTICE is hereby given that the immovable property hereinafter described will be put up for Sale and Adjudication by the Sheriff, or his Officer, at the Court House or at the Registrar’s Office in the City of Castries, on the day of Sale hereinafter stated for each property between the hours of ten and eleven o’clock in the forenoon by the Court House clock. NORTH by a Road, SOUTH partly by Parcel No. 1458B 424 and 425, EAST by Parcel No. 1458B 469 The purchase money shall be payable as follows: 1. The Officer conducting the Sale shall require from the Bidder a deposit or a certified banker’s cheque in the sum of $33,610.98 equal to one tenth of the debt (in principal, interest and cost) due to the seizing party. 2. The Purchaser shall pay the Sheriff the Purchase price less the deposit within six months of the date of Sale with interest thereon at the rate of six percent per annum. In default of such payment the deposit paid by the Purchaser shall be forfeited and shall be applied towards the Judgment Debt. SAINT LUCIA WEST by Parcel 1458B 363 or howsoever the same may be bounded. The whole containing an area of 14,384 Square Feet or 1,336.4 Square Metres is shown as Lot No.3 on a Plan of Survey by V. Jn. Baptiste, Licensed Land Surveyor dated 23rd May, 2002 and Lodged at the Survey Office on 7th June, 2002 as Drawing No. G.I. 4636R recorded as Number 387/2002. Together with all the appurtenances and dependencies thereof. TITLE: Deed of Sale by (1) Rae Atkinson and (2) Nancy Atkinson to Debora Lang executed before Lorne D.C. Theophilus, Notary Royal on 30th December, 2003 and registered at the Land Registry on 25th February, 2004, as Instrument No. 866/2004. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE (CIVIL) Claim No. SLUHCV 2013/0690 Between:- Upset Price: $575,000.00 FIRST CARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (LEEWARD AND WINDWARD) LIMITED formerly known as BARCLAYS FINANCE CORPORATION OF THE LEEWARD AND WINDWARD ISLANDS LIMITED Claimant vs. All that piece or parcel of land registered in the Land Registry (Saint Lucia) as Block 1458B Parcel 468 in the Registration Quarter of Gros Islet and bounded as follows:- Sheriff ’s Office Peynier Street Castries [Second Publication ] DEBORAH LANG Defendant NOTICE IS HEREBY given that by virtue of Judgment of the High Court dated 10th day of September, 2013 against the Defendant herein and Writ of Execution returnable on the 10th day of August, 2015 there will be put up for Sale Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 625 Saint Lucia Government Gazette IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA IN THE MATTER of an application for a Declaration of Title to Immovable Property and IN THE MATTER of Article 2103A of the Civil Code Chapter 242 Revised Laws of Saint Lucia 1957 and the West Indies Associated States Supreme Court Prescription by Thirty Years (Declaration of Title) Rules NO.7 of 1970 PETITION NO. SLUHCV2015/0300 WITHOUT NOTICE: VINCENT ISRAEL SUMMONS WHEREAS, VINCENT ISRAEL residing at Old Victoria in the Quarter of Castries in Saint Lucia, by his Application filed in the High Court on the 26th March 2015 claims to have acquired title by thirty (30) years prescription, to the property described in the Schedule hereto and has applied to the Court for a Declaration of Title: ALL PERSONS claiming an interest in the said property are hereby required to enter an appearance at the Registry of the High Court Peynier Street Castries, in person or by a Legal Practitioner, within two (2) months from the date of the last publication of this Summons which is being published twice in the Gazette and the Voice Newspaper circulating in Saint Lucia. SCHEDULE All that piece or parcel of land being a dismemberment of lands formerly registered as 0846 B 205, situate at Old Victoria Road in the Quarter of CASTRIES and registered as 0846 B 733 in the Registration Quarter of CASTRIES and bounded as follows: On the NORTH by Victoria road, on the SOUTH, EAST AND WEST by the remainder of lands owned by Heirs Evans Catty registered as 0846 B 734 or howsoever otherwise the same may be bounded or contained. The whole containing FIVE THOUSAND AND SEVEN (5007) SQUARE FEET or ZERO POINT ZERO FIVE (0.05) HECTARES and shown on Survey Plan by Johnson Volney Licensed Land Surveyor dated 27th February 2014 and lodged at the Surveys Office on the 31st March 2014 as Plan No. C12246 B Record No. SM 124/2014 Dated this 20th day of April, 2015. BY THE COURT ANWAR BRICE Dep Registrar of the High Court [ First Publication ] Saint Lucia Government Gazette 626 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA IN THE MATTER of an application for a Declaration of Title to Immovable Property and IN THE MATTER of Article 2103A of the Civil Code Chapter 242 Revised Laws of Saint Lucia 1957 and the West Indies Associated States Supreme Court Prescription by Thirty Years (Declaration of Title) Rules NO.7 of 1970 PETITION NO. SLUHCV2015/0300 WITHOUT NOTICE: VINCENT ISRAEL TO: HEIRS OF EVANS CATTY NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT: Service on you of the Summons hereunder at the instance of VINCENT ISRAEL residing at Old Victoria in the Quarter of Castries in Saint Lucia, is being effected by publication of this Notice in two (2) consecutive issues of the Gazette and the Voice Newspaper circulating in Saint Lucia. SUMMONS WHEREAS, VINCENT ISRAEL residing at Old Victoria in the Quarter of Castries in Saint Lucia, by his Application filed in the High Court on the 26th March 2015, claims to have acquired title by thirty (30) years prescription, to the property described in the Schedule hereto and has applied to the Court for a Declaration of Title: ALL PERSONS claiming an interest in the said property are hereby required to enter an appearance at the Registry of the High Court Peynier Street Castries, in person or by a Legal Practitioner, within two (2) months from the date of the last publication of this Summons which is being published twice in the Gazette and the Voice Newspaper circulating in Saint Lucia. SCHEDULE All that piece or parcel of land being a dismemberment of lands formerly registered as 0846 B 205, situate at Old Victoria Road in the Quarter of CASTRIES and registered as 0846 B 733 in the Registration Quarter of CASTRIES and bounded as follows: On the NORTH by Victoria road, on the SOUTH, EAST AND WEST by the remainder of lands owned by Heirs Evans Catty registered as 0846 B 734 or howsoever otherwise the same may be bounded or contained. The whole containing FIVE THOUSAND AND SEVEN (5007) SQUARE FEET or ZERO POINT ZERO FIVE (0.05) HECTARES and shown on Survey Plan by Johnson Volney Licensed Land Surveyor dated 27th February 2014 and lodged at the Surveys Office on the 31st March 2014 as Plan No. C12246 B Record No. SM 124/2014 Dated this 20th day of April, 2015. BY THE COURT ANWAR BRICE Dep Registrar of the High Court AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that: after the expiration of the time aforementioned, you shall be deemed to be duly served with the Summons and shall be bound by the proceedings in the action. This Notice is filed by CAROL GEDEON-CLOVIS of Chancery Chambers, whose office is situate at Kathy Walker Building, Rodney Bay Gros Islet and whose address for service is Lydia Faisal's chambers, Lamar Building, Bridge Street, Castries, Saint Lucia and who can be contacted at Telephone Number 456-0093, at Fax 456 0705 or at E-mail: The Court Office is at Peynier Street, Castries, Saint Lucia, Telephone No. (758) 453-1916, Fax No. (758) 453-2071. The Office is open between 9.00 am and 2.00 pm Monday to Thursdays and 9:00am and 3:00p.m on Fridays except public holidays. The office can also be contacted via email [ First Publication ] Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 627 Saint Lucia Government Gazette IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2015/0249 IN THE MATTER of a Petition for the Winding up of Rochamel Development Company Limited. and IN THE MATTER of Section 385, 386 and 387 of the Companies Act Cap 13.01 of the Revised Laws of Saint Lucia, 2001 BETWEEN: FIRSTCARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL BANK (BARBADOS) LIMITED Petitioner and COTTON RIDGE BEACH RESORT LIMITED Respondent NOTICE OF PETITION A PETITION to wind up COTTON RIDGE BEACH RESORT LIMITED Company No. 60 of 2004 of Rodney Bay, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia ("the Company") presented on 28 March 2015 by FirstCaribbean International Bank (Barbados) Limited of Bridge Street, Castries, Saint Lucia claiming to be a creditor of the Company will be heard at the High Court of Justice, Peynier Street, Castries, Saint Lucia on Tuesday the 2nd day of June, 2015 at 9:00 am (or as soon thereafter as the petition can be heard). ANY PERSON intending to appear on the hearing of the petition (whether to support or oppose it) must give notice of intention to do so to the Petitioner of its Legal Practitioners by 4:00 pm on Friday the 29th day of May, 2015. Dated this 21st day of April, 2015. RENEE T. ST. ROSE PETER I. FOSTER & ASSOCIATES THE PETITIONER LEGAL PRACTITIONERS ARE: MESSRS. PETER I. FOSTER & ASSOCIATES, Chambers, Robin Kelton Building, Choc Bay, Castries, Saint Lucia.Tel. No.: 758 453-1100, Fax No.: 758 452-4940, E-mail: The Court office is at Peynier Street. Castries. Telephone number 758 453-1916 Fax number 453-2071. The Court Office is open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday and between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Friday except Public Holidays.. E-mail; stluhco@ [ First Publication ] Saint Lucia Government Gazette 628 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2015/0250 IN THE MATTER of a Petition for the Winding up of Rochamel Development Company Limited. and IN THE MATTER of Section 385, 386 and 387 of the Companies Act Cap 13.01 of the Revised Laws of Saint Lucia, 2001 BETWEEN: FIRSTCARIBBEAN INTERNATIONAL BANK (BARBADOS) LIMITED Petitioner and ROCHAMEL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED Respondent NOTICE OF PETITION A PETITION to wind up ROCHAMEL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED Company No. 105 of 1989 of Rodney Bay, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia ("the Company") presented on 28 March 2015 by FirstCaribbean International Bank (Barbados) Limited of Bridge Street, Castries, Saint Lucia claiming to be a creditor of the Company will be heard at the High Court of Justice, Peynier Street, Castries, Saint Lucia onTuesday the 2nd day of June, 2015 at 9:00 am (or as soon thereafter as the petition can be heard). ANY PERSON intending to appear on the hearing of the petition (whether to support or oppose it) must give notice of intention to do so to the Petitioner of its Legal Practitioners by 4:00 pm on Friday the 29th day of May, 2015. Dated this 21st day of April, 2015. RENEE T. ST. ROSE PETER I. FOSTER & ASSOCIATES THE PETITIONER LEGAL PRACTITIONERS ARE: MESSRS. PETER I. FOSTER & ASSOCIATES, Chambers, Robin Kelton Building, Choc Bay, Castries, Saint Lucia.Tel. No.: 758 453-1100, Fax No.: 758 452-4940, E-mail: The Court office is at Peynier Street. Castries. Telephone number 758 453-1916 Fax number 453-2071. The Court Office is open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday and between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Friday except Public Holidays.. E-mail; stluhco@ [ First Publication ] Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 629 Saint Lucia Government Gazette IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2015/0248 BETWEEN: THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA and (1) JULIAN ALPHONSE (2) IRMINA REGIS-ALPHONSE (3) SHAWN REGIS Claimant Defendants TO: (1) IRMINA REGIS-ALPHONSE (2) SHAWN REGIS NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that a Claim has been filed in the High Court of Justice, Saint Lucia No. SLUHCV2015/0248 against the Second-named and Third-named Defendants by the Claimant, The Bank of Nova Scotia AND SERVICE of the Notice of the Claim Form and Statement of Claim and all other proceedings in this matter will be effected on you through advertisements in two (2) issues of the Official Gazette and in two publications in a newspaper circulating in Saint Lucia. IF YOU DESIRE to defend this action or to be heard you must within twenty eight (28) days of the last publication file an Acknowledgment of Service at the Registry of the High Court of Justice, Peynier Street in the City of Castries in this Island. IN DEFAULT of filing Acknowledgment of Service within the time stipulated, the court may hear the case in your absence without further notice and Judgment may be granted in favour of the Claimant THE Claim Form and Statement of Claim can be viewed at the High Court Office at Peynier Street, Castries, Saint Lucia telephone number 453-1916, Fax 453-2071 or email The office is open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Mondays to Thursdays and between 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Fridays except public holidays. THE Claim Form and Statement of Claim can also be viewed and/or copies of same can be obtained from the offices of Floissac Fleming & Associates, Cnr. Brazil & Mongiraud Streets, Castries, Saint Lucia, Telephone number (758)452-2887, Fax Number (758)453-1496 or Email: The office is open between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on Mondays to Fridays except public holidays. Dated the 17th day of April, 2015. FLOISSAC FLEMING & ASSOCIATES Per: Geoffrey Du Boulay Legal Practitioner for the Claimant The Court office is at Peynier Street, Castries, Saint Lucia;Telephone number (758) 453-1916 Fax number (758) 453-2071. Email: stluhco@ The office is open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday and between 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Fridays except Public Holidays. This Notice is being filed by Floissac Fleming & Associates, Solicitors for the Claimant, Cnr. Brazil and Mongiraud Streets, Castries, Saint Lucia, Telephone: 452-2887/452-3250, Fax 453-1496, Email: [ First Publication ] Saint Lucia Government Gazette 630 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2014/0863 BETWEEN: ST. LUCIA MORTGAGE FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED and (1) ANTONIUS DUPLESSIS (DECEASED) (2) AGATHA DUPLESSIS of Bishop's Gap, Marchand, Castries Claimant Defendants TO: AGATHA DUPLESSIS NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against you in the High Court of Justice, (Saint Lucia) Claim No. SLUHCV2014/0863 by ST. LUCIA MORTGAGE FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED in which is claimed, liquidated damages. AND SERVICE of the Notice of the Claim Form in this action on you is being effected by this advertisement in two (2) consecutive issues of a Local Newspaper circulating in Saint Lucia and in two (2) consecutive issues of the Official Gazette. THE Claim and Statement of Claim can be viewed at the High Court Office at Peynier Street, Castries, Saint Lucia or at the Chambers of McNamara & Co., Micoud Street, Castries, Saint Lucia. YOU MUST with in Twenty eight (28) days of the last publication of this advertisement enter an acknowledgement of service, and if you desire to defend the said action you must within Fourty two (42) days of the last publication of this advertisement enter a Defence, at the Registry of the High Court of Justice in the City of Castries, and serve the Defence on the Claimant. IN DEFAULT of such acknowledgement and/or Defence the Claimant will be entitled to apply to have judgment entered against you. If the Claimant does so, you will have no right to be heard by the Court except as to costs or the method of paying any judgment unless you apply to set judgment aside. Dated the 13th day of March, 2015. MCNAMARA & CO. Per: (Sgd) Kimberley Roheman Legal Practitioners for the Claimant The Court office is at Peynier Street. Castries. Saint Lucia;Telephone number (758) 453-1916 Fax number (758) 453-2071. The office is open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday to Friday except Public Holidays. The office can also be contacted via email at stluhco@ This Notice is being filed by: McNamara & Co., Chambers, 20 Micoud Street, Castries, Saint Lucia, Telephone: (758) 4522662, Fax: (758) 452-3885, email: [ Second Publication ] Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015 631 Saint Lucia Government Gazette IN THE EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE SAINT LUCIA CLAIM NO.: SLUHCV 2014/0860 BETWEEN: ST. LUCIA MORTGAGE FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED and (1) GARETH A. DOCTROVE (2) TALIAH DOCTROVE of Cas En Bas, Gros Islet Claimant Defendants TO: (1) GARETH A. DOCTROVE and (2) TALIAH DOCTROVE NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that an action has been commenced against you in the High Court of Justice, (Saint Lucia) Claim No. SLUHCV2014/0860 by ST. LUCIA MORTGAGE FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED in which is claimed, liquidated damages. AND SERVICE of the Notice of the Claim Form in this action on you is being effected by this advertisement in two (2) consecutive issues of a Local Newspaper circulating in Saint Lucia and in two (2) consecutive issues of the Official Gazette. THE Claim and Statement of Claim can be viewed at the High Court Office at Peynier Street, Castries, Saint Lucia or at the Chambers of McNamara & Co., Micoud Street, Castries, Saint Lucia. YOU MUST with in Twenty eight (28) days of the last publication of this advertisement enter an acknowledgement of service, and if you desire to defend the said action you must within Fourty two (42) days of the last publication of this advertisement enter a Defence, at the Registry of the High Court of Justice in the City of Castries, and serve the Defence on the Claimant. IN DEFAULT of such acknowledgement and/or Defence the Claimant will be entitled to apply to have judgment entered against you. If the Claimant does so, you will have no right to be heard by the Court except as to costs or the method of paying any judgment unless you apply to set judgment aside. Dated the 13th day of March, 2015. MCNAMARA & CO. Per: (Sgd) Kimberley Roheman Legal Practitioners for the Claimant The Court office is at Peynier Street. Castries. Saint Lucia;Telephone number (758) 453-1916 Fax number (758) 453-2071. The office is open between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Monday to Friday except Public Holidays. The office can also be contacted via email at stluhco@ This Notice is being filed by: McNamara & Co., Chambers, 20 Micoud Street, Castries, Saint Lucia, Telephone: (758) 4522662, Fax: (758) 452-3885, email: [ Second Publication ] Saint Lucia Government Gazette 632 Issue 17 Monday April 27, 2015
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