August - Early Ford V
August - Early Ford V
44 Years and still hitting on all 8 cylinders Volume 44 - Issue 8 - August 2013 New Member Profile One of our new members is Steve Wilk, he and his significant other Sue live in Bellevue, he has a 16 Year old Son. Steve currently owns a 1946 Ford coupe, a 1972 Lincoln Mark IV that is also almost in perfect condition and a 1976 Ford F-250 ¾ ton Ford is very nice but really just form & function. Steve won an award with his Mark IV last summer in a parking lot car show for the best Ford product class. Steve’s starting collecting cars when his father bought him a 1930 Model A in 1960. Steve states “It took 4 years to do a body off total restoration, in the days before internet - wrecking yards were the source for parts and there were still many around to choose from. It was a great learning experience”. Question: What Favorite car did you sell but wish you had it back? Steve’s answer: Maybe that Model A, or my Corvette Stingray when gas was 33 cents a gallon for 100 octane. I have also owned many foreign sports cars which I enjoyed driving. Dream cars for Steve, include an early Z-28 327 CI or the early Shelby Cobra 289 CI. Steve’s thoughts on non-stock modifications: “I think it is up to every individual. I do not judge any other persons modifications. My own cars have always been FACTORY BONE STOCK. That is my personal preference. If I do make a modification it will be period correct only. “ One of Steve’s current projects include an aluminum Fulton Sun Visor which he will install on his 46 Coupe. Steve states, “Aluminum has a different set of challenges. I have had 2 other Chevy half ton trucks that were fitted with Fulton visors and I always liked the look.” When working on his cars Steve does the details and lets a trusted mechanic do the rest. Steve currently and has worked for Costco Wholesale in the Corporate office for 25 Years. He started in product development in the bakery program. Five Years ago he switched over to the Food Safety Department. Steve mentions, “I consider myself a Food Cop now. I deal with Costco Food vendors and make sure they comply with all the laws and rules of the Federal, State, City and Counties where we have locations.” 1 2013 PSRG WHO’S WHO President-Ron Costello 206-550-4370 Vice-President- Dave Ellis 360-403-3298 Secretary-Gerry Herber 425-641-8569 Treasurer-Lois Lowman 425-481-2088 Parliamentarian-Bob Heckel 425-697-5951 Sargent at Arms-Buzz Quesnell 206-525-3129 2013 Directors Committee Chairs Accessories-Scott Jenkins 206-778-9097 Advertising-Guy Generaux 206-323-5709 Activities Coordinator-Bruce Anderson 425-226-5505 Fall Banquet -Bruce Anderson 425-226-5505 41st Annual Early Ford V-8 Car Show and Picnic-Ron Lang 425-788-6789 Historian-Rick Mann 425-481-0544 Bruce Anderson Librarian-Rick Mann 425-226-5505 425-481-0544 Todd Gudmundson 206-391-8427 Sharon Heckel 425-697-5951 Ron Lang 425-788-6789 Elmo Lewis 425-888-2118 Tom McCutchen 360-659-0662 Newsletter- Scott Jenkins Sunshine DickJauch 360-387-1580 Program Coordinator Dave Ellis 360-403-3298 Membership/Rosters-Guy Generaux 206-323-5709 Please send newsletter information to Scott Jenkins 6412 NE 196th St. Kenmore,Wa 98028 E-mail Phone 206-778-9097 MeetingRaffle-Dick Jauch 3 6 0 - 3 8 7 - 1 5 8 0 r i c h a rd . j a u c h @ f ro n t i e r. c o m Refreshments- Mike Amos 425-881-2054 & Ken Stobee 425-33792 PSRG Summer Picnic-LD Charf 206-818-8162 Sunshine-Dick Jauch 360-387-1580 Swap Meet May 17-19, 2013 Pete Lowman 425-481-2088 Tours-Gary Duff 206-284-1613 Tour of The Year-Guy Generaux 206-323-5709 Web Site Puget Sounds is published by the Early Ford V-8 Club PSRG #18 solely for the enjoyment and use of its members, and to present a forum for the personal stories of the staff and contributors. The Puget Sound Regional Group #18 does not endorse any opinions nor does it warranty information contributed by any individual. Articles, Comments and Information are greatly solicited and may be sent the Editor: Welcome-Guy Generaux 206-323-5709 Web Master Ray Bunn Summer - 360-422-7314 Winter - 760-636-1148 Cell 206-979-1752 Puget Sound Regional Group of the Early Ford V-8 Club of America Puget Sounds 2 We are pleased to have items for publication in other newsletters when credit is given to the source. Submissions are requested by the 15th and cutoff date is the about the 18th of the month prior to publication. Note: The Early Ford V-8 Club PSRG #18 respects our members and friends confidentiality and privacy. We do not make our mailing list available to other organizations. The Puget Sound Regional Group meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. At the Luther Memorial Church, 13047 Greenwood Ave N. in Seattle. Unless scheduled at a special location. Board meetings start at 7:00 pm at the hosts chosen location. General Meeting Minutes Presidents Words Gerry Herber Ron Costello The Grand National Golden Jubilee is history and what a meet! It was the largest in the history of the club with over 900 participants. The Washington contingent represented itself well with 14 awards. From my point of view, as a fairly new member, (10 years) it was very impressive. Right up there with our own 2006 Tacoma National meet. (I may be a little biased here.) The joint PSRG/Cascade meeting at the XXX Drive In was a great success. The burgers and Root Beer where tasty and Jose provided several prizes for the Group. Some folks won lottery tickets for 1 million dollars! I am waiting for my commission on their winnings. The next time you are on the eastside, stop by the XXX and thank Jose for being such a great host and be sure to buy another burger to show our appreciation. The annual Pizza Meeting is just around the corner. Gary Duff has planned to stuff you at Jim Greens Performance Center. I understand the Jim Green collection and displays to be very interesting and well worth the trip to Monroe. See you there on August 6th. August is Picnic Month and we will meet you at Reeney and LD’s on Vashon Island, Saturday the 17th. They have planned a breakfast, tour and Pot-Luck picnic so be sure to read the details here in the newsletter. Also, place the Tour of the Year on your calendar. Guy Generaux has planned another fabulous trip to the Shelton/ Aberdeen area with several stops at some great car collections. October 5-6! (I hear a golf course is nearby.) Fix those Fords, Ron Costello 3 Not many minutes from our Triple X meeting :) Membership Leads & Needs Leads & Needs listings are free for club members. All listings will run for 3 months unless they are renewed or terminated early. Listings will be dated so you will know when they expire. Contact Scott to have them kept in another month or to have them removed earlier. Fill out the listing form at the monthly club meeting. OR E-mail your listing to the newsletter editor at OR Mail your listing to the newsletter editor: Scott Jenkins 6412 NE 196th st. Kenmore, Wa. 98028 Guy Generaux 2013 PSRG Tour Of The Year October 5-6. Register Now! 20 years ago the idea for an annual club overnight tour was borne from the desire to maintain close relationships among our members following the highly successful hosting of the legendary ’92 Western National Meet in Coeur d’ Alene. That meet drew our group very close together and we enjoyed the camaraderie and teamwork required to stage a national event. The Tour of the Year is a unique opportunity to get to know your fellow club members beyond our monthly meetings. And we typically mix in some great activities along the way. This year will be no exception as we head south (and west) to view some splendid car collections and properties. Saturday our first stop will be to the collection of Ron Boone, whose family owned Boone Ford (now All-Star Ford) of Olympia for many years. Ron’s assemblage of Fords and other classics is rarely available for display, so you won’t want to be late for our excursion. Then it will be on to Aberdeen to the home of Donn and Annette Pinckney, long-time PSRG members. Outside of Bill Steil, Donn has probably the most extensive stable of ’32 Ford cars and parts in the Northwest. Donn and cousin Chuck (also a PSRG member), are well-known authorities on ’32-’34 Fords. Not much gets by these guys. Backtracking a bit, we will then head to Totten Inlet on Hood Canal to the home of member Mike Dermond. With an expansive waterfront panorama and an impressive shop/building, it’s the perfect setting for a V8-er. Just minutes from Mike’s place is our overnight destination: the Little Creek Casino Resort. With an upscale hotel tower, five restaurants, gaming, spa/pool, museum and live entertainment, it’s guaranteed your evening will be far from boring. Sunday, you may be game to extend your winnings from the night before or perhaps play a round of golf on the adjacent new Salish Cliffs Golf Course, selected as the #2 course in the state by Golfweek Magazine. Head home at your leisure. PSRG invites you to attend, and as an incentive will help subsidize this event. Your cost to attend is $55 per couple (or individual). This includes your hotel stay plus a complimentary $5 gaming credit each (jackpots must be shared with the tour chairman).See Page 9 for more... Needs 1946-47 Mercury Running boards and instrument cluster. Wanted by Tom McCutchen, Work phone 425-252-6222 or 425-252-6411 or cell 425-737-2467 This ad expires on 8-13 Needs for a For a 1946 Ford: Complete trunk tool kit for my 1946 Ford Super Deluxe Sedan Coupe 69A-72B 99A835945, Any or All Ford Script: 7/16 x 1/2 & 9/16 x 5/8 open end wrench, Headnut & Sparkplug wrench, Adjustable wrench, Jack & base - Lug Nut wrench - Tire Iron and Screwdriver & Pliers, Pouch. Also looking for a license plate frame to fit the 1946 Washington plate I have. Would be great to be a dealer frame but not sure if these were available back then The dimensions are larger than current state plates,{13 7/8ths X 5 6/8ths}. Contact Steve Wilk Leads 1925 Model T Coupe. Basket case but lots of extra parts in cluding engine, trans, Ruxtell 2-speed rearend. Offered by Tom McCutchen, Work phone 425-252-6222 or 425-2526411 or cell 425-737-2467. This ad expires on 8-13 This ad expires on 10-13 1937 FORD CLUB COUPE, The club coupe has a full back seat...great for touring. This is an original car with a couple of small upgrades (Hydraulic brakes and 12 Volt electrical system). Original 1937 Ford running gear and flathead. Runs, drives and looks great! Car has been driven to Winthrop several times. $26,000 US. Please contact Clare Petersen at 360-691-5659 Granite Falls, WA, or Chuck Pinckney 425-226-4775 or pedalbarn@ This ad expires on 9-13 Parting out 1948 Mercury 4 door running Flathead V8, good oil pressure, good sheet metal, no interior Offered by Tom McCutchen, Work phone 425-252-6222 or 425-252-6411 or cell 425-737-2467. This ad expires on 8-13 Our club is dedicated to the preservation and restoration of Ford Motor Company products manufactured from 1932 through 1954. Guests are always welcome and you do not need to own an early V-8 to be a member. However, National Early Ford V-8 Club membership is required. Contact Guy Generaux at 206-323-5709 or for additional information. 4 See Page 8 For More Leads Fall Banquet 2013 The 2013 Fall Banquet will be held at the Red Lion-Bellevue on Saturday, November the 16th at 6:00 PM. Ron Costello will MC the banquet and hand out the awards. Committee members include Todd Gudmundson, Sharon Heckel, Bev Lewis, and Dave and Elaine Ellis. Bruce Anderson is the event coordinator. Another committee member is needed to coordinate the plaque and certificate awards with Steve Henry and Ray Bunn who will make the plaques and certificates respectively. Please call or e-mail Bruce if you would like to volunteer for this job. Please set aside November 16th on your calendar. The committee will be working hard to make this an exciting and interesting event. FINAL REPORT of THE 40th ANNUAL SEATTLE AUTO SWAP MEET Dear Members: The 40th Seattle Auto Swap Meet is History ! I thank all Club Members, who participated, for all the great help you provided to make the Swap Meet a success! A break down of the key jobs follows: The Swap Meet Committee: Pete Lowman Chairman Chuck Mcleod Reservations Bob Heckel Job Assignments Lois Lowman Radios / sign in / out & Thank You’s Bob Scott Traffic & Grounds Tom Dailey Equipment Transport & Cleanup Mike Dermond Computer Programs Bill Steil 1-800 Line Guy Generaux Advertising The Committee was supported by the Area Captains : AREA # 30 31 400 / 406 601/ 602 / ½ 612 609outside/610/611/ ½ 612 600 / 604 / 606 53 / 500 607 / 608 Meet Office Club Stall Signs / Fire Extinguishers Jay Stanton Tim Larson Ana Haley Don Conrad Grant Cayton Pat LeSesne AREA CAPTAINS Tom McCutchen Mark Keenholts Bill Meade Dave Ellis Cliff Winfrey Larry Coleman Mike Amos Randy Stobbe Mike Woodard / Phil Howard / Bill Haynie David Olmer Garth McDonald Ld Charf Ron Costello Bruce Anderson Gerry Herber Merrilla Stobbe Ken Stobbe Rick Mann Dick Jauch Elmo Lewis Assisting Club representatives: Vintage Chevrolet Club of America, Mt. Rainier Group “ “ “ “ “ , North Cascade Group “ “ “ “ “ , Puget Sound Group Horseless Carriage Club of America Early Ford V8 Club of America Cascade Group Buick Club of America North Cascade Chapter See Page 6 for More 5 More Swap Meet ... A total of 168 individuals volunteered 1,748.25 hours!!! A breakdown by club follows: CLUB VOLUNTEERS HOURS BCA North Cascade Chapter 28 284.75 VCCA North Cascade Group 13 70.0 VCCA Puget Sound Group 27 111.0 VCCA Mt. Rainier Group 12 64.0 HCCA Seattle Group 12 87.0 EFV8 Cascade R G Vendor Parking “ “ “ non Vendor Parking } 19 2 318.5 6.0 EFV8 Puget Sound Regional Group 55 807.0 The hours outlined above were worked from Friday, May 17th thru Sunday, May 19 th and do not reflect the hours spent by most of the Area Captains on Thursday, May 16th. I would on behalf of the club like to extend a BIG THANK YOU to: Mr. Jim Moore, Owner of Fire King Inc. 240 – South Holden St. Seattle, WA 98108-4360 for the loan of 24 fire extinguishers to us for the meet!! The threatening weather stayed mostly dry except for overnight! The Fairgrounds traffic and food services estimated Saturday attendance at 12,500 + people. Sunday attendance based on parking revenue was estimated at 3,500+/- . Our vendor stall sales breakdown follows: Vendor Stalls Car Corral Stalls R.V. Stalls 1311 152 43 Total Combined Stall Sales 1506 AGAIN , THANKS TO ALL!!! Pete Lowman Swap Meet Chairman Chuck McLeod Reservations 6 Sunshine Dick Jauch Hello All: These past few months have been rather slow for the Sunshine Committee, which is just great. There were no “special cases” reported to me this month. Keep this up, it’s great. And for those who continue their struggles with aches and pains, etc., a prayer in their direction will surely be appreciated. Dick Jauch, Sunshine Chairman. Strong Chicken Lobby Group ?? I ran across a hardware store ad the other day for “POULTRY NETTING”. Immediately my mind flashed to our “politically correct world” and I thought, it appears that we can no longer call “chicken wire”, “chicken wire” (we might offend the chickens I guess)? So, thought we should let the V8 club guys know that they should ask for “POULTRY NETTING” instead of “chicken wire” when they’re buying pieces to put a new top in an early Ford. Thanks to Chuck Pinckney A brief comment. Ve get so soon olt, but so late schmardt!! I have been hassling with my 92 F-150 for some time now. Spent lots of money upgrading and all but the thing that made the most difference was going back to the basics. The ignition was about 8 degrees advanced. My fault, I am sure. Lesson learned: Go back to the basics, timing, fuel control and lose wires, etc. Another one: My riding mower has had the intake air filter cleaned several times but replacing it at about 300 hours, rather than cleaning it, got a dramatic increase in power and about a 1/3rd less fuel consumption. Have a great month. Some of our Great Swamp Meet Help Dick Jauch, Sunshine Chairman. Please send any information needing action by the Sunshine committee to: Dick Jauch 1139 S New Morning Road Camano Island, W 98265 360-387-1580 Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 6th, Meet at at Jim Greens Performance Center located at 17520 147th St. SE Monroe, WA 98272, 425-774-3507 or 425774-4714, we start at 6:00 PM. Pizza at 7:00. Input for the September Newsletter Deadline: August 19th. Send Input to: 7 More Leads 1948 FORD PICKUP - F-1, restoration started, solid body, there is a transmission in the Pickup and a 1965 221 Comet Engine mounted in it, but we also have the original engine that we got with it and it runs good also. Lots of new and NOS parts. $3500. Call John Muhlenkamp, 253-845-9388 or for list of parts and more photos. This ad expires on 9-13 1936 Ford Roadster. Car has just gone through a restoration and overhaul. Updates include: 12 volts, electric fuel pump and cooling fan, pressure cooling system, hydraulic brakes, 1937 steering, 24 stud engine, Navarro heads, headers,dual exhaust and dual carburetors, 3.25 gear ratio, alternator,spider hub caps, banjo steering wheel, turn signals, side curtains, 8 day string wind clock, chrome heart shaped wiper motor, twin temperature gauges, radio, seat belts. The list goes on and on. The 1936 Roadster is all Henry’s steel except for the fender skirts and may be Henry’s best looking Ford. This car cannot be built for the asking price of $65,000. Car is sold”as is” without warranties. Rex Walker 425-747-0127. This ad expires on 10-13 8 More on the Tour of the Year Fill out the form below and enclose a $55 check made to: PSRG. Mail to: Chairman Guy Generaux. 2217 Everett Ave E. Seattle, WA. 98102. Deadline to reserve is September 15, however space may be limited and granted on a first-to-register basis. Do not call the hotel. We have reservations in a group block. Watch your e-mail for further information on meeting time and place, complete itinerary, and other details. Tour of the Year Chairman, Guy Generaux Attendee Names ___________________________ ____________________________ E-mail Address _________________________________ Check enclosed $55 (PSRG) Little Creek Casino Resort 9 2013 Summer Picnic Co-sponsored by: Puget Sound Regional Group #18 And Cascade Regional Group #57 VASHON ISLAND Saturday August 17, 2013 Hosted by: Reeney & LD Chart 14200 107th Way SW Vashon Island, WA 98070 LD’s Cell Phone - - 206-818-8162 SCHEDULE GOAL(S): FERRIES: 8:55AM -Pre-Breakfast Ferry (leaving Fauntleroy Dock). 8:25AM -Pre-Breakfast Ferry (leaving Pt. Defiance Dock). 8:20AM -Pre-Breakfast Ferry (leaving Southworth Dock). Please see Ferries Web site for more information: Ferry Cost: Standard: $18.40 Under 14 Ft $14.25 Senior Passenger:$2.50 Walk-on Senior:$2.50 Crossing time from 10 to 15 minutes depending on the point of departure 9:30 AM — Pancake Breakfast at the Charf’s: Pancakes, Strawberries and Ham & Eggs for the early risers. 11:00 AM -Road Tour of Vashon & Maury Islands with photo-ops and guided tour of Historic Point Robertson Light House on Maury Island. 1:30 PM — Pot-Luck Picnic Dinner at the Charf’s. Shared consumption of favorite Side Dishes, Salads and Desserts, brought by Attendees; Tire Kicking, Garage inspections, Social Interaction and Relaxation. Afternoon:— Open to self-guided tours of Islands, shopping in VashonTown Center, { } or simply hanging-out and visiting at the Charf’s. Evening:- Perhaps checking into one of the Bed & Breakfast venues for the night, or catching a Ferry for the Main Land. BREAKFAST FARE: (Provided by the Co-Sponsoring Clubs) Pancakes,Strawberries,Ham&Eggs,Plastic Tableware, and Cups. Heavy Paper Plates, Cups Napkins. Condiments: Cream, Sugar & Syrups. Coffee, Orange Juice and Water. POT-LUCK FARE: “This is a Pot-Luck Picnic”. Each Attendee/ Participant is requested to bring one, or more, of their favorite Side Dishes**, Salads, or Desserts able to serve 6-8 people, along with serving utensils.**Heating and cooling of dishes will be somewhat limited on-site. Please take person responsibility for heating and cooling of what you bring, i.e. Ice Chests, Thermal Pouches etc.. A Barbecue Grill and Breakfast Griddle will be available along with limited use of a Micro-wave, Gas Range & small Gas Griddle. Co-Sponsoring Clubs will provide: Ham,Heavy Paper Plates, Cups, Napkins,Left over Strawberries, Coffee,Juice,Water and Beer. Condiments: Ketchup and Mustard,Cream & Sugar. Seating: Plastic Chairs will be provided for Table Seating. You are encouraged to bring your Road Touring Folding Chairs, as well, for comfort!! Fuel up before you come to the Island, There are three stations on the Island, but, you won’t like the costs. Driving: 2.6 Miles from North end. 20-min. from South end. SEE PAGE 11 for a Vashon Island Map We still have room for more ads, so if you would like to add yours please call Guy Generaux at 206-323-5709 or e-mail to Guy at 10 11 2013 Event Calendar General meetings start at 7:30pm at the Lutheran Church, 13047 Greenwood Ave North, Seattle unless otherwise announced. Board meetings start at 7:00pm at the host location below unless otherwise announced. January 2nd General meeting. Swap meet mailing party. 23rd Board meeting. Bob and Sharon Heckel to host February 5th General meeting March 5th General meeting. Battery seminar Rich Troberg 16th & 17th Early Bird Swap Meet, Puyallup 16th & 17TH Almost Spring Swap Meet. Puy27th Board meeting. Mark and Carol Keenholts allup to host 27th Board Meeting. Tom and Donna McCutchen hosted April 2nd General meeting Potluck (ham) 4TH – 7TH Portland Swap meet 20TH Mount Vernon Swap Meet 24th Board meeting. Elmo and Bev Lewis to host May 7th General Meeting 10th SNO Isle training center show. See Pete Lowman 17th – 19th Monroe Swap Meet. Pete Lowman 22nd Board meeting. Ron Lang will host. July 2nd General Meeting. Meet at XXX in Issaquah. 6:00 PM Joint gathering with Cascade 13th Run to Roslyn. Will meet Cascade group at North Bend Outlet Mall at 830am Todd will coordinate 21st Edmonds in bloom garden tour. Sharon Heckel will plan 24th Board meeting. Bruce and Sandy Anderson will host 6th General meeting General meeting at Jim Greens Performance Center in Monroe. 6:00 PM. Pizza at 7:00 17th Joint Summer picnic with Cascade. LD and Reeney Charf Will host on Vashon Island. Pictures will be taken. 28th Board meeting Ron and Pat Costello will host. October 1st General meeting. Show’n Tell. Sharon Heckel will coordinate and host. 5th-6th Tour of the year. Guy Generaux to coordinate 23rd Board meeting. Don and Annett, Kelson will host August November 5th General meeting. Silent auction. Donna Christensen will coordinate and host. 16th Fall Banquet. (Sat) 20th Board meeting. Host needed 12 June 2nd Ford car show and Picnic, Bellevue College. Ron Lang Chairman 4th General meeting. Trunk swap meet 17th – 20th National Meet. Lake Tahoe 26th Board meeting. Bob and Ruth Porter will host September 2nd Fall Ford Fest, Cascade Club 3rd General meeting. Potluck Club will supply a ham Winthrop Tour (Gary Duff) 25th Board meeting. Dave and Elaine Ellis will host. December 3rd General meeting. Christmas gift exchange No Board meeting
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