Volume 43 - Issue 10 - October 2012 - Early Ford V


Volume 43 - Issue 10 - October 2012 - Early Ford V
Volume 43 - Issue 10 - October 2012
2012 Western National Meet in Redmond Oregon
Words and photos by Guy Generaux
Our PSRG members made an impressive showing at the recent V8 National
Meet in Redmond, Oregon.
Following are the Award Winners:
Bob Lee - 1st. Pre-war Open, Display Class. 1940 Ford Convertible
Gary Sybouts - 1st. '41-'48 Closed, Touring A Class. 1946 Ford Coupe
Mike Woodard - 1st. Commercial, Touring A Class. 1946 Ford Cab-over
John Porter - 2nd. Mercury, Touring A Class. 1940 Mercury Convertible
Robin Ordonez - 1st. '35-'36 Open, Touring Class. 1936 Ford Cabriolet
Bill Henline - 2nd. '35-'36 Closed, Touring Class. 1935 Ford Tudor
Gary Duff - 3rd (tie). '37-'40 Closed, Touring Class. 1940 Ford Coupe
Ken Petersen - 3rd (tie). '37-'40 Closed, Touring Class. 1940 Ford Coupe
John Knudson - 2nd. '39-'48 Mercury, Touring Class. 1941 Mercury Fordor
Pam Generaux - 3rd. '49-'53 Ford Open, Touring Class. 1950 Ford Convertible
Todd Gudmundson - 1st. Meteor, Touring Class. 1954 Meteor Convertible
Tom Dailey - Medallion. Rouge Class. 1939 Mercury Fordor
Bob Porter - Dearborn. '35-'36 Open, Concourse Class. 1935 Ford Phaeton
ld Charf - Medallion Emeritus. '40 Closed, Concourse Class. 1940 Ford Coupe
Paul Petredis - 2nd. '37-'38 Open, Concourse Class. 1938 Ford Phaeton
Bob Eilert - Medallion. '41-'48 Station Wagon, Concourse Class. 1947 Mercury
Additional Highlights:
Ken Petersen was recognized at the Awards Banquet for owning his car for the
longest period of time and having it at the meet. He acquired his '40 Ford Coupe
in 1950!
The National Meet Golf Tournament was won by the PSRG team of Guy
Generaux, Bob Porter, John Porter and A.J. Porter. They prevailed by a 7-stroke
margin of victory.
Joanne and Jim Hendry missed the Concourse event as he was hospitalized
with a heart attack the evening before. A group effort managed to get their '53
Mercury to the display. A stint was inserted and Jim was on the mend quickly. As
Todd Gudmundson brought Jim home from the medical center, Todd's Meteor
Convertible stalled. Leave it to Jim to get under the hood and get the car going
again, within minutes of his release!
Gary Duff logged the most miles of any PSRG member round-trip for the meet
in his '40 Coupe. Gary departed early to attend the Winthrop Car Show, then
traveled to Redmond, Oregon - and returned home via Vantage to take in the
Flathead Challenge. He recorded over 1,400 miles!
Two 34 3 window
coupes getting ready
for judging
Some of the touring class ready for
show on the concourse
Ruth Porter holds judge
Jack Hogan hostage until
Bob gets his Dearborn
award for the 35 Phaeton
Celebrating the 75th year 37 Fords were featured in
abundance at the meet
Committee Chairs
Bob Heckel
Puget Sounds is published by the Early
Scott Jenkins - 425-486-1393
Mark Keenholts
Ken Stobbe
Lois Lowman
Chuck McLeod
425-392-1098 cmcl2@msn.com
Guy Generaux 206-323-5709
Activities Coordinator
Bruce Anderson 425-226-5505
Fall Banquet 2012
Sharon Heckel 425-697-5951
Ford All Makes Picnic
2013 OPEN
Rick Mann 425-481-0544
Rick Mann 425-481-0544
Sargent at Arms
Buz Quesnell
Guy Generaux 206-323-5709
Meeting Raffle
Ford V-8 Club PSRG #18 solely for the enjoyment and use of its members, and to present
a forum for the personal stories of the staff
and contributors. The Puget Sound Regional
Group #18 does not endorse any opinions
nor does it warranty information contributed
by any individual. Articles, Comments and
Information are greatly solicited and may be
sent the Editor:
Norm Larabee
8801 202nd Place SW
Edmonds, WA 98026
E-mail editor@efv8psrg.org
Phone 425-776-2602
Dick Jauch 360-387-1580
2012 Directors
Buzz Quesnell
Dave Ellis
Ron Lang
Todd Gudmundson
Scott Jenkins
Tom McCutchen
Norm Larabee & Scott Jenkins
Dick Jauch
Program Coordinator
Mark Keenholts
Carol Scott 360-668-6950 & Ken Stobee 425-33792
Restoration Tips
Dick Flynn
PSRG Summer Picnic
2013 OPEN
Swap Meet
Dick Jauch 360-387-1580
May 18-19, 2013
Pete Lowman 425-481-2088
tion in other newsletters when credit is given to the source.
Gary Duff 206-284-1613
Tour of The Year
Guy Generaux 206-323-5709
Guy Generaux 206-323-5709
15th and cutoff date is the about the
18th of the month prior to publication.
Note: The Early Ford V-8 Club PSRG #18
respects our members and friends confidentiality and privacy. We do not make our
mailing list available to other organizations.
Web Site
Web Master
Ray Bunn
Summer - 360-422-7314
Winter - 760-636-1148
Cell - 206-979-1752
We are pleased to share items for publica-
Puget Sound Regional Group of the
Early Ford V-8 Club of America
Puget Sounds
The Puget Sound Regional Group
meets on the first Tuesday of each
month at 7:30 p.m. At the Luther
Memorial Church, 13047 Greenwood Ave N. in Seattle. Unless
scheduled at a special location.
Board meetings start at 7:00 pm at
the hosts chosen location.
Bob Heckel
Before you head off to the October 2nd Meeting at Luther
Memorial Church make sure you have:
1. An interesting Show’ n Tell item (s) to share with
everyone. An interesting Show’ n Tell item (s) to
share with everyone.
2. Given serious considerations to whom you believe
deserves to be nominated for the Club Awards AND
complete the appropriate form (s) and give them to
Ken Stobbe. Oct 2nd is the deadline.
3. Turned in your Tour of The Year Application (and
money), October 2nd is your last chance!
4. Turned in your reservations and money for the Fall
5. Given serious thought as to how PSRG will operate
without a President, Vice President and Secretary in
As one reads through the September Newsletter 3 names
keep reappearing: Bruce Anderson, Sharon Heckel and
Scott Jenkins. Thank you all for your contributions, we do
appreciate it!
A special thanks to Mark Keenholts for making sure Buzz
gets to all the Meetings. That’s going beyond expectations—
Much to Ron Lang’s delight, Dick Jauch will be back from
vacation in the Midwest and resume his raffle duties.
October should be a very exciting month—check the 2012
Event Calendar AND mark your calendar!
Bob Heckel
Subject: Repairing Hearts & Engines
A mechanic was removing a cylinder head from the motor of a
Harley motorcycle when he spotted a well-known heart surgeon
in his shop.
The surgeon was there, waiting for the service manager to
come and take a look at his bike.
The mechanic shouted across the garage, "Hey, Doc, can I ask
you a question?"
The surgeon a bit surprised, walked over to the mechanic
working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up,
wiped his hands on a rag and asked, "So Doc, look at this
engine. I open its heart, take the valves out, fix 'em, put 'em
back in, and when I finish, it works just like new. So how come I
get such a small salary and you get the really big bucks, when
you and I are doing basically the same work?"
The surgeon paused, smiled and leaned over, and whispered
to the mechanic...
"Try doing it with the engine running”.
Thanks to Ron Lang
General Meeting
Ken Stobbe
Bob opened the meeting at 7:10
Bob thanked all workers and those that brought food in
No new members tonight. Also no needs or leads tonight.
Bob skipped the last board meeting minuets, and went to
the treasures report, Lois reported that all is well and paid
up to date.
Mark reported that the Oct. meeting will be the show and
tell night, and Sharon will run it.
Gary will give a report on the western meet at the next
Scott reported that he will bring the accessories to each
meeting at the silent auction in November. After that all left
items will be donated to the Good Will.
Fall Banquet, the registration forms are in the newsletter so
please get you money so the planning can go on thank you.
Nominations—Mark reported that we are still are looking for
someone to run for the three main offices. We talked about
this for a few minutes with no decisions made.
Pete talked about the students from Sno-Isle tech Skills
Center school. This year they had so many wanting to
come that they had to cut some. It seems that Snohomish
County requires so many hours of community support so we
will always get all the help we need next year. Pete thinks
it is good for our club as well as good for the kids.
A note that Todd has tour planned for Oct.13 and Guy Tour
of the year on the 14th.
For all that did not come tonight, you miss a good feed.
We have some great cooks in pout club, so be sure you all
come to the next potluck night.
The next Board meeting will be at Dave Ellis’s.
Raffle Winners Mike, Rick, Rod, Dave Ellis, and Elmo.
The $50.00 was Bob Scott .
Meeting adjourned at 8:40
Ken Stobbe, Secretary
The entertainment for the October meeting is SHOW-NTELL. Those who have participated before know that
club members like anything from rusty to shiny, new to
old, “what the heck is this?” to a detailed descriptions
of the item. Have a story that goes along with it? We
really want to hear it! So, give this some though and look
through your collections of things. I can’t wait to see what
you are going to bring!
Sharon Heckel
Leads & Needs
Leads & Needs listings are free for club members. All listings
will run for 3 months unless they are renewed or terminated
early. Listings will be dated so you will know when they expire.
Contact Norm to have them kept in another month or to have
them removed earlier.
Fill out the listing form at the monthly club meeting.
E-mail your listing to the newsletter editor at editor@efv8psrg.org.
Mail your listing to the newsletter editor:
Norman Larabee
8801 202nd Place SW,
Edmonds, WA 98026
Guy Generaux
Welcome new members Kelly & Nita Waller
from Snohomish.
The Wallers own a 1940 Ford Standard Tudor
Sedan, 1940 Ford Deluxe Tudor Sedan and a
1955 Ford 4-yard dump truck. Both of 1940 Fords
are 2-door (Tudor) sedans that have flathead V8
motors. The Standard is Folkstone Grey with a
Columbia 2-speed rear end and the Deluxe is
Cloud Mist Grey.
They also have a 1955 Ford 4-yard dump truck
with a 460 engine and 4-speed with Mitchell
overdrive splitter, a Dana 70 rear end, power front
disc brakes and power steering and windows, airconditioning, heated mirrors, stereo, tuck & roll
interior with a polished diamond plate box
In addition, we have a Ford 8N tractor, a Ford 800
tractor with backhoe and a 1928 Model A Roadster
under construction with a McCulloch Flathead
Occupations: Kelly owns Kellys North End
Automotive, a general repair shop located in
Snohomish. Nita operates Paradise Design, a
landscape and garden service also in Snohomish
(note the logo on the truck door).
Our club is dedicated to the preservation and restoration of Ford Motor Company products manufactured
from 1932 through 1954.
Guests are always welcome and you do not need to
own an early V-8 to be a member. However, National
Early Ford V-8 Club membership is required.
Contact Guy Generaux at 206-323-5709 or generaux@msn.com for additional information
1953 Mercury Carburetor, used but complete
Horn ring ready for plating / Dash radio screen / Small
special issue hub caps 2 ea.
1936 Ford: New spare tire hold down lock with 2 keys.
1950’s Ford & T Bird: Exterior Door mount rear view mirrors,
New, still in box, 2 ea. 1962-1963 Ford Galaxy Horn Ring
in very good condition. Ken Dearden 425- 226-6141 or
This ad expires on 10/12
1930 Model A roadster, w/ rumble seat, (older restoration)
- from estate of Jim Kuppler - "Maddy" is a long-time family
member, in need of new home & tlc. Wonderful running and
touring. Call or email Lynda Kuppler Erickson, 360-915-7820
or 360-704-8833 (lyndaerickson13@comcast.Net) sale price
negotiable, asking $20,000.
This ad expires on 10/12
Set of 4 like new WSW G78-15 X 5 ½ wide 4-ply Polyester
tires mounted on the original factory 15” x 5-1/2 Roman Red
Metal Wheels, off a 1953 Mercury. $200 OBO, located in
Des Moines. Mike McQuade 206-940-6224 mikemcqua@
This ad expires on 10/12
Leads Continue on Page 9
August Engine Seminar
By Bruce Anderson, including photography
On August 25th Gary Duff demonstrated how to replace
a rear main seal on a 59 style flathead V-8. The seal was
replaced without removing the crankshaft from the engine.
These included the oil pump rear cover, the front timing gear
cover, and the oil pan boss where the dip stick is inserted.
Care was taken to insure the front pulley insertion into the
timing gear cover did not ruin the new seal. The repair was
Preliminary work included removing the flywheel, oil
pump, front cover, and the front pulley. The crankshaft
was then loosened and lifted with a crane. Care was taken
to insure that the crankshaft was in the correct location to
avoid exposing the lower piston ring as the crankshaft was
Rear oil pump cover - a potential source of leaks
completed by running wire and tying off all the appropriate
nuts and reinstalling the oil pump and pan.
The seminar took about 2 ½ hours which according to
Gary, was too long. Maybe so, however the content was
excellent with much of the information useful for oil leaks on
any flathead V-8 engine. The 10 or so attendees were well
rewarded. Many thanks to Tom McCutchen for the use of
his shop, David Olmer for the use of his engine, and to Gary
Duff for his knowledge and expertise.
Prior to surgery with oil pump and timing cover removed
Gary explained the difference between the three main
bearings and how to determine which one goes where. A
#4287 Best Gasket rear main seal kit was cut and trimmed
to fit. Another product, Wurth SesBesto Brake and Parts
Cleaner, was used to thoroughly clean and dry all surfaces
to receive seals and gaskets. Black Silicon was also used
in very small quantities for sealing potential leak areas. The
crankshaft was then pushed back down into the bearing
All Eyes on the block
I couldn’t repair your brakes
I made your horn louder
Shows hazard of lifting too high exposing piston ring
seats taking care that any exposed piston rings were within
the cylinders.
Other potential oil leaks were also noted and repaired.
as seen in Butch Kent’s Garage
2012 PSRG Fall Banquet
Celebrating the 1930s and 1940s
Sunday, November 18th
5:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Red Lion Hotel – Bellevue
11211 Main Street  Bellevue 98004  425-455-5240
From I-405 north or south, take the S.E. 8th Street Exit (Exit 12) and travel westbound. Turn right at
114th Ave. SE. and continue for ½ mile.  The hotel will be on your left.  The banquet facility is to the
south of the hotel with the entrance facing the hotel.
You are invited to wear a style of clothes from that era and join us for an evening of renewing friendships, delicious food,
awards to those who volunteer their time, the installation of the new Officers and Board Members, raffle prizes and some
interesting facts of the 1930s and 1940s.
No-host bar
6:00 PM Sit Down Dinner
Herb Crusted Chicken Breast
Pan Seared NW Salmon
Char-grilled R&R Ranch Steak
Dessert and Starbucks coffee
Members: $20.00
Non-members: $25.00
Registration to be received by: Saturday, November 8th
Mail to: Sharon Heckel P.O. Box 1836 Edmonds, WA 98020
Name: Entrée Choices: _ Chicken, Salmon or Steak
Members - $20.00 each:
Amount of Check: $
Entree Choice
Entree Choice
Entree Choice
Entree Choice
Non-member - $25.00 each =$
Payable to: Puget Sound Regional Group
2012 Tour of the Year
2012 Tour of The Year
Set For Sunday, October 14th
Guy Generaux
This year we are changing gears for our annual Tour of the year. It will be a one-day affair featuring a visit to the new
LeMay America’s Car Museum, recently opened in Tacoma. This is your special opportunity to view the museum collection
with your PSRG fellow members.
Following our museum visit we will join together for a fabulous dinner at in the VIP Room at the Pacific Rim Buffet in nearby
Emerald Queen Casino, Fife.
You can reserve your space by filling out and sending in the form below. PSRG will subsidize part of this
event. Your cost to attend is $15 per person, which includes admission to the museum, buffet
dinner and gratuity at the Pacific Rim restaurant, and an opportunity to win some America’s Car Museum
raffle prizes. Deadline to reserve will be Tuesday, October 9th.
We will plan on meeting in the parking lot of the Bahama Breeze Restaurant located in the Northwest corner of the South
Center Mall and depart at 1:00 p.m. to begin the tour.
Bahama Breeze
15700 Southcenter Parkway, Tuckwila, 206-241-4448
Happy V8ing!
Guy Generaux
Chairman PSRG Tour of the Year
Name ______________________________________
Come see the 1937 Fiat Topolino
photo by LeMay America’s Car Museum
No. Attending ______ x $15 each = Amount _______
E-mail Address _______________________________
Watch your e-mail for any further information.
Please note: only PSRG members and spouses are invited to
attend. Checks made to PSRG please. Send to Chairman
Guy Generaux
2217 Everett Ave E.
Seattle, WA 98102.
1965 Bristol FLF Lodekka Bus
Photo By Renee Crist
Winthrop Auto Rallye
by Tom Bewley
The 37th Winthrop Auto Rallye Sept. 8th--9th.
Gary Duff led a group of folks from PSRG and the
Cascade Regional Group #57 over the beautiful North
Cascades Pass . Sunny skies
blessed the two day event.
Those attending in addition to
Gary were Ld Charf, Chuck
and Karen McLeod, , Tom
and Donna May Bewley, Carl
and Diane Line, Terry and
Francis Nicholson, Eddie
and Barbara Akers, Bill
Michler and Dick and Shirl
Golden. Activities included
the Parade of Classics, Main Kjell Lester presents
Street Car Show and Poker the award for Winthrop
Run. Carl and Diane Line's Favorite to PSRGers
53 Ford Convertible won the Donna May and Tom
Best Classic Award. Tom
and Donna May Bewley's
37 Slant Back won the Winthrop Favorite Award. Many of
the group topped off the trip with a famous Pateros Peach
The picture containg three
people;man in red shirt,
etc as follows. The man on
the left is Kjell Lester local
merchant that sponsered the
award. The other two are
Donna May Bewley and hus.
Tom Bewley;owners of 37
The other picture with two
Carl Line {in Blue shirt}
people is as follows. The
man in the blue shirt is Carl receives the Best Classic
Line. He owns the 1953
Convertible. Other man in
the picture sponsered the award;do not know his name.
The Bewleys award is designated as "Winthrop Favorite
Award"....The other award is for "Best Classic"
No matter the motorcar brand or year some things hold true when searching for that dream car.....
I wanted a new VW Beetle from back when I saw the spy photos about three years before the public unveiling. I bought all the swag before
they hit the showrooms (my Beetle tee shirt wore out so I don't have that to show, and I think Riley chewed the magnet up, but I still have my
watch) and I cried every time I saw the commercial on TV. While people remember where they were when Kennedy was shot, I remember
where I was when I saw my first new Beetle on the road. I screamed out loud and cried again because it more than I could've hoped for.
When my coworker bought one (in a dull nasty gray, I mean seriously, why?!) I wouldn't get in it as I knew they would be out with the
convertible in three years and I was saving and waiting......
Well, in 1998 Jon, my husband and I bought a house in Ballard, and I wound up pregnant and Jon said there was no way he was dealing with
a car seat in the back, so there went the dream and here came the SUV. (later sold and traded down for the Impala).
Flash forward to 2007 and I'm done with the Impala and ready for MY car. Off to research and dealerships. I hit the VW dealership, hopped
into the Bug and went "Oh crap". It was all wrong. It felt wrong, it smelled wrong, it wasn't me.
I sat in the VW GTI and nearly passed out. It was me fully. The car and I grokked one another and when the dealer asked if I wanted to go for
a drive, I said "No".
I then continued to test drive about 30 other cars (remember our ride in the MINI?) and decided to not purchase a VW Thing.
Then two years later, I heard a radio spot about VW's summer sales pricing and thought "I'm going to go get my VW GTI now". I did some
quick Internet searching, spoke with Jon, my dad, Riley and Gary and took off with Riley in the Impala to Covington as they had a used one in
the Fahrenheit orange color (one of only four in the nation that was up for resale).
I traded the car in, grabbed the key to leave when Riley asked "Mom, aren't you going to drive it first?" The sales guy said something to the
effect of "Honey, she's already done that". I replied that I hadn't. Yes, I bought my car without having ever driven the GTI model at all. Didn't
She was me and I am her. We are a matched pair. I've never regretting buying her and I still giggle when I punch the gas and we get up to
speed. I love to corner her in a tight turn and the way she hangs onto the road.
I'd still love my 1969 Beetle, my 1970 VW Square-back, a 1971 VW Thing, the 2013 (BIG if on that one) VW minibus, a Tesla Roadster and
the Tesla Model S, and finally a 2011 SRT8 Challenger. (I need to start playing the lottery again.)
Charlotte Smith
Next Meeting: Tuesday,
October 2nd, 7:30 PM at
the Lutheran Church on
Greenwood Ave. {Show and
Tell - Bring any item or items
of interest, not necessarily car
related, and briefly describe
your items at the meeting}
Ford V-8 & Lincoln Zephyr Misc. Parts
V-8 heads 81A6050 and 81A6049 - $40 for the pair / 2
Transmission Cases #18 - $25 ea. / 1937 Lincoln Zephyr
Trans. with shifter - $200 / 1941 original gas Tank, good
shape - $50 / 1941 Ford Glove Box, NOS lock with keys $40 / 1941/42 Ford Bumper Jack - $75 / 4 18” w/w tires –
good tread - $80 for all / Full collection of Sorensons large
leather albums, some with autographs. 6 large, 1 small,
like new – $600 firm, / Miscellaneous drums & other brake
parts – make offer. Jim Barbee, 425-432-2115.
This ad expires on 10/12
Ford Tools
Complete set of tools consisting of 6 prices for valve
removal and repair for all flat head V8s; 4,6,8 cylinder
engines. $150. Dan 425-486-5540.
This ad expires on 10/12
Input for the November Newsletter Deadline:
Friday, October 19th. Send Input to:
Dear early Ford club : I’m looking for a 1925-1936 ford
coupe rumble lid or trunk lid to buy. If you know of any
member, friend that might have one could you please have
them contact me at this e-mail: elletson@frontier.com
thank you , a 1936 ford coupe owner.
This ad expires on 10/2012
Mechanics to avoid
photo from the Henry Ford Research Center
Dick Jauch
Please send any information needing action by the Sunshine
committee to:
Dick Jauch
1139 S New Morning Road
Camano Island, W 98265
Who is this member?
Only winner was Lois Lowman who correctly identified
Ray Bunn.
Many guessed that it was Pete Lowman
Nominating candidates for these awards was started at the September General Meeting. Complete one or more of the
attached forms and turn it in to Club Secretary, Ken Stobbe. Ken will have extra copies of these forms should you need them.
Nominations close at the end of the October General Meeting, so you will need to turn your nomination forms (which will be
available at the September General Meeting) into Ken at either the September or October General Meeting. At the end of the
October General Meeting, Ken will compile a ballot of all nominated candidates. We will then vote on this ballot at the November
General Meeting. Steve Henry will tabulate the results and the winners will be announced and the trophies presented at the Fall
Banquet. You can nominate as many individuals as you desire. As you complete this nomination form please be sure to clearly
state your reasons for nominating a particular candidate so we will all know why this candidate is truly worthy of the award. There
are many people who have made more than significant contributions to PSRG in 2012, here is your chance to help select and
reward them! - Ken Stobbe
This award goes to a person who is actively involved in the restoration process of either accomplishing a partial or total
restoration of 1932 – 1953 Ford, Mercury or Lincoln vehicle or related products or by providing input and assistance for the
benefit of other members of the club.
I nominate ________________________________for this award because
Signed: ________________________________
This form must be returned to the Secretary no later than the October 2nd, 2012 Meeting.
This award goes to a person who influences and motivates fellow Club members to achieve higher goals. Inspires you to
start or finish a project or attend Club functions.
I nominated ___________________________________for this award because:
Signed _________________________________
This form must be returned to the Secretary no later than the October 2nd, 2012 Meeting.
This award goes to a person who faithfully attends Club activities, Club meetings and donates his/her time and energy to
make the functions of the Club better for all.
I nominate ___________________________________for this award because:
Signed ________________________________
This form must be returned to the Secretary no later than the October 2nd, 2012 meeting.
Garage Tour October 13th
Todd Gudmundson has put together a very interesting
Garage tour scheduled for October 13th. The Itinerary
will include stops at Frank Stubbs to see his collection
of T-birds and 57 Fords. Frank will have coffee and
dough nuts for those of us who need an after breakfast
snack. From Frank’s place we will continue on to
Todd’s home to see his collection of Mercurys and
memorabilia. The last stop will be Jim and Joanne
Hendry’s to view their collection of cars and Jim’s
work area. Jim and Joanne are also planning to serve
lunch. We will meet on the west side (back side) of
the Factoria Mall {4055 Factoria Mall SE Bellevue, WA
98006} at 9:00 AM on the 13th and will follow Todd
throughout the morning. Please call Todd at (206) 391
8427 if you would like to join him.
If you get lost.
First stop: Frank Stubbs garage. 8331 144th Place
SE. Newcastle, WA. 98059
Second stop: Todd Gudmundson garage. 14410
196th Ave SE. Renton WA 98059
Third stop: Jim Hendry garage. 20240 Southeast
127th Street. Issaquah, WA 98027.
Can your pets do this?
Sneak peak of your 2013 officers
3rd General meeting. Swap meet
mailing party.
21st Electrical Seminar at McCutchen’s
shop. ( Postponed.)
25th Board meeting. Keenholts
3rd General meeting Potluck
25th Board meeting at Lewis’s
28th Mount Vernon Swap Meet
29th Puyallup poker run. Coordinator
is Gary Duff
3rd General Meeting. Meet at
XXX in Issaquah. 6:00 PM
25th Board meeting at Bev... &
Elmo Lewis’s
2012 Event Calendar
7th General meeting
18th – 19th Early Bird Swap
Meet, Puyallup
22nd Board meeting at
Bob and Sharon Heckel
1st General Meeting
18th – 20th Monroe Swap Meet
23rd Board meeting at Tom and Donna
McCutchen’s shop, Everett
7th General meeting. Meet at
McBride’s. 6:00 PM Gary Duff
Coordinating - Pizza night
11th Summer PSRG picnic. Tom
McCutchen will host at Butch Kent’s.
22nd Board meeting at the Bunn’s
2nd General meeting. Show’n Tell 6th General meeting. Silent
Nominations Officers,Board&Awards auction, Election of Officers / Board
13th Garage Tour (Gudmundson) & Club Award voting.
14th Tour of the Year (Generaux) 18th Fall Banquet (Red Lion Sharon H)
24th Board meeting, Kelsons shop 28th Board meeting at Porters
3rd Make-up of electrical seminar
6th General meeting
17th – 18th Almost Spring Swap Meet. Puyallup
28th Board Meeting at Norm Larabee’s
3rd Ford car show and Picnic, Bellevue
College. Ron Lang and Dave Ellis are cochairs.
5th General meeting. Trunk swap meet
27th Board meeting at Winfrey’s.
3rd Fall Ford Fest, Graham
4th General meeting. Potluck
Nominations Officers/Board&Awards
8th – 9th Winthrop Tour (Gary Duff)
11th – 14th Redmond National Meet
26th Board meeting: at the Ellis’s.
4th General meeting. Christmas gift
No Board meeting