Ente accreditato dalla Regione Lombardia per i Servizi di Istruzione
Ente accreditato dalla Regione Lombardia per i Servizi di Istruzione
Scuola Politecnica di Design SPD 20143 Milano - Italy via Carlo Bo 7 t +39 02 21597590 f +39 02 21597613 scuoladesign.com info@scuoladesign.com DUAL DEGREE OPTION INFORMATION SHEET ADDITIONAL APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO THE CORRESPONDING 1st LEVEL UNIVERSITY MASTER’S PROGRAMMES OF IULM UNIVERSITY IN COLLABORATION WITH SPD – 2014-2015 EDITION Students enrolled on SPD Master’s courses in: - Industrial Design - Interior Design - Transportation and Car Design - Visual Design - Web and Multimedia Design - Interior and Product Design - Visual and Web Design and holding the necessary requisites (see below), can opt to apply for additional admission to their corresponding 1st level University Master's programmes in: - Industrial Design 60 ECTS - Interior Design 60 ECTS - Transportation and Car Design 60 ECTS - Visual Design 60 ECTS - Web and Multimedia Design 60 ECTS - Interior and Product Design 60 ECTS - Visual and Web Design 60 ECTS recognized by IULM University according to the collaboration agreement with SPD. These University Master’s programmes are promoted by the Faculty of Arts, Tourism and Markets at IULM University; academic operations are organised by SPD Scuola Politecnica di Design as a partner institution designated by the Academic Senate of IULM University. Each University Master's course awards 60 CFUs (University Credits), equivalent to 60 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System). IULM UNIVERSITY The Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM is a Milan based private University - accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research - authorized to issue academic qualifications equivalent to state qualifications under Presidential Decree no. 1490 of 31 October 1968 (published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana n° 72, 20 March 1969). ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS FOR APPLICATION An international applicant is required to hold a college or university degree equivalent to a three-year first level Italian degree with at least 15 years of study (from primary school to university graduation). Upon presentation of the enrolment form applicants must declare that they are in possession of the necessary admission requirements and academic qualifications: university degree certificate, university diploma or equivalent qualification, 2nd cycle degree, if any, or equivalent qualification. On the application form, the complete name of the institutions and the exact title of any diploma or degree awarded must be given. REQUIRED DOCUMENTS The following is a detailed list of the documents applicants are required to submit to SPD Academic Office: ITALIAN STUDENTS WITH A DEGREE FROM AN ITALIAN UNIVERSITY - IULM enrolment form completed and signed - self-statement (see sample in attachment) pertaining to the degree obtained* - curriculum vitae - photocopy of Identity Card on both sides - Personal Data Authorization Form, signed *Please note: applicants are required to hold a three-year first level degree. Applications from students who intend to take their first level degree in the Academic Year 2013-2014 from an Italian academic institution will be accepted on a provisional basis. Graduating students from an international institution will have to contact SPD Academic Office to evaluate acceptable time schedule of their graduation and related documents to be issued by competent Italian delegation (see below) EU STUDENTS, NON-EU STUDENTS, ITALIAN STUDENTS WITH A DEGREE FROM A FOREIGN UNIVERSITY - IULM enrolment form completed and signed - photocopy of University Diploma or photocopy of certificate in lieu - original copy of the official transcripts/degree completion certificate listing all prescribed exams. This certificate, issued by the University of provenance, duly stamped and signed, must be provided in English language (or accompanied by a sworn translation in Italian). Photocopies are not accepted. - declaration in lieu of the original copy of the degree certificate, completed and signed - curriculum vitae Ente accreditato dalla Regione Lombardia per i Servizi di Istruzione e Formazione Numero Iscrizione all’Albo: 0629 – ID Operatore: 911068/2010 1/3 - photocopy of passport (pages with anagraphical details) or (EU citizen only) photocopy of ID card - Personal Data Authorization form, signed - original copy of "Dichiarazione di Valore in Loco": a statement issued by the local Italian Delegation (usually the Consulate or Embassy) of the country which awarded the degree. This must state that the degree in question is of equal value to a first-level Italian degree and must also specify the overall number of school years required to enter University (from primary to high school), the full name of the University where the degree was taken and the legal number of university years prescribed to obtain the title. Please note that in Italy candidates must have completed a minimum of 15 school-years (legal duration) from primary school to the university degree included (bachelor or first cycle degree) in order to enroll into a Master’course. The document must include a copy of the original degree certificate, course titles and grades translated into Italian, both authenticated by the said Consulate or Embassy. Student not in possession of the Dichiarazione di Valore in Loco can sign the application for provisional enrolment using the relevant form by the due date (Friday 24 October 2014) and deliver the Dichiarazione di Valore in Loco within the extended deadline of Thursday 30 April 2015 (see notes below). Please note: - if applicants are unable to submit upon enrolment the requested documents and in particular the Dichiarazione di Valore in Loco, they will have to sign the application form for provisional enrolment and they will be enrolled on a provisional basis for the IULM University Master's Course until all missing documents have been received and verified by the University. - Missing documents that may not be available upon enrolment must me integrated as soon as possible. In particular, immigration documents such as photocopy of visa and permit to stay for non-EU citizens, photocopy of the Italian Tax Code/codice fiscale document and compulsory insurance policy for both EU citizens and non-EU citizens must be delivered to SPD Academic Office no later than Friday 24 October 2014. Please note that application receipts are accepted only pending release of the official documents (electronic card for the permit to stay and insurance certificate) by the issuing authorities. The Dichiarazione di Valore in Loco must be submitted no later than Thursday 30 April 2015. Failure to comply with these provisions and deliver the missing documentation by the extended due dates will result in a unperfected provisional enrolment and the Matriculation Fee paid to IULM University will not be refunded. - In case of candidates holding qualifications - namely a secondary school diploma and degree – obtained in different countries, a specific procedure will apply for the request of the Dichiarazione di Valore in loco. Please check with the Academic Office for further information. - IULM University will verify all information provided as part of the application process and reserves the right to refuse enrolment if any discrepancies become evident during verification. The matriculation fee will not be refunded if the candidate is not admitted for non-compliance with the academic requirements. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION Students choosing to apply for the University Master's programme offered by IULM University must submit their application to the SPD Academic Office by Friday, 24 October 2014, presenting the enrolment form and the requested documents, duly completed and signed. Please note that interested applicants are obliged to matriculate with IULM University by the said deadline. Letters from students confirming their intention to enrol or the submission of documents other than the application form for admission (such as, but not limited to, transcripts or the Dichiarazione di Valore in loco) do not in themselves indicate registration with the University. IULM UNIVERSITY MASTER’S MATRICULATION FEE For those in the process of enrolling or already enrolled in SPD Master's programmes only, the Matriculation Fee for IULM University is € 300.00 which is not included in the SPD Master's Course Tuition Fee. Students deciding to benefit from additional enrolment on the IULM University Master’s programme, shall submit the aforementioned documents and subsequently pay the said Matriculation Fee of € 300.00 to IULM University as detailed below. No refund is due if the candidate fails to submit the enrolment form or for candidates whose provisional enrolment has not been duly perfected by not delivering the relevant documentation at the extended due dates and/or for non-compliance with the academic requirements. Furthermore, students must be compliant with all administrative regulations including those in force at the institute of origin (SPD). Any student who has outstanding fees as at the date of the exam, will be prohibited from sitting for the exams and SPD and IULM will be entitled to immediately proceed with the collection of the overdue sum owed to each of them. PAYMENT DETAILS After presentation of the application to the SPD Academic Office, IULM University will proceed with a preliminary verification of the candidates' registration and will subsequently email them with full details about the payment methods. The matriculation fee will be payable by bank transfer within the deadline indicated in the said email (10 days from the date of the email). Ente accreditato dalla Regione Lombardia per i Servizi di Istruzione e Formazione Numero Iscrizione all’Albo: 0629 – ID Operatore: 911068/2010 2/3 The beneficiary of the payment is: Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM Banca Popolare di Sondrio - Sportello Università IULM IBAN: IT 12 M 05696 01600 000022000X14 BICSWIFT: POSOIT22 C/C nr. 22000/14 On the payment slip the student must clearly indicate the reason for payment for instance: “matriculation fee 14-15 IULM/SPD University Master in Industrial Design”. Please note that the amount due is net of any bank charges which are at the applicant’s expense. In order to avoid bank commission a cash payment option) is available directly through the Banco di Sondrio bank agency located in the IULM Main Building (IULM 1 – via Carlo Bo 1). Opening hours: 08:30-13:30 / 14:30-15:45 from Monday to Friday. A copy of the payment receipt must be sent or handed in to SPD Academic Office in order to complete the payment procedure. ONLINE REGISTRATION As soon as the students obtains their Italian Tax Code/codice fiscale they must proceed with the online registration on IULM University portal. Please note that the Italian Tax Code number/codice fiscale and the applicant’s passport are mandatorily required for the successful completion of the registration. Further instructions will be provided. DIPLOMA Upon successful completion of the Master's programme, the 1st level University Master's Degree will be awarded by IULM University to students who have opted to matriculate with said University. The IULM University Master's Degree has a value of 60 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System). In addition to the University Master's Diploma issued by IULM University, at the end of the internship period and after having passed the final exam students will receive the SPD Master's Diploma Certificate complete with mark sheet. In the event a student does not successfully complete the programme, he/she will not be awarded the 1st level University Master's Diploma and will not be entitled to any reimbursement for any reason whatsoever. Students who have not paid their SPD Master’s fee or IULM Matriculation Fee in full will not be awarded the diploma. The IULM University Master's Diploma will be available for collection at the IULM Student Information Office by appointment and starting from May 2016. Upon the student’s request and at the additional cost of € 45 the IULM University Master's Diploma can be shipped by express courier to the address indicated in a specific form to be filled in by the student. Further instructions will be provided by SPD Academic Office. ACADEMIC REGULATIONS The University Master's courses in Industrial Design, Interior Design, Transportation and Car Design, Visual Design, Web and Multimedia Design, Interior and Product Design, Visual and Web Design offered by IULM University are governed in accordance with the resolution of the Academic Senate. Participants must refer to SPD Regulations for all remaining matters. In order to succesfully complete the Master's course and achieve graduation participants must sit and pass all scheduled examinations in accordance with the established course teaching programme. INFORMATION The SPD Academic Office is available for further guidance on the dual degree enrolment procedure, relevant qualifications and diploma certificates. For information on IULM University: Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM via Carlo Bo 1, Milano Italy. Ph. +39 02 89 14 11 Student Information Office ph. +39 02 891412233; master@iulm.it The signee (name and surname in capital letters) _____________________________________________ acknowledges receipt of the Dual Degree Option information sheet and declares to aware of the option reserved to SPD student to voluntarily apply for admission to the relevant 1st level University master’s programmes recognized by IULM University. Dated Signature (name and surname, legible) ___________________________ ___________________________________ Ente accreditato dalla Regione Lombardia per i Servizi di Istruzione e Formazione Numero Iscrizione all’Albo: 0629 – ID Operatore: 911068/2010 3/3 ATTACHMENT SELF-DECLARATION FOR STUDENTS HOLDING ITALIAN DEGREE Ha seguito il corso degli studi per il conseguimento della LAUREA IN DISEGNO INDUSTRIALE presso l’Università degli Studi di Genova, matr. ,superando i seguenti esami di profitto con le votazioni in trentesimi a fianco indicate: ATTACHMENT SELF DECLARATION FOR STUDENTS HOLDING A NOT ITALIAN DEGREE DICHIARAZIONE SOSTITUTIVA DELL’ORIGINALE DEL DIPLOMA DI LAUREA RESA AI FINI DELL’ISCRIZIONE AI MASTER DELLA LIBERA UNIVERSITA’ DI LINGUE E COMUNICAZIONE IULM / DECLARATION IN LIEU OF THE ORIGINAL COPY OF THE DEGREE CERTIFICATE (DIPLOMA) EXECUTED FOR THE ENROLMENT IN THE MASTER OF LIBERA UNIVERSITA’ DI LINGUE E COMUNICAZIONE IULM Al Magnifico Rettore / To the Chancellor Io sottoscritt_ / I, the undersigned ____________________________________________________________________________ nat_ a / born in _____________________________________________________________________________________________ in data / on ________________________________________________________________________________________________ cittadinanza / nationality _____________________________________________________________________________________ In relazione all’istanza di iscrizione al Master in / with reference to the application for enrolment in the Master in: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ promosso dalla Facoltà di Arti, mercati e patrimoni della cultura dell’Università IULM, consapevole che chi dichiarerà il falso vedrà decadere i benefici ottenuti e potrà incorrere nelle sanzioni di legge previste per le false dichiarazioni / promoted by the Faculty of Arts,Tourism and Markets at IULM and aware of the fact that in case of false statements the declarer will be subject to the loss of all benefits derived from the untruthful declaration and furthermore may be legally liable to sanctions for false declarations NON CONSEGNANDO ALL’UNIVERSITÀ IULM IL DIPLOMA DI LAUREA IN ORIGINALE, DICHIARO SOTTO LA MIA RESPONSABILITÀ / NOT HAVING SUBMITTED TO THE IULM UNIVERSITY THE ORIGINAL COPY OF THE UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA, / HEREBY DECLARE UNDER MY EXCLUSIVE RESPONSIBILITY - di essere a conoscenza del divieto di cui all’art.142 del Testo Unico sull’istruzione superiore approvato con R.D. 31 agosto 1933 n.1592 in base al quale è vietata la contemporanea iscrizione a più corsi di laurea, laurea specialistica, laurea magistrale, master universitari o dottorati di ricerca attivati presso questa o altra Sede universitaria / to be fully aware that pursuant to the article 142 of the consolidating act T.U. on higher education approved with the R.D. n.1592 of 31 August 1933 it is forbidden to be enrolled on more than one degree course, postgraduate degree course, master’s degree course or PhD programme at any one time in this or any other university - di non essere iscritto/a ad altro corso di laurea o di diploma universitario / not to be enrolled in any other degree course, postgraduate degree course, master’s degree course or PhD programme in this or other University - di essere a conoscenza che, fermo restando le eventuali responsabilità penali, in caso di dichiarazioni false, decadrò automaticamente dal diritto d’iscrizione, sarà annullata la mia carriera universitaria e non avrò diritto al rimborso delle tasse d’iscrizione. / to be aware that, withstanding possible criminal liabilities I will face in the event of false statements, my enrolment will be considered null and void, all courses of study carried out shall be cancelled as a result of said annulment and no refund of fees will be due. E MI IMPEGNO / AND I UNDERTAKE a non iscrivermi ad altra Università, a diverse Facoltà e Scuole della stessa o di altra Università e a diversi corsi di laurea o di diploma della stessa Facoltà o Scuola Universitaria sino al termine degli studi o se non dopo aver presentato domanda di rinuncia agli studi intrapresi o di trasferimento o sospensione. / not to enrol in any other University, Faculty or School of any other University and in any other degree course or postgraduate degree course, master’s degree course or PhD programme degree course until the completion of my studies or before having presented a withdrawal, transfer or suspension request. Data / dated ________________________ Firma del dichiarante / Signature of the declarer _______________________________________________ !
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