Presentazione di PowerPoint - Med-e-Tel
Presentazione di PowerPoint - Med-e-Tel
Camerino University (UNICAM) e-Health and Telemedicine Courses: A New Area for University Education Francesco Amenta , Seyed K. Tayebati, Daniele Tomassoni Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Sanità Pubblica Università di Camerino Italy The interest in applications of communication technologies in medical interventions (e-health and telemedicine) is growing world-wide. This probably will contribute to improve in the future the quality of health care. Access, cost, quality and portability represent relevant areas for the e-health care scenario. e-HEALTH PRODUCTS • health portals or health information sites • connectivity and communications solutions • e-commerce (on-line health insurance and drug prescriptions) • disease diagnosis and management. AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT OF TELEMEDICINE • Possibility for physicians to assist distant patients through telecommunications • Video conferencing between local hospital physicians and specialists in different branches of medicine • Transmission of data of medical tests to specialised hospital. In spite of the advances in information and communication technology (ICT), university education initiatives in the field of e-health are sparse. University Courses in Europe Telemedicine and e-Health Systems MSc University Courses in Europe (2) Italian rules of University Masters • A one-year full immersion high specialization course in a given field • It requires earning of 60 ECTS • One ECTS: 25 hours • Total involvement: 1500 hours • Types of Master: 1st and 2nd level eHalth education in Italy Politecnico di Milano Master of 2° level in Telemedicine and Telehealth Università di degli Studi di Firenze Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia Master of 1° level in in E-Medicine Università di Pisa Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia Master of 2° level in Telemedicine UNICAM TODAY 5 Faculties/Schools Architecture Jurisprudence Pharmacy Science and Technology Veterinary Medicine Students: 11,500 Bartholomeus Eustachius Professor at Camerino Universiy in 1543 13 departments 5 campuses E-HEALTH MASTER° Students: 15 Teachers: 18 Graduations required: Medicine, Informatics, Telecommunications Articulation: 7 common modules 3 modules for health professionals 3 modules for informatics and technology professionals Teaching/learning hours: - e-learning: 450 - Stage: 450 - Home study: 600 Teaching type: - e-Learning - Stage ° The first in continental Europe, fully supported by EC SYLLABUS (common modules) 1. Telecommunicaton systems and their use in transferring biological and medical data 2. Health without borders: ethical and regulatory aspects 3. “e “ in diagnosis and treatment procedures 4. Organization, handling and financial problems 5. The information and communication technology society: European, National and local strategies 6. Informatic platforms and health WEB sites 7. Informatic handling of medical data 8. Treatment of remote patients: applications of telemedicine SYLLABUS Health professionals modules 1. Organization of health-care systems 2. Practical experiences of telemedicine and telepharmacy 3. The virtual vs. real hospital Informatics and technology professionals modules 1. Technological infrastructures: networks , RDBMS , standards 2. Peripherals for “Data input” 3. Safety, electronic signature, coding http//: Master Universitario di II livello in E-HEALTH Finalità del Master eHealth è il complesso delle risorse, soluzioni e tecnologie informatiche di rete applicate alla salute ed alla sanità. Il Master in e-Health è diretto a quanti siano interessati a sviluppare applicazioni telematiche ed informatiche innovative nel campo medico e sanitario e di validare sul campo, laddove possibile, tali applicazioni sia a livello locale che sul territorio nazionale. Il raggiungimento di tale finalità può giocare, specie a livello locale, un ruolo fondamentale nel processo evolutivo dei sistemi sanitari. Finalità specifica del Master sarà di formare conoscenze specifiche di tipo multidisciplinare, per comprendere appieno e soddisfare le numerose ed eterogenee esigenze legate alla complessità della problema di applicare le tecnologie delle telecomunicazioni e dell’informatica nel campo sanitario. Al termine del percorso di studi, i partecipanti riceveranno il Diploma di Master Universitario di 2° livello. Acquistato il 18/11/2004 Attivo fino al 18/11/2005 LOGIN Username: __________ __________ Password: __________ __________ Tutor: Fabio Bagnoli U.D.1 Biblioteca I sistemi di telecomunicazioni e il loro impiego nel trasferimento dei dati biologici e medici Lezione Verifica Dott Catalano PNRA Management PNRA ROME INTERNET Mobile Stations (2) INTERNET Ethernet Modem Modem ISDN SMS Alerts and email ENEA CASACCIA Network STUDENTE Terminal EUTELSAT INMARSAT Ethernet ITALICA Ship STUDENTE Terminal EUTELSAT INMARSAT Ethernet Modem Terra Nova Bay OUR E-HEALTH MASTER COURSE WAS FOLLOWED IN REMOTE CORNERS OF THE PLANET Monday November 15, 2004 07:00 Z CONCLUSION OF THE FIRST EDITION OF THE MASTER Thesis discussion First graduation: 30 May 2005 Students: 15 Laureates: 13 Second edition of e-Health Master 2005-2006 Third edition of e-Health Master 2006-2007 Designed for training professionals for the needs of Italian National Health Service Fourth edition of e-Health Master 2006-2007 Specifically designed for oil and gas telemedicine and telepharmacy Postgraduate Qualification Course in Telemedicine and Telepharmacy 16 ECTS. E-learning : 10 ECTS Stage: 150 hours, 6 ECTS Our Master in e-Health institutional partners Facoltà di Farmacia, Università di Camerino ia Fondazione Centro Internazionale Radio Medico (C.I.R.M.), Roma Eni, Roma, Milano Società Interbancaria per l’Automazione (S.I.A.) Milano, Roma EUROPEAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION (E.M.A.) Bruxelles OUR E-HEALTH EDUCATION INVOLVEMENT - Master in e-Health - Postgraduate qualificatiopn course in Telemedicine and Telepharmacy - Specialization courses? - Degrees? J’ai émpris SOCRATES In varietate concordia ERASMUS