Presentation of the Master
Presentation of the Master
M.U.P.P.A.V. S PONSORS COMUNE DI BIELLA PROVINCIA DI BIELLA CAMERA DI COMMERCIO DI BIELLA FONDAZIONE CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI BIELLA Objectives The purpose of the Master in ‘Progettazione del Paesaggio e delle Aree Verdi’ (Landscape and Green Areas design) is to create a new professional figure able to organize, in the best way, all the phases of the articulate compositive process that ends with the gre- COMPAGNIA DI SAN PAOLO UNACOMA SAIA s.p.a. ESI irrigazione HARPO SEIC IING. CASTALDI ILLUMINAZIONE FLORAMA COMPAGNIA DEL LAGO VIVAI TORSANLORENZO VIVAI FARO OASI ZEGNA GARDALAND BANCA SELLA LAURETANA s.p.a. M a s t er U n i v er s i t ar i o di I l iv e l l o P R O G E T TA Z I O N E DEL PA ESAGG IO E DELLE AREE VERDI a.a. 2009-10 AAAÄtÇwávtÑx wxá|zÇxÜ |á ÉÇx à{tà ~ÇÉãá {Éã àÉ xÅÑ{tá|éx ã{tà tÄÜxtwç xå|áàáAAA T ECHNICAL SPONSORS en areas realization. For this purpose, teaching will piscine irrigazione orient the student to a multidisciplinary vision of the planning process, that is fundamental for the correct use of the vegetation indoors and outdoors. Organizzato da Università degli Studi di Torino Dipartimento di Agronomia, Selvicoltura e gestione del Territorio Via Leonardo da Vinci 44 10095 Grugliasco (TO) Sede delle lezioni Corso G. Pella 2/b -13900 BIELLA tel. +39 015 8551010 fax.+39 015 8551093 e-mail: web-site: PLACE OF THE SUBSCRIPTION TAX THEMES ORGANIZATIONS - Herbaceous, shrubby and tree species and their use The Master includes courses of lectures allowing the understanding of the theoretical dimension of the projects, field stages, visiting places that are significant to a specified situation and planning laboratories with interactive teaching and guided study forms. The master’s activities consist in 700 hours distributed in 8 weeks during a period of 9 months. ACTIVITIES AND The Master wille be held in Biella (Piedmont), at the modern complex of Città Studi S.p.A, S.p.A in Corso Pella 2/b. - Landscape ecology and its application - History and analysis of the garden and of the The subscription tax is 3.000,00 euro that can be paid in two instalments. The number of the student admitted is 50: the selection is based on an MCQ (Multiple Choise urban space - Terrace and urban spaces design - Planning and management of the urban green areas Questions) and on the curriculum vitae. There are three extra places reserved for the foreign students. The registration to the admission exam can be made since 3rd August until 12h November. The admission test will be Saturday 21 Novem- - Architectonic composition of the garden ber at h.10.30 at the Agriculture Faculty of the University of - Graphic rapresentation Turin in Via Leonardo da Vinci 44 in Grugliasco (TO). - Planning laboratory The course inauguration and beginning of the lessons will be in Città Studi of Biella in Corso Pella 2/b, Satur- The Master benefits of the collaboration of prestigious university professors and well-known italian and SCHOLARSHIPS There are numerous scholarships of the same value of the subscription tax and others of inferior values, offered by the nurseries and sponsoring organizations. foreigner professionals. To complete the lessons a study INFORMATIONS travel will also be organized out of Italy, to allow the stu- DESIGN PRIZE dents to better understand the context of the profession. There is a design prize for the planning laboratory of the Master. A jury formed by International landscape designers will select the best project ideas. Awarding prizes will be offered by the sponsors. FREQUENCY AND EXAMS The frequency is requested of at least 60% of the total duration. Obtaining the formative credits depends on the exams, in itinere. The Master allows obtaining 60 credits. The master is subject to a final exam. day 12 December. ‘CONIOLO FIORI’ PRIZE During the Festival ‘Coniolo Fiori’, in the spring time in Coniolo (AL), the students will design and realize little gardens. There will be an awarding prize offered by the Comune. Prof.ssa Elena Accati Tel: 011.6708772-8768 Fax: 011.6708798 E-mail: Dott. Agr. Andrea Vigetti Dott. Agr. Francesco Merlo Tel: 011.6708918 E-mail: TEACHERS AND LESSONS