PCA NA PL 2016 - Pekingese Club of America
PCA NA PL 2016 - Pekingese Club of America
2016 NATIONAL SPECIALTY PEKINGESE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. Enjoy the Pekingese – the Biggest Little Dogs in the World in the Biggest Little City in the World Reno is known as the “Biggest Little City In the World” and grew up around the 1st bridge built across the Truckee River near where the railroad tumbles down out of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and through Donner Pass. A lovely River Walk has been created to allow people to stroll along the river near this bridge amidst merchants and dining. Virginia St. brings you to the casinos and city activity. In April & May, the average temperatures in the area run in the mid 60’s to mid 70’s. About an hour’s drive up Hwy. 50 into the Sierras brings you to the beautiful Lake Tahoe, or about an hour up the other side of Hwy. 50 brings you to the fun, well restored old mining town of Virginia City where gold & silver made the area famous. Activities in the Reno area include gaming, family entertainment, outdoor activities, festivals, fantastic cuisine, shows, art and the National Auto Museum (rated as one of the world’s top 5 greatest car museums). So there’s something for everyone in Reno! We have intentionally left Sunday, following the PCA weekend of shows, unscheduled so you might enjoy your time in this area, or simply use it as a quiet day to pack and start your journey home. PREMIUM LIST NATIONAL SPECIALTY Plus Independent Specialties PEKINGESE CLUB OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Thursday, April 28, 2016 PACIFIC COAST PEKINGESE CLUB Friday, April 29, 2016 PEKINGESE CLUB OFAMERICA Saturday, April 30, 2016 Reno, Nevada AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB CERTIFICATION Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club For the holding of this event under American Kennel Club Rules and Regulation Mr. JAMES P. CROWLEY, SECRETARY Hosted by the Pekingese Club of America Cluster chair: Mark Warren, President PCA Steering committee: Janet Allen, Betty TilleyPoole, Cluster committees: Hospitality: Janet Allen, Lori Stephen, Betty Hotel liaison: Mark Warren Tilley Poole, Marcia Sherman Show secretary liaison: Janet Allen Catalog advertising/publicity: Susan Shephard Treasurer: Betty Tilley-Poole Decorations: Cody Koch Grounds: Mark Warren, Janet Allen, Emergency contact: Marcia Sherman Mark Stephen, Paul Winters Catalog sales Richard McKibbin Assisted by members of the Pekingese Club of America, the Pekingese Club of Central California , and the Pacific Coast Pekingese Club Pekingese Club of Central California (Page 15) Event #2016208502 4-6 Puppy Competition Thursday, April 28, 2016 Event #2016208501 Specialty Show Thursday, April 28, 2016 Pacific Coast Pekingese Club (Page 17) An AKC Member Club Specialty Show Event #2016208401 Specialty Show Friday, April 29, 2016 Pekingese Club of America (Page 19) An AKC Member Club. Specialty Show & Sweepstakes Event #2016145102 Specialty Show Saturday, April 30, 2016 EVENT /SHOW SECRETARY (on site) Carolyn Goepner, Show Secretary 3850 Ormsby Place Washoe Valley NV 89704 kimgdogs@yahoo.com 775-849-1102 (8a-7p, 7 days/week) All events unbenched and indoors. Show Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. NO Classes for Obedience or Junior Showmanship Puppy/Veteran Classes divided by age, Open Classes divided by weight/color SHOW SITE: Ramada Reno Hotel & Casino 1000 E. 6th Street, Reno NV 89512 (775) 786-5151 All specialties licensed by the American Kennel Club and held under the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club. ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 2016 2 SHOW SITE/HOST HOTEL Ramada Reno Hotel & Casino 1000 E. 6th Street, Reno NV 89512 (775) 786-5151 Spacious guest rooms with mountain views- offers fun and comfort, onsite casino, easy access to area top attractions. Easy freeway access (Interstate 80) and Reno-Tahoe Airport is just 15 minutes away. Hotel offers free Wi-Fi internet access, an outdoor heated pool and exercise room and free uncovered parking. Reserve early! “Cut-off date” for accepting reservations at special rate is April 15, 2016. Remember to tell them you are with the Pekingese Club. $59.99 per room per night plus occupancy and surcharge tax $68.67 (king or 2 queens) One time pet fee up to 2 dogs per room $25, more than 2 dogs $40 PCA Hotel Policy Any exhibitor who allows his/her dogs to be loose and unattended in a room or to damage hotel property and does NOT immediately contact the hotel management to make proper restitution, will be subject to Show Event Committee action and could result in loss of AKC privileges. If it is determined by the Committee hearing that rules are being neglected and destruction and/or misuse of property is taking place, the Committee has the authority to correct the problem or seek AKC suspension. Hotel Rules Other than the show, grooming and exercise areas, dogs are prohibited from the restaurant, lounge and casino, and meeting and banquet rooms. Dogs left unattended in the rooms must be in crates on top of plastic provided at check-in. Dog washing is not allowed in hotel guest rooms and will be reported by staff to management for action. Owner/exhibitors must clean up after dogs inside and outside the hotel and must restrict their dogs to designated outside exercise areas. Appropriate waste disposal bags must be used for cleanup. Guests must sign a copy of hotel and PCA rules upon arrival at hotel. RV PARKING There is no formal provision made for RV parking at the hotel. RVs can be accommodated in the hotel parking area but there are no hookups. BOOTH SPACE There is room for approximately four vendors Contact Pam Vanderpool 520-850-3020 for more information. GROOMING AREA Grooming area will be available on Wednesday, April 27, 2016 at 2 PM. Grooming area must be vacated by 9 AM Sunday, May 1, 2016 Unloading may be done at the outside entrance. Setups may be left up for the entire cluster. 3 ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 2016 GROOMING FACILITIES Cody Koch has generously offered grooming facilities at his boarding kennel Fantasia Pet Resort, 6340 N Virginia St, Reno, NV 89506 Phone:(775) 322-1199. Contact Cody (fantasiarno1@aol.com) for arrangements. TRANSPORTATION Flying to Reno? The Ramada is less than 15 minutes away from the Tahoe-Reno airport. The hotel provides free airport transportation (call hotel upon arrival at airport and shuttle will be there by the time you get curbside. All major car rental companies available at airport (book ahead). Driving to Reno? 2 hours from Sacramento 8 hours from Los Angeles 3 ½ hours from San Francisco 9 hours from Portland 7 hours from Salt Lake City CATALOG ADVERTISING Full page ads for the 3-specialty combined catalog will be accepted until CLOSING DATE. (Absolutely no later than this date.) A COLOR ad page with 1 photo is just $50, incl. set-up or two pages with a photo on each, $90 Print area of the page is 4.5” wide x 7” tall. Print-ready pages must conform to this size and be in high resolution (300) PDF format. Photos submitted should also be 300 dpi. Email ad photos & copy to Susan Shephard at dejavupekes@aol.com Make ad checks payable to ‘Pekingese Club of America‛ and send payment to: Betty TilleyPoole, 9455 SW 140th Ave, Dunnellon FL 34432 betty@pleikupekingese.net If you need help or have any questions, please contact Susan Shephard SPECIALTY CATALOGS Specialty catalogs may be ordered in advance, pre-paid on your entry form for $12. This is a 3-show combined catalog! Pre-ordering ensures that you will get one. Can’t attend, order a marked catalog in advance for $20. Be sure to include the address where you want your catalog mailed. Marked catalogs will be mailed no later than May 10th. Make marked catalog checks payable to ‘Pekingese Club of America‛ and send payment to: Betty Tilley-Poole, 9455 SW 140th Ave, Dunnellon FL 34432 betty@pleikupekingese.net HOSPITALITY BAGS Commemorative Bags with goodies for Pekingese and their people! One per exhibitor. Donations from clubs and individuals welcomed (units of 65 please); will be acknowledged in the catalog Questions- contact Betty Tilley-Poole betty@pleikupekingese.net Send items to Marcia Sherman, 1121 S. Wells Avenue, Reno NV 89502 marciasherman6@gmail.com cell 775-200-8182 4 2016 SPECIALTY SCHEDULE This is a tentative schedule, times are subject to change after closing. The Judging Program will announce the final ring schedule. Wednesday, April 27, 2016 2:00 Welcome (lobby) 2:00-6:00 Setup available in Ballroom 7:00 Black Mask Party (Skyline Room) Thursday, April 28, 2016 7:00 Continental Breakfast (Mt. Rose Room) 7:30 Pekingese Club of America (PCA) Board Meeting (Skyline Room) 11:00 Pekingese Club of Central California (PCCC), 4-6 puppy competition Judge: Dr. Geno Cisneros 12:00 Luncheon hosted by PCCC (Mt. Rose Room) 1:00 PCCC Specialty Judge: Mr. J. Robert Jacobsen 5:00 Be A Winner Pam & Paul Winters Casino crawl Friday, April 29, 2016 7:00 Continental Breakfast (Ballroom & Mt. Rose Room) 9:00 Pacific Coast Pekingese Club (PCPC) Specialty Judge: Mr. Malcolm Moore 12:00 Luncheon hosted by PCPC (Mt. Rose Room) 2:00 Breeding Related Topics panel discussion (Skyline Room) 7:00 Top Twenty “Black Tie Affair” (Ballroom) Saturday, April 30, 2016 7:00 Continental Breakfast (Ballroom & Mt. Rose Room) 7:30 Judges Education Seminar (Skyline Room) 11:00 Pekingese Club of America Sweepstakes Judge: Ms. Diane Bell 12:00 Luncheon hosted by PCA (Mt. Rose Room) 1:00 PCA National Specialty Judge: Dr. Steve Keating General Membership meeting following judging 6:00 PCA Mexican Buffet and Auction (Skyline Room) Sunday, May 1, 2016 9:00 Farewell (Ballroom) ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 2016 5 BREEDING RELATED TOPICS PANEL DISCUSSION Friday, April 29 2:00 p.m. BREEDER’S SEMINAR SKYLINE ROOM BREEDING AND RAISING A LITTER. Panel discussion led by four successful breeders. Some of the topics to be discussed: progesterone testing for timing of breeding and C-section, frozen Plasma for newborn, help for puppies who can’t nurse. Bring your Ideas and Experiences No Fee Reservations Preferred but not Required Submit questions/ topics to: Pam Winters (Pamela.winters1@cox.net). JUDGES’ SEMINAR SKYLINE ROOM Saturday, April 30 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. The Pekingese Club of America is sponsoring a Judges’ Seminar, open to all, presented by Dr. Steve Keating and Don Sutton. Hands on will be presented by Don Sutton. This seminar offers AKC credit for both the seminar and the “hands on” portion and includes ringside mentoring. The seminar fee is $25. No charge for members or exhibitors but there will be no handouts. Breeders or Exhibitors may order handouts in advance for $25.00. There will be a continental breakfast; lunch will also be available for the nominal fee of $10.00 with an advance reservation. (No charge for breakfast or lunch for members and exhibitors.) For seminar & lunch reservations, contact Elizabeth Tilley - Poole Email: Betty@PleikuPekingese.net Phone: (352) 465-1628 Website: www.pekingeseclubofamerica.com For seminar reservations, send $25. Breakfast/lunch reservations send $10. Checks payable to the Pekingese Club of America to Betty Tilley Poole, 9455 SW 140th. Ave., Dunnellon, FL 34432-3973 Attendee registrations (with payment) must be received no later than 4/20/2016 6 PCA Mexican Buffet and Auction Saturday April 30, 2016 Cocktails 6 – 7:00 PM Buffet Dinner 7:00 PM Salad: Main Course: Sides: Dessert: Drinks: Tossed Salad with Two Dressings Fresh Fruit Bowl Pork Carnitas (Mexican Pulled Pork) Carnas Asada (Sliced Grilled Beef) Chicken Enchiladas with Flour & Corn Tortillas Spanish Rice Refried Beans Roasted Tomato Salsa Guacamole Chopped Cilantro Roasted Tomato Salsa Guacamole Chopped Cilantro Diced Yellow Onions Lime Wedges Pico de Gallo Sour Cream Salsa Verde Jalapeno Esabeche Tortilla Chips Chefs selection of assorted desserts Includes Pitchers of Soda throughout the dinner service, Coffee, Water $41.00 (includes tax and tip) Reservation Due By April 20, 2016 Contact: Betty Tilley-Poole 352 465-1628 or betty@pleikupekingese.net Number of Guests: Total Cost: Buffet Dinner @ $41.00 ______________ ___ Please make your check payable to “The Pekingese Club of America, Inc.” in US dollars and mail your completed reservation form to: Elizabeth Tilley-Poole, PCA Treasurer 9455 SW 140 Ave Dunnellon FL 34432-3973 Name Address: Email: Phone: Credit Card #: CCV Code: Exp Date: Zip Code: FUND RAISING RAFFLES / AUCTIONS PCCC RAFFLE & SILENT AUCTION Thursday, April 28 following specialty show Collectable, unusual and delightful Pekingese books, donated by Lucille Tulloch (Mei Lei Pekingese) and a fanciers’ collection of Pekingese notecards PCPC SILENT AUCTION Friday, April 29 following specialty show. Pekingese themed assorted items PCA AUCTION Saturday, April 30th following the buffet See Pages 26 , 27 Items are needed for our annual fund-raising efforts!! If your group can put together a basket of goodies, or if you can contact a vendor or merchant for a gift certificate, or bring an item or treasure to donate, our auction will be the best ever!! Our auctioneer and his team promise to make this an event to remember! Please bring your donation to the show or arrange delivery with Marcia Sherman, 1121 S. Wells Avenue, Reno NV 89502 marciasherman6@gmail.com cell 775-200-8182 Contact Betty Tilley-Poole betty@pleikupekingese.net ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 2016 8 BLACK MASK PARTY Wednesday evening, April 27th A great tradition hosted by THE ORIENT EXPRESS Pekingese Club Of America and Pekingese Association All are invited – Wear a mask Hide your identity- Flaunt your imagined self. Hosted hors d’oeuvres. Always fun Hosted Bar. Always outrageous CASINO CRAWL Thursday evening, April 28th Pam and Paul Winters (former casino dealers) will meet you at 5 PM in the Ramada Casino and share some basic information about Blackjack (21), Roulette and Craps. Then off to try your luck and treat yourself to a wonderful meal. A shuttle will be organized to go to the Peppermill, one of Reno’s large premier casinos (exquisite décor, several restaurants and bars). The shuttle will return from the Peppermill at 10 pm sharp. Another option is to take the Ramada shuttle (runs 24/7 to/from the El Dorado) to the downtown strip – where Circus Circus, El Dorado, Sands, Silver Legacy and Harrahs await you. IT WILL BE A FUN EVENING Pam and Paul will be on hand at the Peppermill (or available by cell phone) to provide one on one help once you get started gaming. Sign up in the Mt. Rose hospitality room 9 REGISTRATION: Dogs must be properly and honestly registered with the American Kennel Club, and accurate records must be kept. Unregistered bitches will not be bred, and unregistered dogs will not be used for breeding. All American Kennel Club rules and regulations will be complied with where applicable. BREEDING: Dogs will be bred according to the approved American Kennel Club Pekingese Breed Standard. All puppies which are not kept should be sold or placed into a caring home. Unplanned matings will be guarded against. No member shall intentionally produce crossbred dogs and will never offer or advertise crossbred dogs for sale. HEALTH: Dogs will be kenneled with adequate room and sanitary conditions. Puppies and adults will be de-wormed and inoculated. Any dog that has defects of a nature that will make it detrimental to the breed will be sold or placed as a pet, under the condition that it be spayed or neutered, further noting on the American Kennel Club transfer record that the dog must not be bred. SALES: No member of the Pekingese Club of America will sell at wholesale or to retail outlets, brokers, pet shops, mail order houses, or businesses of similar commercial enterprise, or donate a dog to be offered as a prize. PLACEMENT: It is suggested that Pekingese puppies not be placed before three months of age, however, no puppies will be placed before eight weeks of age. Prospective homes will be carefully screened. The following will be supplied to the purchaser or recipient: Registration record, three or four-generation pedigree, health record, diet and care information. PROFESSIONALISM: Each Pekingese Club of America member shall pledge to help educate the public on the Pekingese Standard and idiosyncrasies of the breed and in all other areas where qualified, and to help the new owner in every reasonable way for the life of any dog sold or placed. Member should be willing to take back any dog they sell or place, on a nonfinancial basis, in order to provide or find an appropriate home for the animal Official Photographer Deb Franklin dfranklinphotos@aol.com 209 917 0064 Chief Ring Steward Mr. Bill Dumas Assisted by: Shelia Laughton Veterinarian - 24-Hour Emergency Animal Emergency & Trauma Center 6425 S. Virginia St, Reno NV 89511 (Neil Rd & Sierra Center Parkway) (775) 851-3600 Hospital 24 Hr Emergency St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center 235 W 6th St, Reno, NV 89503 (6th and Ralston) (775)770-3000 10 BREED CLASSES FOR SPECIALTY SHOWS REGULAR CLASSES - for dogs & bitches Puppy, 6 & under 9 months Puppy, 9 & under 12 months 12 months & under 18 months Amateur Owner Handler Novice Bred By Exhibitor* American Bred Open - Under 8 lbs. Open - 8 lbs & over Cream, White, Black & Tan, Parti & Black Open - 8 lbs & over - AOAC Best of Breed *NOTE: Bred By Exhibitor (BBE) Class Eligibility 1. Dogs entered in Bred by Exhibitor Class must be individually registered with AKC, as of the date for the show. 2. The person handling the dog must be both a breeder of record and an owner of record of the dog 3. To exhibit in this class, family members must be a breeder and owner of record. 4. In subsequent classes for which the BBE dog may become eligible, there are no restrictions as to who may handle NON-REGULAR - SINGLE DOG CLASSES For dogs & bitches Veteran (Class Divisions): 7-10 yrs, 10 yrs. & over Open to all Pekingese seven (7) years old and over on the day of the show. Judging will take place after regular Dog or Bitch classes, prior to Best of Breed judging. A Champion may be entered in both Veteran and Best of Breed classes, however, if the dog is defeated in the Veteran class, he may not compete in BOB. NOTE: AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows. Chapter 11. Section 8. Neutered dogs and spayed bitches are allowed to compete in Veterans Classes only at independent specialties and/or those all-breed shows which do not offer any competitive classes beyond Best of Breed. These are each independent specialties. Winners of these Veteran classes are eligible to compete in the Best of Breed ring. NON-REGULAR - MULTIPLE DOG CLASSES - for dogs & bitches OFFERED AT PEKINGESE CLUB OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA SPECIALTY ONLY Brace Class - Effective January 1, 2005. A brace is defined by AKC as two (2) dogs of the same re cognized breed or variety that are similar in appearance, performing in unison, and presented by a maximum of two handlers. Both dogs competing in brace competition must have at least one common owner. The dogs comprising the Brace must be named at the time of the entry. Entry fee is $20 for the pair. Specify ‘Brace Only’ on each dog’s entry form. If a dog that is to be part of a Brace is entered in another class, specify ‘Brace’ in the ‘Additional Class’ section on the entry form; the fee is $20. If one or both are also entered in a regular class, the Brace entry fee is also $20. Please cross-reference dog names or registered numbers on the entries for Pekingese in the Brace. NON-REGULAR - MULTIPLE DOG CLASSES - for dogs & bitches OFFERED AT PACIFIC COAST PEKINGESE CLUB SPECIALTY ONLY Stud Dog Class - For Stud Dogs and two (2) but not more than six (6) of their Get. It is not necessary that the Get be under the same ownership as that of the Stud Dog. The Stud Dog must be entered in the Stud Dog class and shown in the ring with his Get. The Stud Dog may be entered separately in one of the Regular or Non-Regular classes at the normal entry fee, with ‘Stud Dog’ class indicated on the entry form in the space for additional classes at an additional $20 for the Stud Dog class. Or, the Stud Dog may be entered in Stud Dog class ONLY for a $20 entry fee. The Get MUST be entered in one of the Regular Classes, but there is no additional entry fee for them as participants with their sire in this non-regular class. The merits of the Stud Dog are not considered in the placement of the entry. The Get only will be judged, on the merits of the Get. Therefore, the winners of these classes are not eligible to compete for Best of Breed or for Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. All get must be examined and gaited. While the merits of the Stud Dog are not to be considered in the placement of the entry, the Stud Dog must be examined to determine if it has a condition that would require its disqualification or being excused under the Dog Show Rules, AKC policy or the standard for the Breed. NOTE: AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows. Chapter 11. Sect. 8. A castrated male may be entered as Stud Dog in the Stud Dog Class and a spayed bitch may be entered as Brood Bitch in the Brood Bitch Class. Brood Bitch Class - Same as Stud Dog Class except substitute Brood Bitch for Stud Dog, Produce for Get. 11 ENTRY FEES (Each Entry fee includes All AKC Event Service & Recording Fees.) PAY BY: CHECK PAYPAL 1st Class Entry of Each Dog & Show, except as listed below $29.00 $33.00 Additional Class, Same Dog & Show $25.00 $25.00 Puppy Classes under 12 months & Bred by Exhibitor $20.00 $24.00 Sweeps Classes (as an additional class PCA only) $15.00 $15.00 Veteran Classes $20.00 $24.00 Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, (PCPC only) Brace (PCCC only) $20.00 $24.00 4-6 Puppy competition (PCCC only) $10.00 $14.00 EXPRESS & OVERNIGHT MAIL: MUST BE SENT “NO SIGNATURE REQUIRED” USE ONLY OFFICIAL AKC ENTRY FORMS, ANY ENTRY BLANKS WITHOUT COMPLETE INFORMATION, NOT SIGNED, OR NOT ACCOMPANIED BY FEES, AGREEMENT & RULES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. SECRETARY ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR CASH SENT THROUGH THE MAIL OR ANY OTHER SHIPPING SERVICE. RETURNED CHECKS do not constitute a valid entry fee. The Show Secretary will add a collection fee of $30.00 to the amount of each returned check. Subsequent returned checks from the same exhibitors may result in their being put on a cash only basis. ENTRY FEES will not be refunded in the event of errors or cancellations of entries after the published closing date, nor in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, sick , lame, excused by the Veterinarian or Judge, or barred from competition by action of the Show Committee. NO ENTRY shall be accepted which specifies any condition as to its acceptance. NO DOGS wrongly entered in a class may be transferred to another class, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the AKC Rules Applying To Dog Shows. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENTERING DOGS With New E Mailed Entry Forms: Download the Entry Form. Then Open the Form in Acrobat Reader! Save the Entry Form first: i.e. Save as entry #1, Then Fill out the form, save, and exit. Open the Entry Form again and save as entry #2, continuing on for all your Entries. With Standard Entry Forms: Fill the Form the usual way, continuing on for all your Entries. Add ALL entry fees for each Dog from ALL forms . MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ”C. B. Goepner” IN US FUNDS OR Send ONE payment via PayPal IN US FUNDS to kimgdogs@yahoo.com Pay Pal Membership not Required Record the PayPal Transaction # and copy it to ALL entry Forms at the designated Places. Print a copy for your Records. (PRINT IN LANDSCAPE) Now you can Email all your Entries as an Attachment to: kimgdogs@yahoo.com. Or send by USPS To: Show Secretary Carolyn Goepner 3850 Ormsby Pl. Washoe Valley, NV 89704 Any questions please contact us At: kimgdogs@yahoo.com or call 775-849-1102. 12 RIBBON PRIZES ALL AWARDS ARE ROSETTES REGULAR CLASSES FIRST PLACE ............. Blue Rosette SECOND PLACE .............. Red Rosette THIRD PLACE ......... Yellow Rosette FOURTH PLACE ...........White Rosette WINNERS ................ Purple Rosette RESERVE ....... Purple & White Rosette BOB ............ Purple & Gold Rosette BOW ................... Blue & White Rosette BOS .............. Red & White Rosette GCH SELECT . Lt Blue & White Rosette AOM ...... Turquoise & Silver Rosette NON-REGULAR CLASSES FIRST PLACE ............ Rose Rosette THIRD PLACE Light Green Rosette SECOND PLACE ...........Brown Rosette FOURTH PLACE ............. Gray Rosette ALL SWEEPSTAKES BIS ................ Pink & Green Rosette Runner up to BIS....... Lavender Rosette SPECIAL AWARDS A Dark Green Rosette will be Awarded to the following BEST PUPPY, BEST BRED BY EXHIBITOR & BEST VETERAN AT THE NATIONAL SPECIALTY ONLY The dogs designated Reserve Winners Dog and Reserve Winners Bitch will be awarded a three-point major, provided that the number of dogs competing in the regular classes of the Reserve Winner’s sex total at least twice the number required for a five point major in the region in which the event is held. FOR EACH SPECIALTY GRAND CHAMPION POINTS will be awarded at the judge’s discretion to: Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Select Dog, Select Bitch according to AKC guidelines. AWARDS OF MERIT The judge will be permitted to give Awards of Merit to dogs in competition in the Best of Breed class that the judge feels are worthy of BOB. The judge may give Awards of Merit, but is not required to do so. There is one Award of Merit available for each seven (7) champions in actual competition (dogs entered but not present do not count toward the total) in the Best of Breed class. BOB, BOS, BOW, and SELECT are excluded by virtue of their already winning a superior placement. TROPHIES, listed within each club’s section and are offered through the generosity of each club unless otherwise noted. Each club reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value should a prize become unavailable. All trophies must be claimed the day of the show, none will be mailed. Monetary prizes will be paid in the ring to the person showing the dog. Claims for prize money must be made in the ring before exiting, and the Show Secretary’s desk advised at once. The Show Secretary and show-giving Club disclaim any liability for monetary prizes after the judging of the breed is over. 13 ADDITIONAL RULES THE WELFARE OF AN EXHIBITOR'S CHILD is to be the responsibility of the exhibitor. It is distinctly understood that exhibitors will exercise control and restraint over their children on the day of the show. EXHIBITORS AND HANDLERS will be held responsible for keeping the premises clean around their crates and set-ups. DO NOT LEAVE DOGS IN CLOSED VEHICLES. ANY UNSUPERVISED DOGS IN DISTRESS MAY BE REMOVED FROM A VEHICLE BY WHATEVER MEANS IF NECESSARY. BY ENTERING THIS SHOW THE OWNER, EXHIBITOR OR HANDLER AGREES TO HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY THE PEKINGESE NATIONAL CLUSTER OR THEIR MEMBERS IN THE EVENT A MOTOR VEHICLE MUST BE ENTERED TO RESCUE A DOG FROM OVERHEATING OR SUFFOCATION DUE TO IMPROPER VENTILATION. THESE CLUBS DO NOT AGREE TO ARBITRATE CLAIMS AS SET FORTH ON THE OFFICIAL AKC ENTRY FORM FOR THIS EVENT ALL RIGHTS TO TELEVISE, VIDEO TAPE, ADVERTISE, PHOTOGRAPH, PROMOTE or otherwise exploit this event are vested in the Clubs, or in persons to whom assignments of such rights have been made in writing by the Clubs. All persons and animals on the show grounds at any time while the show is in progress, do by attending these shows or participating therein, grant to the Clubs the right to photograph, televise, video tape, audio tape or otherwise use their likeness and voice in any manner without further release or consent. The Clubs, its officials or contractors are not responsible for the actions or products of commercial vendors at this show No refund for duplicate entries or class changes after the entry is processed. Every effort will be made to find duplicate entries, however, if an entry has been processed, no refund will be made. An Administrative Fee of $4.00 will be withheld from all refunds, including entries cancelled prior to closing. Due to the cost of processing, no refunds under $5.00 will be made. Errors on Entry Blanks. OWNERS AND THEIR AGENTS are responsible for errors in making out entry forms, whoever may make such errors; no entry fee will be refunded in the event of such errors or cancellation of entries after the published closing date. No generators are permitted inside any building or within 100 feet of any tent in which this dog show is conducted. 14 PREMIUM LIST PEKINGESE CLUB OF CENTRAL CALIFORNIA Specialty Show & 4-6 Puppy Competition THURSDAY APRIL 28, 2016 AKC event #2016208501/02 Celebrating the 100th show Held in memory of Lucille Tulloch A lover of Pekingese and friend to all May the lanterns forever burn bright in her memory PCCC 2016 OFFICERS President .........................Janet Allen Vice President ...................Cody Koch Treasurer ....................Barbara Allen Secretary ......................Patte Hempel 2601 Encinal Ave, Sacramento CA 95822 pattehemple@attn.net (408) 858-5641 Board of Directors: Jessie Alexander, Judith Brody, Marcia Sherman SHOW COMMITTEE Show Chair Janet Allen POB 117, Pt Reyes Sta CA 94956 janetptreyes@gmail.com 415 519 8576 Grounds Janet Allen Hospitality: Barbara Allen, Donna Brock Trophies: Judith Brody Fund Raising: Patte Hempel & Lynda Swensen And all officers, directors and members of the Club. AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB CERTIFICATION Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club For the holding of this event under American Kennel Club Rules and Regulation Mr. JAMES P. CROWLEY, SECRETARY JUDGING PANEL SPECIALTY Mr. J. Robert Jacobsen, 726 Brundage Street, Chubbuck ID 83202-1700 4-6 PUPPY Dr. Geno Sisneros; 7 John Street, Glens Falls NY 12801-2401 SPECIALTY TROPHIES At its 100th Specialty Show, the Pekingese Club of Central California offers an ANTIQUED PCCC MEDALLION for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch Regular Classes Chinese Foo Dog Statue & PCCC Commemorative Pin Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex, Select dog/ Select bitch Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch Chinese Tassel with Foo Dog & PCCC Commemorative Pin 1st in Regular Classes PCCC Commemorative Pin 2nd – 4th in Regular Classes Non Regular Classes Trophies Chinese Foo Dog Statue & PCCC Commemorative Pin Veteran Dog/ Veteran Bitch, Brace Special Awards Trophies Chinese Foo Dog Statue Best Puppy, Best Bred by Exhibitor, Best Veteran PCA offers a STERLING SILVER MEDALLION for Best Bred by Exhibitor (at least 4 entries in actual competition is required) 4-6 PUPPY COMPETITION TROPHIES Best 4-6 Puppy/ Best Opposite 4-6 Puppy Grooming Brush 1st – 4th in class Greyhound Comb Trophy donors will be recognized in the catalog ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 2016 16 PREMIUM LIST PACIFIC COAST PEKINGESE CLUB Specialty Show FRIDAY APRIL 29, 2016 AKC event #2016208401 PCPC 2016 OFFICERS President ...............Nicole Cooper Vice President .......Pam Winters Treasurer ............ ..Frank Meister Secretary ...............Lori Stephen 2677 Scenic Crest Lane, Corona CA 92881 ctrcatwomn@aol.com 951-737-3808 Board of Directors: Sheri Martinez, Betty Turner AKC Delegate: Steven Hamblin SHOW COMMITTEE Show Chair: Pam Winters 2144 Via del Prado Vista CA 92084 draco.dogs@cox.net 760-631-0556 Hospitality: Nicole Cooper Grounds: Mark Stephen, Paul Winters Trophies: Sheri Martinez, Lori Stephen Silent Auction: Nicole Cooper . And all officers, directors and members of the Club ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 2016 AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB CERTIFICATION Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club For the holding of this event under American Kennel Club Rules and Regulation Mr. JAMES P. CROWLEY, SECRETARY SPECIALTY JUDGE Mr. Malcolm Moore, 3033 Merrimac Drive, Montgomery AL 36111 Regular & Non Regular Class Trophies Best of Breed Hand Painted Pekingese Ceramic Wine Server Donated by Pauline Patterson (Amerglo) Best of Opposite Sex Hand Painted Pekingese Framed Oil Paintings Donated by Betty Turner and Victor Tzankov (Odessa) Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Best Puppy, Best Bred By Hand Painted Pekingese Framed Oil Paintings Donated by Betty Turner and Victor Tzankov (Odessa) Select Dog, Select Bitch, Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Best Veteran Pacific Coast Pekingese Embroidered Towel with Centennial Logo PCA offers a STERLING SILVER MEDALLION for Best Bred by Exhibitor (at least 4 entries in actual competition is required) First in Regular and Non Regular Classes Pacific Coast Pekingese Embroidered Towel with Centennial Logo PCPC wishes to thank those who have donated to our trophy fund: Susie Majesky & Bob Jones, Tuula Damon (Finnfair), Dana Hopkins (Thrushcross), Sigi Klein (Levant), Cheryl Jaeger (Jircen), Carol Dee Blakesley (Cardee), Mark and Lori Stephen (Aslan) Frank Meister (Dancing Lion) Sheri Martinez (Amerglo) ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 2016 18 ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 2016 PREMIUM LIST PEKINGESE CLUB OF AMERICA National Specialty & Sweepstakes Saturday, April 30, 2016 Event #2016145102 PEKINGESE CLUB OF AMERICA 2016 OFFICERS: President .................Mark Warren Vice President .......................Susan Shephard Treasurer ..Elizabeth Tilley-Poole Secretary ...............................Patricia Metzger 14 Doe Court, Wentzville, MO 63385 patriciagmetzger@gmail.com AKC DELEGATE: Elizabeth Tilley-Poole PCA Website: www.pekingeseclubofamerica.com DIRECTORS: Class of 2017: Patty Metzger Barbara Streemke Betty Tilley-Poole Pamela Vanderpool Class of 2018: Carol Dee Blakesley TBA Edee Snyder Carol Kniebusch Noe Class of 2019: Cheryl Chang Louise Harden Gladys Knox Pam Winters Class of 2020:: Ted Lee Susan Shephard Joy Thoms Mark Warren 2016 SHOW COMMITTEE Show Chair – Mark Warren 3098 Mack Island, Grass Lake MI 49240-9443 mfw3098@wowway.com 517-522-5229 Trophies: Carmen Blankenship Advertising/Publicity: Susan Shephard Hospitality: Mark Warren, Elizabeth Tilley-Poole, Sharon Dykes Raffle: Elizabeth Tilley-Poole And all officers, directors and members of the Club. AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB CERTIFICATION Permission has been granted by the American Kennel Club For the holding of this event under American Kennel Club Rules and Regulation Mr. JAMES P. CROWLEY, SECRETARY ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 2016 JUDGING PANEL SWEEPSTAKES Ms. Diane Bell, Dr. Steve Keating, 132 George Street, Carlton Place ON K7C SPECIALTY 507 S. Manus Drive, Dallas TX 75224 PEKINGESE PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Sweepstakes is open to all purebred Pekingese, six (6) months of age & under 18 months of age that are entered in any of the regular classes at the Specialty Show. Champions of Record are not eligible. Indicate Sweepstakes with the age division in the space provided for as ‘Additional Class’. Entry Fee: $15. CLASSES (for Dogs and Bitches) Puppy, 6 mos and under 9 mos • Puppy, 9 mos and under 12 mos • Junior, 12 mos and under 18 mos MONETARY PRIZES FOR SWEEPSTAKES 35% of entry fees will be retained by the club to defer expenses; the remainder distributed as follows: 1st place in Sweeps Class 40% 2nd place in Sweeps Class 30% 3rd place in Sweeps Class 20% 4th place in Sweeps Class 10% All monies not awarded will be retained by the Club. TROPHIES FOR SWEEPSTAKES st 1 Place in the all Puppy Sweepstakes classes Embroidered crate pad (fits a 200 size crate) Best in Puppy Sweepstakes 7” Etched Glass Apothecary Jar (Canister) Best Opposite to Best in Puppy Sweepstakes 7” Etched Glass Apothecary Jar (Canister) 20 THE PEKINGESE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. OFFERS THE FOLLOWING PERPETUAL AND CHALLENGE TROPHIES PERPETUAL TROPHIES THESE PERPETUAL TROPHIES SHALL REMAIN IN THE PERMANENT OWNERSHIP OF THE PEKINGESE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. AND CANNOT BE RETIRED. THESE TROPHIES ARE CURRENTLY ON PUBLIC DISPLAY AT THE OFFICES OF THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB IN NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK. THE NAME OF THE QUALIFYING WINNERS WILL BE PLACED ON A PLAQUE WHICH WILL BE DISPLAYED AT EACH SUBSEQUENT NATIONAL SPECIALTY SHOW Best of Breed The Lacasa McClure Halley Perpetual Sterling Silver Trophy offered by McClure Halley. Open to All. A bronze PCA commemorative medallion Best Opposite Sex to Best of Breed The J.P. Morgan Perpetual Sterling Silver Cup in memory of Mrs. Richard S. Quigley. Open to All. A bronze PCA commemorative medallion CHALLENGE TROPHIES** **Note: Due to a change in AKC policy and the high cost of shipping these trophies to each national, these trophies will not be physically present at the show. Instead photos of the trophies together with the names of those who have acquired a win on them since 2013 will be at the trophy table. TO BE RETIRED TO THE PERMANENT POSSESSION OF THE WINNER, THE FOLLOWING CHALLENGE TROPHIES MUST BE WON THREE TIMES IN THE COMPETITON SPECIFIED, NOT NECSSARILY AT CONSECUTIVE SHOWS AND NOT NECESSARILY WITH THE SAME EXHIBIT. UNTIL RETIRED, THESE TROPHIES SHALL REMAIN IN THE PERMANENT POSSESSION OF THE PEKINGESE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. WHERE “OWNER” IS STATED, IT MEANS EACH WINNER MUST BE OWNED BY THE SAME PERSON(S) WITHOUT REGARD TO WHO BRED OR HANDLED THE EXHIBIT WHERE “BREEDER/OWNER HANDLED” IS SPECIFICED, EACH WINNER MUST BE HANDLED BY AN OWNER WHO IS ALSO A BREEDER OF THE EXHIBIT. WHERE “BREEDER” IS SPECIFIED, EACH WINNER MUST BE BRED BY THE SAME PERSON(S) WITHOUT REGARD TO ITS OWNERSHIP OR THE PERSON(S) BY WHOM IT WAS HANDLED. IN CASE OF MULTIPLE OWNERS OR BREEDERS OF A WINNER WHO ARE NOT OF THE SAME HOUSEHOLD, THE PERSON LISTED FIRST IN THE CATALOGUE WILL BE CREDITED WITH THE WIN. ONCE A TROPHY HAS BEEN WON THREE TIMES BY THE SPECIFIED PERSONS, IT WILL BE RETIRED AND PRESENTED TO THE WINNER AT THE FOLLOWIING YEAR’S AWARD DINNER FOR THE PEKINGESE CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. 21 CHALLENGE TROPHIES** Continued Best of Breed The Johanna Mapes Trophy – a sterling silver Revere bowl offered by Mrs. Richard S. Quigley in memory of Johanna Mapes Owner The Celia Bueno Trophy – a sterling silver 4 inch Tiffany Vermeil bowl offered by William H. Blair in memory of Celia Bueno Owner if the winner is a bitch The Morningstar Reverie Trophy – a silver 12 inch Regal trophy offered by Anthony E. Rosato and John D. French Breeder/Owner Handled The Am. Can. BIS Ch. Lionheart Billy The Kid ROM Memorial Trophy – a silver 12” Revere Bowl offered by Gail Forsythe Breeder Best Opposite Sex to Best of Breed The Nancy Khajeh-Nouri Memorial Trophy – a silver Presidential Cup offered by Lionshadow Pekingese, Edie Jones, in memory of Nancy Khajeh-Nouri Owner The Delvlia Trophy – a sterling silver 10 inch platter offered by Mrs. Justin Herold and Miss Delphine J. McEntyre Breeder Best of Breed or Best Opposite Sex to Best of Breed The Orchard Hill Trophy – a sterling silver bowl offered by Mrs. Richard S. Quigley in memory of Ch. Jai Sun Fu of Orchard Hill. Breeder/Owner Handler of Exhibit (s) who win either Best of Breed or Best Opposite Sex The Millrose Ballerina Trophy – a sterling silver 10 inch dish offered by The Pekingese Club of America in memory of Dr. & Mrs. E. R. Blarney. Owner of Exhibit(s) who win either Best of Breed or Best Opposite Sex Best of Winners The Gilma Blauvelt-Moss Trophy – a sterling silver 10 inch dish offered by Mrs. E. G. Lagercrantz in memory of Gilma Blauvelt-Moss Owner Winners Dog The Dah Lyn Trophy – a sterling silver bowl offered by John B. Royce Owner The John B. Royce Trophy – a sterling silver 12 inch tray offered by Mrs. E. G. Lagercrantz in memory of John B. Royce Breeder Winners Bitch The DahLing Trophy - a silver Exeter cup offered by Charlotte E. Karpinecz in memory of Nancy Khajeh-Nouri Owner The Lagercrantz Trophy – a Tiffany ornate sterling silver bowl offered by Mrs. E. G. Lagercrantz in memory of Papoose and Bebe. Owner The Catawba Trophy – sterling silver bowl offered by Mrs. James M. Austin Breeder/Owner Handled The Strathy Trophy – a sterling silver sugar shaker offered by C. & M. Lowther in memory of Mrs. R. Strathy Breeder 22 ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 2016 CHALLENGE TROPHIES** Continued First in Bred By Exhibitor Dog Class (Offered only if there are at least three exhibits competing in this class) The Marilyn McDonnell Trophy – two sterling silver candelabras offered by Mrs. Marilyn Allen in memory of Marilyn McDonnell Owner The Myrtle P. Raczenski Trophy – a sterling silver 4 inch bowl offered by Mr. Peter Raczenski in memory of Myrtle P. Raczenski Breeder First in Best Bred by Exhibitor Bitch Class (Offered only if there are at least three exhibits competing in this class) The Lakshmi Trophy – an old English pattern silver plated shell shaped bowl offered by Irene Reasons in memory of C.W. Reasons Owner The Miss Iris de la Torre Bueno Trophy - a sterling silver Tiffany jewelry box offered by The Pekingese Club of America in memory of Miss Iris de la Torre Bueno Breeder/Owner/Handled The Martin Trophy – an ornate sterling silver bowl offered by Bruce Sheldon in memory of his mother, Mrs. Sheldon Martin Breeder Best Bred By Exhibitor Pekingese in Show The Rose Farm Trophy – a silver Sheffield cup offered by Mrs. Dee Hutchinson in memory of Gilma Blauvelt-Moss Breeder The Am. & Can. BIS Ch. & Finnish Ch. Lionheart Sundance Kid ROM Memorial Trophy - a silver 12” Revere Bowl offered by Gail Forsythe Breeder/Owner First in the American Bred Bitch Class The Tama Trophy – a sterling silver Loving Cup offered by Mrs. Alida V. Woods in memory of Tama Owner 23 ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 2016 TROPHIES FOR REGULAR AND NON REGULAR CLASSES PCA NATIONAL SPECIALTY April 30, 2016 Regular Classes Best of Breed Etched Wood Wine Box with Implements PCA offers a satin finished, gold-filled medallion with the PCA logo Best of Opposite Sex Etched Wood Wine Box with Implements PCA offers a satin finished, gold-filled medallion with the PCA logo Best of Winners Etched 6” Crystal Octagon with crystal base Select Dog Etched Half Moon Shaped Curved 7” Glass Select Bitch Etched Half Moon Shaped Curved 7” Glass Award of Merit Etched 6” x 9” Glass Sail Bevel with Stand Winners Dog Etched 7.5” x 10” Keepsake Wood Box and PCA offers a polished, gold-filled medallion with the PCA logo Reserve Winners Dog Etched 6” x 8” Keepsake Wood Box Winners Bitch Etched 7.5” x 10” Keepsake Wood Box PCA offers a polished, gold-filled medallion with the PCA logo Reserve Winners Bitch Etched 6” x 8” Keepsake Wood Box First Place in Each Regular Class 10” Etched Glass Plate Non Regular Classes Best Puppy from the Puppy Classes 5” x 7” horizontal Etched Glass Curved Photo Frame Best Bred by Exhibitor 5” x 11” Etched Glass Serving Bowl 50 x 60” woven tapestry throw with Pekingese motif offered in memory of Irene Reasons, Lakshmi Pekingese, former President of Pekingese Club of America and devoted Pekingese fancier offered by Angela & Luis Arenas-Lopez, Gene Hinson & Randy Ferguson, Diane Burvee, Morris Payant, Betty Clair Peacock and Carmen Blankenship PCA offers a sterling silver medallion with the PCA logo (at least 4 entries in actual competition is required) Best Veteran in Show 5” x 11” Etched Glass Serving Bowl 24 The Pekingese Club of America Expresses A Grateful “Thank You” to These Donors to The Pekingese Club of America 2016 Trophy Fund Jessie Alexander Imperial Barbara Allen Li Ming Barbara Aster Audrey Atherton Audrianne Gerry Attaway Precious Carol Dee Blakesley Car Dee Carmen Blankenship Chinabear Gloria Blum Geegeepekes Luc Boileau Knolland Farm Dorothy Brennan Mi-Toi Joanne Byars-Nixon Charlotte Carter Winjana Dorothy Cooper Celebration Nicole Cooper Silvergate Karen Crane JenKar Diane Bell Curley & Tom Curley Pekeden Kristin David Krisari Leslie Dees William Deyo Dahlgren Susan Dublinski Belv-N-Majk Marilyn Dudley Sadu Howard Fan Eastainnia Wendy and Dan Fischer Wendessa David Fitzpatrick Pequest Vincent Fleece Ven-Mar Jackie Boas Freiberg Akatoby Maximilian Gonzalez Ron Hammond Winward in loving memory of Rudy (Ch. Pleiku Golden Wishes) Louise Harden Lounar Roy and Laura Harrison Laro Vincent Hedrick Katsa Bonita Hill Yankei Dragon Stephanie Hill Xela Erna & Herbert Holcombe Linn-Lee Madonna Holko Silk Road Debbie and Mark Hoselton Norbu Bob & Mary Ann Jackson Fourwinds Tom Jenkins Katsa Edie and Cliff Jones Lionshadow Gloria Jones Sandra Jones Xela Carol and Alan Kallman Gladys Knox Peking Garden Cody Koch Pevyne Helana and Frank Kusala Snopeke Ted Lee Fur-Bee Ann Lewis Andalews Dr. Raymond & Christine Lo Dreamville Patricia Lyman Laura Markham Mar-Kee Melanie Marshall Arbortown Kathy and Tom Masilla Santaverdi Eva Matheny Matheny Marcia Merrill Imperial Palace Patricia Metzger Muhlin Eugene Moran L&E Carol Kniebusch Noe ShenBlu Zoe Norris Slash C’s Morris Payant Moonglow Berry Claire Peacock Peacock Susan Pullar Tapestry Marilyn Reale Reale Tim Reese Dunkirk Dr. Louis and Sylvia Reznick Hoong Tao Sasha Rockefeller Catherine (Kitty) Schell Talkabouttoys Leonie Schultz Edenhill Ken and Susan Shepherd Déjà vu Colleen Skinner Passion Edee Snyder Jego Bruce Spencer & Jeff Lockard Brey Lori and Mark Stephen Aslan Barbara Streemke Prima Hiram Stewart Hiwins Joan Sturtz Frances Tesoriero TuTaMoon Deborah Thompson Happy Tail Aileen Thomson Joy Thoms Windemere Betty Tilley-Poole Pleiku James Timmons Pevyne Kathy Torchia Dreamers Pam Vanderpool Gadabout Israel Velez Mack Island Mark Warren Mack Island Randy Winters Dunkirk 25 26 ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY APRIL 13, 2016 27 AKC Code of Sportsmanship PREFACE: The sport of purebred dog competitive events dates prior to 1884, the year of AKC’s birth. Shared values of those involved in the sport include principles of sportsmanship. They are practiced in all sections of our sport: conformation, performance and companion. Many believe that these principles of sportsmanship are the prime reason why our sport has thrived for over one hundred years. With the belief that it is useful to periodically articulate the fundamentals of our sport, this code is presented: • Sportsmen respect the history, traditions and integrity of the sport of purebred dogs. • Sportsmen commit themselves to values of fair play, honesty, courtesy and vigorous competition, as well as winning and losing with grace. • Sportsmen refuse to compromise their commitment and obligation to the sport of purebred dogs by injecting personal advantage or consideration into their decisions or behavior. • The sportsman judge judges only on the merits of the dogs and considers no other factors. • The sportsman judge or exhibitor accepts constructive criticism. • The Sportsman exhibitor declines to enter or exhibit under a judge where it might reasonably appear that the judge’s placements could be based on something other than the merits of the dogs. • The sportsman exhibitor refuses to compromise the impartiality of a judge. • The sportsman respects the AKC bylaws, rules, regulations and policies governing the sport of purebred dogs. • Sportsmen find that vigorous competition and civility are not inconsistent and are able to appreciate the merit of their competition and the effort of competitors. • Sportsmen welcome, encourage and support newcomers to the sport. • Sportsmen will deal fairly with all those who trade with them. • Sportsmen are willing to share honest and open appraisals of both the strengths and weaknesses of their breeding stock. • Sportsmen spurn any opportunity to take personal advantage of positions offered or bestowed upon them. • Sportsmen always consider as paramount the welfare of their dog. • Sportsmen refuse to embarrass the sport, the American Kennel Club, or themselves while taking part in the sport.
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