Summer Newsletter - National Llewellin Gun Dog Club


Summer Newsletter - National Llewellin Gun Dog Club
National Llewellin Gun Dog Club
Summer Newsletter
Summer 2013
July 26th, 2013
Notes from the Club
Upcoming Events:
 Northern Field Trial, LeRoy,
MN September 21st & 22nd
JD Waters
Vice President
Wilbur Williams
Vice President
Rock Daniels II
sions for the 2014 NLGDC Puppy Calen-
Caren Mansfield
dar is fast approaching. Have your pho-
Christopher Thole
tos submitted to Caren Mansfield or Car-
Records Chair
Rock Daniels
la Fryar by August 15th. Reminder
Membership Chair
that photos of puppies only ; no people!
& Parliamentary
Puppy Calendar Submissions
 Illinois Trial, October 2013.
Date TBD
The deadline for photo submis-
 Kentucky and Annual Meeting—dates TBD
Puppy Pictures
The calendar is planned to be available at
Steve Welty
See the Club Website for contact information!
the Minnesota Northern trial September
Submit Pictures to
Caren or Carla by
August 15th.
21st & 22nd.
Fall Trial Schedule
See “Notes from the
Club” at right for
more details on submitting photos.
The trial season will kick off with
the Northern Trial September 21st and
22nd. Pages 3 & 4 of this newsletter has
the entry forms and information. The
trial will be held at Jacobsen’s Three Ar-
Inside this issue:
rows Preserve. (
Notes from the Club
Breeder Advertisements
Illinois hosts an October trial.
The date is yet to be determined so keep
checking the club website and your in-box
for more details and entry forms.
Records Chair
Rock Daniels II is taking over
Be sure to send a Friend
Request to “National
Llewellin Setter Gun
Dog Club” !
NLGDC Officers
these duties. Thank you Carla Fryar for
many seasons taking on this task!
National Llewellin Gun Dog
Northern Lewellin Trial
LeRoy, MN
Three Arrows Preserve
September 21-22, 2013
Rob Enedy & Mike Ryan
(Print pages 3 & 4 of this newsletter
for entry form!)
For information regarding lodging,
directions, and contact information.
The National Llewellin Gun Dog Club (NLGDC) strongly encourages all breeders to adopt ethical breeding and business practices. No breeder
advertising for litters will be accepted unless the breeder has certified the sire and dam are FDSB registered and OFA or PennHip certified. The
NLGDC cannot and does not inspect, monitor or regulate the breeding or business practices of breeders located through this classified ad
posting process. It is the obligation of the breeder and purchaser to make informed decisions whether to complete the purchase of a Llewellin
setter. The NLGDC does not endorse, guarantee, recommend or approve any particular breeder. The NLGDC disclaims any liability or
obligation for the health, temperament or any other aspects of Llewellin setters purchased through breeders identified by use of this site. For
information on getting your site listed please contact Caren Mansfield
Highland kennels
Glenn and Fran Roark
J.d. Waters and Caren Mansfield
(217) 364-4584
Achieving excellence in Llewellin Setters for over forty years
1525 Home Avenue
Lincoln, Illinois 62656
Score Keeping
As a club, we should be especially
grateful to Karen Strohmeyer for assisting
with the scoring at several trials the past
year. To be effective at this task, it must be
done diligently through out the event so
participants and spectators can see how
they are doing in a timely manner. This
means that those scoring can not watch other braces closely or even have time to visit
and catch up with old friends. It is very
nice to see a new member step up to the
plate and tackle this often overlooked task.
The next trial you attend, be sure to
thank Karen for her efforts. Also be sure to
thank Caren Mansfield and Carla Fryar for
their hard work during the trials. Until Karen stepped up to the plate, I believe those
two have kept up with the task of scoring
and posting at all the trials I have ever attended.
National Llewellin Gun Dog Club
Northern Llewellin Fall Field Trial
September 21th & 22nd 2013 starting at 7:30 am
Sponsored by
Three Arrows Hunting Preserve
Call Name: ____________Registered Name of Dog: _____________________________
*Entries restricted to FDSB registered Llewellins
FDSB #: _________________ (please include photocopy of registration certificate)
Color: ________________
Male _____ Female ______
Date whelped: ____________
Sire: ________________________________ Dam: _____________________________________
Handler: ______________________________________
Owner: _______________________________________ Phone #: ________________________
Address: ______________________________ City: ____________ State: _____ Zip: _______
Email Address: _____________________________________________
Birds used will be Quail
_____OPEN (no age restrictions) - 30 mins ~~~ Sat & Sun $45.00 x 2 for both days __________
______DERBY (under age 2 on day one of trial season) -30mins~Sat
(& Sun if enough interest) $40.00 x 2 for both days _______
____PUPPY- (under age 1 on day of trial) - 20mins ~~~ $25.00_________
Entries close WED. Sept 18th, 8:00pm
Send Entries make checks payable to: Ben Jacobsen
78589 125th Street – LeRoy, MN 55951
DON’T forget to renew your membership too
National Llewellin Gun Dog Club
Northern Fall Trial
September 21th & 22nd 2013 starting at 7:30 am
*Entries restricted to FDSB registered Llewellin’s
Double Open Event
Sponsored by
To Be Held @ Three Arrows Hunting Preserve, LeRoy, MN
Chairman: Ben Jacobsen 507-438-3313
Lunch will be served at the trial
Also a group dinner is planned for Friday & Saturday evening
Grounds available for training on Friday call to prearrange 507-438-3313
Honorary Judges for Saturday & Sunday:
Mike Ryan
Rob Enedy
Hotels in the area:
Sweets Hotel - LeRoy, (3 miles) Special rates for trial people (no dogs in
Spring Valley Inn & Suites (16 miles) (Dogs for a small fee)
Our yard (free) no hook ups
Deer Creek Speedway Camp Ground (13 Miles) 507-346-2342