Oct 2009 Edition in PDF
Volume 2 No. 9 E Dalmatians Sabrina A Monthly Internet Publication October 2009 Ch. Xanadu’s Angel Sabrina Best in Specialty Show & Multiple Group Winning After beginning the year in January with a Group First at the prestigious Kennel Club of Palm Springs, Sabrina has gone from formidable contender to the ..... Number One Dalmatian in America (all breed).* Owners Joseph J. Ulloa Anne Q. Fomon tourmalinedal.com Breeder Dennis Sanders Xanadu Dalmatians * Dog News stats Oct 2009 Thank you Breeder Judge Mr. Kenneth E. Berg Sabrina pictured with her Handler ~ Andy Linton BIS/ BISS Ch. Blackthorn’s Flower Power Daisy Handler: Jeff Langevin We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all-breed judge, Mr. James G. Reynolds, for giving Daisy a ~Best in Show~ at New Brunswick Kennel Club. Breeders Sara Pruyne Linda McSherry Sue MacMillan Owners TNGDesigns Bertha Little Joan Eversole, DMD Elizabeth Zedel MBIS / MBISS CH TCJ N Satin’s Star Appeal Still The One. Owned by Kim & Dane Jenning, Todd Jardine, Jessica Hanson Expertly Handled by Dave Slattum U Specialty WinnER U “Monty” BISS Ch. MilleDals Karefree Monforte TNGDesigns (Ch. Topspots Turn of The Tide X Ch. Karefrees Cote Des Blanc) Back to Back Best of Breed Wins! NJ Non Sporting Show & The Dalmatian Club Of Greater NY. Monty has earned multiple BOB wins and Group Placements before he is one year old ! ** FLASH** Monty just went BOB at the Dalmatian Club of Greater Atlanta Specialty! Breeders / Owners Ann Miller | www.milledals.com Nancy Reiter | www.karefree.com Thank you to all the judges! Handled by Jessy and Roxanne Sutton “Bizzi” AKC/ UKC* Ch. Rim Rock N Siobahn Keepin’ Bizzi *Pending {BISS Ch Rim Rock’s Heads I Win RN x BISS Ch Siobahn N Rim Rock’s Poole Girl } AKC multiple BOB winner UKC multiple group winner and also Best In Multi-Breed Show winner. Always breeder, owner handled by Barb Allison rimrockdals@gmail.com TNG Designs Bizzi will be bred in 2010 to a Normal Canine Uric Acid male. Inquiries welcome! CH Bridlewise Curious Blitz (CH Storytym Never Done Page x Bridlewise Firelite Princess) Moritz finished his championship going BOW at Richland County K C July 19, 2009 in Medina, Ohio. He was handled by his owner Amie Ringler who as a novice handler was thrilled to win his last major and then also go BOW! At the 2008 DCA National Moritz won his 9-12 futurity class, received a third in conformation and a 4th in sweepstakes. Moritz was WD at the DCD spring specialty in Waterford, MI in 2008. Moritz was also RWD to a 5 pt. major under breeder judge Sharon Lyons at the Western Reserve Dalmatian Club in Aug, 2008. Owner: Amie Ringler amier28@gmail.com ©Larissa Breeder: Donna N. Kauffman bridlewisedals@aol.com www.bridlewisedals.com Lotsa Spots Dalmatians . . . n o i p m New Cha ” s i v l “E CH Lotsa Spots Forever Rock N Roll (CH Lotsa Spots Simply Stellar/CH Lotsa Spots Lowara’s By Storm) Bred & owned by Lotsa Spots Dalmatians William & Dolores Postens lotsaspots@mkl.com http://lotsaspotsdals.weebly.com “ Elvis” is pictured taking a 5 pt major to finish at the Dalmatian Club of Southern New England Specialty show, September12th. Our thanks to handler, Lesley Potts for her expertise in handling him to his championship. New Champion: CH Melody Midnight Rhythm (BISS CH Quicksilver’s Rhythm and Blues x CH Melody Macarana) “Odie” Finishes with a Group 4 This young son of “Crosby” is rock solid in structure, movement & temperment. Easy to live with and fun to show. Special thanks to Breeder/CoOwner Beth White of Melody Kennels and Breeder Barbara Lyons of Quicksilver Dalmatians for breeding this sweet easy going guy! Owned and Handled by: Tracy Greenwalt CERF -- Clear www.melodymidnightrhythm.com 3417 Kenwood Dr., OFA -- Pending Ft. Collins, CO 80524 odiedalmatiandog@gmail.com Bilateral Hearing 970-231-0339 ©Larissa Here’s Looking at You Lucy owned by Christine A. Gogan and Karen Rochin (CH NspirD Hollywood Legend “Andy” x CH SunnyOaks Joy For SunRunner “Joy”) . . . g n i rt oduc In L e a d r e i n n n g ” u L y c R a u d y , n L “ u S r u o y n o s n o i t Congratula t major! Special thanks to Karen & Stephen Rochin for trusting me with this bundle of California Sun! first 5 poin Recognized by Judge Robert E. Hutton at the Greeley Kennel Club Show in Greeley Colorado on August 15, 2009 Santa Barbara KC Breeder’s Showcase Ch Fyrehouse Fiona Group 3! Fyrehouse N’ Xanadu’s Travis Celebrating 90 years of dog shows, the Santa Barbara Kennel Club initiated the Santa Barbara Kennel Club Breeder’s Showcase, held at the Earl Warren Showgrounds in Santa Barbara, California. To enter, the breeder needed to present two dogs that he/she had bred. There were approximately 50 pairs entered in the Non-Sporting Group. Fiona, handled by Dennis Sanders & Travis, handled by Madison Higginbotham led off the Group & went on to earn Group 3! What an honor as breeder to have earned such a win among such a lovely group! The pair are from the same litter, both liver, by Ch Daisydot Checkered Flag (Desoto) & Fyrehouse Phoenix (Olivia). Breeder: Eleanor Green Winters Fiona is owned by Eleanor Green Winters | eleanorwinters@cox.net. Travis is owned by Madison Higginbotham , Johnny & Regina Brown and Dennis Sanders. Thank you to judge Mrs. Montford for this lovely win! Do you like Chocolate? We like this kind! Introducing our newest sweetest Indulgence... “Wyatt” TNG’s Wi Fi Ch. TNG’s Flightplan X TNG’s Entrapment Wyatt is from our summer litter & growing up here at TNG. He represents the best from this breeding.... Outgoing confident temperament, beautiful angles & rich liver pigment with pleasing spots. A Chocoalte lovers DREAM... Breeders/ Owners ` June & Irvin Krukenkamp M.D ` www.tngdalmatians.com New Breeding at RoyalSpots We are expecting our B-litter around October 31, 2009 ”Burke” TNG Burke Sir of Royalspots Bilateral Haring, HD-A, Complete Dentition Bred by Kennel TNG. USA “Lana” Perdita´s Rag Time(L) Bilateral hearing, HD-A, Complete Dentition Bred by Kennel Perdita, Norway We are excited about this breeding as it represents a great combination of gene pools worldwide with many wonderful dogs. We hope to get healthy, steady puppies with good bone & substance and great pigmentation. Am.Ch If you are interested in a puppy from this combination, please contact us below. Stefan Rothenberger Dalmatians of Royalspots www.royalspots.de Cristabo Dalmatians of New Zealand, presents in Canada... Cristabo Mistletoe Kiss (imp NZ) (ex RBISS NZ CH Cristabo Star Attraxion by NZ CH Toots Zee Devil at Cristabo (imp Norway)) At just 6mths of age, Cameo debuted with a Best Puppy in Group award in her first weekend in the show ring and gained her first point 2nd weekend out. “Cameo” Excelling in conformation, movement, coat and temperament, she is everything the standard calls for. Cameo’s pedigree incorporates some of the best bloodlines in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US. Watch for Cam eo in the ring in Cana da and US as she matu res... Handled by: Pat Kopec Owned & loved by Charlene Maines, Airdrie, Alberta Ph: (403) 8131760 (cell) or (403)948 3257 (hm) Email: Charlene@racetrack-rv.com www.cristabo.co.nz Puppy News We have puppies available from our recent litter. Whelped on August 19 - Available on October 14th. Girl - 4 weeks Sire: Ch Fiesta Fireman’s Hijo De Zapata (Ch Fireman’s Freckeled Friend x Ch Fiesta’s Lady Robbsdale) & Dam : Robbsdale Princess Coco of Alfredrich Mom Coco (Ch Alfredrich Handsome Tall N' Dark (Chum) x Ch Robbsdale Ruby Slipper of Pal (Dorothy) Call or email for current availability and pictures. Dan Arnold Dan@adworkshouston.com 281-381-6620 This is a great place to advertise your current litters or future breeding plans. Adver t ise your litt er or plann s ed breedin gs Send us your information along with any photos of Sire / Dam & pups let us do the rest! $35.00/ half page | $80.00 Full Page A great affordable & timely way to share your news with the fancy! Contact us today to have your announcement in next month's edition. - editor@edalmatians.com Moorcroft Dalmatians Photo collage by Debbie White Travel Tails By Michele Wrath A t some point in the show career of a dog, whether a class dog or a finished champion, travel either becomes an option or a necessity. Traveling to other areas is a great way to see the country, meet new people, see different breeder’s dogs, and often capture that elusive major or specialty win. The process can be as frustrating or enjoyable as you are prepared to make it. Hotels Whether you drive or fly, you need to find a place to stay. There are a lot of tools out there that can simplify the process, but none of these are fool proof. Premium lists always contain a list of hotels. This can be a great starting place, but do your homework. Sometimes the lists aren’t updated and things change. Properties are sold, the new owners don’t accept dogs, or the surrounding area is not as safe as it once was. I once booked a hotel on a premium list only to find out when I got to the show that the hotel had become the local stopping off point for drug dealers and folks in the business of transporting illegal aliens and was raided on a regular basis. Fortunately I was able to de-book and re-book in a safer part of town. Hotel chains are not consistent regarding their pet policy or the quality of the hotels themselves. On one trip to Houston, a friend and I booked our stay at a hotel chain that was very reliable in California. Not so in Texas. As we drove through the hotel parking lot there were signs that something was definitely different at this hotel. Lots of people just hanging around outside the rooms, and when we pulled up in front of our room we were greeted by the sight of a vehicle that had seen its better days - four flat tires and no evidence that this car was capable of leaving on its own accord. A later trip to the front desk revealed that the hotel was one of the destination points for the Hurricane Katrina victims. The car was eventually towed away and our stay was otherwise uneventful. The online booking services work great. Infodog has a service that lists the hotels and their proximity to the show site. When you use online services be sure to check the terms. The Infodog service requires you to pre-pay in advance of your stay. I found this out the hard way when I booked a hotel through the service, only to realize when I got there, that this was not a hotel I was prepared to stay in by myself. I was not only out the amount for the 2 day stay I had booked, but at 11:00 at night I needed to find another place to stay. What I now do when I don’t know an area is look up the location of a very nice hotel and find out what other hotels are close by. The nicer hotels will typically be in better areas of town, with convenient access to restaurants and shopping. The process can take a bit longer, but the results have been worth the extra time. Other things to remember when booking hotels: Make sure you know the cancellation terms – these can vary widely from 72 hours up to day of stay. Also, check your dates. I once arrived at a hotel to check in only to find out that I had made the reservation for the day before! And double check the pet policy. It is never good to find out at 11:30 at night that the hotel has a limited number of pet rooms and that you’re not in one of them. Fortunately these folks felt sorry for me and bent the rules. Not all hotels are as flexible. Air Travel We have flown all over the US and Canada with our dogs. It can be a nerve wracking process, but fortunately most always uneventful. We have flown on all of the major airlines. Their individual travel policies are slightly different, so make sure you read the information on the website and speak to a booking agent at the time you make your travel arrangements. The biggest challenge to air travel is the ticket agent that greets you when you arrive at the airport terminal. You must make this person your best friend. He or she will be the difference in your experience being painful or pleasant. Airlines differ in their policies regarding crate size, whether doors have to be tie-wrapped shut or not, whether water is allowed or not. Be prepared to remove your dog from the crate so that the crate can be inspected, and don’t be surprised if the TSA agent wants to pat down your dog. I’m not quite sure what they think they are going to find on a Dalmatian, but I have learned over the years that it is always smarter not to argue with these folks. We have holes drilled in the front side of the crate so that we can tie-wrap the door of the crate shut. I have a nail clipper in my carry-on bag so that I can clip the tie wraps off when I retrieve the dog at the other end. This is much less embarrassing than opening up your luggage in the middle of the terminal and having your underwear on display for all the world to see. It’s also a lot faster. We put a sign on the top of the crate with the animal’s name, where he/she is traveling to, and our names and and phone numbers in the event something should go wrong. You need to be very clear to distinguish the name of the animal from the name of the destination. There was a very well campaigned dog whose name happened to be the name of a city in Alaska. Instead of the dog being placed on an airplane that would land him in New York for the Westminster show, the animal was flown to his namesake city in Alaska. All ended well – the dog was re-routed and arrived safely in New York later that weekend, well in advance of the show. Which brings me to my next point – be sure to allow enough time! Air travel is out of your control and things can happen. I once left work at the last possible moment, only to be dropped off at the airport with my dog and my suitcase but no purse. I watched my sister drive off in my car that now contained my cell phone, my wallet, and all of my identification. As I wandered around the airport trying to figure out what to do next, an employee for the airline approached me, asking if I needed some help. I had missed my flight and assumed that my trip was down the drain. Not so. The airline kindly put me on a later flight, I was able to scrounge up enough change to use a pay phone – did you know they even still had pay phones - and my sister returned to the airport with my purse and laptop and I was on my way. Even when you do everything right, things can still go wrong. In our 15 years of flying with dogs, we have only had one incident where the dog missed the plane. It is never a good thing to be the first person paged when the airplane reaches the gate. It is also not a good thing to be the poor airline employee that has to break the news to the passenger that their pride and joy is not on the airplane with them. In my case, the error was discovered immediately after the flight departed and the dog had been placed on the next flight out. The challenge was that the fight was due to arrive minutes after the departure of my connecting flight. The airline assured me they would care for the dog overnight and that he would be sent out first thing in the morning. I assured them that I was not getting on another flight without my dog. Since the arrival and departure of the flights were so close – within 10 minutes of each other – the airline thought they might be able to hold the departing flight long enough to retrieve my dog and place him on the plane. I stood at the gate with them as they monitored the arriving plane, and I watched the gentleman who spoke with me personally supervise the transport of my dog from the arriving plane to our departing flight. He personally picked up the crate and placed it on the airplane. When we arrived at our destination, my dog got out of his crate, tail wagging and totally oblivious to the fact that he almost got to stay in Dallas overnight. By this time you are probably wondering how/if I ever made it to a show in one piece. Well, I am happy to say that I have, but the best stories come from the trips that have been adventures. And some of the best wins have been on those trips. The missed plane adventure yielded a Best in Specialty win. The escape from the drugs and illegal’s hotel was celebrated with a Group 1. I ended up locking my keys in the car that night, but that is what auto clubs are for. There was one show where I missed the ring but that’s a tail for another time! Happy Showing! Puget Sound Dalmatian Club Specialties | August 21/22, 2009 August 21, 2009 (Friday) Sweepstakes Judge - Mr. Randy Larsen Best Junior & Best in Sweepstakes - Country Luvz a Rockstar (Duran/Vancleeve) Best Senior - Motion Maker’s Catch Me If You Can (Bryant) Conformation Judge - Mrs. Marilyn Dromgoole BOB - Ch Tramac Joyride’n With Spotlite (Meisch/Smith) BOS - Ch Blackflash Midnight Star (Nielsen, Nielsen, Smith) AOM - Ch Blackflash Thunder Rolls (Smith/Gordon) WB & BOW - Sunnyoaks Tickled Pink (Stryker) WD - On the Spot’s Love me Tender (Rose) RWD - Country Luvz A Rockstar ( Duran/Vancleeve) RWB - Motion Maker’s All About Me (Bryant) August 22, 2009 (Saturday) Sweepstakes Judge - Mrs. Carla Mathies Best Junior & Best in Sweepstakes - Country N Cetina I’ve Been Everywhere (Dick) Best Senior - Motion Maker’s Catch Me if You Can (Bryant) Conformation Judge - Mr. Larry Sinclair BOB - Ch Tramac Joyride’n With Spotlite (Meisch/Smith) BOS - Sunnyoak’s Tickled Pink (Stryker) AOM - Ch Blackflash Midnight Star (Nielsen, Nielsen, Smith) WD & BOW - Shayla’s King of Hearts (Johnson, Bonnin) RWD - Onthespot Seabreeze Black Pearl (Gray, Rose) WB - Tucwinn’s Oom Poppa Mow Mow (Vancleeve, Vancleeve) RWB - Motion Maker’s Catch Me If You Can (Bryant) ©Larissa We celebrated our 40th specialty show on the 21st with a Hawaiian theme! Dalmatian Club of Greater New York | Sept 5, 2009 , North Branch, NJ. Sweeps / Mrs. Sue Goldberg Best Junior: BRIGHTSPOT JIM DANDY ( Karen & Ross Hopmans) Best Senior/Best :MT VIEW ‘N’ ERIN’S GOING REGIMENTAL.(Sharon & Baily Lyons) Best Veteran Sweeps: CH TROIKA’S ROBIN GOODFELLOW( Michele Markoff) Regular Classes: Judge: Mr. Ken Buxton BOB: CH MILLEDALS KAREFREE MONFORTE.(Ann Miller & Nancy Reiter) BOS: CH TROIKA SERENDIPITY (Michele Markoff) WD/BOW: J LEYTON LUZIO MOUNTAIN( Sharon Lyons, Jose Leyton & Carolina Bustos) RWD: GLENDALE’S PRETTY BOY FLOYD (Sandy Goldfadim) WB: RK’S N XTERRA’S JOIE DE VIVRE (Kristofer Kelso & Kathleen Barber) RWB: ERIN N MT. VIEWS BEWITCHED (Sharon R Lyons & Holly Herzman Ward) Candids Photos by Janet Katz & Barbara Garceau Dalmatian Club of Southern New England Specialties| Sept 11/12, 2009 , Falmouth, Mass. Friday: Sweeps /Ms Nancy Johnson Best Jr./ Best in Sweeps: SWEETSPOTS BENJAMIN BUTTON(Joan Eversole & Jeff Langevin & Bertha Little) Best Sr: ANGEL’S NEST LET FREEDOM RING (Greg & Linda Gerzanics) Best Veteran: CH CANAL-SIDES CHOCOLADA(Brian & Susan Marceau) Regular Classes/ Judge: Mrs Helen Lee James BOB: CH BLACKTHORNS FLOWER POWER(Bertha Little & Joan Eversole & Elizabeth Zedel) BOS:CH WINNIPESAUKEE’S ROCK N’ ROLL (Richard Baker & Marcia Harris Bell) WD/BOW: PATCHMT & MAINWAYS SHOW-TIME (Jeff Langevin & Joan Eversole) RWD: ONSENGELTJE ENOUGH SAID (Carola Adams) WB: PATCHMT & LEGENDS TIME FOR ME (Linda McSherry & Rachel Wilday & Dawn Eliot-Johnson) RWB: TIOGA COVER GIRL OF DELTALYN (Mrs Walter Smith) AOM: CH PERDITA’S ABSOLUTE ADORABLE (Carl Carro & Inna Liban) AOM: CH BLACK THORN LUCAS’ LEGEND RA( Dawn Eliot-Johnson & Sara Pruyne) AOM: CH ERIN’S SAY NO MORE (Ollie Firuski & Bailey M Lyons) Saturday : Sweeps/ Mr. Dennis Sanders Best Junior : SWEETSPOTS BENJAMIN BUTTON(Joan Eversole & Jeff Langevin & Bertha Little) Best Senior: KEENEN’S DYNASTY I’M ONE GOOD LOOKER (Margaret Keenen-Friedrich) Best Veteran: CH CANAL-SIDES CHOCOLADA(Brian & Susan Marceau) Best Opposite Veteran: CH MAJESTY’S CHINA DOLL(Maria Johnson) Regular Classes/ Judge: Mr Joe Walton BOB: CH BLACKTHORNS FLOWER POWER(Bertha Little & Joan Eversole & Elizabeth Zedel) BOS: CH MONARCH ‘N CANAL-SIDES PROPHECY (Pauline L Masaschi & Helene R Masaschi) WD: LOTSA SPOTS FOREVER ROCK N ROLL (Dolores A Postens) RWD: KEENEN’S DYNASTY I’M ONE GOOD LOOKER (Margaret Keenen-Friedrich) WB/BOW: RIVERSIDE’S THE SISTERS (Richard Baker) RWB: WB: PATCHMT & LEGENDS TIME FOR ME (Linda McSherry & Rachel Wilday & Dawn Eliot-Johnson) AOM: CH PERDITA’S ABSOLUTE ADORABLE (Carl Carro & Inna Liban) AOM: CH RK’S XTERRA’S MAKIN’ WHOOPEE (Kristofer A Kelso & Kathleen M Barber) Candids around the ring... Photos submitted by Prue Stuhr Candids around the ring... More photos including a photo show to follow in in next month’s edition About Our Specialty Coverage All of us at E Dalmatians want to send a special Thank You to all who have sent us photos & results of Regional Specialty & Shows. We cannot possibly attend them all & are thankful to all our volunteers who have helped us..... THANK YOU! It is a sometimes impossible chore to match the winning dogs up with the candid photos we receive if they are not labeled . We ask if you send us photos to please label the winning dogs (if you have photos of them). Since we are not at the shows, we can only publish what is submitted to us. If we have mislabeled or have the wrong information, we apologize & will make every attempt to correct it. We know that the Specialty collages are very popular & we plan to continue to bring them to you with each edition. Please contact us if you would like to work with us to have your Specialty represented. NOTE l ring specia We are offe r fo ts n discou advertising s u will send those who tos. labeled pho ll o give you fu We will als . photo credit n g A ll alli s b C u l C d e a e n B r i t a m Dal E Dalmatians is offering HUGE discounts for Dalmatian Breed Club Advertising. Advertise Your Upcoming Specialties with E Dalmatians Full Page Ads only $35.00 Advertise It...they will come! (Special monthly package deals available) ~ 3 months for $90.00 Did you hear about these great deals? Get the news about your Specialties seen in 30 days or less! Advertise monthly! Also... Advertise your upcoming Specialty in E Dalmatians & send us photos of your Specialty. We will put together a multiple page photo spread including our New Photo Show in the very next month’s edition at NO cost! (You must advertise your specialty to get this free service) Contact us today editor @edalmatians.com E Dalmatians Dalmatian Stats Breed 1 CH Bretd’s Sergeant Major 440 J Bachey/E Bachey/M Zink 2 CH Tramac Just Walk’N On Sunshine 404 J Smith/M Callea 3 CH Perdita’s Absolute Adorable 321 C Carro/I Liban 4 CH Karefree Giovanna At Milledals 317 N Reiter/A Miller 5 CH Xanadus Angel Sabrina 314 J Ulloa/A Fomon 6 CH Nspird Spotsafire Its A Wrap 275 T Bailey/C JORDAN 7 CH Mt Bryton’s Covert Operative 265 C Bartell 8 CH Paisley Nspird By Broadway 260 S Macmillan/M Iwaoka/G Iwaoka 9 CH Royalty’s Splash Of Taylor 197 W Polaski/P Polaski 10 CH Sunnyoaks Ready To Rumba 129 M Wrath/T Wrath 11CH Designed By Amera 126 S Boyd/S McCord 12 CH Tcj N Satin’s Star Appeal 123 K Jenning/T Jardine/J Hanson 13 CH Rockstar All Around Road Trip 119 J Rodes/P Fisher 14 CH Dakota’s Diagon Alley 110 N Mages/K Benoit 15 CH Rockstar Cottondale Oui Oui 84 S Boyd/P Fisher 16 CH Paisley Elan Special Effects 83 D Baxter/S Macmillan 17 CH Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art 83 K Carey 18 CH Blackthorns Flower Power 77 B Little/J Eversole/E Zedel 19 CH Folklore Celtic C&C All About Me 69 J Boyd/M Boyd/D SKIBINSKI 20 CH South Street N Bayside’s Dropkick Murphy’s Law 65 W Ketzner/K Moore All Breed 1 CH Xanadus Angel Sabrina 3400 J Ulloa/A Fomon 2 CH Bretd’s Sergeant Major 2445 J Bachey/E Bachey/M Zink 3 CH Perdita’s Absolute Adorable 2202 C Carro/I Liban 4 CH Karefree Giovanna At Milledals 1653 N Reiter/A Miller 5 CH Paisley Nspird By Broadway 1565 S Macmillan/M Iwaoka/G Iwaoka 6 CH Tramac Just Walk’N On Sunshine 1338 J Smith/M Callea 7 CH Nspird Spotsafire Its A Wrap 1130 T Bailey/C JORDAN 8 CH Royalty’s Splash Of Taylor 944 W Polaski/P Polaski 9 CH Paisley Elan Special Effects 861 D Baxter/S Macmillan 10 CH Sunnyoaks Ready To Rumba 792 M Wrath/T Wrath 11 CH Mt Bryton’s Covert Operative 775 C Bartell 12 CH Hispot Montazh Master Authority 532 P Miller McGowen/A Henderson 13 CH Rockstar All Around Road Trip 508 J Rodes/P Fisher 14 CH Rockstar Cottondale Oui Oui 432 S Boyd/P Fisher 15 CH Dakota’s Diagon Alley 418 N Mages/K Benoit 16 CH Blackthorns Flower Power 409 B Little/J Eversole/E Zedel 17 CH Tcj N Satin’s Star Appeal 384 K Jenning/T Jardine/J Hanson 18 CH Designed By Amera 370 S Boyd/S McCord 19 CH Xanadu Ships Ahoy 323 L Stevens/D Sanders 20 CH Sterling Folklore Fly By Night 293 K Groff/J Groff/D Skibinski Canine Chronicle Stats from January 1, 2009 up to & including July 31, 2009 Advertising Guidelines & Pricing DEADLINES Ads must be received by the 15th of every month for the next month’s insertion. HOW TO SEND ADS & ARTICLES E mail us to request an ad. We will respond quickly & work with you on all you need for your ad. All ads can be done electronically by sending us photos & information via email. If you need to send hard copies of photos or CD’s, we can accept them at our mailing address listed below. INFORMATION WE NEED TO PROCESS YOUR AD 1) What type of ad you want (full page/ Litter announcement/ Club announcement, etc). 2) Are you submitting a finished ad or do you need us to design your ad. Design fees may apply. 3) Payment for your ad. INFORMATION WE NEED IF WE ARE TO DESIGN YOUR AD 1) Photo of your dog (high resolution of 150dpi or greater) . 2) Information about your dog (registered name / Sire & Dam/ Breeders/ Owners). 3) Text/ copy for the ad. 4) Any additional info (logos, graphics, background requests, etc) 5) Additional design fees are required for more than 1 revision or for custom designs (photo editing/ removal of backgrounds, special graphics, etc.) PHOTO /AD SPECS IF YOU ARE SUBMITTING A FINISHED AD Page dimensions for all ads: 7.5’’W X 9.0” H , no margins required. All photos to be used in ad layouts must be submitted with >150dpi resolution in JPEG, TIFF or BMP format. A high resolution photo is necessary for proper viewing on the ad on the internet. Final ads should be sumbmitted in in PDF format & must also be >150dpi. The following files are acceptable & can be edited if need be: .DOC files (Microsoft Word) and .Indd files (Adobe Indesign), .ai (Adobe Illustrator Files) TEXT ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Text articles should be submitted in the following format: .DOC files (Microsoft Word) and or .Indd files (Adobe Indesign). Page dimensions: 7.5” W X 9.0” H , no margins required REGULAR PRICING (Specials announced on our website) Full Page Ads: $ 80.00 *(Includes standard layout & design) Half Page Ads: $ 35.00 (Litter Announcements/ Merchant Ads) Club Ads : $ 35.00 (Full page/ Special Club rate ) Cover Page: $120.00 FLASH VIDEO / Photo shows added to Ads : $25.00 Additional Design Fees: $ 25.00 Note: Free layout design fees include 1 revision. Additional design fees will be charged for additional revisions. Any special custom graphics or photo touch ups require an additional design fee. PAYMENT We accept all major credit cards .You can pay on line using our secure site or use your Pay Pal account. Click the Payment Link on our site. Checks /money orders are also accepted by regular mail. WHERE TO SEND Please send all ads electronically via email attachment or CD/ in regular mail. All photos & text can be send directly via regular mail. Email us at: editor@edalmatians.com Mail files /check to: E Dalmatians 40 Junction Road South Berwick, Maine 03908 Say “Goodbye” to the playful days of Summer... ...and relax into Fall! Enjoy the change of seasons!
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