Feb Edition in PDF
Feb Edition in PDF
Volume 3 No. 1 E Dalmatians A Monthly Internet Publication February 2010 THE NUMBER ONE DALMATI AN I N AMERI CA 2009 ALLBREED Ch.Xanadu’ sAnge lSabr i na Own e dBy :J o s e p hJ . Ul l o a. An n eQ. Fo mo n Pr e s e nt e d By: AndyLi nt on As s i s t e d By: As hl i eW hi t mor e and Dani c a Ei s we r t h Br e dBy : De n n i sSa n d e r s XANADUDALMATI ANS Multi BOB and group placements but most of all a wonderful temperament CH Shenandal’s Simply Optimistic Am Can Ch Shenandal’s Imagine the Joy ,CD, CGN ’ x BIS Intl BISS CH Hispot’s Simply Sublime, CGC Grand son of BISS CH Tuckaway Indian run Owner: Nicole Vandal Breeder & co-owner: Sharon Debor www.simplydalmatians.com Daisy and Jeff Moving into 2010..... Photos by Irv Krukenkamp MD Watch for them as they compete this year. ower P r e w o l F rn’s o h t k c a l B . Ch BIS/ BISS TNG Designs.com Handled by Jeff Langevin Ch. Bret D’s Instant Replay At Monarch “Sarge” This handsome boy earned 4 BOB’s from the classes on his way to finishing his championship at 12 months. Inquiries about Sarge: martisabby@earthlink.net Owners: Marti Schneider Debbie Zink Expertly handled by: Amanda Myers lclarkphotodesign.com Bred By: Marie D. Zink Betty Carroll . CH SunnyOaks N Yankee Dals House That Ruth Built Ch. Freedom N Zdars Guess Where Too, CGC Kelly Jo (Ch TNG N Zdar Freedoms Air Force One, CGC X Ch Zdars Triple Legacy, CGC) Muliple Breed Winner & Group Placing Watch for “Kelly Jo” at the Garden! TNGDesigns.com Breeders: Pam Parsons & Cindy Riggans Owners: Pam & Russell Parsons Freedom Dalmatians icspots20@yahoo.com Across The Finish Line in 2009! CH SunnyOaks A Bit O’ Blarney CH SunnyOaks Stealing The Stage BOW Dalmatian Club of America Owned by Tom and Michele Wrath WB Dalmatian Club of America Owned by Tom and Michele Wrath Ginger congratulates her kids on an amazing year! CH SunnyOaks Tickled Pink RWB Dalmatian Club of America Owned by Gay Strkyer CH SunnyOaks N Yankee House That Ruth Built Award of Excellence – Eukanuba Classic Owned by Jeff and Joan Fosenberg CH SunnyOaks St. Florian Literati Compass Rose WB Dalmatian Club of Northern California Owned by Linda Sexton and Dawn Mauel TNG Designs.com CH SunnyOaks Hitting The High Point BOW Major pointed from the Puppy Class Owned by Linda and Daniel Dale Tom and Michele Wrath – SunnyOaks Dalmatians Introducing.... TNG’s WIFI (Ch TNG’s Flightplan X TNG’s Entrapment) At his first show, “WIFI” won BOB & Puppy Group ONE at 7 months of age. Thank you to judges Dr. Anthony Dinardo & Mrs. Kathleen B. Kolbert for this wonderful beginning! TNG Dalmatians www.tngdalmatians.com Breeder / Owners: June & Irvin Krukenkamp MD Handled by June Krukenkamp Twas the week of the blizzard “Twas the week of the blizzard And all through the yard Frisbees were scattered With Jack standing guard. Snow frisbee is tiring Jack’s mom had to stop But not for a Dalmatian He’d play till he dropped The squirrels were all hiding They were nowhere in sight But Jack kept on hoping He’d find one to bite. We trudged through the drifts And jumped over piles And then I remembered That Dals can run miles. Jack looked in the sky Would Santa fly by Bring Lacey to me He barked with a sigh. So until he can see her He’ll just have to wait With her picture taped To the side of his crate.” Design by Design360.com ~ by Cindy Greene ’S K IC W ID TH Be Mine and I promise you chocolate kisses forever! These heavenly sweet chocolates are made by Ch Esquire N Aviators Expatriate & Ch Thidwick Halo Visit us at: www.thidwick.com Lizabeth Hancock Thidwick Dalmatians Tngdesigns.com Sheridan, IL Christmas babies at Spothill! Belle & Babies 8 new cherubs born on 12/ 25/ 2009 4 boys (2 blacks, 2 livers) 4 girls (1 black, 3 livers 1 patch) Sire: Luzio Am/CH, Chi/CH J J Leyton’s Luzio Mountain “Luzio” & CH. Erin ‘N Gibson’s Belle At Spothill “Belle” For more information , contact us below: Angie Taverna | www.spothilldalmatians.com This is a great place to advertise your current litters or future breeding plans. Adver t ise your litt er or plann s ed breedin gs Send us your information along with any photos of Sire / Dam & pups let us do the rest! $35.00/ half page | $74.99 Full Page A great affordable & timely way to share your news with the fancy! Contact us today to have your announcement in next month's edition. - editor@edalmatians.com T r a e Y t s e B e h T s g o in D by Michele Wrath SunnyOaks Dalmatians There are litters to plan, puppies to show, dogs to finish and specials to be debuted and campaigned. There are more letters to write and petitions to sign as the fight against the Animal Rights activists begins anew. And sadly, there are always more dogs to rescue. For those of us who are breeders at heart, there is nothing more exciting than the promise of a new litter. The stud dog has been selected, health clearances are complete and arrangements have been made. Now the waiting game begins. If the dam has to travel or semen has to be shipped, you become a frequent viewer of the weather channel The final standings are in from the previous year – – wondering if you are in fact going to hit a temwhich now seems like a lifetime ago although it has perature spike or trough that could wreak havoc barely left us. It’s a time for some to celebrate, for on your plans. We recently flew across country. I others to rethink and second-guess every decision routed the flights through Dallas thinking it would that they made – from show selection to choice of be the least likely place to have snow – and of handler to use of ads – was there something they course it snowed the day we traveled – it was the overlooked that gave that other dog the edge? And first time they had snow on that day in 100 years! some will actually look at their dogs. Could it be that this dog did as well as it could do given its Most of the time it all works out, but it is always quality and ring presence relative to the competigood to have a Plan “B” and even better to have a tion? bitch that watches the weather channel with you and cooperates so that The Big Day doesn’t fall Regardless of the final outcome, in the Specials in the middle of a blizzard or heat wave! Ring we are all at Zero once again. It’s a bit like being in Sales. What you did yesterday is what you And somewhere between getting a breeding done did yesterday and this is today. Enough said on and whelping and raising a litter, there are dogs to that. Time to get focused on 2010! show. More decisions. he New Year is upon us. It is a time of reflection – to recount the highs and lows of the previous year and to decide and set into motion the plans for the year ahead. It is that season of unlimited potential, full of hope and the promise of things to come. As on breed e long tim e e early r said to m on in my lif e e in d “ The ogs, bu re ar t the e re a many re fe dog w do s des gs w ervin orth g of Do we try to finish the youngster with y of a all majors, from the puppy class, bein champ ga exclusively from Bred-By, only at Specialties spec ionship ial” , or any way we can? Is the dog that lives with the . co-owner crate trained well enough to travel to the National Specialty so that when the Show Chairman At home, makes the announcements for the day it won’t be whelping boxes are your room number called out with the offending pulled out of the attic, rooms barker. are cleared out and the puppy room is set up. Websites are updated, blogs are started, and And then there’s the promising youngster – you puppy reservations are taken. The dog lists are active know the one. It was the puppy everyone noticed again with the results of the first shows, recent litter in the litter box. The one that finished easily, with announcements, and the endless stream of gossip that multiple specialty wins and all those majors and is so much a part of the dog show world. perhaps a BOB and group placement from the classes – does this one have what it takes to go beyond You can feel the energy in the air. After all, this will an exciting championship record to the test of the indeed be the BEST year in Dogs! specials ring? And there is a difference. As one long time breeder said to me early on in my life in dogs, “There are many dogs deserving of a championship, but there are few dogs worthy of being a special”. Hard words to swallow, but true none the less. You think long and hard, and decide to test the water. You’ll know soon enough whether this one has the right combination of quality, presence, timing and just plain luck to win. The decisions are all now in place. The new show year begins. Entries are made, hotel rooms are reserved and travel plans are finalized. Across the country grooming tables get pulled out, vans get packed, and alarm clocks are set for the start of the show season. Happy New Year! Invites you to Meet Us In St. Louis for our Annual Specialty Shows Friday, March 5, 2010 Belle-Claire Fairgrounds in Belleville, IL Two Specialties, Sweeps, Junior Showmanship, Veterans, Brood Bitch & Stud Dog Judges William Cunningham - 1st Specialty Vickie Mooney - Sweeps Linda Lewin - 2nd Specialty, Juniors & Non-Regular Classes Superintendent is Onofrio Shows Close Wednesday February 17 CHIC DNA Blood Draw on Friday Fun and Useful Raffle Baskets Great Trophies for Specialty Winners Meet The Breed on Friday Light Refreshements Mid Day Between Shows Friday All Breed Shows Follow on Saturday and Sunday All Breed Best Puppy Competition on Saturday Dinner at Fisher’s Restaurant Saturday Night Don’t Miss The Fun! Plan to join us at Fisher’s Restaurant Saturday at 6:30PM for dinner, drinks, door prizes, and fun! $22 per person for family style Fried Chicken, Roast Beef and Ham dinner. And the first drink is on DCGSL! Reservations by Friday, February 26 through Walter & Peggy Polaski at ppol755906@aol.com Eukanuba Invitational 2009 Candid Photos & Results Photos by Spotshot Photography/ Suzi Wahl Best of Breed | Best Bred By in Breed/Variety CH Nspird Hollywood Legend Best of Opposite Sex CH Tramac Just Walk’N On Sunshine Winners Dog | Best of Winners Nspird Noble Strider Winners Bitch Nspird Smooth As Silk Award of Excellence CH Sunnyoaks N Yankee Dals House That Ruth Built CH Xanadus Angel Sabrina CH Z’s Nspird Back In Black News from the UK... Registration of a Low Uric Acid Dalmatian Import from the USA * At its meeting on 5th January 2010, the Kennel Club General Committee accepted an application to register an imported Dalmatian produced from a breeding programme which was originated with an intentional Pointer/Dalmatian cross. This cross-breeding was carried out in the USA as part of a programme aimed at introducing the low (or normal) uric acid gene into the Dalmatian breed. This decision is subject to certain conditions, which include the dog being examined by two Championship Show judges to confirm that its external appearance and characteristics are representative of the breed. The decision taken by the General Committee is in line with the Kennel Club’s commitment to consider applications to register dogs from outcrossings and inter-variety matings if it is felt that to do so may present potential health and welfare benefits. The Kennel Club consulted the Dalmatian breed clubs on this matter and their joint feedback was considered at length by the General Committee before arriving at this decision. Background It is believed that the Dalmatian breed is fixed for a recessive mutation of a gene that alters uric acid metabolism, resulting in increased urinary excretion of uric acid. This gene is not expressed in most other breeds of dog which excrete lower amounts of uric acid in their urine. The use of a recently developed DNA test for this genetic mutation on Dalmatians in the USA has shown that the frequency of the normal gene is close to zero in the USA population of the breed. Similar DNA testing of the UK population has yet to be undertaken, but it is likely that a comparable scenario exists in the UK population of Dalmatians. Some years ago in the USA, a cross-breeding was carried out between a Dalmatian and a Pointer with the intention of producing offspring that were low uric acid (LUA) excretors, because the Pointer used in the cross would not have carried the mutant gene. The offspring from this mating and their descendants have subsequently been back-crossed with purebred Dalmatians over many successive generations. Decision Recently, the Kennel Club received a proposal to register an imported LUA Dalmatian that is descended from the initial Pointer/Dalmatian cross. The outcross Pointer appears at least 13 generations back in the pedigree of the imported dog. In line with the general aim of the KC to help individual breeders and breed clubs to improve the health and welfare of future litters, the General Committee has agreed to register this imported LUA Dalmatian subject to confirmation from two championship Show judges that the imported dog’s external appearance and characteristics are representative of the breed. The registration records of this dog and its descendants will be annotated by the KC’s normal asterisk system whereby the progeny of the first mating between the dog and a registered Dalmatian, the F1 progeny, will have their registrations annotated with three asterisks. Then, when F1 progeny are bred from, their progeny, the F2 progeny, will be annotated with two asterisks. F2 progeny will produce F3 progeny which will be registered with one asterisk. The F4 and subsequent generations will have no special annotation. In addition to the above conditions the committee also agreed that the registrations of all progeny would be endorsed with the restriction ‘Not eligible for Export Pedigree’ for the next five years, and the owners would be required to submit a health report, to include BAER testing results, on all progeny in five years’ time. * Posted on Jan 12, 2010 on The Kennel Club Website: http://www.thekennelclub.org.uk/ My thoughts on the UK decision to register Low Uric Acid Dalmatians. A UK breeder’s point of view. by Julie Evans, Tyrodal Dalmatians I could start by telling you all my reasons for wanting to incorporate the NUA gene into my line but to say, health is at the top of my list should be enough. Those of us who want to progress with these Dalmatians see them as a means to further the best interests of the breed! Those that dont are entitled to their choices. It took just about a year for me to get Kennel Club approval to register NUA Dalmatians in the UK. That time was mainly taken up with correct protocol, presentation of my application, obtaining and supplying all the information that was available both on the girls I was importing and NUA Dals in general, information and records of both was easily obtained from the excellent records kept on all the breedings of these dogs. Other UK breeders also communicated their support to the KC. The Kennel Club Breed Health and Welfare Strategy Group includes a number of scientists/vets: - Dr Ruth Barbour, BA, MB ChB, FRCGP - Prof. Mike Herrtage, MA, BVSc, BVR, DVD, DSAM, DECVIM, DECVDI, MRCVS, Dean of Cambridge Veterinary School - Prof. Sheila Crispin, MA, VetMB, BSc, PhD, DVA, DVOpthal, DipECVO, FRCVS, Past President of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons - Prof. Jeff Sampson, BSc DPhil, KC Senior Scientific Advisor - Caroline Kisko BSc, KC Secretary - Diana Brooks-Ward, BSc, KC Health Co-ordinator Professor Jeff Sampson (KC Geneticist) was always in complete support of my application along with Additionally, the Kennel Club General Committee Diana Brooks-Ward, these 2 people were in contact includes: with me through out. - Mr S P Dean BVet.Med MRCVS - Mrs G F Simpson, BVMS, MRCVS The process took the application through several - Dr R James MRCVS group committee’s, but the first one that had to support it was the health Committee. This consists of The UK Kennel Club has a very stringent policey on pediscientists & vets (listed to the right). gree dog health. Where there is a need to improve genetic health they will do all in their power to ensure steps are The Kennel Club works closely with the veterinary taken in the best interests of the dogs. profession and involves many sectors within its decision making process. This includes Past President of the British Veterinary Association, Nick Blayney, and vet, Marc Abraham who are both Veterinary Advisors to the Kennel Club. Dalmatian Club of Greater New York Invites you to attend their Spring Specialty Held with the New Brunswick Kennel Club New Jersey Convention & Exposition Center Edison, New Jersey Friday, March 26, 2010 –DCGNY Independent Specialty Regular Classes (Evening Independent Specialty): Mr. David Miller Sweeps, Puppy & Veterans (daytime): Mr. Jack Seacrest Regular Classes (Daytime with NBKC): Mr. David Kirkland Group: Mr. Carl Gomes Obedience: Ms. Nancy Withers, Mr. George Malloy, Mrs. Patricia Hess Entries close: March 10, 2010 – Register early – 50 dog limit (FOR EVENING SHOW) Superintendent: Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd. www.raudogshows.com 3 more chances for majors at the same location: Thursday Evening, March 25, 2010 Non-Sporting Group of the Garden State Sweeps, Puppy & Veterans: Ms. Kathy Kirk Regular Classes & Group: Mr. John Shoemaker Obedience: Mr. Ed Whitney Rally: Ms. Lynn Curie Saturday, March 27, 2010 New Brunswick Kennel Club Judge: Dr. Michael Manning Sweeps, Puppy & Veterans: Julian Prager Group: Dr. Michael Manning Obedience: Mrs. Patricia Hess, Ms. Nancy Withers, Mr. George Malloy Sunday, March 28, 2010 Bronx County Kennel Club Judge: Ms. Elizabeth Muthard Group: Mrs. Elaine Lessig **Contribute to Canine Health** All Dalmatian owners are welcome to participate along with the DCGNY in the CHIC DNA Blood Draw following the Dalmatian judging on Saturday, March 27, 2010. Details can be found at the Dalmatian Club of America website, as well as a registration form to bring with you. Contact info@dcgny.org with questions or for more information. 2009 Final Stats All Breed Breed 5081 1 CH Xanadus Angel Sabrina J Ulloa/A Fomon 4296 2 CH Bretd’s Sergeant Major J Bachey/E Bachey/M Zink 3154 3 CH Perdita’s Absolute Adorable C Carro/I Liban 2003 4 CH Paisley Nspird By Broadway ka S Macmillan/M Iwaoka/G Iwao 2001 e 5 CH Tramac Just Walk’N On Sunshin J Smith/M Callea 1663 6 CH Nspird Spotsafire Its A Wrap T Bailey/C JORDAN 1653 s 7 CH Karefree Giovanna At Milledal N Reiter/A Miller 1393 8 CH Royalty’s Splash Of Taylor W Polaski/P Polaski 1385 9 CH Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art K Carey 1322 10 CH Tcj N Satin’s Star Appeal K Jenning/T Jardine/J Hanson 1237 11 CH Blackthorns Flower Power B Little/J Eversole 1080 12 CH Designed By Amera S Boyd/S McCord 1063 13 CH Sunnyoaks Ready To Rumba M Wrath/T Wrath 862 14 CH Paisley Elan Special Effects D Baxter/S Macmillan 856 e 15 CH Mt Bryton’s Covert Operativ C Bartell 724 16 CH Tramac Joyride’N With Spotlite J Thorburn/J Smith 687 17 CH Rockstar All Around Road Trip J Rodes/P Fisher 672 18 CH Xanadu Ships Ahoy L Stevens/D Sanders 641 19 CH Dakota’s Diagon Alley N Mages/K Benoit 602 Sir 20 CH Royalty’s Taylormade Call Me J Mayfield/S Mayfield 760 1CH Bretd’s Sergeant Major J Bachey/E Bachey/M Zink 506 e 2 CH Tramac Just Walk’N On Sunshin J Smith/M Callea 477 3 CH Perdita’s Absolute Adorable C Carro/I Liban 476 4 CH Xanadus Angel Sabrina J Ulloa/A Fomon 416 5 CH Tcj N Satin’s Star Appeal K Jenning/T Jardine/J Hanson 372 6 CH Royalty’s Splash Of Taylor W Polaski/P Polaski 367 7 CH Paisley Nspird By Broadway ka S Macmillan/M Iwaoka/G Iwao 317 s 8 CH Karefree Giovanna At Milledal N Reiter/A Miller 316 9 CH Sunnyoaks Ready To Rumba M Wrath/T Wrath 310 10 CH Nspird Spotsafire Its A Wrap T Bailey/C JORDAN 304 11 CH Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art K Carey 301 12 CH Blackthorns Flower Power B Little/J Eversole 298 e 13 CH Mt Bryton’s Covert Operativ C Bartell 206 14 CH Designed By Amera S Boyd/S McCord 194 15 CH Xanadu Ships Ahoy L Stevens/D Sanders 192 16 CH Rockstar All Around Road Trip J Rodes/P Fisher 184 17 CH Tramac Joyride’N With Spotlite J Thorburn/J Smith 152 18 CH Nspird Hollywood Legend C JORDAN 151 Sir 19 CH Royalty’s Taylormade Call Me J Mayfield/S Mayfield 142 20 CH Dakota’s Diagon Alley N Mages/K Benoit y 1, 2009 up to & including Dec 30, Canine Chronicle Stats from Januar 2009 ~ Best in Show Video for your Show Dogs ~ FEATURING High Resolution Gorgeous Video of your Show and Dogs. VD: h D n wit os o Vide labeled m y dog ire & Da r e v E e, S Nam NEW for 2010: • Video on Demand custom video editing at your show! • LIVE Internet streaming video (some shows) ! s e i b e Fre s : FREE • Pay-Per-View of past shows (see website) Junior l l a n o i t hibiting! Atten x e u o y f ideo o custom v video E E R F : s ll Judge a n o i t n e nment! g i Att s s a g n dgi of your ju Visit us at: web: www.showdogvideopros.com E-mail: ibkmd@showdogvideopros.com Phone: (888) 808-0870 Best of Luck to All Exhibitors and Fanciers in 2010! Double your Fun in Houston.... 2 Specialties! Specialty #1 - Saturday, May 1, 2010 Spindletop Cluster, Beaumont, Texas The Spindletop Cluster consists of 3 all-breed shows, Obedience trials, and Rally trials, with specialties held ½ hour after Best in Show on Saturday, May 1st. All events are held indoors. Sweepstakes will be held on Saturday with the Baytown KC all breed show. Judges: Sweepstakes judge - Ms. Irma Fertl. Specialty judge - Mr. Rodney Merry. Entries close- April 14, 2010. Onofrio Dog Shows Specialty #2 - Thursday, July 22, 2010 Reliant Park Series of Dog Shows, Houston, Texas A CHIC DNA blood draw will be held following the specialty judging on Thursday. Judges: Sweepstakes judge - Cindy Riggans, ZDAR Dalmatians Breed judge - Meg Ispas-Hennessey, Snowood Dalmatians Obedience & Rally trials held as a combined specialties event on Thursday. Dalmatian Sweeps will also be held on Friday with the Houston KC All-breed dog shows, Obedience & Rally trials and agility will be held on Friday, Saturday and Sunday Entries close- July 7, 2010 Onofrio Dog Show for all of the events. www.onofrio.com r o f D e t a s a l e r G s b u l e B r C e d n a i t Dalma E Dalmatians continues to offer discounts for Specialty Advertising. Advertise Your Upcoming Specialties pa Ful l on Page ly $ 35. Ads Spe 00 c ck ia ~ 3 age d l mo nt mo e nth als a hly s fo vail r $9 abl 0.0 e 0 & get a FREE 2 page photo spread of your specialty in the very next edition! Get the news about your Specialties seen in 30 days or less! Advertise monthly! If you advertise your Specialty in E Dalmatians & send us any candid photos from your Specialty, we will put together a multiple page photo spread featuring your show in the very next month’s edition at NO cost! (You must advertise your specialty to get this free service). Contact us today to have your Specialty featured. editor @edalmatians.com Ten Dollar Deals for 2010! Advertise in our Classified Section & get some great deals! for only $10/ Yr Get your Kennel Name and contact info listed for a whole year. for only $10 more/ Yr Get a PREMIUM listing in color (your logo included). for only $10.00/ Edition Announce your New Litter/ Breedings/ Stud Service, Puppies for sale (text only, no photos, limit 50 words) for only $10 more Get a PREMIUM listing of your announcement in color with 1 photo included. DOUBLE your exposure by a Double Business card sized ad...only$50.00/ Yr. (great for merchant ads/ vendors/ handlers) Your listings will be seen by Breeders/Judges & fanciers worldwide. Starting in our March edition. Send us your info & we’ll do the rest. editor@edogmagazines.com Advertising Guidelines & Pricing DEADLINES Ads must be received by the 20th of every month for the next month’s insertion. HOW TO SEND ADS & ARTICLES E mail us to request an ad. We will respond quickly & work with you on all you need for your ad. All ads can be done electronically by sending us photos & information via email. If you need to send hard copies of photos or CD’s, we can accept them at our mailing address listed below. INFORMATION WE NEED TO PROCESS YOUR AD 1) What type of ad you want (full page/ Litter announcement/ Club announcement, etc). 2) Are you submitting a finished ad or do you need us to design your ad. Design fees may apply. 3) Payment for your ad. INFORMATION WE NEED IF WE ARE TO DESIGN YOUR AD 1) Photo of your dog (high resolution of 300 dpi or greater) . 2) Information about your dog (registered name / Sire & Dam/ Breeders/ Owners). 3) Text/ copy for the ad. 4) Any additional info (logos, graphics, background requests, etc) 5) Additional design fees are required for more than 1 revision or for custom designs (photo editing/ removal of backgrounds, special graphics, etc.) PHOTO /AD SPECS IF YOU ARE SUBMITTING A FINISHED AD Page dimensions for all ads: 7.5’’W X 9.0” H , no margins required. All photos to be used in ad layouts must be submitted with >300 dpi resolution Final ads should be submitted in PDF format & must also be >300 dpi. TEXT ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Text articles should be submitted in any text file format: All text articles are free & we do not pay for any articles. 2010 PRICING (Specials are announced on our website) Full Page Ads: $ 74.99 *(Includes standard layout & design) Premier Pages: $ 89.99 (pgs. 3-5) Half Page Ads: $ 35.00 (Classifieds/ Merchant/Litter) Club Ads : $ 35.00 (Full page/ Special Club rate ) Cover Page: $120.00 FLASH VIDEO/ Photo shows added to Ads : $25.00 Additional Design Fees: $ 25.00 Bulk advertising/ Custom Quote *Note: Free layout design fees include 1 revision. Additional design fees will be charged for additional revisions. Any special custom graphics or photo touch ups require an additional design fee. PAYMENT We accept all major credit cards .You can pay on line using our secure site or use your Pay Pal account. Click the Payment Link on our site. Checks /money orders are also accepted by regular mail. WHERE TO SEND Please send all ads electronically via email attachment or CD/ in regular mail. All photos & text can be send directly via regular mail. Email us at: editor@edogmagazines.com Mail files /check to: E Dog Magazines 40 Junction Road South Berwick, Maine 03908 Jump into Winter Winter Greetings from all of us at E dalmatians.
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