Biewer Breed Club of America SPECIALTY EDITION
Biewer Breed Club of America SPECIALTY EDITION
BIEWER BREED CLUB Biewer Breed Club of America OF AMERICA SPECIALTY EDITION SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST: V O L U M E • Specialty Results • Your Pictures • Fundraising • Special Moments 1 , I S S U E 2 Specialty and Events Committee Report 2 Specialty Results 3 Board Contact Info 5 2 0 0 9 The Specialty Re-Cap I hope everyone has recuperated from the wonderful weekend we spent with many of our Biewer friends in Reading, PA. What a weekend! The quality of dogs present was Unsurprisingly, the most phenomenal thing this weekend were the beautiful Biewers. It was positively breathtaking to witness the wonderful representation of our breed in attendance at the BBCA Specialty. headed in the right direction with our Club, and our breeding programs. I was pleased to hear that one of the judges, (a toy breed specialist), vocalized his approval of the direction we are taking with this breed. It was a great opportunity to see old friends and make many new ones. Even the NAKC organizer noted how friendly the atmosphere was by commenting on never having seen so much hugging going on. What a great feeling to see everyone being so genuinely supportive of each other. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: M A R C H The judges, spectators and other breed participants all greeted the Biewer with enthusiasm. Ch. Magnolia’s Dare to Dream Harmonious Huey—Owned/ Shown By Stacey Miller further confirmation that we are For the second year in a row, the BBCA Specialty has provided the largest showing venue for Biewers in North America. Kudos to all who helped make this a record-setting and fun-filled weekend. What a fantastic display of quality Biewers. I can’t wait for next year! I want to see how the raffle committee can top this years amazing display. - JR Fundraising The 2nd Annual BBCA Raffle was a big success! This would never have been possible without all of the volunteers to help run the raffle table. Not to mention the great sponsors who so generously donated so many nice items for our raffle. Just to mention some of the items raffled this year were stroller, pet gear collapsible crate, hand painted Biewer clocks, dresses, sweaters, bows, grooming products, pet beds etc. We had 3 tables totaling 24 feet that were filled with items on Saturday and also refilled on Sunday. The total amount raised will be announced at our next meeting. I would like to thank everyone who complimented the Fundraising Committee on getting such nice items. We were very proud of the nice display we had. It was a lot of fun to do the raf- fle. We had grown women pretending to pout for not winning and others screaming and jumping for joy when they won! Also had a generous winner who won a double item and decided to put it back in to be raffled again to give someone else a chance at winning! Others were winning and sharing with their friends. I think we all enjoyed and looked forward to getting together and drawing the winning tickets. It just added to our special weekend spent with our dear friends. - Sharon Brown PAGE 2 “We derive immeasurable good, uncounted pleasures, enormous security, and many critical lessons about life by owning dogs.” ~ Robert Caras 2009 BBCA Specialty Awards Table… What Fabulous Prizes! BIEWER Specialty and Events Committee Our BBCA's 2009 annual Specialty One Fine Spring Day was a true success! The BBCA Specialty in conjunction with NAKC, had 30 entries; 3 were absent, so a total of 27 Biewer a la Pom Pon's were shown by 20 different exhibitors. It was a spectacular weekend full of fun, laughter, raffles and wins with old friends and new friends, members and non members! Our Judge for the Specialty was the icing on the cake as he was truly professional, AKC -Toy Breed Judge -Bernhard Helfrich had the patient of a saint with our little pups and knew exactly how to judge our beautiful breed as he was in awe with them! We were honored to have as our speaker this year Dr. Sharon Center to lecture us on her PSVD and BREED CLUB OF MVD research. We had a great turn out of members and nonmembers for her lecture. Dr. Center clarified the disorder of PSVD and MVD, described the process of genotyping and her research in finding the gene responsible for the inherited disorder. She also clarified her reasonable goals of a developed genetic test. Many had the chance to ask questions during and after the lecture. She seems to be very confident in having the DNA marker identified soon! Let's all hope so! And I would like to take this moment to thank all those involved in making our Specialty a success starting with our Specialty Committee: Theresa Perry and Val Kibler. The awards, ribbons and certificates are all thanks to them and so many other details to long to list!! A special thanks to Cheryl Katz to for stepping in last minute and AMERICA putting together our goody bags (which were beautiful), as well as organizing our hotel details and organizing our dinners and get-together's along with Peggy Strausse. What a team! I would like to commend our fundraising committee , they went far beyond our expectations and raised a wonderful amount of money for our club along with the Liver Shunt Fundraiser for our Health Foundation. Thank you Sharon Brown (Head Chair) and our wonderful volunteers, Barbara West, Gayle Jones, Teresa Harrison, , Peggy Strausse , Sherry Penno and Sandy Doris. Our great photography and Videos Jackie, Norma Jean, Barbara, Molly and Sandi! A very special thank to Peggy Strausse for her warm and great hospitality! Thank you! Director of Specialty and Events Liza Morffiz VOLUME 1, ISSUE 2 PAGE 2009 Specialty Results 3-6 month Puppy Dog Class 1/RBP - Drew (not in catalog) - Liza Morffiz 2 - Forever Frasier of Windy Hill 3 - Pistol Packin' Polo of Paws of Love 6-9 month Jr. Puppy Dog Class 1/R/RJP - Imperiales D'Morffiz Chasing History 2 - Imperiales D'Morffiz Catcher of Dreams 3 - Irish Scott vom SchloB Burgk 2/BBE - Jr. Ch. Classically Exquisite Carlyle of Windy Hill 3 - DareDevil Austin of Windy Hill Placed in BOB class due to error - Be Still My Heart of Imperiales D'Morffiz Best of Breed Competition 1-Hershey Kiss A - Oziris Made in Superior 3-6 month Puppy Bitch Class 1/BP - Fine N' Fancy Freezia of Windy Hill 2 - Yvette von El Cassious Dio 3 - Halo of Almost Heaven A - Abbee of Appalachian B - Ch. Magnolia's Dare to Dream Harmonious Huey OS - Ch. Elisa von El Cassious Dio Gr. Ch. Underwood von El Cassious Dio Bred By BBE -Jr. Ch. Classically Exquisite Carlyle of Windy Hill RBBE-Finally FeeBee of Almost Heaven 6-9 month Jr. Puppy Bitch Class 1/W/BJP - Anya of Blossom Acres 2 - Ellie of Majestic Charm 3 - Calaryn's Cover Girl 9-12 month Puppy Bitch Class 12-18 month Dog Class 1/W/BW - Hickory Scott vom SchloB Burgk 1/R - Art of Highclass Jamaica Star (not in program) 2 - California Sunprincess Emmellie of House of Wagging Tails Open Dog Class 9-12 month Puppy Dog Class 1 - Candyland's Milky Way's Midnight Special 2 - Candyland's Cracker Jax Open Bitch Class 1 - Calaryn's Beaucoup D'Amour 2 - Alee Briana of Blossom Acres 3/RBBE - Finally FeeBee of Almost Heaven “A dog teaches a [child] fidelity, perseverance and to turn around three times before lying down.” ~ Robert Benchley Special Thank You There are many, many people to thank who helped to make this event spectacular. Please accept our heartfelt thanks. There were two people who need to be acknowledged that do not own Biewer, are not club members, but who gave of themselves con- tinually. Special thanks to Laura and Jackie for their tireless efforts and help to us all. You are precious gems. 3 PAGE 4 “No lapse of time or distance of place can lessen the friendship of those who are truly persuaded of each others worth.” ~ Unknown BIEWER BREED CLUB OF AMERICA Thank you for your interest in the Biewer and the Biewer Breed Club of America. For information on membership, please refer to the Club website at As always, we are looking for submissions for your newsletter. Please forward them to Janice Robinson : Biewer Breed Club of America President: Theresa Perry Vice Pres.: Molly Forman Secretary: Cheryl Katz Treasurer: Val Kibler Thank you to all who helped to make the 2009 BBCA Specialty in Reading, PA the spectacular event that it was.