Oct/Nov Edition in PDF
Oct/Nov Edition in PDF
Volume 5 No. 5 E Dalmatians A Bi Monthly Internet Publication Oct/ Nov 2012 Denver On The Cover CH Melody Sublime SIRE: GRCH Quicksilver’s Rhythm And Blues DAM: Ch Spanner’s Melody Macarena Denver BREEDER: Marabeth White & Sheryl L Corder Owner/handler: Karen Fatula E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Dreams really do come true.... BEST IN SHOW Carroll County Kennel Club of N.H. Sept 8th, 2012 BIS Silver GCh Brooksides Minit to Winit (CH Tuckaway Indian Run ROMXX x CH Starseeker Brookside D-Havlnd TT) winni Special thanks to Judges, Randy Garren (Breed), Dennis McCoy (Group) & Robert Ennis (Best in Show) for this SPECTACULAR win! Breeder/ Owner Virginia Simpson AKC Breeder of Merit Brookside Dalmatians Expertly handled by Rick Krieger E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Ivy Celtic n Folklore Imagine Savoir Faire ( BIS MBISS GRCH MT. Bryton’s Covert Operative X BIS GRCH. Folklore Celtic C & C All About Me ) Having fun in the ring... Only 1 more major to go! Owner Handled by Kelly Roy Owners: Kelly & Pat Roy and Jim Boyd Breeders: Jim & Michelle Boyd and Diana Skibinski E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com www.lostartdals.com www.kristadroop.com E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com BIS BISS MRBIS Am/Can GCH Onsengeltje Enough Said CGN Naturally! Thank you to the many judges who have recognized and rewarded Danny’s natural breed type! Beautifully Presented by Mark Bettis Owned by Toni Linstedt & Carola Adams Bred by Carola Adams www.jujudals.com www.dutchkennels.ca E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com V New American Champion Finished with 4 Majors Vickie Am/Can Ch RS N Onsengeltje Secret Rendezvous Adams/Baker E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com [ RS High Rise - RS Tache ] NEW CHAMPION “Crufts” is now Ch LONDON'S EARLS COURT [ GCH Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art CD RA CGC CHIC #59755 X Ch. London’s Stamford Brook FN OA OAJ AX AXJ CHIC #71261 ] We thank the following judges for recognizing Crufts’ exceptional breed qualities and awarding him the 4 specialty WD wins from the BBE class, Eugene Blake, Ed Petit, Dr. Charles Garvin and Ronnie Ellen Fishchler. C We knew he was a beautiful baby, but LOOK at our baby now! Quoting judge Ronnie Ellen Fishchler who finished “Crufts” at the Western Reserve Dal Specialty.... ” I love his headpiece and those shoulders! His topline is to die for!” rufts “Crufts” first weekend out as a special earned him 3 BOB wins and 14 Grand Champion points. He then earned his Beginner Novice obedience title. We are so proud of our 16 month old young dog! Breeders/Owners /Handlers: Sharron and Leonard Podleski London Farms est. 1972 londonfm@altelco.net *Beauty without compromise* E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com on lty Show a i c e p S Best in Winning 3, 2011 1 b e F up 3 to a Gro Judge RonnieElle n Fischler os . Madier J n h o J Judge Judg eC S. onnie p Clap oint P 5 h t le wi t i T p i ionsh p m a d Ch Gran Finished Champion wit Specialty Major - A ug 8, 2008 2010 , 8 1 c r - De o j a M Leaping Dals Joy-Boy Jackson RE NP13626002 . h 5 Point Major, 2nd . Sire: CH Storytym Never Done Page Dam: Bret D Belladona Owner/Handler: Denise Dawson E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com LeapingDals.com Coachside Dalmatians is proud to announce Bred By Exhibitor Champion Coachside Winning Colors of Tuckaway CHIC #83958 ( GCH. Lakeshore’s Tail of Two Cities x Tuckaway St. Annes ) “Belle” Winners Bitch (4 point major) Sawnee Mountain Kennel Club Thank you judge Mrs. Judith Daniels! Belle finished from BBE with 16 points & 3 majors. So proud of my sweet & pretty girl! Coachside Dalmatians Velvet Cole Breeder/ Owner/ Handler Maryville, TN Coachside@aol.com Winners Bitch (3 point major) Dalmatian Club of Greater Atlanta Thank you judge Mr. John Madieros! Tuckaway Dalmatians Belle on her way to Winners Bitch & New Champion at the Dalmatian Club of Greater Atlanta Specialty. E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Frances Remmele Co Breeder Lexington, KY frances.remmele@pnc.com CH CANAL-SIDE’S IMPERATOR NEW Champion Barnsby [ GCh Monarch ‘N Canal-Sides Prophecy - Canal-Side’s Lady Coquette ] 2 DCSNE Specialty Shows 2 - 5 point majors! All from Bred-By BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Finished in 7 shows Like a Dream... Handled by Helene Masaschi Bred & Owned by Helene & Pauline Masaschi Co-Owned with Dana Battistoni Canal- Side Dalmatians Pauline & Helene Masaschi CanalsideDals@aol.com E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com PROCTOR DALMATIANS Introduces... “Abby” Proctor’s Sundial Something NU { UKC GCh. Rim Rock Stocklore Mystic Maks X Proctor’s Dappled Miss Moneypenny (12 Pts.) } Our LUA girl Abby (from an all LUA litter) is pictured at 7 months earning her 3rd major. Abby exemplifies breed type with an extraordinary zest for life. She moves like a coaching dog with a job to do. Bred by: Eva Berg and Mary Moore Owned and loved by Eva Berg and Marcia Rasmussen **Flash** All LUA futurity nominated litter co-bred with Barbara Greenspan. Whelped on Sept 9, 2012 - 3 males, 2 females. Sire: Am. Can. Ch. Proctor’s Dappled Hi-Flyer (Maverick) Dam: UKC Ch. Stocklore Forrest Brook (Brooke) For information check our website & check out the Brooke pups page. www.proctordalmatians.net Ken and Eva Berg, Breeder of Merit keberg@fire-eng.net 925-376-0136 E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Nikki DALWOODS IPAWS JEST N’ THYME Winners Bitch from the puppy class under breeder judge Joan Lester DCSC AM - Reserve Winners Bitch under breeder judge Jeff Langevin DCSC PM - Best in Sweeps under breeder judge Kitty Brown Thank you Judges! Owners : Peggy Rudder, Carol Haywood, Diane Bartholomew & Jenna Romano Breeders : Richelle, Jenna, Timm Romano & Diane Bartholomew E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Driftwood Right On Target DCA BOB 2004 BISS GCH Driftwood Picotee Freestyle, CD, RAE, OA, MXJ, OF, CGC, TT “Jet” & CH Driftwood N Edgewood Rockstar, OA, AXJ, NF, CGC “Edy” - Handsome head, classic conformation, wonderful movement and a kind disposition - “BUCKSHOT” aiming for his championship and we would like to thank Buckshot is the following AKC judges for their recent recognition: Dr. Steve Keating - Best of Breed (Kennel Club of Texarkana 6/16/12) Mrs. Keke Kahn - Best of Breed (Kennel Club of Texarkana 6/17/12) Mrs. Robert Forsyth - Best of Winners (Oklahoma City Kennel Club 7/1/12) Mrs. Carol Jean Nelson - Best of Breed (Longview Kennel Club 7/28/12) Dr. Ronald Spritzer - RWD (4pt. major, Greeley Kennel Club 8/18/12 Bred by Kathryn Blink, Pamela Fisher, and Paula Johnson Owned and Loved by Catherine Curtin & Matt Johnson catherinecurtin@sbcglobal.net (918)760-7606 Presentation and Professional Management by Matias & Melissa Mato mgmhandling@yahoo.com.ar E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Upton & Brooksides Hot Damn CH Brooksides The Price is Right X CH Upton’s Hghland Hurrah CGC TDI Here I Am At 4 months old, Sizzle goes BPG1 under judge Bruce Smith. Sizzle Owned by Karen McNamara Sandy Lajoie & Virginia Simpson E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Puppies are Coming! BIS BISS MRBIS Am/Can GCH Onsengeltje Enough Said CGN (Danny) x GCH Juju’s Bewitching Bailiwick (L) (Baili) www.jujudals.com Owned by Toni Linstedt & Carola Adams Bred by Carola Adams Dave & Toni Linstedt Town & Country, MO BIS CAN/AM CH Keenans The Band Plays On x CAN CH Onsengeltje Drago’s Emerald (L) 2/22/2008 23” Tall 58 lbs CHIC # 81732 BAER Bilateral Hips -‐ Good DM, CERF & Thyroid -‐ Normal Sire of 26 Puppies -‐ 25 Bilateral Hearing & 1 Unilateral Hearing Danny is liver factored. Bred & Owned by Dave & Toni Linstedt GCH CH Rockledge's Bring Them Young x BISS GCH CH Anticipation Here's Lucy! 5/6/2009 20 1/2" Tall 42 lbs. CHIC # 73742 BAER Bilateral OFA Hips Good; Normal: Elbows, Thyroid, Cardiac & DM; CERF: Clear of ISD E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Pup due pies Sep late tem ber ! hey nee Don’t Forget About Rescue! ~ Dalmatians in Need ~ Help our wonderful breed by Fostering or Donating . Every cent helps with caring for & re -homing these wonderful dogs who have been forgotten and tossed away to die. A small contribution to any Rescue organization will help so much. All Dalmatian Rescue organizations accept donations & most have Pay Pal links to accept your contribution. You can help in many other ways too by fostering, transporting, fund raising or training. Please see a listing of our dedicated Rescue organizations on the following page & give freely of your time or money to help our precious Dals in need. E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Dalmatian Rescue of Colorado www.dalmatianrescue.org Beth White 970-226-2844 melodee101@gmail.com ........................................................................... Second Chances Dalmatian Rescue www.gotspots.org Ohio & Michigan Area Jenny Brock questions@gotspots.org ................................................................ Dalmatian Rescue of North Texas Dalmatian Rescue Organizations Give today! dalmatianrescue@comcast.net Robbie Lark 610-948-5898 or 610-948-6952 www.whdr.org ................................................................................... www.adoptaspotdalrescue.com Virginia www.petfinder.com/shelters/VA208.html Debbie Kidd 757-484-2940 adoptaspotdalrescue@cox.net .................................................................................... Dal-Savers Dalmatian Rescue, Inc. http://DalRescue.us www.petfinder.com/shelters/WI75.html Wisconsin Diane Springer 414-297-9210 dianespringer@yahoo.com .......................................................................... Dalmatian Rescue/Pets At Risk dalmatianrescueofpugetsound.com Washington, Oregon & Idaho Jodie Kelley 360-568-9504 rescue@dalmatianrescueofpugetsound.org Adopt A Spot Dalmatian Rescue, Inc. http://www.rockyspot.com Oklahoma Theresa Monnard 405-699-7358 dals@rockyspot.com .............................................................................. Willing Hearts Dalmatian Rescue Dalmatian Rescue of Puget Sound http://dalrescuetampabay.org Susan Weber 727-787-1760 daldoglady@netzero.net ........................................................................................... RockySpot Rescue, Inc. www.dalpal.com Ann Rutledge 972-250-DALS adoptme@dalpal.com .................................................................................... www.dalmatianrescue.com www.dalmatianrescue.petfinder.org FLorida Pati Dane305 336-2247 fladalrescue@aol.com ................................................................................. Dalmatian Rescue of Tampa Bay, Inc Check out their Facebook Pages too!! E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Spotted Dog Dalmatian Rescue www.spotteddogdalmatianrescue.org Pennsylvania Ariel O’Brien 717-260-0155 or 717-602-4623 spotteddogrescue@verizon.net ............................................................................. Dalmatian Rescue of SW Virginia www.drswv.com Debi Smith 540-392-6761 debi.smith@drswv.com . Dalmatian Club Of Greater Atlanta Specialty Shows Aug 24 & 25, 2012 Results Friday August 24, 2012 Sweepstakes Judge: Tina Thomas Batchelor Best Jr: Spotted Bliss Just a Little Newton-Daniel Brumfleld and Kevin Smith Best Senior/ Best: Erin n Advocates Special Agent-Jean Meader Best Veteran: Ch Laurel’s What the Doctor Ordered CDX- Steve and Angie Moon Regular Classes: Judge Mrs. Ann Hearne WD/BOW: Spotted Bliss Just a Little Newton-Daniel Brumfleld and Kevin Smith RWD: London’s Sir Rocky of Windsor-Brian and Martha Sue OConnell WB/AOM: Robinwood N’ Insignia Pardon Me Boys-Sara Ledgerwood and Sue Crist RWB: London’s Royal Affair, RA-Karen West & Sharon Podleski BOB: GCH Country N Rockstar’s Fortunate Son-Carol Russo & Lisa Manners BOS: CH GCH Chermar’s Princess Perdita-Daniel Brumfield & Kevin Smith SD: CH Erin n Advocates Special Agent-Jean Meader SB: Ch Woodwynd Sweet Tea- Mary-Lynn Jensen & R. Lenoci, J. Crumpton & L. Craig AOM: GCH Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art RE- Kimberly Carey Best Veteran: Ch Laurel’s What the Doctor Ordered CDX- Steve and Angie Moon Saturday, August 25, 2012 Sweepstakes Judge: Dr. Anita Tate Best Jr/ Best: Centurion Anticipation Charmed Life- Vicki Watts Best Senior: London’s Royal Affair, RA- Karen West & Sharon Podleski Best Veteran: Ch Laurel’s What the Doctor Ordered CDX- Steve and Angie Moon Regular Classes: Judge Mr. John Madieros WD/ BOW: Woodwynd Dotter’s Eagle Scout RD-Amy Marrich & Mary-Lynn Jensen RWD: OBX’s Whiz Kid- Karen Hatfield & Tina Gay WB: Coachside Winning Colors of Tuckaway- Velvet Cole RWB: Hawkesworth Lady Ellison o’ Robinwood-Sara Ledgerwood & Jay Elias BOB: GCH Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art RE- Kimberly Carey BOS: Ch Woodwynd Sweet Tea- Mary-Lynn Jensen & R. Lenoci, J. Crumpton & L. Craig SD/AOM: Ch Cranbrooke Back to the Future- Linda Taylor & Jana Rhodes SB/AOM: CH GCH Chermar’s Princess Perdita- Daniel Brumfield & Kevin Smith Best Veteran: Ch Laurel’s What the Doctor Ordered CDX- Steve and Angie Moon Results & photos submitted by Joni Shoup E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Sweepstakes: Judge: Ms. Carole Lee Richards: Results Dalmatian Club of Greater New York Specialty September 8, 2012 Best Junior: Planett’s How High the Moon, Barbara Kaplan-Barrett & Dr. Ed Barrett Best Sr/ Best: Erin ‘N’ Alpha ‘N’ Omega’s Tuesday Afternoon, Owned by Sharon Lyons and Bailey Lyons Best Veteran in Sweeps: GCH Blacthorns Flower Power, Bertha Little, Joan Eversole DMD & Jeffrey Langevin Specialty Regular Classes Judge Mr. David G. Rogers: Best of Breed: GCH Spotlights Ruffian, Jim & Barbara Lyons. Best of Opposite: GCH Blacthorns Flower Power, Bertha Little, Joan Eversole DMD and Jeffrey Langevin Winner’s Dog, /BOW: Amera’s The X Factor, Susan McCord RWD: Planett’s Star Reporter, Barbara Kaplan-Barrett & Dr. Ed Barrett. Winner’s Bitch Erin ‘N’ Alpha ‘N’ Omega’s Tuesday Afternoon Sharon Lyons and Bailey Lyons RWB: Beachcomber’s Flower Child, Joan Eversole DMD and Jeffrey Langevin Select Dog: CH Mapleleaf Don’t Stop Believin in Sun Runner., Ann Smith and Karen Rochin. Select Bitch: CH Southern Exposure Abbey of Bedlam CDX, RE, NF, RD, NAJ. Barbara & David Garceau & Jacquelyn Quinn Award of Merit: Bret D ‘N Troika’s One for the Road.,Michele Markoff & John Bachey & Marie D Zink. **NOW HEAR THIS** The Dalmatian Club of Greater New York is relocating their Independent Specialty to the Saturday afternoon Rockland Kennel Club Show in Suffern New York on February 23, 2013. Look for the judging slate and more details in future ads. Please mark your calendars and reserve the date. We hope you can join us!” Results & photos submitted by Janet Katz E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com The Dalmatian Club of Southern New England Specialties The Judges Mr. Phillip Capozzolo Mr. John Cramer Mrs. Lynne Garvin of e m o S rs e n n i eW th Dr. Charles Garvin Friday, September 14, 2012 Sweepstakes: Judge: Mr. Phillip Capozzolo Best Junior/Best in Sweepstakes : Erins Diamond Girl (Jody Narbin, Lacides Angarita & Sharon Lyons) Best Senior in Sweeps: Canal Sides Imperator (Pauline & Helene Masaschi) Best Veteran: Ch. Southern Exposure Abby of Bedlam (Barbara & David Garceau & Jacquelyn Quinn) Regular Classes Judge: John Cramer WD/BOW: Canal Sides Imperator (Pauline & Helene Masaschi) RWD: Planetts Star Reporter (Barbara Kaplan-Barrett & Dr Ed Barrett) WB: Onsengeltje RS Earth Jewel (Carola Adams & Richard Baker) RWB: Erins Diamond Girl (Jody Narbin, Lacides Angarita & Sharon Lyons) BOB: GCh Spotlights Ruffian (Jim & Barbara Lyons) BOS: GCH Brooksides Minit to Winit (Virginia Simpson) Select Dog: GCH Mapleaf Don’t Stop Believin in Sun Runner (Ann Smith & Karen Rochin) Select Bitch: GCH Patch Mt Spring Thyme at Blackthorn TD (Don & Sara Pruyne) AOM: CH. Ameras The X Factor By Ch Ameras Su Sue Me! (Susan McCord) Ch. Blackthorns Violet of Patch Mt (Linda McSherry) Saturday, September 15, 2012 Sweepstakes: Judge: Mrs. Lynne Garvin Best Junior: Planetts Star Reporter (Barbara Kaplan-Barrett & Dr Ed Barrett) Best Senior/ BEST: Canal Sides Imperator (Pauline & Helene Masaschi) Best Veteran: GCH Blackthorn’s Flower Power (Bertha Little & Joan Eversole DMD & Jeffrey Langevin) Regular Classes: Judge: Dr. Charles Garvin WD: Canal Sides Imperator (Pauline & Helene Masaschi) RWD: Planetts Star Reporter (Barbara Kaplan-Barrett & Dr Ed Barrett) WB/BOW: Onsengeltje RS Earth Jewel (Carola Adams & Richard Baker) RWB: RS N Onsengeltje Secret Rendezvous (Carola Adams & Richard Baker) BOB: GCh Spotlights Ruffian (Jim & Barbara Lyons) BOS: GCH Brooksides Minit to Winit (Virginia Simpson) Select Dog: CH. Ameras The X Factor By Ch Ameras Su Sue Me! (Susan McCord) Select Bitch: Ch Riversides Ticket to Ride (Prudence & Edgar Stuhr & Richard Baker) AOM: GCH Mapleaf Don’t Stop Believin in Sun Runner (Ann Smith & Karen Rochin) GCH Patch Mt Spring Thyme at Blackthorn TD (Don & Sara Pruyne) GCH CT Blackthorn Coreopis of Patch MT RA OA NAJ E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com September 14 & 15, 2012 All candid photos by Karen McNamara & Prue Stuhr More Candid shots “In & Around” the ring at the DCSNE Specialties 2012 E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com The Dalmatian Club of Northern California will hold its Independent Specialty on Friday, October 26th, a Designated Specialty on Saturday, October 27th, and a Supported Entry show on Sunday. That’s three days and three chances for a major, and all at the Dixon, California Fairgrounds! FRIDAY JUDGES: Conformation, Jr. Showmanship & 4-6 Month Beginning Puppy Classes - Ms Cheryl Fales Steinmetz of Florida Sweepstakes Classes - To Be Announced, Stay Tuned! Obedience Classes - Mrs. Stephanie Gomez of California SATURDAY JUDGES: Conformation - Ms Sandra Olsen of Washington Sweepstakes - Mr David A Alexander of California (currently licensed for other breeds and wishing to add Dalmatians) SUNDAY JUDGE: Conformation - Ms Carolyn Herbel of Oklahoma Following the show on Friday, join us for dinner at Bud’s Pub & Grill, just four blocks from the fairgrounds. And you won’t want to miss the presentation of Breeder Awards and Kimberley’s wonderful collection of auction items. For Friday’s Specialty contact Show Secretary Debi Best, 2463 Easy St., San Leandro, CA 94578, or download a copy at: www.going-2-dogs.com/showslist/showslist/ details/29-dalmation-club-of-northern-california-inc For the Saturday & Sunday Shows contact MB-F Superintendent or the INFODOG site: www.infodog.com/prm/4094/prm4094.pdf#pagemode=bookmarks E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Is Pleased to Invite You to Join Us for our 43rd Specialty Show! Sunday, April 14, 2013 Puppy & Veteran Sweepstakes All Regular Classes Stud Dog, Brood Bitch and Veteran Classes Junior Showmanship Entries Close Wednesday, March 27, 2013 at 12 Noon CST www.foytrentdogshows.com/ E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com A Gre Warm at Up fo r Natio nals! Attention...Dalmatian Breed Clubs.... Annual Advertise your upcoming Specialty in E Dalmatians & get FREE coverage the very next edition of your Specialty! Friday, June 22 , 2012 Be sure Just send to visit ou ** You must advertise your specialty in advance to get this free service** If you do not advertise your Specialty & still want your specialty represented, the rate is $40.00 /page. 1 show www.pit r a co py of th e pr tsburg hdalcluembium and more inform ation at .com us the res in after noon~a E Dalm atians | www.ed fter lunc 100 dog lim it for each sh ow Chris Ar Co anowsk i (email: ntact info: Tammy prettypa Boice (e mail: ra ws1@zoomint erne cindalz@ hotmail.c t.net) or om) almatian s.com h) ults & an y & WE’LL D candid photos fro m the sho O THE RE w ST! ub atian Cl gh Dalm ows Pittsbur Sh Greater - Back-to-Back ty Special 2 /1 on 6/22 BUGAY) Hart K/SHUPP/ STAR (ZIN kes - Mr. Sam Sweepsta T D ENGINE CO RISING IN SAM (TRUITT) AGA BRE (TRUITT) Best JR NS PLAY IT AGAIN SAM ANTICIPATIO IPATIONS PLAY IT ARDI) Best SR.TIC MB AN (LO L ps ) KAK eee S/MARKOFF OFF) Best in Sw CH LIN-DALS MAXX ARK IST (RIGGAN Best JR. Vet CH TROIKA ZDAR TW R TWIST (RIGGANS/M Best SR. Vet eeps - CH TROIKA ZDA Sw Best Vet in w) rning Sho Show 1 (Mo rie Jordan REY) Car T ART (CA Judge: Ms. T D GABRIELS LOS D) HEY) BRE T (MCCOR HUPP/BAC BOB - GCH S PICTURE PERFEC CUE (ZINK/S TULA/WHITE) ERA AM TO THE RES (FA LOR) BOW D N ENGINE AS TROUBADOUR T (MEEK/TAY BRE CH Y TEX PRINCESS BOS CH. MELOD OOKE PUNK ROCK G DO LL) NBR SELECT (BARTE T) CH - GCH CRA OPERATIVE (BARRETT/BARRET SELECT BIT BRYTONS COVERT THE STARS MT TO AY CH. AOM HALFW (JARUS) PLANETTS AOM - GCH LICAS MALIBU MOJITO RRETT) ATA ER (BA WD - POK R REPORT NS) NETT’S STA (MCCORD) RWD - PLA PICTURE PERFECT WE’LL DEFEND (PARSO ERTON/TRUITT) S S (OV WB - AMERA M N TUCKAWAY THI PTU ANTICIPATION EDO RWB - FRE VOLUNTEERS IMPROM - CH BEST VET w) ternoon sho RTELL) Show 2 (Af in RATIVE (BA . Mary Kle Judge: Mrs BRYTONS COVERT OPE SAM (TRUITT) IN BACHEY) MT PLAY IT AGA CUE (ZINK/SHUPP/ BOB - CH. NS RES TICIPATIO BOW - AN T D N ENGINE TO THE LOST ART (CAREY) K) IST/WINIC LS BOS - CH BRE GCH BRET D GABRIE NDALAY BAY (SEIGR MA G) SELECT DO - CH STAR SEEKERS (DAWSON JACKSON CH S JOY-BOY OF FIRE (KRAUS) SELECT BIT DAL G PIN G LEA RIN T) AOM - GCH KDALE N RIM ROCK SAM (TRUIT ROC Y IT AGAIN TEAM TEN (PARSONS) AOM - CH L IPATION PLA WD - ANTIC OM N TUCKAWAY SEA (GILLESPIE/SHOUP) ) D EDE RWD - FRE N STYLISH STARWOO CK BETTY (GILLESPIE ERTON/TRUITT) BLA IPATION (OV WB - SIOBAH N SWALLOW HILL PTU ANTIC BAH RWB - SIO VOLUNTEERS IMPROM ice CH Bo BEST VET by Tammy mitted Results sub E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com orning & sta Breed – kes – Sam Hart Carrie Jo rdan Afterno Breed – on Show Mary K lein r club w ebsite fo (Clubs need to send us the photos & results to be represented) www.edalmatians.com When in the m GREAT ounty Fa ir (same lo ER cation a Waynesburg, grounds DALM s 4-day Pa Black D . ATIAPNITTSBURGH iamond Cluster CLUB, IN show) C. Judging P anel Mor Sweep ning Show We continue to offer GREAT discounts for Clubs. $40.00/ 1 month insertion $90.00/ 3 months Contact us today. (1 show W here Greene C The Get a color spread with photos & results of your specialty in the very next issue FOR FREE! Spec s... 1 Da ialty Show y... 1 Lo cation 2 Show ski is Aranow ds cour w Candi A Fe atians | E Dalm ce & Chr mmy Boi tesy of Ta s.com almatian www.ed It's Inevitable..... The day will come when you look into your whelping box and know you have a deaf puppy. T he horror of what is to come grips you with fear and despair The DCA mandates that” all deaf puppies be humanely euthanized.” How are you going to lift that little baby out of that whelping box and make the drive to the vets? Tears well up in your eyes and stream down your face as you hold that sweet little puppy perfect in every way except for their hearing. At this point most breeders begin shutting themselves off from the deaf puppy. After all a lack of attachment will make the task of euthanizing a little easier. The DCA ‘s code of ethics requires that all deaf puppies be humanely euthanized and states that deaf dogs are hard to train, easily hit by cars and their startle reflex will result in them eventually biting. No one seems to know for sure where the mandate to euthanize came from. Other breeds with a deafness issue do not have the same policy and are quite surprised by the mandate. In Fred Lauer’s book The Dalmatian published in 1907 he mentions that many breeders destroyed puppies that were born with “jet black “We took on the responsibility of bringing these puppies into the world at the very least we owe these dogs a chance and a little extra effort.” ears and or markings on their face”( a patch) but he goes on to say that in 1907 there were many deaf Dalmatians. There is no mention of destroying deaf dogs. Prior to the 1962 standard patches and tri’s could be shown and there were no disqualifications listed for the breed. As a founding member of the DCA Fred Lauers’s opinion was that there should be no objection to a dog with jet black ears or tan spots on the legs and cheek, since these were known to be proper markings of a Dalmatian up until the English Kennel Clubs were started. We have gotten very use to seeing very black splotchy dogs with barely an individual spot on their body so what’s to say we couldn’t get use to an attractive patch if it reduced the percentage of deaf puppies. I think I could. In the 1990’s there was much research funded to try and identify the genes that produced deafness. What proved to be undeniable was that deafness is linked to the blue eye and from this. It makes you wonder if we removed the blue eye from our breeding program and allowed a patch would the deaf ratio be decreased? In 2010 the DCA requested the AKC prevent deaf dogs from competing in companion events. The DCA used the age old “myths. Such as deaf Dalpatches are not. Yet the DCA allows a matians are hard to raise, difficult to blue eye in the standard while every other country lists it as a fault. Some of control, often hit by cars, end up in shelters and become snappish or overly the top winning dogs in America have aggressive when startled. And hearing been blue eyed. Despite 20 years of breeding Bi laterally ones don’t? Dr Strain who was offered grant money normal dogs( hearing in both ears) to from the DCA to study deafness in bi laterally hearing, the United States the breed says “ There is no question has not reduced the % of deaf dogs. that that many people have successfully raised deaf dogs. For every story of a problem deaf dog there seems to be a story of one that was successfully raised. Unfortunately, there is no way to predict how a deaf puppy will turn out.” Dr Strain offers no viable research or data to support the DCA claims that deaf dogs are more dangerous or involved in more accidents. The numbers stand at 8% deaf and 21% The DCA position is that “responsible breeders NEVER knowingly sell, place unilaterally hearing. Where as in the United Kingdom where the blue eye is a or give away deaf puppies. All deaf fault their deaf ratio is 8% deaf and 12% puppies should ALWAYS be humanely destroyed by a vet. NO ONE should unilaterally hearing. The 1890 United consider raising a litter of puppies Kingdom Standard stated in a black without being prepared to deal respondog the eye must be black or brown sibly with any resulting deaf puppies.” and their standard has never deviated E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com By Karen McNamara Tuft’s Veterinary Hospital who performs Baer testing no longer euthanizes deaf puppies, instead they provide owners/breeders with other options. As it becomes increasingly more difficult to find a vet that will euthanize a healthy puppy breeders are going to need to become more proactive with that inevitable deaf puppy. Before the internet it was difficult to research the options available for a deaf puppy. In the last 20 years many strides have been made with training techniques and many more resources are available for that breeder/owner who is willing to give a deaf puppy a chance. Just like hearing dogs not every deaf puppy has the temperament to be placed. But a more ethical and more humane solution is to make an effort to put these puppies in the hands of those individuals who are uniquely suited for dealing with these puppies. Should an individual dog prove to be aggressive and dangerous then euthanasia would be a reasonable solution. But let’s remember this applies to hearing dogs as well. Remember if you choose to consider a placement make sure that puppy has as much handling and experiences as your hearing puppies. Monthly Stats 2012 Canine Chronicle Stats from January 1, 2012 up to & including Aug 31, 2012. All Breed Breed E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com * T * HO Get your Ad.... in print! Frame your ad to hang on your wall. Show off your ad to family & friends. C Multiple GroupWinning ALI - Museum Quality Custom Gallery Prints - Professionally printed on Glossy Polar Pearl Metallic paper Thank you Judge Martin D. Doherty p.com www.kristadroo - Custom imprinted with the month, year & E Dalmatians edition that the ad was featured. - Great collector’s item to own or give as a gift - Order with your Ad or purchase Back Prints from previous editions . s.com www.lostartdal Handlers Jessy Sutton Roxanne Sutton | www Start a photo album for your ads. Multiple BISS GCH CH Group Winner Multi Group Winning Riversides The Sisters Best in Specialty Show 1 No. Dalmatian Bitch all systems* A Top Twenty Photo by Irvin Krukenkamp M.D currently/All Breed BISS GCH Riversides The Sisters “ Sister” No. 6 Dalmatian ( Ideal for photo albums , scrapbooks or framing) GCH Starseeker N Brooksides Belagio E Dalmatians Dalmatians || www.edalmatians.com www.edalmatians.com E Dalmatian 2010 8 ½ x 11 ($40.00) + S&H Breeders Beth Winick Jan Warren-Linne om .edalmatians.c Winner Size Owner Linda Davis S ister Sister is the first, and only Dalmatian bitch to have earned Silver Level Grand Champion status. In just 7 months , she has earned 20 Group Firsts! We couldn’t be more proud! Owned by Wendell Sammet and Karen LeFrak Breeder/ Co Owner: Richard Baker Riverside Dalmatians Breeder/ Owner: Richard Baker Richard.Baker155@comcast.net handled in 2011 by Rick Krieger Contact us to order your print today. Handled by Rick Krieger, PHA *Canine Chronicle Breed stats E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com For more information go to: www.edalmatians.com/adprint.html Museum Quality Gallery Prints on 66 lb (255 gsm) 10.4 mil Ultra premium Polar Pearl Metallic, Photobase RC, Microporous, Pearlescent Reflective, Glossy, Low OBA, paper at 1440 dpi using Ultrachrome K3 Vivid Magenta ink. This superb almost iridescent reflective finish yields a true museum quality print estimated to last without fading for 100 years. A fabulous way to memorialize your dog, breeding program and show career, as advertised in E-Dalmatians! E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Our next & final Edition for 2012 is our Dec 2012 Edition / Holiday Edition Deadline Nov 20. Don't miss out! E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Ad Submission Information All our ads are in color & created in a “widescreen view” equivalent to a 2 page spread. This allows more room for your ad material & appears larger & “seamless” on our electronic magazine viewer. g 15” Wide g g 15” Wide g The Dalmatian Club of Southern New England Multi Group Winning all systems* BISS GCH Riversides The Sisters g g “ Sister” 9” High 1 No. Step 1) Sister is the first, and only Dalmatian bitch to have earned Silver Level Grand Champion status. In just 7 months , she has earned 23 Group Firsts! We couldn’t be more proud! Email us & tell us what type of ad you want (Dog ad, litter ad, Club ad, classified listing, etc.) Step 2) Owned by Wendell Sammet and Karen LeFrak Breeder/ Co Owner: Richard Baker Send us all your ad info. Cordially invites you to attend our Fall Specialties & Supported entry on beautiful Cape Cod. September 14 -16, 2012 g g number ONE Dalmatian Bitch 9” High Friday 9/14 Specialty Conformation Judge: Mr. John F. Cramer, Jr Sweeps Judge: Mr. Philip Capozzolo Pay for your ad on our site http://www.edalmatians.com/Shop.html We must receive payment along with ad submission. Handled by Rick Krieger, PHA E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com FULL PAGE DOG AD What we need if you are placing a Dog ad: 1) Color photo(s) of your dog at High Resolution (150 dpi or higher) We prefer no more that 2 photos per ad (limited to 4). 2) Text to include for your Dog: -Registered name -Call name -Sire & Dam -Breeders -Owners -Contact info (email/ kennel name &/or Phone number) -Kennel Logo if you want it included on ad If you are submitting a finished ad, please use our correct Specs: Submit final ad in PDF format , 300 dpi or greater Use the page dimensions 15.0” W by 9.0” High Email Address: junekrukenkamp@gmail.com Mailing Addess: E Dog Magazines 40 Junction Road South Berwick, Maine 03908 Sunday 9/16 Supported Entry Conforation Judge: Ms. Betsy Dale Sweeps Judge: Ms. Naida Parker SAVE THE DATES Step 3) *Canine Chronicle Breed stats Saturday 9/15 Specialty Conformation Judge: Dr. J. Charles Garvin Sweeps Judge: Mrs. Lynn Garvin ets e bask al them Sever to raffle. Barnstable County Fairgrounds 1220 Nathan S. Ellis Hwy Falmouth, MA 02536 Lunch will be available for purchase. MBF Superintendent www.infodog.com Closes August 29, 2012 E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com FULL PAGE CLUB AD What we need if you are placing a Specialty Club Ad: 1) Club logo 2) Text copy for the ad & must include: -Club giving the Specialty & Date of Specialty -Location of Specialty -Superintendent & closing date -Judges 3) Results & any candid photos from the Specialty if you would like a follow up collage/ coverage of your Specialty (this is included for free in the price of the Club ad ) 3) Any text copy you want on the ad Important information you need to know about our ad policy: 1) All our ads are designed for free. Additional design fees may apply as listed below. 2) Once we have completed your ad, we will send you a proof for review. 3) We will need to know within 48 hours of receipt of your ad proof ad if we need to make any changes /corrections. 4) Free design fee includes up to one revision/ change to your ad if needed and any further changes after that will require additional design fees (except for correcting any errors on our part). 5) Your ad will be considered approved if we do not hear from you within 48 hours. 6) Once your ad is approved, no changes can be made without additional design fees. 7) No further ad material or text changes can be accepted after the deadline. E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com E Dalmatians www.edalmatians.com E DogMagazines 40 Junction Road • South Berwick, Maine 03908 ph.) 888.808.0870 fax) 800.719.1861 www.edogmagazines.com junekrukenkamp@gmail.com Publisher/Editor June Krukenkamp designers June Krukenkamp Larissa Clark Nicole Pollack Angie Henderson Staff Writers Michele Wrath Karen McNamara Staff Photographer Linda Davis Our E DogMagazines are independent publications and not affiliated with any breed club. We are breed specific and available only on the internet. There is no printed version of our E DogMagazines. We are the most affordable Dog Breed publication. We are 5-10 X lower than Dog News / Canine Chronicle / Show Sight & other printed monthly Show Dog publications. Subscription to all our E DogMagazines is FREE. They can be viewed 24/ 7 on their own websites for free. All our subscribers are notified first of each new release & of any news and updates regarding our E DogMagazines. Advertisers are responsible for the accuracy of their own ads. Publisher cannot be responsible for the accuracy made in any advertisement. All ads approved by advertisers will be published & changes will not be made after approval. Any changes to ads after publishing are subject to additional fees. We reserve the right to approve or disapprove any material submitted. All material on this site is copyright protected & cannot be used without the written consent of E DogMagazines. ©2012 All rights reserved. photo by Linda Davis E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com E Dalmatians Classifieds Canal Side Dalmatians Need a Classified AD? Sweetspot Dalmatians Elizabeth Zedel Pauline & Helen Masaschi Sandwich, Mass. Canalsidedals@aol.com www.sweetspotdals.com www.sweetspotdals.blogspot.com Riverside Dalmatians Contact me at: dalstyle@verizon.net Carrie Jordan So. California Spotted Gem Dalmatians Brian & Sue Marceau 109 Elm Street Pepperell, Ma 01463 978-433-5705 www.spottedgemdalmatians.com www.NspirDals.com nspirdals@yahoo.com Lee, New Hampshire Richard Baker Richard.Baker155@comcast.net Now filming in High Definition Over 60 Breeds filmed Best in Show Video for your Show Dogs www.obxdalmatians.com www.showdogvideopros.com E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com E Dalmatians Classifieds Two low uric acid (LUA) pups from litter of 5 males born, 6 July 2012. Repeat of mating that produced the first low uric acid Dalmatian to finish an AKC championship: AKC/UKC Ch Fiacre’s Seeing is Believing (Selia) When you want more than just a tired dog IT consider.... S & Daily training is included at no extra charge. TAY PLAY Daily Training and Daycare 978 473 9037 coachdog101@gmail.com Detailed info on LUA Dalmatians at www.luadalmatians.com Stocklore Dalmatians Bob & Cathy Schaible 812-876-9884 bcschaible@bluemarble.net follow us on facebook@sit stay and play beverly or visit our blog @ sitstayandplay.blogspot.com sitstayandplay.blogspot.com Fine Art Giclée Prints TRAINING SUCCESS WITH IMPOSSIBLE DOGS by Jane Killion A must read for all! Order it today at http://www.dogwise.com by Claire Henley grogan.henley@btinternet.com E Dalmatians | www.edalmatians.com Photo by Linda Davis Fall Greetings from E Dalmatians
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