Spring - Central Pennsylvania Australian Cattle Dog Club


Spring - Central Pennsylvania Australian Cattle Dog Club
Spring Issue 2014
CPACDC Events For 2014
Herding Trial June 2014 in Birdsboro
JUNE 21 & 22, 2014: 2-day HERDING TRIAL
(details soon)
Supported Entry Show Success
at the York Shows In March 2014
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Central Pa Australian Cattle Dog Club
Club Logo Merchandise?
Go to cafepress.com/CPACDC
From The President:
Sandy Allen
Happy Spring! After a long, hard winter it appears spring is finally here! Thank you to everyone who came and supported the entry at Celtic Cluster. It
was amazing to see so many really nice cattle dogs in the ring. Congratulations
to everyone. We were so pleased with the Celtic Cluster that we are exploring
holding a specialty next year under the national club; if approved. Next up is the herding trial in June. One of our newest members had
volunteered to cater both days of the trial! We still need volunteers to help with
serving so please plan on attending the trial. We would like to plan a fall activity, any ideas? Please post suggestions on the
club Facebook site or Yahoo group.
Thanks again for the great turn out in York!
Sandy Allen
Heeler Headlines: A quarterly publication of the CPACDC
CPACDC Officers:
President: Sandy Allen president@cpacdc.com
Vice President: Barb Finegan, vicepresident@cpacdc.com Secrtary: Tami Santiago, secertary@cpacdc.com Treasurer: Deb Mills, treasurer@cpacdc.com
CPACDC Board Of Direetors:
Karen Freeborn - DirectorKaren@cpacdc.com Karen Potteiger- Director - Karenpotteiger@cpacdc.com Robin Norton ~ DirectorRobin@cpacdc.com
Correspondence and Photos are welcome from all CPACDC members. Please email your items to Editor Barb Finegan at: media@cpacdc.com or via US
Mail to: Barb Finegan, 225 Tapeworm Rd., New Bloomfield, PA 17068.
From The Treasurer:
Deb Mills
Treasurer Report
As of 2/23/14
Checking Acct $4170.88
Total Funds $6663.73
Recent bills---$350.00 Herding trophies;
$625.00 insurance
DID YOU FORGET to renew your club membership for 2014! Memberships were due no later than
January 1, 2014. Here’s a list of our membership types, cost, and how to renew!
TYPES: Regular member (active member, 1 vote -- remember, if you are active in the club it does not matter
where you live, you may select this membership type): $20. Family membership (active members, 2 votes):
$25. Associate membership (no vote -- for folks who just want to support us but not necessarily be “active”)
$12. Junior membership (un- der 18, no vote) $15.
HOW TO RENEW: You can renew your membership electronically via PayPal by sending your chosen
renewal amount to our treasurer, Deb Mills, at: treasurer@cpacdc.com -- Please note it’s for 2014
membership renewal.
If you prefer to write a check, please make the check out to CPACDC and send it to Deb Mills at 222
Memorial Dr., Bath, PA 18014 -- again, please note it is for 2014 member- ship. Please remember to join us
again in 2014!
How do I find a dog show or trial
Check this website:
If you want to have club
then your help is badly
needed. Check the “BUZZ”
column on the first page and
tell us which event you will
sign up for.
Click on “show information” - then “show by state”
and pick the state you want to know about - it will
list shows & trials in that state for you!
We don’t care if you don’t
know the first thing about the
event or how it works -
look for
Central PA Australian
Cattle Dog Club
June Herding Trial Sponsors
High in Trial
$40.00 Cindy Cook
Reserve High in Trial
$30.00 Victor
Highest Scoring ACD
$25.00 Cynthia K
Highest Scoring ACD
$25.00 Luis
Highest Scoring ACD
High in Trial
Reserve High in Trial
$30.00 Victor
Highest Scoring ACD
$25.00 Cynthia K
Highest Scoring ACD
$25.00 Deb K
Highest Scoring ACD
March 2014 Trophy Sponsors
BOB (Best of Breed) -- sponsored by VICTOR GARCIA/Australian Cattle Dogs In The City
BOS (Best of Opposite Sex) -- sponsored by VICTOR GARCIA/Australian Cattle Dogs In The City
BOW (Best of Winners) -- sponsored by CINDY COOK in memory of Ch. Bluehill's Great Explosion
SB (Select Bitch) -- sponsored by DENYSE ADAMS/Char-D kennels
SD (Select Dog) -- sponsored by DENYSE ADAMS/Char-D kennels
WD (Winners Dog) -- sponsored by KAREN FREEBORN
WB (Winners Bitch) -- sponsored by LEE KEPHART
RWD (Reserve Winners Dog) -- sponsored by BREEZY ACRES
RWB (Reserve Winners Bitch) -- sponsored by OWASSI ACDs/Cynthia Knowlton
THANK YOU to all of our sponsors!
HEELS 2 EWE gang,
SILVER GCH Fairdinkum's Action Jaxson
"Jaxson "
went Select on Friday
and Best of Opposite on
CPACD Supported Show
CH Heels 2 Ewe Hellon Heels
finished her championship at the Sunshine State
Herding Group Association, FL
by going Winners Bitch
and Best of Winners
Heels 2 Ewe Watchin Me Watchen Ewe
" Parker "
went Reserve Winners Dog at the
CPACD Supported Show on Sat.
" Parker" has started his show career
by going Winners Dog
at the Sunshine State
Herding Group Association FL.
GCH Heels 2 EweRaising a Little Kane,
went Best of Opposite on Friday and Select
on Saturday at the CPACD Supported Show.
" Karma " went Select at Westminster Kennel club NY 2014
CH Heels 2 Ewe Tailryder Tuff
" Ryder"
finished his championship
with 2 back to back majors from
Back Mountain Kennel Club PA
I am so proud of my crew and Thank You
Joy Quallenberg and Jaimie E Van Orden-Outer
for doing a wonderful job with them.
Tanglewood's Little Red Corvette RN, RL1 AOE
completed his Level 2 WCRL Rally title with an Award of Excellence
something even his big brother Chase didn't do…
this means all his scores were 190 and over! Also,
Bosworth's Touch of Poetry, RN CGC, RL1 AOE RL2
qualified for her first Beginner Novice leg at Saturday's Celtic Cluster…
very proud of my cowdog kids!
Kent Durr & Karen Potteiger(Durr)
Are the Proud new owners of
Wiser’s Treasure Of Happy Fortune
“ Halona “
Thank You To Wiser’s Stockdogs
for allowing us to have this special little girl
Pictured With
Bleu Moons The Buck Stops Here,CGC
Simi, Owassi's A Wiccan Legacy, went Winner's Bitch on Saturday of the Celtic Classic at our supported
entry! That finished Simi with 4 majors. On Sunday, Ash, Owassi's Grand Sonofawitch, took Winners
dog and Best of winners for a 3 point major and Simi took Best of Breed over several specials on her
first day as a special! Many thanks to all that donated for trophies for our supported entry!
---------------------------------------------------Cynthia Knowlton
Knowlton's Dog Obedience & Owassi ACDs
Meeting Minutes
March 15, 2014: Meeting held at York Celtic Classic supported entry
HERDING TROPHIES: Now available for support. Reviewed what trophies are and noted that this would
be posted on club list/FB. Highest-scoring ACD on Cattle trophy both days is already booked by Cyn
HERDING TRIAL LUNCH: Due to difficulties getting help in putting on lunch both days of the trial,
discussion had been held at January meeting regarding doing lunch just one day (either food or
donations to go buy food) and getting a vendor the second day. The option was presented to continue
with that or to get the vendor for both days. New club member Lisa Little has volunteered to handle
food for the trial for both days and the club will ask members for donations. Club will reimburse Lisa
for her costs. Volunteers will still be needed to help at the site and further information will be on the
club's message board.
HERDING TRIAL CHAIR/COMMITTEE: Member Bill Lagoda has agreed to serve as herding trial chair for
this year. The committee has its 3 members (Cyn K, Julie B, and Sara R) so we are now on track. The
ACDCA via Sara R has provided its certification for the trial. A big thank you to everyone who is helping
to pull this off.
Next possible club event being looked into: Herding Fun Day in the late fall at the site where the
summer trial is held. This event would be an instinct-type event with cost for members subsidized by
the club. Each member may bring one dog for $20 and any additional dog at $25. Further information
on the event/dates/dog minimum age will be gathered and presented shortly by Barb Finegan. If this
event cannot be held, we will look to hold another Let's Try Rally/Obedience/Photo/possible CGC
testing Fun Day event again, possibly at Karen Freeborn's where we held the prior Fun Day.
New members approved include Lisa Little, Ellen Schwab, Chuck Lamers, Jodi and Jack Newman.
Club members approved expenditure of $200 to sponsor ACDCA national specialty trophy for 2014.
NEW BUSINESS: Hosting a Regional Specialty under the certification of ACDCA was suggested by Lee
Kephart for March of 2015 during the 5-day Celtic Classic cluster in March. Lee agreed to spearhead
the organizational effort and will be looking for assistance. The idea was approved.
Thanks to everyone who came to the holiday party!
Special thanks to Cheryl Carey for opening her home to the club.
Also thanks to Deb K for CGC testing.
Congrats to the new CGC titled dogs and their owners!
Please Send Names and Pictures
Barb Finegan’s
Pinfire's Hired Goon, CGC
Kent Durr & Karen Potteiger’s
“ Bucky”
Bleu Moons
The Buck Stops Here, CGC