Spring - Central Pennsylvania Australian Cattle Dog Club
Spring - Central Pennsylvania Australian Cattle Dog Club
Heeler Headlines Spring Issue 2015 From the President Spring is here and such a welcome sight it is. I want to say “Thank You” again to all the people who made the specialty at the Celtic Cluster a fantastic success. It was so nice to see members and supporters of what we are all about and that is the Australian Cattle Dog. We had dogs and people in attendance from near and far and we had representation in all areas from Agility, Rally and Conformation. The auction was a big hit this year. I would like to thank all the people and companies who so graciously donated items. This year’s specialty set the bar awfully high for next year’s event, bring it on 2016!!! Coming up next is our June Herding Trial. Even if you are not participating please come out and support our members who are!! Bring a chair (and bug spray) and spend the day with a great group of people and dogs. Several ideas were brought up at our spring meeting for club events. Please if you have an idea, bring it up. Fresh new things are what we need to keep us alive. That is what spring is all about. And if you have any brags (upcoming litters, new titles, or milestones) let us know. Shout it out on our Facebook Page keep those “Likes” coming Thanks Again, Robin Norton President Central Pa Australian Cattle Dog Club Events CPACDC Sponsored Herding Trial June 20 & 21, 2015 Birdsboro, PA Scarlet's Mill Farm All Breed AHBA Trial July 11 & July 12, 2015 Birdsboro, PA Please contact Kim Fetro at kfetrow@netzero.com with questions Events will be held outdoors at: Scarlets Mill 2834 Hay Creek Road Birdsboro, PA A huge Thank you to all trophy Sponsors for the Celtic classic and June Herding Trial HERDING TROPHY SPONSORS SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015 HIGH IN TRIAL #1 -- Marianne, Christopher, & Anak LaBarge RESERVE HIGH IN TRIAL #1 -- Peg Sherman HIGH IN TRIAL #2 -- Victor Garcia, Australian CattleDogs in the City RESERVE HIGH IN TRIAL #2 -- Peg Sherman HIGHEST-SCORING ACD ON CATTLE -- Sara Reiter HIGHEST-SCORING ACD ON SHEEP -- Bryn Mawr Cattle Dogs HIGHEST-SCORING ACD ON DUCKS -- Deb Knappenberger SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 2015 HIGH IN TRIAL #1 -- Marianne, Christopher, & Anak LaBarge RESERVE HIGH IN TRIAL #1 -- Barb Finegan, Pinfire ACDs HIGH IN TRIAL #2 -- Victor Garcia, Australian CattleDogs in the City RESERVE HIGH IN TRIAL #2 -- Kent & Karen Durr, Fair Go ACDs HIGHEST-SCORING ACD ON CATTLE -- Sara Reiter HIGHEST-SCORING ACD ON SHEEP -- Mickey Bowen, Happy Heeling HIGHEST-SCORING ACD ON DUCKS -- Peg Sherman Celtic Classic 2015 REGIONAL YORK SPECIALTY Trophy Sponsors BOB-Victor Garcia,Cattledogs in the City BOS-Victor Garcia,Cattledogs in the City BOW-Scrubby Creek ACD's Mark & Veronica Bamberry SB-Barb Finegan, Pinfire ACD's SD-Victor Garcia,Cattledogs in the City WB-Karen Freeborn, Skyworks ACD's WD-Karen Freeborn, Skyworks ACD's RWB-Scrubby Creek ACD's, Mark & Veronica Bamberry RWD-Scrubby Creek ACD's, Mark & Veronica Bamberry RALLY-Denyse Adams,CharD OBEDIENCE, Denyse Adams, CharD AOM-Monica Shifflet & David Steward Bryn Mawr/ Wooleston Australian Cattledogs AOM-Jason & Erin Maize, Jaerma ACD's AOM- Lucinda Blemis, Just Shoot Me Photography AOM-Peg Sherman & Gene Schmid AOM-Chuck Lamers, Catalyst ACDs SWEEPS PUPPY -Dogs 6--9 MONTHS- Lisa Little PUPPY -Dogs9--12 MONTHS, Lisa Little PUPPY-Dogs 12--15 MONTHS, Glenn & Robin Norton Portadown ACD's JR Dogs 15--18 MONTHS, Cynthia Knowlton JR Dogs 18--21 MONTHS, Cynthia Knowlton PUPPY -Bitch 6--9 MONTHS, Glenn & Robin Norton BRAGS Lilac LEE HOLLAND-KEPHART Ginger Tulip Bosworth is extremely proud to announce our litter born May 1, 2015 Proud parents are; AKC / UKC CH. Bosworth's The Movie Star, BN, RN, CGC, RATI "Ginger" & BISS CH. Yarrabee's Watch Wizzard Win, HS, CGC "Wizzard" 2 lovely red girls that we are thrilled with and can't wait to watch them grow! DEB KNAPPENBERGER Bosworth's Touch of Poetry BN RN CGC can now add PCD to that list as Aloha achieved her AKC Pre-Novice title on Friday 3/13 at the Celtic Cluster Dog Show She also picked up two more legs towards her AKC Rally Advanced title. Aloha also picked up two ARCH legs and a first place with a perfect score of 210 in Level 1B at a February WCRL (World Cynosport Rally) trial in Colmar PA. Zak got his 2 legs in Excellent A AKC at York,PA Tanglewood's Little Red Corvette RN picked up his 2nd AKC Rally Advanced leg with a first place on THursday 3/12 also at the Celtic Cluster Dog show. Back in February Squeak received his WCRL (World Cynosport Rally) Level 1 Championship and his 4th ARCH leg; hopefully to get that ARCH title this Saturday. VICTOR GARCIA Heeler Headlines: A quarterly publication of the CPACDC CPACDC Officers, Directors, and Committee Chairs 2015-2017 President: Robin Norton Vice President: Karen Potteiger Secretary: Deb Knappenberger Treasurer: Deb Mills Directors 2014-2016: Karen Freeborn, Victor Garcia, Jr., Lee Kephart Committee Chairs: AKC Legislative Liaison: Sandy Allen Breeder Referral: Karen Freeborn Public Education: Deb Knappenberger Media: Karen Potteiger Newsletter Editor: Lisa Little Website: Barb Finegan Sunshine: Barb Hockhausen Correspondence and Photos are welcome from all CPACDC members. Please email your items to Editor Lisa Little at: Cowdawg73@gmail.com
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