February - Golden Retriever Club of Greater St. Louis


February - Golden Retriever Club of Greater St. Louis
The Gateway Golden Gazette
A Monthly Publication for the
Golden Retriever Club of Greater St. Louis, Inc.
Volume 37, Number 2
February 2012
Table of Contents:
March Meeting
Member Brags
Did You Know?
Practice Time
AKC News
Field Trial
Spring Specialty
Calendar of Events
Our Next Meeting
March 21
General Meeting at 7:30 pm
AKC Museum of the Dog
1721 S. Mason Road
St. Louis, MO 63131
Directions: Queeny Park, home of the
Museum, is accessible from Hwy 40/64
at the Mason Road exit or from I-270 by
taking the Manchester exit to Mason Road.
Guests and well-behaved
leashed dogs are always welcome!
Don’t forget to check
out the Calendar of
We have several
exciting things planned
Meeting Minutes
GRC-GSL Club Meeting Minutes
February 15, 2012
AKC Dog Museum
President Judy Knobbe called the meeting to order at 7:44 pm.
Members in attendance:
Sue Lister
Mary Ann Etling
Lesley Albin
Sasha Josipovic
Chuck Etling
Brenda Cavanagh
Bill Page
Carol Hardy
Mike Stemmler
Joyce Ottenad
Judy Knobbe
Art Ottenad
Rebecca Casperson-Perkins
Guests in Attendance:
Doug and Sue Hippler
Erika Wally
Mary and Dennis Dalberg
Ashley Wigglesworth
A motion was made to dispense with the reading of the
No report
January club meeting minutes by Lesley Albin and seconded
Membership- Judy Knobbe and Makalah Boyer
by Mike Stemmler; the motion passed.
Doug and Sue Hippler had a first reading. Mary and Dennis
Dahlberg also had a first reading.
Joyce and Art Ottenad’s girl powder had 4 girls and 3 boys on
Programs- Joyce Ottenad
January 24, 2012. Ch. Samuel Valentine of Dogwood x
We had a fabulous program presented by a Foster Family
Springcreek Tawnytyke Italian Baretta S.T.A.R., BN, RE
with Golden Retriever rescue and had the pleasure of meeting
Judy Knobbe’s girl Marilyn- Masters Futura Can’t S’top Me
Stevie a special needs foster with some vision problems, who
Now took winners bitch and Best of Winners for two points in
was the star of the evening.
Des Moines. She also took Winners Bitch at Lake St. Louis for
Judy Schelt will be giving the next program at the March
1 point, as well as many reserves earning her the title of
Meeting where she will be demonstrating how to groom feet.
“Reserve Queen”
If anyone is interested in having their Dog being the demo
Report of Secretary: Nothing to report
dog please notify Rebecca Casperson-Perkins. Your dog must
Report of Treasure: No report
have extremely clean feet for this.
Report of the Board: A board meeting was held prior to the
Rescue- Mike Stemmler
regular meeting. There was discussion regarding the Health
There are 2 in and 3 out.
Clinic that the Health and Genetics committee will have a
Event Committees- Rebecca Casperson-Perkins
Health Clinic at the National however they need a liason. Judy
All titles and Challenge trophy information is due in by
Knobbe has volunteered for this but others are welcome. Our
February 29, 2012.
club will still be hosting the August health clinic as well.
Also we will be having a catered Awards Banquet. If you
The shed that will store the field equipment has been built. A
would like to attend you need to have $5 into Margie Williams
huge thanks to all who participated. Sue Lister would like to
by the March meeting. The club will be paying the difference
recommend that the club give Ken Knobbe a $100.00 gift card
in the cost.
to QT as a thank you for all of his hard work and his many
Health Clinic- Sandy Primovic
trips from Bonne Terre to Busch Wildlife to build the shed.
The health clinic is being held on February 26, 2012.
Lesley also recommended that we present to the club a
Spring Specialty- Margie Williams
donation of $500.00 to golden retriever rescue.
No report. Please bring your raffle items and baskets to the
We also discussed more recommendations for programs:
March meeting.
Possibly grooming for March, Field for May and maybe
National Specialty- Lesley Albin
Sharon West for fall, October.
Grooming is very close to being full. RSVP- Dining events will
Reports of the Standing Committees:
fill fast. Meetings will be held at the St. Louis County Grand
Performance- (obedience, tracking, agility) Sharon
Glaze branch on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from now on at
Rosenkoetter and Cindy Burrows- No Report
6:30 pm.
Breeder referral/Education- Suzanne Wakefield and Sue
Unfinished BusinessListerNo unfinished business
Inquiries are up over the last 3 weeks. Joyce has a litter, Judy
New Businesshas 2 litters due, Sue has 3 females available, Sharon has 1
Art Ottenad brought up a point for discussion that the club
litter and 1 due, Jeannie has a litter on the way. Suzanne will
host an after National party for all members to celebrate our
also be looking for volunteers to work the breed day to be
hosting the National and all the hard work that we put into it.
held at the Museum, date to be announced.
After some discussion it was agreed that the topic be tabled
Conformation- No report
until the March Meeting.
Field- Sasha Josipovic and Jeannie GreenleeThe March Social Hour theme will be everything green. So
We will be hosting the spring trial March 30- April 1 at Busch
green cookies, jello salad, popcorn, corn beef and cabbage,
Wildlife and we are in need of Gunners and Marshalls but all
etc. A sign-up sheet will be sent out shortly.
volunteers are welcome. We will also be hosting a Hunt test
Joyce Ottenad made a motion that the meeting adjourn at
April 20-21 in Williamsburg and volunteers are also needed
8:39, Sasha Josipovic seconded. The motion passed
for that.
Respectfully Submitted,
GRCA Delegate- Sandy Primovic
Rebecca Casperson- Perkins
March Meeting
Educational Program
Grooming Your Golden
Judy Schlecht , Confetti Golden Retrievers will be our guest educator at the March
meeting. Ken and Judy have been breeding and showing Goldens for decades. They
have produced multiple Champions, Show Dog Hall of Fame, Top 20, Outstanding Sires
and Outstanding Dams. Ken is an AKC Judge and is the primary handler for this
dynamic duo. While you occasionally see Judy in the ring, her expertise is behind the
scenes where her grooming technique is the foundation for their winning ways.
Judy has graciously agreed to provide the club with a demonstration on grooming your
golden. She will be showing us how to trim their feet. We all know how quickly that
foot hair can grow and keeping it tidy and trimmed is not an easy task. Join us next
month and learn some simple tips that you can do at home.
For more information on Confetti Golden Retrievers, check out their website at
Elvis is now CH Hillside Just A Hunk of Burnin' Love. He
finished his championship on Feb 18th at Cyclone Country
KC of Ames Ia, by going WD & BOW for that last
major. Bred by Sharon, Carl, and Caron Rosenkoetter. Sired
by CH Crescent's Tin Woodman CD,RA,NJP,NAP,THD,CGC
and out of Int CH Hillside Walk'N With the Spirit CD,RN,CGC
Date: March 2, 2012
Time: 7:00p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Where: Purina Event Center, Gray Summit, Missouri
In the Founder’s Room
Frank Losey is an attorney who served as Director of Civil Law at the Pentagon and is
licensed to appear before the U.S. Supreme Court. He has also provided legal guidance for the
Air Force Chief of Staff and Pentagon officials during his 25 years active duty in the U.S. Air
Force as a Judge Advocate for Trade Associations and a Consulting (Lobbying) Firm that
represented multi-billion dollar defense contractors. He is well equipped to take on the HSUS,
having obtained statutory changes to Title 10 (Armed Forces Act), Title 18 (Crimes and Criminal
Procedure-Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act), Title 26 (Inte4rnal Revenue Code), Title 41 (Public
Contracts), regulations promulgated by the U.S. Dept. of Defense, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S.
Dept. Of Agriculture, OSHA, EPA, and the International Maritime Organization. He became
involved with dog breeders when asked to help an uncle fight a bill Senator Santorum and
HSUS were trying to pass. Frank is not a breeder; he bought a Yorkie for his wife in 1974. The
little “puppy mill pet shop dog” lived 18 years, Chaucer is responsible for Frank Losey’s
determination to “right the unrightable wrongs” of HSUA.
If you plan to attend, please contact Dottie by e-mail no later than February 23, 2012.
The e-mail address is: FormyK9s@aol.com
For the Week of Jan. 30, 2012
HSUS Is At It Again
Because of the fallout of Proposition B in 2010, there has been quite a number of people who
continue to keep their eyes open and watch the actions of the Humane Society of the United
States (HSUS). Unfortunately, HSUS is back again, trying to make changes to Missouri’s laws —
after the group had said last year that it was not going to do another ballot initiative in Missouri.
This time, the group wants to see to it that once a ballot measure wins voters’ approval, it cannot
be undone. After HSUS spent millions of dollars to convince voters to approve Proposition B,
people only then realized what the measure would do to nearly anyone who owns a dog, much
less runs a legitimate dog breeding operation. The Missouri General Assembly was forced to
come in and rescue a terribly flawed idea. We did, and the governor — and many Missourians —
agreed with us. But, HSUS did not see it this way.
HSUS’s “Your Vote Counts” initiative petition effort sounds like a good idea, but — as I pointed
out above — it could severely hinder the legislative and initiative process in Missouri. Moreover,
HSUS has returned to its method of raising money from anywhere but here. According to
the Missouri Ethics Commission, only $150 of more than $165,000 raised actually came from the
Show-Me State. The rest came from points beyond. If we look at its efforts in other states, we
know that it ultimately wants to stop all animal agriculture.
Based on what HSUS did in 2010 to try and end legal dog breeding in Missouri, I see the group
using any technique it can in order to convince a majority of the voters to approve this ridiculous
ballot initiative. Sure, it may sound good on the surface, but so did saving every dog born in the
state. HSUS had nothing to do with saving any dog bred in Missouri. The “Missouri Solution” did.
By the same token, HSUS will not help make initiative petition votes any safer, it will merely tell
everybody a bad idea is set in stone.
Given the lack of money coming from Missouri and going to HSUS on this proposal, I would say
people get it, and they know HSUS is bad news for us.
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please contact my office.
Senator Munzlinger serves the counties of Adair, Audrain, Clark, Knox, Lewis, Marion, Monroe,
Pike, Putnam, Ralls, Schuyler, Scotland and Shelby.
If you have questions or comments about this or any other issue, please call (573) 751-7985 o
How Much is that Doggie in the
The Surprising Economics of
Purchasing a Purebred Puppy
Here’s an interesting article in Forbes online
Field Trial
• If you can assist with the Field Trial
March 30, 31, Apr 1, please contact
Jeannie Greenlee at
Spring Specialty
• If you can assist with the Spring
Specialty April 7 & 8, please contact
Margie Williams.
Golden Retriever Club of Greater St Louis
Specialty Shows
April 7-8, 2012
INDOORS at the Purina Farms Event Center
Premium list has been revised for obedience/rally
Obedience and Rally are held under Option 2:
Only entries for Golden Retrievers will be accepted until closing; all other breeds' entries
will be put on the waiting list in order of receipt. At closing, the waiting list entries will be
put into the trial until the limits are reached.
Jane P Jensen
Bellingham, WA
Manuel Queijeiro
La Canada, Lerma,
Junior Showmanship Jane P Jensen
Bellingham, WA
Peter Stager
Flatrock, MI
Karen Martin
St Charles, MO
Sally E Burgess
Wentzville, MO
Pat Kasten
O'Fallon, MO
Charlotte Mielziner
St Charles, MO
Sarah Schroeder
Springfield, MO
Laurie Jordan Fenner
Elk Grove, CA
Agility Premium
The premium for the Golden Retriever Club of Greater St Louis
ALL BREED AKC agility trials is now available at
Event #'s 2012248505, 2012248506, 2012248507
Purina Farms
200 Checkerboard Dr
Gray Summit, MO 63039
Friday Saturday Sunday Classes
Offered All STD and JWW Classes
Time 2 Beat All STD and JWW Classes
Time 2 Beat All STD and JWW Classes
Time 2 Beat Limit (runs) 300 300 300
Judges Terry Elger Terry Elger Terry Elger
Facility: 1 ring Indoors on 1" AstroTurf over 3/8" padded
Method of Acceptance: First Received
Fees: $20 for first entry per dog per day; $15 for each additional
entry per dog per day
Opened: Monday, 1/23/12 8:00 am CST Closes: Wednesday,
3/21/12 6:00 pm CDT
GRC-GSL Calendar of Events
Feb 15, 2012
GRC GSL Meeting
AKC Dog Museum
Judy Knobbe
Feb 26, 2011
Health Clinic
Chesterfield Vet
Sandy Primovic
March 21,
GRC GSL Meeting
AKC Dog Museum
Judy Knobbe
March 30Apr 1
Field Trial
Busch Conservation
Jeannie Greenlee
Apr 7 & 8
Spring Specialty
Purina Event Center
Margie Williams
April 18
Awards Ceremony
AKC Museum of Dog
Apri l 20-22,
Hunt Test
Conservation Area
Jeannie Greenlee
May 16
GRC GSL Meeting
AKC Dog Museum
Judy Knobbe
Newsletter Subscriptions are available for $10 per year. Make checks payable to GRCGSL and mail your request to the
newsletter editor. Complimentary newsletters will be provided for two months on request.
Membership: Membership dues for one year are $15 for an individual and $20 for a family and include a subscription to the
newsletter. Anyone wishing to apply for membership is invited to attend a club meeting as a guest and obtain an application
form from the Membership Chairman. The completed application shall carry the endorsement of two unrelated club members
as sponsors and shall be returned to the Membership Chairman along with a check for annual dues. The applicant’s sponsors
shall be responsible for introducing the applicant to the Club, encouraging participation in Club functions, and making the
applicant aware of the objectives of the Club. The prospective member’s application shall be read by the Membership Chairman
at the first Club meeting following its’ receipt and the sponsors shall speak on their behalf. The applicant’s name will be
published in the next Newsletter and his application will be voted on at the following Club meeting. Affirmative votes of ¾ of the
members present and voting at that meeting shall be required to elect the applicant.
Litter Listing and Breeder Referral Guidelines: Litter listings will be limited to basic information about the litter: whelping or
due date, sex distribution, sire, dam, grandparents, examination reports on the sire and dam, and breeder’s name, address and
phone number. Only GRCGSL members in good standing who are the owner or co-owner of the sire or the dam may list a litter
in the Gateway Golden Gazette or with GRCGSL’s Breeder Referral service. There is no charge for either service. The
Newsletter Editor and Breeder Referral Chair must be provided with copies of the following prior to listing the litter: 1) Sire and
dam’s OFA hip AND elbow registration or OFA preliminary hip and elbow evaluation: preliminary evaluations on dogs over 30
months of age by date of listing may not be used. 2) Sire and Dam’s CERF clearances or normal eye reports from an ACVO
board-certified veterinary ophthalmologist dated within 12 months of breeding. 3) Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis (SAS) clearance
or normal heart clearance from a board certified cardiologist. References to Von Willebrand’s Disease (VWD) and Thyroid
examinations may also be included, provided copies of these reports are furnished. Older dogs and rescue Goldens may be
listed provided they have been neutered or if neutering is a condition of the sale/placement. Single copies of the GRCA booklet,
“Acquiring A Golden Retriever” are available free of charge from the Breeder Referral chairmen.
Club Website: www.grcgsl.org