Latin American Agenda`2008


Latin American Agenda`2008
Digital English-Spanish Edition
Printable by «Digital Printing» Vers.1.2
Our Cover:
Politics is Dead... Long Live Politics!
by Maximino Cerezo Barredo
In the face of the old politics, disillusioning and obsolete, a
new life is forming, ready to launch the dream of a utopia of an
eternally renovated human polis. It will take flight in the measure
that which we nourish these dreams.
Although we recognize the disgust we feel when faced with the
many disenchantments of current politics, we insist that now, as in
all hours, political commitment forms an absolutely necessary part
of the integrated human being. We want to continue dreaming with
all realism.
This year we remind you...
See us in Wikipedia, the encyclopedia: Go to, search for “Agenda
Latinoamericana Mundial,” and see the results. Or go to and search for “Agenda Latinoamericana,” “Monseñor Romero,” “servicio bíblico,” “Pedro Casaldáliga,” “Maximino Cerezo Barredo,”
“Leonardo Boff,”...and you will find us in the first few results...
We have increased the number of contests, some of which have been converted into a tradition
in different fields: activist literature, gender relations, ecology, rereading of the Bible, theology, legal
commitments in favor of the poor...All of this is thanks to the organizations that sponsor these contests. We welcome other organizations that wish to sponsor contests.
The telematic Archive of the Latin American Agenda: begun two years ago, the materials that
the Agenda has produced in its sixteen years of existence are now online and in two languages,
Spanish and Catalan. They will remain at the permanent disposition of the public. Leaders and advisors of communities, teachers, professors, and pastoral workers who desire to prepare activities for
formation, reflection, and debate within groups or communities can search for materials by theme,
title, author, or year...See page 238.
Servicios Koinonia has surpassed over 2.5 million visitors to its front page (which composes
about a quarter of the total visits) and it continues to quietly provide its services, with its biblical,
theological, and liturgical sections, its martyrology, and pages of the work of Romero, Casaldáliga,
and Cerizo...with its “low frequency” rhythm...They are sustained and sponsored by this Latin American Agenda.
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The “portal” of the Agenda is its complement on the internet. Go there to know more about Agenda, apart
from the paper publication that takes place once a year. You can find information there about writing contests,
the publication of the results, and all developments concerning them.
Using the entrance of the “telematic archive of the Agenda” (cfr. p. 238), you can also read or copy the texts
of the Agenda, both of the current year (after February) and of prior years.
Additionally, if you want to be advised of new additions (new material, activist campaigns, important new
bibliographic information) that we are able to make available in the page of the Agenda, subscribe (without
cost) to “Novedades Koinonía” that, in brief weekly or biweekly emails, will communicate this new information
to you (without sending attachments, but providing you with the direct link).
Subscribe at; you can also unsubscribe at
any moment at this address. If you have any problems, you can contact the email address which appears in the
© José María VIGIL & Pedro CASALDÁLIGA
Apdo 0823-03151 / Panamá / República de Panamá ☎ 507-264.18.11
Design: José Mª Vigil, Diego Haristoy y Mary Zamora
Cover and drawing: Maximino Cerezo Barredo
Esta lista de editores
está disponible y siempre actualizada en:
Digital English - Spanish Edition
ISBN 978-9962-00-357-1
Freely available at:
Printable through “digital printing”, at your local print shop.
In other languages, the Latin American Agenda’2008, in paper, is available at:
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CATALUÑA (en catalá):
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(41-26)-322.64.61 /
The contents of this Agenda are the property of the Latin American people, who give permission to freely copy, cite, reproduce, and distribute them for non-commercial purposes.
Holistic Vision of the Agenda, José María VIGIL, Panamá, Panamá..................................................8
Introduction, Pedro CASALDÁLIGA, São Félix do Araguaia, Mato Grosso, Brazil....................................10
Significant Anniversaries of 2008............................................................................................12
Prizes and Contests................................................................................................................14
Analysis of the Current Situation: The Rebirth of Politics, José COMBLIN, João Pessoa, PB, Brazil....22
Deception in the Face of Politics, Néstor DA COSTA, Montevideo, Uruguay.......................................26
The Political Blocks of the World, François HOUTART, Belgio - Latin America....................................28
Democracy in Midstream, Alfredo GONÇALVES, Paraguay - Brazil.....................................................30
The Human Being as a Political Being, Claudia KOROL, Buenos Aires, Argentina...............................32
The Current Global Dimension of Politics, Daniel INNERARITY, Zaragoza, Spain................................34
Politics and Ideology, Pedro RIBEIRO DE OLIVEIRA, Juiz de Fora MG, Brazil......................................36
A Criticism of Economics of Politics, João Pedro STÉDILE, São Paulo SP, Brazil................................38
Politics and the Marketplace, Wim DIERCKSXSENS, San José, Costa Rica..........................................40
On Politics and Gardening, Rubem ALVES, Campinas SP, Brazil.......................................................42
The Political Illiterate, Bertold BRECHT.....................................................................................43
Subjects or Citizens?, Josep Maria TERRICABRAS, Girona, Spagna...................................................44
The Many Pathways of Politics, Chico WHITAKER, São Paulo, Brazil................................................46
Feminine Politics, Feminist Politics, or Simply Politics?, Ivone GEBARA, Camaragibe, PE, Brazil.......66
Politics and Cultures, Paulo SUESS, São Paulo SP, Brazil................................................................78
An Ecological Vision of Politics, Manuel GONZALO, Buenos Aires, Argentina.................................... 90
Religion and Politics, Eduardo de la SERNA, Quilmes, Argentina................................................... 102
Faith and Politics, Leonardo BOFF, Petrópolis RJ, Brazil.............................................................. 116
Mysticism and Politics, Frei BETTO, São Paulo SP, Brazil.............................................................. 128
The Dignity of Politics According to Monseñor Romero, Carlos AYALA, San Salvador, El Salvador..... 142
Hot points
Climate Change: Planetary Emergency, Víctor VIÑUALES, Zaragoza, Spain.................................... 154
The Challenge of Massive Urban Poverty, Daniele MOSCHETTI, Nairobi, Kenia............................... 166
Paraguay: Between Continuity and Change, Dionisio GAUTO, Asunción, Paraguay........................... 180
Biofuels, Horacio M. CARVALHO, Curitiba PR, Brazil.................................................................... 192
Multifaceted Political Commitments, Frei BETTO, São Paulo SP, Brazil.......................................... 210
Politics During Campaigns and Politics, Prelazia di São Félix do Araguaia..................................... 211
The Bank of the South, Raúl ZIBECHI, Montevideo, Uruguay........................................................ 212
Popular Mobilization, Javier DÍEZ CANSECO, Lima, Peru.............................................................. 214
Towards a Journalism of Intermediation, José Ignacio LÓPEZ VIGIL, Lima, Peru............................ 216
Women Transforming the Economy, REMTE, Magdalena LEÓN, Quito, Equator................................. 218
Youth and Politics in Postmodernity, Jorge BORAN, São Paulo SP, Brazil ..................................... 220
Participatory Politics, Demétrio VALENTINI, Jales SP, Brazil......................................................... 222
Citizenship and Sovereignty, Not Dependency, Ivo POLETTO, Goiânia GO, Brazil............................. 224
A Program for Political and Citizenship Formation, Jesuit Provincials of Latin America.................. 226
Feminist Theology for a Just World, María Pilar AQUINO, San Diego, CA, USA................................ 228
Contest Winners
Latin American Short Story: Unearthing the Past, Guido DE SCHRIJVER, Belgium........................... 230
Neobiblical Pages: A Miracle for Today, María BAFFUNDO, Montevideo, Uruguay............................. 232
Gender: With Feminism, Humanity Advances, Guitté HARTOG, Puebla, México............................... 234
The Blue Planet, Antonio PÉREZ ESCLARÍN, Caracas, Venezuela..................................................... 235
Final Resources
Resources for Teaching about Politics, Martín VALMASEDA, Guatemala, Guatemala......................... 236
Short Notices....................................................................................................................... 238
Servicios Koinonia................................................................................................................ 240
Point of Encounter: Comments from Readers........................................................................... 242
Who is Who......................................................................................................................... 244
Address Book................................................................................................................. 246-256
H o l i s t i c
World Latin
Happy 2008!
Once more—we are 17
already!—we affectionately
dedicate this 2008 Agenda to
all those who make up our large
international family, united and
convoked for the great options
we call “Latin American”—although they extend far beyond
our Continent.
As “agendas” go, obviously
there plenty that are better.
What is better about ours is not
the noun, but the adjective,
“Latin American” (and as we
have said before, this does not
refer to physical geography, but a
“spiritual’ geography”...). What is
unique about our agenda is presenting, suggesting, and taking
account of where Latin American
hope is leading, combining it
each year with a pedagogical
As we announced in the last
edition, Politics is the focal point
of this 2008 edition. At this hour
of tiredness and deception, including abandonment on the part
of many, we want to insist on the
importance of political commitment for each and every human
The “brotherly introduction”
of Pedro Casaldáliga, presents, as
always, the theme and opens up
the Agenda. The list of the most
V i s i o n
o f
t h e
American Agenda'2008
important martyrial anniversaries
of 2008, the announcement of
the prizes won in the contests of
last year, and the announcement
of new (ten!) contests for 2009
complete the entrance, the appetizer, to this edition.
Unshakably faithful to the
“Latin American method,” we begin with SEEING reality through
the analysis of the current situation by our great teacher José
The section on JUDGING
brings together the perspectives
of the most qualified specialists—from the Continent and
further afield—judging politics
from the widest spectrum of
viewpoints permitted by the size
of this agenda.
We call attention to a few HOT
The third section, TAKING ACTION, focuses on concrete examples and suggestions for acting.
The Agenda concludes with
its habitual final section: the
winning entries in the categories
of “Latin American Short Story,”
“Neobiblical Pages,” and “Gender Perspectives,” a link with
pedagogical resources on the
theme, several smaller notices,
information on Servicios Koinonia—sponsors of this agenda,
and the unforgettable “Point of
Encounter” with our readers.
The 2009 Agenda will probably have as its theme another exclamation-invitation: “Long Live
Social Utopia!” At this time when
so many are declaring that ideologies are dead and utopias are
considered a thing of the past,
we reclaim their continued relevance, since, without them, full
human life and dignified social
life are impossible. Perhaps the
utopias of past times will change
their name, or, perhaps, the passage of time will allow them to
transform themselves and adopt
a different face. But we declare
that the great utopias of the past
decades have not died, no matter the name by which they are
called. Rather, they continue being, in essence, what the best of
those who preceded us struggled
for. We want to continue planting, with fidelity, in the fields
which they opened up for us.
We await your commentaries,
suggestions, and even criticisms,
so that you can help us plan the
next condition. Thanks, until
Fraternally and Sororally,
José María VIGIL
Pedagogical Use of the Agenda
In addition to personal use,
this Agenda is designed to be a
pedagogical instrument for communicators, public educators, pastoral
agents, group leaders, and activists...
The texts are always brief and
agile, presented under the pedagogical concept of one page, formatted so that they can be directly
photocopied and distributed as
“work material” in schools, group
meetings, adult literacy programs,
and literature tables. They can also
be published in the bulletins of organizations or in local magazines.
The format of the texts is dictated by an “economic” criterion
which possibly sacrifices esthetics
in the form of white spaces and
illustrations in favor of a greater
volume of message. This also allows
us to keep a low price so the Agenda is more accessible.
This agenda is dictated by a
“total ecumenicism,” not a “remainder ecumeicism.” Because of
this, we do not eliminate what is
only Catholic or only Protestant,
but we unite the two. Thus, in the
list of the Saints, the Protestant
and Catholic commemorations have
both been included. When they do
not coincide, the Protestant commemoration is in italics. For example, the Apostle Peter is celebrated
by the Catholic Church on February
22 (“the Chair of Peter”), and for
the Protestant Churches on January
18 (“the Confession of Peter”); the
differences can be distinguished
Kindly, the Lutheran Bishop
Kent Mahler, in an earlier version of
A Collective Agenda...
This is a collective work. Because of this, it has gotten to
where it is today. We continue to
gladly receive suggestions, materials, texts, documents, and new
bibliographic material as we enter
into the process of creating the
2009 Agenda.
We welcome and will make a
space in these pages for those
entities that want to officer their
The Moon
service to the Continent by sponOur agenda shows the phases of soring a prize or contest to stimuthe moon by Latin American time, late any aspect of our continental
and, more concretely, “Andean”
time (Colombia Ecuador, Peru, and
In this way, it will continue
Chile), a difference of five hours
being a “collective work, a commufrom Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). nity patrimony, an annual anthology of the memory and hope of our
A Non-Profit Work
spiritual Continent.”
In many countries, this agenda
is edited by popular and nonThe English Edition
profit organizations that use the
We hope to expand the circulamoney received from the sale of
tion of our Agenda to the Englishthe agenda to support their work
speaking world, as much in Nairobi
for popular service and solidarity.
as in New York. We are doing this
These centers ensure the non-profit by publishing our first-ever eleccharacter of each edition.
tronic and freely downloadable
In all cases, the Agenda Latibilingual English/Spanish Agenda.
noamericana as it is, in its central As long as it is not used to make
coordination, is also a non-profit
a profit, you may freely print and
initiative. It was born and develo- distribute copies. Local as well as
ped without help from any agency. on-line printers can produce proThe money generated by the agen- fessionally bound versions at a low
da, after adequately compensating cost.
the authors who write in its pages,
We also seek your help in the
is dedicated to works of popular
translation of this Agenda for fualternative communication and
ture years. Please contact us at
international solidarity.
Servicios Koinonia, permanently You need not have prior experience,
maintained, constantly improved,
only a good command of both Spaand freely accessible around the
nish and English and a willingness
world, the “Tiempo Axial” Collecto translate a two page article.
tion, and some of the prizes finan- Please contact us by March 31,
ced by the Agenda are the most
2008 if you are interested.
the Agenda, presented us with the
“Protestant Saints.”
The Agenda is aconfessional,
and, above all, “macroecumenical.”
The world of common references,
beliefs, values, and utopias among
peoples and men and women of
good will—which Christians call
“the Reign”—is shared by all who
are partners in this humble, serving, brotherly, and sisterly search.
A friendly introduction
Politics is Dead...
Long Live politics!
The great Christian personality Emmanuel Mounier declares: “Everything is political, although
politics isn’t everything.” Fábio Konder Comparato, lawyer and activist, despite the grave deceptions that he has suffered with politics, categorically affirms: “Outside of politics there is no salvation.” Several Spanish organizations that work with youth reported in a poll that 60% of young
people have no interest in politics. The simple people in our regions of the interior of Brazil talk
about politics, a priori and a posteriori, as an evil: “being political” with someone is to squabble
or feud.
So where are we? Politics yes or politics no?
In this World Latin American Agenda for 2008, after talking about democracy in the 2007
Agenda, we believe that it is more than appropriate to talk about politics.
It is necessary to recognize the deception that politics causes in practically all countries. It
creates an attitude of distrust, of scorn to the point of indignation towards politics. What are the
causes? Unfortunately, it is easy to name them: the scandals of corruption, nepotism, the fraudulence of electoral promises, bogus alliances, the deadweight of national oligarchies, and the submission of governments and politicians to the macro-dictatorship of Neoliberal capitalism....
The collective experience, in almost all countries, but especially in the Third World, is a dance
of centuries that masks the same pseudo-politics, based on power, profit, and privilege. Politics
has been made into a business, the recourse of the elites who keep perpetuating themselves—always the same people, openly right-wing, and consecrated to the status quo. As the joke goes,
“Let’s stop trying to accomplish political change with politics! Let’s accept politics for what it’s
good for: doing business.”
This politics has to die. Worldwide it is already a dead politics for the society that wants to
live humanely and construct an authentically democratic, participatory, and humanizing future,
free of the inequalities that cry to the heavens. The economy grows, but simultaneously so does
inequality. Structural adjustment plans, forced upon poor countries by current politics, have failed,
but still they demand much suffering, misery, and even blood. “The current process of globalization,” writes Stiglitz in his book Making Globalization Work, “is provoking destabilizing results as
much between countries as within countries. It creates wealth, but there are too many countries
and people that do not share its benefits...These global disequilibriums are morally unacceptable
and politically unsustainable.” It has been opportunely affirmed that this inequality assassinates
globalization. It is necessary to come together to engage in multiple processes—in different
places and in different ways—that are at the service of “equitable globalization,” which shares
increases in wellbeing and conquers misery.
It is essential that engaging in politics becomes a basic exercise of citizenship. Citizenship is
the political recognition of human rights. Because we are humanity, we are society. The Italian
philosopher Giorgio Agamben argues that “[t]he separation between the human and the political
that we are now experiencing is the extreme phase of the rift between the rights of the human
being and the rights of the citizen.”
Our Agenda surveys the history of politics. It confronts the exercise of current politics with
the demands of human rights, citizenship, cultures, the role of the laity, inter-religious dialogue,
ecology, and communications media. Current politics has in its hands the manipulation of public
opinion and “the colonization of subjectivities.” For the majority of humanity, it is a politics that
has to die, and that is already a dead politics. However, politics, the “other” politics, cannot die,
precisely because humanity cannot live without it. Politics is the organization of human life, the
process of society. Politics is more than a dimension—it embraces all dimensions of social life.
In our Agenda, by denouncing this iniquitous politics, we vindicate true politics: an “other”
politics of justice, transparency, service, and participation, created and lived locally and globally.
This politics renovates traditional institutions, many of them rotten and unjust, and supports new
institutions. It works for the political formation of citizens. It suggests attitudes, processes, and
campaigns, and it seeks solutions. We all know that “agenda” means “what we need to do.” The
goal of this Agenda, therefore, is to assist us in thinking about what we must do so that politics
lives—resurrected and distant from “the whitewashed tombs”—and that it be a human and humanizing politics.
Following Max Weber, we want to distinguish between politics as a profession and politics as a
vocation. Rubem Alves has written, in a memorable article entitled On Politics and Gardening: “Of
all vocations, politics is the most noble...of all professions, politics is the most vile.”
It is necessary to dream while moving forward. We want to and should be politicians, that
is, practice politics. Totally committed and hopeful, we come together, men and women—and
at every moment more and more women are entering different spheres of politics—to enter into
this great mobilization of goals, forums, campaigns, and achievements. We demand, loftily dreaming, that politics be an exercise of love, the daily celebration of a coming together that is truly
human. We demand a brotherly and sisterly politics, a daily prayer to Humanity, and the best
worship of the living God. We want to be politicians and to practice politics, without neutrality
and without even-handed hypocrisy. In his celebrated speech at the University of Louvain, Saint
Romero of the Americas exhorted: “To be in favor of life or in favor of death. Every day I see with
more clarity that this is the choice we have to make. No possible neutrality exists. We either serve
life or we are complicit in the deaths of many human beings. Here our faith is revealed: we either
believe in the God of Life or we use the name of God to serve the executioners who bring death.”
Aniversarios Mayores de 2008
1978: Treinta años
10.1: Pedro Joaquín Chamorro, periodista, luchador por las libertades públicas contra la dictadura
18.1: Germán Cortés, militante cristiano y político, mártir de la causa de la justicia en Chile.
29.5: Masacre de un centenar de quichés en Panzós, Guatemala.
30.6: Hermógenes López, párroco, fundador de la
Acción Católica Rural, mártir de los campesinos guatemaltecos.
20.7: Mario Mujía Córdoba, «Guigui», obrero,
maestro, agente de pastoral, mártir de los trabajadores de Guatemala.
20.9: Francisco Luis Espinosa, sacerdote y compañeros mártires en Estelí, Nicaragua.
7.10: José Osmán Rodríguez, campesino Delegado
de la Palabra, mártir en Honduras.
20.10: Oliverio Castañeda de León. Máximo dirigente de la Asociación de Estudiantes Universitarios
(AEU) de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.
Asesinado brutalmente frente a por lo menos 15 mil
7.11: Antonio Ciani. Dirigente estudiantil de la
AEU en Guatemala. Capturado ilegalmente cuando
salía de su casa hacia la Universidad de San Carlos de
Guatemala. Continúa desaparecido.
28.11: Ernesto Barrera, «Neto», sacerdote, obrero,
mártir de las comunidades de base salvadoreñas. Salvajemente torturado antes de ser asesinado con otros
compañeros laicos de la pastoral obrera; entre ellos,
Valentín Martínez Piche.
11.12: Gaspar García Laviana, sacerdote, mártir de
las luchas de liberación del pueblo de Nicaragua.
1983: Veinticinco años
7.1: Felipe y Mary Barreda, militantes cristianos
revolucionarios asesinados por la contrarrevolución en
23.1: Segundo Francisco Guamán, indígena quechua, mártir de la lucha por la tierra en Ecuador.
14.3: Marianela García Villas, abogada de los pobres, fundadora de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos
de El Salvador, mártir de la justicia. Asesinada junto
con 29 campesinos/as en Guazapa por el batallón Atlacatl, cuando investigaba a petición de la Federación
Intnal. de DDHH (FIDH) y la ONU.
15.4: Mártires campesinos indígenas de Joyabaj,
El Quiché, Guatemala.
14.6: Vicente Hordanza, sacerdote misionero al
servicio de los campesinos, Perú.
17.6: Felipa Pucha y Pedro Cuji, campesinos indígenas, mártires del derecho a la tierra en Culluctuz,
19.7: Yamilet Sequiera Cuarte, catequista, Nicaragua.
23.7: Pedro Angel Santos, catequista, mártir de la
fe y de la solidaridad con su pueblo salvadoreño.
25.7: Luis Calderón y Luis Solarte, militantes,
mártires de la lucha de los “destechados” de Popayán,
12.8: Margarita María Alves, presidenta del Sindicato Rural de Alagoa Gande, Paraíba, Brasil, asesinada, mártir de la lucha por la tierra.
16.9: Guadalupe Carney, jesuita de origen estadounidense, acompañando la lucha de su pueblo
17.9: Julián Bac, celebrador de la Palabra, y Guadalupe Lara, catequista, mártires en Guatemala.
11.10: Benito Hernández y compañeros, indígenas, mártires de la lucha por la tierra en Hidalgo,
12.10: Marco Antonio Orozco, pastor evangélico,
mártir de la Causa de los pobres en Guatemala.
8.11: Augusto Ramírez, sacerdote, mártir de la
defensa de los pobres, en Guatemala.
11.11: Sebastián Acevedo, militante, mártir del
amor filial al pueblo chileno.
25.11: Marçal de Sousa, Tupá’í, enfermero, indígena, mártir de la lucha por la tierra de sus hermanos,
que había hablado a Juan Pablo II en Manaus en
1980. Asesinado.
12.12: Prudencio Mendoza «Tencho», seminarista,
mártir de la fe, en Huehuetenango, Guatemala.
1988: Veinte años
14.1: Miguel Angel Pavón, director de la Comisión
de los Derechos Humanos, y Moisés Landaverde, Honduras.
17.1: Jaime Restrepo López, sacerdote, mártir de
la causa de los pobres, Colombia.
5.2: Francisco Domingo Ramos, líder sindical en
Pancas, Brasil, asesinado por encargo de los «fazendeiros».
27.2: Jesús María Valle Jaramillo, 4º presidente
asesinado de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos de
Antioquia, Colombia.
28.3: 14 indígenas tikunas asesinados y 23 heridos por el maderero Oscar Castelo Branco y 20 pistoleros a sus órdenes. Estaban reunidos en Benjamin
Constant, AM, Brasil, esperando la ayuda solicitada a
la Funai ante las amenazas del maderero. Los cadáveres fueron arrojados al río Solimões.
14.5: Campesinos mártires por la causa de la paz,
Cayara, Perú.
5.6: Agustín Ramírez y Javier Sotelo, obreros
mártires de la lucha de los marginados del Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ambos trabajaban en tareas de
promoción en los barrios de San Francisco Solano.
Fueron baleados y sus cuerpos tirados a una zanja.
10.7: Joseph Lafontant, abogado, mártir de la
defensa de los derechos humanos en Haití.
22.8: Jürg Weis, teólogo suizo evangélico, coordinador de la secretaría nacional suiza de los comités
de Solidaridad con Centroamérica, mártir de la solidaridad con El Salvador.
31.8: Muere Leónidas Proaño, «obispo de los
indios», en Riobamba, Ecuador.
11.9: Mártires de la iglesia de San Juan Bosco, en
Puerto Príncipe, Haití.
20.10: Jorge Eduardo Serrano, jesuita, Colombia.
25.10: Alejandro Rey y Jacinto Quiroga, agentes
de pastoral, mártires de la fe, Colombia.
6.11: José Ecelino Forero, agente de pastoral,
mártir de la fe y del servicio en Colombia.
22.12: Francisco «Chico» Mendes, 44 años, líder
ecologista en Xapuri, Brasil. Asesinado por los latifundistas.
1993: Quince años
15.4: José Barbero, sacerdote, profeta y servidor
de los hermanos más pobres de Bolivia.
28.5: Javier Cirujano, misionero, mártir de la paz
y la solidaridad en Colombia.
10.6: Norman Pérez Bello, militante, mártir de la
fe y la opción por los pobres, Colombia.
16.8: Mártires indígenas yanomamis, de Roraima,
18.8: Mártires indígenas asháninkas, de Tziriari,
23.9: Sergio Rodríguez, obrero y universitario,
mártir de la lucha por la justicia en Venezuela.
1998: Diez años
13.3: Maria Leide Amorim, líder campesina de
los sin tierra, asesinada en Manaus en represalia por
haber dirigido la ocupación de una finca.
26.3: Onalício Araujo Barros y Valentin Serra, líderes del MST, ejecutados por los fazendeiros en Parauapebas (Pará, Brasil). Estaban negociando un área para
las familias que habían desocupado una fazenda.
17.4: César Humberto López, líder de la Iglesia
Bautista Enmanuel, presidente de la Fraternidad Ecuménica por la Paz, FraterPaz, asesinado en San Salvador por su compromiso con la justicia.
18.4: Eduardo Umaña Mendoza, defensor de los
derechos populares y denunciador de los paramilitares, compañero de Camilo Torres, intelectual defensor
de presos políticos. Asesinado. Colombia.
20.5: Francisco de Assis Araújo, Chicão Xucurú,
cacique del pueblo Xuxurú, es asesinado en Pesqueira,
PE, Brasil, por su lucha por la tierra de su pueblo.
7.6: Cientos de soldados caen sobre los indígenas
reunidos en la escuela de El Charco, Guerrero, México:
mueren 10 campesinos y un estudiante.
4.9: Gerardo Sueldo, obispo. Testigo en la búsqueda de transparencia política y justicia para los pobres
de Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Amenazado por el
poder político, muere en aparente accidente de carro.
18.9: Miguel Angel Quiroga, marianista, asesinado
por paramilitares, mientras realizaba una visita pastoral a las comunidades campesinas de Lloró, Colombia.
Premios en los certámenes y concursos de...
• El Primer Premio del Concurso de Páginas
Neobí­blicas (500 euros) ha sido otorgado, a partes
iguales, a María Baffundo (,
de Montevideo, Uruguay, por su página «Un milagro
de hoy», actualización de Lc 13,10-16, y a Maria
Cristina Guilherme (,
brasileña residente en Brasilia, por su página sobre
«1 Re 21». Publicamos en esta edición el texto castellano ganador (véase la pág. 232), y publicamos
los dos, el castellano y el portugués, en la página de
la Agenda en la red.
El jurado ha otorgado también una mención
honorífica a «O Cântico da floresta», relectura del
Cantar de los Cantares, de Rosa Maria Aires da
Cunha (, de Santos, São Paulo, Brasil.
Una amplia antología de «Páginas Neobíblicas»
(ya más de ochenta) recibidas para el concurso en
éste y otros años, continúa siendo publicada como
una sección de los Servicios Koinonía (
Convocamos la XIIIª edición de este Concurso
para 2008. Vea la pág. 17.
• El Premio de Cuento Corto Latinoamericano
(500 euros) lo han gana­do «ex aequo», por igual,
Guido De Schrijver (, belgaguatemalteco con domicilio habitual en Bélgica,
por su cuento «Desenterrar el pasado», junto con
Sávio Corinaldesi (, de Brasília,
Brasil, por su cuento «A Ceia eucarística em São
Publicamos el texto en castellano de De Scheijver
en esta misma edición de la Agenda (pág. 230).
El jurado ha otorgado también una mención honorífica en favor de Marcela Vega
(, de Bogotá, Colombia,
por su cuento «Te traje la mañana».
Convocamos para el año que viene la XIVª edición del Concurso. Véase pág. la 17.
Una amplia antología de «Cuentos cortos latinoamericanos» -ya más de cincuenta- no sólo los
ganadores, sino los mejores de entre todos los que
se presentan a concurso, está siendo puesta en línea
como una sección de los Servicios Koinonía, con los
mejores cuentos recibidos en años pasados. Aquí:
• El jurado del Concurso de Género sobre el
tema «Democracia y equidad de género», patrocina­
do por el Centro de Educación y Comuni­cación
CANTE­RA, de Managua, Nicaragua, comunica que se
recibieron 20 ensayos, procedentes de Costa Rica,
Chile, Argentina, México, Nicaragua, Colombia, República Dominicana, Bolivia y Perú. El premio, de
500 US$, ha sido concedido a Guitté Hartog, de la
Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, en Puebla, México
( Es publicado en esta
Agenda (pág. 234).
Con las mismas bases bajo un nuevo enfoque,
queda convocado el certa­men para el año que viene,
con el sugerente tema de «Género y participación
política»: véase la página 17.
• En el Certamen de Innovaciones Ecoteológicas
ha resultado ganador Francisco Josivan de Souza,
de São Paulo, Brasil, que ha participado con una
obra de teatro de Navidad, de sabor nordestino, que
incluye piezas musicales en mp3. Felicitaciones. El
concurso queda convocado de nuevo.
• En el Certamen La crisis y el futuro
de la religión, el jurado ha otorgado el premio, de 1000 (mil) euros, a Daniel Chiquete
(, mexicano, residente en
Alemania, por su trabajo «Misión cristiana en un
mundo globalizado. Apuntes teológicos sobre una
misión alternativa».
Vea los premios concedidos a los concursantes para los certámenes convocados en la Agenda de 2007, en:
Vea las convocatorias para el año 2008-2009 en:
Con las mismas bases, misma cuantía de premio y nueva temática, el Instituto Missio de Aquis­
grán y la Agenda convocan la VIIª edición: véase
la pág. 19.
• En el certamen convo­cado por el Colectivo
Ronda de abogados de Barcelona, sobre «Experiencias realizadas en la defensa jurídico-democrática de los pobres», el Jurado ha concedido el
premio (mil quinientos euros) al Bufete Popular
Boris Vega, de Masaya, Nicaragua, por la realización de su proyecto «Legalización de los asentamientos humanos espontáneos en el Departamento
de Masaya», realizado durante los años 2000 a
2006 en seis municipios del departamento, beneficiando a 7592 personas.
El concurso es convo­cado para el próximo año,
en su ya VIª edición, con nueva temática: véase la
pág. 18.
• La Revista Alternativas y la Fundación
Verapaz ha otorgado el Premio Antonio Montesinos, en su XIIª edición, a Jon Sobrino sj, porque
su obra cristológica, elaborada a lo largo de varias
décadas, ha sido una actualización permanente
del grito de Montesinos defendiendo la dignidad
de los «crucificados» de la tierra, a los que con su
obra teórica ha querido contribuir para «bajar de
la cruz».
Véase la reseña del currículum del homenajeado en la página 16.
Recordamos que para este Premio se puede
presentar a candidatos para la consideración del
Jurado; véase la convocatoria, renovada para su
XIIIª edición, en la página 17.
FELICITACIONES a todos los premiados, y nuestro AGRADECIMIENTO a todos los que han participado. Les esperamos un año más...
A pesar de la aparente contradicción existente
entre las palabras «Independencia» y «Unión», al
juntarlas conseguimos un lema que nos sirve como
herramienta de trabajo y tema de reflexión para
este concurso sobre la colaboración fraternal entre
todos los pueblos.
Se puede participar redactando un ensayo, estudio, proyecto... en cualquier formato literario,
sobre la necesaria independencia de los pueblos,
para iniciar juntos la cooperación, la solidaridad, la
colaboración... la Unión, y avanzar así por el camino de la Justicia.
Muchos Estados son consecuencia de guerras
en las que los vencedores sometieron a los pueblos vencidos y en ocasiones se los repartieron.
En África, en Asia y en América, prácticamente la
totalidad de los Estados son consecuencia de la
colonización, que no respetó las comunidades indígenas, repartiéndose sus territorios con la ayuda de
una regla y un lápiz...
¿Cómo devolver la soberanía a los pueblos?
Creando ilusión para la participación... y avanzando, paso a paso, hacia la gran utopía de la CASA
Extensión: 5 páginas, ó 10.000 pulsaciones
(caracteres más espacios).
Género: libre.
Idioma: Se puede utilizar cualquier idioma
siempre que se incluya una traducción a una de las
lenguas siguientes: catalán, castellano, portugués,
italiano o inglés.
Primer premio: 5OO euros. El jurado podrá
otorgar uno o dos premios más, de 2OO euros.
Enviar antes del 31 de marzo de 2008
a: y a
Convoca: Grupo de reflexión «Converses a sa
serena» (Conversaciones al sereno) y la Agenda
Latinoamericana Mundial.
La Revista «ALTERNATIVAS» y la Fundación VERAPAZ, de Managua, Nicaragua, otorgan el
al gesto profético en defensa de la dignidad humana»,
en su XIIª edición, a:
Nacido en Barcelona, España, en 1938, entró en la
Compañía de Jesús en 1956 y fue ordenado sacerdote
en 1969. Desde 1957 pertenece a la Provincia de Centroamérica de los jesuitas, residiendo habitualmente
en la ciudad de San Salvador, en El Salvador, su segunda patria.
Licenciado en filosofía por la St. Louis University
(EEUU), en 1963, Jon Sobrino obtuvo la maestría en
ingeniería allí mismo en 1965. Su formación teológica tuvo lugar en el período que abarca el contexto
preconciliar, la celebración y aplicación del Concilio
Vaticano II y la II Conferencia General del Episcopado
Latinoamericano, en Medellín, en 1968. Se doctoró en
teología en 1975, en la Hochschule Sankt Georgen, de
Frankfurt (Alemania), con la tesis «Significado de la
cruz y resurrección de Jesús en las cristologías sistemáticas de Pannerberg y Moltmann».
Es doctor honoris causa por la Universidad Católica
de Lovaina, Bélgica (1989), y por Santa Clara University, California (1989). Actualmente es responsable del
Centro de Pastoral Mons. Oscar Romero, director de la
Revista Latinoamericana de Teología y del informativo
Cartas a las Iglesias, además de realizar tareas pastorales, atender innumerables pedidos de conferencias,
cursos, encuentros y congresos, provenientes de todo
el mundo, y de ejercer como profesor de teología en la
Universidad Centroamericana hasta hace poco tiempo.
Al inicio de su ministerio sacerdotal, Jon Sobrino
respiró los aires de la primavera en la Iglesia, provocada por el Concilio Vaticano II (1962-1965) y por la
Conferencia de Medellín (1968), y fue formando su
línea de pensamiento y su hacer teológico en confrontación con la injusticia y la opresión de El Salvador, en
una Iglesia latinoamericana que, poco a poco, se abría
a la causa privilegiada del evangelio de Jesucristo: los
Todo ello significó un cambio radical en la comprensión de lo que es hacer teología. Sin ignorar el
intellectus fidei, pasó a ser, preferentemente, intellectus amoris, o sea, una teología preocupada por «bajar
de la cruz a los pobres crucificados», y por eso mismo
intellectus misericordiae, intellectus iustitiae, intellectus liberationis. Esa teología es, también, intellectus
gratiae, y la gracia pasó a formar parte de su teología,
no como tema específico a ser tratado, sino como don
de Dios que fecunda y alimenta el trabajo teológico.
Para Jon Sobrino, concebir la teología como intellectus amoris, inteligencia de la realización del amor
histórico por los pobres y del amor que nos hace afines
a la realidad de Dios, es la mayor novedad teórica de
la teología de la liberación, volviéndola más bíblica
y más relevante históricamente, y llevándola a ser
mistagógica, ofreciendo el amor como camino primario
que nos hace semejantes a Dios.
Colaborador y amigo de Mons. Oscar Romero, Jon
Sobrino es un incansable defensor de la canonización
de ese mártir de nuestros tiempos. Él lo define como
«un ser humano que nos salva y nos redime de nuestro
egoísmo y de nuestra pequeñez, semejante a Jesús, en
quien podemos tener los ojos fijos».
Hombre marcado por el sufrimiento y por la
muerte, en la lucha en favor de la vida, Jon Sobrino
puede ser llamado «mártir sobreviviente», por haber
escapado de la muerte y haber vivido en la fe y en la
esperanza, la dura experiencia de ver asesinados a sus
compañeros, especialmente a su gran amigo Ignacio
Ellacuría. Esa tragedia marcó profundamente su vida y
solidificó su decisión de luchar por la justicia.
Es testigo de la cruel pobreza y de la injusticia, de
grandes y terribles masacres y también de la luminosidad, esperanza, creatividad y generosidad sin cuento
de las víctimas de El Salvador. En relación a su experiencia personal de fe, con simplicidad y convicción,
él dice: «Pienso que puedo resumirlas en las palabras
del profeta Miqueas (6,8): ‘practicar la justicia, amar
con ternura, caminar humildemente con Dios en la
historia’, añadiendo la expresión de Jesús: con gozo y
(Reseña de Vera Bombonatto)
La Agenda Latinoamericana convoca la XIIIª edición del Concurso de «Páginas neobíblicas»:
1. Temática: tomando pie en alguna figura, situa­ción
o mensaje bíblico, sea del Primero o del Segundo Testa­
mento, los textos intentarán una «re­lec­tura» desde la
actual situación latinoamericana o mundial.
2. Los textos no deberán exceder de 1500 palabras,
o 9000 pulsaciones. En castellano o portu­gués o catalán,
en prosa o poesía, teniendo en cuenta que, supuesta una
Concurso de «Páginas Neobíblicas», XIIIª edición
calidad básica en la forma, lo que se premia es el contenido, el acierto y la creatividad en la «relectura» de la
página bíblica escogida.
3. Los trabajos habrán de llegar antes del 31 de
marzo de 2008 a:
4. Premio: 500 euros y su publicación en la Agen­
da'2009. Será hecho público el 1 de octubre de 2008 en
El premio es patrocinado por Adveniat.
Concurso «Género y compromiso político», XIIIª edición
El Centro de Educación y Comunicación Popular
CANTERA y la Agenda Latinoamericana convocan la XIIIª
edición de su concurso «Perspectiva de género en el
desarrollo social». Las bases son:
1. Temática: «Relación entre género y participación
política, siendo ésta uno de los espacios más difíciles
para las mujeres, especialmente cuando se trata de asumir cargos de toma de decisiones». En estilo de ensayo.
2. Extensión e idioma: No deberá exceder de mil
palabras, ó 6000 pulsaciones. Se puede concursar en
castellano o portugués; también en otros idiomas, pero
adjuntando en este caso una traducción al castellano.
3. Los trabajos habrán de llegar antes del 15 de
marzo del año 2008 a: Cantera, Apdo. A-52, Managua,
Nicaragua,, tel.: (505)-277.53.29
4. El texto ganador será premiado con 500 US$. El
jurado podrá declarar desierto el premio, pero podrá
también conceder uno o varios accésits de 100 US$.
Premio Antonio Montesinos
al gesto profético en defensa de la dignidad humana, XIIIª edición
La Revista «Alternativas» y la Fundación Verapaz
convo­can esta XIIIª edición del «Premio Antonio Montesi­
nos al gesto profético en defensa de la dignidad humana
en América Latina». Bases:
1. Se quiere significar con esta distinción a la comunidad, grupo humano o persona cuya defensa de los
derechos humanos actualice mejor hoy el gesto profético
de Antonio Montesinos en La Espa­ñola cuando se enfrentó a la violencia de la conquis­ta con su grito «Estos, ¿no
son seres humanos?».
2. Cualquier grupo, persona o comunidad puede presentar candidatos a este premio, razonando los motivos
y acompañándolos con firmas si lo cree oportuno, antes
del 31 de abril de 2008, a: Fundación Verapaz / Apdo
P-177 / Managua / Nicaragua / tel.: (505)-265.06.95 /
3. El jurado admitirá a concurso tanto acciones puntuales, cuanto trabajos duraderos o actitudes proféticas
mantenidas a lo largo de largo tiempo.
4. Premio: 500 US$. Podrá ser declarado desierto.
Concurso de «Cuento Corto Latinoamericano», XIVª edición
La Agenda Latinoamericana convoca esta decimocuarta edición del Concurso, con las siguientes bases:
1. Puede concursar toda persona que sintonice con
las Causas de la Patria Grande.
2. Extensión e idioma: máximo de 18.000 pulsacio­
nes. En castellano o portugués.
3. Temática: el cuento debe tratar de iluminar, desde
su propio carácter literario, la actual coyuntura espiri­
tual de América Latina: sus utopías, dificultades, moti­
vaciones para la esperanza, alternativas, la interpreta­
ción de esta hora histórica…
4. Los textos deberán llegar antes del 31 de marzo de
2008 a:
5. El cuento ganador será premiado con 500 euros,
y será publicado en la Agenda Latinoa­meri­ca­na’2009 (en
unos 18 países). El fallo del jurado será hecho público
el 1 de octubre de 2008 en http:// latinoamericana.
6. El jurado podrá declarar desierto el premio, pero
también podrá conceder accésits de 100 euros.
«Colectivo Ronda de abogados»
VIª Edición
La lucha por los derechos de las mujeres
El Col·lectiu Ronda, de Barcelona, como asesoría jurídica, laboral, económica y social,
al servicio de las clases populares, viene convocando el premio Ronda de Abogados desde el
año 2003. Este año 2008 convoca una nueva edición del sexto Premio en base a una temática hasta ahora no abordada con carácter monográfico: los derechos de las mujeres.
Podemos afirmar sin temor a equivocarnos que la mujer y, por extensión, las mujeres en
América Latina, en general padecen una triple explotación. En primer lugar al formar parte
de los pueblos explotados por los países ricos. Sólo por esta circunstancia ya sería necesario prestar atención y dedicar esfuerzos en erradicar esta explotación inscrita en el marco
de la globalización del capital.
En segundo lugar, al mismo tiempo, sufre una explotación específica como mujer en el
mundo del trabajo, con salarios inferiores y peores condiciones que el hombre, en el acceso
a los cargos de responsabilidad, tanto en la esfera privada como pública y en otros tantos
aspectos de la vida económica, política, social y cultural.
Y en tercer lugar -y no por ello menos importante- en el ámbito doméstico sufre una
tercera explotación, esta vez de forma demasiado habitual, por parte de los hombres que
abandonan sus responsabilidades familiares. Por no citar los casos más extremos en que la
mujer padece la violencia de género en forma de abusos, malos tratos, e incluso la muerte.
Por ello nos parece particularmente necesario dedicar este Premio a las entidades que,
desde una posición de género, trabajan jurídicamente en «la lucha por los derechos de las
mujeres». Bien sea en el ámbito del derecho a la salud, al propio cuerpo, a la educación, a
la formación, a la cultura, a la lucha contra la discriminación, por la paridad, el acceso a la
propiedad... y un sin fin de derechos todavía hoy no conseguidos.
a las entidades que se especializan en este tipo de defensa de los pobres a participar en
un concurso, con las siguientes
Informe a presentar: se pide un informe claro, concreto y preciso, y no demasiado extenso, sobre la experiencia, el contexto jurídico de la sociedad en la que se inscribe, las
actividades realizadas, la evaluación de los resultados obtenidos.
Idioma: castellano, portugués o catalán; o cualquier otro en el que se publica la Agenda acompañando traducción a cualquiera de los citados.
Envío y plazo: Deberá ser enviado, antes del 31 de marzo de 2008, a: y a
Premio: 1500 (mil quinientos) euros, más su publicación en la Red. Podrá ser declarado
desierto, y también ser concedido algún accésit.
Agenda/Missio Institut
VIIª edición
Emergencia ecológica planetaria
y Misión cristiana
Desde hace varios decenios la ecología ha ido haciéndose presente más y más en la conciencia de la
Humanidad. Y también en la conciencia de la teología, aunque menos de lo que hubiera sido necesario.
Pero el enfoque que ha dominado hasta ahora ha estado centrado en el «cuidado» de la naturaleza «al
servicio del ser humano».
La actual visión de la «ecología profunda» postula un cambio radical: abandonar el antropocentrismo
y la visión utilitaria de la naturaleza en función del ser humano. La nueva perspectiva es el biocentrismo,
desde el que el ser humano es percibido objetivamente como una parte de la red, un miembro de la comunidad vital, donde todo forma un único sistema vital y en el que nadie está en el centro.
El pasado año 2007 ha significado también un cambio esencial respecto a nuestro conocimiento ecológico. El Panel Intergubernamental sobre el Cambio Climático (PICC) ha dejado establecido defintivamente
que el ser humano es el causante de la acelerada degradación del Planeta, y que estamos ante la inminencia de una catástrofe ecológica irreversible.
¿Por qué todas estas realidades no tienen una presencia mínima dentro del mensaje y de la vida de los
cristianos? ¿A qué obedece esta «ceguera ecológica» del cristianismo? ¿Cuáles son sus raíces bíblicas? Si
la vida misma y el planeta están grave e inminentemente amenazadas de destrucción, ¿qué valor tiene un
mensaje cristiano que no constituye a la ecología en perspectiva fundamental? ¿Qué perspectivas teológicas
apuntar? ¿Cómo queda desafiada la misión cristiana ante esta emergencia ecológica planetaria?
La Agenda Latinoamericana, en la séptima edición de este certamen,
C O N V O C A a los teólogos y teólogas, y les invitan a elaborar teológicamente esta temática, sobre
las siguientes
-Pueden participar teólogos/as de cualquier país y de cualquier confesión o religión. Se valorará especialmente la participa­ción de las teólogas, aunque sin discriminación de género hacia los teólogos.
-Extensión mínima de 15 páginas (30.000 pulsaciones).
-Los trabajos, que han de ser inéditos y originales, serán presentados en castellano, portugués o catalán, pero se puede participar en cualquier otra lengua siempre que se adjunte una traducción a una de
-Entrega: antes del 31 de marzo de 2008, por correo-e, a la Agenda Latinoamericana
(, con copia a
-El premio, patrocinado por el MWI, Missionswissenschaftliches Institut de Aachen (Alemania),
consistirá en 1.000 (mil) euros, más la publicación del texto en papel o telemáticamente.
-Al participar, los concursantes otorgan a los convocantes el derecho a publicar adicionalmente los
textos ganadores, en cualquier medio, tanto de papel como telemático.
Novedades ecoteológicas
IVª Edición
El equipo de investigación «ECOTEOLOGIA», Facultad de Teología, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia)
C O N V O C A este concurso,
con las siguientes bases:
1. Participantes: El certamen tiene un enfoque macro-ecuménico, por tanto pueden participar,
sin ningún tipo de restricción, todas las personas, comunidades e instituciones que sintonicen con
las Causas de la Patria Grande.
2. Temática: Los trabajos serán clasificados en dos modalidades: a) Aquellos que socializan
experiencias reales con aportes orientados a la implementación de políticas ecoambientales fundamentadas en valores ecoteológicos por ejemplo, desde la educación ambiental, la agroecología, el
ecoturismo, la pastoral ecológica, etc. b) Aquellos que diseñan un nuevo paradigma de civilización a
través de lenguajes alternativos (narraciones, poesías, canciones, entre otros) en los que se expliciten contenidos ecoteológicos que ayuden a vislumbrar horizontes y utopías creadoras a partir de una
política ecoambiental.
3. Componentes: Cada trabajo, deberá presentarse a través de un texto descriptivo o narrativo
e incluir, fundamentalmente, una reflexión ecoteológica (nuevas imágenes de Dios, resignificaciones
doctrinales, reorientación de prácticas religiosas que brotan de replantear las relaciones entre seres
humanos entre sí y el resto de la Creación) con el fin de propiciar el diseño e implementación de
políticas ecoambientales. Además, el texto debe explicar las motivaciones, logros, retos, desaciertos,
surgidos desde la experiencia expuesta (modalidad a) y las utopías, sueños, innovaciones, transformaciones que se constituyen en novedad para el pensamiento ecoteológico y la política ecoambiental (modalidad b). La extensión máxima para el documento completo es de 10 hojas (20.000 caracteres), en castellano, portugués o italiano (si el trabajo está en otro idioma diferente debe incluirse
una traducción al castellano). También es viable anexar otro tipo de materiales impresos, fotográficos, audiovisuales, informáticos que contribuyan a precisar el enfoque ecoteológico del trabajo.
4. Plazo y envío: Los textos deberán llegar antes del 31 de marzo de 2008 a ecoteologia@gmail.
com con copia a o a: Carrera 5 No 39-00, Piso 2 Edificio Arrupe, «Equipo
Ecoteología», Facultad de Teología, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá D.C., Colombia.
5. Premio y publicación: El texto ganador en cada modalidad será premiado con 100 US$ y un
paquete de materiales ecopedagógicos. El jurado podrá declarar desierto el premio, así como conceder uno o varios accésits. Así mismo, los mejores trabajos serán divulgados a través de la página de
la Universidad Javeriana, desde el enlace de Ecoteología. La Agenda Latinoamericana Mundial podrá
publicar aquellos trabajos que mejor contribuyan a impulsar el diálogo ecología – teología en nuestro «Oikos»: la Creación.
«2008: Teología de la Liberación hoy»
«Premio internacional de teología Contextual»
El MWI, Missionswissenschaftliches Institut, de Aquisgrán, Alemania
y la ASETT, Asociación Ecuménica de Teólogos/as del Tercer Mundo (EATWOT),
A N U N C I A N la creación de este PREMIO, con las siguientes bases:
Objetivo: Premiar los mejores trabajos (libros principalmente) dentro del campo de las preocupaciones teológicas de la Comisión Teológica Internacional de la ASETT, que para 2008 selecciona «La Teología de la Liberación hoy» como el tema de interés.
Después de cuarenta años de vida, hay quienes afirman que la Teología de la Liberación ya murió,
mientras que para muchos otros está viva, es ya clásica, e irreversible, y continuará siendo
imprescindible para la Humanidad en el futuro. El Jurado seleccionará de entre las mejores
obras, aquéllas que mejor iluminen la validez y el futuro y los nuevos caminos de la Teología de la Liberación.
Se puede presentar trabajos teológicos, propios o ajenos, para ayudar al Jurado en su selección,
enviándolos a las Comisiones Teológicas continentales de la ASETT (EATWOT), al MWI (raul., o a la Comisión Teológica Internacional de la ASETT: theologicalco Las casas editoras pueden presentar obras teológicas.
El premio está dotado con 3000 (tres mil) euros.
Convocatoria oficial completa en: y ❑
«Agua y Saneamiento En América Latina»
para microvideo
ECODES, Fundación Ecología y el Desarrollo, y la Agenda Latinoamericana,
C O N V O C A N este concurso, con las siguientes bases:
Objetivo: promover la atención al problema del agua en relación con el saneamiento de las poblaciones en América Latina y estimular la creatividad pedagógica latinoamericana mediante
la creación de sencillos instrumentos pedagógicos de concientización sobre el tema.
Formato: los trabajos han de venir en sencillos videos caseros, elaborados con simples teléfonos
móviles (o cámaras fotográficas que incluyen prestación de video), pudiendo estar elaborados posteriormente en el computador, pero sin medios profesionales.
Dimensiones: hasta una duración de 1 minuto, y hasta 10 Mb de peso.
Idioma: Se puede utilizar cualquier idioma de aquellos en los que es publicada la agenda: catalán,
castellano, portugués, inglés e italiano.
Plazo: los videos deben ser enviados, antes del 31 de marzo de 2008, a: y a
Primer premio: 5OO euros.
Publicación: los mejores trabajos serán expuestos y disponibilizados gratuitamente en la red; la
participación en el concurso implica renuncia a derechos de autor sobre los videos.
The Rebirth of Politics
After the Destruction of the State
During the past twenty years we have witnessed—
in the world in general and Latin America in particular—the systematic destruction of the State and politics by economic forces that figured out how to take
advantage of globalization in order to overthrow the
power of the State or to put it at the service of their
interests. These economic forces created gigantic conglomerations that States were unable to resist. These
economic forces financed a public relations campaign
that succeeded in spreading and imposing neoliberal
ideology, which was nothing more than justifying the
interests of large transnational corporations.
In the world, and above all in the Asian world, the
State is being reborn and transformed into the great
motor of the economy, controlling the economy instead
of turning it over to these large corporations. On December 4, 2006, the most important Chinese company,
Petrochina, surpassed Shell in the stock markets of
Hong Kong and New York. It is a symbol. The States are
again beginning to dominate the energy sector, principally the petroleum and natural gas sectors. The ten
nations that make up OPEC now control more than half
of world production, and the old Anglo-Saxon corporations, which were the kings of petroleum (Exxon, Shell,
BP, Total, Chevron) now control only 9% of the reserves
(Le Monde Diplomatique, March 2007, p. 1). In Russia,
the State regained control of oil and gas.
This has also occurred in Latin America. The State
has regained control of petroleum in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador. Known reserves are being depleted
and all producers are looking for new reserves in every
country of the world. The Asians are implementing a
policy of exploration in the entire world.
The success of the Asians in the Far East should
serve as a warning to other countries. Why are Asians
developing more than Latin Americans? There, the
State never permitted the economy to dominate politics, as occurred in Latin America. There, the State
remained strong and did not allow corporations to
acquire power capable of neutralizing the power of the
State, as occurred in Latin America. Today, more and
more Latin Americans are looking towards Asians and
beginning to ask questions...
José Comblin
João Pessoa, Brazil
Since 2006, all of the elections in Latin America
have demonstrated that the majority of voters no longer accept the domination of the State by economic
forces and demand a stronger State. Some presidents
have made more progress and others have been slower.
Nevertheless, there is a very clear signal. It means
something. It is unlikely that the voters will change.
The movement to control economic forces will continue
to grow. A good introduction to the new developments in Latin American politics is the book by Marc
Saint Upéry, Le rêve de Bolivar. Le défi des gauches en
Amérque du Sud, La découverte, Paris, 2007).
The Obstacle: The Elites
The traditional social elites—the heirs of the conquistadors who today are land owners and owners of
the media and many other goods—do not want true
independence. Their goal is the most intimate union
possible with the United States. Chile is the most representative example of this. Latin Americans elites see
the future of their countries as being a colonial future,
maintaining their traditional position. They believe
that an alliance with the United States is the best way
to maintain their privileges. They want their countries
to be sellers of primary materials, principally of agricultural products and minerals. Because of this, they
are not very worried about industrial development.
In Chile, industry has nearly died, and the elites are
not at all concerned about this. They prefer to import
complex industrial products.
The consequence of this colonialist option is that
scientific research and technology is not prioritized.
This contrasts sharply with what Asian countries have
done. The Latin American elites do not seem to mind
the lack of value placed on education. They keep public
education at the lowest level possible, since they know
that they will not need many well-educated people.
Technology will come from large foreign corporations.
The Latin American elites have never been in favor
of independence, and they never have been nationalists. Their goal is their personal or family fortune,
never the growth of their countries.
This is a cultural problem. It deals with the culture
of the elites, a controlling phenomenon since the sixteenth century. It was the Jesuits in the reducciones
who were concerned with the human and technical development of indigenous peoples. Because of this, the
elites—the owners of lands and of slaves—succeeded
in expelling them. The indigenous peoples returned to
their ancestral conditions, leaving them the defenseless victims of the landowners.
Moreover, the poor education in public schools is a
systematic policy of the elites, who want the poor to
remain poor and not to develop. All of their speeches
are deceitful because they do the opposite of what
they say. If they wanted public education on the level
of South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, and India, they
could do it easily. But they do not want to spend
money on this. In their speeches, they never forget to
proclaim the priority of education, but in practice they
impede the improvement of public education.
How Can the Culture of the Elites Be Changed?
How will it be possible to awaken in them patriotic
sentiments and concern for the good of the nation?
This is the great challenge.
The great force of the elites is the supremacy of
the United States, the entire power of the United
States that dominates the world, politically, militarily,
economically, and culturally. Although it is starting to
show signs of weakness, it still holds impressive power.
Because of this, because of the barbarities of George
Bush, the potency of the United States inspires fear
and nobody wants to confront it directly. Only North
Korea and Iran have risked challenging it, since they
know that they have potentially powerful allies like
China. Hugo Chávez makes furious speeches, but he
maintains good commercial relations and sells petroleum to the United States.
The necessity of importing energy is one of the
weaknesses of the United States. It tries to guarantee
secure reserves, but it knows that its precarious position depends on its immense military power. In all
cases, Latin American elites have maintained a firm
alliance with the United States up to the present day.
The Resistance from Popular Movements
In the past few years, the elites have encountered
a growing resistance to their colonialist policies.
Popular movements have succeeded in derailing the
Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) pushed
by the United States. This is because Lula opposed it.
As compensation, several governments have accepted
[individual] free trade agreements. Chile was the first,
then the Central American countries, and now there is
great pressure on the rest of the countries. Neverthe-
less, the creation of MERCOSUR has created an obstacle
that will be difficult to overcome.
The fact that the United States has avoided taking
military action against Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador
demonstrates that it does not feel so sure of itself. It
recognizes that limits to its power have appeared. Will
this be sufficient to open the eyes of the elites?
The United States has tried to retake control of Latin
America through the War on Terror. It has tried to involve
Latin American countries in its antiterrorist campaign.
It succeeded in convincing the president of Columbia because of the special circumstances there:
the civil war which has existed since the 1950s. It has
been able to impose on Ecuador the military base in
Manta, an object of many popular protests. It is trying
to install a base close to the waterfalls of Iguazú, at
the border of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay; but it
seems that there is strong resistance, because it is not
talked about very much.
In any case, any reverse in the place of the United
States in the world will debilitate Latin American elites
and will open up a space for nationalist and popular
movements in Latin America.
The Organization of the Masses
If the elites lose power, what will be the political future of Latin America? Popular movements exist
and there is feeling of rebellion in the popular masses,
which has become evident in recent elections. However, the large popular masses are not organized. They
need leadership. The political parties have no capacity
to lead popular movements. The question is this: from
where will a charismatic leader come from who will be
capable of uniting the popular masses into a unified
political movement?
At the moment, we have at least two examples:
Hugo Chávez and Evo Morales. We do not know what
direction Rafael Correa in Ecuador and Daniel Ortega
in Nicaragua will go. At the least at the time of this
writing, the situation is not clear. They are personalities compromised by previous governments which lost
legitimacy in the eyes of the masses because they did
not prove themselves capable of implementing the
programs they announced in their speeches.
The defenders of the current system cry out: this
is populism! Will populism be reborn in Latin America?
Without a doubt there will be some analogies to the
classic populism of the twentieth century. And there
is no doubt that this has some validity. But circumstances have changed.
Some are scandalized. But, in the first place, charismatic leaders are going to concentrate more on the
power of the State, which has the power to change
structures, especially the redistribution of true powers
in the nation. They are not going to declare themselves
populist. They are going to maintain the forms of what
we currently call democracy. Currently, all of the countries of the world have to establish these structures,
since they serve as a certificate of good conduct in the
United Nations. But the new governments are going to
take power away from inefficient structures.
In the history of Latin America, the so-called
democratic system (elections, political parties, national
congress, independent judiciary...) has never been
able to change social structures. Only populist leaders
have been able to change the social situation. When
the system has been shown to be incapable of giving
a response to a full and deep popular movement, the
door opens for a popular leader to emerge who will be
able to depend the support of the people in order to
“Politics Is Dead”
What is in crisis is the current political system. The
regime of assemblies and congresses of representatives
does not function. It does not bring about any results
because there are two circumstances which limit the
effectiveness of representatives.
In the first place, deputies and senators increasingly represent the large companies that finance them and
their campaigns so that that the deputies or senators
defend the interests of the companies. They are not
representatives of the people, but representatives of a
company. Today, companies do not want social reform.
They only want “more free markets.” They are conservative. For this same reason, the assemblies are conservative, even if their deputies are called “communists,”
“socialists,” or even “revolutionaries.” As soon as they
enter the assembly, they are all conservative.
Recently the president of the Chamber of Deputies
of Brazil, Mr. Aldo Rebelo, a member of the Communist
Party of Brazil—who emerged from the guerrillas in the
time of the military dictatorships—declared tranquilly
that he did not see any problem in clearing the Amazon in order to plant soy...It is clear that the soy will
be for large American companies like Cargill or Bunge...
and that the Amazon will continue belonging to the
people of Brazil. A famous Communist defending the
interests of capitalism with total generosity... It is a
symbol of what happens in the assemblies.
In the second place, from the first day, new deputies cannot forget that, in just a few years, they will
want to be reelected and that they will have to win
votes. Everything they are going to do now will be part
of their electoral campaign. They are not interested in
the projects for which they will vote. They are interested in what the voters will think, and these voters
look to short term projects.
To be a deputy or senator is similar to being a
public official: the important thing is the next election.
It is necessary to avoid positions that may jeopardize
reelection. Because of this, only short term projects
that will show immediate effects are proposed. No long
term project is possible because they do not guarantee
anything for the next elections.
TV is influential in the measure in which it gives
coverage to a candidate. The important thing is that
a person appear. In order not to offend anybody, the
deputy will say the worst trivialities in the world. Additionally, everyone is going to say the same thing. All
social changes are unfavorable to the elites, who are
the most powerful voters.
There are exceptions, but, as a general rule, the
majority of representatives respond to this model.
Some complain of the “corruption” in assemblies of
congress... It is not corruption. It is the norm, it is the
part of the structure of the system. Because of this,
each time we see a larger rejection of the congresses
that paralyze all change.
Any change in Latin America signifies a diminution
the privileges of the elites. They always have a sufficient number of representatives to make any social
change impossible.
All political parties are equal. All have the same
theoretical platform, and none put it into practice,
because it is just words. Parties are a necessary institution for those who want to enter into competition.
Each candidate chooses the party which will provide
the most possibilities.
There is talk of reforming political parties and the
political process...but current structures impede any
changes. The economic forces are not interested in
The Only Hope: Charismatic Leaders
This system cannot give any response to the problems of education, health, public housing... and even
less the challenge of unemployment. The moment has
arrived in which the system has become totally discredited. The door is open for a popular charismatic leader.
The bureaucratic machine also impedes changes. Its
inertia is great. If the functionaries do not want to act,
the State does not have any power. Because of this, a
charismatic leader will introduce into the system strong
personalities who will demolish traditional formulas.
The same is true of the judiciary: it is at the service
of the powerful. It mercilessly punishes poor delinquents, but it always finds a way so that the rich can
escape from the consequences of their crimes. Who can
possibly intervene in the judiciary? Only a president
with strong popular support.
During the past decades, the popular masses put
up with this inertia. They believed that, after the regimes of military dictatorship, a popular government
would come. What happened was exactly the opposite:
the state was eviscerated and the great economic,
national, and foreign forces began to dominate. The
moment has arrived when the people are beginning to
say: enough!
A popular leader cannot be improvised. The leader
will have very different origins depending on the country. Sometimes a leader will not appear for many years.
The Brazilian case is typical. In the 2006 elections,
the masses in Brazil thought that Lula would be this
leader and that he would make the hoped-for changes
to give the bases a new social contract. He could count
on popular support in order to oppose the traditional
elites. But he did not want this role. On the contrary,
he reinforced the power of the great economic forces.
The masses cannot oppose him. They continue hoping against all hope. The changes are postponed. From
where can a leader capable of enjoying the same legitimacy among the people emerge? We do not know.
Long Live Politics!
What we know is that there is a world tendency
that has different manifestations in each country.
There was a time of military governments. Later came
another epoch, when power was handed over to large
financial groups. In each country, this had different
manifestations, but the general tendency was present
in all countries.
In Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador, popular participation is a fundamental element. There is a strong
renovation of politics with the participation of the
large masses. Something similar will happen in other
countries. The people will feel that they are not useless
and incapable and that they should not leave all power
to the traditional elites. There is going to be a renovation of politics.
The people are going to demonstrate that it is
possible to control the activities of economic forces,
that the States can form alliances to create a common
economy much more independent of the great financial
The most urgent thing is the restoration of the
power of the State. How do we avoid authoritarianism?
Well, this will be the next the next challenge. Today
the job is different: restoring the State.
The elites, who have never respected the human
rights or the equality of citizens proclaimed in their
democratic constitutions, will raise a ruckus. They will
declare themselves “defenders of democracy,” as has
happened in Venezuela, Bolivia, and Ecuador. Suddenly,
they will discover their democratic vocation. But they
will no longer be able to deceive us. The elites have
never wanted to apply the norms of democracy. They
have always ignored them in order to exercise a de
facto authoritarianism. They accepted constitutions
because of international pressure, because they wanted
to be recognized by the Western world as democratic.
But they never had the intention of applying the norms
of a democratic constitution.
It is clear that a society directed by a government
that has the support of the masses needs intellectuals
and technicians in order to advance the mission of the
Eventually, the children of the poor world will become these new intellectuals and technicians. But in
this time of transitions, the assistance of those born
into the bourgeoisie society will be needed. They must
desire to convert themselves and work for the formation of a new society. These people exist, but they
do not yet do anything because they are awaiting an
opportunity. They will take up this challenge when a
leader emerges who is capable and therefore receives
legitimacy because of his or her competency.
Latin American society is entering into motion. It
seems that the United States is on the decline. The
traditional elites are losing prestige because they are
being revealed as totally inefficient. They are not capable of promoting development in the way that the
Asians are. The rest depends on local circumstances.
But one thing is clear: the “epoch of the triumph
of neoliberalism” has already passed...
Deception in Politics
Néstor Da Costa
Montevideo, Uruguay
In this part of “Seeing,” we will give an account
of the much-discussed disenchantment or lack of
faith in politics in this part of the world. Although
it is certain that this phenomenon, this attitude, is
present across the continent, it varies in emphasis
according to region. These emphases depend upon the
history and institutional development of each country
and the strength of each country’s political system,
but they also contain some universal characteristics.
engage in political work are progressively more representative of the population, and politics becomes
more inclusive. This has to do with the form in which
flesh and blood politicians and parties carry out their
In any case, in the countries in which the political
systems are more accepted, it is still true that there is
a certain negative feeling about politics.
The maturity and stability of party systems and
Statistical proof of this disenchantment does
democratic institutions are some of the elements that
not seem to be totally clear because throughout the
are present where politics are viewed more favorably.
decade from 1995 to 2005 (apart from a few ups and
The problems of the exercise of political power
downs) the percentage of people who demonstrated
are varied. Among them we find the functioning of
an interest in politics has remained the same—around these “ghettoized” systems, trapped by their own
25% of the population. Nevertheless, if we consider
logic of the accumulation of power, losing sight of
1997 as the point of departure and not 1995, we
the ultimate end of constructing the common good.
see a decline from 33% to 25%. Instead of dislike of When political systems are prisoners to this logic,
politics, perhaps we had better speak of dissatisfacthey move away from an understanding of the issues
tion with politics.
of daily life that are the most important for the life of
Therefore there is a segment of the population
the population.
that maintains an interest in politics. There is also a
rotation that implies the arrival of new generations
Corruption is another phenomenon present in the
and the departure of older generations. From within
scenario. Access to political power frequently generthis cycle, it is likely that politics will become more
ates opportunities for illicit enrichment or traffic in
esteemed. Additionally, it is important to consider
influence. This should worry the entire political sysspecial moments in the life of each country, such as
electoral processes that more forcefully link symbolic
capital with political capital.
All this is dangerous because the exercise of politics is essential for democracy. The more weak, doubtLatin America is the most unequal continent
ed, removed from the majority, and corrupt those who
in the world, where poverty and indigence are very
exercise power and their institutions become, the
obvious. This scenario is what produces a good deal
weaker and more banal democracy itself becomes. This
of the disenchantment: the relative incapacity of the provides fertile ground for authoritarianism and mespolitical systems to give effective responses to such a sianism.
pressing level of social demands.
Three aspects of politics can help us understand
But this is not the only aspect. We could say that this phenomenon—its exercise, its efficacy, and its
politics enjoys different levels of esteem and that its institutions. The 2005 Latinobarómetro Report meadiscredit also has to do with a crisis of representasured attitudes about these three things in many of
tion. There are difficulties in ensuring that those who the region’s countries.
According to this report, in 2005, 25% of the
Latin American population said they were interested
in politics. The report adds that, apart from a few
ups and downs, this statistic did not change between
1995 and 2005. This casts doubt on the actual existence of dissatisfaction with politics. If, over ten
years, this percentage has remained the same, we do
not see evidence of a decline in satisfaction related
to politics.
The way in which public institutions carry out
their mission creates a favorable or negative impression of politics. It is interesting to see that only 19%
of the Latin American population believes that public
institutions function well or very well, and that a
little more than half of the population believes that
they function adequately, while 25% of the population rates their functioning as poor or very poor.
representation.” In a complex world, in which different aspects of social life are changing rapidly, it is
necessary to look anew at representation, which cannot be seen in the same way as it was at the time of
the birth of the liberal states.
The reaction against politics that we are seeing
in our societies and the lack of a feeling of connection to democratic institutions are visible signs of the
necessity of reframing the political exercise.
Also the credibility of the democratic system depends on its ground rules and concrete practice. If
the electoral systems are not believable, it is understandable that its products are neither believable nor
If we study the credibility of the elections in
general in the region during the decade from 1995
to 2005, we see that we are confronted with a rather
As for the corruption of public officials, when
discouraging panorama. Clean elections or fraudulent
asked what percentage of public officials are corrupt, elections? Some data that come from the empirithe responses averaged 68%. However, only 30% of
cal investigation allow us to better understand the
the Latin American population believes that there has perception that we Latin Americans have of politics.
been progress in the reduction of corruption. (The
The region is not homogenous and this can be easily
perception of corruption is influenced by both the
media and personal experience. Because of this, it
is difficult to determine the exact situation in each
In any case, to a greater or lesser degree, the discountry using the perception of the population.)
satisfaction with politics clearly appears in three difThe low confidence in the process of reduction of ferent aspects: the form and integrity of the electoral
corruption is part of the loss of confidence in politics, mechanisms, the work of public institutions—the
as well as the democratic system as a whole.
good and bad that they do and aspects related to
corruption, from which surges a clear ethical demand.
The Latinobarómetro identifies another indicator
The greatest problem, however, is poor representaof attitude towards politics: 86% of the population
tion and the necessity of reframing forms of inclusive
believes that politicians do not worry about the isrepresentation. This exercise must produce clear solusues that the people care about. This percentage is
tions to the situation of poverty in which much of the
unchanged since 1995.
population of this region of the world lives.
This lack of change suggests that the weak point
of the political system, of democratic politics, is
There is much to do on the way to constructing a
representation. Here is where we find one of the key
coexistence that uses politics as a tool and path.
points, which seems to be that the citizens do not
feel properly represented by those that are called to
Note: The data used in this article comes from
politics precisely to represent them.
the “2005 Latinobarómetro Report” which relies on
periodic studies in 18 countries of the region. www.
A central point here is the exercise of representa- The website is in English and
tion. Some authors talk about the “metamorphosis of Spanish.
Regional Blocks in the World
François Houtart
Belgium - Latin America
The establishment of regional block on an economic basis is a world phenomenon that is referred to
as globalization. Nevertheless the meaning of these
initiatives is not the same in every case.
1. These regional blocs respond to different philosophies. We can speak about four primary models.
The first model focuses on economic and political
integration which occurs within a capitalist center
of a triad (the United States, Europe, Japan). The
case of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
which unites Mexico, the United States and Canada is
an example of this model.
The second model consists of a sharing that occurs within a capitalistic center. In this sense the
European Union is clearly in competition with the
capitalist center of the United States and is also an
example of this model.
A third model is seen in the establishment of a
multi-polar world, not only within the center of the
capitalist world but also on its fringes. These projects
have a certain anti-imperialist character because they
do not arise from the logic of capitalism.
A fourth model seeks integration on a foundation
that is different from that of market competition.
In this case the exchange serves regional needs and
fosters solidarity.
suppression of the valuation of commercial exchanges
it anticipates a series of measures for economic openness: free movement of capital, goods, services and
workers, fiscal measures, rules of competition, etc.
MERCOSUR (the Southern Common Market) is an effort
in this direction.
Lastly, we can mention initiatives geared toward
economic, political, social and cultural integration
that are able to establish a “political union” such as
the European Union.
3. All these initiatives are processes that follow reasons that can be very different. Everything
depends on the powers that integrate them. In
many cases we are dealing with economic reasons,
for example the free trade treaties and the common
markets. Other cases arise as a political plan with an
economic foundation and cultural objectives: ALBA
(the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas) is an
example of this category. There also exist reasons
that are more cultural, for example, the Arab Common
Market or the Maghreb Market.
4. We see various examples of all of this on the
different continents.
In 1960 in Latin America there were two initiatives: ALALC (the Latin American Free Trade Association) which in 1980 became ALADI (the Latin
2. There are various types of these economic-po- American Integration Association) which established
litical groups.
a zone pf preferential exchanges and facilitated bilatThe first type is called free trade zones which are eral accords between Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile,
established by treaty (free trade treaties). Here there Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Colombia, Ecuador
is an attempt to diminish and eventually eliminate
and Venezuela; MCCA (the Central American Common
trade restrictions between two or more countries.
Market) which in fact gave preference to multi-naIn many cases where mutual interests are not equal
tional businesses that had been established in some
despite certain advantages for some sectors of the
countries of that region.
weaker economy, free trade treaties often function as
In 1969 the Andean Community was born and in
“treaties between the shark and the sardines.” This is 1973 CARICOM (the Caribbean Common Market) came
very clear when speaking about Central America.
into existence. In 1991 MERCOSUR began and was
Another example is seen in the case of common
founded by Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay.
markets. This is a step forward because beside the
After some difficult times, a new dynamic was devel28
In Europe, the European Union was established
by twenty-seven countries. It began with a common
market in 1957. Now it not only refers to a free trade
zone but also a situation of economic and monetary
integration with social and cultural dimensions. The
plan for a constitutional treaty was rejected by France
and Holland partly because of its neo-liberal character
and its dependence on the United States for matters
of defense. It is not easy to create a political union
for Europe and its democratic and social effects are
still very real.
5. The new plans in Latin America arise from initiatives undertaken by the new political regimes.
In the first place we speak about ALBA which proposes to establish exchanges that are based on each
country’s respective need, exchanges that do not have
to pass through the international economic system, in
particular the banks and institutions like the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. Their objectives are not only economical, but also educational
(literacy campaigns), health (operation miracle, the
attempt to cure eye diseases on the continent in collaboration with two nations: Cuba and Venezuela) and
cultural. At the present time the plan brings together
four nations with the hope that in the future other
nations will come on board.
This initiative is accompanied by others with a
perspective of hemispheric integration, for example,
Petro-Caribe, an initiative established between Venezuela and eleven nations of the Caribbean to facilitate
access to oil; Petro-Sur which brings together Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina in matters dealing with
the production of gasoline as well as the refining and
distributions of gasoline and the distribution of gas
and gas products by pipelines.
The establishment of a Southern Bank is also
being planned. President Evo Morales has proposed a
Latin American Association to deal with social objectives such as housing, nutrition, employment, health,
The cultural plan functions through Tele Sur with
the collaboration of several countries of the Continent.
All of these plans have an anti-imperialist aspect
and represent a departure from the logic of capitalist
Translated by Charles T. Plock CM
oped, especially with the entrance of Venezuela.
ALCA, (Free Trade Area of the Americas) the extension of ALENA to all of Latin America, was proposed
by President George Bush (father) in 1990 with the
idea of achieving this in 2003. In 2005 in Mar del
Plata, the plan was practically abandoned because
of popular resistance on the Continent and because
of opposition from five nations among whom where
Argentina, Brazil and Venezuela.
An alternative plan, proposed by President Chávez,
was ALBA which brought together Cuba, Venezuela,
Bolivia, Nicaragua, and probably soon, Ecuador.
In Asia there are two principal initiatives.
ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) was established in 1967. In 1992 this organization initiated a free trade zone and after more precise
economic and social accords, Indonesia, Brunel,
Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam became members.
The second initiative, the APEC (the Asia-Pacific
Economic Cooperation) was founded in 1989 with
Australia, Brunel, Canada, Chile, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Singapore,
Taiwan, Thailand and the United States.
Various regional organizations have been created
in Africa.
CEDEAO (the Economic Community of West African States) was founded in 1975 as a free trade zone
composed of sixteen countries from that region.
CEEAC (the Economic Community of Central African
States) was formed in 1992 with eight nations. All
these institutions attempt to diminish custom taxes
and facilitate mutual trade.
In 1998, the presidents of South Africa and Senegal proposed a Pan-African type of organization:
NAPED (the African Organization for Economic Development) was designed with a vision of integration
into neo-liberal globalization and this initiative also
emphasized the dependence of the Continent on central capitalism.
In the Arab world, the Arab Common Market, created in 1984, has never had any real impact.
UMA (the Maghreb Union) was born in 1989 and
brought together Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Mauritania,
and Tunis and attempted to establish a customs union
and create mixed businesses.
Democracy in Midstream
From Politics to Citizenship and Social Movements
Translated by Stefaan Deschrijver
Alfredo J. Gonçalves
Politics is sick
Politics is sick, and so is democracy. It suffices
to keep in mind that the US, a country that today
proclaims itself the great “exporter of democracy,”
is, at the same time, the most imperialist nation on
the planet. This is also true with the developed and
centralized countries, some with old democracies of
over two- hundred years. They also find themselves
fundamentally divided by the same contradiction: on
the one hand, a façade of a “democratic system;” on
the other, a tranquil insertion into the “world system”
of the new empire. The reason for this is that, from a
political point of view, they succeed in maintaining the
appearance of a democracy with parties, free elections,
parliament, etc. However, from the economic point of
view, at each moment they find themselves more subordinated to the dictatorship of the total market, at
present hegemonically financial and globalized.
In the course of the centuries, democracy got stuck
halfway. It succeeded on the level of political relations,
and, in some cases, socio-cultural relations. But it did
not descend into the dark bottom of the economic
structure, where interests touch the most sensitive
“organ” of the homo oeconomicus—in other words, the
wallet, the bank account, or private property. Thus, the
dominion of individuals, corporations, and groups with
great financial power continued unaltered.
“It is curious that the rejection of the hereditary
principle in politics has had almost no effect on the
economic sphere in democratic countries...We still
think it natural that a man should leave his property
to his children; that is to say, we accept the hereditary
principle as regards economic power while rejecting
it as regards political power. Political dynasties have
disappeared, but economic dynasties survive...consider
how natural it seems to us that ...power over the lives
of others resulting from great wealth should be hereditary.” So writes Bertrand Russell in his History of
Western Philosophy.
In countries that are underdeveloped or on the
periphery, on the other hand, the mixture of demagogy, over-lording, and authoritarianism dissuades the
abuse of democratic terminology. Political institutions
Paraguay - Brazil
in this case, whether judicial, legislative, or executive
find themselves with little room for maneuvering when
confronted with the dominating mechanisms of the
market. The Latin American democracies for instance,
have had little power, taking into account their servility towards international financial institutions. This
is without even talking about corruption, favoritism,
nepotism, patronage, and spurious alliances for suspect
governance, vices that occur everywhere, causing great
The conclusion is that judicial-formal democracy—
today practiced on national and international levels—
has converted itself in a kind of institutional support
for the worldwide economy and its neoliberal philosophy. Support, in other words, for an unjust and asymmetric world order, simultaneously concentrating and
excluding. Moreover, this is not at all a new idea. “The
liberal parliamentary system is nothing more than the
instrument and symbol of bourgeois government,” says
David Landes in his book The Unbound Prometheus, not
to quote the line of analysis in the Marxist literature.
Such a system maintains in appearance political participation by means of free and “democratic”
elections and in each country, but delegates to the
bureaucrats of the financial market the true political
and economic fate of the distinctive peoples. It hides a
democracy that does not touch the roots of the socioeconomic problems. In many countries of Latin-America, for instance, the major landlords and/or bankers are
also representatives of the State with guaranteed seats
in the National Congress and in the courts of justice.
These so-called “good citizens”—like the free citizen
proprietors of ancient Greece—are, in general, “citizens
of goods!”
In virtue of this, from an ethical point of view,
the so-called western democracies have little to teach
about the practice of democracy. To the contrary, they
constitute negative examples of what historically is
meant by the concept of democracy. From here comes
the growing distrust and disillusion of society vis-à-vis
politics, politicians, parties, government, and parliament, as well as towards the promoters of democracy
and judicial decisions. Democracy—in its most original
and genuine conception—can be said to have passed
from the field of politics to the field of social movements, or, from more holistic perspective, from the
domain of the State to that of civil society. Hence,
where can we actually encounter irrefutable traces of
effective democratic praxis?
Another Politics and Democracy Are Possible
Above all, a simplistic and ingenious dualism must
be avoided that completely discredits all liberal parliamentary institutions, claiming that popular initiatives
are the only spaces for democracy. The positive and
negative elements of democracy are not as neatly delineated as we would like, but are mixed, intertwined,
and continuously shifting. What we can observe is that
truly democratic experiences today tend to emigrate
from parliamentary mechanisms towards channels of
popular participation. Four observations in that regard
merit our attention:
1. The system of representation of three powers in
democratic regimes—legislative, judicial, and executive—is now entirely unbalanced and discredited.
The dominant sectors of society have institutionalized a vicious circle in which economic power buys
the key positions of the political power, which in turn,
through legislation, guarantees perpetual dominion of
these sectors over all other sectors. The National Congress is transformed into a negotiation room where a
large portion of politicians are more interested in projects to maintain their power than in projects for the
nation. Elected by popular groups, congressional representatives often completely ignore the basic necessities of these people, in exchange for personal, family,
or class benefits. The chain of representation is interrupted, and the needy population remains abandoned,
which becomes an even more serious matter because
of the chronic corruption of public institutions. The
distance between the problems that afflict the population, on one hand, and the projects discussed in the
House and Senate, on the other, never was greater.
2. The discredit of the representative system has
brought to the fore the so-called direct or participative
democracy. Experiments such as plebiscites, signature
collections, and law proposals that come from the
grassroots or from town meetings, among others, show
the possibility of new ways of participation in the decisions related to the destiny of the country. This is the
origin of the question— asked by the many sectors of
the population—of how to create new channels, new
mechanisms, and new instruments of control for the
res publica. How can the population guide and control
more closely the three powers of institutionalized democracy? The Participative Budgeting initiative of some
Brazilian towns and the creation of popular councils
exemplify the possibility of progress and growth of the
space for people participation. In synthesis, the lesson
is to dedicate less energy to the parliamentary path
and traditional politics, and to reinforce mechanisms of
organized civilian society.
3. In reality, the debate about participatory or
direct democracy already has a long history in many
Latin American countries. Innumerable social movements, non- governmental organizations (NGOs), and
popular associations, in their daily praxis, are ready for
the direct exercise of democracy. This exercise can be
verified, for example, in the tradition of Ecclesial Base
Communities (CEBs) and in many student and trade
union movements. Although not without problems, tension, and conflicts, decisions in these spaces tend to
be taken using a democratic praxis that is already quite
solidified. Planning, programming, and permanent evaluation are realized jointly, in meetings and assemblies
where everybody is called to participate freely.
It is true that in some of these environments the
viruses of authoritarianism, personalism, productivism and consumerism, centralism and other “isms”
still cause serious negative consequences. Yet, what
we seek to highlight is the free and direct exercise of
citizenship as a common practice, a new “emancipatory
practice,” to use the expression of Boaventura Souza
Santos in Por los caminos de Alice.
4. The continual exercise of democratic praxis in
turn creates new democratic relations. We know how
recalcitrant the old liberal democracy is, under pressure
of the laws of the market: with regards to the participation of women in key decision making; with regards
to the civilized, responsible, and sustainable use of
natural resources; with regards to egalitarian relations
in public or private domains (families, trade unions,
businesses, churches, etc...); and, finally, with regards
to direct participation in organized movements. To
the extent that the exercise of an effective democratic
praxis is consolidated, the equality between persons
also grows, independent of gender, profession, race,
creed, etc. It is clear that this holds true for—and
sometimes especially for—the daily exercise of social
movements, pastoral work, and people initiatives,
where machista, authoritarian, and individualistic atq
titudes often appear.
The Human Being as a Political Being
Translated by Mike McMahon
To be born is a political act. It is the first gesture
of curiosity and autonomy in the face of the preexisting world into which we arrive.
I am not referring to biological birth. Instead, I
am referring to the moment in which an individual
begins to relate to the community. The individual,
leaving the womb, begins to become human, and to
create bonds that begin to form her desires, philosophies, ideas, beliefs, and individual and collective
projects. The individual can become assimilated as a
son or daughter, just as a woman can become a mother and a man a father. An individual becomes a human
being when she is recognized by the community into
which she is born. It is within this community that
she creates and shares an identity and culture.
It is in this everyday life that political gestures
are created that organize these relationships. They are
experiences of subordination or of freedom, of competition or cooperation, of obedience or rebelliousness.
The family or the community is the primary institution that regulates the process of humanization. It is
belonging to an invaded people, like those who are
politically born into the current situation of Iraq. It
is the indignation of those who, in the heart of the
United States, reject membership in its hegemonic
culture. It is the experience of those born in the heart
of Our America, tyrannized by the plunder and genocide of colonial as well as neocolonial forces. Or it is
the alienation of those who find their identity in the
mirror with the oppressors.
Assimilating into society is different for a woman
and for a man, for a heterosexual or transvestite person, for a lesbian or gay, for a white, black, or indigenous person.
Every identity that is assumed upon birth as a
human being is a political act, whether or not we are
conscious of this fundamental foundation of our own
subjectivity. We may or may not be aware of that moment Bertold Brecht named “political literacy.”
It is just as political to accept the domestication
that those in power use to generate fictional homogenization, built around a dominant culture that is
bourgeois, imperialist, racist, xenophobic, patriarchal,
Claudia Korol
Buenos Aires, Argentina
and warlike, as it is to rise up against such a hegemony. It is political to reproduce the conservative
consensus as “common sense,” as well as to question,
from the point of view of an emancipated pedagogy,
the way in which domination looks to perpetuate
itself, while at the same time searching for new understandings.
From this perspective, to be human means to put
ourselves in a web of social relationships. In doing
so, we either reproduce the culture that oppresses
and disciplines our bodies, ideas, and desires, or, with
our own lives, we promote collective and individual
liberation, in anticipation of a coming reign of liberty
in our world. This also means that we take a position
about the environment. We can reproduce a predatory and disintegrating logic that is signified by the
concept of “exploitation,” or we can challenge our
creativity, inventing a way to live in the world that
encourages a healthy exchange between us and the
world in which we are born and live. We must avoid
the already-evident risks of nature’s destruction or
accept that it will soon be uninhabitable for the human species.
In recent years, certain factors have converged
to create the current disorganization of politics in
popular, working-class movements. Its loss of legitimacy is such that it becomes “politically convenient”
to fill ballots with artists, professional athletes, and
comedians who try to convince us that they “aren’t
politicians” simply because they are “for the people.”
Several factors are significant here, such as the failure
of revolutionary attempts of the ‘60s and ‘70s; the
mutilation of entire generations of fighters for social
equality by oppressive dictatorships; the denigration
of the Left produced by the collapse of the so-called
socialist platform; the forces in the 1980s that led
the conservative counterrevolution and signaled the
end of Communism. In addition, the policies of NGOs
and other financial institutions of the 1990s, which
committed too many resources to “training,” attempting to support “new social movements” (the movements were given this title to differentiate them both
in theory and practice from other historical popular
and/or class uprisings), sought to insulate their specific demands from turning up in anti-capitalist and/
or socialist projects.
The current trend of neoliberal politics has forced
these movements to come together to seek survival
on a day-to-day basis, establishing a culture of pragmatism and immediacy. An ideological process was
created that depoliticized such movements, while
at the same time causing the monopolization of the
exercise of political power in the reduced circles of
global power and local power.
“The personal is political,” as so many feminists
have stated over the years. Perhaps the moment that
Latin America is now living will allow us to not only
recover from the political dimensions of resistance,
but also to create a deepening of knowledge. Such a
deepening will come about through experiencing the
links between birth, growing, and even death. It will
not come about through a passive acceptance of what
nature has determined, but instead through active
cultural gestures of freedom. The everyday affirmations of autonomy involving individuals and communities will be the driving forces behind their own
Nevertheless, the birth of human beings into
the political realm is not a spontaneous process. It
is possible from a praxis that confronts all forms of
domination from a systematic standpoint, from the
exploitation of transnational capital, to the ways in
which patriarchy institutionalizes the disciplining of
the majority of humanity, to the exploitative wars of
imperialism. This praxis confronts the adult-centric
authoritarianism that imprisons young people in the
waiting room of a world that has been completely
organized by preceding generations, and that sends
the elderly away as outcasts. It rejects a rationale
that is supported by a logic that is based on obtaining maximum profit and the transformation of life into
Our humanization requires the de-commercialization of social relationships, the democratization of
such relationships, and cultural decolonization. And
this means, once more, an literacy of politics that
breaks up hidden methods of the exploitation of capital and patriarchal domination. Such methods are mutually reinforced in actions such as the exploitation of
labor, women, land and water, and human life all for
market gain. To reestablish human life as political life
implies deciphering the bruises and scars that cultural
colonization leaves and recreates in our consciousness such as racism, the acceptance of hierarchy, the
ideological dependency of ideas of the so-called First
World, and the fetishization of property rights that
has gone historically haywire in a series of violent
and reckless upheavals and genocides.
Popular movements create and recreate forms of
dialogue, action, and practice. They spawn interpersonal and group relationships and allow for new niches in society. They strive for a world that is dreaming
of being brought into existence. Because corruption,
authoritarianism, violence, and intolerance are rooted
in the political hegemony of capitalism, if they are
reproduced in the center of popular movements, they
will do nothing but destroy the popular movements’
capacity to harness the desire and imagination of
people committed to building a new society.
The “new man”—who Che [Guevara] attempted to
embody with his own life—or the “new woman” will
embody the values and attitudes that are in opposition to the values of women and men who replicate
the capitalist culture: egoists, consumers, individuals.
To be born as new men and women, not as a simple slogan, but in form of a permanent revolution, is
a real challenge for the “pedagogy of hope and autonomy,” as Paulo Freire named the struggle for popular
education. It is a goal of the modern era to give birth
to new sustainable organizations and societies that
can exist in a hospitable environment. The people will
create a political system on the way. They will create
a way of being human in which words and actions,
values and behavior, desires and reality, hope and the
struggle to survive, theory and practice, science and
passion, are all united as if they were lovers.
“I tell you now, at the risk of sounding ridiculous,
that the true revolutionary is guided solely by love,”
wrote Che in 1965. Perhaps from that joining of love
and politics, new men and women will be born—men
and women that have a greater capacity to subvert
oppression, a curiosity without limits, a stronger
indignation in the face of injustice, and a selflessness
of solidarity that inspires countless other men and
women. May they dare to be born not in this preexisting world, but in the new world that we will be
A World without alrededores*
The Current Global Dimension of Politics
Daniel Innerarity
Zaragoza, Spain
All the explanations offered to clarify the meaning of globalization are expressed in the metaphor
that the world is now “without alrededores,” without
margins, without outskirts, without peripheries.
“Global” is that which leaves nothing outside of
itself, which contains everything, which connects
and integrates so that nothing is excluded, isolated,
independent, lost or protected, out of danger or
condemned. “The rest of the world” is a fiction, mere
talk, because there is nothing that is not in some
way part of our shared world. Fundamentally, this
metaphor does no more than give graphic force to
the Kantian notion that, on a round planet, we will
all end up meeting each other.
lem—transferring it to an “alrededor,” out of sight,
in a distant place, or toward another time. . . An
“alrededor” is precisely a place to quietly dispose of
unsolved problems, waste. A “alrededor” is a garbage
What do the expansion of individual rights
(which precludes consideration of individuals as mere
passive subjects that obey others’ decisions) and
ecological awareness (which makes it enormously
difficulty to dump refuse anywhere and demands
recycling) have in common?
Both phenomena reflect how externalization has
been problematized. Nothing and nobody should now
As with almost all important things, this configu- be considered on the “alrededores.” For example,
ration of the world is not the product of a conscious referring to waste generated by the space ships that
and concerted decision, but is instead the result of circle the earth as “space junk” reveals that space
involuntary and complex social processes. The major- is no longer considered a mere exterior where it is
ity of the problems we face are attributable to this
acceptable to leave refuse. When we begin to worry
circumstance. We experience them as such because
about waste, it is because we now see what we
we cannot extricate ourselves from them or tame
previously could not, or did not want to, see. Awarethem, seeking to externalize them by constructing
ness of the meaning of “trash,” both in the literal
artificial boundaries: the destruction of the environ- and metaphorical sense, means an expansion of our
ment, climate change, food-related risks, financial
world, of the world we consider “ours.”
crises, migration, the new terrorism, etc...They are
problems that force us together in a single universal
Perhaps this idea of the “suppression of the alentity with a common destiny, problems that gener- rededores” can highlight the more beneficial side of
the civilizing process and the advancement in the
ate an involuntary community such that no one is
left outside this shared fate.
construction of spaces in our shared world. Now,
even without express condemnation, it is increasWhen “alrededores” did exist, there was a frame- ingly difficult to leave others to their death, whether
work that allowed us to dispose of these marginal
in far regions, future generations, or other social
spaces. There was room to flee, to wash one’s hands sectors. This articulation of the self and of others
of an affair, to ignore, to protect. There was some
evokes a scenario of responsibility that is nicely
sense of exclusivity, a particular clientele, the
summed up in a joke by El Roto: “in a globalized
raisons d’état, etc. And almost anything could be
world it is impossible to ignore what is happening by
resolved by the simple act of externalizing the prob- looking elsewhere, because there is no ‘elsewhere.’”
* The Spanish term alrededores connotes the idea of surroundings, peripheries, margins, borders, and the creation
and maintenance of “the other.” It has been left untranslated so as to retain the richness of the concept.—Trans.
Let us consider, for example, the demands for
sensitivity to secondary effects of many activities,
and especially of activity in the scientific and technical realms; the illegitimacy and sense of cynicism
with which we speak of “collateral damage” and
military operations; the internalization of the environment in the world of humans that presupposes
ecological consciousness, since the environment has
ceased being considered external; the principle of
sustainability as a form of temporal globalization—a
taking into consideration of the future (which is no
longer a mere “future”), the rights of future generations and environmental viability opposed to the
tyranny of the present.
diffuse; thus, they keep us all in a state of latent insecurity. Instead of warfronts that separate areas of
safety from threatening “alrededores,” we are faced
with an insecurity that is also internal. Continuing
with our metaphor, we can say that our global space
has taken on the character of a border zone, with all
that this entails for the purpose of understanding
and managing security.
A major shift in our vocabulary relating to the
social question shows us that globalization is not
just a quantitative enlargement of space but a new
understanding of the world. We have stopped considering alienation (excessive internalization) as the
absolute social evil: exclusion (the lack of internalization has replaced it.
The most radical transformation realized in a
world that is eliminating its “alrededores” relates to
Does this mean that, in “a world without alredthe new difficulty of drawing boundaries and developing any strategy (organizational, military, politiedores,” exclusion no longer exists? What “a world
cal, economic, etc.). The interior and the exterior are without alrededores” means is that the excluded are
continuously mixing.
no longer on the outside but that, rather, exclusion
is effected within, through other strategies and in
One area in which this commingling has bea less perceptible way than before, when there were
come acute is politics, which, by its own nature,
clear boundaries that separated us from the others,
has always been a governing of limits. It is now an the insiders here and the outsiders there. Now, the
indisputable truth that no important problem can
excluded can be in the center of the city, just as
be solved locally, that strictly speaking, there is no threats no longer spring from remote locations but
longer a “domestic policy,” nor are there “foreign”
from the very heart of civilization, as appears to be
or “external” affairs.” Everything has been converted the case with the new terrorism. Now the margins
are on the interior, in our “inner alrededores.”
into internal policy, calling into question even the
traditional names of government agencies. The line
between domestic policy and foreign policy has
Just as it is necessary for the preservation of
become extremely blurred. “External factors,” like
security to develop more intelligent strategies in a
“global risks,” international norms, or international world that is no longer threatened “from the alredactors, have become “internal variables.” Our way of edores,” we must pay closer attention to our mechadeveloping and implementing policies will not meet nisms of exclusion. To keep pace with an enlarged
the challenges presented if it does not involve a crit- world (which could serve as a new reference for the
ical analysis of the distinction between “inside” and idea of progress, thus substituting the criterion of
time for that of space), we should ask ourselves
“outside” and approach these notions as concepts
that are inadequate for spaces without boundaries.
constantly about exclusions that could be generating our social practices. The progressivism of yesAnother difficulty posed by a world without “al- terday that sought to follow the march of time has
rededores” is the management of security. Delimiting now become a spatialism that struggles to maintain
the realms of decision-making and responsibility be- the form of “a world without alrededores.” That is,
comes elusive. Threats to security no longer emanate without garbage cans, without pagans, without third
from a specific location or source but have become
parties, without absentees.
Politics and Ideology
Translated by Hugh Hazelton
Pedro A. Ribeiro de Oliveira
The Problem of Ideology in Politics
I’d like to begin by inviting the reader to reflect for
a moment on all the different contexts within which he
or she has heard the word “ideology.” I’d bet that the
word was used to denounce the reasoning behind the
real purpose of a political act, in phases such as, “All of
this is of course ideological posturing; in reality what
he wants is to...” I’d also bet that the condemnation
would refer to some intellectual ruse used by the opposing side, and that we ourselves would probably not
refer to our own reasoning as “ideological.” It’s always
as if it were only oppressive or antidemocratic policies
that needed to be concealed, while those we believe
are right, democratic, or liberating are not “ideological.” Isn’t this what really happens?
If the concept of “ideology” were only an intellectual weapon with which to discredit an opponent, then
it would be better to avoid it. But this is not the case:
instead, it is an important concept in explaining the
differences and conflicts associated with political and
economic ideas. For this reason, it should be studied
from a sociological point of view, as a combination of
explanatory theories and regulatory values that can
move people, groups, and social movements to take
political action—or, instead, to passively accept the
established order. Ideology, then, serves as the motivating force in a given social system.
Ideologies of Yesterday and Today
It has now become fashionable to speak of the
“ideological era” as something in the past, and maintain that we live in a “post-ideological” time—as if
“ideologies” only ever existed in the struggle between
capitalism and socialism. According to this way of
thinking, when Soviet socialism lost the “Cold War,”
ideology disappeared along with it, and we are now
living in real history: that is, history that is ruled by
market forces. In order not to be naively taken in by
this misleading interpretation of the world today, let us
examine the question more carefully, using an example
from the ancient world: that of the Christians.
The emperor Caesar Augustus took pride in having
established the Pax Romana throughout his domain.
Both in Rome and the provinces, the rulers, landowners,
and merchants lived in security and prosperity: wars
had ceased; enemies and pirates had been defeated;
Juiz de Fora MG, Brazil
communications, goods, and wealth circulated freely;
disturbances were immediately crushed; and nothing
impeded the development of commerce.
For groups on the other end of the social ladder,
however, this was not peace, but oppression. For that
reason, slaves and free workers (both men and women)
in the cities and countryside received the proclamation
of peace in the sense of shalom—a peace founded on
justice and solidarity—as good news indeed. The Pax
Romana imposed by Caesar would now be replaced with
the Shalom-Peace promised by Jesus.
These concepts should be described as “ideological,” since both the Pax Romana and the Shalom-Peace
were pivotal ideas that both referred to a specific historical reality (or vision of society) and constituted a
value judgement on what it represented. In the eyes of
the dominant elite, the Pax Romana was the best form
of society that the ancient world could offer. But for
the marginal and lower classes, who longed for a new
social and economic order based on the justice of shalom, the Pax Romana was a sham.
Now let us view this example in the light of the
present, when the dominant discourse is globalization. It asserts that humanity is finally on the verge
of attaining its dream of unity, prosperity, and peace.
This has been brought about through the unlimited
expansion of markets and business, the development
of a worldwide communications network, the provision
of universal (and inherently democratizing) access to
information via the internet, and other scientific and
technological advances. As soon as “emerging” countries carry out the necessary reforms, they also will
become part of this new world order.
This rosy globalization scenario, however, is rejected by those who view the world through the experience of economic solidarity, alternative networks,
social movements, and World Social Forums. From their
vantage point, globalization benefits those who enrich
themselves from financial markets and multinational
companies at the cost of impoverishing and excluding
the majority of the world’s population. These critics of
globalization declare that another world is possible,
and are consequently accused of being “dinosaurs” who
refuse to admit that socialism is over and that equality
is a nightmare rather than a dream.
Understanding the Ideological Struggle
This debate of ideas is basically one of ideologies.
If ideology is taken to mean the totality of driving
ideas that justify a given political option, mobilizing
people’s will to make them into a historical reality,
then both the discourse of globalization and that of
another possible world are essentially ideological.
Whereas globalization idealizes human conquests and
technological advances (ignoring the fact that they
have principally benefitted the most privileged sectors
of society), those who favour an alternate world proclaim that there is a better way to organize society if
we can increase the alternative experience of economic
solidarity among peoples and respect the Rights of the
Earth. Both discourses speak of the same reality, but
from opposing points of view.
Let us examine the question more closely. The driving idea behind globalization gives the current world
order an aura of inevitability, as if someone said, “This
is the real world. Adapt to it and play according its
rules, which are market competition.” The driving idea
of the alternative-worlders, however, is exactly the
opposite: “When we start to create other forms of human and economic relationships and respect life on
the planet, we will have a better life.” The ideology of
globalization appeals to pragmatism (the acceptance of
reality as it is), while that of an alternateworld looks
toward a utopia (we will have a better world when
those who have been excluded finally believe in themselves).
This example illustrates the ambiguity inherent in
the two ideologies: no one would deny that globalization has brought with it many advances for humanity,
but only its adversaries point out its predatory and
exclusive nature. The same applies to the ideology of
an alternate possible world: the path to its attainment
lies in the networks of planetary solidarity that have
arisen, but it is also criticized for setting its sights on
an inexistent future. Both ideologies combine, in their
own way, reality and illusion, or reality and utopia. The
ideological debate unveils their ambiguities and reveals
their illusory—or utopian—character.
There is no need to fear ideologies. They are an
indispensable part of politics, and the ideological
debate is as important as electoral campaigns, public
acts, marches, strikes, sit-ins, and other forms of social
mobilization. It is a matter of entering into the debate
with an awareness of one’s own ideology in order to be
able to firmly criticize the ideology of one’s adversaries,
destroy their arguments, and demoralize them politically. People who remain unaware of the ideology that
moves (or immobilizes) them end up naively adopting
the point of view of those in power, who spread their
influence through the media, universities, political
parties, churches, and other institutions, transforming
them into vehicles for their ideological domination and
hegemony. It’s no accident that the media now take
it for granted that ideologies are things of the past
and that we can all trust in the wisdom of U.S. and
European think tanks. This is, in reality, an aggressive
strategy to assure the intellectual orientation of world
public opinion. It is thus of the greatest importance
that we perceive and denounce the ideology transmitted through the news and communications media, however subtly it is expressed.
In conclusion, I would like to draw attention to
the potential risk of transforming an ideology into
a doctrine. Ideology is an intellectual construction
that needs to be constantly reworked in order to take
into account historical changes that take place within
human societies. When an ideology is successful in
transforming a society, it tends to crystallize. This is
what happened with Marxist theory, which oriented
the Russian Revolution in 1917. Once it became codified as the one valid theory for explaining all socialist
revolutions, it lost its capacity to draw lessons from
different peoples’ struggles, to explain the contradictions inherent in each form of capitalism, and to point
out the historical conditions needed to overcome them.
This did great harm to left-wing movements (that is,
movements and parties that fight for social and economic equality), tying them down to a doctrine that
had to be applicable to all times and places. Today we
need to regain this intellectual tool, which can help us
understand the workings of market capitalism. Despite
its efforts to cloak itself in the more attractive name
of globalization, this is still the same capitalism that
has subjugated the peoples of Latin America since the
sixteenth century and that now keeps them firmly on
the periphery of the world economy, the better to exploit them.
For further reading, see The German Ideology, a classic work by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, as well as the
theoretical development of Antonio Gramsci’s writings on
hegemony. For more on the current ideological struggle
between globalization and an alternative world, search the
Internet for names such as François Houtart, Noam Chomsky
and Ignacio Ramonet.
A Criticism of the Economics of Politics
João Pedro Stédile
Translated by Michael Dougherty
Landless Movement (MST) & Vía Campesina, São Paulo, Brazil
Economics is the science which explains the organization of the production of goods any society needs
for its survival and well-being. Politics is the exercise
of power (the expression comes from power in the polis which was the city-state in ancient Greece). Power,
in whatever society, is always exercised by a group or
class that uses the State, its laws, and the economy in
order to impose its interests on others.
In our time, political power is increasingly concentrated in the hands of an ever-shrinking class. A
class of the very rich uses power to further increase
its economic wealth. Their patrimony is represented
by more land, more factories, more businesses, more
transportation companies, and more and more consumer goods.
And as for the people, they have no power whatsoever. Those who command in politics are those that
hold the economic power of big businesses and banks
that control the production and circulation of wealth.
They continue to accumulate still more wealth, although this affects the people’s basic consumption
Today, only a few businesspeople—the super-rich
who are in charge of banks and transnational corporations—control production, wealth, and the production of goods. Almost all the sectors of production
and commerce are oligopolies: a few corporations
hold control of almost all the produced wealth. In
each country it is possible to make the list of these
corporations. In the world, the biggest 500 corporations—all transnational—control 52% of all global
wealth generation. But they provide work to scarcely
8% of the working class. This is the scale of their real
political power.
They impose their will on the entire society in
order to continue increasing their wealth. The entire
world is placed at their feet. This mechanism of world
exploitation is made viable through the utilization of
the US dollar as the global currency for trade, imposed
via manu militari by the United States government
since its victory in World War II and expanded in the
1970’s when the Nixon administration took the dollar
off the gold standard. Thanks to this, the U.S. society
receives every year a transfer of more than 500 billion
dollars of the wealth of other countries in the form of
merchandise; therefore days of work passed over to
them count as a commercial deficit. Inside their country, the government issues 700 billion dollars in order
to cover the deficit in government expenditures on
wars and subsidy transfers to the middle classes, such
as to rural local producers. These expenditures are
financed by all the international community.
The Nation State has been transformed into a mere
administrative overseer of the interests of these corporations. They finance and elect councilors, prefects,
deputies, and presidents. In exchange, they receive
magnanimous laws geared towards their interests.
Representative democracy has been converted into
hypocrisy. The vote has been turned into a piece of
merchandise. But the world devoted to the illusion of
the propaganda, the owner of the vote—the people—
believes that it decides. It decides nothing. It only
votes among those that capital has already selected.
Economic power exploits and accumulates more
and more wealth through two basic mechanisms. The
first is through the interest rate. The center of accumulation in this phase of capitalism is in the financial
system, the banks. It is through interest that capital
is reproduced. It is up to the States and its governments to guarantee high rates of interest. These rates
collect wealth from the population through loans to
the owners of industry, businesses, and services that
afterwards are passed on to consumers. Or, they collect directly from the consumers that buy on time or
use credit cards.
On the other side, the States collects public money
(from all) through taxes. Later, using fantastic formulas of primary surplus, they transfer these resources to
the banks. The IMF came to require that the governments of each country of the southern hemisphere, the
so-called dependent economies, annually transfer 4.5%
of their gross domestic product (GDP)—their national
wealth—to the international financial system by the
payment of interest. This is guaranteed by the necessity that the governments reserve this money (hence
the name of the surplus) and guarantee the transfer to
the banks. This is the true measure of their political
power, guaranteed by the State. Each year, 4.5 % of
the national wealth is transferred to the bankers.
By this mechanism of financial exploitation, Latin
America transferred to the United States and Europe
during the decade from 1990 to 2000 nothing less
than a trillion dollars in liquid capital.
The second magic formula for accumulation by the
transnational corporations is to make the state guarantee high rates of payment for services on the part of
the population. High prices are demanded for services
such as electricity, water, mass transit, telephones,
and cellular service. Before, these services were public
services, at the service of the people. Now they have
been privatized by the governments and transformed
into the property of the transnational corporations
that charge for already existing services in order to
exploit the whole population. All the people need
electricity, telephones, transportation, and water.
Without realizing it, they are paying for infrastructure
that they have already paid for.
Similarly, the new economic powers control the
energy that moves societies. They control oil, coal,
nuclear power stations, hydroelectricity, water, and
even praiseworthy wind energy. But they are not satisfied. They want to control renewable bio-energy, be it
from oil or ethanol.
To accomplish this, they have to control the governments and the States through political power in
order to control lands, agriculture, and nature. So they
cause immense areas of fertile land to be taken out of
the production of goods for the population, such as
food and energy, and convert them to the production
of only combustibles to supply the individual cars of a
small percentage of the world’s population. Additionally, they will pay for the new alliance of capitalists
between oil interests, automobile manufacturers, and
transnational agroindustry, all bent on exploiting agroenergy. This economic power—that now is ever more
concentrated in fewer hands, fewer banks, and fewer
transnational corporations—subordinates the middle
classes of our countries and opposes their interests.
This creates at least two future contradictions for the
The first contradiction of this stage of imperialist
capitalism is that, as the center of accumulation is
now in the service sector and in interest rates, the role
of production of goods is secondary. It is necessary,
but secondary. This produces the contradiction that
the political manner of organizing production is not
able to satisfy the basic necessities of all the population, but only of a restricted segment of the middleclass. By not satisfying the majority of the population,
they increase levels of poverty and lose the legitimacy
needed to organize production. On the other side,
the organization of production is not focused on the
necessity of guaranteeing work for the whole population. They now exploit the population by means of the
service sector and interest rates. By not organizing
society around work and the production of goods, they
generate an enormous number of the discontented and
excluded, who, someday, will acquire a consciousness
of their social marginality and will turn against them.
The second contradiction: as economic power is
increasingly concentrated and controls the p­ olitical
power, desiring to control the will of all, at some
point, the support from the majority will turn against them.
More than ever, the assertion of Marx has relevance
now: it is necessary that the workers of the world
unite, all, against the same enemy, the ever fewer:
banks and multinational companies.
It is precisely for this reason that the people, the
workers, the majority, must reclaim politics as a place
of power in society. The politics of the vote, the delegation of institutional power, has died for the people.
But politics is the exercise of power. The majority can
and should exercise power through the mobilization
of the greatest possible number of people around the
same objective. This common objective—in this case,
to fight against the concentration and exploitation by
a minority—will generate a force capable of producing
changes. This popular force, this political force, will
only be developed through the capacity of the people
to organize the greatest possible number of individuals around the same objective.
The people have to retake politics; that is to
say construct a power of the popular will, unified to
change the government, the State, and the organization of the economy.
We must be optimists: imperial capitalism will not
continue to win everything forever. New winds blow
and the history of human civilization will get back on
course. Politics will be an instrument to better the
living conditions of all the people and a space for
popular power.
Politics and market
Wim Dierckxsens*
Ecumenical Department of Investigations (DEI)
and World Forum of Alternatives (FMA)
San Jose, Costa Rica.
The political neoliberalism rules a political
economy, conquered by the world market. It is the
politics of distribution of the market world that
exists to benefit the strongest, in other words, the
transnational enterprises and the financial capital
linked to them. The political process of market globalization is expressed in terms of the elimination
of any obstacles to hinder the law of the strongest.
The political neoliberalism conceives the market
benefits and services as a contour of liberty without frontiers nor obstacles, but not for the people.
The economy is presented as if it were a realistic
and unquestionable science. But under those appearances, money matters, and decisions of the
elites and the transnationals are hidden to control
the distribution of the existing wealth on their
favor. The whole life is subordinated to the market
laws. Every social activity is being evaluated as
functional or disfunctional upon the so called “
free market”.
One must be efficient and competent at work.
Values such as: solidarity and comradeship have
disappeared. Through consumerism, life itself is
submitted to the market economy. Large Shopping Malls constitute the principal space to social
life at the market of economy. “I buy, then I am
somebody” I am somebody as long as I have the
very last thing, “ I am what I have”. The person
unable to participate in this market of logic, feels
excluded and is nobody to the others. Throughout
this logic, the market, not only will be self-reproduced, but it also turns into a cultural thing. This
cultural idea of the “ free market” can be defined
as the old saying, “ safe yourself if you can at any
cost”. Resources of massive communication are in
charge of producing this culture, which attempts to
human life.
The functions and developments of the political
endogenous, and the welfare of the state, which
characterizes in some way the previous neoliberalism era, are being seen now as distortions to the
policy of “ free market”. Whatever brings out profit
to the private business ( often transnational), will
be privatized, and operations performed by the
State ( social security and public education), that
do not produce benefits, the budget is reduced to
the maximum if possible. The neoliberals sustain
that an “ invisible hand” would order such particular interests for the benefit of the collectivity. The
same distribution of the richness, each time more
unequal, cannot be something obeying the laws of
nature, (an invisible hand), but the result of a conscious political neoliberalism. In conclusion, economic planning is in the hands of the transnational
businesses, and the force of labor and nature are
submitted to the dictatorship of the demolishing
forces by the market as a punishment of exclusion
and disenchantment.
To the eyes of the political market, economical
and social rights, and even human rights are being
seen as distortions. Market rights are the rights of
the great capitalism, as the real subject of the market being more important than the human rights.
Economical and social rights historically achieved
by the citizens, constitute another distortion for
the great capital. The transnationals do not compromise with the citizens: they operate as private
states, without frontiers. The political neoliberalism consciously chooses investments that lead to
the exclusion and flexibility of the labor market for
the benefit exclusively of large businesses. Less income in less hands, and the loss of economical and
social rights cannot be a non intentional effect,
but a genocidal and political option. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) and WB (World Bank)
and the corrupted governments are responsible for
these policies.
The political neoliberalism has bet upon structural adjustments and a treaty of free commerce on
account of the endogenous development over the
Latin American nations and the citizens. In order
to succeed on the imposition of such policies, they
have availed on scandals, corruption, nepotism,
and even by war. The battle upon worldwide distribution of the capital has spread up to the political
level and it has become a warlike matter. To succeed on the imposition of other people’s interests
over our people, there has often been political
parties where they alternate the power, always on
the immediate benefit for themselves and for the
market empire, without serving the citizens. As a
result, there is a great disappointment among the
citizens, the politicians, and politics in general. It
is not odd that the public has lost faith in democracy and the political parties.
The policy of disconnecting is presented at a
national, regional, and even worldwide level. This
policy at a national and regional level such as:
(ALBA), became as a result of the neoliberalism
policy of annexation through many different treaties for free commerce. The disconnection breaks
through the political annexation and it is developed as a consequence of a hostile international
environment created by the great world potentials.
Countries such as Venezuela, Bolivia or Ecuador,
cannot develop from the inside and yet they can
throughout their surroundings and by the national
oligarchy. Upon the struggling phase against imperialism, the unity of the people is in first place.
Both aspects, the struggling over the social class
and the struggling over the national liberation
Traducido por Elba Nazario López
The policy of disconnecting reveals that the
economy of the market constitutes a surmountable
horizon. Within the process of disconnection, the
left wing is against neoliberalism, hegemony, and
imperialism and at the same time the democratic
movement. The twenty first century has given birth
to a policy for the construction of the socialism
movement. Actually, a great fight against neoliberalism has been led.
What was said before demands a role relatively
This progressive disappointment, has given
centered on the State, a role which at the same
birth to a consciousness over the fact that the
time contradicts the process a radical participative
market cannot be the supreme value and the indemocracy. This participative democracy cannot be
disputable controller of the human life. Life itself decreed by what was mentioned above. In fact, if a
demands that the political aspect should be guided participative democracy must be established, it is
by values, and that the economy should be submit- necessary that people would turn into the subject
ted to the society’s interests and to the excluded
of power. It is necessary to fight for a new type of
ones particularly. The social struggle for an alterdemocracy, created from the bottom and for the
native demands the possibility of disconnecting
people, by the local government and the commufrom this globalization process. Such disconnection nity.
reaches all levels: the economic, political, social,
cultural, and even the personal level. The disconnection demands from us to be more conscious of
our political power, including the individual level
as we are consumers. The key to this change relies
on our own mental conversion along with a social
On Politics and Gardening
Translated by Sylvie Hamel
Rubem Alves
Of all the vocations, politics is the most noble.
“Vocation,” from the Latin vocare, means “called.” A
vocation is a call of love from within: a call to active
love has emerged. Instead of just making a living, those following their vocation want to “make love” to the
entire world. This is the psychology of the lover: the
lover does it although there is nothing to gain.
“Politics” comes from polis, “city.” The city was,
for the Greeks, a secure space, organized and tame,
where human beings could devote themselves to the
search for happiness. The politician was the one who
was responsible to look after this space. Thus, the vocation of politics was at the service of the happiness
of the inhabitants of the city.
It is perhaps because they were nomads in the
desert that the Hebrews did not dream of cities: they
dreamt of gardens. Whoever dwells in the desert dreams of an oasis. God did not create a city. He created
a garden. If we were to ask a Hebrew prophet “what
is politics?” he would answer, “the art of gardening
applied to public things.”
The politician by vocation is passionate about
the idea of a “big garden for everyone.” Her love is
so great that she gives up the small garden that she
could otherwise plant for herself. What is the purpose
of having a small garden if everything around her is
desert? It is essential that the entire desert be transformed into a garden.
I love my vocation, which is to write. Literature
is a beautiful and weak vocation. The writer has love,
but does not have power. But the politician does. A
vocational politician is a strong poet. She has the
power to transform poems about gardens into real and
genuine gardens. The vocation of politics is to transform dreams into reality. It is such a fortunate calling
that Plato suggested that politicians would not need
to be owners of anything: the big garden for everyone
would suffice. It would be wrong for the gardener to
have a privileged space, better and different than the
space occupied by everyone else. I knew and I still
know many vocational politicians. Their lives were and
continue to be a cause for hope.
Vocation is different from profession. When talking
about vocation, the individual finds happiness in the
Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
action itself. When speaking of profession, satisfaction
is not found from actions but rather from the benefits
to be gained from these actions. The human being
driven by vocation is a lover. He makes love for the
joy of making love. The professional does not love the
woman. He loves the money he receives from her. He
is a pimp.
All vocations can be transformed into professions.
I can therefore state my second thesis: of all professions, politics is the most vile. This explains the utter
disillusionment of people regarding politics. Guimarães
Rosa, when asked by Günter Lorenz if he considered
himself to be a politician responded, “I could never
be a politician with all this charlatanism perpetrated
against reality...Unlike the ‘legitimate’ politicians, I
believe in human beings and I want them to have a
The politician can barely think in terms of minutes. I am a writer and I think in terms of eternities. I
think about the resurrection of the human being.
Whoever thinks in terms of minutes does not have
the patience to plant trees. It takes many years for a
tree to grow. It is more lucrative to cut them.
Our future depends on this struggle between vocational politicians and professional politicians. It is
unfortunate that many who feel called to politics do
not have the courage to accept the call because they
fear the shame of being misled by opportunists and to
have to coexist with them.
I write for you young people, in order to seduce
you to the vocation of politics. Perhaps there are
gardeners asleep within you. Listening to the call is
difficult because it is disrupted by the clamor of the
more expected and normal choices such as medicine,
engineering, computer science, law, and science. All of
these are acceptable choices if they are vocations. But
all of these choices are narrowing. They are going to
confine you to a small corner of the garden, far removed from the place where the destiny of the garden is
decided. Wouldn’t it be more fascinating to participate
in the destiny of the garden itself?
When the explorers arrived here, they did not find
a garden. They found a jungle. A jungle is not a garden. Jungles are cruel and insensitive, indifferent to
suffering and death.
A jungle is a part of
nature which has not
yet been touched by
the hands of human
beings. That jungle
could have been
transformed into a
garden. But it was
not to be. Those who
acted upon it were
not gardeners. They
were woodcutters
and lumberjacks. And
so it was that the
jungle—which could
have been transformed into a garden
for the happiness
of everyone—was
transformed into
deserts dotted with
luxurious private
gardens where a few
people find life and
Discovering our
origins is one thing.
But discovering our
destinies is something more beautiful.
Perhaps, then, if
vocational politicians
take charge of our
garden, we will be
able to chart a new
Then, instead of
deserts and private
gardens, we will
have a garden for
everyone. It will be
the work of human
beings who have the
love and patience
to plant trees under
whose shade they
will never rest.
The Political Illiterate Who Makes History?
Bertold Brecht
The worst illiterate
is the political illiterate.
He doesn’t hear, he doesn’t speak,
He doesn’t participate in political events.
He doesn’t know that the cost of daily life,
the price of bread, of fish, of flour,
of the rent, of shoes and medicine
all depend on political decisions.
Who built Thebes of the 7 gates?
In the books you will read the names of kings.
Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock?
And Babylon, many times demolished,
Who raised it up so many times?
In what houses of gold glittering Lima did
its builders live?
Where, the evening that the Great Wall of
China was finished, did the masons go?
The political illiterate
Great Rome is full of triumphal arches.
is so ignorant that he is proud and
Who erected them?
swelling his chest saying
Over whom did the Caesars triumph?
that he hates politics.
Had Byzantium, much praised in song, only
palaces for its inhabitants?
He doesn’t know, the imbecile, that
Even in fabled Atlantis, the night that the
from his political ignorance
ocean engulfed it,
is born the prostitute,
The drowning still cried out for their slaves.
the abandoned child,
The young Alexander conquered India.
and the worst bandits of all,
Was he alone?
the bad politician, a corrupt servant
Caesar defeated the Gauls.
of national and multinational corporations. Did he not even have a cook with him?
Philip of Spain wept when his armada went
down. Was he the only one to weep?
Frederick the 2nd won the 7 Years War.
Who else won it?
Every page a victory.
Who cooked the feast for the victors?
Every 10 years a great man.
Who paid the bill?
So many reports.
So many questions.
“My uniform experience has convinced me that there is no other God than Truth.
To see the universal and all-pervading Spirit Truth face to face one must be able to
love the meanest of creation as oneself. And a man who aspires after that cannot
afford to keep out of any field of life. This is why my devotion to Truth has drawn me
into the field of politics; and I can say without the slightest hesitation, and yet in
all humility, that those who say that religion has nothing to do with politics do not
know what religion means.” Mahatma GANDHI.
“Everything is Political, But Not Everything is Politics.” Emmanuel MOUNIER.
“There is nothing more political than saying religion and politics don’t have anything to do with each other. I don’t know what Bible those who say religion doesn’t
have to do with politics are reading.” Desmond TUTU.
Are we subjects or Citizens?
Josep-Maria Terricabras
Philosophy profesor at Universidad de Girona
Catalunya, Spain
1. History is in front of us
Cicero defined history as the teacher of life.
Indeed, the study of history is a great source of
knowledge. In fact, knowing history –at least one’s
own- is essential to any informed, reflective, and
edcuated citizen. Yet we can approach history in
different ways: depending on how we do it, it can
either enlighten us or it can blind us. Here I would
like to warn against two ways of interpreting history
that are fairly well-acclaimed, but mistaken.
a) Some interpret history as if a constant decadence had been produced in it. They think the most
exalted forms of life in common already existed in
the past, and that the whole history of humanity has
been from the start nothing but the story of a fall,
of decadence. This idyllic view could be called the
paradisiac view of human origin, as if humans were
ousted from paradise and can never go back to it
without the intervention of a Messiah.
b) The second view is contrary to the first. It is
espoused by those who think that our origins are
difficult, primitive, vast, and that humanity is headed, in a slow and complex way, but also constant
and inevitable, towards a goal that is every day more
approachable. If the first is a pessimistic view of a
paradise that entered in crisis and decadence, this
second one is the optimistic one of a humanity on
its way to its very own El Dorado, each day coming
Both views seem naive to me, as well as somewhat disrespectful to the real history of humans,
which has always been a complex, hard to separate
mixture of going forward and then backwards, or, if
you prefer, between progress and regress. It is true
that the progressive view of history is in a profound
crisis and that very few dare preach it unabashedly.
In a historic moment such as this one, of social and
economic exploitation, of political uncertainty, of
terrible crisis in whole continents, of the success of
irrational violence, of political, religious, and military fundamentalism, it is no wonder that the idea
of a humanity progressing in a constant and unstoppable manner is not at its most popular. Maybe
that’s why the other view –the one parting from the
myth. of an original paradise- still has followers and
has become for many a spiritual haven and a reserve
of hope. As if, inasmuch as we can’t trust the future,
at least we could have a splendid past to which to
turn to.
I am personally willing to keep distrusting those
who announce the future as an era of indisputable
and global progress. Nevertheless, our mistrust in
looking towards the future should not make us excessively optimistic when we look back. The very
fact of placing hope on a remote past does not speak
well about the positions of the people who do so.
Because if one has to resort often to looking at the
photo albums to relive past glories, maybe it is because the present and the future- what should most
concern and move us-hold no charm. Additionaly,
the problem with the retrospective view is made
worse when we realize that the imagined past is
neither recoverable nor real, because it never existed
as imagined, because the idyllic past is merely an
idealized past, or, if you will, a mirage.
I want to go against a false idea of a past presented so perfect that it would serve as model for
the present and the future. And that is simply not
true. The world has changed too much, the world
is changing too rapidly for us to be looking to the
past looking for remedies to our present wrongs.
That is not what we should do. We should be able to
examine and analyze the present from a very critical
viewpoint. Thus we will discover the grave injustices
committed, and from there, we should join our efforts, abilities, and imaginations to find solutions.
aware that the solutions to our problems also depend
on us. We know that posible changes are not done
alone, that they do not depend only on democratic
elections, but on the work and involvement which
lead to the elections and which continue after they
are held, no matter the electoral outcome. What defines a citizen is he/she who is always alert, always
vigilant and willing to act.
3. Citizens’ organization
Therefore, citizens’ organization should be promoted. The most efficient actions are never the isolated ones but those that answer to social, cultural,
economic, and political projects of a greater scope.
Citizens must claim their active role so that the current powers understand that:
a) democracy cannot be reduced to electoral participation – even if it is important- but must pervade
every aspect of life and,
b) electoral democracy need not necessarily
become – as they almost always want to make us
think- a delegated, abdicated, substituted democracy, in other words, in a democracy kidnapped by
a few, which makes the others into subjects- but
should be instead a representative democracy that
at all times withholds the principle that citizens are
always the subjects of any power.
As long as the present democratic system is not
headed in that direction, citizenry will not be immersed in the center of collective life, and we will
not be politically civilized peoples. In fact, we are
not yet that. That would be an enormous revolution.
It is the revolution we have the right to expect. And,
as I see it, it is the revolution we have the duty to
force, because our life should be political, participatory, commited. There are many activities which
could be done in that direction, from the family, the
schools, the enterprises, the youth and adult groups,
the media, the street, the churches, and teh political
parties. We should all renovate ourselves and we will
only achieve it if we experience a new way of being
involved in collective life. So that there are no subjects. Whether we live in the country or in the city, a
renovated democratic life depends on all of us, on us
having the courage and the will to want to be citizens. So that we finally become so.
Traducido por Sylvia Solá
2. Everyone’s political responsibility
Thus the importance that we all get involved.
We cannot leave public affairs in the hands of a few,
of some groups, of some [political] parties. Politics
is an indispensable task, a task that can be done
with much dignity – and which some indeed carry
out that way-even if there are politicians who abuse
their position and the trust deposited in them. In
any event, no one can walk away from their political responsibility. Electing representatives does not
excuse us from the political work we must do.
In fact, we are at a decisve historical moment in
which we must decide whether we want to be subjects or citizens. This alternative is presented today
in a very different way than in the past. A hundred
years ago “subject” and “citizen” referred to two
very different social categories, they reflected a very
deep social inequality, and those who could strived
to acquire the status of citizen: the subject was the
economically weak and socially alienated who hoped
to turn things around and improve living conditions,
welfare, and a more prominent social role. Today,
there are still many alienated and mistreated poor
people. But “subject” and “citizen” no longer refer
to to two social categories, nor to those who live in
the country and those who live in the city, but two
moral categories in many cases and countries. What
distinguishes the subject from the citizen are no longer the economic and social conditions in which they
live or the place where they live, but their moral disposition, their capacity for political reaction, their
willingness to take destiny into their own hands to
do something worthwhile with it. Today many of the
rich and powerful have a subject’s soul, and many of
the poor and alienated proceed with the courage and
the spirit of the citizen. Because now the subject is
the frustrated, resigned, obedient, and submissive
one, even if he can live fairly well. The citizen, on
the other hand, does not resign, but puts up the
fight, participates in collective decisions, imagines
and plans, associates with others and struggles – in
big or small scenarios- to achieve a better environment, even if he doesn’t have much means of life.
What turns us into citizens today is our capacity for
social and political commitment. That is what puts
un first line, what equates us. Because then we are
Los muchos caminos de la Política
Chico Whitaker
São Paulo
«La peor forma de hacer política es no hacer política». Así respondía en 1966 el cardenal Arns, de São
Paulo, a quien cuestionaba a la Iglesia por «entrometerse» en un terreno que no sería para ella, ya que
-decían- «religión y política no se deben mezclar».
El razonamiento de Arns era directo: en una sociedad injusta, no participar en la política es dejar que
las cosas queden como están; en la práctica es tomar
partido por quien desea que la injusticia continúe.
Mi generación de jóvenes militantes cristianos, en
los años 50, ya escuchaba al teólogo francés L.J. Lebret decir que la omisión ante la miseria y la opresión,
es el pecado más grave, la ofensa más pesada que
podemos hacer al Dios-amor.
Es cierto que entrar en la política asusta. El «mundo de la política» parece estar reservado a profesionales de esa actividad. Aparte de eso, lo que más vemos
hoy en ese «mundo» es interés personal, carrerismos,
vanidad, corrupción. Aunque haya también mucha
gente buena allí dentro, la impresión que nos queda
es que ningún político está de hecho preocupado con
lo que debe hacerse para mejorar las cosas. Como si
pensasen sólo en ellos mismos, o en hacer negocios
aprovechándose del poder que conquistaron.
Pero necesitamos considerar que la política no es
algo que tiene que ser tratado sólo por los políticos.
Durante mucho tiempo nos pasaron ideas falsas sobre
eso. Por ejemplo, la de que para participar en la política es necesario entrar en un partido. Eso también
asusta a mucha gente, apartándolos de la política,
porque ni los partidos parecen salvarse de la lucha por
el poder.
Sabemos todos que votar es un derecho político
básico en una democracia, un derecho que debe ser
ejercido por todos los ciudadanos. Escoger alcaldes,
gobernadores, presidentes de República, parlamentarios, es más que un derecho: es también un deber,
porque necesitamos asumir colectivamente nuestros
destinos. Y para votar no necesitamos estar afiliados a
Por otra parte, no basta ejercer el derecho y el
deber de votar. Después, es preciso dar seguimiento,
fiscalizar, incluso ayudar a quienes hemos elegido.
Haremos más eficazmente ese control si nos organizamos. Pero para eso tampoco necesitamos entrar en
partidos. Es incluso mejor organizarse fuera de ellos,
porque se puede ver las cosas más libremente, y controlar también a los partidos mismos, en los cuales
existen igualmente enormes distorsiones. Están también aumentando las posibilidades de participar en las
propias decisiones del gobierno -siempre sin necesidad
de entrar en partidos- como por ejemplo en los diferentes tipos de consejos de ciudadanos que van siendo
creados. Necesitamos por tanto liberarnos de esa idea
de que sólo podemos participar en política dentro de
los partidos.
Por eso mismo, crece hoy en el mundo otro actor
político, llamado «sociedad civil». Es el conjunto de
organizaciones que luchan por derechos, o para presionar a los gobernantes, o para hacer todo lo que puede
ser hecho, por el bien de la colectividad, sin esperar
a los gobiernos. La «sociedad civil» viene ganando
cada vez más visibilidad, especialmente después de
que comenzaran a extenderse por el planeta, a partir
de 2001, los espacios de encuentro del Forum Social
Mundial, cuyos participantes afirman que «otro mundo
es posible».
Uno de los buenos resultados de estos encuentros
ha sido el aumento de la articulación entre las organizaciones de la sociedad civil, que pueden tener mucha
fuerza -para resistir al uso abusivo del poder, o para
hacer presión política, por ejemplo-.
Se puede por tanto hacer política –sin necesidad
de entrar en partidos- asociándose a los esfuerzos,
campañas, iniciativas nacidas de la sociedad civil.
Pero muchos no quieren saber de política porque
piensan que ensucia las manos: tomar el poder es una
expresión usada para decir que se tomó el gobierno,
y de éste no siempre se sale con las manos limpias.
Ésta es por otra parte otra idea de la que necesitamos
liberarnos. Todos tenemos algún tipo de poder. En
los gobiernos en general y en el mundo económico el
poder se concentra bastante. Pero también lo tenemos
en casa, en la escuela, en la Iglesia: para reaccionar,
como podamos, pero también para mandar, cuando
controlamos algún recurso del que otros dependen
(dinero, bienes, conocimientos, capacidad de obrar...).
El problema surge de la manera como usamos nuestro
poder sobre los recursos que controlamos.
De hecho, el poder puede ser usado tanto para
dominar como para servir. Quien lo usa para dominar
mantiene la dependencia de los que necesitan los
recursos que controla. Como el sacerdote que hace que
los fieles dependan de lo que él diga que está bien o
está mal, o en su manera de actuar o en la comprensión misma de la Biblia. O como los profesores que
solamente transmiten informaciones. O como los padres que hacen que sus hijos continúen siempre infantiles, sin capacidad de discernimiento o de ganar la
propia vida. O como los gobiernos que mantienen a los
pobres sometidos a la espera de su ayuda. Quien actúa
así concentra cada vez más poder, pudiendo dominar
–incluso hasta explotar- a quien depende de él.
Quien usa su poder para servir, hace todo lo contrario: ayuda a quien depende de él a volverse autónomo, a ganarse la vida, a comprender y saber más
cosas, a tomar decisiones, a hacerse adulto, a votar, a
protestar cuando se da alguna injusticia, a controlar a
quien haya sido elegido en el barrio, en la ciudad, en
el país.
Pero el alumno podrá crecer más que el profesor,
el feligrés se hará más independiente, el hijo o hija
conseguirán decidir solos como adultos, y el gobierno
podrá verse frente a ciudadanos informados y exigentes. Por eso muchos tienen miedo de ejercer el poderservicio. Creen que perderán su poder.
En realidad, el poder-servicio da lugar al surgimiento de otro poder, que es mucho mayor: el poder
conjunto ejercido corresponsablemente por todos, en
la autonomía de cada uno. El poder-dominación se
aísla; sus pies son de barro, y un día, se desmorona. El
poder conjunto, al contrario, es sólido y permanente,
porque se asienta en el poder compartido de todos.
Ése es el tipo de poder que propone el Evangelio.
Si es ejercido así, como servicio, en los partidos, en
los gobiernos, en la política... no ensucia las manos.
Al contrario, las ilumina, abriendo caminos para la
solución de nuestros problemas, juntando los esfuerzos
y las capacidades de todos los ciudadanos.
Considerando los varios tipos de ciudadanos que
existen en América Latina, todavía tenemos mucho que
caminar rumbo al pleno ejercicio del poder-servicio.
Tenemos primero los medio-ciudadanos, o ciudadanos a medias. Tienen todos los derechos, pero no
saben que los tienen. Posiblemente constituyen, en
América Latina, la mayor parte de la población. Ejercen el poder de que disponen sólo para sobrevivir. Es
necesario hacerlos conscientes de sus derechos.
En segundo lugar están los ciudadanos pasivos.
Saben que tienen derechos, pero esperan pasivamente
que sean respetados, o que caiga del cielo todo aquello a lo que tienen derecho. Su número es también muy
grande en nuestro Continente. El poder dominante los
mantiene anestesiados mediante espectáculos e ilusiones. Necesitan despertar a la necesidad de luchar por
sus derechos, organizándose para salir del aislamiento.
En tercer lugar están los ciudadanos activos: ya se
dieron cuenta de todo eso y luchan por sus derechos
en asociaciones de barrio, de padres y maestros, en
organizaciones de consumidores. Luchan por la tierra,
por salarios y trabajos decentes, por vivienda, por
alimentación suficiente, por calidad de vida, por no ser
discriminados por sus diferencias, por elegir parlamentarios que hagan leyes que aseguren el respeto a esos
derechos. Infelizmente éstos no son tantos en nuestra
A.L. ¿Cuántos de nuestros trabajadores, por ejemplo,
están sindicalizados? Es preciso que se vuelvan cada
vez más numerosos y más fuertes.
La cuarta categoría de ciudadanos está constituida
por aquellos que luchan por sus derechos pero también
por los derechos de los otros. Podríamos llamarlos
ciudadanos activos y solidarios. Son los que procuran
participar más plenamente de la política.
Dentro de los partidos, luchan para que éstos no
sean controlados por aprovechados y corruptos, sino
que sean coherentes con sus principios, sin alianzas
espurias, presenten propuestas serias y no promesas
vanas en sus campañas electorales, y para que no
intenten comprar votos de electores. Dentro y fuera de
partidos, esos ciudadanos se asocian a movilizaciones
por los derechos irrespetados, o para que se proteja
el medio ambiente, para que la actividad económica
no lleve a la acumulación de riquezas en las manos
de unos pocos en vez de atender a las necesidades de
todos, para que los conflictos sean resueltos por el
diálogo y no por la guerra o por la opresión.
Los ciudadanos activos y solidarios entran en la
política para luchar por un mundo mejor, al mismo
tiempo que procuran transformarse a sí mismos, interiormente, para ser capaces de ejercer su poder, allá
donde estén, lo más posible, como un servicio.
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MTWT F SDFebruary’2008
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
AÑO 2008:
Año 6721 del período Juliano.
Año 5769 de la era de los judíos.
Año 1429/1420 de la Hégira.
Ano amazig 2957.
1 Tuesday
2 Wednesday
1 Jn 2,22-28 / Sl 97
Num 6, 22-27 / Gál 4, 4-7
Jn 1, 19-28
Sl 66 / Lc 2, 16-21 Basilio Magno
1508: Comienza la colonización de Puerto Rico: Gregorio Nacianceno
500 años.
J.K. Wilhelm Loehe
1804: Independencia de Haití. Fiesta nacional.
1904: Desembarco de marines en Rep. Dominicana
1959: Triunfo de la revolución cubana.
«para proteger intereses estadouniden­ses».
1977: Mauricio López, rector de la Universidad de 1979: Francisco Jentel, defensor de indios y cam­pe­
Mendoza, Argentina, miembro del Consejo
sinos, víctima de la Seguridad Nacional, Brasil.
Mundial de Iglesias, desaparecido.
1981: José Manuel de Souza «Zé Piau», labrador,
1990: Maureen Courtney y Teresa Rosales, religiosas
víc­tima de los «grileiros» de Pará, Brasil.
asesinadas por la Contra en Nicaragua.
1994: Daniel Rollano, militante de la vida, evocador
1994: Levantamiento campesino indígena zapatista.
constante de la memoria de los mártires de su
2003: Lula toma el poder presidencial en Brasil.
pueblo argentino.
Jornada mundial por la Paz
3 Thursday
5 Saturday
1 Jn 3,11-21 / Sl 99
Jn 1,43-51
Telesforo y Emiliana
Kaj Munk
1534: Guarocuya «Enriquillo», cacique cristiano de
La Española (Rep. Dominicana), primero en
rebelar­se en defensa de sus hermanos.
1785: La Reina María I manda suprimir toda indus­tria
brasileña excepto la de ropa para esclavos.
2007: Fallece Axel Mencos, héroe de la resistencia y
la pastoral comprometida, Guatemala.
1 Jn 2,29 - 3,6 / Sl 97
1Jn 3,7-10 / Sl 97
Jn 1, 29-34 Rigoberto
Jn 1,35-42
1511: «Grito de Coayuco», rebelión de los taínos encabe­ 1975: José Patricio León «Pato», animador de la JEC
zada por Agüeybaná el Bravo, Puerto Rico.
y militante político, desaparecido en Chile.
1981: Diego Quic, indígena, catequista, líder popular, 2005: La Corte Suprema autoriza procesamiento de
desaparecido, Guatemala.
Pinochet por la Operación Cóndor.
1994: Antulio Parrilla Bonilla, obispo, luchador inde­
pendentista y de la causa de los perseguidos,
«Las Casas» del siglo XX en Puerto Rico.
Is 60,1-6 / Sl 71
Ef 3,2-6 / Mt 2,1-12
Melchor, Gaspar, Baltasar
1848: Los guaraníes son declarados ciudadanos
paraguayos por decreto de Carlos A. López.
1915: Reforma agraria en México, fruto de la revolu­ción,
primer reparto de latifundios en A.L.
1927: Tropas de EEUU ocupan Nicaragua para com­batir
a Sandino. Sólo saldrán en 1933.
1982: Victoria de la Roca, religiosa guatemalteca,
mártir de los pobres, desaparecida.
1986: Julio González, obispo de El Puno, Perú, muerto
en un accidente sospechoso.
1992: Augusto María y Augusto Conte, militantes, mártires de la solidaridad y DDHH en Argentina.
7 Monday
1 Jn 3,22-4,6 / Sl 2
Mt 4,12-17.23-25
Raimundo de Peñafort
1835: Victoria de Cabanagem. Los rebeldes toman
Belém y asumen el gobierno de la provincia.
1981: Sebastião Mearim, líder rural en Pará, Brasil,
asesinado por «grileiros».
1983: Felipe y Mary Barreda, cristianos revolucionarios
asesinados en Nicaragua. 25 años.
1999: Bartolomé Carrasco, obispo de Oaxaca, México,
destacado en la opción por los pobres.
8 Tuesday
1 Jn 4,7-10 / Sl 71
Mc 6,34-35
1454: El papa Nicolás autoriza al rey de Portugal a
esclavizar a cualquier nación del mundo africano,
siempre que se administre el bautismo.
1642: Muere Galileo Galilei, condenado por la Inquisi­
ción. El Vaticano lo «rehabilitará» tres siglos y
medio después.
1850: Es ahorcado Juan, líder en la Revolución del
Quei­mado, Espírito Santo, Brasil.
1912: Fundación del Congreso Nacional Africano.
1982: Domingo Cahuec Sic, indígena achí delegado de
la Palabra, en Rabinal, Verapaz, Guatemala.
Nueva: 06h37m en Capricornio
9 Wednesday
1Jn 4,11-18 / Sl 71
Mc 6,45-52
Eulogio, Julián, Basilia
1662: Lisboa ordena la extinción de los indios Janduim
en Brasil (Estados CE, RN y PB)
1858: Primera huelga conocida de Brasil, de los
tipógrafos, pioneros de la lucha obrera allí.
1959: Nace Rigoberta Menchú en Chimel, Departamento del Quiché, Guatemala.
1Jn 4,19 / Sl 71
1Jn 5,5-13 / Sl 147
1Jn 5,14-21 / Sl 149
Lc 4,14-22a Higinio, Martín de León
Lc 5,12-16 Benito, Tatiana
Jn 3,22-30
1911: Huelga de 5 meses de los zapateros de São 1839: Nace Eugenio María de Hostos, luchador por 1694: 6500 hombres comienzan el asedio a Palmares,
Paulo por la jornada de 8 horas.
la independencia de Puerto Rico.
que resistirá hasta el 6 de febrero.
1920: Se crea la Liga de las Naciones, tras las masacres
1948: La Corte Suprema de EEUU proclama la igualdad
de la Primera Guerra Mundial.
de blancos y negros en la escuela. 60 años.
1978: Pedro Joaquín Chamorro, periodista, lucha­dor por las
libertades, contra la dictadura somocista. 30 años.
1982: Dora Azmitía «Menchy», 23 años, maestra, mártir
de la juventud estudiantil católica, Guatemala.
1985: Ernesto Fernández Espino, pastor luterano,
mártir de los refugiados salvadoreños.
Año nuevo islámico: 1429
Bautismo del Señor
Is 42,1-4.6-7 / Sl 28
Hch 10,34-38 / Mt 3,13-17
Hilario, Jorge Fox
1825: Es fusilado Frei Caneca, revolucionario republicano, héroe de la Confederación de Ecuador.
1879: Roca inicia la campaña del Desierto en la
Patagonia argentina.
2001: Terremoto de 7'9 Richter en El Salvador, con
1200 muertos, 4200 desaparecidos y más de
500.000 damnificados.
Idd Inneyer, año nuevo amazig: 2957
14 Monday
1 Sm 1,1-8 / Sl 115
Mc 1,14-20
1988: Miguel Angel Pavón, director de la Comisión
de Derechos Humanos, y Moisés Landaverde,
Honduras. 20 años.
1997: Marcha de 700.000 surcoreanos en las huel­
gas contra la flexibilización de los derechos
15 Tuesday
1Sm 1,9-20 / Int. 1Sm 2
Mc 1,21-28
1929: Nace Luther King en Atlanta, Georgia, EEUU.
1970: Leonel Rugama, en la lucha revolucionaria contra
la dictadura de Somoza. Nicarágua.
1976: El gobierno de Bahia (Brasil) suprime los
registros policiales para los Candomblés.
1981: Estela Pajuelo Grimani, campesina, 55 años,
11 hijos, mártir de la solidaridad, Perú.
1982: La ley constitucional de Canadá incluye los
derechos de los indios.
1990: Se libera la cotización del real brasileño y se
Creciente: 14h46m en Aries
1Sm 3,1-20 / Sl 39
Mc 1,29-39
1992: Firma de los Acuerdos de Paz de El Salvador.
2004: Comienza en Mumbay el 4º Foro Social Mundial.
Día internacional contra la esclavitud infantil
En memoria del niño Iqbal Mashib, antiguo
esclavo,que unido al Frente de Liberación del
Trabajo de Pakistán, consiguió cerrar varias fábricas
de niños esclavos. (
19 Saturday
1Sm 9,19 / Sl 20
1Sm 8,4-22a / Sl 88
Mc 2,13-17
Mc 2,1-12 Mario, Marta
Beatriz, Prisca
La confesión de Pedro
Enrique de Upsala
1535: Fundación de la Ciudad de los Reyes (Lima). 1897: Batalla de Tabuleirinho: los sertanejos contienen
1867: Nace en Metapa, Nicaragua, Rubén Darío.
al ejército a 3 km de Canudos, Brasil.
1978: Germán Cortés, militante cristiano y político, mártir
de la causa de la justicia en Chile. 30 años.
1981: José Eduardo, líder sindical de Acre, Brasil,
asesinado por encargo.
1982: Sergio Bertén, religioso belga, y compañeros,
mártires de la solidaridad, Guatemala.
1Sm 4,1-11 / Sl 43
Antonio Abad
Mc 1,40-45
1961: Es asesinado en el Congo Lumumba, héroe de
la independencia de África.
1981: Silvia Maribel Arriola, enfermera, primera religiosa
mártir en la revolución salvadoreña.
1981: Ana María Castillo, militante cristiana, mártir de
la justicia en El Salvador.
1988: Jaime Restrepo López, sacerdote, mártir de la
causa de los pobres, Colombia. 20 años.
1991: Comienza la guerra del Golfo Pérsico.
1994: Terremoto en Los Angeles.
1996: Fallece en Uruguay Juan Luis Segundo, teólogo
de la liberación.
Domingo 2º ordinario
Is 49,3.5-6 / Sl 39
1Cor 1,1-3 / Jn 1,29-34
Fabián y Sebastián
1973: Amílcar Cabral, anticolo­nialista de Guinea Bissau,
muerto por la policía portuguesa
1979: Octavio Ortiz, sacerdote, y cuatro estudiantes y
catequistas, mártires en El Salvador.
1982: Carlos Morales, dominico, mártir entre los
campesinos indígenas en Guatemala.
1Sm 15,16-23 / Sl 49
Mc 2,18-22
Día del Sacrificio en el Islam (Eid-al-Adha).
1972: Gerardo Valencia Cano, obispo de Buenaven­
tura (Colombia), profeta y mártir de la
1974: Mártires campesinos de Valle Alto, Bolivia.
1980: María Ercilia y Ana Coralia Martínez, estudian­
tes, socorristas de la Cruz Roja y catequistas,
mártires de El Salvador.
1984: Se funda en Cascavel (PR, Brasil) el MST,
Mo­vimiento de los Trabajadores sin Tierra.
2000: Levantamiento indígena y popular en Ecuador.
1Sm 16,1-3 / Sl 88
Mc 2,23-28
1565: «Tata» Vasco de Quiroga, obispo de Michoacán,
precursor de las reducciones indígenas.
1982: Masacre de campesinos en Pueblo Nuevo,
2006: Evo Morales, indígena aymara, asume la
Presidencia de Bolivia.
Llena: 09h35m en Leo
1Sm 17,32-51 / Sl 143
1914: Revuelta de Juazeiro, Brasil. Victoria de los
sertanejos, comandados por el P. Cícero.
1958: Caída del último dictador de Venezuela, General
Marcos Pérez Jiménez.
1983: Segundo Francisco Guamán, quechua, mártir
de la lucha por la tierra en Ecuador.
24 Thursday
26 Saturday
2Tim 1,1-8 / Sal 95
Lc 10,1-9
Timoteo, Tito y Silas
1500: Vicente Pinzón desembarca en el Nordeste
brasileño, antes que Pedro Alvares Cabral.
1813: Nace Juan Pablo Duarte, héroe nacional, precur­
sor de la independencia dominicana.
1914: José Gabriel, «Cura Brochero», sacerdote profe­
ta entre los campesinos de Argentina.
2001: Terremoto en India con 50.000 víctimas.
1Sm 18,6-9 / Sl 55
Hch 22,3-16 / Sal 116
Mc 3,7-12 Conversión de san Pablo
Mc 16,15-18
Francisco de Sales
1835: Los negros malês organizan en Salvador la Jornada por la Unidad de los cristianos
mayor revolución urbana de Brasil.
1524: Parten de España los «doce apóstoles de
1977: Primer Congreso Indígena de Centroamérica.
México», franciscanos.
1554: Fundación de São Paulo.
1934: Nace la Universidad de São Paulo (estatal).
1984: 300.000 personas en la campaña «Directas
ya», Brasil.
Domingo 3º ordinario
Is 8,23b-9,3 / Sl26
1Cor 1,10-13.17 / Mt 4,12-23
Ángela de Mérici
1554: Pablo de Torres, obispo de Panamá, primer
exiliado de A.L. por defender al indio.
1977: Miguel Angel Nicolau, sacerdote salesiano, mártir
de la solidaridad y de la entrega a la juventud
argentina, desaparecido.
29 Tuesday
2Sm 7,4-17 / Sl 88
2Sm 5,1-10 / Sl 88
2Sm 6,12b-15.17-19 / Sl 23
Mc 4,1-20
Mc 3,22-30 Valero
Mc 3,31-35 Martina
Tomás de Aquino
1853: Nace José Martí en La Habana.
1895: José Martí comienza la guerra por la indepen- 1629: Antônio Raposo, bandeirante, destruye las
misiones guaraníes de Guaíra PR, Basil y
1979: Inauguración de la Conferencia de Puebla.
dencia de Cuba.
esclaviza a 4.000 indígenas.
1985: Primer congreso nacional del MST.
1999: El dólar llega a 2'15 reales: momento álgido de 1948: Muere asesinado Mahatma Gandhi. 60 años.
la caída de la moneda brasileña.
Día de la No-Violencia y la paz
2001: Pinochet es procesado como autor de los
Menguante: 00h03m en Escorpión
críme­nes de la "caravana de la Muerte".
Mal 3,1-4 / Sal 23
Hb 2,14-18 / Lc 2, 22-40
Presentación del Señor
1976: José Tedeschi, sacerdote obrero, mártir de los
«villeros» en Argentina. Secuestrado y muerto.
1989: Es derrocado Alfredo Stroessner, dictador de
Paraguay mediante un golpe militar incruento.
1991: Expedito Ribeiro de Souza, presidente del
Sindicato de Trabajadores Rurales, en Rio Maria,
Pará, Brasil, asesinado.
2Sm 11,1-10.13-17 / Sl 50
2Sm 7,18-19.24-29 / Sl 131
Mc 4,26-34
Mc 4,21-25 Cecilio, Viridiana
Juan Bosco
1865: La enmienda 13ª de la Constitución declara 1870: Jonathan Jasper Wright es elegido a la Corte
Suprema, primer negro que alcanza un puesto
abolida la esclavitud en EEUU.
tan alto en la judicatura de EEUU.
1980: Masacre de 40 quichés en la Embajada de
España en Guatemala: María Ramírez, Gaspar 1932: Es fusilado en San Salvador, Agustín Farabundo
Martí, junto con Alonso Luna y Mario Zapata, en
Viví y Vicente Menchú y compañeros.
vísperas de una gran insurrección campesina.
1977: Daniel Esquivel, obrero paraguayo, mártir, del
Equipo de Pastoral de inmigrantes, Argentina.
Domingo 4º ordinario
Sf 2,3;3,12-13 / Sl 145
1Cor 1,26-31 / Mt 5,1-12a
Blas y Oscar
Ansgar de Hamburgo
1795: Nace Antonio José de Sucre.
1929: Nace Camilo Torres.
Feminine Politics, Feminist Politics or Simply Politics?
Ivone Gebara
I feel ill at ease with the affirmation that is made
today, even by some feminists, about our low levels
of participation in what is commonly understood as
politics. Indeed, we can say that there is general fatigue and unrest among us women when it comes to
participating in electoral campaigns and running for
public office in the legislative, executive, and judicial
branches. We have the impression of being stuck in
useless discussions, bureaucracies, games of interest,
abstractions, negotiations, and intrigues. None of this
is a novelty in politics; what is new in politics is that
we women are beginning to publicly express what we
feel in different ways. Isn’t this type of expression
political as well? How can we understand what is happening with us?
What is commonly understood by the word “politics” seems to be limited to certain spaces and activities that touch upon a broad level of more or less
impersonal relationships. If we look at the spaces of
political, economic, and social decision-making from a
global perspective, the obvious fact is that these spaces are occupied, for the most part, by men. It is the
men that organize the economy, the armies, the wars,
the production of arms, the military interventions, the
conquest of lands, the subjugation of peoples, the
leadership in conflicts and occupations, the political
and religious crusades, the political parties, the domination of economic investment markets, etc.
Even within revolutionary movements, no substantial changes can be seen in this regard. We, “leftist”
women, were taught to forgive the stonings/beatings
that occurred along the way. We even went as far as
to consider them necessary for a much purer and just
cause. We accepted armed violence, the power struggles, the deaths of innocents, and the contempt and
humiliation of women as part of the struggle. But, why?
It is hard to answer this question, but I suspect
that the fact that these organizations had a more
masculine than feminine public history has made us
women believe that—even today—the masculine approach is more effective in confronting the historical
challenges presented by politics and human survival.
Moreover, it has made us believe that men know the
roads of History better than us women, who are seen
Camaragibe, Brazil
as simple beings associated with the upkeep of dayto-day life, and have thus left us without our own
spaces to think and develop theories. This belief is
so pervasive that we feminists have ended up scorning the micro-politics of everyday life despite the fact
that these politics have helped and continue to help
us survive in this open battle with our own selves and
with our own world. Often, the power of masculinedominated revolutionary ideas has ended up convincing us that actions taken to denounce concrete, contextualized, and localized injustices and inequalities
are not truly revolutionary, unlike efforts to modify
structures. For example, helping women understand
the right to equal citizenship, to a healthy sexual life,
or to food free of toxins are not considered politics because, according to male revolutionaries, they do not
affect the structures. In the same manner, denouncing
the growing number of femicides, domestic violence,
the sexual trafficking of young women, and the corruption of young people by the media would also be
far from affecting the structures. Women’s movements
against US’s war and occupation in Iraq and other
countries, against arms production, against political
disappearances, against the abuse of prisoners, and
against religious repression of the female body are
considered to be peripheral to structural change. But
what exactly are the “structures?” It seems we are
face to face with an almost magical and “all powerful” word, an absolute and inflexible concept, a word
that judges our actions, a “sacred” word of masculine
power before which we bow down without even knowing why. Are we all—including us women—dependent
on one sole interpretive catechism of human relationships, a catechism that, despite some recognized
value, has converted a complex reality into a sectarian
and reductionist interpretation?
• Beyond this reflection on “structures,” the rise
of women in powerful political and economic positions
has been analyzed frequently as a sign of progress by
feminine politics and as a positive sign for the feminist struggle. However, if this observation has some
truth to it, it is also necessary to problematize it so
as not to fall into simplistic analysis. In the face of
the difficulties that we have encountered when intro-
it theoretically.
• My questions are aimed at the viability of our
values and the way in which we can live them out on
a day-to-day basis...
As women, we continue to maintain political conceptions that put their stake in masculine ideals of
perfect societies, of a new earth and heaven, of complete purity, of radical transparency, and of a kingdom
of justice. It is as if we believed, without publicly
recognizing it, by way of analogy, in an absolute
God—with unquestionable masculine characteristics—
who would be the only one capable of restoring human
relationships in our History. He would know beforehand what our History should be like and what needed
to be done so that it could be made into a Paradise,
a land where “milk and honey” flow. Would this be a
God disguised as a revolutionary, an accomplice of the
left, one who would egg you on to an arduous struggle
without giving you the right to taste the immediate
and provisional delicacies of our existence? Would this
absolutist being be the pre-established law that is always quick to judge our actions and to give us refuge,
but only on condition of remaining loyal to its plans?
Has the criticism of religion from the left become an
unconfessed dogmatic religion itself?
Despite our dissatisfaction with what we do, we
continue to directly or indirectly support analyses and
actions that lead to murders and deaths, to discrimination, to penalization, to abuse, to the construction
of hierarchies, and to imprisonment in the name of human ideals or in the name of struggles waged against
unjust “structures” that sustain the domination of
capitalism and all its variations. The question is: why
do we continue to construct impossible ideals for our
current human reality and why do we continue to sacrifice ourselves for them even when we recognize the
difficulty of living them?
• I believe it is time that we women rouse ourselves from our lethargy, from our low self-esteem,
from our acritical political convictions, and from our
idolatry! I believe it is time to remember anew our
common mortal condition and to understand that it is
in her, from her, and for her that we live.
Let’s remember Achilles’ tendon, Samson’s hair, the
fragility of Adam, the thinness of Holophernes, God’s
birth and ire, and the fear of Jesus! Everything is
fragile, extremely fragile!
Translated by Sheila Hong
ducing alternative politics in a world dominated by
cultural and economic globalization, such an analysis
is more and more necessary. The more popular current
alternatives in Latin America, considered “leftist,”
have shown their retrograde façade and dependency on
the same imperialist system.
• Both men and women are in danger of replicating a separation between masculine and feminine
politics similar to that between the right and the left.
Through the media, above all, this new political dualism has begun to accentuate old preconceived notions
and to make difficult the development of common
shared responsibilities.
• The access to political power by some women
in Latin America should not create the expectations
that, just because they are women, they will introduce
different models of exercising political power, even if
they are able to acquire more equality and equilibrium
in representation. This attitude seems naïve and dangerous to me because, once again, the responsibility
of creating a different, more just and equal political
power falls upon women. We fully know that this task,
which should change and be continuously renovated
within each culture, context, and historical moment, is
the shared responsibility of both men and women.
Lately, I have been wondering whether we men
and women—especially middle-class intellectuals—
aren’t more responsible than we think for the maintenance of unjust politics, the politics of exploitation
of some groups over others and of some groups over
ecosystems, etc.
This is due to the fact that, without meaning to,
deep down inside us, during our day-to-day lives,
we end up betting on politics that guarantee the
economic stability of our sons and daughters. This
happens through the maintenance of a private and
public education which allows our children to climb
up socially recognized positions within the current
system. These are the politics which we all obey: poor
men and women, men and women of the middle class,
those who think they have a political conscience, and
those who seem to only be preoccupied with the immediate well-being of their family. A more dignified
future seems very uncertain. Because of this, we do
not risk the security of this unjust present. We do not
challenge this unjust present today, and we will not
challenge it tomorrow. We practically adapt ourselves
to that which exists, even as we continue to criticize
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
21222324 252627
28 29 30 31
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
4 Monday
2Sm 15,13-14.30;16,5-13a
2Sm 18,9-10.14b.24-25.20-19,3
Sl 3 / Mc 5,1-20 Águeda
Sl 85 / Mc 5,21-43
Andrés Corsino
1794: Liberación de los esclavos en Haití. Primera 1977: La Guardia Somocista destruye la comunidad
ley abolicionista en América Latina.
contemplativa de Solentiname, comprometida
1927: La columna Prestes se refugia en Bolivia.
con la revolución de Nicaragua.
1979: Benjamín Didincué, líder indígena mártir por la 1988: Francisco Domingo Ramos, líder sindical en
defensa de la tierra en Colombia.
Pancas, Brasil, asesinado por encargo de los
1979: Masacre de Cromotex, Lima (Perú). 6 obreros
«fazendeiros». 20 años.
muertos y decenas de heridos.
1981: Masacre de Chimaltenango (Guatemala). 68
campesinos muertos.
1992: Intento de golpe de estado en Venezuela.
6 Wednesday
Miércoles de Ceniza
Jl 2,12-18 / Sl 50
Pablo Miki
2Cor 5,20-6,2 / Mt 6,1-6.16-18
1694: Zumbí y los suyos, asediados en Palmares, ya
sin pólvora, huyen a la selva.
1916: Muere Rubén Darío, nicaragüense, príncipe de
las letras castellanas.
1992: Fallece Sergio Méndez Arceo, obispo de Cuer­
navaca, México, Patriarca de la Solidaridad.
1997: El Congreso ecuatoriano, con el 95% de los
votos, destituye al presidente Abdalá Bucaram
en dos días de huelga nacional masiva.
Eclipse de sol, visible en Australia y Antártida
Nueva: 23 h44m en Acuario
7 Thursday
9 Saturday
Is 58,9b-14 / Sl 85
Lc 5,27-32
Miguel Febres Cordero
Comienzo del Año Chino (Yüan Tan).
1977: Agustín Goiburú, médico, Paraguay.
1985: Felipe Balam Tomás, religioso misionero, servidor
de los pobres, mártir, Guatemala.
1995: Diamantino García Acosta, cura jornalero an­da­luz
identificado con los pobres, fundador del Sindicato
de Obreros del Campo, «Entrepueblos» y la
Asociación pro DDHH de Andalucía.
Is 58,1-9a / Sl 50
Dt 30,15-20 /sl 1
Mt 9,14-15
Lc 9,22-25 Jerónimo Emiliani
1712: Rebelión de los esclavos en Nueva York.
1756: Masacre de Sepé Tiarajú y 1500 indios de la 1812: Gran represión contra los habitantes de los
República Guara­ní, en Caiboaté, São Gabriel, RS,
quilombos de Rosario, Brasil.
Brasil, por el ejército de España y Portugal.
1974: Independencia de Granada. Fiesta nacional.
1986: Abandona Haití Jean Claude Duvalier, después
de 29 años de dictadura familiar.
1990: Raynal Sáenz, sacerdote, Perú.
Domingo 1º de Cuaresma
Gn 2,7-9;3,1-7 / Sl 50
Rm 5,12-19 / Mt 4,1-11
1986: Alberto Königsknecht, obispo de Juli, Perú,
muerto en accidente sospechoso, amenazado
de muerte por su opción por los pobres.
11 Monday
Lv 19,1-2.11-18 / Sl 18
Mt 25,31-46
1990: Tras 27 años de cárcel es liberado Nelson
Mandela, exponente máximo de la resistencia
negra internacional contra el Apartheid.
1998: Las comunidades Negras del Medio Atrato
(Colombia) consiguen un título colectivo de
695.000 Has de tierra. 10 años
Día mundial del enfermo
12 Tuesday
Is 55,10-11 / Sl 33
Mt 6,7-15
1541: Pedro de Valdivia funda Santiago de Chile.
1542: Orellana llega al Amazonas.
1545: Llegan los conquistadores a las minas de plata de
Potosí, donde morirán 8 millones de indios.
1817: San Martín derroca a las fuerzas realistas en
1818: Independencia de Chile.
1894: El ejército nicaragüense ocupa Bluefields y
ane­xiona el territorio de la Mosquitia.
1905: Nacimiento de Federica Montseny.
2005: Dorothy Stang, mártir de la ecología, asesinada
por orden de los terratenientes, Anapú, Brasil.
Jon 3,1-10 / Sl 50
Lc 11,29-32
Año Nuevo Tibetano.
1976: Francisco Soares, sacerdote, mártir de la justicia
entre los pobres de Argentina.
1982: Santiago Miller, hermano de La Salle nortea­
mericano, mártir de la educación liberadora en
la Iglesia indígena guatemalteca.
Creciente: 22h33m en Tauro.
14 Thursday
16 Saturday
Dt 26,16-19 / Sl 118
Mt 5,43-48
Juliana y Onésimo
1981: Albino Amarilla, líder campesino y catequista,
muerto a manos del ejército, mártir del pueblo
1985: Alí Primera, poeta y cantor venezolano de la
justicia para el pueblo latinoamericano.
1986: Mauricio Demierre, cooperante suizo, y
ñeras campesinas, asesinados por la
contrarrevolución, Nicaragua.
Est 1,1.3-5.2-14 / Sl 137
Ez 18,21-28 / Sl 129
Valentín, Cirilo y Metodio
Mt 7,7-12 Claudio
Mt 5,20-26
1992: Rick Julio Medrano, religioso, mártir de la Iglesia 1600: José de Acosta, misionero, historiador y defensor
perseguida de Guatemala.
de la cultura indígena. Perú.
1998: Manuel Pérez Martínez, sacerdote español 1966: Camilo Torres, sacerdote, mártir de las luchas
muere en la guerrilla colombiana del ELN.
de liberación del pueblo, Colombia.
1981: Juan Alonso Hernández, sacerdote mártir entre
Día de la amistad
los campesinos de Guatemala.
1991: Ariel Granada, misionero colombiano asesinado
por las guerrillas en Massangulu,Mozambique.
1992: María Elena Moyano, dirigente popular mártir
de la paz, en Villa El Salvador, Perú.
2003: «Primera manifestación social mundial»: 15
millo­nes de personas en 600 ciudades, contra
la guerra de EEUU contra Irak.
Domingo 2º de Curesma
Gn 12,1-4a / Sl 32
2Tm 1,8b-10 / Mt 17,1-9
Fundadores Servitas
1997: 1300 militantes del MST parten de São Paulo
rumbo a Brasilia, por la reforma agraria.
1997: Muere Darcy Ribeiro, escritor militante, antropó­
logo brasileño, senador.
18 Monday
19 Tuesday
Dn 9,4b-10 / Sl 78
Is 1,10.16-20 / Sl49
Lc 6,36-38 Alvaro y Conrado
Mt 23,1-12
1519: Hernán Cortés parte de Cuba para la conquista 1590: Bernardino de Sahagún, misionero en México,
de México.
protector de la cultura de nuestros pueblos.
1546: Muere Martín Lutero en Alemania.
1990: Los estudiantes toman la Universidad del Estado
1853: Félix Varela, luchador de la causa de la inde­
de Tennesee, tradicionalmente afroa­merica­na,
pendendencia cubana.
para exigir igual tratamiento económico.
1984: Edgar Fernando García, activista social,
d o ilegalmente y desaparecido en
Jr 18,18-20 / Sl 30
Eleuterio, Rasmus Jensen
Mt 20,17-28
1524: Hoy, «el día 1-Ganel, fueron destruidos los
quichés por los hombres de Castilla», testimonia
el Memorial de Sololá.
1974: Domingo Laín, sacerdote mártir de las luchas
de liberación, Colombia.
1978: El decreto 1142 ordena en Colombia tener en
cuenta la lengua y la cultura de los indios.
Eclipse total de Luna, visible en Europa.
Llena: 22 h30m en Virgo.
21 Thursday
22 Friday
1Pe 5,1-4 / Sal 22
Mq 7,14-15.18-20 / Sl 102
Cátedra de Pedro
Mt 16,13-19 Bartolomé, Policarpo,
Lc 15,1-3.11-32
1910: Intervención de los marines en Nicaragua.
1979: Independencia de Santa Lucía, Caribe.
1936: Elías Beauchamp e Hiram Rosado del Partido
1990: Campesinos mártires de Iquicha, Perú.
Nacionalista de Puerto Rico ajustician al coronel
Riggs, por la muerte de cuatro nacionalistas.
1970: Independencia de Guyana.
Jr 17,5-10 / Sl 1
Pedro Damián
Lc 16,19-31
1934: Augusto C. Sandino, líder popular nicaragüense,
asesinado a traición por Somoza.
1965: Es asesinado Malcom X, líder liberacionista
afroamericano, en EEUU.
1985: Campesinos crucificados en Xeatzan, en medio
de la pasión del pueblo guatemalteco.
Domingo 3º de Cuaresma
Ex 17,3-7 / Sl 94
Rm 5,1-2.5-8 / Jn 4,5-42
Matías Apóstol, Sergio.
1821: Plan de Iguala. Proclamación de la Independencia
de México.
1920: Nancy Astor, primera mujer elegida parlamentaria, hace su primer discurso en Londres.
25 Monday
26 Tuesday
Dn 3,25.34-43 / Sl 24
2Re 5,1-15a / Sl 41
Mt 18,21-35
Lc 4,24-30 Paula Montal, Alejandro
Justo y Valero,
1550: Antonio de Valdivieso, obispo de Nicaragua,
Isabel Fedde
mártir en la defensa del indígena.
Día Nacional de la Dignidad de las víctimas del conflicto
1885: Las potencias europeas se reparten entre ellas el
armado, Guatemala.
continente africano, en el acuerdo de Berlín.
1778: Nace José de San Martín. 230 años.
1965: Jimmie Lee Jackson, activista negro de los dere1980: Golpe militar en Suriname.
chos civiles, muere golpeado por la policía.
1982: Tucapel Jiménez, 60 años, mártir de las luchas
1992: Muere José Alberto Llaguno, obispo, apóstol
de los sindicalistas chilenos.
inculturado de los indios Tarahumara, México.
1985: Guillermo Céspedes, militante y revolucionario,
mártir de la lucha del pueblo colombiano.
1989: Caincoñen, indio toba, asesinado por defender
su tierra, en Formosa, Argentina.
1990: Derrota electoral del FSLN en Nicaragua.
Dt 4,1.5-9 / Sl 147
Mt 5,17-19
Gabriel de la Dolorosa
1844: República Dominicana se independiza de Haití.
Fiesta nacional.
1989: El «caracazo»: 400 muertos y 2000 heridos.
1998: Jesús Mª Valle Jaramillo, 4º presidente asesina­do
de la Comisión de DDHH, Antioquia, Colombia.
10 años.
2005: 40 de los 57 países miembros del Convenio
Mundial contra el tabaquismo comienzan a quedar
jurídicamente vinculados.
Jr 7,23-28 / Sl 94
Os 14,2-10 / Sl 80
Lc 11,14-23
Mc 12,28b-34
2004: El 29 de febrero sale Aristide de Haití ante el
1924: Los marines ocupan Tegucigalpa.
avance de la resistencia militar alzada.
1985:Guillermo Céspedes Siabato, laico comprometido
en Cristianos por el Socialismo y las CEBs, obrero,
maestro, poeta. Asesinado por el ejército.
1989: Teresita Ramírez, de la Compañía de María,
asesinada en Cristales, Colombia.
1989: Miguel Angel Benítez, sacerdote, Colombia.
Menguante: 21 h18m en Sagitario.
1 Saturday
Os 6,1-6 / Sal 50
Lc 18,9-14
Rosendo, Albino
Jorge Herbert
1739: Se firma en Jamaica un tratado de paz de 15
puntos entre cimarrones y blancos.
1954: Lolita Lebrón, Irving Flores, Andrés Figueroa y
Rafael Cancel atacan el Congreso de EEUU para
llamar la atención sobre Puerto Rico colonial.
1959: Nacimiento de la CLAR, Confederación Latinoa­
mericana de Religiosos.
Domingo 4º de Cuaresma
1Sm 16,1b.6-7.10-13a / Sl 22
Ef 5,8-14 / Jn 9,1-41
Juan y Carlos Wesley
1791: Muere John Wesley en Inglaterra.
1897: Tercer ataque contra Canudos, Brasil.
1963: Goulart promulga el Estatuto de los Trabajadores,
un avance en el momento, Brasil.
Translated by Richard Renshaw
The topic “Politics and Cultures” includes two
questions: first, what is the role of politics in different
cultures and, second, what is the role of politics in
relation to the whole question of cultures?
Culture includes experiences and practices that
embrace imagination and symbol, material and the
spiritual, intellectual and organizational dimensions.
Constantly new cultural learning and invention allow
us to live in different environments: in tropical heat
and northern cold, in deserts and jungles. Cultures are
historical and social constructions that are inherited
and transmitted. They are part of the human condition. In the course of evolution, we as human beings
have become cultural beings without ceasing to be
part of nature. All of us live our humanity culturally
and biologically.
Culture and Nature
Culture is like an artist: creative and destructive at
the same time. The artist called “culture” is mounted
on the strong, obstinate, and yet wise donkey that
is “nature.” Using sugar and the whip, the artist attempts to speed up the trot of the donkey or to turn
it from its routine path. The donkey seems vindictive
and, at the same time, wise and mysterious. It always
tries to turn back to the proven paths or to make the
artist pay a high price for his or her whims.
In every period of history, the artist manages to
unveil some of the mysteries of this donkey called nature and to live in harmony with it. Human happiness
is not however based only on a passing harmony with
nature. Beyond the ecological condition, human happiness always has its social and psychic requirements.
Politics is in its service.
Indigenous Cultures and Modernity
In indigenous cultures, politics, social relationships, economics, and religion make up the whole of
a unified system. Any specific group of Guaraní has a
Guaraní economy and practices a Guaraní religion and
family life. In their case, engaging in politics means
involvement in an activity fully integrated within
Guaraní culture. In the modern world, various spheres
with relative autonomy are separated out from the
overarching cultural world. Beyond the field of politics
there are other cultural fields such as economics, reli78
Paulo Suess
São Paulo, Brazil
gion, social organization through laws, the workplace,
entertainment, and institutions. Various cultures can
exist within the modern State and frequently various
religions and ideologies co-exist within a modern culture. Politics as a subsystem continues to be a cultural
activity within a specific culture. As a meta-culture, it
is capable of constructing a common denominator that
mediates the tensions between different cultures.
Ambivalence and Eroticism in Politics
In this multiple complexity of the modern world,
the politics of a constitutional State tries to exercise
the role of coordinating, ordering, and unifying the
co-existence of everyone around life’s common tasks
so as to provide a maximum of freedom and equality.
In opposition to the biological and cultural characteristics of aggressiveness and inequality in the human species, intercultural freedom and equality are
the achievements of the art of politics and are always
being threatened by regression to barbarity or what
Freud called the “death instinct.” In Christianity, the
death instinct is described in a general way through
the empirical and ontological realism of the doctrine
of “original sin” in contrast to an idealism that propounds the natural goodness of the human species or
of nature. The human panorama is made up not only
of flowers but also of thorns. Politics does not have
the task of eliminating human ambivalence. The price
for its elimination would be very high and has concrete names: terror, Manichaeism, and inquisition. As
a cultural activity, politics tries to control or soften
the ambivalence of which it is a part. For that reason,
politics needs structures of self-control and mechanisms of external control, as do all the other cultural
subsystems. Only under these conditions can it fulfill
its task to unite and coordinate humanity around its
common objective to construct life for all. According
to Freud, the instinct that attempts to strengthen and
unite persons against the death instinct (Thanatos)
is called Eros. By protecting us against the destructive and aggressive will of culture and nature, Eros is
the great politician of humanity. Politics is an erotic
activity that always takes place in a field that is full
of conflict. Because of this conflictive ambivalence,
“the discontent of civilization” (Freud) is part of every
cultural subsystem and therefore also of religion, economics, and politics.
The Globalized World
The consequences of structural discontent in politics can be seen in the globalized world that is both
transnational and intercultural. Antagonistic social
classes have been submerged in an anonymity of institutions, in which insurance companies, capital, and
business foundations participate. They are directed not
by “owners” but by “executives” who include laborers
and union members as stakeholders who look for profit
based on the exploitation of their own class.
Through mechanisms of “voluntary servitude” and
the imperatives of profitability, the globalized world
has submitted everyone to a repressive integration,
including those who are the so-called excluded. This
summary inclusion, with its structural opaqueness,
has created a new form of apartheid between invisible
social classes. The inclusive character and ambivalence
of the world system, of which we are part, makes us all
responsible for the capital sins (those of capital) such
as exclusion, unemployment, ecological plundering,
(domestic or systematic) hegemony, and exploitation.
The New Role of Politics
Those who are part of the problem can also participate in the solution if only they manage to envision a politics that goes beyond the former national
State. In this perspective, politics has a double task:
first, one that is meta-cultural, that is to say, one that
guarantees the co-existence and orientation toward
the common good between cultures and within each of
them and, second, an inter-creational role dedicated
to caring for the harmony between the whole of nature
in the universe. That harmony is attributed to divine
creation as such and to the different entities that
have evolved within it both in the natural world and
among human beings. In the processes of evolution,
humanity moved beyond the simple processes of biological reproduction and programming. We came out
of the water and mud. We broke the chains of genetic
slavery. But then we submitted our fellow creatures
to social slavery. We achieved the liberating rhythm
of our poetry but tolerated social oppression. From a
cry we fashioned a song but we did not free ourselves
from the cries of the Lord, who is of our species, or
from biological or social pain. How can we transform
the intercultural and transnational cry that arises in
this globalized world so that it becomes a transna-
tional political agenda?
Politics in a globalized world does not necessarily have to move toward a new centralization. In the
history of modernity, various hegemonic centralizations were successively defeated. This included not
only empires but also ideologies. Geo-centrism, for
example, placed the Earth at the center of creation.
It was refuted by Copernicus. Then Luther came along
and undid the ecclesiocentric nature of the Catholic
Church. Finally an anthropocentrism that placed a
dominating and destructive humanity—with its instrumental rationality in the face of nature—at the pinnacle was brought down by Darwin.
Now, grounded in the cry of creation, of which
humanity forms a part, a new “centrism” is emerging
that is all-encompassing and urgent. We can call it
“biocentrism.” It will be a shared political standard
that unites culture and nature, a standard for humanity in relation to its natural ancestry. Today politics
has this universal and central horizon that necessarily
questions the old centrisms and paradigms that were
considered achievements at an earlier stage, including
the paradigm of economic growth, of development,
and of an autonomy that turned into hegemony. How
can we transform the intercultural and transnational
cry coming from a globalized world—which outmaneuvers the national State and its few socio-cultural
loyalties—so that it becomes a transnational political
agenda in which all citizens can participate?
The centrality of life, bio-centrism, is not going to
be defended by hegemonic and centralized institutional powers. We can envision a political poly-centrism
based on the principle of coordinated subsidiarity,
beyond the national State and beyond a world dictatorship. We need to strengthen Eros so as to put into
motion the struggle for the centrality of life for all,
not at the cost of nature, but in harmony with it and
beginning with the poor. By articulating the principles
of subsidiarity and of solidarity, based on the centrality of life for all and under the rigorous and permanent control of civil society, politics can take up the
function of facilitator, regulator—on the basis of law
and a monopoly on the legitimate use of force—and
builder of co-existence between cultures and nature.
Today, the goal of politics—natural and planetary at
the same time—is the articulation of an ecological
equilibrium of the planet Earth combined with a social-cultural equilibrium of States and Nations.
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29
1 2 3 4 5 6
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
28 29 30
3 Monday
Is 65,17-21 / Sl 20
Emeterio, Celedonio, Marino
Jn 4,43-54
1908: Natalicio de Juan Antonio Corretjer, poeta puer­
torriqueño, fundador de la Liga Socialista.
1982: Hipólito Cervantes Arceo, sacerdote mexicano
mártir de la solidaridad con los exiliados.
1982: Emiliano Pérez Obando, delegado de la Palabra,
mártir de la revolución nicaragüense.
2000: Regresa a Chile el dictador Pinochet después
de 503 días de detención en Londres.
2005: La OMC condena los subsidios de EEUU a su
algodón, que perjudican el libre comercio.
5 Wednesday
Is 49,8-15 / Sl 144
Ez 47,1-9.12 / Sl 45
Jn 5,17-30
Jn 5,1-3.5-16 Adrián
1962: EEUU comienza a operar un reactor nuclear 1996: 3000 familias en la mayor ocupación del MST,
en Curionópolis, Brasil.
en la Antártida.
1970: Antonia Martínez Lagares, mártir de la lucha
universitaria de 1970, asesinada, Puerto Rico.
1990: Nahamán Carmona, niño de la calle, muerto a
golpes por la policía, en Guatemala.
2004: La armada argentina reconoce por primera vez
que realizó torturas durante la dictadura.
6 Thursday
Ex 32,7-14 / Sl 105
Jn 5,31-47
Olegario, Rosa de Viterbo
1817: Revolución de Pernambuco, Brasil.
1854: Es abolida la esclavitud en Ecuador.
1996: Pascuala Rosado Cornejo, fundadora de la comunidad autogestionaria de Huaycán, asesinada,
por el terrorismo, Lima.
2005: La Corte Suprema argentina confirma la prisión
perpetua de Arancibia Clavel por su asesi­nato
del general chileno Prats en 1974, como delito
de lesa humanidad, imprescriptible.
8 Saturday
Sb 2,1a.12-22 / Sl 33
Jn 7,1-2.25-30 Juan de Dios
Perpetua y Felicidad
Tomás de Aquino
1524: Hoy, «el día 7-Qat, los reyes Ahpop y Ahpop
Qamahay fueron quemados por Tunatiuh (Pedro
de Alvarado). El corazón de Tunatiuh no tenía
compasión» (Anales de los Cakchi­queles).
1994: Joaquín Carregal, Remigio Morel, Pedro Medina
y Daniel de la Sierra, sacerdotes de la dióceis de
Quilmes, Argentina, profetas de la justicia.
Nueva: 12h14m en Piscis
Jr 11,18-20 / Sl 7
Jn 7,40-53
Día internacional de la mujer. Establecido en 1910.
El 8 de marzo de 1857 fueron muertas muchas trabajadoras de la confección, de Nueva York, que exigían
mejores condiciones de trabajo y derecho al voto.
Domingo 5º de Cuaresma
Ez 37,12-14 / Sl 129
Rm 8,8-11 / Jn 11,1-45
Domingo Savio
Francisca Romana
1989: 500 familias ocupan una hacienda y son
expul­sadas por la policía militar: 400 heridos,
22 presos. Brasil.
10 Monday
11 Tuesday
Dn 13,1-9.15-17.19-30.33-62
Nm 21,4-9 / Sl 101
Sl 22 / Jn 8,1-11 Constantino, Vicente, Ramiro
Jn 8,21-30
1928: Elías del Socorro Nieves, agustino, y Jesús y Do- 1797: Derrotados por los ingleses, los garífunas de San
lores Sierra, laicos, asesinados en la Revolución
Vicente son deportados a Honduras.
de los Cristeros proclamando su fe. 80 años.
1914: Apertura del canal de Panamá.
1990: La dictadura de Pinochet da paso a una demo­cra­
cia «concertada». Asume Patricio Aylwin.
2004: Atentado terrorista de un grupo islámico en
Madrid. 200 muertos y más de 1400 heridos.
12 Wednesday
Dn 3,14-20.91-92.95
Int. Dn 3/ Jn 8,31-42
Inocencio, Gregorio
1977: Rutilio Grande, párroco, y Manuel y Nelson,
campesinos, mártires en El Salvador.
1994: La Iglesia anglicana ordena sacerdotes en Bristol
a un primer grupo de 32 mujeres.
2005: Argentina entrega a Chile a Paul Schaefer, exnazi
colaborador de Pinochet en «Colonia Dignidad»,
acusado de desapariciones, torturas y abusos
sexuales contra menores.
13 Thursday
Gn 17,3-9 / Sl 104
Jn 8,51-59
Rodrigo, Salomón, Eulogio
1957: José Antonio Echeverría, estudiante, de Acción
Católica, mártir de las luchas de liberación de
Cuba contra la dictadura de Batista. 50 años.
1983: Marianela García, abogada de los pobres,
fundadora de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos,
mártir de la justicia en El Salvador. 25 años.
1998: María Leide Amorim, líder campesina de los sin
tierra, asesinada en Manaus en represalia por haber
dirigido una ocupación del MST. 10 años.
Jer 20,10-13 / Sl 17
Jn 10,31-42
1549: Muere el santo negro franciscano San Antonio
de Cathegeró.
1795: El líder garífuna Joseph Satuyé muere frente a
los ingleses en la IIª Guerra del Caribe.
1849: Llegan a Bluefieds (Nicaragua) los misioneros
moravos que evangelizarán la Mosquitia.
1997: Declaración de Curitiba: Día internacional de acción
contra las represas, y por el agua y la vida.
Creciente: 05h46m en Géminis.
15 Saturday
Ez 37,21-28 / Int. Jer 31
Jn 11,45,57
Luisa de Marillac
1951:Muere en Viedma, Argentina, Artemides Zatti, salesiano, el «enfermero santo de la Patagonia».
1961: Se crea la Alianza para el Progreso.
1986: Antonio Chaj Solís, pastor, Manuel de Jesús
Recinos y compañeros, militantes evangélicos,
mártires del servicio en Guatemala.
1995:Condenan a 30 años al general Luis García Meza,
por crímenes cometidos tras su golpe de Estado
en 1980 en Bolivia. Primer caso de detención de
los militares golpistas latinoamericanos.
Domingo de Ramos
Is 50,4-7 / Sl 21
Fil 2,6-11 / Mt 26,14-27
Raimundo de Fitero
1630: Benkos Biohó, líder y héroe negro en la lucha
por la libertad, Colombia.
1977: Antonio Olivo y Pantaleón Romero, mártires de
la justicia entre los campesinos de Perugorría,
18 Tuesday
Is 42,1-7 / Sl 26
Is 49,1-6 / Sl 70
Jn 12,1-11 Cirilo de Jerusalén
Jn 13,21-33.36-38
1871: Comuna de París, primera revolución obrera
1973: Alexandre Vanucchi, estudiante y militante
de la historia.
cristiano, asesinado por la policía, Brasil.
1907: Desembarco de marines en Honduras.
1982: Jacobus Andreas Koster, «Koos», y compañeros
1938: El presidente mexicano Lázaro Cárdenas
periodistas, mártires por la verdad en América
decreta la nacionalización del petróleo.
Latina, El Salvador.
1981: Presentación Ponce, delegado de la Palabra,
1990: María Mejía, madre campesina quiché, de Acción
y compañeros, mártires, Nicara­­gua.
Católica, asesinada en Sacapulas, Guatemala.
1989: Neftalí Liceta, sacerdote, y Amparo Escobedo,
religiosa, y compañeros, testigos del Dios de la
Vida entre los pobres de Perú.
19 Wednesday
Is 50,4-9 / Sl 68
Mt 26,14-25
1849: Revolución del Quemado, Brasil. Más de 200
negros proclaman la liberación de los esclavos.
1915: Levantamiento de Qhishwas y Aymaras en Perú
encabezados por Rumi Maka.
1980: Primer Encuentro de Pastoral Afroamericana,
en Buenaventura, Colombia.
1991: Felisa Urrutia, carmelita vedruna, asesinada en
Cauga, Venezuela, mártir del servicio.
20 Thursday
Ex 12,1-8.11-14 / Sl 115
1Cor 11,23-26 / Jn 13,1-15
1838: El gobierno de Sergipe (Brasil) prohibe asistir a la
escuela a los «africanos», esclavos o libres, y a los
portadores de enfermedades contagiosas.
1982: Golpe de Estado de Rios Montt, Guatemala.
1995: Menche Ruiz, catequista, profeta y poeta popu­lar,
misionero fiel de las CEBs de El Salvador.
2003: Comienza la invasión de EEUU contra Irak, al
margen de las Naciones Unidas. 5 años.
Equinocio, de primavera en el Norte,
de otoño en el sur, a las 0h48m.
Is 52,13-53,12 / Sl 30
Hb 4,14-16;5,7-9 / Jn 18,1-19,42
Filemón, Nicolás
Año nuevo Baha'í
Día forestal mundial.
1806: Nace Benito Juárez,Oaxaca, México.
1937: Masacre de Ponce, Puerto Rico.
1975: Carlos Dormiak, sacerdote salesiano, asesinado
por su línea liberadora, Argentina.
1977: Rodolfo Aguilar, párroco, 29 años, mártir de la
liberación del pueblo mexicano.
1987: Luz Marina Valencia, religiosa, mártir de la justicia
entre los campesinos de México.
Día internacional contra la discriminación racial
Llena: 13h40m en Libra
22 Saturday
Gn 1,1-2,2 / Gn 22,1-18 / Ex 14,15-15,1
Is 54,5-14 / Is 55,1-11 / Ba 3,9-15.32-4,4
Ez 36,16-28 / Rm 6,3-11 / Mt 28,1-10
Bienvenido, Lea
1873: Abolición de la esclavitud en Puerto Rico.
1980: Luis Espinal, sacerdote y periodista, mártir de
las luchas del pueblo boliviano.
1988: Rafael Hernández, campesino, mártir de la lucha
por la tierra, México. 20 años.
Día internacional del agua
Domingo de PASCUA
Hch 10,34-43 / Sl 117
Col 3,1-4 / Jn 20,1-9
Toribio de Mogrovejo
1606: Toribio de Mogrovejo, arzobispo de Lima, pastor
del pueblo inca, profeta en la Iglesia colonial.
1976: María del Carmen Maggi, profesora, mártir de
la educación liberadora, Argentina.
2003: Rachel Corrie (23) estadounidense asesina­da por
una aplanadora militar israelí en Rafah, voluntaria
del International Soli­darity Movement.
2005: Chile reconoce el ase­sinato de Carmelo Soria
en 1976 por la dictadura.
25 Tuesday
Hch 3,1-10 / Sl 104
Hch 2,36-41 / Sl 32
Lc 24,13-35
Jn 20,11-18 Braulio
José Oriol
1986: Donato Mendoza, delegado de la Palabra y Día mundial del teatro.
1918: Las mujeres canadienses conquistan el voto.
compañeros, mártires de la fe entre sus hermanos 1989: María Gómez, maestra catequista mártir del
1976: Golpe militar de Jorge Videla contra Isabel
pobres de Nicaragua.
servicio a su pueblo Simití en Colombia.
Perón en Argentina.
1991: Argentina, Brasil, Paraguay y Uruguay fir­man el
1980: «San Romero de América», arzobispo de San
Tratado de Asunción, constituyendo el Mercosur.
Salvador, profeta y mártir.
1998: Onalício Araujo Barros y Valentin Serra, líderes
2004: Kirchner convierte la ESMA, centro de tortura de
del MST, ejecutados por los fazendeiros en
la dictadura argentina, en Museo de la Me­mo­ria. El
Parauapebas, Pará, Brasil.
terrorismo de Estado asesinó a 4.000 ciudadanos
y desapa­reció a 30.000.
Visite hoy la página de Romero y sus homilías:
Hch 2,14.22-23 / Sl 15
Mt 28,8-15
Hch 3,11-26 / Sl 8
Hch 4,1-12 / Sl 117
Lc 24,35-48 Sixto
Jn 21,1-14
1502: Llega Colón a Cariari, Costa Rica.
1750: Nace Francisco de Miranda en Caracas.
1984: Los Txukahamãe bloquean una carretera prin­ 1985. Héctor Gómez Calito, defensor de derechos
cipal exigiendo sus tierras en el Xingú.
humanos, capturado, torturado y brutalmente
asesinado en Guatemala.
1988: 14 indígenas tikunas asesinados y 23 heridos
por el maderero Oscar Castelo Branco y 20
pistoleros. Reunidos en Benjamin Constant,
Brasil, esperaban la ayuda de la FUNAI frente
a las amenazas del maderero. 20 años.
29 Saturday
Hch 4,13-21 / Sl 117
Mc 16,9-15
Beatriz de Silva
Juan Nielsen Hauge
1904: Nace Consuelo Lee Corretjer, revolucionaria,
poeta y maestra, líder del movimiento indepen­
dentista puertorriqueño.
1967: Brota por primera vez petróleo en la Amazonía
1985: Rafael y Eduardo Vergara Toledo, mártires de la
resistencia contra la dictadura en Chile.
Menguante: 16h47m en Capricornio
Domingo 2º de Pascua
Hch 2,42-47 / Sl 117
1Pe 1,3-9 / Jn 20,19-31
Gladys, Juan Clímaco
1492: Decreto de los Reyes Católicos que expulsa de
España a los judíos.
1870: Los hombres afroamericanos ganan el voto en
EEUU: ratificación de la 15ª enmienda.
1985: José Manuel Parada, sociólogo, Santiago Natino,
estudiante y Manuel Guerrero, líder sindical,
Santiago de Chile.
An Ecological Vision of politics
Manuel Gonzalo
Buenos Aires, Argentina
foundation to a grave concern. Taking care of the
Something extraordinary came from the dark side planet was no longer a job for crazy people or poets,
of the Moon. In December of 1968, on board Apollo 8, but an urgent, and dramatic duty, impossible to postWilliam Anders captured something historic. For the
pone. The recent report from Paris, Climate Change
first time, Earth was photographed in brilliant color,
2007, holds human beings primarily responsible for
emerging from the sterile lunar soil.
this climatic disequilibrium.
A Global Vision
“The Blue Planet”—as Frank Borman, the comIn 1866, the Prussian biologist Ernst Haeckel
mander of the vessel, would call it—was lost in the
coined the term “ecology” to study the relationships
obscurity of the galactic depths. Our planet looked
that organisms maintain with their environment and
like a small dingy sailing upon the ocean. Its smallwith other species. A new vision was being born that
ness was notorious. The three astronauts felt a deep
sense of fragility at the same time as they were capti- went beyond the concrete tree in order to analyze the
vated with admiration for the beauty that it radiated. forest of which it formed a part. Until that point, the
analysis of the individual part dominated: one conThis photography produced an enormous environmental impact. It called into question the under- ducted incisions and dissections in order to examine
standing of those who believed that “the planet pos- the exact muscle of the animal, the composite eye
of the insect. Haeckel was looking for a vision of the
sesses limitless resources.”
In the 1960s, developmentalist theories preached whole. Thus, “ecology” combined meteorology, biology, geology, sociology, and even spirituality. Every
that progress was limitless and that the American
model could be replicated in every country. The photo simple tree is part of an enormous tapestry, all-emdenied it: in order for each person to expend the en- bracing and synthesizing. Now, the planet is our new
ergy that an average North American expended there forest to study. We have become aware that everywould need to be 300 earths...but there was only one thing is interrelated and that, without each species,
life is impossible: all emerge in their significance and
Concern for the planet increased. In 1972 the Club must be respected. Since then, ecology has amplified
of Rome published Limits of Growth. It was followed its presence in different areas. Let us look at four.
The first has been called “environmental ecolby The 2000 Global Report to the President, of the
United States Environmental Quality Advisory Counsel. ogy,” the science of the interrelationships between
Later, the Evaluation of the Ecosystem of the Millen- organisms and their environments. It speaks to us of
nium insisted: there is an inseparable bond between food chains, habitats, ecological niches, environmental quality, ecosystems, populations, pollution, and
humanity and the planet, and dilapidating resources
biomass. There are only three starring actors in this
has a steep price.
movie of life: the producers, the consumers, and the
What has become of these documents? The governments did not give a coherent response. Neverthe- decomposers. An ecosystem is constituted by differless, knowledge increased, and an anthropocentric vi- ent groups that are interdependent. In order for it
sion developed into a geocentric, cosmocentric vision. to be stable, the recycling of materials must follow a
circular path. All the Earth is a large ecosystem.
Humans combined their self-satisfaction with
The second area has been called “social ecology,”
scientific advances with the myopia of thinking that
the analysis of the economic models and political delimits for development did not exist. They embraced
a domineering posture, but this posture was revealed cisions that impact the millions of human beings who
as a lie by the facts and by international events such populate the planet. Can an economic model—the
as the Kyoto Protocol in 1990 and the Earth Summit capitalist model—that daily marginalizes more and
held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, which gave a scientific more millions of people in the cycle of production
Becoming Aware
and consumption, be valid? According to Leonardo
Boff, “when capitalist practices dominate, ecological
concerns are sent into exile or consigned to limbo.”
The system of the Earth is in just as much danger as
the poor of the Earth. The problems of production and
distribution, social justice, marginalization, benefits,
basic necessities, politics seeking the common good
are treated here in all their roughness. This ecological
consciousness has painstakingly emerged, subjected
to strong criticisms from powerful groups—like the
Bush government—which pay for studies which diminish the importance of the disasters that the planet
The third is known as “human ecology.” It has to
do with the attitudes of people and creating a life in
harmony with oneself, each other, and with the environment. Some postures—domineering, monopolizing,
excluding, and dilapidating—far from nurturing human beings, permit the instincts of territoriality and
accumulation to serve as the North Star. The “warrior,” accustomed to dominating, imposing, tyrannizing, and being self-centered, passes through his life
destroying spaces for humanity. His attitude impacts
others by destroying their environment, marginalizing
them, and excluding them from the banquet of life.
The fourth can be defined as “cosmic ecology.”
It locates the roots of the human being in the long
evolutionary history of the cosmos. The human species, all other animal species, and all living things
share the same origin: the first cell that possibly
appeared in the depths of the ocean. There had to be
many prior conditions for life to surge upon the Earth:
a planet formed more than 4,650 million years ago, a
star recently fallen, the thousands of millions of years
that passed since the appearance of the Milky Way
and other galaxies, and the elemental particles that
danced in the times of the Big Bang...There are many
reasons for discovery and surprise. The human species
is the latecomer in a chain of about 14 million years
of evolution.
Cosmic ecology shows us what we human beings
are: the creativity and infinite heat of the first seconds of Creation, made incarnate in consciousness
and the capacity to love. Many scientific discoveries
have been necessary so that our species could take
account of our origin. Let us hope that humanity
carries on its shoulders this beautiful history. It is an
inviting and dynamic call: this reality is converted in
a demand for stewardship; the knowledge is translated
into responsibility.
Towards the Future
Ecological knowledge understands how to look
at the past and towards the future. In their wisdom,
some indigenous communities insist that no significant decisions be taken without taking into account
the repercussions upon those who will live four generations from now. Ecological knowledge is aware of
the complexity of all that exists.
If we did not know our origins or the limitations
of the planet, perhaps we could justify environmental
pillage and the belief in growth without limits. But
the photo from Apollo 8 and the theory of the Big
Bang help us to know where we are standing and from
where we have come. Embracing our origins, we can
embrace our role as humans. We are called to take
care of this fragile planet and to marvel at the creation of which we form a part.
We are made of star dust. The construction of the
atoms that constitute our bodies and the development of our cells have taken place over the course
of millions of years. In us, the Universe has become
conscious. Through us, it thinks, loves, questions,
and takes responsibility. We have the capacity to
adore this reality.
This responsibility urges us to create, reclaim,
and practice an economy that takes into account the
necessities of the majorities, a non-excluding politics,
a culture of closeness with others—in sum, a holistic vision that lets us commune with all the cosmos
and to live in harmony with all creatures. From this
vision—personal and political, ethical and spiritual—we will know that we are translating the wish of
God: intelligent beings who live in harmony with each
other and with the environment from which we come.
It is urgent that we take care of the planet and
that we struggle—in our daily life and in our ideological choices—against the practices and policies that
degrade it. We have before us a spiritual challenge: it
is time to “naturalize ourselves, to “return home,” to
recuperate ourselves and the other human beings of
the Universe which witnessed our birth.
William Anders could only recognize the Earth in
which he lived when he contemplated it from afar. All
of us have contemplated his image hundreds of times.
Will we learn to look at it and take care of it in a
holistic and responsible way?
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
17181920 212223
24252627 282930
1 2 3 4
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
5 6 7 8 9 1011
San José
2Sm 7,4-5a.12-14a.16 / Sl 88
Rm 4,13.16.18-22 / Mt 1,16.18-21.24a
Amós, Juan Donne
1767: Expulsión de los jesuitas de América Latina.
1866: Estalla la guerra entre España por una parte y
Chile, Bolivia y Perú por otra.
1987: Roseli Correa da Silva, campesina, en Natalino,
La Anunciación
Is 7,10-14;8,10 / Sl 39
Hch 10,4-10 / Lc 1,26-38
1680: Lisboa declara abolida la esclavitud de los indios
en Brasil, por influencia de Antonio Vieira.
1923: Primer congreso feminista celebrado en América
Latina, en Cuba.
1964: Golpe militar contra João Goulart. Comienzan
21 años de dictadura militar en Brasil.
1980: Comienza la gran huelga de metalúrgicos en
São Paulo y en el interior.
1982: Ernesto Pili Parra, militante, mártir de la paz y
la justicia en Caquetá, Colombia.
2 Wednesday
Hch 5,17-26 / Sl 33
Jn 3,16-21
Francisco de Paula
1550: La Corona española ordena enseñar castellano
a los indígenas.
1982: El ejército argentino ocupa las islas Malvinas
tratando de recuperar el archipiélago de la
posesión británica.
1993: Huelga conjunta en 8 países de Europa contra
el desempleo y la amenaza a las conquistas
3 Thursday
Hch 5,27-33 / Sl 33
Hch 5,34-42 / Sl 26
Jn 3,31-36 Gema Galgani
Jn 6,1-15
Ricardo, Sixto
1976: Víctor Bionchenko, pastor protestante, Ar- Isidoro de Sevilla
1775: La Corona portuguesa estimula los casamientos
entre indígenas, negros y blancos.
1986: Brasil aprueba su Plan de Informática, que
protegerá la industria nacional por unos años. 1884: Acuerdo de Valparaíso. Bolivia cede Antofagasta
a Chile convir­tiéndose en país mediterráneo.
1992: Golpe de Estado institucional de Fujimori, Perú.
1968: Martin Luther King asesinado, Menphis,
EEUU. 40 años.
1985: Rosario Godoy y familia, mártires de la fraterni­
dad en El Salvador.
Día contra la prostitución infantil
Hch 6,1-7 / Sl 32
Jn 6,16-21
Vicente Ferrer
1818: Victoria de San Martín en Maipú, que sella la
Independencia de Chile.
1976: Juan Carlo D'Costa, obrero, Paraguay.
1989: María Cristina Gómez, de la Iglesia Bautista,
mártir de la lucha de las mujeres salvadoreñas.
1992: Fujimori disuelve el Congreso, suspende la
Constitución e impone la ley marcial.
Nueva: 22h55m en Aries
Domingo 3º de Pascua
Hch 2,14.22-33 / Sl 15
1Pe 1,17-21 / Lc 24,13-35
Alberto Durero
1976: Mario Schaerer, maestro, Paraguay.
1979: Muere a los 39 años Hugo Echegaray, sacerdote
y teólogo de la liberación peruano.
Hch 6,8-15 / Sl 118
Hch 7,51-8,1a / Sl 30
Juan Bta. de La Salle
Jn 6,22-29 Dionisio
Jn 6,30-35
fiesta budista,
Día mundial de la salud
nacimiento de Buda (566 a.C.).
1827: Nace Ramón Emeterio Betances, revolucionario
que gestó la idea del Grito de Lares, insurrección
puertorriqueña contra el dominio español.
1977: Carlos Bustos, sacerdote capuchino argentino,
testigo de la fe entre los pobres de Buenos
Aires, asesinado.
Día de conmemoración del Holocausto
6 millones de judíos asesinados por los nazis.
9 Wednesday
Hch 8,1b-8 / Sl 65
Casilda, Mª Cleofás
Jn 6,35-40
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
1920: Desembarco de marines en Guatemala para
proteger a los ciudadanos estadounidenses.
1948: Jorge Eliécer Gaitán, asesinado en Bogotá.
Violenta rebelión: el «Bogotazo». 60 años.
1952: Comienza la Revolución Cívica en Bolivia.
10 Thursday
12 Saturday
Hch 8,26-40 / Sl 65
Hch 9,1-20 / Sl 116
Hch 9,31-42 / Sl 115
Jn 6,44-51 Estanislao
Jn 6,52-59 Zenón
Jn 6,60-69
Miguel Agrícola
1986: Antonio Hernández, periodista y militante 1797: Llegan a tierra firme, en Trujillo (Honduras),
1919: Muere en emboscada Emiliano Zapata, general
popular, mártir de la solidaridad en Bogotá.
procedentes de la isla de Roatán, unos 2.500
de los campesinos revolucionarios mexicanos. 2002: Golpe de Estado contra el presidente Hugo
garífunas expulsados de la isla de San Vicente.
1985: Oscar Fuentes, estudiante, Chile.
Chávez en Venezuela, que durará 4 días hasta su 1925: Reunión en Foz de Iguaçú, inicia la Columna
1985:DanielHubertGuillard,párrocoen Cali, muer­to por
reposición. Tres presidentes en 42 horas.
Prestes, que recorrerá 25.000 km en Brasil.
el ejército por su compromiso, Colombia.
2002: Entra en funcionamiento la Corte Penal Interna­
Creciente: 13h32m en Cáncer
1987: Martiniano Martínez, Terencio Vázquez y Abdón
cional, a pesar de la oposición de EEUU.
Julián, de la Iglesia Bautista, mártires de la libertad
de conciencia en Oaxaca, México.
Domingo 4º de Pascua
Hch 2,14a.36-41 / Sal 22
1Pe 2,20b-25 / Jn 10,1-10
Martín, Hermenegildo
1999: Transferido a Belém el jucio de los 155 policías
acusados de la muerte de 19 sin-tierra en Eldorado
de Carajás, Brasil.
14 Monday
15 Tuesday
Hch 11,1-18 / Sl 41
Hch 11,19-26 / Sl 86
Jn 10,1-10 Benito José Labre
Jn 10,22-30
1961: Invasión de Bahía de Cochinos, Cuba.
1981: Mártires de la mayor masacre que recuerda la
1983: Mártires campesinos indígenas de Joyabaj, El
historia reciente de El Salvador, en Morazán: 150
Quiché, Guatemala. 15 años.
niños, 600 ancianos y 700 mujeres.
1992: Aldemar Rodríguez, catequista, y compañeros,
1986: Adelaide Molinari, religiosa, mártir de la lucha
mártires entre los jóvenes, Cali, Colombia.
de los marginados en Marabá, Brasil.
1993: José Barbero, sacerdote, profeta y servidor de los
hermanos más pobres de Bolivia. 25 años.
Hch 12,24-13,5 / Sal 66
Jn 12,44-50
1952: Triunfa la revolución: campesinos y mineros
logran la reforma agraria en Bolivia.
1984: 1'7 millón de personas se manifiestan en São
Paulo pidiendo las elecciones «Directas ya».
1977: Se constituye el Comité pro defensa de presos,
perseguidos, desaparecidos y exiliados políticos
de México (EUREKA).
2002: Carlos Escobar, juez paraguayo, ordena la captu­
ra y extradición del dictador Alfredo Stroess­ner,
asilado en Brasilia, por la muerte en 1979 de una
dirigente sindical del gremio docente.
17 Thursday
Hch 13,13-25 / Sl 88
Jn 13,16-20
1695: † Juana Inés de la Cruz, poetisa mexicana.
1803: Muere Toussaint L'Ouverture, luchador por la
liberación de Haití.
1990: Tiberio Fernández, y compañeros, mártires de la
promoción humana, Trujillo, Colombia.
1996: Masacre de Eldorado de Carajás, Pará, Brasil. La
policía militar del Estado mata a 23 personas.
1998: César Humberto López, de Frater­Paz, asesinado, San Salvador.10 años.
Día internacional de la lucha campesina. Es el
"Primero de mayo" de los campesinos.
19 Saturday
Hch 13,26-33 / Sl 2
Hch 13,44-52 / Sl 97
Jn 14,1-6 León, Ema
Jn 14,7-14
Perfecto, Galdino
Olavus Petri
1537: Francisco Marroquín, primer obispo consagrado
1925: Desembarco de marines en Ceiba, Honduras.
en las Indias, fundador de las primeras escuelas
1980: Juana Tun, esposa de Vicente Menchú y su hijo
y hospitales, pastor de Guatemala.
Patrocinio, familia indígena de catequistas, que
1955: Conferencia de Bandung, Indonesia, donde se
luchó por su tierra, mártires de El Quiché.
crea el movimiento de países no alineados.
2005: Adolfo Scilingo, condenado en España a 640 años
1998: Eduardo Umaña Mendoza, abogado defensor
de cárcel por su participación en los «vuelos de
de los derechos populares, denunciador de los
la muerte» de la dictadura argentina.
paramilitares, asesinado. 10 años.
Día Panamericano del Indio
Domingo 5º de Pascua
Hch 6,1-7 / Sl 32
1Pe 2,4-9 / Jn 14,1-12
1586: Nace en Lima Rosa de Lima.
1871: Los franciscanos de Brasil liberan los esclavos
de todos sus conventos.
1898: Guerra entre España y EEUU, que invade Cuba,
Puerto Rico, Guam y Filipinas.
1980: Mártires indígenas de la organización popular
en Veracruz, México.
1980: «Primavera amaziga»: revuelta cultural y demo­
cratizadora de los amazigs de la Cabilia argelina
contra el poder central y arabizador de Argel.
Llena: 05h25m en Escorpión
Hch 14,5-18 / Sl 113
Jn 14,21-26
Nace Mahoma. Día de perdón para el mundo.
Nacimiento de Rama. Religión Sij.
1792: Es decapitado Joaquín da Silva Xavier, «Tiradentes», precursor de la Independencia de Brasil.
1960: Se constituye Brasilia como capital de Brasil.
1965: Muere torturado Pedro Albizu Campos, inde­pen­
dentista de Puerto Rico.
1971: Muere F. Duvalier, Haití.
1989: Juan Sisay, mártir de la fe y del arte popular en
Santiago de Atitlán, Guatemala.
1997: Gaudino dos Santos, indio pataxó, muere
quemado en Brasilia por unos jóvenes.
22 Tuesday
Hch 14,19-28 / Sl 144
Hch 15,1-6 / Sl 121
Jn 14,27-31a Jorge, Toyohico Kagawa
Jn 15,1-8
Sotero, Cayo, Agapito
1500: Pedro Alvares Cabral desembarca en Brasil. 1971: Indígenas se levantan contra las pruebas atómi­
Comienza la invasión en el Sur
cas que contaminan la isla de Anchitks, Alaska.
1519: Desembarca en Veracruz Cortés con 600
Día del Libro y de los Derechos de Autor
soldados, 16 caballos y piezas de artillería.
«Por haber coincidido en este día de 1616 la muerte
1638: Hernando Arias de Ugarte, obispo de Quito y del Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, la de Miguel de
de Santa Fe, Colombia, defensor de los indios. Cervantes y la de William Shakespeare». (28ª Con1982: Félix Tecu Jerónimo, campesino achí, catequista ferencia de la Unesco, París, noviembre 1995)
delegado de la Palabra, Guatemala.
1990: Paulo y José Canuto, mártires de la lucha por la
tierra, en Río María, PA, Brasil, asesinados.
1997: El ejército asalta la embajada de Japón en Lima
asesinando a los 14 ocupantes del MRTA.
Día de la Tierra
24 Thursday
26 Saturday
Hch 15,7-21 / Sl 95
Hch 16,1-10 / Sl 99
1Pe 5,5b-14 / Sal 88
Jn 15,9-11 Marcos
Jn 15,18-21
Mc 16,15-20 Anacleto, Marcelino, Isidoro.
1915/17: Muerte y deportación de casi millón y medio 1667: Pedro de Betancourt, apóstol de los pobres en 1995: Asesinado de Quim Vallmajó (*Navata,
de armenios.
Girona, España, 1941) en Rwanda, misionero
Guatemala, canonizado el 30.07.2002.
1965: Intervención de EEUU en República Dominicana, 1975: Se constituye la Asociación Indígena de la
en África.
con 40.000 hombres.
1998: Asesinado en Guatemala Mons. Gerardi, tras
República Argentina (AIRA).
1985: Laurita López, catequista, mártir de la fe en la
publicar el informe «Nunca Más», que documen­
Iglesia salvadoreña.
ta 55.000 violaciones de derechos humanos,
atribuidas en un 80% al ejército. 10 años.
Domingo 6º de Pascua
Hch 8,5-8.14-17 / Sl 65
1Pe 3,15-18 / Jn 14,15-21
Zita, Montserrat
1977: Rodolfo Escamilla, sacerdote, mártir, México.
1999: El Tribunal de la Deuda Externa en Río de Janeiro,
Brasil, determina que no se pague.
Politics and Religion
Eduardo de la Serna
Quilmes, Argentina
A bad or ideological reading of the text of the
“coin of Caesar” argues that, in saying it is necessary
to “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God
what is God’s,” Jesus clearly establishes that religion
and politics are separate worlds that neither touch
nor interrelate. If we add to this the Johanine saying
that “my reign is not of this world,” it would seem
clear that talking about “religion and politics” is a
This is not the place to discuss these texts, which,
in reality, say things very different from what they are
alleged to affirm; but we do reconfirm what was already stated by the documents of Puebla: “The Church
(...) feels that it is its right and duty to be present
in this field of reality: Christianity is supposed to
evangelize the totality of human existence, including
the political dimension. So the Church criticizes those who would restrict the scope of faith to personal
or family life; who would exclude the professional,
economic, social, and political orders as if sin, love,
prayer, and pardon had no relevance in them” (515).
Pope Benedict, from a more European perspective, has
written on this subject in his encyclical Deus Caritas
Est, referring to “political charity.”
On the other hand, a certain approach to the
subject appears almost to say that “the Church should
not intervene in politics (save for the bishops, who
pass their time meddling in politics).” This logic seems to assume that the first attitude is to be critical of
the status quo—prophetic and subversive—while the
second is to be the friend of power, even its accomplice. Pathetic cases like the Bishops’ Conferences of
Spain and Italy—their criticism to the point of destabilizing the government in the case of the legalization
of homosexual marriage contrasted with their silence
towards the preceding governments when faced with
the genocidal invasion and war in Iraq—are sufficient
to demonstrate the point. And serious. It appears
that, for some, it is worse for homosexual couples to
live together (which they would do anyway, without
“asking permission”) than for their government to
invade, torture, and murder a poor people in order to
control their oil...
When the “rebirth of utopias” was spoken of in
the ‘70s (OA 37), millions of Christians in Latin America—accompanied or encouraged by the Magisterium—took up the challenge of struggling for a fraternal and egalitarian society. In response to this, and
as a way of preparing for the neo-liberal inundation of
the ‘90s, the ‘80s bathed our countries in dictatorial
blood. While Christians were persecuted, tortured, or
disappeared in order to impose economic models in
accord with the politics of the North, the same hierarchy that had encouraged them to participate silenced
them, negotiated with dictators, and blessed these
dictators’ weapons. A decade later, they would bless
the banks and financial institutions of Mammon.
I personally have many friends who survived the
Argentine genocide, militant Christians who were
ready to give their lives for the utopia of Jesus—the
Reign of God—in the 70’s and who are militant
atheists or agnostics now, “thanks” fundamentally to
the evangelical (anti)testimony of the hierarchies.
Certainly, seeing the attitudes of yesterday and of
today, many are dissuaded from participation or political commitment. But on the other hand, it is certain
that complicity and apathy are absolutely useful for
the current power structure. These attitudes guarantee
that nothing will change.
Even worse, the post-modern crisis of “fragmentation” invites us to think that it is impossible to
change the fundamental situation: at the most we can
only hope for extremely small changes, like microprojects and micro-credit...None of this attempts to
change the situation from its roots.
Nevertheless, the fascinating crisis of the age in
which we live invites us and challenges us. What are
we followers of the Nazarene going to do? Are we
going to remain lackadaisical and motionless, waiting
for the arrival of news which “will be what will be?”
Or are we going to launch ourselves into the sowing
of the utopia-reign with the hope of planting the
seeds of a more fraternal, more just, and more cooperative tomorrow? It is certain that there have been
decades of different plantings, but why should we cry
over spilled milk? Shouldn’t we stubbornly seek to
ment officials and laws and vetoes others for not being “Christian.” This is not a politics for a pluralistic
society. We know that we are not alone in this world,
and we do not pretend that our dreams and utopias
are heard and accepted “by the mere fact of being
Christian,” but because they are inclusive, fraternal,
and just. Not by the “cartel” but by justice. In reality,
many of us are tired of “Christian projects” that are
“blessed” by genocide, exploitation, and injustice.
Personally, I want to make it clear that I am an
absolute atheist when it comes to the God of Videla
or of Pinochet (or of Bush); I believe in the God of
the poor. I believe in a God of Life. A God of Liberation. We would even be happy if they [Videla, Pinochet, and Bush] felt excluded—if they do not change
their lives—from a project in which many worlds fit,
where the poor are at the center, and where justice
and life will be “masters of the house.” Once, I head a
drunk say, “I am tired of being robbed by the intelligent.” The mother of Jesus rejoiced because God “has
brought down rulers from their thrones and elevates
the humble” and “has filled the hungry with good
things but has sent the rich away empty.” We also
believe that these projects are more “Christian” (that
“Christian Christianity” of which Karl Rahner spoke)
than many which have been “baptized” and “blessed”
by the bishops.
Because of this, with those who want justice, who
work for life, who are the builders of peace, I think that
we can struggle for a new world. It is not a “Christian
world” or “Christendom” that we dream of, but rather
the world that Jesus dreamed of, the Reign, a world of
sisters and brothers, a world “where all worlds fit.”
We dream, yes, of a common political search, a
dialogue without mutual excommunications (in the
name of “secularism” or “Christianity”) where we
propose dreams and projects and search for the best
for all. We especially work for the poor majorities and
victims who are tortured, sequestered, disappeared,
killed, and condemned to inhuman poverty, all in the
name of our “Western and Christian” society. Yes, it is
a politics where Christians can firmly commit themselves to the Causes of justice, human rights, life, peace,
and the utopias of the world of brothers and sisters,
where there will be neither oppressors nor oppressed,
neither masters nor slaves. Because we do not believe
that Jesus died in vain.
Translated by Rebecca Chabot
sow values and signs of the reign? Mother Earth and
the people will nourish the planting, but who will
harvest if we don’t sow? Personally, the attitude of
many in the hierarchy seems very myopic to me. It is
as if they think that everything should continue as it
was a long time ago, when the bishops were consulted about everything and could veto or propose laws
and projects (because of this, many of them moved like
“fish in the water” in dictatorships and fascist states).
I believe that we thousands of believers and
unbelievers, of different confessions, Christians or
not, who are deciding that there will be peace, justice, equality, and fraternity must stubbornly sow these
things so that they emerge—a few shoots or many—
in the morning that is approaching.
Listening to some of the “ecclesiastics” speak of
divorce, of morality, or of certain apparent principles,
I have the image of someone who finds himself in a
house that has crumbled around him, still holding a
painting in his hand, looking for a place to hang it.
It seems a lot more sensible to be in charge of planting fundamental and foundational things so that the
people can, in time, accomplish their own synthesis.
This means trusting in the vitality of what has been
sown or— if one wants to be more theological—trusting in the power of the Holy Spirit: “God causes
growth.” Thus, buildings will appear on the foundations that have been laid. Eventually, it will be the time
to hang paintings.
It is possible that many think about difficulty or
disproportionality when confronted with the magnitude of the powerful forces of the anti-reign. It is
possible that many think nothing will change. It is
possible that many think that it is impossible or that
it is not worth it...But there are parables of the reign
that invite us to think in another manner: the disproportionality of the mustard seed or of the leaven;
the invitation to creativity in order to be more astute
than “the children of this world;” the conviction that
although the net collects all kinds of fish, the ones
that are not useful are thrown again to the sea; that
the weeds will be burned when they are recognized by
their fruits. Above all, this is the trust in the Spirit
that “blows where it wills” and that it is not death,
but life, that has the final word in history.
It is certain that many dream of a “political Christianity” where “the Church” supports certain govern-
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
21222324 252627
28 29 30
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
28 Monday
29 Tuesday
Hch 16,22-34 / Sl 137
Hch 17,15.22-18,1 / Sl 148
Hch 16,11-15 / Sl 149
Jn 16,5-11 Pío V
Jn 16,12-15
Jn 15,26-16,4a Catalina de Siena
Pedro Chanel
1688: Carta Regia de Portugal restableciendo la 1991: Moisés Cisneros Rodríguez, marista, mártir de 1948: Veintiún países firman en Bogotá la carta
constitutiva de la OEA.
la violencia y la impunidad, Guatemala.
esclavitud y guerra justa contra el indio.
1965: Lyndon Johnson ordena la invasión de la 1982: Enrique Alvear, obispo, pastor y profeta de la 1977: Se crea la asociación de las Madres de la Plaza
de Mayo, Argentina.
Iglesia en Chile.
República Dominicana.
1985: Cleúsa Carolina Rody Coelho, agustina misionera
recoleta, asesinada por defender a los indígenas
en la Prefectura Apostólica de Lábrea, Brasil.
Menguante: a las 09h12m en Acuario.
1 Thursday
Hch 18,1-8 / Sl 97
Hch 18,9-18 / Sl 46
1Cor 15,1-8 / Sal 18
Jn 16,16-20 Atanasio
Jn 16,20-23a Felipe y Santiago
Jn 14,6-14
José Obrero
Felipe y Santiago
1979: Luis Alfonso Velázquez, niño de 10 años, mártir 1500: Fray Henrique de Coimbra, primer misionero
europeo que pisa suelo brasileño.
1980: Conrado de la Cruz, sacerdote, y Herlindo
de la dictadura somocista, Nicaragua.
Cifuentes, catequista, secuestrados y muertos, 1981: Nace la Unión de Naciones Indígenas, Brasil. 1991: Felipe Huete, delegado de la Palabra, y cuatro
compañeros, mártires de la Reforma Agraria, en
mártires, en Guatemala.
1994: Sebastián Larrosa, estudiante campesino, már­tir
El Astillero, Honduras.
1981: Raynaldo Edmundo Lemus Preza, de la
de la solidaridad entre los pobres, Paraguay.
CEB Guadalupe, en Soyapango, El Salvador, 1997: Fallece Paulo Freire, fundador de la pedagogía
Día (de la ONU) de la libertad de prensa
capturado y desaparecido por su compromiso
liberadora latinoamericana.
cristiano, con su amigo Edwin Laínez.
Día internacional de los trabajadores
Hch 1,1-11 / Sl 46
Ef 1,17-23 / Mt 28,16-20
Ciriaco, Mónica
Primer domingo de mayo: Día de los mártires de
1493: Bula Inter Caetera por la que el Papa hace
donación de las tierras del nuevo Continente a
los Reyes Católicos.
1521: Pedro de Córdoba, primer apóstol misionero
de los dominicos en América. Autor del primer
catecismo en América.
1547: Cristóbal de Pedraza, obispo de Honduras,
«Padre de los indios».
5 Monday
7 Wednesday
Hch 19,1-8 / Sl 67
Hch 20,28-38 / Sl 67
Hch 10,17-27 / Sl 67
Jn 16,29-33 Heliodoro
Jn 17,1-11a Augusto, Flavia, Domitila
Jn 17,11b-19
1862: México derrota a los franceses en Puebla.
1977: Oscar Alajarín, militante de la Iglesia metodista, 1937: Juicio a Prestes, 16 años de prisión. Brasil.
1893: Nace Farabundo Martí en Teotepeque, Depar­
mártir de la solidaridad en Argentina.
1991: Apresado el fazendeiro Jerônimo de Amo­rim,
tamento de La Libertad, El Salvador.
1994: La Corte Constitucional de Colombia legaliza
mandante de la muerte de un sindicalista, Brasil.
1980: Isaura Esperanza, «Chaguita», catequista, de la
la «dosis personal» de narcóticos.
Legión de María, mártir salvadoreña.
2001: Bárbara Ann Ford, 64, religiosa estadounidense
viviendo en el Qui­ché desde 1989. Asesinada.
Nueva: a las 07h18m en Tauro.
8 Thursday
Hch 25,13-21 / Sl 102
Hch 22,30;23,6-11 / Sl 15
Jn 21,15-19
Jn 17,20-26 Pacomio, Gregorio Ostiense
Víctor y Acacio
1753: Nace Miguel Hidalgo, prócer mexicano.
1982: Luis Vallejos, arzobispo de El Cuzco, Perú,
1770: Carlos III ordena «que se extingan los diferentes
amenazado de muerte por su opción preferencial
idiomas indios y se imponga el castellano».
por los pobres, muere en «accidente».
1987: Vicente Cañas, misionero jesuita, asesinado por 1994: Toma posesión de la Presidencia de Sudáfrica,
los que codiciaban las tierras de los indios que él
tras las primeras elecciones multirraciales de la
acompañaba, en Mato Grosso, Brasil.
historia del país, Nelson Mandela, y el preso
1989: Nicolás van Kleef, vicentino holandés, es
político vivo con más años pasados en prisión.
asesinado por un militar en Santa María, Chiriquí,
Día de la Cruz Roja Internacional
10 Saturday
Hch 28,16-20.30-31 / Sl 10
Jn 21,20-25
Juan de Ávila, Antonino
1795: José Leonardo Chirino, zambo, encabeza la
insurrección de Coro, Venezuela, con indios
y negros.
1985: Irne García, sacerdote, y Gustavo Chamorro,
militante, mártires de la justicia y la promoción
humana en Guanabanal, Colombia.
1986: Josimo Morais Tavares, sacerdote, mártir de la
pastoral de la tierra, en Imperatriz, Brasil.
Hch 2,1-11 / Sl 103
1Cor 12,3b-7.12-13 / Jn 20,19-23
1974: Carlos Mugica, sacerdote, mártir del pueblo de las
«villas miseria».
1977: Alfonso Navarro, sacerdote, y Luis Torres,
monaguillo, mártires en El Salvador.
Creciente: a las 22h47m en Leo.
12 Monday
13 Tuesday
St 1,1-11 / Sl 118
St 1,12-18 / Sl 93
Mc 8,11-13 Fátima
Mc 8,14-21
Nereo, Aquiles, Pancracio
1829: Natalicio de Segundo Ruiz Belvis, patriota y
Día atribuido a la esclava Anastasia, que simboliza a
revolucionario puertorriqueño.
todas las negras torturadas y estupradas hasta la 1888: Es abolida jurídicamente la esclavitud en Brasil,
muerte por los blancos dueños de haciendas.
cuando ya el 95% de los negros habían conquis1957: La OIT adopta el Convenio 107 sobre Poblacio­nes
tado la libertad por sí mismos (Ley áurea).
Indígenas y Tribales, que protege al indio.
1977: Luis Aredez, médico, mártir de la solidaridad
1980: Walter Voodeckers, misionero belga, compro­
entre los pobres de Argentina.
metido con los campesinos pobres, mártir en 1998: Es allanada la sede de la Comisión de Justicia y
Escuintla, Guatemala.
Paz de la Conferencia Nacional de Religiosos de
Colombia, en Bogotá, por el ejército. 10 años.
Hch 1,15-17.20-26 / Sal 112
Jn 15,9-17
1811: Independencia de Paraguay. Fiesta nacional.
1904: † Mariano Avellana, misionero popular, Chile.
1980: Masacre del río Sumpul, El Salvador, donde
perecen más de 600 personas.
1980: Juan Caccya Chipana, obrero, militante, víctima
de la represión policial en Perú.
1981: Carlos Gálvez, sacerdote, mártir en Guatemala.
1988: Campesinos mártires por la causa de la Paz,
Cayara, Perú. 20 años.
1991: Porfirio Suny Quispe, militante y educador, mártir
de la justicia y solidaridad en Perú.
17 Saturday
St 3,1-10 / Sl 11
Gn 14,18-20 / Sl 109
St 2,14-24.26 / Sl 111
Mc 9,2-13
Cor 11,23-26 / Lc 9,11b-17 Juan Nepomuceno, Ubaldo
Mc 8,34-39 Pascual Bailón
1818: Juan II aprueba la venida de colonos suizos para 1961: Comienza el bloqueo comercial de EEUU contra
Juana de Lestonnac
la actual Nova Fribugo (estado de Rio de Janeiro),
1903: Fusilado en Panamá el general y guerrillero
Cuba, en respuesta a la Reforma Agraria realiza­da
tras la hambruna de 1817 en Suiza.
Victoriano Lorenzo, héroe nacional.
por la revolución cubana.
1986: Nicolás Chuy Cumes, periodista evangélico, már- 1981: Edgar Castillo, periodista, asesinado, Guate­
Día mundial de las telecomunicaciones
tir de la libertad de expresión en Guatemala.
Un llamado a evitar los enormes desequilibrios en
1987: Mártires indígenas, víctimas del despojo de sus
la producción de mensajes y programas.
tierras, en Bagadó, Colombia.
Día Internacional de los objetores de conciencia
Ex 34,4b-6.8-9 / Int. Dn 3
2Cor 13,11-13 / Jn 3,16-18
Rafaela Mª Porras
1525: Fundación de Trujillo (Honduras).
1781: José Gabriel Condorcanqui, Tupac Amaru II,
luchador de Perú y Bolivia, descoyuntado.
1895: Nace Augusto C. Sandino en Nicaragua.
1950: Se reúne en Rio de Janeiro el Consejo Nacional
de Mujeres Negras.
19 Monday
St 3,13-18 / Sl 18
Mc 9,14-29
Pedro Celestino
1895: Muere en combate, luchando por la independen­
cia de Cuba, José Martí.
1995: Fallece Jaime Nevares, obispo de Neuquén,
voz profética de la Iglesia argentina.
1997: Manoel Luis da Silva, 40, agricultor sin tierra,
asesinado, São Miguel de Taipú, Brasil
Llena: a las 21h11m en Escorpión.
20 Tuesday
St 4,1-10 / Sl 54
Mc 9,30-37
Bernardino de Siena
1506: Muere Colón en Valladolid (España).
1976: Héctor Gutiérrez y Zelmar Michellini, militantes
uruguayos, mártires de la lucha del pueblo.
1981: Pedro Aguilar Santos, sacerdote, mártir de la
causa de los pobres, Guatemala.
1993: Destitución del Presidente de la República de
Venezuela, Carlos Andrés Pérez. 15 años.
1998: Asesinado, en Pesqueira (PE), Brasil, Francisco
de Assis Araújo, Cacique Xukuru. 10 años.
St 4,13-17 / Sl 48
Mc 9,38-40
Felicia y Gisela, Juan Eliot
1897: Muere en Puerto Plata Gregorio Luperón, héroe
de la independencia de República Dominicana.
1981: Pedro Aguilar Santos, sacerdote, mártir, Guatemala.
1991: Jaime Gutiérrez Alvarez, religioso, Colombia.
1991: Irene McCormack, misionera, y compañeros,
mártires por la causa de la paz, Perú.
Día mundial (de la ONU) de la diversidad
cultural para el diálogo y el desarrollo
22 Thursday
24 Saturday
St 51-6 / Sl 48
St 5,9-12 / Sl 102
St 5,13-20 / Sl 140
Mc 9,41-50 Desiderio, Ludwig Nommensen
Mc 10,1-12 Vicente de Lerins
Mc 10,13-16
Joaquina Vedruna, Rita de Casia
1977: Elisabeth Käseman, militante luterana, mártir de 1822: Batalla del Pincincha, Independencia plena de
1937: Masacre de Caldeirão, Brasil.
los pobres, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
1965: Brasil envía 280 soldados, solicitados por EEUU,
1986: Ambrosio Mogorrón, enfermero español, y comen apoyo al golpe en Santo Domingo.
Semana de solidaridad
pañeros campesinos, mártires de la solidaridad
Día internacional de la ONU de la biodiversidad con los pueblos de todos los territorios coloniales.
en San José de Bocay, Nicaragua.
2005: Edickson Roberto Lemus, luchador por la refor­ma
agraria, asesinado. Progreso, Honduras.
Corpus Christi
Dt 8,2-3.14b-16a / Sl 147
1Cor 10,16-17 / Jn 6,51-58
Vicenta López Vicuña
Gregorio VII
1810: Revolución de mayo, Día de la Patria Argentina.
1987: Bernardo López Arroyave, sacerdote colombia­no
mártir a mano de terratenientes y militares.
27 Tuesday
1Pe 1,10-16 / Sl 97
1Pe 1,18-25 / Sl 147
1Pe 1,3-9 / Sl 110
Mc 10,28-31 Emilio y Justo
Mc 10,32-45
Agustín de Cantorbery
Mc 10,17-27
Felipe Neri, Mariana Paredes
Juan Calvino
1926: Golpe de Estado que lleva al derechista Salazar al
1966: Independencia de Guyana.
1975: Se oficializa el quechua en Perú.
poder en Portugal, hasta su muerte en 1970.
1969: Enrique Pereira Neto, sacerdote, 28 años, mártir
1993: Javier Cirujano, misionero, mártir de la paz y la
Menguante: a las 21h57m en Piscis.
de la justicia en Recife, Brasil.
solidaridad en Colombia. 15 años.
2001: La justicia francesa llama a Henry Kissinger,
implicado en asesinatos de ciudadanos franceses
bajo Pinochet.
2004: Centroamérica firma un TLC con EEUU, a ratificar
por el Congreso de cada país.
29 Thursday
1Pe 2,2-5.9-12 / Sl 99
Mc 10,46-52
Maximino, Jiri Tranovsky
1969: El «cordobazo»: explosión social contra la dicta­
dura de Onganía, en Córdoba, Argentina.
1978: Masacre de un centenar de indígenas queq'chies
en Panzós, Guatemala. 30 años.
1980: Raimundo Ferreira Lima, «Gringo», campesino,
sindicalista, agente de pastoral, mártir en Concei­
ção do Araguaia, Brasil.
2001: La jueza Servini, de Argentina, reitera a Chile el
pedido de extradición de Pinochet para juzgarlo
por el asesinato del general Prats.
Corazón de Jesús
Dt 7,6-11 / Sl 102 /Mt 11,25-30
Fernando, Juana de Arco
1961: Cae asesinado el dictador dominicano Rafael
Leónidas Trujillo.
1994: María Correa, religiosa paraguaya, hermana de
los indígenas Mby'a y profeta de la denuncia en
su tierra. Paraguay.
1996: La comisión de desaparecidos políticos aprue­ba
indemnización a la familia de Fiel Filho, Brasil.
31 Saturday
Sf 3,14-18 / Int. Is 12,2-6
Lc 1,39-56
Visitación de María
1979: Teodoro Martínez, campesino, militante cristia­no,
mártir en Nicaragua.
1986: I Encuentro de Agentes de Pastoral Negros de
Duque de Caxias y São João de Meriti.
1990: Clotario Blest, profeta cristiano en el mundo
sindical chileno.
Día mundial sin tabaco
Domingo 9º ordinario
Dt 11,18.26-28.32 / Sl 30
Rm 3,21-25a.28 / Mt 7,21-27
1989: Sergio Restrepo, sacerdote, mártir de la libera­
ción de los campesinos de Tierralta, Colombia.
1991: João de Aquino, presidente del Sindicato de
Nueva Iguazú, Brasil, asesinado.
Faith and Politics
Leonardo Boff
Translated by Ernie Schibli
Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
1. Social Politics (P)
This encompasses everything that refers to the common good of society or, better yet, people’s participation
in social life. Thus, for example, health, education, transportation, construction and maintenance of roads, water,
and infrastructure are all aspects of social politics. To
fight for a district health clinic in a poor neighborhood,
to come together to obtain a bus route to the outskirts
of the city, to join a demonstration in the center of the
city in favor of land reform, against urban speculation,
or against political violence is to do social politics. This
type of politics focuses on the common good of all or of
a group whose rights are not being respected. Defining it
in brief is to say: social politics, or Politics with a capital
P, signifies the common search for the common good.
2. Party Politics (p)
This is the fight for the power of the State, to win
municipal, state, or national government. Political parties exist to gain power, whether to change it (revolutionary process), or to exercise it as it is constituted (to
govern the State as it exists). The party, just as the word
indicates, is part and parcel of society, but not all of
society. Each party has behind it the interests of groups
or classes that seek to create a project for the whole of
society. If a party succeeds in controlling the power of
the State (the government), it will direct public policies
in conformity with its own program and vision.
In respect to party politics, it is important to take
into account the following points:
• to see what the party’s program is;
• to see how the public enters into this program:
whether it has been discussed by people at the base; if
it respects the historical claims of the people; if it provides for the participation of the people through their
movements and organisms in its conception, implementation, and control;
• to see who are the candidates who represent the
program: their biography; whether or not they have
maintained an organic connection with the base; whether they are truly allies and representatives of the cause
of justice and necessary social change; or whether they
prefer to continue social relations as they now are, together with their contradictions and even injustices.
These few criteria are enough to give a picture of the
party and its candidates, of the right (those who wish to
maintain unaltered the relation of strength that those in
power favor), of the left (those who aim to change the
structures that marginalize the vast majority of people),
or of the center (parties that maintain a certain equilibrium between the right and left, procuring advantages
for themselves and the groups they represent).
Since it represents only a part and not the whole of
society, the political party is, by nature, conflictive; politicians are adversaries –not enemies– because they have
different projects and programs. But we have to be clear
about what Max Weber said in his famous text Politics
as a Vocation: “whoever is active in politics strives for
power either as a means in serving other aims, ideal or
egoistic, or as ‘power for power’s sake,’ that is, in order
to enjoy the prestige-feeling that power confers.” Historically, it was the latter type of political power that was
exercised by our elites in order to benefit themselves,
forgetting the subject of all power—the people.
3. Faith and Its Political Dimension
Faith has to do with God and God’s revelation. But it
is a constituent part of society and is one of the factors
that creates opinions and decisions. It is like a bicycle:
it only serves society effectively on two wheels, the
wheel of religion and the wheel of politics.
The wheel of religion is made concrete by prayer,
celebrations, preaching, and the reading of scripture.
Through these means, it forms convictions that are at
the base of concrete decisions.
The second wheel is the wheel of politics. Faith
expresses itself through the practice of justice, solidarity
and denouncing oppression. As one can see, the politics
here is synonymous with ethics. We have to learn how
to maintain an equilibrium between these two wheels to
ride correctly.
The Bible considers the wheel of the political (ethics) as more important than the wheel of religion as cult.
Without ethics, faith remains empty and inoperative. It
is practice, not words, that counts with God. One does
not move ahead by saying “Lord, Lord” and organizing a
celebration; it is more important to do the Father’s will,
to practice love, mercy and justice—practical things, all
of them—and as such, ethical. We do this through activities such as participating in a labor protest or joining
a union or human rights group.
There are many relations between politics and faith
and, for example, with the State, the Church hierarchy,
base communities, and the laity. We will now analyze the
relation of faith with the individual citizen and with the
activist Christian layperson.
4. Faith, Politics and the Individual Citizen
In the concrete, faith and politics come together
in the life of an individual. Politics is a dimension of
concrete faith to the extent that a person lives his or
her faith on both wheels: faith as worship and faith as
ethics, faith as spirituality and faith as the practice of
justice. Faith includes the political. That is to say, Christians, by the mere fact of being such, ought to concern
themselves with justice and the social good; they also
should opt for programs and people who come closest
to what we understand as Jesus’ project—the project of
God in history.
But faith transcends the political, because faith also
concerns eternal life, the resurrection of the body, and
the transformation of the universe, something which no
social policy, party or State can promise. We seek a just
and fraternal society but, at the same time, we seek the
resurrection of the body and eternal life, and complete
and everlasting happiness. But faith is not only good
because it makes a promise; it is also good because it
inspires a society that is human, just, and tolerant.
The step from faith to party politics is not direct.
We cannot learn directly from the Gospel what party to
support, what person we should vote for, or what the
minimum wage should be. The Gospel does not offer
solutions, but it does offer inspirations that enable us
to make a good choice as to the party that we choose
or the dignified salary that we establish. However, to do
this we need adequate tools for analyzing society, movements, institutions, parties, and programs, allowing us to
give substance to our faith.
5. Faith, Politics, and the Activist Layperson
The lay person is a member of the People of God
and the Christian community. She is a citizen qualified by faith and militancy. Illumined by faith, she can
and ought to participate in party politics. Of course, no
one can be ordered by bishops or priests to support a
particular party (Christian). Politics are lay, not clerical.
Christian faith and the Gospel offer criteria for determining our political orientation, some of which I would like
to enumerate.
• A liberating politics: it is not enough to reform
society; it is important to construct another model of
society that permits greater inclusion by way of participation, social justice, and dignity; liberation requires
this and a simple reform will not achieve it.
• A liberating politics that comes from the poor and
excluded majority: it has to start from below so that no
one is left out; if it were to come from salaried workers
or the bourgeois, about half of the people would be left
out right at the beginning;
• A liberating politics that uses liberating methods,
that is, that uses processes which permit the participation of the people, from the bottom to the top, from
inside to out; this politics seeks another kind of democracy—not just a representative democracy whereby we
have the right every four years to elect a president to
whom we delegate power without retaining any control.
It seeks a participatory democracy through which the
people—along with their organizations—can discuss,
decide, and resolve social questions. In sum, it seeks a
socio-cosmic democracy that extends the rights of citizenship to the Earth, ecosystems, and all the created
beings with which we maintain relationships of interdependence.
• A politics which uses transparent means (that the
powerful find so difficult to use) such as truth, active
resistance, and solidarity. The means used for creating
a just and peaceful society must themselves by just and
• Activism demands competence, knowledge of the
social reality, and a spirituality that is able to perceive
Jesus’ Utopia being realized in this world, to the extent
that there is greater dignity and a better quality of life.
An example of this is the growth in many dioceses of the
Faith and Politics Movement (Movimiento fe y política),
which aims at improving the participation of Christians
in the field of politics (by studying and retraining oneself) and in the field of faith (feeding the mystical and
deepening theological understanding).
Conclusion: the Dangerous Memory of Jesus
Christians must never forget that we are heirs to
the dangerous and liberating memory of Jesus. Due to
his commitment to the project of the God of Life and
to the humiliated and suffering people of his time, he
was persecuted, made a political prisoner, tortured, and
condemned to die on the cross, the worse political-religious punishment of his era. In the name of this God of
Life, he was resurrected in order to inspire insurrection
against social and party politics that penalize the people—especially the poorest—and eliminate the prophets
and preachers of a fuller justice. He was resurrected to
give courage to all of those who seek a new society characterized by liberating relationships with nature, with all
human beings, and with God.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 1011
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26272829 3031
1 2 3 4 5 6
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
28 29 30 31
2 Monday
4 Wednesday
2Tm 1,1-3.6-12 / Sl 122
2Pe 1,1-7 / Sl 90
2Pe 3,12-15a.17-18 / Sl 89
Mc 12,18-27
Mc 12, 1-12 Carlos Luanga
Mc12,13-17 Francisco Caracciolo
Pedro y Marcelino
1537: Bula Sublimis Deus de Paulo III, que condena Juan XXIII
1559: El Oidor Fernando Santillán informa de las
la esclavitud.
1548: Juan de Zumárraga, obispo de México, protec­tor
matanzas de indios en Chile.
1987: Sebastián Morales, evangélico, diácono, mártir
de los indios.
1980: José María Gran, misionero, y Domingo Batz,
de la fe y la justicia en Guatemala.
1758: La Comisión de Límites encuentra a los Yano­
sacristán, mártires en El Quiché, Guatemala.
mami de Venezuela.
Día internacional de los niños
1885: São Carlos Luanga y compañeros, mártires de
víctimas inocentes de la agresión.
Uganda. Patronos de la juventud africana.
1963: Muere Juan XXIII.
Nueva: a las 14h23m en Géminis.
2Tm 2,8-15 / Sl 24
Mc 12,28-34
1573: Ejecución del cacique Tanamaco (Venezuela).
1981: Se descubre el primer caso de SIDA de la historia,
en Los Angeles, EEUU.
1988: Agustín Ramírez y Javier Sotelo, obreros mártires
de la lucha de los marginados del Gran Buenos
Aires, Argentina. 20 años.
2000: La Corte de Santiago retira la inmunidad a Pinochet, acusado por 109 querellas en los tribunales
chilenos y buscado internacionalmente.
Día mundial del medio ambiente
2Tm 3,10-17 / Sl 118
Mc 12,35-37
1940: Muere Marcos Garvey, líder negro jamaicano,
mentor del panafricanismo.
1980: José Ribeiro, líder de la nación indígena Apuriña,
asesinado, Brasil.
1989: Pedro Hernández y compañeros, líderes
indíge­nas, mártires del reclamo de la propia
tierra, en México.
2Tm 4,1-8 / Sl 70
Mc 12,38-44
Roberto, Seattle
1494: Castilla y Portugal firman el Tratado de Tordesi­llas
negociando su expan­sión en el Atlántico.
1978: Comienza la organización del Movimiento Negro
Unificado (MNU).
1990: Hna. Filomena Lopes Filha, apóstol de las favelas,
Nova Iguaçú, asesinada.
1998: Asalto del ejército a reunión indígena en El Charco
(Gro) México: 10 campesinos muertos. 10 años.
2005: Tras 30 años de lucha, se devuelven las tierras de
campesinos de las Ligas Agrarias Paraguayas.
Domingo 10º del tiempo ordinario
Os 6,3-6 / Sl 49
Rm 4,18-25 / Mt 9,9-13
Salustiano, Medardo
1706: Una carta regia manda secuestrar la primera
tipografía de Brasil, instalada en Recife.
1982: Luis Dalle, obispo de Ayaviri, Perú, amenazado
de muerte por su opción por los pobres, muere en
«accidente» provocado nunca esclarecido.
1Re 17,1-6 / Sl 120
Efrén, Columbano, Aidan, Bede
Mt 5,1-12
1597: José de Anchieta, canario, evangeli­zador de
Brasil, «Gran Padre» de los guaraníes.
1971: Héctor Gallego, sacerdote colombiano, desapa­
recido en Santa Fe de Veraguas, Panamá.
1979: Juan Morán, sacerdote mexicano, mártir en
defensa de los indígenas mazahuas.
1981: Toribia Flores de Cutipa, dirigente campesina
víctima de la represión en Perú.
10 Tuesday
Hch 11,21b-26;13,1-3/ Sal 97
1Re 17,7-16 / Sl 4
Mt 10,7-13
Mt 5,13-16
Críspulo y Mauricio
1521: Los indios destruyen la misión de Cumaná
1980: Ismael Enrique Pineda y compañeros, promoto­
(Venezuela) construida por Las Casas.
res de Cáritas en San Salvador, desaparecidos
1835: Aprobada la pena de muerte inapelable contra el
en El Salvador.
esclavo que mate o moleste a su señor, Brasil
1993: Norman Pérez Bello, militante, mártir de la fe y
la opción por los pobres, Colombia.
Creciente: a las 10h03m en Virgo.
12 Thursday
1Re 18,41-46 / Sl 64
1Re 19,9a.11-16 / Sl 26
Mt 5,20-26 Antonio de Padua
Mt 5,27-32
Gaspar, Juan de Sahagún
1514: Por primera vez se da lectura al «requerimiento» 1645: Comienza la Insurrección Pernambucana para
(para el cacique Catarapa), en la voz de Juan
expulsar el dominio holandés de Brasil.
Ayora, en la costa de Santa Marta.
2003: La Suprema Corte de México concede la extra1981: Joaquín Neves Norte, abogado del Sindicato
dición a España de Ricardo Cavallo, torturador
de Trabajadores Rurales de Naviraí, Paraná,
en la dictadura argentina.
Brasil, asesinado.
1935: Finaliza la guerra del Chaco.
14 Saturday
1Re 19,19-21 / Sl 15
Mt 5,33-37
Eliseo, Basilio el Grande,
Gregorio Nacianceno, Gregorio de Nisa
1977: Mauricio Silva, uruguayo, hermanito del Evangelio, barrendero en Buenos Aires. Desaparecido.
1980: Cosme Spessoto, sacerdote italiano, párroco,
mártir en El Salvador.
1983: Vicente Hordanza, sacerdote misionero al servicio de los campesinos, Perú. 25 años.
2005: El Supremo argentino declara inconstitucionales
las leyes de obediencia debida y punto final.
Domingo 11º ordinario
Ex 19,2-6a / Sl 99
Rm 5,6-11 / Mt 9,36-10,8
Mª Micaela, Vito
1932: Bolivia-Paraguay: comienza la guerra del
1952: Víctor Sanabria, arzobispo de San José de Costa
Rica, defensor de la justicia social.
1987: Operación Albania: 12 personas asesinadas en
Santiago de Chile por servicios de seguridad.
1989: Teodoro Santos Mejía, sacerdote, Perú.
2005: La Suprema Corte de México declara no prescrito
el delito del expresidente Echeverría por genoci­
dio, por la mantanza de estudiantes de 1971.
16 Monday
1Re 21,1-16 / Sl 5
Juan Francisco de Regis
Mt 5,38-42
1976: Masacre de Soweto, Sudáfrica: 700 niños asesinados por negarse a aprender «afrika­ans», la
lengua del opresor.
1976: Aurora Vivar Vásquez, militante, sindicalista,
mártir de las luchas obreras de Perú.
17 Tuesday
1Re 21,17-29 / Sl 50
2Re 2,1.6-14 / Sl 30
Mt 5,43-48 Germán
Mt 6,1-6.16-18
Ismael y Samuel
1703: Nacimiento de John Wesley, Inglaterra.
1954: Jacobo Arbenz, presidente de Guatemala re­
1983: Felipa Pucha y Pedro Cuji, campesinos indíge­
nuncia ante la invasión auspiciada por la CIA.
nas, mártires del derecho a la tierra en Culluctuz, 1997: Brasil aprueba la ley que permite privatizar las
Ecuador. 25 años.
1991: Fin del apartheid en Sudáfrica.
Llena: a las 12h30m en Sagitario.
Día internacional contra la desertificación
19 Thursday
Eclo 48,1-15 / Sl 96
Mt 6,7-15
1764: Nace José Artigas, libertador de Uruguay, "padre"
de la Reforma Agraria.
1867: Es fusilado Maximiliano, Emperador impuesto
a México.
1986: Masacre en los penales de Lima, Perú.
20 Friday
2Re 11,1-4.9-18.20 / Sl 131
2Cro 24,17-25 / Sl 88
Mt 6,19-23 Luis Gonzaga
Mt 6,24-34
Día del refugiado africano.
Onésimo Nesib
1820: Fallece Manuel Belgrano, prócer argentino.
1984: Sergio Ortiz, seminarista, mártir de la persecución
1923: Es asesinado Doroteo Arango, «Pancho Villa»,
a la Iglesia en Guatemala.
general revolucionario mexicano.
Año nuevo aymara
1979: Rafael Palacios, sacerdote, mártir de las comunidades de base salvadoreñas.
1995: Greenpeace logra que Shell y Esso no hundan
en el océano la plataforma petrolera Brent Spar,
evitando que hayan sido hundidas otras 200.
Día mundial (de la ONU) de los refugiados
Solsticio, de verano en el Norte,
y de invierno en el Sur, a las 19h59m.
Domingo 12º ordinario
Jer 20,10-13 / Sl 68
Rm 5,12-15 / Mt 10,26-33
Juan Fisher, Tomás Moro
1534: Benalcázar entra y saquea Quito.
1965: Arturo Mackinnon, canadiense, Misio­nero de
Scarboro, asesinado en Monte Plata por militares
por defender a los pobres, Dominicana.
1966: Manuel Larraín, obispo de Talca, presidente del
CELAM, pastor del pueblo chileno.
23 Monday
2Re 17,5-8.13-15a.18 / Sl 59
Mt 7,1-5
24 Tuesday
Juan Bautista/ Is 49,1-6 / Sal
138 / Hch 13,22-26
Zenón, Marcial
Nacimiento de Juan Bautista
Lc 1,57-66.80
1524: Llegan a la costa de México «los doce apóstoles
Día de año nuevo andino.
de la Nueva España», franciscanos.
1541: Rebelión indígena en el oeste de México
1936: Nace Carlos Fonseca.
(Guerra de Mixton).
1967: Masacre de San Juan, en el centro minero Siglo
1821: Batalla de Carabobo, Venezuela.
XX, Bolivia. Mueren mineros y sus familias.
1823: Se constituye la Federación de las Provincias
Unidas de Centroamérica, de corta existencia.
2Re 2,13; 23.1-3 / Sl 118
Mt 7,15-20
Guillermo, Máximo
Confesión de Ausburgo, Felipe Melancton
1524: Coloquio de los sacerdotes y sabios aztecas
con los «Doce Apóstoles de México».
1975: Mártires de Olancho: Iván Betancourt, Miguel
«Casimiro» y 7 campesinos hondureños.
2Re 24,8-17 / Sl 78
2Re 25,1-12 / Sl 136
Mt 7,21-29 Cirilo de Alejandría
Mt 8,1-4
1552: Domingo de Santo Tomás y Tomás de San
1541: Muerte violenta de Pizarro.
Martín, dominicos, primeros obispos de Bolivia,
1822: Histórico encuentro de San Martín y Bolívar
defensores del indio.
en Guayaquil.
1945: Se firma la Carta de la ONU en San Francisco.Co- 1982: Juan Pablo Rodríguez Ran, sacerdote indígena,
mártir de la justicia para Guatemala.
menzará a existir oficial­mente el 24.10.1945.
1987: Creación de la Confederación de los Pueblos 1986: El Tribunal Internacional de La Haya declara a
EEUU «culpable de violar el Derecho Internacio­
Indígenas de México.
nal por su agresión contra Nicaragua».
Día internacional de lucha contra el
28 Saturday
Lam 2,2.10-14.18-19 / Sl 73
Mt 8,5-17
1890: Brasil abre la puerta a los emigrantes europeos;
los africanos y los asiáticos sólo podrán entrar
mediante autorización del Congreso.
1918: Desembarco de marines en Panamá. 90 años.
1954: Es derrocado Jacobo Arbenz.
2001: Wlademiro Montesinos ingresa en la cárcel de
la base naval de El Callao, Perú.
uso indebido y el tráfico ilícito de drogas.
Día de apoyo a las víctimas de la tortura
Menguante: a las 07h10m en Aries.
Pedro y Pablo
Hch 12,1-11 / Sl 33
2Tm 4,6-8.17-18 / Mt 16,13-19
Pedro y Pablo
1995: Conflicto de tierras en São Félix do Xingú, Brasil.
Mueren 6 agricultores y un policía.
1997: Condenados los tres «mandantes» del asesinato
de Josimo Tavares (Brasil, 1986).
Mysticism and politics
Frei Betto
São Paulo, Brazil
“There is nothing more political than saying that
religion doesn’t have anything to do with politics,”
states South African bishop and Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu. In Latin America, it is not possible to
separate faith and politics, just as it was not possible
in the Palestine of the first century. In the land of
Jesus, whoever held political power also had religious
power in their hands, and vice-a-versa.
The fact that faith and politics are always connected in our concrete lives, as the social beings
that we are—or “political animals,” according to
Aristotle—is not news, except perhaps for those who
have been deceived by a fundamentalist reading of
the Bible, which attempts to disincarnate what God
wanted to incarnate.
In the life of Jesus, it is impossible to ignore the
intimate relationship between faith and politics. We
know that Jesus had faith because the texts speak of
the long periods of time that he spent in prayer. The
Gospel speaks to us of the crises of faith of Jesus—
the temptations in the desert and the abandonment
that he felt in his agony.
There are some who insist that Jesus limited himself to communicating a religious message that did
not have anything to do with politics or ideology.
Such a reading is only possible if biblical exegesis is
reduced to fishing for a few random verses, torn from
their contexts. The text is not the only thing that
reveals the Word of God—the social, political, economic, and ideological context in which the praxis of
Jesus was developed are also revelatory. We Christians
are disciples of a political prisoner. Even if Jesus was
only aware of religious motivations, his alliance with
the oppressed and his project of life for all (Jn 10:10)
had objective political implications. Because of this,
he did not die in bed, but on the cross, condemned by
two political processes.
Mark shows us that the healings accomplished by
Jesus—the man possessed by an evil spirit, the mother-in-law of Peter, the possessed, the leper, the paralytic, the man with the withered hand—destabilized
the ideological system and the ruling political interests to such a degree that they caused two enemy
parties—the Pharisees and the Herodians—to conspire together with “plans to kill Jesus.” The political
implications of Jesus’ actions became so threatening
that they brought Caiaphas to say, in the name of the
Sanhedrin, that “it would be better for one person to
die for the people, rather than let the entire country
be destroyed.”
The idea that mysticism and politics do not have
anything to do with each other is widespread among
many Christians. They see them as two chemical
elements that repel each other. It suffices to see
how the two groups live: the mystics, locked away
in their contemplative refuges, far away from the
fluctuations of the stock market, absorbed in ascetic
exercises, and indifferent to the political winds that
blow around them; the politicians, running against
the clock, submerged in a daily grind of meetings,
analyses, and decisions, without time for even their
families, much less meditation and prayer!
It is not the Gospel where the roots of this ultimate testimony about God are found, but rather
in the ancient pre-Christian religions and the philosophical schools of the Greeks and Romans, who proclaimed the duality between the soul and the body,
the natural and the supernatural, and the sacred and
the profane. It is important to emphasize that the
great mystics were simultaneously immersed in the
political effervescence of their time; Francis of Assisi questioned nascent capitalism; in On the Rule of
Princes, Thomas Aquinas defended the right to insurrection against tyranny; Catherine of Sienna, an illiterate woman, challenged the Pope; Theresa of Avila
revolutionized, with Saint John of the Cross, Christian
Jesus does not seek the seclusion of the Essene
monks, nor is he guided by the penitential practice
of John the Baptist. He commits himself to the conflictive nature of the Palestine of his time. The Son
reveals the Father in order to embrace the poor, the
hungry, the sick, and the sinners; to unmask the
scribes and the Pharisees; to be surrounded by the
multitudes; to make himself an uncomfortable presence at the great festivals in Jerusalem.
Through this activity, which brings grave political
repercussions, Jesus is revealed as a mystic, that is,
as someone who lives passionately a loving intimacy
with God, who he treats as “Abba,” an Aramaic term
which expresses deep tenderness, like our “daddy.”
His encounter with the Father does not demand withdrawal from the polis, but it does demand an opening
of the heart to the divine will.
Faith Politically Incarnated
Today in Latin America, we live in a context of oppression/liberation. Here, it is not possible to imagine
a Christian way of life that is political neutral or that
is capable of uniting through religion what has been
antagonistically divided by unjust economic relations.
As Latin American Christians committed to the project
of the God of Life, the existence of massive poverty
forces us, in the name of faith, to take a position.
This reality demonstrates that the project of
justice and happiness desired by God for the human
being, described in Genesis, was shattered by sin. The
victims of this rupture are principally the poor. Because of this, Jesus took their side. He did not do this
because the poor are holier or better that the rich. He
did it simply because they were poor: the collective
existence of the poor was not part of God’s original
plan, because God wanted everyone to share in the
goods of creation and to live as brothers and sisters.
Nobody chooses to be poor. Each poor person is
an involuntary victim of unjust relationships. Because
of this, the poor are called blessed because they keep
hope alive that their situation will change, that the
justice of God will prevail.
In this way, in Latin America, Christian faith inevitably presumes a political position: to be on the side
of the forces of oppression—like those who condemn
the political violence of the oppressed, without asking about capitalism’s mechanisms of economic violence—or on the side of the forces of liberation—like
those who share the option for the poor.
There are Christians who sincerely perceive the
“symptoms”—misery, sickness, the premature death
of millions...—but who do not discover the “causes”
of such social problems. In general, such persons or
sectors occupy the social sector reserved for those
people who enjoy social or patrimonial privileges, or
as owners of private property, of both symbolic and
material goods. They develop a theology that seeks
to legitimize the mechanisms of domination through
kidnapping language and bringing it into the sphere
of abstraction, as if religious discourse could, in a
way, stop being political.
The theology produced in Latin America today,
starting from the poor—known as Liberation Theology—consciously accepts its political involvement
and its ideological mediations. It is not born out of
an academic limbo in universities and libraries, but
from the struggle of thousands of Christian Base
Communities that nourish our faith with the blood of
innumerable martyrs.
The changes that occurred in Eastern Europe have
forced Liberation Theology to revise its conception
of socialism. This is not just a theoretical effort to
separate the wheat from the shaft, but above all, to
restore the hope of the poor, and to open a new liberating horizon for the struggle of the working class.
To ignore the depth of these changes would be like
trying to block out the sun with a finger. Additionally,
to believe socialism has completely failed would be
to disown its societal victories—above all when seen
from the point of view of the poor countries—and to
accept the perennial hegemony of capitalism. It has
been necessary to detect the causes of the chronic
deviations of socialist regimes, and to redefine the
concept of socialism itself.
Faith shows us what life demands from us, but it
does not offer us either the analytical tools or the
political instruments necessary for the construction
of this project of social fraternity. The important
contributions of political science cannot be ignored
by Latin American theological reflection if we want
to understand the mechanisms which exclude millions
of people from their fundamental rights. Further, the
contributions of economic and social theories to theology in no way threaten the integrity of our faith.
That is, we do not make Marxism into a religion, or
Christian faith into an ideology.
In our Continent, it is the poor who expand the
borders of the Church and transform politics and
ideologies into worldly versions—still connected to
God—of theological discourse. Although faith may
not be so strong as to move mountains, at least it
leaves us with the certainty that love, reflected in
liberating practices, enables us to participate with
one another in total communion.
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1 2 3
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30 Monday
Am 3,1-8;4,11-12 / Sl 5
Am 2,6-10 / Sl 49
Mt 8,23-27
Mt 8,18-22 Casto, Secundino, Aarón
Protomártires de Roma
Juan Olof Wallin
Catalina Winkworth, John Mason Neale
Día de los mártires de Guatemala. (Antes, del ejército). Fiesta nacional de Canadá.
1520: La «noche triste», derrota de los conquistado­ 1974: Fallece Juan Domingo Perón, tres veces presi­
res en México.
dente argentino.
1975: Dionisio Frías, campesino, mártir de las luchas 1981: Tulio Maruzzo, sacerdote italiano, y Luis Nava­
por la tierra en la Rep. Dominicana.
rre­te, catequista, mártires en Guatemala.
1978: Hermógenes López, fundador de la Acción 1990: Mariano Delaunay, maestro, mártir de la edu­
Católica Rural, mártir de los campesinos. Guacación liberadora en Haití.
temala. 30 años.
2002: Entra en vigor el Tribunal Penal Internacional,
aun con la oposición de EEUU.
2 Wednesday
Am 5,14-15.21-24 / Sl 49
Mt 8,28-34
Vidal, Marcial
1617: Rebelión de los tupinambas (Brasil).
1823: Toma de Salvador, que concluye la guerra de
independencia de Bahia, Brasil.
1925: Nace el revolucionario africano Lumunba.
1969: Primera misión humana que llega a la luna.
1991: Iª Conferencia legal del Congreso Nacional
Africano, Sudáfrica, después de 30 años.
Nueva: a las 21h18m en Cáncer.
3 Thursday
Ef 2,19-22 / Sal 116
Jn 20,24-29
Tomás apóstol
1951: Es aprobada en Brasil la ley Alfonso Arinos,
que condena como contravención penal la
discriminación de raza, color y religión.
1978: Pablo Marcano García y Nydia Cuevas toman el
Consulado de Chile en San Juan, para denun­ciar
lo absurdo de celebrar la independencia del país
(EEUU) que se la niega a Puerto Rico. 30 años.
1987: Tomás Zavaleta, franciscano salvadoreño, mártir
de la solidaridad, en Nicaragua.
Am 8,4-6.9-12 / Sl 118
Mt 9,9-13
Isabel de Portugal
1776: Independencia de EEUU. Fiesta nacional.
1974: Antonio Llido Mengua, sacerdote diocesano español, detenido y desaparecido bajo Pinochet.
1976: Alfredo Kelly, Pedro Dufau, Alfredo Leaden,
Salvador Barbeito y José Barletti, mártires de
la justicia, Argentina.
Am 9,11-15 / Sl 84
Mt 9,14-17
Antonio Mª Zaccaria
1573: Ejecución del cacique Tamanaco, Venezuela.
1811: Independencia de Venezuela. Fiesta nacional.
1920: Bolivia ordena dar tierra a los «naturales».
1981: Emeterio Toj, campesino indígena, secuestrado
en Guatemala.
Domingo 14º ordinario
Zac 9,9-10 / Sl 144
Rm 8,9.11-13 / Mt 11,25-30
María Goretti
1415: Muere John Huss, en Checo-Eslovaquia.
1943: Muere en Buenos Aires Nazaria Ignacia March
Mesa, fundadora de las religiosas «Cruzadas de
la Iglesia», que fundó en Oruro (Bolivia) el primer
sindicato obrero femenino de A.L.
1986: Rodrigo Rojas, militante, mártir de la lucha por
la democracia del pueblo chileno.
7 Monday
Os 2,16.17b-18.21-22 / Sl 144
Os 8,4-7.11.13 / Sl 113B
Mt 9,18-26 Eugenio, Adriano, Priscila
Mt 9,32-38
1976: Arturo Bernal, campesino dirigente de las Ligas 1538: Muerte violenta de Almagro.
Agrarias, que pereció en la tortura, Paraguay. 1991: Martín Ayala, mártir de la solidaridad de los
marginados de su pueblo salvadoreño.
1991: Carlos Bonilla, obrero, mártir del derecho al
trabajo en Citlaltepetl, México.
2005: Atentado terrorista en el metro de Londres.
9 Wednesday
Os 10,1-3.7-8.12 / Sl 104
Mt 10,1-7
Rosario de Chiquinquirá
1816: En el Congreso de Tucumán, Argentina, las
Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata declaran su
independencia de España. Fiesta nacional.
1821: San Martín proclama a Perú independiente.
1880: Joaquín Nabuco funda la Sociedad Brasileña
contra la esclavitud, que tuvo una gran actuación
en plazas públicas y clubes.
1920: Pedro Lersa, Recife, luchador por los derechos de
los trabajadores, preso y muerto en la prisión.
Creciente: a las 23h35m en Libra.
10 Thursday
Os 11,1-4.8c-9 / Sl 79
Os 14,2-10 / Sl 50
Mt 10,7-15 Benito
Mt 10,16-23
1968: Fundación del Movimiento Indio de EEUU
1509: Nacimiento de Calvino, en Francia.
(American Indian Movement).
1973: Independencia de las Bahamas.
1980: FaustinoVillanueva, sacerdote español, mártir al 1977: Carlos Ponce de León, obispo de San Nicolás,
mártir de la justicia en Argentina.
servicio del pueblo indígena, Guatemala.
1988: Joseph Lafontant, abogado, mártir de la defensa
Día mundial de la población
de los derechos humanos en Haití. 20 años.
1993: Muere Rafael Maroto Pérez, luchador incansable
por la justicia y la libertad en Chile, sacerdote.
2002: Se descubre en Chad un cráneo de 7 millones de
años, del homínido más antiguo conocido.
12 Saturday
Is 6,1-8 / Sl 92
Mt 10,24-33
Juan Gualberto
1821: Bolívar crea la República de la Gran Colombia.
1917: Huelga general e insurrección en São Paulo.
1976: Aurelio Rueda, sacerdote, mártir de los habitantes
de tugurios en Colombia.
Domingo 15º ordinario
Is 55,10-11 / Sl 64
Rm 8,18-23 / Mt 13,1-23
1900: Nace Juana Fernández Solar, santa Teresa de
Jesús de los Andes, carmelita chilena.
1982: Fernando Hoyos, jesuita, educador entre los
campesinos, muerto por el ejército, Guatemala
1989: Natividad Quispe, indígena, 90 años, Perú.
1991: Riccy Mabel Martínez, violada y asesinada
por militares, símbolo de la lucha del Pueblo de
Honduras contra la impunidad militar.
2007: Fin de la impunidad legal en Argentina: la
Corte Suprema declara nulos los indultos a los
14 Monday
Is 1,10-17 / Sl 49
Is 7,1-9 / Sl 47
Mt 10,34-11,1 Buenaventura, Vladimir
Mt 11,20-24
Francisco Solano
1972: Héctor Jurado, pastor metodista, mártir del
Camilo de Lelis
pueblo uruguayo, torturado.
1616: Francisco Solano, misionero franciscano,
1976: Rodolfo Lunkenbein, misionero, y Lorenzo Simão,
apóstol de los indios en Perú.
bororo, mártires del pueblo indígena, Brasil.
1630: Hernandarias publica en Paraguay las primeras
1981: Misael Ramírez, campesino, animador de
ordenanzas en defensa de los indios.
comunidades, mártir de la justicia, Colombia.
1969: Estalla la «guerra del fútbol» entre El Salvador y
1991: Julio Quevedo Quezada, catequista, El Quiché,
Honduras, cuyo origen es la expulsión de colonos
asesinado por el Estado, Guatemala.
salvadoreños de territorio hondureño.
Día internacional de la ONU de la Familia
16 Wednesday
Is 10,5-7.13-16 / Sl 93
Mt 11,25-27
1750: José Gumilla, misionero defensor de los indios,
cultivador de las lenguas indígenas, Venezuela.
1982: Los «sin techo» ocupan 580 casas en Santo
André, São Paulo, Brasil.
2000: Muere Elsa M. Chaney (*1930), destacada
feminista estadounidense con estudios sobre
las mujeres en América Latina.
17 Thursday
Is 26,7-9.12.16-19 / Sl 101
Is 38,1-6.21-22.7-8 / Int. Is 38
Mt 11,28-30 Arnulfo, Federico
Mt 12,1-8
Alejo, Bartolomé de las Casas
1566: Muere Bartolomé de Las Casas, a los 82 años, 1872: Muere el gran indio zapoteca Benito Juárez.
profeta defensor de la Causa de los indios.
1976: Carlos de Dios Murias y Gabriel Longueville,
1976: Mártires obreros del ingenio Ledesma,
sacerdotes, secuestrados y muertos, mártires
de la justicia en La Rioja, Argentina.
1980: Cruento golpe militar en Bolivia, encabezado
Llena: a las 02h59m en Capricornio.
por el general Luis García Meza.
19 Saturday
Mq 2,1-5 / Sl 9
Mt 12,1-8
Justa y Rufina, Arsenio
1824: Es fusilado Itúrbide, emperador de México.
1979: Triunfo de la Revolución Sandinista.
1983: Yamilet Sequiera Cuarte, catequista, Nicaragua.
Domingo 16º ordinario
Sb 12,13.16-19 / Sl 85
Rm 8,26-27 / Mt 13,24-43
1500: Cédula real que ordena poner en libertad a
todos los indios vendidos como esclavos en la
Península, y devolverlos a las Indias.
1810: Independencia de Colombia. Fiesta nacional.
1923: Es asesinado Doroteo Arango, «Pancho Villa»,
general revolucionario mexicano.
1969: El ser humano, en el comandante Neil Amstrong
del Apolo XI, pisa la Luna por primera vez.
1981: Masacre de Coyá, Guatemala: trescientos
muertos, mujeres, ancianos y niños.
21 Monday
22 Tuesday
Cant 3,1-4 / Sl 62
Jer 1,1.4-10 / Sl 70
Mq 6,1-4.6-8 / Sl 49
Jn 20,1-11 Brígida
Mt 13,1-9
María Magdalena
Mt 12,38-42
Lorenzo de Brindis
1980: Jorge Oscar Adur, sacerdote asuncionista, 1978: Mario Mujía Córdoba, «Guigui», obrero, maestro,
1980: Wilson de Souza Pinheiro, sindicalista, luchador
expresidente de JEC, Raúl Rodríguez y Carlos Di
agente de pastoral, mártir de la causa obrera en
campesino, asesinado en Brasiléia AC, Brasil.
Pietro, seminaristas, desaparecidos, Argen­tina.
Guatemala. 30 años.
1984: Sergio Alejandro Ortíz, seminarista, Guate1983: Pedro Angel Santos, catequista, mártir de la
solidaridad con su pueblo salvadoreño. 25 años.
1987: Alejandro Labaca, Vicario de Aguarico, e Inés
1987: Mártires campesinos de Jean-Rabel, en Haití.
Arango, misionera, en la selva ecuatoriana.
1993: 8 niños de la calle, asesinados por un escuadrón
de la muerte mientras dormían en la plaza de la
iglesia de la Candelaria de Río de Janeiro.
24 Thursday
26 Saturday
Jer 2,1-3.7-8.12-13 /Sl 35
Hch 4,33;5,12.27-33;12,2
Jer 7,1-11 / Sl 83
Mt 13,10-17 Santiago
2Cor 4,7-15 / Sal 66 / Mt 20,20-28 Joaquín y Ana
Mt 13,24-30
1783: Nace Simón Bolívar en Caracas.
la ciudad
1495: Diego Colón funda en la Hispaniola (Rep. Domini1985: Ezequiel Ramim, comboniano, mártir defensor de
de Santa María, fundada por Colón.
cana) la ciudad de Santiago de los Caballeros.
los posseiros, Cacoal RO, Brasil. Asesinado. 1524: Se funda Santiago de los Caballeros, Guatemala. 1927: Primer bombardeo aéreo de la historia del
Continente, a cargo de EEUU, contra Ocotal, Nica1567: Se funda «Santiago de León de Caracas».
ragua, donde se había aposentado Sandino.
1898: EEUU invade Puerto Rico.
1953: Asalto del cuartel Moncada en Cuba.
1901: EEUU impone a Cuba la enmienda Platt (la base
de Guantánamo).
1952: Puerto Rico: Estado Libre Aso­ciado de EEUU.
1976: Wenceslao Pedernera, campesino dirigente
pastoral, mártir en la Rioja, Argentina.
1978: Carlos Enrique Soto Arriví y Arnaldo Darío
Rosado, asesinados por la policía, Puerto Rico.
1980: José Othomaro Cáceres, seminarista, y sus 13
compañeros, mártires en El Salvador.
1981: Angel Martínez Rodrigo y Raúl José Léger,
catequistas misioneros laicos, Guatemala.
1983: Luis Calderón y Luis Solarte, mártires de la lucha
de los «destechados» de Popa­yán, Colombia.
Menguante: a las 13h41m en Tauro.
Domingo 17º ordinario
1Re 3,5.7-12 / Sl 118
Rm 8,28-30 / Mt 13,44-52
1909: Semana trágica en Barcelona, reivindicaciones
obreras fuertemente reprimidas.
1991: Eliseo Castellano, sacerdote, Puerto Rico.
29 Tuesday
1Jn 4,7-16 / Sl 33
Jer 13,1-11 / Int. Dt 32
Jn 11,19-27
Mt 13,31-35 Marta
Inocencio, Juan Sebastián Bach,
María, Marta y Lázaro de Betania, Olaf
Heinrich Schütz, Jorge Federico Handel
1821: Independencia de Perú. Fiesta nacional.
1980: Masacre de 70 campesinos en San Juan Cotzal,
en Guatemala.
1981: Stanley Francisco Rother, estadounidense,
ase­sinado por su servicio en favor de los pobres,
Santiago de Atitlán, Guatemala.
Jer 15,10.16-21 / Sl 58
Mt 13,44-46
Pedro Crisólogo
1502: Llega Colón a Honduras.
1811: Es fusilado Miguel Hidalgo, párroco de Dolores,
héroe de la Independencia de México.
1958: La policía de Batista acribilla en la calle a
Frank País, líder estudiantil, dirigente laico de la
Segunda Iglesia Bautista de Cuba, involucra­do
en la lucha revolucionaria. 50 años.
31 Thursday
Jer 18,1-6 / Sl 145
Jer 26,1-9 / Sl 68
Jr 26,11-16.24 / Sl 68
Mt 13,47-53 Alfonso Mª de Ligorio
Mt 13,54-58 Eusebio Vercelli
Mt 14,1-12
Ignacio de Loyola
1970: Guerrilleros tupamaros secuestran en Montevi- 1920: Gandhi lanza en la India su campaña de 1981: Carlos Pérez Alonso, sacerdote, apóstol de los
deo al cónsul de Brasil.
desobe­diencia civil.
enfermos y de los presos, luchador por la justicia,
desaparecido en Guatemala.
1997: Foro de los Movimienos de izquierda de A.L. 1975: Arlen Siu, estudiante, 18 años, militante cristiana,
en São Paulo.
mártir en la revolución nicaragüense.
1979: Masacre de Chota, Perú.
Eclipse total de sol visible en Europa, excepto
España y Portugal
Nueva: a las 05h13m en Leo.
Domingo 18º ordinario
Is 55,1-3 /Sl 144
Rm 8,35.37-39 / Mt 14,13-21
1492: Zarpa Colón de Palos de la Frontera en su primer
viaje hacia las Indias occidentales.
1980: Masacre de mineros en Caracoles, Bolivia, tras
un golpe de Estado: 500 muertos.
1999: Tí Jan, sacerdote comprometido con la causa de
los pobres, asesinado. Puerto Príncipe, Haití.
The Dignity of Politics According to Romero
Carlos Ayala RamíreZ
San Salvador, ADITAL
Trust in politics, in parties, and in so-called democratic institutions is, in general, very low in societies
like ours. The crisis in politics finds expression in the
rupture that exists between the problems that citizens
demand be resolved (poverty, inequality, violence, the
high cost of living, etc.) and the capacity of politics
to address these problems.
Nevertheless, it is undisputable that politics is
present in all of parts of our lives (“everything is
political although politics is not everything”). Social
problems cannot be solved on an individual level.
Politics can perform a function which benefits society
considered as a whole.
In Monseñor Romero, we encounter a practice that
can help us find a way towards the dignification of
politics. He dignified politics by communicating the
truth, struggling for justice, promoting the common
good, and defending the human rights of the poor. He
was consistent in these values until his death. He did
not do this to advance his political career, but as a
political service, as a vocation motivated by the suffering which descended on the majority of the people
of country, by the repression and social injustice they
in poor countries. More than one billion people live in
conditions of extreme poverty; more than 10 million
children do not reach five years of age. The gap in life
expectancy is one of the most fundamental inequalities. The 2.5 billion people who live on less than two
dollars a day (40% of the world’s population) obtain
only 5% of world investment. Monseñor Romero, following the doctrine of the Church in its most authentic and vigilant interpretation, called this situation
“institutionalized violence.”
The Politics of Respect for Human Dignity
Pragmatic politics affirms that everything has a
price: the candidate, the deputy, the party, the vote,
the proposal or the law, electoral promises, knowledge, commitment, etc. Through this road, we have
arrived at the divorce of ethics from politics and,
consequently, we consider politics as an end in itself,
and persons (citizens) as only means. This is precisely
the vision that we find Monseñor Romero rejecting:
“The Church is not interested in political or economic interests, except insofar as they relate to human beings, to make them more human and not to
advance the idolatry of money, the idolatry of power:
from power, they should not become oppressors: from
The Politics of Struggle for the Common Good
money, they should not become marginalized. What
To begin with, it is important to affirm that politi- the Church is interested in is that these goods that
cal power exists to serve society and not for its own
God has put in the hands of human beings—politics,
sake. Its source is society, but society considered
materials, money, goods—assist them in realizing
in its totality, not in any one of its parts, and, less
their vocations” (Homily of Monseñor Romero, July
still if this is a minority, hegemonic, and exclusive
17, 1977).
part. When power is used to strengthen the power of
all, this power serves society. This is what Monseñor The Politics in Defense of Human Rights
Romero called “grand politics.” His politics contrasted
Peace is the fruit of justice and justice is conwith the exercise of power used to disempower society. cerned with the effective exercise of human rights.
Because of this, for an upright politics, human
The Politics of Struggle against Common Evil
rights—in their various articulations—are a question
The Human Development Report of the United
of life and death: fighting for human rights is fighting
Nations Development Program tells us that, in the
for life and combating death. Violating human rights
midst of an ever more prosperous global economy,
is promoting death and combating life. From here
poverty and inequality continue to be social evils that comes the historical and ethical necessity of using
continue to afflict the human community, especially
this group of rights to orient public conduct. From
here also comes the necessity of demanding these
rights and fighting for their maximum enforcement.
This was, in a great measure, one of the priorities of
the ministry of Monseñor Romero.
The Politics that Listens to the Cry of the Poor
The dominant note in the current world is negligence of, indifference to, and abandonment of the
poor. Jon Sobrino describes the poor as those who are
oppressed and who lack the very necessities of material life; those who do not have words or liberty, that
is to say, those who have been denied their dignity;
those who do not have a name or a date in the calendar; those whose very existence is denied.
Ignacio Ellacuría argued that a righteous politics—upon taking up the cry of the poor—is in a
superior condition to see the truth of reality and to
make the changes that this reality requires. The poor
make us know what world we really live in: an unjust
and inhuman world because it excludes and marginalizes the majorities. According to Monseñor Romero,
inhumanity is exacerbated when one is deaf to this
cry, or worse still, when one punishes this cry.
many lies and few truths in political reality.
Putting creativity in the service of justice was one
of the challenges that Monseñor Romero suggested
to the citizens who were kept at the margins of the
political process.
Politics as Humanizing Service versus Dehumanizing Oppression
There is a biblical parable that distinguishes very
well between those who prefer to serve so that there
is life, although they do not have power, and those
who seek power to oppress or take life from others
(corruption of power).
Whoever is more ambitious for power is not the
one who most wants to serve; rather, he wants to impose his particular (party) interests on general interests. If we want to resist this mode of doing politics
(exclusive politics), we must put into practice what
some have called a necessary repoliticization. Politics
must become service and we citizens must recover
protagonism in making the decisions that construct
our social life. That is, we must take charge of the
(political) reality and transform it.
Monseñor Romero formulated this necessity in the
The Politics of Citizenship Participation
following manner: “Brothers, in the name of Christ,
The promotion of the common good and the
assist in clarifying reality, look for solutions, and do
eradication of the common evil (objectives of correct not evade your vocation as leaders. To the political
politics) depend, in great measure, on the participa- parties and religious, cooperative, and popular orgation of citizens. But this—so that it can be effective nizations, the Lord desires to inspire the spirit of his
and have real influence on social change—requires
divine Transfiguration, to transfigure using organized
the existence of critical, creative, and careful citizens. forces, not with ineffective methods and spiritualities
According to Monseñor Romero, the necessity of a
of violence, but with true, authentic liberation” (Aucritical attitude comes from the fact that there are
gust 6, 1978).
“The political dimension of the faith is nothing other than the response of the Church to the exigencies
of the real socio-political world in which it lives. It makes an option for the poor, incarnates itself in their
world, announces good news to them, gives them hope, inspires them to engage in a liberating praxis, defends their cause, and participates in their destiny. This option of the Church for the poor is what explains
the political dimension of the faith in it its fundamental roots and outlines. Because it has opted for the real
poor, and not the fictitiously poor, because it has opted for the truly oppressed and repressed, the Church
lives in the world of politics and it fulfills itself as a Church also through politics. It cannot be otherwise if,
like Jesus, it turns itself towards the poor.”
Monseñor Romero, The Political Dimension of Faith from the Option for the Poor, speech at Louvain upon
receiving an honorary doctorate. See the complete text and other texts and books on Romero and his homilies
at his page: See also The Violence of Love, compiled by James Brockman,
S.J., available for free download in English at
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
21222324 252627
28 29 30 31
MTWT F SDSeptember
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 1011121314
Jr 28,1-17 / Sl 118
Jr 30,1-2.12-15.18-22 / Sl 101
Mt 14,13-21
Mt 14,22-36
Juan Mª Vianney
1849: Anita Garibaldi, heroína brasileña luchadora por 1499: Alonso de Ojeda llega a La Guajira, Colombia.
la libertad en Brasil, Uruguay e Italia.
1976: Enrique Angelelli, obispo de La Rioja, Argentina,
profeta y mártir de los pobres.
1979: Alirio Napoleón Macías, sacerdote mártir en El
Salvador, ametrallado sobre el altar.
1982: Es destruido por la alcaldía de Salvador, el «terreiro» Casa Blanca,el primero de Brasil.
2006:Julio Simón, condenado por terrorismo de estado:
primer caso tras la anulación de las leyes de punto
final y obediencia debida, Argentina.
6 Wednesday
Dn 7,9-10.13-14 / Sal 96
2Pe 1,16-19 / Mt 17,1-9
1325: Se funda Tenochtitlán (México DF).
1538: Fundación de Santa Fe de Bogotá.
1524: Batalla de Junín.
1825: Independencia de Bolivia. Fiesta nacional.
1945: EEUU lanza la bomba atómica sobre Hiroshima.
120.000 muertos.
1961: EEUU funda la «Alianza para el Progreso».
1962: Independencia de Jamaica. Fiesta nacional.
1978: Muere Pablo VI. 30 años.
2000: Detenido en Italia el argentino Jorge Olivera, por
la desaparición de una joven francesa durante la
dictadura militar argentina.
7 Thursday
Nah 2,1.3;3,1-3.6-7 / Int Dt 32
Jr 31,31-34 / Sl 50
Mt 16,24-28
Mt 16,13-23 Domingo de Guzmán
Sixto y Cayetano
1819: Con la victoria de Boyacá, Bolívar abre el camino 1873: Nace Emiliano Zapata, el dirigente campesino
para la liberación de Nueva Granada.
de la Revolución Mexicana, que puso definitivamente la reforma agraria en el programa de las
1985: Christopher Williams, pastor evangélico, mártir
luchas sociales latinoamericanas.
de la fe y la solidaridad en El Salvador.
1997: Huelga general en Argentina, con el 90% de
2000: La Corte Suprema de Chile retira la inmunidad
parlamentaria al exdictador Pinochet.
Creciente: a las 15h20m en Escorpión.
Hab 1,12-2,4 / Sl 9
Mt 17.14-20
Fabio, Román
1945: EEUU lanza la bomba atómica sobre Nagasaki.
1991: Miguel Tomaszek y Zbigniew Strzalkowski,
franciscanos, misioneros en Perú.
1995: En un conflicto con trabajadores sin tierra la Policia Militar mata a 10 traba­jadores y arresta a 192
personas, con crueldad. Corumbiara, Brasil
2000: Fallece Orlando Orio, ex-desaparecido, profeta de la
vida, figura de referencia en la Iglesia de Argentina.
Día de la ONU de las poblaciones indígenas
Domingo 19º ordinario
1Re 19,9a.11-13a / Sl 84
Rm 9,1-5 / Mt 14,22-33
1809: Primer grito de independencia en América Latina
continental, el de Ecuador. Fiesta nacional.
1974: Tito de Alencar, dominico, torturado hasta el
suicidio, Brasil.
1977: Jesús Alberto Páez Vargas, líder del movimiento
comunal, secuestrado y desaparecido, Perú.
11 Monday
12 Tuesday
13 Wednesday
Ez 2,8-3,4 / Sl 118
Ez 9,1-7;10,18-22 / Sl 112
Ez 1,2-5.24-28c / Sl 148
Mt 18,1-5.10.12-14 Policarpo, Hipólito
Mt 18,15-20
Mt 17,22-27 Julián
Clara de Asís
1521: El día 1-Serpiente del año 3-Casa, después de
1546: Muere Francisco de Vitoria en Salamanca.
1992: Comienza la marcha de 3000 sin tierra en Rio
80 días de cerco cae México-Tenochtitlán, es
1976: 17 obispos, 36 sacerdotes, religiosas y laicos
Grande do Sul, Brasil.
hecho prisionero Cuauhtémoc y mueren unos
latinoamericanos son detenidos por la policía en
1997: Comienza la «crisis asiática», que se propagará
240.000 guerreros.
una reunión religiosa en Riobam­ba, Ecuador.
a las finanzas de todo el mundo.
1981: IBM da inicio al mercado de los ordenadores 1961: Se construye el muro de Berlín.
personales, que revolucionará la vida humana.
1983: Margarita Mª Alves, presidenta del Sindicato rural de
Alagoa Grande, Brasil, mártir de la tierra. 25 años.
Día internacional de la ONU de la juventud
14 Thursday
Ap 11,19a;12,1.3-6a.10ab / Sal 44
Ez 12,1-12 / Sl 77
1Cor 15,20-27a / Lc 1,39-56
Mt 18,21-29 Asunción
Maximiliano Kolbe
1914: Inauguración del Canal de Panamá.
1816: Muere en prisión Francisco de Miranda, prócer 1980: José Francisco dos Santos, presidente del Sinvenezolano, precursor de la independencia.
dicato de los Trabajadores Rurales en Corrientes
1983: Muere Alceu Amoroso Lima, «Tristão de Atha(PB), Brasil. Asesinado.
yde», escritor, filósofo, militante cristiano.
1984: Luis Rosales, líder sindical, y compañeros,
1984: Mártires campesinos de Pucayacu, departamártires de la lucha por la justicia entre los
mento de Ayacucho, Perú.
obreros bananeros de Costa Rica.
1985: Mártires campesinos de Accomarca, departa- 1989: María Rumalda Camey, catequista y represen­
mento de Ayacucho, Perú.
tante del GAM, capturada y desapa­recida frente
a su esposo e hijos, Escuintla, Guatemala.
16 Saturday
Ez 18,1-10.13b.30-32 / Sl 50
Mt 19,13-15
Roque, Esteban de Hungría
1976: Coco Erbetta, catequista, universitario, mártir
de las luchas del pueblo argentino.
1993: Mártires indígenas yanomamis, de Roraima,
2005: Es asesinado Roger Schutz, fundador del movimiento ecuménico de Taizé, Francia.
2006: MuereAlfredo Stroesner, dictador paraugayo, acusado de crímenes contra la Humanidad, en Brasilia.
Eclipse parcial de Luna,
no visible en Europa ni América
Llena: a las 16h16m en Acuario.
Domingo 20º ordinario
IS 56,1.6-7 / Sl 66
Rm 11,13-15.29-32 / Mt 15,21-28
1850: Muere San Martín en Francia.
1997: El Movimiento de los Sin Tierra ocupa dos haciendas en Pontal do Paranapanema, SP, Brasil.
19 Tuesday
Ez 24,15-24 / Sl 32
Ez 28,1-10 / Sl 32
Ez 34,1-11 / Sl 22
Mt 19,16-22 Juan Eudes
Mt 19,23-30 Bernardo
Mt 20,1-16
1778: Nace el prócer chileno Bernardo O'Higgins.
1527: Es asesinado el cacique Lempira durante una 1991: Intento de golpe de Estado en la URSS.
1998: EEUU bombardea Afganistán y Sudán.
conferencia de paz (Honduras).
1952: Alberto Hurtado, sacerdote chileno, apóstol de
los pobres, canonizado en 2005.
1993: Mártires indígenas asháninkas, Tziriari, Perú.
2000: Dos policías militares de Rondônia son considerados culpables por el juez por la masacre de
Corumbiara contra los sin tierra, Brasil.
21 Thursday
23 Saturday
Ez 36,23-28 / Sl 50
Ez 37,1-14 / Sl 106
Ez 43,1-7a / Sl 84
Mt 22,1-14 María Reina
Mt 22,34-40 Rosa de Lima
M t23,1-12
Pío X
1971: Mauricio Lefevre, misionero oblato canadiense, ase- Día mundial del folklore.
1948: Fundación del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias.
sinado durante un golpe de Estado en Bolivia.
1988: Jürg Weis, teólogo suizo misionero evangélico, 1975: Se crea en Paraguay el Instituto Nacional del Indio.
mártir de la solidaridad con El Salvador.
Día internacional de la ONU del recuerdo de la
trata de esclavos y su abolición
Menguante: a las 18h49m en Géminis.
Domingo 21º ordinario
Is 22,19-23 / Sl 137
Rm 11,33-36 / Mt 16,13-20
1617: Rosa de Lima, patrona y primera santa canoni­
zada de América.
1882: Muere el abolicionista Luiz Gama.
1977: Primer Congreso de las Culturas Negras de
las Américas.
1980: 17dirigentessindicales,reunidosenla finca del obispado de Escuintla, Guatemala, desapa­recidos.
25 Monday
26 Tuesday
2Ts 1,1-5.11b-12 / Sl 95
2Ts 2,1-3a.14-17 / Sl 95
José de Calasanz
Mt 23,13-22 Teresa Jornet
Mt 23,23-26
Luis de Francia
1968: Inauguración de la 2ª Conferencia del CELAM en
1825: Independencia de Uruguay. Fiesta nacional.
Medellín. 40 años.
1991: Alessandro Dordi Negroni, misionero, mártir de 1977: Felipe de Jesús Chacón, campesino, catequista,
la fe y la promoción humana, Perú.
asesinado por los militares, El Salvador.
2005: La Corte Suprema de Chile desafora al exdictador Pinochet.
2Ts 3,6-10.16-18 / Sl 127
Mt 23,37-32
1828: Acuerdo de Montevideo, auspiciado por Gran Bretaña, que asegura la independencia de Uruguay.
1847: El superintendente inglés y el rey miskito anun­
cian la abolición de la esclavitud, en la Costa
Atlántica de Nicaragua.
1987: Héctor Abad Gómez, médico, mártir de la defensa
de los DDHH en Medellín, Colombia.
1993: La ley 70/93 reconoce los derechos territoriales,
étnicos, económicos y sociales de las comunidades negras de Colombia.
1999: Fallece Mons. Hélder Câmara, hermano de los pobres, profeta de la paz y la esperanza, Brasil.
28 Thursday
1Cor 1,1-9 / Sl 144
Mt 24,42-51
1994: Jean-Marie Vincent, religioso montfortiano,
comprometido con DDHH,Puerto Príncipe. En los
3 años del go­bier­no golpista de Raoul Cédras,
más de 100 sacerdo­tes, religiosos y religiosas son
encarce­lados o forzados a abandonar su labor.
30 Saturday
Jr 1,17-19 / Sl70
1Cor 1,26-31 / Sl 32
Mc 6,17-29 Félix, Esteban Zudaire
Mt 25,14-30
Martirio de Juan Bautista
1985: 300 agentes del FBI invaden Puerto Rico y
1533: «Bautismo y ejecución» de Atahualpa.
arrestan a más de una docena de luchadores
1563: Se crea la Real Audiencia de Quito.
por la independencia.
1986: A pesar de la prohibición del cardenal de Rio de
Janeiro, se lleva a cabo el III Encuentro de Reli- 1993: Un escuadrón de la muerte y policías ejecutan
a 21 personas en la favela «do Vigário Geral»,
giosos y Sacerdotes negros de Rio de Janeiro.
en Rio de Janeiro.
Día internacional de los desaparecidos
(Amnistía Internacional y FEDEFAM)
Nueva: a las 14h58m en Virgo.
Domingo 22º ordinario
Jr 20,7-9 / Sl 62
Rm 12,1-2 / Mt 16,21-27
Ramón Nonato
1925: Los marines de EEUU ponen fin a una ocupación
de Haití de diez años.
1962: Independencia de Trinidad y Tobago.
1988: Muere Leónidas Proaño, obispo de los indios,
en Ríobamba, Ecuador. 20 años.
Climate Change: The global crisis
Five action points
Víctor Viñuales
Zaragoza, Spain
This past year has been a year of focus on the
issue of Climate Change; Al Gore’s book, an Oscar for
Al Gore’s film, The Stern Report commissioned by the
British Prime Minister, The Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) for the United Nations etc....
Now the consensus is enormous – scientists state,
the general public agree, even Nature’s own message
is crystal clear.....We are in the middle of real climate
change, which although difficult to predict with exactitude, is having far reaching consequences on the whole
of humanity and for some specific geographical areas
of the world.
The latest report by the IPCC was overwhelming.
More than a thousand scientists are in agreement.
Despite the fact, that for the political decision makers
the composition of the summary is an increasingly difficult process involving exacting negotiations between
the representatives of the different countries, its 18
pages leave no room for doubt. There is an increasing
quantity of scientific evidence. Not long ago, in preindustrial times, the concentration of Carbon Dioxide
gas (CO2) was at 280 parts per million (ppm). In 2005,
according to the IV report published by the IPCC, it
was 379 ppm. Climate Change is underway. Essentially,
it is the fruit of man’s actions. It will have very serious
consequences for large areas of the world (more catastrophic hurricanes, more droughts, more floods, more
heat waves, the extinction of whole species and ecosystems), for millions of human beings, for biodiversity
and for life as we know it ..... Whichever way we look
at it, the results are enormously worrying for optimists
and pessimists alike.
For years the ‘sceptics’ of Climate Change have
been sewing the seed of doubt and continually affirming that there is much controversy within the scientific
community. This is not true and never has been true.
As Al Gore writes in his book ‘An Inconvenient Truth,’
a report which was published in Science’ magazine, by
a Doctor Oreskes, studied 928 articles about Climate
Change taken from reputable scientific journals during the 10 years previous to the study. Conclusion: of
those 928 articles, not a single one of them expressed
doubts regarding the cause of global warming. In par-
allel, Al Gore states, a further study was carried out
on articles which had appeared in the most influential
newspapers in the USA (New York Times, Washington
Post and the Wall Street Journal etc.). The result was
that of these 636 published articles, 53% indicated
doubts on global warming. The numbers are revealing.
Within the Scientific Community there were no doubts.
Doubts only existed within the ‘published opinion’.
The real power mongers, the main American oil
companies, have done all that they can to sew the
seed of doubt amongst the political decision makers
and public opinion, in order to avoid the Kyoto Protocol coming into effect. Today, thanks to the efforts
of many, the Bush administration is in retreat. Many
cities in the US have ratified the Kyoto Protocol....
Society, along with many companies, is now acting....
Yes, finally, only the unyielding still deny Climate
Change. Although, to really understand their stubbornness we have to read ‘Upton Sinclair’ again: “It is difficult to make a man understand something when his
very wage depends on him not understanding it.”
A few months before, the Stern Report, commissioned by the British Prime Minister, put the economic
consequences of Climate Change into figures (a 20%
reduction in our present standard of living).
Stern indicated unequivocally, that the causes of
Climate Change are global along with its consequences.
Therefore, in order to fight it, real international cooperation such as never has been seen before, would be
required. At the same time, he warned that the central
theme has to be that all human efforts must be based
on a consideration of what is fair for all.
Not all countries are responsible for climate change
to the same degree. Al Gore indicates, for instance,
that the USA is responsible for the emission of more
greenhouse gases than South America, Africa, the
Middle East, Australia, Japan and Asia together. The
responsibility of paying the price of providing solutions
has to be proportional to the responsibility of each
country in generating the problem in the first place.
We are all responsible but to greatly varying degrees.
In Bangkok, on the 4th of May, 2007, a new document was ratified by representatives from 105 coun-
tries which formed part of the fourth report of the IPCC
of the United Nations. Its main conclusion is that the
price of stopping greenhouse emissions varies between
0.12% and 3% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per
year, depending on which objectives we opt for. At the
same time, the report outlines 7 sectors that are key in
the reduction of emissions: energy, transport, construction, industry, agriculture, forestry and waste management. In conclusion, we know what to do and the cost
is perfectly manageable. There are no excuses.
Machiavelo, speaking about a common disease at
the time, Tuberculosis, more or less said that when
very few people knew that a person suffered from this
disease, it was easy to cure. However, when it was
common knowledge that the person was suffering from
this illness, the possibilities of curing it were very slim
The same has happened with Climate Change. When
very few knew of its existence, and most denied it, it
would have been easier to confront the precise policies
in order to fight it. Today, almost everyone agrees that
we are immersed in a change in the climate produced
by man’s actions. Now, as it happened with certain
diseases at the time of Machiavelo and as it happens
with certain diseases these days too, we don’t have
enough time to put into practise that necessary therapies required. We are in a state of emergency.
Five key strategies
What to do as we face this Global Crisis?
1. ACT NOW. The ratifying of the Kyoto Protocol
took us 8 years! Partial uncertainties must not distract
us from the urgent job at hand: ACT NOW. We have
wasted too much time. If humanity had taken heed of
the first voices, the scientists and ecologists who prophetically warned us of the consequences of continuing with a model of unsustainable development, we
would have had time to change. Now, without delay, it
is time to take action.
2. EVERYONE MUST ACT. We are all responsible, in
different measures, but we are all responsible and we
must all act. Rich and poor countries, multinationals
and small businesses, NGOs and local councils, schools
and universities, churches and small shops, the media... EVERYONE, without exception. We must demand,
as it is fair and just, that those with more responsibility act more. We must insist that we “each clean up
our own act”.
Everyone must be welcomed on board. It is an
emergency and all efforts must be joined, from those
converted since the beginning to those joining the
fight in most recent times. Everyone is needed. It’s
true, one is tempted to say to some: “About time! Why
didn’t you do something before?” But that’s not the
way. Everyone is needed. We are all facing a crisis,
“righteous and sinners alike” must work, and sometimes together, to stop climate change. We don’t have
enough time or enough hands. Everyone is needed.
3. LOWER THE SCALE. Contemplating a problem of
planetary proportions often leads to a feeling of being
powerless amongst everyday people. To inspire motivation, it is necessary to bring the problem and the
solutions closer. What am I responsible for and what
will be my objectives? (in my NGO, my company, my
school, my local council). Our foundation calculated its
responsibility in 2005 as being 103 tonnes of carbon.
What is your responsibility as a reader of this Agenda?
At you can calculate it and find out
how to face up to this personal responsibility.
4. EVERY ROUTE. We must act with every possible
policy: changing prices, changing technologies, changing values. With coercive and educational methods as
well as economic incentives. With energy efficiency,
renewable energy, avoiding deforestation, reforesting,
with new housing and construction policies, encouraging local economies.
5. WITH HOPE. It cannot be, that faced with Climate Change we go from,“I don’t do anything because
I don’t believe it!” to “I believe it so much that I
won’t do anything because any action is futile!” - From
incredulity to despair but always with the same passive
attitude. We must act with hope. There is time. It is a
essential that one of the generations that created the
problem, unsustainable consumerism and production
models, our generation, resolves it. It’s only fair!
Stopping Climate Change can also be an opportunity to change our development model, unsustainable
both from an environmental as well as a social point
of view. During deep crisis – serious illnesses, heart
attacks, and accidents – people finally apply changes
they have been avoiding for decades. This crisis in our
civilization can also be an opportunity for our planet
to rethink the values that have guided the social
makeup in recent times. During crisis, people “discover” that money isn’t everything. Our society has a
golden opportunity to discover this too.
Let’s not waste it!
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
MTWT F SDOctober
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 101112
3 Wednesday
1Cor 2,1-5 / Sl 118
1Cor 2,10b-16 / Sl 144
1Cor 3,1-9 / Sl 32
Lc 4,16-30 Antolín, Elpidio
Mc 4,31-37 Gregorio Magno
Lc 4,38-44
Noche de la ascensión de Mahoma: trasladado de La
1759: Lisboa expulsa de la colonia a los jesuitas, acusaPrimer día del Ramadán (1429)
Meca a Jerusalén, de allí ascendió al cielo.
dos de «usurpar todo el Estado de Brasil».
1971: Julio Spósito Vitali, estudiante, 19 años, militante
1976: Muere Ramón Pastor Bogarín, obispo, fundador
cristiano, mártir de las luchas del pueblo uruguayo,
de la Universidad de Asunción, profeta de la
asesinado por la policía.
Iglesia en Paraguay.
1976: Inés Adriana Coblo, militante metodista, mártir de
la Causa de los pobres, Buenos Aires.
1978: Surge el grupo de Unión y Conciencia Negra, luego
de los Agentes de Pastoral Negros. 30 años.
1979: Jesús Jiménez, campesino, Delegado de la
Palabra, mártir de la Buena Noticia a los pobres
en El Salvador, asesinado.
4 Thursday
1Cor 3,18-23 / Sl 23
1Cor 4,1-5 / Sl 36
Lc 5,1-11 Lorenzo, Justiniano
Lc 5,33-39
1972: La censura prohibe en Brasil publicar noticias
Albert Schweitzer
sobre Amnistía Internacional.
1970: Triunfo electoral de la Unidad Popular, Chile.
1984: Andrés Jarlán, sacerdote misionero francés, 1983: Los desempleados acampan en la Asamblea
Legislativa de São Paulo.
muerto por una bala disparada por policías en la
población La Victoria, Santiago, Chile.
1995: Conferencia Mundial de Pekín sobre la Mujer.
2005: El juez Urso impone prisión a Jorge Videla y otros
17 represores de la dictadura militar argentina.
1Cor 4,6b-15 / Sl 144
Lc 6,1-5
Juan de Ribera
1839: Es ahorcado Manuel Congo, jefe del Quilombo
en la Serra do Mar, destruido por el futuro Duque
de Caxias. Brasil.
1995: 2.300 sin-tierra ocupan la hacienda Boqueirão,
Brasil. Serán expulsados.
Domingo 23º ordinario
Ez 33,7-9 / Sl 94
Rm 13,8-10 / Mt 18,15-20
1822: Independencia de Brasil. Grito de Ipiranga. "Grito
de los Excluidos" en Brasil.
1968: Clausura de la 2ª Conferencia del CELAM en
Medellín. 40 años.
1981: Asamblea Nacional de creación del Grupo de
Unión y Conciencia Negra.
Creciente: a las 21h18m en Sagitario.
10 Wednesday
1Cor 6,1-11 / Sl 149
Mq 5,1-4a / Sal 12
1Cor 7,25-31 / Sl 44
Natividad de María
Lc 6,12-19 Nicolás de Tolentino
Mt1,1-16.18-23 Pedro Claver
Lc 6,20-26
1522: Completa Juan Sebastián Elcano la primera 1613: Levantamiento de Lari Qäxa, Bolivia (aymaras, 1924: Los marines ocupan varias ciudades hondureñas
vuelta al mundo.
quichuas se enfrentan a los españoles).
para apoyar a un candidato presidencial.
1974: Ford concede a Nixon «perdón pleno y absoluto 1654: Pedro Claver, apóstol de los esclavos negros 1984: Policarpo Chem, delegado de la Palabra capor todos los delitos que pudiera haber cometido
en Cartagena, Colombia.
tequista, Verapaz, Guatemala, secuestrado y
cuando ocupaba la presidencia».
1990: Hildegard Feldman, religiosa, y Ramón Rojas,
torturado por las fuerzas de seguridad.
Día internacional de la alfabetización
campesinos colombianos.
11 Thursday
1Cor 8,1b-7.11-13 / Sl 138
Lc 6,27-38
Proto y Jacinto
1973: Golpe de Estado en Chile contra el presidente
constitucional Allende.
1981: Sebastiana Mendoza, indígena, catequista, mártir
de la solidaridad, Guatemala.
1988: Mártires de la iglesia de San Juan Bosco, en
Puerto Príncipe, Haití. 20 años.
1990: Myrna Mack, antropóloga, luchadora por los
derechos humanos, asesinada en Guatemala.
2001: Atentado de las Torres Gemelas, Nueva York.
1Cor 9,16-19.22b-27 / Sl 83
Lc 6,39-42
Leoncio y Guido
1977: Martirio de Steve Biko en la prisión del régimen
blanco de Sudáfrica.
1982: Alfonso Acevedo, catequista, mártir del servicio
a los desplazados de El Salvador.
1989: Valdicio Barbosa dos Santos, sindicalista rural
de Pedro Canário (ES), Brasil.
2001: Bárbara Lee, congresista por California, vota
contra conceder a Bush poderes especiales para
invadir Afganistán.
1Cor 10,14-22 / Sl 115
Lc 6,43-49
Juan Crisóstomo
1549: Juan de Betanzos se retracta de su opinión
anterior de que los indios no eran humanos.
1589: Rebelión sangrienta de los mapuches, Chile.
1978: La ONU reafirma el derecho de Puerto Rico a la
independencia y libre determinación. 30 años.
1980: Premio Nóbel de la Paz a Adolfo Pérez Esquivel,
arquitecto argentino, encarcelado y torturado.
La Cruz
Nm 21, 4b-9 / Sal 77
Flp 2, 6-11/ Jn 3, 13-17
Exaltación de la Cruz
1843: Natalicio de Lola Rodríguez,autora del himno de
la insurrección del 23.9.1868 contra el dominio
español en Puerto Rico, «la Borinqueña».
1856: Batalla de San Jacinto, derrota de los filibusteros
de William Walker en Nicaragua.
1992: Se inicia la I Asamblea del Pueblo de Dios (APD).
Se acuña el término «macroecumenismo».
15 Monday
Heb 5,7-9 / Sal 30
Jn 19,25-27
1810: «Grito de Dolores» en México.
1821: Independencia de Centroamérica. Fiesta nacional en todos los países de Centroamérica.
1842: Es fusilado en San José, Costa Rica, Francisco
de Morazán, unionista centroamericano.
1973: Arturo Hillerns, médico, mártir del servicio a los
pobres en Chile.
1974: Antonio Llidó, sacerdote español, desaparecido,
mártir en las cárceles de Chile.
1981: Pedro Pío Cortés, indígena achí, delegado de
la Palabra, Baja Verapaz, Guatemala.
Llena: a las 04h13m en Piscis.
16 Tuesday
1Cor 12,12-14.27-31a / Sl 99
Lc 7,11-17
Cornelio y Cipriano
1501: El rey da al gobernador de las islas del Caribe
autorización para traer esclavos negros.
1821: Independencia de México. Fiesta nacional.
1931: Fundación en São Paulo del Frente Negro Brasileño, después clausurado por Getúlio Vargas.
1955: Insurrección cívico-militar que derroca al presidente constitucional Perón.
1983: Guadalupe Carney sj, asesinado por el ejército
hondureño. 25 años.
Día internacional (ONU) por la capa de ozono
1Cor 12,31-13,13 / Sl 32
Lc 7,31-35
Roberto Belarmino
1645: Juan Macías, hermano dominico, confesor de la fe
y servidor de los pobres en el Perú colonial.
1980: Muere en accidente Augusto Cotto, bautista
militante salvadoreño.
1981: John David Troyer, misionero menonita de EEUU,
mártir de la justicia en Guatemala.
1982: Alirio, Carlos y Fabián Buitrago, Giraldo Ramírez
y Marcos Marín, campesinos, catequistas de
Cocorná, Colombia, asesinados.
1983: Julián Bac, celebrador, y Guadalupe Lara, catequista, mártires en Guatemala. 25 años.
1Cor 15,1-11 / Sl 117
1Cor 15,12-20 / Sl 16
Lc 7,36-50 Jenaro
Lc 8,1-3
José de Cupertino
Dag Hammarskjold
1973: Juan Alsina, Omar Venturelli, Etienne Pesle,
sacerdotes víctimas de la policía de Pinochet.
1810: Independencia de Chile. Fiesta nacional.
1945: Decreto de Getúlio Vargas que sólo permite la 1983: Independencia de San Cristóbal y Nevis.
inmigración a Brasil a personas que «desarrollen 1985: Terremoto en la ciudad de México.
la composición étnica europea de Brasil».
1986: Charlot Jacqueline y compañeros, mártires de
1969: El «Rosariazo»: fuerzas policiales son doblegala educación liberadora, Haití.
das por la ciudadanía. En Rosario, Argentina. 1994: EEUU desembarca en Haití para reponer al
1973: Miguel Woodward Iriberri, párroco en Valparaíso,
presidente Jean Bertrand Aristide.
Chile, asesinado por la dictadura de Pinochet. 2001: Yolanda Cerón, directora de la Pastoral Social de
1998: Miguel Angel Quiroga, marianista, asesinado por
la diócesis de Tumaco, Colombia, asesinada.
paramilitares, Chocó, Colombia. 10 años.
20 Saturday
1Cor 15,35-37.42-49 / Sl 55
Lc 8,4-15
Andrés Kim, Fausta
1519: Parte de Sanlúcar Hernando de Magallanes.
1976: Es asesinado en Washington el excanciller del
régimen popular de Allende, Orlando Letelier.
1977: Los pueblos indios de América Latina hacen
oír su voz por primera vez en el Palacio de las
Naciones de Ginebra.
1978: Francisco Luis Espinosa, sacerdote y compañeros mártires en Estelí, Nicaragua.
1979: Apolinar Serrano, José López, Félix Salas y Patricia Puertas, campesinos y dirigentes sindicales
mártires en El Salvador.
Domingo 25º ordinario
Is 55,6-9 / Sl 144
Flp 1,20c-24.27a / Mt 20,1-16
1526: Llega el primer europeo a costas ecuatorianas.
1956: El dictador Anastasio Somoza muere a manos
de Rigoberto López Pérez, Nicaragua.
1973: Gerardo Poblete Fernández, salesiano, asesinado
por la dictadura de Pinochet, Iquique. 35 años.
1981: Independencia de Belice.
Día internacional (de la ONU) de la Paz
22 Monday
23 Tuesday
Pro 3,27-34 / Sl 14
Pro 21,1-6.10-13 / Sl 118
Lc 8,16-18 Lino y Tecla
Lc 8,19-21
1862: Son liberados jurídicamente los esclavos de 1868: El «grito de Lares», Puerto Rico: Ramón
Betan­ces inicia el movimiento independentista
y emancipador de la esclavitud.
1977: Eugenio Lyra Silva, abogado popular, mártir de
1905: Muere Francisco de Paula Víctor, negro, considela justicia, Santa Maria da Vitória, Brasil.
rado santo por la comunidad negra brasileña.
Equinocio, de primavera en el hemisferio sur,
1973: Muere Pablo Neruda.
y de otoño en el norte, a las 9h44m.
Henry Bello Ovalle, militante, mártir de la solidaMenguante: a las 21h18m en Géminis.
ridad con la juventud, en Bogotá, Colombia.
1993: Sergio Rodríguez, obrero y universitario, mártir
de la lucha por la justicia, Venezuela. 15 años.
Pro 30,5-9 / Sl 118
Lc 9,1-16
Pedro Nolasco
1553: Caupolicán, líder mapuche, es ejecutado.
1976: Independencia de Trinidad y Tobago.
1976: Marlene Kegler, estudiante y obrera, mártir de
la fe y el servicio entre los universitarios de La
Plata, Argentina.
25 Thursday
26 Friday
Sir 1,2-11 / Sl 89
Sir 3,1-11 / Sl 143
Lc 9,7-9 Cosme y Damián
Lc 9,18-22
Sergio de Radonezh
1974: Lázaro Condo y Cristóbal Pajuña, campesinos
1849: Es ahorcado Lucas da Feira, esclavo negro
líderes cristia­nos mártires por la reforma agraria
fugitivo, jefe de sertanejos. Brasil.
asesinados en Riobamba, Ecuador.
1963: Golpe militar pro-EEUU en República Dominica­na. Es
depuesto Bosh, admirador de la revolución cubana.
27 Saturday
Sir 11,9-12,8 / Sl 89
Lc 9,43b-45
Vicente de Paúl
Día de Enriquillo, cacique quisqueyano que resistió a la
conquista española en República Dominicana.
1979: Guido León dos Santos, héroe de la clase obrera,
muerto por la represión. Minas, Brasil.
1990: Hermana Agustina Rivas, religiosa del Buen
Pastor, mártir en La Florida, Perú.
Domingo 26º ordinario
Ez 18.25-28 / Sl 24
Flp 2,1-11 / Mt 21,28-32
Wenceslao y Lorenzo Ruiz
551 a. de C.: Nacimiento de Confucio en China.
1569: Casiodoro de Reina entrega a la imprenta su
traducción de la Biblia. Día de la Biblia.
1871: Ley brasileña «del vientre libre», que separaría
a las criaturas negras de sus padres esclavos,
como primeros «menores abandonados».
1885:Laleybrasileña«del sexagenario», lanza a la calle
a los esclavos negros con más de 60 años.
1990: Pedro Martínez y Jorge Euceda, periodistas militantes, mártires de la verdad en El Salvador.
The Challenge of masive urban poverty
Daniele MoscheTti
Nairobi, Kenya
The challenge of massive urban poverty
Any given day of the year 2007, a woman will
give birth to a child in the “favela” of Ajegunie in
Lagos, Nigeria. Maybe a man will leave the “favela”
in which he lives in Giava to move to Jakarta. Or
maybe a Peruvian peasant will try to escape poverty
by going to one of the many “pueblos jóvenes” or
recently populated towns of Lima. It does not really
matter which of these facts will take place. In any
case, it will pass unobserved, but will be a sign of
the key turnovers in the history of mankind. For the
first time, the urban population of the planet will
outnumber the rural population. As a matter of fact,
given the imprecision of statistics that refer to the
third world, maybe this historic transition has already
taken place.
The process of urbanizing the world has taken
place more rapidly than the Club of Rome had predicted in its famous report “The limits of growth”. In
1950 there were 86 places with more than one million residents. Today there are 400, and in 2015 there
will be at least 550. Since 1950 urban towns have
absorbed almost two thirds of the world demographic
“boom”, and every week it increases one million,
between newborns and emigrants. At the moment,
urban population (3200 millions of inhabitants) is
more than the whole world population in 1960.
Predictions suggest that 95% of this human
growth will take place in urban zones of the developing countries (third world countries). According
to this, population in these areas will duplicate to
almost reach the 4.000 millions of inhabitants in the
next generation (urban population in China, India
and Brazil today is almost at the same level as Europe
and North America). The most spectacular success
of this evolution will be the multiplication of the
metropolis with more than 8 million of inhabitants,
and even more incredible, the impact of the megapolis with over 20 million inhabitants (which was the
whole urban population of the planet in times of the
French Revolution). In 1955, only Tokyo had reached
this number.
Whilst the mega polis are the most shining stars
in the urban firmament, three fourths of the urban
population growth will take place in smaller places,
secondary urban zones practically devoid of planning and adequate services. In China, which was
officially 43% urbanized in 1997, the official number
cities has gone from 197 to 640 since 1978 until this
day. Despite their extraordinary growth, the relative
share of great metropolis has nevertheless diminished
compared to the whole of urban population, and it is
the “smaller” cities and the towns recently converted
into cities the ones that have absorbed most of the
rural hand labor, people forced to abandon the fields
because of rural reforms after 1979.
Urbanization is not only the growth of cities, but
structural transformation and a growing interaction
of the ample urban-rural continuum.
The new urban order could be characterized by
a growing inequality at the very midst of the cities,
and between cities with diverse functions and dimensions.
The dynamics of the urbanization of the third
world summarize and at the same time contradict
past urbanizing processes in Europe and North America in the XIX and XX century. In China, historically an
essentially rural country for thousands of years, the
most important industrial revolution is taking place
with the displacement of a population equivalent to
that of Europe, from the inner field to a habitat full
of skyscrapers and smog. However, in most of the
developing countries (third world), urban growth is
not fed, as it is in China, by the powerful Chinese
industry and commerce, nor by the constant flow of
foreign capital. In these countries, the process of
urbanization is completely unrelated to industrialization and every form of social promotion.
Ganges, Irrawadd and Mekong. The names given to
“favelas” throughout the planet are all interchangeable, and at the same time sui generis: “bustees”
in Calcutta, “chaw”l and “zapadpatti” in Bombay,
“katchi abadi” in Karachi, “kampong” in Jakarta,
ïskwater” in Manila, “Shammasa” in Khartoum, “umjondolo” in Durban, “intramuros” in Rabat, “bidonbilles” in Abidjan, “ballali” in El Cairo, “gecekondon”
in Ankara, “conventillos” in Quito, “favelas” in Brazil,
“villas miseria” in Buenos Aires and “colonias populares” in Ciudad de Mexico. A recent study published by
the Harvard Law review estimate 85% of the residents
of the third world cities don’t have title of legal
property. This gives place to a contradiction because
the lands in which the “favelas” grow tend to be
property of the government, while the houses built
are property of land owners that impose excessive
rents to the urban poor who don’t have property, nor
even the barracks in which they live.
The ways of installing the “favelas” are very variable, from the collective invasions of Mexico City
and Lima, to the complex (and frequently illegal),
rent systems of the lands at the periphery of Peking,
Karachi and Nairobi. National and regional political
machinery generally contribute to this informal market, increasing the risk of [them] controlling political
serfdom and of exploiting a regular flow of rents and
The availability of infrastructure, on the contrary,
is very far from the rhythms of urbanization, and the
“favela” at the city’s periphery often has no access
to hygiene or public services. These are places that
are defined in terms of absence: what they don’t
have says what they are. The “favelas” will have two
thousand millions inhabitants in 2030, because they
represent the only solution to the human surplus of
the XXI century.
These large “favelas” of the biggest cities in the
world, are they volcanoes ready to explode? Will
political actions or plans serve any purpose if these
excluded masses are not taken in consideration?
Could its inhabitants transform into political subjects
capable of making history? What kind of prominence
could these human masses assume? How to facilitate
things for them to assume a leading role? How to
reach them?
This is a challenge for new politics.
Traducción de Emanuel Piñeiro
Urbanization of poverty
The exploitation of the “favelas” has been analyzed in the UN report, “The challenge of the slums”
that warns about the planetary threat of urban poverty. The authors define the “favelas” as places characterized by: overcrowding, precarious rooms, lack of
access to water and hygiene services, and a lack of
definition of property rights.
This is a pluridimensional ,and in part restrictive
definition, based on an estimate that the population
in the “favelas” was of at least 921 million people in
2001. The residents of the “favelas” represent 78.2%
of urban population on the less developed countries
and one-sixth part of the citizens in the planet. If
the demographic structure of most of the cities in the
third world is considered, at least half of this population is less than 20 years old.
The most significant proportion of residents of
“favelas” takes place in Ethiopia (99.4% of the urban
population), and in Chad (99.4%). Following is Afghanistan (98.5%) and Nepal (92%) In Delhi urban
planners deplore the existence of “favelas” inside
“favelas”: the historic poor class of the city, brutally
expelled towards the middle of the seventies, is
joined in the periphery by new arrivals that conquer
or colonize all the free spaces. In Cairo and Phnom
Penh, new arrivals occupy and rent parts of rooms
placed on the roof, giving place to new “favelas”
hanging in the air. The population of the “favelas”
is frequently deliberately underestimated, sometimes
even in big proportions. At the end of the 80’s, for
example, Bangkok had an official rate of poverty of
only 5% while some studies showed that one fourth
of the population (1.16 million people) lived in
“favelas” and in improvised rooms.
There are more than 250 thousand “favelas” in
the world. The five largest metropolis of South Asia
(Karachi, Bombay, Delhi, Calcutta and Dacca), have
almost 15 thousand urban zones like the “favelas”,
all for a population of more than 20 million. The residents of the “favelas” are even more numerous in the
coast of Occidental Africa, while a huge urbanized
poverty extends in Anatolia and Ethiopia, including
areas in the Andes and the Himalayas, proliferates
beneath the shadows of the buildings of Mexico city,
Johannesburg, Manila, Sao Paulo... and colonize the
borders of the Amazon, Congo, Niger, Nile, Tigris,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
22232425 262728
29 30
MTWT F SDNovember
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
29 Monday
Dan 7.9-10.13-14 / Sal 137
Jn 1,47-51
Miguel, Gabriel, Rafael
1871: Los benedictinos, primera orden religiosa en
liberar sus esclavos en Brasil.
1906: Segunda intervención armada de EEUU en Cuba,
que se prolongará 2 años y 4 meses.
1992: La Cámara destituye al presidente Collor. Brasil.
Nueva: a las 03h12m en Libra.
Jb 3,1-3.11-17.20-23 / Sl 87
Lc 9,51-56
1655: Coronilla y compañeros, caciques indígenas,
mártires de la liberación, Argentina.
1974: Carlos Prats, general del ejército chileno, y su
esposa, mártires de la democracia, en Chile.
1981: Honorio Alejandro Núñez, celebrador y seminaris­
ta, mártir por su pueblo hondureño.
1991: Vicente Matute y Francisco Guevara, mártires
de la lucha por la tierra, Honduras.
1991: José Luis Cerrón, universitario, mártir de la
solidaridad, Huancayo, Perú.
1991: Golpe de estado contra el presidente cons­
titucional Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haití.
Año Nuevo Judio: 5769
Jb 9,1-12.14-16 / Sl 87
Lc 9,57-62
Teresa del Niño Jesús
1542: Comienza la guerra de la Araucanía.
1949: Triunfo de la Revolución China
1991: Los militares expulsan al presidente constitucio­
nal de Haití, Aristide, y comienza una masacre.
1992: Julio Rocca, cooperante italiano, mártir de la
solidaridad en Perú.
Día internacional de las personas de edad
2 Thursday
Jb 38,1.12-21;40,3-5 / Sl 138
Jb 19,21-27 / Sl 26
Lc 10,13-16
Lc 10,1-12 Francisco de Borja
Ángeles custodios
1869: Nace Mahatma Gandhi
1980: Maria Magdalena Enríquez, bautista, secretaria
1968: Masacre de Tlatelolco, en la Plaza de las Tres
de prensa de la Comisión de DDHH, defensora
Culturas, de México DF. 40 años.
de los direchos de los pobres, El Salvador.
1972: Comienza la invasión de la United Brand Com- 1990: Reunificación de Alemania.
pany a territorio Brunka, Honduras.
1989: Jesús Emilio Jaramillo, obispo de Arauca, Colombia, mártir de la paz y del servicio.
1992: Represión policial a los presos de Carandirú,
São Paulo: 111 muertos y 110 heridos.
Domingo 27º ordinario
Is 5,1-7 / Sl 79
Flp 4,6-9 / Mt 21,33-43
Jb 42,1-3.5-6.2-16 / Sl 118
Lc 10,17-24
Francisco de Asís
Teodoro Fliedner
1555: El concilio provincial de México prohibe el sacer­­­
docio a los indios.
1976: Omar Venturelli, mártir de la entrega a los más
pobres en Temuco, Chile.
Día mundial de la Amnistía
4 Saturday
Plácido y Mauro
1995: El ejército asesina a 11 campesinos en la comunidad «Aurora 8 de octubre», Guatemala.
Día internacional de la ONU de los profesores
6 Monday
Gl 1,13-24 / Sl 138
Gl 1,6-12 / Sl 110
Lc 10,38-42
Lc 10,25-37 Rosario
Enrique Melchor, Muhlenberg
William y Tyndal
1981: 300 familias sin techo resisten al desalojo en J. Ntra. Sra. del Rosario, patrona de los negros, Brasil.
Robru, São Paulo.
1462: Pío II censura oficialmente la reducción de
africanos a la esclavitud.
Día mundial de los sin techo
1931: Nacimiento de Desmond Tutu, arzobispo negro
Primer lunes de octubre
sudafricano, premio Nóbel de la Paz.
1973: Mártires de Lonquén, Chile.
1978: José Osmán Rodríguez, campesino Delegado
de la Palabra, mártir, Honduras. 30 años.
1980: Manuel Antonio Reyes, párroco, mártir de la
entrega a los pobres, en El Salvador.
2001: EEUU comienza la invasión de Afganistán
Creciente: a las 04h04m en Capricornio.
8 Wednesday
Gl 2,1-2.7-14 / Sl 116
Tais y Pelagia
Lc 11,1-4
1970: Néstor Paz Zamora, seminarista, universitario,
hijo de un general boliviano, mártir de las luchas
de liberación de su pueblo.
1974: Se reúne en Asunción el Primer Parlamento
Indio Americano del Cono Sur.
1989: Fallece Penny Lernoux, periodista, defensora
de los pobres de América Latina.
Día Internacional contra los desastres naturales
Segundo miércoles de octubre
9 Thursday
Gl 3,7-14 / Sl 110
Gl 3,1-5 / Int. Gl 3,1-5
Lc 11,15-26
Lc 11,5-13 Tomás de Villanueva
Dionisio, Luis Beltrán
1581: Muere Luis Beltrán, misionero español en Colom­ 1987: I Encuentro de los Negros del Sur y Sudeste
bia, dominico, predicador, canonizado en 1671,
de Brasil, en Rio de Janeiro.
patrono principal de Colombia en 1690.
Día mundial de la ONU de la salud mental
1967: Ernesto Che Guevara, médico, guerrillero, inter­
nacionalista, asesinado en Bolivia.
Día internacional de la ONU del correo
Yom Kippur: 5769
Domingo 28º ordinario
Is 25,6-10a / Sl 22
Flp 4,12-14.19-20 / Mt 22,1-14
Pilar, Serafín
Grito de los excluidos en varios países de A.L.
Ntra. Sra. Aparecida, negra, Patrona de Brasil.
1492: A las 2 am Colón divisa la isla Guanahaní, a la
que llamará San Salvador (hoy Watling).
1909: Fusilamiento del pedagogo Francesc Ferrer i
Guardia, en Barcelona.
1925: Desembarcan 600 marines en Panamá.
1958: Primeros contactos con los indígenas Ayoreos
1976: Juan Bosco Penido Burnier, jesuita misionero,
mártir de la caridad, Ribeirão Bonito MG, Brasil.
1983: Marco Antonio Orozco, pastor evangélico, mártir
de la Causa de los pobres en Guatemala.
Gl 3,22-29 / Sl 104
Soledad Torres Acosta
Lc 11,27-28
1531: Muere Ulrico Zwinglio, en Suiza.
1629: Luis de Bolaños, franciscano, precursor de las
reducciones, apóstol de los guaraníes.
1962: Se inaugura el Concilio Vaticano II
1976: Marta González de Baronetto y compañeros,
mártires del servicio, Córdoba, Argentina.
1983: Benito Hernández y compañeros, indígenas,
mártires de la tierra en Hidalgo, México.
11 Saturday
13 Monday
14 Tuesday
Gl 4,22-24.26-27.31-5,1 / Sl 112
Lc 11,29-32 Calixto
1987: 106 familias sin tierra ocupan haciendas en varios
puntos de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.
15 Wednesday
Gl 5,18-25 / Sl 1
Gl 5,1-6 / Sl 118
Lc 11,42-46
Lc 11,37-41 Teresa de Ávila
en el Río de la
Succoth: 5769
Plata con 12 navíos y 15.000 hombres.
Llena: a las 15h02m en Aries.
1980: El presidente Figueiredo expulsa de Brasil al
sacerdote italiano Victor Miracapillo.
1994: Aristide retoma el poder en Haití después de la
interrupción del golpe militar de Raoul Cedras.
16 Thursday
Ef 1,1-10 / Sl 97
Lc 11,47-54
Margarita Mª Alacoque
1952: Es creada la CNBB, Conferencia Nacional de
Obispos Brasileños (católicos).
1992: Se concede a Rigoberta Menchú el premio
Nóbel de la Paz.
1997: Fulgêncio Manoel da Silva, líder sindical y político,
asesinado en Santa Maria da Boa Vista, Brasil.
1998: Es detenido en Londres Pinochet. Más de 3100
personas fueron torturadas, desaparecidas y/o
asesinadas durante sus 17 años de dictadura.
Día mundial de la alimentación (FAO, 1979).
Domingo 29º ordinario
Is 45,1.4-6 / Sl 95
1Ts 1,1-5b / Mt 22,15-21
Ef 1,11-14 / Sl 32
Ignacio de Antioquía
Lc 12,1-7
1806: Muere Jean-Jacques Dessalines, jefe de la
revolución de esclavos en Haití que fue ejemplo
para toda América.
1945: La movilización popular impide el golpe antiPerón en Argentina.
2003: Derrocamiento de Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada,
presidente de Bolivia, por alzamiento popular.
18 Saturday
2 Tm 4, 9-17a / Sal 144
Lc 10, 1-9
1859: Levantamiento antiesclavista en Kansas, EEUU.
1977: Masacre del ingenio Aztra, Ecuador. 100 muertos,
en la protesta contra la empresa que no pagaba.
1991: "Tortura, nunca más" identifica 3 víctimas enterradas clandestinamente en São Paulo.
Día mundial para la erradicación de la pobreza
Pedro de Alcántara
Pablo de la Cruz
1970: Muere en México Lázaro Cárdenas, patriota
2001: Digna Ochoa, abogada popular, del Centro de
DDHH Agustín Pro, México D.F., asesinada.
20 Monday
Ef 2,12-22 / Sl 84
Ef 2,1-10 / Sl 99
Lc 12,35-38
Lc 12,13-21 Ursula, Celina, Viator
1548: Fundación de la ciudad de La Paz.
1973: Gerardo Poblete, sacerdote salesiano, torturado
1883: Fin de la guerra de límites entre Chile y Perú.
y muerto, mártir de la paz y la justicia en Chile.
1944: El dictador Ubico es derrocado en Guatemala
Menguante: a las 06h55m en Cáncer.
por insurrección popular.
1975: Raimundo Hermann, norteamericano, párroco
entre los indios quechuas, mártir de los campesinos del pueblo de Bolivia.
1978. Oliverio Castañeda de León. Dirigente de la
Asociación de Estudiantes Universitarios (AEU)
de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guate­mala.
Símbolo de la lucha por la libertad. 30 años.
1988: Jorge Eduardo Serrano sj, Colombia.
Semana (de la ONU) para el desarme
Ef 3,2-12 / Int. Is 12,2-6
Lc 12,39-48
María Salomé
1976: Ernesto Lahourcade, gremialista, mártir de la
justicia en Argentina.
1981: Eduardo Capiau, religioso belga, mártir de la
solidaridad en Guatemala.
1987: Nevardo Fernández, mártir de la lucha por las
reivindicaciones indígenas en Colombia.
Ef 4,1-6 / Sl 23
Ef 3,14-21 / Sl 32
Lc 12,54-59
Lc 12,29-53 Antonio Mª Claret
Juan Capistrano
Santiago de Jerusalén
1945: Comienza a existir oficialmente la ONU. Día
1981: Marco Antonio Ayerbe Flores, estudiante unide la ONU.
versitario, Perú.
1977:Juan Caballero, sindicalista puertorriqueño, ase­
1986: Vilmar José de Castro, agente de pastoral y
sinado por escuadrones de la muerte.
militante por la tierra, asesinado en Caçú, Goiás, Día mundial de información sobre el desarrollo
Brasil, por la UDR de los terratenientes.
Día de las Naciones Unidas
1987: João «Ventinha», posseiro en Jacundá (PA),
Aniversario de la firma de la Carta de las ONU, 1945.
Brasil, asesinado por tres pistoleros.
Domingo 30º ordinario
Ex 22,20-26 / Sl 17
1Ts 1,5c-10 / Mt 22,34-40
Ef 4,7-16 / Sl 121
Lc 13,1-9
Crisanto, Gaudencio
1887: Un sector del ejército brasileño, solidario con
la lucha popular, se niega a ser utilizado para
destruir los palenques de los negros.
1975: Wladimir Herzog, periodista, asesinado por la
dictadura militar en São Paulo.
1983: EEUU invade Granada y pone fin a la revolución
de New Jewel Movement.
1987: Carlos Páez y Salvador Ninco, indígenas; Luz Estela y Nevardo Fernandez, obreros, Colombia.
1988: Alejandro Rey y Jacinto Quiroga, agentes de
pastoral, mártires de la fe, Colombia. 20 años.
1989: Jorge Párraga, pastor evangélico, y compañeros,
mártires de la causa de los pobres, Perú.
2002: Fallece Richard Shaull, teólogo de la liberación
presbiteriano, misionero en Colombia y Brasil.
25 Saturday
Felicísimo, Evaristo
Felipe Nicolai, Johann Heemann, Paul Gerhard
1981: Ramón Valladares, secretario de la Comisión
de DDHH de El Salvador, asesinado.
1987: Herbert Anaya, abogado, mártir de los Derechos
Humanos, El Salvador.
27 Monday
Ef 4,32-5,8 / Sl 1
Lc 13,10-17
1866: Paz de Black Hills entre Cheyennes, Sioux y
Navajos con el ejército de EEUU.
1979: Independencia de San Vicente y las Granadinas.
Fiesta nacional.
28 Tuesday
1986: Mauricio Maraglio, misionero, mártir de la lucha
por la tierra, Brasil.
Nueva: a las 21h18m en Escorpión.
Ef 2,19-22 / Sl 18
Ef 6,1-9 / Sl 144
Lc 6,12-19 Narciso
Lc 13,22-30
Simón y Judas
indios la isla de
Procesión del Señor Negro de los Milagros (Cristo) en
Manhattan por 24 dólares.
Lima, según la tradición afroperuana.
1987: Manuel Chin Sooj y compañeros, campesinos
1492: Llega Colón a Cuba en su primer viaje.
y catequistas mártires en Guatemala.
1880: Natalicio de Luisa Capetillo, de la Federación
Libre de los Trabajadores, Puerto Rico. Abogó por 1989: Masacre de los pescadores de El Amparo,
el socialismo, la emancipación de la mujer.
30 Thursday
Flp 1,1-11 / Sl 110
Ef 6,10-20 / Sl 143
Lc 14,1-6
Lc 13,31-35 Día de la Reforma protestante
Alonso Rodríguez
1950: Insurrección nacionalista en Puerto Rico, dirigida 1553: Aparece la primera comunidad negra en América
por Pedro Albizu Campos.
Latina que no experimentó la esclavitud, en Es1979: Santo Días da Silva, 37 años, líder sindical,
meraldas, Ecuador. Su líder: Alonso Illescas.
metalúrgico, militante de la pastoral obrera, mártir 1973: José Matías Nanco, pastor evangélico, y compade los obreros brasileños.
ñeros, mártires de la solidaridad, Chile.
1983: Es elegido Raúl Alfonsín en Argentina después
Día universal del ahorro
de la dictadura de los militares.
1987: Nicaragua aprueba la primera autonomía multiétnica de A.L., para su región caribe.
1999: Dorcelina de Oliveira Folador, deficiente física,
del Movimiento Sin Tierra, alcaldesa de Mundo
Novo, Brasil, asesinada.
Fieles Difuntos
Jb 19,1.23-27a / Sl 24
Flp 3,20-21 / Mc 15,33-39
Ap 7, 2-4.9-14 / Sal 23
Todos los Santos
1Jn 3, 1-3 / Mt 5, 1-12a
1950: Los nacionalistas puertorriqueños Oscar Collazo
y Griselio Torresola atacan la Casa Blair como
parte del Levantamiento de Jayuya.
1974: Florinda Soriano, Doña Tingó, de las Ligas
Agrarias, mártir del pueblo dominicano.
1979: Masacre de todos los Santos, La Paz, Bolivia.
1981: Simón Hernández, indígena Achí, delegado de
la Palabra, campesino, Guatemala.
1981: Independencia de Antigua y Barbuda.
2004: El ejército chileno reconoce responsa­bilidad en
los crímenes de la dictadura de Pinochet.
1 Saturday
1979: Primer Encuentro de las Nacionalidades y
Minorías (Cuzco).
Between Continuity and Change
Dionisio Gauto
Translated by Michael Dougherty
Asunción, Paraguay
Something new is being born in this country. A
sprout that is growing and that we hope will bear
fruit. There is the possibility that the grassroots will
wake up. The people are becoming conscious that
they do not deserve their situation. They are discovering their true interests and the real causes of their
poverty and marginalization, which are not just bad
politics and bad government. The same party which
has ruled for more than sixty years without interruption has brought the country nothing but setbacks
and suffering. This is the moment in which the popular sectors are realizing their poverty is not the fruit
of fatalism or divine will. Rather, they are realizing
that it is due to the unjust distribution of income in
the country, that is, the lack of social justice. From
this arises their disenchantment with and refusal to
continue submitting unconditionally to the traditional
strongmen. The “good are getting tired,” or, as some
campesinos say, “our necessities are waking us up.”
The country is confronted with a great challenge and
great opportunity to achieve a change in power in the
elections of April 20, 2008. This can be the first step
in the process to eradicate the chronic maladies that
overwhelm the population. Retired Bishop Fernando
Lugo is leading this process, something unprecedented in these latitudes.
But before talking about him and his project, it
is important to signal that this country of six million inhabitants has never known democracy. We can
mention the six months of the “Democratic Spring”
in 1946, which ended in a bloody civil war in 1947.
Since then, the Colorado Party has remained in power.
Militarism was installed in this country after the
war with Bolivia (1932-1935), with successive coup
d’etats and unstable governments. In1954, Alfredo
Stroessner came to power in another military coup.
He remained in power for thirty-five years, using the
Colorado Party as his platform.
This long dictatorship, which was maintained
through violence and lies, did not permit the development of civil society. Thirty-five years of a state
of siege, liberticidal laws, and thousands of political
prisoners—tortured, disappeared, and exiled—have
left an inheritance difficult to overcome: corruption,
impunity, graft, and patronage, among other maladies.
In 1989, with Stroessner’s departure, the party
that emerged from the entrails of that dictatorship
kept its tentacles intact. If it is true that a space
has been created for civil liberties, in these nineteen
years of “transition to democracy,” it is also true
that the socio-economic situation has gotten worse,
despite abundant and available natural resources,
including land, water, and electric energy. It is well
understood that democracy cannot be created without
a people that is conscious, responsible, and organized, that knows how to use its own head and knows
its rights and interests. But the dictatorship has left
us with just a mass, without its own movement, controlled from far away, responding to the interests of
its party bosses. The destruction of the social fabric
during the dictatorship—with the repression of all
autonomous organizations—has prevented the society
from having a critical conscience and from being able
to rely on channels of participation during the times
that they try to advance their interests as individuals,
families, and social groups.
The lack of civil culture and passivity in regards
to citizen participation characterizes even to this day
most of our people, due to a fear that still has not
been surpassed and a very strong bipartisan system:
the Colorado Party in power, squandering all the resources of the State and maintaining itself with the
formal vote of the public, and the Liberal Party, entirely satisfied with being the major opposition party.
The creation and participation of the National
Encounter Party (PEN) in the 1998 elections and the
Beloved Homeland Party (PPQ) in the 2003 elections
were attempts to destroy this bipartisanism. But they
were unable to dislodge the Colorado Party from power.
Today, it is clear that no opposition party alone
has the capacity to win elections against the PartyState that has owned the country for so long. Because
of this, and taking into account the successful experiences of neighboring countries like Uruguay and Chile,
the idea of a broad opposition alliance has emerged.
Here is where the retired bishop of the diocese of
San Pedro, Fernando Lugo, enters the scene. He
proposes a social convergence of the grassroots and
social movements, and an inclusive political convergence. This convergence will not prioritize electoral
prizes—the distribution of elective offices among the
leaders—but an agreement based on the commitment
to the country we want to build.
For more than ten years, Fernando Lugo led the
poorest diocese of the country. Because of his commitment to the poorest campesinos, he was accused
of supporting land occupations and of having relationships with delinquents, in the context of the
criminalization of social struggles. Pressured by the
conservative wing of the Church, according to vox populi, he had to resign from his diocese when he was
only 55 years old. Later, unburdened by his pastoral
obligations, in 2006 he lead the “Citizens’ Resistance”
movement against violations of the Constitution by
the Supreme Court of Justice, and he succeeded in
turning out 40,000 people in a public demonstration.
Since this moment, he has become well-known for
his power and charisma in uniting social and political
opposition into one national movement, with an eye
towards the 2008 elections.
Because of the many pressures on him—including
the creation of new political movements in his favor
and a petition with more than 100,000 signatures
asking him to run—he made the decision to renounce
his religious ministry and enter the political arena.
The demands of his conscience—according to his
letter to the Holy See—are what led him to take this
step, unheard of in the Catholic Church.
Article 235 of the current National Constitution
prevents “ministers from all religions” from being candidates to the Presidency of the Republic. This is why
Lugo had to end his religious ministry, renouncing
publicly “the rights, duties, and privileges of the clerical state,” later communicating by writing this “per-
sonal, free, and unilateral decision” to the Vatican.
For public opinion, it should be clarified that leaving
the ministry when the sacrament of sacred orders
remains is a theological question for the Church. It
is not a question for the Paraguayan State, a secular
State that is controlled by its own legal order, unrelated to canon law. With the steps that he has taken,
according to noted constitutional lawyers, Lugo is
perfectly qualified to be a candidate to the Presidency
of the Republic, regardless of whether the Colorados
still claim that he faces a constitutional impediment.
In order to reach the April 20, 2008 elections,
Lugo still has to surpass two barriers. First, there is
the possibility that the Supreme Court will declare his
candidacy unconstitutional. The party of the government will return to this judicial body, alleging that
Lugo is still a religious minister and as an argument
in their favor they will ask for a report from the Vatican. Of course, the Vatican diplomats will respond
according to the wishes of the government, although
their response should not be relevant for the judicial
system in our country. The group entrenched in power
will use all the licit and illicit means at their disposal,
including violent means, in order not to fall from their
pedestal, which will be like the end of the world for
these privileged few, as they will have to give an account of all that they have squandered.
The second difficulty or challenge will be achieving a national convergence, the unification of all
the democratic forces. For the traditional politicians,
politics has always been about electoral prizes, that
is, the creation of lists for the distribution of elected
posts. Thus, a convergence in the construction of the
country must be sought, which can achieve its objective only if the national interest is prioritized over
the party or party member.
In our Guaraní language—which 95% of the population speaks—the word arandú signifies wisdom,
and etymologically it is equivalent to perceiving “the
signs of the times.” This is what is happening in the
grassroots, as the motivation increases to participate
and become involved in changes to put politics in the
service of the common good. If the powerful manage
to frustrate this hope of the people through electoral
fraud or the injustice of institutional Justice, it is
possible that the excluded will make recourse to violence, which hopefully will not happen.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
20212223 242526
27 28 29 30 31
MTWT F SDDecember
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 1011121314
Flp 2,1-4 / Sl 130
Lc 14,12-14
Martín de Porres
1639: Muere san Martín de Lima, en Perú. Hijo de esclava negra, luchó contra los prejuicios hasta ser
aceptado como religioso por los dominicos.
1903: Panamá se separa de Colombia con el apoyo
de EEUU. Fiesta nacional.
5 Wednesday
Flp 2,12-18 / Sl 26
Flp 2,5-11 / Sl 21
Lc 14,15-24 Zacarías e Isabel
Carlos Borromeo
1763: Los Ottawa (EEUU) se lanzan contra Detroit. 1838: Independencia de Honduras.
1780: Rebelión contra los españoles liderada por 1980: Fanny Abanto, maestra, líder de educadores,
animadora de CEBs de Lima, vinculada a las
Tupac Amaru, Perú.
luchas populares, testigo de la fe.
1969: Es ejecutado Carlos Mariguela en São Paulo.
1988: Araceli Romo Álvarez y Pablo Vergara Toledo,
militantes cristianos mártires de la resistencia
contra la dictadura en Chile. 20 años.
6 Thursday
Flp 3,3 / Sl 104
Lc 15,1-10
1866: El decreto imperial nº 3275 libera a los esclavos
de la nación que estén dispuestos a defender a
Brasil en la guerra contra Paraguay.
1988: José Ecelino Forero, agente de pastoral, mártir de
la fe y del servicio en Colombia. 20 años.
Día Internacional de la ONU para la Prevención
de la Explotación del Medio Ambiente en la
Guerra y los Conflictos Armados
Creciente: a las 21h18m en Acuario.
Domingo 32º ordinario
Sb 6,12-16 / Sl 62
1Ts 4,13-18 / Mt 25,1-13
1977: Justo Mejía, sindicalista campesino y catequista,
mártir de la fe en El Salvador.
1984: Primer Encuentro de los Religiosos, Se­minaris­tas
y Padres Negros de Rio de Janeiro.
1989: Cae el muro de Berlín.
8 Saturday
Flp 3,17-4,1 / Sl 121
Flp 4,10-19 / Sl 111
Lc 16,1-8 Adeodato
Lc 16,9-15
1546: Rebelión de los cupules y los chichuncheles
John Christian Frederik Heyer
contra los españoles en Yucatán.
1513: Ponce de León se posesiona de Florida.
1917: Triunfa la insurrección obrero campesina en 1976: Cae en Zinica Carlos Fonseca.
Rusia y comienza la primera experiencia de 1987: Mártires indígenas de Pai Tavyterá, Paraguay.
construcción del socialismo en el mundo.
1978. Antonio Ciani. Dirigente estudiantil de la AEU en
Guatemala. Desaparecido. 30 años.
1983: Augusto Ramírez Monasterio, franciscano, már­tir
de la defensa de los pobres, Guatemala.
10 Monday
11 Tuesday
Tt 1,1-9 / Sl 23
Tt 2,1-8.11-44 / Sl 36
Tt 3,1-7 / Sl 22
Lc 17,1-6 Martín de Tours
Lc 7,7-10 Josafat
Lc 17,11-19
León Magno
1838: Abolición de la esclavitud en Nicaragua.
1483: Nacimiento de Lutero, en Alemania.
Soren Kierkegaard
1969: El gobierno brasileño prohibe la publicación de 1983: Sebastián Acevedo, militante, mártir del amor 1980: Nicolás Tum Quistán, catequista ministro de la
eucaristía, mártir de la solidaridad, Guatemala.
noticias sobre indios, guerrilla, movimiento negro
filial al pueblo chileno.
y contra la discriminación racial.
1980: Policiano Albeño, pastor evangélico, y Raúl
Albeño, mártires de la justicia, El Salvador.
1984: Alvaro Ulcué Chocué, sacerdote indígena páez,
asesinado en Santander, Colombia.
1996: Jafeth Morales López, militante popular colombiano, animador de cebs, asesinado.
2004: La Comisión sobre Tortura entrega el testimonio de
35.000 víctimas de la dictadura de Pinochet.
13 Thursday
15 Saturday
2Jn 4-9 / Sl 118
Flm 7-20 / Sl 145
3Jn 5-8 / Sl 111
Lc 17,26-37 Alberto Magno
Lc 17,20-25 Diego de Alcalá
Lc 18,1-8
1969: Indalecio Oliveira Da Rosa, sacerdote, 33 1960: Huelga nacional de 400.000 ferroviarios, por- 1562: Juan del Valle, obispo de Popayán, Colombia,
tuarios y marinos, Brasil.
peregrino de la causa indígena.
años, mártir de los movimientos de liberación
1781: Julián Apasa, «Tupac Katari», rebelde contra los
del pueblo uruguayo.
conquistadores, muerto por el ejército, Bolivia.
Llena: a las 21h18m en Tauro.
1889: Se proclama la República en Brasil.
1904: Desembarcan marines en Ancón, Panamá.
1987: Fernando Vélez, abogado y militante, mártir de
los derechos humanos en Colombia.
Domingo 33º ordinario
Pro 31,10-13.19-20.30-31 / Sl 127
1Ts 5,1-6 / Mt 25,14-30
Margarita, Gertrudis
1982: Fundación del Consejo Latinoamericano de
Iglesias, CLAI.
1989: Ignacio Ellacuría, compañeros jesuitas y dos
empleadas, asesinados en San Salvador.
Día internacional de la ONU para la tolerancia
17 Monday
18 Tuesday
Ap 1,1-4;2,1-5a / Sl 1
Ap 3,1-6.14-22 / Sl 14
Lc 18,35-43 Elsa
Lc 19,1-10
Isabel de Hungría
1985: Luis Che, celebrador de la palabra, mártir de la 1867: El Duque de Caxias escribe al Emperador
preocupado por la posibilidad de que los negros
fe en Guatemala.
que vuelvan de la guerra de Paraguay inicien una
guerra interna, por sus legítimos derechos.
1970: Gil Tablada, asesinado por oponerse al acaparamiento de tierras, La Cruz, Costa Rica.
1999: Iñigo Eguiluz Tellería, cooperante vasco, y
Jorge Luis Mazo, sacerdote, asesinados por los
paramilitares, en Quibdó, Colombia.
Ap 4,1-11 / Sl 150
Lc 19,11-28
Abdías, Crispín
1681: Roque González, primer testigo de la fe en la
Iglesia paraguaya y sus compañeros jesuitas
Juan y Alfonso, mártires.
1980: Santos Jiménez Martínez y Jerónimo «Don
Chomo», pastores protestantes, campesinos,
mártires en Guatemala.
2000: Fujimori, desde Japón, presenta por fax su
renuncia a la presidencia de Perú.
Menguante: a las 16h31m en Leo.
20 Thursday
Ap 10,8-11 / Sl 118
Ap 11,4-12 / Sl 143
Ap 5,1-10 / Sl 149
Lc 19,45-48 Cecilia
Lc 20,27-40
Lc 19,41-44 Presentación de María
Félix de Valois, Octavio
1542: Las Leyes Nuevas pasan a regular las enco- 1831: Colombia se proclama Estado soberano, disol- Día universal de la música.
viéndose la Gran Colombia.
miendas de indios. .
1910: João Cândido, el «almirante negro», lidera la
1695: Martirio de Zumbí de los Palmares. Día nacional 1966: Fundación de la Organización Nacional de
«Revuelta de la Chibata» en Rio de Janeiro.
Mujeres de Chicago.
brasileño de la Conciencia Negra.
1976: Guillermo Woods, sacerdote misionero, excom­ 1975: Masacre de La Unión, Honduras, matanza de
campesinos por mercenarios contratados por
batiente estadounidense en Vietnam, mártir y
los latifundistas.
servidor del pueblo de Guatemala.
2000: Condenado a cadena perpetua Enrique Aran­ci­
Día mundial (de la ONU) de la televisión
bia, exagente de la DINA chilena, por atentado al
general Prats en Buenos Aires el 30sept74.
Día internacional de los Derechos del Niño
Día mundial por la industrialización de África
Último domingo ordinario
Ex 34, 11-12.15-17 / Sl 22
1Cor 15,20-26.28 / Mt 25,31-46
1927: Miguel Agustín Pro, asesinado, junto con tres
laicos, en la persecución religiosa de la época
de los cristeros, México.
1974: Amilcar Oviedo D., líder obrero, Paraguay.
1980: Ernesto Abrego, párroco, desaparecido con 4
de sus hermanos en El Salvador.
Ap 14,1-3.4b-5 / Sl 23
Lc 21,1-4
Andrés Dung-Lac
1590: Agustín de La Coruña, obispo de Popayán, desterrado y encarcelado por defender al indio.
1807: Muere José Brandt, jefe de la nación Mohawk.
1980: El Tribunal Russel considera 14 casos de violación de derechos humanos contra indígenas.
25 Tuesday
Ap 14,14-19 / Sl 95
Ap 15,1-4 / Sl 97
Lc 21,5-11 Juan Berchmans
Lc 21,12-19
Catalina de Alejandría
1984: Mártires campesinos de Chapi y LucmahuaIsaac Wats
yco, Perú.
1808: Es firmada una ley que concede tierras a todos los
extranjeros no negros que viniesen a Brasil.
1960: Asesinato de las hermanas Mirabal en República
1975: Independencia de Surinam. Fiesta nacional.
1983: Marçal de Sousa, Tupá'í, indígena, mártir de la
lucha por la tierra, que había hablado a Juan Pablo
II en Manaus en 1980. Asesinado. 25 años.
Día internacional contra la violencia
y la explotación de la mujer
27 Thursday
Ap 18,1-2.21-23;19,1-3.9a / Sl 99
Lc 21,20-28
1977: Fernando Lozano Menéndez, estudiante universitario peruano, muerto durante su detención e
interrogatorio por los militares.
1980: Juan Chacón y compañeros dirigentes del FDR,
mártires en El Salvador.
1992: Intento de golpe de estado en Venezuela.
Nueva: a las 16h54m en Sagitario.
Domingo 1º de Adviento
Is 63,16b-17.19b;64,2b-7 / Sl 79
1Cor 1,3-9 / Mc 13,33-37
1967: La conferencia episcopal brasileña (CNBB)
protesta contra la prisión de sacerdotes.
29 Saturday
Ap 20,1-4.1-21,2 / Sl 83
Ap 22,1-7 / Sl 94
Lc 21,29-33 Saturnino
Lc 21,34-36
Catalina Labouré
1975: FRETILIN, Frente Revolucionario por un Timor Este 1916: Desembarco masivo de Marines e implantación
del protectorado en Rep. Dominicana.
Independiente, declara la independencia del país.
1976: Liliana Esthere Aimetta, metodista, mártir de la 1976: Pablo Gazzari, sacerdote argentino, Hermanito
del Evangelio, secuestrado y arrojado vivo al mar
Causa de los pobres, Buenos Aires.
en los «vuelos de la muerte».
1978: Ernesto Barrera, «Neto», sacerdote, obrero,
mártir de las CEBs, El Salvador. 30 años.
Día internacional, de la ONU, de Solidaridad
1980: Marcial Serrano, párroco, mártir de los campecon el pueblo palestino.
sinos de El Salvador.
Liberating or Neocolonialist energy?
Horacio Martins de Carvalho
In the past forty years, we have become aware of
how our lifestyle is provoking environmental degradation and pollution and changing the climate of Planet
Earth. The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in
the atmosphere has increased by about 4% annually.
This has been caused by the use of petroleum, gas,
and coal, and by the destruction of the rain forest.
Taken together, these sources of pollution will cause
the atmosphere of Planet Earth to be raised by between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius in the next hundred
years, an effect known as global warming. An increase
in temperature of this scale will not just alter the climate of the entire world, but it will also raise average
sea level by at least 30 centimeters. This will interfere
with the lives of millions of people who live in the
most low-lying coastal areas of our planet.
Additionally, recent UN reports about climate
change suggest that global warming may take place
more quickly than previously foreseen unless concrete
measures are taken—both preventing the deforestation
of the rainforests and reducing the emission of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), and sulfur hexafloride).
As a result of intergovernmental debates and negotiations, the Kyoto Protocol was signed in 1997.
This agreement, lacking the participation of either
the United States or Australia, establishes methods to
control and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
This Protocol entered into force in February 2005. It
contains a specific timetable for the developed countries (which produce the majority of greenhouse gases)
to reduce the quantity of greenhouse gases they emit,
by 2012 requiring them to reduce by at least 5.3% the
quantity of gases emitted in relation to 1990 levels.
The signatory countries of the Protocol will have to
implement plans to reduce the emission of gases between 2008 and 2012.
One of the suggested measures is to mix 20%
ethanol (combustible alcohol) into gasoline. Considering only the United States, Japan, and the developed
countries of Europe, it is calculated that by 2017 these
countries will import approximately 10,000 millions
of liters of ethanol from producing countries, Brazil in
Curitiba, Brazil
particular. The United States owns 40% of the planet’s
vehicles, but combustible alcohol corresponds to only
2.5% of the local market for fuel. The United States
produces ethanol from corn, although production costs
for producing ethanol from sugarcane are much lower.
In this situation, large multinational corporations
have discovered that partially solving environmental
problems can become a very profitable business. However, their business initiatives do not eliminate the
causes of these problems in a sustainable manner. They
do not address the deforestation of the tropics and of
the savannahs, the intensive use of fossil fuels (petroleum and natural gas), and the elevated emission of
greenhouse gases, causes which are provoking the undesirable and increasing (although discrete) warming
of the planet. The profitability of biofuels like ethanol
and vegetable oils, including biodiesel, is motivating
multinational corporations to combat just one of the
causes of greenhouse gases. Biofuels are energy sources obtained from biomass,
or, in other words, from plant species that provide
the primary material, whether ethanol, in the case of
sugarcane and cassava, or vegetable oils, in the case
of soy, sunflower, canola, castor, and palm. Advanced
research is being done to produce ethanol from dry
material or from the organic residue of sugarcane,
straw, corn, byproducts of trees used for paper production, etc. It is estimated that by 2012 the production
of ethanol from cellulose—from the juice and pulp of
fruits or grasses like sugarcane—will compete with
traditional ethanol in the United States.
President Bush’s April 2007 trip to several Latin
American countries, in which he sought to reach
agreements regarding the production and distribution of combustible ethanol, confirmed the worry and
suspicion of innumerable NGOs and popular social
movements. They worry that large multinational corporations are involving themselves with biofuels not just
to produce and sell alternatives to petroleum, but to
dominate the territories best suited to produce these
primary materials.
Many Latin American countries are developing
initiatives to increase the production of ethanol and
combustible vegetable oils. Among them, Brazil is
emerging as the country which has the most favorable
territorial and climatic conditions for this production, taking into account that, in 2006, Brazil and the
United States together have produced 70% (3.8 billion
liters) of the total (5.8 billion liters) production of
combustible ethanol in the world.
Brazil is the country where the ambitions of multinational businesses are concentrated, as well as the
interests of the United States government. According
to market analyses, there are about 100 to 150 million
hectares of land potentially available on which to grow
primary material for biofuels.
In Brazil today, about 6.5 million hectares of land
are dedicated to the cultivation of sugarcane, for both
sugar and ethanol. The goal of the large producers is
to reach, by 2012, a production of approximately 3.8
billion liters of ethanol, which requires that 10.3 million acres of sugarcane be planted.
Even so, Brazil’s goal is even more ambitious. By
2017, in order to supply the increasing world demand
for ethanol on the part of the United States, Europe,
Japan, Australia, China, and many Latin American
countries, it aims to produce a total of 11 billion liters
of ethanol, which signifies planting 28 million hectares
of land. It is possible to foresee in Brazil the creation
of an enormous “green desert,” the monoculture of
sugarcane. In this way, Brazil will be transformed into
a platform to export biofuels to the entire world. It
will have the technology to produce them (such as
transgenic sugar), but it will be under the control of
multinational corporations.
This unmeasured growth of production in biomass
for the production of biofuels is taking place under
the control of large national and multinational capital.
It is strongly supported by the Brazilian government,
which is adopting production models and technologies that accentuate monoculture, the intensive use of
biotoxins—industrial fertilizers and herbicides—and
heavy machinery. In sum, it is a model that causes
social exclusion and is ecologically unsustainable.
This production model is anti-social because it
concentrates the wealth and profits of the agricultural
sector, compromises food security, increases the exploitation of workers, weakens campesinos economically and culturally, destroys the ethnic and social
fabric of the first nations (indigenous communities)
and small fishermen. Even more, it denationalizes land
and removes agrarian reform from the national agenda.
It is anti-ecological because it contaminates the water
and the soil with agricultural toxins and herbicides,
increases the deforestation of the rainforests and the
savannahs, and reduces, through monoculture, the
existing biodiversity in the areas where sugarcane is
Latin American populations find themselves, at the
beginning of the 21st century, with public policies and
large capitalist companies that capture and manipulate
the convictions and proposals of thousands of organizations and popular social movements in relation to
the search for alternative energies from renewable energies in order to protect the environment and the life
of Planet Earth. What once was a great hope has now
been converted into a bourgeois business, directed
by multinational corporations. Something that should
have been liberating turned against the peoples of the
earth in an oppressive and evil way.
Even worse than this, the policies of the production of biofuels under the neocolonialist production
model is just as environmentally polluting as before, if
not more so. This is due primarily to the monoculture
of sugarcane and the use of biotoxins, herbicides, and
fertilizers that have their origin in industrial applications. Biofuel, starting as a utopia of an alternative
and liberating energy, has become an instrument of
contemporary neocolonialism.
In order to stop all of this, it is necessary that
popular social movements and organizations from
the entire world—connected in worldwide social networks—denounce these imperialist intentions and
practices, especially as they impact Latin American
countries. It is critical that they emphasize an other
possible model of production and technology to produce biofuels and reduce greenhouse gases.
It is necessary to reaffirm that the vision of the
capitalist neoliberal world imposed by the developed
countries upon the developing countries is directly
responsible for this loss, for irresponsible individualistic consumption, for goods like individual automobiles,
and for models of competition that are destructive of
solidarity between persons, between economic initiatives, and between peoples. This conception of the
world degrades the environment, and it becomes genocidal to the extent that it makes life just one more
thing to be bought and sold.
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
17181920 212223
24252627 282930
MTWT F SDJanuary’2009
1 2 3 4
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
5 6 7 8 9 1011
1 Monday
Is 2,1-5 / Sl 121
Mt 8,5-11
1981: Diego Uribe, sacerdote, mártir de la lucha de
liberación de su pueblo, Colombia.
2000: El juez Guzmán dispone el arresto domiciliario
y el procesamiento de Pinochet.
Día mundial de la lucha contra el SIDA.
violadas y asesi­nadas. El Salvador.
1990: Campesinos mártires de Atitlán, Guatemala.
Día internacional de la ONU contra la esclavitud
3 Wednesday
Is 11,1-10 / Sl 71
Is 25,6-10a / Sl 22
Lc 10,21-24
Mt 15,29-37
1823: Declaración de la doctrina Monroe: «América Francisco Javier
señor de
para los americanos».
1956: Desembarco del Granma en Cuba.
1972: Panamá reconoce a los indígenas el derecho 1987: Víctor Raúl Acuña, sacerdote, Perú.
2002: Fallece Ivan Illich, filósofo y sociólogo de la
a su comarca.
1980: Ita Catherine Ford, Maura Clarke, Dorothy Kasel
Día internacional del discapacitado
y Jean Donovan, de Maryknoll, se­cuestradas,
4 Thursday
Is 26,1-6 / Sl 117
Is 29,17-24 / Sl 26
Mt 7,21.24-27 Sabas
Mt 9,27-31
Juan Damasceno, Bárbara
1677: La tropa de Fernán Carrillo ataca el Quilombo 1492: Llega Colón a La Española en su primer viaje.
1824: La constitución brasileña, en su ley complemen­
de Palmares, Brasil.
taria, prohibe ir a la escuela a leprosos y negros.
Día internacional del voluntario
2000: Dos exgenerales argentinos de la dictadura
condenados a ca­dena perpetua por la justicia
italiana: Suárez Masón y Santiago Riveros.
Día internacional (de la ONU)
de los Voluntarios para el desarrollo
6 Saturday
Is 30,19-21.23-26 / Sl 146
Nicolás de Bari
Mt 9,35-10,1.6-8
Nicolás de Mira
1534: Fundación de Quito.
1969: Muere João Cândido, el «almirante negro», héroe
de la Revuelta de Chibata de 1910.
Creciente: a las 16h25m en Piscis.
Domingo 2º de Adviento
Is 40,1-5.9-11 / Sl 84
2Pe 3,8-14 / Mc1,1-8
1975: El gobierno militar de Indonesia invadeTimor Este,
matando 60.000 personas en dos meses.
1981: Lucio Aguirre y Elpidio Cruz, hondureños, celebradores de la Palabra y mártires de la solidaridad
con los refugiados.
8 Monday
9 Tuesday
Gn 3,9-15.20 / Sal 97
Is 40,1-11 / Sl 95
Ef 1,3-6,11-12 / Lc 1,26-38 Leocadia, Valerio
Mt 18,12-14
Concepción de María
1542: Las Casas concluye su «Brevísima relación de 1824: Victoria de Sucre en Ayacucho. Última batalla
la destrucción de las Indias».
por la Independencia.
1965: Concluye el Concilio Vaticano II.
1976: Ana Garófalo, metodista, mártir de la Causa de
los pobres, Buenos Aires, Argentina
1977: Alicia Domont y Leonie Duquet, már­tires de la
solidaridad con desaparecidos, Argentina.
1994: Leyla Zana es condenada a 17 años de cárcel en
Turquía por defender los derechos kurdos.
1997: Samuel Hernán, sacerdote que traba­jaba con los
campesinos en Oriente, asesinado, Colombia.
2004:12 países fundan la Comunidad Sudamericana
de Naciones: 361 millones de habitantes.
10 Wednesday
Is 40,25-31 / Sl 102
Mt 11,28-30
Eulalia de Mérida
1898: Derrotada, España cede a EEUU Puerto Rico
y Filipinas.
1948: La ONU proclama la Declaración Universal de
los Derechos Humanos. 60 años.
1996: Es concedido el Nóbel de la Paz a José Ramos
Horta, autor del plan de paz para Timor Este de
1992, y a Carlos Ximenes Belo, obispo de Dili.
1997: El gobierno socialista francés aprueba la reducción de la jornada semanal a 35 horas.
13 Saturday
Zac 2,14-17 / Sal 95
Is 41,13-20 / Sl 144
Eclo 48,1-4.9-11 / Sl 79
Lc 1,39-45 Lucía
Mt 11,11-15 Guadalupe, Juan Diego
Mt 17,10-13
Dámaso, Lars Olsen Skrefsrud
1978: Gaspar García Laviana, sacerdote, mártir de las 1531: María se aparece al indio Cuauhtlatoazin, «Juan 1968: La Cámara de los Diputados se opone al Gobierno
luchas de liberación, Nicaragua.
y es suprimida, Brasil.
Diego», en el Tepeyac, donde se veneraba
1994: Primera Cumbre Americana, en Miami. Los go1978: Independencia de Santa Lucía.
Tonantzin, la «vene­rable Madre».
biernos deciden crear el ALCA, sin participa­ción 1981: Masacre «El Mozote», de cientos de campesi­nos
de los pueblos. En 2005 fracasará.
en Morazán, El Salvador.
1983: Prudencio Mendoza «Tencho», seminarista,
mártir, Huehuetenango, Guatemala.
2002: El Congreso desafora al expresi­dente Alemán,
por fraude millonario. Nicaragua.
Llena: a las 11h37m en Géminis.
Domingo 3º de Adviento
Is 61,1-2a.10-11 / Int. Lc 1,46-54
1Ts 5,16-24 / Jn 1,6-8.19-28
Juan de la Cruz
Teresa de Avila
1890: Rui Barbosa ordena quemar los archivos sobre la
esclavitud en Brasil para borrar la memoria.
1973: La ONU identifica a Puerto Rico como colonia y
afirma su derecho a la independencia.
16 Tuesday
Sf 3,1-2.9-13 / Sl 33
Gn 49,2-8-10 / Sl 71
Nm 24,2-7.15-17a / Sl 24
Mt 21,23-27 Adelaida
Mt 21,28-32 Juan de Mata, Lázaro
Mt 1,1-17
1975: Daniel Bombara, miembro de la JUC, mártir de 1984: Eloy Ferreira da Silva, líder sindical, en San 1819: Se proclama la República de la Gran Colombia
los universitarios comprometidos con los pobres
Francisco, MG, Brasil
en Angostura.
en Argentina.
1991: Indígenas mártires del Cauca, Colombia.
1830: Muere, víctima de tisis o cáncer, cerca de Santa
Marta, Colombia, Simón Bolívar,el Libertador de
1993: Levantamiento popular en Santiago del Estero,
Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú, y fundador
Argentina. 15 años.
de Bolivia, a los 47 años de edad.
18 Thursday
Jer 23,5-8 / Sal 71
Mt 1,18-24
Rufo y Zósimo
1979: Masacre de campesinos en Ondores, Perú.
1979: Masacre de campesinos en El Porvenir, El
1985: João Canuto e hijos, líder sindical en Brasil.
1992: Manuel Campo Ruiz, marianista, víctima de la
corrupción de la policía.Rio de Janeiro.
1994: Son recuperados los restos de Nelson MacKay,
primer caso de los 184 desaparecidos en Honduras en la década de los 80.
Día internacional (de la ONU) del Migrante
Domingo 4º Adviento
2Sm 7,1-5.8b-12.14a.16 / Sl 88
Rm 16,25-27 / Lc 1,26-38
Pedro Canisio
Tomás Apóstol
1511: Homilía de Fray Antonio de Montesinos en La
1907: Masacre en Santa María de Iquique, Chile:
3.600 víctimas, mineros en huelga por mejores
condiciones de vida.
1964: Guillermo Sardiña, sacerdote, solidario con su
pueblo en la lucha contra la dictadura, Cuba.
Solsticio, de invierno en el Norte,
de verano en el Sur, a las 08h04m.
Jue 13,2-7.24-25a / Sal 70
Lc 1,5-25
1994: Crisis económica mexicana: 10 días más tarde la
devaluación del peso alcanzaría el 100%.
1994: Alfonso Stessel, 65 años, sacerdote, asesinado
a cuchilladas y balazos en Guatemala.
2001: Tras un discurso del presidente, el pueblo argentino sale a la calle provocando su renuncia.
2001: Pocho Leprati, militante por los Derechos de
los Niños marginados, asesinado por la policía
de Rosario, Argentina
Menguante: a las 05h29m en Virgo.
20 Saturday
Is 7,10-14 / Sal 23
Lc 1,26-38
Domingo de Silos, Ceferino
1818: Luis Beltrán, franciscano, «primer ingeniero del
ejército libertador» de los Andes, Argentina.
1989: EEUU ataca e invade Panamá para capturar
a Noriega.
2001: En la represión policial, muere Claudio «Pocho»
Leprati, 36 años, dirigente barrial y catequista en
Rosario (Argentina), que pedía no reprimieran al
pueblo y a los niños de una escuela.
22 Monday
1Sam 1,24-28 / Int.: 1Sam 2,1-8
Lc 1, 46.56
Francisca J. Cabrini
1815: Es fusilado José María Morelos, héroe de
la independencia de México, tras haber sido
desterrado por la Inquisición.
1988: Francisco «Chico» Mendes, 44 años, líder ecologista, Brasil. Asesinado por latifundistas. 20 años.
1997: Masacre de Acteal, Chiapas. Mueren 46 indígenas tzotziles reunidos en oración.
23 Tuesday
Mq 3,1-4.23-24 / Sl 24
2Sm7,1-5.8b-12.14a.16 / Sal 88
Juan de Kety
Lc 1,57-66 Herminia y Adela
Lc 1,67-79
1896: Conflicto entre EEUU y Gran Bretaña a propósito 1873: Expedición represiva contra los guerrilleros de
de la Guyana venezolana.
los quilombos en Sergipe, Brasil.
1972: Un terremoto de 7 puntos Richter destruye Ma- 1925: La ley brasileña pasa a garantizar 15 días al
nagua y mueren más de 20 mil personas.
año de vacaciones en la industria, el comercio
y los bancos.
1989: Gabriel Maire, asesinado en Vitoria, Brasil, por
su pastoral comprometida.
25 Thursday
27 Saturday
Hch 6,8-10; 7,54-60 / Sal 30
1 Jn 1, 1-4 / Sal 96
Is 52,7-10 / Sal 97 Esteban
Mt 10,17-22 Juan evangelista
Jn 20, 2-8
Hb 1,1-6 / Jn 1,1-18 1864: Comienza la Guerra de la Triple Alianza: Brasil, 1512: Promulgación de nuevas leyes reguladoras de la
encomienda de los indios, por las denuncias de
1553: Valdivia es derrotado en Tucapel por los
Argentina y Uruguay contra Paraguay.
Pedro de Córdoba y Antonio Montesinos.
1996: Huelga general en Argentina.
1979: Angelo Pereira Xavier, cacique de la nación
1652: Alonso de Sandoval, profeta y defensor de los
Pankararé, Brasil, muerto en lucha por la tierra.
negros esclavos, Cartagena de Indias.
1985: La ley 962/85 de Rio de Janeiro prohibe la
discriminación racial en los elevadores.
1996: Huelga de un millón de surcoreanos contra la
ley laboral que facilita los despidos.
2001: Petrona Sánchez, líder campesina y de la organi­zación de mujeres, asesinada por las FARC en
Costa de Oro, Chocó, Colombia.
Nueva: a las 07h22m en Capricornio.
Sagrada Familia
Eclo 3,2-6.12-14 / Sl 127
Col 3,12-21 / Lc 2,22-40
Santos Inocentes
1925: La columna Prestes ataca Teresina, PI, Brasil.
1977: Masacre de campesinos, Huacataz, Perú.
2001: Edwin Ortega, campesino chocoano, líder juvenil,
asesinado por las FARC en una asamblea de
jóvenes en el río Jiguamiandó, Colombia.
29 Monday
30 Tuesday
1Jn 2,3-11 / Sal 95
1Jn 2,12-17 / Sl 95
Lc 2,22-35 Sabino
Lc 2,36-40
Tomás Becket
1987: Más de 70 garimpeiros de Serra Pelada, Marabá, 1502: Sale de España hacia América la mayor flota de
Brasil, baleados en el puente del río Tocantins,
entonces: 30 barcos con unos 1.200 hombres,
atacados por la Policía Militar.
al mando de Nicolás de Obando.
1996: Acuerdos de Paz entre el Gobierno guatemalte­co
y la guerrilla ponen fin a 36 años de hostilidad, más
de 100.000 muertos y 44 aldeas arrasadas.
Día internacional por la biodiversidad
Año Nuevo Islámico: 1430
1Jn 2,18-21 / Sal 95
Jn 1,1-18
1384: Muere John Wiclyf, en Inglaterra.
1896: En el auge del caucho Manaus, Brasil, inaugura
el teatro Amazonas.
1972: Muere en São Paulo, en el 4º día de tortura, Carlos
Danieli, del PC de Brasil, sin revelar nada.
1 Thursday
Año 2009:
Año Internacional (de la ONU) del Planeta Tierra
Año Internacional (de la ONU) de la Papa
Año Internacional (de la ONU) del saneamiento
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Many times in my life I have had the strong temptation to cloister myself. The only reason I have not
succumbed to this temptation is that I could never
figure out how to reconcile cloistered life with my
political responsibility. Today, I think that even cloistered life should have a political dimension. Earlier,
I was afraid that it would be an incoherency of testimony: to have so many opportunities to participate in
the political life of this country, and then to suddenly
shut myself in one place and abandon a militant political objective.
There was a moment—not very long ago—in
which I decided to abandon political militancy and
enter a monastery. I wanted to find another type of
militancy there. Instead of moving around all of the
time—which is easier—I would dedicate much more
time to militancy, but through writing. The monastery
I envisioned would be a place of welcome for popular groups, unions, and politicians. In this way, the
two things would be combined: I would satisfy my
necessity for more intense prayer, and I would create
a welcoming refuge for militant groups that felt the
need for such a place of reflection.
And I embarked on this project. But there was a
grave moral lapse by one of the students, and, because of the ecclesiastical handiwork of the bishop in
the region in which we were going to found the monastery—he opposed my presence—I had to stop.
Yes, the longing for contemplation is something
very accentuated in my life. But it goes alongside
another exigency stronger and more irresistible: I
have to dedicate myself more to writing. In my life I
am ending a period of active militancy in order to be
able to dedicate myself more to prayer and literature.
This is going to end up being for me a form of active
militancy. Literature does not just consist in producing texts; rather, it also requires participating in the
literary struggle, which has always been a tribunal.
Today it is less important, because writers don not
have the weight that they did before the era of television. Nevertheless, literature is a place where one can
produce opinions and take positions. I feel justified in
leaving active militancy. I believe that others can do
Frei Betto
Religioso, activista político, escritor
this, while I will be able to do something that few are
doing: produce a more consistent body of work that
reflects this trajectory, and deepen more my prayer life.
I want to produce a work that speaks of a militant
spirituality. I don not know how to speak of anything
else when I speak. It is my job, through this tool that
we call literature. Many times the Left has difficulty
understanding this. But it understood this in the thirties and forties. Striking a balance, one could see the
enormous quantity of music, poetry, theater, and film
that the Left produced in that time. The Communist
Party told Bertold Brecht, “Don’t worry, just write
theater.” The militancy that they asked for was his
own artistic production. And they were right. Today
nobody remembers those assemblies, but we are still
talking about Brecht. Art was highly valued by the
Left. With the current pragmatic militancy, the Left’s
proposals do not resonate in a fundamental area: that
of cultural formation and artistic production. Today it
doesn’t have any influence in Brazilian culture. I opt
for literature and I commit myself to it, recognizing a
subjective inquietude that I feel very strongly.
I still have many projects. I have written four
books about the period of the dictatorship: Letters
from Prison, From the Catacombs, The Day of the
Angel, and Baptism of Blood, apart from Song of the
Fire,, which is a collective book. But I have material for about six or seven more books. In fifty years,
there will still be people publishing books about the
military dictatorship in Brazil, and they will be just as
current as they are today. Fifty years later, there are
still people who publish books on Nazism and they
are still current. I cannot die without creating these
works. I need to tell what only I can tell, because I
am the only one who lived it like that.
Writers have two phases: one of vanity, in which
they see whether they write better than others...and
the other, in which they discover that they do not
try to write better or worse than others...I write in a
way in which nobody else can write. The singularity is
more important than excellence. My manner of saying
things is only my manner. On the day I die, it dies
with me. There is no other way.
Cadernos de Mistica e Revolução, MIRE, novembro 2004, pp. 9-15.
Multifaceted Political Commitments
Politics during campaigns and politics all of the time
Should a local Church develop the political consciousness of the people? The Prelature
of São Félix do Araguaia, MT, Brazil, launched a book on political orientation on the occasion of the recent elections. This is the text debated in the communities.
enriched themselves unjustly, persecuted people, have
been or are involved in corruption, are dishonest in
their business relations, do not respect families, are for
abortion, use religion for political gain, or have broken
their promises...
6. Criteria for a good candidate. A good candidate
is someone who has demonstrated honesty and service
towards the people. This candidate journeys with and
is backed by the consciencized popular movements.
7. Consistency in life and action. For some time,
the Prelature of São Félix of Araguia has taught that
good politicians are those who show consistency in
their life and action, whose humility shows in their
faces and whose hearts are filled with love.
8. The vote does not have a price; it has consequences. We are all responsible for all of these consequences. Just as we should choose and vote well, we
should also denounce all acts of corruption that are
committed in electoral campaigns. Brazil succeeded
in passing Law 9840, which prosecutes and punishes
electoral corruption. It is now time to enforce this law.
9. It is necessary to accompany elected candidates. It is our responsibility to accompany—during
the exercise of their mandate—the politicians that
we elect. We elect them. Therefore we should animate
them and hold them accountable, and, if necessary,
correct them and demand that they change their ways.
Participating in politics is more than placing a vote
in the ballot box: it is continuing, through political
means, the journey of the people, and ensuring that
our representatives behave correctly.
10. Our Christian faith commits us politically.
Our Christian faith, based on the demands of the
Gospel, should cause us to act in the political sphere.
Pope Paul VI reminded us that “politics can be one of
the highest expressions of Christian love.” God has a
political platform: the Reign of God, which is true life
and happiness for all people and all nations. Building
a new country, a new America, a New World, is working for the Reign of God. We are called to participate
in politics every day and every year and to participate
conscientiously in elections.
Has politics died? Long live politics!
q [escolher agosto]
We find ourselves in an electoral year. Are the people interested in the elections? The truth is that many
people are disenchanted by politics and they view elections with distrust. Year after year, a politics continues
that fails to transform the life of the people. Why? On
whom does this desired change depend? With respect
to elections and politics, we would like to consider and
debate the following fundamental points:
1. Politics is a right and a responsibility for
everyone. Politics is not just for politicians, but is a
right and responsibility for every person. Participating
in politics is exercising citizenship. Whoever does not
engage in politics stops being a conscious and responsible citizen.
2. Politics is the life of the people. During every year and every day, it is time for politics. This is
because we should always be working for the common
good. The good of the people is food, health, education, housing, land, work, and security. For good or ill,
everything depends on politics. Politics is participation, struggle, and change.
3. Election time is a more intense period of engaging in politics. It is a time to evaluate politics and
improve it. It is a decisive period for the life of the
country. This year, concretely, we are called to vote for
the following: the president of the republic, the governors of states, senators, federal deputies, and state
deputies. We all know how important these positions
are for our lives and for the future of our country.
4. The male and female candidates depend on
our vote. They will be elected or defeated based on
our vote. They depend on the vote of the entire people.
From this, a great responsibility arises for all of us at
the moment we choose the candidate for which we will
vote. The politicians who are elected will be our representatives in the federal government, in the National
Congress, in the state governments, and in the state
assemblies. We hold in our hands our future.
5. Criteria by which to judge candidates and decide whom to vote for: do not vote for any candidate
who buys votes with money, promises, or jobs. Look
at the campaigns of the candidates. Look at what they
have done for or against the people. Ask if they have
The Bank of the South
The Road to Financial Autonomy
Raúl Zibechi
Translated by Michael Dougherty
Montevideo, Uruguay
The difficult but growing political and economic
autonomy of some of the countries of South America
will make an important leap forward when the Bank of
the South starts up this very year, 2007. The push for
a development bank for the subcontinent deals with
one of the most audacious plays to date in favor of
regional integration. In some fashion, the bank may
come to constitute the key institution for integration
and the basis of breaking away from the traditional
dependency on financial institutions of the North.
Step by Step
The initial proposal came from Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez. He also was the first to take action to withdraw his country from the International
Monetary Fund (IMF). The first step was to launch the
challenge. Chávez and Argentinean President Néstor
Kirchner did this jointly on February 21st in Puerto
Ordaz, Venezuela when they put into operation the
first oil well jointly backed by the state enterprises,
Energía Argentina S.A. (Enarsa) and Petróleos de
Venezuela S.A. (Pdvsa).
The proposal is to create an institution that will
serve to finance regional development projects in the
most rapid, effective way and in a more independent
manner than other development banks. Until now, two
regional banks have existed. The Fondo Financiero
para el Desarrollo de la Cuenca del Plata (Fonplata)
which has assets of nearly $410 million, links Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The other
is the Andean Development Corporation (CAF) which
has $10.5 billion for investments in infrastructure.
Both of these are linked to the large global financial
institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF and
they use identical criteria.
During the Annual Meeting of the Governors of the
Inter-American Development Bank in March, 2007 in
Guatemala, the finance ministers from Argentina and
Venezuela brought forward technical definitions and
objectives of the new institution. At the beginning of
April, representatives from six countries (Argentina,
Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador, and Venezuela)
wrote up the first rough draft of incorporation papers
for the Bank of the South. It was agreed that the
bank would be launched in 2007, with an initial capitalization of no less than of $3.5 billion, although the
Venezuelan government said that it was prepared to
make an initial contribution of $7 billion.
Difficulties and Obstacles
As can be seen in the list of countries committed to the Bank of the South, two countries that call
themselves progressive or leftist are missing: Chile
and Uruguay. The first has a free trade treaty with
the United States and maintains a neoliberal political
compact. The second, though a full member of Mercosur, has serious disagreements with its neighbors Brazil and Argentina. It disagrees with the government
of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva for commercial reasons
and because Brasilia refuses to accept a commercial
partner that may sign a free trade agreement by itself
with United States. With Argentina, the differences
are focused on the conflict over paper plants on the
shore of Uruguay’s river frontier. It is certain that
some countries that could be part of this initiative
have decided to stay on the side lines.
The second difficulty is rooted in differences of
approach by Brazil. This country already has a development bank (the National Economic and Social Development Bank, BNDS) and, because of this, it does
not see the need for the creation of a new regional
financial organization. To this new structure, Brazil
would perhaps have to contribute more money than
it would receive, since the BNDS has more funds than
other regional organizations, including the InterAmerican Development Bank (IADB). For that reason,
it prefers the reactivation of already existing financial
But the problems are more political than economic. In the middle of May, two positions arose over
the voting rights of members of the bank. The finance
ministers of Argentina and Venezuela support the
equality of the right to vote by each member; meanwhile Brazil defends the existence of a certain proportionality based on the resources that each country
contributes. Those who promote the egalitarian vote
claim that they seek to make a clear break with the
criteria imposed by the international organizations
that function under the hegemony of the countries of
the North, such as the IMF
In any case, it appears that goodwill predominates
in spite of the differences. President Lula has confirmed that he is ready to overcome the obstacles and
that his country is going to participate in the bank.
However, he indicated that the mission of the bank
has yet to be defined—whether it will be a bank to
rescue countries in crisis situations, like the IMF, or a
partner to drive development. Brazil and Argentina are
working on the idea of creating a common currency
for Mercosur within the next four years. In this very
year, 2007, both countries have begun to carry out
bilateral interchange of their own currencies.
A New Financial Architecture
The Bank of the South’s founding document aspires to generate a financial architecture that grants
the region greater autonomy from the international
capital market. “To break with the vicious circle in
financing to the region which entails putting our
reserves into banks of the North at interest rates,”
the document notes, “which are lower than the interest they charge on loans they make to us through the
financial organizations they control.”
To break with the vicious circle in financing to the
region, which entails putting our reserves into banks
of the North at interest rates,” the document notes,
“which are lower than the interest rates that their
financial organizations charge us when we take out
loans.” In sum, the new bank seeks the double objective of loosening the control of the countries of the
North and of the capital markets.
In some fashion, the Bank of the South contributes to the processes that many countries are engaging in to distance themselves from neoliberalism, with
different intensities and rhythms. Let us remember
that in 2006 both Brazil and Argentina fulfilled their
commitments early with the IMF and began to really distance themselves from that organization. Last
March, the eleven countries of the South American
Community of Nations (CSN) set out to create a Regional Stabilization Fund as way to prevent speculative attacks against their national currencies, with
a fund of 5 billion dollars. According to the member
countries of the CSN, creating a complementary
mechanism to the Bank of the South is a way to avoid
dependency on the IMF in crisis situations.
Nevertheless, in order for the bank to achieve
its objectives, it will have to not only insert itself
in the new relationship of regional forces, but fight
the effects of two decades of economic opening and
deregulation. Neoliberalism is not only an economic
proposition: it includes all aspects of society. For that
reason, the Bank of the South cannot be limited to
competition with the IADB, the World Bank, and the
CAF only for development projects, but it must question the basic notions of development as they are
understood by those organizations.
The first priority is to work against the financing
process of the planet, which is one of the principal
characteristics of neoliberalism. In parallel, the type
of development promoted must be tied to the sovereignty of peoples and to a true integration—which
cannot be based on the free market but rather
through equalitarian and fraternal relations between
peoples, regions, and nations. Therefore, the financing
of large infrastructure works, which is one of the main
objectives of all the banks in our region, must instead
give priority to endogenous development. Until now,
when infrastructure was spoken of, it meant thinking
about the best way to connect our countries with the
global markets in order to place natural resources at
the disposal of the multinationals and the markets of
the countries of the North.
Lastly, the Bank of the South can now play a decisive role in healing the wound in the institutional
fabric caused by neoliberalism. In order to be able to
implement this model, its main beneficiaries—financial groups and monopolies— debilitated and dismantled the nation states. To recover the regulatory
capacity and state control of the region should be one
of the tasks assigned to the regional bank.
These questions are at the center of the regional
agenda. The Bank of the South is not destined to
be an objective in itself but as a tool to deepen the
changes already in progress. This is its main potential: for this it was born and to these objectives it is
subordinated. As such, it will be a different bank: its
members should not aspire to make personal careers,
and its funds will not be destined to accumulate profits but rather be put at the service of the necessities
of the people and those who have been excluded. q
Reinventing Politics
A new relationship between Political parties and Society
Javier Díez canseco
Today politics is like a leaky boat that few want
to board. For many, it is a pirate ship that sails on
an agitated sea, tossed about by enormous waves
of derision, disillusionment, social indifference, and
turbulent economic and media manipulation.
Of course, there are reasons for this: parties and
political leaders have made the state something to
loot, and, worse still, an instrument at the service of
transnational corporations and powerful groups that
procure favors thanks to their “political administrators,” assuring their privilege and not the rights of
the people. This has the strange effect of relegating
Politics to a space far removed from the people.
The very space in which decisions about life in
society are made—decisions which implicate and affect us all—is now distant. Political decisions are all
those decisions that are related to our fundamental
rights and guarantees—essential public services, the
functions and obligations of the State, the management of the budget, taxes, and investments, and the
implementation of public policies.
We alienate ourselves, or we are alienated from
Politics, viewing it as a muddy and dirty terrain, the
reign of corruption, controlled by immoral and powerhungry people who—curiously—will continue to run
things, thanks to our abstinence and indisposition
to intervene. Or, on the other hand, we separate ourselves, or are separated from politics, viewing it as a
terrain just for specialists, best left to professionals
and not to the majority, that is, the common men and
women of society. In whatever form, Politics remains
a space far distant from the interests, possibilities,
involvement, and actions of the majority. Whatever
the argument or the combination of arguments, the
result is the same: they alienate the people from the
public sphere, making them disinterested in informing themselves about it, extinguishing all desire to
intervene in making political decisions or controlling
those who make and execute these decisions. At its
base, because of many reasons, sometimes almost
opposed to each other, Politics has become a feud
between a few participants, the private reserve of the
Lima, Peru
wardens who run a Privatized State in the service of
the powerful.
Renovating Politics means returning it to average
citizens, the majorities, so that they may recuperate it as a fundamental right of all people, free of
the dirty turbidity which today surrounds it. This will
give it transparency and breadth, recuperating it as a
social space, not a theater of oligarchies and secluded
circles of specialists. If we recognize that all human
activity has political implications and doing politics is
incumbent upon all of us, it becomes imperative that
political action have indispensable conditions such as
the following: timely information and transparency;
the acceptance that its exercise has diverse channels
and is not the exclusive providence of Political Parties; and the recognition that these Political Parties
should modify their relationship with the people and
the organized social forces. Renovating politics requires accepting that political power can be exercised
through delegation and representation, granted by
the people, through representatives and authorities
named by the people. But it also means recognizing that it can be done through organizations and
social movements, from their demands and proposals—sometimes intuitive—and their search for solutions and alternative pathways. Politics can be done
through the intervention of the people in making
decisions and exercising control over elected authorities. This begins with the selection of candidates who
are obligated to give an account of their use of power
to their electors and social organizations. It includes
the right that citizens should have to revoke the
mandate of elected authorities. Politics has representative forms as well as direct forms, political, social,
cultural, and media channels.
Recreating Politics implies that it be inclusive, not
exclusive; it must be subject to popular scrutiny and
social control, not to the reign of shadows; Politics
should be participatory, open to the marginalized and
oppressed, and not a small clique. In Bolivia, very important renovating changes have take place that have
opened doors for the historically and continuously
marginalized indigenous peoples! This was accomplished when the Political Instrument for the Sovereignty of the People (IPSP) forged an alliance with
MAS [President Evo Morales’ party], permitting the
principal social organizations of the countryside and
of the indigenous peoples to elect their candidates to
public office, officials who now have the commitment
and obligation to give an account to these movements and be their effective spokespeople. In less
than ten years, they took control of the government
by a creative combination of popular and political
struggle, bringing to power the first indigenous president of Bolivia.
The Word of the Mute is the title of one of Julio
Ramón Ribeyra’s magisterial books of stories about
the exploited and marginalized people of Peru, similar to all of dark-skinned America. The fact that they
have started speaking and have opened up a way to
make decisions is already a profound revolution. How
refreshing that municipal, regional, and autonomous
governments are exercising power! They are defining
their budgets and priorities, with the participation
of urban and rural communities, which are intervening in planning and development committees that
are prioritizing projects and soliciting bids. They are
controlling the use of economic resources so that
they do not end up fattening the bank accounts of
those who use public office as a place to engage in
corruption. This is occurring also in the participatory
municipalities of Peru, including the province of Anta,
in imperial Cusco, where the Community-Neighborhood Assembly (made up of delegates of all rural and
urban organizations) decides on the budget, down to
deciding the salary of the mayor and the local officials. They also make up 50% of the delegates on
the municipal planning committees. Another larger
experience, although still limited, is taking place
in Venezuela with the Communal Councils and their
capacity to assign and decide on a part of the public
budget in local areas. This power builds citizenship,
consciousness, and political protagonism among those
who have always been silenced and ignored by the
government as it makes decisions.
But this process should not be limited to small local budgets, but should open up a process for national
participation capable of intervening in the most important decisions, including the distribution of na-
tional income and the use of the profits generated by
our natural resources, which the social movements of
Bolivia, Venezuela, and Ecuador suggest.
New forms—participatory and transparent—of doing politics, new political agents far removed from the
current powers, new structures and political parties
that are not beholden to the powerful and the media
monopolies, new orientations that place the majorities and their properties in the center, are fundamental victories that must be won. To resocialize politics
and return it to the people seems to be one of the
enormous challenges of the refounding of politics that
many of us long for.
This demands a new relationship between parties
and society and parties and social movements. Parties should develop in dialogue and in relationship
with social movements, open to their intervention in
Politics (with a capital P), not as transmission line for
the parties, subject to social control. For many on the
left, this implies that they redefine their role. If they
previously felt themselves owners of the truth and science, of the historical consciousness of the working
class, and passed this “down the line” to social movements, today they should reformulate their program,
their strategies, and their tactics so that they enter
intro true relationship and dialogue with social and
popular forces. They must learn to value in another
way the popular classes and their organizations.
New forms of exercising political power should be
constructed. These should depend on the participation of the people. This demands timely and true
information, the capacity to understand and manage
social forces, opening spaces to debate proposals and
to intervene in making and executing decisions. This
is an inclusive and participatory vision of power.
We require parties and political movements that
become a school of government and centers of proposals and leadership, in close relation with social
movements and popular sectors. As Evo Morales likes
to say, we need political forces and leaders capable of
governing while obeying, commanding through listening to and paying attention to the people. In this
dialogue and formulation of a new politics between
parties and social movements, we can find one of the
keys to the Other World which is possible, but which,
as José Carlos Mariátegui points out, “will not be a
replica or copy, but a heroic creation.”
Towards a Journalism of intermediation
Politics and the Media
José Ignacio López Vigil
Lima, Perú
In the 1970s, the popular Latin American radio
stations proposed—and they achieved— returning
the voice to the secularly silenced village. Throughout the continent, many radio stations carried
microphones to the most remote sites so the common people could speak, express their problems and
frustrations, and their happiness, as well. This effort
turned out to be highly educational in the Socratic
sense of the term, in that it gave birth to ideas
through words. Our ancestors were made men and
women thanks to language. Speaking made us human. And speaking in public made us citizens.
These radio stations were not “the voice of the
voiceless” because the village is not mute. They made
a rescue of the kidnapped word, stolen for over 500
years, through programs of high participation: interviews, socio-dramas, debates, protests, and proposals.
The recovery of the word by the community continues to be an objective and methodology of every
radio station with social sensibility. But it is necessary to recover something more decisive: the power.
We will not build a participatory democracy as long
as citizens do not gain more and more control over
the public authorities that should be subordinate to
them, as long as the authorities do not give an account of their actions, and as long as they prevent
citizens from evaluating governmental actions.
Where will a citizen appeal if they do not give
him due attention in a public hospital? Where will he
protest if public servants are colluding with private
offenders? In what space will he report abuses if justice does not do him justice? Mass Media have been
converted today into privileged spaces of negotiation
and conflict resolution. Radio, television, the press,
and magazines are media and they are mediations.
Thus, many radio stations are putting in practice
a fifth journalism—that does not exclude the other
four already known: information, opinion, interpreta216
tion, and investigation. It is a journalism that channels citizens’ reports and facilitates the solution of
the cases presented. We call it intermediation journalism.
Traditionally, Latin American radio stations were
characterized by their utility. The social services
were the most popular programs, especially in the
rural areas. There, the radio took the place of mail,
telegraph, and telephone. That the mule is missing.
That Josephine had a little boy. That they ought to
carry the bags of coffee on the other path. That the
prayers for Grandpa will be tomorrow at noon. This
family newscast became more indispensable in situations of emergency or natural disasters.
With fewer areas of silence in the region, these
social services have passed to a second plane. Nevertheless, the complexity of urban life reveals new and
more varied necessities. The majority of the people
pass the day avoiding, or trying to avoid, the innumerable violations—big, medium, and small—of their
Human Rights. Intermediation journalism serves this
very cause.
What does it attend to? In the radio stations,
popular and commercial, there have always been
people who come and protest. Through letters and
open phone lines, Latin American radio stations have
been, besides the mail and public telephones, horns
to raise a voice against abuses of power and even
posts of relief to cry over spilled milk. But, what
then? The reports are not enough if they are not
addressed to the responsible authorities. And these
appeals are not enough if the reported cases are not
given monitoring—with the effective strategy of the
widow in the Gospel—until they are resolved.
Intermediation is defined as an assisted negotiation. In this sense, it requires a neutral element to
help the parties involved in conflict to reach an arrangement by consensus.
This is not exactly the sense of what we present,
so their repetition is impeded. If it is a problem for
many, the solution has to be rethought for the long
Many local radio stations have experimented with
this journalistic genre because they have discovered
in it the possibility to confront the competency of
the biggest channels. What is the comparative advantage for a local radio station? Exactly the fact that
it is local. To be so, it is just as close to the rough
patch on the corner as the neighbors. It can report
with being familiar to the cause, being better located
than any other media to help resolve the thousand
and one problems of the everyday life of its audience.
The conception of a citizen radio—this concept
gains ground over other earlier ones as educational,
popular, or communal—allows one to think globally.
The exercise of intermediation journalism lifts one to
act locally. And of that it treats a “glocal” strategy.
Intermediation journalism also serves to report
abuses of power in the media. The media have been
erected like the guardians of liberties and civil rights,
like an anti-establishment movement that oversees
and criticizes the other powers of the State. Journalists, the guardians of society, are attentive to
any violation of Human Rights, especially missions
against the freedom of expression. And who oversees
these guardians? Who controls the controllers? The
social mediation programs begin with the initiative
of the observers of the media, of this fifth power
which Ignacio Ramonet tells us about.
We could mention many examples of radio stations that have started to walk toward the path of
intermediation journalism and achieve excellent positions in the ratings of their city or locality. As “civic
defenders of free air” these radio stations increase
their audience and even improve their advertising
income. But—and this is the most important—they
gain credibility and they locate themselves in the
heart of their audience.
Translated by Marc Mescher
because we are not neutral. We close ranks with the
citizens and we clearly align ourselves in favor of Human Rights. We are not judges of course. It is not our
job to dictate sentences. Neither are we the State,
nor do we pretend to supplant the mandate of the
public servants.
We are journalists. As such, we facilitate the microphones (or cameras or paper) so that the claim of
the citizens arrives where it should arrive. We make
the voice of the people heard before the responsible
authorities when they have been shown irresponsible.
And if the people are not able to speak directly, we
lend our voice so the authorities listen, to add value
to the report, and to find a just solution. We are
pontiffs, in the exact sense of the word: we bridge
the two sides. And we cross the bridge, together with
the community that advances.
If, in our countries justice has covered its eyes,
perhaps the radio could cover its mouth and not
become an intermediary. Yet this is the problem, that
public authorities are fragile, that corruption grows
faster than a weed, and that many citizens—both
men and women—although they are constitutionally
guaranteed rights, in daily life, do not know who to
go to when these rights are infringed upon.
However, if it is dangerous to try to replace the
functions of the State, there is a similar danger in
eroding the civic responsibility and promoting a
genre of radio paternalism.
The State helps those who help themselves. It is
not a question of enjoying my rights (passive citizenship) but also of assuming my responsibilities (active
citizenship). Do I demand a clean city? I need to pay
my taxes. Do I want to live in a safe city? I should
organize with my neighbors. The Golden Rule of
Christianity is valid as a civic ethic: do unto others as
you want them to do unto you.
So, intermediation journalism does not seek to
supplant the responsibility of the State or the citizens. On the contrary, it tries to motivate both.
Neither is intermediation journalism happy to
settle one particular case or twenty cases. There is
no doubt the individual solutions have great value,
whether for the actual beneficiaries or those who
hear the results through the radio. But we multiply
the efficacy if we exert pressure to transform these
processes of resolution for political or public conflicts
It is evident that this type of journalism is risky.
It causes problems, requiring us to be where things
heat up. We would say this is “politically incorrect.”
But such media, audacious and prophetic, are the
ones that are needed to accompany the new Latin
American citizens who are being conceived in the
Great Country about which Bolivar dreamt.
Quito, Ecuador
La Red Latinoamericana de Mujeres Transformando la Economía, REMTE, se constituyó en 1997, con el
objetivo de contribuir a la apropiación crítica de la economía por parte de las mujeres, a través de la generación de ideas, debates, acciones e iniciativas políticas.
Forman parte de la REMTE colectivos de 10 países: Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
El Salvador, México, Perú, Venezuela; en estos confluyen mujeres urbanas y rurales, organizaciones de base,
ONG y académicas involucradas en la construcción del movimiento feminista.
La red comparte amplias iniciativas de lucha contra el neoliberalismo y el «libre comercio», la deuda y la
militarización, a las que aporta desde su visión feminista. Está presente en procesos como la Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres, el Foro Social Mundial -forma parte de su Consejo Internacional-, la Asamblea de Movimientos Sociales, la Alianza Social Continental, la Minga Informativa de los Movimientos Sociales, y otros.
La REMTE cumplió ya diez años. Su existencia
coincide con un período tan intenso en la realidad de
la región, que apenas hemos podido regresar a ver.
Las condiciones han variado de tal manera que ahora
estamos ya dando pasos en un camino hacia otro
modelo económico, en un punto de inflexión que, al
fin, nos distancia del neoliberalismo.
Para llegar hasta aquí, ha sido preciso reivindicar
la política y reapropiarnos de la economía como países, como pueblos y, muy especialmente, como mujeres. Si el capitalismo y su discurso económico convencional han desconocido el estatus económico de actividades y relaciones que no están en el mercado, en la
fase neoliberal se llevó al extremo tal perspectiva. La
delimitación de economía y política económica fue tajante: eran parte de ellas los asuntos de corporaciones
y empresas, finanzas, comercio, competitividad. Se ha
llegado, incluso, a naturalizar la equivalencia entre
economía y mercado, proponiendo que aquella sigue
un curso evolutivo que nos conduce inevitablemente a
la fase neoliberal, globalización incluida. (Hoy hasta
se ha inventado la ‘neuroeconomía’ para biologizar las
conductas económicas, suponiendo que las neuronas
reaccionan según determinados patrones, frente al dinero por ejemplo, para tomar decisiones económicas).
La economía apareció así como un contexto incontrolable, ajeno, al que debemos adaptarnos. A la gente en general y a las mujeres en particular nos correspondía el terreno social, hacia donde fueron derivados
asuntos económicos fundamentales como el trabajo,
el empleo, la pobreza (a la que ahora se quiere ‘com218
batir’, paradójicamente, profundizando el modelo).
De su lado, el movimiento de mujeres, por varios
factores, había centrado sus esfuerzos en temas vinculados con participación política, violencia de género, derechos sexuales y reproductivos, en los cuales
se han registrado avances de significación histórica.
La economía no tuvo lugar prioritario en esa agenda,
pero los logros señalados nos han permitido interpelarla desde otras bases, desde una visibilidad ganada,
desde unas relaciones de poder ya desestabilizadas.
Así, en estos diez años hemos transitado por un
escenario cruzado por factores de distinto signo respecto de nuestro estatus como actoras económicas:
la disociación entre mujeres y economía impuesta por
toda una historia de desconocimiento e injusticias,
ahora adquiría el peso neoliberal, pero al mismo tiempo la economía tomaba la delantera en la agenda de
los pueblos de la región, y nos habíamos fortalecido
como actoras políticas. Resultaba imperativo reapropiarnos de la economía.
¿Qué implica ese desafío de reapropiarnos de la
economía? Varias dimensiones están en juego. a) El
conocimiento y pensamiento económicos, que tienden
a invisibilizar los trabajos de las mujeres, el tejido
social subyacente que permite movilizar recursos
orientados a atender necesidades de vida, los aportes que generan; se requiere consolidar pensamiento
propio, basado en el feminismo como discurso crítico,
para que las experiencias de las mujeres sean validadas teóricamente, para visualizar las rutas del cambio
-de alcance civilizatorio- indispensable para salir del
modelo explotador, depredador e injusto que conocemos. b) Las relaciones económicas, cuyos rasgos de
género están presentes desde los niveles personales
hasta los mundiales; necesitamos hacer visibles esos
rasgos para redefinir relaciones, prácticas e instituciones económicas. c) Los roles de las mujeres, marcados
por la desigualdad y la discriminación, que precisamos
superar, evitar que se reproduzcan o se reinventen. d)
Las políticas y decisiones que determinan el curso de
la economía, en las que tenemos derecho a participar
convirtiéndolas en herramientas de transformación.
Es un desafío cuyos alcances se han ido definiendo
y complejizando en la práctica y en la reflexión internas, así como en las ricas interacciones que se han
producido en procesos mundiales y regionales de los
que somos parte: el Foro Social Mundial, el Foro Social
de las Américas, la Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres, la
Campaña Continental contra el ALCA y los TLC -que
hoy se centra en la Integración de los Pueblos-, las
iniciativas contra la deuda y la militarización.
Aquí la dimensión política ha sido clave, pues
se trata de la construcción colectiva de agendas, de
la búsqueda de un proyecto político de cambio y de
herramientas para llevarlo adelante, de encuentros y
alianzas en un marco de diversidades. Es esencialmente política la contestación al poder en sus diversas
expresiones, entre ellas el poder patriarcal. Este acercamiento integral a la política incluso ha removido
prácticas e imaginarios en el entorno de organizaciones y entidades que comparten estos espacios de
cambio. Así, ‘casa adentro’, la agenda feminista ya
está dejando de ser asunto de las mujeres, se está
convirtiendo en un tema de todas/os.
El marco de la resistencia al ‘libre comercio’ y a
sus instrumentos (ALCA y TLC, principalmente) fue
decisivo para que se actualice la visión de los nexos
entre capitalismo y patriarcado, para que se confirme
que es imposible conjugar igualdad de género con
modelo neoliberal. No pudo sostenerse por mucho
tiempo algún intento de ‘agregar’ género y cláusulas
sociales a los tratados comerciales. Los análisis y experiencias en todos los países de la región sometidos
al ajuste y la apertura comercial han sido contundentes en mostrar que el modelo ineficiente y depredador
impuesto se sustenta, principalmente, en el trabajo
subpagado y no pagado de las mujeres, que resulta
ser, al mismo tiempo, factor de ‘competitividad’ y
garantía para el sostenimiento de la vida.
En este trayecto las alianzas más próximas entre
mujeres han seguido un cauce casi ‘natural’: se han
dado entre grupos y procesos que asignan prioridad
a la economía, que confrontan de manera directa
las variadas formas de mercantilización de la vida,
que proponen cambios profundos que sólo pueden
impulsarse reorientando los objetivos mismos de la
economía hacia el cuidado y reproducción de la vida.
Así, en escenarios regionales y mundiales actuamos
conjuntamente con la Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres,
la Vía Campesina y la CLOC, ALAI Mujeres, el Diálogo
Sur-Sur, LGBT...
En este desafío de construir otro modelo económico, centrado en la economía para la vida, convergen
y adquieren otro sentido las iniciativas y experiencias
múltiples que realizan en sus países y localidades
los grupos de la Red, y las que se comparten regionalmente. A esa escala, por ejemplo, impulsamos
iniciativas de formación, como el reciente curso regional (con fases virtual y presencial) sobre economía
feminista, o como la Escuela Mesoamericana de Mujeres. Estamos en el empeño, también, de concluir una
propuesta de integración generadora de igualdad, que
se asiente de verdad en los principios feministas de
solidaridad, cooperación y reciprocidad.
También tienen ese sentido de transformación
profunda las acciones de incidencia y participación en
política pública: en Ecuador, la REMTE colabora con el
Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas en la definición de
estrategias de cambio; ya se dio un paso importante
con la creación de la Subsecretaría de Economía Solidaria, que reconoce el trabajo de las mujeres y a los
hogares como unidades económicas, y plantea como
objetivo central la igualdad económica de género.
En Brasil, la Red asesora también varios procesos de
política económica nacional y local, al tiempo que
reflexiona, se moviliza, y promueve proyectos autogestionarios de mujeres. Experiencias innovadoras de
economía local se impulsan en El Salvador; en Bolivia
y Venezuela los grupos intervienen en los intensos
procesos de cambio, buscando el protagonismo de las
Son sólo ejemplos que muestran las múltiples
facetas de la reapropiación de la economía, que es, a
la vez, su transformación para construir una realidad
justa y diferente para nosotras y para todos.
Young People, Politics, and Postmodernity
Jorge Boran cssp
CCJ, São Paulo, Brazil
subjectivity was accentuated. Utopias entered into
crisis and they need to be rethought. But without a
utopia, the people cannot be mobilized to reclaim
their rights of citizenship.
Young people frequently confuse politics with political chatter. They are influenced by the politicians
elected by the people who use politics for the trafficking of influence, the distribution of privileges, and
the assault on public monies, which are unleashing
tremendous levels of corruption. They also confuse
politics with party politics. There is difficulty in understanding politics in its broadest sense as concern
for and work towards the common good.
In our experience of work in youth ministry in
Brazil and Latin America, we teach the need to make
the connection between the micro and the macro
levels of the process in which the youth are involved.
We visualize the relation as follows:
Two Models
Almost exclusively, contemporary culture pushes
young people toward matters of personal concern:
self-esteem, self-realization, individual problems,
friends...The message can be presented in two models.
In the psychological model, the message is presented in ways that take into account the specific
characteristics of development of young people. In
this model, personal relations are the central focus.
Even more, this model offers the youth valuable
knowledge to confront psychological problems, but it
does not prepare them to confront the social problems
in their context. The solutions to poverty—in the
case that they are even considered—follow the lines
of alleviating symptoms more than attacking the root
causes. Many movements and ministries fall into the
temptation of working only at the micro level and
forget that the same young person is situated within
a macro level, where it is necessary to work on the
issues of citizenship.
In the sociological model, the emphasis is placed
in the historical role of the Church, of transforming
society. That means to overcome a naïve vision of the
world. Political, economic, and social structures are
seen as responsible for the growth of poverty, condi-
The seventeenth century was an era of absolutist monarchies. During this time, some philosophers,
especially the English philosopher John Locke, taught
the idea of government by consent and the belief that
all peoples were vested of certain rights which could
not be infringed on by those governing. These were
new and subversive ideas. Thomas Jefferson, one of
the promoters of the U.S. revolution, was the first one
to put into practice those ideas. Today, most of the
constitutions of the world’s nations declare that all
power emanates from the people and is exercised on
their behalf.
We celebrate more than fifty years since the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which proclaimed
thirty basic and essential rights. The divine rights of
the monarchies were abolished, although sometimes
dictators emerge who want to reverse the clock of
history. There is a new consciousness of humanity.
We are citizens; we are no longer subjects. Those who
govern are our employees. We can employ them and
fire them. We are actors in history, not poor devils
doomed to repeat it and suffer in silence the effects
of a world organized unjustly.
Nevertheless, that consciousness is not automatic.
It is a consciousness that always needs to be conquered and reworked. The consciousness of those who
are passive subjects is more comfortable. It does not
need to think about taking risks. For this reason, the
task of developing a political consciousness among
the youth is more difficult today than in other times
in history. Some investigations point toward a new
generation of young people in which the majority is
depoliticized, in contrast to the 80s. Different reasons are given. During the decade of the 90s many
historical changes took place that shook the world. In
November of 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, which symbolized the end of real socialism. The neoliberal capitalist model was promoted as having won, along with its
proposal for the privatization of government-owned
corporations and the distancing of the State from
the dynamics of the free market. By way of a parallel, there was a cultural change. Postmodernity was
strengthened, and the centralization of emotions and
“do not want to know anything about anything,” and
not in the methodology they use.
The process of the political conscientization of
young people must take into account the pedagogical principle of gradualism. The conscientization of
young people goes through group processes that are
gradual and in stages. Those stages are goals to be
achieved and horizons to be amplified, running from
the discovery of the group, of the community, of the
social problem, of the larger organization, and of the
structural causes, finally arriving at a lasting commitment to social change. There is a multiplicity of small
actions in which young people get involved at this
stage, which goes from direct work with people in
greater need to the promotion of debates and reflections about programs and candidates in the elections.
Today, the internet becomes an important ally. Young
people live connected with each other because of
the internet. In the blogs (Yahoo Groups and Orkut)
young people discuss social issues and exchange texts
that have the effect of creating consciousness. The
systematic accompaniment of youth groups in the
communities is crucial.
We conclude by reaffirming the renewing and
transforming potential of young people. Puebla’s
affirmation that the role of the young people is to
dynamize the social body is still valid. When we speak
about the depoliticization of young people, we are
not talking about all of the youth. We are talking
about tendencies. A significant percentage of young
people continue to be involved in social movements
and political parties. The disenchantment of politics,
sometimes, is caused because of the difficulty in finding adequate spaces: the forms of participation present in societies and in the State are perceived by the
youth as distant from daily reality. Young people have
different characteristics from adults, which, depending on the influences, can change rapidly.
The difference today is that the process of conscientization and of association is slower than in
other times. If we employ an adequate methodology
to penetrate the armor of materialism and individualism present in today’s societies, we will find the same
young people as in other times: young idealist persons willing to embrace one Cause that awakens that
which is most noble in humanity.
Translated by Néstor Medina
tioning the models of behavior and values of people.
It is the problem of the concentration of resources in
the hands of the few and the impunity of the powerful. Within each nation, there is another country of
wretched peoples, whose citizenship rights are denied
in practice. Within the present Latin American situation, three goals gain priority: the eradication of
hunger, the real respect of human rights for all, and
sustainable development that guarantees quality of
life for the population and respect for the environment. Also gaining strength is the consciousness
of the need to establish public policies for young
people—considered as one of the most marginalized groups—in the areas of education, employment,
health, housing, safety, social participation, culture,
and recreation.
The construction of a more caring society is possible in the measure in which we change the structures—the rules of the game—that produce poverty.
In a global world, we need to globalize solidarity.
Personal change is also fundamental, but it cannot
be separated from structural change. The first model
gives priority to human relations (psychological
model), and the second model (sociological model) to
social justice. There is an awareness that work with
young people cannot be limited to choosing only one
of the two models, which is what happens frequently.
Both provide important tools for the formative and
conscientizing work of young people. Both help to
maintain the equilibrium between what is individual
and what is social. A work model that prioritizes human relations—to the exclusion of social justice—
alienates and takes young people out of the real
world and reinforces the attitude of being subjects
and not citizens. On the other hand, in the present
cultural context, a model that prioritizes social justice—to the exclusion of human relations—does not
work; it does not attract and mobilize young people.
The secret is in the point of departure. During the
80s it was possible to mobilize young people starting
from the social aspect. Not today. It is necessary to
start with the aspirations and concerns of real young
people in order to take other steps. Advisors whose
consciousness was formed during the 80s and who do
not take into account the cultural changes have difficulty understanding why their efforts fail. They often
conclude that the problem is in the youth, that they
Participative Politics
Demétrio Valentini
Bishop of Jales (São Paulo), Brazil
Observing what politics is today, we realize that it
needs an urgent renewal. At this moment when politics
runs the risk of disrepute, by the inefficiency of its
institutions --- weakened by the excess of bureaucracy
and the promiscuity between public interest and particular advantages --- it is urgent to recover the authentic
exercise of a true citizenship.
The exercise of citizenship is the propitious field
for the conscious intervention of the people, vis-a-vis
the collective process of transformation of the society
and the regeneration of state structures.
By exercising citizenship it is possible to redefine
the course of society and to redesign the State, and to
summon it to its purposes again.
Citizenship is the base that gathers the participation of the people, and the fountain that waters social
and political activity.
It is citizenship the factor that can recycle society,
in a continuous way, oxygenating it with new values
--- those pointed by ethical conscience --- indicating
always clearer ways, and urging with increasing force,
to what extent citizenship is able to carry them out in
a project to be designed and activated gradually. The
growth of citizenship is the guarantor of the activation
of those values, which begin in the form of a “dream”
but needing to be “incarnate” in society. Without the
consistent, articulated and perseverant exercise by
citizenship, these values become utopian, and when
they remain inaccessible may cause frustration and
downheartedness. Citizenship has thus the commitment
to make utopias become possible.
Out from these realities we may posit the relevancy
of a question that needs suitable answers: What kind
of citizenship do we want? The challenge is posed: we
ought to identify the great values that must nurture
the vision and the exercise of citizenship, in order to
impregnate the daily institutional activities we want
to place in the service of the collective construction of
the society and the State. Let us point to some of those
1. A citizenship impregnated of fundamental values: life, the dignity of persons, justice, an ecological
conscience, a sense of beauty and an opening to transcendence. It is a positive signal to affirm that these
values are returning today to the collective conscience.
It is a new emergence of ethics. To exert citizenship
ought to begin by the formation of consciences, impregnating them with ethical values.
2. A citizenship renewed by social sensitivity,
solidarity, participation, creativity, and ex-change of
experiences. A citizenship that needs to be for and of
all, that ought to be constantly constructed and done
in solidarity. Social exclusion is the negation of true
citizenship. The cause of Indigenous peoples, of those
without-land, of the unemployed, of street children, of
prisoners, of prostitutes, of the marginalized ones in
its diverse forms, ought to motivate and to concern all
those who set out the construction of a true citizenship.
3. An active citizenship, exercising a responsible
freedom, by participating, valuating of the initiatives,
cultivating new leaderships, paying attention to events,
to the opportunity of making manifestations, accomplishing debates on facts that concern the community,
by paying attention to the liberating practices of new
emerging subjects in our society. Citizenship is to be
made, practiced and exerted.
4. New emergence of civil Society. One of the
most precious gains emerging from the processes of the
Brazilian Social Weeks (Semanas Sociales Barasileras)
was the increasing affirmation of Civil Society as a
value preceding and overshadowing state matters and
as the criteria which directs and “relativizes” the organizative instances of both Society and the State.
It is by vigorously recovering the public/governmental function ---- that ought to preside over the
understanding of everything related to citizenship
--- how we can consider in the most suitable way, many
problems that today are settled down in the policies of
almost all the countries, as the typical case of privatizations shows. The best criterion is to see how the
different realities at issue, fulfill their public function
in a better way, whether they be oil, gas, transportation, energy, mass media, and mainly schooling. It is
urgent to draw up the distance between the public and
the State and for that we need a tenacious strategy
to produce political transformations with real positive
implications on the lives of citizens.
5. New relation between citizenship and the
State. Today we confront the challenge of de-privatizing the State, so that it be placed back in the service
of public welfare and thus to really overcome its historical flaws. Today society needs to assume up the
State continually, and to re-direct the purpose of its
structures. We need to make a realistic demonstration
that all State structures tend to distort their aims. It
is society which needs to graft unabatedly the public
spirit within governmental spheres, by means of the
continuing, lucid and thoughtful practice of democracy.
Without the constant exercise of democracy, the State
becomes oxidized, not only in its macro-structure, but
also in its local concretions. Everything related to the
state --- whether hospitals, banks or schools, etc. --- if
not continuously oxygenated by the motivations of the
common good, becomes distorted by the characteristic
vices of bureaucracy, of accommodation and the ineffectiveness of privilege, which are factors that end in
the privatizing of the state instance, in the service of
interests that use public resources to protect themselves. The present State requires of re-engineering to
re-structure and up-grade itself. But above all, it needs
to recover its soul, which is its public purpose, which
is what generated it, and which now ought to be reregenerated. And this can only be done by a society
that is able to design a comprehensive project for the
common good, for all, and to perceive the strategic
priorities that must be assumed by the State. We must
revert priorities, so that the energies channeled to the
State be put at the service of the fundamental ends:
health, education, housing, labor, transportation and
leisure. This reversion will be made only if it is urgently
called for by a society that knows how to re-orient the
course of the State through the effective exercise of
6. Globalization and Citizenship. In times of globalization, it is important to see how it is possible to
integrate values in the practical exercise of citizenship,
by opening to the universal and to the plural, by means
of an inclusive worldview, by overcoming closed nationalisms, by the valuation of interdependence and the
cultivation of historical awareness. Globalization needs
to be discerned by citizenship, in order to be conducted
according to the interests of the common good. Espe-
cially, so that globalization does not act hastily against
the weak, so as to not produce exclusion.
7. Citizenship and local context. Citizenship is
exercised locally. Hence the importance of valuing
everyday life, knowing communities and coordinating with them locally as well as participating in social
campaigns. Citizenship calls for simultaneous attention
both to the macro and micro, to the universal and the
local, to national and regional levels, displaying its
perception in an integrative and inclusive unit. Citizenship, however, will always have a regional flavor, a
taste for cultural values and local traditions.
8. Overcoming domination. Exercising citizenship requires a constant vigilance of our personal attitudes. For we are all forced to assimilate domination
reinforced by tradition, or to project new dominations.
Hence, the importance of the spirit of service, of combating authoritarianism, racism, sexism and of other
cultural and political dominations.
There are dominations deeply rooted in our minds,
crystallizing customs policies and practices. The exercise of citizenship must go on in the undermining of
the practices of militarism, patronage, racism, sexism
and authoritarianism, which are taking varied ways in
our daily lives.
9. Respect for diversity. Finally, to be responsible
citizens requires an appreciation of the other -- of
those who are different --- the reception, listening,
education for complementarity, for convergence and
integration. It is a new mindset to be cultivated, vis-avis the mass culture that is being imposed today. Citizenship is also to coexist harmoniously with that which
is different. This education has a vital contribution to
make: on the one hand, affirming individualities, and
at the same time, opening to complementarity. Without
education there is not truly reached citizenship. But
with education, the problems of the subsequent assertion of people become a rich material for the construction of this great edifice of citizenship, which needs
the involvement, the commitment and the enthusiasm
of all of us.
By cultivating citizenship and impregnating it with
these values, we will have a more humane and more
just society, and a more democratic, and oriented the
common good State will be guaranteed.
The exercise of citizenship is an area that remains
always open to our involvement. It is there where the
main battle is always fought on real politics.
Citizenship and Sovereignity, not Dependency
Ivo Poletto
Goiânia, Brazil
Humanity lives in a time full of possibilities and
temptations. Communication technologies—against
the wishes of the owners and exploiters of patents—have made it impossible to continue to hide
the misery and suffering in which the large majority
of humanity lives. The days are also numbered for
ideological explanations of inequality. The scientific
consensus in relation to “the state of the Earth,”
which confirms and predicts new consequences of
global warming clearly lays responsibility at the feet
of the elites and industrialized countries. The world
is becoming aware that the agents of “progress” that
burn fossil fuels are those that truly threaten global
equilibrium. It is a step away from the awareness that
these same actors are responsible for the concentration of wealth and, therefore, of the ever-increasing
and worsening poverty and misery in all parts of the
Earth. Those who have imposed ultraliberal capitalist
globalization are now reaping the negative benefits of
what they have sown.
According to the logic of neoliberalism, the poor
are responsible for the situation in which they live.
They are abandoned and accused by the “God of the
Market” because they have not prepared to receive
their recompense. Because of this, state institutions
should resist “populist” policies, projects of economic
development destined to help all people. All governments, from this point on, should be “realist,” recognizing that “unemployable” people exist, useless
in the market, which is the real agent of progress by
those who are capable of “private initiative.” Debilitated by the process of the privatization of enterprises and public services, state institutions should limit
themselves to compensatory social programs, having
as their objective the sublevation of those excluded
by the market. As José Comblin suggested in the
analysis of the current situation in 2006, “neoliberalism is dead” (Latin American Agenda 2006, Brazilian
edition, p. 22). However the “uncontestable truth”
that the poor are to blame for their lot and that the
States are irresponsible can no longer be maintained.
On the contrary, popular pressures now are demanding the return to national constitutions, constitutions
which define the guarantee of rights—starting with
the right to food and nutrition—as “the obligation of
the State and the right of citizens.” In plebiscite consultations, people are demanding Constitutional Assemblies in order to refound nations through a Greater
Law that implements necessary changes so that, in
fact, all rights are guaranteed for all people.
In this context, governments are (re)elected—like
the Brazilian government, headed by Lula—that
are implementing programs like “Zero Hunger.” Zero
Hunger seeks to guarantee food and nutritional security for all people who live in situations of extreme
misery, whose right to food has not been guaranteed.
While these new “programs” receive national and
international accolades, many social movements and
investigators are asking whether this is the way to
fulfill “obligations of the State.” Should it be through
aid programs or with programs that generate socioeconomic, cultural, and political transformations that
make possible a victory over poverty and misery?
Alternative Paths
To this question, the most promising responses
are being given by the citizens—men and women—of
Bolivia and Ecuador. And they do this through political processes that benefit from the experience and
support of Venezuela and Cuba, in addition to their
own unique characteristics, principally the protagonism of the Indigenous Nations. It is no longer sufficient to say “no” to the neoliberalism defended by
the elites; it is necessary to say “no” to the elites
themselves, in the name of a “yes” to the construction of alternative societies, constructed by Constituent Assemblies composed of a large proportion of
indigenous and poor people. This is totally different
than accepting the traditional discourse that always
leaves the splitting of the “pie” for the future, that
needs to be safeguarded in the hands of the elites
until it grows sufficiently. It is different from being
content with actions or programs of aid, the crumbs
from the table of the rich. “The right to have rights”
is claimed. More precisely, the right and the power to
define rights from the values and ethical principles
integral to the ancient cultures that constitute our
nations are claimed. These values and principles
should direct the manner of defining and implementing priorities—now in another direction—so that the
all rights are guaranteed for all people. Guaranteeing
the privileges of the predatory minority elites can no
longer be a priority.
It is not an easy path. The opposition is very
strong. The media is still controlled by companies
that are directly interested in the maintenance of the
privileges that are supported by an illusory promise
of liberty and equality of opportunity for all men and
women. In truth, these promises are used by those
who already have goods and capital to multiply their
wealth and power and profit from the privatization of
the state. The opposition benefits from powerful international supporters who are interested in impeding
the consolidation of alternative proposals for socioeconomic, political, and cultural development.
universality of economic, social, cultural, and ecological rights depend on the strength of political rights
in societies in the permanent process of democratization. Half-measures are insufficient, as can be seen in
Brazil, where the councils and conferences—although
spaces of progress—mask the sovereign participation
of the citizenry. And this can be demonstrated by
the resistance of the legislative power to implement
the portions of the Constitution—promulgated in
1988—which refer to the participation of the citizenry through plebiscites and referenda. Among legislators, the majority share a conviction that plebiscites
should be the exclusive providence of the National
Only one force exists that is capable of demanding deep and transformational structural changes to
societies that generate inequality. Only the popular
sovereign power—based on the consciousness of the
individuals, groups, and societies which make up our
citizenry—expressed in many different venues, and
which has a sufficiently mature organizational capacity to control the government which it has elected is
strong enough. The way to accomplish this, according
to Gramsci, is for civil society to surround the State
on all sides. (See M. Arruda, Tomar real o possível,
Vozes, Petrópolis, Brazil, 2006). Without this, the
Will Democracy Be Possible?
elites will maintain control over the State, and it will
What is being tested, once again, is democracy
remain a space where their interests will be advanced
itself. Can the peoples take control of and exercise
to the detriment of the poor who fight for their rights.
their sovereign power to establish laws, their State,
Policies based on dependency or compensation will
and social initiatives that contribute to the construc- continue to dominate. In the worst case, the absence
tion of societies in which everyone has a place and
of social policies will coincide with repression against
can live with dignity and enjoy wellbeing? In other
the political initiatives of the excluded citizenry.
words, can democracy became a participatory process
in which, through social distribution, the goods ofCaptialism, as we know, dehumanizes, reducing
fered by nature and the fruits of our labor are enpeople to objects. The claim that the free market
joyed in a truly “limitless democracy?” Or will it be
guarantees free societies is just an ideological afimpeded, once more? Instead of being an authentic
firmation. In reality, merchandise, wealth, profit,
process of popular sovereign power, will “democracy” currency, and the market are promoted as if they were
be maintained as a mere formality at the service of
the subject s of societal relations, but the subjects
the minorities that control capital, causing popular
are the capitalists, who serve capital when it exploits
labor and transforms it into merchandise.
Finally, everyone who wants the “social programs”
Because of this, the structural transformation of
of the elected governments to open pathways distinct capitalistic societies creates a real opportunity so
from traditional elite methods should not be content that all people recuperate their subjectivity, dignity,
with compensation and aid programs. Rather, they
liberty, citizenship, and, in a collective dimension,
should recognize that alternatives which focus on the their sovereignty.
Program of Political and Citizenship Formation
An Example of Commitment
The Conference of Jesuit Provincials
of Latin America
A short time ago, the Social Sector of the Conference of Provincials of Latin America (CPAL) convened
in Venezuela. Our analysis of the current situation of
the Continent demonstrated, once again, the urgent
need to work to dignify the exercise of politics and
citizenship. Something had to be done. In consequence, we decided to convene a seminar with the
goal of creating political and citizenship education
projects within the social sector of the Society of Jesus.
The present text seeks to encourage and guide
the creation of proposals for Political and Citizenship
Education in our diverse countries.
This educational proposal has several presuppositions:
a. This political formation does not seek to take
any particular position in regards to local or national
politics or governments. Groups of participants retain
the freedom to make their own specific political decisions.
b. It is based on values inspired by the Christian
tradition, but it does not seek to make the practice
of politics and the exercise of citizenship explicitly
c. It seeks to work with men and women with
leadership abilities, who are connected to communities, movements, and organizations of many types, and
who desire to overcome the current crisis situation of
politics and citizenship found in many countries.
d. The point of departure is the option for an inclusive society in which the poor and marginalized are
a priority and reference point in the search for a dignified life for all, male and female.
e. It desires to offer rigorous and systematic formation, committed to the search for a just, egalitarian, and peaceful society.
f. It has a Latin American character, considering
the local from the perspective of the global.
g. It seeks to support the growing Latin American
network of Political and Citizenship Programs: it desires to provide support, information, and follow-up
for the diverse initiatives that are being implemented.
Many people from other continents have become
interested in this project. We are happy to share. We
recognize that our program can be a point of reference
that will serve as a basis for more detailed projects.
These projects should be systematic and have a high
degree of academic consistency so that a serious formation can be accomplished.
We hope that this initiative will expand during this
first phase and that it will become a way of supporting initiatives that recognize political affairs must be
conducted for the benefit of the majority of all citizens. There must be a serious focus on development
with justice and on ensuring that issues that affect
the entire society are managed responsibly.
With this Program of Political and Citizenship
Formation, we want to provide a Latin American vision. That is to say, we seek an understanding of the
specifics of each country from the starting point of
what we share. We want to create common materials
and processes of sharing which contemplate a Latin
American perspective—participatory and transparent
politics; the impulse towards fair trade; the setting of
common priorities; the peaceful search for the solution to conflicts; and respect for pluralism.
The present document is the result of a workshop
held in Asunción, Paraguay, in order to establish the
programmatic lines of a Plan of Political Formation in
Latin America. It still must be developed so that it
becomes complete program, with all the contents and
methodologies necessary so it can be developed at the
level of each country and of the entire Latin American
and Caribbean region. In each country, in accordance
with its needs, the program can either complement
the forces of political formation that are already developing or implement new initiatives of this type, where
there are none. At the regional level, it seeks to eventually create a School of Political Formation for Latin
America and the Caribbean. This school will be for the
design of materials, the organization of courses on the
regional level (especially for program facilitators), and
the creation of mechanisms for the diffusion and sharing of information.
This program is under the responsibility of the
social sector of CPAL, through the subsector of social
centers. The indigenous subsector will create its own
version which will be the version for indigenous peoples. We consider it equally important to include the
Program in the formation of Jesuits themselves.
Putting into place these efforts requires that CPAL
designate a coordinating team, which will have the
following specific functions:
Design of the Program of Political Formation based
on the established reference points.
The investment of funds and resources for the
development of specific projects.
Sharing the experiences of existing formation
programs for the development of proposal.
The creation of processes of political formation
where they do not exist.
The implementation of processes of formation at
the regional level—where conditions are more favorable because of particular necessities and situations—
with the ultimate goal of creating the regional School
of Latin American Formation.
Communication between this formation sector,
the education sector, and AUSJAL (The Association of
Jesuit Universities of Latin America).
1. Justification
From the perspective of the poor (the people and
groups that are excluded and discriminated against)
and with them preferentially, we desire to present a
Latin American and Caribbean proposal for political
We have no desire to compete with initiates which
are already in place (and which may be even better),
but we do have the desire to collaborate.
The proposal arises from the search for an alternative to economic neoliberalism and cultural globalization and all forms of exclusivist and totalitarian
thinking. Thus, it hopes to assist the important forces
of Latin American integration that seek greater equality and solidarity and propose economic, political, and
cultural paths appropriate for the region.
We believe that politics is Good News and that
its exercise can be a sublime form of serving others.
Thus, from the utopia of the “other possible politics,”
we will confront the current crises of politics, of the
public, and of the prevailing models of development.
We will contribute with humility and realism to the
construction of a more just and democratic history.
Despite the existence of formally democratic regimes in nearly the entire region, there is profound
disillusionment in respect to the results. We continue
believing that the best way to address social conflicts
and search for solutions is the exercise of participatory
democracy. We, as Christian men and women, desire
to participate in the construction of a new society of
justice, solidarity, inclusion, and multiculturalism.
The program presented here hopes to share tools,
methodologies, and ethical elements for a new exercise of democracy and citizenship in our countries.
2. General Objective
To contribute to the establishment of democratic
and just societies in Latin America by developing
processes of formation that strengthen the responsible
exercise of citizenship and propose alternative manners for the use of power for the sake of the common
3. The Inspiring Principle
We base our work on an inspiring principle that
impregnates the entire proposal: love is the foundation of the human being. Through a citizenship based
on solidarity, it is made manifest in the encounter
with others.
We cannot forget that, in as much as it is a ministry of the Society of Jesus, this process seeks to
strengthen the MEANING OF LIFE, supported by transcendence and the necessity of acting socially from a
deep Christian commitment.
4. Orienting Pedagogical Principles
It is necessary to design a holistic proposal that
transforms attitudes and values, enriches understandings, and strengthens people’s capacities to act in the
social and political space.
Because of this, it is important to include in its
pedagogical structure an awareness of all of the dimensions of the human being—the spiritual, the transcendent, the aesthetic. These dimensions should be
united to the commitment to collective action in both
local and larger spaces, in Latin America and internationally.
Feminist Theology for a Just World
Maria Pilar Aquino
San Diego, CA, USA
As a religious discourse which develops world
visions to guide believers within a specific framework of ethical values, theology supposes a
political dimension because of its incidence in the
thoughts,decisions, and actions of peoples and
communities. Theology has a political function
because of the impact it has in the lives and options of the people. The current globalized world
presents many theologies which offer not only different world visions, but often incompatible ones.
Yet they all strive to influence ways of living, social
policies, and social institutions.
Most religions, though expressed in their own
languages, offer a measure with which to discern
and evaluate the relevance and function of theologies according to the world vision they promote.
Most have the common goal of a world reconciled
in justice, where humanity and all its surroundings
can exist in peace, free of hostilities inherent to
the violation of human dignity or unfulfillment of
basic needs and rights of people.
In Christian tradition, there are emancipating
movements which agree that justice, aside from
being ultimate goal of the Church’s evangelizing
mission,is also the expression of the common commitment of ecumenicism to build a single human
family. Likewise, it provides the primary moral
criteria to examine and judge the role of churches
and theologies in the complex social fabric. Said
societies, cultures,and religions should be evaluated
according to the impact they have on the lives of
impoverished humanity, or on the extent to which
they contribute, or not, to a more just world.
Lc 1:53; Jn 10:10; Ga 3:26-28; Ap 21:1) This vision
reaches its historic expression in the creation of a
new just world because only a just world reveals the
presence and glroy of God. Upon these reflections, this year the Agenda Latinoamericana proposes
an invitation to re-think the social and political
function of theology within the present context of
Conditions of the current world
The historical processes of current reality show
that the start of the XXI Century has been marked by violent social conflicts, political tension,
human insecurity, and by the increase of cultures
which promulgate fear, hatred, and hostility. Said
processes are the cause and effect of poverty and
the withholding of human rights of over two thirds
of world population, and prolong the existence of
divided societies in all of the planet’s continents.
In this context, religious discourse has been used
politically by the leaders of dominant capitalist
globalization to reinforce the existing system, with
totalitarian ideologies and absolute views of the
But the political use of religion has also come in
handy to the leaders of pathriarcal religious institutions, to validate the continuity of sexist and exclusionary structural forms, detrimental to women. And
many subordinate social groups have appealed to
religious beliefs to carry out atrocious acts against
humankind. Nevertheless, it is also true that in
that same context many social movements and civil
The Christian view of the world affirms that the and religious organizations which strive to change
Lord’s Good Word is present amongst human reality current conditions to contribute to a different just
to effect change and transformation, so that a reworld here on earth have gained force.
novated creation can be fully established. (Mc 1:15;
Many of these groups find support for their
transforming struggles in the religious views on
emancipation. Thus, global spaces are being forged not only by those social forces which strive for
greater domination and control, but also by alternative social forces which espouse world visions with
values, interests,and practices leading to a just
ggles for justice personify the presence and activity
of God in the world.
Traducido por Sylvia Solá
In the world’s current conditions, theological
activity has the challenge to keep on developing
religious knowledge and ethical practices to transform domination systems and dehumanization. Its
role is to support and maintain the visions of jusIn the same way that not all religious intertice which orient and give meaning to the mission
pretation, nor all theology, advocate the goal of
of the Christian community in the world. With said
a single human family, not all theology allows the role, theology becomes an ethical-political discourvalidation of unfair practices resulting in the sacri- sive practice which contributes to the design of an
fice of human lives and environmental devastation. alternative social paradigm.
Due to its great incidence in current reality, the
As an active participant of the social forces
debate on the role of religious views in social life
struggling to change the reigning disorder, theolohas become crucial. At the core of said dispute is
gy also has to keep offering conceptual resources
the world’s present and future. That is why, feminist which promote the personal and collective capacity
theologies, as well as other liberating theologies,
to distinguish the theologies and ideologies in ethiare interested in highlighting the ethical-political
cal-political terms, on whether they support, or not,
dimension of theology, in terms of its impact on
the construction of a new, just world. This implies
the struggles to transform those realities contrary
the greater development of feminist theological
to the purpose of God, and on its contribution to
languages, in intercultural and Inter.-religious tervisions and practices leading to a just world.
ms, which represent the liberating visions and practices of our diverse black and indigenous cultural
traditions, where the dignity of the human person
The social and political role of theology
in the community reigns supreme.
Finally, even though a new model of the world
To feminist theologies, any practices or viis already on its way, the negligence of societies,
sions that destroy the world, that violate human
cultures,and religions the world over in recognizing
dignity, that deny human rights to persons or
and affirming the human and sexual rights of wocommunities,and degrade or subject women,are
men is still a sore point. In the Latin American and
contrary to God’s liberating purpose.
Caribbean region, several feminist researchers have
Said visions and practices formally constitute
pointed out the overwhelming extent of poverty
sinful scenarios which must be transformed. The
and sexual violence against women. Quite possibly,
basic criteria to evaluate and judge them is their
the Roman-Catholic church leads the aforementioimpact on the lives of the world’s impoverished
ned negligence thanks to its constant public attachumanity, made up mostly of women. Feminist
theologies believe a new, just world is posible here ks of the feminist movements trying to overcome
on earth, and promote the establishment of a new, this situation. To be able to say that another world
is posible, churches and theologies are called to
liberating social order. That is why these theoloform coalitions with these movements, not discregies demand that theological activity be based in
dit them. Thus, feminist theologies communicate
the social and religious movements commited to
the transformation of that sinful world. In theologi- their ethical-political visions so that the power of
cal terms, these movements not only represent the religion serve the construction of a new, just world.
UIT this theological language, we are affirming our
aspirations, hopes, and visions of change of those
who believe another world is posible,but their stru- option of a different present and a hopeful future.
Premio del Concurso de
«Cuento Corto»
El sargento Martínez estaba de guardia a la orilla
del pozo, el fusil atravesando horizontalmente el vientre, los brazos apoyados en la culata y el cañón. Se
escudó debajo de un árbol, pues el sol pegaba fuerte.
Posaba su mirada en la espalda corvada de un joven
agachado en el fondo. Alrededor del pozo estaban sentados y en cuclillas hombres mayores, mujeres y niños.
Sombreros de mimbre, huipiles de algodón con figuras
mayas multicolores apagadas de tanto lavar y restregar
en el río. Las mujeres desenterraron lágrimas que habían comenzado a llorar veinte años hace. El sargento
Martínez había recibido la orden de su jefe: «En San
José Poaquil hay una exhumación, con la autorización
del tribunal, debe haber vigilancia día y noche, no vaya
a ser que algún pinche quisiera borrar huellas». ¿Se
trataba de una mera coincidencia? Pues justamente en
Poaquil un tío del sargento había sido secuestrado y
posteriormente desaparecido. Al otro lado del pozo se
encontraba la viuda, su tía. Ella dijo: «Debe haber al
menos 15, entre ellos mi marido y mi vecina encinta».
Guido De Schrijver
Bruselas, Bélgica
«Hay que comer. Aquí en Guatemala no se puede
poner manos a la obra como antropólogo».
«Dentro de pocos años no darán abasto los forenses
para sacar a luz las osamentas de miles de víctimas de
los militares», profetizó el hijo, no haciendo caso del
consejo paterno.
«Qué linda perspectiva, mantenerse atascado en un
pasado que ya no existe», ironizó el hombre amargado.
«Todo en el mundo pasa, sólo el pasado queda»,
peroró el hijo, dejando estupefacto a su progenitor.
Una vez finalizados los estudios en la universidad
estatal esperaba dar pronto con un empleo interesante.
Quiso llevar a la práctica en los sitios arqueológicos
mayas tanta teoría rumiada en las aulas. Piedras había
de sobra, los fondos faltaban.
Hubo un regocijo planetario a la hora en que se
firmó la paz, poniendo fin a un conflicto armado interno de varias décadas. Se declaró el fin de las dictaduras
en el país, y en el Continente entero soplaron vientos
nuevos sobre las repúblicas. Se acabó el terror del Estado. ¡La democracia al poder, los militares al cuartel!,
Una noche de silencio absoluto, los perros rompie- gritaron las masas en las calles.
No demoró mucho el momento en que Claudio vio
ron furiosamente en coro la paz que envolvía la aldeícumplirse las palabras con que apaciguó la preocupata. Pocos minutos después las botas desquiciaron las
puertas de las chozas y sacaron a los habitantes de sus ción de su padre por su futuro académico incierto. Los
camas, matando a los perros a tiros en el acto. Lleva- familiares de las víctimas del terror militar exigieron
ron a culatazos fuera del caserío a la gente, los ojos
al gobierno democráticamente elegido el permiso para
desorbitados del terror, y en descampado los abatieron excavar los cementerios clandestinos.
a balazos y machetazos, gritando: «¡Por comunistas,
«Son más de mil fosas, esparcidas sobre el terridesgraciados!». Ahí mismo los enterraron en un pozo
torio nacional, trabajo para años... pero no te hará
común, al amparo de una luna débil y cómplice. Con el rico: es un servicio a la población; ellos tienen que
tiempo los bejucos cubrieron piadosamente la pesadi- encontrar a los suyos, estar seguros de que en realidad
lla, pero un chico, escondido bajo el camastro durante están muertos, para darles sepultura digna», le invitó
el desalojo de su familia, se empujó a fuera, mareado
el encargado de la antropología forense.
por el suceso insólito, para seguir a distancia, lo que
El presidente del gobierno democrático trataba
le había parecido un cortejo fúnebre de cadáveres
de empujar a los militares a los cuarteles sin airarlos.
vivos. Empinado dentro de la maleza se dio cuenta del Temiendo la justicia, la condena y el castigo, los oficiales querían de una vez por todas mantener bajo tierra
sitio de la masacre y avisó más tarde a la gente de la
junto a los cadáveres la pesadilla del genocidio. Pero
vecindad, que se guardaba el secreto como una llaga
la población salió a la calle. Los familiares exigían el
regreso de los que habían desaparecido. Vivos o muertos. Todos estaban muertos.
El día que Claudio se lanzó para sus estudios universitarios, su papá le advirtió insistentemente:
Con el cuidado de una mujer que se arregla la piel
de polvos y cremas delante del espejo de tocador, Claudio cepillaba los huesos hasta hacerlos surgir ante las
miradas atentas y temerosas de los deudos. El sargento
Martínez lo observaba fascinado. El joven académico
destapó un cráneo, color café y rojo, color de la misma
tierra. «¡Mirá, una calabaza!», señaló con el dedo un
patojo, recriminado suavemente por la madre. En la
medida que se liberaban los dientes el esqueleto comenzó a reírse socarronamente. Los vecinos se conmovieron en su apuro por reconocer al difunto al tiempo
que guardaban un recogimiento respetuoso ante lo que
les parecía un sacrilegio. Tiras podridas de camisas y
pantalones habían perdido sus colores. Claudio hurgó
en un embrollo de telas medio comidas, sacando un
objeto, que destelló un instante, a la luz del sol. Lo
limpió entre los dedos hasta que, de repente, un alarido desgarró el silencio sagrado, ahuyentando a los
pájaros, chirriando. El sargento Martínez miró aturdido,
los ojos húmedos, a su tía, que se desmayó en brazos
de una vecina. La mujer había reconocido a su marido.
Claudio dejó descansar la mano encima de lo que había
sido la bolsa del pantalón, que cargaba una medallita
metálica de San José. Ella misma la había cosido en el
pantalón para que su hombre no la perdiese nunca.
La exhumación duró varias semanas. Claudio procedió como un escultor delicado para poner al descubierto dos esqueletos entrelazados, el de la madre, y,
envuelto por la caja torácica y los brazos como entre
los barrotes de una jaula, el del feto creciente. Algunas
víctimas fueron tan descuartizadas por la furia de los
soldados que no fue posible la reconstrucción de los
esqueletos. Los campesinos mayas ayudaban a Claudio,
izando paladas de tierra en cubos, echándola en un
cedazo. Los niños tenían permiso para ayudar identificando pedacitos de huesos entre los terrones. Un mes
más tarde Claudio terminó la faena y se despidió de los
deudos y del sargento Martínez. El policía agradeció al
profesional por su tarea y dedicación.
por servicios prestados. Servicios que por lo demás
tampoco aguantaban la claridad, según le alcanzaban
los rumores susurrantes de los colegas. Fue a las tres
semanas después del entierro del tío con cantos litúrgicos, flores, incienso y llantos en San José Poaquil
que recibió el encargo. Hacia el centro de la ciudad
capital, a las tres de la mañana, cuatro hombres, gorras
pasamontañas negras, uniformes negros, andar armados
ostentosamente, furgoneta sin matrícula, irrumpir y
revisar hasta el último rincón del local, sacar las computadoras, documentos y toda la papelería habida y por
haber, hacer pedazos el resto sin dejar huellas de su
identidad. Durante el trayecto hacia el lugar indicado
el sargento Martínez expresó su preocupación a los colegas. Éstos se burlaban de él. Al parecer ya manejaban
cierta rutina en destruir locales de organizaciones de
derechos humanos, pegándoles a los miembros presentes casualmente un susto mayúsculo y merecido, ya que
se negaban a quitar sus patas insolentes del pasado
enterrado. Sigilosamente bajaron de la furgoneta en la
calle desértica frente al local. Al sargento Martínez le
tocó destrozar a hachazo limpio la puerta de entrada,
siendo el primero a atravesar el umbral y penetrar al inmueble. Los hombres enmascarados trabajaron veloz y
minuciosamente. Mientras que ellos saquearon la planta baja, destruyendo lo que no les interesaba llevar, el
sargento Martínez subió a trompicones en la oscuridad
al primer piso. Abrió de golpe una puerta, asaltándole
el olor a dormitorio. En el haz de luz de su linterna vio
a un sujeto que se incorporó en la cama, aterrado. El
sargento Martínez se asustó sin emitir sonido alguno,
por poco dejando caer la linterna. Su mirada cayó en
plena cara de Claudio. Sintiendo latir salvajemente el
corazón cerró la puerta detrás de sí como quien acababa de hacer un descubrimiento prohibido y peligroso.
Mantuvo agarrada la puerta, evitando que saliese el
joven, como para protegerlo contra los demás asaltantes. Pues en la confusión y el pánico fácilmente podría
escaparse un balazo. Tan sólo al cerciorarse que abajo
habían terminado la faena, soltó la manija de la puerta
Con sus cuatro hijos le costaba al sargento Martínez y corrió escalera abajo. Al atravesar la calle, brincando
sacar adelante el hogar con el salario que ganaba. Sin a la furgoneta se sintió un ladrón de primera.
embargo no fue por el dinero extra por lo que aceptó
El sargento Martínez nunca se había excedido en
el encargo que le propuso un jefe mayor unas semanas dar crédito a supersticiones ni creencias de viejas. Sin
después. Pues, simplemente, él no estaba hecho para
embargo a la noche siguiente recibió la visita de su
aquella clase de operaciones que no aguantaban la
tío. Éste se puso enfrente, abrió la boca de par en par
luz del día. Tenía que hacerlo. Determinadas órdenes
llena de tierra, desnudando los dientes blancos de la
estaban fuera de discusión. Había que aceptarlas noquijada color café y rojo, aullando como un cerdo y
más. Sobre todo si venían de exgenerales, jubilados
respirando con estertor.
Lucas 13, 10 -16
Premio del Concurso de
«Páginas Neobíblicas»
Un sábado, enseñaba Jesús en una sinagoga, y había una mujer a la que un espíritu tenía enferma hacía
dieciocho años; estaba encorvada, y no podía en modo
alguno enderezarse.
Aquí estoy yo, encorvada por años y años de humillaciones, de exclusiones, de maltratos y olvidos voluntarios... así ha sido durante tanto tiempo!.
Recuerdo como en otras oportunidades podía mirar a
la gente cara a cara, leer la mirada de los jóvenes enamorados, la picardía en el rostro de los niños, ahora la
vejez y el simple hecho de ser mujer me condenan, y me
hace mendigar cariño, atención, cuidados, en una sociedad fría y distante, que prefiere lo perfecto, lo nuevo,
lo útil, lo impecable y se arrastra tras un ideal vacío de
Me gritan loca, enferma, sé que muchos esperan
mi muerte, sin contar los que me la sugieren día a día:
«Para qué esperar algo que hoy es tan fácil de adelantar», «Qué sentido tiene tu presencia, si ya no sirves
para nada»...
Aquí estoy yo encerrada entre cuatro paredes, húmedas, frías y malolientes de un hogar de salud, o de ancianos, o como se usa ahora «Residencia para la tercera
De una u otra forma es el basurero que obtenido
como premio por la vida entregada... a mi familia, a mis
hijos, a mi esposo. La renuncia a una carrera universitaria, mal vista a los ojos de los demás, y que me iba
a proyectar más allá, en calidad y cantidad, del trabajo
del que fue mi esposo. La renuncia a un trabajo mío y
solo mío, en el cual podía desarrollar mis capacidades
intelectuales, por cuidar a los niños. La renuncia a relaciones interpersonales positivas y enriquecedoras, por
el temor a los que iban a decir de mí y de mi familia...
Eso ha sido mi vida, solo renuncias. Y espera; a que mi
marido llegara cada jornada, y tener la cena pronta, y
no atosigarlo con los problemas de los hijos... espera, a
llegar a la cama por la noche, y estar siempre disponible
para «el uso» que mi esposo quisiera, sin tener ganas
o sin experimentar placer personal, en el acto sexual,
goce que sólo él podía sentir.
Esperar que los niños crecieran para abrir mis puertas y ventanas a otra vida, y encontrar que de adolescentes y jóvenes requieren más atención y desgaste.
María Baffundo
Montevideo, Uruguay
Así en la espera se me pasó el tiempo de vivir, y
nadie nunca me preguntó sobre mis gustos, o sentimientos, o dolores o alegrías... se me pasó el tiempo de
buscar plenitud, de elegir por mí misma, de pensar un
corto tiempo en mis necesidades, de cortar la historia de
sobrevivencia y darle alma y espíritu a mi vida.
Claro, poco a poco se fueron marchando de casa,
por otras opciones, por querer hacer su vida, por
compartirlas con otros, y ese silencio y frío que iba
invadiendo el hogar llegaba muy profundamente a mis
Cuando quise acordar me había acostumbrado tanto
a bajar la mirada, a tener la cabeza gacha, a susurrar
tímidas respuestas, a oír los gritos cargados de violencia
y mandatos, que no pude más contemplar las noches
estrelladas, no pude más escuchar el canto de los grillos
y el croar de las ranas, no pude más abrazar, porque mis
brazos estaban atrofiados y porque nadie quería recibir
mis abrazos, y el llanto!!!. A quién le importa que una
mujer desdentada, arrugada, sin fuerzas, llore!
Creo que mi madre tenía razón al decir que nacer
mujer, no importa en qué siglo sea, ni en qué país, ni en
qué época, es un castigo... y nada ni nadie te prepara
para afrontarlo, es más, todo te enseña a ser sumisa a
esa «lotería» que te tocó en suerte, y a sentir que el
otro, por ser varón, tiene poder y libertad de opción
sobre ti.
Esta es hoy mi enfermedad y mi cruz, ya no tengo
marido, él murió hace tiempo, y a pesar de parir en
cuatro oportunidades, me he quedado sin hijos e hijas...
que corren tras su suerte, sin tenerme en cuenta a mí.
Al verla Jesús, la llamó...
Hoy domingo es día de visitas aquí en el hogar, y
Julia, una de las últimas ancianas que llegaron, esperó
este día con ansias... Cada vez que transcurría una jornada, ella se alegraba, «Uno menos...» y tachaba en su
Hoy es domingo y las hijas de Julia vienen con sus
nietos... y cuánto gozo producen los pequeños que
corren por toda la casa!!! Una de las niñas, se da cuenta
que varias estamos sin visitas, y se acerca despacio a
nuestra mesa para ofrecernos caramelos... Comienza con
un parloteo agradable y contagioso que hace que todas
nos involucremos en la charla. Le da gracia la decoración de la silla de ruedas de Elena, llena de adhesivos
de colores; juega con el tejido de Norma, ese que nunca
termina, porque el pulso le falla una y otra vez, limpia
con su propio pañuelo la boca de Lucía, ya que ella no
ve, y nunca encuentra la servilleta a tiempo...
Yo sigo sentada... mirando como puedo y desde
«afuera» esta escena y cuando quiero acordar, siento en
mi cuello, en mi cabeza unas manos pequeñas y cálidas
que me dan masajes suavemente y se enredan en la
mata de cabellos blancos.
Cierro los ojos; y quiero encontrar al abrirlos, un
rostro querido, familiar... lentamente las lágrimas caen
por mi rostro... no es ninguno de mis nietos y tampoco
de mis hijos, pero ¡que bien se siente!
Desde la mesa de Julia, reclamaban a los nietos, y
ellos divertidos y felices iban y venían sin importarles
los rezongos de sus madres o padres, ni las quejas de sus
hermanos y hermanas mayores.
¡Pero vinieron a visitar a la abuela y ahora se pasan
todo el tiempo corriendo! ¡Estos niños, saben que en la
semana estamos muy ocupados y no aprovechan a sentarse y comer junto con Julia, hoy que podemos estar
con ella!.
El Señor les contestó: ¡Hipócritas! ¿No desatan del
pesebre ustedes en sábado al buey o al burro para llevarlos a abrevar? Y a ésta, que es hija de Abraham, a la
que ató Satanás hace ya dieciocho años, ¿no estaba bien
desatarla de esta ligadura en día de sábado? Y cuando
decía estas cosas, sus adversarios quedaban confundidos,
Jesús le dijo: Mujer, quedas libre de tu enfermedad. Y le
mientras que toda la gente se alegraba con las maravillas
impuso las manos.
que hacía.
En un instante, ya no eran solo dos manos, sino
Julia, feliz, por el cariño de quienes la rodeaban,
varias que se entretenían en frotar mi espalda, en jugar los disculpó diciendo: «Son niños y necesitan correr
con mi cabeza y como la descuido, abrazar mi cuello...
y divertirse, además mis amigas del rincón no tienen
Y otras tantas manos, y pies y rostros poblaron nuestra visitas seguido, para ellas es una alegría, mientras tanto
mesa de sonrisas y voces cantarinas; quién dando la
nosotros, podemos charlar y disfrutar de este tiempo
leche a Lucía, sin derramarla en su ropa, o improvisando compartido». «Dejen que jueguen, verlos así también me
una pelota con la lana de Norma, y no faltó quién hizo
ayuda y hace sentir bien...».
de la silla de Elena, el mejor coche de carreras que raudo
El mes de julio, ha pasado muy rápido aquí, en el
y veloz, volaba por los corredores.
hogar de ancianas y a pesar del frío y de los días griY al instante se enderezó, y glorificaba a Dios.
ses, todo se ha pintado de colores; cada una de las que
Mientras tanto, mi corazón se fue esponjando, laintegramos la mesa del rincón tenemos un almanaque
tiendo con otro ritmo, y mi respiración pacificando. Las guardado y a la hora de la merienda o del almuerzo,
lágrimas dieron paso a la sonrisa, mis manos torpes
vamos marcando también las jornadas vividas.
fueron acariciando las cabezas de aquellos pequeños,
Julia y nosotras esperamos con alegría el fin de
que no huían de mí, sino que buscaban el contacto de
semana, sus nietos y nietas, sus hijas, vienen a «visilas mismas. Y me encontré nuevamente con un regazo
tarnos» y tenemos que estar preparadas. Lucía sigue sin
cubierto de migas y caramelos, de muñecas y figuritas, y ver; Elena no ha dejado su silla de ruedas decorada; a
colores variados.
Norma las manos le siguen temblando; Julia, continúa
Aquí en la mesa de la esquina, y durante dos largas su lucha contra las canas y las arrugas; yo, sigo a veces
horas, se armó la revolución, y mientras sentía que la
un poco encorvada, mirando el piso o haciendo un gran
vida volvía a mi cuerpo, volví a cerrar mis ojos, no para esfuerzo para echar un vistazo por la ventana. Aparenllorar, sino para guardar en la memoria del corazón estos temente nada ha cambiado, pero sabemos que el cariño,
minutos. Para llenar de este aire mis pulmones, para
la alegría, las caricias y los abrazos son una buena mediconservar entre mis brazos el calor y la ternura recibida. cina para el espíritu. Poco a poco vamos recobrando de
Y también para dar gracias, a quién fuera responsable de nuevo las ganas, las fuerzas, la esperanza. Y recobramos
este mágico momento.
nuestra dignidad de mujeres, de personas, de sentirnos
valoradas y no tiradas en un rincón; ellos los más pePero el jefe de la sinagoga, indignado de que Jesús
queños son los responsables de este milagro...
hubiese hecho una curación en sábado, decía a la gente:
Y quién dice quizás puedan arrancar algún otro milaHay seis días en que se puede trabajar; vengan, esos días gro entre nosotras... miren si Elena caminara...
a curarse, y no en día de sábado.
A propósito, ¿cuánto falta para el domingo?
Con el feminismo avanza la Humanidad
Premio del Concurso de
«Perspectiva de género»
Guitté Hartog
Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México
A todas estas mujeres y hombres feministas que luchan para hacer ganar dignidad a la Humanidad.
Cada vez que estoy cansada de luchar, veo la mejilla de mi madre un poco más aplastada que la otra
por un golpe que recibió de mi padrastro y recuerdo
por qué hay que ser feminista. Cuando veo todas
estas imágenes de moda, de chavas hiperdelgadas –a
las que llamamos modelos–, casi muertas de hambre,
con una cara de infelicidad y una expresión de derrota, como si acabaran de vomitar o de recibir una
paliza. Cada vez que escucho todos estos testimonios
de fieles esposas que son infectadas por el VIH, que
tienen que sacar adelante a su familia. Me queda
bastante claro que no estamos del otro lado, que no
vale tanto la pena ser abnegadas y sumisas, y que
todavía necesitamos –y probablemente ahora más que
nunca– de estas mujeres transgresoras, de las que no
se preocupan mucho de lo que dirá la gente, o por
agradar a toda costa, y se dedican a hacer avanzar a
la Humanidad.
A pesar de que muchos hombres fueron y siguen
siendo cómplices de esta revolución cultural, ser mujer con aspiraciones en una sociedad todavía machista
significa enfrentarse a grandes muros y a variados
techos de cristal. También es importante subrayar que
no solamente pierden las mujeres con estas barreras;
pierde toda la Humanidad por este potencial despreciado. Nos vemos privados de las valiosas contribuciones a la ciencia, a la política, al arte, a la tecnología
que se habrían podido lograr si las condiciones hubieran sido menos adversas para las mujeres talentosas.
En una sociedad sin machismo, el feminismo no se
hace necesario. Los hombres, al igual que las mujeres,
reciben el mismo trato, gozan de los mismos privilegios, son evaluados bajo los mismos criterios y tienen
las mismas obligaciones sociales. Hombres y mujeres,
sin distinción, luchamos por los mismos asuntos en
las mismas condiciones. Pero en una sociedad como
la nuestra, donde existe una doble moral, una para las
mujeres y otra para los hombres, en la que todavía las
niñas crecen en un mundo contaminado de estereotipos de género y en la que, para destacar en las esfe234
ras públicas, las mujeres tienen que trabajar el doble
o el triple que los hombres, podemos pensar que el
feminismo tiene todavía su utilidad.
Ser feministas es dejar de ser cómplices de un
sistema machista que impone sus leyes y juicios cuando las mujeres buscan obtener justicia. Es dejar de
lado el cinismo, que se complace con la violencia y
la discriminación, para ir encontrando soluciones que
desafíen los sistemas de control patriarcal. Es aliarse
a las mujeres que luchan para escapar de relaciones
violentas, que fueron violadas o asesinadas, que piden
condiciones laborales decentes, que quieren disfrutar
de su sexualidad, elegir sus maternidades, ser dueñas
de su destino y tener proyectos propios. Se trata de
una revolución humanista que, sin sangre ni violencia,
logra construir nuevos caminos hacia ideales de libertad, justicia y democracia.
Armadas de ideas nuevas, de ganas de superación
y de hambre de libertad, las feministas combaten los
prejuicios y el destino que les impone la sociedad
para reivindicar los derechos que les permitan existir
como ciudadanas libres y conscientes. Estas batallas
contribuyen a crear nuevas formas de pensar, de vivir
y de representarse la vida social que por varios siglos
fue pensada, dirigida e investigada esencialmente por
y para los hombres.
Más allá de la rebeldía y de la insumisión –que
puede ser un mal necesario– se plantea construir
relaciones armónicas entre hombres y mujeres. Se
trata de establecer nuevas formas de convivencia en
las cuales se rechaza la violencia y el abuso de poder.
La búsqueda de una felicidad común, y no a costa de
la sumisión de un género al otro, conforma la parte
esencial de este nuevo contrato social. En este proyecto, las mujeres aprenden a no dejarse intimidar
por la discriminación de género, a evitar ser víctimas
de violencia y a no permitir que nadie abuse de ellas.
Ponerse más «abusadas» –en el sentido de despabiladas– no significa ponerse más violentas y vengarse,
sino saber protegerse y defenderse de los ataques a su
dignidad como persona. Por pacifismo no se
entiende pasividad, sino un activismo que
logra generar cambios sociales utilizando
métodos que no fomentan el abuso de poder.
La igualdad de género es uno de estos
ideales que no se construye bajo la violencia. Pero el mito de las mujeres dominadoras que quieren acabar con los hombres es
persistente y distorsiona la realidad. En el
imaginario social, parece que es poco concebible que se puedan erradicar los problemas
de violencia de otra manera que usando de
ella. Como si el hecho de rechazar ciertas
formas de opresión convirtiera a las mujeres,
automáticamente, en opresoras de hombres.
Con que los hombres empiecen a liberarse de sus propios miedos, a encargarse
de afrontar sus inseguridades, de identificar
sus dolores, y vayan realmente al encuentro
de ellos mismos, seguramente avanzaremos
en nuevas direcciones y descubriremos otros
horizontes. El reto es construir un mundo
donde ningún varón obtenga satisfacción
por humillar o abusar de una mujer para
sentirse más hombre. En este sentido, creo
que hace falta un enorme trabajo que hacer
sobre las masculinidades y las diferentes
vertientes de la misoginia, ya que constituyen un tremendo obstáculo al avance del
humanismo que propone el feminismo.
Este paso es necesario para que se
abran las puertas cerradas a la equidad de
género, donde las mujeres y los hombres se
liberen de sus corsés de género y se vuelvan
cómplices. Que tanto las mujeres como los
hombres experimenten la libertad de vivir en
un mundo no contaminado por la violencia,
construyendo relaciones de complicidad en
la búsqueda de una felicidad mutua, sin
víctimas ni victimarios.
Con más mujeres y hombres que disfruten de hacer el amor, que descubran
conocimientos científicos, que escriban, que
pinten, que filosofen, que críen a las nuevas
generaciones, que participen creando una
nueva ciudadanía... avanza la Humanidad
hacia un humanismo más grande.
Antonio Pérez Esclarín
Caracas, Venezuela
Los científicos del planeta V3 pertenecientes a la galaxia
Imaginaria, lograron reunir una serie de indicios de que existía vida en aquel minúsculo planeta azul. Y enviaron unos
emisarios a que averiguaran. Estuvieron un tiempo camuflados viviendo con los terrícolas, sin darse a conocer. Cuando
regresaron a su galaxia y a su planeta, presentaron un largo
informe, del que copiamos algunos trozos:
«Sí, hay vida y muy variada en el planeta azul, cuyos
habitantes llaman tierra. Está habitado por unos seres muy
violentos que han desarrollado una increíble capacidad de
destrucción. Gastan inmensas fortunas para aniquilarse unos
a otros, pero no son capaces de combatir la pobreza, la
miseria y el hambre. Tienen almacenada una gran cantidad
de armas nucleares con las que podrían acabar con todo
vestigio de vida. Mientras algunos botan los alimentos, gastan enormes cantidades para bajar de peso y hasta se operan
para quitarse la gordura, otros muchos mueren de hambre.
Les encanta matar los árboles, los ríos, los animales, y hasta
están empecinados en acabar con los océanos, en los que
descargan basuras y materiales tóxicos. Algunos viven en
palacios y tienen varias mansiones, mientras otros muchos
duermen en la calle por no tener cobijo. Adoran el dinero
y, para obtenerlo, están dispuestos a todo: hasta a matarse
unos a otros. Sobresalen por sus incoherencias y sus mentiras: aseguran que todos son iguales, y hasta lo proclaman
en sus constituciones, pero se desprecian unos a otros, se
esclavizan y tienen unas diferencias de sueldos y de niveles
de vida increíbles. Todos los políticos repiten una y otra vez
que aspiran a gobernar por su vocación de servicio, pero
luego se dedican a servirse de la política y de los demás en
su propio beneficio. Dicen que quieren mucho a los niños,
pero algunos los golpean, los abandonan, los utilizan, los
ponen a trabajar en condiciones vergonzosas, los prostituyen
e incluso asesinan. En algunos países supuestamente más
desarrollados, los están sustituyendo por mascotas».
Seguía el informe presentando una gran variedad de
datos y de situaciones increíbles. Y los autores lo concluían
de este modo: «Por todo esto, estamos convencidos de que
los habitantes del planeta tierra han desarrollado un tipo
de inteligencia irracional y autodestructiva, totalmente desconocida por nosotros. Posiblemente, pronto culminarán su
tarea y lograrán destruirse por completo».
Recursos pedagógicos
Martín Valmaseda / Guatemala - Madrid
Cuando intentamos asomarnos a la política a través
de la pantalla, nos damos cuenta de que películas sobre
política son todas. Lo mismo que todo en nuestra vida es
política. Todas las producciones cinematográficas tienen
carga política. Unas clara y manifiesta, otras implícita o
disfrazada. Lo mismo que quienes dicen “yo no soy político”; en realidad, o no saben, o no quieren expresar su
filiación política, su ideología.
Cecil B. DeMille afirmaba que, en principio, «el cine
‘no-político’ de Hollywood es muy útil para ir sembrando
en las mentes el pensamiento norteamericano y el ‘american way of life’».
Hacemos un repaso -muy limitado por el espacio
disponible- sobre algunos de los filmes que más abordan
el tema. Seguramente algunos de ustedes preguntarán ¿y
por qué no citó tal película? Pues añadan ustedes títulos
a la lista... Por hacer alguna clasificación podemos dividirlos en dos partes: el cine a través de los que dominan,
cine a trasvés de los dominados. Ese «a través» no refleja
la ideología de la película sino el estamento social que
«sobre todo» enfoca. Sobre todo. Porque no se puede
tratar el tema de los dominantes sin presentar la situación de los dominados, y viceversa.
1.- Cine a través de los que dominan
Unas veces con la mentalidad de los que tienen el
poder, otras poniendo en evidencia sus inconsecuencias.
Como una de las primeras en el tiempo podremos
recordar Intolerancia, de David W. Griffith.
Saltando a la época actual, Yo quería ser un héroe,
documental en el que seis ex-oficiales del ejército de
Israel explican sus motivos para no servir fuera de las
fronteras de Israel.
Últimamente han llenado las pantallas y los comentarios los reportajes de Michael Moore: Bowling for
Columbine (sobre la violencia armada y sus consecuencias
en EEUU), La corporación (sobre el sucio papel político
de las empresas multinacionales) y Fahrenheit 9/11 (sobre el manejo extraño que vamos viendo de los acontecimientos de las Torres gemelas).
Naturalmente en torno a ese suceso tan turbio han
seguido apareciendo películas como Septiembre, de Oliver
Stone (sobre bomberos supervivientes de las Torres Gemelas) y Vuelo 93, de David Greengrass (sobre uno de los
aviones de American Airlines secuestrado). Suponemos
que en torno a ese tema seguirán apareciendo películas
que agiten el ambiente. Puede que ayuden a reflexionar
sobre el desconcierto de la gente norteamericana al verse
alcanzada por la violencia desde lejos y no sentirse tan
segura .
Por citar biografías de líderes políticos debemos recordar como tal vez primera en el tiempo: Iván el terrible,
y La conjura de los boyardos, obras de Eisenstein del que
más tarde hablaremos.
Deteniéndonos en la revolución francesa recordamos
Danton de Andrzej Wajda.
Viva Zapata nos muestra la lucha del líder campesino
por no dejarse corromper al llegar al poder.
Saltamos a mediados del siglo XX. Encontramos una
biografía de Franco, todavía en vida: Franco, ese hombre,
de José Luis Sáez de Heredia, quien había realizado años
antes un filme con argumento escrito por el mismo Franco: Raza; el título lo dice todo. Luego hubo otras, como
Dragón Rapide, de ideología distinta. Y otra de Hitler
después de su muerte: Mein Kampf.
Últimamente hemos visto la escalofriante biografía
de Idi Amin en El último rey de Escocia.
En América Latina el dominio norteamericano en la
Nicaragua de Somoza está reflejado en Alsino y el Cóndor,
de Miguel Littin, una película que no consiguió el oscar
a la mejor película extranjera, por razones políticamente
evidentes; la academia premió a la española Volver a
empezar, que no molestaba.
Sobre el tema Nicaragua en época de la guerrilla
contra Somoza, Bajo el fuego, y en la época de la Contra,
Latino, intentaron contrarrestar la propaganda política
del Imperio.
En estas películas made in USA, cuando son de argumento, aunque aparezcan los gringos como opresores,
suele mantenerse como protagonista algún norteamericano «bueno».
Sucede lo mismo por ejemplo con Bailando con lobos,
donde ni siquiera la protagonista es india sino una muchachita secuestrada por unos «pieles rojas malos». Al
final de la historia parece que la crítica no es contra el
sistema político de conquista, sino contra unos soldados
brutos que hacen las cosas mal
Ese hacer las cosas mal lo refleja el filme Munich,
de Steven Spielberg, sobre la matanza en los juegos
olímpicos. La política exterior de EEUU está reflejada en
Terminamos con una admirable película «del oeste»
que refleja los intentos de liberar al pueblo por métodos
más o menos democráticos: se trata de El hombre que
mató a Liberty Valence.
2.- Cine a través de los dominados
Parece necesario poner a la cabeza de este capítulo
a Eisenstein. Para muchos su película El acorazado Potemkin (Bronenosets Potyomkin, 1925), es el emblema
del cine político y muchos la consideran como la obra
maestra del cine.
Acompañan a este filme sobre la rebelión contra
los zares La huelga (Stachka, 1925) y Octubre (Oktyabr,
1927). Junto a ella, ya en siglo XXI La dignidad de los
Nadies, de Fernando Pino. Por lo general el cine europeo
y latinoamericano han tenido más fuerza en la crítica y
denuncia del sistema
Recientemente (no seguimos orden cronológico) El
Laberinto del Fauno aborda aspectos de la postguerra
civil española con narraciones oníricas y simbólicas.
Dos directores italianos son clásicos del cine político:
Pasolini con Los hombres de la tierra y Accatone, y hasta
su Evangelio según San Mateo enfoca con mirada política
y rebelde la persona de Jesús.
Bertolucci, en Novecento, nos presenta el enfrentamiento de las clases sociales que, hasta en los últimos
planos del doble filme los protagonistas siguen simbólicamente en su dialéctica.
Las Uvas de la ira (John Ford), sobre la novela de
Steinbeck, plantea la época de la depresión de 1929. Esa
misma época está reflejada en el filme con apariencia
de relaciones familiares “Esplendor en la hierba” (Elia
El mismo autor nos refleja la lucha de una persona
por desligarse de los condicionantes sociales que le
tienen atenazado desde su infancia. Esos condicionantes
se entienden mejor viendo los antecedentes del protagonista en el padre emigrante de América América.
Hablando de emigrantes, una película que narra el
futuro es La Marcha, que parece una predicción de los
subsaharianos que hoy se lanzan hacia Europa. Eso lo
reflejan también Las cartas de Alou. Sobre el paso de los
latinos a EEUU una muestra es El Norte, y El sueño americano, de King Vidor.
Concretamente en Latinoamérica, Ni olvido, ni perdón, de Raymundo Gleyzer, sobre las ejecuciones de Trelew; La Hija del Puma, sobre la represión de los indígenas
en Guatemala; y una interesante reflexión sobre las diferencias generacionales al llegar la postguerra: Ixcán.
También, en torno a la presión del silencio en países
de régimen autoritario (político y familiar): El silencio de
La política y los medios de comunicación, como
crítica o como arma del poder, nos la presentan filmes
como Good Night, and Good Luck, de George Cooney,
sobre el macarthismo. Sobre medios de comunicación y
guerra, Hotel Palestina, y un ejemplo cruel, de ficción
pero que hace pensar en hechos reales, es Escándalo en
la Casa Blanca (Wag the dog), y El cuarto poder. La manipulación de la información por los intereses del poder
y del dinero.
Esa manipulación la reflejó el documental sobre
Chávez y el golpe que lo derribó y recibió el premio Rey
de España. A los pocos meses fue contestada por un film
irlandés, La revolución no será transmitida. Oliver Stone
prepara un filme sobre ese oscuro momento en que EEUU
intentó quitar de en medio a quien dificultaba sus negocios con el petróleo.
La sal de la tierra, Blue Collar y Arcadia reflejan los
movimientos sociales y políticos en el mundo laboral.
Una clarificante visión de la lucha por la descolonización en una cierta isla del Caribe es Queimada, de Pontecorvo, el mismo autor de la Batalla de Argel y de Operación ogro sobre la muerte de Carrero Blanco, el entonces
posible sucesor de Franco.
El racismo en EEUU está presentado, entre otras muchas, por Million Dollar Baby, película que tuvo su mejor
propaganda en el de boca en boca.
No podemos olvidar a Costa Gavras, uno de los más
comprometidos directores políticos, con Z, La confesión ,
Estado de sitio...
Un análisis del manejo de la cruel economía de las
medicinas por los poderes multinacionales nos lo presenta El jardinero fiel, de Fernando Meirelles,
Ken Loach es un buen ejemplo de unión de lo social
y lo político en casi todas sus producciones, por ejemplo,
Días de esperanza y El viento que agita la cebada.
En Sacco y Vanzetti (Sacco e Vanzetti, 1970) el
genovés Giuliano Montaldo planteó la represión de los
Sobre otras muertes injustas y crímenes políticos
podemos citar: El Crimen de Cuenca, de Pilar Miró, Siete
días de enero, de Bardem, La verdad sobre el caso Sabolta, de Antonio Drove, o La muerte de Mikel, de Imanol
Uribe, Desaparecido (Missing), sobre los primeros días
del golpe de Pinochet. Y Confessione di un commissario di
polizia al procuratore della Repubblica (1971). Refleja los
oscuros mundos de la Mafia en la política... Aquí, claro,
se nos viene a la memoria la serie El padrino.
de la Agenda Latinoamericana
Ofrece los materiales que la Agenda ha publicado a lo largo de sus 17 años de existencia
(textos, documentos, reflexiones, propuestas...)
y los pone en internet, al servicio público,
especialmente para los educadores populares,
animadores juveniles, profesores, maestros... y
personas que animan actividades de reflexión y
Los materiales pueden ser buscados por temas, año de publicación, autor o título, y pueden obtenerse en el formato más conveniente
para la actividad que desee realizar:
-html (para leerlo, o para replicarlo en su web),
-rtf (para tomarlo, reelaborarlo e imprimirlo
para su trabajo pedagógico),
-pdf (si desea tener la página de la Agenda
exactamente como fue publicada, como un
facsímil); y, posiblemente, en el futuro, también en
-«formato radio»: audios mp3 con lectura o
dramatización del texto, para escucharlo en el
grupo, o para ser transmitido por radio...
El archivo ya funciona, por ahora en dos
idiomas, castellano y catalán. Otros idiomas
podrán venir después.
Estamos felices por poder poner de nuevo
al servicio de los educadores las páginas que
hemos elaborado en todos estos años pasados,
como un «archivo de recursos pedagógicos» que
puedan apoyar una educación popular concientizadora en el espíritu de la Patria Grande y la
Patria Mundial.
Véalo en cualquiera de estas direcciones:
Libros DIGITALes
Es una colección dirigida por Koinonía, aunque incluye libros de otras procedencias. Contiene
libros producidos en la actualidad, que tratan de
servir a la teología mediante esta nueva técnica
digital. Son gratuitos, pensados simultáneamente
para ser leídos en pantalla y/o para ser impresos
por «impresión digital» como auténticos libros de
Actualmente son tres:
1. VARIOS, El actual debate de la teología del
pluralismo religioso. Después de la «Dominus
2. VARIOS, La primavera interrumpida: el Vaticano
II en un impase.
3. ASETT, Bajar de la Cruz a los pobres: Cristología
de la liberación.
3B. ASETT, Getting the Poor down from the Cross:
Christology of Liberation.
3C. ASETT, Deporre i Poveri dalla Croce: Cristologia
della Liberazione.
Otro Dios es posible
100 entrevistas exclusivas con Jesucristo
en su segunda venida
a la tierra.
Una producción de
José Ignacio y María
López Vigil.
Audios, textos y guías en:
Bajar de la Cruz
a los pobres
Con ocasión de la Notificación vaticana sobre
Jon Sobrino, la COMISIÓN TEOLÓGICA INTERNACIONAL de la ASETT, Asociación Ecuménica de Teólogos
del Tercer Mundo, ha organizado la colaboración de
más de cuarenta teólogos/as para producir el libro
«Bajar de la Cruz a los Pobres: Cristología de la
Liberación», en formato digital, de 310 páginas.
Sus datos:
Organizador: José María VIGIL.
Prólogo de Leonardo BOFF.
Epílogo de Jon SOBRINO.
Ediciones digitales en: castellano, inglés e
italiano. Pueden ser recogidas, gratuitamente, en:
Ediciones en papel: en portugués (Paulinas,
de São Paulo) y en castellano (en Ediciones Dabar,
Participan: Leonardo BOFF (prólogo), Tissa BALASURIYA, Marcelo BARROS, Teófilo CABESTRERO,
CONFER de Nicaragua, Lee CORMIE, Eduardo DE
Eduardo FRADES, Luis Arturo GARCÍA DÁVALOS, Ivone GEBARA, Eduardo HOORNAERT, Diego IRARRÁZAVAL, Jung Mo SUNG, Paul KNITTER, João Batista
LIBÂNIO, María y José Ignacio LÓPEZ VIGIL, Carlos
MESTERS, Alberto PARRA, Ricardo RENSHAW, Jean
Afonso Ma Ligório SOARES, José SOLS LUCIA, Paulo
SUESS, Luiz Carlos SUSIN, Faustino TEIXEIRA, Pedro
TRIGO, José María VIGIL y Jon SOBRINO (epílogo).
COlección «tiempo axial»
Se está confirmando como imprescindible para
quienes necesitan estar al tanto de los nuevos
avances que la teología latinoamericana de la
liberación está desarrollando al incursionar en los
territorios hasta ahora desconocidos de la teología del pluralismo y de los desafíos de la nueva
crisis de la religión.
Desde el paradigma de la liberación -y sin
abandonarlo, al contrario, profundizándolo-, la
teología latinoamericana nos sorprende con una
renovada autocomprensión cristiana y «otra forma
de creer».
Éstos son los libros actualmente publicados:
1. ASETT, Por los muchos caminos de Dios, I.
2. John HICK, La metáfora del Dios encarnado.
3. ASETT, Por los muchos caminos de Dios, II.
4. Faustino TEIXEIRA, Teología de las religiones.
5. José María VIGIL, Teología del pluralismo religioso. Curso sistemático de teología popular.
6. ASETT, Por los muchos caminos de Dios, III
7. Alberto MOLINER, Pluralismo religioso y sufrimiento ecohumano. La contribución de Paul F.
Knitter al diálogo interreligioso.
8. ASETT, Por los muchos caminos de Dios, IV.
9. Raúl FORNET-BETANCOURT, Interculturalidad
y religión. Para una lectura intercultural de la
crisis actual del cristianismo.
Próximos libros de: ASETT (volumen V de «Por
los muchos caminos de Dios»), Ariel FINGERMAN
(La elección de Israel), Roger LENAERS, José Mª
Vea los precios y asómbrese. Vea el precio de
la colección completa... Y vea que pueden ser adquiridos ¡en formato digital!, a mitad de precio...
Lea el índice, el prólogo, una recensión del
libro que le interesa... en:
1993-2008: Cumplimos quince años en línea, sin interrupción
22 Servicios Koinonía
patrocinados por esta «Agenda Latinoamericana»
1) Revista Electrónica Latinoamericana de Teología
Primera revista de teología en inter­net. Inspirada en las grandes opciones la­ti­noa­me­ri­ca­nas.
Fundamental­mente de teología, pero también interdisciplinar. Siempre desde la perspectiva de la liberación,
pero incorporando los «nuevos paradigmas», principalmente la «relectura pluralista» del cristianismo y la
crisis de la religión. Sin periodicidad fija. Los artículos
quedan «coleccionados» y disponibles.
2) Servicio Bíblico Latinoamericano
Con una frecuencia semanal, ofrece un comenta­rio
bíblico-teológico a las lecturas de la liturgia católica,
de unas 800 palabras los domingos, y unas 300 palabras los demás días. Para la cele­bración comunitaria,
la me­dita­ción personal y/o la pre­dicación. El texto
es original y está redactado por biblis­tas y teólogos mayoritariamente latinoamerica­nos, y puede ser
distribui­do o reproducido libremente, dando el crédito
corres­pondiente. Incluye el dibujo de Cerezo sobre el
evangelio de cada domingo, los enlaces al texto y al
audio del capítulo de la serie «Un tal Jesús» correspondiente, un enlace a la homilía que Mons. Romero
hizo sobre los mismos textos...
Hay dos traducciones de este Servicio Bíblico:
Estos comentarios bíblicos pueden ser reci­bidos
por correo-e, cada semana. Suscripciones: vea nº 19.
3) Calendario litúrgico 2000-2036
El único calendario litúrgico en internet que es
realmente un programa telemático real, no un cálculo manual. Ingrese la cifra de un año y escoja en el
menú desplegable el tipo de información que busca,
y recibirá en unos segundos su elenco completo (las
citas numéricas de las 3 lecturas más el salmo, con
o sin los textos mismos de las lecturas bíblicas),
teniendo en cuen­ta además las peculia­ridades de la
ordenación litúrgica vigente en su país.
4) «Páginas Neobíblicas»
Los mejores textos presentados al Concurso del
mismo nombre de la Agenda Latinoamericana. Intentan una relectura de escenas, personajes, temas... de
la Biblia desde un punto de vista actual. Para el trabajo de educación bíblica, celebraciones...
5) La columna semanal de Leonardo Boff
Cada semana, los viernes, un breve artículo de
Leonardo, ágil, periodístico, con temas de actualidad.
6) Curso de teología popular
Aquí fue puesto y distribuido el «Curso de Teología del Pluralismo Religioso», que alcanzó 25.000
visitas. Aquí serán puestos los nuevos cursos. De nivel medio, accesibles, para «dar un vuelco» a nuestra
forma de creer. Para «creer de otra manera».
7) Biblioteca
Con cuatro «salas»: general, teológica, bíblica y
pastoral. Con un fácil y eficiente procedimiento de
búsqueda por sala y por autor. En su sección bíblica
contiene un buen número de folletos populares de
los grandes biblistas latinoame­rica­nos. Obviamente,
todo es gratuito y está a disposición pública, con los
debidos permisos.
Artículos breves, de temática variada, comen­tarios
de opinión de firmas acreditadas...
9) Martirologio Latinoamericano
Para consultar qué mártires latinoamericanos
recordamos cada día, o consultar las Jornadas y efemérides afro-indo-latino-ame­ricanas... Totalmente
renovado (versión 2.0).
10) La Página de Monseñor Romero
Las homilías que Mons. Romero predicó sobre los
mismos textos bíblicos que hoy nosotros escuchamos.
11) La Página de Pedro Casaldáliga
Sus artículos, poesía, cartas circula­res, libros, el
elenco de sus obras completas...
12) La Página de Cerezo Barredo
El dibujo de cada domingo, y otros dibujos y posters del autor.
13) La Galería de dibujos pastorales
Recursos gráficos al servicio de la evangeliza­ción.
14) Un servicio de pósters para la pastoral
Serie de pósters, principalmente sobre el tema
inter-religioso. Con resolución suficiente para ser
impresos en plotter, a todo color y gran tamaño.
15) Página de la Agenda Latinoamericana o o
Portal de la Agenda Latinoamericana, para ver el
tema de cada año, las convocatorias y los fallos de
los concursos, los lugares donde conseguirla en los
diferentes países e idiomas...
16) Archivo de la Agenda Latinoamericana
Aquí están a disposi­ción pública los materiales
peda­gógicos publicados por la Agenda en los 17 años
pasados, pudiendo ser encontrados ahora por tema,
título, autor y año. Ya está enteramente disponible
en cas­tellano y catalán. Vea la página 238 de esta
17) TAMBO:
Un servidor de lista para «platicar sabroso» en el
ambiente de una comunidad telemática com­pro­me­tida
con las opciones que solemos llamar «latinoamericanas» (dentro de la «geografía espiritual»): la visión
del mundo desde el Sur, la opción por los pobres, una
fe actualizada y un compromiso humanizador moderno, coherente, dialogante y pluralista.
18) Servicio de «Novedades Koinonía»
Suscríbase, gratis. Será avisado de cualquier novedad en Koinonía (libros digitales, artículos teológicos...) o en la Agenda quincenalmente, con un correo
sumamente ligero, de sólo «enlaces», sin peso.
19) Servidores de lista
Dos de nuestros servicios (el servicio bíblico semanal y «Noveda­des Koinonía») se distribuyen por
servidores de lista; la suscripción (siempre gratuita)
y su cancelación se realizan por un procedimiento
automatizado, en la página de información:
20) Libros Digitales Koinonía
Colección especial de libros digitales, en varios
idiomas, públicamente disponibles, e imprimibles
como «auténtico libro» por «impresión digital».
21) Información en línea
Toda la información necesaria sobre Koinonía.
22) Colección «Tiempo axial»
Patrocinada por la Agenda latinoamericana, he
aquí una colección teológica «de frontera» que continúa el camino de la teología de la liberación pero
conjungándola ahora con la teología del pluralismo
religioso: teología «pluralista» de la liberación. Vea
la colección en su página ( los índices de los libros, sus prólogos, sus
portadas... Vea la página 239 de esta agenda.
Para contactarnos:
-información y suscripciones:
-sobre contenidos:
-para el servicio bíblico:
Punto de encuentro
Gracias por los aportes para nuestros trabajos pastorales. Nos da una inmensa alegría disponer de documentos siempre  novedosos, que motivan a un compromiso
cada vez más activo de nuestro pueblo.
Como trabajo en un lugar bastante aislado, no siempre puedo abrir el correo, pero cuando salgo a la ciudad
es lo primero que hago, por eso les pido por favor que
no dejen de enviarme, aunque a veces me imagino que
rebotara, cuando no he podido salir a la ciudad. Saludos.
Hermanas de Circuata,
Desde ya hace bastante tiempo he estado recibiendo
las reflexiones bíblicas semanales de parte de ustedes,
por lo que hoy quiero presentarles mis disculpas por la
descortesía de no hacerles patente mi agradecimiento,
pues han sido una valiosa herramienta para la labor que
desarrollamos en las emisoras católicas de esta localidad.
Fredy Maldonado,
Llevo años recibiendo su estupendo servicio y no
puedo menos que agradecerles sinceramente todo el bien
que me hacen. Pertenezco al equipo de Liturgia de una
comunidad parroquial en Vizcaya, España, por lo que los
comentarios bíblicos, los libros que gracias a ustedes
puedo leer, así como todas sus noticias, nos ayudan y
animan a todo el equipo. (A propósito... el cura es el
más ferviente admirador de ustedes).
Esperanza Izquierdo,
Muchísimas gracias por todo su servicio tan especial
e importante; aunque no puedo escribir mucho por las
actividades, les estoy y estamos (porque paso artículos a
varias personas) sinceramente agradecid@s.
María Consolación rmc,
Agradezco tamaña generosidad de Jon Sobrino,
­ oinonia y quien sea!!!! Es una felicidad poder leer este
texto que aún desconozco. Ante los avances de la involuSoy fray Diego, dominico. Durante mi estancia por
ción, difundir, difundir, difundir... es el arma poderosa.
Chiapas me he encontrado con un libro que ustedes han
¡Infinitas gracias! ¡Toda mi comunión! Una cristiana
elaborado con autores de buena talla, «Bajar de la Cruz a sin Iglesia en medio de los pobres. Buenos Aires.
los pobres»... Me ha interesado mucho y quisiera conseRoselyne De Wilde,
guirlo... Les agradecería enormemente. Enhorabuena por
su trabajo, y esa reflexión que nos permite trabajar para
Gratitud, agradecimiento, gratuidad, generosidad,
que el Reino se haga presente...
cariño, entusiasmo, alegría, amor, ganas de continuar la
Diego Ulises López op, caminhada, es lo que genera ese «boletincito» quincenal.
Herman@s, muchísimas gracias por seguir sirviendo a la
Gracias a todos los compañeros y todas las compaconstrucción del Reino. Que el Señor dueño de la vida y
ñeras del Servicio Koinonía, por seguir alimentando la
generador de nuestra esperanza les continúe iluminando
utopía de tantos cristianos/as, que seguimos creyendo
con su Espíritu Santo y los llene de fuerzas para contien la utopía del Reino. Gracias, personalmente, porque
nuar en la edificación del otro mundo posible.
me ayudan a seguir sintiendo la esperanza del Jesús que
Un abrazo fraternal, desde estas tierras Santandereaopta por los pobres, sin ninguna manipulación, sin nin- nas, en Colombia, donde por primera vez se dio un grito
guna mala interpretación. Muchísimas gracias por existir, de independencia y de libertad para toda América.
y por seguir en la lucha. Desde España, Islas Canarias,
Carlos Raúl, Bucaramanga,
Tenerife, recién llegada de Brasil.
Hace un año estoy siguiendo de cerca algunos autores de la Teología Latinoamericana o de la Liberación.
Queridos amigos. Trabajamos en Huejutla, Hgo.,
Por situaciones económicas y laborales no pude continuar
México, diez personas del equipo Caltemoyanij. Además mis estudios de teología, en la Universidad San Alfonso
leen Koinonía 60 estudiantes del seminario mayor de la
de Bogotá, Colombia. Pero este portal de Koinonía, ha
diócesis. Gracias por su esfuerzo, interés, cariño... Para
sido para mí una gran bendición, me ha permitido permaJon Sobrino, un «gracias» gigante, con nuestra oración, necer en contacto con la teología que me gusta y que ha
admiración y gratitud. Equipo CALTEMOYANIJ.
aportado mucho a mi pensamiento y a mí experiencia
Carmen stj, pastoral. Estoy interesado en tomar un curso, por este
medio, sobre la teología de la Liberación. Quisiera profundizar en ella para tener más argumento en mi servicio
laical. Si existe ese curso, u otra página que  conozcan y
puedan recomendar, les estaré altamente agradecido.
Miguel S Fernández O.,
Ustedes no alcanzan a imaginar la inmensa ayuda
que me proporcionan con todos los servicios que ustedes me prestan.  Ya veo que este mensaje transmitido
a través de éste pobre mensajero, empieza a calar en la
esencia de las comunidades; poco a poco, con paciencia.
Dios les pague. Adelante, éxitos.
Diego F. Pardo Córdoba,
Me dirijo a uds., para consultarles si es posible conseguir (recuperar) el comentario bíblico que publicaron
ustedes el domingo de Ramos 20 de marzo de 2005. Lo
¡Sois maravillosos! Gracias por todo lo que nos dais
recuerdo con gran agrado y entusiasmo. Era un «replan- continuamente. Me gustaría colaborar en algo. Creo que
teamiento» de la forma de vivir la Pascua muy interesan- sólo puedo hacerlo... diciendo que me ayudáis mucho en
te, y desearía tenerlo, volver a reflexionarlo, y difundirlo. mi trabajo sacerdotal.
Juan Pablo Opacak,
Soy capellán de habla hispana de la Diócesis de
Wollongong, Australia. Este año, en octubre y noviembre
tendré la oportunidad de visitar América Latina.  Me
gustaría visitar a Uds para concocer la gente responsable
del excelente servicio que nos regalan. ¿Es posible?
John Píckering ofm,
Hola queridos amigos del Equipo Koinonia:
Primero que todo, quiero agradecerles por su página
ya que me ha sido muy querida pues me encuentro expatriada en Suecia, y en estos momentos de frío invierno y
de oscuridad agradecemos a nuestro Señor por la fe, y a
ustedes que hacen este trabajo tan hermoso aprovechando las nuevas tecnologías.
Encontrar esta página ha sido un alivio para la RevisRecomiéndenme un «catecismo de la liberación» para
ta «Celebraciones», que se publica en la Arquidiócesis de niños, pues tengo un hijito de 4 años y estoy viviendo
Santiago de los Caballeros mensualmente. Consta de las
en un sitio que no tiene parroquia católica. Yo le podría
lecturas de los domingos, con sus comentarios y catedar catequesis si tuviera una guía apropiada.
quesis para adultos. Su fundador murió hace un año y
Claudia Acosta,
medio, y dejó dos años escritos. La revista tiene más de
25 años y no queremos dejar de publicarla; al contrario,
Soy un seguidor de vuestra página web y quería ver
queremos incluir las lecturas diarias, y ha sido de mucha si me podríais ayudar. Vivo en Madrid (España) y me gusalegría saber que ustedes nos podrían ayudar enviándo- taría contactar con alguna comunidad o grupo de oración
nos los comentarios... Se me olvidaba decirle que es una aquí en Madrid que viviera  y sintiera la fe de un modo
publicación mensual, en este sentido no sé la frecuencia a como la sentís vosotros, que tuviera puntos de vista
de los envíos ya que la revista tiene que ser impresa un similares o parecidos. ¿Podríais indicarme la dirección o
mes antes por la demora en el envío a las parroquias y
alguna forma de contacto con ellos?
comunidades de todo el país, y para que llegue a tiemTambién estoy muy interesado en el diálogo interrepo hay que tener el material un mes antes, para fines
ligioso. Creo firmemente que todas las religiones no son
de impresión y circulación. Ojalá que ustedes nos den
sino una, pero vista desde diversos enfoques...
buenas noticias. Queremos seguir dando un servicio a la
José Luis Barbero,
comunidades, a los Presidentes de Asamblea, Catequistas
y Párrocos que utilizan durante un mes la revista.
En primer lugar, gracias por vuestro magnífico, inteliAndrea Gómez, gente y serio trabajo, del que podemos aprovecharnos los
que andamos «por provincias»… Soy presbítero y os sigo
He quedado maravillado con vuestro portal. Me llamo desde hace varios años. Me gusta mucho vuestro portal,
Ignasi y vivo en un pueblo cercano a Barcelona. Estudié del que procuro ser una antena para las personas con las
teología, fundé un colectivo de cristianos por la insumi- que trabajo. Estoy convencido que alimentáis el futuro
sión, he trabajado con enfermos de sida y hago de con- eclesial.
cejal de ICV en mi pueblo. Tengo una familia , dos hijos,
Leí entusiasmado el artículo de John Shelby Spong.
y soy uno de tantos católicos errantes en tierra de RatMuy bueno y realmente muy bien planteado. ¿Está publizinger. Mil gracias por vuestra ventana y su aire fresco!!! cado en español?
Ignasi Corral,
José alejandro Baró,
Quién es quién
entre los autores de esta agenda
Sólo algunos; otros no necesitan presentación para nuestros lectores...
Rubem ALVES:
Horacio M. CARVALHO, 66, nacido en Santos, SP,
Brasil. Cursó agronomía en Rio de Janeiro. En 1973 fue
preso político como militante del PCdoB en la lucha
contra la dictadura militar. Amnistiado en 1979. Asesor
de movimientos y organizaciones sociales del campo.
Asesor del Movimiento de Pequeños Agricultores y amigo
militante de Vía Campesina, con consultorías ante organismos gubernamentales e internacionales. Consultor del
MST de Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Vive en Curitiba.
Néstor Da COSTA es uruguayo. Sociólogo egresado
de la Universidad de la República y doctorado en la
Universidad de Deusto en Bilbao. Es integrante del Instituto Universitario CLAEH, donde fue coordinador del
Area Social. Actualmente coordina, en esa institución,
un Programa internacional entre universidades europeas
y latinoamericanas titulado Religión y Modernidad en
Europa y América Latina. Se desempeña asimismo como
Director del Departamento de Ciencias de la Religión de
la Universidad Católica del Uruguay. Es autor de varias
investigaciones, artículos y libros.
Eduardo De la SERNA. Coordinador nacional argentino del «Grupo de curas en la Opción por los Pobres»,
profesor de Biblia en diversos institutos teológicos de
Buenos Aires, hizo su tesis doctoral sobre «Diálogo entre
la Biblia y Teresa de Lisieux. Preguntas desde América
Latina», en la que partiendo de los temas principales que
la Teología de la Liberación dice de sí misma, pregunta
lo que sobre esos temas afirman -coincidiendo- la Biblia
y Teresa de Lisieux. Autor de diferentes libros y escritos
académicos y pastorales, ejerce su ministerio presbiteral
en San Francisco Solano, Quilmes, al Sur del Gran Buenos
Wim DIERCKXSENS. Holanda, 1946. Estudios en
Nimega y en París. En América Central desde 1971. Funcionario de la ONU, consultor del gobierno de los Países
Bajos, director de un Postgrado de Economía en Honduras y fundador de la Maestría en Política Económica en la
UNA de Costa Rica. Consultor del movimiento cooperativo
centroamericano. Investigador del DEI en Costa Rica y
para el Foro Mundial de Alternativas.
Dionisio GAUTO abogado y canonista, defensor de
los derechos humanos, trabaja en educación popular con
los campesinos; acompaña al ex obispo Lugo en su proyecto político.
Ivone GEBARA. Nacida en São Paulo, Brasil, miembro
de la congregación de las Hermanas Canónigas de San
Agustín, doctora en filosofía por la Pontificia Universidad
Católica de São Paulo y doctora en ciencias religiosas por
la Universidad Católica de Lovaina.
Alfredo J. GONÇALVES, Isla de Madeira, Portugal,
1953. Religioso escalabriniano, cuyo carisma es trabajar
con los migrantes y refugiados en todo el mundo. En
Brasil desde 1969. Ha trabajado siempre en la pastoral
social: en la periferia y las favelas de São Paulo, con los
sin techo, con los trabajadores de la caña. Fue asesor de
la CNBB para la Pastoral Social. Ahora vive y trabaja en
Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, con un proyecto de trabajo
con emigrantes en la región de las tres fronteras.
Manuel GONZALO, 1946, San Sebastián (España).
Sacerdote marianista, ha trabajado durante más de treinta años en Colombia. Apasionado por la relación entre fe
y ciencia ha publicado recientemente «Gracias, tiburón»,
(edit. San Benito, Buenos Aires) en el que relata de forma amena la larga marcha evolutiva del Universo desde
el Big Bang. En la actualidad reside en Buenos Aires.
Daniel INNERARITY nació en Bilbao, España, en
1959. Actualmente es profesor titular de filosofía en la
Universidad de Zaragoza, profesor invitado de la Universidad de la Sorbona y del Instituto de Estudios Políticos
de la Universidad de Burdeos IV. Doctor en Filosofía,
amplió sus estudios en Alemania (como becario de la
Fundación Alexander von Humboldt), Suiza e Italia. Entre
sus últimos libros cabe destacar Ética de la hospitalidad,
La transformación de la política (III Premio de Ensayo
Miguel de Unamuno y Premio Nacional de Literatura en la
modalidad de Ensayo 2003), La sociedad invisible (Premio Espasa de Ensayo 2004) y El nuevo espacio público.
Algunos de sus libros han sido traducidos en Francia,
Portugal, Italia y Canadá. Es colaborador habitual de
opinión en los diarios El Correo y El País, así como de la
revista Claves de razón práctica.
Claudia KOROL es educadora popular. Coordina el
equipo de Educación Popular «Pañuelos en Rebeldía».
Coordina el Programa de Formación Cogestionada entre
Movimientos Populares y CLACSO (en el OSAL). Autora de
los libros «Rebelión. Reportaje a la juventud chilena»,
«El Che y los Argentinos» y «Caleidoscopio de Rebeldías», entre otros. Editora de la revista latinoamericana
«América Libre». Reside en Buenos Aires.
Magdalena LEÓN. Economista, feminista, integrante
de REMTE, Red Latinoamericana Mujeres Transformando la
Economía, y del Grupo de Trabajo sobre Género y Globalización del CLACSO, Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias
Sociales. Coordinadora de la Secretaría del Foro Social
Américas. Asesora del Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas
de Ecuador.
Ivo POLETTO: Filósofo, teólogo y sociólogo, es
Educador Popular y Asesor de pastorales y movimientos
sociales, y autor, entre otros, de «Brasil: oportunidades
perdidas – Mis dos años en el gobierno de Lula», Garamond, Rio de Janeiro 2005. Vive en Goiânia, capital del
estado de Goiás, región central de Brasil.
Pedro A. RIBEIRO DE OLIVEIRA: 1943, sociólogo,
Asesor de CEBs, Miembro de la Coordinación del Movimiento Fe y Política y del Equipo ISER-Assessoria.
Investigador Asociado al Programa de Posgraduación en
Ciencias de la Religión de la PUC de Minas. Vive en Juiz
de Fora, MG, Brasil.
João Pedro STÉDILE, 1953, Lagoa Vermelha, economista y activista social brasileño. Es el actual líder del
Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra (MST)
Gaúcho de formación marxista, y uno de los mayores
defensores de una reforma agraria en Brasil. Nacido en
el estado de Rio Grande do Sul, hijo de pequeños agricultores de origen trentino (Italia), reside actualmente
en la ciudad de São Paulo. Formado en economía por la
Pontificia Universidad Católica (PUC-RS), con posgraduación en la UNAM de México. Actuó como miembro de
la Comisión de Productores de Uva, de los Sindicatos de
los Trabajadores Rurales de Rio Grande do Sul. Asesoró a
la Comisión Pastoral de la Terra (CPT) en Rio Grande do
Sul y a nivel nacional, y ha trabajado en la Secretaría de
Agricultura de Rio Grande do Sul.
Participa desde 1979 en las actividades de la lucha
por la reforma agraria, siendo uno de los fundadores del
Movimiento de los Trabajadores Rurales Sin Tierra (MST)
y, actualmente, miembro de su dirección nacional. Es
autor de diversos libros sobre la cuestión agraria.
Paulo SUESS:
Josep-Maria TERRICABRAS (Calella de la costa,
1946) es catedrático de filosofía y director de la Cátedra Ferrater Mora de Pensamiento Contemporáneo de la
Universitat de Girona. Actualmente, ejerce de profesor
de filosofía en dicha Universidad y colabora con diversos
medios de comunicación catalanes como El Periódico, El
Temps, TV3 y Catalunya Ràdio.
Entre sus publicaciones más importantes, destacan
Atrévete a pensar, Ètica i llibertat y Fer filosofia avui.
También ha efectuado la adaptación del proyecto Phi-
losophy for Children y ha dirigido la actualización del
Diccionario de Filosofía de J. Ferrater Mora. Defensor de
la responsabilidad ciudadana y de la necesidad y capacidad de reflexión de la ciudadanía para hacer frente a los
problemas comunes.
Martín VALMASEDA, director de CAUCE, Centro Audio­
visual de comunicación y educación, en Guatemala. Toda
una vida dedicada a la militancia de la comunicación
liberadora. Su audiovisual «La Isla» quedará definitiva­
mente para la historia como el símbolo de la pedagogía
popular audiovisual de toda una época.
Víctor VIÑUALES EDO. Sociólogo, director de la
Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo desde 1995, presidente de Nexos, empresa social dedicada al impulso de la
compra responsable en organizaciones, vicepresidente de
Analistas Internacionales en Sostenibilidad, miembro del
Consejo de Greenpeace, miembro del Consejo Asesor de
Inditex, del Consejo Asesor de la EXPO 2008, que tiene
como lema «agua y desarrollo sostenible», del Foro de
Expertos en Responsabilidad Social Empresarial del Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales y cofundador de la
revista «En Pie de Paz».
Francisco WHITAKER, 1931, arquitecto y urbanista,
trabajó a partir de 1957 en investigación social con el
Padre Lebret, y en Planeamento del Gobierno de São
Paulo (1959/62). Diretor de Planeamento de la Reforma
Agraria en el Gobierno Goulart (1963/64), asesor de la
CNBB en la elaboración de su Primer Plan de Pastoral
de Conjunto (65/66). Exiliado de 1967 a 1981. Asesor
del Cardenal Paulo Evaristo Arns de 82 a 88. Concejal en
São Paulo por el PT (89/96) y Secretario Ejecutivo de la
Comisión Brasileña de Justicia y Paz (96/2003), a la que
representa en el Consejo Internacional del Foro Social
Mundial. Miembro del Movimiento Nacional de Combate
a la Corrupción Electoral. Ha escrito “O Desafio do Fórum
Social Mundial” (editoras Perseu Abramo y Loyola), traducido a 5 lenguas. Ha recibido en 2006 en Suecia el
Premio Nobel Alternativo (Right Livelihood Award). Reside en São Paulo.
Raúl ZIBECHI, periodista, analista internacional del
semanario Brecha (Uruguay), del diario La Jornada (México) y de otros medios latinoamericanos y europeos.Premio Internacional de Periodismo José Martí (Cuba 2003).
Docente e investigador en movimientos sociales en la
Multiversidad Franciscana de América Latina. Publicó
varios libros: «Los arroyos cuando bajan. Los desafíos del
zapatismo», «La mirada horizontal. Emancipación y movimientos sociales», «Genealogía de la revuelta. Argentina,
la sociedad en movimiento», y «Dispersar el poder. Los
movimientos como poderes antiestatales», entre otros.