worldpresents - Into The World
worldpresents - Into The World INTO THE WORLD PRESENTS world 360 2 who we are two people on two wheels In 2011 we unplugged from our careers and embarked on a trans-Africa journey by motorbike. IONUT ANA Architect, Rider, Photographer, Mechanic Architect, Photographer, Blogger Petrol-head, experienced motorcycle rider on and off road, diver, snowboarder. Recovered after a 2010 Achilles’ tendon rupture preparing for the trans-Africa challenge. My sports: I have a passion for traveling, meeting people and experiencing other cultures, having snowboarded, hiked and dived in different countries. I am in charged with planning, logistics and ride reports. My sports: 3 our latest achievement 420 DAYS 55000 km 30 COUNTRIES congo crossing first romanian bikers in africa INTO THE WORLD - round 1 africa full circle motorbike Tour of AFRICA | 2011 - 2012 Part I : West and Central Africa, 06.2011 - 03.2012 Part II : Southern Africa and East Africa, 03.2012 - 08.2012 420 days (14 months) , 55,000 km, 30 countries. Remote villages, vernacular cultures, vibrant tribes, the joy of simple life. We became the first to motorbike from Bucharest to Cape to Cairo and to cross 2up Congo Kinshasa. After Africa, we intend to finish the world tour by riding across Asia and the Americas. We need you to achieve this. Join our team: 4 5 media exposure africa 420 expedition africa 420 photojournalism exhibition Photos, video, installation, live print. Opening night: 25th October. Promoted on all major media channels in Romania. ted talks TEDxBucharest, 16th November 2012 interviews Radio, TV, print (Romania, Togo, South Africa) online Facebook & Bucharest INTO THE WORLD PRESENTS ‘’TWO PEOPLE ON TWO WHEELS. THE ADVENTURE OF A LIFETIME’’ FROM ROMANIA TO AFRICA BY MOTORBIKE SEPTEMBRIE 09 - 22 NOVEMBER MCCANN GARAGE 13BUCHAREST IMAGES FROM 23 COUNTRIES & NOU9 GALLERY MAROCCO/ MAURITANIA/ MALI BURKINA FASO/ TOGO/ BENIN/ NIGERIA CAMEROON/ GABON/ CONGO BRAZZAVILLE/ CONGO KINSHASA ZAMBIA/ NAMIBIA/ SOUTH AFRICA/ LESOTHO/ BOTSWANA MOZAMBIQUE/ TANZANIA/ KENYA/ ETHIOPIA/ SUDAN/ EGYPT PHOTOJOURNALISM/ INSTALLATION/ VIDEO/ LIVE PRINT/ SILENT AUCTION EXHIBITION IS OPEN FREE DAILY FROM 10 A.M. FOR DETAILS VISIT WWW.INTOTHEWORLD.EU FACEBOOK.COM/INTOTHEWORLD THE EXHIBITION AFRICA 420 TELLS THE INCREDIBLE STORY OF 420 DAYS OF NOMADIC LIFE OF THE FIRST ROMANIANS WHO COMPLETE THE TOUR OF THE CONTINENT BY BIKE. EPIC MOMENTS, VOLUNTEERING, DRAMATIC ENCOUNTERS WITH WILDLIFE, TRIBAL CEREMONIES: AN ADVENTURE OF OVER 55OOO KM AND 14 MONTHS. FACEBOOK.COM/INTOTHEWORLD REGISTER TO WIN INVITATIONS TO THE PARTY OR AUTOGRAPHED PHOTOS SPONSORS AND MEDIA PARTNERS 14,000,000 hits 15,000 unique visitors 6 WHAT IS NEXT into the world - rOUND 2 & 3 ROM IA BENIN ROUND2 6 months asia & THE americAS ON TWO MOTORBIKES | 2013 adventure and volunteering 12months/ 60,000 km/ 20 countries Itinerary: Chile, Argentine, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru,Guatemala, Columbia, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, USA, Canada, Alaska, Rusia, Mongolia, Kazahstan, Rusia, Ukraine, Romania Budget: TBD Our mission: The Silk Road, Alaska, world’s largest natural waterfall and canyon, Galapagos, Machu Pichu, the Atacama desert, Easter Island, volunteer work in the Sea of Cortez and the Amazon. Target: documentary ‘Africa in the Americas’; TV mini-series produced by National Geographic/ Discovery/ HBO. into the world - rOUND 2 south america full circle the plan 7 8 support us gain visibility & awareness Our offer Sponsor listing online + article Logo/name sticker on vehicle Tailor-made skype conference Royalty free photos available for PR and marketing* Your banner photographed in a landmark Custom Facebook campaign** tv/ radio/ online/ print PROMOTION be part of this experience Before and after the event @: tTV : Stirile ProTV, Reporterii Realitatea TV, Stiri Antena 1; TVR - Romania Te Iubesc, Garantat 100%; Discovery Romania tRadio: Guerrilla; Romania Actualitati tPrint: Top Gear, Auto Motor Sport, Motociclismo, ProMotor, Decat O Revista, B24FUN, 7 Seri, Elle, The One, Dirt&Trail, Igloo, Gazeta Sporturilor tOnline: Facebook, blog, site expeditie (+50,000 vizitatori/an); forumuri:,;;; tConferences: TEDx Bucuresti - 16/11/2012, Rotary, Intercapital Invest The motorbike tour of Africa is a Romanian first, promoting independent exploration. We want to inspire you to contribute your support, so that our dream adventure can continue on other continents. We would be happy to discuss our project and win your support. Please contact: Ionut Florea t. +40 0722 575 603 e. w. 8 SPONSORSHIP OFFER For For For 1000¤ 5000¤ 10000¤ Listed online as donor Listed online as donor Listed online as donor Listed online as donor Listed online as donor Autographed photo (B5) Autographed photo (B5) Autographed photo (B5) Autographed photo (B5) Autographed photo (B5) Logo/name sticker on vehicle Logo/name sticker on vehicle Logo/name sticker on vehicle Logo/name sticker on vehicle Tailor-made conference Tailor-made conference Tailor-made conference Royalty free photos available for Royalty free photos available for Royalty free photos available for PR and marketing* PR and marketing* PR and marketing* Your banner photographed in a Your banner photographed in a landmark landmark Custom Facebook campaign** Custom Facebook campaign** 200¤ Available: 10 sponsor positions 500¤ Available: 10 sponsor positions Available: 5 sponsor positions For For Available: 3 sponsor positions exclusive sponsor Custom charitable event*** Please contact us to discuss how we can Available: 2 sponsor positions accomodate your special requests. * No. of photos to be negociated according to sponsor request ** The campaign will be active on the Into The World Facebook fanpage. Our fans will be asked to either vote a design or create their own. The design must make creative use of the sponsor’s brand/ a consumer product retailed by the sponsor in association with the expedition. Prize: exclusive photo in a landmark. *** The custom charitable event can be 1. inspirational conference in a school/ NGO; 2. photography/ drawing workshop for a school or a rural community. The sposor will gain awareness by association with a humanitarian hands-on event. into the world THANK YOU! All photos, texts and illustrations contained in this document are copyright of Ionut Florea & Ana Hogas @ and cannot be reproduced, copied or diseminated in any way, in their entirety or partially, unless previously authorized in writting by the authors indicated above. For all futher information please email