Comanche Flyer Submission Guidelines
Comanche Flyer Submission Guidelines
APRIL 2013 The Official Membership Publication of The International Comanche Society VOLUME 40, NO. 4 You Fly The Plane... UBG-16 Programmable Redlines Shock Cooling Alert Differential Alarm Trend Analysis True Lean Detection Data Recording... and so much More! FP-5L We’ll Watch The Engine Fuel Flow to .1 GPH Multiple Fuel Alarms Fuel Remaining & Used Time to Empty w/ Alarm Fuel Efficiency GPS Interface w/ Alarms Horsepower...and more! Electronics International 63296 Powell Butte Hwy Bend, OR 97701 (541)318-6060 WWW.Buy-EI.Com Unparalleled Customer Service Since 1979 The Comanche Flyer is the official monthly member publication of the International Comanche Society P.O. Box 1810 Traverse City, MI 49685-1810 U.S.: (888) 300-0082 Other: (231) 946-3712 Fax: (231) 946-6180 E-mail: Volume 40, No. 4 • April 2013 Published By the International Comanche Society, Inc. ICS President Zach Grant Cell: (317) 201-4293 E-mail: (e-mail preferred contact) Managing Editor Kim Blonigen E-mail: Display Advertising Manager John Roddy (800) 773-7798 Fax: (231) 946-9588 E-mail: Trading Post & Classified Advertising Nancy A. Whitten Ph: (800) 773-7798, Fax: (231) 946-9588 E-mail: CONTENTS 2 Letter from the President Comanche Spirit 4 The Circle of Life Printer 10 ICS Board of Directors, Tribe Chiefs, & Tribe Representatives ICS Standing Committees 11 Maintenance Resource Advisors ICS Tool Loan Program CFF-Trained CFIs Village Press 2779 Aero Park Drive Traverse City, MI 49685-0629 Maintenance Resource Advisors Pat Barry Ph: (949) 362-1600 on Pacific Time E-mail: Dave Clark Ph: (817) 860-4393 Email: Zack Grant Cell: (317) 201-4293 Email: (Email preferred contact) Karl Hipp Ph: (970) 963-3755 Email: Lucky Lougue Ph: (903) 345-9198 Email: Cliff Wilewski Ph: (815) 395-0500, Cell: (815) 979-7785 E-mail: ICS Tool Loan Program Matt Kurke 8192 Sanctuary Drive, Unit 1 Naples, FL 34104 Ph: (239) 593-6944 The Comanche Flyer (ISSN 08994223, USPS 2-324) is available to members; the $25 annual subscription rate is included in the Society’s Annual Membership dues in US funds below. Comanche Flyer is published monthly by Village Press U.S., Canada, Mexico One year $72, Two years $136 UK, Europe, Asia & Africa One year $98, Two years $188 All Other Countries One year $86, Two years $164 Spousal Members One year $36, Two years $72 Cover Photo Tom Larkin’s Twin Comanche, N7708Y. Copyright Notice The act of making a submission for publication is an express warranty that such contribution does not infringe on the rights or copyright of others. Nothing appearing in the Comanche Flyer shall be reproduced or distributed without the express permission of the publisher. Postmaster Send address changes to the above address. Periodical postage paid at Traverse City, MI 49686 APRIL 2013 Tom Larkin 9 Letter to the Editor Graphic Design Brandon Hoffman E-mail: Zach Grant ICS News 12 ICS Tent Staffing at AirVenture PDF Download Problems on ICS Web Site 14 Pat Donovan Feature Comanche Flyer Needs your Stories, Tips and Tricks! 15 ICS Name Badge Order Form Online Intelligence 16 Oil Change Increments Convention News 20 Remarkable places to fly in the Pacific Northwest, Part 2 Jay Hulbert 24 40th Anniversary Cruise 28 Feature Comanche Care, Part 3 Patricia Keefer 34 ICS Membership Renewal Form 35 From the Tribe Chiefs 44 ICS Items for Sale 46 Comanche Classifieds 47 Advertisers’ Index INTERNATIONAL COMANCHE SOCIETY, INC. Comanche Flyer • 1 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT A funny thing happened on the way to the museum ... or scrap yard; value was found and the machinery was resurrected to new, if not better. This statement could apply to many different mechanical items such as cars, tractors, and old wood boats, but none more so than perhaps the airplanes built between 1946 and 1976! If you are reading this, I hope you realize the same value in your Comanche and are doing more than the minimum required to keep an old airplane airworthy. Yes, there are those aircraft that are out there that need help, and there are those in the fleet that have no faults, but I believe most of them fall somewhere in between. So how do you use your valuable asset? We would love to find out your particular story, but here are a few of the common answers I’ve heard so far. • MyComancheismyprideandjoy. It gives me a good reason to go to the airport. I don't get to fly too much anymore, but I like the airport camaraderie; I like to tinker; and rubbing the paint down with a soft, cotton towel after a new coat ofwaxistherapeutic. • IflymyTwinComancheasmuch asIcan.Iwantedtogetintoflying professionally but needed hours, andIboughtabargaintwinco.I’ve done a few things to her, but mostly justflownlotsofhours.Thefirst few months were rough with a lot of repairs, but now it is as reliable asIhadhoped. • MyComancheislikemycar.Iuse it for running errands, as well as tripstoworkatremotesites.Italso sees its fair share of family outings tokeepeveryonehappy. • Iprobablyhavemoreairplanethan Ineed,butyoucan’tjustifyanairplane, so it is what I want! I mostly goonflightsoflessthananhour.It usually involves food, friends, and lots of fun, and I find it much more Comanche Flyer Submission Guidelines All members are encouraged to submit articles for publication in the Comanche Flyer. If you have an article about a maintenance event, trip, piloting technique, or anything else pertinent to Comanche ownership, please share it with your fellow members. For those with access to the Internet, please submit the article via e-mail, preferably in Microsoft Word. You may also include the article in the body of your e-mail message. Include your full name, as you would like it published, and your ICS number. Please attach digital pictures, if applicable, in jpeg format. For best results, use the highest resolution setting your camera will allow. Photo files under 500 kb in size typically do not reproduce well. Although submissions are reviewed for technical accuracy, the information in this magazine is meant for reference only. Any modifications, alterations, or major repairs to U.S. aircraft require FAA-approved data as a basis for beginning work, and as such should not be based solely on information contained in this magazine. The International Comanche Society does not endorse any piloting adverse to published FAA regulations. Submissions are subject to editing and revision unless specifically requested to be published as submitted. The right is reserved to publish or not, any submission. Deadline for all submissions is the 20th of the month, approximately 40 days prior to month of publication. Send to: Kim Blonigen, Managing Editor at Articles and photos may also be sent via U.S. Mail to: Kim Blonigen • 2031 South Beech • Wichita, KS 67207 2 • Comanche Flyer APRIL 2013 PA referred gratifying than throwing money at the boat I used to own! These are all stories about airplane ownership that have been told, sent to me, or I have overheard in conversations. You may fit into one of these categories, but you may also have an entirely different take on owning an airplane, specifically a Comanche. I can tell you that my “ah-ha” moment came recently. My wife and I were out with her old roommate from college having a fun day at the park with her daughter. They were talking about vacations, travel, and what it took to get around with all the stuff needed to support a 14-month-old child. The topic of air travel came up. Being as we were in Florida visiting them, my wife’s friend made the comment that it must be nice to be able to just get in your own plane and fly wherever, whenever and with whatever you want. There was no jealousy in the comment, just a statement of fact. I immediately thought about how we use the airplane. It is, to us, simply another vehicle – the ultimate off-road vehicle that can take us far away from cold and nasty weather, and enables us to see the sun on all but the stormiest of days. It is my car, my SUV, and sometimes my pickup truck! It is an invaluable tool without which my life would be VERY different! Next time you think about why you pay the bills on your airplane, write it down! We would love to hear your stories – short or long. We will also be running associated surveys in the ICS email newsletter, so be sure to answer, and let us all know what owning a Comanche really means to you! Zach Grant ICS Past Presidents 2009-2010 Bernie Mazurek 1990 George Burson 2007-2008 Dave Fitzgerald 1989 William Creech 2006 Lawrence Paratz 1988 Jim Fox 2005 Karl Hipp 1987 Pat Rowe 2004 Skip Dykema 1986 Ted Peifer 2003 John Van Bladeren 1985 Bill Shank 2002 Larry Rackley 1984 Jerry Irvin 2001 Robert Noble 1983 Bill Stanyer 2000 David Buttle 1982 Norn Berneche 1999 Roy Roberts 1981 Ben Kitchens 1998 Harley McGatha 1980 Jack Holaway 1997 Charles Wiseman 1979 Larry Larkin 1996 Bryce Campbell 1978 Clifford Younger 1995 Jess Bootman 1977 Art Shriver 1994 Chuck Medicus 1976 Mike Keedy 1993 Dale Vandever 1975 George Smith 1992 Bill Jackson 1974 Paul Rechnitzer 1991 Martin Busch 1973 Andy Speer APRIL 2013 irparts Chosen for value and service Save 25% to 85% off list price! New Surplus Parts for all Pipers PA-18 through Cheyenne • Airframe Parts • Accessories, bellcranks • Bushings, cowling • Cables, gears, spars • OHC Rotables • Propellers .com/props.htm • and a whole lot more! Free online ! inventory Search We also stock some: Champion Oil Filters Donaldson Air Filters and Gill Batteries. to help complete your order. Preferred Airparts, LLC Division of JILCO Industries Inc. 11234 Hackett Rd, PO Box 12 Kidron, Ohio 44636 USA 800-433-0814 Toll free US and Canada 330-698-0280 PH 330-698-3164 FAX Sales Hours 7:15am to 8:00pm EST. We Buy inventories of parts for nearly anything, also tired or damaged Cessna twins, Caravans, Citations, engines and propellers. Comanche Flyer • 3 C O M A N C H E The Circle of Life by Tom Larkin Larry Larkin’s first Comanche, N6337P, which he had for about 10 years. The Twin Comanche, N7908Y, which Larry Larkin owned for almost 20 years. A s long as I can remember, I’ve loved Comanches and flying. However, when I look back, I don’t think I had much of a choice. Allow me to explain what I call “the circle of life.” When my dad was a young man, he had always wanted to fly. Coming from humble beginnings, and without a higher education, it seemed to be a distant dream. Add to that a tour of duty in a war, and a new wife and four kids, and the closest he could get to flying was the first generation of radio4 • Comanche Flyer controlled (RC) airplanes. However, as the story is told, that all changed one fateful day when the new RC airplane he had some $300 wrapped into, lost control and crashed. Deprived of his new toy and depressed at his loss, he came upon an ad in the paper for a one-fifth share of an Ercoupe for only $500. Here was his chance to fly the real thing at the same basic cost as one of his models … life would never be the same. He whisked through lessons to get his private pilot’s license, and set off the following week to fly from San Jose, Calif. to Bloomington, Ill. to show off his new skills to his mom and siblings. Yes, over the Rockies and across the country with 85hp, a pack of cigarettes, and a full tank of gas … that’s how it was done in the 60s! Realizing the challenges of paying for his new hobby with a family to support, he quickly became an instructor to earn pay while flying. Some five years later and after a few moves, he became the proud new owner of a slightly used Comanche 180 – N6337P. (continued on page 6) APRIL 2013 Spirit Tom and Bud Larkin who flew 7708Y to surprise Larry for his 80th birthday. COVER STORY Larry and Tom with the younger Larkin’s Twin Comanche. APRIL 2013 Comanche Flyer • 5 Volunteer Pilots Needed Volunteer Pilots Needed Volunteers flying for the environment since 1979. Volunteers flying for the environment since 1979. Tom Larkin’s Twin Comanche, N7708Y. poodle in one of our laps. It probably While I don’t necessarily remember wouldn’t have been too bad if I didn’t a lot about that airplane, I can vividly remember many a day fighting off moshave a problem with air sickness! (For With the money from the sale of Phone: Phone: 307-332-3242 quitoes while307-332-3242 handing my dad a wrench some reason, nobody wanted to sit next his single and a new partner, my dad out on the ramp at Boca Airport. It was to me. I’ve since recovered from that became the proud new owner of a Twin problem, but I digress.) At about the the beginning of a relationship that my Comanche – N7980Y. As with most 10-year point, my father saw the need brother, Bud, and I still cherish, as we partnerships, this one came to an end both still fly and work in aviation. My for a twin. In those days, his employer, fairly quickly. My dad got transferred father was a proud Comanche 180 IBM, would reimburse him for the gas to Atlanta, so he was forced to buy out used on business trips. Since a lot of owner for approximately 10 years. We his partner’s half. The love affair with his flying was at night or IFR, he felt a took family vacations with him and my6th Vertical N7980Y lasted almost 20 years! There mom in the front seat, and the four of twin would be safer … and so a new were many trips to ICS meetings and us kids shoved into the back with our chapter began. events with my mom, business trips, vacations, and even the occasional lesson which added up to some 2,500 hours in my dad’s logbook. The Comanche never let him down, and on two occasions, that second engine came in real handy, if you know what I mean. Volunteer Pilots Needed Volunteers flying for the environment since 1979. Phone: 307-332-3242 • 6 • Comanche Flyer During this time, my father served in many capacities with the ICS. We all remember the year he was president, and we had what we viewed as the “red” phone in our house for ICS business. Back then, none of the kids were allowed to answer that phone; it was for ICS business only! It’s funny how life used to be. APRIL 2013 6th Horizontal As you would expect, my dad came in town to give me advice on both flying and maintaining my airplane, and he was the first person I took for a ride. I’m embarrassed to say his landings were considerably better than mine, but he’s had more practice! His knowledge of the systems was invaluable. I even called him one time from my cell phone when I had a challenge with my gear. I wanted to make sure I was using the right procedure for alternate gear extension. I guess I got it right, because it rolled to a stop! APRIL 2013 Extended Range, Gross Weight Increase, more useful load, Lower Engine & Airframe Maintenance Phone: 800-963-8477 • (760)245-8477 • Fax: (760)245-5735 My father eventually sold his Twin Comanche about the time I was leaving the Air Force, and I really wanted to buy it. But with no certainty of my future and a new set of twins (the real kind), I just couldn’t do it. After the sale of the Twin Comanche, my dad would go flying with us when he came to visit. I managed to get him up several times in an RV-6, RV-7, Christen Eagle, and I even bought him a ride in a P-51 Mustang, but it just wasn’t the same. He is a Comanche man at heart. So about two years ago, I got the opportunity to buy a very used Twin Comanche for a great price, and I jumped on it. My “very own” Twin Comanche – N7708Y. Tip Tank Kits 18173 Osborne Rd, Victorville, CA 92394 • • E-mail: Growing up, Bud and I both learned to first fly with radio-controlled airplanes, and then the real thing. Bud went off to work as an air traffic controller, and I joined the Air Force as a pilot. My father was at my graduation from pilot training and OTS, and I always wanted to take him up for “just one ride!” During one of my lower points in life when I was a furloughed airline pilot, Bud bought me a ride in a Decathalon to keep me motivated about flying. Some six months later, he and I went into partnership on our first airplane, an RV-6. I can still remember calling my dad and sending him pictures. One of my proudest moments was taking him up in our airplane. Although my dad had very little tail-wheel time in his logbook, you certainly couldn’t tell. His skills were as sharp as ever. •Fifteen(15)U.S.gallonseach, aluminumtiptanks. •LEDnavigationlightsnowavailable. •OsborneTipTankKitsareoriginal Piperfactoryequipment. AerodynamicEfficient • IncreasedStability G rossWeightIncrease • AluminumConstructed SystemChoices • ProductQuality CustomerApproval • ProductSupport FAA approved installation kits in stock. Distributors for JP Instruments, Whelen Lighting, and Shadin Extended discount pricing for ICS MEMBERS AIRCRAFT COVERS & ENGINE PLUGS TOLL FREE: 800.777.6405 phone: 408.738.3959 fax: 408.738.2729 e-mail: WWW.AIRCRAFTCOVERS.COM Bruce’s Custom Covers, 989 E. California Ave. Sunnyvale, CA 94085 Comanche Flyer • 7 Bud (left) and Tom (right) with their dad, Larry, taking in some aviation. Larry with the P-51 Mustang he got to fly. The “Twinkie,” as we refer to her, has been a great airplane. Bud and I used it to surprise my dad for his 80th birthday, and I took a “Daddy and Daughter” trip to Oshkosh last year. We flew there in formation with a Turbo 210, and we put in less gas than the 210 after four-and-a-half hours of flying! I love my twin. However, as things change and families change, so do planes. I am back with the airlines and I have no time to travel, so I am selling the twin for now to get back into aerobatics with a Staudacher. I fully expect to have a Twinkie again in the future, so I will stay an ICS member, but for now it just won’t pull enough “Gs”. What is my most memorable trip in a Comanche? That’s easy. It was a trip with my father for our very first visit to Oshkosh. It was two weeks before I entered the Air Force and essentially moved away from home forever. My second most memorable trip was taking my daughter there 28 years later. To most, Oshkosh is a convention centered around experimental aircraft. But to me, the Comanche is a pivotal part of my best memories at Oshkosh. guess what he’s building in his garage? A brand new RC PA-30 Twin Comanche with electric engines, flaps, gear, and all the bells and whistles! I’m not sure who wants to see it fly more, my dad or me. I am very blessed that my dad is still around. Most people don’t realize how great their dad is until he’s gone. I realize it every chance I have to talk with him. If you haven’t guessed it yet, my dad is the legendary Comanche Guru (at least in my eyes) Larry Larkin – a great pilot, a great friend, and an awesome dad. The RC Twin Comanche that Larry is building in his garage. So what’s this about the circle of life? You see, now that I am based in Houston, I can drive to visit my dad in Georgetown, Texas on my days off. And guess what we do when we’re together? We go out to the field and fly RC airplanes together once again. As always, his landings are better than mine, but he has more practice! And 8 • Comanche Flyer APRIL 2013 LETTER TO THE EDITOR Ditching a Comanche F lying back to LAX from TPA February 12, 2013, my seat row partner was talking about your organization. I mentioned to him that I was a Comanche 250 owner until I made an emergency ditching off the coast of Catalina, Calif. on Easter Sunday 1987 at 7:30 p.m. I thought I should write your group about this incident because there are some very interesting facts about ditching a Comanche. Maybe your archives already have this information and a few Comanches have already “shown the way” to a successful ditching. I was clueless as to what I was doing as N5596P made its last turn to avoid a sailboat mast at Two Harbors Marina. I leveled the wings and flew it into the ocean...absolutely focused on making the smoothest landing I could. We had all donned life vests just minutes earlier. The nano-second I felt the belly touch water, I pulled the throttle back and gave a strong full aft pull on the wheel. We decelerated smoothly, and literally skied across the water like only your imagination could dream of. My most enlightening discovery, post-water landing, was the stabilator and water impact. I believe the stabilator acted as a diving wing and dove the empennage down which kept the nose up and allowed for a smooth deceleration. Let’s Keep ’em Flying! Engine Baffles • Replacement Landing Gear Wire Harness Kits • Stabilator Services • Conduit and Harness Installation Service SOUTHWEST FLORIDA 877-593-6944 Toll-Free 239-404-7524 Cell Four adults, no luggage, 40 gallons of fuel, gear retracted, zero flaps, and speed steady with no stalling; I just flew it into the water. There were no shoulder harnesses, just lap belts, and no injuries. Just 15 minutes of wondering what was going to happen at the end of a descent. A few days later, I had a full set of 35mm Nikon motor drive camera pictures of the event. Apparently, a sailor was monitoring the radio and understood what was transpiring. His photos made it obvious that his boat was my initial barrier causing me to turn away from the beach, level and impact. I love stabilators! Ron Warner WARREN GREGOIRE & ASSOCIATES LLC 1933 DAVIS STREET, SUITE 276 SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 VOICE 510-633-9353, FAX 510-633-9355 WEBSITE APRIL 2013 Comanche Flyer • 9 2012-2013 ICS Board Of Directors President: Secretary: Vice President Treasurer: Zach Grant, ICS #15515, NC Tribe 6736 Chapel Hill Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46214 Cell: (317) 201-4293 Email: Bob Cretney, ICS #2269, SC Tribe 428 McDaniel Rd Ferris, TX 75125 Cell: (214) 725-6584 Email: Jerry Jesion, ICS #14746, NC Tribe 26980 Coachlight Woodhaven MI 48183 Ph: (734) 692-6152 Email: Pat Donovan, ICS #12246, MS Tribe 421 Piper Ct. Troy, MO 63379 Phone: (636) 462-8370 Email: Past President: Bernie Mazurek, ICS #7947, NC Tribe 7612 Camminare Dr. Sarasota, FL 34238 Ph: (941) 922-7931 Cell: (734) 717-4946 Email: CFF President: (non-voting) Lorne Harmon, ICS #12436, SW Tribe 1491 Northridge, Prescott, AZ 86301 Ph: (928) 717-2630 Email: Tribe Representatives and Chiefs Southeast: Tribe Chief/Tribe Rep Phillip Hobbs, ICS #10509 Ph: (704) 360-4754 Email: Northeast Tribe Tribe Chief/Tribe Rep Bernie Stumpf, ICS #7300 25 Littlebrook Rd. Westerly RI 02891 Ph: (401) 348-0997 Email: North Central: Tribe Chief Bob Williams, ICS #13853 647 Robins Gate Akron, OH 44319 Ph: (330) 867-6711 Cell: (330) 592-3111 Email: Tribe Rep Cliff Wilewski 1651 Grumman Drive Rockford IL 61109 Ph: (815) 395-0500 Cell: (815) 979-7785 Email: Mid States: South Central: Europe: Tribe Rep Hugh Hunton, ICS #6821 2569 Barron Road Keithville LA 71047 Ph: (318) 925-2302 Email: Tribe Rep Monica Rehkopf, ICS #14462 Am Loh 5 Siggenhofen 85570 Germany Ph: 49-8121-229333 (h) 49-8121 229333 (w) Email: Tribe Chief Bob Cretney, ICS #2269 428 McDaniel Rd Ferris, TX 75125 Ph: (214) 725-6584 Cell: (214) 725-6584 Email: W. Canada: Tribe Chief/Tribe Rep Ken Mori, ICS #3894 1433 Copper Mountain Court Vernon BC V1B 3Y7 Canada Ph: 250-545-2491 (home) Email: E. Canada: Tribe Chief/Tribe Rep Stewart Campbell, ICS #16294 229 Yellow Birch Drive Kitchner ON N2N 2P4 Canada Ph: (519) 568-7491 Email: Tribe Chief/Tribe Rep Carl M Talkington, ICS #3208 180 Peregrine Circle Broomfield CO 80020-1275 Ph: (303) 460-8127 Cell: (720) 560-4862 Southwest: Tribe Chief Ed Moore, ICS # 12926 456 S Sierra Way San Bernardino CA 92408-1425 Ph: (909) 888-9859 Email: Tribe Rep Scott Myers, ICS #16819 1041 Jasmine Ct. Vista, CA 92081 Ph: (760)727-7444 (w) Cell: (760)-519-8604 Email: Northwest: Tribe Chief Dennis Springer, ICS #10237 4796 Drew St. N.E. Salem, OR 97305 Ph: (503) 390-9444 Email: Tribe Rep Bill Case, ICS # 16889 P.O. Box 549 Lebanon OR 97355 Ph: (541) 259-5557 Cell: (503) 260-2473 Email: 10 • Comanche Flyer Tribe Chief Barrie Taylor, ICS #13930 16 Church Lane South Creake NR21 9LX UK Ph: 00 44 1328823560 Email: S. Africa: Tribe Chief/Tribe Rep Russell Knowles, ICS #16469 Box 1114, Halfway House 1685 South Africa Ph/Fax: +27 11 8052902 Cell: +27827809228 Email: Australia: Tribe Chief/Tribe Rep John Moore 10 Cooper Grove Strathfieldsaye VIC 3551 Australia Ph: +61-3-5439-3293 Email: 2012-13 ICS Standing Committees & Chairpersons: Historical – Chair: Bruce Thumann, SC Information Technology – Chair: Dave Fitzgerald, NC Technical Resources – Chair: Zach Grant, NC Finance & Budget – Chair: Pat Donovan, MS Bylaws, Standing & Special Rules – Chair: Don W. Nelson, NW Nominating – Chair: Dave Fitzgerald, NC Nominating Committee: George Richmond, MS Don Nelson, NW Flagship – Chair: Cliff Wilewski, NC Elections – Chair: Sally Williams, SE Editorial Review – Chair: Zach Grant, NC Editorial Committee: Bernie Mazurek, NC Dave Fitzgerald, NC Lorne Harmon, SW Hank Spellman, NC Fleet Airworthiness – Chair: Dave Fitzgerald, NC Fleet Airworthiness Committee: Hans Neubert, SW – Co-Chairman Dave Fitzgerald, NC – Co-Chairman Annual Convention – Chair: Shirley Nelson, NW APRIL 2013 MAINTENANCE RESOURCE ADVISORS Pat Barry Ph: (949) 362-1600 on Pacific Time E-mail: Lucky Louque Ph: (903) 345-9198 Email: Cliff Wilewski Ph: (815) 395-0500, Cell: (815) 979-7785 E-mail: Certified flight instructors who have completed a CFF training program ICS TOOL LOAN PROGRAM The International Comanche Society, Inc. (ICS) publishes this list in the spirit of open discussion. The opinions, statements and claims made by the instructors are their own and not those of the International Comanche Society (ICS) or the Comanche Flyer Foundation, Inc. (CFF). The listed CFIs have undergone an extensive training program specializing in the Comanches. ICS and CFF assume no responsibility for any actions between its members and the listed CFIs. Dave Clark Ph: (817) 860-4393 Email: Zach Grant Cell: (317) 201-4293 Email: (Email preferred contact) Karl Hipp Ph: (970) 963-3755 Email: CFF-Trained CFIs Matt Kurke 8192 Sanctuary Drive, Unit 1 Naples, FL 34104 Ph: (239) 593-6944 COMANCHE FOUNDATION, INC. INC. COMANCHE FLYER FOUNDATION, Maurice Programs Maurice Taylor Video Programs COMANCHE FLYER FOUNDATION, INC. Take advantage advantage of of Maurice’s Maurice’s knowledge, these Take expert knowledge, captured captured on onINC. these COMANCHE FLYER FOUNDATION, Maurice Taylor Programs professionally produced Great tools for professionally produced videos. Video for mechanics, mechanics,too. too. Maurice Taylor Video Programs Take advantage of Maurice’s expert knowledge, captured on these Program Walk-around Program 1: Preflight Walk-around Take advantage of Maurice’s expert knowledge, captured on too. these Program 2: videos. Tech Tips: A tools Closer professionally produced Great forLook mechanics, Program Closer Look COMANCHE FLYER FOUNDATION, INC. professionally produced videos. Great tools for mechanics, too. Program 3: Comanche Landing Gear Program 1: Preflight Walk-around Program Landing Gear Maurice Taylor Video Programs Program Preflight Program Flight Tips Program Tech Tips: Walk-around A Closer Look Program 4:2:1: Single Comanche Flight Tips Take advantage of Maurice’s expert knowledge, captured on these Program 2: Tech Tips: A Closer Look Program Flight Tips Program5:3:Twin Comanche Landing Gear Program Comanche Flight Tips professionally produced videos. Great tools for mechanics, too. Program 3: Comanche Landing Gear (Programs 1-3 apply apply to both both the twin Program 4: Single Comanche Flight Tips (Programs 1-3 to the single single and and twin models.) models.) Program 1: Preflight Walk-around Program 4: Single Comanche Flight Tips Program 5: programs Twin Comanche Flight Tips All five five programs on DVD. All onAone one DVD. Program 2: Twin Tech Tips: Closer Look Program 5: Comanche Flight Tips (Programs 1-3 apply to both the single and twin models.) DVD each $101.00 plus shipping (North America $4.00, elsewhere DVD each $101.00 plus shipping (North America $4.00, elsewhere$7.00) $7.00) Program 3: Comanche Landing Gear (Programs 1-3 apply to both the single and twin models.) All and five programs onlonger oneFlight DVD. VHS and4:PAL PAL tapesComanche are no available VHS tapes are no longer available Program Single Tips Allshipping five programs on one$4.00, DVD. DVD each $101.00Program plus (North America $7.00) Books 5: Twin Comanche Flight elsewhere Tips Books DVD each $101.00 plus shipping (North America $4.00, elsewhere $7.00) Todd Underwood - AZ (Phoenix/Prescott) Single/Twin, (623) 202-6910 Bill Archer - AZ (Phoenix/Mesa) Single/Twin, (480) 203-3043 Kristin Winter - CA (Northern) Single & Twin, (707) 477-4727 Zach Grant - IN (Indianapolis) Single/Twin, (317) 201-4293 Steve Smith - MT Single/Twin, (406) 425-0754 VHS and PALto tapes are longer (Programs apply both theno single andavailable twin models.) Intothe the Wind: Wind: The1-3 Story of Max Conrad by Buegeleisen Into The Story Max Conrad by Sally Sally Buegeleisen VHS and PAL of tapes are no longer available Books Enjoy this account of the life and feats of legendary pilot Max Conrad, including fiveand programs on one DVD. Enjoy this account ofAll the life feats of legendary pilot Max Conrad, including Books his record setting flights in our own Comanche N110LF. pb, 264pp. Into the Wind: The Story of Max Conrad by Sally Buegeleisen his record setting in our ownAmerica Comanche N110LF. pb, 264pp. DVD each $101.00 plusflights shipping (North $4.00, elsewhere $7.00) Into the Wind: Story(North of Max Conrad byelsewhere: SallyConrad, Buegeleisen Price: $21.50 plus plus shipping (North America: $5.00: $12.00.) Enjoy this $21.50 account ofThe the life pilot Max including Price: shipping America: $5.00: elsewhere: $12.00.) VHS and and PALfeats tapes of arelegendary no longer available Enjoy his thisrecord account of the life and feats of legendary pilot Max Conrad, including setting flights in our own Comanche N110LF. pb, 264pp. PA-30& & Multi-Engine Multi-Engine Flying Flying by Alice S. Fuchs. pb, 68pp. Books PA-30 by Alice S. Fuchs. pb, 68pp. his record setting flights in our own Comanche N110LF. pb, 264pp. Price: $21.50 plus shipping (North America: $5.00: elsewhere: $12.00.) Price $9.00 plus shipping shipping (North America: $2.00; elsewhere: $4.50.) Into the Wind: The Story(North of Max Conrad by elsewhere: Sally Buegeleisen Price $9.00 plus (North America: $2.00; elsewhere: $4.50.) Price: $21.50 plus shipping America: $5.00: $12.00.) PA-30 &account Multi-Engine Flying by Alice S.pilot Fuchs. 68pp.including Enjoy this of the life and feats of legendary Max pb, Conrad, Please fill out to order PA-30 & plus Multi-Engine Flying by Alice S. Fuchs. pb, 68pp. merchandise purchases and/or your donations can be Please fill out to any order PriceThese $9.00 shipping (North $2.00; elsewhere: $4.50.) his record setting in America: our own Comanche N110LF. pb, 264pp. Please circleflights items above and indicate multiple quantities. Price $9.00 plus shipping (North America: $2.00; elsewhere: $4.50.) Please circle items above and indicate any multiple quantities. made through CFF on(North the ICS website withelsewhere: either a credit Price: $21.50 plus shipping America: $5.00: $12.00.) Item(s) cost: _______________ Please Add all shipping: _____________Order Total: _________________ fill out to order card or our newly availabe PayPal option. Please visit: Item(s) cost: _______________ Add all shipping: _____________Order Total: _________________ Please fill out to any order PA-30 & Multi-Engine Flying Alice S.multiple Fuchs. pb, 68pp. Please circle items above andby indicate quantities. Please circle items above and indicate any multiple quantities. Price $9.00 plus shipping (North America: $2.00; elsewhere: $4.50.) George Richmond - NE (Omaha) Single and Twin, (402) 350-1915 TO ORDER BY MAIL Please fill outPLEASE to order FILL OUT Dennis R. Carew – WI Twin & Single, (920) 749-9558 Item(s) cost: _______________ Add all shipping: _____________Order Total: _________________ Item(s) cost: _______________ Add all shipping: _____________Order Total: _________________ Please circle items above and indicate any multiple quantities. Item(s) cost: _______________ Add all shipping: _____________Order Total: _________________ William Harris – VA Single & Twin, (540) 731-4772 Steve Zaboji – VA Single & Twin, (703) 471-1764 Mail to: CFF c/o Shirley Nelson, 925 Ludwick Avenue, Blaine, WA 98230-5109 Ship to name: ____________________________________________________ Telephone: 360-671-7388, Fax: 360-671-7388 Ship toAddress: name: ____________________________________________________ Street ___________________________________________________ Street Address: ___________________________________________________ Enclose check or money order State: made______________________ payable to CFF. City: ________________________________ Ship to name: ____________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State: ______________________ Zip Code: ____________________________ Country: ___________________ Ship toAddress: name: ____________________________________________________ Street ___________________________________________________ Zip Code: ____________________________ Country:____________________ ___________________ Telephone: ___________________________ E-Mail: Street Address: ___________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State: ______________________ Telephone: ___________________________ E-Mail: ____________________ City: ________________________________ ______________________ Zip Code: ____________________________ State: Country: ___________________ Ship to name: ____________________________________________________ COMANCHE FLYER FOUNDATION, INC. Zip Code: ____________________________ Country: ___________________ Telephone: ___________________________ E-Mail: ____________________ COMANCHE FLYER FOUNDATION, INC. Street Address: ___________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________ E-Mail: ____________________ City: ________________________________ State: ______________________ COMANCHE FLYER FOUNDATION, INC. Zip Code: ____________________________ Country: ___________________ COMANCHE FLYER FOUNDATION, INC. Telephone: ___________________________ E-Mail: ____________________ APRIL 2013 COMANCHE FLYER FOUNDATION, INC. Comanche Flyer • 11 ICS Tent Staffing at AirVenture by Pat Donovan F or the past several years, ICS has had a tent at AirVenture where we host maintenance seminars, have refreshments and places for members to rest tired feet, sell ICS “goodies,” and dish out a huge helping of camaraderie. Last year we had over 75 ICS people stop by, and I even talked to two folks who were looking to buy Comanches and wanted the scoop on what to look for, etc. This coming year, we are planning to have a PA24-250 actually positioned in front of the tent as an enticement for folks to drop by. EAA requires ICS to staff the tent from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. each day and we would like to have two people there at all times. EAA also gives ICS some entrance wristbands for our tent “employees.” Guess what? You can be an “employee” and “earn” a wristband by working a four-hour shift – either 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. or 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. This equates to four shifts and wristbands available per day. Daily wristbands cost $28 or $43 per day if purchased on site. I go to AirVenture for many reasons and, yes, one of them is to talk Comanche at the ICS tent. I suspect many of you are the same way. So how about signing up to spend some of your time getting “paid” for doing what you will be doing anyway? Thedatesforthisyear’sAirVentureareJuly 29-August 4. Contact me for details and to get on the schedule. I can be reached at or (636) 462-8370. PDF Download Problems on ICS Web Site S ome members have been having problems opening pdf files on the ICS web site. Everyone should be running Adobe PDF Reader, version 11, or a good alternate such as the PDF reader from Foxitsoftware Foxit Reader. To get Adobe PDF Reader, version 11, go to: http://get. Earlier versions of Adobe had a lot of security vulnerabilities and other issues, so most browsers and applications have started to block the earlier versions. 12 • Comanche Flyer APRIL 2013 PILOT’S OPERATING HANDBOOK AND FAA APPROVED AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL “Formerly Published And Produced by the late Douglas L. Killough” Piper Aircraft ceased production of the Comanche and Twin Comanche in 1972, several years before the General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) established specifications for the contemporary Pilot’s Operating Handbook (POH). As a result, the Owner’s Handbook published by Piper is incomplete by modern standards. Now available EXCLUSIVELY from the INTERNATIONAL COMANCHE SOCIETY, INC., through it’s licensed agents, is the upgraded Pilot’s Operating Handbook and FAA approved GAMA format Airplane Flight Manual. Discounted to current ICS members at $75.00 each, plus shipping (must ask for ICS member discount and provide ICS membership number when placing order). Available only through Webco Aircraft at 316-283-7929 or Available Bound or Unbound/Un-punched. There are SIXTEEN different GAMA format manuals available for the Piper Single and Twin Comanche. Please order your manual by “Manual Number 1-16” from the chart below. TO ORDER CALL WEBCO AIRCRAFT AT 316-283-7929 OR WWW.WEBCOAIRCRAFT.COM. Specify “Bound” or “Unbound/Un-punched.” Order Qty Manual Number Model Gross Weight Year(s) Mfg Flight Manual Report Number SN Begin SN End 01.) 180 2550 1957-64 1047 24-1 3687 02.) 250 2800 1958-60 997 103 2298 03.) 250 2900 1961 1127 2299 2843 04.) 250 2900 1962-64 1179 2844 3687 05.) 250 2900 1962-64 1220 (FI) 2844 3687 06.) 260 2900 1965 1334 4000 4299 07.) 260 2900 1965 1333 (Carb) 4000 4299 Singles: Not Avail 08.) 260B 3100 1966-68 1359 4300 4803 09.) 260B 3100 1966-68 1358 (Carb) 4300 4803 10.) 260C 3200 1969-72 1545 4804 5028 11.) 260T 3200 1970-72 1640 (Turbo) 4901 5028 12.) 400 3600 1964-65 1295 26-3 148 13.) PA30 3600 1963-68 1269 30-2 1744 1969 1515 1745 2000 (continued on page 25) Twins: 14.) APRIL 2013 PA30T 3725 1964-68 1269 (Turbo) 143 1744 1969 1515 (Turbo) 1745 2000 15.) PA39 3600 1970-72 1605 39-1 155 16.) PA39T 3725 1970-72 1605 (Turbo) 1 155 Comanche Flyer • 13 FEATURE Comanche Flyer Needs your Stories, Tips and Tricks! SEPTEMBER 2012 VOLUME 39, NO. 9 Publication of Membership The Official tional The InternaSociety Comanche Share your Comanche Knowledge with your Fellow ICS Members D o you have a good technical tip or overhaul story you can share? What about a flying experience or recent instructional experience where you’d learned a lesson from which all pilots could benefit? Maybe a trip you took in your Comanche that you’d recommend to others. We also desperately need in-flight photos of your Comanche to feature on the cover of the Flyer (needs to be at least 1 MB in size to print well). Anything you can share that would be helpful to fellow ICS members, we need you to send in your information! You don’t have to be a writer by trade, just put your thoughts down and tell your story – it will be edited, if needed. Below is a list of regular columns in the Flyer, and a few new ones that have been suggested (the word count provided is only an average to help guide you). Cover photo/Comanche Spirit – Not only do you get to have your Comanche on the cover of the Flyer, but we like to feature the owner so ICS members can get to know you better. You can fill out an owner questionnaire and the editor will write a story about you, or you can submit your own. Average length is 1,000 words. Maintenance Q & A – Do you have a question regarding maintenance on your Comanche? Send it in and we’ll have our Technical Directors suggest some solutions. As questions come in and a reader has an alternate solution, they can send them in as well. This would be an ongoing format for maintenance discussion. Letters to the Editor – Send in your comments about an article you read in a past Comanche Flyer. Or you can also send items of interests you’d like to share with other Comanche owners that may not be long enough for an article. Really, we’d like to hear from you! From the Logbook – If you have a trip that you’d recommend to other members, or a particular “adventure” you’ve taken in your Comanche that you’d like to share, this is the column! We have featured trips in story and journal formats. Average length is 1,500 words. Technically Speaking – We like to feature technical information you have found useful in maintaining your Comanche. Maybe it was an ongoing problem that you finally found a solution or you want to warn other owners of an issue that occurred with your airplane. Anything technical is featured in this column. Average length is 500-1,200 words. Product/Vendor Information – Did you have a good experience with a vendor that you’d like to share or have you recently purchased a product that you’d recommend to other ICS members? The best information that most owners get is from others who have experienced it, so share with us! Average length is 250-750 words. 14 • Comanche Flyer Fly-In Reports – A pretty popular column, but we don’t see the experiences some of the tribes are having. Send us your story. We’d like to hear how your Tribe is getting together and sharing the camaraderie. Average length is 250500 words. Best of the Flyer – This is an easy one. If you know of an article in past Flyers that you found useful and you think needs repeating, send a copy and we’ll reprint it. If you have a story that you don’t feel fits into any of the above categories, send it anyway. Most issues include feature stories and we’d like to hear from you. What do you enjoy learning or reading about in the Flyer? Do you have something you can contribute? We’d like to hear from you! Send your contributions and ideas to Editor Kim Blonigen at kblonigen@, or 2031 S. Beech, Wichita, KS 67207. APRIL 2013 F.A.A. Certified Repair Station VI4R597M Custom Engine Overhaul “The top-rated shop” Aviation Consumer March 2010 2-YEAR 500-HOUR WARRANTY Call L.J. or Herman 800-204-0735 Website: • E-mail: ICS 12289 PA-30 N808N Help Us Get to Know You! Order an ICS Name Badge Today Wear an ICS name badge at fly-ins, air shows and all aviation events. Actual size is 2 X 3 inches. Blue on white plastic with 3-color ICS logo. $10 includes shipping in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Overseas, add $1 per order. For additional badges, use this format on plain paper. Enclosed is $_______________ for _____ badges Type or print CLEARLY (What we see is what you’ll get.) 1. Nickname ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Name _______________________________________________________________________ 3. City & State __________________________________________________________________ 4. Plane # _________________ Tribe ______________________ ICS # ____________________ Nonmembers should leave ICS # blank or show crew title. Choice for above badge (circle one) SAFETY PIN ALLIGATOR CLIP Please make checks payable to Doris Click and send to: 228 Doolittle St., Orlando, FL 32839-1474 APRIL 2013 Comanche Flyer • 15 ONLINE INTELLIGENCE Oil Change Increments From the Comanche Owner’s Forum I have oil that has been in the plane for about 10 months, but it has only flown 10 hours or so. It looks clean as new, but I know it can break down just sitting. It is EXXON synthetic, top of their line. Would you fly it, or change it, simply due to calendar time? ___________________________________ IIRC Lycoming says to change oil every 50 hours or four months, whichever comes first. So I’d change it and fly more often. ___________________________________ I’d change it. A year is enough, I think. All of my “toys” (mower, garden tractor, snow blower, ATVs, generators) get the oil changed at least once a year, usually more. I use AeroShell 15-50 for 35-45 hours, but, given less flying for the 310, I’ll change it seasonally, at least every six months. As a grizzled old boat diesel mechanic once told me, “oil, filters and fuel are cheap.” ___________________________________ 16 • Comanche Flyer Thanks. I was just thinking that it looked new with few hours, and what’s the difference of it in the sump or in the bottle? Plus my motor is 1950 hours, so what am I overly concerned about when oil is six bucks a quart. But, you are probably right ___________________________________ Oil becomes acidic. In oil before it is refined sulfur exists, and while it is treated, some remains in the fuel that we burn. The residual sulfur goes out the exhaust, and some is scavenged by the oil and remains in suspension, along with lead and carbon. If the sulfur becomes hydrated, it forms sulfuric acid which then eats away at your engine, causing pitting. ___________________________________ Your oil looks clean because the engine is burning cleanly and there is very little carbon in the oil. That doesn’t mean that other impurities have not accumulated. ___________________________________ If you flew the plane now, it’s unlikely that you’d notice any deleterious effects, but I’d change the oil and the filter. I’ve found that the lead accumulation in the filter loads up the new oil immediately, so you should change both the oil and the filter together. Pat ___________________________________ Pretty much what Pat said. Because we are air cooled and have a wider variation of cylinder temperatures, the tolerances on our engines are much greater than a water-cooled engine. Because of this, there is more blow-by. These combustion gases make the oil more acidic. Although conventional aviation oils have additives to neutralize the acids, these additives become depleted over time. ___________________________________ Changing the oil in your aircraft frequently or flying it more often are essential to the life of your engine. Corrosion in the cylinders is bad, but APRIL 2013 Get Oiled Before You Start! Install an Oilamatic Aircraft Engine Preoiler Excellence Defined. Performance Driven. Top Prop for Piper. ™ Experience enhanced performance from one or more significant benefits: shorter take-off distance, lower noise levels, better ground clearance, reduced tip erosion, increased climb rates & cruise speeds, and smoother operation. It’s what you expect from the market leader. Arrow & Turbo Arrow REDUCE ENGINE WEAR! Up to 70% of engine wear is caused by insufficient lubrication during start. Cherokee 235 & Dakota Unbeatable Plus Three™ warranty – 3 years or 1,000 hours. Seneca II & III Malibu/Mirage (3-Blade Composite) Built on Honor – since 1917. PIPER Certified on Comanches and Twin Comanches Comanche 180 (2-blade) Comanche 260 Twin Comanche (2-blade) P.O. Box 5284 • Englewood, CO 80155 (303) 770-0175, 1-800-343-7623, FAX (303) 793-0493 APRIL 2013 Tel: 1-800-942-PROP (7767) or (937) 778-4201 TOP PROP Email: TOP PROP PERFORMANCE CONVERSIONS PERFORMANCE CONVERSIONS Comanche Flyer • 17 Lance & Turbo Lance Che rebuilding or replacing cylinders is much cheaper than a major overhaul should your cam and lifters become corroded. Adding Camguard may help as it has a very powerful combination of corrosion inhibitors in addition to seal conditioners and anti-wear components. I’d be more inclined to extend the time interval between oil changes if I used Camguard with my oil. ___________________________________ For me it’s six months or 35 hours flying time between changes. I can tell when it’s time because oil consumption increases. Usually I see that somewhere between 30 and 35 hours on my T210, and closer to 40 hours on my baby Comanche. ___________________________________ Thanks. One of my points was that I have 50 hours left until suggested OH (1950 approx), so how much damage can really be a factor on a run-out engine anyway? ___________________________________ If you let your camshaft corrode and pit or worse, your crankshaft will cost more to overhaul. Gary ___________________________________ I didn’t catch the hours since overhaul. Still, you might go to TBO-plus if you take care of the engine. If you are going to overhaul at TBO, then oil life is the least of your worries. Writing that $20,000 check is painful though. ___________________________________ I think I’ll change it just to help with going over TBO. Compressions are all strong, only one below 70 at 69. Thesepostingsareprovidedforinformationalpurposesonly.Theviews expressed in these postings represent the opinions of individual Comanche ownersandhavenotbeenvettedbytheICStechnicalcommittee. Cost estimated at $25,500 with all new Lycoming cylinders, plus $3,000 to R&R, which the engine shop doesn’t do. Cost is $28,500. Asaresponsiblepilotandaircraftowner,youshouldalwaysseekadvicefrom anexperienced,trustedsource,suchasyourA&PorCFF-trainedCFI,before applyinganyofthetechniquesorrecommendationspresentedinthesepostings. ___________________________________ 18 • Comanche Flyer Thepostingsareprintedastheyappeared.Duetospaceconsiderations, sometimesonlyselectedpostshavebeenpublished. APRIL 2013 Heritage Aero, Inc. F o r o v e r 37 y e a rs, the Industry Choice! adlog THE ™ MAINTENANCE RECORD-KEEPING SYSTEM FOR VIRTUALLY ALL GENERAL AVIATION FIXED & ROTARY WING AIRCRAFT plus EXPERIMENTAL and HOMEBUILTS Your Midwest Comanche Specialists 14/15 color coded sections, simplify, organize and centralize all data. Provides lightning-fast retrieval of all maintenance ADs, service bulletins and inspection requirements for your aircraft. Includes AD search, text of applicable ADs, and 1 year AD revision service. Keeps you on top of all required repetitive activity- annuals, 100 hour inspections, transponder/altimeter checks, VOR checks, etc. ORGANIZED FOR LOGICAL, STRAIGHTFORWARD UPKEEP. Because adlog saves your maintenance facility valuable time, you save valuable money. E-Mail: 815-395-0500 815-395-9044 (fax) 1651 Grumman Drive Rockford, IL 61109 1-800-235-6444 FAX: 1-631-765-9359 AEROTECH PUBLICATIONS, INC. P.O. Box 1359, Southold, NY lo m PROPELLERS DOWTY HARTZELL MCCAULEY MT PROPELLER SENSENICH RAPCO DISTRIBUTOR WOODWARD PT6A LARGE INVENTORY SAME DAY SHIPPING UNCOMPROMISED QUALITY COMPETITIVE PRICES WORLD CLASS WARRANTY FACTORY TRAINED TECHNICIANS e-mail: 800-462-7605 2865 AIRPORT DRIVE ERIE, CO 80516 FAX: 303-665-7164 FAA/EASA CRS FR6R545N GOVERNORS APRIL 2013 Comanche Flyer • 19 T he Northwest Tribe is celebrating on land and sea for the 2013 ICS Convention and 40th Anniversary of ICS and we are inviting you, your family and friends to join us as we celebrate. The convention portion will be held Thursday, June 27 through Sunday, June 30 at the Holiday Inn in Renton, Wash. On Sunday, June 30, for those who choose to do so, we will board Holland America Cruise Line’s MS Oosterdam for an ICS 40th Anniversary Cruise to Alaska. Seminars We announced earlier that ICS Maintenance Resource Advisor, Cliff Wilewski, will be presenting the seminars at this 20 • Comanche Flyer year’s convention. We now have more details on what they will entail. • Storiesfromtheshopfloor–the Good, the Bad, the Ugly. On Friday morning, Cliff will be presenting a multimedia seminar on how to care for, fly, and maintain your Comanche. A few of the topics discussed will be: On Saturday morning, Cliff will present a hands-on seminar at the airport. This will be similar to the surveys that the CPPP had conducted at past weekend seminars. Don’t worry if you are not able to crawl under your Comanche. With the aid of audio-visual equipment, Cliff will display on a TV screen or monitor the different areas of the airplane so all can see. Cliff will be looking for potential problems and discrepancies, and also explain the function of certain systems and what to look for on your own airplane. Whether you are an owner/pilot, or mechanic, both of these seminars are for you. • What’sinvolvedinagoodannual inspection? What you need to know to be legal and safe. • Howmuchwillitcostandwhatcan I do as the owner/pilot to keep it to a minimum? • Pilots:Ijustflyit!Whatyoushould be aware of. • Parts, parts, where do I get the parts? APRIL 2013 CREDIT PHOTO Electronic registration available on the ICS web site ( SAN JUAN PILOTS CELEBRATING BY L LAND AND A ICS 40T 40TH ANNI ANNIV VER ERS SARY D AND SEA – International Comanche Society Convention CONVENTION NEWS Eastside Amble: Enjoy world-class wines and outdoor activities on the desert side of the Pacific Northwest Remarkable places to fly in the Pacific Northwest, Part 2 PHOTO CREDIT SAN JUAN PILOTS by Jay Hulbert, ICS #15334 T o help you plan your beforeor after-convention aviating, we’re offering some insider tips from the Northwest Tribe on interesting, scenic and fly-friendly places to visit during your stay in our neck of the woods. Last month, we presented a rundown of destinations on the beautiful San Juan Islands, near our convention airport. In this issue, we’ll go further off-shore, flying over the Cascades to the “dry side” of the Pacific Northwest, known for its world-class wines and topnotch recreation opportunities. There are several interesting places to visit on the eastern sides of Washington and Oregon. Because of its sunnier year-round climate, eastern Washington and Oregon are popular winter getaways for those who miss the sunshine on the rainier west side of the Cascades. The area also offers fantastic opportunities for visitors to experience a decidedly different brand of Northwest scenery, with a little culture and recreation thrown in for good measure. At right, is the schedule for the convention which will give you a better idea of what is planned. APRIL 2013 Days of Wine and … Onions? Walla Walla, Wash. (KALW) is widely known for its funny name and regionally recognized for its eponymous sweet onions (in season during the convention, by the way). But the area is also earning a reputation in the world of fine wine. Vintners such as DATE DAY 6/27 Thursday 6/28 Friday 6/29 Saturday 6/30 7/7 Sunday Sunday TIME 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Morning Morning Canoe Ridge, Colvin, L’Ecole No 41, Woodward Canyon, Spring Valley and Pepper Bridge ( walla.html#Wineries) are receiving a well-deserved international reputation and, best of all, these Cabernet Sauvignons and Merlots are a bargain ACTIVITY Registration Hospitality Tribe Night Dinners (on your own) Old Board Meeting Hospitality Cliff Wilewski Seminars Tour - Pike Place/Waterfront Tour - Museum of Flight CFF Meeting No Host Cocktails Dinner & Annual ICS Membership Mtg. Airport Activities Hospitality Maintenance Seminar Barbecue Lunch Flagship Judging Cocktail hour (no host) Banquet & Flagship Awards Transport to Ship Transport to Hotel Comanche Flyer • 21 compared to their much-hyped California counterparts – and you won’t encounter the infamous Napa Valley throngs here, either. Wine tasting in the Northwest is still a relatively well-kept secret outside the region, and a much lower-key event for those who like a quieter, friendlier atmosphere. Put Walla Walla on your list as a great place to stop and enjoy a meal in one of the many restaurants and cafes that feature local wine and dishes showcasing those fantastic Walla Walla sweets. Less than 100 nm from Walla Walla sits the apple-growing country of Yakima, Wash. (KYKM). The airport has a nearby golf course, Appletree, as well as full services. Not known just for its apples anymore, the Yakima area also boasts excellent wineries, including Columbia Crest, Hogue and Hedges (www. Valley%20East). Alpine Adventure Just 62 nm from Walla Walla – and a world away in topography – lies the alpine town of Joseph, Ore. (4S3), a favorite for Northwest Tribe fly-outs. The town, nestled in an Alpine valley in the northeastern corner of Oregon, is known as the state’s “Little Switzerland,” and features beautiful Wallowa Lake, the rugged Eagle Cap Wilderness area and nearby Hell’s Canyon, carved by the Snake River. An aerial tramway provides easy access to 8,150-foot Mount Howard, where you can lunch at the Summit Grill while enjoying the panoramic views. The small town of Joseph is home to a large bronze foundry that has attracted many artists and galleries to the area. To keep up with the resulting tourist trade, several good restaurants have opened up, featuring both fine dining and hearty cowboy cooking – fitting, considering the area’s cattle ranching roots. See for more information. The airport is in excellent condition, but there are limited services and you should call ahead to verify fuel availability. 22 • Comanche Flyer Downtown Walla Walla Sunriver Resort in Bend, Ore. There are several great resorts in the Eastern Washington/Idaho Central Oregon area, but I’m going to focus on my personal favorite, Sunriver Resort ( Sunriver is a planned community and golf/ski resort located near the city of Bend, and built on the foundation of Camp Abbot, a World War II training facility used to train U.S. Army Combat Engineers. Besides the resort amenities, Sunriver is a great stop for a fly-in lunch or Sunday brunch. The family-friendly resort boasts a couple of good restaurants, condo and home rentals, and an impressive lodge-style hotel. The golf courses are beautiful, and the Deschutes River runs right through the property. Activities include fly fishing, river rafting, horse and bicycle rentals, golf and, my personal favorite, just hanging out. The airport is located on the resort and has an instrument approach and fuel. When you check in approaching downwind, ask the Unicom to call the lodge and they’ll have a courtesy van waiting for you when you taxi in. Van transportation is complementary whether you are staying for a week or just having lunch. Visit for more information. Nearby Sunriver sits near the city of Bend (KBDN), a former logging and farming town that has become a Mecca for winter skiers and the summer tourists who come to enjoy fly fishing and river rafting. Bend boasts a cluster of interesting and fun shops and several great restaurants including the nationally acclaimed Blacksmith (casual Northwest-style comfort food), the Pine Tavern Inn (traditional American, good steaks) and Ariana Restaurant (seasonal specialties). Bend airport is full service. Next month, we’ll wrap up our Pacific Northwest flying suggestions with noteworthy stops in Oregon and some spectacular flight-seeing along the state’s rugged coastline. APRIL 2013 40th Anniversary Jackets and Wine Glasses T he Northwest Tribe has designed 40th Anniversary jackets that will be given to each person attending the convention who registers by April 1. We also have designed 40th Anniversary wine glasses. These will be used for our banquet on Saturday evening. At the 2007 convention, there were also wine glasses made. Several members wanted to purchase sets of the glasses and couldn’t because we hadn’t ordered extra. This year we are giving people a chance to order these glasses if they place their order before April 30. The jackets are windproof and water resistant, made with 100% polyester microfiber fabric with mesh lining. They have full zip front pockets, elastic cuffs and adjustable draw string. They are navy blue in both men’s and women’s sizes. The cost is $60.00 for men’s or women’s sizes S-XL, XXL is $62.50, and 3XL is $64.00, plus a packing and shipping cost of $10.00. The 40th Anniversary wine glasses are $6.00 each or six for $30.00, plus $10.00 packing and shipping. Because these items are 40th Anniversary items, we wanted to give members that aren’t able to attend the convention in Renton, Wash. June 27 through June 30 a chance to order, if you wish. If you have any questions, email Shirley Nelson at or call (360) 671-7388. Information on Registering for the 2013 ICS Convention and Cruise R egistration forms are sometimes hard to understand, so below are some explanations on a couple of areas where there might be a misunderstanding. 3. Hotel reservations can be made through either Travel Leaders or directly with the Holiday Inn at 1 (800) 465-4329 (mention the ICS convention). 1. Registering for the convention is with the Northwest Tribe and can be done by email or snail mail. Payment can be made by check or by using the Northwest PayPal sight on the website for credit card payments. 4. If you use Travel Leaders for your hotel reservations ((281) 492-2007), your card will be charged when you check in at the hotel. IF YOU WANT TO MAKE ANY CHANGES, ADDITIONS OR DELETIONS AFTER TRAVEL LEADERS HAS MADE YOUR RESERVATION, YOU MUST CALL THE HOTEL DIRECTLY TO MAKE THEM. PHOTO CREDIT NOAA 2. Registration for the cruise is with Travel Leaders Travel Agency only. 5. We will be offering a couple of extra side trips on Friday and the only cost will be $20 for transportation, made payable to the Northwest Tribe. Pike Place Market in Seattle has no charges, and The Boeing Museum of Flight will have a ticket cost. That cost can only be determined by the number of people interested. As soon as we have single and group ticket prices, we will publish them. APRIL 2013 Comanche Flyer • 23 International Comanche Society 40th Anniversary Cruise F or those of you who signed up to go on the cruise after the convention, below is some background information and facts about the MS Oosterdam – the vessel taking you on an extraordinary adventurer full of amazing wildlife, wonderous glaciers and rustic ports of call. Officially christened in 2003 by Her Dutch Royal Highness, Princess Margriet of the Netherlands, the MSOosterdam is the second in Holland American’s series of Vista-class ships. As such she embraces the latest 24 • Comanche Flyer industry and environmental technologies such as her use of a diesel-electric power plant for optimal energy efficiency and an Azipod propulsion system that maximizes maneuverability. Symbolic of Holland America Line's more than 135-year history of circumnavigating the globe, the centerpiece of the MSOosterdam is a magnificent Waterford crystal globe, prominently displayed in its three-story atrium. First-time cruisers aboard this ship will quickly recognize the traditional touches that make Holland America cruisers regulars: a warm palette of colors accentuating an extensive use of crystal, marble, inlaid woods and brass, lovely flower arrangements, priceless artwork and antiques and a full wraparound teak promenade deck with padded deck chairs. Passenger capacity: 1,916 Crew members: 817 Gross Tonnage: 82,305 grt. Length: 936 feet Beam: 105.8 feet Maximum speed: 24 knots APRIL 2013 DAY LOCATION ACTIVITY Sunday June 30 Seattle, Washington Puget Sound Depart 4:00 p.m. Scenic cruising Monday July 1 At Sea Tuesday July 2 Tracy Arm and Twin Sawyer Glaciers Scenic cruising Wednesday July 3 Juneau, Alaska Full day Thursday July 4 Sitka, Alaska Full day Friday July 5 Ketchikan, Alaska Morning, half day Saturday July 6 Victoria, British Columbia Evening Sunday July 7 Seattle, Washington Arrive 7:00 a.m. APRIL 2013 Comanche Flyer • 25 UPDATED REGISTRATION Return Return Return ReturnTO: TO: TO: TO:FORM ICS ICS ICS ICS40TH 40TH 40TH 40THANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSARY ANNIVERSARY ANNUAL ANNUAL ANNUAL ANNUALMEETING MEETING MEETING MEETING& & &&CONVENTION CONVENTION CONVENTION CONVENTION JUNE JUNE JUNE JUNE28 28 28 28----JULY JULY JULY JULY7,2013 7,2013 7,2013 7,2013 ICS 40TH ANNIVERSARY ANNUAL MEETING & CONVENTION(RNT) Host Host Host HostAirport: Airport: Airport: Airport: Renton Renton Renton RentonMunicipal Municipal Municipal Municipal (RNT) (RNT) (RNT) JUNE 28 - JULY 7,2013 PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONAL PERSONALINFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION Host Airport: Renton Municipal Name: Name: Name: Name: (RNT) Northwest Northwest Northwest NorthwestTribe Tribe Tribe Tribe Shirley Shirley Shirley ShirleyNelson Nelson Nelson Nelson Return TO: 925 925 925 925Ludwick Ludwick Ludwick LudwickAvenue Avenue Avenue Avenue Northwest Tribe Blaine Blaine Blaine BlaineWA WA WA WA 98230-5109 98230-5109 98230-5109 98230-5109 Shirley Nelson 925 Ludwick Avenue ICS ICS ICS ICSINFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION Blaine WA Your Your Your YourICS ICS ICS ICS #### 98230-5109 Spouse: Spouse: Spouse: Spouse: PERSONAL INFORMATION Guests: Guests: Guests: Guests: Address: Address: Address: Address: Name: Spouse: Guests: ARRIVAL ARRIVAL ARRIVAL ARRIVALINFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION Address: By By By ByComanche Comanche Comanche Comanche(RNT) (RNT) (RNT) (RNT) Date Date Date Date Arrival Arrival Arrival ArrivalTime Time Time Time Spouse Spouse Spouse SpouseICS# ICS# ICS# ICS# ICS INFORMATION Additional Additional Additional Additional Guests: Guests: Guests: Guests: Your ICS # Phone Phone Phone PhoneN N No. N No. No. NNo. Spouse ICS# Additional Guests: Registration Registration Registration Registration#### Type Type Type Type Enter Enter Enter Enter Flagship Flagship Flagship Flagship Phone NNo. Yes Yes Yes Yes□□□□ No□ No□ No□ No□ Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Airline Airline Airline Airline Date Date Date Date Arrival Arrival Arrival ArrivalTime Time Time Time Flight Flight Flight FlightNo. No. No. No. NAME NAME NAME NAME OF OF OF OFAIRLINE AIRLINE AIRLINE AIRLINE ARRIVAL INFORMATION By Comanche (RNT) Date Arrival Time Registration # Type Enter Flagship Note: Note: Note: Note: Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation is isisis provided provided provided provided by by by by the the the the Holiday Holiday Holiday Holiday Inn Inn Inn Inn from from from from both both both both Airports. Airports. Airports. Airports. Yes □ No□ Commercial Airline Date Arrival Time Flight No. NAME Number OF AIRLINE Number Number Number Price Price Price Price TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL Registration Registration Registration Registrationby by by byJan. Jan. Jan. Jan.1st 1st 1st 1st Per Per Per PerPerson Person Person Person $$$$ 220.00 220.00 220.00 220.00 Note: Transportation is provided Holiday Inn from both Airports. Registration Registration Registration Registration by by by byApr Apr Apr Apr 1st 1st 1st 1st by thePer Per Per PerPerson Person Person Person $$$$ 240.00 240.00 240.00 240.00 Registration Registration Registration Registrationafter after after afterApr1st Apr1st Apr1st Apr1st Per Per PerPerson Person Person Person 260.00 260.00 260.00TOTAL Per $$$$ 260.00 Number Price Thursday Registration included Thursday Thursday Thursday by Jan. 1st Registration Registration Registration available available available12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00to to toto5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 5:00PM included included included220.00 Registration Per Person available $ Friday Friday Friday Friday Registration,Old Registration,Old Registration,Old Registration,Old Bd Bd Bd BdMtg, Mtg, Mtg, Mtg,Seminars,Hospitality Seminars,Hospitality Seminars,Hospitality Seminars,Hospitality included included included included240.00 Registration by Apr 1st Per Person $ Friday Friday Friday FridayEvening Evening Evening Evening Annual Annual Annual Annual General General General GeneralMeeting Meeting Meeting Meeting&&&&Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner included included included included260.00 Registration after Apr1st Per Person $ Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Airport Airport Airport AirportDay,Seminars, Day,Seminars, Day,Seminars, Day,Seminars, Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch included included included included Thursday Registration available 12:00 to 5:00PM Saturday Saturday Saturday Saturday Banquet Banquet Banquet Banquet&&&&Flagship Flagship Flagship Flagship Awards Awards Awards Awards included included included included Friday Registration,Old Bd Mtg, Seminars,Hospitality 40th 40th 40th 40thAnniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Windbreaker Windbreaker Windbreaker Windbreaker Jacket** Jacket** Jacket** Jacket** included included included Friday Evening Annual General Meeting & Dinner included Sunday's Sunday's Sunday's Sunday's Transportation Transportation Transportation Transportation from from from from Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel to to to to and and and and from from from from the the the the Cruise Cruise Cruise Cruise Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00EA. EA. EA. EA. Saturday Airport Day,Seminars, Lunch included Saturday Banquet & Flagship Awardsof Side Side Side SideTripsavailable Tripsavailable Tripsavailable Tripsavailableon on on onFriday Friday Friday Friday-Pike -Pike -Pike -Pike PlaceMketor PlaceMketor PlaceMketor PlaceMketor Mueseum Mueseum Mueseum Mueseum of ofofFlight Flight Flight Flight Transp.fee Transp.fee Transp.fee Transp.feeincluded 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00ea ea ea ea 40th Anniversary Windbreaker Jacket** included IfIfIfIfyou you you youwould would would wouldlike like like likeyour your your yourname name name name& &&&airplane airplane airplane airplane####on on on onyour your your your40th 40th 40th 40thAnniversary Anniversary Anniversary Anniversarygift gift gift giftjacket jacket jacket jacket Sunday's Transportation from Hotel to and from the Cruise Terminal 30.00 EA. Provide Provide Provide Provideyour your your yourname name name nameand and and andairplane airplane airplane airplaneNo. No. No. at at ataaaaCost Cost Cost Costof of of of$15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00each each each each 15.00ea 15.00ea 15.00ea 15.00ea Transp.fee 20.00 ea Side Tripsavailable on Friday -Pike PlaceMketor Mueseum of Flight small□ small□ small□medium medium medium □□□□Large Large Large Large □□□□xxxxlarge large large large□□□□gift xx xx xx xxlarge large large large□□□□ Please Please Please mark mark mark markJacket Jacket Jacket Jacket Sizes Sizes Sizes Sizes IfPlease you would like your name & small□ airplane #medium on your 40th Anniversary jacket Names________________________________________________Airplane Names________________________________________________Airplane Names________________________________________________Airplane Names________________________________________________Airplane####___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Provide your name and airplane No. at a Cost of $15.00 each 15.00ea NO NO NO NO REFUNDS REFUNDS REFUNDS REFUNDS AFTER AFTER AFTER AFTER APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL 1ST 1ST 1ST 1ST TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTALPAID PAID PAID PAID small□ medium □ Large □ x large □ xx large □ Please mark Jacket Sizes Names________________________________________________Airplane # ___________ IF IF IF IFYOU YOU YOU YOUARE ARE ARE AREONLY ONLY ONLY ONLYATTENDING ATTENDING ATTENDING ATTENDINGTHE THE THE THECONVENTION CONVENTION CONVENTION CONVENTIONAND AND AND ANDNOT NOT NOT NOTTHE THE THE THECRUISE CRUISE CRUISE CRUISEcall call call callHoliday Holiday Holiday HolidayInn, Inn, Inn, Inn, NO REFUNDS AFTER APRIL 1ST Renton Renton Renton RentonWa Wa Wa Wa(800) (800) (800) (800)465-4329 465-4329 465-4329 465-4329and and and and mention mention mention mention International International International International Comanche Comanche Comanche Comanche Society Society Society Society (ICS) (ICS) (ICS) (ICS)for for for for$109 $109 $109 $109TOTAL rate. rate. rate. rate. PAID That That That Thatrate rate rate rateis is isisavailable available available available3333nights nights nights nightsprior prior prior priorand and and and3333nights nights nights nightsafter after after afterconvention. convention. convention. convention. IF YOU ARE ONLY ATTENDING THE CONVENTION AND NOT THE CRUISE call Holiday Inn, ```` Renton Wa (800) 465-4329 and mention International Comanche Society (ICS) for $109 rate. IfIfIfIfyou you you youare are are areattending attending attending attendingthe the the theentire entire entire entireconvention convention convention conventionyou you you youcan can can canmake make make makecruise, cruise, cruise, cruise,commercial commercial commercial commercialairlines airlines airlines airlinesand and and andhotel hotel hotel hotel That rate is available 3 nights prior and 3 nights after convention. reservations reservations reservations reservationswith with with withour our our ourtravel travel travel travelagent: agent: agent: agent:Elena Elena Elena Elenaat at at atTravel Travel Travel TravelLeaders Leaders Leaders Leaders800-808-8747 800-808-8747 800-808-8747 800-808-8747or or or or281-492-2007 281-492-2007 281-492-2007 281-492-2007 ` If youMORE are attending the entire convention you can make cruise, commercial airlines and hotel FOR FOR FOR FOR MORE MORE MORE INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION ::: :SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEY SHIRLEYNELSON NELSON NELSON NELSON :::PHONE-360-671-7388 :PHONE-360-671-7388 PHONE-360-671-7388 PHONE-360-671-7388 reservations with our travel agent: Elena at Travel Leaders 800-808-8747 or 281-492-2007 CELL: CELL: CELL: CELL:360-305-0287 360-305-0287 360-305-0287 360-305-0287 EMAIL: EMAIL: EMAIL: FOR MORE INFORMATION : SHIRLEY NELSON : PHONE-360-671-7388 CELL: 360-305-0287 26 • Comanche Flyer EMAIL: APRIL 2013 Adventurous volunteer pilots needed Flat Rate Annuals - Structural Repairs - Modifications for conservation missions Expert Glass Replacement - Engine Overhauls • Offering Pre-purchase Evaluations in our shop or at aircraft location • • Contact us for AD Note 2012-17-06 Stabilator Horn Assembly Inspection • • New Horns & Tubes Available Now • Pick Up & Delivery Service Available • Our experienced Licensed Staff takes pride in assuring customer safety and customer satisfaction, with special attention to detail. In service since 1983 CLIFTON AERO Volunteers flying for the environment since 1979. Clifton Airport P.O. Box 249 Clifton, TX 76634 Tim Talley ICS #8375 minute flight SW of Dallas/Ft. Worth Phone: 307-332-3242 t 30 254-675-3771 • e-mail: Half Horizontal Adventurous volunteer pilots needed for conservation missions Volunteers flying for the environment since 1979. Phone: 307-332-3242 t APRIL 2013 Comanche Flyer • 27 FEATURE The Clifton Crew (left to right): Mark Ayers, David Everett, Rod Allen, owners Jeanni and Tim Talley, and Albert Quinones. COMANCHE CARE PART 3 by Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer, ICS #08899 All photos taken by Patricia Jayne (Pat) Keefer unless otherwise noted T he title is a dead giveaway. This is the third in a series of what happens at the annual for N3322G. So many folks have kindly sent positive comments that I’m writing again. Part One is in the February 2011 Flyer and Part Two is in the June 2012 Flyer. They are also on the ICS website or if you are reading this online, just click http://www. php. Part One has some key points about why we choose Clifton Aero; annual expenses; a bit of the story on our airplane; and why we always take a post-annual test flight. I won’t repeat that information here. As requested, I’ve included more photos of the work. Our Airplane two vacuum pumps wasn’t going to be a big problem because we were only a few weeks from annual and we didn’t have anything but our BFRs and an IPC scheduled. Then in the middle of the BFRs, Ken and the instructor taxi in and I think it is my turn to fly until the instructor gets out and says, “Ken will brief you.” On his third departure, Ken noticed there was no gear up light and the circuit breaker was popped. I swear if I could easily have reached the main tire, I would have kicked it. Ken said the nose gear looked like it was in the well in the nacelle mirror and it flew like the mains were up also. The instructor was preparing to manually extend the gear which is a fine option, but Ken pulled out the Comanche Pilot Proficiency Emergency Procedures checklist and they got the gear down normally. With a nice bright green gear down light, they landed. Ken had also done some good problem determination and noticed that the gear motor was warm. We flew home with the gear down. Clifton graciously made time for me to bring in the twin. On the flight to Clifton, the other vacuum pump failed. Naturally, I’d made sure it was a good VFR day, so it was no big deal. Actually, it was sort of peaceful, like the Cherokee 140 flights of oh, so many years ago – about 100 knots and no fancy equipment to worry about. I certainly didn’t have to worry about coming into the pattern too fast. Our 1970 N3322G is PA39-10 and yes, we renewed its FAA registration this year. We are the second generation to own it and have been responsible for 17 annuals, overhaul of the engines, major panel upgrades, new interior, new paint, numerous other upgrades and countless wash jobs. The Pre-annual You might ask, what’s a pre-annual? Well, that’s when expensive stuff breaks and you don’t want to fly until it gets fixed. Clifton’s Tim Talley coined this term. At first I thought losing one of the 28 • Comanche Flyer New fuel line installed. APRIL 2013 David making the new fuel lines. Old hoses from check valve (right) to instruments and check valve (below). I always find it fascinating when a mechanic simply touches a plane and it works. The twin is on jacks and when I pull up the gear, it fails and pops the breaker. We put it down, Tim pulls it up and it operates fine for the next five to eight or so extensions and retractions. Tim checked to make sure there was no excessive friction in the gear system. I did notice that it was a touch slower than usual. When we fly, the gear will go up and down in about a six-count and it was taking an eight-count. We swapped the motor for an overhauled one with Matt Kurke of Comanchegear. com and all has been well ever since. The vacuum pumps were interesting as they’d only been installed three years. All three filters get replaced every annual. When the Rapco distributor heard this, he suggested we talk directly to Rapco. The top Rapco guy personally examined the pumps and there was no smoking gun – nothing to definitively point to why they failed. Even though one was six days past the three-year warranty, Rapco kindly replaced both at no charge. We’d had the vacuum check valve that separates the two pumps so that if one fails, the vacuum system still operates, overhauled by Rapco the previous year and had replaced the vacuum hoses in the nose compartment. This time we replaced the hoses APRIL 2013 from the check valve to the instruments even though there was no debris in the broken pumps, the hoses were old and we just wanted that extra assurance that anything in our control to possibly prevent a future pump failure was done. Then it is back to flying. So we got the BFRs completed before expiration, and I got my IPC too. We only thought we’d scheduled the annual well. We had tried to wait until the Clifton hangar construction was completed. They had already cleaned and painted the entire interior, but wind and weather had delayed the outside work. The sides and roof panels were being removed, replaced and insulated. (Oh well, I got to see pieces removed every day and replaced. None fell and the work site was kept clean.) Even before the month before the pre-annual we had a little sticker shock when the Garmin 530W knob broke. It is a longer story that I posted on the ICS Maintenance Forum. Just search on 530 knob or $1,300. Yup, it was $1,300 to fix a knob. By the way, the twin flies fine without the 530 too. Comanche Flyer • 29 flying a lot and these Lycomings are enjoying the attention.” They commented as they had in the past that running Aeroshell 15W50 does produce higher copper levels which can hide a problem with a bushing or other bronze part, so we need to be sure to check for metal in the filters. Of course, Albert did a very thorough inspection and found no metal in the filters either, so good news all around. The engines got 18 hours per quart of oil. Squawks The list wasn’t too long, but just like owning a home, there’s always something that needs attention. We knew the altimeter had passed the static check but was getting sticky. Rather than overhaul, we decided to buy a new one and ordered it in advance of the annual so the downtime was minimized. The new LED beacon. The Inspection and a Few Surprises This year the arrival run-up at 7F7 with owner Tim in the right seat found no new squawks. Yea! However there were a couple of surprises. The inspection isn’t expensive – it’s the repairs we decided to do. Repairs can rack up some fine totals. I thought the twin was running pretty well, so I was quite surprised to see a fuel stain on the inside of the left lower cowl and Albert Quinones found it corresponded to a very tiny fuel leak in the servo. We sent the servo off for what we thought was a minor repair. We put it back on and it was the strangest engine start I’d ever had. We had to keep it at 20 inches of manifold pressure just to keep the engine running. We pulled the servo again, sent it back and the shop lapped the mixture and throttle shoes and then the engine ran fine. There was a bit more to it, but that covers the essential part of this work. In the category of small stuff, the nose heater duct hoses needed to be replaced. They’d been patched often with RTV and the real problem was they weren’t stretched before they were installed so they sagged inappropriately and hence wear as they chaffed against the nose cowl and various other parts. 30 • Comanche Flyer The left return flap spring tab needed some work at the attachment point. Both oil filler necks were tightened. Both alternate air doors had to be adjusted. One alternator attach bolt was replaced. Timing had to be adjusted a tad on one engine. One of the eight lord mounts had to be tightened. The darn right master brake cylinder was leaking again and was fixed. I suppose if we didn’t use the brakes, we wouldn’t have these problems but the home airport south runway slopes downhill so brakes are needed. I have landed north and not had to use brakes, but prevailing winds are from the south so I can count on future brake repairs. Airplanes are mechanical beasties and like we say in the computer business, hardware wears – it is not a matter of if it will break; it is a matter of when. The Blackstone oil analysis verbiage was especially complimentary of this set of samples. It made my day when they used words like, “Wear trends don’t get much steadier … that’s an excellent indication that your IO320 is wearing well and is free of problems… the two engines should look alike and these do. You ran this oil longer than the last sample – so on a per-hour basis, wear has actually gotten better. You’re A second squawk was predicted at last year’s annual; both air filter boxes needed help. At first we thought we just needed new lids, but the lower portion was quite worn and needed help too. I had hunted around a bit during the year and couldn’t find any. It turns out that the partners in a twin at an airport less than 20 miles away are doing major, major upgrades to their twin and had repaired their air filter boxes and offered to do ours. Mason Sinclair did the work and his day job is structural repair for Delta. If you like what you see, Mason is easiest to reach through his partner ICS member Mickey Stateler. What I like about the work is the boxes seem much sturdier to me but weigh a touch less, and Teflon tape was added to reduce the known wear locations. We (read Mason) also improved the boxes by changing the wonky cam-locs which sometimes were loose with long bolts that screw into self-locking nut plates. Last year we’d done a lot of work around the power quadrant and while the gear horn was working, we like it to go off early enough to give us a chance to recover, so we had it adjusted at 1415 inches. This took several iterations of painstaking work. David may never speak to me again! APRIL 2013 While the Twin was down for the annual, we had the Century autopilot computer removed. We drove it to the Century Flight Systems plant at the Mineral Wells, Texas airport and had the annuciator lights fixed. They did a general check and all was pronounced in good condition. A few hundred dollars and a few hours later, we were done. I should mention we had the pleasure of eating lunch at a succulent, tasty, usefulload-destroying BBQ grill which is close to the airport. The delightfully sinful experience will be repeated in the future. ADs It was a small list. There was nothing significant due at this annual other than the normal 50 and 100 ADs and the heater decay test – not that we used the heater much last year – we had 0.1 hours on it. Bungees are cheap and we replace them every year. This year I got a picture of one-year-old bungees and how they were stretched compared to a new bungee. Improvements We had a red reference line added to the emergency gear extension area so we know when the gear is down in the event that there is a full electrical failure and there is no green gear light available. Opportunity Repairs/Improvements Last year I mentioned the right engine quick drain was slowly weeping oil (about two-to-three drops on the hangar floor between flights), so I worked with the quick drain company and had a new one installed. Well, gosh darn it, it was leaking again this year. I was tired of dealing with the third incidence of this so I asked Clifton to replace it with a regular threaded plug. If that leaks, we’ll know it is a different problem. Another improvement we made earlier in the year was putting in a nicely fitting rotating beacon replacement Whelen LED tail light. We had initially installed a Whelen light that left an area for water to collect, so we fixed that problem (see February 2013 Flyer) on this subject to avoid the bad fit problem. We also put in the LED Whelen Prometheus landing lights. Both were great fits and would be easy to do on most twins. We had the added complexity of dropping the tip tanks to get the landing lights in. Since the life of the bulbs are estimated at 2,000 This year the big deal was to winnow down the four fuel transducers to two. How the twin got a total of four, we just don’t know. Two were installed on fabricated cross bars under the fuselage floor under the front seats and two others were in the nacelles behind the engines. The ones in the nacelles were actually running the fuel flow gauge and the ones under the floor were connected to nothing. We knew the transducers were getting old because of the variance in fuel flow readings when they should be steady and the delta in fuel flows between the engines. Mark Ayers did the transducer work and David Everett fabricated the new fuel lines. They did excellent work, not a single leak. Fuel flows on takeoff are now the same or within a tenth of a gallon. One-year old bungee outside, new bungee inside. APRIL 2013 hours, we now use them all the time under the busy class B DFW airspace and at cruise. Another completed project done in May at an oil change was that Tim customized the power quadrant blank we bought from Webco, and it looks great. The quadrant cover is much beefier than the original. Tim’s slot cuts for the throttle, prop and mixture levers were better, and he did a great job of saving and re-using the labeling. Making It Easy for the Shop Last year I wrote about several things I do to try to make it easy on the shop. This year I created a word document that mirrors their squawk sheet so instead of re-writing everything I’d already typed up, it was already pre-printed on their form. My Role at Annual I was on site for about two-thirds of the time the twin was at the shop. I keep myself busy on items that are within my skill set to handle such as taking out seats, removing inspection panels, blue taping parts to protect paint, or washing parts off for inspection before they go back on. These are all really easy, but labor intensive. Whenever an extra set of hands are needed, the mechanics ask for my help. Comanche Flyer • 31 While I was there for the pre-annual, another Twin owner came in for a quick oil change – well, another problem was found so departure was late. Closing time had come and gone and the twin was being owner re-fueled. After a long day, the mechanics were as anxious as anyone to go home, but they waited. This is a part of Clifton customer service I didn’t know about. The mechanics waited until the twin had departed and was out of sight – just in case they had to turn back – someone would be there to help them. A ferry pilot brought in a twin for a pre-buy inspection. He had done one landing in the twin which went well and then flew it to Clifton. He wasn’t at all happy with the second fast, The tiniest full-flap gusty crosswind, high of fuel stains bouncing landing and asked if on servo and he could pick my brain a bit on servo insides how to successfully land a Twin that don’t see the light of day Comanche and how to do an very often. emergency gear extension. Well, I’m no instructor, but I did share the power settings and speeds we use and gave him the normal your-mileagemay-vary caution. He emailed after he made the ferry flight home and said the landing was much better. What I found fascinating about the emergency gear extension was we sat in the cockpit and he read the back of the cover one step at a time and we identified where Comanche Company Usually I see the planes, but not the owners. It was fun to meet another Comanche owner who had flown in from Phoenix to have his annual done at Clifton. His annual was just finished and he marveled at how clean his plane was. He said he brought it there because he wanted a thorough annual and there was something that had to be done differently for his gear because of the LoPresti cowl. While this particular aspect was new to Clifton, they got the instructions and performed the work without difficulty. 32 • Comanche Flyer APRIL 2013 the described items were. He’d asked how many pumps it took to get the gear down; we walked through the procedure and he asked again how many pumps to use. I pointed out there was no pumping on the instructions, so I told him the answer was zero pumps. Post-Annual Test Flight As I’ve said before, Ken and I are mostly computer business people as opposed to professional pilots so we apply those principals to flying. After something has changed, you test it to make sure it still works. Nearly all of the past post-annual test flights have found problems – some were more major than others. After the fuel servo problem was solved and the gear horn adjusted, the actual test flight went well. At first glance the air box looks big, but the proof is just clay away – it fits great. So that’s how most of this year’s annual inspection, repairs and improvements went. We’d be interested in other owner’s experiences. There’s always something to learn. AuthorPatKeeferisanauthor,motivationalspeakerandholdstheFAI GoldMedalforthe1994Roundthe WorldAirRace.Shecanbereached at AllrightsreservedbyRTW,RoundtheWorld, AMotivationalCompany AllphotostakenbyPatriciaJayne(Pat)Keefer unless otherwise noted The old transducers. Notice the fuel stains from very, very tiny fuel seepage. APRIL 2013 The old heater ducts rubbed against the nose cowl. Notice the new clearance David made a point of stretching them out before installation. Comanche Flyer • 33 INTERNATIONAL COMANCHE SOCIETY, INC. KEEP YOUR MEMBERSHIP GOING! ---------------------- PLEASE PRINT ---------------------- You know how valuable the International Comanche Society has been to you for helping you learn about and enjoy your Comanche airplane, both singles and twins, providing a high-quality magazine, and for the camaraderie you’ve experienced among your fellow members. Don’t let your membership lapse or miss a single issue of Comanche Flyer! And for convenience, we are now offering multiple-year memberships! Fill out the renewal form below, and e-mail, fax, or mail it back to us, and keep enjoying the International Comanche Society! Name: __________________________________________________ ICS Number: ___________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________State: _________Zip: __________________ Country: ___________________ Telephone: ______________________________________________ Fax: __________________________________________________ E-Mail: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Aircraft Model: _____________________________________________Based Airport Identifier: ___________________________________ Registration/Tail #: __________________________________________Serial #: ______________________________________________ Renewal Selection U.S., Canada, Mexico* One year – $72 Two years – $136 Spousal Renewal UK, Europe, Asia, and Africa** One year – $98 Two years – $188 All Other Countries One year – $86 Two years – $164 Spouse’s ICS# ____________________ One year – $36 Two years – $72 *Includes second-class mailing of the Flyer **Includes $9 returned to the EU tribe for communications YOUR SPOUSE CAN JOIN, TOO! -------------------------- PLEASE PRINT -------------------------- One of the beauties of owning and flying your own airplane is the quality time you get to spend with your spouse, traveling to new destinations or social events, and filling the memory book for years to come. Your spouse can also join the International Comanche Society for only $36! With a spousal membership, your spouse will receive a Membership Kit containing a folder, membership card, membership certificate, a cloth ICS patch, ICS decal, access to the popular ICS website and discussion forums, and voting rights! Simply fill out the form below and return it with payment to start your spouse’s membership today! Your Name: ______________________________________________ Your ICS Number: ________________________________________ Spouse’s Name:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________________________State: _________Zip: __________________ Country: ___________________ Telephone: ______________________________________________ Fax: __________________________________________________ E-Mail: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spousal Membership One year – $36 Two years – $72 PAYMENT INFORMATION MC Visa (Please total all selections) Check or Money Order Credit Card Number: _____________________________________________________________Exp. Date: ____________________ Amount Paid (U.S. Funds): ______________________________________________________________________________________ Authorized Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pleasemailto:InternationalComancheSociety,P.O.Box1810,TraverseCity,MI49685-1810. 34 • Comanche Flyer APRIL 2013 FROM THE TRIBE CHIEFS EUROPEAN TRIBE Fly-InS For 2013 Edinburgh Scotland (EGPT) May 23-26 The arrival airport will be at Perth (EGPT) where we are being hosted by the Scottish Aero Club and transported by coach to the King James Thistle hotel at the east end of Princes street in Edinburgh. Due to various arrival times and to allow for late arrivals, the schedule is left open for to explore the city as you wish. Options include a visit to the Galway museum, historical walking tours DATE of the city, taking in a show or simply taking up the atmosphere. This is the perfect opportunity to sample the Guinness in one of the many traditional pubs around the city and close to our hotel. TRIBE EVENT/LOCATION April 5-7 SE There will be a tour of Edinburgh Castle and a Gala dinner on the Royal Yacht Britannia on 24th May. Other events will include a tour of the Scottish Parliament, and a dinner at Prestonfield House Hotel, a 16th-century manor house and Edinburgh’s most prestigious venue. April 9-14 April 12-14 SW April 20 * NE Lunch/Latrobe, Pa. (LBE) April 27 MS May 3-5 SE There is a maximum number of 40 places on this fly-in which has already been booked, and there is now a waiting list. Contact Barrie Taylor at abwt@ for more information. May 4 MS Horn AD Seminar/ Newton, Kansas (KEWK) Fly-in/Destin-Ft. Walton Beach, Fla. (KDTS) Museum Tour & Lunch/ Colorado Springs, Colo. (COS) May 10-12 May 18-19 ICS NC May 23-26 June 7-9 EU SE June 15 * June 27-30 NE ICS Galway and West of Ireland Tour (EICM) August 1-6 The airport has a hard runway with ILS. The itinerary includes an evening at Galway Races and the opportunity to explore Ireland’s Western coastline taking in Kilary fjord, Inishbofin island and the spectacular Sky road at Clifden. You can enjoy a landscape seeped in history and Celtic antiquity. Our tour begins and ends in Galway, a bustling and historical city, and the gateway to Connemara, where you can shop for souvenirs, learn about the past or just soak up the atmosphere of this vibrant city. ITINERARY June 30-July 7 ICS July 13 * NE July 29-Aug 4 Fly-in/ Callaway Gardens/ Pine Mountain, Ga. (KPIM) Sun ‘n Fun 2013/Lakeland, Fla. Fly-in & Horn AD Seminar/ Laughlin, Nev. (IPF) CPTP/Danielson, Conn. (LZD) Pancake Breakfast & Technical Seminars/Lapeer, Mich. (D95) Fly-In/Edinburgh Scotland (EGPT) Fly-In & Tribe Business Mtg./ Sanford, Fla. (KSFB) Lunch/Newport, N.H. 2013 ICS Convention/ Renton, Wash. Alaska Cruise (optional) Lunch/Ellenville, N.Y. (N89) AirVenture 2013/ Oshkosh, Wis. (OSH) Galway and West of Ireland Tour (EICM) Fly-in/Outer Banks, N.C. (KMQI) Aug 1-6 EU Aug 9-11 SE Aug 17 * NE Sept 14 * NE Oct 19 * NE Lunch/Luray, Va. (LUA) Nov 16 * NE Lunch/Cambridge, Md. Dec. 14 * NE Lunch/Georgetown, Del. Lunch & Elections/ Pittstown, N.J.(N40) Lunch & Comanche issues/ Leroy, N.Y. (5G0) Day 1: Thursday, August 01 Arrive in Galway between 13.00 and 15.30 local time, and enjoy light refreshments while awaiting transfer to our accommodations. We will stay at the luxurious Merrick/Victoria Hotel/ spa in the center of Galway (http:// APRIL 2013 INFO SOURCE/HOST Phillip Hobbs at Lorne or Peg Harmon at (928) 717-2630 (home), (928) 925-1225 (cell), or email Ron and Lynn Ward at register at: Pat Donovan at Phillip Hobbs at Randy Biles at e-mail rwbiles@ or call (719) 338-2926 (day) or (719) 260-7280 (evening) Ron Keil at (810) 834-0168 or (810) 664-6966. Barrie Taylor at Doris Click at Pete Morse at Shirley Nelson (360) 671-7388 or Dwight Coombe at dwightcoombe@ TBD David Sheppard at david@ Charles Littwin email at chas4949@ or call (704) 360-4754 Bernie Stumpf at Ron and Lynn Ward at register at: Forms/ICS-NE_FlyIn_RegForm.htm Ron and Lynn Ward at register at: Forms/ICS-NE_FlyIn_RegForm.htm Ron and Lynn Ward at register at: Forms/ICS-NE_FlyIn_RegForm.htm Ron and Lynn Ward at register at: Forms/ICS-NE_FlyIn_RegForm.htm * The following Sunday is the raindate. Comanche Flyer • 35 Day 2: Friday, August 02 We have the first part of the day to continue exploring the “City of the Tribes.” Galway is renowned as the cultural capital of Ireland. This medieval city is now one of the fastest growing urban areas in Europe. At this time of year, the city is alive with street theatre, music, and packed with visitors who attended the international arts festival and are looking forward to the Galway Races. Day 3: Saturday, August 03 In the morning, we will be picked up from our hotel in Galway and driven west to Connemara. We will pass through the beautiful Inagh Valley to visit the famous 18th century Kylemore Abbey and its award-winning Victorian Gardens. We will be able to have lunch at the Abbey. Activities included in our package for the afternoon include a scenic cruise along Killary Harbour, Ireland’s only fjord, featuring a live commentary about the history of the area as well as the workings of the harbour today. We will also visit the Alcock & Brown landing site of the first Trans-Atlantic flight at Clifden which occurred on June 15, 1919. Afterward, we will be taken to the beautiful Renvyle Peninsula to our accommodations at the Leenane Hotel (, where we will have dinner. Day 4: Sunday, August 04 In the morning following a sumptuous traditional Irish breakfast, we will be taken to Connemara National Park where our guide will provide a comprehensive overview of the park and the area while leading us on the various tracks through the park. The more adventurous in the group can attempt the two-hour climb of Diamond Hill. Lunch is available at the park. In the afternoon, bikes will be provided for a gentle cycle through Letterfrack village back to our accommodation at Leenane. Alternatively, we will have option to travel to Clifden by coach if you would like to spend the afternoon browsing through the shops in Clifden 36 • Comanche Flyer before being brought back for dinner, which will again be provided at the award-winning restaurant at our hotel. Day 5: Monday, August 05 We will return to our accommodation at Inishbofin (www.inishbofin. com) – one of three offshore islands of Connemara! We will be picked up at our accommodation on the Renvyle Peninsula and taken to Cleggan where we will take the ferry to Inishbofin to sample the unique “island life” and take in one of Ireland’s unique attractions. This island is an ideal spot for swimming, hill walking, cycling and angling. Inishbofin has a highly respected reputation for traditional music and world-class musicians who visit it regularly. We will stay at the luxury Inishbofin House hotel and spa (www.inishbofinhouse. com). On arrival, our first glimpse of Bofin will be the impressive “Cromwell's Barracks” – the well-preserved ruins dating back to the 17th century. There are also many kinds of birds, as well as colonies of seals on the island. For lucky visitors, there is also the possibility of sighting dolphins, whales and sharks! Individuals are free to explore the island at their own pace. Dinner will be provided at our hotel and entertainment will be easily found with high quality Irish music sessions in each of the island’s pubs! Day 6: August 06 We will return to Cleggan on the morning boat, where we will be picked up by coach and brought to Galway Airport for departure. Our intended schedule will see us ready to leave around midday or early afternoon. The itinerary has been organised to allow enough time to pursue other interests outside of these arrangements. There is much to do such as horse riding on the beaches or in the National Park, shark fishing, other boating activities, and a cooking course for local dishes may well be an offer. We will gladly make arrangements as requested. The cost of this fly-in has been calculated to include the itinerary, dinner on four of the five nights, and accom- modation. At this time the cost is estimated to be approximately 1150 Euros per person for a double room, and as usual there will be a small supplement for single occupancy. The number of people attending and the exchange rate will affect the final cost. If you are interested in coming, please contact David Sheppard (david@ who looks forward to hearing from you. MID-STATES TRIBE Fly-In Colorado Springs, Colo. (COS) May 4 We have a fun fly-in planned for Saturday, May 4 in Colorado Springs. We will fly in to the Colorado Springs Airport (COS) and taxi to Jet Center on the west side of COS; they are expecting our group. Arrival time should be between 10:00 – 10:30 a.m. We will then be transported to the World War II Aviation Museum and Westpac World War II aircraft restoration facility, which is also located on the COS field, for a tour. We will be seeing a number of World War II aircraft that are currently being restored, as well as some completed restoration projects. The restored airplanes are in flying condition and are flown either by their private owners or the museum. The museum also houses some very interesting World War II displays, as well as a few of the restored airplanes. It is also an educational facility where young students are instructed in the skills used to repair and restore these valuable airplanes. After our tour, we will head over to the Airplane Restaurant for lunch. It is a KC-97 airplane which has been converted into a restaurant and serves delicious meals. Eat a big breakfast as we will probably have lunch a little later than the normal noon period. Please RSVP to Randy Biles as soon as you know you will be attending as he needs to notify the Jet Center, museum and restaurant on the number of people who will be attending. APRIL 2013 If you have any questions, or to RSVP for this fly-in, e-mail randy at rwbiles@ or call (719) 338-2926 (day) or (719) 260-7280 (evening). All ICS members are invited to attend. Horn AD Maintenance Seminars The Mid States Tribe of ICS is hosting a series of one day, “hands-on” seminars showing how you and/or your mechanic can satisfy AD 2012-17-06. With you watching and participating, a Comanche tail will be taken apart, the inspection performed, and the tail reassembled. A local “Comanche expert” will be used if possible; otherwise, one will be brought in. Both ICS and nonICS members are invited. The cost is $25 per person. An additional $5 per person will cover lunch. Arrangements will be made with a local hotel for Friday and Saturday nights in case you wish to arrive early or leave late. The person who volunteers their Comanche will be charged $50 to cover the inspection and attendance. FIRST HORN AD SEMINAR Seminars are proposed for Newton, Kansas (see right); Denver, Colo.; Rapid City, S.D.; Minneapolis, Minn.; Iowa City, Iowa; and St. Louis, Mo. These locations are general areas and should not be construed as absolute. The first location is planned for a southern location and progressing north as the weather warms up. A local volunteer coordinator is needed for each site. Date: Saturday, 27 April 2013 We will also try to have something for the non-pilot that could accompany their time for the day. This will naturally be location dependent, and will be determined later. The program administrator for the seminars is Pat Donovan. If you are interested in being a local coordinator or want your Comanche tail inspected as part of this program, contact him at ad.seminar@ or (636) 462-8370. Cluster Gauges S.W., AC, Rochester Overhauled QK1R429K Location: Webco Aircraft, Newton, Kansas (KEWK) Hotel: Comfort Inn, 1205 East 1st St, Newton. A block of 10 rooms has been set aside for us under Webco (not ICS) at a cost of $88.99. Call (316) 804-4866 to make reservations and ask for Neal. Hotel amenities include a full breakfast, microwave, mini-refrigerator, and indoor pool/sauna. The hotel is blocked for both Friday and Saturday night for those who need it. Cancellation policy requires notification by 4:00 p.m. the day of your reservation (pretty liberal) so weather shouldn't be a concern. The seminar starts Saturday at 8:00 a.m. and will continue until late afternoon. Expect a full day of tail-related show-and-tell as we pull apart a Comanche and perform the AD mandated inspection on the horn. Fuel Senders Overhauled STC SHIMMY DAMPER KIT ALH-001 & ALH-002 APPROVED FOR PIPER MODELS PA24, 30, & 39 SER. WE OVERHAUL ALL INSTRUMENTS Altimeters Airspeed Indicator Tachometers VSI WE STILL DO AEROMARINE INSTRUMENTS LIKE AIRSPEED FUEL FLOW Heater Overhauls Oil Temp Conversion Kits “The ONLY STC approved kit on the market” Use the New Rochester Probe with your AC Gauge STC Oil Temperature Coupler Kit, ALH-I-005 Approved for Piper Models PA-23 PA-24 PA-30-39 OVERHAUL YOUR HOT PLATE WE OVERHAUL P/N 21286-000 GEAR MOTOR AND OTHER GEAR AND FLAP MOTORS FOR OTHER AIRCRAFT 1084 East Water Street, Hangar #3 Piper Airport, Lock Haven, PA 17745 Phone 1-800-443-3117 or 1-570-748-0823 Fax 1-570-748-1786 Web Site: E-MAIL: APRIL 2013 Comanche Flyer • 37 As mentioned, the cost is $25 per person for attendees, plus $5 for lunch. Please encourage your mechanic to join you and learn the process for both the AD and other Comanche tail-related issues. Time permitting, other maintenance topics can be addressed as well. Non-pilot activities are still being developed. Please contact Pat Donovan at to let him know you are coming. Early arrivals can meet for dinner on Friday night to discuss sundry topics. Registration fee (not including the $5 for lunch) should be made out to “Mid-States Comanche Tribe” and sent to Pat Donovan, 421 Piper Ct, Troy, MO 63379. Saturday Lunch Fly-Ins Saturday Lunch Fly-Ins will be posted in our new Comanche Winds newsletter which will come out every other month, and are now posted in the calendar summary in the Flyer. Also, we will be sending out e-mail notices a month before and the week of the fly-in. There are several fly-ins already in the process, so watch your e-mails. These fly-ins will focus on having fun, kicking tires, telling stories and promoting more new and old friendships among our tribe members. Be sure to contact the fly-in host for last minute changes or cancellations, especially if you are not on the Mid States Tribe fly-in or newsletter list. If you would like to host a lunch fly-in, please call Sarah McKinley at (816) 868-1015 (cell) or e-mail at Tribe E-mail Updates If you are not receiving the Mid States Comanche Winds newsletter and would like to, please call Sarah McKinley at (816) 868-1015 or by email at and she will make sure to amend the list to include your e-mail address. Update Your Old Comanche Panel Make Room for a MFD NORTH CENTRAL TRIBE Pancake Breakfast/ Technical Seminars Lapeer, Mich. (D95) May 18-19 Come join the North Central Tribe for a pancake breakfast and Second Annual Technical Seminar at the Dupont Lapeer Airport in Lapeer, Mich. For the non-pilots, a trip to Past Tense, a quaint market, cider shop, and restaurant will be available. Agenda: Saturday, May 18 • PancakeBreakfast,7:00a.m.–11:00 a.m. • Wecanorderlunchdeliveredat12:00 p.m. • AvionicsSeminar,12:00p.m.–3:30 p.m. During the seminar, we will cover the following topics: Garmin touch screen, Avidyne touch screen, Aspen PFD and MFD, panel upgrades for our Comanches, ADS B, and some tips on troubleshooting before taking your plane to a radio shop for repair. • Shuttle to Holiday Inn Express to freshen up for dinner, 4:00 p.m. Sunday, May 19 • Maintenance Seminar, 8:00 a.m.– 12:00 p.m. Update your panel to a standard “T” configuration. Add space for new electronics. All panels computer drawn and laser cut. ‘58-60 Centerstack Conversion ‘61-68 Single or Twin $950.00 (Fully STC’d) $825.00 (Fully STC’d) Recuts left side – $250 • Recuts right side – $100. (Prior Panels) Contact: John Van Bladeren at: Ron & John’s Comanche Service For those interested, a free VFR transponder test will be performed on your airplane and a logbook sticker good for two years will be provided. We will have an old-time Comanche expert come and talk about some of his experiences in the “good old days.” We hope to see many of you at this event, which will have something for everyone. This fly-in is hosted by Ron Keil. For more information, you can contact him at (810) 834-0168 or (810) 664-6966. 2007 SE Ash Street • Portland, OR 97214 (503) 329-8512 (Day or Night) • Fax: (503) 234-0677 e-mail: 38 • Comanche Flyer APRIL 2013 SOUTH CENTRAL TRIBE Saturday Lunch Fly-Ins If it is difficult for you to make a full weekend fly-in, you may find the Saturday lunch gatherings with Comanche camaraderie, sharing of flying stories, maintenance talk and lunch, to your liking. You should be able to find a schedule of the lunch fly-ins on the South Central Tribe website at http:// ICS/welcome.msnw and in the South Central Tribe newsletter Smoke Trails. (If you wish to organize a lunch flyin, please contact Bruce Thumann at or (713) 875-3056.) Tribe E-mail Updates If you are not receiving the South Central Tribe’s Smoke Trails Newsletter and would like to, please e-mail Bruce Thumann at bruce@contractbuilders, and he will make sure to amend the list to include your email address. SOUTHEAST TRIBE Saturday Lunch Fly-ins We will be scheduling lunch fly-ins throughout the spring. These will be scheduled by email. Let me know if there are good destinations in your area. We will get the word out! Callaway Gardens Fly-in Pine Mountain, Ga. (KPIM) April 5-7 This is the perfect time to see this magnificent wonder of central Georgia. We will fly in to Pine Mountain (KPIM) just as the azaleas are peaking in this 13,000-acre resort. Three days of boundless activities are available including tours of the spectacular gardens, biking, canoeing, ropes courses in the trees, and of course, the two Callaway golf courses. Plan to arrive Friday, April 5, where our host FBO will be Harris County. The airport manager is Bill Champion, who can be reached at (706) 590-1414. APRIL 2013 Transportation to the Mountain Creek Inn resort will be provided by the resort. Room rates are $112 per night, plus taxes. For more information, you can go to their website at http://www. mountain-creek-inn. All rooms have free Wi-Fi access. Given the popularity of the resort and the peak season, we are unable to block these rooms. PLEASE notify me early of your commitment and make your reservations as soon as possible. There are two restaurants at the Inn serving terrific breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets. Friday night hosts a seafood buffet for $26.95 per person. Saturday night is a classic Southern buffet for $21.95 per person. Several other restaurants are also available on site or within minutes of the hotel in case we do not collectively want the buffet. Friday night we’ll have dinner and unwind with our Comanche friends. Saturday morning we will start with a little orientation, and then it is off in all directions. With so many activities, we planned a fairly loose agenda. We can team up for tours or explore on our own, and for the golfers, there are the two great courses at Callaway. We will probably need to reserve space ahead of time, so please respond early. Given the size of the resort, walking it all is not feasible, so bicycles and golf carts are available right at the Inn for rent. Bikes are $20/half day, fourperson golf carts are $75/day. We will also have the van for transportation as a group. After a day of exploration, Saturday night we’ll be back to gather around the buffet or one of the other restaurants at the resort, share stories of our explorations and make plans for the future. I also plan to hold a brief Tribe meeting Saturday to discuss how we make these fly-ins more attractive and affordable. Your input is valuable. We hope you can attend. Sunday morning will be breakfast, relax and homebound. Cost for the fly-in is $30 per person to mainly cover transportation. All meals, rooms, bike or cart rental, activities, etc. are at cost. A hospitality room is available and I would like to include that in the weekend, but the cost of the room will add $20 per person. Before reserving that room, I need to gage the attendance. Please book your rooms directly with Callaway and RSVP with Phillip Hobbs at email phobbs1@ early so we can get our reservations confirmed. Please also let me know what activities you are interested in so that we can plan better. Go to http://www.callaway for information on activities. This is one of Callaway Garden’s most busy times. Please commit as soon as possible by email and send your payment of $30 per person to Phillip Hobbs, 2916 Savannah Hills Drive, Matthews, NC 28105. Fly-in Destin-Ft Walton Beach, Fla. (KDTS) May 3-5 The Southeast Tribe extends an open invitation to all members to join us for a fly-in to Destin-Ft Walton Beach (KDTS). This is an outstanding opportunity as you fly through the Destin/Elgin corridor, perhaps one of the nation’s most intense military airspaces. Prior to arrival Friday, we are suggesting some online training for flying the corridor, go to the FAA web site You will need a Wings account; once you’ve logged on, look for Course Name “ALC-47: Destin/Eglin AFB FL Part 93 Operations.” This will better prepare you for flying through the airspace. Our Host FBO is Miracle Strip Aviation at telephone number (850) 8376135; the manager is Brian Cherry. We will have ample ramp space, fuel discounts and great hospitality. Upon arrival, the Wingate by Wyndham is a short transport before you’re relaxing in the hospitality room. We have a special rate of $99 plus tax, per night. Please contact Wingate directly for reservations at (850) 654-4678, and mention ICS for the rate. Friday night dinner will be at a great local restaurant, the Back Comanche Flyer • 39 Porch (http://www.theback-porch. com/destin/index.php). This is a very popular restaurant, so we will try to get there by 6:00 p.m. Saturday the adventurous will fly a short hop along the beach to Ferguson (82J) and on to the National Naval Aviation Museum (NNAM) at Pensacola (http://www.navalaviationmuseum. org).Please note that 82J is within the Pensacola NAS Class C, three miles from the NAS, so preparation is advised. We have a full and exciting agenda developing for our trip to the NNAM. The tentative schedule includes… • DepartDTS0900,arrive82J0930, transport to NNAM • Personalguidedtourofthemuseum starting about 1000 (takes about one-and-a-half hours) • Lunchforourgroupwillbeprovided in the Cubi Bar Café about 1200 • IMAXtheaterpresentationof“The Magic of Flight,” beginning at 1300 (lasts 45 minutes) Saturday night, dinner will be at a local restaurant (to be selected) and we’ll return to the hospitality room for more Comanche talk, stories of the day, and general camaraderie. Sunday will be brunch and then returning home. Cost for the fly-in is $45 per person to cover transportation, hospitality room, etc. All meals, rooms, etc. are at cost. The day at the National Naval Aviation Museum is $19.25 per person which covers the tour, lunch and the IMAX. Please book your rooms directly with Wyndham and RSVP with Phillip Hobbs at email phobbs1@carolina. early so we can confirm the itinerary, logistics, etc. Let me know if you are interested in the National Naval Aviation Museum tour or prefer other activities. Please commit as soon as possible by email and send your payment of $45 per person to Phillip Hobbs, 2916 Savannah Hills Drive, Matthews, NC 28105. • Backtothehotel,and… Fly-In & Tribe Business Meeting Sanford, Fla. (KSFB) June 7-9 Off to join the others who will be enjoying a day at the beach. Alternately there is a lot to do in the area such as shopping at one of Florida’s largest outlet malls (http://www.premiumoutlets. com/outlets/outlet.asp?id=102) and lots of water activities if there is enough interest. Other activities can be planned based on response. The Southeast Tribe will hold their Annual Election of Officers June 8 in conjunction with a fun weekend fly-in. The Comfort Inn has given us a special group rate for their deluxe rooms of $79, plus 11% tax per night, for a king or two queen beds, and a full continental breakfast with two hot entrees each morning, included in the room rate. • Opentofurtherexploration,return to DTS rEGISTrATIon ForM SouThEAST TrIBE SAnForD, FlA. Fly-In Registration Fee: $ 25.00 per person no. ToTAl ____________________ $___________________ Barbara Lee Cruise: $57.95 per person NON-MEMBER #____________________ Current Paid SE ICS Member, ICS Number #____________________ Current Paid SE ICS Spouse Member, ICS Number #____________________ Check Total for Registration $_____________________ Flying in, plane number _________________________________________________________________ Arrival Date____________________________________________________________________________ Mail checks payable to ICS, Southeast Tribe, to Doris Click, 228 Doolittle Street, Orlando, FL 32839. Please remit your registration form by May 15. Pleaseregisterwiththehoteldirectly. 40 • Comanche Flyer ICS has a block of 15 rooms until May 24, 2013. Contact the Comfort Inn directly for reservations at (407) 5851580, (407) 585-1595 (fax) or email to You must state you are with ICS for this rate. A credit card is needed to ensure your reservation, which must be made by May 24. After this date, our rooms will go back to the general public at a higher rate. ICS room rate is valid for three days prior and three days after our function. There is a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you cancel after 24 hours, you will be liable for one night. Friday, June 7 Fly in to the Sanford Star Port FBO located on the north side of the airport (KSFB). Contact information for the FBO is (407) 321-3882 or toll-free 1-866-231-8880; information can also be found on their web site at info@ The FBO is open from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. After 10:00 p.m., the building is locked and you can not get out to your airplane. Tie down fees are $15.00 for single and $20.00 for twin, per night, BUT with a fuel purchase of 10 gallons S or 20 gallons T, one night’s fee will be waived. The current fuel price is $6.13. After landing, call the Comfort Inn at (407) 585-1580 and their van will pick you up and transfer you to the hotel. After checking in, relax in the hospitality room down the hall from the check-in desk. At 6:30 p.m., the hotel’s van will transport us for a great evening at the famous Hollerbach Willow Tree Restaurant, in downtown Sanford. They have excellent food with a music show starting at 7:00 p.m. that continues during the night. At 10:00 p.m., the hotel’s van will return to take us back to the hotel. Saturday, June 8 From 9:00 a.m. – noon, Tribe Chief Hobbs will hold a seminar (subject to be determined) in the conference room next to the hospitality room, followed by lunch at 12:00 p.m. in the hospitality room. At 1:00 p.m., we’ll head back to the conference room to hold the Annual Tribe Election Meeting from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. APRIL 2013 At 6:30 p.m., we will leave the hotel, by van, to board the BarbaraLee for a four-hour paddle boat cruise on the St. Johns River – the only river in Florida that flows north – viewing Florida’s wildlife. This will be a dinner cruise, with six entrees offered to you once seated, from prime rib, salmon, chicken, and pasta primavera. All meals are prepared fresh on board by the chef. There is live entertainment and dancing while cruising. The Southeast Tribe will pay for Southeast current paid member’s dinner on this cruise. Non-members will pay the cost of their dinner. May 15 is the cut-off date, in stone, for current Southeast Tribe paid members to make their registration for their dinner to be paid by the tribe, as we have to pay for all our dinners in advance. If you attend and did not make a reservation to the Southeast Tribe for the cruise, you will have to pay directly for your dinner/cruise to the St. Johns Rivership Company at a price of $57.95, which includes tax and gratuity. There is the possibility if you have a late dinner reservation that you may not be able to sit with the ICS group. So members if you plan to attend, please reserve your registration early. All dinner registrations MUST be made by May 15, members and non-members. Sunday, June 9 Depart at your leisure after enjoying breakfast. The Southeast Tribe sends an open invitation to all ICS Members to come join our tribe at a great fun weekend. Fly-In Outer Banks, N.C. (KMQI) August 9-11 All ICS members are invited by Patti and Charles Littwin to enjoy one of the jewels of North Carolina, the Outer Banks. This is a kid-friendly fly-in! a one-minute walk from the airport ( The tour will start at 2:00 p.m. and typically takes two hours. The fee is $8.00 for adults. After the tour, we will make the 45-minute drive out to Avon, Outer Banks to check in to our rooms. Dinner is on your own. At 7:00 p.m., we will meet at the Salvo Day use area for cocktails while watching the sunset over the Pamlico Sound, then return to our beach house 4Play (www.4playOBX. com) which will serve as the hospitality suite for this event. Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. a two-hour kayak trip is planned on the Pamlico Sound, then lunch will be on your own. After lunch, the group will congregate at 4Play at 1:30 p.m. and head to the ocean side for some sunbathing and ocean fun which could include fishing, boogie boarding, swimming, walking on the pier, taking a stroll or chilling on the beach, or Charles’ favorite activity… kite flying. The flat roads of the outer banks create the perfect environment for bicycle riding, so another perk is use of our two single bikes and the tandem bike for your biking pleasure. Saturday evening, the group will congregate at 7:00 p.m. to dine at Ketch 55 seafood grill (, and then return to 4Play for evening cocktails and conversation. Sunday morning breakfast will be at Oceana’s Bistro, and then we will head out to Manteo Airport for departure. More fly-in details: This is an “ala cart” event except for beer/wine/soda/water supplied for the sunset viewing, evening cocktails, and at the beach. The registration fee is $20.00 per person. Here is what your responsibilities are: Arrive at the Dare County regional airport (KMQI) on Friday August 9, 2013. • Bookyourowncar.Reserveyourcar through the Dare county airport at (252) 475-5570. They have limited availability, so Enterprise (252) 4801838 is the backup vendor. Having your own car offers you the option to explore numerous other recreational opportunities if you choose to do so. The first activity is a tour of the North Carolina Aquarium which is literally • Reserveyourhotel.Therearethree options: The agenda is: APRIL 2013 Tired of your stem?... Whatta drag! OAT Outside Air Temperature gauge Replace your present stem thermometer with a new digital read-out • Newfeatures:nightlight,auto-powershut-off, stand-bybattery,pushbuttonswitches. • ReadsF°orC°inlarge,easilyreadnumbers. • Tinyno-dragoutsidefairing.Gofaster! • DesignedbyComancheownerforComanches. • ModelsforBrandXlowandhighwingplanes. • Nowiring.Accurateto1°;Resolution,0.1° • Contains2easilyreplaced5000hourbatteries. $79.98 + 4.95 S&H (CT add 6% tax) Send check or money order & plane make and model to: Questair, Inc. PO Box 1225, Orange CT 06477 Tel: 203-795-0611 Fax: 203-795-3291 Comanche Flyer • 41 option 1: The hosts of the event Charlie and Patti have three bedrooms available at their beach house (, first come, first serve, which is available for $110.00 per night, tax included. Please contact Charlie directly at if this is your accommodation choice. option 2: Avon Cottages (www., telephone number (252) 995-4123. They have eight one-bedroom efficiency rooms at a rate if $95.00 per night. If this is your choice, BOOK EARLY, the outer banks is very popular and the rooms get reserved very early. option 3: Avon motel is the third option (, telephone number (252) 995-5774 with a rate of $110.00 per night. For option 2 or 3, ask for the no tax discount (a 12% savings) for the Comanche group. These prices are very reasonable for this time of year. • Ifyouplantofish,boogeyboard, etc., bring your gear – beach chairs, cooler, etc. – otherwise Ocean Atlantic Rentals is well equipped with gear ( If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Charlie via email at and put “August OBX Fly In – Your Last Name” in the subject line and include your N number if flying in. For more information or questions, you can also call (704) 360-4754. The beautiful Outer Banks are awaiting you and your family! SOUTHWEST TRIBE Fly-In and Horn AD Seminar Laughlin, Nev. (IPF) April 12-14 Our tribe’s annual Laughlin fly-in will be in April this year, and we’re returning to Harrah’s Laughlin Casino & Hotel Resort on the Colorado River. They always offer us the best hotel rate, as well as free transportation to and from the airport. 42 • Comanche Flyer Seminar A maintenance seminar is scheduled that will deal with the Horn AD, conducted by maintenance personnel from Arizona Aircraftsman, Inc. They are a first-class shop located in Prescott, Ariz. In fact, one of the participating mechanics happens to own a 1966 260B with an Aspen and a GTN750 panel (which I’m sure he would be more than happy to show everyone). It is anticipated that we will take apart the tail section of a Comanche and demonstrate the dye penetrant test that must be done, as well as replacing the bearings, etc. At this time, we expect to replace the used horn with a new tube and horn, which means we can also have a discussion about the alignment process required for that job. The seminar should run all day on Saturday, April 13, with a break for a catered lunch. For those attending only the seminar, please let us know by calling or emailing, so that we can plan accordingly. This seminar is open to all Comanche owners, whether ICS members or not. The Comanche Flyer Foundation (CFF) will help cover the costs for this seminar. Co-Pilot Activity As far as “extracurricular” activities in and around Laughlin, it seems that we have done everything offered in the area at least once. However, there was one more idea, and when the manager of our host FBO Landmark endorsed it, we decided on Keepers of the Wild, a non-profit animal rescue park northeast of Kingman on historic Route 66. To learn more about it, go to their website at There are more than 175 animals – lions, tigers, leopards, monkeys, cougars, etc. – all having been rescued from abuse, neglect, abandonment or retired captive animals. Even though the manager had a real “close and up-front tour” (we certainly won’t be doing that!), he assured us that the regular tour or the guided safari tour will be a real treat for our group. It’s very reasonable to get in at $18/adults and $15/seniors. We’ll be renting vans for the occasion and we’ll have lunch at a “local” spot. Saturday night Banquet Dinner Our banquet dinner will be the same as in prior years, and it is scrumptious! The cost, per person, is $40. Temperatures Laughlin should be in the mid 80s to low 90s during April, so plan accordingly. hotel Information There is both a smoking section and non-smoking section for the gamblers. Rooms are $49.99/night, with a 72-hour cancellation policy. To make reservations call (877) 881-5955. Be sure to specify the group code number of S03SCT3 (group name is “Southwest Comanche Tribe”). Cut-off date for reservations is 3/31/2013. There are four restaurants on site, plus a Starbucks, Baskin-Robbins, Cinnabon and McDonald’s ... in other words, buffet to fast food to gourmet for meals. Harrah’s will provide van transportation to/from the airport on Friday afternoon and Sunday morning. Their website is if you’d like to look up anything. Airport/FBo Laughlin/Bullhead (IPF) is our host airport, and Landmark Aviation our FBO. Landmark has once again generously provided a hangar for our use for the maintenance seminar. They are also providing a ten cent per gallon discount for fuel, and no charge for parking with the purchase of fuel, otherwise parking is $15/night. If you have any questions about the fly-in, please call Lorne or Peg Harmon at (928) 717-2630 (home), (928) 9251225 (cell), or email flying@cableone. net. We’re very excited about this year’s fly-in and look forward to having you join us. Call Today for Advertising Opportunities John Roddy, Advertising Manager Phone: (231) 946-3712 or 1-800-773-7798, FAX: (231) 946-9588, E-mail: APRIL 2013 FAA REPAIR STATION YYBR664L CUSTOM ENGINE OVERHAULS (and exchange) “A TOP RATED SHOP” - March 2010 Aviation Consumer New limit standards, new cylinder options, O.E.M. fuel systems, each engine balanced and test run. * T.B.O. WARRANTY * Cylinder & Accessory Service (800) 397-8181 E-mail: 11619 Rt. 76 Poplar Grove, IL 61065 PA-24-180/250/260/400, PA-30 Complete Kits PA-24-180/250/260/400 PA-30 FAA/STC, PMA Approved $799 Fixed Strap Kit $999 Inertial Reel Kit Rear lap belts available. * Three Leg Design * Rugged Construction * #6000 Capacity Ram * Range 24" – 41" * Locking Safety Collar * Slide Under Fit MODEL 324 $229.00 EA. Tail Stand / Weight Available Online - 1-800-653-5112 Fax 1-952-856-5158 APRIL 2013 Comanche Flyer • 43 Coming soon! Ultramarine (blue) Sun Visor with ICS Logo, 100% cotton. Tips Manual Creech Manual Landing Gear DVD Ball Cap LY P P U S D E LIMIT Knit Polo (light blue, mens with pocket, ladies no pocket, 65% poly, 35% cotton) Coffee Mugs Polo Shirts (with pocket) Stone Washed Denim Shirt 44 • Comanche Flyer Decal, Patch Lapel Pins Mens Ultramarine Knit Polo Shirt APRIL 2013 Code Item ICS11 Tips Manual Price Qty $65.00 Easy to use, fold flat spiral bound, 365 pages. Updated version due soon. ICS23 Care and Maintenance of the Piper Comanche Single (Creech Manual) $25.00 Landing Gear DVD $25.00 Donated by Maintenance Director and life-long member, Bill Creech. Tips on care and maintenance of your Single Comanche. ICS35 Watch complete gear removal from the airplane and 1000 hour gear AD performed and hosted by Hans Neubert and George Mahurin. 2 hours. ICS27 Mens Ultramarine Polo Shirt with Pocket Circle selection: Single: S M L XL XXL $35.00 ICS24 Mens Light Blue Knit Polo Shirt with pocket Circle selection: Twin: S M L XL Single: S XL $35.00 ICS09 Mens White Polo Shirt with pocket Circle selection: Single S M L XL XXL Twin S M L XL XXL Both S M L XL XXL $35.00 $35.00 ICS14 Ladies Light Blue Knit Polo Shirt Circle selection: S M L XL XXL Circle selection: Twin Both Single $35.00 ICS32 Ball Cap Circle selection: Tan Blue Circle selection: Twin Single $14.00 ICS34 Visor $14.00 ICS26 Coffee Mug Circle selection: Single Twin $7.50 ICS10 Lapel Pin Circle selection: Single Twin Logo $5.00 ICS05 Decals (price for 2) $5.00 ICS06 Cloth Patch $6.00 USA Canada Foreign Creech or Tips Manual $4.00 $16.00 Decal or Patch $1.00 $1.25 $1.25 Any Other Item $5.50 $15.00 $26.00 $31.00 UPPLY LIMITED S ICS28 Stone Washed Denim Shirt Circle selection: S M L XL XXL Circle selection: Single Twin Circle selection: Long Sleeve Short Sleeve Item Total SUB TOTAL Michigan residents please add 6% sales tax Handling Shipping $6.00 TOTAL Innovation. Reliability. Value. Ship Order To: The Original Lightweight Starter Name: ICS #: Street Address: City: Payment: State: MC Visa Card # Zip: Exp. Date: Order by mail, fax, phone or web: International Comanche Society P.O. Box 1810 Traverse City, MI 49685-1810 US: (888) 300-0082 Other: (231) 946-3712 Fax: (231) 946-6180 INTERNATIONAL COMANCHE SOCIETY, INC. APRIL 2013 Imitated, but never equaled — the benchmark of lightweight starters for Lycoming engines. Features a high torque series-wound motor, allmetal gears, and four heavy-duty ball-bearings. No “compromises” — no plastic gears, bushings, or troublesome Bendix drive, STC/PMA and no permanent magnet O-235 thru motor requiring high current IO-720 draw. Weighs just 10.2 lbs. 123 E. 4th Street • P. O. Box B • Newton, KS 67114 Voice: 316-283-8000 • Fax: 316-283-7400 Web: Comanche Flyer • 45 CLASSIFIEDS • (Twoissueminimum) • 25Words:$50.00/2issues • 25Wordsw/Photo: $70.00/2 issues • ExtraWords:$0.40/word • Paymentmustaccompany advertisement order. All advertising must be received by the ICS in writing (mail, fax, or e-mail) five weeks prior to the desired month of publication. Payment must accompany advertisement order. Comanches For Sale PA24-260 1965 260, well maintained IFR. N8651P, S/N 24-4094. TT5540, SMOH1782, New stab horn AD. New Sky-Tec starter and cables, Stec 50 autopilot, 3-yr new leather interior. King KX155, 170B, KMA, Garmin 496 with XM radar, Powertow 35, Paint 6+. All manuals and Powertow included. $64,900 reduced. Ken (618)304-4996. 2/2 Renewals may be made by telephone, but initial ad must be in writing. Trading Post & Classified Advertising Contact: Nancy A. Whitten 2779 Aero Park Drive Traverse City, MI 49686 Phone: (800) 773-7798 Fax: (231) 946-9588 E-mail: 1966 PA260B SN 24-4411 N8954P TTAF 3000, SMOH 1392, Prop SMOH 71 Hrs.Center Stack Panel with 2 King 155's, 6 Seat, Met-Co-Aire Wing Tips, Knots2U Gap Seals, Custom Blue Interior, Electric Trim, Hartzell Prop, 4 Fuel Tanks, 1-Piece Windshield, New electric fuel pump, Hangared in Phoenix since I bought it in 1978. Lost Medical, out of Annual, $39,500. Bob (602)996-0800, 1/2 Trading Post is a non-commercial, member to member service provided free of charge, one time per member, per year. The sale of aircraft is not permitted in the Trading Post. • Adsmustbesubmittedinwriting only (fax or E-mail OK). • Freeadsmaynotbeplacedbyphone. • First25wordsarefree. • Extrawordsare$0.40perword. Fax: (231) 946-9588 E-mail: Right trunnion: Serial #26-4385, P/N20752-09, Rebuilt with reinforcing web $2,700 USD; Left trunnion: Serial #7100-S, P/N27053-00, $3,500 USD. 8130 & yellow tagged BS&B Industries. 2/2 Aircraft Wanted COMANCHES WANTED: All models, runouts OK, needing P&I/Radio upgrades OK, fast discriminate transaction on your ramp 20 years experience/ references. Call Jim, (760) 803-3093. avloc@ 2/2 SALE OR TRADE: Beautiful low time PA-30 Twin, hangared in Michigan (HTL). Well equipped. Knots2U modes. Call for details or what you have to trade. Dick (517)281-0609. 2/2 TRADING POST The publisher makes no warranties as to the veracity or accuracy of the information provided by the advertiser. The publisher is under no obligation to accept any or all advertisements. International Comanche Society 50 auto pilot; Strikefinder; Tip tanks; RE/LE 818 hours; Airframe 5263 hours. $70,000. Cell (317)496 7087. 2/2 69 260C N9359P, 3100TTAF, 800SFOH E/P Garmin 530/430W, 340 audio, EI monitors, factory oxygen, 2 independent auto pilots, etc, etc. See March 2010 Flyer or for pictures. Meticulous documented tail to spinner restoration. $110,000; Jeff, 2/2 PA30 1963 Twin Comanche PA30; Hangared; annualed Aug 2012; NDH; Dual KX 155; NavComs; S-Tec; Lycoming LIO-320-C1A Parts for sale with engine log book; (1) LW10495 crankshaft certified, std.; (1) crankcase, accessory case certified, with oil sump; (1) RSA-5AD1 fuel servo; (1) Ray Jay turbo core; Starter, Alternator for LIO-320-C1A; (1) cam shaft with lifters for LIO-320-C1A. Best Offer. George:; (320) 2723336 home; (320) 760-2131 cell. 2/2 Generators for sale: Two each: 50A Delco-Remy generators (10 hours since OH, new brushes and bearings), (mounting brackets and noise filter included); 50A Zeftronics regulators (do not require a paralleling relay). Fred: 2/2 Parts for sale: PA30 Engine heaters for each engine- cylinder and oil pan. PA30 Spinners and back plates. PA30 Blades #7663-4. PA30 Fiberglass Nose Bowls. (1) Horizon 52D21-1, (1) DG52D27E, (1) 1C359-1 Mitchel, (1) 1-B405, (1) DG52B15E. PA24-180 Air box - working good when removed. PA24-180 Complete Exhaust System. Wanted: 1-CP13M audio panel. Gene (816)252-7865 after noon CST. 1/2 46 • Comanche Flyer APRIL 2013 ABBREVIATION KEY A/C AD’s ADF AH A&P AI A/P AP CDI CHT COM C/R C/T DF DG DME EFIS EGT ELT E/P F/D FGP FWF GPS G/S GSP H/P HP HSI IFR IMC ILS LE LOC LORAN M/B MDH NDH NM NAV OAT OH PET RB R/C RE RG RNAV SB’s SCMOH SFN SFRM SMOH SOH S/N SPOH STOH TBO TT TTAE TTSN XPDR Air Conditioning Airworthiness Directives Automatic Direction Finder Artificial Horizon Airframe & Powerplant Mechanic Aircraft Inspector Audio Panel Autopilot Course Deviation Indicator Cylinder Head Temperature Communication Counter Rotating Carburetor Temperature Direction Finder Directional Gyro Distance Measuring Equipment Electronic Flight Instrument System Exhaust Gas Temperature Emergency Locator Transmitter External Power Plug Flight Director Full Gyro Panel Firewall Forward Global Positioning System Glide Slope Ground Service Plug Heated Pitot Horsepower Horizontal Situation Indicator Instrument Flight Rules Instrument Meteorological Conditions Instrument Landing System Left Engine Localizer (Runway Centerline Guidance) Long Range Navigation System Marker Beacon Major Damage History No Damage History Nautical Miles Navigation Radio Receiver Outside Air Temperature Overhaul Piper Electric Trim Rotating Beacon Rate of Climb Right Engine Retractable Landing Gear Area Navigation Service Bulletins Since Chrome Major Overhaul Since Factory New Since Factory Remanufacture Since Major Overhaul Since Overhaul Serial Number Since Propeller Overhaul Since Top Overhaul Time Between Overhauls Total Time Total Time Airframe and Engine Total Time Since New Transponder APRIL 2013 PLACING AN AD? Use this list as a guideline for the information you may want to provide and the order in which to do so. • YEAR, Model Year of Aircraft • MODEL, PA 24-180, 250, 260, 400 • SERIALNUMBER, Serial Number of Aircraft • N-NUMBER, Registration Number of Aircraft • TOTALAIRFRAMETIME, Total Hours On Airframe • AIRFRAMEDAMAGEHISTORY, Any Damage History e.g. Gear Up Landing • TOTALENGINETIME, Total Hours On Engine Since Factory New or Remanufactured • ENGINETIMESINCETOPORMAJOROVERHAUL • PROPELLERTIME, Total Time On Prop Since New or Overhaul • ANNUALINSPECTIONDATE • FLIGHTINSTRUMENTS, Standard Gyro Panel, Electronic Flight Instrument System • RADIO/NAVIGATIONEQUIPMENTLISTING, Communications & Navigation Equipment Listing e.g. GPS, ILS, VORs • WEATHERADVOIDANCEEQUIPMENT, Stormscope, Radar, • SPECIALEQUIPMENTLISTING, Engine Monitor (EGT, CHT, Fuel Flow, etc.) • AUTOPILOT, Type & Make of Autopilot • INTERCOM • INTERIORCONDITION&NUMBEROFSEATS • EXTERIORMODIFICATIONS, Gap Seals, Wing Tips, Speed Mods, Windshield • PAINTCONDITION • HANGEREDORTIEDDOWN • ADNOTECOMPLIANCE • GENERALCOMMENTS • ASKINGPRICE • CONTACTPHONENUMBER • CONTACTE-MAIL ADVERTISING INDEX Aerotech Publications ........................... 19 Johnston Aircraft Services ................... C4 Aerox ..................................................... 41 Knots 2U, Ltd. ....................................... 48 Air Parts of Lock Haven ........................ 37 Lighthawk ........................................... 6,27 Aircraft Specialties Services.................. 18 Met-Co-Aire .......................................... C3 Aircraft Spruce and Specialty ................. C3 Oilamatic, Inc........................................ 17 Alpha Aviation ....................................... 43 Paul Bowen Photography ...................... 48 Aviation West Insurance Broker ........... 48 Plane Power .......................................... C2 B & C Specialty Products Inc................ 45 Poplar Grove Airmotive ........................ 43 Bogert Aviation ..................................... C3 Precision Propeller ................................ 43 Bruce’s Custom Covers ........................... 7 Preferred Airparts.................................... 3 Clifton Aero ........................................... 27 Questair ................................................. 41 Comanche Flyer Foundation ................ 11 Rocky Mountain Propellers, Inc. ........... 19 Comanche Gear ...................................... 9 Ron & John’s Comanche Service ........... 38 Electronics International ..................... C2 Sky Manor’s Air Repair LLC ................. 45 General Aviation Modifications ............. 27 Sky Tec Partners Ltd ........................... C2 Great Lakes Aero Products .................. C3 Sound Ex Products ................................ 17 Ground Tech ......................................... 43 Tsuniah Lake Lodge .............................. 17 Hartzell Propeller, Inc. .......................... 17 Warren Gregoire & Associates ................ 9 Heritage Aero, Inc ................................. 19 Zephyr Aircraft Engines ........................ 15 J.L. Osborne, Inc. .................................... 7 Comanche Flyer • 47 SCOTT MYERS & DENISE PORTER Specializing in Aviation Insurance Fixed and Rotor Wing Aircraft Maintenance / Avionics Shops Flight Schools Worker’s Comp Hangar / Premises Contact us at 888-727-9655 or or PROUD COMANCHE OWNER AND ACTIVE ICS MEMBER 48 • Comanche Flyer APRIL 2013 Over 25 Years serving Comanche Owners Over 25 Years serving Comanche Owners Comply Comply with with SB836 SB836 & & SB836a, SB836a, replacing replacing Battery & Starter Cables. Starter Cables. Battery Comply&with SB836 & SB836a, replacing Replace tired or worn P-Leads Replace tired or worn P-Leads Battery & Starter Cables. Replace Corroded Battery Box Battery Box Replace ReplaceCorroded tired or worn P-Leads Improve Starting Performance Improve Starting Performance Replace Corroded Battery Box Change Bungees in 30 Bungees 30 minutes minutes or or less less Change Improve StartinginPerformance Tow Aircraft with ease with Bogi-Bar Tow Aircraft with ease with Bogi-Bar Change Bungees in 30 minutes or less Perform maintenance with specialized Perform maintenance with specialized Tow Aircraft with ease with Bogi-Bar tools. “Right tool job!” “Right tool for for the thewith job!”specialized tools. Perform maintenance tools. “Right tool for the job!” Tech Savvy Customers Tech SavvyininCustomers See action See products products action !!! !!! See products in action !!! FREE CATALOG Scan Scan barcode barcode with with Smart Smart Phone Phone to to watch watch Bogert in Hero’s of Manufacturing. Bogert in Hero’s Manufacturing. Scan barcode with of Smart Phone to watch Bogert in Hero’s of (800) (800) 627-8088 627-8088 or or (509) (509) 736-1513 736-1513 (800) 627-8088 or (509) 736-1513 WINDSHIELDS WINDOWS & LENSES 1,000+ Aircraft Models 10,000+ Quality PMA’d Parts More than just UV. we offer complete Solar Control. Full UV Protection AND Reduce temperatures by 10°-20° F or more.** MENTION THIS AD GET A ICS MEMBERS: 10% DISCOUNT OFF COMANCHE PARTS More NEW G.A. Aircraft have GLAP Windshields and Windows than any other source* Toll Free: 888-826-2759 Web: Great Lakes Aero Products, Inc. 915 Kearsley Park Blvd Flint, MI 48503 Tel: Fax: e-mail: (810) 235-1402 (810) 235-5260 Cards ® FAA/PMA approved // Windshields, Windows, Wingtip & Tail Cone Lens’ available for other makes & models // Manufacturer Since 1973 // Parts are shipped with scratch protection and/or appropriate packaging // Michigan residents add 6% sales tax // Not responsible for typos // C.O.D. Orders are shipped UPS or Fed-EX only // Windshields, windows & Lens’ are made from the highest quality Acrylic or polycarbonate sheet conforming applicable portions of ASTM D-4802, LP-391, MIL-P-5425-D, LP-393 & ASTM D3935 // *Note: Based on GAMA data for new GA piston aircraft manufactured from 2003 to current, 1 of 3 aircraft Manufactured uses GLAP Windows & Windshields. // **From material manufacturer information. // 10% Discount is for call in orders only. Proud Sponsor of email us Why would YOU want to fly behind our overhaul? JAS ENGINE OVERHAULS BECAUSE: • We build an excellent, smooth, powerful, reliable engine. • We put more emphasis on quality than quantity. • We have reasonable prices as we do not have high cost overhead. • We have experience – we have been rebuilding engines since 1947! JAS Standard Engine Overhauls use critical new specifications, blueprinting/static balancing/attractive paint finish/test cell acceptance run and warranty. Options are new cylinder assemblies and our ULTRA package. Ultra features include special blueprinting, dynamic balancing, flow enhance-ment and matching of cylinder ports and appearance enchancement. JAS, your service professionals for: ENGINE REMOVAL• AND REPLACEMENT PROPELLER• BALANCING AIRFRAME• MAINTENANCE WEIGHT AND• BALANCE 100 HOUR/ANNUAL• INSPECTIONS MODIFICATIONS• Johnston Aircraft Service LYCOMING ENGINE PROFESSIONALS P.O. 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Flyers - International Comanche Society
you do or say on the flight should be
questioned. If you have a good explanation as to the why and how and can
share it with your copilot, it is probably a valid procedure or habit. If the