HERE - University of California Center Sacramento
HERE - University of California Center Sacramento
University of California Center Sacramento Advancing UC’s mission of teaching, research and public service CENTER of the CAPITAL http:\\ WINTER 2016 Justice Cruz Reynoso named UCCS Governance Fellow for 2016 Former California Supreme Court Justice Cruz Reynoso has been named UC Center Sacramento’s Governance Fellow for 2016. Justice Reynoso served on the state’s highest court from 1981 to 1986. He currently teaches at UC Davis School of Law, where he holds the Boocheever & Bird Chair for the Teaching and Study of Freedom and Equality. As Governance Fellow, Reynoso succeeds former Assm. Bev Hansen, who served for 2015. Born in the Orange County community of Brea, Reynoso grew up as one of 11 children in a barrio near La Habra. His father was a farmworker in nearby orange groves. A graduate of Fullerton High School, Reynoso, attended Fullerton College before graduating from Pomona College in 1953. He received his law degree from UC Berkeley in 1958. Reynoso’s career as a community activist began as a teenager when he led an effort to have the U.S. Postal Service bring mail delivery to his rural barrio. That dedication to public service continued after law school as a legislative assistant in the California state Senate and later as associate general counsel to the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. In 1968 he became deputy director, then executive director of California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA), where he successfully thwarted then-Gov. Ronald Reagan’s attempts to defund CRLA. Reynoso taught at the Univ. of New Mexico law school from 1972 to 1976, when Gov. Jerry Brown tapped him as the first Latino appointed to the California Court of Appeal. Brown elevated Reynoso to the Supreme Court in 1981. Since leaving the Court, he has taught law both at UCLA and UC Davis, served as vice chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and as a member of Barak Obama’s presidential transition team. In 2000, Reynoso was awarded the nation’s highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, by Pres. Bill Clinton. In 2007, he received the UC Davis Medal of Honor. Reynoso also is the subject of a documentary film, “Cruz Reynoso: Sowing the Seeds of Justice.” Reynoso becomes the sixth UCCS Governance Fellow, following Roger Niello (2011), Jack Scott (2012), Mike Villines (2013), Delaine Eastin (2014) and Bev Hansen (2015). From the Director’s Desk THE YEAR AHEAD AT UC CENTER UCCS has two principal missions: to provide UC students with exceptional experiential learning opportunities in public service, and to disseminate knowledge produced on each of UC’s 10 campuses in the interest of better policymaking. This academic year-to-date has seen impressive progress along both fronts. Undergraduate student enrollment during the Fall and Winter quarters reached record highs, totaling nearly 50 students representing eight UC campuses. Both the Fall and Winter cohorts have been impressive. Their enthusiasm, diligence and professional comportment have been evident to their instructors, to Center leadership, and to Center guests – including this year’s newly appointed Governance Fellow, former California Supreme Court Justice Cruz Reynoso. Meanwhile, the Center is working to develop new ways to engage students with varied interests. One offering in development is the UC Global Leadership Program. Implemented in collaboration with the UC Education Abroad Program, this new program will give a highly selected group of UC students the chance to study in Mexico City for two quarters, followed by a one-quarter internship (arranged through UCCS) emphasizing California-Mexico relations (see Pages/global-leadership-mexico-city-sacramento.aspx). In addition, in keeping with our strong belief that UCCS programs should benefit students from all majors, we are pleased to introduce in Fall 2016 the first of what we hope will be several academic “tracks” to provide alternative academic pathways for students in the natural, environmental, health, and behavioral sciences. The initial offering will be in health policy. UCCS students who choose this special track will still attend lectures orienting them to the political and policymaking apparatus in California. From there, they will branch out to learn about the fundamental issues in health policy, the tools heath policy analysts use to address these issues, and their application to health reform both in the US and California. Finally, through a generous grant from The California Endowment, the Center is able to offer up to four undergraduates per quarter a $1500 award to help offset some of the additional expenses that many UCCS students incur. The main requirement is that students demonstrate an interest in “health justice,” broadly defined as reduction in “the avoidable health inequalities that arise because of the circumstances in which people grow, live, work, and age” (see for more information or to refer a deserving prospective student). On the dissemination front, UCCS collaborated last Fall with the California State Library to produce a special edition of the library’s “Studies in the News.” The special edition, edited by UCCS Graduate Research Assistant Jaime Jackson and called (fittingly) “UC Studies in the News,” showcased recent efforts by UC faculty that both made headlines and were judged to have relevance to California policymaking (https:// to view or download the publication). Looking ahead, we are pleased to announce two major events. The first is a major international conference on “water pricing for a dry future,” co-sponsored with UC Riverside and UC Berkeley (see page 5).Limited public registration is available via the conference website (( The second event is the annual Bacon Public Lecture, to be delivered on February 24 in the UCCS auditorium (see page 3). This year’s Bacon Lecturer is Professor Karen Chapple of UC Berkeley whose talk is based on her soon-to-be published White Paper, entitled “Integrating California’s Climate Change and Fiscal Goals: The Known, the Unknown, and the Possible.” This lecture is open to the public on a registration-preferred basis. These activities are just some of the ways UCCS strives to achieve its dual mission of preparing students to be better citizens while sharing knowledge in support of better, more evidence-based public policy. But we are always looking for creative new ideas. Please share them with me anytime. ( — Richard L. Kravitz, MD, MSPH BACON PUBLIC LECTURE SET FOR FEBRUARY 24 Karen Chapple (UC Berkeley) Explores Tax incentives as Related to Climate Change Goals Dr. Karen Chapple, a professor from the Center for Community Innovation at UC Berkeley, will present the second annual UCCS Bacon Public Lecture on Wednesday, February 24, at UC Center. Her talk will begin at noon and include a moderated discussion. The Lectureship program was made possible by a generous gift from Kevin and Kim Bacon, who provided funding for competitions for lectures in 2015, 2016 and 2017. Kevin Bacon is a 1972 graduate of UC Davis. Chapple will give the Bacon Lecture after winning a competition open to faculty and researchers throughout the UC system. The Lectureship, which includes a published White Paper, is dedicated to evidence-based public policy. Dr. Chapple’s entry focused on how to relate tax incentives to the state’s climate-change goals. She received research support and also plans to meet with relevant policy staff in Sacramento. Her entry was selected by a panel of policy experts convened by UC Center. Dr. Richard Kravitz, director of UC Center Sacramento, believes that the Bacon Lectureship affords an important opportunity for the University of California to deliver on its promise of discovering and sharing knowledge to advance the public good in California. “Through the generosity of Kevin and Kim Bacon, UC Center will bring world-class UC faculty to the state Capitol to address critical policy questions raised by legislative staff and other governmental officials,” said Dr. Kravitz. MAC TAYLOR Dr. Chapple’s paper was peer-reviewed by UC faculty. In addition to the Lecture, Dr. Chapple will participate in a discussion of her findings with Mac Taylor, director of the Legislative Analyst’s Office. The discussion will be moderated by Craig Cornett, the State Senate’s chief budget consultant. In addition to her professorship, Dr. Chapple is an affiliate faculty of UC Berkeley’s Institute of Governmental Studies and Institute for Research on Labor & Employment. Among her research projects is the role of the green economy and industrial land in the California economy. Dr. Chapple’s talk is the second Bacon Public Lecture. The inaugural Lecture was presented in 2015 by Dr. Michael Gottfried of the Gervitz School of Education at UC Santa Barbara. KEVIN BACON More information about the Lectureship may be found on the UCCS website here. New UCCS Staff Bolsters Student Recruitment and Experience UC Center Sacramento strengthened its effort to recruit students with the hiring of two new outreach coordinators: Greg Anderson and Kristen Greenlee. Outreach coordinators maintain the Center’s relationship to student advisors and program representatives on each of UC’s 10 campuses. They attend campus career and internship fairs, hold information sessions for students, and work with UCCS representatives, peer advisors and student ambassadors to spread the word about the Sacramento program. ANDERSON GREENLEE Greg and Kristen are responsible for specific campuses. Kristen works with Berkeley, Merced, Santa Barbara and UCLA, while Greg focuses on Irvine, Riverside, Santa Cruz and San Diego. The two work together at Davis and San Francisco. The two also assist with other Center activities. Greg helps non-Davis students find housing in Sacramento, while Kristen coordinates with the Alumni Association and schedules workshops for students on topics such as networking, resume` writing and professionalism in the workplace. Kristen came to UC Center from the UC Davis Medical Center, where she served as a communication analyst. She also brings state Capitol experience to her job, having interned for the state Senate and worked both for lobbying firms and industrybased associations. She is a Sacramento native who joined the UC Center staff in November 2015. A native of Northern California, Greg came aboard in September 2015 after relocating to Sacramento from the East Coast, where he earned a MA in Education from Harvard. A 2007 graduate of UC Irvine, Greg previously worked as a middle-school teacher and college counselor. Calling all UCCS Alumni Hey, UCCS alumni! The Center would like to hear from you and to make sure you remain a part of the UC Center family. Since the Center’s inception in 2004, more than 1200 of you, representing all 10 UC campuses, have participated in UCCS’ public policy and journalism programs. To help you stay in touch, the Center is in the process of creating an active, vibrant and robust alumni association. And we need your input, suggestions and — most important — your current contact information. Many of the email addresses in our database are UC emails, now long inactive. At the moment, a steering committee is working on forming an association, and we’ll be in touch soon with details. Members of the steering committee are Angela Blanchard (Davis, 2004), Eduardo Aguilar (Davis, 2004), Quinn Buniel (Davis, 2014), Josh Hoover (UCLA, 2011), Cindy Quiralte (Riverside, 2014), Tamara Torlakson (Santa Cruz, 2008), Patrick Welch (Santa Cruz, 2011), Nina Kapoor (San Diego, 2005) and Jessica Mosack (Davis, 2013). If you are interested in helping, or wish to update our database with your current information, please contact Kristen Greenlee at WORKSHOP ON WATER PRICING TO FOCUS ON INTERNATIONAL POLICY IDEAS UC Center will host a February workshop on water pricing, with emphasis on policy ideas from abroad and their relevance to California. Organized by Dr. Ariel Dinar of the UC Riverside School of Public Policy, the workshop convenes international experts who will share their experience with the use of market-based incentives to address water scarcity. Leading scholars from several countries will present case studies that illustrate how water-pricing mechanisms promote water conservation throughout the world. The presentations will be followed by discussions of how economic incentives might be used to address some Ariel Dinar of the challenges faced by California’s water economy. The international experts will be joined by California-based researchers, practitioners and policymakers. Speakers and panelists include Dr. Richard Kravitz (UCCS), David Zilberman (UC Berkeley), Dan Dooley (New Current Water and Land), Tim Quinn (Assn. of California Water Agencies), Alvar Escriva-Bou (PPIC), Glenda Humiston (UC Office of the President), Colin Carter (UD Davis), Ken Baerenklau (UC Riverside), Gavin Hanlon (Australia), Yacov Tsur and Nir Becker (Israel), Javier Calatrava (Spain), Steven Renzettui (Canada), Marielle Montginoul and Bernard Barraque` (France), Antonio Massarutto (Italy), Guillermo Donoso (Chile), Dajun Shen (China), and Barbara Schreiner (South Africa). The workshop will be held February 2-3. In addition to UC Riverside and UC Center, co-sponsors include the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, the Public Policy Institute of California’s Water Policy Center, and the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Zilberman Quinn Humiston Dooley Donoso Schreiner More information and a listing of panels and discussions may be found here. REGISTER FOR SEMINARS ON LINE Those interested in attending the public seminars mentioned above may register for events on line at Online registration will be available seven days prior to each seminar. Monthly events are listed in the calendar section of each newsletter and on the UCCS website. WINTER PROGRAM ATTRACTS 23 PUBLIC-POLICY STUDENTS Student Campus Internship Josef Alejandrino Riverside Senate Office of Intl Relations Hadley Blangy Santa Cruz Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom Celeste Castellanos Davis Dept. of Education: Executive Office Graciela Del Rio Davis LULAC Irene Diaz Davis Institute for Local Government Elyse Evkhanian Davis Dept. of Education: Childhood Development Lorena Fletes UCLA Dept. of Housing & Community Develop. Manreet Gill Davis Northern California World Trade Center Saida Herring UCLA Department of Public Health Albert Huang Davis Dept. of Housing & Community Develop. Cameron Latchford Davis CalTrans: Government Relations Eva Lieu UCLA Assembly Labor & Employment Committee Stephanie Lingvall Davis Sierra Club Michelle Livingstone Davis UC State Government Relations Sumaya Nahar Irvine Political Solutions Amy Nguyen San Diego Governor’s Office of Policy & Research Joaquin Pacheco Davis Assembly Comm. on Jobs, Econ. Develop. Emilio Perez Davis Planned Parenthood Brian Romo UCLA Kaufman Campaigns Monica Silver Davis City Councilman Eric Guerra Juliana Ter-Haroutunian UCLA Senator Robert Hertzberg Zeenat Yahya Davis Dept. of Education: Executive Office Paige Zimmerman UCLA California Forward HOST AN INTERN? Interested in hosting a UC Center intern? Since 2004, UCCS has placed more than a thousand bright, hard-working interns throughout the capital’s policy community. UCCS students are upper-level UC undergraduates with a minimum of 3.0 GPA. Learn more about hosting an intern here. Or, contact Associate Director A.G. Block here. POLICY “BOOT CAMP” OPENS WINTER QUARTER The first week of each academic quarter is dedicated to preparing UCCS students for life and work in Sacramento’s high-functioning, fast-paced policy community. The centerpiece of that preparation is a three-day “Boot Camp,” taught by UCCS instructor Kristina Victor. In addition to lectures on policy and analysis, students work in teams to research a challenge facing California, and to suggest potential solutions to that challenge. On the final day, each team shares the results of its research and analysis in a presentation to fellow students and UCCS faculty and staff. TEAMWORK RESEARCH APPLY FOR SUMMER, FALL SUMMER 2016 Program Dates: June 20—August 19 Application Deadline: March 17 FALL 2016 Program Dates: September 19-December 9 Application Deadline: May 5 For more information contact : Greg Anderson here or Kristen Greenlee here. SUCCESSFUL FALL COHORT SET ENROLLMENT RECORD Student Abel Acosta Campus UCLA Internship Common Cause Laura Alba UCLA Department of Education Nancy Au Davis Child & Family Policy Institute Tam Au UCLA Department of Public Health Pilar Barr Santa Barbara Sacramento County Public Defender Elizabeth Byrne Davis State Lands Commission Kevin Cruz Davis Office of Planning & Research Stephanie Flores Santa Cruz Western Center on Law & Poverty Marlene Garcia UCLA Dept. of Housing & Comm. Development Jasmin Herrera Santa Cruz Department of Education Roxana Hurtado UCLA Western Center on Law & Poverty Keith Jenkins Davis Assemblyman Ed Chau Taylor Jue Davis Sacramento Councilman Rick Jennings Jamie Loey Davis Department of Public Health Kevin Miller Davis California Arts Council Andrew Neiman Santa Barbara Fair Political Practices Commission Christopher Orlando Davis Fair Political Practices Commission Noemi Pasillas Davis Department of Justice Jaylyn Ransom Davis Institute for Local Government Austin Ruggeberg Davis Sacramento Metro Chamber of Commerce Nicholas Schroeder San Diego Assemblyman Phil Ting Greta Soos Davis Office of Planning & Research Scott Soykin Davis Sacramento Councilman Rick Jennings Joseph Vasilieff Davis Covered California Jessica Velasquez UCLA LULAC Sandra Yam Santa Cruz Yolo County Public Defender The Lineup UC CENTER LECTURERS FOR WINTER January 21 January 28 February 4 February 11 Daniel Simmons UC Davis Mindy Romero UC Davis Roger Bales UC Merced Jennifer Burney UC San Diego Professor of Law Director, California Civic Engagement Project Founding Professor of Engineering Assistant Professor School of Global Policy and Strategy The Winter Lecture Series at UC Center features talks on California tax collections, civic engagement, water security, food security and climate change, the earned income tax credit, climate change and fiscal goals, distributive justice, and pollution and the public health. With the exception of the Bacon Public Lecture on Wednesday, February 24, all lectures are held on Thursdays at noon at UC Center, 1130 K Street, Sacramento, Lower Level, Conference Room B. In addition, The Center now has a “frequent attendee program.” Attend 10 events; fill out the attendee card; receive a gift from UCCS. February 18 February 24 March 3 March 10 Hilary Hoynes UC Berkeley Bacon Public Lecture Karen Chapple UC Berkeley Kirk Stark UCLA Joshua Zivin UC San Diego Professor of Tax Law and Policy Professor School of Global Policy and Strategy Professor of Policy and Economics Goldman School of Public Policy Professor of City and Regional Planning Meet with UC Faculty Researchers In an effort to make UC research expertise available to as many policymakers as possible, UC Center will arrange meetings with speakers who lecture in Sacramento. To request a meeting with an upcoming speaker for your staff or agency, please contact Jamie Jackson: UCCS FACULTY COUNCIL Matthew Beckman Irvine Karen Chapple Berkeley Ben Highton Davis Gerald Kominski UCLA Mary Beth Pudup Santa Cruz Karthick Ramakrishnan Riverside Dr. Richard Kravitz UCCS Director Janet Coffman San Francisco Michael Gottfried Santa Barbara Thad Kousser San Diego Scott Mackenzie Davis Julie Sze Davis Kristina Victor UCCS Instructor Jessica Trounstine Merced UCCS ADVISORY BOARD Steve Arditti State Govt Relations UCOP (Retired) Henry Brady Goldman School UC Berkeley Hon. Bill Emmerson Vice President CA Hospital Assn. Hon. Bev Hansen Governance Fellow 2015 Susan Carlson Vice Provost Univ. of California Bob Huckfeldt Former Director UCCS Li Zhang Dean, Social Studies UC Davis Thomas McMorrow Steve Juarez Attorney State Govt Relations Manatt, Phelps Univ. of California Patricia Osorio-O’Dea Office of the Provost Univ. of California Hon. Jack Scott Governance Fellow 2012 Aimee Dorr Provost Univ. of California Diane Griffiths Chief of Staff Sen. Robert Hertzberg Karl Mohr Office of the VC UC Davis Hon. Mike Villines Governance Fellow 2013 Hon. Delaine Eastin Governance Fellow 2014 Hon. Roger Niello Governance Fellow 2011 Hon. Jose Medina Member CA State Assembly UCCS FEATURED IN PROMOTIONAL VIDEO Want to learn more about UC Center? A new video, featuring former and current students and UCCS Interim Director Dr. Richard Kravitz, is now available. You can watch it on the UC Center website here. DIRECTORY UCCS CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVES Campus Contact Phone E-Mail Berkeley Kristen Greenlee 916-445-3929 Davis Ken Barnes 530-752-2011 Irvine Sharon Parks 949-824-5456 Los Angeles Joan Edwards 310-206-2792 Merced Myra Fernandez 209-228-4259 Riverside Kathleen Sawa 951-827-7750 San Diego Daniel Carillo 858-534-4366 Santa Barbara Eden Slone 805-893-3090 Santa Cruz Sheila Rodriguez 831-459-2184 UCCS Greg Anderson 916-445-5181 APPLY FOR SUMMER, FALL SUMMER 2016 Program Dates: June 20—August 19 Application Deadline: March 17 FALL 2016 Program Dates: September 19-December 9 Application Deadline: May 5 For more information contact : Greg Anderson here Kristen Greenlee here. January 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 3 4 5 UCCS WINTER Orientation 10 11 6 UCCS WINTER Orientation 12 7 UCCS WINTER Orientation 13 14 POL 195 POL 192 17 18 19 20 2 8 UCCS WINTER Orientation 21 Sat 9 UCCS WINTER Orientation 15 16 Spring Quarter Applications Due 22 23 29 30 Daniel Simmons UCD Lecture Noon POL 195 POL 192 24 25 26 27 28 Mindy Romero UCD Lecture Noon POL 195 POL 192 31 February 2016 Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 WaterPricing Workshop Thu 4 Fri Sat 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 Roger Bales UCM Lecture Noon WaterPricing Workshop POL 195 POL 192 7 8 9 10 11 Jennifer Burney UCSD Lecture Noon POL 195 POL 192 14 15 16 17 18 Hilary Hoyes UCB Lecture Noon President’s Day Holiday POL 195 POL 192 21 22 23 24 BACON PUBLIC LECTURE Karen Chapple UCB Noon 28 29 25 POL 195 POL 192 March 2016 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 Fri Sat 4 5 11 12 18 19 Kirk Stark UCLA Lecture Noon POL 195 POL 192 6 7 8 9 10 Joshua Zivin UCSD Lecture Noon POL 195 POL 192 13 14 15 16 Daylight Savings Time Begins POL 195 FINAL EXAM 20 21 22 23 17 POL 192 Research Paper Due — Summer Applications Due 24 End of Winter Quarter 25 Good Friday 27 EASTER 28 UCCS SPRING Orientation 29 UCCS SPRING Orientation 30 UCCS SPRING Orientation 31 UCCS SPRING Orientation 26 April 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 UCCS SPRING Orientation 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 15 16 22 23 Darien Shanske UCD David Gamage UCB Lecture Noon POL 195 POL 192 10 11 12 13 14 Irva HertzPiciotto UCD Lecture Noon POL 195 POL 192 17 18 19 20 21 Matt Springer UCSF Lecture Noon Passover Begins POL 195 POL 192 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Paul Ong UCLA Kerry Vandel UCI Lecture Noon POL 195 POL 192 Passover Ends Questions or comments? Or if you’d like your name added or removed from our email list, please email editor A.G. Block at University of California Center Sacramento Dr. Richard Kravitz, Director A.G. Block, Newsletter Editor 1130 K Street, Suite LL 22 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-5100
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