2014 Winter - University of California Center Sacramento
2014 Winter - University of California Center Sacramento
University of California Center Sacramento Advancing UC’s mission of teaching, research and public service CENTER of the CAPITAL http:\\uccs.ucdavis.edu Winter-Spring 2014 CENTER CREATES PUBLIC LECTURESHIP AND WHITE PAPER COMPETITION Kevin Bacon (UCD ’72) Gift Promotes Evidence-Based Policy UC Center has created a public lectureship and white paper competition, focused on evidence-based public policy. The effort is made possible by a generous gift from Kevin (UCD ’72) and Kim Bacon. The lectureship is designed to encourage UC faculty to synthesize evidence and stimulate creative thinking around a pressing public-policy problem. The winner of the initial competition will deliver a public lecture at UC Center in February 2015, prepare a short White Paper and Policy Synopsis, and receive a research stipend in addition to travel and editorial support. The Bacon gift also will fund additional competitions for lectures in 2016 and 2017. KEVIN BACON At the outset, a steering committee identified three broad policy areas for the competition — health, water and early childhood (pre-K) education. Staff experts from the Legislature and Brown administration helped formulate specific questions around each issue. In applying for the Lectureship, faculty members are urged to address those questions, contained in the “call for proposals” sent to UC faculty via their deans and chairs on March 21. Those interested have until midnight, May 7, to respond with an application that includes a 500-word structured abstract. All full-time UC faculty (Senate and Federation) are eligible to apply. Proposals should explain why the specific issue or question is timely and important; describe how the final product will integrate available evidence with the faculty member’s own insights and/or primary research; and suggest how policymakers can make wise decisions in the face of insufficient or conflicting evidence. The winning proposal — focused on one of the three policy areas — will be awarded by the steering committee, which consists of Robert Brook from RAND Corporation, Ken Jacobs from UC Berkeley, Amber Mace from the California Consortium for Science & Technology, Thad Kousser from UC San Diego, Karthick Ramakrishnan from UC Riverside and UCCS Governance Fellow Delaine Eastin. More information about the Lectureship may be found on the UCCS website here. Questions may be addressed to uccsbaconlectureship@ucdavis.edu. Completed submissions should be emailed to that address by midnight, May 7. The Winter Cohort and Their Internships Left to Right: Patrick Kim (Davis), Victor Gonzalez (Santa Cruz), Gladys Preciado (Davis), Guillermo Barajas Jr. (Santa Cruz), Mai Vang (Davis), Esmeralda Cano (Davis), Quinn Buniel (Davis), Henry Quintana (Davis), Ricardo Martinez (Davis), Eunji Kim (Davis), Roman Bubela (Davis), Mikayla Habibi (Riverside), Chanelle Castracion (Riverside). The 2014 winter program attracted 13 students, with the lion’s share from UC Davis. The term began with orientation week on January 6 and ended with finals on March 21. Despite the small size, there was a strong variety of internships. Here are the winter internship placements: Guillermo Barajas Jr. (UCSC): Assemblyman Kevin Mullin Roman Bubela (UCD): Institute for Local Government Quinn Buniel (UCD): UC Office of the President, State Government Relations Esmeralda Cano (UCD): ASPCA Chanelle Castracion (UCR): California Dept. of Education, Executive Office Victor Gonzalez (UCSC): Assemblyman Anthony Rendon Mikayla Habibi (UCR): CalPIRG Eunji Kim (UCD): California Dept. of Public Health, Division of Health Equity Patrick Kim (UCD): Sacramento City Councilman Steve Hanson Ricardo Martinez (UCD): CA Immigration Policy Center; Capitol Weekly Gladys Preciado (UCD): California Dept. of Public Health, Div. of Health Equity Henry Quintana (UCD): Assemblyman Adam Gray Mai Moua Vang (UCD): UC Office of the President, Budget Office UCCS students and staff had the opportunity to meet with UC President Janet Napolitano over lunch on February 19. Students and the president had a cordial but frank exchange on a range of topics, including student fees, pathways into the UC, and her vision for the university. Napolitano was in Sacramento for a series of meetings with legislators. L-R: Dr. Richard Kravitz, Chanelle Castracion, Roman Bubela, Gladys Preciado, Patrick Kim, Victor Gonzalez, Eunji Kim, Henry Quintana, Mikayla Habibi, President Napolitano, Guillermo Barajas, Mai Moua Vang, Esmeralda Cano, Ricardo Martinez, Quinn Buniel. UCCS Recruits 27 Students for Spring Quarter One of the largest student cohorts in recent memory will descend on UC Center for spring quarter. Twenty-seven students, representing six of the system’s seven quarter-based campuses, will begin study and internships in the capital on March 31. The term ends June 12. In addition, another large cohort is shaping up for summer, which runs from June 16 to August 19. Although the final application deadline is still weeks away, 33 students already have committed to summer — including nine from UCLA. Here is the campus-by-campus roster of spring students and their majors: UC Davis Hannah Bragstad, Political Science-Public Service Talia De La Torre, Sociology Anna Dito, International Relations Meghan Dobiles, History Amanda Dworkin, Environmental Planning & Policy Michelle Grant, Spanish Patrick Henderson, Political Science Kelsey Hoult, Political Science-Public Service Phill Lee, Managerial Economics Mason Livingston, Political Science-Public Service Janzel Manalansan, Political Science-Public Service Jugdip Sandhu, Political Science Alejandro Solis, Political Science Omar Tinoco, Environmental Planning & Policy UCLA Melissa Melgoza, Political Science UC Riverside Ruben Barrientos, Philosophy Jonathan Garzon, Sociology Katelyn Leviton, Economics UC San Diego Aurash Gomroki, Political Science Santa Barbara Brenda Diaz, History Alicen Navarro, Global Studies Grant Stevenson-Smith, Environmental Studies and Economics Maria Pia Ramos Toscano, English Santa Cruz Victoria Anderson, Politics Stephanie DaRosa, MCD Biology Mickenzie Wheeler, Politics Mark Zevanove, History SPRING LECTURE SERIES FOCUSES ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, CRIMINOLOGY YOUNG KOMINSKI TURNER SPERLING RUMBERGER UC Center’s Spring lectures continue the Center’s “mini-series” on health, education and technology. In addition, The series also will feature two significant books about California: “The Crusades of Cesar Chavez,” with author Miriam Pawel, and “Weed Land,” with author Peter Hecht, a reporter with The Sacramento Bee. Pawel is scheduled for May 7 and Hecht for May 15. The spring series kicks off April 17 with Heather Young, dean of the School of Nursing at UC Davis Medical Center. She will be followed by a special Tuesday lecture by Dr. Gerald Kominski from the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. His talk, cosponsored by UCLA, will focus on the first year of health-care reform in California. Other lectures feature Susan Turner, a professor of criminology at UC Irvine; education professor Russ Rumberger from UC Santa Barbara; Daniel Press, a professor of environmental sciences from UC Santa Cruz; Paul Dorish, a professor of informatics at UC Irvine; UC Davis law professor Anupam Chander; and Daniel Sperling from UC Davis. Specific topics for each lecture will be available on the UC Center website here. Most lectures begin on Thursday at noon, with lunch served. Pawel, however, will present her Chavez biography on a Wednesday. HECHT PRESS PAWEL REGISTER FOR SEMINARS ON LINE Those interested in attending the public seminars mentioned above may register for events on line at http://uccs.ucdavis.edu/events. Online registration will be available seven days prior to each seminar. Monthly events are listed in the calendar section of each newsletter and on the UCCS website. DOURISH CHANDER Rob Gunnison honored with James Madison Award from Society of Professional Journalists Rob Gunnison, co-founder of the UC Center PublicAffairs Journalism Program, was honored on March 20 with the James Madison Freedom of Information Award from the Northern California Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists. Gunnison was named winner of the Beverly Kees Educator Award for his years of mentoring aspiring journalists and for the re-establishment of required coursework on access to public records. The award is named for a SPJ NorCal president who was an educator and nationally recognized journalist. A former Sacramento bureau chief both for UPI and the San Francisco Chronicle, Gunnison retired last year as director of school affairs at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, where he also taught investigative journalism. In 2005, Gunnison and former California Journal editor A.G. Block created the UCCS journalism program to give UC students a chance to “test drive” journalism as a career — an opportunity not readily available to students on their home campuses. Gunnison is the lead instructor for the program, which operates in conjunction with the graduate school at Berkeley. This summer will mark the tenth consecutive year UC Center has offered the journalism program, which runs from June 16 to August 19. More information about the 2014 summer program is available here. Online Gaming Conference Set for May 22 UC Center will again join with Capitol Weekly to sponsor a day-long conference on Online Gaming. The program, which will include four panels and a keynote speaker, will explore the future of online gaming in California, featuring more than 20 experts. Panels will focus on fiscal impacts, regulations, Tribal perspectives, winners and losers, and the politics of getting a bill approved by the Legislature and signed by the governor. The conference, the 11th co-sponsored with Capitol Weekly, will be held at 1123 J Street, Sacramento. For more information, contact Capitol Weekly at 916-444-7665. To register, click here. HOST AN INTERN? Interested in hosting a UC Center intern? Since 2004, UCCS has placed more than a thousand bright, hard-working interns throughout the capital’s policy community. UCCS students are upper-level UC undergraduates with a minimum of 3.0 GPA. Contact Associate Director A.G. Block here. DIRECTORY UCCS CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVES Campus Contact Phone E-Mail Berkeley Sandra Wilson 916-445-5100 svrodrguez@ucdavis.edu Davis Ken Barnes 530-752-2011 klbarnes@ucdavis.edu Irvine Sharon Parks 949-824-5456 sparks@uci.edu Los Angeles Brooke Wilkinson 310-825-4945 bwilkinson@college.ucla.edu Merced Lorena Roedan 209-228-4388 Riverside Trina Elerts 951-827-2634 Trina.Elerts@ucr.edu San Diego Kerry Ott 858-534-1708 kott@ucsd.edu Santa Barbara Angelica Arce 805-893-3090 aarce@ltsc.ucsb.edu Santa Cruz Sheila Rodriguez 831-459-2184 sheilar@ucsc.edu UCCS Sandra Wilson 916-445-5100 svrodrguez@ucdavis.edu APPLY FOR SUMMER & FALL 2014 SUMMER 2014 Program Dates: June 20-August 16 Final Application Deadline: April 14, 2014 FALL 2014 Program Dates: Sept. 29-Dec. 19 Final Application Deadline: Aug. 4, 2014 For more information contact Sandra Wilson here. April 2014 Sun Mon March 31 Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 Fri 4 Sat 5 Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Orientation Orientation Orientation Orientation Orientation POL 195 6 7 POL 192 8 9 10 POL 195 11 12 13 14 POL 192 15 16 17 POL 195 18 19 Passover Good Friday Heather Young Lecture Noon 20 21 POL 192 22 23 24 POL 195 25 26 Earth Day Easter 27 28 POL 192 Gerald Kominski Lecture Susan Turner Lecture 11:30 AM Noon 29 30 Arbor Day May 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 POL 195 Fri Sat 2 3 9 10 16 17 Dan Sperling Lecture Noon 4 5 POL 192 6 7 8 POL 195 Miriam Pawel Lecture Noon 11 12 POL 192 13 14 Russ Rumberger Lecture Noon 15 POL 195 Peter Hecht Lecture Noon 18 19 POL 192 20 21 22 POL 195 Bike-to-Work Day Armed Forces Day 23 24 30 31 Daniel Press Lecture Noon 25 26 27 28 29 POL 195 Memorial Day Paul Dorish Lecture Noon June 2014 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 POL 195 Anupam Chander Lecture Fri 6 Sat 7 D-Day 70th Anniversary Noon 8 9 10 11 12 14 End of Spring Quarter Finals Week 15 13 Flag Day 16 17 18 19 20 21 Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Orientation Orientation Orientation Orientation Orientation Week Week Week Week Week 22 29 Journalism Boot Camp Journalism Boot Camp Journalism Boot Camp Journalism Boot Camp Journalism Boot Camp Journalism Boot Camp 23 24 25 26 27 28 Journalism Boot Camp Journalism Boot Camp Journalism Boot Camp Journalism Boot Camp Journalism Boot Camp Journalism Boot Camp 30 Ramadan Questions or comments? Or if you’d like your name added or removed from our email list, please email editor A.G. Block at agblock@ucdavis.edu. University of California Center Sacramento Dr. Richard Kravitz, Interim Director A.G. Block, Newsletter Editor 1130 K Street, Suite LL 22 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-5100 http://uccs.ucdavis.edu
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