Worcester Althea Griffin Animaf Rescue Shelter Friends of the
Worcester Althea Griffin Animaf Rescue Shelter Friends of the
Animal Rescue League of Worcester Spencer Animal Control 139 Holden Street Worcester, MA 01606 Phone: (5OS) 853-0030 wvyw. worcester-a rl . Friends of the Attleboro Animal Shelter 22 Norcross Road Spencer, hrlA 01562 Phone: 5O8-885-2306 E mai l: gaelicbaron @juno. com org Pond Street, Atileboro l\rA A2TO3 Phone: 508-7G1-SG17 Email: Southwick Animal Control Althea Griffin Animaf Rescue Shelter Attleboro Frf ends of Gats Inc. Attleboro, IMA 02703 Phone: (508) 331-6700 East Weymouth t\ra. O21Bg-0249 11 Depot St. Southwidk, MA O1A77 Phone. 413-569-5348 exr64g Email: swkaco@aol.com I Email: Town of Sharon Animal Control B7 Wharf SL Phone: (781) 337-3342 E E mail. di City of Beverly Animal Services mal44@aol.corn Friends of the Plymouth pound www. th eseek on kcon Norfolk County Humane Society Phcrne: (78 1) BZ1-gO9B The Scituate Animal Shelter Scituate, IVA 02066 Phone: (781) 545-8703 Taunton Animal Shelter 821 W Water Street Taunton hrlA O27BO Phone: 50B-B 22-1403 Merrimack River Feline Rescue Socletlr Emai l: paws4bfue@aol. com 63 Elm St.(rt 1 1O) Salisbury, n A A1952 Phone: 978462-0760 Email: mrfrs@ mrfrs-org Tewksbury Animal Control Northeast Animal Shelter 2O4 Highland Ave Salern, [\rA 01970 Phone: 978-745-9BBB Emai l: swanseashelter@aool. net Buddy Dog Humane Society 151 Boston Post Rd Sudbury, [\rlA Afi76 Phone: (978)4436990 rtvrnlvv- b u dd y4og h g. co m Stoughton Animal Control Department 500 West Street Stoughton, tVlA 02072 Phone: (781) 34,+1294 Email. aco stoughton@yahoo_com 17 Laurehrood Road Sterling, I\rlA 01564 Phone: (978) 422-858s E mai l: staff(O sterji ng shelter. org TJ O'Cronnor Dog Pound 627 Cottage Street Springfiefd, fufA Phone: (413) 781-1484 MSPCA Springfield Animal Care & Adoption Center 171 Union SL Springfield h/A 01105 Phone . (413) 736 -2992 www.mspca.org Cape Ann Animaf Aid Gloucester, t\4A 01930 Phone. (978) 283 6055 ectio n . cg m/sap www. n orth eastan i ma lsh e lter. orq Wilmington Animal Control 233 Lowell St Andover, l\rlA 01810 Phone - 978475-3600 Email: Radisah@comcast. net Arlington Animal Control 59 Grove Street Arlington, [iA 02476 Phone: 781-316-3950 Email: dscuderi (@town. arlington . ma. us MetroWest Hu mane Society 30 Pond Sheet (Rt. 126) Ashfand, I\iA 01721 Phone: 508-87 5-3776 Web : Animaf Shelter f nc- n S;.htm Inc. 68 Stevens Road Swansea IMA A2777 Phone: (508) 679-6446 Dept 191 Cabot Street Beverfy, n A 01915 Phone: (978) 921-0040 X311 Email: i lindley@ci. beverly. ma.us Seekonk Animal Shelter Seekonk, [\rlA A2771 Phone: 508 336-6663 Tefephone: (508) Z2+GOS1 Email: FPP@gis.net Town of Swansea Ani.mal Shelter 557 Main Sbeet Becket" f\4A 01223 Phone. 413 623-0142 Sharon, MA A2067 Phone: 781-784-1 513 Email: 999 Whippfe Road Tewksbury, t!,lA 01876 Phone: (978) 640-4395 Becket Animal Shelter 90 South Main Street -Wareharn Chanrps Shelter *$Oiff trrlain Street West Wareham, t\rA O2ST} Phone: 508 291 OA72 mai l: friendsofcats@yahoo,-com raruvw. webpaws. cor:n/mriyh s Town of Ashland 1O1 Main Street Ashland, t\rA 01721 Phone: 508-881-O122 E mai l: grudofph@ash land mass. com Athol -Orange Animal Control 584 Main St Athol, MA 01331 Phone: (978) 249-2494 Email: atholpn i ma lcontrof @ yah-oo. com Framingharn Animal Control Framingham, MA A1721 Phone: 508-62A487O Bif lerica Animal Control Billerica, lylA A1821 Email: sdubois S8@vahoo com Saffard Memorial Anirnal Shelter Dedham, hrlA A2026 Phone: (781) 326-0729 Animal Rescue League of Boston - Cape Cod Branch Route 6A, East Brewster, 0263 IVIA 1 Phone: (508) 255-1030 Animal Rescue League of Boston - Pembroke Branch 599 Washington Sfeet (Rts3), Pembroke, IVA 02359 Phone. (781) 826-6140 Animal Rescue League of Boston 10 Chandler Street Boston f\dA 02117 Phone: 617426-9170 Emai l. infot@aff boston.org Boston Animal Care & Center 350 South Huntington Ave Jamaica Plain, fv|,A 02130 Phone: 617-522-5055 www.msDca.oro Second Chance Shelte r for Cats Jamaica Plain, tVlA 02130 Phone: 617-522-1852 E mai l: sheerak (Oearth link -net City of Boston Animal Shelter & Adoption Center vrrww. -c ityoflroston . g ov/an i ma lcon tro I Massash usetts H urnane Societlr Braintree, lVlA 02185 Phone: 781-843-3722 Email: MassHu ma.ne@aol.com MSPCA Metro South Animal Care & Adoption Center 1300 West Elm Street Ext Brockton, illA 02301 Phone: (5OB) 586-2053 Emai l: k langstroth rO mspca. org