Term 3, 2015, Vol.23, Issue 3, July


Term 3, 2015, Vol.23, Issue 3, July
Co.As.It Italian Resource Centre Newsletter
189 Faraday Street, Carlton Vic 3053 Tel: 9349 9018
www.coasit.com.au, email: resource.centre@coasit.com.au Vol.23, Issue 3,
July, 2015
FOR 2015
(Open 10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.)
15th August
7th November
Opening hours :
Tues 9.00 am- 8.45 pm*
Wed 9.00 am- 5.00 pm
Thurs 9 am-5 pm
Fri 9 am-5 pm
*Note: Late night opening on
Tuesday applies only during
the school term, and not
during the holidays.
Appunti :
Whenever the ideal resource does not exist or cannot be
found a good adage is to apply the “pizza principle.” In
essence that is either to start with a basic item, the
Margherita and build up, or to select the Super Special
and eliminate. In both instances, adaptation is necessary,
either in adding or simplifying. More often than not one
needs to be flexible at working with texts or activities to make
them appropriate and perfect for students.
There is now a new procedure for Museo bookings, both
staff led and self –guided which is now online at:
Full details are contained within this Newsletter and please
note that bookings cannot be made directly to library staff
but must be made online.
Even though it is half way through the year schools that have
yet to pay their subscription can find a current form included
in this newsletter, and can still receive benefits for the
remainder of the scholastic year.
Best wishes for the term!
This edition of “Il Centro” is
published by Co.As.It
Italian Resource Centre,
Carlton and is compiled by
Rose Patti.
Advertising of products and
services is not necessarily
endorsed by Co.As.It.
It’s not that the perfect resource
does not exist...
it’s that it needs to be created.
Begin by searching the Co.As.It
on-line catalogue at...
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22 Issue 3
This Order Form is also a Tax Invoice for GST purposes
Co.As.It Italian Assistance Association
ABN 85 005 596 485
Postal Address:
Please print clearly the email addresses to which correspondence is to be sent.
(This is our main form of communication).
Please use reverse if required.
Cost: $121.00 (incl. GST)
Payment can be made by Electronic Funds Transfer, cheque or credit card.
1. ‪
Please deposit charge into the following account & please quote: SUBSCRIPTIONS
Account Name: Co.As.It. Italian Assistance Association
BSB: 633-000 Account: 107 090 409
Before subscriptions can be recorded a copy of receipt of EFT payment MUST
 emailed to: rose@coasit.com.au
posted to: Co.As.It Resource Centre.189 Faraday Street, Carlton, Victoria, 3053
□CHEQUE made payable to Co.As.It Resource Centre and posted to: Co.As.It. Resource
Centre, 189 Faraday Street, Carlton, 3053
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
School Subscription Conditions for Co.As.It. Italian
Resource Centre
I, the undersigned, hereby apply for subscription of Co.As.It. Italian Resource Centre Library for the person/s
named above.
Whilst a subscriber of the Library I agree to:
Take responsibility for all items issued on the subscription card until returned to the library and discharged by library
Accept responsibility for the choice of library materials if intended for applicants under 18 years of age.
Pay replacement and processing costs for any item/s lost, destroyed or damaged by any cause while on loan, except
such damage as is caused by reasonable and fair use.
Notify the Library Staff immediately if the subscription card is lost.
Pay the cost of any fine incurred for overdue materials.
Use borrowed materials only for educational purposes within the above named school, and not for profit.
Failure to comply with these conditions may result in the suspension of access or borrowing privileges.
I have read and understood the borrowing conditions and agree to abide by them.
Emails are our main form of communication. Include all relevant emails
including individual teachers and / or personal addresses.
Library Opening Hours 2015
9.00 am until 8.45 pm*
9.00 am until 5.00 pm
9.00 am until 5.00 pm
9.00 am until 5.00 pm
*Late night opening on Tuesday evening does not apply during the school holiday period .
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
CO.AS.IT Italian Language, Culture and Heritage Department
Staff led programs are only available on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Self–guided tours are available on Thursday and Friday
Museo Italiano is closed on Monday
Education programs and resources
The Museo Italiano Melbourne explores the themes of migration and settlement, diversity, identity, language,
culture and community life. An education kit including student activities at different levels (beginners, intermediate
and advanced) based on the permanent exhibition are available for teachers to download from the website:
The following Education Programs for Museo Italiano Melbourne will be offered:
La storia in valigia - Exploring Italian migrant stories
Staff led program for Years 5-10
A student centered program about the stories of Italian migrants and their contribution to Australia. The workshop
explores the themes within the exhibition at Museo Italiano through a series of objects, photographs and
information about Italian migrants.
The workshop will cater for all levels of comprehension and can be facilitated in Italian and/or bilingually. The
workshop will be followed by a visit to Museo Italiano exhibition. Students are encouraged to complete museum
activities in Italian, which will be available for teachers to download and bring on the day of the excursion from the
website: www.museoitaliano.com.au
Museo Italiano- Introductory talk for Advanced level of Italian
Staff led program for Years 11- 12 (VCE)
An introductory talk of the permanent exhibition presented in Italian with a focus on the contribution and identity of
Italians in Victoria. This session will be followed by a visit to Museo Italiano exhibition. Students are encouraged
to complete museum activities in Italian, which will be available for teachers to download and bring on the day of
the excursion from the website: www.museoitaliano.com.au
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
Museo Italiano-Self Guided school group visits
Teachers can organize self-guided visits to the Museo Italiano exhibition and can download the museum selfguided activities from the Education kit available from the website: www.museoitaliano.com.au There is no cost
for self-guided visits to the museum, however, bookings are essential.
Education kit- Refer to website www.museoitaliano.com.au
The education kit for Museo Italiano includes teacher notes, Tuning in, Museum visit and Post visit language
activities at the beginners, intermediate and advanced levels that link to LOTE (Italian) and other domains:
Humanities- History; Personal Learning, Civics and Citizenship, Communication; Thinking Processes and ICT.
The Italian language activities in the Education Kit cover a range of themes such as, la vita quotidiana -il
divertimento- lo sport- il lavoro- i bambini. The kit also includes pictures and information on museum objects
and key historical images.
Museo Italiano Education Programs 2015 :
Procedure for Bookings on the new website:
Bookings for Museo Italiano Education Programs is now online at:
This link will open to the Education Programs page.
 Select: Museo Italiano Schools Program on side bar.
 Refer to: How to book section and access calendar
Please note: Bookings are essential for both staff-led and self-guided visits.
 Check calendar for available date/s & time/s preferred.
 Go back to main page and select the staff-led program booking form or the selfguided visit booking form to make your booking.
 Complete the relevant booking form and click submit.
 Your booking request will be confirmed via email by a staff member.
 Staff led program $66 (up to 30 students) or $33 (1 – 10 students)
 No cost for self-guided tours
Our booking office is open 9.00 - 5.00 Tuesdays - Fridays.
If you have any trouble using the form please call 9349 9022.
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
Big Books are Spectacular!
The Big Book collection at Co.As.It Resource Centre is expanding to the point of
requiring more shelving space, with one whole bay now dedicated to this genre.
Following is “a guide for using big books in the classroom” based on Priscilla
Lynch’s best-selling resource Using Big Books and Predictable Books, principles
which can also be used in the Italian language classroom.
“There’s something spectacular about Big Book versions of good children’s books. Their visual appeal is a sure
hook into their content.
But Big Books are also produced for pedagogical reasons, and using them in the classroom [and the Italian
language classroom] makes good teaching sense. Big Books help the teacher to extend – or for some less
fortunate children, to establish- the positive effect of home lap-reading experiences. Large print and colourful
illustrations allow whole classrooms to share good stories and interesting books of fact. Especially when used
with small groups, Big Books enrich oral language development through modelled reading, through risk-free
participation by the children in subsequent readings and discussion, and through the meaningful teaching of
skills within context—all positive and therefore powerful learning experiences.
This guide focuses firstly on sharing the book as a group, to give the children confidence in their ability to
“read”it. Then they highlight additional language arts potential depending on the interests and needs of the
children and on the teaching goals. Finally, the teacher can move beyond a strictly language focus to include
across-the-curriculum activities and theme ideas for both individual and shared learning. Together these
suggestions reflect a basic learning pattern for children:
 They observe someone engaged in a desirable activity.
 They emulate the activity.
 They engage in similar activities, with guidance.
 They step creatively out on their own.
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
Because the uses a teacher makes of an individual Big Book title will depend on the children’s interest in it and
on their learning needs, the suggestions have been divided into four major types, which can be combined in
different ways for different titles.
The book experience itself, spread over several shared reading sessions (from three to
seven or more, depending on the children’s familiarity with books and on the nature of the
particular title).
Language learning based on the book, whether coincidentally or by linking the language to
a current unit of work with the [Italian Language] classroom.
Independent practice, growing out of the book though not necessarily directly related to it.
Theme studies, linking the book to other books and /or to all kinds of common human
The Book Experience
For the initial session, especially with young children who have little book experience, the purpose is two-fold:
 To model the basic book knowledge they need to be able to approach books with
 To share the story several times in a whole class or small group situation so familiarity
will give the children confidence. At least five sessions are recommended with a title,
to allow for a full and rich exploration of the book, its story and its language. Some
sessions may take only a few minutes; some much longer.
Language learning
Because language skills are best learned in context, it makes good sense to use texts which may be part of an
overall topic or theme being developed in the classroom. Some language teaching opportunities may arise
spontaneously as the children respond to the text during shared reading sessions; others may be planned for
enabling consolidation to occur.
Independent Practice
The independent and small group activities that might evolve from the shared experience of a book depend to a
large extent on the children and on the classroom situation. It is suggested that not only additional languagebased activities be developed but also others relating to other areas of the curriculum, such as the arts, maths,
science, and social studies.
Evaluation of growth in the children’s language and background knowledge resulting from the use of Big Books
will vary depending on the potential of the book and the activities undertaken. For most books teachers can
 Observe the children’s responses to the book, to the teacher and to their peers
 Collect samples of their work to chart progress
 Arrange a conference to share their enthusiasm and challenges and to make plans
for further learning.
Remember! The first purpose of a big book is enjoyment. But these books can also be powerful motivators for
learning. Shared book experiences help to model the reading process for beginning readers, encouraging
prediction, and correct pronunciation.
Adapted from: Using Big Books and predictable books by Priscilla Lynch, Scholastic Canada, 1996
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
Le case dei ricchi e famosi......
La casa di George Clooney:
Conoscete George Clooney? Sapete che ha una meravigliosa
casa in Italia? Il famoso attore, qualche tempo fa, ha
comprato l’antica Villa Oleandra a Laglio, un piccolo paese sul
lago di Como. George ha ristrutturato la casa che ha tante
camere spaziose, un grande giardino, una bella piscina e una
splendida vista sul lago. L’attore viene qui spesso per
riposarsi e per ricevere i suoi amici. Molti italiani hanno
apparezzato la sua presenza... sopratutto le donne.
Villa Oleandra
La casa di Alex Britti:
Condominio nel quartiere Prati
Ciao, sono Alex Britti, sono un cantante e abito a Roma. La mia casa è
nel quartiere Prati, vicino al centro storico. Abito in un condominio.
La mia casa è molto grande; spesso sto in casa insieme ai miei amici
musicisti per provare le nostre canzoni.
Ho un salone moderno con due divani di pelle nera, un tavolo lungo
e varie sedie e poltrone. Anche la mia cucina è moderna; mi piace
molto cucinare; in cucina ho un forno speciale per cuocere le pizze.
Sicuramente la mia stanza preferita è lo studio perché lì c’è un
grande impianto stereo per ascoltare la musica e tanti CD.
La casa di Francesco Totti:
Sono Francesco Totti... mi conoscete? Sono un
calciatore della Roma, gioco da tanti anni in questa
squadra e sono il capitano. Qualche anno fa mi sono
sposato e ho comprato una casa nuova: l’ho scelta nel
quartiere Eur, a Roma, una zona moderna, non lontana dal
centro. La mia casa è grande e luminosa, ha mobili
moderni ed è piena di regali di nozze; io e mia moglie li
abbiamo ricevuti dagli amici e dai parenti e li abbiamo
messi in varie stanze. Nella nostra casa ci sono tante
fotografie: le abbiamo messe dappertutto perchè sono
ricordi della nostra vita e della mia carriera. Nella mia
stanza c’è il mio primo pallone: l’ho preso da casa di mia
madre e l’ho portato in questa casa perché è un pallone
Francesco Totti
From : Affresco Italiano A2, corso di lingua Italiano per Stranieri by Maurizio Trifone et al, Mondadori Education, Milan, 2007
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
Tutto Italiano : from Italy for learners of Italian
(Audio Magazine)
This resource, published 6 times per year,
includes an audio Cd and is rich in news, stories,
travelogues and curiosities. Features are assessed
according to the European framework enabling them
to be easily used for secondary students.
Information is very contemporary and some
articles include comprehension questions.
Da uno a dieci e torna indietro = One to ten and
back again, by Sue Heap and Nick Sharrat,
Penguin Group, Camberwell, 2005, adapted by
This resource provides a bright and exciting counting
journey from one to ten and all the way back again.
The picture book is brilliantly illustrated and will
instantly engage younger students with its simple,
predictable text. Also, the format of the text provides
stimulus for children’s writing.
ELI s.r.l, Italy, 2012
This is a collection of 75 photographic cards depicting
a widerange of topics suitable as stimulus for conversation
Each card includes questions and vocabulary enabling
students to extend and consolidate their fluency in Italian
and is accompanied by a teacher’s guide.
Suitable for seconday students.
I bambini e le case del mondo : un libro pop up,
by Emma Damon, La Nuova Frontiera, Rome,
A spectacular, pop-up book which portrays building
structures from all over the world. Students will
engage instantly with this resource, lifting flaps and
moving wheels to create simple but effective stand
up structures. Simple and focused language suitable
for junior students.
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
Samantha Cristoforetti : woman of the stars : a social media hit
Astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti has become an international celebrity.
She was a Captain in the Italian Air Force, having logged over 500 hours flying when in 2009 she was
selected as an ESA (European Space Agency ) astronaut.
Born in Milan, Italy, on 26 April 1977, Samantha Cristoforetti enjoys hiking, scuba diving, yoga, reading
and travelling. Other interests include technology, nutrition and the Chinese language.
In July 2012, after basic astronaut training she was assigned to an Italian Space Agency ASI mission aboard
the International Space Station. She was launched on a Soyuz spacecraft from Baikonur Cosmodrome in
Kazakhstan on the second long-duration ASI mission and the eighth long-duration mission for an ESA
Samantha is now working and living on the International Space Station as part of her mission and enjoys
interacting with space enthusiasts on Twitter as @AstroSamantha.
Spreading across the planet her communications have been received in a myriad of countries as was
reported in The Calgary Herald (May 2, 2015).
“A simple message goes out to hundreds of thousands of Twitter readers, night after night: “Good night
from #space. Buona notte dallo spazio.”
It is always accompanied by a fresh photo of Earth, taken from orbit.
The sender is Samantha Cristoforetti, an Italian air force captain and astronaut who is following in the
footsteps of Chris Hadfield as she becomes a social media master in orbit.
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
The videos and stills she shoots show sunsets and northern lights, sea ice off Newfoundland, blue-green
Bahamian waters, and a quite a lot of Italy.
There are images of Cristoforetti herself in a star Trek uniform, one of them as she welcomes a cargo ship
with coffee for a zero-gravity espresso machine from Lavazza. (Previous Italians in space had to drink
She has a short exercise video on line. She read excerpts from Dante on the poet’s 750 th birthday. She
teaches a formal physics lesson on gravitational pull on orbiting objects, with equations and floating
baseballs. She has posted more than 2,000 photos on flickr.
“La Donna delle stelle”, an Italian TV network called her.”
Samantha, Terry Virts and Anton Shkaplerov arrived at the Station when their Soyuz TMA-15M spacecraft
docked on 24 November 2014.
Since then they have seen five supply vessels arrive and leave, and worked on countless experiments.
As much time as possible is spent on science during their 40-hour working week. Samantha runs
experiments from ASI and ESA, but takes part in more from scientists all over the world. Many are
continuations form previous expeditions – the station’s longevity is part of what makes it so special for
Samantha’s mission is named Futura to highlight the science and technology research she is running in
weightlessness to help shape our future.
At the time of compiling this article it is projected that ESA astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti will return to
Earth on 11 June, 2015 along with astronauts Terry and Anton, having spent 200 days in space on the
International Space Station.
From : http://www.esa.int/
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
ADD title
Statistics : Status of the Italian Language in the World
from Il Giorno il Resto Del Carlino La Nazione, 22/10/2014
article by Stefano Cecchi
E a sorpresa il mondo disse :
Yes, I love parlare Italiano
Stati generali della lingua: “Piace perchè ha il suono del cuore”
Lo studiano nel mondo :
In ogni ordine di scuole di cui
30% in Europa
18% in Sudamerica
16% in Asia
14% in America del Nord
1 primi 5
Germania 244.000 studenti
Australia 198.000
Stati Uniti 147.000
Egitto 132.000
Argentina 130.000
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
The following are free advertisements which do not imply any endorsement by Co.As.It.
Teachers should make their own enquiries regarding suitability
La Comica Variety Productions
Melbourne’s funniest Italian show performers
Your students will love...
The crazy characters from the original comedy hit show (Ristorante Mangiabanane) Pippo and Pasquale
are back with a whole new crazy cooking/kitchen show! A Gnocchi dish is on the cards this time, with the
show all taking place within an interactive kitchen set!
Still on offer in 2015:
La Festa: Primary and Secondary
Le Vacanze: Primary and Secondary
Ristorante Mangiabanane: Primary only.
For Bookings and more information on shows Contact: James Liotta
Phone : 0409 932 014
Email : jliotta@telstra.com
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
Spectacular Spettacolo Presents… “Tasty Tunes”
In 2015 Spectacular Spettacolo are bringing your school something completely different… It‟s going to
be fun, it‟s going to be interactive, it‟s going to be educational and it‟s going to be very, very TASTY…
“TASTY TUNES”, where Nutrition ROCKS!
For the past 5 years, our main role has been to focus on enhancing the learning of languages for
Primary School children. This year, we are broadening our horizons. Not only will we continue offering
educational, bilingual productions, but in 2015, we will also have a strong focus on learning about
Nutrition. Nutrition, healthy eating habits, cooking healthily and having a positive attitude towards
healthy living, are all subjects that are very important. We intend to help students learn about these
things in a fun, engaging, interactive and fresh new way.
Our shows are not only dynamic, fun, engaging, interactive and contain fresh, new, popular songs
relevant for the students of today, they also cover topics that relate back to the current curriculum.
For example, while Nutrition is the main subject area that is covered, “Tasty Tunes” will also cover
units such as: Counting/Measurements and Numbers, Colours, Health, Traditional Italian food,
Commands, Introductory language, Adjectives and of course, Food.
For all booking enquiries, you can do one of the following:
log onto our website at www.leaporcaro.com.au/spectacular-spettacolo/ and fill in the booking
form on the „contact us‟ page
- email Lea at info@leaporcaro.com.au
- call Lea on 0432 388 032
- I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Please keep an eye on the website or join our
mailing list for special offers throughout the year.
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
Italian Dance Workshops
Vince Di Mitro and his team have been educating and entertaining school communities across
Australia since 1989 with their accessible blend of practical activities, high energy and humour.
In our workshops, students learn traditional or contemporary Italian dances in which we infuse our own
creative moves. All our lessons are specially designed to cater for students in each year level. We are
committed to providing your school with a cultural, educational and fun experience for all ages P-12.
Contact Vince at Performing Arts Workshop for bookings or a copy of our brochure.
Contact : Vince Di Mitro
Performing Arts Workshops
PO Box 2250 St Kilda West 3182
Phone : 03 9525 5550 / Fax : 03 9525 5996
Mobile : 0419 335 556
Email : paworkshops@tpg.com.au
presents its production for
Sleeping Beauty
Carrousel Theatre would like to advise Italian Language Teachers of their bilingual puppetry
performances specifically tailored for Primary and Secondary students.
For more information visit : www.carrousel.com.au
Telephone : (03) 9376 5527
Email : enquiries@carrousel.com.au
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
Dance workshops for primary and secondary schools
A fun and dynamic way to introduce children to the joy of folk dancing
The workshop runs for 45-60 minutes and includes:
 An introduction to the cultural and historical background of the
tarantella and the traditions of the South of Italy
 Demonstration and explanation of the traditional percussive instruments and
their origins.
 Extensive use of Italian vocabulary
 A demonstration of the dance by the teacher
 Teaching of the basic steps and structure of the dance
 Children will learn a simple and fun tarantella dance routine
 Suitable for all ages, big or small groups.
For more information contact:
Rosa Voto
0430 162 408 pizzicamelbourne@ gmail.com
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
Type to enter text
"It was very funny ...I also liked the dance at the end which was extremely
fun. He got everybody to stand up and do a nonsense dance about making
sauce, pasta and sausages." Abbey, 10 years old
- Italian Heritage
- Latin Dance Champion
- Presenter of Dance, Fusion Latina (Ch.31)
- Professional Dance Instructor
- Current working with Children Check
Ciao Program
Duration: 50 minutes
Year Level: Prep to year 9
Tincidunt #654321
Cost: $480 up to 100 students
(if greater then 100 - $480 plus $4.50 per
Based on 1 Instructor/facilitator)
Platforms: Comedy, Exhibition, Dance,
Curriculum Areas: The Arts, Dance,
Drama, History, Languages, Health &
Physical Education
The standard artist fee includes up to 30km
within Melbourne CBD. For distances
more then 30km from Melbourne CBD
incurs additional travel cost.
0401 737 748
A Celebration of Immigration!
A fun and educational portrayal of a true story based on an
Italian mans journey to Australia from his home Italy. An
interactive presentation with a man and his suitcase as he
shares his story.
Based on the touring show of CIAO! Click Here
A fun, educational & interactive activity, where an immigrant
shares his story with objects from his suitcase - celebrating
culture and its influence on the Australian way of life & food!
Triggering discussion around obstacles he faced in a new
country, highlighting cultural differences in all formats.
A great Multicultural Experience!
An energising workshop package which allows students to
witness and participate in cultural education and a fun
traditional folklore dance workshop.
This program offers participants to explore the history of
immigration, Italian culture in such a unique and interactive
CIAO Show is currently touring & many of the patrons have
been children who love the interactive dance and comedy that
highlight the presentation
In addition, the program can also run in conjunction with the
Lorem Ipsum et:
touring show
CIAO, participants will then have the
Work Street
in the workshops in the
Work State
live show CIAO!
Note: more references are available on request
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
As a teacher of Italian, Nadia certainly has her finger on the pulse. Based on
her resources Cavallo Caper’s Incursions compliment and enrich all Italian
programs by immersing the students in song, dance and drama. Language
learning is taken to a new level with a refreshing collection of songs, suited to
all age groups and written and performed by Nadia.
Nadia Cavallo
Mobile: 0438770397
Email: nadia@cavallocapers.com
Website: www.cavallocapers.com
FACEBOOK: Cavallo Capers
Postal Address:
Cavallo Capers, PO BOX 5094, North Geelong, VIC, 3215
Teachers and Children experience:
 50 minutes of fun through singing, dancing and drama
 a selection of songs from her CD’s and DVD’s (Buongiorno Signora, An Italian Adventure and An Italian Christmas Adventure:
for Christmas shows only).
 Learning to dance “La Tarantella”.
 10 minutes of meet and greet with Signora Nadia and Pinocchio.
Teachers and Children experience:
 50 minutes of fun through singing, dancing and drama
 a selection of songs from her CD’s and DVD’s (Buongiorno Signora, An Italian Adventure and An Italian Christmas Adventure:
for Christmas shows only).
 La Tarantella and other traditional Italian dances (option)
 10 minutes of meet and greet with Signora Nadia and Pinocchio.
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3
Some Testimonials
On Friday June 17, we were extremely fortunate to have the wonderfully talented Nadia Cavallo come to our school, Nazareth
Primary, to sing and perform her popular Italian songs for Italian Day. The children thoroughly enjoyed the sessions, singing and
learning new actions to her original songs. They were thrilled to meet her as they had been learning the songs for quite some
time. I highly recommend Nadia to all schools. The children will love her just as much as love her songs!
- Dianne Dolley, (Nazareth Primary School, VIC)
Cavallo Capers’ Resources are fantastic, our clients want to borrow them frequently and I find that is never in the library at all. I’m
still waiting for it to be returned from the country and someone else is waiting!!!
- Perth Librarian
Hi Nadia,
I am a teacher in Dapto, NSW. I ordered all your resources last year and since then I have used them constantly in my
Italian lessons in Year 2 and 3. Thanks for providing such quality resources. If you ever have new products, let me know
and I'll order them.
- Paula Huckstepp (St John's Catholic Primary School, Dapto, NSW)
Nadia Cavallo spent one day a week during term 3 introducing our kindergarten children to the Italian language, culture and
country through her fantastic Buongiorno Kit. The children and staff loved them both and we shared our journey with the families
by having a concert at the end of the term.
Nadia had a lovely nature with the children and was very patient and warm encouraging the children to join in with her.
Nadia's Italian lessons have been a fantastic addition to the program and have complimented the Early Years Learning
Framework. We look forward to having back again next year.
- Daniela Ruffo (Highton Preschool)
...She's fantastic for producing her wonderful material, isn't she?!
I wish I was as musically talented as she is... her songs and her video and her activities too, have been so well-received
by the students. (Her own students must absolutely adore having her to themselves in the flesh!)
- Donna (SA)
Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 3