Il Centro - Co.As.It
Il Centro - Co.As.It
Co.As.It Italian Resource Centre Newsletter 189 Faraday Street, Carlton Vic 3053 Tel: 9349 9018 Fax: 9349 9091, email: Vol.22, Issue 4, September, 2014 SATURDAY OPENINGS FOR 2014 (Open 10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.) 1st March 17th May 16th August 8th November Opening hours : Mon CLOSED Tues 9.00am- 8.45pm* Wed 9.00 am- 5.00 pm Thurs 9am-5pm Fri 9am-5pm *Note: Late night opening on Tuesday applies only during the school term, and not during the holidays. Appunti : Teachers are masters at multi-tasking, jumping from class to class, always alert, juggling and participating in a myriad of events. They thrive in a world on frantic “busyness” which is crammed with all things that make up being a teacher in schools today. Such teachers are the main cohort of our borrowers and it is the aim of Co.As.It. Resource Centre to help teachers thrive in a world that is much too busy. So please always consider contacting us with your requests for resources or assistance in any other way. Contact can be made by phone 9349 9018 or email As the year is drawing to a close this edition of the Newsletter contains a current subscription form for 2015. When completing the subscription form it is vital to have emails updated, and if payment is made by Electronic Funds Transfer it is imperative that a remittance form is sent either via email or post. In the past there have been instances of subscriptions not being recorded due to this information not being received. Again, our best wishes for a happy, productive term. 2015 has been proclaimed by the United Nations as This edition of “Il Centro” is published by Co.As.It Italian Resource Centre, Carlton and is compiled by Rose Patti. Advertising of products and services is not necessarily endorsed by Co.As.It. “The International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies”. Civilization would not exist without light, light from our sun and light from the technologies which have now become part of modern living. Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22 Issue 4 CO.AS.IT SCHOOL SUBSCRIPTION 2015 This Order Form is also a Tax Invoice for GST purposes Co.As.It Italian Assistance Association ABN 85 005 596 485 School: Postal Address: Suburb: State: Telephone: Postcode: Fax: Please print clearly the email addresses to which correspondence is to be sent. (This is our main form of communication). Name: Email: Name: Email: Name: Email: Name: Email: Name: Email: Name: Email: Please use reverse if required. PAYMENT DETAILS: Cost : $121.00 (incl. GST) Payment can be made by Electronic Funds Transfer, cheque or credit card. □ 1. EFT BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS: Please deposit charge into the following account & please quote: SUBSCRIPTIONS Account Name: Co.As.It. Italian Assistance Association BSB: 633-000 Account: 107 090 409 Before subscriptions can be recorded a copy of receipt of EFT payment MUST emailed to: or posted to: Co.As.It Resource Centre.189 Faraday Street, Carlton, Victoria, 3053 2. BE □CHEQUE made payable to Co.As.It Resource Centre and posted to: Co.As.It. Resource Centre, 189 Faraday Street, Carlton, 3053 N.B. SCHOOL SUBSCRIPTION CONDITIONS MUST BE SIGNED OVERLEAF Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 School Subscription Conditions for Co.As.It. Italian Resource Centre I, the undersigned, hereby apply for subscription of Co.As.It. Italian Resource Centre Library for the person/s named above. Whilst a subscriber of the Library I agree to: Take responsibility for all items issued on the subscription card until returned to the library and discharged by library staff. Accept responsibility for the choice of library materials if intended for applicants under 18 years. Pay replacement and processing costs for any item/s lost, destroyed or damaged by any cause while on loan, except such damage as is caused by reasonable and fair use. Notify the Library Staff immediately if the subscription card is lost. Pay the cost of any fine incurred for overdue materials. Use borrowed materials only for educational purposes within the above named school, and not for profit. Failure to comply with these conditions may result in the suspension of access or borrowing privileges. I have read and understood the borrowing conditions and agree to abide by them. SIGNATURE/S: Emails are our main form of communication. Include all relevant emails including individual teachers and / or personal addresses. Name: Email: Name: Email: Name: Email: Name: Email: Library Opening Hours 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Closed 9.00 am 9.00 am 9.00 am 9.00 am until until until until 8.45 pm* 5.00 pm 5.00 pm 5.00 pm *Late night opening on Tuesday evening does not apply during the school holiday period. Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 CO.AS.IT Italian Language, Culture and Heritage Department Staff led programs are only available on Tuesday and Wednesday. Self –Guided Tours are available on Thursday and Friday Museo Italiano is closed on Monday Education programs and resources The Museo Italiano Melbourne explores the themes of migration and settlement, diversity, identity, language, culture and community life. An education kit including student activities at different levels (beginners, intermediate and advanced) based on the permanent exhibition are available for teachers to download from the website: The following Education Programs for Museo Italiano Melbourne will be offered: La storia in valigia- Exploring Italian migrant stories Staff led program for Years 5-10 A student centered program about the stories of Italian migrants and their contribution to Australia. The workshop explores the themes within the exhibition at Museo Italiano through a series of objects, photographs and information about Italian migrants. The workshop will cater for all levels of comprehension and can be facilitated in Italian and/or bilingually. The workshop will be followed by a visit to Museo Italiano exhibition. Students are encouraged to complete museum activities in Italian, which will be available for teachers to download and bring on the day of the excursion from the website: Museo Italiano- Introductory talk for Advanced level of Italian Staff led program for Years 11- 12 (VCE) An introductory talk of the permanent exhibition presented in Italian with a focus on the contribution and identity of Italians in Victoria. This session will be followed by a visit to Museo Italiano exhibition. Students are encouraged to complete museum activities in Italian, which will be available for teachers to download and bring on the day of the excursion from the website: Museo Italiano-Self Guided school group visits Teachers can organize self-guided visits to the Museo Italiano exhibition and can download the museum selfguided activities from the Education kit available from the website: There is no cost for self-guided visits to the museum, however, bookings are essential. Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 Education kit- Refer to website The education kit for Museo Italiano includes teacher notes, Tuning in, Museum visit and Post visit language activities at the beginners, intermediate and advanced levels that link to LOTE (Italian) and other domains: Humanities- History; Personal Learning, Civics and Citizenship, Communication; Thinking Processes and ICT. The Italian language activities in the Education Kit cover a range of themes such as, la vita quotidiana -il divertimento- lo sport- il lavoro- i bambini. The kit also includes pictures and information on museum objects and key historical images. Bookings for Museo Italiano Melbourne Education Programs School groups must be booked into the Museo Italiano for both staff-led programs or self-guided visits. For queries and bookings, please contact Maria Brancolino by email or telephone on 9349-9019 between 9am-5pm (Tuesdays – Wednesday) Information is also available at The Museo Italiano is open for self-guided school group visits from Tuesday- Friday at the following times: 10am, 11am, 12 midday, 1pm & 2pm. Cost-NIL. Staff led programs are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays ONLY. Times can be negotiable. Cost of sessions: $66 (up to 30 students) or $33 (1-10 students) All bookings will be confirmed by email. A registration/tax invoice form with booking details will be emailed to the school/teacher. Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 Texts using “il congiuntivo” From: Congiuntivo, che passione!: teoria e pratica per capire e usare il congintivo in italiano, By Loredana Chiappino & Nuccia De Filippo, Bonacci Editore, Italy, 2014. “Il congiuntivo è un animale di origini italiane quasi estinto in tutto il mondo.” “Penso che un sogno così non ritorni mai più….” Domenico Modugno, “Nel blu dipinto di blu.” (Domenico Modugno, Fonit) “Crediamo che La Pasta sia cultura del nostro Paese.” Cos i mo Rummo “Primavera non bussa, lei entra sicura Come il fumo lei penetra in ogni fessura ha le labbra di carne, i capelli di grano che paura, che voglia che ti prenda per mano! Che paura, che voglia che ti porti lontano!” Fabrizio De Andre, Un chimico (Gi useppe Bentivoglio, Fabrizio De Andrè, Nicola Piovani, Ricordi) Costituzione italiana Art.4: La Repubblica riconosce a tutti i cittadini il diritto al lavoro e promuove le condizioni che rendano effettivo questo diritto. Art. 19: Tutti hanno diritto di professare liberamente la propria fede religiosa in qualsiasi forma, individuale o associate, di farne propaganda e di esercitarne in private o in pubblico il culto, purchè non si trattino di riti contrari al buon costume. Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 Una rivista femminile pubblica cinque consigli di saggezza per le giovani donne: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Trova un uomo che ti aiuti volentieri in casa e che abbia un buon impiego. Trova un uomo spiritoso che ti faccia ridere. Trova un uomo affidabile che non ti menta mai. Trova un uomo che sappia amarti. Fa’ in modo che nessuno di questi quattro uomini sappia dell’esistenza degli altri. La Setti mana Enigmistica, n. 4258m 02/11/2013 Beh! Sono sorpresa! Ho sempre creduto che tu fossi alto uno e 84. “No, Stefano.” Era la prima volta che lo chiamava per nome. “Ormai lo abbiamo stabilito, che è l’ultima volta che stiamo insieme.” “E sia” disse Stefano. “Ma allora, se proprio non ci dobbiamo più rivedere, permetta che le dica una cosa anch’io...” Le stava davanti in piedi: “ rimpiango di non averla conosciuta prima.” Ella abbassò gli occhi: “Quando prima?” “Quando era libera.” E aggiunse: “Mara, mi dica una cosa sola: se il suo cuore fosse stato libero, crede che avrebbe potuto avere della simpatia per me?” Ella assentì con la testa. “No, me lo dica guardandomi negli occhi.” Mara obbedì macchinalmente e ripetè: “Sì.” “Grazie, Mara. Sarà una consolazione magra, ma mi fa piacere pensare che se ci fossiamo conosciuti in un’altra circostanza, anche lei avrebbe potuto volermi bene. Perchè io le ho voluto bene fin dalla prima volta.” La Ragazza di Bube by Ca rl o Ca ssola Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 Mamma e papà sono davero delusi, Albertino: credevamo che la tata ti avesse educato meglio! “Io da anni urlavo quasi: ma è possible che non si possa fare un film su una donna qualunque, che non sia bella, non sia giovane... perchè non un film su una donna della strada che non sia diva, falsa? Quando vennero a leggermi il copione di Roma città aperta, “ci siamo,” pensai, “questo è meraviglioso.” Dalla quarta di copertino di “Nannarella – Il romanzo di Anna Magnani”, Giancarlo Governi, Minimum fax La villeggiatura in panchina Andando ogni mattino al suo lavoro, Marcovaldo passava sotto il verde d’una piazza alberata, un quadrato di giardino pubblico ritagliato in mezzo a quattro vie. Alzava l’occhio tra le fronde degli ippocastani, dov’erano più folte e solo lasciavano dardeggiare gialli raggi nell’ombra trasparente di linfa, ed ascoltava il chiasso dei passeri stonati ed invisibili sui rami. A lui parevano usignoli e si diceva: “Oh, potessi destarmi una volta al cinguettare degli uccelli e non al suono della sveglia e allo strillo del neonato Paolino e all’inveire di mia moglie Domitilla!” oppure: “Oh, potessi dormire qui, solo in mezzo a questo fresco verde e non nella mia stanza bassa e calda; qui nel silenzio, non nel russare e parlare nel sonno di tutta la famiglia e correre di tram giù nella strada; qui nel buio naturale della notte, non in quello artificiale delle persiane chiuse, zebrato dal riverbero dei fanali: oh, potessi vedere foglie e cielo aprendo gli occhi!” Con questi pensieri tutti i giorni Marcovaldo incominciava le sue otto ore giornaliere – più gli straordinari – di manovale non qualificato. Ita l o Ca l vi no, Marcovaldo, Ei na udi Edi tore Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 Congiuntivo, che passione!: teoria e pratica per capire e usare il congiuntivo in italiano, livello B1-C2, by Loredana Chiappini and Nuccia De Filippo,Bonacci editore, Formello, Italy, 2014 The purpose of this book is to consolidate and refine the understanding of “il congiuntivo” especialy for more advanced students who have attained a level B1 – C2. The vast range of activities give ample practice opportunities, while the texts are selected from a wide range of sources and include literature, newspaper articles, cartoons, advertising and songs. An answer key is available on line. Nonna’s gnocchi by Rebecca Huntley &illustrated by Ilona Tar, Little People Publishing, NSW, 2014 Stephanie Alexander writes “This delightful story will almost certainly lead to a gnocchi-making session …make sure you have some potatoes in the cupboard! Subtly it reinforces the importance of traditional knowledge and of how it is passed from one generation to another.” This book is truly pleasing to the senses with charming illustrations and a text which is simple but engaging. Suitable for primary students and for anyone who has ever eaten gnocchi. Regions of Italy [wooden jigsaw puzzle], Fashion Store S.R.L., Italy Made of wood, this bright coloured puzzle names the 20 regions of Italy in Italian. It includes iconic symbols of the region, labels the surrounding seas and identifies the countries bordering Italy. It provides an opportunity for students to interact with the resource and being wooden it ensures durability for classroom use. Il Postino (Michael Radford, director) and other DVD Classics The DVD collection at Co.As.It Resource Centre is a great starting point for the exploration of some classic films, in particular “Il Postino” which has been very much in demand this year being its 20th anniversary of production. A full catalogue of titles is available on our website: Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 Il Boom Economico “The years 1948-53 were difficult years for Italy from the economic point of view, but from 1954 onwards recovery was rapid and, since 1956 and Italy’s entry into the European Common Market, overwhelming. This was the so-called “economic miracle”: production figures, national income and consumption, all began to rise dizzily. No sector of industry was excluded from the general growth. The s teel industry, with the new integrated plants of Cornigliano and Taranto, tripled its production over a few years, while the chemical and petro industries, both private and state-owned expanded explosively. Italian clothes and shoes made their mark on the main European markets; building, and the related industries of cement and bricks, did excellent business. The most spectacular development was in the automobile industry, in which FIAT by now had a nearmonopoly. The years 1956-67 were the period when the mass of Italians became motorized, and the great Turin factory, one of the “big boys” of international industry, now produced more than a million vehicles per year. Following this sudden industrial expansion, millions of farmers left the country-side to look for work in the cities of the industrial north. This has without doubt been the greatest mixing of population that has ever taken place in united Italy; not the least consequence of it is that the country’s double face has become even more marked. Another migration of peoples, of a seasonal and pleasure-seeking nature, on the other hand, is that of the twenty or more million foreign tourist who descend on Italy’s beaches and towns every year. Fi a t motor ca rs i n Pi a zza del Popol o, Rome Finally, after years of stinting and privation, the Italians discovered a certain well -being: consumption of meat and sugar, formerly very low, rose, and the rooftops became crowded with television aerials, which brought to everyone, together with the popular songs of innumerable festivals that took place the length of Italy, the paternal and persuasive voice of preachers and Christian democrat ministers. The economic miracle also had its heroes. One of these, in a sense, was Enrico Mattei, a valiant partisan who like an ex-Garibaldino of the late nineteenth century, became a leader of industry. To his name is linked the development of ENI and the attempt, made with a boldness and enterprise worthy of the old Italian merchants, to release Italy from the monopoly of the great international petroleum companies. With this intention, he established a series of contacts with colonial and newly independent peoples, and he is also said to have financed the Algerian National Liberation Front. He died in 1962, in an air-crash, and sabotage was immediately suspected. The economic miracle had its artist too, Federico Fellini, whose exceptional talent sublimates the exuberance and vulgarity of the new parvenus, the Catholicism and atavistic clericalism, heavy with Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 complexes, of the new Christian democrat Italy, its sense of and taste for sin, its progressive and traditionalist attitudes. Downtown Mi l a n i n the 1960s But like all the other miracles encountered during Italy’s history, the economic miracle had its reverse side. The building-boom which took the form of the most frenzied speculation, damaged, probably beyond repair, the quality of Italy’s main towns, and irreparably scarred landscapes unique to the world. Mass-motorization was artificially swollen beyond the country’s economic capacities, both by the cunning use of techniques of persuasion and by the State deliberately neglecting to improve means of transport. While thousands of kilometres of motorways were built, the closing of 500 kilometres of motorways was contemplated, and public transport in towns was forced to move at walking-pace in the chaos of town traffic. While there were inconveniences and there was a price to the progress, it certainly cannot be denied that in the decade of “the boom” Italy managed finally to break the chains of backwardness in which it was held for centuries, and joined the small number of industrially advanced countries. But what leaves many Italians perplexed and skeptical when they consider the economic miracle is that there was no parallel social progress. The condition of Italian workers remains precarious and hard; unemployment, in spite of the safety valve of emigration, which has involved about 3 million people, still remains at a disturbing level. What the miracle was not able to achieve was a significant narrowing of the gap between the two halves of the country. More than any other European country, post-war Italy remains divided between advanced and relatively backward societies. This dualism is rooted deeply in Italian history, and is linked to the relative geographical isolation of the south from European commercial and cultural influences, and to its long history of feudal class relations. Today, its consequences are seen not just in disparities in industrial structure and living standards, but in education, literacy levels, administrative competence, and so on.” A fa mi l y of i mmi gra nts , Ci vi ta vecchi a , ca . 1965. Photogra ph by Adri a no Mondenti Between 1955 a nd 1971, a round 9 mi llion people are estimated to have been invol ved i n i nter-regi ona l mi gra ti ons i n Ita l y, uprooti ng enti re communi ti es a nd crea ti ng l a rge metropol i ta n a rea s . Source : History of the Italian People, by Giuliano Procacci, Penguin Books, 1991 The Oxford Illustrated History of Italy, George Holmes (editor), Oxford University Press, 1997 Il Boom 1954-1967 by Giorgio Olmoti, Editori Riuniti, Italy 1998 Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 Tax Invoice Co.As.It. Italian Assistance Association Italian Resource Centre (Postal Address) Level 1, 189 Faraday Street, Carlton, 3053 ABN 85 005 596 485 Tel:( 03) 9349 9022 Fax:(03) 9349 9091 Contact Person :___________________________________________________ Name of School : _________________________________________________ School Postal Address : _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________Postcode_________ Telephone : ___________________Email :_____________________________ Tick each CD Pack Title required clearly & specify number of copies required at $5.00 each. For Non Subscribers cost is $22.00 each : Story Book Titles included CD Pack Title Ecco Pinocchio Pinocchio CD: C’era una volta La festa di Pollicino CD: No.ofcopies $ Il sole e vento Giacco e il fagiolo La gallinella rossa Alla festa Facciamo Festa CD: Buona Pasqua CD: La colomba Buon Natale CD: Andiamo in Italia CD: La famiglia CD : Cost $ $ $ La sorpresa Fra Martino L’albero di Natale $ Il presepio La Befana Il piccolo capitano $ Sulla neve La macchinetta rossa Mangia, mangia $ Il mio fratellino Il pappagallo Sogni d’oro Aiuto! Un topo Songs / Canzoni / Plays / Recite Divertiamoci CD: $ Total cost of CDs $ Plus $6.00 Postage $6.00 Total cost $ Payment Details – Cheques and money orders should be made payable to Co.As.It and stapled to this form (Please tick method of payment) Expiry Date / Total $ Visa Mastercard Money Order Cheque . Cash Card Holder’s Name (please print)________________Card Holder’s Signature______________ Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 The following is a free advertisement which does not imply any endorsement by Co.As.It. Teachers should make their own enquiries regarding suitability. La Comica Variety Productions Melbourne’s funniest Italian show performers... Your students will love ... La Festa This year Mario and his Nonno spend the day at La Festa Italiana being held at their local park. Mario will participate in a Scopa card game, a soccer match with Del Piero, an unforgettable Carnevale experience and a cruise in the latest Ferrari. But will Mario win his very own Vespa in the Italian raffle? Another fun filled comedy show with wonderful characters and audience participation. Still on offer in 2014 : Le Vacanze : Primary and Secondary Ristorante Mangiabanane : Primary and Secondary Un’avventura Romana : Primary For Bookings and more information Contact :James Liotta Phone : 0409 932 014 Email : jliotta@telstra.come completed by _---- *** ** Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 6pm on Sunday 27 Saturday evening 26 Spectacular Spettacolo Shows For 2014! “Time Warp Part 1 and 2” may be finished, but Spectacular Spettacolo will be back in 2014 with the final part of the trilogy (for the final year), “Part 3 – Vacanze Romane”. These shows are relevant for students Prep – 6 and are from our very popular “Time Warp” series (more information on our shows including sample songs are available on our website at The shows have been written by Lea and Corrado Porcaro. Corrado has been teaching Italian for almost 30 years in the Primary sector, as well as having developed many programs for the Department of Education over the years. Many teachers already use resources that he has created in their classrooms. Corrado knows the curriculum like the back of his hand and he has written these shows knowing what teachers (and students) not only need, but want. This is why we have h ad 100% positive feedback so far! Our shows are not only dynamic, fun, engaging, interactive and contain fresh, new, popular songs relevant for the students of today, they also cover different areas of Italy as well as topics that relate back to the current curriculum. For example, in “Part 3 – Vacanze Romane”, our heroine, Claudia, returns to Italy and each place she visits, we have a song that relates back to what the students are learning. Every booking will also include the fantastic teachers’ pack which contains over a semester’s worth of material (including loads of lesson plans with fun ideas on how to introduce the language used throughout the show either before or after the students have seen it) , the lyrics to all the songs sung throughout the show and a copy of the CD. The pack has also been put together by Corrado. Feedback from teachers in regards to this pack has been extraordinary! - For all booking enquiries, you can do one of the following: log onto our website at and fill in the booking form on the ‘contact us’ page - email Lea at or - call Lea on 0432 388 032 I look forward to hearing from you all soon. Please keep an eye on the website or join our mailing list for special offers throughout the year. Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 Italian Dance Workshops THE MOST FUN FILLED, EDUCATIONAL & CULTURAL EXPERIENCE EVER! Vince Di Mitro and his team have been educating and entertaining school communities across Australia since 1989 with their accessible blend of practical activities, high energy and humour. In our workshops, students learn traditional or contemporary Italian dances in which we infuse our own creative moves. All our lessons are specially designed to cater for students in each year level. We are committed to providing your school with a cultural, educational and fun experience for all ages P-12. Contact Vince at Performing Arts Workshop for bookings or a copy of our brochure. Contact : Vince Di Mitro Performing Arts Workshops PO Box 2250 St Kilda West 3182 Phone : 03 9525 5550 / Fax : 03 9525 5996 Mobile : 0419 335 556 Email : Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 CARROUSEL THEATRE presents a new production for 2014 LA BELLA ADDORMENTATA Sleeping Beauty Carrousel Theatre would like to advise Italian Language Teachers of their bilingual puppetry performances specifically tailored for Primary and Secondary students. For more information visit : Telephone : (03) 9376 5527 Email : Dance workshops for primary and secondary schools A fun and dynamic way to introduce children to the joy of folk dancing The workshop runs for 45-60 minutes and includes: An introduction to the cultural and historical background of the tarantella and the traditions of the South of Italy Demonstration and explanation of the traditional percussive instruments and their origins. Extensive use of Italian vocabulary A demonstration of the dance by the teacher Teaching of the basic steps and structure of the dance Children will learn a simple and fun tarantella dance routine Suitable for all ages, big or small groups. For more information contact Rosa Voto 0430 162 408 pizzicamelbourne@ Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 RETURNING BY POPULAR DEMAND IN 2014!!! From the company that produced “PINOCCHIO “, “IL FAGIOLO MAGICO”, “RAPERONZOLO”, “CAPPUCCETTO ROSSO” & “CENERENTOLA” Original Musical Theatre show. Suitable for P – 6 Bilingual (Italian/English) Dialogue and Songs + FABLES & FROLICS Presents the exotic tale of: “ALADINO” Prepare for take-off…! Hop on a magic carpet and fly away to a place of mystery and enchantment. Join the adventure, and dream of Genie with our fun, contemporary version of “ALADDIN” and his magic lamp. WORKSHEETS & CD AVAILABLEAVAILABLE: Terms 2, 3 & 4 (till 28/11), 2014 FOR BOOKINGS & INFORMATION CONTACT: FABLES & FROLICS Tel: 0411 588 967 Email: Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 A Cultural Interactive Experience An engaging & Innovative story using street dance & theatre to reflect a young man’s journey in a new country...Australia! Note : Ciao is touring in 2014 Confirmed venues and dates are : 12 July 2014 – The Potato Shed, Geelong 19 July 2014 – Knox Community Arts Centre, Knox 26 July 2014 – Italian Social Club, Shepparton 6th September 2014 – Karralyka Centre, Ringwood EPR Productions is a unique company specialising in themed dance and theatre presentations with a unique sense of quality and vision. EPR Productions is led by a passionate and inspiring Artistic Director & Choreographer, Emilio Ela Rose Emilio Ela Rose’s Credentials include: - Latin American Dance Champion - Professional Dance Instructor / Actor /Presenter - Musician / Impersonator - TV Presenter of Latin Dance on ‘Fusion Latina’ on Channel 31 Australia wide Since 1999, Emilio Ela Rose has been involved in producing works on Stage & Theatre. Emilio’s experience extends to cultural dancers which he experienced travelling around the world from country to country including experiencing Italy and its diverse richness in Dance from different provinces, the exhilarating Bal du Moulin Rouge in Paris to the most inspirational and energetic life changing moments living and dancing with the street kids of Latin America. CIAO - A Cultural Interactive Experience (Italian Theme) Inspired by his families struggles & true stories, he wanted to share & celebrate their journey, just like many others at their time - new immigrants arriving in the 1950's for the first time to Australia, using his accomplishments. Hence Emilio created ‘CIAO’- A 90 minute show production A story told through dance & theatre touring in theatres throughout Victoria in 2014. CIAO Show video promo: d8 CIAO Show Interview: CIAO - Education, Schools & Families Program As part of this showcase, Emilio has also created an educational program for schools which talks about the show including immigrants & their struggles with a new country, language, food, etc. The program is a fun, educational, interactive presentation & workshop package. An informative program where students will engage & participate in dance workshops & in a final Dance & Theatrical performance Tour Dates: TBC Ideal for: Prep – Year 9 Duration: 2 hour Presentation & Workshops for up to 100 students (1/2 days, Full Days, Weekly programs also available) AusVELS Links: Interpersonal Development; The Arts; English; Languages; Humanities (History) General Capabilities: Intercultural Understanding Artforms: Storytelling, Character,Improvisation Key Themes: Italian Culture, Participation 0401 737 748 Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 Mobile: 0407 316 233 ALL YEAR ROUND PASTA MAKING WORKSHOPS We were in the middle of a long hot summer in Italy. The whole family was holidaying in the tiny village which was the place of my husband’s birth. We were invited to Zia’s for lunch. Be there at “mezzogiorno”- she said. We knew not to be late. We arrived right on the dot of 12:00 and were shown into the dining room. Zia, was pleased and immediately started to crack the eggs into the flour and began making the pasta that we were to eat for lunch. She did it with such ease and in no time it was cooked and served with a traditional pasta sauce. This is Italy, this is family, and this is life! Let your students feel the thrill of producing their own pasta and taking it home to cook for their family. All equipment and ingredients supplied. Egg intolerant and Gluten free needs met. Students work with a 2 egg pasta dough ball. Instructional videos provided before the workshop. All students come together as part of the BIGpocket family, enjoying singing and fun along the way. WE SPECIALIZE IN WHOLE SCHOOL ITALIAN DAYS/WORKSHOPS BOOKINGS NOW OPEN FOR ALL 2015 WORKSHOPS CONTACT Jill Tascone on 0407 316 233 or email Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4 2015 Il Centro – Co.As.It Resource Centre Newsletter Volume 22, Issue 4
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