Creating role models. Transforming communities.


Creating role models. Transforming communities.
Creating role models.
Transforming communities.
Board of Directors
A Letter from the
Executive Director
Dear friends of St. Joseph Services’ family,
As we celebrate how far we’ve come this past year and plan for even more, we are so grateful to you for
making it possible! In 2011, we celebrated the 150th year of the Daughters of Charity in Chicago and
marked the 10th anniversary of the start of St. Joseph Services. And in this, our 10th year, we initiated new
programs, expanded into new sites, increased our client base, advanced our curriculums, and strengthened
our organization through partnerships and collaborations. On all fronts we continue to grow.
Our goals of developing youth, educating adults and transforming lives flourished this year. We do this one
family at a time, as the picture below depicts. Back when I was a volunteer literacy tutor, Evelia and her
husband, Gumaro (not pictured), were my ELL students. Her daughter, Jocelyn, just three years old at the
time was our translator. Today, their son, Danny, is a star student in our After School program, with Jocelyn
by his side. Both Evelia and Gumaro attained full-time work and continue to study at St. Joseph Services to
improve their skills. We have all come a long way! The St. Joseph Services team partners with our families
to help them advance to a better life and overcome poverty through education. Thank you for your part in
this wonderful effort.
Together we help more and more people succeed during hard times. Please know our doors are always open
for you to witness firsthand how your investment in St. Joseph Services makes a significant impact on the
lives of those we serve.
With gratitude,
Lisa Sand Sullivan
Executive Director
Rita Farrell Mayer
Chair, Board of Directors
Rita Farrell Mayer, Chair
Law Office of Rita A. Farrell
Victoria Pagnucci, Vice Chair
Huron Consulting Group, Inc.
Joanne Weschler, Secretary
Community Member
St. Patricia Dunne, D.C.,
Daughter of Charity; St. Vincent
DePaul and Marillac House
Mike Brennan
Accretive Health
Allen Carter
Patrick Dolan
Dow Jones
John Klare
Accretive Health
Sr. Jean Maher, D.C.
Daughter of Charity, Marillac
Meg Prost Munaretto
Community Member
ToKeisha Tharpe
Trinity Memorial Funeral
Director Emeritus
Lee McDonnell
Community Member
Executive Director
Lisa Sand Sullivan
SJS Executive Director Lisa
Sullivan (second from left) with
clients (left to right) Danny, Jocelyn
and Evelia.
Our Mission
Our mission, as stewards of the Vincentian Spirit, is to serve
and support families and individuals at risk, partnering with
them to strengthen and develop their values and talents to
reach their full potential.
Our Vision
Our vision is that regardless of their situation, families and
individuals can become pillars of strength in their local
community, active members of a faith community and role
models for the next generation.
Our Values
Generosity of spirit especially for persons most in need.
Welcoming others in a spirit of openness and compassion.
Networking with others to provide and enhance services.
Treating others with reverence, compassion, and integrity.
Educating, mentoring, and assisting others to grow toward
their full potential.
Providing highest-quality services.
Our Partners
The partnerships of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent
de Paul and Accretive Health provide vital resources
that ensure the quality and success of St. Joseph Services’
programs. The dedication and commitment of these
organizations allow St. Joseph Services to provide quality
services to local communities.
The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul
The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent
de Paul founded St. Joseph Services in
2001 and continues to support the quality
and growth of our programs. In addition
to providing significant financial support
over the past 10 years, the Daughters
serve on the SJS Board of Directors, as
volunteers, and as dedicated staff.
Throughout the year, we honored the Daughter’s
extraordinary 150 years of service to the poor in Chicago
(1861-2011)! Celebrations included a special mass and
reception at Catholic Charities on October 14, 2011
attended by 19 Sisters. The festivities culminated at our Fall
Festival on October 15, 2011, during which we honored Sr.
Renée Rose and Sr. Theresa Sullivan with the St. Joseph
Services Award for their contributions as the first two
Executive Directors of SJS.
Accretive Health, known for partnering relationships with
its own clients, continues growing in active service and
dedication to St. Joseph Services. Led by CEO Mary Tolan,
they’ve built upon their commitment started four years ago
by increasing engagement through their Junior Board,
enhancing service through volunteering, and expanding
their own fundraising on behalf of SJS. In June 2011, two
executives joined the SJS Board of Directors. This flourishing
partnership serves as testament that well-honed corporate
social responsibility substantially benefits local communities.
The St. Joseph Services Award in 2011 recognized honorees Sr.
Theresa Sullivan DC and Sr. Renée Rose DC, the first Executive
Directors for SJS. The Daughters of Charity celebrated their 150th
anniversary of service in Chicago in 2011.
Developing Youth
Can you imagine what it would be like to pass high school
dropouts and gang members on your walk to school each
morning? Children need a safe and supportive environment
that helps them stay on the right path.
That’s why SJS’ award-winning youth programs are so
important. We meet children’s most basic needs, providing a
safe place to go, a supportive group of people who care, and
the confidence they need to achieve. With our help, kids
become engaged and motivated to reach their full potential.
• After school programs provide children with tutoring and
help with homework, frequently raising their GPAs a full
point. They form friendships with peers equally committed
to striving for more. Exposure to art, music, sports and
cooking broadens their horizons. Workshops led by our
own staff social worker teach critical thinking skills to help
the children make positive life choices.
• Seasonal camps during winter, spring and summer breaks
keep the positive momentum going. The all-day camps
allow for field trips to museums and Chicago landmarks,
often the children’s first visit to these places. They see a
world they might otherwise never know.
• Weekend tutoring and recreation programs offer a safe
positive alternative for kids on weekends.
• Hoops ‘N Hopes evening programs with DePaul
University give youths instruction in basketball and a safe
environment where they can enjoy the game.
Tiara (at right) is one of many staff members who run after school
tutoring and enrichment programs for grammar and middle
school children. “I think the most important part of my job is to
lend a sympathetic ear and a shoulder to lean on for our kids,” she
explains. “It’s enormously gratifying to see our impact. We have
the opportunity to work one-on-one or in small groups with the
children. That makes a real difference.”
One of our middle school students, Sheanell (above) writes down the
homework assignments for her group.
Educating Adults
Where would you turn if you yearned for a better life for
yourself and your family but had no job and little formal
education? For many people in Humboldt Park and Austin,
where more than half of the adults have not finished high
school, SJS community centers are the answer. Skilled staff
members at these sites help adults become role models who
are better parents and more self-sufficient with improved
• Basic education classes help those who might fall through
the cracks without the minimum requirements needed to
enroll in GED courses.
• English fluency classes allow foreign-born students to
communicate, sometimes for the first time, with other
members of their community—interacting with their
children’s teachers, consulting with family doctors, and
helping sons and daughters with their homework.
• Computer classes provide adults the skills needed to keep
pace in a technology-driven job market. They learn to
write a resume, apply for jobs online, and connect with the
world through the Internet.
• A special program guides foreign-born residents through
the complex process of becoming a U.S. citizen, enabling
them to fully integrate into their community.
Retired veteran, 72-year-old Timothy (left) still wanted to earn
his high school degree. “It always bothered me that I didn’t graduate
high school,” he explains. “I thought to myself it’s about time I got my
diploma. It’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks.” Timothy
takes GED and computer classes five days a week. “I love it! Haven’t
had this much fun in years. I may be showing my grandkids a few
tricks on their laptops!”
SJS offers these free classes to those who otherwise could
not afford them. Now we’re expanding our reach to help
more communities.
• Parish literacy programs take our trained tutors and
proven curriculum to local parishes.
• Workplace literacy programs bring our classes directly to
places of business. Employees appreciate the opportunity
to learn on-site where they work, and business owners reap
the benefits of a more highly skilled workforce.
Norma and Jose’s family benefits
from a number of courses offered
by SJS.
Transforming Lives
Everyone has role models, but not always good ones. Finding positive role models is very
challenging in our neighborhoods, some of which rank first in Chicago for violent crime
and have truancy rates 21 times the state average, as well as continually climbing teen gang
involvement. SJS is there to help, offering positive role models who lead by example to
transform the next generation.
Our Youth Programs change the direction kids go in school.
Discouraged with her grades, Tatiana started coming to SJS in March
of 2011. Her mother worked to help support the family, and worried
about her daughter’s safety after school. Shortly after Tatiana started
attending SJS and receiving after school help, her grades began to
improve. “My tutor, Jennifer, was like a sister to me,” Tatiana says.
“I could tell she really cared if I succeeded. My teachers at school are so
proud of me. I’m proud, too.”
Our Open Gym and Beyond Basketball Progams bring
together an uncommon mix of grade school students,
graduates and young adults. These young players find
qualified staff and trained volunteers to be positive role
models who guide them in forming healthy relationships
with their peers. Beyond Basketball connects young adults
with local resources offering access to health and social
services, job skills, employment prospects, and more. Local
volunteers and staff mentors coach the young adults and
serve as positive role models.
“I was a pretty angry 7th grader when I first stepped into the SJS gym 8
years ago,” says Darae. “I seemed to be getting into fights all the time. That’s
when Bradly came into my life. I guess he’s been my mentor ever since.”
Adds Bradly, “Darae has made me proud in ways I can’t begin to express.
To see him working alongside me as a mentor to our kids and thriving
as a college student at Harold Washington College is very gratifying.”
(Pictured from left: Darae, Brandon, Kerron and Bradly cheer on the
younger players.)
Our Adult Education Programs help parents become role
Yari is very proud of her mom and siblings. “My mom is so cool going
back to school,” she states with pride. “She loves helping me with my
schoolwork now.” (Pictured from left to right are Leticia, Karen,
Humberto, Elmer and Yari, with Yaxi in front.)
We build communities from within, encouraging
successful program participants to become volunteers and
then move them toward becoming staff members. All our
site directors grew up in the same neighborhoods where
they now show teens and young adults that a better life is
Darae sees the new generation of SJS volunteers expanding.
“Corey is a great example of the kind of guys that are following in
my footsteps,” he says. “He’s here every weekend volunteering and
coaching the kids.” Corey adds, “I love working with the young guys.
They really look up to you and are eager to learn.”
Achievements, Expansion & Growth
Youth Achievements
•Opened new site at St. Angela School in Austin (Fall 2011).
•Doubled capacity at St. Mark’s parish by moving to a
larger facility in Sept. 2011.
•Planted our first community garden.
•Honored with Francis Parker High School’s Susan F.
Berkowitz Award, which recognizes outstanding youth
programs targeting future success.
•Instituted Youth Program Quality Assessment—a
continuous improvement practice for advancing the
quality of youth programs.
•Over 120 youth clients were served.
•Achieved 90% attendance and nearing 100% homework
completion goals. At the Humboldt site alone, 50% of
students increased their GPA by a full grade.
•Expanded Saturday programming in Humboldt Park
to include an Open Gym Program led by Francis Parker
High School students, augmented with tutoring by
volunteers from Accretive Health.
Adult Achievements
Computer Training
•Installed new state-of-the-art computer labs at Austin
and Humboldt Park centers, expanding computer class
capacity 69%.
•More than doubled the number of students served
(growing from 40 students in FY10 to 94 in FY11),
thanks to expanded capacity and additional classes.
•Developed a new hands-on curriculum (in English and
Spanish) advancing computer literacy.
•Qualified numerous students for free Netbooks through
the Humboldt Park Smart Communities Program.
Adult Literacy: Adult Basic Education (ABE) and English
Language Learners (ELL)
•Piloted a new Workplace Literacy Program, bringing
educational opportunities to factories and other work sites.
•Developed an innovative curriculum for ELL class
students, which achieved record gains in half the time as
standard tutoring.
•Recognized by the Illinois Secretary of State for
achievements in literacy including grade level gains,
student goal-setting, tutor training and class-time hours.
•Started ABE in Humboldt Park and pre-GED in
•155 Adult students were served (+45% from FY10).
New Adult Services
•New program funded to enhance service to young men
ages 16-24 who attend Sunday Open Gym. Provides
links and mentoring for improved health, education, and
job attainment.
Achievements that pertain to
all programs
•Doubled the number of program sites.
•Instituted Theory of Change Logic Models—a best
practice for all program planning and evaluation.
•Recognized by the City of Chicago Department of
Family and Support Services for excellence in achieving
objectives in Out of School Time programs.
•377 volunteers provided over 4800 service hours.
•SJS Austin Site Director honored by Mission &
Ministries, Inc. for compassion, courage and creativity in
providing services to persons living in poverty.
•A partnership agreement is underway with St. Aloysius
to provide programming at their new center in
September of 2012.
Fiscal Year
July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Operating Expenses
Mission &
Ministry, Inc.
In Kind 6%
Misc. Income 2%
Fundraising 5%
Financial Statement
Actuals FY 2011 Actuals FY 2010
Public Support and Revenue
Mission & Ministry, Inc
Special Events
Less costs of special events
In-kind assistance
Interest income
Program service fees/misc. income
Total public support and revenue
* $368,140
Program Services
SJS Community Center - Humboldt Park
SJS Community Center - Austin
Management and general
Total expenses
Change in Net Assets
* Includes bequest of $212,500 for Board Restricted donation for future expansion.
St. Joseph Services is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Copy of audited financial statements
available upon request. Annual independent audit conducted by Calibre CPA group.
Youth Educational
Our collaboration with the City of Chicago, through
Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS)
funding, offers training in Area Youth Development,
Chicago Youth Project, and Youth Program Quality
Assessment, as well as capacity building through Fiscal
Management Associates training and monthly networking
and informational meetings. All staff working with SJS
youth are required to receive certification in the DFSS Area
Youth Development series.
The Youth Program Quality Intervention is a comprehensive
system designed by the David Weikart Center for Youth
Program Quality. It begins with training on the use of the
Youth Program Quality Assessment (PQA) tool, a validated
instrument designed to evaluate the quality of youth
programs and identify staff training needs. Assessments,
both internal and external, are conducted with resulting data
guiding measurable improvement goals. SJS supports staff
in reaching those goals and increasing program quality.
Make Choices
Lead and Mentor
Be in Small Groups
Partner with Adults
Experience Belonging
Encouragement • Reframing Conflict
Skill Building • Session Flow
Active Engagement • Welcoming Atmosphere
Psychological and Emotional Safety • Program Space and Furniture
Emergency Procedures • Healthy Food and Drinks
Physically Safe Environment
An overview of SJS’ approach to helping kids develop emotionally and academically.
Youth Program Quality Assessment guides the design of all programs.
Community Collaborators
Alderman Deborah Graham
Alderman Emma Mitts
Alderman Proco Joe Moreno
Austin Coming Together
Austin Peoples Action Center
Chicago Career Tech
Chicago Cares
Chicago Citywide Literacy
Chicago Public Library
Chicago Public Schools
City of Chicago DFSS
Concordia University
DePaul University
Dominican University
Donors Forum
Erie Charter School
Francis Parker High School
Humboldt Park New
Communities Program
Ignite One
Illinois Secretary of State
Literacy Coalitions
Literacy Works
Loyola University
Marillac Social Center
Notre Dame Mission
One Good Deed Chicago
PCC Community Wellness
Resurrection Parish
Rumble Arts
San Miguel School - Gary
Comer Campus
St. Aloysius Parish
St. Angela School
St. Mark’s Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Center
The Axelson Center for
Nonprofit Management
UNO Charter School
Westside Health Authority
Westside Providers Network
Notre Dame Mission Volunteers – AmeriCorps (NDMVA) is a full-time,
year-long national service program providing members to St. Joseph Services
since 2005. SJS acknowledges their extraordinary commitment to serve.
AmeriCorps Volunteer Ellie
helps Angel complete her
nightly math assignment. Notre
Dame Mission Volunteers—
AmeriCorps (NDMVA)
provided five full-time staff for
SJS in 2011.
Accretive Health
Mary Ann and Richard Acton
Rae Ali
Kathy Amato
Victoria and Stephen Amesbury
Georgia and Harold Anagnos
Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division # 32
Peter Angerhofer
Patricia and Robert Asmussen
Aurora Investment Management LLC
Janet Creevy Avery
Melissa and Christopher Baker
Christopher Barnes
Laurie and Joe Bauer
Karen and Kenneth Bauwens
Leonard Becker
Mary Beckman Quinn and Michael
Lynn Bednar
Patricia Bellock
Christine Benedetti
John Blasi
Mary Anne Bobrinskoy
Patricia Braasch
Suzanne and William Braasch
Kathleen and Martin Bredemann
Mike Brennan
Terry and Peter Broccolo
Alicia Brown
Carolyn and Richard Brown
Clare Brown
Elizabeth Brown
Kristen and David Brown
Cindy and Carey Brunelli
Amy and Jeffrey Bucklew
Macce Bumpus
Daniel Buning
Laura Bunting and Brian Lange
Jan and Vincent Burdulis
Heather and William Burgess
Linda and Allan Burke
Diana Burns
Meg and Dick Cagney
Daniel Callahan
Gayle and Jack Callahan
Heather Callahan
Sue and Steven Callahan
Jennifer Carico
Mary Carlyon
Elsie and David Carroll
Mary and Michael Carroll
Mary and Allen Carter
Mary Carton
Thomas Cary
Liz and Mike Cavanaugh
Pat and Thomas Cavenagh
Jaikie and John Ceisel
Julie and Scott Chafin
Cheryl Chrapkiewicz
Gregory Cicci
City of Chicago-DFSS
Patrice and Christopher Claeys
Maureen Clancy
Kathleen and Raymond Collins
Columbia St. Mary's, Milwaukee
Mary Pat and Tom Compernolle
Marjorie and Thomas Condon
James Constantine
Kathryn and Thomas Conway
Nikki and John Conway
Joan and William Cook
Claire Corcoran
Corcoran Family Foundation
Jen and Gio Costales
Mary Costello
Theresa Coughlin
Carmel and Tom Cowan
Susie and Patrick Creevy
Creighton University
Kitty and Tom Crisham
Pamela Crowley
Ellen and Thomas Cushing
Ann and Robert D'Agostino
Daughters of Charity-St. Joseph
Residence, Chicago
Daughters of Charity-Mater Dei
Provincialate, Evansville, IN
Pamela and Dean Davis
Katherine Deane and Herbert Schepel
Dearborn Capital Management
Judith Brass and Etienne Deffarges
Diane and James Delach
Nancy and Ralph Deletto
Linda Ann Delgado
Julia Dell
DePaul University
Colleen Detjen
Renee Dickman
Susan Ditzler
Laura Doherty
Jean Dolan
Patricia Dolan
Stacy and BJ Dolan
Susan and Patrick Dolan
Betsy Donahue and Jeffrey Later
Cathleen and Benjamin Dooley
Mary Dorsher
Brenda Dost
Sheryl and John Ducharme
Diane Duffy and Walter Willinger
Joan and Jerome Duffy
Jacqueline Dunn
Sr. Patricia Dunne, DC
Anna and Daniel Durkin
Eileen Durkin and John Goebelbecker
Sam Durkin
Moira Dwyer
Susie and Fernando Egea
Judith Ellman-Glaser
Cindy Erzer
Mary Ewen
Christopher Fahey
Stephanie and Johnjoe Farragher
Marianne Farrell
Doris and Ed Fatur
Sheila and Robert Faut
Judith and Clifton Fenton
Mary Jane and Carlos Fernandez
Clive Fields
Margaret Fiorenza and Mark Santacrose
First American Bank
Julie Fischer
Sue and Bill Fisher
Pamela and Stephen Fitzell
John Fitzpatrick
Mary and George Fitzpatrick
Gema and Joe Fleites
Nancy and Greg Flitcraft
Robin Florzak Angell
Catherine Fodor
Martha and Bill Forsyth
Francis Parker High School
Mary Ellen and Joseph Franger
Mary Therese and Joseph Franzak
Catheryn and Scott Fuller
Ann Furby
Joyce Furlong
Kathy Jo Fyten
James Gaffney
Margaret Gagliardo
Lisa and Marty Garrity
Sheila and Mark Gartland
Kathleen Garvey
Julie Garvin
Cathy Garza
Mary and Richard Gausselin
Claire and Richard Gavigan
Katie and John Gawlick
Jane Geldermann
Jennifer Geldermann
Susan and Thomas Genovese
Paula and Jack German
Patti and Dan Gillespie
Denise and Richard Gillette
Kelly and Kevin Gleason
Julie and Barrett Gleixner
Sheri and Ronald Golden
Virginia Golitz Doubek
Barbara and David Gonzalez
Goodworth Kitchie & Associates, LLC
Susan and Thomas Gordon
Ann and Alan Gornik
Joseph Gow
Lois and Paul Greening
Paula Greening
James Greve
Peggy Gudenas and Cedric Antosiewicz
Guy A. and N. Kay Arboit Charitable
Mike Haddon
Sandra and Dennis Hammer
David Han
Janet and Dennis Hansen
Kathleen and David Hansen
Sheila and Chris Hansen
Thomas Harkness
Susan Jacobs and Ian Harris
Josephine and Joseph Harrison
Christopher Hartemayer
Sr. Marie Judith Haupt, DC
Pamela and Anton Hautzinger
Marianne and Jim Hayes
Susan Hays
Betty and Dan Heffernan
Helen Brach Foundation
Dorothy and James Hess
Mair and Richard Hill
Sarah and Gordon Hill
Susan and Thomas Hinkamp
Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP
Gordon Hirai
Sandy and Bert Hodapp
Donna Hofer
Margaret and Mike Hogan
Mary and Gary Hrunek
Catherine and John Hubeny
Kathleen and Bernard Hudec
Patrice and Paul Hulseman
Huron Consulting Group Inc.
Illinois Secretary of State Adult
Volunteer Literacy Program
ITW Foundation
Janet Jackson
Joann Jackson
Lisa Jeffers
Jet Lithocolor Inc.
Roy Joel
Samuel Johnmeyer
Bonnie Johnson
Bradly Johnson
Laurie and Michael Johnston
Mary Pat Jordan and Alan Hakey
Judy and Dan Josephs
Mary and Jeff Josephs
Maureen and Saul Juskaitis
Eric Kachin
Seema Kamath
Jean and David Kaplan
JoAnn Kargl Basky
Kaufmann, Hall & Associates
Kara Kane and Jim Sullivan
Kim and Gregory Kazarian
Colleen and Peter Kearney
Sr. Janet Keim, DC
Jane and Keith Keller
Courtney and John Kelly
Mary and Tim Kelley
Kathleen Kelly
Maureen Kelly
Amy and Timothy Kenesey
Mary Ann and Jack Kenesey
Caroline and Vincent Kennedy
Susan Kennedy and Dan Sullivan
Danielle and John Kenney
Gladys and Henry Klauke
Jennifer Klauke Koll
Rev. George Klein
Karen and Edward Klein
Louise and Robert Knauber
Susan and Daniel Knight
Debbie and Dave Kozerski
Cindy and Anthony Krizman
Patricia Krkjes
Rosemary and Scott Kryk
Mary and David Lackinger
Michael Laing
Landex Research, Inc.
Stacey and James Lareau
Sharon and Michael Lasiewicz
Leal Associates
Robert Leary
Ronald Leganger
Kathy and John Leonard
Catherine Leonis
Dolores Leonis
Mary and Cary Lewandowski
Jo Ann and David Lilek
Elizabeth and Dean Limberakis
Lin-Mar Motors, Inc.
Rachelle and Steve Lindo
Karen Lipinski
Local Initiatives Support Corp.
Amy Logan and William Mayer
Lisa and Mike LoVallo
Lucky Development Corp.
Amy and William Lucyshyn
Jocelyn Ludwick
Jacqueline and Roberto Lupano
Oksana and Myron Lyskanycz
Jessica and Michael Macaluso
Sr. Therese MacKinnon, DC
Bridget Maloney
Eileen and Bob Mahon
Dee Dee Maloney
Rev. Edward Maloney
Francis Maloney
Rebecca Maloney
Mary Beth and Lou Manfredini
Tony Marchese
Jennifer and Charles Martell
Patricia and Howard Martens
Janet and Paul Martin
Linda and Andrew Martorana
Master Educational Assistance
Mary Mastromarco
Cindy Matias
Julie and Todd Maus
Mary Rose Mayer
Rita and Joseph Mayer
Kathleen and Michael McCarthy
Maria and Edward McCarthy
Lisa and Mark McCormick
Rita McDade
Lee McDonnell
Anne and Art McGivern
Terence McGowan
Mary and Bill McGrath
Kerry McGuire
Madelene McGuire
Mike McGuire
Sr. Kay McIntyre, RSM
Kathleen and John McKenna
Katie and Jeremy McKenzie
Mary Jo and Mark McLoughlin
Vicki and Steven McMannon
William McMenamin
Kerrigan McNulty
Margaret and Chris McNulty
Patrick Meehan
Janice and Richard Menniti
Sally Meredith
Christopher Meyer
Kathryn Miller
Lisa and David Milligan
Mission & Ministry, Inc.
Mary Pat and Robert Molloy
Tracey and John Moore
Denise and Steve Morgan
Fr. James Moriarty
Mitchell Moritz
Janette and Thomas Morley
Mary and Ed Morley
Carrie Moyer
Patricia and Donald Mrozek
Arlene and Richard Muench
Diane and Mark Muench
Stephen Muench
Colleen and Peter Mulcrone
Lauren Muldoon
Colleen Mulligan and Carey Orr
Megan Mulligan
Meg and Frank Munaretto
Richard Munaretto
Maria E. Munoz
Stacey Muren
Maryrose Murphy
Melinda and Donald Muto
Laura and John Napiewocki
Carol Napoli
Marcy Naylor
Judy Neafsey and Terry Conway
Kathy and Richard Netzel
Mary Eunie and Jim Nondorf
Elizabeth Noonan
Mary Norkett
Sr. Catherine Mary Norris, DC
Donna and Peter Nowak
Mary Jane and Bob Novak
Nuveen Investments
Carolyn O'Brien
Mary and Tom O'Brien
Pat and John O'Brien
Rita and Robert O'Brien
Jill and Fred O'Connor
Jody and Matt O'Connor
Katie and Bill O'Connor
Laurel and John O'Donnell
Margaret O'Donnell
Agnes and Don O'Grady
O'Keefe Lyons & Hynes, LLC
Nancy and Jim O'Neill
Frank Oddo
Doreen and Andrew Oleszczuk
Katerina and Alex Ouchakov
Anne Peterson
Our Lady of the Wayside School
Packaging Corporation of America
Armando Pagnucci
Victoria Pagnucci
Vincent Panepinto
Betsy and Joseph Paquin
Clare and Steven Parker
Mary Patterson
Gail and Gregory Peace
Kristin Pederson
Barbara and Robert Perkaus
Debbie Perkaus
Pam and Harry Perl
Loraine Perlen
Erika Persen
Dorothy Pettay
Lynn and Harry Philips
Nancy and Michael Pins
April Platis
Linda and Thomas Poll
Moira and Michael Pollard
Steven Ponciroli
Eileen Poydence
Marge Principe
Kristina and William Prodouz
Queen of All Saints Basilica
Theresa and Michael Quinlan
Nancy and Terry Raby
Maria Radonova
David Rappe
Maggie and Mark Raynard
Julia and Wes Rehwoldt
Resurrection Health Care, Saints Mary
& Elizabeth Medical Center
Jeanne and Daniel Rice
Mary and James Rice
Jean and Ross Richards
Marjorie and Todd Richmond
Kathy and Bill Riordan
Elizabeth and John Rodgers
Michele and Brian Rubin
Linda and Benjamin Ruf
Pamela and Peter Russell
Petie and Les Russo
Sr. Frances Ryan, DC
Helen and Donald Ryan
Julie and Daniel Ryan
Mimi and John Ryan
S & P Tax Solutions, Ltd.
Jean Saelens
Maria and Mark Saigh
Leslie and Mark Sand
Geralyn Sargis
Ramelle Sarna
Pamela and John Scapin
Eric Schmidt
Mary and William Schramm
Donna and John Schreiber
Amy Schroeder
Mary and Tom Schufreider
Marjorie and Jack Schufreider
Mary Ellen and Thomas Schuman
Jane Schwartz
Susan Schwartz
Jay and Joe Scoby
Deidre Scott
Jean and Paul Scott
Gayle Sellers
Kathy and Mark Semisch
Mary Seroczynski
Susan Shafton
Beth Shawaluk
Mary Sheehy
Karen Sherman
Andrew Shykofsky
Edward Sips
Ann Slattery-Cowles
Sr. Paulina Small, RSM
Chase Smerdzinski
Christine Smith
Janet and Stephen Smith
Jeanne Smith and Donald Huff
Kathryn Smith Burke and Kevin Burke
Mary and John Smith
Rosalie and Martin Snitzer
Celeste and William Soden
Michael Sondag
Connie Sorensen
Jean and Bob Spence
Judy and Dick Sphon
Jennifer Spiekerman
St. Thomas of Villanova Church
Lisa and John Staton
Eileen and John Sterling
Kenneth Stoll
Scott Stratton
Nancy and David Strenk
Lucas Strom
Wendy and Brad Studt
Maura Sujdak-Fitch
Eunie Sullivan
Geralyn Sullivan
Joan and Harold Sullivan
Lisa and Harold Sullivan
Mary and George Sullivan
Mary and Michael Sullivan
Marybeth and Jim Sullivan
Mildred Sullivan
Rosemary Sullivan
Sharon Sullivan and Tom Snitzer
Sheli and Peter Sullivan
Sr. Theresa Sullivan, DC
Suzanne and Bill Sullivan
Judith and Russell Sumka
Frances and Joseph Swiderski
Michelle Swoger
Marilyn and Gregory Tazalla
Josephine and Mark Teister
Arlene and Cary Tengel
The Michael and Victoria Wallace
Family Foundation
Barb and Jerry Thompson
Sr. Marsha Tierney, DC
Mary Jo and Tom Tierney
Rev. Thomas Tivy
Dorothea and Michael Tobin
Teri Toenjes
Mary Tolan
Carol and Peter Tomaselli
Mary Ann and Steve Travnik
Sultana and George Tsokolas
Anne Unger
United Displaycraft
University of Illinois-ChiWest
Nancy J. and Stephen Van Heyde
Erlene Vandenbranden
Christine and Joseph Vondra
Laura and Brian Wagner
Walgreens Co.
Harry Walsh
Beth and Dean Walsh
John Walters
Angela and Chris Waltman
Marcia and Erwin Walz
Kathleen and Daniel Wassmann
Susan and Earl Webb
Denise Webber
Emily Webster
Valerie and Ken Weigand
Mary Beth and Ken Wejman
Jody and Frank Weschler
Sheila and R. Ted Weschler
Connie West
William Wetterer, III
Joan Whitehead
Nancy Whitton
Colleen Wilkens
Carol and Thomas Williams
Carole Williams
Adam Wilson
Anne Winter
Joyce and Henry Wisniewski
Sandra and Joe Wisniewski
Fran Wisniewski
Melissa and Scott Woehl
Cathy and Charlie Wolf
Steve Wright
Karen and David Wuertz
Thomas Youn
Dan Zaccardo
Kathryn and Thomas Zanoni
Mary Jo Zawilla
Joan Ziegler
Amy and J. Jeffrey Zimmerman
Scott Zust
Recognized here are donations received from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.
We apologize for any errors or omissions. Please contact us at with corrections.
In-Kind Donors
1st Ward Alderman Proco Joe Moreno
Accretive Health and friends
Antalee Wellness Center & Spa
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
The Backyard Barbecue Store
Roseann Baldauf-Shales
Leonard Becker
Bob Chinn’s Crabhouse
Ryan Bostic
Braun Strategic Resources
Bredemann Lexus and Ford in
Kristen and David Brown
Café Touché
Thomas Cary
Chalet Nursery
Classic Kids Photography
Claudio Salon
Joan and William Cook
Cornell Fitness
Gio and Jen Costales
Carmel and Tom Cowan
The Crystal Cave, Inc.
D’Agostino Pizza
Daughters of Charity/ St. Josephs
Dermatology Partners of the North
Shore/Kathy Walsh
Diane’s Hair Salon
John Dolan
Susie and Patrick Dolan
Dominican University Service
Learning Center
Pamela and Stephen Fitzell
Greg and Nancy Flitcraft
Gale Street Inn
Lynn Gooding
Grammy on the Go
The Great Frame Up/Tim Kelley
Amy Hargis
Eric and Marni Harris
Hidden Shamrock
Sarah and Gordon Hill
Sandy and Bert Hodapp
John Hubeny
IL Dept. of Children & Youth Services
Dorothy Jiganti
Jody O’Connor Photography
John G. Shedd Aquarium
Jessica Jolly
Mary Jordan and Alan Hakey
Mary and Jeff Josephs
Peter Josephs
Kaleidoscope Imaging
Kats by Kelly
Amy and Timothy Kenesey
Mary Ann and Jack Kenesey
Mary King
Brian Lang
Law Offices of Rita Farrell
Esther Leal
Louis Glunz Beer Inc
Loyola Academy
Loyola Academy Youth Lacrosse
Loyola Stritch School of Medicine/Sr.
Brenda Eagan
Peggy MacNamara
Amy and Dennis Malaney
Marillac Social Center
Mark Shale
Master Educational Assistance
Julie and Todd Maus
Rita and Joe Mayer
Michael McGuire
Mitchell’s Fish Market
Frank Munaretto, CPA
N·P·K Associates, Inc.
North Shore Community Bank
Northlight Theater
Andrew and Doreen Oleszczuk
Betty Olivera and Timothy Powell
Vicki Olivera Nugent
On Stage Salon and Spa
P.U.R.E. Golf
Packaging Corporation of America
Armando Pagnucci
Victoria Pagnucci
Rae Paterno
Red’s Garden Center
Tom and Barb Richardt
Henry Rico
Robert Gold Salon & Spa
S & P Tax Solutions, Ltd.
SJL Architects
Sauganash Flowers & Gifts
Schaefer’s Liquors
Mary Schufreider
Mike Shiroda
Tom Snitzer
Snowbird Ski and Patio Shop
St. Francis Xavier Parish
St. Mark’s Parish
St. Vincent de Paul Center
Steiner Electric Company
Stuart Rodgers Photography
Brad and Wendy Studt
Sullivan Brothers Irish Band
Eunie Sullivan
Jim Sullivan
Joan Sullivan
Lisa and Harold Sullivan
Sullivan Walsh Associates, Inc.
Sweet Connections
That Little Mexican Cafe
Therese Crowe Design Ltd.
Tina Aiello Art
Maureen Tinley
Evelyn Toten
Valley Lodge
Cheryl Ward
Jody and Frank Weschler
Katrina Weschler
Sandra and Joe Wisniewski
Zanies Comedy Club
We apologize for any errors or omissions. Please contact us at with corrections.
Sr. Marsha Tierney, a Daughter of
Charity provides in-kind service as
the Adult Education Director for SJS.
Here she receives 100 bags of groceries
donated each year around the holidays
by the Henry Rico family for SJS
families in need.
Jr. Board
Volunteers are the key to our success! These generous colleagues give more than just their
time. They provide support and care, always encouraging their students to reach for more.
And the relationships that result profoundly impact both the student and the volunteer.
Mary Franzak (staff )
Maria Hubeny (staff )
Yolanda Iglecias (staff )
Tim Kelley
Mike Kelley
Kerry McGuire
Katie McKenzie
KK Sullivan
Amanda Agne
Nereida Aguilar
Michael Almodovar
Linda Anaya
Barbara Anderson
Rocio Arreola
Sr. Teodora Azana, DC
Yuris Bendiks
Anup Bhattarai
Jonah Bondurant
Angelina Bornok
Mike Brennan
Amy Buzby
Jessica Buzenski
Evelia Calixto
Kyra Cameron
Mary Carter
Kate Casey
Elissa Castleberry
Jaikie Ceisel
Jennifer Chadwick
Yuritzi Chavez
Cheryl Chrapkiewicz
Gio Costales
Jen Costales
Carmel Cowan
Creighton University
Luis Crespo
Tatiana Curtis-Nettles
David Darst Center
Bhavna Deole
DePaul University
Cristina Diaz
Pat Dolan
Susan Dolan
Dominican University
Irene Duffy
Vanessa Dzialakiewicz
Stacey Ellis
Charles Erickson
Mara Espinoza
Maria Espinoza
Sheila Faut
Pamela Fitzell
Francis Parker High School
Aremilis Galva
Martha Garron
Laura Gascon
Sarah Glawe
Therese Golemo
Megan Graves
James Greve
Kristain Grissett
Jason Gronkiewicz
James Gross
Giovanny Guardado
Peggy Gudenas
Alan Hakey
Shirley Harris
Alex Hernandez
Luz Higareda
Sarah Hill
Allyson Hodapp
Sandy Hodapp
Seth Honey
Egudelia Huerta
Steven Hupp
Luke Irvin
Mariela Jacobo
Jennifer Johnson
Laurie Johnston
Mary Jordan
Jorge Juarez
Beatrice Jurado
Martin Jurado
Seema Kamath
Mary Kelley
Maureen Kelly
Jack Kenesey
Mary Ann Kenesey
Sr. Christina Laim, DC
Abhishek Lal
Brian Lange
Lisa LoVallo
Amelia Luna
Maureen Maddamma
Maureen Madell
Gina Maggio
Charles Martell
Rita Farrell Mayer
Mark McCormick
Jeramie McGill
Kerry McGuire
Mike McGuire
Jeremy McKenzie
Katie McKenzie
Lydia Melendez
Jose Michel
Cynthia Montoya
Jill Mudge
Mark Muench
Colleen Mulligan
Meg Munaretto
Maria Munoz
Maria E. Munoz
Elizabeth New
New Life Covenant Church
Carol Napoli
Rebecca Nielsen
Edgar Nieto
Rebecca Norman
Margaret O’Donoghue
Andy Oleszczuk
Doreen Oleszczuk
Maureen O’Malley
Javiera Ortega
Vicki Pagnucci
Laura Pazera
Tom Peterson
Kelly Pickering
Ahleli Pineda
Isabella Pinedo
Nancy Pins
Thomas Pins
Thomas Puhr
Casey Quinlan
Juan Ramirez-Sotelo
Fabian Reynoso
Barb Richardt
Tom Richardt
Elsita Rinaldi-Jovet
Kathy Riordan
Edwin Rodriguez
Noemi Roman
Elsie Santiago
Daniel Sawyer
Nancy Segreti
Ruby Serrano
Andrew Shykofsky
Daniel Singer
Laura Smith
Katie Snitzer
Tom Snitzer
Nathalie Solis
Amy Southwood
Jennifer Spiekerman
Eunie Sullivan
Kathleen Sullivan
Margaret Sullivan
Sheli Sullivan
Gale Tate
Darae Taylor
Arlene Tengel
ToKeisha Tharpe
Cary Thereon
Phylopias Thorne
Sr. Marsha Tierney, DC
Libby Tikalsky
Alemania Toledo
America Topete
Sr. Roberta Treppa, DC
Trinity High School
Susana Vega
Samantha Vela
Alex Villalobos
Adrienne Von Wolffersdorff
Caleb Wagner
Pamela Weber
Emily Webster
Pat Wehrli
Susan Wells
Megan Winegar
Sandra Wisniewski
Young Neighbors in Action
Leonard volunteers two days
a week to teach computer
skills. “I really look forward
to class,” he says. “Our adults
are very motivated and hard
working. They’re extraordinarily
appreciative of the time we
spend with them and how the
skills improve their lives.”
“One of my favorite parts of this job
is encouraging the older boys to help
out the younger guys,” says Bradly
(seen here “hooping it up” with
Ivory). “Sports teach teamwork and
mentorship, and provide a bridge
for me to know the kids and slowly
earn their trust. I feel like I’ve been a
second dad to some great kids.”
Photographs by
Snitzer Photography
Design services
by: by:
St. Joseph Services
2516 W. Cortez
Chicago, IL 60622