The Eagle Eye - Bull Run Middle School
The Eagle Eye - Bull Run Middle School
The Eagle Eye Volume 13 Issue 7 Eagle Headlines INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Eagle News 2 Yearbook order form 3 Field Trips 4 Club News 5 Talent Show 7 Library News 8 Counseling News 9 Athletics News 11 Honor Roll 13 PTSO 20 Summer Art Program 21 SOLs 22 April 2015 Congratulations to 8th grader, Robert Lazar, who was selected to compete in the state level competition of the National Geographic Bee, sponsored by Google and Plum Creek. The state Bee was held on Friday, March 27, 2015 at Longwood University in Farmville. Robert was among the 100 top-scoring students invited by the National Geographic Society from each of the 50 states, District of Columbia, Department of Defense Dependents Schools and U.S. territories to compete in the state Bees. Earning a perfect score in the preliminary rounds earned him a spot in the top 14 contestants, and winning the tie breaker made him one of the top 10 finalists. The 10 finalists competed on stage in front of the audience, and Robert finished 6th in the state. He was also interviewed by a NGS producer, and some of the footage could possibly be part of a future 90 second promo video. Bull Run Middle School Advisory Council Meeting (All parents are invited to attend) Time: Thursday, April 23rd at 6:30 p.m. Place: Bull Run Middle School Cafeteria Presenters: Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, Homeland Security Investigations Kris Eyler (Special Agent, Homeland Security) Michael Cronson (Herndon Police Department) Internet Safety: Understanding the Risks for Your Family The Internet has drastically changed the way that children interact with the world. They have access to tools which allow them to express their creativity with people from all over the world. Yet along with offering a fascinating, new way to connect to the world, the Internet also offers new risks: exposure to inappropriate material, cyberbullying, online predators and revealing too much personal information. Handouts will be provided to help parents navigate the ever changing world of online applications which are used to communicate with the world. The program is about 90 minutes in length and the targeted audience is for parents. If you have questions please feel free to contact Matthew Phythian, Principal at or by calling the school. Page 2 VOLUME 13 ISSUE 7 Eagle News Cont. Some groups of SIGNET students are continuing to participate in the annual Stock Market Game. It began the first week of February and runs through the first week of May. This year Bull Run SIGNET 8th graders have been invited to participate in the Capitol Hill Challenge for the first time. This concurrent competition is limited to a few schools in each Congressional District. Good luck teams! Year book pre-sales are heating up! The 2015 BRMS year book costs $30. Nameplates are no longer available. Pre-ordering a year book guarantees that you receive a book. Complete the attached order form (next page) or print one from the Bull Run website. Follow the directions on the form and send it in with your student to turn in during advisory. 8th Grade Picnic! Teachers are now in the process of planning THE 8TH GRADE PICNIC, which will be June 17th, at 12:30. There will be yearbook signing, rock climbing, dancing, games, and a ton of other fun activities. Every year we have been lucky enough to benefit from the generosity of the parents and the PTSO for much of the food. Please be watchful for a link to sign up to help with volunteering your time or to donate food and/or drinks. Bull Run Middle School 2014-2015 Yearbook Year book……………………………$30.00 To order your Eagle yearbook: fill out this entire form, except for the signature at the bottom, which is signed by the person accepting this form. Return this completed form to your advisory teacher with a check made payable to: Bull Run Middle School _________________________________________________________________ Print Student’s name ______________________________________ ___________ Advisory teacher’s name Advisory teacher’s room number ************************************************************************************************************************* 2014-2015 BRMS Yearbook - BOOKEEPING COPY Print Student’s name______________________________________________ Advisory teacher________________________________ Room # __________ Cash Check # _____________ amount $ ___________ Date___________ 2014-2015 BRMS Yearbook - STUDENT RECEIPT Print Student’s name _____________________________________________ Advisory teacher________________________________ Cash Check # ______________ amount $____________ Date_________ _______________________________________________________ Signature of person accepting this order VOLUME 13 ISSUE 7 Page 4 Eagle News 7th grade will be going to two of the Smithsonian museums, the American History and Natural History museums on Thursday, April 30. Field trip forms are due by April 20th. Chaperones are needed!! Information is on the permission form that was sent home. Please contact Mrs. Stone with any questions. 8th Grade Field Trip Eighth grade students trip on Thursday, June Times Baltimore/ Castle to view a perforthe Medieval Times Cas- will be taking a field 4th to the Medieval Washington D.C. mance and dine at tle. The cost of the trip is $55.00 per student. Please complete the required permission slip and emergency information form that were sent home. Forms must be turned into your child’s advisory teacher with payment. Checks can be made out to ‘BRMS’. Parents will need to plan to provide transportation to and from school on that day since we must leave BRMS BEFORE morning buses arrive, and we return AFTER school. [PWC activity buses are no longer available by that date.] Carpooling is encouraged. We will need chaperones for this fun trip! VOLUME 13 ISSUE 7 Page 5 Eagle Club News The BRMS Drama Club presents its inaugural performance: “Bad Auditions by Bad Actors” by Ian McWerthy; directed by the club’s Hadley Scott and Amber Parsons on April 21st at 6:30 p.m. in the Bull Run Cafeteria. Tickets will be sold at lunch for $2 each and at the door. The Drama Club is comprised of all three grade levels and is essentially student-led. 7th Grader, Hadley Scott, runs the drills and games (she acts/performs outside of school) and is assisted by fellow 7th Grader, Amber Parsons. Mrs. Graney, Mrs. Brodt, and Dr. Eberle supervise and give input. They meet every week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15-4:30PM. The group from the club that meets on Thursdays will be performing a musical number from High School Musical, for the 5th graders (rising 6th graders) who are coming to tour Bull Run next month. Office 365 All students have now activated their Microsoft Office 365 accounts. With this account, students have access to email as well as online versions of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, and OneNote which they can utilize at school or at home. They can also make use of OneDrive to store and/or share files. In addition, students have 5 licenses to download MS Office 2013 on their home computers, laptops, cell phones, and/or tablets. To log in to Office 365, students will go to and enter their username and password. The username includes the first 6 letters of the student’s last name, their first initial, middle initial, and the last 2 digits of their graduation year, followed by For example, David Edward Johnson might have a username of Be sure to ask your students how they are using Office 365 in their classes! If you have any questions, please contact: Mrs. Elam at . VOLUME 13 ISSUE 7 Page 6 Eagle News Cont. This year’s Robotics Club has 20 members from 6th-8th grade. They have been working together since early October to compete in the VEX Skyrise tournaments with new club sponsor, Danielle Robinson. One of our four teams, Men in Black qualified for the VA State Robotics championship where they made it to the elimination round. It was a great season for all the teams! While they wait for the announcement of next season's challenge, they had some fun with robot bowling and BattleBots! The teams competed in a March Madness style tournament to see which team's robot would battle best (the object was to pop the other team's balloons). The Bull Run Robotics Team 1489E, consisting of, Trevor Lew, Chase Pagon, Kyle Robinson and Tobin Slavin competed in the US Open Robotics Competition in Council Bluff, Iowa the first week of April. They finished the qualifier round 4-4-2. Murphy's Law was in full effect as a c-channel in the middle of their scissor lift snapped 5 min before two of their back-to-back matches (accounting for two of their losses). All the coaches who saw it said they had NEVER seen that happen before. BUT, they kept their heads in the game, got it swapped out in under 30 min, and finished incredibly strong. Ms. Carol from SPARK told them all how proud she was of their efforts. Despite the setbacks they were noticed by many of the top contenders because of their reliable autonomous program and ability to stack Skyrise pieces quickly. In the elimination round they were chosen first by the 9th seed captain. Together they defeated the 8th seed to advance, and gave the #1 seed a run for their money. They ended the tournament with the second highest overall score in any of the final rounds - 71 points! Bull Run's 1489C Robotics team, consisting of Zafir Imam, Alex Gallagher, Mason, Marche, and Jennifer Richardson, participated in the VEX World Robotics Competition in Louisville, Kentucky last week. The team won the Virginia State competition to earn their place in the competition. Hundreds of teams from around the world were there to try to claim the top prize. Great job representing, BRMS, VA and the USA! ?? LOST AND FOUND ?? Did you know that BRMS has multiple “lost and found” locations? Lost articles of clothing may be located on the stage in the cafeteria Lost books, glasses and jewelry, may be discovered in the front office There are also “Lost & Founds” in the gym and in each classroom. There are SEVERAL pencil pouches & books in the office! VOLUME 13 ISSUE 7 Page 8 Library & Literacy News The Library has remained a hotbed of activity all through the start of spring! Battle of the Books – Club members are hard at work preparing for the Final Competition later this month. Six members will go on to the Final as one team. Meanwhile the club members are excited to get to wear their club shirts at the competition and look forward to celebrating their accomplishments. Way to represent BRMS! Beall’s Best YA Lit – Students have continued to enjoy meeting during lunch to discuss books specifically picked out by Mrs. Beall. Students share lunch while playing games centered on answering questions about the books they read. War of the Genres – The Genre Wars has concluded with SCIENCE FICTION emerging as our latest victor! 22 lucky winners selected their prizes for March. Library Lunch bunch – In March, we were excited to celebrate March Madness Library Style! We provided chips & punch while the students participated in reading & dribbling combo relays, tried their luck at basketball trivia & created their own jersey bookmarks during all the lunch periods. Students can sign up the week before. Our last Lunch Bunch for the year will be in May. Groovy Genre Groupies – In keeping with March Madness, students met in March to discuss their favorite Sports books. And, in April, the students enjoyed a discussion on the awesome Harry Potter book series. Virginia Readers Choice – Students continue to read the VRC books available on display in the front of the library. At the end of May, there will be a celebratory ice cream party to include voting on the BRMS VRC favorite and previewing the VRC books for 2015-2016! Poem in Your Pocket Day — will be May 1st at BRMS to celebrate National Poetry Month! Students will work with their Language Arts teachers to locate or create a poem to carry in their pocket. Throughout the day, staff members and students can share their poems during class, while walking in the hall or during lunch. Ask your student to share their poem with you! Summer Reading Bookmark Contest Coming Soon — In May we will announce the summer reading bookmark contest. Students will have the opportunity to create an original bookmark for our summer reading theme, "Reading Gives You Superpowers!" The entire school will vote and the winning bookmark will be printed for each student in celebration of summer reading! If your child is interested in participating, remind them to stop by the library to pick up contest rules and bookmark templates. Overdue Fines Please ensure your student returns all library books by their due date or within the two week period of check out. Fines of .10 per day will be assessed for books overdue. Lost book fees and late fines may be paid with exact change or check only. Overdue notices are given weekly in advisory classrooms. Thank you! VOLUME 13 ISSUE 7 Page 9 Counseling News Parents whose students are currently at Bull Run due to a transfer request must make that request in writing every year. Please make your written request to Mr. Phythian by April 15th so that he has a chance to review it before sending the request to the central office. Please state your reasons for the request on the form that is available in the Counseling Office. Dr. Stone is working with all 7th grade students to complete their Academic Career Plans (ACP) during the Arts Rotation. These plans should be signed by a parent or guardian. We are currently working on your child’s schedule for next year. In June, your child will bring a copy of their Course Request home for your review. All final placements for academic classes will be decided after a review of this year’s SOL scores in June. The Eagle Ambassadors’ annual Spring Food Drive is underway thru April 29th! Please support this drive by donating food items for House of Mercy in Gainesville. Our goal is 6,000 food items! See the following page for how you and your student can help! Rising 8th Grade Parent Information Night 5/21 Rising 6th Grade Parent Information Night 5/26 6:30 PM at BRMS 6:30 PM at BRMS Congratulations to our very own Ms. Cathy Fermo who has been selected as the Prince William County Regional Counselor Association Counselor of the Year, 2015! Ms. Fermo has been a counselor at BRMS for four years, coming to us with ten years of experience. She is an active member of the PWCS Critical Incident Team and trainer and sponsor of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, as well as, the sponsor of our MAC (Make a Change) program. While at BRMS Ms. Fermo has trained our MAC students to conduct successful SOAR lessons in our sixth and seventh grade classrooms. Ms. Fermo’s dedication to her students is apparent to everyone, and her kind and caring concern for students and staff makes this award well deserved! The staff and students of Bull Run Middle School were pleased to recognize Professional School Counselors: 6th grade: Mrs. Graney 7th grade: Dr. Stone 8th grade: Ms. Fermo Registrar / Counseling Department Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Altman VOLUME 13 ISSUE 7 Page 10 Eagle News Cont. The Following Items are Needed: • Mash Potatoes Mix • Gravy • Cranberry Sauce • Sweet Mash Potatoes • Cornbread Mix • Muffin Mix • Canned Pumpkin • Potatoes/Instant Potato • Cornbread Mix • Green Beans • Corn • Stuffing • Yams • Bisquick • Pasta · Bread Mix/Cornbread • Pasta Sauces • Applesauce & Canned Fruit • Coffee, Tea or Cocoa • Soups • Peanut Butter • Boxed Desserts • Flour & Sugar • Jello & Pudding • Rice • Canned Veggies Page 11 VOLUME 13 ISSUE 7 Athletics News Congratulations to all the new team members! NATHAN PATTON NILSON TOBAR NICK DEUTSCH ADRIEL DOMFEH NOEL ROBSON AJ BATTELL PATRICK REAM BENNETT DZIEKEN REESE GOETZ BLAKE SATTERFIELD REISS WHITAKER BRANDON MORRELL RYAN GESSNER BRAEDON HUGHES RYAN MENARD CALVIN MIN SAVION PHINIZY CARSON MIN SEAN McCARTHY CARSON MEYER SHANE BRADY CARTER SVENSON STEVEN McCARTHY CHARLIE KURZ TREVOR GREGORY CHASE PAGON TUSCAN BARSHOW CORBIN PHILLIPS WILLIAM JACOB CORY PHILLIPS ZACH MEYER EAN HELMLINGER ZACHARY WALLACE FRANCIS ADAMS GUY BROOKS GRANT SVENSON HAYDEN JACKSON ISAIAH MCNEAL JACKSON OTWELL JACKSON TIRRELL JACOB HUBERT JACOB PETERSON JOHN CARAYIANNIS JUSTIN GLOVER JUSTIN MALLAUG JUSTIN WILLIAMS MANAV GANGELE MARLON WILLIAMS MAURICIO HERNANDEZ MAX CUCCARO MILES DAILY 2015 BOYS TRACK TEAM 2015 BOYS BASEBALL TEAM Zach Agnos Jackson Baird Peter Benavides Luke Burner Ryan Coll Blake Cuddington Carter Cunningham Blake Fisher Jamie Garrison Teddy Howell Tyler Klus Clayton Long Matt Michel Cole Snead Colby Vollmer Ed Wagner Tucker Williams Alex Young Kevin Zieleniewski Spectators Welcome! We welcome all students and parents to come watch and support our student athletes in their games. Please be advised that there is a nominal fee to watch. All funds go back into the athletic program. Thank you for your support! The fees are: Adults = $3.00 Students in grades 6-12 = $1.00 Students in grades K-5 = $1.00 *You can view all team schedules on Bull Run’s web site, as there may be weather related changes. Page 12 VOLUME 13 ISSUE 7 Athletics News Congratulations to all the new team members! 2015 GIRLS SOCCER TEAM Sydney Garrett Kailey Garrett Zoe Goehrig Ashton Hamilton Eden Kaplan Hannah Karas Madison Lee Mackenzie Manning Kirsten Milloy Caroline Noel Zariah Pickett Sidney Werth There will be a Fun Run on May 15th at 3:30 pm on the Bull Run Track. Tickets will be sold at lunch! Music News April 25 May 29 June 9 June 10 Solo and Ensemble Festival Stonewall Jackson HS Busch Gardens Competition (8th only) Orchestra concert (6,7,8) 7pm Spring Band Concert (6,7,8) 7pm Honor Roll Third Marking Period 2014-2015 6TH GRADE PRINCIPAL’S HONOR ROLL Abdulla Agresti Anderson Arteaga Austin-Wakefield Ayala Baird Bauer Bendekovic Bergman Bickel Borden Bounkong Brady Brown Bruce Butler Cahall Calderon Candland Carroll Chatman Cheeks Clemente Clinton Craig Darko Dominguez Evanisko Fareira Forzano Gallagher Garrett Geneva Glass Guo Haddad Harju Helton Himes Hocking Hulbert Jaghori Johnson Kamman Kanyavong Kaur Keane III Kelly Kemp Kim Klus Lazar Linder Marche Meyer Meyers Min Mishra Kanz Luke Katrina Luciana Nicholas Mark Jackson Evan Andrea Mitchell Zachary Preston Kasey Shane Margaret Amiri Jayden Isabella Sofia Natalie Carsen Cierra Cameron Isabella Hayden Stephen Lissie Claudia Isabel Sophia Anaya Gina Matthew Sydney Alexander Leo Aileen Noor Alexis William Makiya Carl Madeleine Zaynab Cameron Lilly Amy Jasmin John Emma Madeline Rachael Tyler Jeffrey Nicole Claire Carson Emma Carson Prateek Morrell Mueller Mulhern Olds Ott Pado Pluntke Price Radun Raflo Rahman Rao Rea Robson Ryu Sabet Said Sarai Schrant Shastri Sinnott Skinner Speier Steinour Strother Suegay Svenson Taylor Thielen Truong Van Wormer Wall Walsh Wangsameteegoon Yancy Yates Young Caroline Natalie McKayla Tristen Abigail Blagen Anna Tyler John Josephine Zarin Avik Cory Ethan Gaeun Taha Nadin Rajvir William Aditi Ashley Olivia James Fiona Keiana Jacquelyn Marie Grant Sean Kira Hailey Brianne Naomi John Kyle Meghan Ella Abigail 7TH GRADE PRINCIPAL’S HONOR ROLL Ahmadjan An Andriatiana Arciere Bianchi Bloodworth McKowen Brazawski Brown Buchinsky Byun Chisholm Corbett Cuento Davis Denniston Dentone Dineen Dolph Dziekan Ewing Forero Gaegler Kamran Michael Daniella Julia Katallyn Emma Hunter Dalani Rebecca Matthew Madison Bryce Sarah Cora Olivia Julieta Jolie Michaela Bennett Elise Juliana Erika Page 13 SECOND PERIOD Cont. 2014-2015 Honor RollMARKING Third Marking Period 2014-2015 Garcia Garrett Gayoso Gessner Gilmore Greene Harley Hartman Herman Hernandez Herr Hill Hritsik Hubert Hughes Jackowski Jagels Jaghori Jefferson Joshi Kaplan Kash Keys Kiernan Lea Leary Leonard Manning Marquette Matias McCarthy McCarthy Menard Migli Milefsky Mitchell Mullen Murphy Nelson Ott Ozoemelam Parsons Patton Phillips Poku-Kwateng Pottenburgh II Poudel Powell Qadri Ragavendiran Ramirez-Gonzales Rauh Ring Robitaille Rutkowsky Schilpp Schmall Scott Sediqi Shahab Shergill Smith Suri Svenson Tirrell Tran Trettel Jose Kailey Rocia Ryan Elizabeth Madison Brooke Cristina Alaina Victoria Katelyn Justin Kayleigh Jacob Braedon Hannah Sarah Sarah Simone Megan Eden Julia Alexis Margaret Camille Jacob Sydney Elizabeth Brooke Anna Sean Steven Ryan Olivia Nathan Julia Aaron Morgan Hope Cooper Madison Amber Nathan Corbin Nina Thomas Anisha Victoria Iman Ratish Kireyna Tylor Aloysius Caleb Marrion Emily Emily Hadley Fawad Hevji Harjot Brian Dev Carter Jackson Jenny Sean Vargas Villca Yoon Zugel Amaris Adriana Jessica Patrick 8TH GRADE PRINCIPAL’S HONOR ROLL Adams Alexander Bartheld Brandt Bryson Canestra Cardoso-Vergara Carpenter Chavali Chong Colavita Comer Cutsinger Dominguez Dwyer Fedayi Finley Fortney Frimel Garcia Garrison George Gilbert Gilbert Glover Graser Green Hachtel Hagy Han Helmlinger Hollingsworth Howdershell Hummel Jackowski Jensen Kamman Kaur Kim Kolos Kwon Kyle Lamba Lau Lazar Lee Lew Ly Manning Marchand Martinez Meade Metcalf Meyers Min Moores Morrell Nandakumar Francis Daniel Rachel Lindsay Hunter Kyle Emmanuel Edwin Sruthi Nathaniel Nicholas Alexis Rebecca Bianca Elena Kathleen Hassina Sean Brittany Philip Fabiola James Riley Brianna Laura Justin Claire Jessica Shelby Rebecca Esther Noelle Madison Halle Mitchell Megan Robert Lexi Ramneek Brian Haley Samantha Paige Ishan Quan Robert Sophia Trevor Kristina Mackenzie Trent Maria Justin Sarah Brenna Calvin Alexandra Brandon Prisha Page 14 SECOND PERIOD Cont. 2014-2015 Honor RollMARKING Third Marking Period 2014-2015 Natysin Nguyen Nguyen Nguyen Osmani Pado Pagon Park Park Payne Payne Reyes Robinson Robinson Rogers Ruiz-Morales Said Samavedam Sampson Sampson Schoettle Scott Semaan Sheehan Slaven Stewart Timmons Tran Trettel VanTerpool Velasco Vong Weir Werth Williams Williams Wydick Yi Zewer Zieleman Sydney Caitlin Riley Uyen Nashwa Langley Chase Eun Soo Melody Emily Taylor Tatyana Brianna Kyle Courtney Nicole Karim Akhila Zia Zoe Tyler Kailie Weesam Megan Tobin Grace Ashli Annie Cara Angela Danielle Mikaela Vivian Megan Sidney Justin Traci Elise Kathleen Kiyan Alison 6TH GRADE A/B HONOR ROLL Abdul Qadir Abdulkadir Abell Allen Amaya Appiah Avalos-Garcia Barentine Barshow Batista Rosa Beasley Becker Beckworth Behrani Bennin Bensen Bianchi Black Blesch Bonsu Burnett Bushnell Caldwell Carbajal-Roque Zheer Usra Riley Paris Lia Kezia Angela William Roman Francheska Koen Gavin Lauren Aditya Justin Joseph Nicholas Talula Penelope Kwasi Gavin Hayden Mason Anthony Castillo-Guerra Challberg Chicas Chinchilla Cisneros Clark Colavita Collier Collyer Comer Costello Crosby Cuccaro Curfman Custer Dang Dann Darismail Darko Dedekind Diatchenko Diaz-Reyes Dimashi Doppee Drescher Dunning Dwivedy Escriba Farmerie Farrell Fominyam Forero Forman Fort Foulke Frost Gamboa Garcia-Flores Gary George Graham Granja Mendoza Grayson Green Grgurovich Grgurovich Guerrero Guevara Monroy Hagy Hamilton Hanifi Haywood II Helmlinger Henriques Henry Henry Herman Hermanson Hernandez Hernandez Hernandez-Pineda Hidayat Hollis Hunter Ibrahimi Ilevbare Jackson Krysthell Jacob Christean Lizbeth Christie Caleb Benjamin Chloe Hayden Mackenzie Jacob Dominic Maximillian Ashley Rebecca Crystal Olivia Sandra Lissette Brooke Katherine Kevin Joanne Logan Theodore Aniya Suhony Steven Ashleigh Colin Kimbly Joshua Kaden Brittany Stephen Sarah Mikaela Jenifer Darrell Nathan Brendan Carolina Dayvia Courtney Michael Peter Leonardo Tomasa Nickolas Ashtyn Jamila James Ean Nicholas Justin Thaddeus Aidan Grace Bridget Raymond Ada Cinta Jordan Ethan Solaiman Trey Hayden Page 15 SECOND PERIOD Cont. 2014-2015 Honor RollMARKING Third Marking Period 2014-2015 Jaghori Jimenez Kang Katsaris Kenbeng Khan Khan Kim King Kocher Korniluk Krieger Kurda La Riva-Ugarriza Lambis Linderman Liu Lund MacGowan Mallaug Marte Marterella Mayo McGill McLean Meiers Michaux Miller Molina Moss Naieem Narvaez Natysin Naverrete-Vasquez Nelson Nevins Newman Ngeleza Nguyen Nielsen Nijjer Nirosh Rahim Omari-Anim Ortiz Ortiz Vega Palmer Parsons Patane Patel Perez-Gonzalez Petty-Kane Phillips Phillips Poleto Porter Porter Portillo Jr Pottenburgh Powell Powers Powers Raqeeb Renderos Soriano Reyes Ayala Righi Rivas Roadarmel Joseph Nicole Nathaniel Hunter Raoul-Thiery Areebah Talia Christopher Cameron Kelsey Sebastian William Meer Alexandra Sofia Evan Ryan Amanda Benjamin Johan Ariel Blake Layla Ian Jayden Juliana Sylvie Kelsi Alejandro Brianna Samir D'Angelo Logan Sergio Cory James Austin Kethia Vinson Zachary Gurdit Fathima Jenelle Carmen Ydette Spencer Matthew Emma Jeet Elder Caroline Grace Tyler John Arianna Tate Gilberto Tyler Carson Allison McKenna Humza Alvaro Fernando Sarah Jocelyn Nicklas Rodda Rodriguez Rodriguez Jimenez Rodriguez-Cuahuey Rosales-Martinez Rudd Sahlberg Samuels Sanati Sanders Schmidt Schoettle Schwartz Jr Sealock Semaan Shafer Silva-Ramirez Singh Sobers Staples Suarez Swain Tapia Taylor Tchamadjeu Thomas Thornton Todorov Torres Montalvo Tracy Tran Vazquez Venette Vlach Vrchoticky Vrchoticky Waller Waller Ward Washington Watson Whaley Whitaker White Williams Williams Wong Wright Young Zavala Zieleniewski Zlatev Zuniga-Garcia Grant Gabriela Daniela Rivaldo Ariela Andrew Sadie Kira Ryan Alexander Sean Kaitlyn John Keelie Liana Henry Cynthia Alisha Naia Sydney Priscila Emma Marck Ava Ashley Salante Mackenzie Julia Katherine Allyson Johnny Sierra Isabelle Krystiana Jordan Taylor Kaden Kayla Caroline Lynda Kendall Devon Reiss Kellita Elijah Tucker Aimee Megan Johnnie Luis Anthony Victor Andrea 7TH GRADE A/B HONOR ROLL Abbasi Abdollahi Abdullah Aboukhater Adebo Afshar Allue Amezcua Amoussou Angel Nieto Appiah Sara Soroush Al-Karrar Evan Temidayo Fatirah Aleda Susan Estella Wilfredo Samuel Page 16 SECOND PERIOD Cont. 2014-2015 Honor RollMARKING Third Marking Period 2014-2015 Azim Baker Barshow Bell Benavides Berou Betigheimer Bhamra Blackwell Bonilla Bounds Bourne Brown Brydson Buckley Buckley Budovec Byers Carayiannis Carlston Castaneda Martinez Jr Chavez Cheng Chisholm Cohen Cohen Contreras Rivera Corado Rivas Cross Cubas Cuddington D'Alexander Davies Dean DeCosta Delaney Deutsch Diaz Dieterle Donaldson Doppee Doppee Dorvil Dosky Doyle Duck Duck Dunn Dupuis Durham Emmons Jr Engelhardt Engleman Failla Fannon Fatima Fiorito Fitzgerald Furlong Gabriel Garcia Garcia-Gomez Gardner Gillies Ginger Ginn Goehrig Jadah Jacob Tuscan Sydnee Peter Brianna Mia Maneesha William Jamario Trevor Caroline Robert Danelle Devin Lauren Thomas Trinity Zoitos Alexis Oscar Mariana Justin Grant Daniel Thomas Cesar Steven Logan Jonathan Blake Kathryn Luke Olivia Alexandra James Nicholas Kendra Wyatt Ethan Emily Summer Darren Aram Matthew Isaac Isaiah Delaney Amanda Amyia Joshua Chloe Grace Madison Ethan Sugrha Krystina Ryan Hayden Thiyara Karen Mariela Jackson Caelea Kenzie Sydney Zoe Goetz Goodman Greaney Green Guirguis Hall Hallock Halstead Harasek Harding Hardy Harris Hernandez Bogran Hernandez Cordova Hernandez Ramos Herrera Hersem Hewitt Hewitt Hilgenberg Hill Hinkle Hodges Hogan Holiday Holland Howdershell Howdershell Howell Hughes Humston Jaghori Jenkins Jimenez Mejia Jones Kane Karan Keegan Kelly Keplinger Kerns Khan Kim Kolos Kom Kozlowski Kurz Landrum Lemus-Vega Lewis Lewis Linthicum Jr Lopez Guerra Lorzing Love Marquez Gonzalez Marquez-Grande Marte Mason Massey Mateer Matthews Maxwell Mazzone McBride McCord Medina Reese Donovan Connor Jahvon Christian Sydney Giovanni Mason Brendan Caleb Joshua Grace Madeline Jeffrey Melissa Estefany Jacob Shelby Alexander Ian Kyle Austin Louis Jacob Gabriel Jamee Jamia Brian Sydney Edward Jacob Matthew Qais Kamil Evelyn Tanner Cullen Shagun Aidan Alysia Patrick Delaney Sameer Brandon Timothy Leane Halle Charles Jett Sonia Beatrice Mariah Scott Maria Matthew Kyle George Jose Alexander Cooper Donovan Riley Mercedes Gracie-Mae Layla Kyle Ian Brisa Page 17 SECOND PERIOD Cont. 2014-2015 Honor RollMARKING Third Marking Period 2014-2015 Medrano Menichetti Metts Milihram Mitchell Mitchell Montero Mora Martinez Morris Morris Myers Nam Nguyen Noureddine Nyarko O'Donnell O'Neal Ormond Parios Parsons Parsons Paulk Paz Perkins Pisal Powell Prem Price Pruss Reyes-Salmeron Richard Rutledge Saldivar Sanchez Sarai Sarpong Jr Schweizer Singh Singh Snead Sudi Sweeney Taylor Thammavongsa Thoummarath Topper Touma Truong Vance Velke Vollmer Wagner Wagner Wallace Wallace Waller Weaver Wilkinson-Feickert Williams Wooliever Zweig Yanira Joshua Karina Jonah Mark Thomas Jajuan Diego Joseph Nathaniel Monica Jane Alexander Ismael Nana Trinity Tessa Sydney David Evonne Reiley Emilie Edwin Michelle Urvi Shelby Saipratap Deanna Zackary Robinson Emilie Jerald Deniss Edwin Jasleen Jojo Gianna Deven Harjot Cole Sondos Ronnie Dinah Danesha Abigail John Peter Kent Abigail Maria Colby Edward William Addison Zachary Loren Dylan Connor Alyssa Ethan Benjamin 8TH GRADE A/B HONOR ROLL Abell Maggie Agnos Angles Asongafac Azami Babic Bannan Battell Baxter Beckworth Bedford Bedinger Belai Benjamin-Gibson Bhamra Borden Bourdeau Garcia Brinson Jr Brooks III Brower Caldwell Carcamo Cardenas Clemons Cooke Craig Cripe Cruz Cunningham Curtis Curtis Davies DeVore Dieck Dirie Domfeh Doppee Doshi DuBois Dutton Elazar Ellis Ennis Ferrufino Fisher Fletcher Frye Gaither Gallagher Gangele Garcia Marquez George Gereda-Gutierrez Gerlek Gonzalez Gray Guevara Jr Halstead Hargis Hayes Hernandez Vivar Hidalgo Hollis Howell Imam Jackson Jacobs Jasper Zachary Rachel Ashly Khatira Camden Caitlyn Alexander McKenna Christopher Meghan John Ruta Jalyn Rubeena Sebastian Sol Sterling David Bennett Hunter Ashley Jonah Raheem Kelly Sean Cailynn Jocelyn Carter Beau Megan Jacob Luke Eva Lee Fatima Adriel James Ishan Dujon Bryonna Alyssa Brad Collin Jhoselin Blake Andrew Tynesha Victor Alexander Manav Frank Miguel Elizabeth Nathaniel Austin Haley Robert Sabrina Nicole Tyler Sergio Javier Jacob Evan Zafir Haley Emma Jalen Page 18 SECOND PERIOD Cont. 2014-2015 Honor RollMARKING Third Marking Period 2014-2015 Jenkinson Joy Karas Keller Kennedy Key Kifus Klus Knight Kobrosli Kolos Lansdowne Le Lee Lewis Linderman Long Lovell Luong Maday Magallanes Manvell Marche Matias McGlasson McHenry Mejia Mendez Bonilla Michael Michel Miller Moran Mostacciuolo Nduara Newman Ngo-Tran Nielsen Noel O'Brien Olds Otwell Park Patane Patterson Pickett Pluntke Poku-Kwateng Presgrave Quinn Ramirez Ramos-Flores Ramsey Rashid Rashwan Ream Richardson Rihani Rivas Robson Rodriguez Rodriguez Cover Rodriguez Jimenez Ross Sagastume Sahibzada Salcedo Hernandez Samuel Madeline Caroline Hannah Jamie Atiyah Hunter Payton Morgan Erin Christina Rayaan Matthew Malik Trinity Madison Casandra Emma Clayton Liam Jordan Caris Alex Faith Mason Alissa Ainsley Campbell Alexander Julissa Tyler Matthew Kayla Jackson Hailey Ashley Aaron Tien Seth Caroline Bailey Kael Jackson Ki Hong Jack Ryan Zariah Ryan Kojo Porter Madisyn Citlalli Nilsa Malena Dostan Basent Patrick Jennifer Meriam Raquel Noel Yesica Judith Luis Mary Ashley Usmaan Salome Kyrillos Sanchez Satterfield Saunders Sawyers Sayed Schlagel Schmidt Schrant Seaman Seehusen Shahab Sheikh Shelton Shemory Skaff Smith Spicer Sproles Staples Steele Thacker Thaxton Thomas Tillotson Toomey Vance Vasquez Velke Vilche Hernandez Villatoro Waters Wenk Whaley Wheeler Williams Williams Wright Wu Yao Young Zieleniewski Reynaldo Blake Katherine Abigail Leena Angela Ryan Allison Rhys Derrick Hevwar Tamanna Jenna Dylan Corbin Hannah Olivia Jonathan Jacob Damion Jordan Aliyah Jacob Holly Ann Lauren Hannah Cristina Leah Fidel Jeffrey Ashley Skylar Cameron Victoria Breona Kymani Madison Bethany Lillie Alexander Kevin Page 19 VOLUME 13 ISSUE 7 Page 20 PTSO - September News Your 2014-2015 PTSO Board: President: Brenda Howdershell Vice President: Katie Gardner Secretary: Susan Wallace Treasurer: Jennifer Wilkinson The PTSO Board meets the 2nd Monday of the month and the next meeting will be held May 11th at 6:30 pm in the BRMS library. All are welcome to attend Member at Large: Kim Poff Volunteer opportunities with the PTSO are available. Please contact Brenda Howdershell at for further information. Thank you to all the students, staff and their families who came to our Bingo Night and who have supported the Spirit Nights this year! April 15 - Spirit Night at Sweet Frog April 17 - Bingo night from 6:30 to 9:00 May 11 - PTO meeting May 19 - Spirit Night at Milk & Berry Don’t forget that every weekend your purchases at Five Below can help our school. Simply mention Bull Run Middle School when you checkout. Make a difference! Join the PTSO now for the 2014-2015 school year: Check us out at: Page 21 SOL Testing Schedule Mr. Matthew Phythian Principal Mr. James Addington Assistant Principal Mrs. Yvonne Donley Assistant Principal Mr. Steve Williams Assistant Principal 6308 Catharpin Road Gainesville, VA 20155 Phone: 703-753-9969 Fax: 703-753-9610 We are on the web.. Page 22 5/8/2015 Algebra/Geometry 5/11/2015 Algebra/Geometry 5/12/2015 7th Reading 5/13/2015 6th Reading 5/14/2015 8th Reading 5/15/2015 Reading Spec Ed (all grades) 5/18/2015 Reading ESOL (all grades) 5/19/2015 Reading Make-ups (all grades) 5/20/2015 8th Science 5/21/2015 8th Science Spec Ed 5/22/2015 8th Science Make-ups 5/26/2015 7th Math & ESOL (all grades) 5/27/2015 6th Math 5/28/2015 8th Math & 6th Math Spec Ed 5/29/2015 8th Math Spec Ed, Plain English Math (all grades) & Math Make-ups (all grades) make-ups http://bullrunms.schools. Information from Prince William County Schools Right to Special Programs/ Services The Prince William County Public Schools Division is required to inform the community of a student’s right to a free, appropriate public education and the availability of programs and services, including a special education. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) are federal laws that give the School Division certain responsibilities with respect to providing such educational programs to students with disabilities. Under the IDEA and Section 504, the School Division has the responsibility to actively and continuously identify, locate and evaluate those children, infant to age 21, living in Prince William County who may be in need of special education and/or related services, or adaptation or accommodations to regular education services. These laws also require the School Division to: Refer for possible evaluation any student of school age living in the School Division who a staff member suspects may be disabled. Provide appropriate educational and school-related opportunities to students with disabilities in an inclusive setting to the maximum extent appropriate. Provide notice of the availability of services and types and location of services to nearby private schools, pediatricians, and the Health Department. Provide parents/guardians of students with disabilities with notice of their rights annually, and prior to their student’s evaluation and placement, or any significant change in their student’s placement. Develop and implement procedural safeguards with respect to actions regarding the identification, evaluation, and placement of students with disabilities. Provide written notice of the School Division’s procedural safeguards to parents or guardians. If you suspect that your student may have a disability affecting your student’s development or academic performance, or may have a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits a major life activity, please contact the Director of Special Education at 703-791-7287 for further information
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