Student starts scholarship program


Student starts scholarship program
Morehouse Man hits the big stage
Healthcare hurting your pockets?
p. 3
Stu James makes his mark as part of the
electrifying cast of The Color Purple.
Who you callin’ articulate?
p. 5
Album review: Man on the Moon
p. 7
The Organ of Student Expression Since 1925
Morehouse College • Atlanta, GA September 23 - 29, 2009
Student starts scholarship program
Campus News Editor
n a time where many
students are struggling
to stay in school due to
the climate of our economy, one student is taking
the initiative to create
a program that can help
students find scholarships. Kenny Williams,
a sophomore economics
major from Fairfax, Va.,
has created a program
that he hopes will “make
students aware of the
different scholarship opportunities that are available.”
The idea for Williams’
program, known as “The
Next Generation Scholarship Program,” began last
year when many of Williams’ friends requested his
help to find scholarships for
school. Williams’ program
officially went
under the “Next
name last month.
Generation Education Foundation is a nonprofit
organization that
was founded in
2006 to “provide
for the needs of
young men in
grades 6-12 in
the greater Washington (DC) metropolitan area.”
The foundation’s
mission is to help
Black males by
preparing them to
succeed in college Sophomore Kenny Williams (center) and his colleagues hope to help other young black men
preparatory high succeed in their higher education efforts by creating a scholarship for the DC Metro Area.
schools, colleges
and universities.
requested that he draft a
the proposal, Caire allowed
program would be included
Williams became inproposal including the ideas
his board of trustees to rein the foundation and use its
volved with the Next Genand purposes of the scholarview it. Once reviewed, the
eration Foundation when
ship program he wanted to
foundation’s board of trustWilliams is working
its founder, Kaleem Caire,
start. Once Williams drafted
ees agreed that Williams’
with several individuals and
Maroon Tiger staff photo/Remington Jackson
Nicolas Aziz
on-campus organizations
Student Government Association, the Alpha Lambda
Delta Honor Society and
Jacqueline Jackson. Jackson has been recently appointed to the college’s
newly created “scholarship
coordinator” position.
Jackson will be working
closely with Williams as he
attempts to make students
more aware of the many
different opportunities that
they have. She is excited
about the program’s potential.
“This is a very important endeavor,” Jackson
said. “It is essential that
we educate our students regarding scholarships; both
Morehouse and outside [opportunities].”
Williams will also be
working closely with current Junior Board Trustee
Brennan Hawks, sopho-
Alumnus runs for U.S. Congress
Morehouse Twitter Block
Campus News Editor
Staff Writer
Nicolas Aziz
Maroon Tiger staff photo/
the mayor’s position is an important one, Richmond feels
he can do more to help rebuild
New Orleans with a congreshe prestige of Morehouse
sional seat.
College continues to grow
“I think the mayor’s seat is
in the halls of US Congress as
important,” Richmond said.
Louisiana State Representa“[But I feel] you can do more
tive Cedric Richmond, Class
for your district as you gain
of 1995, announced earlier
tenure [in Congress]. At my
this month that he will run
age, God willing, I could stay
for Louisiana’s 2nd Congresthere for 30 plus years.”
sional District seat next year.
If he wins the election,
This will be his second run
Richmond plans to use his
for the position.
position to rebuild a city that
is still feeling the effects from
Katrina in
“ [ M y
goal] is to
make sure
that we recover fully,
and that we
put in the
necessary infrastructure
to not have
hapCedric Richmond ‘95 hopes to become the second Morehouse Man in the
pen again,”
current Congress.
was the best training ground
Richmond stated that some
Richmond finished third in that one could ask for,” Rich- people forget that the detrilast year’s Democratic prima- mond said. “We were con- mental effects of Hurricane
ry behind Helena Moreno and stantly told that we had to be Katrina were not solely done
recently convicted Congress- better than everybody else. by a natural disaster.
man William Jefferson. Rich- [We were told that we had] to
“It was not just a natural dimond garnered 17.5 percent outwork people; and we were saster. It was a failure of the
of the vote, narrowly missing told to do it with a social con- National Government and the
the runoff behind Moreno.
core of engineers,” Richmond
After nearly qualifying for
Richmond was also viewed said.
a runoff during his last run for as a potential candidate for
Kaylyn Franklin, a sophothe seat, Richmond is being New Orleans’ mayoral race more Business Marketing maconsidered a strong contender next year. While he feels that jor from New Orleans, thinks
in his second attempt.
Richmond feels that his first
run for the seat will certainly
aid him in his second pursuit. “Our finish in the first
race helps us tremendously,”
Richmond said. “I think the
overall campaign was successful… [So] we think this
one will work out really well
for us.”
Richmond contributes
much of his success to his
days at Morehouse College.
“For public service, I think it
that Richmond can certainly
aid the city in its recovery if
he wins the seat.
“If he legitimately wants to
rebuild, and is genuinely trying to salvage the city’s history, I believe he can,” Franklin said.
Hyma Moore, a senior Economics major from Baton
Rouge, La., has the privilege
of personally knowing Richmond. Moore thinks that
Richmond can surely help
New Orleans’ rebuilding efforts and also be a role model
for students in Louisiana who
may be interested in attending
“This gives [students interested in Morehouse] another
outlet to see what Morehouse
does for men,” Moore said. “I
think him becoming a national figure will present a person
that people in Louisiana can
look up to.”
Richmond stated that the
clear rise of Morehouse Men
in high political positions
certainly presents the possibility of the next AfricanAmerican president being a
Morehouse Man. “We have
a number of capable Morehouse Men that can do it,”
Richmond said.
Richmond currently represents the 101st House District in the Louisiana Legislature where he is chairman
of the House Judiciary Committee. With his pursuit of
the congressional seat, he
will attempt to join Sanford
Bishop who currently stands
as the only Morehouse Man
in Congress.
Recycle The Maroon Tiger
Information Services: ‘It’s just a glitch’
Elizabeth Sawyer
anye West shocked viewers of the MTV Video
Music Awards on Sept. 13 by
interrupting Taylor Swift in
the middle of her “Best Video
by a Female Artist” acceptance speech to protest that
Beyonce had one of the best
videos of the year.
While true albeit ill-timed,
the scandalous occurrence
caused people to report in
droves to the social networking, microblogging site Twitter
to put in their two cents about
the whole debacle. However,
if you are a student at Morehouse with a computer hooked
up to the Morehouse network,
none of those Twitter comments came from you.
Upon the August arrival to
school, Morehouse students
discovered, much to their chagrin, that Twitter is blocked
on the Morehouse network.
Desktops in the computer
labs, computers hooked up
via ethernet and even laptops
on the Wi-Fi network will
not allow users to access the
popular website. Avid Twitter
users are somewhat frustrated
and slightly confused by this
“I don’t see the point in blocking it,” junior Marques Stewart
said. “It’s just status updates and
news. It’s not for entertainment
like Facebook or Myspace.”
While Twitter is a social networking site like the aforementioned Facebook and Myspace,
it is slightly more simplistic.
Since its creation, Facebook
has become overrun with applications and profile flare such as
Mafia Wars and Bumper Stickers. Myspace’s growth and
development has made it, for
lack of a better word, creepy.
Twitter, however, which was
created in 2006, has retained
the same basic and straightforward infrastructure. The entire
site revolves around the answer
to one question, “What are you
doing?” by utilizing a maximum of 140 characters called
It is this simplicity of
Twitter that creates generation-spanning appeal. Children, teens, adults and even
the elderly have found a
place for themselves on the
Twitter seems to be a fairly
benign website. So the question becomes, why does it
need to be blocked?
Answer: Actually, it’s not.
The Twitter block on the
Morehouse network is just a
“Twitter was disabled
along with AOL once we
made some changes to the
firewall,” Diane Alexander,
the director of information
services at Morehouse, said.
“There is not an intentional
ban on Twitter.”
Alexander also said that
the Instructional Technology
department is working on the
issue and that Twitter should
be up and running shortly. So
don’t worry, Morehouse students – in a matter of weeks
you will be free as a bird to
tweet as you please.
Vol. LXXXIV, Pages I - VIII
George W. Williams, IV
Kody Melancon
Managing Editor
Lauren Harper
Associate Managing Editor
Kevin Reevers
Chief Layout Editor
Jeffery Taylor, II
Associate Layout Editor
Krista DeSouza
Chief Copy Editor
Carl Ringgold
New Media Director
September 23 - 29, 2009
- II -
(continued from page 1)
Xavier Ifill
Finance Director
Joshua Brown
Advertising Manager
Alimou Bah
O’koyea Huff-Boone
Associate Webmaster
Reginauld Williams
Public Relations (PR) Director
Sescily Coney
Associate PR Director
Nicolas Aziz
Campus News Editor
Kevin Mallory
Associate Campus News Editor
Spencer Greene
Arts & Entertainment Editor
Patrick Boateng
Associate A&E Editor
Ashlei Williams
Features Editor
Chrishelle Griffin
Associate Features Editor
Gerren Gaynor
Opinions Editor
Andrew Dyer Jr.
Associate Opinions Editor
Jon Bradley
Sports Editor
Jourdan Shepard
Associate Sports Editor
Eric Ross
Maroon Tiger Photo Editor
Jacques Pape
Maroon Tiger Associate Photo Editor
Maroon Tiger
Nicolas Aziz
Jon Bradley
Bryant Childs
Gerren Gaynor
Spencer Greene
Dominic Jones
Ron Thomas
Director, Morehouse Journalism and
Sports Program
Sponsoring Organizations
Morehouse College Journalism and Sports
Morehouse College Office of
Rasheida Moss
Carl Ringgold
Elizabeth Sawyer
Darius Scott
Jaymie White
Charlie Williams IV
more economics major
from Washington D.C. who
is also eager to work with
Williams’ program.
“The fundamental purpose of the program is to
benefit students by empowering them to secure funds
for their academic pursuits,”
Hawkins said. “As financial viability is a primary
concern for many students
at Morehouse, I imagine
that the program will have a
great impact on the student
Williams has several individuals that will be working
closely with him on what he
refers to as his “core team.”
This core team includes: Junior Board Trustee Brennan
Hawkins, Alpha Lambda
Delta Honor society President Philip Wiggins, sophomore psychology major
Kendal Thomas, freshmen
business management major
Justin DuVarney, and freshman biology major Darrius
Quarles. Quarles is widely
known for his acquirement
of a total of one million dollars in scholarships upon
coming to Morehouse.
The Next Generation
Scholarship Program’s first
event will be held on Oct. 1.
The event will be a panel discussion informing students
about different scholarship
opportunities, along with
upcoming Next Generation
Scholarship Program events.
Some of the panelists will include: Morehouse scholarship
coordinator Jacqueline Jackson, Director of the Morehouse Office of Research Careers Office Dr. James Brown
and freshman Darius Quarles.
Williams is excited about
the upcoming events and potential for the program. The
program has already helped
students find $15,000 in scholarships.
“I feel that if we make
it easier for students to find
these scholarships, they will
be more adept to applying
for them,” Williams said.
“[They will thus] be less reliant on loans that they would
[ultimately] have to pay back
in the future.”
News Notes
Expectations of Asian market growth to be exceeded
In a recent updated annual
outlook for 2009 released by
the Asian Development Bank,
experts say the economies of
China and India are likely to
grow by more than previously
ABD officials announced
that they now expect China to
grow by 8.2 percent in 2009,
up from their original prediction of 7 percent. India is
believed to possibly to an increase of 6 percent--one percent more than what was first
Government spending in
emergent Asian economies has
seemingly helped the region’s
growth prospects.
“Expansionary fiscal and
monetary policies have softened the blow of the global
slump on the economy,” the
ADB report said.
“A surge in bank lending and
vigorous fixed-asset invest-
ment has maintained growth
at a higher pace than was expected in March.”
Death toll climbs in southern
Sudanese violence
According to the Sudanese army, militiamen
have killed more than 100
people in an attack in the
country’s southern region.
The violence is the latest in
a series of ethnic clashes.
UN sources said thousands of armed men from
the Lou Nuer ethnic group
attacked civilians and security forces in the village
of Duk Padiet in Jonglei
Last month about 185 Lou
Nuers were killed by ethnic
Murle fighters in an attack
in the same state. This year
an estimated 2,000 people
have fell victim to similarly fatal conflict throughout
the southern region.
Teens sentenced for racially
motivated crimes
In Russia, which has seen an
uptick in racist violent crimes
in recent years, a gang of
Moscow teens have been sent
to jail for a series of violent
crimes on foreigners that took
place mostly in 2008.
The teens received terms of
between eight and 10 years.
Several of the group’s younger
members were given lighter
sentences because of their age.
The victims were from China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. The gang members were
accused of four attempted murders and one actual murder.
Ilya Shutko, 19, who was
given a prison term of 10 years,
stabbed and killed an 18-yearold from Kyrgyzstan.
Human rights groups have
documented increasing numbers of racially motivated attacks on foreigners in Russia,
especially in and around the
capital of Moscow.
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830 Westview Drive, SW • Box 40 • Atlanta, GA 30314
In the issue printed September 5, 2009, the photo that accompanied the
article “Tiger Pride: Getting to know the fan” was incorrectly captioned as
transfer student Sanford Jenkins. Jenkins was featured in the article, but
not photographed.
In the issue printed September 16 - 22, 2009, the article “Morehouse
Man puts community back in government” was incorrectly attributed to
Associate Features Editor Chrishelle Griffin. The article was written by
Features Editor Ashlei Williams.
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Recycle The Maroon Tiger
- III -
The Maroon Tiger
September 23 - 29, 2009
Morehouse Man hits the big stage in The Color Purple
New Media Director
t’s not every day that investment bankers become
movie stars. Yet, Stewart
James Flemister, also known
as “Stu James,” made that
exact transition, taking his
once career in finance into
an acting career that would
transcend audiences across
the nation.
Currently playing the
role of Harpo in the musical
adaptation of Alice Walker’s
iconic novel “The Color Purple,” the journey for James
has been interesting. His road
to Broadway was greatly influenced by his time spent at
Morehouse College as a finance major.
While at Morehouse,
James embraced the arts as
a member of the Glee Club.
Awarded a full academic
scholarship by the Glee
Club, James took full advantage of his Morehouse experience by getting involved
in the SGA and becoming a
member of Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternity Inc. - Alpha Rho
As a finance major, INROADS intern and aspiring
investment banker, a career
in acting was the last thing on
James’ mind.
“I interned with Bank
South and Inroads Atlanta,”
James said with a laugh.
“They offered me a job out
of school and I worked in investment banking for a few
James attributes his career
in acting to destiny. When his
bank merged with another
company, James followed his
heart and chose to pursue acting full time.
“I stepped out on faith and
started taking acting classes.
It just evolved from there,” he
From that time on, James
worked diligently to do his
best. His hard work paid off
when he landed his current
role as Harpo.
“[When] I was called in
for the role, I was on Broadway playing Benny in RENT
at the time after Taye Diggs,”
James said. “I got a call from
my agent saying casters wanted me to come in for the role
of Harpo. It all began from
James, making it a priority to stay true to Morehouse
and its ideals, described his
character Harpo as a “Renaissance Man.” In connection with President Robert
Franklin’s vision, James describes Harpo as a man who
breaks the familial cycle of
abusing and belittling women.
“There is a strong woman
in Harpo’s life who he must
treat like an equal if he wants
to stay with her,” James said.
“At that time a mutual respectful relationship didn’t
typically exist.”
With the acclaim and great
opportunity associated with
playing such a significant role
in the iconic play, James describes his No. 1 job as giving
“Anybody who is doing
well or who is prosperous
is mandated to give back,”
James said.
Stock photo
Carl Ringgold
Morehouse Man Stu James performs in The Color Purple as Harpo alongside Felicia P.
Fields as Sophia.
In association with the
musical, a relief fund for displaced Hurricane Katrina victims has been put into effect
to build homes for victims
who remain displaced.
“When we go down to
New Orleans I am going to
help build houses,” James
said. “I know friends who
have been affected. I want
to make a contribution. It
is something we have to
James has displayed
the drive and perseverance
to Broadway that exemplifies the level of dedication
that is expected in the Morehouse community.
James said, “You have to
be able to take care of yourself
mentally and physically. My
mentors at Morehouse taught
me that no matter what, you
do not give up.”
‘The Black Tie Affair’ How much does health care hurt your pocket?
Sophomore Devin Ford looks to give
readers ‘a sophisticated point of view’
Bryant Childs
Contributing Writer
Economics Club
ou lie!”
“Where’s your birth
Chants filled the air as
a crowd of nearly 75,000
gathered in Washington,
D.C., to protest the Health
bill affects everyone and
as Morehouse College students, it’s important to be
aware of how this reform
could affect students.
According to the American
College Health Association,
an estimated one in five college students are uninsured.
In a study performed by the
United Nations World Health
icans,” Ronnie Washington,
president of the Morehouse
Economics Club, said. “However, the details of how to best
accomplish that is what leaves
me slightly uneasy. I believe
in President Obama’s vision
for health care, but I feel that
President Obama will have to
first convince his own party
that his plans are feasible and
tion for all Americans, similar to how Medicare is now
an option for Americans over
age 65.”
He has also said he’d “like
to see” laws against insurers
discriminating against people
with preexisting conditions,
and incentives for people to
use preventive services and
wellness plans.
“If taxes increase, then
that’ll be a bad sign for more
to come,” Brandon Hamer,
a sociology major at Morehouse, said. “A lot of people
are watching him and if he
cannot make this work, then
[opposition] will begin attacking him on all fronts.”
To pay for this, Obama has
identified nearly a $100 billion
dollars worth of savings in the
federal budget that could help
finance health care reform,
including rooting out waste,
fraud and abuse in Medicare
and Medicaid. He has also
proposed reducing tax deductions for high-income Americans.
College students will remain largely untouched in
terms of an immediate increase in costs. So, why are
Republicans attacking the
bill and calling Obama a liar?
Well, Republicans fear that
more people will opt for the
because the government option could be less expensive.
Republicans also believe the
government insurance would
be inferior.
There is a lot of skepticism
circulating around Obama’s
health care reform legislation.
realistic before he attempts to
“Health care reform is
convince the American public something we need and have
to support it in order to push it needed for a long time,”Kevin
through Congress.”
Nzwah, business manageSo what about the actu- ment major, said. “Hopefulal bill? According to CNN, ly, this bill will pass without
Obama feels the best way a raise in taxes like many
to reform health care would people have theorized.”
be to “create a governmentsponsored health insurance
program that would be an opStock photo
iddle: What is black,
white, and read all over?
Answer: “The Black Tie Affair” Blog.
The Black Tie Affair is a
relatively new blog created
by Morehouse student Devin
Ford. With a focus on current
issues in entertainment, fashion and music, this blog stands
out as more
than a gossip
column, unlike
many entertainment
blogs. The
Black Tie
Affair is an
informative column
for the sophisticated
college student.
visiting the
blog site,
thing that catches the eye is
the bold colors and vivid photos. Ford, a sophomore business major, uses this striking
motif to make the reader feel
engaged in an informative
and intellectually appealing
Take a closer look into
what this blog has to offer,
and the reader will see that
the key to Ford’s formula is
to first be informative. Ford
seeks to give readers the truth
about events and occurrences.
After presenting the facts,
Ford inserts his own opinion.
“I feel as though I can be
the voice of the young people,” Ford said.
With such positive feedback from the site’s launching, many followers want to
know what is next for this
young blogger.
“While I am still trying to
work on the business aspect
of the Black Tie Affair, eventually I want this blog to be
known worldwide,” Ford explained.
While this may seem like a
lofty goal for the 19-year-old,
it is not impossible. Ford’s
Facebook group for the blog
has already attracted over 160
members in just four short
months. Readers can rest assured that
the information coming
blog is accurate. Not
only does
research every morsel
of information
goes on his
blog, but he
also utilizes
within the
entertainment industry.
Rubbing elbows with industry insiders like Jermaine
Dupri, Keyshia Cole and Ludacris can only enhance what
this blog has to offer. Also,
being invited to events such
a Losuis Vuitton’s fall collection fashion show helps to ensure that readers of The Black
Tie Affair are front row center
of current events.
For the future bloggers,
Ford advised, “have a clear
plan, to make sure their blog
has structure, and to know
what you want to talk about.”
Sophisticated, informative, structured, prosperous
and classic are the five ways
that Ford wants his readers to
describe The Black Tie Affair.
Jaymie White
“I feel as
though I
can be the
voice of
the young
Care Reform being pushed
by President Obama.
According to Republican Senator Jim DeMint of
South Carolina, the halting
of the bill would match the
defeat of French ruler Napoleon at Waterloo. Can one
really compare Napoleon’s
reign to Obama’s health
care bill? Nonetheless, the
Organization, health care
costs were $7,439 per capita
in 2007. Include this with
statistics from
that health care costs (and
college tuition) are rising
faster than wages and you
have room for an argument
to overhaul health care.
“I believe that health care
should be granted to all Amer-
Recycle The Maroon Tiger
Recycle The Maroon Tiger
The Maroon Tiger
September 23 - 29, 2009
Who you callin’ articulate? A bad start to senior year
Darius Scott
the word surfaced pages that
described Black athletes and
coaches, along with leading
Black environmentalist Van
ince Vice President Joe
Jones—and of course, our
Biden associated the adpresident.
jectives of “clean and articuHowever, in the few inlate” with President Obama
stances articulate was used to
when the two were competing
describe the majority race, it
for the Democratic presidenseemed to be for the purpose of
tial candidacy, there has been
debunking society’s presumpa national debate as to whethtions of certain classes: gener or not the term “articulate”
erally those who are regarded
is offensive and
as bereserved for miing denorities.
While the term is
Debates have
of a forused to describe
brought up the
mal edregistered definipeople of multiple ucation.
tion of the word
In one
ethnicities, it
that read, “Eninstance
dowed with the
is clear that
the word
power of speech”
w a s
‘articulate’ is not
and “using clear
used to
language.” Howa phrase used for
ever, what has
the offjust anyone.
this word come
to mean in toof a kidday’s society?
napper and his victim whom
More importantly, do Black
he repeatedly raped.
people have a reason to be upThe children were deset when called it? Morehouse
scribed as being “clever, arjunior Chaz Payton doesn’t
ticulate and curious” as stated
seem to think so.
by Tina Dugard, the aunt of
“I take it as a compliment,”
the kidnapper. Another inPayton said.
stance described a white porn
Senior Chase Freeman
star who has been enlisted to
said, “It depends on the constar in a low-budget film by a
mainstream director.
With doing a bit of reWhen used to describe
search, I typed the word into a
Black people, the word connews-related search engine to
notes a sense of vain approsee what articles would come
bation. On Obama’s recent
up. Without much surprise,
Contributing Writer
he buzz among the class
of 2010 was at a fever
pitch last Friday. The senior
class pageant was that night,
and it promised to entertain.
It would be hard to imagine
them all being let down, yet
that was the case. Before
the afternoon had waned to
night, it was cancelled. Officials in the administration
of Spelman College were
instrumental in the cancellation.
The controversy centered
on the photos used to advertise the pageant. Influential
Spelman alumnae contacted
the administration expressing concern over the provocative portrayal of Spelman
students. This motivated the
higher-ups in the administration to force the cancellation
of the pageant.
We do not expect the administration to turn a blind
eye to the activities they are
charged with overseeing.
What we do expect however is that they not impose
their own sense of propriety
on how the respective class
councils should run their pageants. This is what was done.
The cancellation was predicated upon the perceived derogatory nature of some of
the fliers used to advertise
the event.
The fliers in question portrayed pageant contestants in
caricatures of female celebrities from popular culture. The
satiric nature of the fliers, and
the pageant overall, was obvious. The only failing was that
it perhaps did not appeal to
outdated views of Spelman’s
administration. Decidedly absent from the chain of events
were the respective class
council advisors.
One pageant contestant
who wishes to remain anonymous remarked, “at no
point did I ever see the class
council advisor [at any rehearsal].”
Had an advisor been
present during the planning
stages, much controversy
could have been avoided.
This was not to be. The situation came to a head on Friday and the students were
left to face the bulk of the
Demanding the cancellation of the pageant on the day
of the show shows a lack of
The aforementioned contestant feels, “The whole
thing was blown out of proportion.”
The job of the staff was to
oversee the pageant from the
outset. Instead what occurred
was a reactionary response
diverting responsibility from
the professionals charged
with advising, onto students
who intended the pageant to
be in good fun.
What remains is a senior class without a pageant.
When asked if a senior pageant might happen this year,
one class council member
remarked, “If a pageant does
go on, it will be a reworked
version of the one originally
Everyone Has a Role to Play
1. Were breakout sessions necessary when over half
of King Chapel RUSHed to Sale Hale?
2. Did you have a COIN and a BILL?
3. What the H@#$ was he talking about?
4. Was INKSTER being OWT?
5. Did you really think your Clark brotHers and a
power poInt lecture would get you more interest?
6. Well, how about that SENIOR pageant?
7. Would this have happened if the FAMILY had been
8. Was the heart on the croTcH a good idea in
9. Or, was BUFFY’S BODY too much for BEV to
10. Should time and space even be WASTED on the
male contenders?
11. Can he Justify taking Control of his residents’
pageant just to have HIS destiny fulfilled?
12. Wasn’t the new Friday hangout fun while it lasted?
13. Will you tip now that there’s a cover charge?
14. Isn’t it a little eXtreme To leave yoUr Body picturEs
up in the computer lab?
15. Or do you think posting on CRAIGSLIST is a safer
way to be on the LOW?
16. But, how LOW are you when you cruise at noon in
17. Doesn’t the freshman class look GREAT in their
shirts and ties?
18. Do you think those shirts have been washed more
than once?
19. But, despite the STAINS and the HINTS OF MUST,
couldn’t the CLASS OF 2011 learn a few things?
20. Since we’re on the freshman, when did three 8 1/2
by 11 sheets of paper, decorated with glitter and
glue, become HARD campaigning?
Staff Writer
‘I Got My Brother’s Back’
The Tyrant
Dominic Jones
Gerren Gaynor
Opinions Editor
oo often I see my Morehouse brothers sitting
back and letting the same
people do all of the work. You
knew when you chose to attend Morehouse College that
it would require far more than
just making the grade. Morehouse calls you to make an
impact in the school and beyond.
The well-being of this
community is totally dependent upon the strength of its
students. So how can we expect Morehouse College to
thrive when many of us remain untouched by the spirit
of Morehouse?
Don’t be fooled by the
glitz and glamor; Morehouse
isn’t on solid ground unless
its constituents are doing
their share. How can we dare
expect alumni to give back
if we’re not advancing the
institutional principals that
have been bestowed upon
A college experience is
greatly wasted if only a handful of us are engaging in the
In every SGA election
there are the same students
discussing the same issues
who run for office promising
more transparency between
the student body and Morehouse administration. Well if
Students Endeavoring for Enlightened Environmental Decisions (SEEED). Or perhaps
you deem yourself more of an
athlete and would rather take
a stab at basketball, football,
track and field, baseball or
even tennis.
You see, whether you’re
advocating for the student
body, reporting the latest
campus news story, taking
photographs for The Torch
yearbook, or even singing in
the glee club, there is an organization on campus, somewhere, designed just for you.
But you have to be
If every man of Morehouse
engaged in the process and
took ownership of his destiny,
Morehouse would undoubtedly reach its fulfilling potential producing a more entwined and socio-accountable
Members of the class of 2013 line up during New Student
We all have something to
Orientation in the freshman quad.
offer, but when one of us refuses to do his share, the entransparency is implemented
Maybe you feel that a fratire village is lost and greatly
in almost every platform year ternity just isn’t your cup of
deprived of its burgeoning
after year, maybe it’s about tea, or you’re just too intromission in the advancement
time some new faces stepped verted to ever run for student
of excellence.
up to the plate.
office. Maybe Morehouse
If you truly have your
Could that new face be politics is just too, well... full
brother’s back, you will take
you? Quite possibly.
of politics.
ownership of your instituBut don’t be fooled into
There is something for
tional responsibility. It’s
thinking that you must hold everyone. Are you a passionyour duty to make strides in
prominent roles in student ate musician? Try the House
impacting this place we call
government or be a part of of Funk. Fervor for writing?
home. Get involved. Not just
a fraternity to feel included. Consider writing for The Mafor the benefit of yourself, but
There is an array of opportu- roon Tiger. Maybe you’re pasfor the well-being of your ennities for you to be a part of sionate about environmental
tire community.
the experience.
issues and would like to join
Recycle The Maroon Tiger
Maroon Tiger staff photo/Eric Ross
health care address, Congressman Paul Ryan said,
“The President delivered an
articulate speech, but his plan
fails to fix what’s broken, and
instead breaks what’s working.”
After meeting on a cruise
soiree, California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman said of Jones, a prolific
environmentalist, that he is
“bright” and “articulate.”
Both Ryan and Whitman are
As it would appear, the
term is not terribly commending, but rather serves as a
normalizing function. While
the term is used to describe
people of multiple ethnicities,
it is clear that “articulate” is
not a phrase used for just anyone. It is typically used by
some privileged individual
who finds it appropriate to assess the intelligence of someone whose mental capacity
has been compromised, such
as porn stars and captive children.
So, can white people be articulate? Only if there is some
social particular standard that
says they shouldn’t be. But
for Black individuals, being
articulate appears to never be
taken for granted. To assume
anyone who has made it to the
presidential primaries is less
than articulate is troubling.
But hey, I’m sure it’s been
done before.
The Maroon Tiger
What a girl wants
Rasheida Moss
Contributing Writer
here’s the old saying
“Women are from Venus
and men are from Mars,” and
while it’s not to be taken literally, men and women are
two different species and
have their own way of thinking, resulting in the want for
different things. This makes
it difficult to determine what
a girl wants in a guy and usually the guy thinks he knows
it all when in actuality he has
no clue.
While women are considered complex, known to
be picky and have long lists
of what they want and don’t
want in a man, in the end they
just don’t want to be alone.
It’s about having someone
to share things with, listen,
and unfortunately for men:
TALK. We can’t help it, talking is the best way for us to
express ourselves and having
a guy who’s a good listener is
a must-have.
Girls want someone who
stands by his word, and I’m
not talking promises. I mean
when you say you’re going
to do something or be somewhere, DO IT. Don’t just forget and then make excuses
– that really is a disappointment and makes it seem like
you don’t really care nor pay
attention to the girl, even if
you do.
Girls want someone they
can be comfortable with and
who can make them laugh.
Sometimes guys think their
humor is too raunchy for
girls, but you’d be surprised
at what girls find amusing.
Making a girl feel like she
can be comfortable means
she doesn’t have to be dolled
up and pretty all the time. If
you can accept her in sweats
and a t-shirt, hair pulled back,
just normal, then you’re a
keeper for sure.
Usually a girl wants a guy
who is going in the same direction as her in life. Women
plan a lot, so if I’m in college
I’d prefer you were too, so we
are both on the same page.
There are exceptions when
September 23- 29, 2009
- VI -
a girl will take a chance with
the “bad boy” whose goals
don’t match her own. Being
with a “bad boy” is exciting, fun, different and it adds
spontaneity, which women
love. Having the same routine after a while gets boring.
Don’t be afraid to try something new; it’s what keeps a
girl interested and coming
back for more. But don’t
overdo it.
Then there are the physical characteristics that a girl
wants, but those things fade
and while initially the looks
do attract a girl, they’re not
what keeps her.
The same goes for the car
and the money. While there
are benefits to picking a guy
who drives a nice sports car,
and wines and dines you at
the most expensive restaurants, these things do not
make the man.
A genuine guy who has
values, ambition and who
can make a girl laugh is what
really matters at the end of
the day. It’s simple really, all
a girl wants is you.
2010 Summer Undergraduate
Intern Positions
Greetings Brothers,
I would first like to welcome the Class of 2013 and welcome back those brothers
returning to Morehouse forTREASURY
yet another year. As
Treasurer of the Student Government
Association (SGA), I have the immense responsibility of managing the SGA finances,
Greetings Brothers,
keeping precise monetary records and to budget all other SGA projects and events. It is
also myI duty
to ensure
and to
would as
like to welcome
the that
Class no
of mistakes
2013 and welcome
for yet another
year. As Treasurer
of the
(SGA), I have the
the students
of Morehouse
your money
is going.
anda minimum
to budget all of
As promised in my campaign, the “Treasury Times” will be released
other SGA projects and events. It is also my duty as treasurer to ensure that no mistakes regarding SGA
a semester. It will appear in the Maroon Tiger, the House Keeper, and on the SGA
funds occur and that you, the students of Morehouse College, know where your money is going.
Bodies Times”
of thea minimum
Thea AMazing
in my the
the “Treasury
will be released
of twice
the Website
It will appear in theintends
Maroon to
the House
on thetoSGA
to maximize
the Student
Staff, and Administration. This is your Treasury Times:
the Morehouse College Faculty, Staff, and Administration. This is your Treasury Times:
SGA Executive Board Budget & Expenses
Funds Allotted for the 2009-2010 FY
Funds Allotted to the CASA
SGA Block Party
SGA T-Shirts
We Do It For The Hood Rally
SGA Publicity/Branding
Morehouse College Print Shop
Miscellaneous Supplies
SGA Senate Budget & Expenses
Funds Allotted for the 2009-2010 FY
NAACP Centennial National Convention
Funds Allotted to Resident Hall Association
Miscellaneous Supplies
Total Expenses -28,865.66
Remaining Budget
Total Expenses
Remaining Budget
The “Treasury Times” is meant to serve the Student Body as a reflection of the funds allotted to the
Student Government Association, funds spent, and funds intended to be spent throughout the
The “Treasury Times” is meant to serve the Student Body as a reflection of the
Fiscal/Academic Year 2009-2010. As we are a very active administration, with opportunities for student
the Student
and funds
all expenses
may notAssociation,
be noted above.funds
By thespent,
end of Spring
are aGovernment
very active
be anthroughout
Times” that will
all expenses As
of the
during the Fiscal Year.
with opportunities for student advocacy occurring continuously, all ex-
penses may not be noted above. By the end of Spring Semester 2010, there will be an
Brothers, this shall truly be an AMAZING year!
all-encompassing “Treasury Times” that will report all expenses of the Student Government
the Fiscal Year.
Your SGA
Brothers, this shall truly be an AMAZING year!
Armaad R. Morman
Student Government Association Treasurer
Your SGA Treasurer,
Armaad R. Morman
Student Government Association Treasurer
ICPSR, the world's largest archive of digital
social science data, is now accepting applications
for its annual 10-week undergraduate summer
internship program June 7–August 13, 2010.
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Recycle The Maroon Tiger
The Maroon Tiger
- VII -
September 23 - 29, 2009
Arts & Entertainment
The Mob is Back: Goodie Mob Reunion Spencer Greene
A&E editor
t’s a rainy Saturday evening
and true “ATLiens” are
filling up an outside arena
with anticipation of the long
awaited reunion of Goodie
Mob. It’s been years since
fans have seen the legendary
group that, along with Cool
Breeze, coined the phrase
“Dirty South.”
The Sept. 22 show begins
around 7:30 with a DJ playing
some classic southern hip-hop
mixed with some new school.
After a few mixes, Pastor Troy
comes to the stage. He gives
a few shout outs to different
parts of Atlanta, then proceeds
to perform some of his hits.
Crowd members throw the
“eastside sign” in the air as
they bounce to the music.
When the music stops and it
seems as if Pastor Troy was
getting ready to leave the
stage, the crowd chants “We
ready!” encouraging him to
perform his Georgia anthem.
Moments later the beat drops
and the crowd sings the lyrics,
“No more play in GA.” After
his performance, he walks the
crowd, drinking a beer and
taking pictures.
Next to come to the stage is
the Young Bloodz. In between
performing their songs, they
pay respect to Goodie Mob and
inform the crowd that Atlanta
rap today isn’t “real.”
Right after they finish their set,
a live band begins setting up on
stage. The DJ plays a segment
A review of The Color
Purple: The Musical
Carl Ringgold
New Media Director
theme music as four legends
proceeded to take the stage, all
dressed in red garments, Khujo
in a red-hooded robe.
As the lights come up and
the band gets stronger, T-Mo
takes the hood off of Khujo
and the group puts their arms
in the air like they are the
Temptations. It almost feels
like an Earth Wind & Fire
show, until the beat drops
and Big Gipp begins rapping,
Album review: “The Man on the Moon: The End of Day”
Taylor Williams
ver since the release of
Kid Cudi’s first single
“Day ‘n’ Nite” he has had
the hip-hop world in a frenzy
wondering if the rest of his
album would be as “spacey”
and “real” as this was. With
sounds very dreamy and with
the first words of the song
being “Your in my dreams,
Welcome,” it really felt like
you were dreaming. The track
ends with rapper Common
saying inspirational words
which leads into the next
“Soundtrack 2 My Life”
is one of the most personal
Dolo (Nightmare),” where
he talks about his feelings
of loneliness. He then flows
into the next track entitled
“Heart of a Lion (Kid Cudi
Theme Music).” This track
is a musical expression
of Cudi’s confidence and
that nothing can bring him
Act three, “Taking A Trip,”
the release of his debut album
“The Man on the Moon: The
End of Day” I can tell you
folks, it most definitely is.
The album is setup in five
acts, the first being “The End
of Day.” The first track of the
album and of this act is entitled
“In My Dreams (Cudder
Anthem).” With the gloomy
keys and soft orchestra, it
tracks on the album where
Cudi speaks about dealing
with issues of the passing
of his father, paranoia,
self-esteem and his mother
being a major influence.
Indeed, a soundtrack to his
Act two, “Rise of the
Night Terrors,” he begins
with a track entitled “Solo
features single “Day ‘n’
Nite,” “Enter Galactic (Love
Connection Part I)” and “Sky
Might Fall.” Produced by
Kanye West, “Sky Might Fall”
is definitely one of the head
bangers of the album. His
flow on this track is nothing
short of amazing.
Act four, “Stuck,” begins
with the track entitled
Staff Writer
The Organ of Student Expression Since 1925
Join our Facebook group and continue to
check out our website for the latest news in
the AUC
playing the beginning of “Cell
Khujo then stops him and
orders the guitarist to get the
crowd hyped. As the guitarist
finishes playing crazy rock
guitar riffs, the band comes in
with a rock version of “Cell
Therapy.” Khujo explodes as he
raps alongside the guitarist, who
is still doing guitar riffs. The
crowd absolutely goes wild.
As the night came to an
end, I left the concert feeling
amazed. This concert was
more than legendary rappers
making a comeback. It
symbolized a sense of unity,
creativity and consciousness
that’s been missing ever since
the Dungeon Family went
their separate ways.
Being that I’m not from the
South, I could only imagine
what this reunion meant to
Atlanta natives who grew up
under the influence of Rico
Wade, Organized Noize and
Goodie Mob. Although it
may not happen, this great
concert left me yearning for a
Dungeon Family reunion tour. “Alive.” Produced by the
rock duo Ratatat, this song
most definitely sounds like
the score of a horror movie.
With the first verse saying
“ I’m feeling strange in the
night, I’m not myself, I feel
I’m throwing into a fight,
nowhere to run nowhere to
hide, nothings right, my skin
is burning and my heart begins
to speed, there
me,” eventually
leads into the
that reveals his
into a beast.
The rest of
the act contains
second single
“Make Her Say,”
which features
Kanye West and
Common, and
soon to be third
single of the
album “Pursuit
of Happiness,”
which features
leads in the final
act, “ A New
This act only
tracks the first
being “Hyyerr,”
which features
coming artist out of Cleveland
by the name of Chip Tha
Ripper. The last of the track is
entitled “Up Up & Away.”
Kid Cudi displays that he is
more than a one hit wonder
and is indeed “The Man
on the Moon.” If you are
into hip-hop that is far from
the norm, I suggest you go
out and pick up this album.
Stock photo
he musical adaptation of
Alice Walker’s classic
novel The Color Purple came
to the Fox Theatre in Atlanta
on Sept. 16. From the opening
act till the very end, the play
surely didn’t leave audiences
novel about Celie, the poor
Black girl who grows from a
childhood of oppression to a
maturity filled with happiness
and grace, takes many years
and involves so many people
that you might wonder how
it can all fit on a stage in less
than three hours. Yet, without
ever feeling that you’re being
overburdened with information or rushed through a SparkNotes version of the book,
you get to know and love all
the major characters.
From Mister to Harpo to
Sophia, all of the characters
were depicted in their original
vibrance. Shug Avery’s natural charm and voice singing
of “What About Love” along-
side Celie, provides the show
with one of its emotional
Fantasia, who plays Celie
in the musical, provided a stellar performance with her acting and vocal skills. Through
all of the pain Celie faces –the
loss of two children, being
sent to live with an abusive
husband, losing a sister and
losing a lover- Fantasia provides a masterful performance
with the true form and clarity
depicted in Walker’s novel.
In song, dance, praise and
pain we are given a first hand
view into the life of Celie
and the turbulence that is her
life. We bear witness to her
triumph when she opens her
business and is eventually reunited with her sister Nettie
residing in Africa.
The reunion with her sister
and her two children, who she
hadn’t seen since birth, marks
the climatic moment of an
already emotionally charged
The musical will continue
at the Fox Theatre through the
Sept. 27.
of T.I. songs, giving a shout
out to the incarcerated rapper.
As the musicians begin sound
checking their instruments, the
DJ plays a segment of classic
Outkast songs. From “Player’s
Ball” to “Jazzy Belle,” he has
the crowd reciting every word
of “Elevators.”
The lights get dim, the host
appears and then gives a poetic
introduction to the group. The
band begins to play the Rocky
taking the entire crowd into
the Dungeon. Cee-lo then
begins rapping, reminding the
world he rapped before the
days of Gnarls Barkley.
The band then begins
playing the '80s classic “True”
by Spandau Ballet as Cee-lo
sings the chorus. They quickly
switch up into a funky version
of the song, and Cee-lo starts
rapping a melodic version of
“Git Up Git Out,” the classic
Outkast song which first
featured Goodie Mob.
They proceed to perform
songs such as, “Thought
Process,” “Sesame Street,”
Between their songs, they
perform a few of each
member's solo projects. Ceelo sings his Gnarls Barkley hit
“Crazy,” and Big Gipp brings
out Sleepy Brown to perform
“Steppin’ Out.”
Although the band has
been playing well all night, it
seems to take off once Cee-lo
signals for the keyboardist to
take a solo. He plays a spacey
solo, funky enough for George
Clinton to hit the stage. He
then goes from his solo into
Recycle The Maroon Tiger
The Maroon Tiger
September 23 - 30, 2009
- VIII -
In the running lane with the college’s track team
Jon Bradley
down of what to expect at practice, the post practice schedule
and what other types of training
the team would be participating
hen I walked into the in later that week.
small, stuffy conferBut Hill has found another
ence room, the runners sat way to help his team benefit
in foldable, metal chairs pre- from his more than 30 years
paring for the grueling track of coaching experience.
practice ahead of them.
Sports Editor
“I want to thank God for another day, and my friends and
my family,” one runner said.
“I’d like to thank God for
all the good things he’s done
for me, because I don’t deserve it sometimes, but he
does it anyway,” said another.
This unorthodox way to
Stock photo
Senior Hasaan Rasheed sprinting at a spring 2008 outdoor opener.
I surveyed the room as I
took my seat and noticed that
each person was as different
as the pair of running shoes
on his feet.
As the runners chatted and
talked about school and extracurricular activities, it was
apparent that I was the only
person in the room concerned
with all the 400 meter runs,
100 meter sprints and other
conditioning drills that they
would be running.
How else would you expect practice to be for a team
that hasn’t finished lower
than second place in the last
10 years?
The room fell silent as head
coach Willie Hill opened the
heavy metal door and walked
to the front of the room.
At that point, I expected Hill
to give the athletes a brief run-
After grabbing the attention of his athletes, Hill asked
“who would like to conduct
the meeting today.”
Senior team captain Hasaan
Rasheed was the first to raise
his hand and thus got the opportunity to ask his teammates
the opening question at every
“[Does] anybody have any
thanks they want to say about
God today?” asked Rasheed.
I looked around the room,
thinking it would take a few
minutes for anyone to speak up.
But the question didn’t
shock or offend any player,
and as athlete after athlete
spoke, the others quietly listened and respected their fellow teammate. (Because of
privacy issues, the writer has
chosen not to reveal player
bring the team together before
every practice is a strategy
Hill and assistant coach Troy
Berry feel is important in the
development of their players,
not just as athletes, but as Men
of Morehouse.
Each athlete was given the
opportunity to thank God, if
they so chose, and if they had
any other issues, could also
bring those up.
“Does anybody have anything they want to say on family?” Rasheed asked next.
“I’d like to thank my family for support and love, even
at times when I didn’t act
right or appreciate it,” said
one player from the back of
the room.
“I’d like to thank my family for the values they instilled
in me and for helping me become the man I am today,”
said the sophomore sitting
two chairs down from me.
All the while, Hill stood at
the front of the room, looking each of his players in the
eye as they spoke, respecting
them as they respected him
when he walked in the room.
“It is about more than the
program,” said Hill. “It’s
about these young men, and if
you can stress the importance
of God and family and allow
them to relieve any stress or
issues they have before they
step on that track, everything
else will fall into place.
“Our goal is to help these
athletes become beneficial in
society and upstanding Morehouse Men. They can’t forget
that without Morehouse, without family, and without God,
this program wouldn’t be.”
And though the athletes
benefit physically from the
program, the mental and emotional benefits are much more
“Does anyone have any
thanks they would like to
give to the program?” asked
“I’d like to thank the program for teaching me how
to become a man,” said the
gentleman beside me with his
head down.
“I’d like to thank the program for bringing me in, protecting me, making me part of
this brotherhood, and putting
God first.” said the runner in
the gray hoodie.
“I’d like to thank the program for helping us develop
principles to become young
men,” said the runner in the
third row.
“I’d like to thank the program for teaching us life lessons, and I’d also like to thank
the people in the program, especially the upperclassmen,”
said the runner sitting at end
of the front row. “Coming in
as a freshman, I was nervous
about meeting new people, but
getting to know everyone in
‘Money Mayweather’ scores easy win after long hiatus
Staff Writer
he world saw an, “exceedingly easy 12 round contest.” These words came from
HBO pay-per-view ringside
announcer Jim Lampley. The
matchup of Floyd “Money”
Mayweather (40-0, 25 KOs)
and Juan Marquel Marquez
(50-5-1, 37 KOs) was never
in doubt.
Mayweather came out in
the first round and established
a size and tactical advantage over Marquez. Marquez
would readily try to actually
hit Mayweather, but after only
landing 4 out of 52 punches
in the first round, any viewer
could see how this fight would
Then, in the second round,
Mayweather knocked down
Marquez as he walked right
into a powerful left hook. Although Marquez got right up
off the mat, it might have been
better had he stayed there.
The remainder of the fight
was like an artist beautifully
painting his canvas live for the
entire world
to see. The
(which has
been giving
boxing statistics since
1985) numbers show
Mayweather landed
290 of 493
(59 percent)
compared to Floyd Mayweather Jr. goes on the offensive against Juan Manuel Marquez
on his way to a 118-109, 120-107,119-108 decision on Saturday night.
70 of 583
mind after a 21 month layoff, thing in his power to solidify
punches (12 percent). Mayis something that few boxing his legacy and show why he
weather also landed 125 of
lovers can remember. Seeing is, as he says, “TBE. The Best
315 power shots, which is an
offensive genius with punch- Ever” Only time will tell if
astounding 40 percent.
es Marquez couldn’t dodge there is a bout with Manny
Throughout the latter porand defensive mastery that Pacquiao, which would be the
tion of the fight, ringside anleft Marquez wailing in the mega-fight the boxing world
nouncers Max Kellerman,
air sets Mayweather in a class is craving for. Pacquiao or no
Emmanuel Lewis, and Lamof his own. Without a doubt, Pacquiao, Lampley may have
pley repeatedly compared
this masterpiece was some- summed it up best; “He may
this bout to the greatest of all
thing few, if any, boxers have very well be, still, the number
time. A complete domination
duplicated in the past.
1 pound for pound fighter in
of a marquee opponent, never
Mayweather did every- the world.”
Stock photo
Charlie Williams IV
Recycle The Maroon Tiger
this program has really made
me feel welcome and like I’ve
been here longer than I have,
so I want to thank everybody
for accepting me.”
The effects of God, family,
brotherhood and the transition
into manhood are a few of the
many things the coaches hope
to emphasize with this meeting before every practice.
And though the meeting
sometimes can last up to an hour,
cutting into practice time, the
players find it helpful and coaches see it as a duty to help these
players get through whatever
struggles they may be having.
“It’s really been immaculate.” said Berry. “There are
so many people we can attest,
since we have been doing this,
that have been saved, or that
have had problems in their
own families, that they were
able to bring out in the meeting
that helped them at home.”
This is something that is
rarely seen in collegiate athletics. But maybe if more
programs emphasized the
players, as opposed to the
program singularly, they will
have the same success as the
track program.
A pre-practice meeting has
drastically affected each player
on the team, in the sense that
they are allowed to focus on
themselves as students and people first, and athletes second.
Something that seems to
be lost in the student-athlete
What to Watch
Charlie Williams IV
Staff Writer
Wednesday Sept. 23
NY Yankees at LA Angels
— This is a MLB contest
which has the two best
records in the AL going
against one another
when the NY Yankees
take on the LA Angels.
The last game of a three
game set, this series will
be very important when
seeing who will have
home field advantage
come October playoffs if
these teams meet again.
On the mound will be AJ
Burnett for the Yankees
and Scot Kazmir for the
Thursday Sept. 24
No. 4 Mississippi at
South Carolina — In
this SEC West football
matchup, Houston Nutt’s
Rebels take on the Steve
Spurrier’s Gamecocks.
Jevin Snead and the No.
4 Rebels look to assert
themselves as an SEC
power. South Carolina
wants to get a quality Top
5 win and show it can be
more than a spoiler this
Friday Sept. 25
Boston at NY Yankees
– The most hated rivalry
in the MLB. The Red
Sox go into the new
Yankee Stadium for the
last series of the year
between two of the four
AL playoff contenders.
This could potentially
be a playoff matchup
three weeks from now in
October. The Red Sox’s
John Lester and Yankees’
ace CC Sabathia take the
mound in this one.
Saturday Sept. 26
No. 6 California at
Oregon — Two words:
miraculous running back
from Cal is definitely
on everyone’s Hesiman
watch list after an
amazing six touchdown
Minnesota last week
while Oregon posted
a win over former No.
18 Utah. This Pac-10
contest should keep the
busy. Catch this game on
ABC at 3:30 p.m.
No. 9 Miami (Fl) at No.
11 Virginia Tech — Miami
(Fl) is one of the biggest
surprises in football after
surviving Florida St. and
Georgia Tech. This game
could mean a 3-0 start
in conference for “Da
U” and stud sophomore
Harris. Tyrod Taylor
and the Hokies look to
continue winning after
a last minute victory
against Nebraska. These
two square off at 3:30
p.m. on ABC.
Sunday Sept. 27
Minnesota ­­— Here is
a battle between two
2-0 division leaders in
the NFC. Two Pro Bowl
caliber running backs
take the field as Frank
Gore (SF) and Adrian
Peterson (Minn) look
to assert their will on
the other team. Both
defenses are very strong
and rank among the best
in the NFC. This physical
matchup will be on Fox
at 1 p.m.
Tennessee at NY Jets
— Two teams headed
in opposite directions.
Tennessee has given up
over 700 yards passing
in two games which had
a large part in their 0-2
start. The Jets are one of
two teams in the NFL not
to give up a touchdown so
far and have beaten two
quality teams in Houston
and New England for a
2-0 start. NY Jets rookie
Sanchez has impressed
in both games. Turn to
CBS at 1:00 p.m.