Read this issue - St. Mary`s Episcopal School


Read this issue - St. Mary`s Episcopal School
spring/summer 2014
Lessons in Leadership
2014 Outstanding Alumna Suzanne Hollis Apple ’76
and alumnae reflect on learning and leading
Remembering Mary Davis
Inside: Special Graduation Section - Celebrating The Class of 2014
I love data, and I spend a lot of time keeping up with the
latest research in education. I have noticed a recent batch of articles that has
tried to conclude that there is little to no advantage to single gender education. I think the flaw in these
studies is that many virtues of girls schools can’t be measured. Nowhere is that more true than when you
are talking about leadership.
Any objective observer in Memphis who knows St. Mary’s will tell you they recognize and admire the
leadership qualities they see in St. Mary’s alumnae.
The lives and stories represented by our annual Outstanding Alumna winners, including this year’s
honoree, Suzanne Hollis Apple ’76, demonstrate the significance and the subtlety of leadership.
You would expect to hear from a school that is “old and improved” that leadership remains an important educational goal but that the means of arriving there is changing. As Head, I see that in two ways.
First, we are encouraging a growth mindset that sees risk and failure as part of learning. More and
more, we hear students talk about how they grow because they are not afraid of making a mistake. In just
one example, our school-wide STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) curriculum teaches
the girls, even in 1st grade, that the process of making things means finding what works after discovering
what doesn’t.
Second, an atmosphere that celebrates creativity naturally fosters leadership. Creativity is the realm
of the possible, of saying “yes” instead of “I can’t.” The voice that students find in art, music, drama, and
writing is a voice that becomes stronger, more willing to risk an opinion, and more willing to lead others.
I have also seen this atmosphere flourish among the adults on campus. Giving teachers and staff the
freedom to use their talents without anxiety has led to innovations that are keeping St. Mary’s on the
forefront of what is good for girls.
This intersection of a growth mindset and creativity produces a liberating environment for leadership
development. I hope you will enjoy reading about our student leaders and our leading alumnae.
In this issue, we also remember the legacy of Mary Davis’s leadership and introduce you to a new and
refreshing leader on campus, the Rev. Sandy Webb [the second most popular man on campus!]. As you
read, I hope you will reflect on your own experience and
lessons in leadership and consider sharing them. We love
your stories— they are the light and life we celebrate.
Head of School
(L-R) Chair of the Board of
Trustees Santiago Arbelaez, 2014
Outstanding Alumna Suzanne
Hollis Apple ’76, and Head of
School Albert Throckmorton.
Spring/Summer 2014
The magazine of St. Mary’s Episcopal School is
published twice a year as a service to all alumnae, students,
parents, faculty, staff, and friends of the school.
Head of School
Albert L. Throckmorton
Director of Admission & Financial Aid
Nicole Hernandez
Director of Advancement
Leanne Kleinmann
In This Issue
Lessons in Leadership
Leader of the Flock
Leadership lessons learned at St. Mary’s and beyond.
Rev. Sandy Webb joins CHC
Assistant Director of Advancement
Alumnae & Special Events
Gigi Gould ’70
A Blessing to Generations
Director of Communication / Editor
Sally Walker Davies
Campus News
Lisa Buser
Graduation day photos by Mike Brown
Kathryn Carpenter Swords ’83
Lee Davidson Holt ’95
Leanne Kleinmann
Zina Kumok ’07
Owen McGuire
Sally Walker Davies
Letters to the Editor:
Please address all correspondence to:
Sally Walker Davies
St. Mary’s Episcopal School
60 Perkins Extended
Memphis, TN 38117
Unless otherwise noted, all photos, with the exception of
select photos in Class Notes, are by Lisa Buser.
On the Cover:
2014 Outstanding Alumna Suzanne Hollis Apple ’76.
Mary McClintock Davis, 1911 – 2014
Spring Athletics Round-up
Outstanding Alumna 2014
Alumnae Weekend
A Lifetime of Memories
Ensuring a Bright Future
Class Notes
Suzanne Hollis Apple ’76
Jan Cone Davis ’68 retires after 23 years.
Catherine Dailey Berger ’71
Parents of Alumnae: If your daughter no longer maintains an
address at your home, please notify Alumnae Coordinator
Gigi Gould at 901.537.1424 or
The mission of St. Mary’s Episcopal School is to provide a
superior educational experience for girls which will encourage and
enable each student to reach her individual potential.
St. Mary’s Episcopal School does not discriminate on the basis of
race, religion, or national origin in the administration of its admission,
financial aid, educational, athletic, extracurricular, or other policies.
Lessons In
By Leanne Kleinmann
tepping up. Speaking out. Working hard. Taking risks. Messing up.
Asking for help. Trying again.
All of those things have something in common: they’re what leaders do.
They are also what St. Mary’s students, alumnae, faculty, and staff challenge
themselves to do every day.
In this issue of the St. Mary’s magazine, we take a look at the leadership
lessons learned at school and beyond. You’ll meet alumnae, students, faculty,
and staff who have forged their own definitions of leadership and are literally
changing the world.
There is not one kind of leader at St. Mary’s, just as our students don’t have a
singular way of looking at the world. The school mission statement tells why:
St. Mary’s encourages and enables individual potential. We don’t march in lockstep, and we sometimes disagree.
As a school full of unique leaders, we wouldn’t have it any other way.
Sims Munn ’10:
A Passion for Justice
“It was the hardest time of
my life.”
Sims Munn ’10 is talking
about a life-changing few
months during the fall of 2013,
her senior year at the University
of Alabama, when she decided
she no longer could stay silent
about the exclusion of AfricanAmericans from
her sorority.
What she did next eventually made national news:
after learning that a potential
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sorority member had been denied consideration for
rush because she was black, Munn moved out of her
sorority and eventually resigned
her membership. She pressed
first sorority officials and then
the president of the university
to change the policy. The president took action, the policy was
reversed, and the Greek system at
Alabama pledged its first AfricanAmericans. The story broke first in
the campus paper but was picked
up later by CNN and The New York
Times, among others.
Throughout this process, the
pressure was intense. “Every single
day I had to come to some sort of
Sims Munn ’10
decision or have a hard conversation. I was constantly
“It was cool to see that how while I was doing
trying to think critically and ethically.”
something risky and costly, God provided for me.”
Her rock-solid faith was both her motivator and
Does she ever regret what she did? “No. There’s
her source of strength, she says. As she wrote in a blog
never been a moment I regret it. Some of my friendpost for The Gospel Coalition, “…as a Christian attendships were damaged, and I have had to have hard coning college in the middle of the Bible Belt, where racism versations with people. I’m not a very confrontational
is often viewed as a bad habit rather than grievous sin,
person, so pushing a conversation and disagreeing
I had to ask God for wisdom about what it meant for
with a friend was hard for me. But lots of my friends
Jesus to be Lord of my life in this area.”
supported me.”
She leaned on several mentors, including Rev.
Munn has begun a yearlong fellowship at Second
Sandy Willson, Senior Minister of Second Presbyterian
Presbyterian and hopes to work in urban ministry.
Church in Memphis, for both practical and spiritual
How will what happened at Alabama inform her life
support. “I was incredibly intimidated,” she said. “It
to come?
was tempting to feel like I was
“It will always be a big part of
being dramatic or radical. But
my life. But I am not a hero. This
he said no, go right to the top
was never about me. It was about
with this.”
a girl who was wronged.”
She also relied on what
she’d learned in her years at
St. Mary’s, including the ability
to think for herself. “We were
encouraged to ask questions. I
When Ariel Mason ’08 came to
had been exposed to different
St. Mary’s from Snowden Middle
ways of thinking.
School in the 9th grade, she had a
“Because St. Mary’s is
lot of adjustments to make.
diverse in its own way, it
“I was used to being first in
informed how I thought of the
my class, and at St. Mary’s I was
whole issue (of race). I knew
challenged academically,” she said.
Ariel Mason ’08
my peers at St. Mary’s would be
“It was a whole new learning
shocked” by the situation at her
process. But I learned not to be afraid not to get somesorority at Alabama.
thing right the first time.”
Now that she has graduated and has a little
Taking risks took on a more practical form when
distance on her tumultuous year, she says, “I feel like
Mason tried out for the mock trial team that year as
I’ve grown in my leadership ability.
well. Not only did she learn the practical aspects of
“I’ve always had a passion for justice. Even on the
what lawyers do, “it instilled confidence in me.” She
soccer field (Munn was captain of the team her senior
remembers her first opening statement and the nerves
year at St. Mary’s) if I felt like a call was unfair, it would
that went along with it. “You can’t just stand there. You
get me going. But I learned a lot about what leadership
have to be convincing to the jury. It was fun … after
looks like.”
about the third time!”
She has also learned that when you do the right
Music, too, played a big role in her life at St. Mary’s
thing, things work out. For example, when she moved
and was a valuable creative release. She played viola
out of the sorority house, she had nowhere to live. But
and cello and was president of the band. “Dr. Millen
that same day, at lunch with some friends, she met a girl encouraged us to set individual goals and focus on our
she hadn’t known before who needed a roommate.
Ariel Mason ’08:
Finding Her Voice
Kathy Buckman Gibson ’80
own music. It didn’t feel like competing.”
Mason has continued competing in mock trial as
she heads into her final year at Vanderbilt Law School.
Next year she will serve on the Mock Trial Board at law
school, an honor she achieved by her winning mock
trial performances. She also received her undergraduate degree at Vanderbilt.
Asked if she feels like a leader now, Mason says,
“definitely!” Would she have been considered a leader
back in 9th grade? “It was a year of transition and
everything was new. But I felt empowered by learning.
The teachers encouraged all of us, told us we were all
little rock stars.”
“I am grateful that St. Mary’s introduced me to
the person that I wanted to become.”
Kathy Buckman Gibson ’80:
Empowering a Global Workforce
“This is the fun part,” says Kathy Buckman Gibson
’80. “When you give people opportunities, and a whole
new world opens up for them.”
We have stopped at a poster that shows one of the
community engagement and outreach projects that’s
part of Buckman Cares, an initiative Gibson started in
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2009 at the global chemical manufacturing company.
Gibson is now President and Chief Operating Officer of
Buckman International (a relatively new – and hugely
demanding – assignment). She is clearly delighted with
the program that engages Buckman employees from
China to Memphis.
As we settle in her new office – once occupied by
her dad, and before him, her grandfather – Gibson is
clear about the role St. Mary’s played in her life and
leadership development.
“St. Mary’s shaped me, it molded me,” she says. She
was involved in the Student Council and the Carillon,
but also credits the small-school environment and the
closeness of the 44 girls in her class. “You got to know
everyone really well,” she said, and the friendships sort
of rotated. “I could see my life changing, depending on
the year it was.”
What would she tell current St. Mary’s students
about how to envision their own leadership path? “Follow your heart … do what you want to do. Define your
journey for yourself. Don’t let anyone define it for you.”
She says she thinks it’s a “girl thing” to try to live up
to everyone else’s expectations. “You’ve got to get beyond that, because someone else’s expectations aren’t
always aligned with what you should be doing.”
Lessons In Leadership
From PK line leader to president of the Senior class – and in many roles in between – learning
leadership is integral to the St. Mary’s experience. We asked alumnae across the country to tell
us what they learned about leadership while at St. Mary’s and encourage you to share yours
on our Facebook page –
St. Marys provided me, like
all of its students, with the
capacity to effect change
and have real responsibility; conversely it also
allowed a certain freedom
to try things out, laugh
at my (embarrassing and
much too frequent) mistakes and more importantly grow from
them. Thanks to St. Mary’s help in cultivating some pretty strong personalities, I
could develop my own strong voice before
I entered a larger, even more competitive
community. My teachers and peers
instilled a confidence in me
that went far beyond the classroom
or athletic field and has helped me
wade the tremendous and challenging
waters of UVA much more easily.
- Meg Gould ’11, student member on the Board of
Visitors at the University of Virginia.
St. Mary’s provides the roots
for leadership. St. Mary’s not only
taught me how to be a leader but also gave
me opportunities to actually be one through
the Honor Council. It was
at St. Mary’s where I discovered who I was and
what I believed. It wasn’t
just one teacher or one experience that taught me
how to be a leader, it was
all of them. St. Mary’s is so
near to my heart and I will
be forever grateful and proud to call myself
an alumna of St. Mary’s.
Good leadership enables a
group of people to come
together and use their
collective strengths and
talents to accomplish
something they could not
do separately. Providing
that leadership requires
vision to
get the
p ro c e s s
and the
ability to
the goal
in a clear and inspiring way. St. Mary’s taught me
to think clearly and
write effectively, be-
ginning with Mrs. Gill’s
instructions on the five
paragraph theme, the
précis, the persuasive
argument, and the term
paper. Those communication skills have served me
well and played a critical
role in all the projects that
I’ve spear-headed.
- Burkley Mann Allen ’76,
Nashville City Council Member
- Lucy Wade Shapiro ’11, President,
Washington & Lee University Student Body
Lessons In Leadership
Many schools teach leadership, but St. Mary’s
develops leaders. The uniqueness of a
she doesn’t
question if she should be a
St. Mary’s leader is that
leader, she knows she is a leader.
For a St. Mary’s graduate,
exceptional leadership is so
ingrained within her that it
often feels effortless. I have
had the opportunity to reflect on the origin and evolution of my leadership skills
this semester in a leadership seminar I am taking to earn my MBA.
Nearly every discussion, prompt, and reading assignment has pointed me back to the
excellent foundation I received at St. Mary’s.
Without the investment of the faculty, administration, and staff of St. Mary’s Episcopal
School, I would not be where I am today, and
for that, I am forever grateful.
- Laurin Maddux ’98, Graduate Student, University of Memphis,
Director of Child and Adolescent Programs at Lakeside
Behavorial Health System
When I tell people who know me only as Rabbi
Rachel that I spent fourteen years at St. Mary’s
Episcopal School, I am regularly confronted with variations on the same question:
“How was it being a Jewish girl at a Christian
school?” I have to admit that I enjoy responding to this question because for me, being a
Jewish girl at a Christian
school was an amazing experience! St. Mary’s taught
me how to share my religion with people of other
faiths, and it showed me
that friendship was flexible
enough to accommodate
different (and even conflicting) beliefs. I am a better Jewish leader and
will be a better rabbi because I’m
a St. Mary’s girl.
- Rabbi Rachel Bearman ’04, Temple B’nai Chaim, Georgetown, Conn.
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Leader of the Flock
Rev. Sandy Webb joins CHC
As the leader of the Church of the Holy
Communion since July 2013, The Rev. Sandy Webb
would always have been the face of that particular
church for the students of St. Mary’s. In just under a
year, though, he has made a big impression with a
new and different style of leadership.
Rev. Webb loves to laugh — he opens each
Chapel talk with a joke and waits eagerly for the
girls’ reaction. He and Mr. Throckmorton were a
double act during this year’s annual spring Joke
Chapel, lobbing puns at each other.
He is full of stories and tells them well, whether he’s sharing a Bible story with girls in the ECC or
telling the older girls of his time as the Chaplain of
the Roanoke Fire Department, fire hat in hand.
Mostly, though, he is obviously interested in
the work of the school and the concerns of the
students. He attends all of the Senior Chapel
speeches and has shown up on the sidelines of
Turkey soccer and lacrosse games. Though his
church duties are his first priority, he has also
found unique ways to be involved with St. Mary’s.
For example, he and Assistant Head of School
Leigh Mansberg were chatting one day after Chapel when she discovered Rev. Webb’s long involvement and love for Youth Legislature. This program,
available to Middle and Upper School girls, gives
students hands-on experience in all branches of
state government. Mrs. Mansberg passed the word
along, and soon, Rev. Webb was working with Lain
Whitaker’s Middle School girls, helping them get
ready for the contest day.
“He very kindly reviewed their bills, asked
questions, and made comments for improving
them. Then he came downtown the afternoon of
the contest to watch and cheer us on.
“He was great!”
— Leanne Kleinmann
A Blessing to Generations | Mary McClintock Davis, 1911 - 2014
By Sally Walker Davies
Mary Davis and former Head Nat Hughes are captured in a 1965
photo, when Davis was surprised with new furnishings for her office.
ary McClintock Davis never attended school at
St. Mary’s, but as Head of School Albert Throckmorton says, “many girls think she is the ‘Mary’ in St. Mary’s.”
In many ways, Davis, who died at the age of 103 on
April 9, was the epitome of the character, confidence, and
spirit that exemplify a St. Mary’s girl.
Davis attended college – and was a college athlete –
during the same decade that women were granted the right
to vote. She was a widowed in 1947, a mother of three
young girls who moved her family to Mississippi to be near
family and pursue work, helping to start a day school at an
Episcopal church. She then moved to Memphis to give her
girls the opportunity for a better education, while herself
pursuing a master’s degree at Memphis State. In 1964, Davis
was hired by the late Dr. Nathaniel Hughes to be the Dean
of the Upper School at St. Mary’s, a job she held for 15
years. She also served as Acting Head of School, Alumnae
Director, and Development Officer. Davis wrote the
definitive history of St. Mary’s, A Remarkable Journey,
published in 1998.
In January 2012, on the traditional celebration of the
100th Day of School at St. Mary’s, Davis was recognized as
Dean Emerita and a new Chapel banner was dedicated in
her honor.
Mary Davis at the 2013 dedication of the new Chapel
banners in her honor.
In his article about the extraordinary life of Mary Davis,
Commercial Appeal columnist David Waters noted that for
Davis, aging was a blessing.
Mary Davis hired a tutor to teach her how to use an iPad when
she was 102 years old, after her fingers no longer would type on her
Her first book, a history of St. Mary’s School, was published
when she was in her 80s. She wrote her second book, a personal
history, when she was 99 years old, even as her sight was failing her.
She enrolled at Memphis Theological Seminary as she was
about to turn 100.
She delivered MIFA Meals on Wheels to “seniors” who were
decades younger than her.
A few years ago, when she could still walk, Mary and her friend,
Carmine Vaughan, took a meal to a sketchy apartment complex. On
their way inside they passed young men milling around outside the
doorways and inside the hallways.
“I said, ‘Mary, I don’t know if we should be in this place,’” said
Carmine, a former St. Mary’s teacher.
“She said, ‘Carmine, I’m 98 years old. I’ve never been frightened in my life and I don’t intend to start now.’ She had such faith.”
Faith. Spirit. Moxie. Spunk. Pluck. Mary was blessed with so
much of it she gave it away.
Gifts in memory of Mrs. Davis may be made to the Mary M. Davis Scholarship Fund at St. Mary’s, 60 Perkins Extended, Memphis, TN 38117, or online at /giving .
Campus News
Awards & Honors
The Class of 2018 celebrates moving on to the Upper School.
Faculty/Staff Awards
Nanette Quinn Outstanding
Teacher Award
Kathleen McElroy
Creative Teacher Award
Jeanine Akers
Ellen Feild Todd ’81
Staff Award
Nicole Hernandez
Fannie Warr Award
for Service
Richard Tanner
Gold Cross Award
Cherry Falls
Graduation Awards
Hazlehurst Gold
Cross Award
Camille Cowart
Ellen Feild Todd ’81 Award
Nicole Sanford
Mary M. Davis Loyalty Award
Theresa Green
Spirit of St. Mary’s Award
Abby Huber and Gurbani Singh
Tabor Novak Award
Ellen Cowens
Cathedral Award
Elle Prosterman
Upper School Class Day
Rebecca Locke Young
Lacey Chaum
Louise Johnson Young
Zara Ali
Honor Student
Molly Hanna
English Award
Lacey Chaum
Math Award
Miles Schaeffer
Science Award
Molly Hanna
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History Award
Zara Ali
French Award
Camille Cowart
Latin Award
Zara Ali
Mandarin Award
Hallie Katz
Spanish Award
Lacey Chaum
Visual Arts Award
Adair Smith
Musical Arts Award
Alana Olswing
Theater Arts Award
Grace Wetzel
Religious Studies Award
Hannah Buser
Vicki Ladyman Athletic Award
Mary Harper Robinson
Lawrence Lobaugh
Sportsmanship Award
Elle Prosterman
Sumner Baker Athletic Award
Abby Huber
Best All Around Athlete
Ellen Cowens
Joyce Gingold Art Award
Miranda Rice
Palmer Adams Burt ’99
Art Award
Abby Baskind
Heiskell Music Award
Zara Ali
Betty Lou Stidham Award
A’Doriann Bradley
Community Service Award
Theresa Green
Jefferson Service Award
Aubrey Guyton, Swarna Sakshi,
and Rosemary Dunn
Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute Award
Pooja Moolchandani
Bausch & Lomb Honorary
Science Award
Nessa Steinberg
Xerox Award for Innovation
and Information Technology
Carleigh Ebbers
Dr. Kelly N. Ridder ’02
STEM Award
Miles Schaeffer
Intellectual Curiosity Award
Lizzie Apple
Citizenship Awards
Mary Katherine Harris,
Liza Alrutz, A’Doriann Bradley,
Emma Mansberg
Awards of Excellence
Olivia Landau, Julia Williams,
Amy Kathawala
Book Awards
Rhodes College
Annie Parker
Hollins University
Clara McDonald
Washington & Lee University
Isabella Arbelaez
Emory University
Pooja Moolchandani
University of Pennsylvania
Michelle Chu
George Eastman Young
Leaders Award (Rochester)
Ami Agrawal
Sewanee University
Kianna Davis
Frederick Douglass & Susan B.
Anthony Award (Rochester)
Ayanna Martin
Randolph College
McKendree Walker
University of Chicago
Gretchen Vogt
Dartmouth College
Carmen Saab
Wellesley College
Olivia Bernabe
University of Virginia
Courtney Caradonna
Yale University
Lynley Matthews
Middle School Awards
Vicki Ladyman athletic Award
Martha Kay Williams
Carmine B. Vaughan Medal
for Service
Jenna Joshi
Joyous Christian
Living Award
Olivia House and
Evelyn Roberts
Gilmore Lynn Medal
for Christian Service
Lauren Davis
Mary Paoli Award
Chelsey Chin
Geoffrey C. Butler
Honor Prize
Zoe Boggs
Ellen Feild Todd ’81 Award
Grace Galler
Anne Westmoreland
Garrett ’79 Award
Bizzy Walker
Joyce Gingold Art Award
Allison Hesselberg
Palmer Adams Burt ’99
Art Award
Libby Mitchell
Lower School Awards
Lila Phillips Gould Award
Tallulah Taylor
Palmer Adams Burt ’99
Art Award
Erica Ormseth
Early Childhood Awards
Palmer Adams Burt ’99
Art Award
Charlotte Hernandez
Campus News
OH, the places they’re going!
The 59-member Class of 2014 will attend 44 colleges and universities in 23 states and 2 countries, and was offered $8.7 million in merit scholarships.
Abigail Aldea
University of Texas, Austin
Elizabeth Alexander
University of San Diego
Zara Ali
Columbia University
Lizzie Apple
Middlebury College
Bailey Archey
Mississippi State University
Carrie Atkins
University of Kansas
Isabel Bannister
University of Arkansas
Neely Battle
DePaul University
Mimi Billings
University of Mississippi
Hannah Buser
Colgate University
Lacey Chaum
University of Pennsylvania
Ellen Clarke
University of Alabama
Camille Cowart
Vanderbilt University
Ellen Cowens
Wake Forest University
Sorrelle Dattel
Furman University
Katherine Donovan
Auburn University
Maddie Droke
University of Mississippi
Rosemary Dunn
University of Tennessee,
Ashleigh Ford
Rose-Hulman Institute
of Technology
Dena Frisch
Tulane University
Phoebe Fulmer
Sewanee: The University
of the South
Theresa Green
Carleton College
Laura Kate Hamilton
University of Mississippi
Molly Hanna
Furman University
Mary Katherine Harris
University of Mississippi
Abby Huber
University of Memphis
Natalie Iskander
University of Chicago
Kelsie Jones
University of Tennessee,
Caroline Kaltenborn
University of Akron
Hallie Katz
University of Southern
Judith Latta
Samford University
Ella Laws
Newcastle University
Nicole Mansour
Georgetown University
Natalie Meeks
University of Mississippi
Maddie miller
Merritt Moore
University of Memphis
Keila Mumphord
Baylor University
Alana Olswing
Northwestern University
Katherine Parker
University of Georgia
Adira Polite
Bowdoin College
Mallory Prater
Arizona State University
Mary Allison Pritchard
Sewanee: The University
of the South
Elle Prosterman
Furman University
Elizabeth Rainer
University of Mississippi
Maddie Rhodes
Rhodes College
Nicole Sanford
Furman University
Miles Schaeffer
Duke University
Iqra Siddiq
Rhodes College
Gurbani Singh
Emory University
Adair Smith
Eugene Lang College
The New School for Liberal Arts
Haley Steinman
Emory University
Sarah Steuer
University of California at Los
Mary Harbert Stromberg
Clemson University
Gabrielle Taylor
Wellesley College
Ivy Tinker
New York University
Martha Upton
University of Arkansas
Caroline Wellford
University of Wisconsin,
Grace Wetzel
University of Pittsburgh
Isabelle Yawn
Fordham University
Campus News
Junior Kiraney Loving.
Senior Lizzie Apple.
he 2013-2014 school year
included ample recognition
for academic achievement.
Junior Kiraney Loving and
Senior Lizzie Apple won awards
for their writing ability. Loving won
a National Council of Teachers
of English Achievement Award in
Writing. She wrote an impromptu
argumentative essay on a required
topic and submitted samples of
her personal and academic writing. She was one of about 160 high
school juniors out of 800 who were
awarded this distinction. Apple won
a Scholastic Art and Writing Award
for her poem titled Daisy. More
than 255,000 pieces were submitted, but only 1% of submissions are
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(L-R) Seniors Alana Olswing, Grace Wetzel, and Bailey Archey at
The Commercial Appeal Academic All-Star luncheon.
chosen as a winner.
The Senior class boasted eight
Academic All-Stars as selected by
The Commercial Appeal. This year’s
winners throughout the school
year are Camille Cowart (general
scholarship), Lizzie Apple (English and literature), Alana Olswing
(music), Haley Steinman (science),
Bailey Archey (social studies and
history), Grace Wetzel (drama
and speech), Lacey Chaum
(English and literature), and Zara
Ali (music). At the end-of-the-year
luncheon, Alana Olswing was
recognized as the overall winner
in the music division.
The Class of 2014 earned
more than $8.7 million dollars in
merit-based scholarships.
At the 49th annual Mid-South
Scholastic Art Awards, a dress by
Freshman Jasmine Huang, titled
‘Gold Paper Dress,’ earned a Gold
Key and the fashion award for the
region. 8th grader Chelsey Chen
also received a Gold Key for her
painting. Silver Keys were awarded
to Preston Brooksbank ’16 for
painting, Camryn Dean ’17 for
photography, and Taylor Ann
Wilson ’19 for sculpture. Honorable Mentions were awarded to
Lindsey Fields ’19 for sculpture,
Hattie Fogarty ’18 for sculpture,
Adalyn Meeks ’18 for drawing,
and Allison Hesselberg ’18 for
Campus News
St. Mary’s Community
Fund Grants
The Mock Trial team captured the District 1 championship.
Mock Trial
The St. Mary’s Mock Trial team took the top prize in the
regional competition by defeating White Station High School
to become District 1 champions. The win allowed the
St. Mary’s team to compete in the 34th Annual Tennessee
State High School Mock Trial Competition.
This year, the St. Mary’s Community Fund awarded
$26,000 to six Memphis-area non-profit agencies that
serve area children. The agencies benefiting from grants
are Baptist Trinity Hospice, the Exchange Club Family
Center, the Harwood Center, Livitup Inc., Memphis
Teacher Residency, and Streets Ministries. Established
in 1998, the SMCF has awarded over $325,000 in grants
to organizations which benefit children in the Mid-South.
Pitcock Award
The winner of this year’s Cynthia D. Pitcock Women’s
History Award is Emily Yellin, center, above. Ms. Yellin – a
longtime contributor to The New York Times, among others – is a journalist, author, and consultant. She was born
in New York, but grew up in Memphis and has lived in
New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and London. She is
currently based in Memphis.
Auction Chairs Beverly Russell (far left), Jody Shutzberg (far right) and Parents
Association President Gina Scott with Albert Throckmorton.
Auction Results
The 2014 Big Apple Bash was a successful fundraiser
for St. Mary’s. For the first time, the Parents Association
auction was held off campus at the Memphis Botanic
Garden. Ticket sales for the event totaled $42,000, with
total net proceeds coming in at
$94,000, an auction record! The
funds will be used to support
performing arts all over campus.
Thanks to auction co-chairs
Beverly Russell and Jody
Shutzberg, and all the parent
volunteers for their incredible
effort on behalf of the school.
Gobbler 5k Raises $9,000!
The 4th annual Nanette Quinn Gobbler 5K took
place on Saturday, March 1. Over 600 people registered
for the event and hundreds of people turned out to race
in cool temperatures under a partly cloudy sky. The race
supports the Nanette Quinn Memorial Scholarship Fund.
Campus News
spring plays
Guy Davis leads a group of SK girls as a train, using his
harmonica as the whistle to direct their movement.
Louise T. Archer Artist
in Residence
Steel Magnolias
In February, the Upper School put on a performance of
Steel Magnolias. Robert Harling’s famous play set in a Louisiana beauty salon came to life on stage at the Buckman to
packed houses.
This year’s Louise T. Archer Artist in Residence
was blues musician Guy Davis. Davis, the son of
actor-activists the late Ruby Dee and the late Ossie
Davis, worked closely with 3rd and 4th grade
students, teaching them about the history and importance of blues music. The girls had written blues
lyrics in their classes and many had the opportunity
to hear Davis transform those lyrics into songs. His
two-day visit included speaking and playing Chapel
across campus.
St. Mary’s Place students at the end-of-the-year ECC Chapel service.
Aladdin, Jr
For four performances, the Buckman was transformed
into the fictional city of Agrabah for the Middle School
production of Aladdin, Jr. The Middle Schoolers reprised their
production at the Voices of the South Memphis Childrens’
Theatre Festival.
1 2 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
St. Mary’s Place
This school year was the first for St. Mary’s
Place, a new program at the school for two- and
young three-year-old girls. Teachers Lauren
Bordelon, Ellie Hardison, and Tamiko Anderson
spent the year playing with St. Mary’s youngest students and letting them explore the world
around them. The girls also engaged in special
subjects, such as Spanish, music, and creative
Faculty News / Awards
Jeanine Akers, the assistant director of libraries, won the 2013 James E.
Ward. Library Instruction Award. She
was presented the award at the Tennessee Library Association’s annual
conference. The criteria for the award
include outstanding work in library
instruction and innovative achievements in the development of library
instruction programs, among others.
Akers, along with history teacher Holly
Hensarling and English teacher Caroline Goodman, were invited to present
at the same conference. Additionally,
Akers has been selected to serve as
the school library representative on
the Tenn-Share board of directors, a
statewide consortium of hundreds of
In February, Directory of Studies Carrie
Steakley, Middle School Head Todd
Love, and Upper School Head Patti
Person Ray ’65 presented at the National Conference on Girls Education
in Philadelphia. Steakley and Ray were
also recognized for their teaching with
the Online School for Girls. Director
of Academic Technology Melissa Cole
was invited by the Online School for
Girls to travel to Hawaii, where she led
a workshop on blended learning at
St. Andrew’s Priory School.
Jenny Madden was awarded the My
Favorite Teacher Award, presented by
Barnes & Noble. Madden’s nomination
by Sophomore Chalmers Benson was
selected from over 200 submissions in
the Memphis area.
Lower School Technology Coordinator
Jessica Lancaster received a Summer
Enrichment Grant to travel to Aarhus,
Denmark to attend the Interaction Design and Children conference. With the
theme “Building Tomorrow’s Technology
- Together,” Lancaster will learn about
interactive technologies and how they
impact the lives of children. Lego is
a major sponsor of the conference,
allowing attendees to work with the
company’s designers and researchers.
Another Summer Enrichment Grant
was given to Upper School English
teacher Shari Ray. Ray will attend the
Creativity Workshop in Barcelona,
Spain. At the workshop, Ray will have
the opportunity to deepen her understanding of creative writing and
bring the techniques back to St. Mary’s
to impact English instruction in the
Middle and Upper Schools.
Varsity Tennis coach Dan Singer was
named Best of Preps coach of the year
- Girls Tennis by The Commercial Appeal.
After 23 years of teaching at St. Mary’s,
fourth grade teacher Jan Cone Davis ’68
is retiring. For more on Davis’s time as
a teacher, see her profile on page 22.
Campus News
transitioning from JK to St. Mary’s
Place at the beginning of the 20142015 school year.
Meena Sudheendran ’01 is
leaving St. Mary’s
after two years
of teaching 1st
grade to teach
1st grade at
Maret School in
Washington, D.C.
“I am looking forward to enjoying D.C.
and seeing some of my best friends
from St. Mary’s who live there,”
Sudheendran says.
Senior Kindergarten teacher
Noel Brown
leaves St. Mary’s
to spend time
with her new son,
Palmer. She will
also be helping
her husband
open a new location of his business
in Germantown. “I will miss my girl
time at St. Mary’s, and all of my dear
Lauren Bordelon, a founding teacher
of St. Mary’s Place, will be teaching
Junior Kindergarten beginning in fall
of 2014. She is swapping places with
Allison Brown Coates ’76, who is
Annual Fund
Donor Party
Annual Fund leadership
donors enjoyed an
appreciation event hosted
at the home of Bill and
Amy Rhodes, celebrating
the success of the +10%
Head of School Albert Throckmorton opens the
gathering by addressing the crowd.
Co-chairs of the 2013-2014 Annual Fund, Susan and Will Jones.
Campus News
Athletics Round-up
Spring Athletics
rapping up the winter sports season, the
Varsity Dance team enjoyed their highest
finish in school history at the national
competition in Orlando.
The Varsity Swim team placed 9th overall and 5th
in the female division at the Shelby County Swim League
championship. Out of the 10 swimmers, five qualified for
state competition: Theresa Green ’14, Caroline Kaltenborn
’14, Diana Kaltenborn ’16, Ali MacQueen ’16, and Lynley
Matthews ’15.
2014 marked the 50th year of women’s high school
tennis in Tennessee, and The Chattanoogan newspaper
named St. Mary’s Varsity Tennis as the “best team ever”
throughout the years. The team captured district and region
championships and placed 2nd in state, with Juniors Mary
Jane McCaghren and Carmen Saab competing in the final
round of doubles. With Lizzie Apple as the only graduating Senior, Varsity Tennis
The Middle School
returns a strong lineup
Swim Team claimed
of athletes next season.
an impressive 1st place
Middle School Tennis
finish at the Shelby
competed well all sea-
County Swim League
son, eventually claiming
championship. In nine
the runner-up spot in the
events, a St. Mary’s stu-
Shelby County league tour-
dent holds the league
nament. 8th grader Grace
record for six of them,
Murray competed in the
five of which happened
Shelby league finals.
this year. These records
For the third year in
belong to Lauren Mabie
a row, the Middle School
’18, Kiara Norris ’18,
Track team won the Shelby
and the 200 freestyle re-
County league champion-
lay team (Abbey Autry
ship. 8th grader Martha
’19, Mason Davis ’20,
Elizabeth McVean ’20,
Kay Williams earned Most
Junior Mary Jane McCaghren battles it out on the tennis court.
and Kiara Norris ’18).
The 8th Grade
Basketball Team won the league championship for the first
time since 2007. Evie Laney, Evelyn Roberts, and Martha
Kay Williams were named to the All-Tournament team.
Williams was also named Tournament MVP.
Varsity Basketball advanced past the regional semifinals into sub-state action in Knoxville and Junior Kaylan
Pugh was named to the All-Region team and as a D2-A
Miss Basketball finalist.
At the state fencing competition at Baylor, Senior
Abigail Aldea was named the women’s épée state champion. In the state foil competition, Freshman Leigh Keeser
took 2nd place and Junior Gretchen Vogt took 3rd. Overall,
St. Mary’s tied for 4th place and came in 3rd in foil.
1 4 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
Valuable Athlete at the
league meet, setting two
new MS league records; during state competition, Williams
also set new Varsity school records in long jump, 200- and
400-meter races, and placed 2nd in the long jump at the
state competition. The Varsity Track quartet of Grace
Ugwueke ’16, Julia Williams ’16, Jean Jackson ’17, and
Olivia House ’18 set a new school record in the 4 x 200
meters relay.
With both teams under new coaching leadership,
Middle School and Varsity Lacrosse saw improvement this
season. Varsity was ranked 9th in the state when entering
the state tournament. Grayson Lusk-Hussong ’17, Mary
Ashley Murrah ’17, and Evelyn Roberts ’18 were named
to the regional team.
This year, Trap fielded one of the largest squads ever.
Campus News
The girls placed 2nd in the female
division at regional competition and
advances to state competition in
late June.
New Soccer/Lacrosse
Field under
l 22 athletes were named to the 2013-2014 The Commercial Appeal Best
of the Preps All-Metro teams.
l Senior Maddie Rhodes will be playing golf at Rhodes College, while
Caroline Kaltenborn will be swimming for the University of Akron.
l Jordan Smith coached Middle School Tennis this season. John
Bartholomew is the new coach of Varsity Lacrosse, with Caryn Welsh
Through a partnership with Second
serving as assistant coach. The new Middle School Lacrosse coach is
Baptist Church, St. Mary’s is building
Christine Mudalige. Mudalige will also be
a new soccer/lacrosse field at Second
coaching Middle School Soccer in the
Baptist, across Walnut Grove from the
Fall 2014 semester.
St. Mary’s south campus. The first phase
l Another new face comes with a new
of work on the field is underway, and
logo to help brand St. Mary’s athletics:
weather permitting, the new field will
the Mighty Turkey. The Mighty Turkey
be ready for play during the fall soccer
logo was launched in February and
season. More details about this new
will serve as the primary spirit mark
chapter in Turkey athletics will be
for the school.
posted on the school and athletic
The new Mighty Turkey logo.
Facebook pages.
Middle School track athletes rest after a day of competition. Back row, L-R: Martha Kay Williams, Haley Clift, Jean Jackson, Taylor Gallik ,and Olivia House.
Front row, L-R: Lucy Chancellor, Faith Bradley, Madison Motley, and Sydney Seale.
Leading by Example:
2014 Outstanding Alumna
Suzanne Hollis Apple ’76 S
uzanne Hollis Apple ’76 is not one to
mince words – she doesn’t have time
for that. It is through her directness
that she reveals her humility and a willingness to continually learn – keys to her
impressive career successes.
“At St. Mary’s, I think I learned to lead by
example. There were times that I was leading and I didn’t even know it,” Apple says.
1 6 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
By Lee Davidson Holt ’95
“Sometimes, the best leaders don’t even
know they are leading.”
Apple credits St. Mary’s as the backdrop
that prepared her for the highs and lows of
real life.
“All you can expect from life is the unexpected. Be open to and follow where it might
take you. If we are so focused on a goal, a
dream, a plan, we might miss the bright
shiny objects on the periphery that could be an
opportunity of a lifetime,” she says.
Armed with a business degree as well as
minors in French and art history from Southern
Methodist University, Apple had no idea her
zigzagging road would lead her to environmental work. It was a far cry from her first bank job
in Memphis but, in hindsight, she likes it that
way – taking the challenging path.
Apple first made a name for herself nationally through groundbreaking community affairs
work at The Home Depot, where she spent a
decade – 1992 to 2002 – emphasizing community involvement, environmentalism, volunteer
programs, children’s workshops, and more. In
2000, she was recognized as one of the Top 100
Corporate Citizens by Business Ethics magazine.
“When I took the job at The Home Depot, it
was an important shift in my life. It set a very
high bar for me for leadership,” Apple says.
In 2002, joining the Washington D.C.-based
World Wildlife Fund took her skills to the global
level. Apple is now Senior Vice President of
Private Sector Engagement and works from the
national office in D.C. and from her home in
Atlanta. In the United States, she manages all
Alumnae Weekend Chair Lisa Morrow Morten ’76, Suzanne Hollis
Apple ’76, and Assistant Director of Admission Kirk McClintock.
sustainable business practices for WWF,
working with companies such as Procter &
Gamble, Walmart, Kraft, and The Coca Cola
Company. High stakes management does
not unsettle Apple, whose management
philosophy harkens back to the values she
learned at St. Mary’s.
“I think we all need to show our humanity and humility and relate to each other as
people and, if we do, we will make the right
decisions along the way,” she said.
Watch Apple’s Alumnae Weekend Chapel speech online at
Wendy Prichartt Ansbro ’79 and Suzanne Hollis Apple ’76.
2014 Outstanding Alumna Selection Committee chaired by Wendy Pritchartt Ansbro ’79.
1 Class 1964 at their 50th class
reunion. L to R: Phyllis Koller
Wills, Lois Estes Ruleman,
Andy Hill Schumacher, Andy’s
daughter Irene Hill, Peggy
Schutt Calhoun, Woodis Allen
Dunn, Nancy Whitman Manire,
Sheryl Basford Oates, Ainslie
Pryor Todd.
2 Upper School Head Patti Person
Ray ’65 with Board of Trustees
Chair Santiago Arbelaez at
Alumnae Weekend.
3 Class of 1979 celebrating their
35th reunion.
4 Class of 2004 gather: Top row
L to R: Mary Washington, Ellen
Coleman and Elizabeth Jemison.
Middle row: Victoria Luke
Morich, Shea O’Rourke Quraishi,
Jennifer Soun and Martha
Guinn Carter. Bottom row: Elise
Addington Dugger,
Shona Strachan Singer,
Shelby Deeney and
Lauren Lazar.
1 8 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
5 Class of 1989 at their 25th
reunion: Jennifer Brundige
Higney, Mary Elizabeth
Treadwell Pittman, Mary
Pritchartt Muscari, Julie
Bielskis, Betsy Barksdale
6 Class of 1994 celebrating 20
years of friendships: Back
row L to R: Amy Wedsworth
Anderson; Second row:
Sarah Gross Little and
Virginia Ralston Jaramillo.
First row: Shannon
Davidson Pflasterer, Jessica
Johnson, Mary Evelyn
Stevens Fore, and Carolyn
Porter Cates.
7 Alums from the 60’s
reminisce: Jeanne
Stevenson-Moessner ’66,
Susan McNeely Nicholas ’67,
Margaret Barton ’67, Lynn Bledsoe Buhler ’67, Patti
Person Ray ’65, Diane Taylor Newton ’66, Minna
Thompson Glenn ’66, Madge Logan Deacon ’69, and
Wendy Locke ’67.
8 The Class of 2009 gather after Chapel: Back row L to R:
Aubree Penney, Sarah Donaldson, Elizabeth Stephens
and Karen Stein. Middle row: Wallis Tosi, Christine
Petrin, and Bailey Bethell. Bottom row: Sylvia Brookoff,
Natalie Jacewicz and Brandon O’Brien.
9 Alexia Fulgham Crump ’93 and Angie Rose ’75 at
Alumnae Weekend.
1 Shona Strachan Singer ’04, Leslie Guinn
Jerkins ’01, and Martha Guinn Carter ’04
at the Alumnae Weekend brunch.
2 Alums enjoy beach tunes and margaritas at the Friday reception.
3 Elizabeth Summitt Gordon ’07, Alumnae Board President
Kat Gordon ’00, and Whitney Baer ’00 at the reception.
4 Mary Elizabeth Treadwell Pittman ’89 and daughters
Camille Vaughn ’12, and Catherine Vaughn ’09.
2 0 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
Former Outstanding Alumna recipients: Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner ’66,
Ashley Moore Mayfield ’72, Suzanne Hollis Apple ’76 and
Watty Brooks Hall ’75.
Alumnae Book Club
Alumnae Book Club participants show their Turkey spirit.
Left - Jennifer Brundige Higney ’89 with host
Jodie Barringer ’83 and Ayana Fletcher-Tyson
’08 visit at the Nashville Alumnae gathering.
Right - Wyeth Outlan Burgess ’76 and Kathryn
Carpenter Swords ’83 in Nashville.
The Mays family presents the English Writing Awards in Chapel:
Margaret Ann Klinke Mays ’03, Dr. Kit Mays, Diane Mays, Bethany Mays
Owen ’93, Mary Austin Mays Smith ’03, and Scott Smith.
Hallie Dinkelspiel Label ’94, Courtney Shove ’96, Albert
Throckmorton, host Catherine Fogelman ’87,
and Hilary Dinkelspiel ’99 at the San Francisco
Alumnae event in March 2014.
Real Life Lawyering
Real Life Lawyering panel featuring alums: Lauran
Glassman Stimac ’00, Lisa Mulrooney ’95, Alexia
Fulgham Crump ’93, Gwyn Fisher ’96, and
Courtney Ellis Felts ’96.
Jennifer Fong ’98, Susan Buckner ’01, Rachael Holley ’08,
and Angela Lam ’99 at the San Francisco gathering.
A Lifetime of Memories
Jan Cone Davis ’68 retires
after 23 years
By Zina Kumok ’07
“I knew I wanted
to be a teacher
ever since I was
in junior high...”
2 2 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
here are plenty of alumnae around the hallowed halls of St. Mary’s,
but none like Jan Cone Davis ’68, the longest-serving alumna teacher
in the school’s history.
Davis’s family is a strong part of the school’s legacy. The Hazlehurst Gold
Cross award is named in honor of her grandmother,
Charlotte Stemmler Hazlehurst, who graduated in 1907.
Her mother, Jean Cone, worked as a secretary to former
Headmaster Nat Hughes in the 1960’s. Even her two
brothers attended St. Mary’s back when it was co-ed.
Davis attended St. Mary’s from kindergarten until 12th
grade and has taught 1st, 2nd and 4th grade.
After 23 years of teaching at St. Mary’s and a lifetime
of memories, Davis is retiring.
“I knew I wanted to be a teacher ever since I was in
junior high, and I really wanted to eventually come back
here,” she says. “It really was a like a dream come true.”
Davis says her favorite memories include participating in the May Day celebrations as a student and watching the Christmas pageants every year. “All the Christmas
pageants have been really important,” she says. “That’s
always a special event. Just every day is special around
When Davis began teaching, some of her own teachers
were still at St. Mary’s.
“It was kind of fun because you’re teaching alongside people who had been your teachers,” she says. Now
she has taught daughters and nieces of former students,
and is a colleague of other alumnae.
Davis credits the special attention and dedication
the teachers show for why St. Mary’s is such a special
place. “It felt like your teachers knew you so well that they were almost part
of your family,” she says.
She recalls running into a student who remembered how Davis wrote
on a science paper of hers, “You would be a good veterinarian.” The girl
ended up becoming a veterinarian.
“They’ll remember little things you’ve forgotten about,” she says.
Davis may be retiring, but she will continue to be a presence on campus:
She plans to return for class reunions and to substitute or tutor when she
can. Davis and her husband plan to take a European cruise this fall, and she
hopes to spend more time volunteering and visiting her family.
Ensuring a Bright Future:
Catherine Dailey Berger ’71
By Kathryn Carpenter Swords ’83
atherine Dailey Berger’s ties with St. Mary’s
go back for years. Both she and sister Jane Dailey Duell ’77
graduated from St. Mary’s, as did her daughter Catie Jane ’05.
“In addition, my mother Ann Dailey taught at St. Mary’s for about
five years. We have been involved with St. Mary’s in one way
or another for decades,” says Berger.
Berger served on the Alumnae Board for six years,
and she and husband Stephen have supported the
Annual Fund for decades. But it was her son Taylor who
planted the seed for creating a lasting gift to the school
by suggesting the couple include St. Mary’s in their
estate plan.
“Taylor founded YOLO and Chiwawa restaurant, and
is also involved in many ventures focused on strengthening Memphis,” says Berger, who notes that before
Taylor became an entrepreneur, he was a tax and estateplanning attorney. “He suggested that we view our estate
as divided into ten parts, with one tenth allocated for
charity. We liked this approach and in the spirit of tithing
accepted that as our estate planning guideline, with
St. Mary’s being the organization we wished to give to.”
Of the many areas of a St. Mary’s education that
Berger values, three components keep resurfacing: a
dedication to excellence in education, the importance
and influence of the honor system, and daily Chapel with
worship. “Chapel time is so important as a time set aside
to reflect and focus on something besides yourself. The
honor system also has had a huge impact on me. Mary
Davis was the Dean when I attended and Nat Hughes
was the Headmaster. Their dedication to these three areas was
compelling to me then and is now, and to be entrusted with these
responsibilities as a student was a powerful thing.”
These influences provided Berger with a strong foundation that she
and her husband want to ensure for future generations of girls. “We
strongly believe it is crucial to have an institution such as St. Mary’s
dedicated to educating women well,” says Berger. “The opportunity
to give to such an organization that will continue for years and will
educate women in an excellent manner is critical, and we are fortunate
to be in a position to be a part of this.”
“We strongly believe
it is crucial to have an
institution such as
St. Mary’s dedicated to
educating women well.”
Class years in green will celebrate their
reunions at Alumnae Weekend 2015, April 24–25.
Elizabeth Taylor Shindler
Naomi Gray May ’47 is in a wheel
chair and is just amazing and so
much fun to talk to. Joy Brown
Wiener ’47 continues to perform
in the community and is involved
with the Memphis Symphony.
Mary Walton Glass Walker ’54
grandchildren have earned two
special recognitions this year at
St. Mary’s. McKendree Walker ’15
was crowned Springfest Queen
and Bizzy Walker ’19 received the
Anne Westmoreland Garrett ’79
award. Both very special honors.
Congratulations to the Walker
family. Mary Walton’s sister
Lynne Glass Rice ’57 traveled
from Heber Springs, Ark. for both
presentations. The Christmas
Pageant, St. Mary’s oldest tradition, was dedicated this year to
Mary Catherine Lynn Hitchings
’47 who has served as Chair for
over 30 years. Mary Catherine
took over the leadership from
her mother, Gilmore Lynn and
now has passed on the role to
her daughter Lynn Hitchings
Jenny Emison Ewing
Julia Alissandratos always misses
Memphis at Easter. “But I’m now
looking forward to ushering at the
annual Spoleto Festival, a cultural
high point for Charleston.”
2 4 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
Carolyn Collier Johnson finally
got hearing aids…, and is enjoying
her new part time job at a gift and
interiors shop in Pass Christian,
still playing Mah Jong, planting
flowers in pots with anticipation
for spring, and very much missing
Ginger Lee Sayle with whom she
had been so dearly close. Jenny
Emison Ewing loves living in
Ten Mile by the lake. (Do I repeat
myself?) Now we call it playing in
the dirt, not working in the yard.
My news is about our youngest. At
her new job as assistant professor
of voice at UALR, (that’s University of Arkansas at Little Rock) she
just produced and directed her
first musical, The Fantastiks. It was
so good and we were so proud!
Tina Heslep Ciliberto enjoyed getting to see Memphis visitors. She
still loves opera. “Musical escape
makes me very happy.” Donna
Lansing Plumer is reinventing
herself again, taking up painting
in old age at the University of
Memphis. “I had a lovely afternoon visiting Tina and Tony at her
ranch in Watsonville, a beautiful
piece of land. I get together with
Canon and Clay which is always
exciting!” Sara Sorsby Dennis
says,” The best thing though
was having our 3 seven year-old
grandchildren looking for fairies
in the back yard. The recipe? Have
a spouse in the upstairs window
with a pointer, a full moon, shine
the pointer in the bushes, scream
and believe!” Canon Thomas Hall
is doing a little traveling. “We met
friends in NW Florida. We love
the area and my youngest son,
James, lives there. We are headed
to Signal Mountain to visit Gary
and Sallie Ford. We are facing
some hard yard work to replace
plants lost to the prolonged
freezing temps this winter.” Joyce
Wilkerson Kaplan and Jon are
taking a natural history course
through their local land trust and
learning about all the wonderful
habitats on the Olympic Peninsula from tide lines to timberline.
This involves a different field trip
each week as well as homework!
“My brief presentation this week
is on barnacles which are way
more fascinating than you might
think!” Jackie Whiteleather survived the winter and takes yoga
and aerobics classes four or five
days a week and can›t wait to get
her bike out of storage and get in
some good bike time. “I hope to
get in some camping this summer
as last summer was too dry and
fire danger high and just plain
scary. Would love a trip to Yellowstone and hope their earthquakes
are over for awhile.”
helping to organize that alum trip
and will also be helping to lead
the St. Mary’s abroad student trip
this summer with stops at Lee
McGeorge Durrell ’67’s zoo at the
Durrell Trust on the Isle of Jersey,
London, Normandy, the Loire
Valley, and Paris. Susan Hoefer
Foster is doing some traveling of
her own. Just back from a visit to
Montana, she packed her bags
again and headed off to Hawaii.
“We are temporarily in the fast
lane,” she writes. Class Secretary
Julia Malone (who also visited
Hawaii just last winter) continues to enjoy photography. The
cherry blossoms in Washington
were amazing this year. She has
been doing some part-time work
for a public relations firm, and
she is still captain of a tennis
team although she has yet to
win a match. Maybe this season
will be different! Kathy Sweany
Bertram recently went to Paris,
Florence, and Venice with a friend
from medical school, then participated in a wildflower pilgrimage
in the Smokies, and then went
to Jazz Fest in New Orleans--all
thanks to a great nurse practitioner who holds down the fort.
Her daughter will be awarded her
PhD in French film in May. “Life is
good!” Kathy reports. And so it is.
Julia Malone
Bette West Bush
Contact Gigi Gould at
Marion West Hammer is shifting
to part-time teaching after this
school year and looking forward
to more free time and fewer
papers to grade. She’s also looking
forward to the June wedding of
daughter Elizabeth to Thomas
Ross Cook, Jr., of Charlotte, N.C.,
“a great guy whom my whole
family is crazy about!” The wedding will be at a N.C. mountain
resort, “so we are all looking
forward to a fun trip and a joyful
celebration,” Marion writes. Cathy
Hoover Allen and husband Joe
celebrated their 30th anniversary
in romantic Hawaii, and Cathy
has signed up for the March 2015
St. Mary’s Alumnae trip to France.
Patti Person Ray, who is becoming quite the globe trotter, is
Libba Mann Harbin has now
joined the grandmother club after
she and husband Bob attended
the birth of granddaughter Rebecca Fastert to daughter
Margaret and her husband Mike
on October 1 in NYC. She can see
now why all of you are so excited
to be grandparents. Easter holidays were special with all three
of her daughters at Libba’s home
in Rome, Ga. along with baby
Rebecca, who was showered with
“LOTS of attention.” Anne Hyde
Dale’s husband Jamie retired at
the end of the year as pastor of
Brown Memorial Woodbrook Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, and
now they are in the process
of selling their home and moving
to Black Mountain, N.C., where
Class notes
Diane Taylor Newton ’66 with
granddaughter Keith Ellis Prest ’18.
they have spent part of their summers for years and have dreamed
of retiring for almost as long. In
the fall Jan Patrick had a “lovely
lunch” with Maria Kirby-Smith in
Nashville, where Jan is now living.
According to Jan, Maria was there
in preparation for her plans to
place one of her sculptures in the
care of the Tennessee Historical Society for an exhibit, which
includes works by other artists,
at the Tennessee State Museum
from mid-February through
mid-August. The sculpture is of
a family slave, Emmanuel (called
“Uncle Man”) who lived on her
Wessington family’s plantation
in Springfield, north of Nashville.
Susan Seelbinder and I have
become good email buddies.
Thankfully, she also keeps in
touch with Jan and Maria, which
I have not done. Ana Pearson
Jensen and family, including up
to 16 great-grandchildren, will
celebrate her mother’s 90th birthday at the end of June. Lately Ana
has been busy away from work
updating her kitchen and overseeing maintenance of her home.
Susan McNeely Nicholas is still
in treatment for bone cancer, but
all recent scans show improvement. Her older son Jeff works
at a “terrific company,” Graphic
Systems, Inc., while younger son
Justin just completed his fourth
year of teaching at St. Mary’s.
Susan enjoys time with her
grandchildren, who are all busy
with school and sports, and the
get-together lunches with us local
classmates. I must inject here
that Susan looks fantastic, exactly
like she did when we graduated!
Janie Allen Till has just finished
another year of teaching sixth
graders in Colorado Springs. She
and husband Bob enjoy being
just an hour away from their six
grandchildren. She will celebrate
the wedding of sister Minette Allen Kinney’s ’74 youngest in June
with her family. In July her four
sisters are planning to visit her
for some girl time, “husbands not
included.” Finally Lynn Bledsoe
Buhler emailed to say that since
she couldn’t think of anything to
report, she must be a “sad sack.”
So I just have one question: What
does that make the rest of us?
Jan Cone Davis
Forty-six years after graduating
finds many of our class enjoying
or looking forward to retirement,
traveling, and fulfilling the duties
of doting grandmothers. Elinor
Baker Jones has quickly become
an experienced grandmother. She
helps daughter Elizabeth with
the 18-month-old triplets once
a week. She also helps her other
daughter, Lee, with two-year-old
Charlie once a week. Charlie
will have a brother or sister this
summer. That will make five
grandbabies in just two years!
Elinor continues to do her interior
design work and also works at her
church. She and Tom will travel
to Brussels and Amsterdam this
fall. Carolyn Mayo is quite the
world traveler in her retirement.
Last summer she journeyed to
Peru, Ecuador, and the Galapagos Islands. She trekked part of
the Inca Trail, saw the sunrise at
Machu Picchu, and ate…are you
ready?...guinea pig. Yes, it tastes
like chicken! Carolyn says the
Galapagos Islands were magical
with its birds, marine iguanas,
giant tortoises, and green turtles.
Condolences to Carolyn on the
passing of her sister Margaret.
Carolyn will be selling her own
house in East Memphis and
moving to her sister’s condo in
Germantown. The neighbors are
happy to have another Mayo in
the community. Carolyn continues to be active in Carnival Memphis. She enjoyed her recent ride
on the Boll Weevil’s green bus.
Holly Rogers writes that she has
worked the last year and a half as
the Front Office Coordinator for
an investment broker/dealer. The
economy of Central Florida has
started to rebound and there are
lots of fun things to do. Marilyn
Muirhead has one more year
until she retires. She is looking
forward to it. Marilyn Schwinn
Smith spent two weeks on the
Adriatic coast as her son Garnet
“re-celebrated” his 2012 wedding
in Italy in order for the Italian
branch of the family to have a
chance to party! Garnet and his
wife will live in Minneapolis/
St. Paul where she is a scientist
with 3M. Marilyn took advantage
of being in Europe to do some
research in Paris and to visit
friends in Budapest. Marilyn’s
eldest son, Jacob, graduated from
medical school last May, began
his residency at Brown in June,
and married last fall. Her new
daughter-in-law is a physician
assistant in Providence. Marilyn
is looking forward to visiting her
hometown of Oberlin this summer. Her youngest son, Nicholas,
is still at home. Marilyn continues
to write publications. She says
she is addicted to research, but
has not written a book. Marilyn,
your classmates thank you for
raising the scholarly quotient
of our class. Pam Joyner Evans
and I see each other all the time
now. We go to the same church
and are members of the same
Sunday School class. Pam and
Hank 2 have been nice enough to
invite Hank 1 and me to sit in her
company’s box seats for some of
the U of M basketball games. They
have also given us tips and advice
about our upcoming 16-day river
cruise. They have recently taken
similar cruises. Hank and I will be
sailing from Budapest to Amsterdam at the end of September. This
trip will be a combination 20th
anniversary and happy retirement trip for me. After 41 years
of teaching, I am going to start a
new life. I’ve heard that there are
other places to eat lunch than the
school cafeteria. I’ll let you know
how retirement is going in the
next Alumnae News. On a more
serious note, the Class of ’68 joins
the entire St. Mary’s family in
thanksgiving for the amazing life
of Mrs. Davis. We were 15 yearold sophomores when Mrs. Davis
moved into her tiny office at the
top of the stairs on the third floor!
We love you, Mrs. Mary Davis,
and we know that you are looking
after us!
Cristina Brescia Michta
I am happy to report that the
Class of 1970, as always, has fascinating news about themselves
and their lovely families. Will Taylor, son of Denise DuBois Taylor
and husband Sledge, graduated
from Princeton University in June
with a degree in physics (particle
astrophysics, to be exact). The
family celebrated a trip to Europe
this summer, and Will begins a
Ph.D. program at Brown University this fall. Betty Coe Manuel
and husband David have survived
their first Missouri winter. With
Marilyn Schwinn Smith ’68 and family celebrate
her son Garnet’s wedding in Italy.
Class notes
record-breaking snows and frigid
temperatures, spring is definitely
a welcome relief. Their first
school year at Drury University
concludes soon. They are thoroughly enjoying their time there,
living on campus in the historic
President’s House. Susie Hudson
reports that she escaped the
Memphis winter for a weekend in
Nicaragua at a new resort, Mukul,
on the Pacific Ocean and it was
very nice! Apparently, it was so
nice that she almost didn’t come
home. Susie also reminds everyone to send in St. Mary’s Annual
Fund contributions. She says that
the Class of 1970 is doing a good
job, but we still need a few more
donations. Please donate online
or mail a check. Susie reminds us
how important and easy it is to
support St. Mary’s! Let’s see what
our class can do!!! Mary Edna
Parish turned a two-day business trip to New York into a short
vacation. Sister Bonnie Parish
Moody ’68 and her granddaughter,
Ashley, joined Mary Edna and enjoyed a reunion with their cousin
Robin, who grew up in New York.
Mary Edna says that the trip was
a packed but awesome one! Yours
truly enjoys life on the Mississippi
River in Harbor Town, Memphis.
Andrew is still teaching at Rhodes
College, and continues to travel
to Poland frequently for his work.
Chelsea is in the midst of graduate school applications. I recently
attended my 40th Roanoke College Reunion and it was a blast.
Keep the news coming ladies!
Everyone wants to hear what you
and yours are doing!
Carolyn Cockroft
Deborah Abernathy started a new
job in May last year as the executive director for Main Street West
Memphis. The project involves
revitalizing the downtown district
as a viable retail and family
friendly area. Fortunately, she
inherited a 20-year project that
has already redone landscaping,
period light poles and banners.
2 6 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
She works on festivals and projects that bring people downtown.
Last Christmas they had a pop-up
art shop featuring local artists
and set it up in a vacant building.
Deborah says it keeps her creative
juices going. It is part of the National Historical Foundation. One
goal is to re-establish the KWEM
radio station where young rock n’
rollers, such as Johnny Cash, Elvis
and BB came to pay to have their
music heard on the radio. Julia
Sprunt Grumbles has returned
to retired life and is doing all the
predictable things—travel, sleeping late, and reading. She still
loves living in Chapel Hill, N.C..
Congratulations to Judi Hoffman
who was recently honored by
Community Nashville Building
Bridges program as a leader in
Nashville’s fight for human rights.
Judy is currently the Pastor of East
End United Methodist Church.
Jan Carruthers Sturdivant writes
that her mother was down the
hall from Mrs. Davis’s room at the
Allan Morgan Nursing Home. Jan
said Mrs. Davis always remembered Jan’s name, where she lived,
and her interest in horses. The
last time they spoke, Mrs. Davis
was sitting on the side of the bed,
properly dressed trying to figure
out how to do something on her
iPad mini! How great is that for
103 years old? Jan is mending
from an accident with one of
her new horses that bolted and
bucked her off. Jan broke four
ribs, a collarbone, a vertebra and
was unconscious for a while from
a Traumatic Brain Injury. For the
holidays, Chris and I decided not
to stay at home. We visited his
son and family for Thanksgiving
in San Antonio, Texas. For Christmas week, we joined my sister
Alice Cockroft Oates ’67 and her
family in Williamsburg, Va. By the
time you receive this issue of the
St. Mary’s magazine, Chris and I
will have returned from a threeweek trip to Israel.
Christine Mayer Todd
The Class of 1972 reports big
events. Meg Jemison Bartlett
reports that her son Jemison is
marrying a wonderful young
woman Elizabeth Bunn this summer. Beth Stidham Levenson
reports that her first grandchild
arrived mid-May. Beth will stay
with her son Ben and his wife
Kim for 6 weeks right after Izzy is
born. She hopes she can remember all her early parenting skills
... June isn’t the ideal time to visit
Jacksonville, but right after a baby
is born certainly is! Jackie Pentz
Watkins wished us all a great
summer and noticed 2014 is a
travel year. They cruised Hawaii
in February and plan a Caribbean
cruise in June. For her anniversary in May she traveled to the
Dallas Comic Convention. Fall
has her on a bus tour to Boston.
And finally in December she and
a friend are considering a cruise
themed after Tolkien’s THE HOBBIT (big thanks to Beth for getting
me to read both THE HOBBIT
Adelson Strauss wrote this, “In
the past year, I spent a month
back country trekking through
the national parks and glacier
fields of Argentina and Chile.
Part of the time was also spent in
the Mendoza Wine Country and
in Buenos Aires. The best part
was that I shared parts of this
trip with all my kids. It reignited
my love of the wilderness, and
so I am busy planning a trip to
Iceland, hiking and biking across
the country. As a consultant, I can
work from anywhere, so it’s a real
advantage to have Wi-Fi available
even in remote places these days.
I have recently moved my mom
into assisted living, and it’s been
heart breaking, frustrating, and a
test of my humanity dealing with
her Alzheimer’s based changes in
personality and ability. “It’s the
disease talking”, I say to myself
multiple times of day. For any of
you going through this, I welcome
any calls to talk about how to
make this any easier on any of us.
No surprise, my kids are wan-
dering around the globe doing
interesting things. My son and his
wife are moving to Minneapolis
to start new jobs and continue
their cross country skiing racing
careers (both doing excellently),
and be nearer her family in
Colorado. My second child is part
of a startup Conference Center/
Organic Farm in northern Israel,
where she wakes up to the smell
of orange trees in bloom, looks
out over the Golan, and feels like
she is near Heaven. My third is
graduating with a degree in Nutrition and Neurosciences, planning on moving to England for a
while if she can get a job there.
I am counting down the days
until I turn 60 in May, planning
some way of celebrating being an
eighteen year survivor of breast
cancer (medical miracle for sure).
I made it to 60! That’s a different way of looking at aging, and
I could not be happier to feel as
healthy as I do, with so much to
look forward to. Think of my St.
Mary’s friends often. Wish I lived
closer to enjoy time together.
Anyone coming to the NYC area
or Boston or New Haven, please
call! Would love some time with
my “homies.” Anne Remmers
Phillips wrote, “Well, I’m working on my last observation. Sure
am glad I had Mrs. Curry for an
English teacher! Hosted a party
for Ashley Moore Mayfield’s
60th with my brother. Could
have never done it without Jane’s
party planning expertise and
Peggy’s crazy happy arrangement!
Loved seeing Charlotte Day, Jane
Cloninger, Meg, Peggy Wilson
Lawrence ’73, Susan Ossorio,
Milner Stanton ’73, me, and Boo
Ruch! Elvis came and somehow I
ended up with all of the Muddy’s
cupcakes and cake! But hey, I’m
turning 60 too! Like the rest of
us! Many of us are planning a big
bash at Charlotte’s place in North
Carolina in June. Looking forward
to more St. Mary’s “study”! Jane
Gordon Simmons wrote, “I am a
brand new grandmother! My oldest child Walker and his wife Katie had a little girl April 4, named
Mary Margaret. She is adorable!
My daughter Jane was married in
August to a wonderful young man
Class notes
named Brandon Schmidt from
Cleveland, Ohio. Their wedding
was in Washington, D.C. where
they live. My son Hall and his wife
Jennifer are expecting a baby in
late August. I work as a wedding
coordinator at Heartwood Hall, a
wedding venue in Fayette County
that happens to be right next
door to me! I am having a ton of
fun!” Charlotte Day reminded us
to contribute to Ashley’s St. Mary’s
Challenge. Thus far we have had
an absolutely terrific response
from our class (see list at http://
annual-fund/alumnaeannual-giving-page/alumnaeannual-fund-donors/index.aspx )
but overall the school is working
hard to meet the threshold that
will entitle them to the $100,000.
She urges those who have not
contributed to please, please
support the Annual Fund, any
amount will be appreciated and
help meet the goal! The class of
1972 will meet in June for a lake
get together. I know we will get
great news from there. Here’s
some news from me. My husband
Carroll had a wonderful biennial
sculpture show at David Lusk Gallery. Our daughter Caroline graduated from Rhodes this year, works
to assure Steve Cohen’s election,
and plans to attend graduate
school for Urban Studies at Pratt
in NYC. Her twin, May, has one
more year in film school at Ringling in Sarasota, Fla. She won one
of the school’s five prizes for her
movie. I retired from teaching art
at Snowden and look forward to
my next adventure. Much in the
news is that many of us turned 60
this year and we still look good.
Olivia Montgomery
Our class is on the move this
year! Bron Gayna Schmit took a
trip with friends to Alaska this
summer, spending the first week
traveling by land and rail, then
cruising the ice flows the second
week. Her mom celebrated her
90th birthday, and Bron reports
that she is in good health and
still sharp as a tack. Deb Caldwell
Class of 1974 at their 40th reunion: Mary Hills Baker Powell, Doris French Jones, Kristin Hoffman Jones,
Beth Williford Carson-Wallace, Cheryl Cape West, Pam Brady Ray, Chris Cowan Norris.
Halvis journeyed to Croatia with
her entire family, including her
7 month old grandchild. Sarah
Peeples Hodges returned to
Mongolia this summer to teach
school and see the sights. Nell
Dickerson temporarily moved
to Nashville where she works
for a global entity managing the
design and construction of all
the state government buildings.
She’ll come home to Memphis in
late summer where she’ll work
full time on her third book and
continue her tennis training with
Milner Stanton. Together they
share the current title for the
world’s oldest and slowest singles
players. Peggy Wilson Lawrence
got a hip replacement at a hospital right across the street from
Nell’s apartment in Nashville.
Nell visited her and said the place
was so nice she’s thinking about
moving in. Susan Cloninger Pfahl
celebrated the opening of her
daughters’ art gallery in Charlotte, N.C., while continuing her
Design-Build business with her
husband. Olivia Montgomery is
staying very close to home in her
newish house, trying to develop a
green thumb in the garden. This
is a person who once killed a
bamboo plant.
Beth Williford Carson-Wallace
A wonderful thing is happening.
We are reuniting in spirit as we
choke down the fact that forty
years ago we clutched our diplomas in our white dresses. Cheryl
Cape West writes that daughter
Alison ’05 married Scott Pettus
and Brittain ’07 is in graduate
school at Vanderbilt. She says she
thinks Cullen is a junior at UT,
but is not sure since they never
hear from him. Right after the
wedding, she took her students to
France and relived her backpacking experience with Sue Anne
Turpin Davis 36 years ago. Lucy
Gerald Cook’s daughter, Becky,
is marrying Jeremy Davis and
moving to Santa Monica where
Jeremy will do a one year dermatology surgery fellowship. Son
David is getting married in June
in Hopetown, in the Bahamas.
He and bride Carolyn are living
in Pittsburgh where Carolyn is a
nurse and David is enjoying his GI
Bill benefits to go to college. Son
Jeff is a junior at Elon University
in North Carolina. Mary Hills
Baker Powell is still teaching
high school art in Hartford, Conn.
and teaching organic vegetable
gardening to her student group of
“Varsity Gardeners”. She can be
found on the Connecticut
River rowing with the Riverfront
Recapture Women’s Racing Team.
Donna Osborne Bradley says that
she is still teaching adjunct at
Webster University and Lindenwood University. Husband Larry
is attending Columbia College
working on a BA in Human
Services as well as volunteering
at a school for delinquent youth.
Desi Franklin went to Naples for
a week with girlfriends including
Christine Mayer Todd ’72 in February. When she wasn’t drinking
mojitos and reading on the beach,
she was researching places to
stay in Milan, the Cinque Terre,
Côte d’Azur and Paris in preparation for a trip in late May with son
Alex. While stranded in NYC, she
trudged over to see “The Glass
Menagerie” on Broadway. Desi
says “It made me think of Mrs.
Baker’s 10th grade English class.
I loved it!” She loves living in her
midtown condo with son Alex
who has taken a year off of school
and is working as a marketing
intern at Memphis Magazine/Flyer.
When not traveling, she works
diligently in the legal department
at First Tennessee. Susan Page
Tranby and husband Mike are
very busy running their fabulous
inn, Shore Acres, in Vermont.
I was with Susan recently in
Florida, and we were stopped on
the street as one of her patrons
Class notes
Class of 1976 honor Outstanding Alumna Suzanne Hollis Apple at Alumnae Weekend.
recognized her and exploded
with praise of their wonderful
inn and restaurant. Pam Brady
Ray and husband Mack recently
returned from a fabulous vacation
in Hawaii. Sally Minor Cook is
frantically planning and running
zoo events in Florida, working
six days a week and so busy she
cannot brush her hair so her coworkers do it for her. Cindi Acree
Marshall was so busy planning
our reunion she had little time to
run her three businesses. We are
all grateful to Gigi Gould ’70 for
keeping us united in the spirit of
Banks and Bozo.
Laurie Walpole
Susan Page Gates has started
doing yoga and is now stress-free.
She’s even learned how to stand
on her head, and she has pictures
to prove it. Daughter Julia is getting married in May of 2015, so
Susan has plenty of time to learn
more yoga positions to counteract the stress of that. Rebecca
Burr Bigler says the highlight of
her last few months has been
having her mother visit Dubai,
where she went to the top of the
Burj Khalifa, the tallest building
in the world! Rebecca’s son Griff
was in Dubai for an extended
stay, so they had quite a family
reunion. Betsy Olim and husband
Stevy just returned from the TCM
2 8 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
Classic Film Festival in Hollywood,
where they rubbed elbows with
hundreds of geeks like Betsy who
love classic films. With son Dylan
in Austin, Texas, and Eli in college
in Boston, Betsy’s spending more
time on her export business. Nora
Tickle Cannon’s daughter Kate is
graduating from high school and
will be attending UTK in the fall.
Nora sent a picture of her with
Kate in her prom dress, a beautiful girl in a beautiful dress. Nora’s
son is a Captain in the Army and
is currently stationed in Jordan.
Mary Elizabeth Partin writes that
since she retired from the IRS
after 29 years, she spends time
on genealogy research and crafts.
She also recently returned from
her father’s alma mater, Athens
State University, representing his
scholarship at a function there.
Susan Roberts Colpitts is busy
with work, raising money for a
women’s clinic in Haiti, and serving as the President of the United
Way Foundation, and training to
be a yoga instructor. Susan, Angie
Rose, and Nora Wingfield Tyson
recently had dinner with Kristi
Hoffman Jones ’74 in Norfolk. Angie writes that she is turning into
her mother, as most of us are. As
such, she has welcomed two more
animals, Smith Pedro Chevrolet
(equine) and Mr. Scooter (feline),
to her farm. She’s not about to
let Watty have all the fun. Jana
Fletcher Markowitz stunned me
when she said she and husband
Barry are celebrating their 38th
wedding anniversary this May.
Gosh, Jana must be old! Even so,
she is extremely busy, speaking
at conferences on behalf of STEM
to encourage young people to
pursue careers in technology, in
addition to her consulting job.
Last year she co-authored a book,
Shifting Sands: The People Side of
Project Management, which is now
available on Amazon. Whitney
Jones DeVine recently got a job
as a hospice nurse, and daughter
Aubrey is graduating from Rhodes
College. Best of all, son David is
entering a PhD program in math
in Hawaii, so Whitney will have
a respite from Seattle winters
whenever she wants! Jennifer
Jones is now Director of Black
Bear Belly Dancing and has been
invited to dance in the Manhattan
Dance Parade in May. Daughter
Sophia is living in Bartlett working as a nurse, son Hank is in
Idaho, and Jennifer’s parents are
hearty and living at their home on
Kentucky Lake.
Allison Brown Coates
St. Mary’s and the Class of ’76
were pleased to announce that
the recipient of the Outstanding
Alumna 2014 Award was Suzanne
Hollis Apple! Congratulations, Suzanne. We are so proud of you! We
are also proud of Jan Valentine
Wiygul. Jan was presented with
the Pat Klinke Volunteer of the
year award from LeBonheur Club.
So well deserved! Ginny Waller
Zanca and David hit the road
visiting many national parks since
his retirement from FedEx at the
end of 2013. As their car pulled
out of Memphis on the last trip,
Ginny commented they may have
looked a little like the Beverly
Hillbillies! (I offered to be Granny
sitting in a rocker on the top but
there was no room!) They visited
Death Valley, hiked the South Rim
and drove the River Road in Big
Bend. They finished up their trip
at the Grand Canyon. Where are
we going next? Teri Blair enjoys
spending the weekends with her
4-year-old grandson, Ethan. They
love to go on field trips, especially
to Lowes! Blair is working with
the police department and
attending University of Memphis
full time. Her daughter-in-law just
started nursing school so all of
their plates are full. Lauren, shall
we say, is a teenager! Teri asks for
prayers! She can’t wait to go back
to Pensacola and Belize this
summer. A special “THANK YOU!”
to Lisa Morrow Morten. She has
been serving as the Alumnae
Weekend Chair for 22 years!
Lisa, your creativity and willingness to serve is appreciated by
all! Not only did Lisa organize a
wonderful Alumnae Weekend,
but she also helped organize a
Books from Birth luncheon. Crissy
Garrett Haslam was the speaker
for the luncheon. She shared her
experiences, love and support for
the wonderful Books from Birth
program. Josie McNeely Walker is
celebrating her 30th year of teaching at St. Mary’s. That is huge!
Josie and RP are enjoying their
bicycle riding and are members
of the Memphis Hightailers. They
are on a training team to ride 100
miles (in one day) in October. It
does sound like you are training
for a marathon! Martha Flowers
is thrilled to introduce herself
as the new Account Manager
for Marketing at Home Choices/
Suncrest Home Medical Health.
She loves being back in the senior
community as an advocate looking out for the overall interests of
Class notes
the people who entrust their care
to them. Elizabeth West Hart is
so looking forward to a visit from
Debbie Stahl Hasty ’75. They have
been best friends since birth. Y’all
have fun! I will close with a quote
from Elizabeth (Bettina),” Have
fun together…raise a glass to
OUR Alumna of the Year, Suzanne
Hollis Apple! I am so proud of all
of you girls in your accomplishments and caring throughout
your lives.”
Janey Butler Newton
Adele Orgill Wellford’s daughter
Liza married Richie Fletcher in
March. Alicia Harwood Baker’s
daughter, Allie ’10, got married in April. Congrats to Liza
and Allie! Anne Cole Billings’
daughter, Mimi ’14, is graduating from St. Mary’s this year and
will be attending Ole Miss in the
fall – like mother, like daughter!
I know Anne is happy to have
her reasonably close to home.
Laura Sanderson Healy has a
new member in her family – one
of the 4-legged variety. Tucker is
their English Springer Spaniel
puppy who is smart and very
playful. (Who remembers Rover,
the Sanderson’s dog of Vinton
days? Tucker’s coloring is the
same.) Of course, Laura, John,
and Lucy are in love and he is
bringing lots of joy. Laura heard
from Kim Shaw, who is living and
working in Memphis. Hopefully,
I can have news from Kim next
time. My daughter Lucy ’13 had
a lovely visit in Tuscaloosa from
Jane Dailey Duell and Paul and
daughter Lily while touring the
University of Alabama. The Duells
are on college trips searching
for the right fit for Lily, Jane’s
youngest. And, Jane’s daughter
Anna is expecting her first baby
this year! So much excitement
for the Duells. Lynn Hitchings
Albano reports that Peter has sold
the RV dealership that he had for
over 20 years. Lynn has worked
there for the past ten years. This
means that they are both officially retired! They have made
trips to Vail, Palm Springs, and
Florida this year visiting friends
and family. Sounds like a great
way to start retirement! Lynn ran
into Ginger Jones Beanblossom
while shopping and spent an
hour catching up. Ginger’s son is
graduating from business school
this year. Lucy Walt Wepfer’s
daughter, Mary Dabney, has
recently created an encouraging
and thoughtful blog called “victim
to survivor” for rape survivors.
How courageous of Mary Dabney
to take this on. I know Lucy is
proud. Keep in touch!
Elizabeth Brown Dunn
What a wonderful reunion we
had!! We had so much fun catching up with the last of the “red
hot 70’s” ladies. It was so exciting
to have so many come from afar.
We began our day in chapel.
We presented the Anne
Westmoreland Garrett ’79 award.
Lenelle Morse played a duet with
a talented senior, Alana Olswing
’14. It was so very special. Mrs.
Garrett was there. She is as beautiful as ever. Irene Orgill Smith
and Wendy Pritchartt Ansbro
planned a wonderful evening at
Irene’s. We had so much fun. Nell
Archer arrived from Brooklyn,
N.Y. She had lots of wonderful pictures and stories of her
children, Coley, Nora and Ward.
Melanie Carlson lives in Little
Rock Ark. She works for a judge,
still plays tennis and has 5 dogs.
Jeanne Thurman Cross was here.
Sadly, she was not able to stay
long with us. Joe’s mother was on
hospice, so she spent time with
her. We loved our time at chapel
and lunch with her. Candy Reed
Pearson came up from Texas just
for the day. Julia Newsom lives in
Tupelo, Miss. She was going home
early to build a new deck.”.an old
fashioned barn raising”..also she
was safe in the recent tornado.
Susan Browne Law came in from
Roanake, Va. She had a great time
seeing everyone. Her daughter,
Meg, was here too. She is graduating in May from Virginia Tech. She
is the youngest of Susan’s 3 children. Maddie is married and lives
in Atlanta, Ben will be married
on New Year’s Eve in Roanoke. He
lives in Washington D.C.. Susan
works as a learning assistant at
the same school her children
attended. Also in D.C., is our
favorite violinist, Lenelle Morse.
She is doing well and is a docent
at the National Cathedral. A few
of us went on Sunday to hear her
play again at Grace St. Luke’s. She
was honoring her brother Hal
and his wife for their anniversary.
Sandy Weaver Clark came down
from Indianapolis, Ind. She stayed
with Robin and we all flocked
there after the events of the day.
She is an appellate judge and her
two sons are precious, George and
Sam. Robin Rader Stein is so busy
and as beautiful as ever. She is
the ultimate hostess. She opened
her doors all weekend long. Her
daughter, Hannah ’13, will be
home for the summer from TCU.
Jan Lettes Zauzmer lives in Philadelphia, Pa. is so adorable and
it was so great to catch up with
her. Corinne Johnson Frick was
here, she is the kindest and most
gentle lady I know. Beth Mayhall
Sherr was here from Roxbury N.Y.
She has written and will star in a
play soon. Jane Tillman Germany
came from Georgia. The Memphis girls, Anne Golwen Brand,
Gayle Wunderlich Hardee, Kakki
Wright Ryan and Barbara Stevenson were at all the festivities
too. As we all sat around the table
at Pete and Sam’s Saturday night,
we were so thankful to be together. It is so hard to believe it’s been
35 years. As we walked through
the halls on Friday it seemed like
yesterday. We talked a lot about
our Mary Davis. She will always
hold a special place in all of our
hearts. We missed the ones who
could not be here, yet you were
with us in spirit and loads of
laughter. Much love to you all..I
hold you close in my heart.
Margaret Stone Graham
Changes are always afoot in
the lives of our classmates. For
example, Jamie Feild Baker has
accepted a leadership position at
Pomfret School in Pomfret, Conn.
Pomfret is an old, well-regarded,
co-ed boarding school in New
England that serves grades 9-12.
She will be the founding Director of the Grauer Institute for
Excellence and Innovation in
Education, a new position that is
charged with innovating all aspects of the school’s teaching and
learning. Jamie will be responsible for all academic and faculty
related areas of the school, including forging strategic partnerships, developing an in-residence
scholars program. She will be
speaking, writing and presenting
at national conferences in this
role. Jamie will reside on campus
and she starts her position in
August. Amy Clifton Anderson is
having a milestone year as her
oldest child, Meredith, graduates
from high school and begins her
college career at University of
Alabama. Amy’s son John David
graduates eighth grade and heads
to high school. Her husband David continues to practice dentistry in Marietta, Ga., and Amy loves
her job as HR director for Atlanta
based employment law firm,
Contangy Brooks & SmithLLC.
Rachel Darnell-Heath has made
a career move by selling her
gallery, Darnell Fine Art, and is
once again a full time artist with
a wonderful studio. Her work is
represented by GF Contemporary
in Santa Fe and Gallery Orange
in New Orleans. She also has a
website, Rachel and husband Jim
have also moved from the city
of Santa Fe out into the countryside, which they thoroughly
enjoy. Sally Mansberg Rosenberg
continues her career teaching
Spanish at St. Mary’s. She and Jeff
enjoy their empty nest while son
Sam studies at Ohio State where
he is an AEPi, and daughter Kayla
’10 graduates college. Kayla spent
the last semester in Los Angeles
learning, interning, and writing
for television. She also wrote and
produced a short zombie comedy
and does stand-up comedy. I can’t
wait to watch her career! Dana
Anderton Miller has a new high
school graduate. Her son Jack is
matriculating at University of
Class notes
Texas in Austin. Her daughter
Taylor continues her jewelry business, Hazen, and will be graduating from SMU in December.
Taylor plans to remain in Dallas
to run and grow the business.
Dana and husband Don have
now been married 28 years, and
they look forward to traveling
the Texas roads visiting children
and watching all of the Texas
teams! Another Texan from our
class is Lisa Williams Hallman.
Lisa recently started a new job
in sales, providing security and
media solutions for builders in
the Dallas-Fort Worth area. She
has a new townhome in an area
that she describes as being like
NYC, with great shops as well as
a nature preserve. Her daughter
Kelley is finishing her sophomore
year studying to be a concept
artist working in game design
or animation. Also Kelley is the
assistant manager of a Game
Stop in Plano. Lisa’s son, 16, is
also a hard worker, but Lisa’s not
thrilled that he likes to spend his
money on his pet snake! Several
of our classmates remarked to me
how sad they were to hear of Mrs.
Mary Davis’ passing. Dana Miller
put it well, that she mourns “…
the loss of our faithfully smiling and delightfully loving Mary
Davis. She was an anchor and
role model to all of us who are
members of the St. Mary’s family.
We were all blessed to have had
her in our lives.” Yes, indeed, we
will all remember her with fond
Carey Stanton
Katherine Lucas Hall loves living
in Greenville, S.C. Her husband,
Richard, has been working in
Afghanistan for six years now. His
work has enabled them to travel
the world. She recently returned
from Belize. Her daughter, Kay, is
an upcoming junior and Luke, her
son, will be in 8th grade. Katherine reports that she has retired,
but we all know better. Anne
Harvey Whipple and husband
Tim are building a house in Great
Falls Va., outside D.C., where
3 0 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
Class of 1982 gather with their husbands and daughters.
they’ve been for 12 years. It’s very
modern and “causing a bit of a
stir. Her son, Felix, will be starting
his junior year, and son, Kai, will
be in 8th grade. They’re both soccer players, which means Anne
puts more miles on her car than a
Mary Kay rep in Arkansas. Anne is
a self-reported cliché soccer mom.
She volunteers, most recently as a
court-appointed special advocate
(CASA) for kids in the foster care
system. Cindy Willmott Belisle
recently attended her niece
Ellen’s ’14 graduation from
St. Mary’s. (Sarah Willmott
Cowens’ ’82 daughter). It was
Cindy’s first graduation since 1982
when her sister Sarah graduated
and she reports so many great
traditions still being carried on!!!!
Cindy’s family is doing well in Atlanta. 3 girls...2 in high school at
Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School
and 1 rising 6th grader at St. Martin’s Episcopal School. All 3 girls
play club soccer, so soccer and
camp will dominate their summer. Cindy sees Ashley Ulhorn
Fricano often as they go to church
together and Ashley’s girls, Ripley
and Carter, have grown up with
Cindy’s. How wonderful is that!
LeCarole Summers Moore’s son,
Daniel, is graduating from high
school this month and will be attending Texas A&M in the fall.
LeCarole still enjoys living in
Dallas. Ginia Knapp Northcutt’s began working at Buckner International as the event coordinator.
Buckner works with families to
break the cycle of generational
poverty and Ginia “loves” their
mission and her work! Her daughter, Conlan graduated from Baylor
with a BA in Political Science this
year and has accepted a teaching fellowship with The New
Teacher Project in Washington,
D.C. LeGrand, her son, finished
his first year at Washington and
Lee University and is spending
his twelfth summer at Kanakuk
in Lampe, Mo. The Reverend
Lisa Jaeger Schwandt and her
husband Scott downsized this
past year and moved to Magnolia,
Texas (right outside The Woodlands). They are ’sort of’ in the
country, enjoying three acres with
less house. Scott›s work includes
a bit of overseas travel and Lisa
travels with him quite often. Her
daughter, Sarah, is a Physician’s
Assistant in Houston and Lisa
gets to see her frequently. Their
son, Michael, just finished his
first year on his MDiv at GordonConwell in Boston. Lisa›s ministry
at HopePointe Church in The
Woodlands continues to be fulfilling and never boring. Lisa wrote:
“At the end of every day I give
thanks for what I get to do and
the joy it brings me.” I guess I will
round out the Texas contingent
to say I continue to feel the same
about my work with the National
Wildlife Federation. Caroline,
my daughter, will enter the 11th
grade at St. Andrews Episcopal
School here in Austin. She is taking a summer course at Yale in
June and then we are heading to
England, Scotland and France. I
can›t believe how most of us have
children who are thinking about,
going to and graduating from
college. The very place in our
lives when we were all together.
Please contact me at with your news
(otherwise I’ll have to skim your
social media).
Lee Anne Johnson Roehm
Congratulations to one of our own
who has a post in the milestone
section! Joy Linderman Rogoski
writes, “So, here’s the trail...I met
my husband, Joseph (Joe) Rogoski,
Jr. in Memphis, followed him to
Knoxville for his job - then he
followed me to Raleigh, N.C. for
my job. He’s originally from Illinois. I’m now a step mother to
his 18-year-old son, Trey. Life is
Class notes
great, glad to be close to the East
Coast beaches once again! I’m
currently a Senior Recruiter with
Atlanta based Accountants One
and am single-handedly running the Raleigh office, everything from sales to recruiting to
operations!” A second response
to our Class Notes is one that I
asked Catherine Robilio Womack
to give us. I asked for her as a
physician in internal medicine
to recommend how we can be
proactive in our own wellness at
age 50. She writes, “We should all
get a colonoscopy! Exercise is key.
Swimming is great for your heart
but doesn’t do much for your
bones. Weight-bearing exercise is
one of the most important things
for your bones along with taking
some calcium and vitamin D.
There is a lot of controversy about
the correct dose of vitamin D. I
think most experts would agree
at least 600 IUT daily is recommended. Postmenopausal women
may need more than that. I am
recommending the shingles vaccine at 60 for most patients. Of
course, continue yearly mammograms. Paps are more complicated
as they are now checked for the
human papilloma virus. I would
just check with your doctor about
those.” Thank you, Catherine! Lisa
Moore Cook takes Catherine’s
advice seriously as she’s just completed the St. Jude 1/2 Marathon
in Nashville. Carol Gilliland
Bradford writes, “I recently saw
Elizabeth Beck Fioravanti in
Danville, Ky. while her daughter
was visiting Centre College. It was
great to see her and catch up!
My news is that my son, Jeremy,
has been studying in Switzerland for the semester and Annie
and I went for a visit for spring
break. It was beautiful weather
and beautiful scenery, and sooo
good to see my boy! He will be
spending the summer in Seattle
for an internship with Microsoft
(I know... whose child is he???
I know he didn’t get his smarts
from me!!) then heading back for
his final year at Vandy in the fall,
which is where Annie will be too!
She was accepted to Vandy early
decision, so I am very glad they
will be there together, if only for
one year. Time flies! Elizabeth
Simpson Alrutz agrees with
Carol’s last comment when she
writes, “Doug and I will be practicing the empty nest with both
kids in Evanston this summer.
Jim is staying for the summer and
Liza will be doing The Cherubs
program for the Theatre Arts.
We are getting ready to schedule Liza’s senior picture. I can’t
believe it’s time for that!!!!!”
Bonnie Bolton Lopez
Gee Loeb Sharp reports that Marshall plays in the starting line-up
for the U of Penn tennis team as
a freshman. He plays both singles
and doubles. He pledged Phi
Delta and works hard to keep the
GPA up! Mimi ’15 and Mom took
a college trip to the west coast
over spring break. They connected with Gee’s sister, Meg Loeb
Stecher ’80 from San Antonio and
her daughter, Amelia, also a junior. Together they visited schools
from Oregon to California. Thankfully, Mimi has nearly recovered
from a brutal car accident last
April in which she fractured her
skull, broke three ribs and three
vertebrae, shattered her pelvis in
seven places, broke her sacrum,
collapsed a lung, and lacerated
her liver. Remarkably she has
even been practicing with the St.
Mary’s track team this spring!
Gee is happily married to Gene
“who is as odd as I am,” says Gee!
Susan Crosby McCloy is moving
to Changchun, China, next year to
teach English at Jilin University!
She looks forward to helping
develop a writing center there.
Cynthia Hodges Cobb reports
that daughter McKinley graduates
in May from The King’s College in
Manhattan. She plans to remain
in NYC to work for Eric Metaxas’
“Socrates in the City” speakers
program. David III is transferring
from Samford to Appalachian
State in the fall. Holden, Asa,
David, and she spend many
weekends cheering William and
Hudson at their rowing regattas.
Bisha Sisk Harrington attended
the NCAA championship meet in
Minneapolis where daughter Lauren’s ’11 team, Georgia, won the
national championship! Brandon
Garrott Morrison was co-chair for
the Memphis Flower Show at the
Dixon Gallery and Gardens this
spring. She was pleased with the
turnout and the beautiful floral
designs brought to Memphis from
all over the country. She recently
had a great time playing in the St.
Mary’s Turkey Tennis Challenge.
Her third daughter Jane ’15 is a
senior at St. Mary’s, and I learned
from my sister that she was
elected Honor Council President.
Congrats! Lela Bellows SimpsonGerald is in her seventh year at
Buckman Labs and still traveling the world with her work.
She enjoyed a recent visit from
Catherine Trippeer Jameson as
they held a mini “barn” reunion
with Margaret Jones Fraser,
Posey Saunders Cochrane, Sally
Johnston Spencer’82 and Tasha
Pretorius Kawell. The only ones
missing were Liza Johnston and
Kathryn Carpenter Swords. Cissy
Bruce Jackson is emotional about
son Will’s leaving for college in
the fall. At press time, he was
still keeping all in suspense as to
where he would attend.
Vanessa Allen Dobbins
There were only a few of us who
attended our 30th class reunion
this year; however it was fun to
catch up and reminisce with
Kendall Weir Jack, Kelly
McCracken and Samantha Grilli
Long at Jim’s Place restaurant.
Kendall loves being a super mom
to sons Davis, a freshman at Lausanne, and Dex, a fourth grader
at Christ Methodist. Davis loves
football and Dex is the brainiac
of the family, already achieving
scholastic recognition in his class.
Kelly is busy with local events
including the Memphis in May
BBQ Fest and Carnival Memphis
with the Grand Krewe of Ptolemy.
In her spare time she is involved
with a couple of book clubs, wine
club and supper club, and plans
a minor home renovation. Samantha continues to work hard
at her successful catering career
for a private local company. She
and husband Brian enjoyed a
ski vacation to Park City, Utah.
Celeste Barzizza Stallings, Melia
Miller Murphy and Cathey Turner
Alexander were unable to attend
the reunion because they were
involved in events or hosting
Prom Night for their seniors in
high school. Cathey’s daughter,
Alum Chapel Speaker Dr. Sudha Nimmagadda
Ganguli ’83 with classmates Bisha Sisk
Harrington and Therese Kavanagh Despeaux.
Jodie Barringer ’83 welcoming alums to her home in Nashville.
Class notes
Class of 1984 meeting for dinner for their 30th Reunion:
Samantha Grilli Long, Kendall Weir Jack, Kelly McCracken
and Vanessa Allen Dobbins.
Allison Potts Hollwand ’84 and
daughter Izzy.
Elizabeth ’14 will be attending
San Diego University. It is hard to
believe so many of you have children who are college bound and
young adults! Leslie Darling has
made her way back to Tennessee
(Nashville) after 16 years in NYC.
Kelly O’Shields Klinke is finishing
up her first year at PDS where she
teaches fourth grade Language
Arts. Both of Kelly’s sons attend MUS. August is finishing
his junior year and Zachary his
freshman year. It was great to find
Lacey Frankum Kaiser on Facebook. She has four children with
the oldest two at Wheaton College. Katherine is moving to the
Philippines to work with a ministry outside Manila, and Margaret
is studying for the MCAT. Matthew
is 10 and Elizabeth is 5. Whew!
Sounds like you have your hands
full. Merri Leigh Masters Johnson
continues to act as the director of
the Baylor Rehab-Texas Woman’s
3 2 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
University Residency in Neurologic Physical Therapy in Dallas. Her
sons Jack (11) and Charlie (8)
both like school, especially math
and science. They have added two
new family members: guinea pigs,
Rocky and Rhino. Charlie is excitedly saving his money to purchase a mouse. They plan to head
to the Washington, D.C. area in
August. Perhaps they can look up
Anne Crocker Hefter who is busy
in transition! She started a new
job at Compass Consulting, and
husband Scott moved to a different consulting firm. Her daughter
took an interest in Rhodes College, but decided on Gettysburg
which is larger and closer to D.C.
Alison Potts Hollewand wanted
to come to the reunion, but Memphis is far away from Australia.
Her 1983-1984 school year was
among the most important and
special of her life. Alison’s business, Brisbane Yoga Tree, is growing beautifully. Izzy (10) recently
started a new school which is
full of all kinds of exciting and
stimulating offerings. She is also a
very talented actress, performing
in professional theater.
Polly Piper Rickard
Glynn Feild Dean is busy with
new baby calves. She loves the
farm life. She is trying to be
as self sustaining as possible
and grow everything her family
eats. Adam turns 15 and is looking
forward to driving and getting
out of school for the summer.
Betsy Barnett and her husband,
Kalesh had a wonderful trip to
Germany, Southern France, Italy
and Barcelona, while traveling
with Amma. Then landed back
in USA for the programs Amma
holds in San Ramon, California
where they were in a terrible
head-on collision. Miraculously
no one was killed. Betsy severely
fractured her femur and it is
taking months to heal. Trecia
Knapp Tapolsky stays busy with
her three dogs who need a hike
every morning and selling real
estate. She still loves to travel for
fun with Bruno. They have been
to Mexico and are going to France
and Monaco. She has traveled
to New Orleans several times to
visit her brother. Gigi Gould ’70
and Albert Throckmorton came to
visit in San Francisco and it was
great to see them and meet all the
St. Mary’s alums from so many
years!! Lisa Breazeale Roberts
and Ken both play on tennis
teams at the University Club.
Evelyn ’18 is playing St. Mary’s
lacrosse with her good buddy
Margie Peeler ’17! Evelyn’s 8th
grade basketball team won the
league championship!! Chandler
’12 is almost half way through
college. She is still LOVING TCU
and the nursing program there is
top notch. As a second semester
sophomore, Chandler is already
working a six hour shift in the
hospital starting at 6:30 a.m.
every Monday morning. She
shadows a nurse and has four to
five patients every week. Jackson
broke his tibia and fibula right
around his shin area. His cast
goes from the tip of his toes to
the top of his thigh. He is unable
to play the remainder of his last
MUS lacrosse season but he is
still looking forward to playing
lacrosse at Furman next year.
Jean Vaughan McGhee
I recently heard from Molly
Mednikow who has just finished
her first year of law school
at Mercer University. She is
interning this summer for the
DA of Cobb County in Atlanta.
Because her heart remains tied
to animal activism, Molly will
continue to attend animal law
conferences this summer and
in the future. I can’t wait to see
what lies ahead for Molly. Leigh
Gordon Wright and her family
are making a big move back to
Tuscaloosa, Ala. this spring. They
are thrilled to return to their old
friends and Chris’ family. I know
where we will be staying when we
head down to Tuscaloosa this fall!
Elizabeth Cashman Dickinson,
Irene McDonnell Ayotte, and Liz
Whitsitt McEwan all have boys
graduating from PDS this year
and will be starting MUS in the
fall together. One thing I want all
of you to know is that Elizabeth’s
older son Robert is known to all
of his classmates as “RD” while
Irene’s son Robert is known as
“RA”. It brings me back to the
days of graduating with six girls
named Elizabeth in our own
class! Susan Whitten Graber
and her husband Blair recently
bought a house right down
the street from St. Mary’s and
after months of renovation are
enjoying their new home. Susan
is still teaching at St. Mary’s and
has re-entered step-motherhood
to Blair’s son David, 15. On a
recent trip to Memphis, Cathy
Cape Furey was able to reunite
with Elizabeth Bowers Farrar.
Elizabeth Cashman Dickinson,
Liz Whitsitt McEwan, Irene and
me. Cathy’s daughter Loyland
and Carmen have become good
buddies over the years. Linda
Crook Oliver has always had a
soft spot for animals and has
now decided to come to work for
Hollywood Feed in her spare time.
She started working a few weeks
ago but has quickly impressed
everyone around her. We are
pleased to have her on board,
even part-time! On a sad note,
Class notes
I got to see Jen McDearman this
year when she was in Memphis
attending her father’s funeral. Jen
spoke at the service with such
poise and tenderness, it brought
back memories of seeing her on
a stage years ago at St. Mary’s.
I also got to catch up briefly
with Kathryn Haggitt Garrison,
Jeannie McCulluogh Lewis and
Julie Thrasher Issacs who all
attended Jen’s dad’s funeral. It
was so good to see them even
though it was a sad occasion. I
have been busy driving my kids
to soccer and lacrosse as well as
working full-time at Hollywood
Feed. I am working side by side
everyday with Elizabeth Bowers
Farrar’s daughter Anne, who
runs our dog bed business. My
daughter Carmen ’27 is preparing
to be a flower-girl at graduation
for Katherine Parker ’14, daughter
of Allison Wellford Parker ’83.
Life is truly a circle in the most
wonderful ways.
Allison Tonkin
Gail Borod Giacobbe enjoys
work, managing development
of the next version of Microsoft
Outlook and leading a program to
support women in growing their
careers. She, Antonio, Isabella (10)
and Marcus (8) had great ski days
at the local ski area and spent a
wonderful week in Hawaii exploring the volcano, sea kayaking
and snorkeling. Beth Reynolds
Bowen took Tom (7) and Ella (10)
skiing for the first time. The kids
loved it, and Patrick and Beth
came away uninjured, despite
not having skied in 10 years! Beth
stays busy with Ella’s dancing
and Tom’s baseball. Bringing back
fond memories of our St. Mary’s
biology classes, Ella’s fifth grade
class is currently dissecting pig
hearts and lungs! Also partaking
in family ski vacations (in my
neck of the woods at Deer Valley!)
were Janelle Zarecor Ranieri and
Courtney Morris Monaghan.
Janelle’s kids will never again
settle for Ohio or N.Y. skiing! JJ’s
lacrosse, soccer and hockey and
Lucy’s track, volleyball and figure
skating dominate the schedule.
With Courtney’s kids, it’s all about
tennis! Looking forward to trips to
Florida and the Hamptons from
NYC, Beth Levy has been happy
to work more regularly with Mary
Louise Mooney who has been
freelancing for Beth’s publishing
company over the past couple of
months. In a tale of misadventures in pet-sitting Beth reports
this lesson learned: Always tape
down the lid of the hamster ball
before letting it near a curious
three-year-old! Nearing the end
of her first year at the Maryland
College of Art (MICA) Gwynne
Keathley hosted her parents
and brother Todd’s family for a
fun weekend which included a
visit to the National Aquarium in
Baltimore. Loving watching Joe
and Gus playing lacrosse, Missy
Huettel Carter cannot wait for
both boys to be together next
year at MUS. Still enjoying work
at MUS are Flip and Kim Justis
Eikner, with Brooks finishing
ninth grade. Nora James ’22 looks
forward to St. Mary’s fifth grade
in the building dedicated to
Wendy Smith Rice ’88. Kim and
the kids had great fun during a
weekend visit to the Chicago Field
museum, Art Institute and a play
written by a friend. Also looking
forward to the move across the
street to St. Mary’s middle school
is Ryan ’22, daughter of Gigi
Gaerig McGown, while Thomas (6)
enjoys Christ Methodist. Gigi continues in Senior Counsel Litigation at International Paper while
Will continues to make furniture.
The family looks forward to fixing
up a 1967 Streamline camper to
travel out West, perhaps as far as
California! Recently enjoying a
great experience on the St. Mary’s
Outstanding Alumna selection
committee, Ruth Cheney Patton says Bauer (third grade) and
Glover (SK) love Grace St Luke’s.
They keep busy with their ever
changing sports while Ruth and
Kurt are happy sticking with tennis. Skiing Deer Valley with our
St. Mary’s nieces Izzie ’24 and
Addie ’28 was quite the thrill!
Andras and I are elated with
invitation for our Alana-Tokaj
winery’s participation in the Wine
Spectator Grand Tour in NYC, D.C.
and Las Vegas!!
Anna McQuiston Holtzclaw
Mary Lacy Bell is still teaching
at St. Mary’s, of course. Ramie ’13
has finished her freshman year of
college at Warren Wilson and she
loves Asheville, N.C.. Bob has transitioned to White Station High
School and joined the French
Club, Model UN, Mock Trial, Destination Imagination, and worked
backstage on the Spring Musical
- Hairspray. Robert made a career
change and teaches ESL at Knight
Rd Elementary School to 2nd and
3rd graders. He will be free this
summer to go to England and
France with Mary. At Lisa Wright
Moses’ house all is going well.
Mary is finishing K5 and will turn
6 in June. John will turn 3 in July.
The theatre bug has bitten both
Mary and Lisa. They were in Annie
the musical at The Fair Theatre on
the Square in Somerville, Tenn.
and had fun on stage together.
John also loves to play and sing.
Moriah McStay Lee is in the thick
of college stress as Madeleine ’15
is a junior. They went to LA week
to look at schools. Moriah is doing
yoga teacher training this year,
which has been great but timeconsuming. She is also in the
midst of revisions for her second
book, tentatively titled Waging War
For Daisy Singh, which will come
out Winter 2016. Everything That
Makes You hits the shelves 2/25/15
and has already gotten great
press including a small mention
in the LA Times! Shannon Moore
closed her business partnership
and shop last September and
moved on to find her own kitchen
and opened her own shop this
spring. They installed a hot pink
Dutch door for walk-up service.
That plus the new community
farmers market she is involved
with and all the special events,
weddings and winery gigs starting
up again are keeping her plenty
BUSY. Betsy Carnesale Wiseman
and Lang welcomed Sarah Lang
into the world in December and
it was great fun to see a group of
classmates at her baby shower. As
for me, I am enjoying working at
my new firm PeopleCap. It is great
to be a part of a team and have
colleagues that I respect and are
also a lot of fun. Caroline is now
8 and is growing up faster than
I ever imagined. Tod and I are
looking forward to a fun summer
and seeing Leigh Vaughan Jaimes
and her family at the beach. Love
to you all!
Mary Elizabeth Treadwell Pittman
Wow! So hard to believe it’s been
25 years since we graduated! We
had a wonderful time at our 25th
reunion. Thank you so much to
Missy Voehringer Rakers and
Mary Pritchartt Muscari for
hosting our events Friday and Saturday nights. It was great to see
Betsy Barksdale Pokorny, Alyse
Dwyer Masserano, Tasia Anaston
Barlow, Lara Babaoglu Reynolds,
Julie Bielskis, Jennifer Brundige
Higney, April Buffington, Alice
Chuang Ivester, Maysey
Craddock, Jessica Heckle, Erin
Moran Lynch, Nicole OdellTaylor, Ellen Roberds-Bingham,
and Ashley Saxon Abraham. It
was also so good to hear from so
many of our classmates even if
they weren’t able to attend the
reunion. A few exciting updates,
Madhavi Gupta, husband Jeremy
Dyen and daughter Anjali Iska,
welcomed baby brother Ajax
Orion to the family on December
23, 2013! Congratulations to
Madhavi and her family. Kathy
Patterson Scogin’s oldest daughter, Anna, graduated from high
school and is headed to Truett McConnell College on a soccer scholarship! Her daughter Caroline is
learning to drive, and son Ryan is
already a foot taller than Kathy!
Elizabeth Fritz Jones reports that
all is well in Memphis with her
husband Todd. Also in Memphis,
Ellen Roberds-Bingham stays busy
with her crew, Abram, Obed, and
Bella. Mary Pritchartt Muscari
is keeping up with her children.
Daughter Meredith ’29 is finishing up first year at St. Mary’s in 2
year old program where it seems
Class notes
they dance, sing and paint all day.
Does it get any better? Frank is
headed to JK at Christ Methodist
this fall. Ashley Saxon Abraham
reports that down in Oxford, all
is well, enjoying watching son
Jack play QB at Oxford High and
daughter Kate cheering on her big
brother! Betsy Barksdale Pokorny
loved being back in Memphis
after many, many years. Her family is looking forward to spending the summer in Aspen and
sending their two younger kids
off to camp. Their oldest son Max
just turned 16 and got his driver’s
license which Betsy says is scary,
and definitely bitter sweet! Lara
Babaoglu Reynolds is living the
big life in midtown Memphis and
looking forward to her upcoming
trips to Turkey and Cozumel with
her husband. Sounds like a blast!
Maysey Craddock has been busy
working in the studio (2 shows
coming up in the fall at David
Lusk Gallery in Memphis and
David Lusk Gallery in Nashville).
She’s also been doing a lot of
work with ArtsMemphis, where
she now serves on the board and
is helping them design a grant
program for individual visual
artists - very rewarding! Nicole
Odell-Taylor and her husband are
in Memphis as well! Nicole enjoys
loving on all the children at her
daycare. I know she spoils them
rotten. Jessica Heckle is looking
forward to her 2015 wedding!
It was great to meet her fiancé
Sean at the reunion! Alyse Dwyer
Masserano and her husband
Patrick have bought a house in
Memphis. She is glad to be back
in the United States, a little closer
to son Dylan who is attending
Harvard. Julie Bielskis made a
move from Middle School English
to 10th grade English at St. Mary’s!
Her MS students are so excited to
have her teach them again in HS.
(I know this because I meet a lot
of St. Mary’s girls through my job
and they all LOVE Julie!) Jennifer
Brundige Higney and husband
David are busy keeping up with
their precious son Whit! He looks
just like his mama! April Buffington is happy across the river
in Arkansas with her two boys.
They are growing up too fast!
3 4 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
Tasia Anaston Barlow’s kiddos are
growing up too fast too! They are
both doing well at Lausanne. Alice
Chuang Ivester and her family are doing well in Chapel Hill.
She stays busy with her son and
daughter and teaching. Erin Moran Lynch is happy in Nashville
with her three children and a new
job. She is very thankful to have
her sweet mama living nearby in
Nashville too! Aravinda Ayyagari
and her family just spent several
months traveling all around the
world! I was reading about their
trip on Facebook, and it sounds
like an amazing adventure! As for
me, my oldest daughter Catherine
’09 graduated with her Masters
in Education and will be teaching 1st grade at Cornerstone Prep
in Memphis. Daughter Camille
’12 just finished her 2nd year at
Miss. State and is interning at
the Church Health Center this
summer. Will just wrapped up 4th
grade at CMDS and loves playing
club soccer. I truly enjoyed being
back in touch with so many of my
class of ’89, “Last Ladies of the
80’s” at our reunion!
Susan Hearn Morgan
Anne Copper DiFronzo writes
that her family is well- Sofia is
7 and the twins, Dominic and
Olivia are 7 months!! Husband
Mike took Sofia on a Spring Break
skiing trip to Big Sky, Mont. while
Anne enjoyed some quality time
with the twins. Beth Kreamer
West and family have taken
trips around the South this year
including a snow vacation. The
kids who are 2, 5, and 8, requested
to see / play in snow so they were
able to time their adventure in
North Carolina and East Tennessee. They enjoyed making snowmen, sledding, and eating snow
ice cream. Tricia Hood Thomas
enjoys working in Admissions at
St. George’s. A year ago, Tricia and
Brian adopted a 5 year old English
bulldog named Duke; it took a
while but he and 3 year old Shelby finally love each other. Plans
for the summer include a girls’
trip to Gulf Shores with her family
Albert Throckmorton and Laurie
Smith Hooper ’90 at the Nashville
Alumnae event.
and London/ Scotland with Brian
and his golf buddies. Mary Anne
Kish Seibert’s daughter, Zoe, will
be 11 and son Turner is almost
8. The family, including her
parents, took a trip to the beach
this summer without husband
Rob, but he will make it to the
beach in August for the annual
family vacation. Mary Anne still
loves her work at Hendrix College
with the best part being off in
the summer to spend time with
the kids. Rachel Lightman writes
that she is teaching 7th grade
history where the students can
be a bit of a handful, particularly
the girls. Rachel said Mrs. Traffas would most likely argue that
Rachel is now reaping what she
sowed. Rachel and her husband
are expecting a baby this summer
and couldn’t be more excited,
particularly Colin! Congratulations!! Ali Reaves Smith writes
that Cole turned 3 and was accepted to St. George’s for PK this
fall. She is working four days a
week at Hillcrest Animal Hospital
in Bartlett and enjoying it. Missy
Kramer Taranto writes that if
anyone is coming to New Orleans
or Sandestin, she would love to
see you. Hilary Davis Robinson
was able to hang out with Shelley
Kuykendall Herzke and Kristen
Thompson Keegan and says they
are awesome as always. The St.
Mary’s varsity basketball team
made it to sub-state this year,
and since Mary Harper ’17 plays,
they made the trip to Knoxville
for the game. It ended up that
we were playing Knoxville Webb
which is where Caroline Archer
Baker teaches. She sat with Hil-
ary on the St. Mary’s side, thinks
she embarrassed her with her
cheering, but it was fun to catch
up with her none-the-less. Kasha
Winker Shaw writes that she has
had three moves and three children in 5 years. Wow. I am busy
with work as we are relocating
the pharmacy which is quite an
undertaking. Katherine ’28 turned
4 and is enjoying PK at St. Mary’s.
Stay well and hope to hear from
you all again in the fall.
Camelia Koleyni
Hello everyone! I’m excited to
say we have more news this time
around to share! Alison Taylor
Nooks and her family moved to
Lee’s Summit, Mo. in mid-July
after the passing of her father-inlaw. (Please give our condolences
to Kirk). Alison’s husband Kirk
is the new president of MCCLongview (the youngest president
in Missouri). Alison is teaching
again at one of the other MCC
campuses. Their daughter Anniston is doing great in school
(taking advanced classes) and
has been busy with Concert choir
as well as her performance In
“Guys and Dolls”. The twins (now
two years old) keep them busy.
Despite the amount of time all
these activities must take, they
were still able to visit her sister
Angela Taylor ’83 and nephew in
D.C. Nancy Austin Patterson is
now the Regional Manager/Closing Attorney for Realty Title and
Escrow Services, INC. in Flowood,
Miss.. She and husband Steven
had a wonderful time touring
France in the spring. Megan
Saxon Murphree is busy with her
children’s activities and is playing
on a tennis team. I’m sure we
all remember how wonderful a
tennis player Megan was in high
school, so I’m sure her team feels
very lucky to have her now! Malini
Gupta Ganguli and her family
had a wonderful time in Seville,
Spain and later traveled to San
Francisco. Last I heard, they were
hoping to meet up with Emily
Borod Gallagherand her family
Class notes
on that trip. Vineet and I have
been busy with work, spending
time with family, and building a
new home here in Nashville. The
invitation, as always, is open for
visitors! Please come visit….or
drop me an email to let me know
how you are.
Alison Roesler Coons
Asma Dilawari checked in to say
that not only had she and her
family recently moved from New
York to the D.C. area where she
joined the faculty at the Georgetown breast cancer department,
but that they also welcomed baby
girl #3 in December! Congratulations, Asma! How exciting!!
Amanda Duke also wrote in to
say that she’s back at Microsoft
as a consultant in the marketing
organization and is also training
for her 5th full marathon this
summer. She’s still loving life out
in Seattle and invites everyone
to come visit let her be your tour
guide! Melissa Anderson Kirkby
checked in to say that her littlies
Jackson (10), Caroline (8), Will
(5), and Graham (2) have been
keeping her super busy since she
left her job last summer to be
home with them full-time now.
She has been happy to be home
with them more and volunteer
at their schools, though, without
the distraction of her career. And
finally, Hester Shipp Mathes is
excited to have graduated from
Virginia Theological Seminary at
the end of May and has accepted
a call as a curate at Church of the
Holy Communion beginning July
1. She said that sitting in chapel
and touring the school with her
daughter, Neely, and seeing so
many familiar faces was a really
amazing flashback to the time
when she first toured St. Mary’s
middle school. Congratulations,
Hester! Holy Communion and
St. Mary’s are blessed to have
you! And life is just swimming
along here with the Coonses
in Germantown. I am enjoying
my wonderfully creative job as
Director of Communications for
Pilot International which not only
allows me to exercise my love for
writing and graphic design, but
also allows me to do it from the
comfort of my studio at home!
Emma (13), my budding singer
and YouTube comic, and Charlie
(7), our little karate ninja and avid
Boy Scout, are both doing great in
school and their many activities
which keep us ALL hopping! To
everyone we did not hear from
this time, please drop me a line
by email or Facebook! We’d love to
hear from YOU soon, too!
Kristen Mistretta Wilson
Greetings from the Class of 1993!
Katherine McQuiston Bush is finishing up her fourth year “back”
at St. Mary’s as Chaplain, and her
boys are approaching the end of
Gretchen Wollert McLennon ’93 (green shirt) with Alumnae friends
after her Chapel speech.
Class of 1994: Sarah Gross Little
and Virginia Ralston Jaramillo.
first grade. Ginny Robinson
Burbank continues to work as
a nurse at LeBonheur in the
Intermediate Care Unit. Amelia
Treadwell Howard recently
returned to work. She is working
at the Chi Omega Headquarters where she is the Customer
Relations Manager for Chi O
Creations, the official merchandise boutique for Chi Omega. She
shared that going back to work
has been an adjustment, but
she loves her job and is looking
forward to the new adventures
ahead of her! Courtney Mainardi
Burger and family are settling
into their new home in Houston,
which they closed on last July.
They are bracing for the Houston
summer and plan to travel to
South Carolina and New York this
summer to visit family. Alexia
Fulgham Crump is busy with
work and home renovations. She
has several trials set this year
and already several set for 2015
as well. She and Kevin are look-
ing forward to a family vacation
in Destin this summer. Kathryn
Brookfield continues to work as
an Account Manager for Otsuka
Pharmaceuticals and her little
ones Ryland, Brooks, and Kate
Kannon keep her crazy busy!
She is thrilled that her sister
Anne-Morgan Brookfield Morgan
’99 has added another cousin to
the brood -- making her an aunt
10 times over with the arrival of
Mary Brooks Morgan in January.
Edith Ritterband Goody
Congratulations to Amy
Wadsworth Anderson and
Jessica Johnson for planning
an amazing reunion for “such
a wonderful group of girls” (as
dubbed by Carolyn Porter Cates’
parents). It was fun getting excited about the event with all the
email conversations and being
kept up to date online for those
of us not able to attend. Thanks
to Mary Evelyn Stevens Fore
for emailing pics in record time.
Joann Self Selvidge had planned
on attending, but baby Stephen
decided to arrive early while
visiting his great-grandmother
in Nashville for Easter. Luckily
hubby Steve flew in from tour just
in time. I imagine little Frannie
should be able to make up some
good stories and songs about this
wild experience! Over the reunion
weekend, Katherine Dudley
Gray was unavailable as she was
Class of 1994: Heather Shove Dixon, Laura Foster Gettys
and Mary Evelyn Stevens Fore at Alumnae Weekend.
Class notes
successfully house hunting in
Dallas. Her family will be moving
over the summer. She was proud
to report her older stepdaughter
Vivian will soon be a St. Mary’s
turkey, enrolling in 9th grade.
Being in her clinical fellowship as
a speech-language pathologist in
the public schools limited Sarah
Cole-Turner Vincent’s availability
to travel from Burlington, N.C. to
the reunion. But she reports that
her family seems to be enjoying
the new community and are looking forward to some summertime
vacation and travel. It sounds like
change is in the air for a lot of
our classmates. Heather Shove
Dixon is on the job market for
something new. She’s been teaching middle school math for 15
years and is ready for a change.
In the meantime, she still lives
in Arlington and is busy with her
two daughters. While her parents
were visiting, less than a week
after the reunion, Jamie Morano
sent an email to all of us announcing her engagement to boyfriend Sergio. I suppose we have
some big changes happening with
our classmates – new houses, new
children, new marriages, and new
jobs. Not much to report for my
family, though I am also looking
for a new job and even considering uprooting my family to a different state. While I had hoped for
more information to share, I think
we were all so excited about seeing each other, or at least seeing
pictures of those in attendance,
that a lot of you forgot to fill me in
on what’s happening in your life.
Carrie Sue Casey Hanback
A recent Facebook thread reminded me anew of how hilarious St.
Mary’s classmates are. The class
of 1994 was also in on the thread,
which alluded (SAT WORD!) to the
time Elizabeth Cochran Hill and
I sang Indigo Girls’ “Strange Fire”
in Chapel. Based on the audience’s gasps, we thought we were
doing an incredible job. Alas, it
was only the dry foliage on the
altar candles going up in flames
as we sang. Thank heavens for Dr.
3 6 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
Rhendle Millen, hero, and his fire
extinguisher, and of course, for
the jokes, such as “Come on baby,
light my fire!” (former Principal
Anne Fisher) and “That really was
a strange fire,” (I believe that one
was from Nancy Bethell). Classic! Recent events also reminded
me of the bond – beneath all the
joking – that this class shares.
Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers
have been with Lee Davidson
Holt, Kevin and Gabriel Holt, and
I am so glad to know that we can
support each other during times
of need. When I reached out to
our class, I learned that running
queen Sonia Torrey pounded
out three marathons in a year
– incredible – and is considering an ultra-marathon. She will
soon earn her certification (CAC
or certified addiction counselor)
this year and would like to go for
a Master’s in the addiction field.
Longtime beau Brantley will finish
his PhD in nuclear engineering,
and of course Sonia helped him
edit his dissertation, because you
know, St. Mary’s girls have good
grammar. Natasha Heflin Davis’
little girl Amelia turns 4 soon and
she’s planning a tea party birthday party. Second daughter Tessa
is 18 months old, a big talker, and
added “Rella,” i.e., “Cinderella”
to her vocabulary after a recent
Disney trip with her dad and
stepmom. Natasha’s father-in-law
bought the house that adjoins
theirs, so they are enjoying having him close. Natasha is going
to take a class on making glass
beads and pendants, too. Ragini
Gupta and her youngest daughter
Anika visited Natasha, and she
hooked them on bacon popcorn.
Natasha, I’m tempted to come
up to Philly to try this. Philly:
where Northerners ask, “Where
did you get bacon grease?” Duh.
From when you cook bacon. You
don’t ever throw that away. From
Charleston’s lowcountry, Calder
Britt Clark shared that Walton (almost 3) and Camp (5) keep them
busy. Her summer plans include
pulling off beautiful weddings
all over the country, teaching the
kiddos to swim and sail, and trips
to the North Carolina mountains
to escape the heat. She is most
excited for June, when her entire
family will head to Germany, Austria, and Hungary on a trip down
the Danube. She would welcome
recommendations for good eats
and shopping from other experienced travelers! I missed seeing
Olivia Ralston when she was in
D.C., but I was granted forgiveness per my then-behemoth
pregnant state. She is doing well
with her three children in London
and I hope to see her the next
time she’s near. I also missed
seeing Kathryn Wiseman when
she was in town, but look forward
to following her races this year
(New York City marathon this
fall!) and seeing her the next
time around. Morgan Chiapella
Roselle is almost finished with
her Master’s degree and was promoted to Cubmaster for her sons’
Cub Scout pack. Go, Morgan, go!
Her son Aidan won the Pinewood
Derby and they are heading to the
district championship soon. In
the River City, Gwen McVean
Coffey reported that all is well
with her and her children, who
are 11, 9, and 6 years old. Atlantan
Cybil Mah Lieu shared that son
Paxton is almost 10 months old.
She and Bobby are having fun
with him and their two Rottweilers. Fellow Atlantan Elizabeth
Cochran Hill welcomed her 10
pound baby boy, Walter McDonnell Hill II, in March. They call
him “Wally,” and big sister Suzie
Marie is learning all about being
a big sister. In Brooklyn, Sarah
Trosper Olivo and husband Matt
are enjoying their two children
and looking forward to a visit
from Ashley Goldstein Allen and
husband Jeremy. Dr. Olivo started
a small group practice with a
fellow psychologist, about which
she couldn’t be more excited.
Congratulations! Dhevi Kumar
Broecker, husband Arndt, and
their 14 month old son Ranga are
thrilled to be moving to Seattle.
They had a fascinating and fulfilling experience living in Shanghai,
and are looking forward to the
fresh air and strolls through Pike
Place Market. They welcome any
visitors to the Pacific Northwest!
Ashley Goldstein Allen and her
family joined mine for Easter
brunch this year. It’s becoming
a tradition and we love that our
girls, Isla (3) and Belle (almost 3)
like to play (and scream) together.
I packed up all the banana pudding for Ashley to take home.
Victory is mine. I also got to see
Murff Oates Galbreath while I
was in Memphis visiting family.
We hauled our offspring to the
Children’s Museum, where they
alternated between running and
tussling over toys, and then had
BBQ at Central Q. The 12 words
we were able to get in were fun.
Ha! Hallie Bourland Wagner is
still liking Birmingham. Her son
Walter sounds like a sweet little
handful. Hallie does occasional
work for her former law firm
and is busy with lots of projects
at church. She and her husband
celebrated their 5th anniversary
with a trip to Grand Turk in the
Caribbean. New Yorker Elizabeth
Schatz Passarella and her two
children joined sister Holland
Schatz Burns ’91, her children,
and their parents for a spring
break trip to Florida. She also
helped talk me out of running
away into the woods because of
second-child sleep deprivation.
Speaking of, I am grateful for
Ashley, who brought me chicken,
folded my laundry, and took my
older child out, Simone, who
joined me for multiple lunches to
reassure me, and everyone else
who was so kind. So…obviously, I
had my second child – Henry Siler
Bateman Hanback – in December. We call him “Hank.” He is
fat and sweet and now that he
is sleeping more and the longest
winter in the universe is over, I
am less like a zombie. Big sister
Belle Franklin will be three soon,
heads to preschool in the fall,
and occasionally tells petting zoo
goats, “You’re my special angel,”
(apparently I say that to her a lot).
When I return to work, I will do
defense policy work with Portugal
and Spain, and I am excited. It is
unfortunate I don’t speak Spanish
or Portuguese. Bonjour! Please
drop me a line at carrie.sue. or let me know
if you are in the D.C. area!
Class notes
Jaime Newsom
Hello everyone! Laura Ray Logue
and Tommy had a fun Easter
visit with her sister Bradley Ray
Crawford ’93 and her family in
Richmond, Va.. Georgina Okerson
announced that her company,
Hanako Games, recently launched
another title which was a big hit
for them and was covered in a
number of big gaming outlets. The
company is currently working
on a game about solving mysteries where the detectives are the
student council of an exclusive
all-girls school! Leslie Forell married Douglas Boyle in September
in Calistoga, Calif.. Autumn Witt
Boyd ’97 was her matron of honor
and Andrea Martin Armani, Vivian Gambles Lane, and Bernice
Chen Wen were all in attendance. Leslie still enjoys living in
San Francisco and working as a
psychologist at Kaiser. She and
Doug are looking forward to their
honeymoon in Hawaii later this
year. Sharlene Sidhu Keithley is
still working as a social media
community manager in Denver.
She also stays busy as Tiger Den
leader for son Rajan’s Cub Scout
group. Daughter Saira thinks
she is a Cub Scout too, but she
will be starting with Girl Scouts
once she starts kindergarten in
the fall. Husband Livy will be
competing with his team at the
BBQ Fest for Memphis in May.
Brooke Douglas Looney cannot
believe that her twin daughters
will be 4 this summer! Brooke
says she stays busy balancing her
work as a clinical pharmacist at
Vanderbilt and her daughters. She
had dinner with Catherine Tracy
Sloan and her husband recently.
They try to get together at least
every month since they are both
in the Nashville area. Courtney
Shove is running a leg of the Big
Sur Marathon Relay on August.
She says that for her, “it’ll be like
running a marathon.” In March
she attended the San Francisco
alumnae gathering and enjoyed
catching up with alumnae in different decades. She also enjoyed
grabbing lunch with her former
St. Mary’s coworkers, Gigi Gould
’70 and Albert Throckmorton.
Emily Middlecoff Anderson and
her family were thrilled to celebrate son Slade’s one year chemotherapy date in November. It
was an exciting celebration with
tons of family and friends! She reports that the whole family seems
to have gotten back into their
“new” normal and now only have
to return to St. Jude every other
month while completing weekly
chemo at Children’s Hospital in
Birmingham. So glad to hear that
Slade is doing so well!
Hollye Ferguson Stigler
As always, I loved hearing from
everyone with updates—you
are amazing group of women!
Mandy Reed Ferguson and her
family (husband Marvin and kids
Bailey, 7, and Reed, 4) are busy
with a renovation on their home
in Chicago. Mandy, congrats on
a four-year anniversary working
for NXT Capital as well! Big
congratulations are also in order
for Ashley Wilson who recently
completed exams to become a
Licensed Architect in New York.
Ashley also writes that she’s
enjoyed spending time with
Celia Watson now that she is
back stateside and on faculty at
Yale. Laura Knightly Brown also
caught up with Ashley and Celia
on a recent trip to New York, a
trip among several adventures
including travels to Spain and
Kenya with son Jago, 2. Rose
Indriolo Englert has also had
amazing travel with recent trips
to Belize, Guatemala and New
Orleans. This is an exciting time
as well at work, Rose continues
to work in health care policy …
and also at home, she and her
husband Todd are expecting a
baby this summer! Liz Fraim
Evans reports exciting baby
news as well. She and Ryan are
expecting twin girls this summer.
It’s a busy time for their family …
adorable son Ben just turned 2!
Liz also continues to manage
special events for Noble, a local
non-profit group support people
with disabilities. Clare Levy
Clarke welcomed a new baby girl,
Eden Cooper, in January. Her big
sister Norah, 3½, is smitten with
her baby, and Clare is enjoying
time away from education
consulting with her girls. For the
past several years, Jodie Baker
Fasullo has organized and led
a Moms of Preschoolers (MOPS)
group in her area in Southern
California with kids Porter, 5½
and Harper, 3½. Emily Cochran
recently moved to Nashville for
a new role as associate director
of the Master of Accountancy
program at Vanderbilt. Another
Nashvillian, Melissa Ohsfeldt
will soon have two kids in
elementary school with Charlotte
in third grade and Pascal starting
kindergarten in the fall. Valen,
1½, has no trouble keeping up
with his older siblings! Melissa
had chance to catch up with
Eliane Trepagnier last fall and
also with Paige Frazier several
months ago in Charleston.
Another Carolina gal, Ashley
Futrell Anderson served as chair
of the silent auction at her kids’
(Luke, 7, and Michael, 3) preschool
in Greensboro. We all know
Ashley was perfect for that job!
Jennifer Dickson Friedenstein
and her family (husband James,
twins Eden and Elliot, 3) recently
bought a house and are happy
to be settled in Knoxville. Also in
Tennessee, Autumn Witt Boyd
and her family are working
on a home renovation now in
Chattanooga and her twin boys
are 2½ already! Steve and I are
feeling more and more settled in
Birmingham and like all parents,
are loving watching our girls,
Abby, 5, and Ruthie, 2, grow.
Laurin Maddux
Thanks to all of you who wrote
in, we have lots of exciting news
this time around. Allison Martin
Nolen writes she graduated with
her MSN in nursing and is looking
for a job in Pediatrics. She has
been doing this while being a full
time mom and has worked really
hard to start this new career. Also
working hard, as usual, is Ashley
Bellet. Ashley writes that she is
designing “Cats and Anything
Goes” in New York this summer.
Anyone in the area needs to go
check it out! Patience Chambliss
Wiggins writes she stays busy
being Mom to her two boys and
working with the Congressman.
She writes that she and her family are planning on traveling to
visit Meg Kinnard Hinson and
her family this summer. Meg
writes that she has been busy
training and running many races
in South Carolina area. When she
is not at work or busy running,
she has enjoyed watching Adair
develop a love for children’s books
in French. Whitney Jamison
Chatterjee writes that she and
husband Rano are enjoying St.
Louis. She writes that they have
had a great time enjoying all
the fun things that St. Louis has
to offer. Another busy SMSer is
Katie Broer Parr. Katie writes she
is leaving MUS to start a variety
of other projects, one of which is
renovating an old home off the
square in Collierville. They hope
to turn it into an event space and
bed and breakfast. Sign me up! In
baby news, Anne Claire Bellott
Jordan writes that they are
excited to welcome a new little
one in their home. She writes
she is excited about maternity
leave spending time with Emma
and their new little one. Christina Chiew Gaspar writes that
she, husband, and son Ryan
welcomed a second son in their
family last fall. Christina writes
that Jonathan Michael has been a
wonderful addition to their family
and big brother Ryan adores him!
Lauren Webb Mitchell also writes
that she and husband Luke are
expecting a new little one this
fall. She writes that they are very
excited about this new addition to
their family. Erin Lyttle Do writes
she and family are Memphis
homeowners now! Claire ’29
is finishing her first year at St.
Mary’s and Samantha is ready to
join her there in the fall. As for
me, I am working at Lakeside as
the Program Director for Child
and Adolescent Services and
working on my MBA part time,
Class notes
Hilary Dinkelspiel is still enjoying
practicing employment law in San
Fran. She enjoyed the St. Mary’s
alum event recently in San Fran.
She also recently ran into Angela
Lam randomly on the streets! Hilary reports that Angela is doing
well also! They enjoyed catching
up! It seems like all of our 99ers
are doing great! I miss you all and
am already looking forward to a
BIG 20 year reunion, so go ahead
and mark your calendars so we
are sure to have a great turnout!
and both keep me pretty busy.
Glad to hear from everyone!
Anne-Morgan Brookfield Morgan
15 years! Wow, time flies these
days! Courtenay Adams, Meg
Parker, Palmer Adams Burt,
Caroline Palazola Conrad, Jenny
Jones Savage, Kelly Buckner
Dallas and myself all gathered
this year to celebrate our reunion.
Kelly announced that she is moving back to Memphis this summer
and both of her girls will be attending St. Mary’s. Her younger
daughter Julia will be in Anne
Elise ’29’s class! She will continue
working for Southwest from
Memphis. Welcome home Kelly!
Lots of new babies recently…
Ashley Gaillard Clark welcomed
Oliver Colin Clark in October!
Oliver is just precious and Ashley
is enjoying being a mom! She and
Randy are loving San Francisco!
Lillian Askew Everdell welcomed Charlotte West Everdell
in November. She and Cobie are
looking forward to a trip home
to Memphis in July to introduce
Charlotte to her southern roots.
They are doing well and loving life in San Fran, too! Kellyn
Griffith Kropinak welcomed Griffin ’Griff’ Ward Kropinak in December and they are doing well!
She is living in Ohio and loving
3 8 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
Left- Class of 1999: from top, Courtenay Adams;
middle: Jenny Jones Savage, Meg Parker, Anne-Morgan
Brookfield Morgan; bottom: Kelly Buckner Dallas and
Rebecca Fones Rhea.
Above- Class of 1999 Alumnae with their children.
Mary-Kathryn Millner Herrington
left her job with Visit Oxford
in January. She is doing some
contract work for the Mississippi
Tourism Association and working
with husband Lewis’ company,
JCQ Apparel, which just opened a
retail space on the square in Oxford. She loves having more free
time to be with Millie who turns
1 in June. Mary Kathryn enjoyed
bumping into Amy Reinhardt
Robinson and Mimi a few weeks
ago at the Double Decker Festival.
Amy, Jay, and Mimi are thrilled
to be back in Memphis and like
running into SMS-ers. With
Lexie Hicks Johnston’s help they
bought a house in East Memphis
and are starting to feel settled.
Tami Sawyer also moved back
to Memphis in December and
has settled in Harbor Town! She
is enjoying spending time with
family (especially her nieces) and
was recently inducted into her
mother’s chapter of The Links Inc.
She is still working for the Navy
and she and Lexie recently spoke
to the St. Mary’s seniors about being an active alumna and the importance of giving to the Annual
Fund. Kat Gordon reports that
Alumnae Weekend was super fun,
and she’s already getting excited
about our 15th reunion next year!
The new Muddy’s Coffee Shop
in Midtown is coming along, and
she’s planning to open late this
summer. If that’s not enough, she
and Thomas are tying the knot
in late June! Sarah Montgomery
Prudhon and husband Patrick
being a mom! Sidney Hawkins
Gargiulo welcomed John ’Jack’
Mason Gargiulo in December. He
is a precious little bundle and
Sidney is looking forward to a trip
home for BBQ Fest and to introduce Jack to Memphis! We welcomed our second daughter Mary
Brookfield ’Mary Brooks’ McLure
Morgan to the world in January!
She is a true treasure and we
adore her as does big sister, Anne
Elise ’29! Caroline Palazola Conrad
welcomed Abe Stone Conrad to
the world in February. Pal is loving
being a big brother and the whole
family enjoyed their first trip as
a family of four to Crested Butte!
She reports and I agree that time
is FLYING! One more new baby
to report! Palmer Adams Burt
welcomed Cooper Adams Burt to
the world in May! Palmer is still
doing lots of freelancing locally
and she is really enjoying working
on the LeBonheur Family Partners
Council. Congrats to all the new
additions! Jenny Jones Savage is
working hard and thrilled to announce that she will be having a
baby GIRL in October! She has a
few little getaways planned before
her new addition arrives! Jenny
Dunn Painter and Becky Kronenberg are working together and
both are doing well! Erica Smith
is doing great here in Memphis
and is a busy bee! I am looking
forward to seeing lots of her at
BBQ Fest. Nancy Liddon Billings
is loving being a mother of two
in Atlanta. She looks forward to
her trip home to Memphis this
summer! Libby Lawson Foster
writes in that she is still enjoying
living in Austin but she and her
husband Jordan are working on
plans to move to the Rioja area
of Spain for a year starting this
fall! She would love to see any
SMSers that find themselves in
Spain next year! Leigh Ferguson
is still in Nashville and is LOVING
it! She started her third year with
the Department of Commerce and
Insurance in January which she is
really enjoying. Erin Bower is also
in Nashville, but recently moved
to an area called Germantown
there. She is head of the women’s
health physical therapy program
at St. Thomas Hospital. Her sister
Hayley ’01 lives there too which is
so fun for both of them. Erin loves
spending time with her nephew!
Both Meg Parker and Courtenay
Adams survived tax season and
are still enjoying working at
Dixon Hughes Goodman. Courtenay traveled to Jacksonville to
visit Allison Davies Ford over
Memorial Day weekend! Most
of Allison’s family has moved to
Jacksonville and Allison is excited
to be expecting another baby this
fall! Brittany Blockman Pelletier
is enjoying being a pediatrician in
San Francisco and was happy to
be able to carve out a little time
for a trip to Paris early this spring!
Katie Garrett Harris
Class notes
welcomed Etta Louise Prudhon in
March. She is soaking up motherhood! She and Patrick bought a
house off Walnut Grove, around
the corner from St. Mary’s and
love the neighborhood! Sarah is
also going back to school in June
at UT to earn a Doctor of Nursing
Practice in Anesthesia. Megha
Karkera and husband Mayur are
expecting a baby boy in June, AND
they are moving to Cincinnati this
summer for Mayur’s fellowship.
Rana Khandekar is loving motherhood. Musa Asad Hossain was
born in October 2013! Mershon
Sneed Bergeron was just honored
with a Chairman’s Club Award,
which is the top 10% at Regions.
Sounds like there was a big New
Orleans style celebration! Kit is
turning 4 this summer and she
is busy learning her letters and
numbers. Mershon is looking
forward to June when she will
be in town for Kat’s celebration.
Carrie Lawson Wills, Nathaneal,
and Lela are enjoying life as a
family of three. Carrie also said
that despite its challenges, she is
really enjoying being a nurse. Ellis
Dixon is still loving life in Lisbon,
but she did just take a short trip
to the USA to take part in Memphis Fashion Week. She showed
Ellis Dixon Apparel and Fluid
Sunwear at the fashion show in
the General Dewitt Spain Airport
Hangar. Ellis said she enjoyed
catching up with old friends and
family while she was in town.
Emily White is finishing up work
on her 4th album which she
recorded in Nashville. You can get
your copy through! Stuart and I are looking forward to traveling a bit with
the kids over the summer. Louise
(6), Wilkes (3), and Hill (almost 1)
are all happy and busy. We do our
best to keep up with them. That’s
the news for now.
Lauren Anderson Stone
Joni Gossett Oates is still working at Germantown Methodist
Hospital, but is now working days
instead of nights and has moved
from Medical ICU to Adult Oncology. Quite a change, but she and
Matt are very happy with it! Joni
headed to Austin for the second
time this year in May to visit her
two nieces and one nephew (all
under the age of 3!) as well as
two dear Vanderbilt friends. Kate
McCalla will be finishing her PhD
this summer and has accepted
a post-doctoral fellowship at the
Kennedy Krieger Institute/Johns
Hopkins University beginning
in September, where she will be
working clinically with children
with autism and their families
and will continue conducting
research related to early intervention. Katherine Eder and Daniel
got engaged while snowboarding
in Steamboat in February! No
wedding date set yet, as Katherine has her hands full finishing
up her neurology residency at
Beth Israel (graduating June 25)
and planning the couple’s move
to Nashville shortly thereafter
to start Katherine’s fellowship in
cognitive neurology at Vanderbilt.
Victoria Corder married Tony
Langelier in Memphis! Liz Keltner
attended, I was maid of honor,
and Kate Metcalf and Louise
Chandler Biedenharn were
bridesmaids. Tony is from Maine,
and the couple lives in New York
City, so it was fun to give all their
Yankee friends and family a taste
of the South! And the baby boom
continues! Carey King Slocum
and Whit welcomed twins Walker
Whitfield Slocum and Davis King
Slocum to the world in December.
They are loving parenthood in
New Orleans! The boy to girl ratio
in our class is shifting some more,
as Louise Chandler Biedenharn
and Jay are expecting a baby girl
in August! What a fun season of
life we are all in!
Polly Klyce Pennoyer
This is Marley Baer filling in for
Polly Klyce Pennoyer for this edition of Class Notes. I was happy
to have the opportunity to step in
for our intrepid Class Secretary
and report on all of the exciting
accomplishments of the Class of
2002 so far this year. You ladies
never cease to amaze me! I had a
chance to see Polly at St. Mary’s
Polly Klyce Pennoyer ’02 introduced Alum Chapel Speaker Laura Colgate ’02
with the Excelsa Quartet who performed in Chapel.
this spring when she introduced
classmate Laura Colgate as the
Alumna Chapel speaker. Laura
did a fantastic job both speaking
and performing with her Excelsa
Quartet. Laura and her quartet
also performed at The Buckman
Performing Arts Center, and the
concert was attended by Jennifer
Bellott and Catherine Ferguson
Conger. It was great to catch up
with these ladies, and we were
all blown away by Laura’s talent.
Anna Coplon married Garrett
Suen in January and has developed a new appreciation for cold
weather since moving to Madison,
Wis. She and Garrett are currently planning a trip to Brazil
for the World Cup. Christina
Adney Mable and her husband
recently celebrated their two-year
anniversary. They have enjoyed
co-leading a new outreach ministry program at their church.
Leslie Guinn Jerkins reports that
husband Jonathan is graduating
from medical school this spring.
They are thrilled that he matched
in Memphis for pediatrics so
that they can continue to be near
family with daughters Juliette
and Molly. Nicole Osborne Steck
is continuing to balance the demands of being a working mom.
She and her family are still loving
North Carolina, but she is looking forward to Braden sleeping
through the night! Anna Traverse
is enjoying living and working in
Memphis and recently has moved
near the house where she grew
Marley Baer ’02, Laura Colgate ’02, Polly Klyce Pennoyer ’02
and Whitney Baer ’00 in Chapel.
Class notes
up in Midtown. Laura Hettinger
writes that she is keeping very
busy with wedding plans and
creative endeavors while continuing to work as a legal secretary/
paralegal. Emily May is also
preparing for a wedding as well
as taking on additional leadership training responsibilities at
PDS and serving on the planning
team for Harvard’s Project Zero
Conference. Our adventurous
Lauren Deeley has been spending
her time skiing, snowboarding,
and teaching climbing and yoga
in Vermont. She loved a recent
trip hiking and surfing in Oregon
so much that she has decided
to plan a move out to the west
coast! In other big move news,
Naree Chan and husband Albert
recently moved to Cambridge,
Mass. where Naree has joined
a law firm focusing on environmental law. De Beazley Ervin and
husband Jim are also contemplating a move – this time closer to
Memphis. Many members of the
Class of 2002 completed advanced
degree programs this spring.
Lindsey Coates graduates with
her Master of Arts in Counseling
from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. She has decided
to stay in Orlando as a mental
health counselor working with
women who come from traumatic
or abuse backgrounds. Melissa
Lawson Romero graduates with
her Master’s in social work and JD
in law. She will be clerking on the
Colorado Court of Appeals beginning this fall. Hillary BurkettBuford graduated with her second
masters in health administration.
After graduation, she plans to
move to Knoxville and work as
a senior healthcare consultant.
Elsa Monge DeGroot received her
MBA from UT Austin and plans
to join her husband in Dallas
after graduation. Wendi Muse
also recently made a move to join
her husband in northern Virginia
after 12 years in NYC. She will be
presenting her Master’s thesis at
a conference at King’s College in
London later this year. As for me,
I am graduating from Vanderbilt this spring with my MBA.
Although I am sad to be leaving
Tennessee once again, I am very
4 0 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
excited to have the opportunity to
move to Los Angeles this summer
and begin working for the Walt
Disney Company. Congratulations
to all of the graduates on reaching
such an important milestone, and
congratulations to the Class of
2002 on all of their personal and
professional accomplishments so
far this year!
Laurence Goodwin
I am excited to be taking over
as Class Secretary after Audrey
Bourland Hurst’s several years
of service. Thank you Audrey!
Audrey is currently hard at work
on her new business, Audrey
Hurst Weddings ( She has been helping
Katie Hobson plan her nuptials to
Chris Novikoff with both Musette
Morgan and Abby Yandell Talbot
acting as bridesmaids. Speaking of which, congratulations to
Abby on her recent wedding; she
and husband Henry are living in
Memphis while Abby finishes her
OB/GYN residency at UT Memphis. Carmen Carson Gorospe
married Mike in January in Los
Angeles. Elizabeth Fong was a
bridesmaid and Nelie Zanca, Julia
McMillen and Emily Edwards
Young joined in the celebrations.
Carmen is now the C.O.O. for
Wholesome2Go, a food delivery service. Congratulations to
Kathryn Beale Flannigan and her
husband David who welcomed
twins in January. Kathryn is still
working as an assistant professor
at Arkansas State and is loving
her new role as “mom”. Brianna
Winsett Chapman is also preparing for a new arrival in May; she
says she’s got the crib out of
storage and is just finishing up
some home renovations before
she and her husband welcome
their baby girl. Mary Kneeland
Metcalf is still the digital marketing director for the happiest
place on Earth (i.e. Disney parks)
while Vi West recently became
the National Training Manager
for the P.F. Chang’s Pei Wei brand
based in Scottsdale, Ariz.. She
says she loves her job and all
the travel that goes along with
it. Speaking of changes of scene,
Anne Taylor Tipton Manning and
her husband Reid are moving to
south Texas where he will take up
a new job as a prosecutor. She’s
also planning a buying trip to
Paris in June where we hear there
may be vintage Hermes on the
cards. Rachel Bresinger has been
living in Israel for the last seven
years and recently accepted her
boyfriend Moshe’s proposal. They
are planning a December wedding
in Israel. Congratulations Rachel!
Elle Carolino Drouin has recently
left the world of finance in D.C.
and moved with husband Zach to
take up a position as the director
of marketing and digital strategy
for an accessories brand in New
York City. Jessica Scott Fowler is
still working for Boosterthon, a
fundraising company for elementary schools. Camille Herman
Boyle received her Doctorate
of Physical Therapy from the
University of St. Augustine in 2011
is now living in northern Virginia
with her husband and “crazy
dog” Charlie. Nicole Henderson
Trenholme is finishing up her
small animal rotating internship
in D.C. and will soon be moving to
North Carolina State University’s
College of Veterinary Medicine
in Emergency and Critical Care
where she is excited to take on
teaching duties for 1st and 4th
year students. Lizzie Gill reports
that she will be concentrating on
her tutoring business full time
once this school year ends and is
looking forward to working fulltime with students one-on-one in
math, science and ACT/SAT prep.
Julia McMillen is enjoying her
second year as an intern in family
medicine in Madison and is living
within biking distance of Caitlin
Henning who is working on a
second graduate degree. Chloe
Lackie Zingaro is still in Dallas
and has recently completed her
100 hours of clinical supervision
required to obtain her clinical
social work license. She is looking
forward to a trip to Destin with
Carey Faber Campbell, Lanier
Yeates, Anna Kathryn Taylor
Halton and Audrey Bourland
Hurst this summer. Mary Austin
Mays Smith is headed for a
one year residency program in
dentistry. She will also be working
part-time in community health in
Memphis. Finally, as for me, Jamie
and I are still living in Woodstock,
Oxfordshire where he teaches
History and I work as the Director of U.S. University Services
for Greene’s Tutorial College in
Oxford. As always, if you find
yourself in England let me know!
Shea O’Rourke Quraishi
It’s an exciting season of happy
news and momentous life
changes for the class of 2004.
As we enter our tenth year out
of high school, it’s wonderful
to see what the ’04 turkeys are
doing with their lives. A number
of us, including Elise Addington
Dugger, Elizabeth Jemison,
Shea O’Rourke Quraishi, Mary
Washington, Victoria Luke
Morich, Martha Guinn Carter,
Ellen Coleman, Shona Strachan
Singer, Shelby Deeney, Jennifer
Soun, and Lauren Lazar,
attended Alumnae Chapel and
the brunch in Cheney Parish Hall
at Alumnae Weekend. Everyone
was delighted by the chapel
speaker and by the amazing
St. Mary’s memorabilia... how
it has improved in the past 10
years! After the brunch, the party
continued with tours of St. Mary’s
and reminiscing with teachers
and friends. In the evening, the
daytime attendees were joined
by Jennie Weaver Tucker, Patricia
Blount Mills, Sarah Carter,
and Christine Ruby at Lauren
Lazar’s childhood home. A great
time was had by all as they
devoured dinner, dessert, and the
class of 2004 time capsule. The
weekend came to a wonderful
close with the St. Mary’s picnic
on Saturday, where classmates
Elisabeth Sandlin Maynard, and
Lawrence Taylor Elliott joined
the rest of the gang for some
delicious treats! As for updates
in life beyond the reunion, there
is much to celebrate. Kayleigh
McKee Clark and her husband,
Bryan, welcomed McKee Autumn
Class notes
Class of 2004 at the Alumnae Weekend picnic.
Clark into the world in December.
Also celebrating the arrival of a
new honorary turkey is Elisabeth
Sandlin Maynard; Elisabeth
and her husband, Hunter, are
expecting their second son at
the end of June. Congratulations,
Kayleigh and Elisabeth! Speaking
of joyous celebrations, Elizabeth
Jemison will marry Andrew
Malwitz at the Church of the Holy
Communion on August 2! The
newlyweds-to-be enjoyed seeing
Sasha Castroverde in her title
role in “The Rich Girl” at Boston’s
Lyric Stage Company when the
show opened at the end of March.
Also tying the knot in August
will be Lori Goldstein and her
fiancé Woodrow! Best wishes to
both of our beautiful brides. EJ
and Lori won’t be the only ones
in white—we have several ladies
donning their white coats for
their residencies. Angela Wilcox
will be moving to Little Rock in
July to begin her neurosurgery
residency. Meanwhile, she got
a pilot’s license. Lauren Lazar
will be moving to Dallas in June
for her pediatrics residency at
Children’s Medical Center Dallas.
Kaitlin Ridder Jaqua and her
husband, Ben, will be moving
to Indianapolis in June for her
urology residency at Indiana
University. She and Ben also
recently became homeowners!
Meanwhile, Blair Carter Tait and
her husband, Tom, will be moving
in June to Atlanta, where Tom will
be working for Bain & Company.
She is looking forward to being
near Laine Peeler, to becoming
an aunt to twins in June, and
to attending Lori’s wedding!
Lindsey McAlpin is finishing
the first year of her OBGYN
residency and enjoying living in
her new home Pensacola, Fla.
near her parents and decorating
her house with the help of her
Scottish terrier, Neville. We
have several recent graduates,
as well. Rachel Bearman has
recently been ordained by Hebrew
Union College-Jewish Institute
of Religion. She is thrilled to be
moving to Connecticut, where
she will be serving as the Rabbi
of Temple B’nai Chaim. If Rachel
should ever have another run-in
with a stairway, Connor Trott is
spending her summer in Spruce
Pine, N.C. on her third clinical
rotation for her Doctor of Physical
Therapy. Marion Phillips recently
completed her Masters in City
and Regional Planning from
Georgia Tech. Meanwhile, Clare
Patterson recently graduated with
an M.S. in Biomedical Science and
is working on preparing a paper
for publication. It’s exciting to
hear about all of the careers—and
places—in which St. Mary’s girls
have found joy and purpose. On
the east coast, Prudence Katze is
working as a Policy Coordinator
for Reinvent Albany, a non-profit
that champions government
transparency through civic
technology. Susan Schwarz
recently won an award—for the
second year in a row—for being
the executive with the best sales
Erica Evans ’05, Shelby Deeney ’04 and Shona Strachan
Singer ’04 at Alumnae Weekend.
record for Bloomingdales 59th.
She also is the proud auntie to
a new niece! Speaking of NYC,
Lucy Harris and the NYC girls
recently met up with Shona when
she was in the city and loved
catching up! Lucy and Piper Gray,
who still loves working at Warby
Parker, are looking forward to an
upcoming trip together to Bali.
Brittany Johnson Hernandez and
her husband, Saul, are updating
their new-to-them, old-to-D.C.
row house one room at a time in
between travel breaks to Florida
this summer. Camille Wingo just
completed her first year in Duke’s
MBA program and is interning at
Pepperidge Farm this summer,
working on their sandwich bread
portfolio strategy. Out west,
Shelby Deeney is loving Denver
with her husband, Brian, and
she continues to work in Native
American law and civil rights.
She is excited to have Morgan
Lobe moving to town soon for her
residency! Zoë Kahn is currently
working at The Clare Foundation,
a drug and alcohol rehab in Santa
Monica, as a therapist working
with teens and families in Los
Angeles high schools. She also
surfs every morning! Down south,
Sarah Carter is working in the
children’s clinic at Vanderbilt
while in school to become a
nurse practitioner. Her beloved
study buddy is Sampson, the
Great Dane she adopted last fall.
Ashford Carney Rosenberg is
living in New Orleans working
for the Audubon Aquarium of
the Americas in their sustainable
seafood program. She also has
joined a Mardi Gras krewe and
will be marching in two parades
this year as a Dancing Siren.
Elizabeth Stevenson continues
to enjoy teaching kindergarten
in Greenville and is excited to
travel to Hawaii this summer.
Jessica Walker loves living back
in Memphis and working in
fundraising as a Senior Account
Executive with Gaskill Strategies,
a consulting firm. She also serves
on the board of the Memphis
Farmers Market as Marketing
Chair. Mary Washington is the
Senior Account Executive at
Eaton Medicals. She also just
finished real estate school and
is excitedly planning McKenzie’s
third birthday party. I, meanwhile,
am enjoying working at a charter
school in Orange Mound and
am excited to be spending the
summer with George in Miami
and Italy!
Sarah Atkinson Ball
Lauren Wiygul Riley
Hillary Edwards Musice married
Jimmy Musice in November. The
wedding was beautiful, and several turkeys flocked to celebrate
the happy couple, including
matron-of-honor Erin Nolen
Brafford and bridesmaids Sarah
Atkinson Ball, Caitlin Del Conte
Barnes, Alison West Pettus, and
Class notes
Falconer Robbins. More wedding
news includes Weezie Cannon’s
engagement to Stuart Finlay; they
are looking forward to their wedding in November. Congratulations to both Hillary and Weezie!
Grace Jensen Knight loves life
with baby Mary, and she is still
enjoying teaching kindergarten at
New Hope. After graduating with
a joint degree in law and divinity
from the University of Chicago,
Nora Kahn has plans to move to
Los Angeles to take the bar exam
and begin work in litigation at
O’Melveny & Myers. Congrats,
Nora! Erin Nolen Brafford has
been enjoying being the Assistant
Production Coordinator for the
Grimm series for the last year.
She says that they are currently
gearing up for Season 4! Barbara
Phillips Hunsicker reports that
she and David are still enjoying
life in Los Angeles where she is
the program coordinator for the
Office of Presbyterian Ministries
at Fuller Seminary and David is
adjunct professor of theology at
Azusa Pacific University. Heather
Nadolny is still living in D.C.,
working for The George Washington University and having a blast
reviewing D.C.-area productions
and events for BroadwayWorld
D.C.. She is looking forward to
road trips with her boyfriend and
the dog this summer! Rainey Ray
Segars and husband Coleton are
still in Appleton, Wis. Rainey is
doing part-time counseling and
part-time mental health education lectures in the community;
she says transitioning into more
teaching has been fun! She is
also doing wedding photography
as a hobby and helping Coleton
slowly remodel some of their
house, which has been fun but
pretty time consuming! 2006
Rebecca Anderson
Becky Bicks
The class of 2006 is doing great
things all over the world, and
we were all excited about the
class’s first baby! Aasiya Mirza is
happy to be a new mother to her
4 2 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
son, Elias Muhammad Glover,
who was born in January. She
is also busy in law school and
interning this summer in New
York and London. Frances
Leslie is teaching middle school
in Savoonga, Alaska. Rachel
White is living in Paris doing
archive research for her
dissertation and will be traveling
to Canada and Cambodia to
present at two conferences. She
will be moving back to Yale this
fall to teach. Ellen Makowsky is
living in Chicago and working in
marketing for Nordstrom. Allison
Watts graduated from medical
school in May and will be staying
in Memphis for her dermatology
residency program. Minor Moore
is teaching 3rd grade in Nashville,
where she also enjoyed the
recent St. Mary’s Nashville area
alumnae gathering with Mamie
Kostka and Ellen Page. Ellen
Page is finishing her first year at
Vanderbilt’s business school and
will be interning this summer
at Amazon in Seattle. She also
recently is working on possibly
launching a social venture in
Nairobi. Mamie Kostka is about
to run her second half marathon
in Nashville and recently visited
her sisters Abby Kostka ’04 and
Kat Kostka ’00. Evie Lyras is
finishing her masters in Electronic
Publishing from City University
London and is planning to stay in
London after graduation. Grace
Wheeler Davis is pregnant with
her first child and is moving to
Birmingham with her husband,
Charles. Rebecca Anderson
recently moved jobs from Citi to
the Bank of Tokyo in NYC. She
also enjoyed catching up with
many St. Mary’s alums at
Courtney Foreman’s wedding.
Courtney Foreman Guilefoile
married Russell Guilefoile in April
and enjoyed her honeymoon
in the Turks and Caicos. Chloe
Bailey went to South Africa in
January and had an incredible
time. Jenay Gipson is wrapping
up her second year of teaching
kindergarten at Cornerstone Prep
in Binghampton. She’s loving
every second of it! Her amazingly
smart Prepsters are reading on
a first- (and some on a second)
grade reading level. They are
dividing and completing addition
and subtraction word problems,
and she is so proud! Katie Camille
Friedman loved seeing Mishi
Castroverde, Rebecca Anderson,
Lidia Mikolaenko, and Meredith
Robinson on a recent trip to
New York! She also had a great
time seeing many people at
Courtney’s wedding as well as a
lunch with Mrs. Mansberg at St.
Mary’s. She’s also still enjoying
her PhD program at UNC. Ellen
Bransford is living in Mexico
City teaching English through a
Fulbright grant, exploring and
traveling throughout Mexico,
and she did her second Ironman
triathlon back in March. Becky
Bicks left New York City in August
2013 to travel for 7 months. After
long stops in Europe, Hawaii,
and across the continental U.S.,
she moved back to Brooklyn in
April to continue her freelance
writing career. She was so happy
that more than a quarter of
the 06ers made it to a reunion
at her house over Christmas!
Elizabeth Braden recently moved
to Princeton, N.J. to take a job as
the Program Manager at Princeton
in Africa, a yearlong fellowship
program that Katie Camille
Friedman participated in. She
is also very excited to be living
closer to Becky Bicks. Morgan
Beckford is wrapping up her first
year of teaching Kindergarten,
and she has loved working with
the kids! She’ll be returning
back home for June and July to
serve as the Assistant Director
of Opera Memphis Summer
Caitlin Clark
Caitlin Colcolough
Maddy Pryor is still living in
LA, working at an experiential
marketing company in Venice.
She got promoted to project
manager of their AT&T account,
handling the VIP brand advocates
as well as working on the
company’s internal social media
marketing. After being in LA
for 7 years this fall, she will be
heading to South America in
September to take some time
off work and explore another
continent. Cory Yandell Lewis
is living the newlywed life in
Knoxville, but is moving to
Chattanooga this summer for
Daniel’s work, and they are both
looking forward to learning a
new city. Emily Sells is still in
Birmingham and loving it. She
graduated in December with her
Master’s of Education in Clinical
Mental Health Counseling, and
is now working at a community
mental health center. She is a
therapist in the outpatient office,
as well as the county jail. Kathryn
Owen has gone back to get a
second undergraduate degree in
Psychology and is in the process
of applying to Master’s programs
in the same subject. Mary
Katherine Thinnes graduated
from the Fashion Institute of
Technology in January with a
degree in Fashion Merchandising
Management. In March, she
started working in the Macy’s
corporate headquarters as an
Assistant Buyer for Estée Lauder
cosmetics. Victoria Rizk is in her
first year of internal medicine
residency at USF in Tampa. She’s
not getting much sleep, but
getting paid feels nice. Brittain
West just finished her first year
of grad school at Vanderbilt and
is enjoying living with her cousin,
Brandon O’Brien ’09. Alexandra
Mims is still in grad school,
recently engaged, and training
to go to Melbourne to play for
the USA Freedom team in the
Australian Football League
International Cup this August!
Zina Kumok is still working in
Indianapolis and got engaged
back in January, and will be going
to Spain in April. Erin Fowler is
still working on a space program
called Phoenix at DARPA and
enjoying spending time with
Kat Morisy in and around D.C..
Melissa Graunke will be working
for Deloitte Consulting in Atlanta
for a few more months, but will
be starting at Emory’s Goizueta
Business School this fall, and will
be getting married this summer!
Anna Bearman is still living
Class notes
in NYC, working on a vampire
movie at the moment, as well
as working as a nanny for two
little girls. Virginia Dickinson
LaSala is now living in Stamford,
Conn. and working in equity
research for a firm in Greenwich.
She is also studying for Level
2 of the CFA exam, which is a
miserable existence. Alix House
is managing partner of her own
marketing analysis firm, still
living in Montana where they
have 135 inches of snow. Caroline
Fentress is still working as a
producer at Kojima Productions
LA. She recently started doing
Crossfit, and is looking forward to
doing her first pull up...someday.
After several years of farming and
restaurant work in the wonderful
state of North Carolina, Chelsea
Cook is packing up and moving
to Atlanta to attend Emory Law
in the fall. Mary Louise Carrick
is relocating from Memphis
to New Orleans to attend grad
school at the University of
New Orleans for her Master’s
in education. She will be triple
concentrating in art, elementary
education and mild/moderate
disabilities. Caitlin Colcolough
is moving to Charleston, S.C. in
May to do photography, press and
production for Studio R, a custom
designed stationery company.
Caitlin Clark is finishing her
3rd year of medical school in
Houston, and is getting ready to
start applying for residency in
the fall.
Katelyn Ammons
Margaret Liddon
Edie Miller
The Class of 2008 has been
accomplishing a lot this winter in
graduate schools, new cities, and
new jobs. Molly Himmelstein had
an awesome time at the Sochi
Olympics and is loving her new
job at Google. She’s also happy
to have survived the FREEZING
winter! Another New Yorker
glad to see spring and finally
put her bubble coat away, Saba
Dilawari is in Brooklyn working
at TED as the TEDx Coordinator.
Morgan Jordan just joined Pace
University as their Assistant Art
Director, and styles photo shoots
on the weekends. Amanda
Castroverde avoided the cold
winter by moving to Austin,
Texas. She is working as the
content marketing specialist for
the Lee Tilford Agency, and is
loving days filled with breakfast
tacos, sunshine, and live music.
Estes Gould loves the snow
and mountains of Aspen, Colo..
She works as a concierge at the
Residences at The Little Nell
and recently adopted a blueeyed pit bull puppy. She looks
forward to volunteering with the
Aspen Institute Ideas Festival
this summer! Victoria Lee is
enjoying growing in her new role
as account coordinator at GCG
Marketing. She recently moved
into a new house with a yard
for her dogs. We have a lot of
busy graduate students from the
Class of 2008! Rachel McLemore
finished her Master’s degree
and is excited to start working
towards a Ph.D. in U.S. History
this fall at Ole Miss. Ariel Mason
took a break from Vanderbilt Law
School to enjoy the sandy beaches
and wild horses of Vieques on a
recent trip to Puerto Rico. In the
second year of her Ph.D. program,
Annie Ostrow Anderson is
starting to embrace the snows
of Wisconsin by skiing for the
first time ever with Larry. She
spent her summer studying for
preliminary exams and teaching
a class on Nuclear Weapons and
World Politics. Nicolette Overton
has enjoyed the first year of her
graduate journalism program
at Boston University and will be
finishing her studies in London
this fall. Caitlin Smith graduated
in May from the University of
Texas at Austin with her Master
of Science in Information
Studies, with a specialization
in archival management.
Following graduation, she will
begin an archival internship
at Coca-Cola through their
Heritage Communications
program. Kelly Turner is so
excited to start nursing school
at the University of Memphis in
August. Congratulations to Mary
Ward Pollard who successfully
defended her Clinical Psychology
Master’s thesis and now begins
to write her dissertation as a
doctoral student. Mary Ward,
along with Elizabeth Holt,
also had a blast reuniting with
former classmate Meredith
McKee in Charlottesville for
Meredith’s wedding. Jessica
Farris is the web editor for HOW
and Print magazines and the
communications coordinator
for the University of Colorado
Environmental Center. She’s
looking forward to completing her
Master’s degree by the end of the
summer. Jessica Richardson is
starting a graduate program
in foreign language education
through Auburn online this fall
and will kick her studies off
this summer with a two-week
research project in Costa Rica.
Just starting graduate school,
Mary Greer Simonton is moving
to North Carolina to pursue her
Master’s of Public Policy – the
D.C. girls will certainly miss her,
but are excited to have Jenny
Guyton in the city. She is loving
her new job in corporate strategy
at the Advisory Board Company,
a health care consulting and
technology company. Katelyn
Ammons joined the frequent
St. Mary’s alum gatherings
while spending the summer
in D.C. and enjoyed a trip to
Ireland before beginning her
third year of teaching 4th grade
in Greenville, S.C.. In Memphis,
Allie Morrison is enjoying
working as a nurse practitioner
in midtown Memphis with
Baptist Medical Group. Hanna
Gordon has a fantastic new job
as an Assistant Client Services
Manager at Adams Keegan in
Memphis. She stills hosts at
Southward Fare and Libations a
couple nights a week and loves
all the food! Edie Miller has
enjoyed her first year as an
analyst at MB Venture Partners in
Memphis. She recently graduated
from Embark, a cohort-based
leadership development program
at the New Memphis Institute.
Ashley Edge is living in Memphis
and working at Grizzlies Prep
Charter School, the only school
sponsored by an NBA team. She
is fundraising and running the
mentor program. Yuni Graham
is working as a paralegal for
Baker & Whitt and as Director
of Social Media and Marketing
for Balu Musik. She continues to
volunteer with her Therapy Dog,
Kenta, and spent her summer
eating delicious foods while
backpacking through Europe.
Mary Catherine Chase will also
be traveling across seas this
summer and is excited to soak
up some culture in Germany. As a
welcome change of pace from her
job teaching kindergarten at UP
Academy Dorchester in Boston,
Kathryn Feder spent the summer
traveling Europe and avoiding
tying anyone’s shoes or zipping
up their coats. Congratulations
to Courtney Montgomery, who
got married in May in Memphis
and loved celebrating with family,
friends, and St. Mary’s classmates.
Sarah Kramer is Accent editor
and Social Media editor of the
Delta Democrat-Times in Greenville.
She loves reporting and keeping
the community up-to-date with
the latest news. Ayana FletcherTyson is still living in Nashville
and cannot believe she is about
to start her 3rd year as a 1st grade
teacher at East End Prep. She is
also excited to be volunteering
at her church as a Pre-K and
Kindergarten Sunday School
leader! After summering as a
counselor at Camp Waldemar
in Texas, Anna Wheeler moved
home to Tennessee to work in
youth ministry in Nashville. While
still working in Washington, D.C.,
Margaret Liddon is taking some
time off this summer to spend
time with her family and friends
in Florida, Texas, Nashville, and
at the lake. Margarett Frisby is
still working for BELFOR Property
Restoration in Mobile, Ala. In her
spare time, she has been training
for triathlons and completed
New Orleans 70.3 Ironman in the
Class notes
Class of 2009 at the Alumnae Weekend Picnic: Catherine Vaughn, Sylvia Brookoff,
Melissa Johnson Pippin, Jordan Reeve, and Christine Petrin.
Bailey Bethell
Sylvia Brookoff
Karen Stein is the brand expert
in shape wear and hosiery for
SPANX and Star Power brands.
When she’s not taming tummies
and boosting backsides, she’s
advocating for the Alzheimer’s
Association of Georgia. Alex Tyler
started a new job at iProspect in
Fort Worth, TX where she will
further develop her search engine
marketing skills by managing
Google ads for Hilton hotels. She
is currently in the market for
a house in Fort Worth to share
with her boxer puppy Cricket.
Olivia Lawson finished her
first year in the DU Counseling
Psychology MA program. She
adopted an amazing lab/hound/
pointer mix and named him Bill
Crosby. He’s the best pup there
ever was. Olivia is livin’ the dream
in Colorado waiting for Leah
Bearman, her future roomie and
graduate classmate. Elizabeth
Ansbro is working as an Account
Executive for Weber Shandwick
in Dallas, doing mostly oil and
gas communications. Lillie
Blanton is a rising 2L at American
University Washington College of
Law who is spending her summer
working for the Program on Law
and Government and writing her
comment for the Administrative
Law Review. Natalie Jacewicz
4 4 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
is usually in the air traveling to
a client site for her consulting
job. In her spare time, she
free-lances, and published an
oped in The Washington Post this
year about conservation, which
she hopes will balance out her
yeti-sized carbon footprint. She
recently crashed the White House
Correspondents Dinner with
Sylvia Brookoff and Christine
Petrin. Obama was very excited
to see them, as was the cast of
Scandal. Aubree Penney just
returned from selling art on
international cruises. She highly
recommends Fiji, Bermuda, or
Sydney for your next cruising
adventure. Christine Petrin is
living in D.C. working in obesity
research at George Washington
University where she will begin a
Master’s degree in Public Health
Policy this fall. She loves living
down the block from Natalie
Jacewicz and just a quick uber
ride away from Lillie! Claire Riley
will be returning to her school
in Madrid to teach English for
another year and recently showed
Christine the wonders of Spain!
Sophie Page is currently finishing
up her first year of teaching and
completing her Master’s degree in
special education. She is moving
to Atlanta this summer to teach
fourth grade and marry Stephen
Lintner! Bailey Bethell still loves
her job at the Church Health
Center. This summer she is
working at Episcopal Day Camp as
the Camp Nurse. Brandon O’Brien
Alumnae event in Nashville: Allie Baker Shields ’10,
Brittain West ’07, and Brandon O’Brien ’09.
is moving to NYC in the fall! She
has loved working with Medair
International this year, and will
continue to volunteer there, but
is hoping to work with children
this next year. Jordan Reeve loves
her job at Caterpillar Financial
and recently got to participate in
a bowling tournament at work
supporting Junior Achievement!
Sylvia Brookoff is enjoying
working in digital programming
at Nickelodeon. She sits next to
the kitchen where they leave
extra merchandise samples so
she is now the proud owner of
a TMNT trampoline, pogo stick
and Dora inflatable play house (in
which she houses her computer.)
Wallis Tosi is living in Memphis
working for Karen Adams Designs
as well as Amy Howard. She
recently met up with Sylvia in
New York. Eliza Leatherman got
a promotion and is now Creative
Coordinator at mOcean working
on movie trailers. Alexandra
Baker is living in Memphis,
working towards certification
with DONA International as
a postpartum doula! She is
sponsoring the Climb out of the
Darkness 2014, an event designed
to help raise awareness and
educate the community about
postpartum mood disorders.
Sarah Donaldson has been
promoted to Financial Advisor
for Morgan Stanley’s Corporate
Client Group in New York, a
specialized team that executes
corporate stock plans. She focuses
on portfolio management and
reinvestment. She is also a CFA
Level 1 Candidate. Lindsey Driver
just returned from a mission
trip building water cisterns
in Xpujil, Mexico. In February,
Lindsey started a new position at
archer>malmo in digital content
and strategy. She plans to stay
in Memphis for good! Reagan
Bugg just finished her first year of
veterinary school at Mississippi
State University. Gracie Gelfand
just finished her first year of law
school and is working for Lewis
Thomason over the summer.
Alexandra Yawn was promoted
as officer, portfolio manager
associate at U.S. Trust and is part
of a financial statement analysis
team, which covers equity
valuation on companies. She
is working towards getting her
CFA. Catherine Vaughn finished
her Masters in Teacher Education
and starts teaching first grade at
Cornerstone Prep in the fall! 2010
Erin Stuart
Meredith Whitten has just
finished her honors thesis
tracking raccoon populations
on St. Catherineʼs Island and
graduates in May with a B.S. in
Environmental Sciences. She was
also selected for first team all
conference for rugby and plans
to be a scuba instructor in Fla.
after graduation. Cara Greenstein
Class notes
plans to return to Memphis
after graduation to pursue a
public relations career. Her
blog, Caramelized, was recently
named a top-five Austin food blog
by the Austin Chronicle. Folake
Thomas will also be in Memphis
next year teaching high school
Economics, US Government,
and World History for Teach for
America. Mary Jensen plans to
start working in Memphis after
graduating with her nursing
degree and taking the NCLEX
licensing exam. She is looking
forward to this summer, when
she’ll marry fiancé Will Nease!
Wedding bells were also ringing
for Allie Baker Shields, who
married fiancé Joseph in April!
She plans to continue nursing
school, and will be moving
to Houston, Texas with her
husband in the fall. Nica Cabigao
graduates in December and will
be working as a medical scribe at
St. Francis Hospital this summer.
Emily Sorrentino recently
received her first official IMDB
credit for her work as a makeup
artist, and is currently working
on makeup and Prosthetics for
three major motion pictures!
She has also recently worked on
Chicago PD, Chicago Fire, and
Scandal. Carey Segal graduates
this semester with a BFA in Dance
and a minor in Film & Television.
She will be spending the next
six months dancing for a Royal
Caribbean cruise through the
Pacific Ocean and sight-seeing
around the world. Adrienne
Jackson will be starting an MFA
program at Columbia University
next year. Elise Heuberger will be
attending Vanderbilt Law in the
fall after graduating with a B.A. in
English and Political Science, with
a Spanish minor. She also plans
to work for Senator Alexander
in D.C. again this summer. Ali
Fishman graduates this spring
with an advertising major and a
psychology minor and is applying
to portfolio school in Chicago or
NYC. Additionally, her Quidditch
team made it to the top 16 at
the World Cup this year. After
receiving a B.S. in Child and
Family Studies, with a minor
in Business Administration,
Mary Frances Street plans to
remain in Knoxville to pursue
an M.S. in Counselor Education,
with a concentration in School
Counseling. Lucy Foster has
spent the semester student
teaching an eighth grade social
studies class, and plans to begin
a four-year Memphis Teacher
Residency after graduating this
May with a degree in History.
Mary Stevenson is graduating
with a degree in Biology and
plans to work at the Church
Health Center as part of the
Scholar Program. Ann Yacoubian
graduates with a double major
in Clinical Psychology and Child
Development. She is currently
finishing up her clinical research
on PTSD at the Mass. General
Hospital and applying for post
baccalaureate pre-med programs.
She hopes to move to New York
by the fall. Her sorority’s Tri Sigma
woman of the year, Alex Haney
will be starting an internship as
a medical assistant at Boston
Healthcare for Women. Kendall
Hennessy will be pursuing a
Master’s in early childhood
education and interning in Knox
County schools after graduating
this May. Susannah Griffee
graduates with an honors degree
in Journalism and Politics this
May. She will be working as a
legal assistant at a firm in New
York after graduation and plans to
go on to law school in the future.
Finally, Erin Stuart graduates with
a B.S. in Physics (minor in math)
and a B.A. in Music and Religion.
This fall she will be starting the
M.Div. program at Princeton
Theological Seminary. Callie
McCool will be graduating with a
B.A. in Classical Civilization and
Honors in Molecular and Cellular
Biology. She plans to attend an
as-yet-undetermined medical
school next year.
Meg Cornaghie
Allyson Patterson
Meriweather Adams started a
decor blog this spring and is
excited to work with both Rifle
Paper Company and FedEx
this summer! Hannah Allen is
studying abroad in Sevilla, Spain,
taking all her classes in Spanish
and trying to become fluent while
getting to live one of the most
incredible cultures in Europe.
She has gotten to tour so many
amazing Spanish cities, volunteer
in a school there, and learn a lot
about the history and culture of
Flamenco. She was also recently
accepted to do research at Elon in
the Public Health Department this
summer. Bria Bailey is starting to
prepare for life after college. She
is very excited to have recently
become a member of Delta Sigma
Theta Sorority Incorporated. This
summer she will be studying for
the MCAT and taking classes at
King’s College in London, England.
Louisa Boyd will be taking the
MCAT in May and is an official
caffeine addict as a result. In the
mean time, she is still playing
club lacrosse and hopes that
UVa will make it to nationals
again this year. This summer,
she has a clinical internship in
the department of Neurology at
UVa’s School of medicine and
will continue to work in the
Neuro-Oncology lab she works in
during the school year. Fun fact:
she is a certified rodent surgeon.
Shelby Chambliss is enjoying
her time observing in her third
grade classroom at Batesville
Intermediate School and tutoring
her first grade girl through Leap
Frog Tutoring twice a week.
Suzette Coors is loving life at
UGA, and looking forward to
student teaching next year. She
was Queen of Carnival Memphis.
Go DAWGS! Meg Cornaghie has
just begun her term as president
of her residential college, Will
Rice. She has loved getting to
meet with the Dean of Undergrad
and Board to discuss campus
issues. She also has enjoyed
serving in the Student Association
with Amritha Kanakamedala ’12.
She will be back in Memphis for
the summer to work as a surgery
assistant in the orthopedic OR.
Caroline Frisch just returned
from a spring break trip with
friends to the Dominican
Republic. Now that she’s back,
she’s excited to begin her term
as president of Northwestern’s
Students Consulting for NonProfit Organizations and to
stay in Chicago this summer
interning for UBS investment
bank. Lauren Harrington swam
for Georgia who won the NCAAs
for the second year in a row,
this time by 120 points! She is
really enjoying being a political
science major at UGA and still
loving the athlete life as well as
the sorority life in ADPi! Eliza
Hendrix is studying abroad
in Copenhagen, Denmark this
semester and absolutely loving
it! The courses she is taking are
so unique and interesting, and
the traveling she has done both
independently and with her
classes has only further enriched
her learning experiences. She is
also excited to return to Memphis
this summer to begin work on
her senior Honors Project. Teresa
Hendrix was so excited to receive
the Excellence in Integrated
Marketing Communications
award for her major at Ole Miss,
and as Public Relations Chair
of her chapter of Chi Omega,
she is managing social media,
advertising, and the website.
Melissa Luttmann decided to
spend a second semester in
Athens. Highlights have included
a weekend in Istanbul and an
internship at an organization
called Repower Greece. Melissa
is spending Easter on one of
the Cycladic islands, and this
summer she will be back in New
York, working in communications
at Scholastic. Abby McAtee will
serve next year as the Senior
Resident Assistant for ResLife!
She is also finishing her French
senior research project early so
she can double major in both
Math and French. Anna Morten
is enjoying post-abroad life back
at Wake Forest. Anna is the new
philanthropy chair for Tri Delta,
so she has been busy organizing
school-wide philanthropy events
for St. Jude. Allyson Patterson
enjoyed representing Adobe and
teaching Photoshop, Illustrator,
and InDesign workshops this
past semester, and is ecstatic to
be the new Editor-in-Chief of The
Class notes
Vanderbilt Review Literary and
Arts publication. She is looking
forward to working at PDR, a
design firm in Houston, as a
Workplace Design Consultant
this summer. Mary Peeler is still
loving Carolina! She is finishing
up her last semester of organic
chemistry. For Spring Break, she
went to Sweden and Denmark
where she met up with Eliza
Hendrix. This summer she will be
working in Atlanta at the Emory
Clinic after taking the MCAT in
May. This semester Christina Pu
has been shadowing pediatricians
at the University of Michigan
Hospital to help her gain a better
understanding of the medical
field, and she is looking forward
to conducting clinical research
on transplant-related diabetes
at Eastern Virginia medical
school this summer. Lucy Wade
Shapiro was elected Student
Body President of Washington
and Lee University this past
March. As president, she will be
overseeing student government
matters while also ensuring
that the honor system remains
the cornerstone of W&L by
adjudicating honor hearings. She
really appreciated Margaret
McClintock’s help as her
campaign manager! Erika Steuer
spent the fall term studying
in Vietnam. She is currently
serving as philanthropy chair
for her Gamma Phi Beta chapter
and she couldn’t be prouder
of her school’s first national
championship victory in men’s ice
hockey, GO UNION! Allie Williams
is studying abroad in Ghana right
now, interning in San Francisco
this summer, and graduating
in December...Huzzah! Olivia
Grace Wolfe had an interesting
semester readjusting from being
abroad in Spain but is finally back
on track and will be living in Indy
this summer for a super exciting
internship at the Indianapolis
International Center. Whitney
Wortham went on a medical
mission trip to Honduras and
communicated with locals using
the Spanish she learned at St.
Mary’s. Maria Zoccola is building
4 6 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
her writing portfolio and hanging
out with her dog Apollo.
Ellery Ammons
Chandler Roberts
Grace Bethell is still majoring in
pre nursing at Alabama and is
excited to work with Alabama
Panhellenic as a Recruitment
leader in fall 2014. V. Ellen
Mitchell is looking forward to
studying nutrition this summer in
Florence, Italy and still loves being
a Tri Delt at Ole Miss. Hannah
Morehead was accepted into the
TCU business school where she
has a major in supply chain and
a minor in finance. She is the
Vice President of finance for Tri
Delt and is studying abroad in
London this summer. Lauren Pate
is looking forward to studying
abroad in Kampala, Uganda for
her fall semester and excited to
serve as the Vice President of the
Black Student Association for her
junior year. Alex Buford changed
her major to education and loves
her new classes. She also loves
being a Young Life leader for high
school freshman girls. Chandler
Roberts still loves nursing school
and began clinical rounds in
the hospital this past semester.
Lesley Stevenson serves as News
Editor at The Observer, Notre
Dame’s daily paper and plans to
study abroad in Toledo, Spain this
summer after doing preliminary
research for a possible thesis
on Harry Potter. Bobbi Fischer
is treasurer of her sorority, Zeta
Tau Alpha, and loving classes
as a nursing major. Belle Harris
has officially declared a major
in Economics and a minor in
Philosophy. Jodie Struminger has
declared a major in Marketing
and a minor in Modern Dance
and is also excited to be studying
abroad in Paris this summer.
Ramie Mansberg is enjoying
volunteering as a mentor to a
fifth grader at Kipp Austin College
Prep while she also works at the
University Health Center taking
vitals and rooming patients.
Maggie Yang studied abroad in
Shanghai, China for the spring
semester, and will be working and
taking classes in New York City
for the summer. Kyra Scheiterlein
is Scholarship Chairwoman of
Gamma Phi Beta and joined the
co-ed business fraternity Delta
Sigma Pi. She is also planning
on getting her Private Pilot’s
License this summer in beautiful
Boulder, Colo.. Sarah Tsiu was
inducted into Alpha Epsilon
Delta, a national pre-health
honor society, and is doing
autism research this summer.
Amritha Kanakamedala was
elected to serve as the External
Vice President of the student
body at Rice. She will be interning
under the Senior Vice President
of the Texas Medical Center this
summer. Kyra Rice is currently
finishing her semester abroad in
London studying international
business and British art through
The University of Mississippi via
CAPA International Education.
Meredith Taylor will be interning
for Capitol Solutions Government
Relations Consultants, LLC in
Washington D.C. this summer.
Melissa Byrd has declared a
major in Public Relations, began
an internship at ALSAC St. Jude,
and was named the Executive
Director of the U of M’s Up ’til
Dawn program for 2014-2015.
Ellery Ammons is double
majoring in Political Science and
Urban Studies, while studying
urban design and politics in
Copenhagen, Denmark in the
fall. Megan Guyton was elected
for Director of Conference and
is returning to Memphis for
the summer. In January, Joy
Brown transferred to Ole Miss
where she is studying Business
Management. She loves being
in Oxford where she lives with
former turkey Brooks Wingate.
Brooks is a Pre-Pharmacy
Major; preparing for the PCAT
this summer and applying for
pharmacy in the fall. Sara Kim is
working with Pfizer this summer.
Anna Stukenborg
Olivia Summitt
Anna Utley
Anna Utley has had a great
freshman year! She can’t wait
to spend a month in Paris this
summer and hopes to see
the world traveler Mackenzie
Isom while across the pond.
Helena Anderson has acted in
and directed many pieces for
Lamplighters, a NYU affiliated
Theatre for Young Audiences
club. She achieved her first ever
screen role in a new web series
called, “Oh, Liza.” She will be
attending Guildhall School of
Music & Drama in London this
summer, and will be studying
acting in musical theatre there, as
well as teaching acting, improv,
music, visual arts, and movement
at Germantown Community
Theatre’s “Fun In Theatre”
Summer camps. Kim Taylor will
be shadowing physical therapists
in Memphis this summer as a
first start toward becoming one
herself! Megan Soun has had
a wonderful year at Princeton,
especially getting involved with
Princeton Faith and Action.
She will be studying abroad in
Argentina this summer! Ellie
Harrison had a great freshman
year at Tulane and will be living
and working in New Orleans this
summer. Alexa Fila will be taking
classes at the U of M this summer.
Becky Park loved her first year
in Atlanta, and is now stoked
to be a counselor this summer
at Sanborn Western Camps,
a camp in the beautiful Colo.
wilderness! Anna Stukenborg
loves Ole Miss and can’t wait for
sophomore year! She is working
as a counselor at Camp Greysone
in N.C. all summer. Callie Wallace
enjoyed being on freshman
council this year and is working
at Camp Ozark this summer. Dia
Bowden is enjoying her second
semester at TCU and can’t wait to
work at Camp Ozark this summer!
Allie Baker ’10 to Joseph
Shields, April 26, 2014
Catherine Culvahouse ’03 to
Nima Ghods, March 29, 2014
Saira Mahmood ’01 to Sameer
Pandit, October 26, 2013
Carmen Carson ’03 to Mike
Gorospe, January 6, 2014
Courtney Foreman ’06 to
Russell Guilefoile,
April 12, 2014
Courtney Montgomery ’08 to
Kyle Mark, May 24, 2014
Anna Coplon ’02 to Garrett
Suen, January 4, 2014
Victoria Corder ’01 to Tony
Langelier, April 26, 2014
Katie Hobson ’03 to Chris
Novikoff, May 3, 2014
Abby Yandell ’03 to Henry
Talbot, March 22, 2014
Joy Linderman ’82 to Joseph
Richard Rogoski, Jr.,
April 21, 2014
Photo- Jennifer Rhoades-Dannatt at Snap Happy Photography.
Dakota Beasley is loving Chi
Omega and is a Maroon VIP at
MSU and is also working with
the football recruitment team.
Nikki Cox is a member of the
Tiger Girls Dance Team, Step
Team, and African American
Alliance and will be working at
the St. Mary’s Summer Pursuits
Camp. Francie Saunders is now
an Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology major at CU Boulder
and is still loving her sorority,
Kappa Alpha Theta. She will be
working at either the Brooks
Museum or the Memphis Zoo this
summer! Emma Less is loving
life at TCU and can’t wait to live
in the Alpha Omicron Pi house
with her friends next year! She
recently declared a double major
in Strategic Communications and
Film and Television and Digital
Media recently. Anna Peeler
has loved her freshman year at
University of Alabama and will
be in Memphis for the summer.
Lucy Newton has also enjoyed
her freshman year at UofA and
will be working at Camp Ozark
this summer! Katie Heard will be
in St. Petersburg over the summer
studying Russian. Suku Mohan
got to shadow an OBGYN over
spring break and saw over 10
surgeries! Maggie Norman is on
the college soccer team at Emory
and they went to Regionals in
Maryland! She will be interning at
a Job Corps this summer.
1 Class of 2010: Sims Munn, Mary Jensen, Allie Baker Shields, and
Lucy Foster at Allie’s wedding.
2 Abby Yandell ’03 and Henry Talbot at their first wedding dance.
3 Class of 2001 classmates: Katherine Eder, Sudipa Sarkar, Saira
Mahmood, and Chen Budde at Saira’s wedding.
4 Catherine Fox ’03 and husband Nima Ghods cutting their
wedding cake.
Class notes
Graduate Degrees
Marley Baer ’02, Master of
Business Administration,
Vanderbilt University, May 2014
Cooper Adams Burt to
Palmer Adams Burt ’99,
May 7, 2014
Hillary Burkett-Buford ’02,
Master of Health Administration,
University of Memphis, May 2014
Lily Towne Clapper to
Lisa Ansley Clapper ’00,
March 1, 2014
Lindsey Coates ’02, Master of
Arts in Counseling, Reformed
Theological Seminary, May 2014
Eden Cooper Clarke to
Clare Levy Clarke ’97,
January 14, 2014
Elsa Monge DeGroot ’02, Master
of Business Administration,
University of Texas, May 2014
Abe Stone Conrad to Caroline
Palazola Conrad ’99,
February 21, 2014
Nora Kahn ’05, J.D./M. Div.,
University of Chicago, June 2014
Charlotte West Everdell to
Lillian Askew Everdell ’99,
November 20, 2013
Elizabeth Anne and John
David Flannigan to Kathryn
Beale Flannigan ’03,
January 6, 2014
John Mason Gargiulo to
Sidney Hawkins Gargiulo ’99,
December 24, 2013
Johnathan Micheal Gaspar to
Christina Chiew Gaspar ’98,
October 18, 2013
Henry Siler Bateman Hanback to
Carrie Sue Casey Hanback ’95,
December 12, 2013
Walter McDonnell Hill II to
Elizabeth Cochran Hill ’95,
March 12, 2014
Musa Asad Hussein to
Rana Khandekar ’00,
October 24, 2013
Griffin Ward Kropinak to
Kellyn Griffith Kropinak ’99,
December 8, 2013
Elias Muhammad Glover to
Aasiya Mirza ’06,
January 22, 2014
4 8 | S T. M A R Y ’ S E P I S C O PA L S C H O O L
Mary Knight daughter of
Grace Jensen Knight ’05.
Mary Brookfield McLure
Morgan to Anne-Morgan
Brookfield Morgan ’99,
January 23, 2014
Victoria Whittinghill Pennoyer
to Polly Klyce Pennoyer ’02,
May 12, 2014
Etta Louise Prudhon to Sarah
Montgomery Prudhon ’00,
March 30, 2014
Stephen Sandifer Selvidge, Jr.
to Joann Self Selvidge ’94,
April 19, 2014
Eliya Miriam Shabtay to Anna
Schwartz Shabtay ’03,
April 21, 2014
Walker Whitfield and Davis
King Slocum to Carey King
Slocum ’01,
December 10, 2013
Sarah Lang Wiseman to Betsy
Carnesale Wiseman ’88,
December 30, 2013
Hester Shipp Mathes ’92, Virginia
Theological Seminary, May 2014
Rachel McLemore ’08, Master
of Arts in History, University of
Mississippi, May 2014
Allie Morrison ’08, Master of
Science in Nursing, Vanderbilt
University, August 2013
Allison Martin Nolen ’98, Master
of Science in Nursing, Saint Louis
University, May 2014
Sophie Page ’09, Master of
Special Education, Furman
University, May 2014
Mary Ward Pollard ’08, Master of
Clinical Psychology, Mississippi
State University, May 2014
Melissa Lawson Romero ’02,
Master of Social Work, University
of Denver Graduate School of
Social Work, June 2014 and JD in
Law, University of Denver Sturm
College of Law, May 2014
Emily Sells ’07, Master of
Education in Clinical Mental
Health Counseling, University of
Montevallo, December 2013
Caitlin Smith ’08, Master of
Science in Information Studies,
University of Texas at Austin,
May 2014
Catherine Vaughn ’09, Master of
Teacher Education, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, May 2014
In Memoriam
Esther King Marsh ’47
Annabelle Paine
Whittemore ’38
This year, we challenged you to help us grow the Annual Fund by 10% —
and the response was incredible!
2013-14 Annual Fund
Every girl. Every day.
Thank you for supporting every girl, every day at St. Mary’s!
l More than 50% of you increased
your gift to the Annual Fund by
10% – or more!
ry day. Every girl.
irl. Eve
day. every girl.
y d ay
ery g
. Every girl. Every
Thanks to you, the Annual Fund reached
its highest level EVER - $944,322
as of June 18 - and still growing!
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Memphis, Tennessee 38117-3199
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See all 10 shows for $225!
Suzy Bogguss Friday, September 26, 2014, 8 p.m.
Julie Fowlis Tuesday, October 7, 2014, 7 p.m.
Keigwin + Company Dance Friday, October 24, 2014, 8 p.m.
The Hunts Saturday, November 8, 2014, 8 p.m.
Upright Citizens Brigade Friday, January 23, 2015, 8 p.m.
Popovich Comedy Pet Theater Saturday, January 31, 2015, 7 p.m.
Cirque-tacular’s World Saturday, February 7, 2015, 7 p.m.
Los Lonely Boys Friday, March 20, 2015, 8 p.m.
Te Amo, Argentina Sunday, April 19, 2015, 7 p.m.
Lágbájá Friday, May 8, 2015, 8 p.m.
For tickets, visit
or call (901) 537-1483
60 Perkins Extended Memphis, TN 38117