July 2016 - MidSouth


July 2016 - MidSouth
Dr. Larry W. Leonard
District Superintendent
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson celebrated 55 years in ministry at Meridian Fitkins Memorial Church of the Nazarene.
Dr. Johnson holds the distinction of being the longest tenured pastor of one church in our denomination in the
U.S.A. and Canada.
August 15 ~ Coastal Mission Area: Iglesia Taller del Maestro (Ocean Springs)
August 16 ~ Capitol Mission Area: DaySpring Community Church
August 18 ~ Memphis & Hills Mission Area: Memphis Calvary Church
August 22 ~ Clarksville Mission Area: Erin Church
August 23 ~ Nashville North & Nashville South: Nashville Grace
August 25 ~ Columbia Mission Area: Columbia Grace Church
make plans now to
Sept. 20 ~ 22, 2016
Music road inn
pigeon forge, tn
Larry Leonard, District Superintendent; Jeff Sexton, Asst. District Superintendent; Eduardo Lelli, Hispanic Coordinator
Clergy: Daron Brown, Steve Estep, Matt Friedeman, Dwight Gunter, Lynn Holmes, Charles Johnson, Mark
Lancaster, Mark Lindstrom, Gustavo Santos
Laity: Monroe Ballard, Jr., Bill Durr, Mark Greathouse, Henry Greer, Michael Johnson, Ron Jones, Sonya Nixon, David
Pitzer, Morris Stocks
Clergy: Dwight Gunter
Laity: Robin Holmes
SDMI Chairperson: Michelle Lunsford
NMI President: Mary Friedeman
NYI President: Jason Underwood
Hispanic Coordinator: Eduardo Lelli
Clergy: Daron Brown, Steve Estep, Dwight Gunter, Gustavo Santos
Laity: Monroe Ballard, Jr., Mark Greathouse, Robin Holmes, Michael Johnson, Susan Santos
Clergy: Kelvin Boone, Albertha Bragg, Mark Lancaster, Bruce Oldham, Nick Peeples
Laity: Ruth Chandler, Henry Greer, Denise Nash, Mark Spraker, Cindy Stocks, Gene Wood
June 21 ~ 30, 2017
Indianapolis, Indiana
for more information visit http://ga2017.com
Mrs. Michelle Lunsford
SDMI Chairman
Make the
People of Prayer • Engaged in the Word •
Making Christlike Disciples
There’s a road, near my home, where I sometimes walk. It begins nice and level, before transitioning into gentle slopes.
Then there is the hill. It’s steep, with the more demanding portion becoming apparent only after you’ve committed
yourself to the climb.
Such a trek reminds me of our walk of Christian service, particularly during the summer. We hike up hills such as district
camps and local VBS ministries, or strive to maintain programs amidst attendance fluctuations caused by summer
travel and activities. As June rolls into July the climb may prove more strenuous than originally anticipated.
SDMI: Sunday School Discipleship Ministries International
When I walk the road near my home, my motivation is not the sense of accomplishment I’ll experience when topping
the hill, nor is it knowing the exercise promotes good health. These are genuine benefits, but they are not my
true prize. That only comes a few paces before I’ve pushed beyond the most severe portion of the incline. Tree
limbs stretch across the road, forming a natural canopy of shade, a tunnel through which breezes dance. Then,
as the hill finally surrenders its angle, the road curves to reveal one of the more spectacular views in our rural
community. Despite the asphalt beneath my feet and signs of humanity, it is one of those delightful places where nature
is so alive that I often feel as if God and I brush shoulders on that hilltop, sharing the moment together.
District SDMI partners with the local church to carry out the Great Commission to children, youth, and adults
in preparation for a lifetime of making Christlike disciples in the nations. We trust in the hope of the eternal reward
God promises to all his children who remain faithful until the end. But, do we in the midst of the ministry journey
find those places where we can enjoy the view, and stand shoulder to shoulder with our Lord as we share in his work?
I’m honored and humbled to stand alongside you in my new role as your chairperson. I’m praying for the local
SDMI ministries represented across our district. I’m praying for you. May God supply you strength for the climb,
endurance to reach the summit, and may the reward which awaits you be a blessing beyond your expectation.
Teach 2016 – August 12-13 at Springdale Church – Cincinnati, Ohio
This national conference offers a teaching and equipping experience for teachers and ministry leaders.
Plenary speakers plus tracks in various ministry areas.
Downloadable VBS or small group resource available through the
Church of the Nazarene and Kids Reaching Kids. Materials in English
and Spanish.
Kids Reaching Kids Mission Offering Project 2016 –
POWER: Unlocking the Power of God’s Word (Mark 12:24 NIRV)
Mrs. Mary Friedeman
NMI President
MidSouth Nazarenes gathered at the end of May for an inspiring NMI convention. Missionary Brian Tibbs shared engaging
stories of transformed lives and challenged those present to be the hands and feet of Jesus, reaching the lost for Him.
We celebrated the 104 churches who paid World Evangelism fund in full, including 44 who contributed 5.7% or more to WEF.
Between WEF and mission specials, MidSouth churches gave over $2,000,000 in 2015-2016. Thank you for your faithfulness!
Let’s believe for even greater things in the year to come.
The MidSouth District has new LINKS missionaries for the next two years. They are pictured below, listed with their assigned
mission area(s). Will you pray for them faithfully and make sure they know they are loved by their LINKS churches? It is our
privilege to partner with them.
NMI: Nazarene Missions International
Tim and Michelle Eby—Senegal
Nashville South
Wellington and Hellen Obotte—Malawi
Brian and Jill Tibbs—Ecuador
Capitol and Nashville North
Dana Harding—Swaziland
Paul and Karla Say—Florida Matthew and Priscilla—Creative Access
Memphis and Coastal
Rev. Jason Underwood
NYI President
Camp 2016 is in the books! We had another amazing year with over 900 students for our two weeks of camp! We hope your
students enjoyed Camp at the Creek this year and look forward to being back together next year.
CAMP 2017:
High School: June 5th - 9th
Middle School: June 12th - 16th
So when can we all get back together again???
NYI Convention is taking place at Gardendale Church of the Nazarene located at:
1800 Decatur Hwy., Gardendale, AL 35071 • Phone: (205)631-4090
We will gather at 1:00pm to handle business and voting (PLEASE EAT BEFORE YOU ARRIVE)
Why are we meeting in Alabama??? Surprisingly enough...it's closer, more central for all of our churches to attend!
NYI: Nazarene Youth International
So we are driving to Alabama to meet and then go home??? Nope! Following our business session we will head to Sparetime
from 3:00pm - 5:00pm. Sparetime is located at 3600 Roosevelt Blvd., Birmingham, AL 35235 • (205)655-4500
$8 per person for unlimited bowling & shoe rental. They also have an arcade, laser tag & food for an additional cost.
Save the Date for MOMENTUM
November 11th - 13th at Trevecca Community Church/Trevecca Nazarene University
Attendance Report for june
Capitol Mission Area
Bread of Life Community............ 12............................28
BridgePoint................................... 7............................36
Brookhaven First....................... NR.......................... NR
Crystal Springs............................. 7..............................7
DaySpring Community............. 203..........................325
Hazelhurst.................................. 11............................14
Hillside Community..................... 24............................24
Meridian Fitkins Memorial........ 160..........................281
Meridian Northside..................... 28............................42
New Beginnings Christian............ 0............................57
New Vision.................................. 25............................60
Quitman..................................... NR.......................... NR
Vicksburg First............................ 30............................38
Vicksburg Hispanic....................... 9..............................8
Clarksville Mission Area
Camden........................................ 3............................20
Clarksville First......................... 169..........................315
Clarksville Grace...................... 167..........................375
Clarksville Hope Riders Biker..... 24............................58
Clarksville Korean...................... 50............................90
Clarksville Park Lane.................. 96..........................131
Dickson Lighthouse ................... 27............................44
Dover.......................................... 58............................90
Erin........................................... 203..........................251
Fulton......................................... 29............................34
Gray’s Chapel............................. 39............................45
Griffin’s Chapel............................. 0............................75
.Jason Chapel............................. 72..........................154
Long Creek................................. 23............................23
Paris........................................... 37............................37
Pine Hill...................................... 45............................80
Waverly..................................... 174..........................250
Woodlawn Community............... 74..........................103
Coastal Mission Area
Crossroads............................... 105..........................148
Gloster........................................ 35............................30
Gulf Coast Family....................... 74............................92
Gulfport......................................... 0..............................7
Hattiesburg First........................ NR.......................... NR
Iglesia Taller del Maestro............ 41.............................. 89
Laurel Bresee............................. 18.............................. 20
Laurel First........................................ 9.............................. 22
LifePointe Community..................... 34.............................. 42
Long Beach Community.................... 4................................ 4
Magnolia.......................................... 14.............................. 22
Palabra de Vida............................... 24.............................. 64
Prentiss..........................................NR............................. NR
Victory Praise & Worship Center..... 30.............................. 30
Waynesboro Trinity.......................... 10.............................. 15
Columbia Mission Area
Columbia First............................ 28............................56
Columbia Grace....................... 452..........................504
Elmore........................................ 40............................67
Fly............................................... 54............................86
Jones Chapel............................. 42............................66
Lawrenceburg Grace.................. 50............................62
Lawrenceburg Vaughan............... 3............................12
Lewisburg First........................... 22............................52
Mount Wesley-Akin.................... NR.......................... NR
Nashville New Life Korean........... 11............................14
Pleasant Point........................... NR.......................... NR
Savannah..................................... 9............................12
Spring Hill Restoration Comm.. 109..........................222
Summertown.............................. 12............................18
Hills Mission Area
Bent Knee Cowboy.................... NR.......................... NR
Clarksdale.................................... 6............................12
Cleveland First.......................... NR.......................... NR
.Columbus First........................... 10............................19
Divine Grace Sunflower............. NR.......................... NR
Fellowship................................. NR.......................... NR
Greenville First............................. 9............................12
Grenada First............................. 24............................21
Houlka.......................................... 5............................10
New Albany............................... NR.......................... NR
Oxford/Oxford Hispanic.............. 50............................93
Pearson Chapel.......................... 53............................63
Ripley Hispanic........................... 20............................35
Rosebloom................................. 34............................56
Sentobia N.O. Nabors............... NR.......................... NR
Starkville Wesley Comm............... 7............................24
Tupelo......................................... 15............................17
Union............................................ 9............................20
Way of the Cross........................ 18............................19
Memphis Mission Area
Colonial Hills Outreach............... 17............................22
Covington................................... 13............................17
Crossroads Community.............. 35............................49
Dyersburg................................... 17............................24
Memphis Calvary...................... 318..........................415
Memphis Eastside...................... 18............................68
Memphis Emmanuel................... 50............................94
Memphis Faithful Believers........ 11............................31
Memphis Friendship................... 46............................78
Memphis Grace........................ 155..........................166
Memphis Holiness Tabernacle... 30............................62
Memphis Hope Tabernacle........ NR.......................... NR
Memphis New Hope................... 35............................39
Memphis Refreshing Springs.... NR.......................... NR
Millington.................................... 27............................27
Southaven Spanish.................... 14............................14
Nashville North Mission Area
Ashland City Faith Comm........... 51............................90
Gallatin..................................... 160..........................295
Goodlettsville............................ 248..........................438
Hendersonville.......................... 106..........................131
Hermitage................................. 327..........................502
Highland..................................... 26............................31
Joelton........................................ 16............................18
Madison...................................... 11............................22
Madison Hispanic....................... 84..........................123
Nashville First - (Bethel Campus)....... 61............................99
Nashville First - (Main Campus)...... 619........................1003
Nashville Grace........................ 197..........................320
Nashville Inglewood................... 21............................31
Nashville Whites Creek.............. 25............................51
Old Hickory................................. 55............................79
Portland...................................... 77..........................178
Springfield.................................. 23............................36
Nashville South Mission Area
Brentwood Concord Comm...... 103..........................162
Franklin Comm of Faith.............. 68..........................175
Gateway Community................ 190..........................300
Kingston Springs........................ 18............................29
Nashville Bell Road.................... 36............................56
Nashville Blakemore................... 18............................47
Nashville Christ.......................... 29............................67
Nashville Community Fellowship.... 20............................36
Nashville Donelson..................... 20............................30
Nashville First Calvary Korean... 25............................64
Nashville Glencliff Hispanic........ 41..........................128
Nashville Kaleo........................... 16............................27
Nashville Trevecca Comm....... 397..........................585
Nashville Trinity.......................... 23............................33
Nashville Westwind Comm......... 13............................13
TOTAL.................................... 7201......................11557