2013 Summer/Fall - Louisville Independent Business Alliance
2013 Summer/Fall - Louisville Independent Business Alliance
LIBA LOUISVILLE INDEPENDENT BUSINESS ALLIANCE 2013 Summer/Fall Guide COUPONS INSIDE 1 Reasons to to Reasons buy local. local. buy LOCAL $$LOCAL KEEPYOUR YOUR KEEP Buyingfrom fromlocally-owned, locally-owned,independent independentbusinesses businesseskeeps keepsmore more Buying yourmoney moneycirculating circulatingininLouisville. Louisville.A Arecent recentstudy studyofofLouisvilleLouisvilleofofyour areabusinesses businessesshows showsthat thatfor forevery every$100 $100spent spentatatlocally-owned, locally-owned, area independentbusiness, business,$55 $55isisreinvested reinvestedlocally, locally,whereas whereasonly only$14 $14isis independent reinvestedwhen whenthat thatsame samemoney moneyisisspent spentatata anational nationalchain. chain. reinvested 55 $$ 55 of every $100 Themembers membersofofthe theLouisville LouisvilleIndependent IndependentBusiness BusinessAlliance Allianceare areabout aboutpersonal personal The attention, a focus on customer service, the pleasure of shopping alongside friends attention, a focus on customer service, the pleasure of shopping alongside friends and neighbors, and keeping local dollars within our local economy — shop local and neighbors, and keeping local dollars within our local economy — shop local businesses and we all win! businesses and we all win! LIBA Business Member Index of every $100 $$1144 every$100 $100 ofofevery Locally-owned, Locally-owned, independent business independent business National chain National chain Source: Civic Economics Indie Impact Study Series: Louisville, Oct. 2012. Source: Civic Economics Indie Impact Study Series: Louisville, KY.KY. Oct. 2012. CONTACTUS US CONTACT Louisville Independent Business Alliance Louisville Independent Business Alliance PO Box 4759 • Louisville, 40205 PO Box 4759 • Louisville, KYKY40205 502-473-4687 • jennifer@keeplouisvilleweird.com 502-473-4687 • jennifer@keeplouisvilleweird.com 2 KEEP WEIRD: Locally-owned, independent businesses one-of-a-kind enterprises TOTO KEEP ITIT WEIRD: Locally-owned, independent businesses areare one-of-a-kind enterprises that vital the unique character the Louisville Metro community. that areare vital toto the unique character ofof the Louisville Metro community. KEEP MORE MONEY: Dollars spent community-based merchants create a multiplier TOTO KEEP MORE MONEY: Dollars spent atat community-based merchants create a multiplier effect. Studies have shown that every $100 spent a chain, $14 remains the effect. Studies have shown that forfor every $100 spent atat a chain, $14 remains inin the community while $55 remains when spent with home town businesses. community while $55 remains when spent with home town businesses. KEEP MORE JOBS: Local independent businesses better creating higher-paying TOTO KEEP MORE JOBS: Local independent businesses areare better atat creating higher-paying jobs our neighbors. jobs forfor our neighbors. KEEP OUR ENVIRONMENT: Buying from a local independent business conserves TOTO KEEP OUR ENVIRONMENT: Buying from a local independent business conserves energy and resources the form less fuel transportation, less packaging, and energy and resources inin the form ofof less fuel forfor transportation, less packaging, and products that you know safe and well made, because stand behind them. products that you know areare safe and well made, because wewe stand behind them. KEEP GOOD KARMA: know you, and you know Studies have shown that locallyTOTO KEEP GOOD KARMA: WeWe know you, and you know us.us. Studies have shown that locallyowned businesses donate community causes more than twice the rate chains. owned businesses donate toto community causes atat more than twice the rate ofof chains. KEEP YOUR OPTIONS: When a fewer number larger stores dominate a community, TOTO KEEP YOUR OPTIONS: When a fewer number ofof larger stores dominate a community, it it is the national chains that choose what reaches customers, and options dwindle. is the national chains that choose what reaches customers, and options dwindle. Cover chalk artwork Courtney Coriell Spot 5 Art Studio Cover chalk artwork byby Courtney Coriell of of Spot 5 Art Studio 2023.......................................…27 520 East Brands.....................................42 21c Museum Hotel/Proof on Main.......…51 21 Skye Design......................................51 A-1 Vacuum Sales & Service..................41 A Mother’s Touch Jewelry & Gifts...........36 A Reader’s Corner Bookstore.............…23 A Taste of Kentucky...........................…30 A Therapeutic Touch.......................…53 A+ Paper Shredding...........................65 Abbott’s Quality Cut Lawn Care..............53 ABC Fund Raising of Louisville................50 Absolute Networking..............................66 Actors Theatre of Louisville.................7 Acudent..........................................…44 Coupon - page 69 Adams Construction Services, Inc............51 AD!FX................................................42 Advanced Payroll Systems................…59 Afforable Home Decorating & Renovations..52 Against The Grain Brewery & Smokehouse..12 Agency Title, Inc....................................62 Ah, Whatta ‘Bout Mimi.............................48 Alan Hyman Enterprises...................…62 Alexander and Hughes...........................42 All Battery Center of Central Kentucky, Inc..67 All-In-One Security, Inc...........................65 Alltech’s Lexington Brewing Co...........…67 Amazing Green Planet.......................…27 Amazing Traveling Sign Co.....................65 American Printing House for the Blind......20 Amish Hills Furniture...............................27 Coupon - page 73 The Anchorage Cafe...............................16 Andy’s Auto Sales..................................22 Apex Massage......................................53 Apex Physical Therapy.......................…60 Architectural Artisans........................…43 ARCpoint Labs........................................67 ARGI Financial Group........................…49 Art Eatables............................................8 Coupon - page 71 Ash Group.........................................…52 Asiatique Restaurant.........................…16 Austin’s Restaurant................................16 Automatic Air Corporation......................51 Autotruck Financial Credit Union.............44 Babyology.......................................23 Baby D’s Bagel and Deli........................16 The Back Door........................................9 Baldwin Marketing..........................…42 Bare Elephant.......................................27 Bargain Supply Co., Inc...........................36 Barkstown Road.....................................38 Barry Wooley Designs.............................52 Baxter Station Bar and Grill...............…16 BBC Taproom......................................12 BC Plumbing.....................................…60 Beams Roofing & Contracting.............…47 Beatersville Car & Bike Show....................7 Beechmont Bombshells..........................64 Benefit Marketing Solutions..................52 Coupon - page 69 Benjamin J. Byrne & Associates.................52 Better Days Records...............................38 Bike Couriers Bike Shop.....................…23 Bilancia........................…...........46 Bill Brundage Jewelers...................…..36 Birds-Eye Elevated Photography.........…59 Black Dog Candles............................…30 Black Salt...............................................23 The Blackstone Grille.......................…16 BlackWyrm Publishing...........................62 Blair White - Rainey, Jones, & Shaw Realtors....62 Blend Skin Care...................................40 The Blind Pig........................................16 Blinds Direct & Wallpaper Too..............41 Block Party Handmade Boutique............30 Blue Dog Bakery...............................…16 Bluegrass Brewing Company................12 Bluegrass Burgers..................................16 Bluegrass Frames.............................…50 Bluegrass Print……………..……..60 BluegrassNet............................…52 Bohemian Monkey................................49 The Book Attic.......................................23 Booker’s Choice Tidbits...........................38 BoomBozz Pizza...............................…16 Boone, Emily MSW, LCSW, ACSW...............47 Boston’s Floral......................................27 Boudoir Louisville..................................59 Bourbon Baroque, Inc..........................7 Bourbon Barrel Foods.......................…14 Bourbon Built........................................24 Bowles Mattress Co...............................23 Breckinridge Inn...............................…51 Brenzel’s Germantown Automotive........44 Bridal Suite of Louisville.........................24 Coupon - page 71 Bright Pest Control..........................…59 Coupon - page 73 Bristol Bar And Grille.......................…16 Broker House Lending...........................62 Brownsboro Center.................................62 Brownsboro Framing Company................50 Brownsboro Hardware & Paint............…36 Buckhead Mountain Grill...............…17 Bungalow Joe’s......................................17 3 LIBA Business Member Index Pix Owl Design Studio........................…67 The Plant Kingdom...........................29,53 Playthings Toy Shoppe............................40 POS Paper PROS.....................................60 Primo Computers...................................53 Primo Oils & Vinegars..............................15 Proforma double dog dare.................…67 ProFormance........................................49 Promotional Printing Services.................62 Publishers Printing Company..............…61 Pure Uncut Candy...................................55 Quest for the Outdoors.....................…38 Quill’s Coffee....................................…14 Rainbow Blossom Natural Food Markets....15 Coupon - page 71 RE Solutions..........................................64 Ready Valet...........................................66 realer than real.................................…43 Red Hot Roasters...............................…14 Red’s Comfort Foods........................…19 red7e......................................43 Regalo......................................34 Rellek Fine Consignment..................…29 Renaissance By Design..................…21,34 Republic Bank..................................…46 Revelry Boutique Gallery.........................21 revenewtree................…............55 Revolver Home Furnishings & Accessories..29 Right Angle............................................47 River City Drafthouse...............................9 River City Sports Arena............................8 RIVUE Restaurant & Lounge..................19 Rocky’s Sub Pub....................................19 Rodeo Drive..........................................26 Rodes For Him For Her.....................…26 Role of the Die.....................................26 Rooibee Red Tea...............................…15 The Root Cellar........................................15 Royal Jewelers.......................................37 Rudy Green...........................................39 SaE Cafe................................................14 Jacqueline Saltsman, LMT........................53 Sassy Fox Upscale Consignment..........26 Coupon - page 69 Schrecks Baxter Liquors.........................11 Schrodt Art Studio............................22,44 Schulz’s Florist..................................…27 Scott F. Nussbaum Antiques................…21 Scott of All Trades.............................…47 Scout....................................29 Seneca Animal Hospital.....................…66 Seng Jewelers........................................37 Shack In The Back BBQ..........................19 Shaheen’s Department Store..............26 Ellen Shaikun, Real Estate Broker..........67 Shields Service..................................…44 Shine...........................…...............51 ShopGirlz @ Landis Lakes TowneCenter..34 Sign 4...................................................65 Simply Thai......................................…19 Simtechs.com.................................…26 Sister Beans Coffee House......................14 Sister Dragonfly Gallery.....................…34 Skylight Supply......................................39 Smith Imported Car Service..............…44 Smoketown USA...............................…19 Dr. Victoria Snelling & Associates............51 5 Solace in the Highlands.........................53 Services Medical Towers Pharmacy.................…40 Mellwood Art Center........................…21 Mengel Exteriors..................................47 Meridian Acupuncture & Herbal Pharmacy..42 Meridian Cafe...................................…18 Merkley Kendrick Jewelers......................37 Merridian Home Furnishings.........…....29 Metro Motors....................................…22 Metro 1 Heating & Cooling........................51 Meyerowitz & King............................…42 Middleton Reutlinger..............................44 Miller Creative Designs, LLC.....................51 Mint Julep Tours................................66,66 Miss C’s on Chestnut.............................19 Mister G’s Liquors..................................11 MLS Estate Sales...................................48 Moab Offroad.................................…44 Modern Day Fitness Kentucky...................49 MoDuet: A Web Shop...............................67 Mom’s Music....................................…37 Monkey Drive Screen Printing.............…65 The Monkey Wrench..............................19 Morrison Accounting Solutions................42 Moss Hill Bath & Body Collection............34 Coupon - page 73 The Mower Shop.....................................38 Mrs. Potter’s Coffee.................................13 Muth’s Candies......................................9 My Old Kentucky Homebrew...........…23 The Nachbar...........................................9 Najla’s Specialty Foods...........................15 Nancy’s Bagel Grounds...................…14 Nanz & Kraft Florists......................…27 New Albanian Brewing Company....…13 New2Lou.............................................47 NIMBUS................................................43 The Nitty Gritty.................................…25 Nord’s Bakery........................................9 Nutrition Works.....................................57 OakSt. Production Group........................49 Office Computing, Inc............................47 Office Environment Company..............38 Old 502 Winery.....................................19 Old Town Wine and Spirits...................11 Olivia & Co............................................25 One Thing Marketing............................43 Oscar’s Hardware...................................36 Paintn’ Party...................................22,44 Papalinos NY Pizzeria......................…19 The Paper..............................................55 The Parent Teacher Store & Toys Too!..…40 Park Community Credit Union.................46 Parker & Klein Real Estate...............…64 ParkerLane ...........................................66 Parkside Bikes......................................23 Parkside Family Dental..........................47 Parlance Creative LLC.............................43 Passport Health Plan..............................52 Patterson and Company CPAs PLLC..........42 Paws with Purpose..................................20 PayLogic.......................................59 Peace of the Earth..................................27 Peacock Boutique..............................…25 Pearson’s Funeral Directors....................50 Pedal de Ville.........................................7 The Pepper Group, LTD............................43 Perfume Plus, Inc....................................27 Pink Julep Boutique..............................26 Retail Kizito..............................................9 Kluster............................................36 Koch and Company................................21 Koerber’s Fine Jewelry......................…37 Kopilot Press Custom Screenprinting....…65 Kory Johnson Photography.....................59 Krebs Optical....................................…38 Kriech-Higdon Photography...............…59 Laura W. Krome, LCSW, LMFT...................47 kyGREENtv......................….........55 La Que (Lemongrass Café)................…18 The Ladies Room Boutique....................25 Lanning Paints.......................................38 Le Petomane Theatre Ensemble...............7 Leanhart Plumbing Co., Inc.....................60 Leatherhead Shop.................................25 Lele’s Boutique.....................................32 LEO Weekly..........................................67 Les Filles Louisville................................37 Lexie’s Trading Post................................34 Liberty Tattoo and Art Parlor...................65 Lil Cheezers Gourmet Grilled Cheese......18 Lilly’s - A Kentucky Bistro.......................18 Limbwalker Tree Service....................…43 Lindemeyer CPA, LLC..............................41 Lion Flower Soap Company....................27 Liquor World..........................................11 Littledove Farm................................…15 The Local Weekly...................................55 Logic Media......................................…67 Lotsa Pasta.......................................…15 Lotus Spa...............................................53 Louisville Ballet........................................7 Louisville Bedding Company.............…23 Louisville Cardinal Independent Student Newspaper..55 The Louisville Company....................…34 Louisville Dessert Truck..........................15 Louisville Downtown Management District....20 Louisville East Chamber of Commerce.......20 Louisville East-Middletown Chamber of Commerce.....20 Louisville Family Chiropractic............…46 Louisville Family Fun.............................55 The Louisville Game Shop......................26 Louisville Grows, Inc..............................20 Louisville Label................................…61 Louisville Magazine..........................…55 Louisville Originals...........................…20 Louisville Public Media............................55 Louisville Social Management..............42 Louisville Tea Company...........................13 Louisville Tree Service, LLC.....................43 Louisville Trivia........................................8 Louisville Visual Arts Association.........…20 Louisville Water Company......................16 Louisville.Com.............................…55 louisvillehotbytes.com................…55 Lula’s Frozen Yogurt And Treats..............9 M2 - Maximum Media....................…42 Mackey Printing Services.................…62 Magnolia Photo Booth Company........…59 Makespace Oohology.............................67 The MAMMOTH.....................................65 Maloney Outdoor Advertising.................42 Margaret’s Consignment........................25 Marketplace Restaurant........................18 Marketing Media Management..............42 Matly Digital Solutions Printing & Copying.......61 Media Venue.........................................43 Non-Profit Gifthorse..................................…32 Gilezan Realty..................................…64 Gingko Acupuncture......................…....42 Go Green Lawn Solutions...................…53 Goody Two Shoes...................................40 GRACESHIP...........................................36 Grasshoppers........................…14 Grateful Greens...............................…14 Gray’s College Bookstore......................23 Greater Louisville Inc........................…20 The Green Building...................….....21,64 Greenhaven Tree Care...........................43 Grind.........................................15 Gross Diamond Company..................…36 Guitar Emporium...................................37 Gutters & Stuff.......................................51 Gym and Swim...................................65 The Hanger...........................................25 Harbor House of Louisville..................…20 Harvest Restaurant...........................…17 Heaven Hill............................................14 Heine Brothers’ Coffee......................…13 High Field & Open MRI...........................57 Highland Morning.................................18 Highlands Center for Therapeutic Massage...53 Highland Cleaners............................…48 Highland Coffee Company..................…13 Highland Commerce Guild..................…20 Highlands Family Owned Funeral Home...50 hiko-A-mon, Modern Japanese Sushi Bar & Fish Market..18 Hillbilly Tea......................................…18 Historic Locust Grove........................…32 Home Builders Association Of Louisville....20 Home Cuisine...................................…13 Home Run Burgers & Fries.................…18 Homemade Ice Cream & Pie Kitchen.........8 Horton’s Hardware...........................…36 Hound Dog Press.............................…61 I Used to Be Cool.............................…32 iCarpetiles.com, Inc................................27 IgLou Internet Services...................…53 in.mode marketing..........................…42 InnoVise Creative Group........................67 Insider Louisville....................................55 Interactive Media Lab.................….......67 J Carlton Shoes...................................40 J Shepherd Cigar Boutique................…40 Jim’s Photos & Frames..........................50 Joan Noles, Inc......................................42 Johnny’s Diner Car.................................15 Just Money Advisors..............................50 K. Norman Berry Associate Architects.....43 Keg Liquors...........................................11 Ken Combs Running Store..............…38 Kentuckiana Reporters..........................47 Kentucky Chamber of Commerce.......…20 Kentucky Planning Partners..............…50 Kentucky Science Center....................…32 Kentucky Select Properties................…64 KentuckyShow!.......................................7 Kephart Design & Publishing..................51 Kertis Creative.......................................66 Khalil’s..................................................18 Kiddie Kastle - Baby & Children’s Furniture...29 Kids Center for Pediatric Therapies.........20 Kiely-Hines Insurance.......................…52 Kirby Company of Louisville...................41 Food & Drink Direct Connect Merchant Solutions…….57 dirty tease.............................................24 Discoveries...........................................36 Doo Wop Shop.................................…37 Door Store and Windows....................…36 Dot Fox............................................…25 Dragon King’s Daughter.........................17 Dreams With Wings, Inc......................…20 Drinkswell...........................................67 Dundee Candy Shop............................…8 Eagle Paper...........................................53 Earth Circle Creations............................36 Earth Friends Café.............................…17 Earthwell Energy Management..........…48 EarthyBrowns Natural Products.............27 East End Plumbing Supply...............…36 East Market District Association..........…19 Eastwood Market & Café........................15 Eastwood Naturals................................27 Eclipse Bank.....................................…46 ECO-CELL.............................................50 Edenside Gallery...............................…21 Edible Louisville.....................................67 EFill RX.................................................39 Eiderdown.........................…17 Evolve Consignments.............................25 Excavive Coaching & Consulting............47 Excel Shop Furniture Restoration..........64 eyedia, design it again.....................…29 Falls City Brewing Co.........................…13 Family Business Center.......................…20 Farm to Fork Catering.......................…13 Fat Jimmy’s Pizza............................…17 Fauver Law Office, PLLC.........................44 Feeders Supply.................................…39 Fidelity Pawn and Jewelry....................49 Fields Tallent & Co. CPA....................…41 Fine Print Shop......................................60 Fire Protection Services, Inc...............…64 The Fish-Fry House...............................17 Fish House/Cafe Beignet...................… Flame Run Glass Studio & Gallery........…21 The Floor Store...................................36 Profile page 35 The Flooring Gallery..........................…36 Floral Grind Florist & Coffeehouse..........27 Flowerstudio and Gifts............................50 FMS Commercial Cleaning......................46 Focus Marketing Group.....................…52 Focus Salon...........................................65 Coupon - page 73 Food & Dining Magazine........................55 Foremost Realtors................................62 Foxhollow Farm Store.....................…15 Fragile Pack................................…37,57 Framing Express..................................50 Frank Otte Nursery of Jeffersontown......29 Frankfort Avenue Business Association.....20 Fresh Thoughts Marketing......................42 Fritz’s Salon & Spa...........................…65 Galt House Hotel..............................…52 Gariepy Group Real Estate....................62 General Eccentric..............................…25 The Genesis Shop.................................48 Gentlemen’s Cut................................…65 Get Fit 24/7........................................49 Getitinlouisville.com....................…42 GiftCertificatesAmerica.com........…31 Entertainment Busta Grill........................................…17 Butterfly Garden Cafe......................…17 C&H Audio Visual Services, Inc............…44 Cabañas House, Louisville Resale...........29 Coupon - page 71 Cake Flour, A Natural Baking Company......8 Capacity Care...................................…51 Capshew Cellars.....................................14 Care Security.........................................65 CARGO................................................24 Carmichael’s Bookstore.....................…23 Cartwheels Papers And Gifts..............…31 Catherine’s Legacy.................................24 Caufield’s Novelty.............................…27 Celebrations.........................…31,50 Coupon - page 73 Celia’s at Mellwood................................31 Cellar Door Chocolates.............................8 Center For Neighborhoods.....................20 Center for Nonprofit Excellence..........…19 CertaPro Painters of Kentuckiana..........57 CHAOS Rewards....................................42 Charlie Wilson’s Appliance & TV.................21 Charlotte’s Web.................................…29 Chef Maria’s Greek Deli.........................13 Chenoweth Animal Hospital....................66 City Café...............................................17 City Properties Group.......................…62 CityScoot..........................………….66 City Space on Main................................65 Class Act Federal Credit Union................46 Coupon - page 73 Classical Acupuncture & Herbs............…42 Clifton Art Supply..............................…21 Clifton Center...........................................7 Clifton’s Pizza.......................................17 Cobalt Dental.........................................47 Colonial Designs................................…52 Color Stage Systems..............................7 Comedy Caravan................................…7 The Comfy Cow.....................................8 Commons Community Pharmacy.............39 Commonwealth Bank & Trust Co.............46 Commonwealth Financial Advisors.........49 Consider Boutique.............................…31 Coupon - page 71 Copper Cupcake.......................................8 Cox’s Smokers Outlet & Spirit Shoppes..40 Crescent Hill Trading Company...........…21 Cross Country Distributing Company....40 Cumberland Brews.................................12 Custom Wig Company............................41 Dages Paint Company........................…38 Dallas Jewelers, Inc................................36 Danger Run........................................…7 Daniel Chaffin Furniture Makers............29 The Dating Stylist...................................47 Davis Jewelers..................................…36 Day’s Espresso and Coffee...................…13 Dee’s Crafts.......................................…21 Delect-a-Bites..........................................8 Derby City Chop Shop.........................…64 Derby Dinner Playhouse..........................7 Derby’s Pet Fence............................…59 Designer Builders.............................…47 The Diaper Fairy....................................47 Dine Company, The Restaurant Store......40 4 Pizza & Pub.........................…17 DiOrio’s LIBA Business Member Index LIBA Business Member Index DBA Bonnie and Clyde Weekly Gazette…55 Think Tank Louisville..............................43 Thomas House Paint Stripper..................51 Tilford Dobbins Alexander, PLLC...............44 Timmy’s Auto Wash.................................44 Total Office Products And Service......…38 Touch of Grace Massage…………..55 Tradebank of Louisville............................46 TransPay Solutions.................................60 The Trend Companies of Kentucky...........21 Trifecta Sauce Company...................…14 Twisted Chocolat.......................................9 Two Guys With Tools..........................…47 University of Louisville.....................…48 Uptown Cafe.....................................…19 Urban Attic......................................…26 Urban Kitty Consignment Boutique.........26 Utterly Organized.............................…47 ValuMarket.........................…16 Van Zandt, Emrich & Cary Insurance Agency...52 Vault Liquor & Smokes...........................11 Vendors’ Village.....................................27 Videobred…............................66 Village Green.........................................13 Vines and Canines................................11 VINT........................................14 The Voice-Tribune...................................57 Walker Flags.........................................27 Wallitsch Garden Center..........................30 The Waterfront Challenge..........................7 Watrous Associates Architects, PSC.........44 Weeds of Eden.......................................51 Welch Printing Company.........................61 Wellness 360.........................................51 Wellspring..............................20 Westport Whiskey & Wine...................…11 Coupon - page 71 WhoDunnit Murder Mystery Theater..........7 WHY Louisville..................................…34 Wick’s Pizza Parlor & Pub....................…19 Wild and Woolly Video........................…41 Wild Eggs..............................................19 Willinger’s Beer Depot............................11 WillisKlein Companies............................37 Coupon - page 69 Wimsett & Company................................57 The Wine Market...............................…12 The Wine Rack...................................…12 Wish’s Drugs..........................................40 Work the Metal..................................…34 www.TheHighlandsOfLouisville.com......57 Yang Kee Noodle..............................…19 Yapok Designs......................................26 YesterNook....................................29 Yoga East, Inc.........................................67 Youngers Barber Shop...........................65 Your Community Bank...........................46 Xstreme Media.......................................67 Zanzabar.....................................11 Zi Olive.................................................16 Entertainment Audio Visual Color Stage Systems 619 E. Jefferson St. 502-585-5483 www.colorstage.org Full service stage/theatrical, performance/event, LED lighting, portable staging and audio services. Outdoor concert stage, lighting and audio systems. Consult/design. KentuckyShow! 501 West Main St. 502-562-0880 www.kentuckyshow.com KentuckyShow! is a 30-minute multimedia adventure across time and place featuring the people, sights and sounds of Kentucky. Narrated by Ashley Judd, it’s guaranteed to steal your heart. Automotive Beatersville Car & Bike Show 414 Baxter Avenue Ste. #B0200 502-724-4643 www.beatersville.com Beatersville Car & Bike Show is a tradtional rod and custom show that takes place annually on the Sunday before Memorial Day at the Phoenix Hill Tavern. Comedy Club Comedy Caravan 1250 Bardstown Rd. (Mid-City Mall) www.comedycaravan.com 502-459-0022 Enjoy an evening at Louisville’s top choice in comedy clubs. Group parties, fundraising events, or just a special night out. Comedy shows Wed-Sun, jazz on Mondays. Ecotainment Pedal de Ville 502-235-4592 pedaldeville.com 15 Friends. 4 Wheels. 1 Great Time! Enjoy this unique party powered bike and pedal your way to Louisville’s favorite hotspots, and we do the driving. Be a part of Louisville’s ECOtainment! Exercise & Fitness The Waterfront Challenge www.thewaterfrontchallenge.com The Waterfront Challenge is a 5k urban obstacle night race along the Ohio River that combines cross country running, road racing, and obstacle conquering, with a party rockin’ good time! Halloween Danger Run 800-771-9750 www.dangerrun.com www.louisvillehalloween.com Ghostrun, LLC owns the event Danger Run and Louisvillehalloween.com. The Danger Run is the only event of its kind in the world and has called Louisville its home for the last 17 years. Performing Arts & Theater Actors Theatre of Louisville 316 W. Main St. 502-584-1205 www.actorstheatre.org Actors Theatre of Louisville is Louisville’s only Tony Award-winning theatre, the State Theatre of Kentucky and home to the Humana Festival of New American Plays. 6 Bourbon Baroque, Inc. 502-614-7178 www.bourbonbaroque.com Louisville’s period instrument ensemble. Clifton Center 2117 Payne St. 502-896-8480 www.cliftoncenter.org Beautiful performance/banquet facility off historic Frankfort Avenue; ideal for meetings and events for 5 to 500. Home of the beautifully restored Eifler Theatre and annual Taste of Frankfort Avenue. Derby Dinner Playhouse 525 Marriott Dr. Clarksville 812-288-2632 www.derbydinner.com A locally-owned dinner theatre featuring Broadway musicals & comedies. A homestyle buffet is included in the ticket price and parking is free. Located just minutes from downtown Louisville. Le Petomane Theatre Ensemble 1844 Bonnycastle Ave. 502-609-2520 LePetomane.org Le Petomane is a six-member ensemble of Louisvillebased actor/creators performing original pieces. Louisville Ballet 315 E. Main St. 502-58DANCE www.louisvilleballet.org Through Company performances, an exceptional school and numerous outreach programs, the Louisville Ballet strives to share the beauty and joy of dance within the community. Look What’s Brewing in the ‘Ville: Craft Beer Tours and Progressive Dinners Because that’s How we Roll! Squallis Puppeteers 770 Eastern Parkway 502-636-1974 squallispuppeteers.com Squallis Puppeteers uses the art of puppetry to free imaginations, to create fantastic characters, and to tell the stories that are important to our communities. WhoDunnit Murder Mystery Theater Performing at the Hyatt Regency and other fine locations. www.whodunnitky.com 502-426-7100 Presenting live, interactive murder mysteries to delight and entertain. 7 Entertainment South Bayly Boutique........................…34 Coupon - page 69 Splitting Hairs Salon..............................65 Spot 5 Art Studio.............................…44 Squallis Puppeteers..................................7 Stacey’s Grooming Emporium and Pet Supplies....59 The Star Cafe..........................................19 Steepleton Co........................................23 Stellar Sweets.........................................9 Stock Yards Bank and Trust Co...........46 Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC......................67 STORY magazine..................................67 Straight Line Tutoring..............................48 Strause Law Group, PLLC.......................44 Studio 3L Photography............................60 Stuttgart Specialists, LLC..................44 Sunergos Coffee, Micro-Roastery & Espresso Bar..14 Suntime Pools West.................................65 Sustainable Health Choices..................55 Coupon - page 69 Swanson Reed Galleries....................…21 Sweet n Swirly........................................9 Taco Punk.............................................19 Tailored Advertising Group.....................43 Take-A-Break Lifestyle Management......53 The Tangerine Closet..............................26 Taste. A Greater Louisville Catering Company....13 Tattoo Charlie’s Preston Hwy...................65 Taylored Laser Creations, Inc...................34 The Highlander Neighborhood Monthly...55 Then Venice House LLC. LIBA Member Directory Food & Drink Bakery, Ice Cream & Candies Art Eatables 631 S. 4th St. 502-589-0210 www.arteatables.com Kentucky’s Premier Bourbon Chocolatier™. Creator of the Small-Batch Bourbon Truffle™. All of our chocolates are made by hand at our shop in historic downtown Louisville. Cake Flour, A Natural Baking Company 909 E. Market St., Ste. 100 502-719-0172 www.cakeflouronmarket.com Natural and organic baked goodness with no artificial anything. Dundee Candy Shop 2112 Bardstown Rd Louisville, KY 40205 502-452-9266 www.dundeecandy.com Copper Cupcake 10616 Meeting St. #101 Prospect 502-708-2418 www.coppercupcake.com Copper Cupcake is an artisanal, small batch bakery committed to delighting customers with delicious hand-crafted treats created from the highest quality, locally-sourced ingredients. Kizito Inc 1398 Bardstown Rd. 502-456-2891 www.kizito.com For 26 years, Elizabeth Kizito has baked Louisville’s best cookies in a unique African art gallery. Lula’s Frozen Yogurt And Treats 1501 Bardstown Rd. 502-458-2322 3922 Westport Rd. 502-893-3454 Lula’s Yogurt is family owned, and your neighborhood frozen yogurt and treats hangout. We have unlimited options of flavors and toppings - all of them delicious! Please visit us on Facebook. Muth’s Candies 630 E. Market St. 502-585-2952 www.muthscandy.com Louisville’s oldest & finest candy manufacturer/store. Often referred to as a Louisville Icon. Our family has been making over 50 varieties of candy in our 90+ years on East Market. Sweet n Swirly 1305 Veteran’s Parkway Clarksville 812-725-8795 805 Blankenbaker Parkway 502-690-7733 976 Breckenridge Lane 502-897-1950 www.sweetnswirly.com Sweet n Swirly is a locally created & operated selfswirl frozen yogurt shop offering low fat, no fat, no sugar added & no dairy flavors. We offer a variety of toppings: nuts, candy, cereal, fresh fruit. Twisted Chocolat 7707 Greenlawn Rd. 502-432-8786 www.twistedchocolat.com Artisan chocolate creation company using local products. Food & Drink Trivia Louisville Trivia 4651 Cliff Ave. 502-509-6777 www.louisvilletrivia.com Louisville Trivia is a live team trivia contest. Our main focus is on pub quizzes, but we can host corporate events or fundraisers. If you want to host a trivia event at your venue, please contact us. Cellar Door Chocolates 1201 Story Ave. 502-561-2940 www.cellardoorchocolates.com Since 2007, Louisville’s go-to place for all things chocolate, including truffles, sea salt caramels, almond bark & many other delicious treats. Come in to design your own at the custom chocolate bar! The Comfy Cow 1301 Herr Ln. #118 502-425-4979 339 W. Cardinal Blvd. 502-409-5090 2221 Frankfort Ave. 502-409-4616 www.thecomfycow.com Handcrafted ice cream and desserts made on-site, served in a fun, friendly, funky atmosphere. “Meet me at ‘The Cow’.” Nord’s Bakery 2118 S. Preston St. 502-634-0931 Family-owned retail bakery serving cakes, doughnuts, kuchens, butter buns, etc. Stellar Sweets 502-649-6358 1164 S. Brook St. (by appt. only) www.stellarsweets.com Stellar Sweets is a bakery that specializes in baked goods using organic and local ingredients. We create unique custom cakes and chocolates for any occasion. Delect-a-Bites 1298 Gilmore Lane 502-419-6421 www.delect-a-bites.com Delect-a-bites specializes in personalized edible favors for weddings and other occasions. Will ship anywhere in the United States. Dundee Candy Shop 2112 Bardstown Rd. 502-452-9266 www.dundeecandy.com Gourmet chocolates and truffles. Modjeskas, Bourbon Balls, gummi candy, licorice, cordials, malted milk balls and much more! We ship and deliver. Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen 2525 Bardstown Rd. 502-459-8184 1041 Bardstown Rd. 502-618-3380 3737 Lexington Rd. 502-893-3303 2232 Frankfort Ave. 502-409-6100 3598 Springhurst Blvd. 502-326-8990 5606 Bardstown Rd. 502-239-3880 12531 Shelbyville Rd. 502-245-7031 3113 Blackiston Mill Rd. New Albany 812-590-3580 1732 Midland Tr. Shelbyville 502-633-6330 9561 US Hwy 42 Prospect 502-614-8202 www.piekitchen.com The Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen is Louisville’s hometown dessert bakery and ice cream shop. We make all of our own ice cream and desserts. In business over 25 years. 8 Over 25 Years in the Original Highlands! MONDAY’S DOMESTICS $1.75 TUESDAY’S WELL DRINKS $2.75 WEDNESDAY’S JIM BEAM $3.50 THURSDAY’S JACK DANIELS $3.50 KITCHEN OPEN TILL 3:00AM 1250 Bardstown Rd. 502-451-0659 www.thebackdoorlouisville.com Entertainment Sports Facility River City Sports Arena 3383 Freys Hill Rd. 502-426-9085 www.rivercitysportsarena.com Family owned indoor sports arena! Home to aspiring collegiate athletes in iacrosse, soccer, and field hockey. We also support numerous over age “Beer Leagues.” Bars/Pubs The Back Door 1250 Bardstown Rd. 502-451-0659 www.thebackdoorlouisville.com The Back Door is a neighborhood bar in the Highlands for the past 25 years, known for our good drinks, diverse clientele and reasonable prices. The Nachbar 969 Charles St. 502-637-4377 facebook: nach bar Full bar, no food. Beer as culture, since 2007. River City Drafthouse 1574 1/2 Bardstown Rd. 502-690-5111 www.rivercitydrafthouse.com Located in the heart of the Highlands, we are a locally owned pub specializing in independent, American, craft beer with over 20 offerings on tap and several more available in bottles. HANK ALLGEIER 9 The Wine Market Wine to me is passion. It’s family and friends. It’s warmth of heart and generosity of spirit. Wine is art. ch Bat allrbons m S ou B — Robert Mondavi 1200 Bardstown Road Open 7 Days A Week TheWineMarket.net e eri cut har C We also feature a variety of unique gift ideas for stress-free holiday shopping. 502.451.7446 Willinger’s Beer Depot 225 S. Spring St. 502-587-9611 Over 40 years serving the Irish Hill/Clifton area. Come in for cold beer, arcade and friendly people! Drive-Thru package liquor available as well. Vault Liquor & Smokes 1270 Bardstown Rd. 502-479-7666 Vault Liquors offers a wide selection of liquor, fine wine, and tobacco products. Great customer service is our #1 goal. Zanzabar 2100 S. Preston St. zanzabarlouisville.com Lunch • Dinner • Music • Arcade Vines and Canines 1760 Frankfort Ave. 502-322-3609 vinesandcanines.com The wine store for dog lovers. The dog store for wine lovers. 502-635-9227 Beer, Wine, and Spirits Stores Keg Liquors 617 E. Lewis and Clark Pkwy. Clarksville 812-283-3988 302 Pearl St., Ste. B New Albany 812-948-0444 www.kegliquors.com We are the premier destination in the Louisville Metro area for specialty beers, wines and liquors, with the best selection of micros and imports in the area. 1529 Bardstown Road www.OldTownWine.com Open 7 days a week 502.451.8591 er Be al son SeaBeers Westport Whiskey & Wine 1115 Herr Ln., Ste. 140 502-708-1313 www.westportwhiskeyandwine.com We are a full service wine & spirits shop with a focus on an eclectic mix of wines, spirits and beer. Liquor World Lyndon (425-6804) • Hillview (964-2337) • Eastern Parkway (634-1080) • Billtown (267-9855) • Goldsmith (290-6955) • Barbour Ln. (749-2979) • Shelbyville (633-9911) • LaGrange Rd. (243-1180) • Old Henry (254-3399) Drive-thru open late in most locations! Friendly and knowledgeable staff! Great selection! Competitive prices! Owners are lifelong Louisvillians and strongly support the Shop Local movement. Mister G’s Liquors 5520 New Cut Rd. 502-363-2118 Family-owned and operated for over 40 years. Finest wines and a great bourbon selection. Special orders welcome! Helpful staff. Monthly wine tastings. Your Full-Service Wine, Spirits & Beer Store Wine Tasting Every Thursday at 6:30 pm westportwhiskeyandwine.com 502-708-1313 10 Old Town Wine and Spirits 1529 Bardstown Rd. 502-451-8591 oldtownwine.com A full-service retail shop focusing on customer service and the perfect pairings. Always available to help with your entertaining needs! Come check out our extensive inventory. Schrecks Baxter Liquors 1535 Baxter Ave. 502-456-6144 The oldest family-owned liquor store in the state. 11 Food & Drink Your friends at Old Town hope that you with your family and friends enjoy the holiday season. Our knowledgeable staff looks forward to helping with your holiday entertaining needs with savvy recommendations for interesting wines, seasonal beers, artisanal cheeses and more. Buy l! a c o L nal isa s Artheese C Falls City Brewing Co. 545 Barret Ave. 502-410-3315 www.fallscitybeer.com Falls City Beer is a Louisville tradition dating back to 1905. Today’s beer resembles an English Ale brewed in the 1930’s. New Albanian Brewing Company 3312 Plaza Dr. New Albany 812-944-2577 415 Bank St. New Albany 812-725-9585 www.newalbanian.com Since 2002, serving Progressive Pints to the Louisville Metro Area. The Wine Rack 2632 Frankfort Ave. 502-721-9148 www.wineshoplouisville.com The Wine Rack offers a broad spectrum of wines of the world, craft beers, spirits, cheeses, pastas, artisan breads & more. Tastings held regularly. Breweries Against The Grain Brewery & Smokehouse 401 E. Main St. @ Slugger Field 502-515-0174 www.atgbrewery.com Brewpub and gastropub. BBC Tap Room 636 E. Main St. 502-584-2739 www.bluegrassbrew.com We are the distribution brewery for the brand. As Kentucky’s largest brewery and distributing in over 5 states, we love Louisville. Visit us at The Taproom (636 E. Main) Tue.-Fri. 4 to 10PM. Bluegrass Brewing Company 3929 Shelbyville Rd. 502-899-7070 660 S. 4th St. 502-568-2224 300 W. Main St. 502-562-0007 www.bbcbrew.com Louisville’s oldest and most award-winning brew pub. Cumberland Brews 1576 Bardstown Rd. www.cumberlandbrewery.com 502-458-8727 Eating Healthy Can Be Easy We offer fresh, delicious, ready to eat portion controlled meal plans. • Menu Changes Weekly • We’re Local • No Contracts • Home-delivery Option • Healthy Ingredients • All-inclusive Farm to Fork Catering www.farmtoforkfood.com 502-523-4840 Farm To Fork Catering partners with local farmers, producers, and artisans to create delicious, seasonal meals for any occasion. Home Cuisine 309-R Wallace Ave. 502-896-0666 homecuisineonline.com Home Cuisine provides fresh, delectable meals delivered to your door. The meals are ideal for dieters, busy families, or anyone who hates to cook. Taste. A Greater Louisville Catering Company 1414 S. First St. 502-322-5397 www.tastelouisville.com In a city that demands exciting food at a fair price, Taste is second to none. Contact Taste to make your wedding, private party, corporate event, shindig, or hootenanny a memorable one. Village Green 502-262-9312 www.villagegreenky.com Providing products that are produced locally and made with only seasonally fresh ingredients, while assuring that all ingredients from outside markets are certified organic and/or fair trade. 1140 Bardstown Road s highlandcoffeelouisville.com Coffee and Tea Shops Day’s Espresso and Coffee 1420 Bardstown Rd. 502-456-1170 www.dayscoffee.com Please stop by our shop for the best coffee in the Highlands! Heine Brothers’ Coffee 119 Chenoweth Ln. 502-893-5103 2714 Frankfort Ave. 502-899-5551 1295 Bardstown Rd. 502-456-5108 1449 Bardstown Rd. 502-454-5212 2200 Bardstown Rd. 502-515-0380 3060 Bardstown Rd. 502-458-7770 4305 Shelbyville Rd. 502-899-2800 1301 Herr Ln. 502-425-9199 822 Eastern Pky. 502-637-1060 805 Blankenbaker Pkwy. Ste. 101 502-618-3420 516 West Main St. 502-568-6339 462 South 4th St. 502-561-2041 4901 Brownsboro Rd. 502-425-3688 www.heinebroscoffee.com Heine Brothers’ Coffee features organic and fair trade coffees, friendly and relaxing stores and a great cup of coffee. Louisville’s neighborhood gathering place since 1994. Highland Coffee Company 1140 Bardstown Rd. 502-451-4545 www.highlandcoffee.com Since 1999. Organic fair trade coffee and espresso drinks. In-house bakery since 2004, vegan items. Louisville Tea Company 9305 New LaGrange Rd. 502-365-2516 www.louisvilleteacompany.com Over 100 different types of high quality loose-leaf tea and herbals: offering tastings, tea knowledge, in house cafe, brewed tea to go, tea-ware, and tea by the gram. homecuisineonline.com (502) 896-0666 info@homecuisineonline.com 12 Mrs. Potter’s Coffee 718 W. Main Street 502-581-1867 www.mrspotterscoffee.com Mrs. Potter’s offers coffee, espresso, loose-leaf teas, real fruit smoothies, shakes, pastries, breakfast & lunch paninis, and coffee-related merchandise. 13 Food & Drink The Wine Market 1200 Bardstown Rd. 502-451-7446 thewinemarket.net Featuring value-point wines from around the world. Come check out our new full-service cheese shop - sourcing cheeses as locally as possible. Catering Chef Maria’s Greek Deli 102 Fairfax Ave. 502-895-7075 www.chefmariasgreekdeli.com Fresh, healthy, lunch and dinner meal options to go. Dinner parties, office parties. “Watch the chef and learn” cooking classes every Wednesday at 4pm ($10.00 per person). Excellent selection of organic and fair trade coffees and espresso beverages. Delicious desserts, including vegan made in our own bakery. Free wireless with purchase. Warm, friendly atmosphere. Locally owned & operated in the Highlands since 1999. Quill’s Coffee 930 Baxter Ave. 502-742-6129 327 W. Cardinal Blvd. 137 E. Market St. New Albany quillscoffee.com Quills Coffee is an independent coffee shop located in a flavorful, historic neighborhood. Quills values premium espresso, clean aesthetic and hospitable customer service. Food & Beverage Wholesalers Bourbon Barrel Foods 1201 Story Ave. 502-333-6103 www.bourbonbarrelfoods.com A maker of gourmet foods that reflect the rich heritage of Kentucky’s bourbon country. Microbrewed soy sauce. Bourbon smoked spices. Flavored sweet sorghum. Red Hot Roasters 1402 Payne St. 502-569-0000 901 S. 4th St. (Spalding University) www.redhotroasters.com USDA certified organic drive-thru coffee roasted with love on the corner of Lexington and Payne. Open Monday thru Friday, 7am-6pm. www.redhotroasters. com for a list of retail locations. SaE Cafe 200 South 7th St., Ste. 120 502-585-3400 SaE Cafe is a new sandwich shop and coffee bar located in downtown Louisville in the Republic Plaza Building. Open M-F 7am-3pm. Sister Beans Coffee House 5225 New Cut Rd. 502-364-0082 www.sisterbeans.org In addition to coffee, Sister Bean’s also serve wraps, cakes, pastries, smoothies, and now Comfy Cow Ice Cream. Ice teas, hot teas and iced coffees are also available. Free Wi-Fi! Sunergos Coffee, Micro-Roastery & Espresso Bar 306 W. Woodlawn Ave. 502-368-2820 2122 S. Preston St. 502-634-1243 www.sunergoscoffee.com Roasting great coffees is what we do. Searching out coffees that prove their potential in the cup and are sourced through responsible and sustainable partnerships is a constant pursuit. FRIEND A FARMER EAT LOCALLY Najla’s Specialty Foods 8007 Vine Crest Ave., Ste. 3 502-412-4420 www.najlas.com Artisans of hand-crafted, all-natural, premium quality cookies, cookie dough, scones, muffins, brownies, spiced nuts, bodygood bars, vegan & gluten-free items. Grasshoppers 1501 Portland Ave. 502-708-1881 www.grasshoppersdistribution.com Louisville’s only farmer-owned distributor of all locally produced food. We work with over 70 small area farms to bring delicious, fresh food to your door. Grateful Greens 2401 Addmore Ln. Clarksville 812-725-8800 www.gratefulgreensproduce.com An urban hydroponic farm, specializing in lettuces and herbs, serving area restaurants and markets for 10 years. Heaven Hill 4500 Bowling Blvd. Ste. 300 www.heavenhill.com 502-413-0219 Founded in 1934, Bardstown, Kentucky based Heaven Hill Distilleries Inc. is the nation’s largest independent, familyowned & operated spirits producer & the world’s secondlargest holder of Kentucky Bourbon. Local Food for Local People,Year-Round • Locally grown produce (seasonal veggies and fruits) • Meats raised on pasture without prophylactic antibiotics or added hormones or steroids (beef, chicken, pork, bison, turkeys) • Cheeses - goat & cow • Dairy products from butter to milk to cream (in glass bottles, non-homogenized, and low-heat pasteurized) • and MUCH more! Choose from a variety of fresh food from over 70 local family farms and artisans in Kentucky & Southern Indiana as part of a weekly or bi-weekly grocery basket designed by you! Grocery Eastwood Market & Café www.eastwoodmarket.coop 502-322-6211 A community-owned, full-service grocery store scheduled to open Fall 2014. Foxhollow Farm Store 8905 Hwy. 329 Crestwood 502-243-4323 www.foxhollow.com Foxhollow Farm Store features onfarm raised grass fed beef, produce, eggs, and artisan pickles & preserves. Check our website for seasonal hours and events. Lotsa Pasta 3717 Lexington Rd. 502-896-6361 www.lotsapastalouisville.com Providing fresh pasta products and specialty foods in Louisville to our loyal customers since 1982. Capshew Cellars 812-406-8603 www.capshewcellars.com With 25+ years of experience, we produce our small batch vinegars the old fashioned way. Truly a “slow food” process used since ancient times by Egyptians and Greeks thousands of years ago. localfoodnow.com 14 Littledove Farm 15404 Taylorsville Rd. Fisherville 502-267-4090 www.littledovefarm.com Offering all-natural Kentucky Bluegrass Lamb, pasture-raised on a small sustainable farm for exceptional taste and tenderness. Wholesale and retail inquiries welcome. Primo Oils & Vinegars 3628 Brownsboro Rd., Ste. 102 502-895-2656 primooils.com We offer our customers a broad selection of aged balsamic vinegars and the freshest extra virgin olive oils from around the world. Rooibee Red Tea 1102 Lyndon Ln., Ste. B 502-749-0800 www.rooibeeredtea.com Rooibee Red Tea is a line of locally bottled, ready to drink, organic, red teas. Available at several LIBA member locations. Trifecta Sauce Company 203 Arterburn Dr. 502-554-4166 www.trifectasauces.com Trifecta Sauce Company is an all natural gourmet sauce manufacturer specializing in barbeque sauce with a sweet and spicy smokey tang. Food Trucks Grind www.louisvillegrind.com 502-851-7333 Grind is Louisville’s premier gourmet burger food truck in Louisville featuring a custom beef blend, ground from whole cuts of local beef. Vegetarian, vegan and gluten free options available. Johnny’s Diner Car 9302 Apple Orchard Pl. Crestwood 502-533-0263 www.johnnysdinercar.com Johnny’s Diner Car is Louisville’s newest gourmet food truck serving custom-made cheesesteak sandwiches served on local freshly baked bread. Also serving a variety of hand-cut & twice-cooked fries. Louisville Dessert Truck 1386 S. Sixth St. 502-608-7197 www.louisvilledesserttruck.com Hi Sugah! Follow the Louisville Dessert Truck for cupcakes, cookies, cake pops, brownies, ice cream, turtle sticks, pies & cakes. Menu based on the season and the Chef’s whim. Stop by for a treat! Rainbow Blossom Natural Food Market 3738 Lexington Rd. 502-896-0189 3046 Bardstown Rd. 502-498-2470 12232 Shelbyville Rd. 502-244-2022 3608 Springhurst Blvd. 502-339-5090 3003 Charlestown Crossing New Albany 812-941-0080 www.rainbowblossom.com Locally-owned natural foods market and leading educator about health and “green living.” Established in 1977, offers health and wellness products including vitamins, supplements and organic/local foods. The Root Cellar 1484 South Third St. 502-742-9670 954 E. Kentucky St. 502-618-0663 louisvillerootcellar.com The Root Cellar is a free-standing, retail produce store that sells local, farm-raised produce of all varieties, including value added products3:37 like PM LIBAad_2012.qxp 11/01/2012 meats, cheeses, dairy, eggs, honey and maple syrup. LOCAL SHOP VINT 2309 Frankfort Ave. 502-894-8060 vintcoffee.com VINT is a next-generation coffee house. What does that mean? It means we don’t just provide Louisville’s premium coffee experience, we offer exceptional service with trained baristas & delicious food. Food & Drink Nancy’s Bagel Grounds 2101 Frankfort Ave. 502-895-8323 Nancy’s Bagel Box 651 S. 4th St. 502-589-4004 www.nancysbagels.com Fresh in-store made bagels, great gourmet coffees, sandwiches, wraps, soups, salads, smoothies and homemade desserts. Breakfast, lunch & dinner. Louisville’s Neighborhood Grocery Store for over 34 Years valumarket.com 15 ValuMarket 315 Whittington Pkwy. 502-423-7110 7519 Outer Loop 502-239-7375 Iroquois Manor Shopping Ctr 502-361-9285 1250 Bardstown Rd. 502-459-2221 205 Oakbrooke Dr. Mt. Wash. 502-955-9563 First Choice Market 3044 Wilson Ave. 502-822-7725 www.valumarket.com Locally owned & operated since 1978. Great selection, great prices, great service. Shop online at www.valumarket.com. Public Utilities Louisville Water Company 550 South Third St. 502-569-3600 www.LouisvilleWater.com Louisville Water provides an abundant, safe supply of drinking water to over 850,000 people in Louisville Metro and surrounding counties. ® Restaurants The Anchorage Cafe 11505 Park Rd. Anchorage 502-708-1880 www.theanchoragecafe.com Make the Anchorage Café your next farm-to-table destination. Breakfast, lunch, a delectable array of house baked treats and a full service espresso bar; followed by evening small plates. Asiatique Restaurant 1767 Bardstown Rd. 502-451-2749 www.asiatiquerestaurant.com Asiatique is an award-winning restaurant and caterer, receiving numerous accolades for our chef, cuisine, wine list, service, ambience and catering. Austin’s Restaurant 4950 US Hwy 42 502-423-1990 www.austinslou.com Since 1990, serving homemade soups, big salads, certified angus burgers, steaks, pastas, and good comfort food. Daily and nightly features. Saturday and Sunday brunch. Party rooms. Curbside takeaway. Baby D’s Bagel and Deli 2009 Highland Ave. 502-365- DELI www.babydsdeli.com We offer a wide variety of steamed bagel sandwiches, wraps, soups, salads, and desserts that are sure to please the tastes of all. Baxter Station Bar and Grill 1201 Payne St. 502-584-1635 www.baxterstation.com Baxter Station is located in Historic Irish Hill. We serve fresh innovative cuisine and feature 24 beers on tap and 30 bottles of wine under $30. 16 Bungalow Joe’s 7813 Beulah Church Rd. 502-931-5637 Bungalow-Joes.com Family-friendly and fun. Offering a full menu in Louisville’s #1 rated sports bar. The Blackstone Grille 9521A US Hwy. 42 Prospect 502-228-6962 www.theblackstonegrille.com Featuring USDA Certified Black Angus Beef, aged a minimum of 30 days to our specifications, fresh seafoods, pastas, original appetizers, salads, sandwiches and desserts. The Blind Pig 1076 E. Washington St. 502-618-0600 www.theblindpiglouisville.com We are a gastropub located in Butchertown, specializing in house made European comfort food and old-world centric wines, innovative cocktail list, and wide reaching beer list. Blue Dog Bakery 2868 Frankfort Ave. 502-899-9800 A truly European-style cafe, we offer housemade artisan breads, pastries, sandwiches & pizza. Open Tue-Sat 7a-4p, lunch served 10:30a-2:30p. Join us for Red Hot tapas Thu-Sat nights. Bluegrass Burgers 3334 Frankfort Ave 502-614-6567 bluegrass-burgers.com A locally-owned quick casual restaurant grilling 100% KY grass fed black angus beef and KY bison. Top any sandwich or salad with our fresh local produce toppings bar. Vegan/vegetarian friendly too. BoomBozz Pizza 1448 Bardstown Rd. 502-458-8889 Westport Village 502-394-0000 3400 Frankfort Ave. 502-896-9090 12613 Taylorsville Rd. 502-261-0222 www.boombozztaphouse.com BoomBozz serves award-winning, gourmet pizza, delicious appetizers, salads & sandwiches. Bristol Bar & Grille 6501 Timber Ridge Dr. 502-292-2585 1321 Bardstown Rd. 502-456-1702 300 N. Hurstbourne Pkwy. 502-426-0627 614 W. Main St. 502-582-1995 700 W. Riverside Dr. Jeffersonville 812-218-1995 www.bristolbarandgrille.com Locally owned & operated since 1977. Five convenient locations. Serving lunch & dinner daily. Breakfast available in Jeffersonville. BustaGrill 1st & Washington 502-751-2739 www.facebook.com/bustagrill A unique twist on the traditional hot dog cart. Every Friday is Joe Pesci Friday! Located on 1st and Washington. Food & Drink Zi Olive Westport Village, 1301 Herr Ln. #157 502-365-EVOO www.ziolive.com Zi Olive provides the highest quality gourmet olive oils and balsamic vinegars from around the world. We have a large variety of flavors to choose from, and you can taste them all before you buy. Buckhead Mountain Grill 707 W. Riverside Dr. Jeffersonville 812-284-2919 3020 Bardstown Rd. 502-456-6680 www.eatatbuckheads.com A real local restaurant loved by real locals for over 15 years. Enjoy well-known comfort food favorites like homemade Pot Pie, gigantic Cheese Boulders, famous fall off the bone Ribs and so much more. Butterfly Garden Café 1327 Bardstown Rd. 502-456-4500 www.butterflygardencafe.com Charming lunch spot featuring homemade soups, salads, sandwiches, and desserts. Open Mon.-Sat. 11am-2:30pm. Private parties & catering. City Café 505 West Broadway 502-589-1797 500 South Preston (In U oF L Health Sciences campus) www.citycafelunch.com Lunch restaurant specializing in corporate catering and wedding receptions. Clifton’s Pizza 2230 Frankfort Ave. 502-893-3730 www.cliftonspizza.com With live music & great food at great prices, Clifton’s is the perfect place for a family dinner. Super casual & laid back, with a wide selection of pizzas, pasta, calzones & beer. DiOrio’s Pizza & Pub 310 Wallace Ave. 502-618-3424 919 Baxter Ave. 502-614-8424 www.facebook.com/dioriospizza Located in St. Matthews just off Lexington Rd. Locally owned and operated by 4 Louisville friends. Our mission is to serve outstanding food and drink at a fair price! Dragon King’s Daughter 1126 Bardstown Rd. 502-632-2444 www.dragonkingsdaughter.com A unique culinary fusion of Japanese and Mexican cuisine in the Highlands. Featuring a variety of local and craft beers. Earth Friends Café 829 East Market St. 502-749-8911 180 W. Spring St. (We’re in the Library) New Albany www.earthfriendscafe.com Full-service espresso bar serving organic and fairtrade coffee along with full food service focusing on vegan/vegetarian options in addition to local meat and organic produce. Eiderdown 983 Goss Ave. 502-290-2390 eiderdowngermantown.com European-inspired southern comfort food. Clear focus on local meats, cheeses, eggs and seasonal produce. 21 beers on tap. 15+ wines by the glass. Fat Jimmy’s Pizza 2712 Frankfort Ave. 502-891-4555 13829 English Villa Dr. 502-244-0840 528 S. 5th St. 502-589-8559 12216 Shelbyville Rd. 502-244-2500 www.fatjimmyspizza.com Hot food, cold drinks, friendly people, casual atmosphere. You’re gonna wanna tell your friends. The Fish-Fry House 2280 Bardstown Rd. 502-632-2583 www.fisherystation.com Louisville’s best quality seafood menu. Relaxed dine-in atmosphere with carry-out and catering services seven days a week. Family owned and operated since 1997. Fish House/Café Beignet 1310 Winter Ave. 502-568-2993 Featuring Green River Style Fish, New Orleans Beignets. Casual and family-friendly with outdoor seating. Harvest Restaurant 624 East Market St. 502-384-9090 www.harvestlouisville.com A locally grown restaurant whose mission is to provide year round rustic regional cuisine and serve as a gathering place to celebrate the farmers that grow what we eat. 17 OPEN TuesWedThurs: 4pm–10pm FriSat: 11:30am-11pm Sun: NOON-10pm Mon: CLOSED 969 CHARLES ST. thE GERMANTOWN, KY OPEN / Mon-Sat: 2pm–4am / Sun: 4pm–4am Highland Morning 1416 Bardstown Rd. 502-365-3900 www.facebook.com/highlandmorning Upscale breakfast made from scratch daily with fresh squeezed orange juice and locally roasted coffee. Also serving soups, burgers and sandwiches. Open 7 days a week. hiko-A-mon, Modern Japanese Sushi Bar & Fish Market www.hikoamon.com 1115 Herr Ln., Ste. 130 502-365-1651 hiko-A-mon Modern Japanese is located in the Westport Village. It’s the only Japanese-owned Japanese restaurant in Louisville. Hillbilly Tea 120 South 1st St. 502-587-7350 www.hillbillytea.com Trendy tea café serving up its own brand of organic tea & herb concoctions paired with wholesome farm to the table food. Appalachian-inspired comfort food. Home Run Burgers & Fries 4600 Shelbyville Rd. 502-365-3388 12949 Shelbyville Rd. 502-384-8403 2060 S. Hurstbourne Pkwy. 502-409-7004 303 W. Cardinal Blvd. 502-708-1818 www.homerunburger.com 25 free sandwich toppings. Fresh, never frozen, black angus beef. Hand-patted. Fresh cut fries. Father/daughter owned. 18 Khalil’s 10966 Dixie Hwy. 502-632-2227 www.khalilsondixie.com Join us all week long to enjoy Khalil’s relaxed, casual environment that can be shared with family and friends. La Que (Lemongrass Café) 1019 Bardstown Rd. 502-238-3981 www.louisvillediner.com/menuDetail.php?id=377 Lil Cheezers Gourmet Grilled Cheese 938 Baxter Ave. 502-409-7424 www.lilcheezers.com Lilly’s - A Kentucky Bistro 1147 Bardstown Rd. 502-451-0447 www.lillyslapeche.com A neighborhood bistro serving fresh and seasonal ingredients supported by local farmers for over 25 years. Marketplace Restaurant 651 S. Fourth St. 502-625-3001 www.theatersquaremarketplace.com Blend of Southern Style comfort food with an Italian flair & an eclectic atmosphere, featuring an upscale patio & live jazz. Perfect place to host a large event or a romantic dinner. Lunch & dinner. Meridian Café 112 Meridian Ave. 502-897-9703 www.themeridiancafe.com Fresh, unique choices for breakfast & lunch in the heart of St. Matthews. There’s nothing else like it! The Monkey Wrench 1025 Barret Ave. 502-435-4418 The Monkey Wrench on Facebook Part restaurant, sports bar, music club, & art gallery. Menu offers an array of appetizers, sandwiches, pizzas & burgers. Open Sunday for brunch buffet featuring live bluegrass music. Papalinos NY Pizzeria 947 Baxter Ave. 502-749-8525 www.papalinosnypizzeria.com Allan and John dreamed big. In 2010, the dynamicduo of Allan Rosenberg and John Browne introduced NYC Style Pizza to the Highlands... in a BIG 18” way. Forget hype, slogans, and fancy advertising. Red’s Comfort Foods 502-587-7337 Red’s Comfort Food on Facebook Every major city has a locally-owned hot dog stand serving their Downtown community. Red’s aim is filling that void in Louisville. RIVUE Restaurant & Lounge 140 N. Fourth St. 502-568-4239 www.rivue.com RIVUE brings a sophisticated dining experience to new heights with breath-taking views, a swanky room & contemporary cuisine. Featuring an ultra-modern décor and the world’s only twin revolving floor. Rocky’s Sub Pub 715 W. Riverside Dr. Jeffersonville 812-282-3844 Rocky’s Pizza & Panini 3032 Bardstown Road 502-690-8500 www.eatatrockys.com www.rockyspizzapanini.com Since 1977, featuring traditional Italian favorites, famous Pizza Pies & over 32 craft beers on tap - you can’t go wrong. Check out our newest quick service sister restaurant, Rocky’s Pizza & Panini! Shack In The Back BBQ 406 Mount Holly Rd. Fairdale 502-363-3BBQ www.shackinthebackbbq.com A place where families gather for all that is best about Kentucky barbecue! Our meat is slow smoked to perfection daily on our old-fashioned pits. Our sides are made daily in the kitchen from scratch. Simply Thai 323 Wallace Ave. www.simplythaiky.com Authentic Thai cooking at its best. 502-899-9670 Smoketown USA 1153 Logan St. 502-409-9180 www.smoketownusa.com We are a complex BBQ restaurant and vegetarian restaurant, with a medley of interesting foods and a unique, charming building. West Point 502-922-4414 Taco Punk 736 E. Market St. 502-584-8226 tacopunk.com Tacos made by hand with locally-sourced, fresh ingredients. Uptown Cafe 1624 Bardstown Rd. 502-458-4212 uptownlouisville.com Located in the heart of the historic, eclectic Highlands district (Louisville’s original restaurant row), we are a great place for a quick bite or a four course meal, whatever the occasion calls for. Wick’s Pizza Parlor & Pub 975 Baxter Ave. 502-458-1828 2927 Goose Creek Rd. 502-327-9425 12717 Shelbyville Rd. 502-213-9425 9700 Bluegrass Pkwy. 502-409-4257 225 State St. New Albany 812-945-9425 www.wickspizza.com Wicks Pizza - Best of Louisville - Est. 1991 Wild Eggs 3985 Dutchmans Lane 502-893-8005 1311 Herr Lane 502-618-2866 153 English Station Road 502-618-3449 www.wildeggs.com A fresh, contemporary breakfast, brunch and lunch restaurant. The friendly service and stellar food have made it one of Derby City’s favorite dining destinations. Open daily with three locations. Yang Kee Noodle 7900 Shelbyville Rd. 502-426-0800 (at Oxmoor Mall) www.yangkeenoodle.com Pan-Asian style restaurant concept, featuring wok-fried dishes inspired by noodle houses throughout Asia. Chef John Castro is a partner and creative force. Wineries Old 502 Winery 120 S. 10th St. 502-540-5650 old502.com Kentucky’s only Urban Winery, located on the Main/Market Trolley Route. Non-Profit Business Associations Center for Nonprofit Excellence 323 W. Broadway, Ste. 501 502-315-2673 www.cnpe.org CNPE exists to help nonprofit organizations reach their excellence through effective nonprofit business management. We do this through consultation, education, and research. East Market District Association www.eastmarketdistrict.com 502-376-5195 East Market District, also referred to as NULU, is best known for its art galleries, specialty stores, antique shops, and a growing number of local up-scale restaurants. 19 Non-Profit N N N W W W O 983 Goss Ave. O 290-2390 T T N N A A M M BaR R NacH R E Lots of Beers. Full Bar. No Smiling. E G G Food & Drink The Star Cafe 401 South St. wpstarcafe.com Food & Drink eiderdownger- m mantown.co Eiderdown Miss C’s on Chestnut 308 W. Chestnut St. 502-992-3166 www.misscskitchen.com Woman-owned restaurant, featuring our own home grown produce & local favorite recipes. Serving lunch at 308 W. Chestnut, M-F, 11am-2:30pm. Limited delivery, music every day at lunch. Eat to the beat! Family Business Center College of Business - U of L 502-852-1048 www.business.louisville.edu/fbc Family-owned businesses comprise more than 80% of all businesses. The mission of the Family Business Center is to inform, celebrate and strengthen family firms in the region. Center For Neighborhoods 610 S. 4th St., Ste. 701 502-589-0343 www.centerforneighborhoods.org Center For Neighborhoods has pursued its mission to support and empower neighborhoods to create stronger and more vital communities through civic engagement since 1972. Frankfort Avenue Business Association 2337 Frankfort Ave., Box 101 502-584-1000 www.frankfortave.com Dedicated to making Frankfort Avenue the destination for food, fun and shopping. Dreams With Wings, Inc. 1579 Bardstown Rd. 502-459-4647 www.dreamswithwings.org Empowering individuals with mental retardation and developmental disabilities as they recognize their strengths, contribute to their community and pursue their dreams. Greater Louisville Inc. 614 W. Main St., Ste. 6000 502-625-0000 www.greaterlouisville.com Greater Louisville Inc. - the Metro Chamber of Commerce offers member businesses multi-faceted networking outlets and business development resources. Highland Commerce Guild 502-235-2707 www.highlandcommerceguild.com The Highland Commerce Guild is a non-profit business association dedicated to enhancing the commercial and social climate of the Highlands. Louisville Downtown Management District 401 South 4th St., Ste. 555 502-583-1671 www.ldmd.org A business improvement district that works to promote, market, and advance the economic development, business and residential vitality of downtown Louisville. Louisville East-Middletown Chamber of Commerce 133 Evergreen Rd. #203 502-244-8086 www.middletownchamber.com An organization designed to promote & protect the local business community. Louisville Originals 215 Breckinridge Ln. Ste 205 502-635-7171 www.louisvilleoriginals.com Louisville Originals is a group dedicated to promoting the Louisville independent restaurant scene. Non-Profit Organizations American Printing House for the Blind, Inc. 1839 Frankfort Ave. 502-899-2357 www.aph.org Makes educational and daily living products for the blind and visually impaired in audio, large print, and braille formats (textbooks, menus, brochures, etc). Has production facility & history museum. 20 Kids Center for Pediatric Therapies 982 Eastern Pkwy 502-635-6397 X 128 www.kidscenterky.org We provide outpatient speech, physical & occupational therapies to children with developmental diagnoses such as cerebral palsy, autism, down syndrome, etc. We see the ability in disability. Louisville Grows, Inc. www.louisvillegrows.org 502-435-4065 Louisville Grows promotes the well-being of local communities by fostering sustainable living and lasting community partnerships through education, leadership, and the coordination of resources. Louisville Visual Arts Association 609 W. Main St., 2nd Floor 502-584-8166 www.louisvillevisualart.org A catalyst for education and participation in the visual arts. LVAA engages artists and audiences through an energetic agenda of education, community outreach, artist support and exhibitions. Scott F. Nussbaum Antiques 2036 Frankfort Ave. 502-894-9292 www.nussbaumantiques.com Since 1972, antiques and fine art bought, sold and appraised. Appliances, TVs and Electronics Charlie Wilson’s Appliance & TV 202 E. Market St. 502-583-0604 www.charliewilsons.com We are Louisville’s largest independent retailer of major appliances and televisions. We are locally and family owned and have been serving our customers since 1953. The Trend Companies of Kentucky 11216 Decimal Dr. 502-267-8313 www.thetrend.com Louisville’s only appliance and electronics company who uses employees for all delivery, installation, and service—no sub-contractors. From beginning to end, you only deal with Trend employees. Art Galleries Edenside Gallery 1422 Bardstown Rd. 502-459-2787 www.edensidegallery.com Edenside offers an eclectic collection of art, craft, and jewelry. Winner of 10 Best of Louisville Awards. Open daily 10am-6pm. Flame Run Glass Studio & Gallery 815 W. Market St. 502-584-5353 www.flamerun.com The largest privately-owned glass studio in this section of the country. Includes the only gallery dedicated to contemporary glass art in Kentucky. 502-689-0804 The Green Building Gallery 732 E. Market St. 502-561-1162 thegreenbuilding.com Contemporary art gallery in the heart of NuLu. (Hours: Mon.-Thu. 9am-5pm, Fri. 9am-10pm, Sat. 10am-10pm) Wellspring 502-637-4361 www.wellspringky.org Providing housing and supportive services for adults with severe mental illness. We make mental health recovery a reality! Koch and Company 10970 Dixie Highway 502-618-4069 www.kochandcompany.com Featuring local artists and a custom frame shop. Now offering art classes for every age and talent level: join us for fun and frolicking and laughter by enjoying creativity at its highest level. Paws with Purpose www.pawswithpurpose.org Service dog placements. AWARDS E D I S N EDE Y R E L L GA ARTt LRY JEWE tGIF TS 1422 BARDSTOWN RD 459-2787 OPEN DAILY E D E N S I D E G A L L E R Y . C O M Mellwood Art Center 1860 Mellwood Ave. 502-895-3650 www.mellwoodartcenter.com Groundbreaking 360,000 sq. ft. complex of galleries, retail shops, cafés, open view artist studios and 3 spacious special event rooms for your social/ business events. Free admission & parking. Revelry Boutique Gallery 980 Barret Avenue 502-414-1ART www.revelrygallery.com A unique boutique and gallery offering accessible original art and inspired goods in the heart of the Highlands. Swanson Reed Galleries 638 E. Market St. 502-589-5466 www.swansonreedgallery.com Showcasing contemporary fine art, new media & installation. Art Supplies & Classes Clifton Art Supply 2005-B Frankfort Ave. 502-632-1384 www.spot5artstudio.com Spot 5 Art Studio and its companion, Clifton Art Supply provide quality instruction and materials in visual arts. Dee’s Crafts 5045 Shelbyville Rd. 502-896-6755 www.deescrafts.com Dee’s is a local, family-owned business that’s the ultimate resource for creativity for home, fashion, design & hobbies. 21 Retail Louisville East Chamber of Commerce 515 Wood Rd. 502-339-9115 www.lou-e.org The Louisville East Chamber of Commerce promotes the growth & development of businesses in our community. We host monthly meetings, networking events, community projects & more. Home Builders Association Of Louisville 1000 N. Hurstbourne Pkwy. 502-429-6000 www.hbal.com Professional trade association serving the construction industry of the Louisville area. Serves as a reference for consumers looking for reputable builders, remodelers, sub-contractors and suppliers. Renaissance By Design 544 Baxter Avenue 502-585-5727 www.renaissancebydesign.com Antiques, art, home and garden décor, jewelry and gift items. Home of MLS Estate Sales and Interior Design. Visit our website for all our services. TEN Best of Louisville Non-Profit Kentucky Chamber of Commerce www.kychamber.com 502-415-0208 Harbor House of Louisville 2231 Lower Hunters Trace 502-719-0072 x520 Harbor House Respite House 1832 Lower Hunters Trace www.hhlou.org Empowering individuals with disabilities and their families to lead fulfilled and productive lives. Retail Antiques Crescent Hill Trading Company 2720 Frankfort Ave. 502-896-6110 www.crescenthilltradingco.com Crescent Hill Trading Company is a “re-sale” shop with furniture, vintage jewelry, collectibles, household items, lamps, architectural salvage, and collectibles. Bedding Bowles Mattress Co. 3545 Springhurst Blvd. 502-425-4181 9154 Taylorsville Rd. 502-499-9595 8655 Preston Hwy. 502-966-0096 4235 Cane Run Rd. 502-449-0404 1220 Watt St. Jeffersonville 812-228-8614 www.bowlesmattress.com Produced in Jeffersonville since 1975, Bowles Mattress offers exceptional quality at factory prices. When you sleep on a Bowles Mattress, you rest easy. Paintn’ Party www.paintnpartying.com 502-821-9772 Painting Parties at your location. We bring everything you need - canvas, easels, paint, brushes - you bring an open mind and your friends, family or co-workers. Auto Sales (Pre-Owned) & Finance Andy’s Auto Sales 4209 Bardstown Rd. 502-491-3400 www.teamauto.biz Auto sales and service. We finance, either prime or subprime. Our vehicles are serviced and under warranty. Schrodt Art Studio 4014 Dutchmans Ln., Ste. 13 502-893-2842 www.schrodtart.com Established in 1975, Schrodt Art Studio offers a practical approach to oil painting, using proven, teachable methods suitable for beginners and advanced students alike. Metro Motors 4125 South 3rd St. 502-361-0131 www.mymetromotors.com Over 25 years of quality pre-owned auto sales, service, and financing. Proud members of the Better Business Bureau. Call us today. Create Your Own Season! Beer & Wine Making Supply My Old Kentucky Homebrew 361 Baxter Ave. 502-589-3434 www.myoldkentuckyhomebrew.com A local shop for all beer and wine making ingredients and equipment. Classes offered. Bicycle Sales & Service Bike Couriers Bike Shop 2132 Frankfort Ave. 502-259-9000 107 W. Market St. 502-583-2232 2833 S. Fourth St. 502-635-2900 www.bikecourier.org Serving UofL, Downtown, Clifton and Churchill. Louisville’s Urban Bike Shop and LEO Readers’ First Choice Bike Shop. Parkside Bikes 1377 Bardstown Rd. 502-384-0668 www.parksidebikes.com We sell and service new, used and trade-in bicycles. Billiards & Home Entertainment Steepleton Co. 282 N. Hubbards Ln. 502-897-7665 www.steepleton.com Since 1910, billiard tables custom built. 10,000 square foot retail store. Hot tubs, redwood swing sets, basketball goals, bar stools, custom furniture. The Book Attic 8659 Preston Hwy. 502-962-6808 bookattic.weebly.com Louisville’s only south end independent bookstore. We offer many books and crafts by local artists. Over 20,000 new and used book titles in stock. Carmichael’s Bookstore 2720 Frankfort Ave. 502-896-6950 1295 Bardstown Rd. 502-456-6950 www.carmichaelsbookstore.com Louisville’s oldest independent bookstore was named 2009 Bookseller of the Year by Publisher’s Weekly. Its two locations have served the reading community for more than 31 years. Gray’s College Bookstore 1404 S. Shelby St. 502-634-1708 Main Store: 1915 S. 4th St. graysbooks.com/uofl College bookstore offering unsurpassed customer service to UofL students and the community for more than 25 years. Breastfeeding & Breast Pumps Babyology 3934 Dutchmans Lane 502-721-7727 9815 Brownsboro Rd. 502-339-2742 www.babyology.com Offering services and products for the expectant & new parent. We offer nursing bras, sales and rental breast pumps, baby carriers, classes, lactation consultations, and more! Clothing & Apparel Black Salt 1507-B Bardstown Rd. 502-230-1280 blacksaltlouisville.com High concept men’s & women’s clothing and shoes from labels UNIF, Jeffrey Campbell, Evil Twin, Funktional, Kill City, Kai Aaakmann, 80%20, J Shoes, Gola, as well as products from TokyoMilk. Follow Dee’s on Pinterest @ pinterest.com/deesgirls for inspiration and ideas. One Card. Endless Perks. 5045 Shelbyville Rd. 502-896-6755 Join us online at deescrafts.com 22 23 Retail The ultimate resource in creativity for home, fashion, design & crafts – no matter what the season! Louisville Bedding Company 10400 Bunsen Way 502-495-5397 www.loubed.com Since 1889, Louisville Bedding Company has been locally manufacturing, supporting the local economy, creating local jobs and improving sleep. Bookstores A Reader’s Corner Bookstore 2044 Frankfort Ave. 502-897-5578 areaderscorner.com Full-service used and new bookstore. Most new books discounted 20%. Why pay full price? “Remainders”/sale books by Harvey! Former buyer for Hawley-Cooke. Dot Fox 1567 Bardstown Rd. 502-452-9191 www.dotfoxclothingculture.com We carry a wide selection of progressive and independent lines of men’s and women’s clothing, shoes and accessories - plus, an abundance of ridiculously fantastic kitsch. Evolve Consignments 2416 Frankfort Ave. 502-690-6655 www.evolveconsignments.com Men’s designer clothing and accessories. 1295 Bardstown Road 2720 Frankfort Avenue In the heart of the Highlands Located in Crescent Hill Louisville, KY 40204 502-456-6950 Sunday-Thursday 8am to 10pm Friday & Saturday 8am to 11pm Louisville, KY 40206 502-896-6950 Open 7 days a week 9am to 9pm Wedding Gowns of Distinction, Bridesmaids, Mothers and Wedding Gowns of Distinction, every accessory The Hanger 2005 Bonnycastle Ave. 859-866-6343 imaginable! Find us on Facebook. General Eccentric 1600 Bardstown Rd. 502-639-7687 www.geneccentric.com A fun, friendly, affordable boutique. In the Highlands since April 2000. Receiving new shipments of the latest women’s clothing and accessories weekly. Bridesmaids, Mothers and every The Ladies Room Boutique 1042 Bardstown Rd. 502-243-5244 www.shopladiesroom.com A place where women can consign and purchase quality used clothes in a clean and relaxing environment. We pride ourselves on providing outstanding customer service. accessory Imaginable! www.carmichaelsbookstore.com Bourbon Built 2169 Sherwood Ave. #2 502-718-0558 www.bourbonbuilt.com Dry Goods for Wet Counties. Bourbon Built celebrates the heritage of bourbon, the once and future Louisville, and a Kentucky as rugged as it is beautiful. CARGO 2123 Frankfort Ave. 502-690-2405 www.facebook.com/cargokentucky Lifestyle specialty store dedicated to offering distinct women’s apparel, jewelry, accessories, shoes, and eclectic housewares for the individualist. without d r a w r fo fashion ding a fortune spen Catherine’s Legacy 181 Sears Ave. 502-896-6713 www.catherineslegacy.com Catherine’s Legacy: your cure for the common clothes. We are dedicated to providing an approachable retail atmosphere with an emphasis on customer service, along with reasonable prices, quality merchandise, convenience and variety. dirty tease 1551 Bardstown Rd. 502-637-4601 www.dirtytease.net Dirty Tease is an awesome t-shirt shop where you can have a one of a kind custom tee designed and made while you wait. Not only can we design a single shirt, we can do bulk orders too! 24 Please see our website for more details. The Nitty Gritty 996 Barret Ave. 502-583-3377 nittygrittyvintage.com Two floors of vintage clothing for men & women. Specializing in decade costuming from the 20s-80s. Buying & selling 7 days a week. Olivia & Co. 4903 Brownsboro Rd. 502-426-4046 www.oliviaandcompanyboutique.com We dress women from head to toe. We carry special occasion gowns, casual dress clothing, handbags, costume jewelry, handbags, cocktail bags and shoes. Hours Mon–Sat 10–5 pm Thurs 10–8 pm 502.895.3711 150 Chenoweth Lane Retail Bridal Suite of Louisville 9948 Linn Station Rd. 502-244-2909 www.thebridalsuiteoflouisville.com Bridal Suite of Louisville, “A Beautifully Unique, Bridal Boutique!” Bring us your Bring us your inspiration,inspiration and and let us help you let us help you find the gown find the gown Margaret’s Consignment 2700 Frankfort Ave. 502-896-4706 of your dreams margaretsconsignment.com of your dreams Leatherhead Shop 1601 Bardstown Rd. 502-451-4477 www.theleatherhead.com Since 1967, our shop has had a reputation for selling the highest quality leather merchandise, from bags, belts, outerwear, Lucchese boots, historical leather items including saddlery & leather goods. Peacock Boutique 2828 Frankfort Ave. 502-897-1158 www.shopthepeacock.com Peacock features fashion forward designers not carried elsewhere in Louisville including Jay Godfrey, See by Chloe, Paul & Joe and Catherine Malandrino. 9948 Linn Station Rd, in the Plainview Village Center Louisville, KY 40233 (502) 244-2909 www.thebridalsuiteoflouisville.com 25 Pink Julep Boutique 3935 Chenoweth Square 502-895-4155 www.pinkjulep.com Pink Julep Boutique features unique women’s clothing, jewelry and accessories at affordable prices. Rodeo Drive 2212c Holiday Manor Center 502-425-8999 www.rodeodrivelouisville.com Louisville’s best women’s boutique. Locally owned and operated since 1993. Sportswear, evening wear, accessories, shoes & handbags. Rodes For Him For Her 4938 Brownsboro Rd. 502-753-1061 www.rodes.com Rodes offers a unique shopping experience that will provide you with closet makeovers, custom alterations, ordering, and the finest clothing available. Sassy Fox Upscale Consignment 150 Chenoweth Ln. 502-895-3711 Find us on Facebook. We carry a well-edited selection of women’s name brand and boutique/designer clothing and accessories ranging from casual to formal in sizes 0-18w as well as maternity. Shaheen’s Department Store 994 Breckenridge Ln. 502-899-1550 2604 Portland Ave. 502-778-9741 4511 Outer Loop 502-964-3391 www.shaheens.com Founded in 1922, Shaheen’s is Louisville’s largest boutique. We specialize in school uniforms, Carhartt, chef apparel, and tons of fashion. Celebrating 90 years in Louisville Construction and Remodeling iCarpetiles.com, Inc. 3320 Gilmore Industrial Blvd. 502-417-0993 iCarpetiles.com Men’s & Women’s Resale Boutique 1608 Bardstown Road (502) 454-8181 shopurbanattic.com Open Mon. - Sat. 11-7 Sunday 1-5 The Tangerine Closet 2359 Frankfort Ave. 502-742-7622 www.thetangerinecloset.com Fun and affordable fashion - a wide variety of women’s clothing, jewelry and accessories. Urban Attic 1608 Bardstown Rd. #2 502-454-8181 www.shopurbanattic.com Urban Attic is a men’s and women’s resale boutique, specializing in contemporary and vintage, clothing and accessories. Urban Kitty Consignment Boutique 2638 Frankfort Ave. 502-893-1950 Urban Attic is a men’s and women’s resale boutique, specializing in contemporary and vintage, clothing and accessories. Yapok Designs www.bellybuttonshirts.com 502-475-2166 We design and sell funny t-shirts for the entire family. Our most popular line is our Belly Button Shirts. • School uniforms • Work clothes by Carhartt and Dickies • Embroidery and screen printing • Chef Apparel The Springs Store 994 Breckenridge Lane • 502-899-1550 The Portland Store 2604 Portland Ave. • 502-778-9741 The Festival Store 4511 Outer Loop • 502-964-3391 www.shaheens.com 26 Role of the Die 1950 Bonnycastle Ave. 502-409-6552 www.roleofthedie.net Role of the Die is the best in comics, gaming and more! Comics and gaming isn’t just our hobby, it’s our business. Offering comics, Magic The Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons, Warhammer and plenty more. Computer Equipment Simtechs.com 1030 W. Main St. 502-569-2900 www.simtechs.com At Simtechs you will find a variety of computer parts, recycled computers, and more. We also offer repair services. Family-owned & operated since 1996. Lion Flower Soap Company 2716 1/2 Frankfort Ave. 502-338-4080 www.lionflowersoapcompany.com Lion Flower Soap Company is an all natural, handmade soap and body shop. We use only the highest quality butters, oils, & vitamins. Just our way of “Helping Mother Nature Smile.” Perfume Plus, Inc. Mall St. Matthews (5000 Shelbyville Rd.) www.perfumeplusonline.com 502-894-8699 Perfume Plus specializes in discounted perfumes and colognes for women and men. We only sell authentic designer fragrances. We carry many discontinued scents alongside today’s most popular ones. Costume Shops Caufield’s Novelty 1006 West Main St. 502-583-0636 www.caufields.com Caufield’s is a fun-filled novelty shop in business since 1920. We have costumes, masks, makeup, party supplies, magic, gags, etc. If it’s unusual, Caufield’s has it! Earth Friendly Products Amazing Green Planet 1301 Herr Ln. #117 502-290-1358 www.amazinggreenplanet.com We are a green retail store committed to helping our community make a difference. EarthyBrowns Natural Products 1214 South Brook St. 502-777-5293 www.earthybrowns.com Beekeeper offering 100% natural products that are KY Proud Certified. Beeswax lip and hand balms, organic olive oil soaps, shaving soaps and handmade badger shaving brushes. Florists Boston’s Floral 735 E. Broadway 502-618-2415 www.bostonsfloral.com Offering an unusual assortment of fresh flowers for delivery & pick up at our retail location, as well as a Floral CSA Program. Daily delivery service to Louisville areas, as well as southern Indiana. The Floral Grind Florist & Coffeehouse 10700 W. Manslick Rd. Fairdale 502-367-8523 www.facebook.com/TheFloralGrindFloristCoffeehouse Not only are we a locally owned florist, but we are also a coffee shop! Stop in for a beautiful fresh bouquet and get a delicious latte while you wait. We also serve home-made lunches! Nanz & Kraft Florists 141 Breckenridge Ln. www.nanzkraft.com Retail floral & gift shop. 502-897-6551 Schulz’s Florist 947 Eastern Pkwy. 502-635-8787 www.schulzsflorist.com Established in 1873, we’re the small local florist with the big heart… we make the unusual affordable! Furnishings & Home Accessories 2023 2023 Frankfort Ave. 502-899-9872 the2000block.com/shop/2023 2023 has been buying and selling mid-century modern furniture and accessories since 1996. There’s also an extensive collection of vintage costume jewelry, handbags and clothing. Peace of the Earth 801 E. Market St. 502-690-5707 www.peaceoftheearth.com Located in Nulu, we offer eco-friendly gifts, jewelry, children’s items, and home decor. The store also features our own line of natural bath and body products made by hand in our shop. Amish Hills Furniture 1001 Breckenridge Ln., Ste. 113 502-893-8100 www.amishhills.com Amish Hills Furniture - offering custom-made solid wood furniture. Flags, Flagpoles and Banners Walker Flags www.walkerflags.com 502-366-6516 Unique, woman-owned small family business in South End of Louisville since 1960, selling USA, foreign, regional, military, custom flags and banners, flagpoles and accessories. 270-929-2126 Bare Elephant Available online or at Revelry and Urban Attic www.bareelephant.com Bare Elephant turns recycled wine bottles into hand poured soy candles, pendant lights, chandeliers, and other various works of art. 27 Retail Comics & Gaming The Louisville Game Shop 925 Baxter Ave. 502-456-2734 www.thelouisvillegameshop.com Louisville’s best source for board games, role-playing games, and other hobby games. Cosmetics & Fragrances Eastwood Naturals 16201 Eastwood Cut Off Rd. 502-290-7777 www.eastwoodnaturals.com Eastwood Naturals is an all-natural bath and body shop. All our products are made in our shop using the finest natural ingredients. We carry soaps, body lotions, lip balms, bath salts and a lot more. Flea Market Vendors’ Village 10437 Dixie Highway 502-933-6373 www.vendorsvillage.com We offer a wonderful assortment of unique products not found in most stores. An array of one of kind items. Merridian Home Furnishings 4660 Shelbyville Rd. 502-895-3151 www.merridian.com Casual, comfortable, unique home furnishings from around the world. Handcrafted for the Ages A Stunning Variety of Solid Wood Furniture Locally-owned business since 2002 Made in the USA 1001 Breckenridge Lane (502) 893-8100 www.amishhills.com Oak, Cherry, Walnut, Maple, Hickory, & Quarter-sawn Oak Rellek Fine Consignment 817 East Market St. 502-365-4222 Find us on Facebook. Rellek Fine Consignment and Retail Store is located in the NULU district. We specialize in unique, gently used items for the home. We also feature local artists. Showroom Hours: Mon.- Sat., 10am-7pm; Sun., 1-5pm CABAÑAS HOUSE Louisville Resale Visit us and the many vendors at the Consignments Plus 20,000 sq. ft. facility! (in Fern Creek, 5622 Bardstown Rd) (502) 231-6155 LIBA LOUISVILLE INDEPENDENT BUSINESS ALLIANCE www.facebook.com/louisvilleresale Cabañas House, Louisville Resale 5622 Bardstown Rd., at Consignments Plus 502-231-6155 www.facebook.com/louisvilleresale We are a resale shop for the home, offering unique, quality items. Come find our booth at Consignments Plus! Daniel Chaffin Furniture Makers 804 East Broadway 502-582-3368 www.danielchaffin.com DCFM works in renewable wood using craft skills both thousands of years old and brand new. We primarily build furniture but do accept a limited number of architectural pieces annually. Quality Consignment Furniture 28 eyedia, design it again 1631 Mellwood Ave. 502-540-4940 www.eyediashop.com A unique consignment store with 7,000 square feet of home furnishings, accessories, gifts and the most effective cleaning products. Kiddie Kastle - Baby & Children’s Furniture 4600 Shelbyville Rd. 502-895-1648 www.kiddiekastle.com Since 1948, we’ve offered quality, affordable nursery & children’s furniture, gliders, custom bedding, strollers, high chairs, unique birthday & shower gifts, registries & gift certificates too. Scout 742 East Market St. 502-584-8989 www.scoutonmarket.com Scout is a modern eclectic mix of furniture, home accessories, artwork, lighting, jewelry, and giftware. YesterNook 1041 Goss Ave. 502-690-4572 YesterNook carries antiques, primitives, vintage, retro and modern furnitures, accessories and collectibles. All priced affordably. 1041 Goss Avenue 502-690-4572 Affordable antiques, vintage, modern furniture and accessories. Retail Charlotte’s Web 4175 Lyndon Way 502-719-4444 www.charlotteswebstore.com Charlotte’s Web is the original and largest furniture consignment shop in St. Matthews, since 1998. We have endless possibilites for your home. Revolver Home Furnishings & Accessories 707 East Market Street 502-468-6130 www.revolverlouisville.com Revolver offers fine home accessories, furniture, art and gifts in an invitingly intimate storefront space in the heart of the East Market/NULU district in Louisville, Kentucky. Garden Centers Frank Otte Nursery of Jeffersontown 9316 Taylorsville Rd. 502-267-8888 www.frankottegroup.com Our goal is to provide quality plant materials & proficient landscape services by informed horticulturalist & staff. We are ever increasing our selection of quality garden gifts & accessories. The Plant Kingdom 4101 Westport Rd. 502-893-7333 www.plantkingdom.net The Plant Kingdom is a family owned garden center in the heart of St. Matthews. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing all of your retail garden center and professional landscaping needs. 29 CELEBRATIONS LOGOS 01 - FOR USE ON WHITE BACKGROUNDS GROW YOUR KNOWLEDGE For easy how-to videos on a variety of gardening topics, visit us at wallitsch.net Let us help you become a garden expert. CELEBRATIONS LOGOS 01 - FOR USE ON WHITE BACKGROUNDS revised 6/18/07 502.454.3553 • wallitsch.net • 2608 Hikes Lane 5429WN 4.5x3.75 LIBA Ad.indd 1 For over 45 years we have been the choice for gardening and landscaping expertise. Block Party Handmade Boutique 560 South Fourth St. 502-589-1133 www.blockpartyhandmade.com Cooperative boutique featuring art, jewelry, sweets, accessories, and gifts, as well as art and craft workshops all made and taught by local artists and makers! Stationery Invitations CarrieCards B. VanWinkle, Greeting Financial Advisor Jewelry Women’s Accessories Home Fragrance Custom Framing Come and see why we were voted Louisville’s best Stationery Store for 2012. 502.475.3805 3632 Brownsboro Road 502-894-9590 www.JustMoneyAdvisors.com 536 South Fourth Street 502-561-8333 www.celebrations-ky.com schedule@kentuckianareporters.com Celebrations 3632 Brownsboro Rd. 502-894-9590 536 S. Fourth St. 502-561-8333 www.celebrations-ky.com For nineteen years, Celebrations has provided Louisville with beautiful stationery, unique gifts and fabulous greeting cards. Now we also offer expert custom framing. Celia’s at Mellwood 1860 Mellwood Ave. 502-767-2222 www.celiasmithcrafted.com Celia’s Gifts at the Mellwood Arts Center is where you can find great items for gift giving, decorating & designing. There is something for everyone to satisfy that urge for beauty, whimsy & more! Consider Boutique 1013 Bardstown Rd. 502-409-6300 www.ConsiderBoutique.com A boutique of all handmade and handcrafted items from jewelry, to gifts, to fine art. GiftCertificatesAmerica.com 502-457-5214 www.yourgca.com One gift certificate accepted at hundreds of local stores and restaurants! No fee and only 75 cents postage per gift certificate. Don’t guess what they want… let them choose! 30 31 Celebrations_ad.indd 1 5/7/13 11:37 PM Retail Gifts & Gift Shops A Taste of Kentucky 11770 Shelbyville Rd. 502-244-3355 Aegon Center 502-566-4554 Mall St. Matthews 502-895-2733 www.atasteofky.com Discover the best that Kentucky offers in foods, books, art, candies, gift baskets and more. Great for friends & customers. Nationwide shipping. Black Dog Candles 178 North State St. 502-639-7687 www.blackdogcandles.com Handmade, individually poured soy wax candles with cotton core wicks in over 40 scents. A portion of ALL proceeds are donated to local animal shelters. 9316 Taylorsville Road Louisville, KY 40299 502.267.8888 Cartwheels Papers And Gifts 3919 Chenoweth Square 502-895-1800 Unique gift and stationery shop located at Chenoweth Square in the heart of historic St. Matthews. Wallitsch Garden Center 2608 Hikes Ln. 502-454-3553 www.wallitsch.net 4/19/13 9:07 AM Dedicated to the success of do-it-yourself gardeners. We offer an amazing selection, & take pride in growing many of our annuals & vegetables here on our 10-acre property in the heart of Hikes Point. Come see what you’ve been missing... South Bayly Boutique 107 S Bayly Ave. 502-893-1939 www.sbaylyboutique.com Open Tuesday-Saturday 11am-6pm Gifthorse 805 East Market St. 502-681-5576 554 S. Fourth St. Gifthorse-shop.com Local boutique featuring artisan-made and handselected pieces from clothing, accessories, jewelry, millinery, and bags, to items for the home. Custom work available. NO OFFIW AN ROA C IAL AT T R D S I D E A CT I ON! Historic Locust Grove 561 Blankenbaker Lane 502-897-9845 www.locustgrove.org Locust Grove Museum Store features a unique blend of Kentucky crafts and items related to the Revolutionary War, Pioneer Kentucky, and Early America. I Used To Be Cool 502-744-5903 www.iusedtobecool.com Cool shirts, bumper stickers, can huggers and more. Kids and baby shirts, too. Give the funniest gift at the party! Kentucky Science Center 727 W. Main St. 502-561-6100 www.kysciencecenter.org The Kentucky Science Center features over 120 interactive exhibits and a four-story Imax theatre. Visit our gift shop, where purchases support our educational programs. Lele’s Boutique 10624 W. Manslick Rd. Fairdale 502-368-3772 www.lelesboutique.com Lele’s Boutique specializes in personalization. We also offer jewelry, accessories, baby items, soy lotion candles and much more! 32 Come visit us at Butchertown Market 1201 Story Avenue Louisville Ky 40206 As well as our NEW location in historic Middletown! 11601 Main Street Louisville, KY 40243 502- 365-3405 www.mosshill.net 33 6KRSORFDO6KRSVKRSJLUO] Only In Louisville: LIBA Member Profile 9HUD%UDGOH\*ROG6WRUH 6RXWK(QJOLVK6WDWLRQ5RDG /RXLVYLOOH.< +RXUV 0RQ)UL 6DW 6XQ7KDQNVJLYLQJWR&KULVWPDV 7UDSS&DQGOHV%HDWUL]%DOO &UDQH6WDWLRQHU\+RVWHVV*LIWV %DE\*LIWV-HZHOU\ %HOWV$FFHVVRULHVDQGPRUH 9LVLWXVRQ)DFHERRN ZZZIDFHERRNFRP7KH6KRS*LUO] 6FDQWRMRLQRXU PDLOLQJOLVWDQGUHFHLYHD FRXSRQ *LIWVIRU*LUO]RIDOO$JHV/DUJHVW6HOHFWLRQRI9HUD%UDGOH\LQ/RXLVYLOOH Lexie’s Trading Post 2224 Frankfort Ave. 502-365-4438 LexiesTradingPost.com We offer our own quality family skin care line manufactured right here in Louisville! Also, stop by for whimsical & unique gift selections for any occasion. *Open late on F.A.T. Friday Trolley Hops.* The Louisville Company 712 S. Barbee Way 502-777-0790 www.thelouisvillecompany.com TLC creates Louisville-themed products for sale to the public and for fundraising use by Louisville charitable groups. Products and projects that “Light Up Your Louisville”! Moss Hill Bath & Body Collection 1201 Story Ave., Ste. 111 502-365-3405 www.mosshill.net Handmade bath and body products that make the perfect gift. Regalo 982 Barret Ave. 502-583-1798 3rd floor, West Tower of the Galt House 502-561-4024 562 S. Fourth St. regaloart.com An eclectic mix of unique gifts, one-of-a-kind jewelry and accessories, contemporary decor and fine art: all of this in a fun, vibrant atmosphere at very resonable prices. Renaissance By Design 544 Baxter Avenue 502-585-5727 www.renaissancebydesign.com Antiques, art, home and garden décor, jewelry and gift items. Home of MLS Estate Sales and Interior Design. Visit our website for all our services. ShopGirlz @ Landis Lakes TowneCenter 125 South English Station Rd. 502-409-7464 www.theshopgirlz.com ShopGirlz carries gifts for girlz of all ages and has the largest selection of Vera Bradley in the Louisville area! Sister Dragonfly Gallery 2021 Frankfort Ave. 502-899-7625 Funky, artistic clothing, jewelry, and folk art from local and international artists. Wonderful collection of greeting cards, books, and unique gifts. Featured in Southern Living magazine twice. 34 South Bayly Boutique 107 S. Bayly Ave. 502-893-1939 www.sbaylyboutique.com Wide range of art, jewelry & gifts for a wide range of people. Lots of local art. Small store that prides itself in knowing our neighbors & representing arts & crafts in an affordable atmosphere. Taylored Laser Creations, Inc. 4221 Dana Rd. Crestwood 502-471-6385 www.tayloredlasercreations.com Family-owned & operated laser engraving & design company. Creating gifts for special memories. Wedding, baby, celebrating heritage, awards, school fundraising, signs, engraving personal items & MORE! WHY Louisville 1583 Bardstown Rd. 502-456-5400 www.whylouisville.com WHY Louisville is an independently owned store that carries shirts and clothing designed by local artists as well as unique gifts including jewelry, books, housewares, toys and stickers. Work the Metal 1201 Story Ave. 502-584-2841 www.workthemetal.com Work the Metal is a unique mix of jewelry, home accessories, furniture, drapery and more for today’s modern lifestyle. The Floor Store It’s not terribly unusual to imagine people in, say, the flooring business dreaming of doing something less strenuous someday, like becoming a teacher— but John Glaser went to Bellarmine University and worked as a schoolteacher before making the switch. “I went to work one summer for a guy who imported flooring, and that started me in it,” says John, 64. He quickly rose through the ranks as sales manager, creating a national sales force for all things beneath his feet before founding The Floor Store in 1979. As a kid, John’s son Matthew, 32, learned quite a bit about hard work from the former teacher. “I grew up with the store and flooring,” Matthew says. “When I wanted to earn money to buy my first Nintendo, I had to come down and clean toilets.” Matthew studied international marketing at Indiana University Southeast, but even as a student he had one foot in the family business—he cleaned carpets, not toilets—and after graduation he took a full-time position as a sales manager. “I didn’t expect this at all,” Matthew says. “I was thinking of a career in the import/export business—I started a small product acquisition company in Southeast Asia when I was in my twenties—but now I’m working all aspects of the flooring company and I’m really into that.” From tile to laminate to hardwood to carpeting, the Glasers have Louisvillians’ flooring needs, well, covered. Matthew’s brother, Patrick, 25, works as an installer (“He’s paying his dues right now,” says his dad), and John still does most of the measuring. John says that installation is for “young people with good muscles and strong legs,” but he refuses to let anyone coast. “We’ve all been known to get on the forklift and unload trucks and do whatever it takes.” Adds Matthew: “We’re like all small businesses. We wear all sorts of hats and we don’t sit behind our desks. We get out there and work.” And The Floor Store’s nine-person staff of installers, refinishers, designers and salespeople all get out there and work—and John is very aware of the responsibilities that come with working independently for the people of Louisville. “We’re more than competitive,” he says of the shop, which is one of a network of independent businesses that leverage their buying power to negotiate prices that undercut the big guy. Matt says, “My dad started the business to help small guys out and keep money in Louisville. We just want to share that with the local community.” The Glasers also share their expertise. If someone is thinking about getting some new flooring, John says, “Hopefully they’ll invite us into their home. We’ll do the measuring for free. We give free samples out and bring them out. They get designer advice. And then hopefully we’ll get them in the store to show them the big samples.” Unlike the competition, the family has decades of know-how honed by real-world experience. At the other places, John says, “You might get a guy who sells blinds or cabinets and five other things. We sell flooring and that’s all we want to do. We know how to guide people to the right flooring for their needs, like carpeting in the bedroom or hardwood or good-wearing carpet in the family room, where everyone lives. We do it all—new, old construction, sanding, refinishing.” “If it’s inside and you’re walking on it, we sell it,” says Matthew. “Everything but clean it,” adds John. Apparently there still are some ground rules. Eve Lee, Lee Copywriting & Editing www.leecopywriting.com The Floor Store is at 1231 S. Shelby St. Ph: 502-634-9632 www.thefloorstoreky.com 35 Handbags and Accessories GRACESHIP 1201 Story Ave., Ste. 213 866-796-2231 www.thegraceship.com GRACESHIP is an emerging Louisville-based company that provides luxury, high fashion laptop bags. The concept behind the brand is a “laptop purse”. Each bag is design by Emily using vegan leather. Hardware Brownsboro Hardware & Paint 4858 Brownsboro Rd. 502-897-1591 www.brownsborohardware.com We are a full service hardware/paint store, serving the East End since 1960. The largest Weber Grill retailer in Kentuckiana. Open 7 days a week! The Floor Store 1231 S. Shelby St. 502-634-9632 www.thefloorstoreky.com Locally owned and operated since 1979, we sell and install all things flooring related. We give free estimates and offer one-on-one service and design assistance. The Flooring Gallery 2208 Plantside Dr. 502-964-3338 (Visit our website for locations) www.theflooringgallery.com Locally-owned, full-service flooring company providing brand name hardwood, carpet, laminate, ceramic, vinyl, bamboo & cork. Our well-trained, professional staff is knowledgeable & ready to assist. See our website for additional locations. Horton’s Hardware 2202 Dundee Rd. 502-459-9253 www.hortonsforhardware.com The old-fashioned hardware experience, old hardwood floors enhance the shopping atmosphere. Lawnmower sales & repair, Porter Paint, glass, screens, keys. Come on by! Jewelry A Mother’s Touch Jewelry & Gifts www.amotherstouchjewelry.com 12312 Shelbyville Rd. 502-253-9477 We are Kentuckiana’s specialist in mother’s bracelets, one of a kind personalized jewelry and other unique gifts. Don’t just get a gift .. get a keepsake! Oscar’s Hardware 1515 S. Shelby St. 502-636-3621 2628 Frankfort Ave. 502-893-2510 www.oscars.doitbest.com Family-owned and operated since 1950. Glass cutting, screen/storm window repair & Valspar Paints. Key cutting, lock rekeying & lawnmower services also. Stop by Oscar’s & see what we can do for you. Bill Brundage Jewelers 141 Chenoweth Ln. 502-895-7717 www.brundagejewelers.com With 27 years experience, our staff of Graduate Gemologists and our Certified Master Bench Jewelers, we bring integrity, professionalism, custom design and repairs to our customers’ benefit. Herbal Remedies Earth Circle Creations 9462 Brownsboro Rd. #148 502-644-7094 www.EarthCircleCreations.com Herbs, herbal tinctures, soaps and natural remedies, vegan-friendly. Door Store and Windows 4625 Shelbyville Rd. 502-896-1717 www.doorstoreandwindows.com The Door Store & Windows, one of Louisville’s leading specialty retailers of windows and doors, provides design assistance, installation and service for fine home exterior products. East End Plumbing Supply 1705 Research Dr. 502-491-4070 4901 Dixie Hwy. 502-447-3374 www.eastendplumbing.com A locally owned & operated plumbing supply store that has been in business since 1973. We are the “neighborhood plumbing store.” 36 Davis Jewelers 9901 Forest Green Blvd. 502-212-0420 www.davisjewelers.com Davis Jewelers is a 4th generation family owned jeweler. From Chamilia beads to loose diamonds, we can fulfill all your jewelry desires! Discoveries 1315 Bardstown Rd. 502-451-5034 Boutique offering clothing, accessories, tribal artifacts and gifts from around the world. Gross Diamond Company 3901 Shelbyville Rd. 502-895-1600 www.grossdiamonds.com Consult the experts! Celebrating 50 years in fine jewelry; family owned. We carry a variety of lines & offer custom design, repairs, & appraisals in-house. Gemologists & Master Bench Jeweler on staff. Kluster 502-376-5195 www.klusterblog.com www.klustershop.com Kluster is happy jewelry for happy people. Colorful necklaces, earrings, and bracelets designed and made in Louisville. Custom & wholesale orders welcome. Decorative Hardware Locksmith/Security Safes St. Matthews Middletown Hikes Point Louisville’s trusted locksmiths for over 50 years Koerber’s Fine Jewelry 3095 Blackiston Mill Rd. 812-945-5959 New Albany www.koerbersfinejewelry.com Koerber’s Fine Jewelry is a family-owned & operated retail jewelry store that focuses on providing their customers with superior quality products and exceptional customer service. Les Filles Louisville 558 South 4th St. 502-292-7333 Les Filles Petite 11601 Main St. Middletown www.lesfilleslouisville.com Handcrafted boutique specializing in jewelry, accessories, functional art, bath & body, custom made clothing & couture hats. Merkley Kendrick Jewelers 138 Chenoweth Ln. 502-895-6124 www.mkjewelers.com Merkley Kendrick Jewelers, serving the Louisville area since 1832. Diamonds, engagement, wedding, gemstone, pearl jewelry and an official Rolex jeweler. Royal Jewelers 4505 Shelbyville Rd. 502-895-9934 www.royalfinejewelers.com Royal Jewelers has been in business for 65 years. We are a full service jewelry store with a Gemologist, Jeweler/Designer and an array of beautiful jewelry like Tacori and Pandora. Come visit us! Seng Jewelers 453 Fourth St. 502-585-5109 www.sengjewelers.com For over a century, Seng Jewelers has offered the finest quality jewelry in a warm and friendly setting. Handmade jewelry, diamond cutting, precious and rare gemstones, in-house repair & watchmaking. Locks/Security WillisKlein Companies 4041 Westport Rd. 502-893-0441 www.willisklein.com WillisKlein, a 45-year old family-owned business, specializes in: locksmithing; security and safes; decorative plumbing & door hardware; commercial hardware and door solutions. 893-0441 244-7077 456-2511 www.WillisKlein.com Moving Supplies Fragile Pack 9806 Linn Station Rd. 502-423-0000 www.fragilepackinc.com Packaging/shipping supplies, packaging service, new & recycled moving boxes, custom-size boxes, Fed Ex/ UPS/Postal & Freight services, Penske truck rental (local & one-way). Music Equipment Doo Wop Shop 1587 Bardstown Rd. 502-456-5250 2915 S. Hurstbourne 502-491-4191 Doowop.com Doo Wop rents everything musical. Guitars $7/month. PA systems as little as $40. Family-owned, in the Highlands for over 40 years. Guitar Emporium 1610 Bardstown Road 502-459-4153 www.guitar-emporium.com Louisville’s world famous neighborhood guitar shop. Mom’s Music 1900 Mellwood Ave. 502-897-3304 www.momsmusic.com Established in 1980 as the place to go for anything that is associated with music. Offering music lessons, retail, service and much more. Learn to Play Music Here 502-897-3304 www.momsmusic.com 37 Retail Home Improvement Bargain Supply Co., Inc. 844 E. Jefferson St. 502-562-5000 www.bargainsupply.com Wide selection of appliances, electronics, hand and power tools, woodworking equipment. Over 20,000 tools in stock. EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICES. Dallas Jewelers, Inc. 4915 Old Brownsboro Rd. 502-423-1250 jewelrybydallas.com and hotairdallas.com Dallas specializes in fine jewelry design and repair. We offer complete jewelry services including appraisals and purchase of precious metals. We also offer hot air balloon pleasure flights. Security for your home. Jewelry for your doors. Music Stores Better Days Records 1765 Bardstown Rd. 502-456-2394 2600 W. Broadway #104 502-774-9909 betterdaysrecordstapesandcds.lbu.com Well-stocked classic, pop, rock, R&B and jazz – new and used. Used LPs, posters, stickers, buttons. New t-shirts. Office Supplies & Furniture Office Environment Company 1136 W. Market St. 502-585-5161 x104 www.oecoffice.com Since 1907, Office Environment Company has been providing innovative workspace solutions. Located in downtown Louisville, we are a local, familyowned office products and furniture dealership. Total Office Products & Service 3326 Kramers Ln. 502-636-9278 7311 Hwy. 329, Ste. 1012 Crestwood 502-241-1007 www.totalops.com Locally-owned & family-operated since 1979. Outdoor & Fitness Specialties Ken Combs Running Store 4137 Shelbyville Rd. 502-895-3410 410 N. Hurstbourne Pkwy www.kencombsrunningstore.com 30 years keeping runners, walkers and multisport individuals on their feet. Two locations, Happy Toes, 410 N. Hurstbourne Pkwy, and our original location in St. Matthews. Quest for the Outdoors The Summit 502-326-0424 4600 Shelbyville Road Plaza 502-290-4589 www.questoutdoors.com Since 1983, Quest Outdoors has been providing you with the best selection of quality outdoor gear from the most innovative suppliers of rugged outdoor products. 38 Paint & Paint Supplies Dages Paint Company 1140 E. Oak St. 502-635-2666 facebook.com/dages One family, 3 generations and Louisville’s oldest paint store! Keeping Louisville Colorful Since 1930! Lanning Paints 11608 Shelbyville Rd. 502-245-0630 Lanning Chemical 3000 Griffiths Ave. www.lanningpaints.com We are a locally-owned paint store and we make all of our own paint in Louisville. Highest quality paint at reasonable prices. Pet Food & Supplies Barkstown Road 1045 Bardstown Rd. 502-963-3669 www.barkstownroad.com High quality and affordable supplies boutique for dogs and cats in The Highlands. Booker’s Choice Tidbits 1228 Garvin Place www.bookerschoicetidbits.com All natural dog treats. 502-639-4300 Feeders Supply 315 Baxter Ave. 502-583-3867 9486 Brownsboro Rd. 502-326-9404 6820 Bardstown Rd. 502-239-6429 4600 Shelbyville Rd., Ste. 100 502-893-5550 3079 Breckenridge Ln. 502-451-2775 10948 Dixie Hwy. 502-935-4334 12318 Shelbyville Rd. 502-244-9902 5763 Preston Hwy. 502-964-0377 2236 Holiday Manor Center 502-426-5540 3400 Grantline Rd. New Albany 812-944-0732 229 E. Lewis & Clark Pkwy. Clarksville 812-944-6592 187 Adam Shepherd Pkwy., Ste. 2 Shepherdsville 502-921-0655 1610 Ring Rd., Elizabethtown 270-769-2357 2221 State St., New Albany 812-949-4840 www.feederssupply.com Pet food and pet supply retailer. We have everything you need for all the pets you feed. 14 stores. Locallyowned and family-operated. Rudy Green 502-817-0907 www.rudygreens.com Rudy Green’s Doggy Cuisine & Special Snacks are 100% human edible, frozen meals for dogs, sold in grocers and pet supply stores regionally. Skylight Supply 2906 Axton Lane skylightsupply.com Goshen 502-228-0070 14 Neighborhood Locations www.feederssupply.com Pharmacy Commons Community Pharmacy 9407 Norton Commons Blvd. 502-614-7325 www.commonscommunitypharmacy.com We take all major insurance. We deliver, do medication management for seniors as well as compound medications for pets and humans. We are an old-time pharmacy in both appearance and approach. EFill RX 6400 Dutchmans Pkwy., Ste.140 502-259-5050 100 E. Liberty St, Ste. 700 www.efillrx.com The quick, easy and friendly pharmacy option in the Louisville area. KEN COMBS Louisville Kentucky Retail Optical Krebs Optical 129 St. Matthews Ave. 502-897-1199 www.krebsoptical.com We provide excellence in eyewear and service. Four generations of the Krebs family have been serving the eyewear needs of the Louisville community since 1896. Outdoor Power Equipment The Mower Shop 7400 Preston Highway 502-969-6433 www.themowershoponline.com A family-owned business selling quality outdoor power equipment since 1965. We service every product that we sell and carry a large parts inventory for that purpose, and the benefit of our customers. 4137 Shelbyville Road Louisville, KY 40207 (502) 895-3410 10am – 7pm Mon - Fri 10am - 6 pm Sat 1pm – 5pm Sun Mention LIBA and get 10% off 39 Shoes Goody Two Shoes 4903 Brownsboro Rd. 502-426-4046 Goody Two Shoes is located within Olivia & Co. Boutique. Whatever the look, there is a shoe to fit. LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1997 In the heart of Louisville’s Medical Community 583-6777 • 234 E. GRAY ST. WWW.TowerKy.COM • FREE DELIVERY to all of Jefferson county • WE WORK WITH ALL INSURANCE PLANS • DON’T HAVE INSURANCE? We have great cash pricing • PET PRESCRIPTIONS Our prices are generally much lower than vets Medical Towers Pharmacy 234 E. Gray St., Ste. 140 502-583-6777 www.towerky.com Locally-owned, providing friendly service, refreshingly affordable prices for the uninsured, acceptance of most insurances, compounding, medi-planner preparation, pet meds & FREE county-wide delivery. Roofing Distributors Cross Country Distribution Company 405 English Station Rd. 502-245-8871 crosscountrydis.com Area’s only locally-owned roofing products distributor, proud of our commitment to the community, contributing over $555,000 to nonprofits. We practice what we preach by supporting locally-owned biz. 40 Tobacco Cox’s Smokers Outlet & Spirit Shoppes 410 Commercial Dr., Ste. 101 502-244-0065 Local, family-owned and operated since 1995. Friendly, knowledgable staff. 21 Louisville area locations. Full selection of premium cigars, cigarettes, and tobacco. J. Shepherd Cigar Boutique 1429 Bardstown Rd. 502-479-1621 www.jshepherdcigars.com A one-of-a-kind store featuring a wide selection of cigars, lighters, humidors, flasks, cuff links, and other men’s accessories. Also, a gallery featuring local artists. Video Rentals Wild and Woolly Video 1021 Bardstown Rd. 502-473-0969 www.wandwvideo.com Renting and selling over 20,000 hard to find movies since 1997. Return your movies at any Heine Brothers’ Coffee location. Wig Design Custom Wig Company 1324 E. Washington St., Ste. 326A 423-367-6133 www.customwigcompany.com Fine quality custom-built wigs, beards, & toupees. Window Treatments & Wallpaper Blinds Direct & Wallpaper Too 11177 Bluegrass Pkwy. 502-266-0079 www.blindsdirect.com Louisville’s largest blinds factory and in-stock wallpaper store. Family-owned and operated since 1976. Services Accounting & Tax Preparation Fields Tallent & Co. CPA 11003 Bluegrass Pkwy. , Ste. 500 502-451-8678 www.fieldstallent.com Certified Public Accounting firm, representing small businesses & individuals. Our clients are provided a wide variety of tax, accounting, financial planning, & small business consulting services. Lindemeyer CPA 502-241-5205 www.lindemeyercpa.com Regional accounting firm which focuses on tax preparation, tax planning, bookkeeping and Quickbooks consulting for small businesses in all industries and for individual taxpayers in all states. Toy Stores The Parent Teacher Store & Toys Too! 10211 Westport Rd. 502-425-8770 www.theparent-teacherstore.com Teaching aids, games, and toys designed to stimulate the mind and entertain the child in all of us. Playthings Toy Shoppe 4209 Shelbyville Rd. 502-895-6152 1201 Herr Ln. (Westport Village) 502-690-7408 Find us on Facebook. Playthings was born in 2001 from the great love of toys and children. Our staff is here to help you find the right toy for the child in your life. We also love to wrap and it’s free. If you prep, cook or serve food, we serve you. 3110 Preston Hwy 502-637-3232 / dinecompany.com · Custom window treatments built to your exact specifications · Free in Home Consultation for window treatments · Complete window fashions · 1000’s of rolls of in stock wallpaper & border · Large selection of custom order wallpaper books · Family owned and operated since 1975 · Accepting Visa, Mastercard, & Discover Factory & Showroom Location 11177 Bluegrass Parkway Louisville, KY 40299 502 266-0079 Services Restaurant Equipment and Supplies Dine Company, The Restaurant Store 3110 Preston Hwy. 502-637-3232 www.dinecompany.com If you prep, cook or serve food, we’re your store for restaurant equipment & smallwares. All Foodies welcome! Locally-owned for over 30 years, specializing in design & installation. M-F 8a-6p, Sa 9a-2p. Skin Care Blend Skin Care 502-558-2777 www.etsy.com/shop/blendnaturals We offer all-natural skin care products made with essential oils. We use only the most nourishing ingredients for your skin. Great for people with sensitive skin looking for an all-natural option. Kirby Company of Louisville 2307 Taylorsville Rd. 502-454-6226 Sales, service/repair, and supplies for most all brands of vacuums. Free estimates on repairs. Find us on Facebook. Retail Wish’s Drugs 9615 Whipps Mill Rd. 502-425-1146 The oldest drugstore in the same location in Jefferson County that we know of. Over 10,000 square feet. Referrals are our best form of advertising. J Carlton Shoes Westport Village, 1201 Herr Lane www.jcarltonshoes.com 502-713-9890 Shop where the well-heeled shop. Check out our higher-end comfort footwear by Dansko, Clarks, Ecco, Finn Comfort, Ara, Isola, Naot, Gabor, Arturo Chiang, Vaneli & more. We believe in personal service. Vacuum Sales and Service A-1 Vacuum Sales & Service 1523 Bardstown Rd. 502-451-4515 www.a1vacsales.com Serving the area with leading vacuum cleaner sales, service & parts for over 50 years. Our success is built on the belief that great customer service & quality, honest work will bring customers back. Hours Mon. - Fri. 8-5 Sat. 10-4 www.blindsdirect.com 41 Meyerowitz & King, PLLC 9710 Park Plaza Ave. 502-587-9833 www.thelouisvilleoffice.com We provide tax, accounting, and financial services to families and businesses who are committed to success. Morrison Accounting Solutions 2525 Nelson Miller Pkwy., Ste. 206 502-298-5992 www.morrisonaccountingsolutions.com Full range of accounting services for small businesses, including bookkeeping, tax preparation, financial statement compilations and analysis, and budgeting. Patterson and Company CPAs 1904 Eastern Parkway 502-276-0956 www.PattersonCPA.com Award winning CPA firm featuring full service fixed fee totally paperless payroll processing, bookkeeping, 50 state tax preparation, IRS audit representation, fraud examination & Quickbooks consulting. Acupuncture Classical Acupuncture & Herbs 1999 Brownsboro Rd. 502-489-1068 www.classicalacupunctureherbs.com We provide safe, non-invasive & time-tested relief for pain, chronic conditions (e.g. migraines, insomnia, allergies, women’s health, infertility, digestive disorders, etc.), stress relief & vitality. Ginkgo Acupuncture 1999 Brownsboro Rd. 502-259-0932 www.ginkgoacupuncture.net Feel your best with acupuncture and herbal medicine! Specializing in pain and stress relief, women’s health, fertility, immune support and more. Meridian Acupuncture & Herbal Pharmacy 311 Wallace Ave. 502-338-7780 meridianlouisville.com Meridian Acupuncture is a multi-disciplinary clinic with practitioners of East Asian medicine specializing in: ADD/ADHD, addiction, allergies and asthma, arthritis, weight loss and much more. Advertising & Marketing 520 East Brands 520eastbrands.com 502-533-1328 I scream from the “virtual rooftop” about the businesses I represent. Using social media tools, I help build brands online. Alexander and Hughes 414 Baxter Ave, Ste. 215 502-589-3661 www.ahadvertising.com A marketing communication firm specializing in traditional and digital marketing services. We call it social storytelling. 42 CHAOS Rewards 502-548-1343 www.chaosrewards.com CHAOS Rewards is a loyalty program that can be used at businesses for health-related purchases or services. Customers earn points each time they purchase eligible goods and services. Fresh Thoughts Marketing 3102 Teal Ave. 502-664-5894 www.freelouisville.com We desire to serve our community. We are geared towards finding the “Wow Factor” before it becomes the “Wow Factor”. We are committed to developing the future today, by thinking about tomorrow. Getitinlouisville.com 502-387-6152 www.getitinlouisville.com The “Get it in Louisville” website produces costeffective, high-quality videos into online video/ social media outlets to meet your company’s needs. in.Mode Marketing 201 S Shelby St., Ste. 203 502-414-1474 www.inmodemarketing.com in.Mode Marketing - finding the best marketing solutions for today’s world. Joan Noles Inc. 2100 Gardiner Lane, #316-B 502-454-5484 Louisville Social Management 9000 Marksfield Rd. #7 502-876-4851 www.LouisvilleSocialManagement.com We develop and execute creative writing projects, social media campaigns and video promotion focused on product placement, audience engagement and reputation management. M2-Maximum Media 1103 Miles View Ct. 502-262-8580 www.m2-maximummedia.com We are a boutique PR agency that specializes in media relations, guerilla marketing, event planning and social media services. Think Tank Louisville 125 Chenoweth Ln. #307 502-897-0649 www.thinktanklouisville.com Aligned with local business. Strong in social media. hellonimbus We're not really into labels. www com www hellonimbus c o m Media Venue 10531 Timberwood Cir. Ste. E 502-855-4783 www.mediavenue.com Consider us your full service media services partner, with the experience, resources and creativity to optimize the return on your marketing investment. NIMBUS 624 W. Main St., 3rd Fl. 502-588-9080 www.hellonimbus.com Full-service marketing/communication agency with a diverse & multi-cultural POV. Expertise in digital & traditional media. Blending ROI-focused strategy with creativity to optimize results. One Thing Marketing 235 Brown Ave. 502-532-1818 www.onethingmarketing.com We provide online marketing solutions for local businesses. Parlance Creative LLC 1344 S. Brook St. 919-607-2424 www.parlancecreative.com Parlance Creative is a marketing agency specializing in strategy, branding and website development, either as novel inventions or by invigorating existing work. The Pepper Group, LTD 732 E. Market St. Ste. 200 502-587-0044 www.pepperltd.com The Pepper Group, LTD. is a brand communications firm specializing in brand strategy development and implementation. We solve the brand communication needs of both b2b and consumer-focused companies. Maloney Outdoor Advertising www.maloneyoutdoor.com 502-584-5512 Family-owned local billboard company serving Louisville & Southern IN. Displays include bulletins on expressways & major roads, general coverage & targeted eight sheet posters & 12’x12’ vinyl squares. red7e 637 W. Main St. 502-585-3403 www.red7e.com Red7e is an inspired ad agency. Our market niches are outstanding creative strategies, concepts and execution, without the usual agency bureaucracy, bull, or smoke & mirrors. Marketing Media Management www.managemmm.com 502-569-1063 Boutique marketing agency specializing in social media. Our team of experienced professionals works with you one-on-one to create tailored marketing solutions, saving you time, energy, and money. Tailored Advertising Group 312-933-9359 www.tailoredadvertisinggroup.com We are a niche marketing agency offering products & services geared towards the hard-to-reach consumer, by advertising on garment bags, covers & tags distributed by area dry cleaners. Arborists Greenhaven Tree Care 1901 Williamson Ct. 502-244-8770 www.greenhaventreecare.com Greenhaven is a locally owned tree service using all technologies including climbing, bucket, cranes and stump grinders to perform safe, efficient, and affordable work with minimum impact. Since 1983. Limbwalker Tree Service 901 Dumesnil St. 502-634-0400 www.limbwalkertree.com Limbwalker Tree Service is a modern arboricultural company. We are dedicated to the care and preservation of trees using advanced rope access techniques. Louisville Tree Service, LLC www.louisvilletreeservice.biz 502-515-8199 Locally-owned and operated, fully-insured, 20 years of experience while providing complete tree care with certified arborists using state of the art equipment. Architect/Architectural Services Architectural Artisans 748 E. Market St. 502-582-3907 www.architecturalartisans.net Providing creative architectural solutions for local, small commercial and residential clients. K. Norman Berry Associate Architects 611 W. Main St. 502-582-2500 www.knbarch.com We practice Architecture in the Kentucky & Southern Indiana areas. The firm executes projects ranging from educational & commercial to residential projects throughout the region. realer than real 2525 George Rogers Clark Pl. #303 www.realerthanreal.com 502-453-1304 Architectural visualization and rendering. CAD modeling, animation, computer graphics and related services. 2711 West Main Street Louisville, KY 40212 502-776-7007 Gary B. Watrous Architect www.sunearth.net SAVE $$$ and the environment too! 43 Services AD!FX 118 South Sherrin Ave. 502-897-0552 www.adfxllc.com Experienced agency creating effective websites, creative campaigns, multi media, branding & logos, print materials and community relations that attract attention and maximize results. Baldwin Marketing 105 W. Ormsby Ave. 502-641-0971 bmarketingonline.com Focusing on local businesses and non-profits, providing full-range marketing services for branding and effective marketing. Helping to Keep Louisville Weird in the most cost-effective & creative ways. Watrous Associates Architects, PSC 2711 W. Main St. 502-776-7007 www.sunearth.net Watrous Associates Architects specializes in designing beautiful energy-efficient new and renovated buildings with energy guarantee. They also offer hourly consultation. Automotive Acudent 1923 Woodbourne Ave., Ste. 1 502-648-2693 www.louisvilledents.com Door dings, creases, and hail damage repaired while you wait. The “green” solution to body repairs. Call to arrange an appointment for a free estimate. Art Instruction Brenzel’s Germantown Automotive 1137 East Burnett Ave. 502-637-9505 Complete automotive repair, tires, brakes, computer diagnostics and exhaust work. We specialize in Jeeps but work on all makes and models. Paintn’ Party www.paintnpartying.com 502-821-9772 Painting Parties at your location. We bring everything you need - canvas, easels, paint, brushes - you bring an open mind and your friends, family or co-workers. Schrodt Art Studio 4014 Dutchmans Ln., Ste. 13 502-893-2842 www.schrodtart.com Established in 1975, Schrodt Art Studio offers a practical approach to oil painting, using proven, teachable methods suitable for beginners and advanced students alike. Spot 5 Art Studio 2005-B Frankfort Ave. 502-594-1483 www.spot5artstudio.com Spot 5 Art Studio and its companion, Clifton Art Supply provide quality instruction and materials in visual arts. Attorneys Fauver Law Office, PLLC 1752 Frankfort Ave. 502-569-7710 www.fauverlaw.com Fauver Law Office, let us be your lawyers. Both attorneys are Louisville natives who want to help the local community with their legal needs. Middleton Reutlinger 401 South Fourth St., Ste. 2600 502-584-1135 4965 U.S. Highway 42 Ste. 2800 www.middletonlaw.com LOUISVILLE’S LAW FIRM® Middleton Reutlinger is a medium sized law firm in Louisville that has provided a broad range of legal services to a diverse client base for more than 150 years. Strause Law Group, PLLC 804 Stone Creek Pkwy. Ste.1 502-426-1661 www.strauselawgroup.com Our multi-attorney firm is a dynamic full-service law firm comprised of an experienced team handling a variety of business/personal legal matters. Audio Visual C&H Audio Visual Services 942 E. Kentucky St. 502-637-4595 www.chavs.net C&H is a full-service audio visual services company providing audio, video, lighting, staging, etc. for corporate meetings, presentations and events. One deposits, another borrows. Both get a great deal because each actually owns their credit union. Moab Offroad 4915 Poplar Level Rd. 502-962-8141 www.moab-offroad.net We are the authority on service, repair, customization and accessories for your street or offroad Jeep and other vehicles. Do it right the first time! • Outstanding rates • Federally insured • Open account online Shields Service 2502 Hermitage Way 502-426-7979 www.shieldsservice.net A family-owned and operated automotive repair shop in Louisville, offering full service on most makes and models. Smith Imported Car Service 1250 E. Broadway 502-583-4724 Family-owned and operated in the Highlands since 1966. Stuttgart Specialists 4204 Poplar Level Rd. 502-454-5591 www.stuttgartspecialists.com Servicing VW, Audi and Porsche. Complete independent service and parts. Over 30 years combined technician experience. Timmy’s Auto Wash 8313 Dixie Hwy. 502-933-4232 timmysautowash.com Full-service auto wash: soft cloth - brushless - full detailing services. 8am - 6pm, 7 days a week. Banking Autotruck Financial Credit Union 3611 Newburg Rd. 502-459-8981 13210 O’Bannon Station Way 502-244-2272 www.autotruckfcu.org Member-owned financial alternative. Open to the Louisville Community. Check out the advantages of Credit Union Membership. www.autotruckfcu.org Mobile Banking, Money-Saving Loans and much more! Join Today! Membership Open To Louisville Residents 3611 Newburg Rd. • (502) 459-8981 13210 O’Bannon Station Way • (502) 244-2272 Federally insured by NCUA 44 964.7575 / classact.org Bank local with a credit union and help keep Louisville weird. Keep your money in your community. Park Community Federal Credit Union is a locally owned and operated full-service financial institution. As a Park Community member, you don’t have to shop around, because we offer the most competitive deals. You won’t find a better combination of service, rates, and resources anywhere else. Experience the credit union difference today! GET $25 when you open any ONE (1) Park Community Checking Account* *Must qualify. Fresh Start, Business, and Organization accounts are excluded. Cannot be combined with other offers. Cannot be used on currently opened Park Community Checking Accounts. Must remain open for 6 months or $25 will be debited from the account upon closing. CID: 0441 Expires 08.31.13 Services Tilford Dobbins Alexander, PLLC 401 W. Main St., Ste. 1400 502-584-1000 www.tilfordlaw.com Serving our clients and the Louisville community since 1901. More than a century of practice affords our firm an unshakable foundation in law and in the community, yet we are driven to innovate. People helping people since 1954. Visit one of our ten Louisville area locations! 502/968.3681 parkcommunity.com Your savings federally insured to at least $250,000 and backed by full faith and credit of the United States Government NCUA National Credit Union Administration, a U.S. Government Agency 45 AFCULibraryAd.indd 1 10/26/12 11:40:29 AM Class Act Federal Credit Union 3620 Fern Valley Rd 502-964-7575 www.classact.org Bank locally without the hassles of a bank. Class Act FCU offers more for less: better rates and fewer fees. Join online at classact.org. . Mengel Exteriors 9547 US Hwy. 42 Prospect 502-228-4400 www.mengelexteriorsystems.com We market & install high performance energy efficient windows, siding, gutters & gutter protection, security doors, and patio products including sun rooms, solariums, conservatories & pergolas. Commonwealth Bank & Trust Company (Visit our website for locations) 502-259-2277 www.cbandt.com Eclipse Bank 3827 Shelbyville Rd. eclipsebank.com 502-671-4800 Park Community Credit Union 502-815-1146 (Visit our website for locations) www.parkcommunity.com A full-service financial institution, helping our members fulfill every financial goal. Great combination of service, rates and resources. Everything you need to live your life your way is right here. Republic Bank (Visit our website for locations) 502-588-8945 www.republicbank.com Completely committed to our clients, associates and communities as Kentucky’s largest independent bank. “We were here for you yesterday, we are here for you today and we’ll be here for you tomorrow.” Stock Yards Bank and Trust Co. 502-582-2571/1-800-625-9066 www.syb.com (Visit our website for locations) Full-service banking for large business, small business, and individuals – local since 1904. Dating Consultations, Online Dating & Social Events www.thedatingstylist.com info@thedatingstylist.com (347) 903-2832 The Dating Stylist 502-759-9719 www.thedatingstylist.com The new dating innovation, the “Ultimate Dating Makeover” helps singles put the fire back into their dating life. Let us help you with a complete dating makeover! supports Louisville Area Small Business Find us on ! Your Community Bank (Visit our website for locations) 502-895-1713 Cleaning Services www.yourcommunitybank.com A full-service community bank that strives to help FMS Commercial Cleaning its customers achieve their financial goals with 4400 Bishop Ln. Ste. 108 502-479-3286 exceptional people and exceptional service. BIF_2.1875x3.5_BuyLocalGuide_513.indd 1 5/2/13 1:16 PM www.facilitiesmgmt.com FMS Commercial Cleaning is a Louisville-based, Barter Tradebank of Louisville 502-459-7999 full service janitorial service. We provide regular tradebank.com contracted cleaning services to all types of facilities. Tradebank Of Louisville helps bring new business to your location. Learn about bartering and let us show Coaching - Business & Personal you how to spend trade dollars instead of your cash. Bilancia Chiropractic 2722 Field Ave. 502-797-1660 Louisville Family Chiropractic 8117 New LaGrange Rd. 502-326-9950 Providing strategic planning and business management consulting services for start-up, www.lfchiro.net Louisville Family Chiropractic is a locally-owned growth companies and non-profit organizations. family wellness office, focusing on keeping Louisville “weird” and “healthy” at the same time! Excavive Coaching & Consulting 432 Country Lane 502-893-9589 www.excavive.com Through Excavive Coaching & Consulting, Jennifer offers personal and professional coaching, creative and entrepreneurial consulting, inspirational speaking, and writing. She is author of The True You. Right Angle 9400 Williamsburg Plaza, Ste. 310 502-412-6505 www.rightangleresults.com Providing businesses with strategies, processes and training that improve organizational profitability, efficiency and culture. Experienced & resultsfocused. Helping you analyze, plan, and execute. Utterly Organized 9608 Moorfield Cir. www.utterlyorganized.net 502-291-6890 Community Organizations New2Lou 325 W. Main St., Ste. 1 502-257-6252 www.new2lou.com New2Lou is a resource for Louisville newcomers that provides multiple social opportunities to connect people including events, educational socials and online communities. Construction & Remodeling Beams Roofing & Contracting 12204 Shelbyville Rd., Ste. 2 502-426-0644 www.beamscontracting.com 31 Locations » (502) 582-2571 46 www.syb.com Designer Builders 1219 Audubon Pkwy. 502-376-8664 www.designerbuildersky.com Custom home remodels and additions with a sustainable focus. 502-407-6744 We are a professional company of skilled handymen and licensed tradesmen with a goal to provide consistent high quality workmanship to all our clients. Insured, licensed, lead certified. Two Guys With Tools 1250 E. Broadway 502-384-0778 www.highlandshandymen.com We are a BBB accredited home improvement service proudly serving Louisville. You dream it. We’ll build it. Counseling Emily Boone MSW, LCSW, ACSW 102 Pope St. Ste. 1 502-585-3430 www.emilyboonemsw.com Counseling individuals, families and groups. Employee assistance programs, communication workshops, effectiveness training, stress management, critical incident debriefing, wellness lifestyle. Laura W. Krome, LCSW, LMFT 1748 Frankfort Ave. 502-893-6070 www.kromecounseling.com Individual, couples and family therapy. Focus on depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, OCD, parenting, problems with work, grief and loss. Court Reporting/Transcription Kentuckiana Reporters 455 South Fourth St., Ste. 250 502-589-2273 www.kentuckianareporters.com Kentuckiana Reporters is Louisville’s oldest court reporting and videography company. You can trust us for all of your transcription needs. Dentists Cobalt Dental 225 S. Hurstbourne Pky., Ste. 102 502-429-9400 www.cobaltdentalcare.com At Cobalt Dental, we believe that smiling people live healthier lives! Parkside Family Dental 2240 Taylorsville Rd. 502-409-9190 www.parksidefamilydental.com See for yourself how comfort and high quality treatment can provide you with a beautiful and healthy smile. Diaper Service The Diaper Fairy 2020 Blvd. Napoleon 502-708-1018 www.diaperfairy.net The Diaper Fairy, Louisville’s cloth diaper delivery service, offers laundry and delivery of fresh cotton diapers. 47 Services Computer Networking Office Computing, Inc. 2528 Data Drive 502-499-7755 We specialize in computer network support and also handle cabling, Voice Over IP, workstation/server support/maintenance. Scott of All Trades 1562 Bardstown Rd. www.scottofalltradesky.com Event Production & Planning OakSt. Production Group 502-558-2990 www.linkedin.com/in/pedolzky Provides staging, lighting & audio rentals plus production labor assistance, catering, running services, and internet/street team advertising. No event is too big or too small. Since we first opened for business on Bardstown Road 67 years ago, we’ve provided the highest quality service and personal attention our clients want and deserve. And did we mention we’ve been green since day one? Every year we’re voted the best in town– and we intend to keep it that way. Louisville’s Family-owned Cleaners since 1944. Exercise & Fitness Get Fit 24/7 1015 Bardstown Rd. 502-290-2040 Fitness & personal training in the Heart of the Highlands. Open 24/7. Modern Day Fitness Kentucky 455 S. 4th St. Ste. 1246 502-301-9999 www.moderndayfitnessky.com Pole fitness classes and pole parties. ProFormance 2041 River Rd. 502-895-3472 www.proformanceresults.com We offer the best highly-individualized personal training in the Louisville area, including youth sports training, Boot Camp and Zumba. HighlandCleaners.com Education Straight Line Tutoring 1748 Frankfort Avenue 502-468-3192 www.straightlinetutoring.com Effective individualized tutoring in all subjects from kindergarten through graduate. Specialties include reading, math, languages, study skills, test preparation, home schooling assistance, and GED. 48 University of Louisville 203 C Grawmeyer Hall 502-852-6430 www.louisville.edu Kentucky’s premier metropolitan research university, UofL is committed to providing a world-class education to its students & serving as an economic engine for the commonwealth. Employee Recognition Ah, Whatta ‘Bout Mimi 701 West Market St. 502-773-5730 www.whattaboutmimi.com Offering unique solutions for employee recognition. Mimi’s offers spectacular balloon décor, gourmet chocolates, and unique gifts, including Kentucky Proud products. Financial Planning ARGI Financial Group 1914 Stanley Gault Pkwy. 502-753-0609 www.argifinancialgroup.com We provide comprehensive planning and investment management that is designed to help grow, protect and conserve wealth, guiding individuals one step closer to achieving their life goals. Carrie B. VanWinkle, Financial Advisor 502.475.3805 cvanwinkle@justmoneyadvisors.com www.JustMoneyAdvisors.com The persons doing business as Just Money Advisors are Investment Advisory Representatives of Natural Investments, LLC. Natural Investments is an independent Registered Investment Advisor firm. Just Money Advisors is not a registered entity and is not an affiliate or subsidiary of Natural Investments. Commonwealth Financial Advisors 9403 Mill Brook Rd., Ste. 100 502-423-7420 1028 Main St. Shelbyville www.cfaky.com Commonwealth Financial Advisors is a locally owned provider of institutional investment services, financial planning, and financial coaching. Fidelity Pawn and Jewelry 4238 Shelbyville Rd. 502-259-9615 www.fidelitypawn.com Specializing in pawn loans, small business loans, and quality used merchandise including fine jewelry, guns, electronics, and musical instruments Energy Management Earthwell Energy Management, Inc. 1831 Plantside Dr. 502-587-8447 www.earthwell.cc Earthwell prevents pollution at a profit. By installing the most energy efficient equipment we reduce energy consumption, subsequently lowering operating cost and reducing carbon emissions. Services Drug Testing and Background Screening The Genesis Shop 9016 Taylorsville Rd., Ste. 128 502-544-7400 www.thegenesisshop.com The Genesis Shop offers a comprehensive program that prevents and deters drug abuse in both the home and workplace. Dry Cleaning Highland Cleaners 2455 Bardstown Rd. • 1401 Bardstown Rd. • 9211 Highway 42 (Prospect Plaza) • 4082 Taylorsville Rd. (Hikes Point Plaza) • 12478 Lagrange Rd. (Forest Springs) • 4901 Highway 22. • 3708 Lexington Rd. • 4007 Brownsboro Rd. • 410 Hurstbourne Pkwy. • 9410 US Hwy. 22 (Springhurst) • 11600 Shelbyville Rd. • 13837 English Villa Dr. www.highlandcleaners.com 502-454-4641 Since we first opened for business in 1946, we’ve provided the highest quality service and personal attention our clients want and deserve. And did we mention we’ve been green since day one? Face Painting Bohemian Monkey 505 Garden Ct. Simpsonville 502-648-8136 www.bohemianmonkey.com Professional face painting and Henna body art, a safe, natural, and temporary form of adornment. Available for private, commercial, business, conference, corporate, community events and fundraisers. Providing financial planning options that create positive impact. Estate Sales MLS Estate Sales 544 Baxter Avenue 502-585-5727 www.renaissancebydesign.com Antiques, art, home and garden décor, jewelry and gift items. Home of MLS Estate Sales and Interior Design. Visit our website for all our services. 49 Just Money Advisors 1927 Harvard Dr. 502-454-3839 www.justmoneyadvisors.com Just Money Advisors are specialists in socially responsible financial strategies. Kentucky Planning Partners 9300 Shelbyville Rd., Ste. 1310 502-394-0400 www.kpp-lpl.com Customized fee-based financial planning for families. Fee-based proactive wealth management. Business 401(k) management and implementation. Life insurance and long term care insurance. Florists Flowerstudio and Gifts 3937 Chenoweth Square 502-584-0034 www.theflowerstudiolou.net We are a full-service florist and event company. We are your one stop shop for all your wedding event needs, lighting, props, pipe and drape, chair covers, linens, tents and more! Framing Bluegrass Frames 4542 Taylorsville Rd. 502-495-0100 www.bluegrassframes.com Custom picture framing since 1975. Prints, posters, diplomas, shadowboxes, original art on canvas and paper. Handmade wine caddie sculptures. Picture hanging services. Pick-up and delivery. Brownsboro Framing Company 4818 Brownsboro Center 502-259-9885 www.brownsboroframing.com We are a full-service custom framing business, offering an impressive collection of framing options. Celebrations 3632 Brownsboro Rd. 502-894-9590 536 S. Fourth St. 502-561-8333 www.celebrations-ky.com Custom framing to fit any budget. We start with an outstanding design, and finish using the finest conservation quality materials and framing methods. We frame art on paper or canvas, certificates, needlework, and three dimensional objects. Satisfaction is guaranteed and we offer free pick-up and delivery. Jim’s Photos & Frames 7103 Sun Valley Dr. 502-933-0761 www.jimsphotosandframes.com Original photography, event photography and custom picture framing. 50 for your cause www.eco-cell.com ECO-CELL 1726 Mellwood Ave. 502-758-2666 www.eco-cell.com ECO-CELL’s cell phone and handheld electronics recycling program provides an environmentally and socially responsible fundraising tool. Funeral Homes Highlands Family Owned Funeral Home 3331 Taylorsville Rd. 502-451-4420 www.highlandsfuneralhome.com With our company forefathers in mind, we continue to provide service that exceeds the expectations of those we serve & create dignified tributes to lives that have been lived. Pearson’s Funeral Directors 149 Breckenridge Lane 502-896-0349 www.pearsonsfuneraldirectors.com Serving the families of the Louisville area for over 160 years, Pearson’s Funeral Directors are proud of the tradition of thoughtful, sympathetic and intelligent service. Family Matters. Let us take care of yours. 149 Breckenridge Lane 502/896-0349 www.pearsonsfuneraldirectors.com Graphic Design 21 Skye Design 5915 Mason Blvd. 502-228-8503 www.21skyedesign.com Founded in 1999, 21 Skye Design is an awardwinning graphic and web design studio in Prospect. Kephart Design & Publishing louisvilleexplorermap.com 502-899-9493 Graphic design, illustration, advertising & marketing for web or print. Publisher of the Louisville Explorer Map. Miller Creative Designs 7903 Circle Crest Rd. 502-594-3408 www.millercreativedesigns.com Graphic design solutions for advertisements, websites, blogs, social networking, flyers, logos and more. Health & Wellness Shine 727 East Jefferson St. 502-442-2843 www.shinelouisville.com Shine is a wellness studio devoted to nurturing a graceful life through movement, music and fun. We offer music & movement and yoga classes for all ages. Giftcards for Bodywork & Massage. Dr. Victoria Snelling & Associates 9700 Park Plaza Ave., Ste. 109 502-426-2033 www.drsnelling.com Natural medicine for mind, body and spirit: Classical Homeopathy, Gentle Chiropractic, CranioSacral Therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu Acupressure. Classes in homeopathy, nutrition, and herbalism. Since 1988. Weeds of Eden 7505 New LaGrange Rd. 502-456-9453 www.weedsofeden.com Truly holistic & integrative medicine. Myron Hardesty is a Medical Herbalist, PA-C Graduate of the SouthWest School of Botanical Medicine (1994). Licensed PA-c. Wellness 360 241 Sears Ave. 502-384-3601 www.wellness360studio.com Wellness 360 is the area’s only medically directed stress relief center. We offer yoga, massage, group meditation, & Mind-Body medicine to help clients live happier, healthier & more productive lives. Heating & Cooling, Air Conditioning Automatic Air Corporation 367 Baxter Ave. 502-583-1759 www.automaticair.com Family-owned, serving Louisville’s heating and cooling needs for over 50 years. We specialize in providing HVAC in older homes, businesses and churches. Metro 1 Heating & Cooling 1119 Logan St. 502-231-2269 Sales, service, installation. Free estimates, quality systems at affordable prices. Home Health Capacity Care 4010 Dupont Circle, Ste. 406 502-893-8414 www.capacitycare.com Provides non-medical home health, geriatric, ABI, and disability care. Home Improvement Adams Construction Services, Inc. 590 Missouri Ave., Ste. 105 Jeffersonville www.call28build.com 502-509-1190 We are a full service remodeling company based in the Louisville area. We are a Registered Remodeler with the Home Builders Association of Louisville. Gutters & Stuff 7819 St. Andrews Church Rd. #B 502-935-4404 www.yourfreeroofky.com Gutters & Stuff provides quality roofing systems for your home. We also provide replacement windows and exterior doors, vinyl siding, gutters, and chimney repair. Lifetime guarantee! Thomas House Paint Stripper 502-291-7923 Thomas House Paint Stripper is an industrial strength paint stripper (water-based clean up, non-flammable product). Hotels 21c Museum Hotel / Proof on Main 700 W. Main St. 502-217-6300 21cMuseumHotel.com 21c Museum Hotel is a 90-room hotel dedicated to world class luxury, southern style hospitality and contemporary art. Breckinridge Inn 2800 Breckenridge Ln. www.breckinridgeinn.com 502-456-5050 51 Services Framing Express 9810 Shelbyville Rd. 502-897-1439 3910 Bardstown Road 502-485-1910 Woodlawn Shopping Center (897-1439), Holiday Manor (326-0012) and Highlands (454-5737). www.theframingexpress.com Providing quality framing since 1979 with experience in artwork, posters, memorabilia and more for home or office. Ask about our corporate discount program. Fundraising ABC Fund Raising of Louisville 1413 Crosstimbers Drive 502-639-5370 abcfundraisingoflouisville.com Full-service fund raising company representing top suppliers in the industry. Product mix includes Otis Spunkmeyer cookies & Right Response first aid. We work with schools, churches, teams, etc. Your Source for Employee Benefit Administration Benefit Marketing Solutions LLC, is a Louisville, Kentucky based full service Third Party Administrator specializing in tax advantage plans. Flexible Spending Accounts Health Savings Accounts Health Reimbursement Accounts COBRA Administration Section 125 Plans Benefit Marketing Solutions, LLC (BMS LLC) 10000 Shelbyville Road, Suite 110 P.O. Box 43653, Louisville, KY 4025340253-0653 Phone:502Fax: 502Phone:502-244244-1161 502-244244-1162 Visit our website! www.bmsllc.net Galt House Hotel 140 N. Fourth St. 502-589-5200 www.galthouse.com Largest upscale, independent urban hotel in a midsize US city. 1,290 guest rooms, 50 meeting rooms, 124,000 sq. ft. of meeting space including 2 ballrooms. It is the heart of Louisville. Welcome! Insurance Ash Group 9509 US Hwy. 42., Ste. 200 502-228-8831 815 John Harper Pky., Suite 11 Shepherdsville www.ashgroup.us.com 502-955-1334 Individual insurance brokerage offering customized property, casualty and personal insurance with specialty Marine Risk Management and Group Benefit Solutions. Benjamin J. Byrne & Associates 9400 Williamsburg Plaza, Ste. 340 bb-assoc.com 502-426-4200 Commercial insurance and employee benefits. 52 IT Services IgLou Internet Services 3315 Gilmore Industrial Blvd. 502-966-3848 www.iglou.com For over two decades, IgLou has provided Louisville residents and small businesses with quality Internet and IT support/service with exceptional customer service. Passport Health Plan 5100 Commerce Crossings Dr. 502-585-7072 552 East Market St., Ste. 220 www.passporthealthplan.com Passport Health Plan is a provider-sponsored HMO, and serves approximately 170,000 members in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Primo Computers 4156 Westport Rd., Ste. 210 502-354-5055 www.primocomp.com Service, repair, consulting, web design, and data recovery. Van Zandt, Emrich & Cary www.vzecins.com 502-456-2001 We are one of Louisville’s oldest, largest, locally-owned insurance agencies providing all forms of insurance coverages for businesses, families, and individuals. Interior Design Afforable Home Decorating and Renovations 1901 Hollen Rd. 502-417-2350 www.affordablehomedecorator.com Residential and commercial interior design and renovation. Barry Wooley Designs 835 East Main St. 502-569-7101 www.barrywooley.com Full service interior design services, hourly design consultation, event planning and staging. Colonial Designs 3712 Lexington Rd. 502-896-4461 www.colonialdesigns.net Family-owned and operated for 59 years. We specialize in interior design and offer a full-service florist. Internet Service Providers BluegrassNet 321 E. Breckinridge St. 502-589-4638 www.bluegrass.net Comprised of Internet, voice, networking, and programming divisions, BluegrassNet has been the IT partner of choice since 1995. From desktop to data center, it’s the people who make the difference. www.eaglepaper.com 502.585.4026 Janitorial/Maintenance Supplies Eagle Paper Inc. 1031 Lexington Rd. 502-585-4026 www.eaglepaper.com Distributor of facility maintenance products & retail packaging, serving everyone from manufacturers to hotels & retail stores. Your partner in a clean, healthy & environmentally responsible facility. Landscaping The Plant Kingdom 4101 Westport Rd. 502-893-7333 www.plantkingdom.net The Plant Kingdom is a family owned garden center in the heart of St. Matthews. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing all of your retail garden center and professional landscaping needs. Lawn Care Abbott’s Quality Cut Lawn Care 7018 Village Gate Trace 502-299-7327 www.abbottslawncare.com Abbott’s Lawn Care strives to do the best job possible at a reasonable price. We also believe it is important not only to provide professional service, but have a professional appearance as well. Go Green Lawn Solutions 2418 Mahan Dr. 502-298-4317 www.gogreenlawnsolutions.com Go Green is a locally owned and operated lawn care company offering fertilization, weed control, powerseeding, aeration, insect control, lawn renovations. Lifestyle Management Take-A-Break Lifestyle Management www.takeabreaklm.com 502-424-3369 At Take-A-Break our goal is to help reduce the stress of daily life by providing on-call personal assistance, life coaching, & wellness services for individuals and businesses alike. Massage Therapy A Therapeutic Touch 3640 Brownsboro Rd. 502-899-3949 4141 Shelbyville Rd. 502-365-4263 www.atherapeutictouch.com Couples massage, lymphatic drainage, acupressure, craniosacral, Ashiatsu barefoot massage, facials, massage cupping & foot detox. Space for small massage parties. Open 7 days a week. Gift certificates. Therapeutic Massage Tibetan Acupressure Seasonal Detox program Bodyreading 502.265.5849 Office located inside Highlands Rainbow Blossom www.sustainablehealthchoices.com Apex Massage 106 Cannons Lane 502-895-1262 www.apexmassage.net Serving the Louisville area since 2001. Specializing in deep tissue, sports, Ashiatsu, craniosacral, Swedish, hot stone, and prenatal. Highlands Center for Therapeutic Massage 119 S. Sherrin Ave. Ste. 130 502-468-2999 www.highlandscentermassage.com Let the skilled hands of a trained therapist melt your stress away using traditional Swedish massage techniques like deep tissue therapeutic massage, sports massage, hot stone massage or Massage@Work! Lotus Spa 2503 S. Hurstbourne Pkwy. 502-491-8988 www.louisvillelotus.com Massage, skin care treatments, natural nail care, waxing and threading. Jacqueline Saltsman, LMT 103 Crescent Ave. 502-882-0345 www.jsaltsman.com Relax and heal with therapeutic massage. Solace in the Highlands 1916 Bardstown Rd. 502-509-2177 www.solaceinthehighlands.com We are a family-owned & operated spa in the heart of the Highlands that offers therapeutic massage, skin care, waxing and local art. A peaceful place of refuge for a world gone mad. 53 Services Benefit Marketing Solutions 10000 Shelbyville Rd. 502-244-1161 x 106 www.bmsllc.net Locally owned & operated 3rd party administrator specializing in Section 125 Plans, Flexible Spending Accounts, Health Reimbursement Arrangements, Health Savings Accounts & COBRA Administration. Kiely Hines Insurance 6100 Dutchmans Ln., 10th Fl. 502-893-2020 www.kielyhines.com An independent insurance agency providing coverage for businesses and families. We represent many excellent companies which allows us to comparison shop for our clients. Local. Lively. Sustainable Health Choices 3046 Bardstown Rd. 502-265-5849 www.sustainablehealthchoices.com Our services teach skills to individuals & groups to understand how daily choices have long range impact on the health of the mind, body, and spirit. Classes and structural bodywork available. Touch of Grace Massage 228-229-9022 590 Missouri Ave Suite 206-D Jeffersonville Experience what a Touch of Grace can do for you. Ask about Ashiatsu (barefoot massage). Book yourself online. Gift certificates. Located under the Colgate Clock in Jeffersonville. Media Food & Dining Magazine www.facebook.com/foodanddine 502-509-3287 Insider Louisville 502-759-4643 www.insiderlouisville.com Insider Louisville is a local news and information website. We cover local breaking news, business news and features. kyGREENtv 714 E. Market St. 502-299-0950 kygreen.tv Internet-based television station and social network focused on promoting all things green and sustainable across Kentucky. The Local Weekly 4516 Freda Way 502-994-6263 www.thelocalweekly.net “The” newspaper of the South end. Area news, events, sports and more, all about Southern Jefferson County. Home of ‘Find the News Hound’! Louisville Cardinal Independent Student Newspaper Houchens Building, Ste. 08K, UofL 502-852-0667 www.louisvillecardinal.com The independent student newspaper that serves UofL and the surrounding community. “The Best Read on the City.” 625-0100 • loumag.com 54 Louisville Magazine 137 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd., Ste. 101 www.loumag.com 502-625-0100 Louisville Magazine is an independent, locallyowned city magazine that covers the city’s people, culture, issues and events. Louisville Public Media 619 South 4th St. 502-814-6523 www.louisvillepublicmedia.org www.WFPK.org • www.WUOL.org • www. WFPL.org Louisville Public Media serves the city with three unique, non-commercial radio stations under one roof. WFPL-FM, WUOL-FM and WFPK-FM. louisvillehotbytes.com www.louisvillehotbytes.com 502-899-1100 Local website featuring reviews of Louisville restaurants, food and drink interactive forum, community of food-and-dining enthusiasts, consumers and food-industry professionals. The Paper www.thelouisvillepaper.com 502-802-9993 The Paper is dedicated to celebrating all the good happening in our city, on our stages, in our studios, behind counters, and around the corner in every neighborhood. Pure Uncut Candy 502-500-2331 www.pureuncutcandy.com This all-inclusive art browser is eye CANDY. It’s brain CANDY. It’s PURE and UNCUT by fussy editorial. This portable gallery is distributed around Louisville every month. And it’s free! revenewtree 502-409-9515 11509 Shelbyville Rd. Ste. D www.revenewtree.com revenewtree offers a digital media platform that provides a dynamic new solution in out-of-home advertising. Our network of digital monitors allow you to target your customer base. The Highlander Neighborhood Monthly www.thehighlanderonline.com 502-454-3234 The Highlander brings original stories, local news and useful information to avid readers each month, now serving neighborhoods across Louisville! Then Venice House LLC DBA Bonnie and Clyde Weekly Gazette 3175 S. 2nd St. Ste. 242 502-500-8161 Bonnie & Clyde Weekly Gazette is the only advertising medium in Louisville dedicated to helping small local businesses grow. Our content is refreshing and fun. Your business will be noticed! The Highlander, now at over 200 locations! Find out why more people are reading The Highlander Neighborhood Monthly. Pick up one today in a neighborhood near you!* *FOR A COMPLETE LIST, VISIT WWW.THEHIGHLANDERONLINE.COM 55 Services Ask Us About Advertising & Subscription Discounts for LIBA Members! Louisville Family Fun 502-377-1282 www.louisvillefamilyfun.net Website reaching thousands of Kentuckiana residents monthly! We have a full calendar of events, giveaways, discounts and hundreds of reviews. We also feature businesses advertisements! Louisville.Com 137 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd. 502-625-0100 www.louisville.com A website designed to provide locals & visitors current & valuable information about Louisville. Featuring calendar, video directory, plus vast info on where to go and what to do. The Voice-Tribune 735 East Main St. 502-897-8900 www.voice-tribune.com The Voice-Tribune is a weekly publication dedicated to giving a voice to community events, organizations, businesses and people. Want to stay on top of it all? Pick up The Voice. www.TheHighlandsOfLouisville.com 3044 Bardstown Rd. #400 502-235-2707 www.thehighlandsoflouisville.com Visit www.TheHighlandsOfLouisville.com and its companion map & guide for events, shopping, dining, parks, recreation & sight-seeing in the Highlands of Louisville, Kentucky. Wimsett & Company 5111 Commerce Crossings Dr., Ste. 112 www.wimsettandcompany.com 502-964-6030 We consult with merchants to help reduce the cost of card acceptance, working for the merchant, not a processor. Nutrition Nutrition Works 2321 Lime Kiln Lane 502-339-9202 www.smartnutritionworks.com Helping people feel their best by uncovering food sensitivities that exacerbate symptoms related to chronic inflammation and pain (IBS, fibromyalgia, migraines, GERD, RA, chronic fatigue and others). Medical High Field & Open MRI 5227 Dixie Highway 502-447-5100 7807 Shelbyville Rd. 502-429-8998 www.highfieldandopenmri.com The leader in advanced patient-friendly imaging. Packaging/Shipping Fragile Pack 9806 Linn Station Rd. 502-423-0000 www.fragilepackinc.com Packaging/shipping supplies, packaging service, new & recycled moving boxes, custom-size boxes, Fed Ex/UPS/Postal & Freight services, Penske truck rental (local & oneway). Merchant Services Direct Connect Merchant Solutions 201 Townepark Cir. Ste. B 502-365-1850 www.directconnectms.com Offers full-service payment processing. Service and education-oriented, partnering with businesses to help expand customer base as well as lower costs. Painters - Residential/Commercial CertaPro Painters of Kentuckiana 10624 Worthington Ln. 502-290-6636 Paintersoflouisville.com Interior/exterior painting, LEAD certified, drywall/ plaster repair, carpentry repair, fully insured, 2 year warranty, locally-owned & operated. BC Plumbing Co. Voted Louisville Best Plumber 5 years and running LIBA member rates available. Services Residential & Commercial repairs & Remodeling 502-634-9725 www.bcplumbing.net 56 57 PESTS WE MAKE DISAPPEA R. and their damage Payroll Services Advanced Payroll Systems 13405 Eastpoint Centre Dr., Ste. 100 www.advancedpayroll.com 502-266-0000 APS specializes in providing full-service payroll, time & attendance, human resources and benefits administration services, simplifying your role as the employer. APS, Always Personalized Service. PayLogic 2843 Brownsboro Rd., Ste.111 502-894-0088 www.epaylogic.com Headquartered in Louisville, PayLogic provides customized payroll management solutions. We can process paperless and when you call we answer, not an automated attendant. Pest Control Bright Pest Control 4340 Sanita Ct., Ste. C 502-452-9600 www.brightpest.com 502-935-3500 Full service for pests, termites, damage repairs, residential and commercial. Pet Services Derby’s Pet Fence 18 Village Plaza Shelbyville 502-314-7398 www.derbysfence.com The best electronic pet fencing available. We’re the ones with the rechargeable collar and the best guarantee. Stacey’s Grooming Emporium and Pet Supplies 4931 West Pages Lane 502-995-8843 We are a small pet-oriented grooming shop and boarding kennel. We specialize in personal attention for your pet and we welcome puppies and geriatric pets. Photography Bird’s Eye Elevated Photography 342 Belvar Ave. 502-365-2337 birdseyefoto.com Specializing in low-altitude aerial & panoramic photography, offers unique perspectives in realestate, architecture, event, artistic & group portraiture. Aerial imagery. Easy. Effective. Affordable. Boudoir Louisville 414 Baxter Ave. Studio 205 502-609-6551 www.boudoirlouisville.com We are Louisville’s premier boudoir and pinup photography studio. Be sure to ask us about our Pinup Parties! Kory Johnson Photography 1116 Charles St. 502-298-1870 www.koryjohnsonphotography.com Specializing in wedding photography, family portraiture, and event photography. Offering a photo journalistic approach to capturing all aspects of your wedding or family portrait session on location. Kriech-Higdon Photography 1074 Eastern Parkway 502-548-5926 www.kriech-higdonphoto.com We are a husband and wife photography team specializing in wedding, portrait, and commercial photography. Magnolia Photo Booth Company 714 E. Market St. 502-930-0043 www.magbooth.com (NO QUESTIONS ASKED...) Since 1969, we ve helped owners and managers of office parks, industrial complexes, and retail sites avoid lost tenants (and revenues) caused by potential health liabilities from infestations. Only Bright offers a 99.9% Same Day Service Guarantee and a team of licensed, semi-handsome professionals to remove pests and pest-related damage and restore structural integrity and cosmetic beauty. Now, that s Bright! Authorized Dealer of TransPay products and services: ■ Touch Screens ■ Printers, Cash Drawers, Scanners ■ Cash Registers ■ Handheld Mobile POS Systems ■ Back Office Software ■ Credit Card Processing Services Restaurant and Retail Technology 340 Production Court • Louisville, KY • (502) 499-9299 58 BRIGHTPEST .com 502 452-9600 59 TransPayad.indd 1 5/8/13 10:28 PM Matly Digital Solutions, LLC 3432 Preston Hwy Louisville, KY 40213 502.375.2525 info@matlyds.com • • • • • • • Full Color Digital Printing Black & White Digital Printing Offset 1-4 Color Process Professional Graphic Design Bindery / Finishing Services Fulfillment / Mailing Services Online File Transfer w w w. m at l yd s. co m F u L L S e r v i C e P r i n t i n g Co M Pa n Y S i n C e 1986 Studio 3L Photography 8401 Shelbyville Rd., Ste. 212 502-263-8133 www.Studio3L.com Studio 3L Photography specializes in “on location” image creation. Our office is conviently located on the corner of Shelbyville Rd & Lyndon Ln. Physical Therapy Apex Physical Therapy 1925 Blankenbaker Pkwy. 502-267-4851 170 Dr. Arla Way 502-955-1081 1407 E Crystal Dr. LaGrange 502-222-0280 175 S. English Station Rd., Ste 220 502-245-1136 www.apexptky.com Apex Physical Therapy is dedicated to getting you back to life faster. Call any of our four convenient locations in Middletown, J-town, LaGrange and Bullitt County. Plumbing BC Plumbing 1215 S. 7th St. 502-634-9725 www.bcplumbing.net A full-service plumbing company serving the Louisville Metropolitan area over 35 years. Winner of LEO Reader’s Choice Award for Louisville #1 Plumber. Leanhart Plumbing Co., Inc. www.leanhartplumbing.com 502-935-9898 A full-service plumbing company serving the Louisville Metropolitan area since 1976. Point-of-Sale Technologies POS Paper PROS 4700 Silverado Place 502-558-3446 www.pospaperpros.com Locally owned & operated company, specializing in providing American-made paper products. We deliver exceptional service at competitive prices with a personal touch. Convenient ordering on-line. TransPay Solutions 340 Production Court 502-636-5700 www.transpaysolutions.com We help retailers & restaurants control cash flow, inventory, employee & customer databases, & help them add 10-30% to their bottom line through secure, reliable point-of-sale systems & cash registers. Hound Dog Press 309 E. Market St. 502-562-1231 www.hounddogpress.com We offer custom letterpress printing with handset type, handfed presses used to print wedding invitations, business cards, posters, stationery, etc. Louisville Label 417 S. 32nd St. 502-774-5776 www.louisvillelabel.com In over 100 years of operation we have specialized in manufacturing labels that speak, people who listen and solutions that stick. Matly Digital Solutions Printing & Copying 3432 Preston Hwy. 502-375-2525 www.matlyprinting.com Over 20 years of service to the Louisville area. We guarantee quality, service & deadline. Customer service is our priority. Publishers Printing Company 100 Frank E. Simon Ave. Shepherdsville www.pubpress.com 502-955-6526 ext 2304 Publishers Printing Company has 147 years of printing experience. Programs, newsletters, posters as well as prime labels and flexible packaging. We are your local printer. Your business. Our passion. Welch Printing Company 350 Boxley Ave. 502-636-3511 www.welchprinting.com Started in Louisville 25 years ago by Craig Welch, Welch Printing has grown to be the 13th largest printer and is FSC Certified (a green designation). 502.222.8700 www.fineprintshop.net Beyond Printing & Copying we offer so much more! • Banners • Laminating • Blueprints • Mailing • Design • Notary • EDDM Mail • POS Signs • Faxing • Posters • Giclee • Scanning ...and so much more! Support all your local businesses. It helps keep our community great! Printing & Copying Bluegrass Print 1908 Bonnycastle Ave., #2 502-272-0075 www.bluegrassprint.com Bluegrass Print of Kentucky LLC is a full-service, commercial printing company in Louisville. Contact BluegrassPrint.com for all your business printing needs! Fine Print Shop 4725 West Hwy. 146 Buckner 502-222-8700 www.fineprintshop.net We make your life easier, with printing and copying and so much more, we’ll make you look good and stay efficient! Publishers Printing Company is a fifth generation, familyowned company. We print magazines, catalogs, comic books, brochures, business cards, flexible packaging, labels and more...since 1866. www.pubprint.com 60 Services Providing quality commercial and publication printing for Louisville and surrounding communities. info@pubpress.com 61 Publishing BlackWyrm Publishing www.blackwyrm.com BlackWyrm gets local authors into print, ebooks, online, and in front of readers. We help corporate clients who need employee handbooks, catalogs, user guides, and other books and booklets. Real Estate & Related Services Agency Title, Inc. 6500 Glenridge Park Pl. #7 502-339-1145 3007B Charlestown Crossing Way, Ste. 201 New Albany www.agencytitle.com Louisville’s choice for real estate closings. We make every closing special. Choose Agency Title! BROWNSBORO CENTER Blair White - Rainey, Jones, & Shaw Realtors 4868 Brownsboro Ctr., Ste. 201 502-896-8100 9900 Shelbyville Rd., Ste. 8A & 9B www.raineyjonesandshawrealtors.com Rainey Jones and Shaw Realtors is Louisville’s leading independent real estate brokerage offering complete real estate and relocation services throughout the Louisville, Kentucky region. All Locally Owned Businesses Brownsboro Road @ Rudy Lane & Watterson Expressway www.walsercompanies.com Broker House Lending 4510 Deepwood Dr. 502-742-1502 www.brokerhouselending.com A residential mortgage brokerage company serving homeowners in Kentucky. We assist home loan applicants in purchasing & refinancing their homes by connecting them with a lender who suits their needs. Promotional Products Alan Hyman Enterprises alanhymanent.com 502-896-2858 Family-owned and operated since 1987. Wide range of promotional products to reach every target audience and fit every budget. Focus Marketing Group 6108 Glen Hill Rd. 502-429-5240 www.focusmktg.net Promotional products, business gifts and incentives. We want to get it right and put an emphasis on every detail of each job, large or small. Mackey Printing Services 5000 Olde Creek Way Prospect 502-292-0000 www.mackeyprinting.com Full-service promotional products marketing agency, printing services, wearables, and awards. Official “Smackeys” lip balm line. & Jacqueline Klein www.ParkerAndKlein.com Foremost Realtors 5115 S. Third St. www.foremostrealtors.com 502-366-8683 Gariepy Group Real Estate 2216 Dundee Rd. 502-649-3235 www.gariepygroup.com A Louisville native who lives and works in the Highlands. I am proud of our excellent agents who support our clients. Allow us to “Open the Door to Your Dreams.” Like us on Facebook for your monthly chance to win a $100 gift card to Gentlemen’s Cut. 3592 B Springhurst Blvd Louisville, Kentucky 40241 502.412.1505 www.gentlemenscut.com Services 62 Passionate about Real Estate. Ashley Parker City Properties Group 604 S. Third Street 502-515-2489 www.citypropertiesgroup.com The downtown expert in rental and for-sale housing, plus commercial developments and mixed-use buildings. Promotional Printing Services 3310-C Gilmore Blvd. 502-873-0333 www.promoprintky.com Property Management Brownsboro Center 4869 Brownsboro Center 502-895-4273 www.walsercompanies.com Neighborhood shopping center located at Watterson Expressway and Rudy Lane. Anchor tenants are Party Mart liquor outlet and Brownsboro Hardware (US Post Office branch located in hardware store). Passionate about Louisville. Steph Horne & Jack Harpole 6500 Glenridge Park Place, #7 502-339-1145 • www.agencytitle.com Real Estate Closings 63 focus updated 2.pdf 1 5/1/13 10:43 PM FOCUS Salon a Paul Mitchell Salon C M Y CM MY 950 Baxter Ave Louisville, KY 40204 502.585.5023 focussalonhighlands.com CY CMY At Focus we specialize in cut and color for all hair types, Dream Catcher’s hair extensions, and hair removal services. We retail all Paul Mitchell open stock professional hair care products and hot tools. We also offer OPI and Glo Minerals cosmetics. K Gilezan Realty 4898 Brownsboro Center, Ste. 200 502-452-1224 www.gilezanrealty.com Gilezan Realty is the premiere destination for residential and commercial real estate in Greater Louisville, specializing in residential, land, commercial, new construction, and investment properties. Kentucky Select Properties 2000 Warrington Way, Ste. 140 502-271-5114 www.kyselectproperties.com Founded in Louisville in 2006, Kentucky Select Properties has 70+ professional agents ready to help you navigate the local real estate market. We have the highest average sales in the market. Parker & Klein Real Estate 3610 Lexington Rd. 502-498-4514 www.parkerandklein.com Locally-owned real estate company specializing in residential and investment property. Our “Realtor for Life” philosophy means we create relationships and not just sales. RE Solutions LLC 2321 Lime Kiln Lane Ste. E 502-498-5455 www.resolutionsonline.net Redefine your real estate experience with this relationship based alternative to a transactional industry. Licensed in Kentucky. At RE Solutions - our resolution is to be your real estate solution. Rental Facilities The Green Building 732 E. Market St. 502-561-1162 thegreenbuilding.com Several rentable spaces, including one outdoor space, for many types of parties, receptions, fundraisers and corporate dinners. Restoration Excel Shop Furniture Restoration 1617 Mellwood Ave. 502-540-3032 excelshop.biz Excel Shop Furniture Restoration provides the finest in furniture repair, restoration, refinishing, upholstery, and custom wood craftsmanship. Safety Fire Protection Services, Inc. 1210 Vim Dr. 502-368-4400 www.fireprotectionservices.us Fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers, emergency lighting. Salons/Spas/Barbers Beechmont Bombshells 309 W. Woodlawn Ave. 502-749-5152 Beechmontbombshells.com Quality, affordable haircuts. Derby City Chop Shop 1233 Bardstown Rd. 502-632-2467 www.derbycitychopshop.com LLouisville’s tried and true barbershop. Meticulous services in a unique, music and art driven setting. Hot towel shaves, haircuts, and a large selection of men’s grooming products and shaving tools. Focus Salon 950 Baxter Ave. 502-585-5023 www.focussalonhighlands.com Paul Mitchell Focus Salon specializes in all hair types cut & color, Dream Catcher’s hair extensions, hair removal services, retailing Glo-Minerals & Paul Mitchell open stock & professional hot tools. Fritz’s Salon & Spa 4984 US Hwy. 42 502-412-3748 164 N. Hurstbourne Pkwy. www.fritzssalon.com Fritz’s is a full-service salon & spa exclusively for men, offering haircare, massage & spa services in a comfortable, inviting environment. Gentlemen’s Cut 3592 Springhurst Blvd. 502-412-1505 www.gentlemenscut.com Gentlemen’s Cut is Louisville’s premier one-stop grooming emporium for men. Offering haircare, skincare, massage & spa treatments in a luxurious atmosphere. Women/children welcome. Splitting Hairs Salon 4804 Brownsboro Center 502-895-1006 A full service hair and nail salon, offering over 30 years of service. Youngers Barber Shop 10624 W. Manslick Rd. Fairdale 502-361-5914 Youngers Barber Shop has been serving the Fairdale area since 1956. Screenprinting Kopilot Press Custom Screenprinting 1734 Bonnycastle Ave. 502-451-3698 www.kopilotpress.com Kopilot Press has been printing since 2004. We offer fast, friendly and reliable printing services. We work with local artists, businesses, schools, churches, nonprofits, bands and more! Monkey Drive Screen Printing 1249 S. Shelby St. 502-636-1020 www.monkeydrive.net Monkey Drive is a full service screen printing company providing shirts, stickers and posters. Care Security 990 East Breckinridge St. 502-371-3333 www.caresecurity.com Care Security does it all. Two-time national award winner. Owned by 3 police officers. UL certified monitoring. Commerical and residential. 64 Signage Amazing Traveling Sign Co. 12508 Dixie Hwy. 502-593-9495 www.travelingsignco.com Full-service sign manufacturing and installation company. Sign 4 913 E. Main St. Ste. 101 502-582-2000 Full-service sign and graphics company providing signage solutions since 1995. Storage City Space on Main 913 E. Main St. 502-587-0707 cityspacestorage.com Louisville’s first and only 100% climate-controlled urban self-storage. 24-hour recording and monitored cameras, monthly pest control, on-site management. 2011 IREM award winner. The MAMMOTH 744 South 13th St. 502-587-6080 www.themammoth.org Urban Storage… for Art’s Sake! Offering commercial and residential storage, insured with 24-hour security. Your business supports art studios and Louisville’s most unique cultural event space. Swimming Pools Gym and Swim 8130 New LaGrange Rd. 502-426-1326 www.gymandswim.com A leader since 1965 in “Design & Build,” our familyowned business offers quality products, services, award-winning pools, spas, perimeter structures and water features for residential and commercial. Suntime Pools West 11509 Shelbyville Rd. 502-741-4721 6510 W. Highway 22 Crestwood www.suntimepoolswest.com We have been in the swimming pool business for over 30 years. We offer construction of in-ground pools, a full service department, and supplies at our two retail locations in Louisville and Crestwood. Tattooing and Body Piercing Liberty Tattoo and Art Parlor 2801 S. 3rd St. 502-637-4777 libertytattooandart.com Liberty offers custom tattooing and an art gallery space that features artworks of all mediums. Liberty is also home to Liberty Press Screenprinting. Tattoo Charlie’s Preston Hwy. 7904 Preston Hwy. 502-964-8774 www.tattoocharlies.com Voted #1 2012 by LEO Weekly & Louisville Magazine readers. 65 Services Security Systems All-In-One Security, Inc. 5811 Bardstown Rd #103 502-231-6686 www.all-in-one-security.com Founded in 2000. We offer sales, installation & service of residential and small business security & surveillance camera systems. Shredding Services A+ Paper Shredding 991 Logan St. 502-640-4223 www.apluspapershredding.com On-site destruction of information: paper, CD’s, etc. Website Development InnoVise Creative Group 304 W. Liberty St. 502-509-4099 www.innovisecreative.com Innovise Creative was born out of the need to provide progressive web services to businesses in the area. We provide honest analyses of your needs and develop cost sensitive ways to assist you. Interactive Media Lab 124 N. 1st St. 502-500-4653 www.louisvillewebdesigners.com IML has a website for any budget. Our sites include an easy to use Content Management Solution and Training. Call Steve at 502-500-4653. Telephone Systems Absolute Networking 11440 Bluegrass Pkwy. 502-267-2552 www.allcommunicate.com Our vision at Absolute Networking is to help local businesses increase efficiency and reduce costs through investments in technology. Tours Mint Julep Tours 721 E. Jefferson St. 502-583-1433 www.mintjuleptours.com Mint Julep Tours is Louisville’s Daily Tour & Transportation Operator with a mission of delivering FUN and ENTERTAINMENT because we believe the purpose of fun is to have some...So come join us! Transportation CityScoot 414 Baxter Ave., Ste. 100A 502-566-6384 www.cityscoot.com Available to the general public or for private event reservations. Our professional designated drivers will drive you and your car home safely. Mint Julep Tours 721 E. Jefferson St. 502-583-1433 www.mintjuleptours.com Mint Julep Tours is Louisville’s Daily Tour & Transportation Operator with a mission of delivering FUN and ENTERTAINMENT because we believe the purpose of fun is to have some...So come join us! Secretariat.com is the official website of Secretariat, the 1973 Triple Crown champion. Visit us online for complete information celebrating the life and legacy of this American hero and thoroughbred racing legend. View our spectacular assortment of Secretariat merchandise and memorabilia including autographed photographs, artwork, apparel, books, DVDs and more! Secretariat.com, “Out of the gate... and into history.” KEPHARTDESIGN8999493 66 Ready Valet 1047 Mary St. 502-417-6332 www.readyvalet.com Ready Valet provides the utmost prestigious level of customer service in the valet parking industry. Please contact Chase Barmore for services offered and quote guidelines. Veterinary Chenoweth Animal Hospital 3624 Frankfort Ave. 502-893-5533 chenowethanimalhospital.com Chenoweth Animal Hospital has been serving the veterinary needs of St. Matthews and surrounding Louisville communities since 1985. Our veterinary practice is at the corner of Frankfort & Bauer. Seneca Animal Hospital 2706 Taylorsville Rd. 502-458-1161 senecaanimalhospital.com Keeping your dog and cat happy, healthy, and weird. Dedicated to Louisville since 1987. Video Production Kertis Creative 203 S. Shelby Street 502-550-1549 www.kertiscreative.com Kertis Creative is a media strategy and development company specializing in visual communication strategy, video production, photography. We are storytellers who can personalize your marketing efforts. ParkerLane 716 East Market St. 502-299-0950 www.parkerlanellc.com High-tech litigation consulting & media firm specializing in trial & mediation support. Creative services include documentary, film & TV. Contact us about viral social video packages for small biz. Videobred 1000 Hamilton Ave. 502-584-5787 www.videobred.com The premiere production and post-production house in Kentucky, Videobred is a team of dedicated artists working hard to lift your project to the next level. Makespace Oohology 1236 S. Shelby St. www.makespaceweb.com Interactive digital agency. 502-749-2899 MoDuet: A Web Shop moduet.com 502-794-4426 Creating relationships with clients while producing passionate, unique websites. Focusing on designs that are built on content and responsive to all media. Pix Owl Design Studio 1030 W. Main St. 2nd Fl. 502-558-4979 www.pixowl.net At Pix Owl Design Studio we specialize in clean, creative, functional web & print design. Xstreme Media 835 E. Main Street 502-632-6630 www.xstrememedia.com Xstreme Media is a full-service multi-media firm focused on web design, SEO, Social Media, mobile, text marketing, video and more. Yoga Yoga East, Inc. 2226 Holiday Manor Ctr. 502-425-5415 1125 E Kentucky St. 502-585-9642 115 Wiltshire Ave. 502-895-1510 www.yogaeast.org Founded in 1974, Yoga East offers yoga classes for people of all ages and levels of ability. ARCpoint Labs 4111 Oechsli Ave. 502-290-7971 www.arcpointlabs.com/louisville We provide employment services for drug/alcohol testing as well as background screens and a wellness program; individual and judicial services for DNA/ Paternity testing and other toxicological tests. Drinkswell 1201 Story Ave., Ste. 128 502-618-0928 www.drinkswell.net Draft is our craft! We bring years of experience to the design & maintenance of the perfect beer bar or home. We specialize in custom draft beer systems & much more. Edible Louisville 502-299-1096 www.ediblelouisville.com A publication celebrating the pleasure of local food and beverage. LEO Weekly 301 E. Main St., Ste. 201 502-895-9770 www.leoweekly.com LEO is the city’s foremost source of intelligent news and opinions. It is the best source for information on local music, arts, dining, festivals & all else that makes Louisville the great city it is. Proforma double dog dare 3204 Creekwood Ct. 812-944-8322 New Albany www.doubledogdare.us As your marketing partner we provide promotional products, printing services, business forms, e-commerce solutions and complete multimedia services. ONE SOURCE. INFINITE RESOURCE. Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC 2000 PNC Plaza, 500 W. Jefferson St. www.skofirm.com 502-333-6000 Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC is an established law firm representing clients on local, state, national and international levels with notable success in Kentucky’s signature industries. Companies that do not fit LIBA’s membership requirements, but support our ideals and have contributed financially. Ellen Shaikun, Real Estate Broker 2404 Stayton Way 502-417-7625 www.WhatsShaikun.com Comprehensive Real Estate Services. All Battery Center of Central Kentucky, Inc. 1831 Blankenbaker Blvd., Ste. 300 502-297-8600 www.allbatterycenterky.com Interstate All Battery Centers is the leading source in defining the replacement battery business. We Have It, or We Find It, or We Build It. STORY magazine 945 National Ave. Lexington 859-317-8569 www.storythemagazine.com STORY Magazine is directed at readers interested in Kentucky life that often falls outside the bounds of traditional media. Supporters 67 Services LIBA DIRECTORY SUMMER 2010 Valet Logic Media 1907 Ashford Dr. 502-565-4013 www.logicmediazone.com At Logic Media, we specialize in web design, search engine optimization, and online marketing. Our wide range of online services help our clients grow their business. Alltech’s Lexington Brewing Company 401 Cross St. Lexington 859-255-2337 www.kentuckyale.com Alltech’s Lexington Brewing Company has been creating award-winning beers since 2000. Kentucky Ale was launched in 2000, Kentucky Light in 2003, and Kentucky Bourbon Barrel Ale in 2006. STORY KENTUCKY HAS ONE TO T E L L .™ 30 minute Massage for $25 A $10 savings! Expires 11/15/13 NO SET UP FEES ON ANY BENEFIT FOR NEW CLIENTS. Promoting Kentucky and sharing its unique stories with the rest of the world is our mission at STORY. So whether you’re fond of our Unbridled Spirit or simply feel the state Kicks Ass, STORY is helping Kentucky make a strong impression on the rest of the country! Available at Carmichael’s, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Walgreens and Kroger or subscribe online at StoryTheMagazine.com Index of Advertisers A Reader’s Corner......................23 A Taste of Kentucky....................31 Actor’s Theatre...........................6 Agency Title, Inc........................62 Amish Hills Furniture...................28 Art Eatables...............................8 Autotruck Federal Credit Union....44 The Back Door...............................9 BC Plumbing.............................57 Benefit Marketing Solutions.........52 Blinds Direct..............................41 Bridal Suite of Louisville..............25 Bright Pest Control.....................58 Brownsboro Center.....................62 Cabañas House, Louisville Resale..29 Carmichael’s.............................24 Celebrations.............................31 Class Act Federal Credit Union....45 Clifton Art Supply/Spot 5...........22 Commonwealth Bank & Trust Company.....46 Consider Boutique......................32 The Dating Stylist........................47 Dee’s.......................................22 Derby City Chop Shop.................64 Dine Company...........................40 Dundee Candy Shop.....................8 Eagle Paper...............................52 Earth Friends Café......................17 ECO-CELL..................................50 Edenside Galleries.......................21 Eiderdown/Nach Bar...................18 eyedia......................................28 Falls City Beer............................12 Feeders Supply...........................39 Fine Print Shop..........................61 The Floor Store...........................35 Focus Salon..............................64 Frank Otte Nursery.....................30 Gentlemen’s Cut.........................63 Grasshopper’s Distribution............14 Heine Brothers’ Coffee.................13 Highland Cleaners.......................48 Highland Coffee..........................13 Historic Locust Grove...................34 Home Cuisine.............................12 Just Money Advisors....................49 Keg Liquors................................10 Ken Combs Running Store............38 Kentuckiana Reporters.................76 Kephart Design...........................66 LIBA/Partner Thank You ad..........75 Louisville Label...........................60 Louisville Magazine....................54 Louisville Water Company.............16 Louisville.com............................56 Matly.......................................60 Medical Towers Pharmacy...........40 MoDuet...................................66 Mom’s Music.............................37 Moss Hill Bath and Body Collection.....32 Najla’s......................................15 NIMBUS....................................43 OakSt. Productions......................49 Old Town Wine & Spirits...............10 68Cover design by Penny Kephart Park Community Federal Credit Union...45 Parker & Klein Real Estate............63 Pearson Funeral Directors............50 Pedal de Ville..............................7 Publishers Press..........................61 Quest.......................................39 Rainbow Blossom.......................76 River City Drafthouse....................9 S. Bayly Boutique.......................32 Sassy Fox Upscale Consignment...24 Shaheen’s.................................26 ShopGirlz @ Landis Lakes TowneCenter’s...34 Dr. Victoria Snelling....................51 Stock Yards Bank........................46 STORY Magazine........................68 Sustainable Health Choices...........53 The Highlander...........................55 Total Office Products & Service.....38 TransPay Solutions......................59 Urban Attic................................26 ValuMarket................................15 Wallitsch Farm & Nursery............30 Watrous & Associates.................43 Westport Whiskey & Wine...........10 WHY Louisville...........................33 Wild and Woolly Video.................41 WillisKlein.................................37 The Wine Market.........................11 The Wine Rack............................11 YesterNook................................29 Directory Layout by GreenList Louisville 3046 Bardstown Rd. 502-265-5849 www.sustainable healthchoices.com Expires 11/15/13 20% Off A Used Item Purchase Expires 11/15/13 FREE KEY Up to $5.50 value, limit one per customer. Expires 11/15/13 502-244-1161 www.bmsllc.net A Reader’s Corner Bookstore 2044 Frankfort Ave. 502-897-5578 www.areaderscorner.com St. Matthews (4041 Westport Rd., 893-0441) Middletown (11530 Shelbyville Rd., 244-7077) Hikes Point (3077 Breckenridge Ln., 456-2511) $5 Off PURCHASE OF $25 OR MORE Expires 11/15/13 150 Chenoweth Lane 502-895-3711 Find Us On Facebook 10% Off PURCHASE Not to be combined with other offers. Expires 11/15/13 502-893-1939 • 107 S. Bayly Avenue www.sbaylyboutique.com 69 ou $5 Off $25 purchase lia … nce T he L endent Busin p e d n ess eI l l i Al isv Limit 1 per customer. Cannot be combined with other offers. Expires 11/15/13 $5 Off Any ONE item priced at $20 or more the public on the value of shopping locally f Educates •BuyLocalFirstcampaign •Forevery$100spentalocally-owned,independentbusiness, $55isreinvestedintheLouisvillearea •Whereasonly$14isreinvestedwhenthatsamemoneyis spentatanationalchain major events to promote the buy local message: f Produces •BuyLocalFair(Sat.5/11/13) •IndependentsMonth(July2013) •LouisvilleBrewfest(Sat.9/21/13) •ShiftYourShoppingContest(startsjustbeforeThanksgiving) f Will conduct a “Keep South Louisville Weird” effort in 2013 networking and education events for our business f Holds members f Raises the visibility of local business issues f Sends email newsletters every month and distributes 45,000 of these Buy Local Guides f Prints twice a year! 70 Cabañas House Louisville Resale Located inside of Consignments Plus 5622 Bardstown Road • 502-231-6155 www.facebook.com/louisvilleresale •KeepLouisvilleWeirdcampaign our business members with group promotion f Supports and ‘Buy Local’ materials f Has over 550 business members a study with Civic Economics and the American f Conducted Booksellers Association that showed: This coupon is only valid on items sold by Cabanas House, clearly listed as vendor #2 and #27 on each price tag. Expires 11/15/13 3738 Lexington Rd. 3046 Bardstown Rd. 12232 Shelbyville Rd. 3608 Springhurst Blvd. 3003 Charlestown Crossing rainbowblossom.com 502-896-0189 Sign up for our newsletter at www.keeplouisvilleweird.com. Join us on Facebook (/keeplouisvilleweird) and Twitter (Weird Louisville). Bring A Friend To Any Tasting Event (2 for 1) Tastings Every Thursday 6:30 to 8pm Chris Zaborowski & Richard Splan Proprietors Expires 11/15/13 1115 Herr Lane, Suite 140 502-708-1313 westportwhiskeyandwine.com 10% off any Accessory Purchase (Veil, Headpiece, Shoes, Gifts) *Valid on New Orders Only. Expires 11/15/13 9948 Linn Station Rd 502-244-2909 www.thebridalsuiteoflouisville.com 15% off any single item (excluding fine art pieces) Expires 11/15/13 10%Off 502-409-6300 • 1013 Bardstown Road www.considerboutique.com 631 S. 4th St. 502-589-0210 www.arteatables.com any purchase of $25 or more. Expires 11/15/13 71 $50 Off Your Next Custom Framing 536 South Fourth St. 502-561-8333 Order Of $125.00 or More Cannot be Used With Any Other Discount or Offer . Expires 11/15/13 Pantone 199 C Indian Red and Pantone Reflex Blue C 3632 Brownsboro Rd. 502-894-9590 25% Off Any Service Expires 11/15/13 502-452-9600 $25 www.brightpest.com GAS CARD with New or Used Auto Loan Expires 11/15/13 PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR HEART IS 3620 Fern Valley Road 502-964-7575 www.classact.org $25 OFF Your Purchase of $100 Or More Expires 11/15/13 1001 Breckenridge Lane 502-893-8100 www.amishhills.com 2 for 1 Haircuts (for 2 new clients) Expires 11/15/13 10%Off Purchase 950 Baxter Avenue • 502-585-5023 www.focussalonhighlands.com 1201 Story Ave. Suite 111 Butchertown Market www.mosshill.net 502-365-3405 Expires 11/15/13 72 73 LIBA is only Special Thanks To Our Partners Who Support LIBA and Local Business in the Louisville Area as STRONG as our membership We invite all locally oWned, independent businesses to become liba members and let your voices be heard. visit WWW.keeplouisvilleWeird.com and click “become a member of liba” to see the benefits you receive for your $100/year business membership fee and to join online. (all individuals Who love their locals can support our mission With an individual membership.) ! S U JOIN . WWW 74 .com ® Amish Hills Furniture ARGI Financial Foxhollow Farm Heaven Hill Distilleries Rainbow Blossom Natural Food Markets The Root Cellar Scott of All Trades Stock Yards Bank We would like to thank our LIBA Partners for their generous contributions to LIBA and the services we provide in support of local business. We hope that you will choose to give these sponsors your business and let them know you, too, appreciate their support.75 Louisville’s Oldest Full-Service Court Reporting & Legal Videography Firm 730 West Main Street, Suite 101 • Louisville, Kentucky 40202 p. 502.589.2273 f. 502.584.0119 email: schedule@kentuckianareporters.com www.kentuckianareporters.com Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/kentuckiana.reporters Celebrating 35 years of Healthy Living! rainbow blossom N at u r a l F o o d M a r k e t s St. MatthewS | highlandS | Middletown SpringhurSt | new albany www.rainbowblossom.com 76
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