TRAINING SERVICES SNAKE EYES GOLFSMITH LAUNCH MONITORS WORKSHOP GRIPS SHAFTS 2013/14 24/7 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_2ppCover_153-154pp_2013_artwork.indd 1 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 17:37 CLUBMAKING Since 1967 For over 40 years, Golfsmith has provided the most complete, practical training for clubmakers. A lot has changed for clubmakers over the years but one thing hasn’t – Golfsmith’s commitment to you and your craft. Since 1967 Golfsmith has brought clubmakers the latest technologies and trends in golf, this year is no different. Our 2013/14 catalogue puts custom clubmaking’s state of the art technology at your fingertips. From the latest shafts and grips to innovative club heads, time saving tools and the best clubmaking schools available. We’re committed to keeping you on the cutting edge. We thank you for your business and look forward to continuing to serve you. Count on Golfsmith Europe for everything you need to put together the perfect golf clubs. In all Golfsmith Training Schools, students work with top-of-the-line Golfsmith equipment. Golfsmith Europe – Corporate Partner to the PGAs of Europe The PGAs of Europe’s core mission is to represent, promote and provide advice to develop professional golf and ensure that the administration of the professional game throughout the continent delivers excellence in the services provided to ensure highly qualified, highly skilled PGA Professionals who lead the advancement of the game around the world. The PGAs of Europe is an Association of National PGAs (33 European and 6 International) with a collective membership in excess of 21,000 golf professionals, at all times striving to raise standards and opportunities in the education and employment of golf professionals. Golfsmith Europe – Official Partner to the PGA of Sweden The PGA of Sweden primary mission is to work towards upholding the tradition and culture of golf in harmony with the general orientation of Swedish sports. The purpose of the PGA is to train and sustain a corps of Club Professionals and Tournament Professionals to enhance their professional status. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_2ppCover_153-154pp_2013_artwork.indd 2 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 17:37 your choice: Five Great Ways to shop & connect Whether you’re looking for a clubhead, learning how to remove a shaft, or wondering what others are saying about a new grip, Golfsmith offers the easiest ways to shop, learn and share. 1 2 3 4 5 Go online Our website – Take control of your ordering and manage your procurement online with Masters. area Retail consultants Dedicated and knowledgeable industry professionals call us or Fax Speak to our experienced sales team, phone: +44(0)1934 523900 or fax: +44(0)1934 523930 Stock Trac Ensure optimum stock availability in your shop - all the time Email 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 155 contact our experienced sales team content Training Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156-157 clubmaking and Gca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 PuREing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160-161, 188-189 Tailored Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162-165 clubheads Snake Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166-178 Golfsmith Components . . . . . . . . 182-183 Headcovers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179, 183 Snake Eyes accessories . . . . . . . . 180-181 Launch monitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184-187 Workshop Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190-215 Grips Golf Pride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218-225, 254 Lamkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226-233 Winn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234-239, 255 Black Widow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240-243 Tacki-Mac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Avon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244, 255 Medallist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Masters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245, 255 Snake Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246-247 Ping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248-249, 254 TaylorMade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 Odyssey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Callaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 SuperStroke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252-254 Neverbend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256 Tiger Shark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 2Thumb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258-259 Shafts PUREing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 Project X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262-264 Grafalloy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265-269 Aldila. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270-273 Fujikura. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274-275 UST Mamiya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276-281 Mitsubishi Rayon. . . . . . . . . . . . . 282-283 Graphite Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284-285 Aerotech . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 Snake Eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 GolfSmith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 True Temper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288-291 KBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292-294 FST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 Apollo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Nippon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296-299 Putter Shafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 visit 155 03/03/2013 05:31 traininG scHools traininG scHools Golfsmith training schools have been offering expert instruction in a hands-on working environment since 1970. Many of the world’s finest golf clubmakers have earned diplomas from Golfsmith, and our instructional programmes have probably done more to advance custom clubmaking than any other single force. Most successful custom clubmakers begin by learning and honing their hand craftsmanship and bench skills, and then build on that ability by acquiring and implementing technical and clubfitting know-how. This combination of skills sets expert customfitters apart from the rest of the industry and positions them to build the most valuable products of golf’s modern era: quality custom-made, custom-fit golf clubs. coRPoRaTE PaRTnER. Golfsmith Europe runs on-site training programmes in many PGA of Europe countries. TRaininG ScHooLS Contact Rob Mallett for details. THE comPLETE aSSEmBLY anD REPaiR TRaininG ScHooL FiTTinG anD EVaLuaTion ScHooL * All Golfsmith schools are eligable for PGA CPD points “ More training options available, please contact me for details Find out more by calling +44 (0) 1934 523900 or visit 156 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 156 | ” +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:31 traininG scHools traininG scHools geT THe BeST TrAiNiNg AVAiLABLe With two hands-on schools to choose from, we can help anyone from beginners to seasoned pros achieve clubmaking excellence. Learn more about each school at The complete assembly & Repair Training School Students learn in depth about all the functions of club specifications from the shafts, through to the grips and heads. Get to build irons, woods, hybrids and a putter and carry out all relevant club repairs. Upon completion of the two day course graduates receive an industry recognised certification. You WiLL LEaRn: • Complete Club Assembly • Custom Wood Assembly • Grip Installation • Custom Iron Assembly • Reshafting Woods & Irons • Swingweighting • Metal & Graphite Wood Repairs • Loft and Lie Adjusting 2 days cLaSS STaRT DaTES anD FEES: SEE WEBSITE FOR SCHEDULE Two-day Fitting & Evaluation School This two day advanced class features an in depth analysis of club specifications and their effects on ball flight. Counter balancing and MOI are amongst other aspects of fitting and technology covered. You WiLL LEaRn: • Effects of Club Specifications • Counter Balance Weighting • Understanding MOI • Launch Monitor Fitting • Shaft PUREing 2 days • Swing as it applies to the Clubmaker • Short game fitting • Clubfitting • Equipment Evaluation • Range Session cLaSS STaRT DaTES anD FEES: SEE WEBSITE FOR SCHEDULE Full details and easy sign-up: +44 (0)1934 523900 or 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 157 | +44 (0)1934 523900 157 157 03/03/2013 05:31 GolF clUbmakers association (Gca) clUbmakinG & Gca The GCA or Clubmakers Association was founded in 1980 and with over 6000 members worldwide it is both the oldest and biggest clubmaking association. The GCA is devoted exclusively to help promote the craft of true custom clubmaking and club fitting. The GCA of Europe is the European branch of this association which, whilst sharing the GCA’s dedication to clubmaking, focuses more on the golf trade in Europe and the different aspects of the profession over here. Here at Golfsmith Europe, it is our primary aim to further the raise the profile of the GCA of Europe and to educate the golfing public in the importance of properly fitted and expertly made custom golf clubs through the services of qualified GCA of Europe clubmakers. The GCA of Europe offers the opportunity for like minded clubmakers to unite in their passion for true craftsmanship. To further their knowledge and understanding of golf club technology and custom fitting. The members only GCA of Europe Forum Site is a facility that clubmakers can use to keep in contact, sharing tips, advice, experiences and problem solving. The Technical Board helps members keep abreast of new technical developments and features articles from the leading component manufacturers. This offers GCA of Europe members the chance to increase their knowledge add keep one step ahead of the competition and their customers. In addition, there are competitions, special offers and many other boards that make the forum a priority visit. The GCA of Europe is an organisation that evolves and develops through the member’s ideas, needs and participation. The GCA of Europe is the premier clubmaking association that is a must for the serious clubmaker. Rob mallett Technical Support Golfsmith Benefits of Gca membership Gca oF EuRoPE EXcLuSiVE monTHLY oFFERS Unique monthly offers for members only DiScounT SST PuRinG GCA of Europe members receive a discount on all Puring offered through Golfsmith Europe, again membership number must be quoted when ordering. FREE monTHLY PRiZE DRaW Free entry into the monthly prize draw for equipment and accessories. Every clubmaker’s membership number will automatically be entered into the draw on the last Friday of every month. Winners names are posted on the GCA of Europe Forum site. cLuBmaKER LocaToR anD REFERRaL PRoGRammE Qualified clubmakers are listed on the Clubmaker Locator, and can sign up for the GCA of Europe Referral to help promote their business and direct customers to them DiScounT on TooLS anD ScHooLS Gca oF EuRoPE cLuBmaKER’S FoRum Offering clubmakers the opportunity to work closely together, helping each other out, exchange views and share experiences. The site features boards including Technical Articles, Equipment For Sale/ Wanted, General Discussion, Important Dates, Competitions, Equipment Reviews. Members are eligible for a discount on purchases of tools and Golfsmith’s training schools. Golfsmith Europe’s FREE Technical support If you need help with tip trim, shaft selection, grip size or any general workshop enquiries then please email our Technical Support for assistance. Join Today! 158 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 158 For more information about GCA Membership, go to | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:31 PUreing services How many of the golf shafts you buy are perfectly round and straight? Most? Some? Any idea? On the PGA Tour and around the world, only SST PURE Shaft Alignment guarantees you are building the best-performing golf clubs. No golf shaft is perfectly round, straight or stiff throughout its length, which can lead to problems like off-line bending and twisting at impact. The USGA and R&A-legal SST PURE process solves this problem. PUREing a shaft identifies its most stable orientation to the clubhead, so it can be installed for optimal performance. Hundreds of touring pros have discovered that clubs with PUREd shafts feel more solid and play more consistently. Our PUREing service includes shaft prep and cutting. When ordering, please specify type of club and club number, and final shaft length within one inch of final playing length. Stock no. PuRE nSTKPuRE nREPPuRE Service PUREing Service on any shaft purchased from Golfsmith PUREing Service on any new un-cut shaft not purchased from Golfsmith PUREing Service on a cut shaft that has been removed from a head 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 159 | +44 (0)1934 523900 159 03/03/2013 05:31 services services giVe YoUr CLUBS A FreSH STArT Whether it’s a classic collectible or just an old favourite, almost any club can find new life in the hands of Golfsmith’s experienced professionals. We’ve repaired and restored thousands of clubs of every kind to original condition or even better. For complete details and pricing, call or look for our repair and refinishing services at under our clubmaking resources tab. Repairs and customisation Everything from loft and lie bending to swingweight adjustment to rattle removal, performed by our experienced shop team. Regripping Let us handle removing your favorite set’s old grips and installing new ones. Our team has the know-how and pro shop equipment to do the job right, including precise alignment. Reshafting We’ll remove your old shaft and replace it with any in this catalogue, plus add a grip of your choice. Don’t forget to ask about SST PUREing® (pg. 159 & 261). wiTH eVerY regrip, regrooVe. When a client comes in for fresh grips, it’s the perfect chance to offer fresh grooves, too. The new USGA rules mean that now amateurs can continue to use the older, aggressive grooves until 2024. How does that affect custom club makers like you? Golfers who love their high-backspin wedges should make them last as long possible, and you can help by periodically restoring the grooves to their original shape and sharpness. Regrooving tool and replacement blades – pg. 210 Even better, you can retrofit any pre-2010 club with grooves that conform to the rules in effect when it was made. For example, you could improve an older wedge by changing its original V-grooves to U-grooves that conform to pre-2010 rules. Whether you’re maintaining clubface grooves or improving them, we’ve got the gear for the job. Our regrooving tool (pg. 210) makes old clubs like new, and it makes adding value to your services easy. So when you’re sliding on those new grips, remember: now’s a good time to regroove! 160 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 160 More info at | +44 (0)1934 523900 Not all items are in stock at all stores. Contact your local Golfsmith to check availability. 03/03/2013 05:31 services services repAirS & CUSToMiSATioN if you don’t have the right tools for the job then getting your customers repair done couldn’t be easier. Simply send it back to our workshop and let us take care of it. repairs and customisation services ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Re-shaft for Irons, Woods and Putters Remove broken shafts (flush with hosel) Lengthen or Shorten clubs Change Loft/Lie Change Swingweight Remove/Fix Rattle Re-Glue Heads Re-Grip for any club Thru Bore Woods and Irons New For 2013 – Only pay for the parts, all repairs carried out F.O.C Golfsmith Europe’s FREE Technical support If you need help with tip trim, shaft selection, grip size or any general workshop enquiries then please email our Technical Support for assistance. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 161 | +44 (0)1934 523900 161 161 03/03/2013 05:32 snake eyes menU tailored services For 2013 Snake Eyes offers a complete range of products to cater for every golfers needs. From the new 695os iron designed for the mid to low handicap to the tried and tested XLD2 which offers the forgiveness the higher handicap golfer may prefer, Snake Eyes offers a solution for any player. Ordering Snake Eyes clubs is simple and efficient. Whether you are a clubmaking expert looking for components or a teaching pro looking for a finished product we have three simple options for you. assembled Snake Eyes Using the finest components we have produced an extensive range of Assembled Snake Eyes products - including the new 695os Iron. GSE component Pick n mix With the widest and most comprehensive range of components, this option is perfect for the club maker looking to offer a specialist service to their customers. We can build it for you Don’t have time to spend in the workshop building clubs? This service is perfect for you. Our workshop will custom build your orders and deliver them to you within 10 working days. Free cusTom AssemBly – Order any Head, Shaft & Grip from our 2013 catalogue and we will assemble it for FREE. Golfsmith Europe’s FREE Technical support If you need help with tip trim, shaft selection, grip size or any general workshop enquiries then please email our Technical Support for assistance. 162 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 162 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:32 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 163 | ASE020/1 ASE021/2 ASE028 Code ASE006/7 ASE012/3 Code ASE016/7/8/9 Code ASE004/5 ASE000/1/2/3 ASE030 Irons Irons Irons Category Hybrids Hybrids Category Hybrids Category Wedges Wedges Putters Irons ASE010 Code ASE000 Category ASE010 ASE029 Fairways Woods Irons ASE023/4 Fairways Woods Irons ASE014 Fairways Woods ASE029 Drivers Code ASE026/7 Drivers ASE008 ASE015 Drivers Fairways Woods ASE009 Drivers Category Code Category +44 (0)1934 523900 Tour Platinum Putters 695LZ Wedges CHROME 695LZ Wedge, Black Item Quickstrike QS5 Item Viper Hybrid 695 Hybrid Item Indigo Combo Set 4,5,6 7-SW Python XLD2 Irons 4-SW Python XLD2 Irons 4-SW Viper XCII Irons 4-SW Viper XCII Irons 4-SW 695 3-PW Item Indigo 2 Fairway Python XLD2 Fairway Viper Fairway 695 Fairway Wood Item Indigo 2 Driver Pythion XLD2 Driver Viper Ti Driver Snake Eyes 695 Driver S Item UST Frequency Filtered Shaft FST Pro 115 FST Pro 115 Shaft SE Quick Strike Q5 Wood Shaft SE Aerotech Hoop Wind SE Series Grafalloy Shaft Lightweight Superflex Graphite SE Aerotech UST Proforce XTD TT Steel SE Aerotech Hoop Wind FST Pro 115 KBS Tour Shaft Lightweight Superflex Graphite SE Aerotech UST Proforce XTD SE Aerotech Hoop Wind SE Series Grafalloy Shaft Lightweight Superflex Graphite SE Aerotech UST Proforce XTD SE Aerotech Hoop Wind E Series Grafalloy Shaft 5 6 4 4 4 4 6 54 52 4 4 19 4 4 21 4 4 4 4 4 6 4 15 4 4 18 6 6 6 6 6 4 3-PW 4-SW 4 4 4 4 3 4 6 4 4 4 10.5 6 4 4 4 9.5 4 4 56 4 23 4 4 24 6 4 4 4 11.5 4 6 58 4 27 4 6 6 6 HL 4 4 60 4 31 6 6 L 6 L 6 6 L 4 6 6 6 6 L 4 6 6 6 L 4 6 6 6 L 4 4 R 4 R 4 4 R 6 4 4 4 4 R 6 4 4 4 R 6 4 4 4 R 4 4 S 4 S 4 4 S 6 4 4 4 4 S 6 4 4 4 S 6 4 4 4 S 6 4 6 L/H 4 L/H 6 6 L/H 6 4 4 6 6 L/H 6 4 6 6 L/H 6 4 6 6 L/H 52, 56, 60 Loft 19, 23, 27 Loft Loft 4-SW 4-SW Loft 3&5 Loft 10.5 Loft tailored services 4 4 A 4 A 4 4 A 6 4 4 4 4 A 6 4 4 4 A 6 4 4 4 A Assembled snake eyes - SELECTIONS 163 163 03/03/2013 05:32 Pick yoUr oWn . . . tailored services as the uK and Europe’s no.1 club making supplier Golfsmith Europe have the widest and most comprehensive range of components available. Being able to pick any Snake Eyes component along with the shafts and grips from all of the top manufacturers really does allow you to produce the finest quality Golf clubs for your customers. Take advantage of our Shaft Performance Directory below, this will help you quickly locate the perfect shaft for every golfers individual needs. Trajectory: The shaft’s ability to help get the ball airborne. Influenced by bend point and tip flexibility. Torque: A measurement of rotational twisting at the tip of the shaft. Measured by securing the butt end and applying force to twist the tip. loW mid HiGH High Bend Point Low Trajectory mid Bend Point mid Trajectory Low Bend Point High Trajectory Typically suited for Typically suited for Typically suited for loW mid HiGH Low Torque 3.5˚ and lower moderate Torque 3.6˚-4.8˚ High Torque 4.9˚ and higher better-than-average players with higher clubhead speeds, who want more penetrating ball flights. Typically suited for stronger players with fast swing speeds and quick tempos, who need help with accuracy. the majority of golfers, average players with moderate swing speeds and tempo. Typically suited for the majority of golfers, average players with moderate swing speeds and tempo. players with slower, smoother swing speeds and tempos, who want to increase distance. Typically suited for players with slower swing speeds, who are looking for softer feel. Golfsmith Europe’s FREE Technical support If you need help with tip trim, shaft selection, grip size or any general workshop enquiries then please email our Technical Support for assistance. 164 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 164 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:32 tailored services . . . or We Will bUild it For yoU Golfsmith Europe is pleased to offer a custom club making service for 2013. Our efficient, quick and easy service is perfect for busy golf professionals and club makers who understand the value of custom built clubs but don’t have the time to undertake the work themselves. We are delighted to offer free assembly for this service for 2013. All you pay for is the components. Simply follow the four steps below and then allow our workshop to custom assemble your clubs to your specification. Step 1 – Select your club heads (pages 166-183) Step 2 – Select your shaft (pages 262 - 301) Step 3 – Select your Grips (pages 216 - 259) Step 4 – Tell us your custom specifications Example - +1/2” 2º Upright +1/32” Gripsize 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 165 | +44 (0)1934 523900 165 165 03/03/2013 05:32 clUbHeads 695t driver Head sPecs Step up to the pro level performance and hot white look of the new Snake Eyes 695 series. clUb no. The 695 Driver offers a smaller 450cc design, slightly opened face on the lower loft and adjustable rear sole weight for optimising launch. Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie snake eyes 695 driVer 1 It employs Snake Eyes’ Dynamically Optimised CT (DOC) face technology that provides consistently fast ball speeds across the entire impact area and removable rear sole weight for maximum distance and trajectory alteration. loFt 9.5° 695 Driver Head RH – 9.5, 10.5, 11.5 RXW003 60° 55.0 MM 450 199 g Also available in 10.5° and 11.5° Hosel I.D. .335” see For more Dynamically Optimised CT (DOC) Face Technology is CNC milled to provide consistently fast ball speeds across the entire impact area. Characteristic time (CT) measurements remain constant across the whole hitting surface. Top view wHiTe iS THe New BLACK. Doc Face Technology Be at the forefront of the hottest trend in golf. The white non-glare crown with the dark face makes for an easy alignment, while the head offers a round-pear shape with soft edges preferred by better players. constant Face Thickness We recommend: a. SGGS014 SE Series .335 Wood Shaft (pg. 287) B. RXG002 Dual Traction Black/White Grip (pg. 247) c. cRF0034 .335 Black Wood Ferrule [dozen] (pg. 212) D. Wc0060 695 Driver Cover (pg. 179) a 166 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 166 | B c D +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:33 695 FAirwAYS & HYBridS The Snake Eyes 695 Fairway and Hybrid both employ Dynamically Optimised CT (DOC) face technology that provides consistently fast ball speed across the entire impact area and removable rear sole weight for trajectory alterations and maximum distance. Fairways are design at 1 degree open for the lower handicap, and the Hybrid is a more compact design that allows better players to work the ball. RH – 3, 5 RXW004 clUb no. Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie 695 Fairway Head 695 FairWay Head sPecs 3 695 Hybrid Head RH – 18°, 21°, 24° RXi117 loFt 57.5° 35 MM 180 CC 208 g snake eyes clUbHeads Also available in 18° Hosel I.D. .335” 15° see For more 695 Hybrid Head sPecs Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie clUb no. 21 loFt 59.5° 34.5 MM 110 CC 232 g Also available in 18° and 24° Hosel I.D. .335” 15° see For more Top view Front view View and download all clubhead specs at We recommend: a. SGGS014 SE Series .335 Fairway Shaft (pg. 287) B. SGGS014 SE Series .370 Hybrid Shaft (pg. 287) c. cRF0034 Dual Traction Black/White Grip (pg. 247) D. cRF0051 .335 Black Wood Ferrule [dozen] (pg. 212) E. cRF0043 Radiused Hosel Ferrule [dozen] (pg. 212) F. Wc0070 695 Fairway Cover (pg. 179) G. ic48BW 695 Hybrid Cover (pg. 179) 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 167 D a-B | +44 (0)1934 523900 c E F-G 167 167 03/03/2013 05:33 clUbHeads snake eyes 695 oS iroNS The new 695 OS is designed for the mid to low handicap players seeking a solid, clean look with the softer feel of a 8620 carbon steel form forged iron. The updated designs offer added weight to the lower heel and toe areas for lower CG and stability on off center hits, It has minimal offset and slightly rounded toe preferred by better players. The faces are skimmed-milled for flatness and scorelines are CNC-milled to exact specifications. The 695OS includes the innovative Hosel Weight Port System which is the cleanest most professional method for adding weight by using lead power or hosel weights. Top View Front View 695 oS iron Head RH – 4-9, PW, AW RXi100 Material: 8620 Carbon Steel Grooves conforming to USGA Fine tune your swing weight. neW! with Golfsmith’s Hosel weight port. Hosel weights (pg. 200). View and download all clubhead specs at clUb no. 4 loFt 21° Wt. boU. Face Ht. lie 695 os iron Head sPecs 59.5° 3.5 MM 2.0° 246 g Available in 4-9 and PW, AW Hosel I.D. .370” iron no. Loft 4 5 6 7 5 9 PW AW 21° 24° 27° 31° 35° 40° 45° 50° Lie 59.5° 60° 60.5° 61° 62° 63° 64° 64° Wt(g) offset(mm) Bounce 246 254 262 270 278 286 290 295 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 2 2° 2° 3° 4.5° 6° 7° 8° 10° see For more We recommend: a. SGGS020 KBS Tour Iron Shaft (pg. 293) B. RXG002 Dual Traction Black/White Grip (pg. 247) c. cRF0048 Black Iron Ferrule [dozen] (pg. 212) a 168 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 168 | B c +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:33 695LZ wedgeS 695LZ chrome Wedge Head RXi110 RH – 52°, 54°, 56°, 58°, 60° LH – 52°, 56°, 60° 695LZ Black Wedge Head RXi112 RH – 52°, 56°, 60° 56 loFt 56° lie 695lZ WedGe sPecs clUb no. Wt. boU. oFFset The Snake Eyes 695LZ Wedge head designs provide golfers with a classic shape with modern attributes. Cut with USGA-conforming grooves and functional turf-tested sole geometry, these wedges are sure to provide confidence in the short game arena. The Laser Engraved face has additional lines milled across the face parallel with the grooves to provide more surface friction. 64° 0 14° 302 g snake eyes clUbHeads Also available in 52°, 54°, 58° and 60° Hosel I.D. .370” see For more Laser Engraved Face Outfitted with a new Laser Engraved face the new Snake Eyes 695LZ design is sure to improve your short game. It’s outfitted with additional lines milled across the face to provide more surface friction and more spin. Features improved alignment for more accurate shots. We recommend: a. SGK0003 FST Pro 115 Iron Shaft (pg. 294) B. cRF0030 Black Iron Ferrule (dozen) (pg. 212) c. RXG002 Dual Traction Black/White Grip (pg. 247) a 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 169 | B +44 (0)1934 523900 c 169 169 03/03/2013 05:33 clUbHeads Modeled for maximum forgiveness and ball speed, the Viper Driver and Fairway heads employ the Dynamically Optimised CT (DOC) face technology that provides consistently fast ball speeds across the entire impact area. The variable cup face and four-piece precision welded head delivers the hottest face legally possible while exploiting every gram of distributable weight available. Viper Driver Head RH – 9.5,̊ 10.5,̊ 11.5˚ RXW006 Viper Fairway Head RH – 3, 5 RXW007 driver Head sPecs clUb no. Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie snake eyes Viper driVer & FAirwAYS 1 loFt 59° 54.8 MM 457 CC 204 g Also available in 9.5° and 11.5° Hosel I.D. .335” 10.5° see For more FairWay Head sPecs Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie clUb no. 3 loFt 15.5° 58° 36.2 MM 192.4 CC 204 g Only available in 15.5° Hosel I.D. .335” see For more Dynamically Optimised CT (DOC) Face Technology is CNC milled to provide consistently fast ball speeds across the entire impact area. Characteristic time (CT) measurements remain constant across the whole hitting surface. Doc Face Technology constant Face Thickness We recommend: a. SGGS025 B. RXG002 c. cRF0051 D. Wc0040 E. Wc0050 Snake Eyes Aerotech Wood Shaft (pg. 287) Snake Eyes Dual Traction Black Grip (pg. 247) .335 Black Wood Ferrule [dozen] (pg. 212) Driver Cover (pg. 179) Fairway Cover (pg. 179) 170 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 170 | a B c D E +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:34 Viper HYBridS & iroNS Modeled for maximum forgiveness and ball speed, the Viper Hybrid features a Variable cup face, four-piece precision welded head, and removable sole weight resulting in maximum ball velocity and shot modification. The iron is cast from 431 Stainless Steel for optimum feedback, feel and adjustability. The face is made of the same material as the rest of the body, and subtle cavity-weighting gives this iron increased MOI over previous models. RH – 18,̊ 21,̊ 24˚ RXi12 clUb no. Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie Viper Hybrid Head Hybrid Head sPecs 3 Viper iron Head RH – 4-9, AW, PW, SW RXi113 loFt 57.5° 35.4MM 119.3CC 236 g snake eyes clUbHeads Also available in 21° and 24° Hosel I.D. .370” 18° see For more iron Head sPecs lie clUb no. Front View Wt. boU. oFFset 6 Top View loFt 61° 5 MM 3° 262 g Available in 4 - 9, AW, PW and SW Hosel I.D. .370” 27° see For more iron no. 4 5 6 7 5 9 PW AW We recommend: a. SGGS025 Snake Eyes Aerotech Wood Shaft (pg. 287) B. SGK0001 FST 115 Light Steel (pg. 294) c. RXG002 Snake Eyes Dual Traction Black Grip (pg. 247) D. cRF0043 Black Iron Ferrule [dozen] (pg. 212) E. ic46BW Hybrid Cover (pg. 179) 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 171 a | B +44 (0)1934 523900 c Loft Lie Wt(g) offset(mm) Bounce 21° 24° 27° 31° 35° 40° 45° 50° 59.5° 60° 60.5° 61° 62° 63° 64° 64° 246 254 262 270 278 286 290 295 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 2 2° 2° 3° 4.5° 6° 7° 8° 10° D E 171 03/03/2013 05:34 clUbHeads The new Python XLD2 Ti Driver is designed for golfers seeking more distance, accuracy and forgiveness at an affordable price. Made of 6-4 Titanium, this 460cc full-face shape provides a large, effective hitting area while adding confidence at address. The Python Driver, Fairway and Iron all have the innovative Hosel Weight Port System which provides clubmakers with a clean, professional method for adding and customizing swingweight in golf clubs. Python XLD2 Fairways are made from 17-4 stainless steel and offer an increased ball speed, hot feel, and allow play from a variety of lie conditions. Python XLD2 Ti Driver Head PytHon driver sPecs clUb no. 1 Python XLD2 Fairway Head RH – 9.5,̊ 10.5,̊ 11.5˚ LH – 10.5˚ RXW001 Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie snake eyes pYTHoN XLd2 driVer & FAirwAYS loFt RH & LH – 3, 5 RXW002 9.5° 59° 55 MM 460 CC 204 g Also available in 10.5° or 11.5° Hosel I.D. .335” see For more PytHon FairWay sPecs Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie clUb no. 3 loFt 15° 59.5° 37 MM 175 CC 208 g Also available in 18° Hosel I.D. .335” see For more Fine tune your swing weight Top View with Golfsmith’s hosel weight port. Front View Hosel weights (pg. 200). We recommend: a. SGGS025 Snake Eyes Aerotech Wood Shaft (pg. 287) B. RXG002 Snake Eyes Dual Traction Black Grip (pg. 247) c. cRF0040 Black/Silver/Black Wood Ferrule [dozen] (pg. 212) D. Wc0090 Python Driver Cover (pg. 179) E. Wc0100 Python Fairway Cover (pg. 179) 172 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 172 | a B c D E +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:34 pYTHoN XLd2 iroNS The new Python XLD2 irons offer wide soles that place more weight low in the head – especially in the long irons – making balls easier to hit with higher launch angles. A deep undercut cavity keeps the centre of gravity low and back from the face, creating extremely solid feel at impact. clUb no. 6 loFt Python XLD2 iron Head 26° RH – 4-9, PW, AW, SW LH – 4-9, PW, SW RXi106 Wt. boU. oFFset lie PytHon iron Head sPecs 61.5° 3 MM 3° 263 g snake eyes clUbHeads Available in 4-9, PW, AW and SW Hosel I.D. .370” see For more iron no. Loft 4 5 6 7 8 9 PW AW SW Lie Wt(g) offset(mm) Bounce 21° 60.5° 248 3 3° 23° 61° 255 3 3° View 26° and 61.5° download 262 3all clubhead 3° specs 30° at62° 268 3 3° 34° 62.5° 275 3 3° 38° 63° 284 2 3° 42° 64° 292 2 5° 46° 64.5° 298 2 5° 52° 64.5° 300 1.5 8° We recommend: a. SGi0470 True Temper Steel (pg. 291) B. RXG002 Snake Eyes Dual Traction Black Grip (pg. 247) c. cRF0043 Black Iron Ferrule [dozen] (pg. 212) a 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 173 | +44 (0)1934 523900 B c 173 173 03/03/2013 05:34 clUbHeads Designed specifically for women, the Snake Eyes Ladies indigo Driver and Fairway employ design specifications that make the game more predictable and fun. Both clubs are designed with more generous loft to enable the woman golfer to get the ball airborne with ease. The 13.5° driver has the hottest face allowable by USGA limits and a deep centre of gravity to produce a greater launch angle compared to other women’s drivers. Infinite testing dictated the 3-wood at 18.5° loft for maximum launch. Ladies indigo Ti Driver Head RH – 1 (14˚) RXW0050 indiGo driver sPecs clUb no. Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie snake eyes LAdieS iNdigo driVer & FAirwAY 1 Ladies indigo Fairway Head loFt RH – 3 (19˚) RXW0051 13.5° 60° 53.25 MM 460 CC 200 g Only available in 13.5° Hosel I.D. .335” see For more indiGo FairWay sPecs Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie clUb no. 3 loFt 18.5° 58° 33 MM 177 CC 215 g Only available in 18.5° Hosel I.D. .335” see For more Driver We recommend: a. SGGS0231 Ladies Indigo Wood Shaft (pg. 287) B. GS0060 Ladies Indigo Grip (pg. 247) c. cRF0051 .335 Black Wood Ferrule [dozen] (pg. 212) D. Wc0010 Ladies Indigo Driver Cover (pg. 179) E. Wc0020 Ladies Indigo Fairway Cover (pg. 179) 174 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 174 a | B c Fairway D E +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:35 LAdieS iNdigo HYBrid iroNS & pUTTer clUb no. 5 loFt 27° Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie Hybrid Head sPecs 60° 35 MM 110 CC 239 g New irons with USGA-conforming grooves, and hybrids designed for forgiveness and optimum launch makes this new Snake Eyes Ladies indigo set a winner. A new high MOI putter completes the set. Ladies indigo Hybrid Head RH – 4 (23˚), 5 (27˚), 6 (31˚) RXi119 Ladies indigo iron Head RH – 7 - 9, PW, SW RXi115 Ladies indigo Putter Head snake eyes clUbHeads RH RXP0020 Also available in 23° and 31° Hosel I.D. .370” see For more 7 loFt 32° Wt. boU. oFFset clUb no. lie indiGo iron sPecs 62° 3 MM 4° 270 g Available in 7-9, PW and SW Hosel I.D. .370” see For more P loFt Face Wt. Face lt. Ht. lie indiGo PUtter sPecs clUb no. 72° 21 MM 96 MM 367 g Available in RH only Hosel I.D. .370” 3° see For more View and download all clubhead specs at We recommend: a. SGGS0230 B. GS0060 c. cRF0043 D. ic50W Ladies Indigo Iron Shaft (pg. 287) Ladies Indigo Grip (pg. 247) Black Iron Ferrule [dozen] (pg. 212) Ladies Indigo Hybrid Cover (pg. 179) a 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 175 | B +44 (0)1934 523900 c D 175 175 03/03/2013 05:35 clUbHeads snake eyes ToUr pLATiNUM pUTTerS The Tour Platinum putter heads offer the Diamond Roll Technology (DRT) which provides quicker overspin and less bouncing and skidding. This leads to a truer roll that keeps putts on line. 7815 Platinum 7811 White 7811 Platinum 7812 Platinum 7811 7811 7812 7815 There is plenty more underneath the cosmetic improvements of the new Snake Eyes Tour Platinum Putters. Diamond Roll Technology (DRT) is an improved milling pattern, for quicker overspin and less bouncing and skidding. This leads to a truer roll that keeps putts on line. There are three different body styles with three different neck designs. Tour Platinum 7811 White Putter Head RXP0030 Tour Platinum 7811 Putter Head RXP0040 Tour Platinum 7812 Putter Head Tour Platinum Putter Head Specifications club no. 7811 7812 7815 Loft Lie Wt(g) Face Lt(mm) Face Ht(mm) 2˚ 2˚ 2˚ 72˚ 72˚ 69˚ 355 352 375 114 110 99 25 25 24.5 RXP0041 Tour Platinum 7815 Putter Head RXP0042 All models for right-handers only. We recommend: a. SGuS037 Frequency Filter Putter Shaft (pg. 300) B. WG0254 Winn Black/Silver Putter Grip (page. 247) c. RXG001 Black/White Putter Grip (pg. 247) D. Pc579BW Tour Platinum Putter Cover (pg. 179) a 176 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 176 | B c D +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:35 pYTHoN pUTTerS The new Python putter heads are perfect for players at any level who are looking for modern aligment putter heads that offer consistent results putt after putt at an economical price. The mid-sized mallet designs (M1, M2) feature easy alignment aids that makes setup easy and shows a clear putting path. The classic Blade design (B1) M2 comes in black and white finish and incorporates the same easy alignment aids as a mallet. Material-Zinc b1 PUtter sPecs Face Wt. Face lt. Ht. lie clUb no. B1 Python B1, m1, m2 Putter Heads RXP000 Right Hand Only Hosel I.D. .370” 3° Python m1 Putter 72° 21MM 96MM 320 g snake eyes clUbHeads see For more m1 PUtter sPecs Face Wt. Face lt. Ht. lie clUb no. M1 Putter B1 loFt 72° 21MM 96 MM 330 g Right Hand Only Hosel I.D. .370” 3° see For more m2 PUtter sPecs Python M2 Putter, Black/White Face Wt. Face lt. Ht. lie clUb no. M2 loFt 3° 72° 21MM 96MM 360 g Right Hand Only Black/White & White/Black Hosel I.D. .370” see For more Python M2 Putter, White/Black View and download all clubhead specs at We recommend: a. SGP0001 B. RXG001 c. Pc578BW D. Pc32BW Straight Stepless Putter Shaft (pg. 300) Black/White Putter Grip (pg. 247) Blade Putter Cover (pg. 179) Mallet Putter Cover (pg. 179) a 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 177 | B +44 (0)1934 523900 c D 177 177 03/03/2013 05:35 clUbHeads The fifth generation of Snake Eyes quick Strike utility woods, the Q5 Hybrid Head is ideal for any player struggling with the long irons. The compact head design with a slight amount of offset to the hosel is especially helpful for those players who tend to push or slice the ball. The Q5 incorporates two perimeter weight ports that concentrate weight around the back of the head which aids in stabilising the head and provides for a higher trajectory. The head features a concave sole design to help reduce surface friction over a wide variety of turf conditions and allows the clubhead to cut through the turf and light rough easily for cleaner contact with the ball. QUick strike Q5 Hybrid clUb no. Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie snake eyes QUiCK STriKe Q5 HYBridS 5 loFt quick Strike q5 Hybrid Head 19° RXi121 RH – 15°, 19°, 23°, 27°, 31° 59.5° 32.2MM 110 CC 234 g Inside diameter of .370” LH – 19°, 23°, 27° Top view Front view We recommend: a. SGGS022 B. cRF0043 c. RXG003 D. ic44BW Snake Eyes Quick Strike Q5 Shaft (pg. 287) Black Iron Ferrule [dozen] (pg. 212) Snake Eyes Dual Traction Black Grip (pg. 247) Quick Strike Q5 Hybrid Cover (pg. 179) a 178 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 178 | B c D +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:36 snake eyes Headcovers a B c D E F J G H i K m A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O n Stock number Wc0060 Wc0070 ic48BW Wc0090 Wc0100 ic44BW Wc0010 Wc0020 ic50W Wc0040 Wc0050 ic46BW Pc579BW Pc578BW Pc32BW Headcover For Snake Eyes 695 Driver Snake Eyes 695 Fairway Snake Eyes 695 Hybrid Snake Eyes Python Driver Snake Eyes Python Fairway Snake Eyes Q5 Hybrid Snake Eyes Indigo Driver Snake Eyes Indigo Fairway Snake Eyes Indigo Hybrid Snake Eyes Viper Driver Snake Eyes Viper Fairway Snake Eyes Viper Hybrid Snake Eyes Tour Platinum Putter Snake Eyes Blade Putter Snake Eyes Mallet Putter 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 179 LG o | +44 (0)1934 523900 Fits 460cc 200cc 200cc 460cc 200cc 200cc 460cc 200cc 150cc 460cc 200cc 150cc – – – Tabs – Rotary 3, 4, 5, 7, X Rotary 2, 3, 4, 5, X – Rotary 3, 4, 5, 7, X Rotary 15, 29, 23, 27, 31, X – – Rotary 3, 4, 5, 7, X – Rotary 3, 4, 5, 7, X Rotary 2, 3, 4, 5, X – – – 179 179 03/03/2013 05:36 accessories snake eyes SNAKe eYeS ACCeSSorieS snake eyes stand bag This stylish stand bag has a 5 way top divider and is made from special Snake Eyes lightweight black cloth and fittings giving it a weight without clubs of under 1.8 kgs. It is finished in a startling white trim, branding and features 4 way shoulder carry straps and a protection panel for total comfort when carrying. There are 5 zipped pockets which include special pockets for valuables, golf balls and gloves and a full length clothing pocket, plus a special drinks holster and scorecard sheath. code BGmS0001 snake eyes cart bag Weighing in at around 2kgs, the new 2013 Snake Eyes cart bag comes packed with great features making it a perfect fit for all modern golf carts. The 3 way handles make for easy lifting between the car boot and fitting to the cart, the concealed internal umbrella sheath is great, then there are the 9 easy access pockets. There are 2 full length pockets for clothing, various for golf balls and gloves, and being completed with an array of drinks, dry and valuables pockets. Available in Snake Eyes white trim branding on a black lightweight fabric it’s completed with a 14 way top divider and stylish pen holder. code BGmT0001 snake eyes Premium leather Golf Glove The Snake Eyes Premium glove is made from the finest Cabretta leather, which has cross stitching across the palm and fingers for improved grip and a unique spandex fitting system between the fingers and back of the glove giving a perfect fit everytime. It comes in Snake Eyes Black and White and has an attractive logoed Velcro back strap. code GLoV25 snake eyes Golf towel code Ba037BW snake eyes Umbrella This large 62” golf umbrella comes in Black with Snake Eyes printed panels and features a convenient spring opening operation and has a gust breaker structure to ensure cover even in the strongest winds. code um1000 snake eyes Holdall Designed in Snake Eyes Black and White, this attractive holdall has a zipped bottom section which is ideal for carrying shoes or a spare set of clothes, plus a large top compartment and a small zipped side panel for travel documents. code 180 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 180 BG50BW | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:36 snake eyes accessories snake eyes Flight bag The Snake Eyes Flight Bag is the best way to protect your golf clubs when flying and comes with twin wheels for easy transportation, a large external shoe pocket and thick internal strapped padding to save your golf clubs from travel damage. code Ba35BW snake eyes staff bag The Snake Eyes Staff Bag is a beautifully designed tour bag in Snake Eyes black and white that features a trolley friendly, pear shape style 6-way divider top and comes with a rugged saddle carry strap.It is well equipped with large clothing pockets and features a soft-lined valuables pocket for watches and jewellery, a special large dry pocket to keep gloves dry etc, and a deep insulated cool pocket. code sdF extreme distance Golf balls The Extreme Distance gets power from the high energy core which is passed through a specially formulated cover for explosive distance. code GB002 BGmS1000 sdF soft distance Golf balls A soft high energy core is combined with an ultra thin cover using a 392 dimple pattern to maximise a soft feel and distance. code GB003 snake eyes Weekender The Weekender Travel Bag is perfect for a long golfing weekend away and comes with a large bottom area where you can fit all of your evening wear, a cavernous top section for golfing clothes various other zipped pockets, plus wheels and handle action for easy transportation. code BGmL0001 The classic 3 piece design technology helps maximise distance and control around the green whilst still providing explosive distance. code GB001 snake eyes Pencil bag This is the ultimate lightweight pencil bag from Snake Eyes and is perfect for a casual round when carrying up to 10 clubs. It features a super soft padded shoulder strap, a drinks holster, umbrella holder and 3 zipped pockets, the long side pocket for waterproofs, a soft pocket for valuables and a full size pocket for golf balls and gloves. All pencil bags come in black with white trim and Snake Eyes branding. code 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 181 snake eyes tour Golf balls BGmLS001 | +44 (0)1934 523900 181 181 03/03/2013 05:37 clUbHeads P2 iron Head P2 iron Head sPecs lie clUb no. 6 Wt. boU. oFFset GolFsmitH p2 iroNS loFt 30° Also available in 3-P iron no. Loft 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 PW RH - 3-9; PW, RXi101 61° 3 MM 2.0 262 20˚ 23˚ 26˚ 30˚ 34˚ 38˚ 42˚ 46 Lie 59.5˚ 60˚ 60.5˚ 61˚ 61.5˚ 62.5˚ 63.5˚ 64 Wt(g) offset(mm) Bounce 238 246 254 262 270 278 286 294 4 3.5 3 3 2.5 2.5 2 2 2˚ 2˚ 2˚ 2˚ 3˚ 3˚ 4˚ 5˚ 431-TTL stainless steel goes through a proprietary heat treatment, allowing for a slightly softer feel with a high degree of customisation. 12 High performance highly adjustable 431 TTL 10 8 6 4 2 0 17-4 431 Degree of Bendibility This generation of our popular Golfsmith P2 conforming groove iron heads has styling similar to the original model, with refinement of the face conforming profiles, hosel offsets and mass distribution behind the face. Like the original P2, the new design incorporates a highly ductile stainless steel material called 431-TTL, which allows you to adjust hosels 10° in any direction without damage to the clubhead. This makes the P2 irons an outstanding option for custom fitting those hard-to-fit specs. 182 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 182 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:37 woodS, iroNS, HYBrid ANd pUTTer XPC brand clubheads promise more game-improvement quality for the price, and the new V9 family delivers. The V9 Driver, V9 Fairways and V9 Hybrids feature slight offset for forgiveness, plus a modern bullet shape that pushes the CG low and back for easier launches, more stability and big distance. V9 Irons have a deep cavity-back design that helps mid-to-high handicappers get the ball up in the air and flying straight to the target. And the V9 Putter has a “fanged” design that moves mass to the perimeter, helping to prevent any twisting and keep every putt on the target line. v9 driver Head sPecs clUb no. Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie V9 GolFsmitH clUbHeads 1 V9 Driver Head loFt RH - 10.5˚ RXW0001 59° 57 M 460 200 10.5° V9 Fairway Head RH - 3, 5 RXW000 v9 FairWay Head sPecs Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie clUb no. 3 loFt Also available in 19° - 5 Wood 15° XPc V9 Hybrid Head XPc V9 iron Head RH – 5-9, PW, SW RXi103 RH – 3, 4 RXi105 lie Wt. boU. oFFset 6 loFt iron no. Loft 5 6 7 8 9 PW SW 23˚ 26˚ 30˚ 34˚ 39˚ 44˚ 54˚ 62.5° 4.5 MM 2.0 265 Available in 5, 7-9, PW or SW Lie 62˚ 62.5˚ 63˚ 63.5˚ 64˚ 64.5˚ 64.5˚ v9 Hybrid Head sPecs clUb no. Wt. vol. Face Ht. lie v9 iron Head sPecs clUb no. 26° 58° 33 MM 190 210 3 loFt 20° Also available in 23 ° 5.0 4.5 4.5 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.0˚ 2.0˚ 3.0˚ 4.0˚ 5.0˚ 5.0˚ 10.0˚ RH RXP0015 club no. Loft Lie Wt(g) Putter 90˚ 350 3˚ Vol(cc) Face Ht.(mm) 74 25 component options: a. ic42BW Hybrid Cover B. Pc34BW Mallet Putter Cover a a-B 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 183 XPc V9 Putter Head component options: E. Wc0080 Driver Cover F. Wc0001 Fairway Cover Wt(g) offset(mm) Bounce 258 265 272 279 286 293 300 59.5° 37.5 MM 110 234 | +44 (0)1934 523900 B 183 183 03/03/2013 05:37 accUsPort laUncH monitors Vector Launch monitors FuLLY PoRTaBLE Vector X is the industry’s first and only all-in-one launch monitor that measures ball speed, launch angle, back spin, side spin and side angle. VectorX captures ball performance information, processes data with an on-board computer and displays the results on a colour display screen. The system ships with an embedded fitting and practice module and uses the same new micro-lens technology now available on Vector Pro. VectorX is the perfect tool for green grass accounts that need a launch system, but don’t have access to an external computer. The system is simple to set-up, easy to use and has a battery life of up to two hours. An optional external battery pack can be purchased extending A/C free life up to 6-8 hours VFit features: • MicroLens Technology – No focus or aperture adjustments • All-In-One unit – No computer required • On-board fitting and practice software • Completely portable for use indoors or outdoors • Optional data interaction to VTeach, VFit and (computer required) PE182 Vector X Launch System The new VRange™ software is available to all Vector, Vector Pro and VectorX customers. Vrange features: VRange provides a high resolution graphical interface with four target distances – 350 yards, 225 yards, 155 yards and 105 yards. • Full data integration to VTeach and VFit The software is a quick and easy to use fitting and practice range for both club fitters and consumers. VRange™ fully integrates to VTeach™ or VFit™ if those modules are present or can be run independently with Vector or VectorX. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 184 • Four Range/Hole settings – 350 yards, 225 yards, 155 yards, 105 yards – for practice flexibility • Side and top down views • Shot plotting with 13 colour options • Multiple tracers and clustering options • Display via projector, flat panel or computer monitor caLL FoR moRE inFoRmaTion 184 • Ball performance capture via Vector, Vector Pro and VectorX | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:37 ip-3 pro wedge Equipment Specifications: Analysis: •Launch angle (degrees) •Angle of Decent (degrees) •Ball backspin (rpm) •Ball sidespin (rpm or % of total spin) •Ball velocity (mph or fps) •Side angle (degrees) •Shot carry distance (computed) LAUNCH MONITORS ACCUSPORT •Shot trajectory •Clubhead speed (computed) Vector Pro features: •NEW Technology for 2013 MicroLens Technology – No focus or aperture adjustments •USB Interface to desktop or laptop computer •Integrated VTeach Video Teaching software •Integrated VFit Fitting Analysis software with ‘What if’ capabilities VTeach allows club fitters to easily, and without additional expense, increase the value of their sessions by incorporating video swing analysis. And now, instructors can simply incorporate launch monitor data into their lessons for immediate feedback on suggested swing changes. VTeach features: •Standard with all Vector Pro purchases •Integrated video teaching software •Video playback in 1⁄4, 1⁄2 or real-time •Draw lines and circles on screen •Store and retrieve video sessions •Club analysis screen to show impact position VFit provides a comprehensive set of tools for fitters to track player, club head, shaft or ball performance. Shot plotting with 13 different colours makes tracking averages easy. Use the ‘What if’ functions on the analysis screen to model optimum ball performance. VFit has all the tools you’ll need to conduct a comprehensive fitting. VFit features: • Standard with all Vector Pro purchases • Extensive fitting analysis software with ‘What if’ capabilities • Store and retrieve fitting sessions • Compare club and ball performance with 13 colour plotting •Student, Club and Session Database for storing and retrieving fitting and teaching information •Club Analysis screen to show club impact position •Shot Profile Hole •Compare club and ball performance with detailed shot plotting •Optional integration to VRange •Indoor and Outdoor use System: Vector Launch System (Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7) VFit and VTeach software ships as standard with every Vector Pro purchase. The software also ships as an additional module when VRange is purchased as an add-on option by VectorX customers. PE180 Vector Pro Launch Monitor PE183 Vector Soft-Shell Case Sold separately Allow 10 days for delivery. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 185 | +44 (0)1934 523900 185 185 03/03/2013 05:37 tomi laUncH monitors The ultimate instructional aid For Perfect Putting. 186 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 186 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:37 How tomi™ evaluates distance and direction alignment at address Path at impact shaft angle INSIGHT: INSIGHT: INSIGHT: • Establish the intended Target Line for the putt. • Does the golfer consistently repeat the address position over a series of putts? MEASURE: • Degrees the club face is open (+) or closed (-) • Measured in 10ths of degrees, a maximum of 20 degrees open/outside (+) and 20 degress closed/inside (-) versus the target line. stroke Path and rotation INSIGHT: • The overall shape of the stroke in relation to the Target Line? MEASURE: • Tomi™ provides three very telling views of the total stroke. • Does the forward stroke path merge perfectly with the Target Line through the impact zone. • The tendency to strike the ball with club face open or closed. MEASURE: • Degrees the club face is open (+) or closed (-) to the Target Line. stroke tempo INSIGHT: • Stroke timing from one putt to the next. • Time taken to complete the putt from the beginning of the backstroke to impact. • Stroke Tempo. MEASURE: • Elapsed time in seconds. • Separate readings for the backstroke, the forward stroke to impact. 3. The degrees the club face is rotated opened (+) or closed (-) in relation to the Target Line at the end of the backstroke and forward stroke. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 187 • Relative to a perfectly vertical line. • Measured in 10ths of degrees, the spread being +/- 10 degrees. alignment at impact 1. A white line tracing the path from the starting position of the backstroke to its end. 2. A colored line tracing the path from the beginning of the forward stroke, to impact, to follow-through. MEASURE: • Angle of the shaft at impact. MEASURE: • Degrees the stroke path cuts across the Target Line at impact. INSIGHT: • The sum of the two. Scaled in 100th of seconds. • Delofting, or adding loft to the club at impact. • Added loft, negative = delofting. laUncH monitors tomi impact spot INSIGHT: • Is the putter consistently striking the ball as addressed? MEASURE: • Addressing the sweetspot of the putter and come back at impact. speed at impact INSIGHT: • Stroke speed to correct for initial putts that are too short or too long. • How consistent is club velocity at impact? MEASURE: • Inches-per-second at instant of impact, on a 10th of an inch scale. code: PE190 | +44 (0)1934 523900 187 187 03/03/2013 05:37 services services proFiT FroM YoUr worKSHop Golfsmith Europe is the professional retailers favourite partner because, just like yours, our passion is connecting golfers with the very best ways of helping them play better. We have been bringing you the latest technologies since 1967 and our 2013 range continues this famous tradition with an array of innovative clubs, shafts, grips & workshop tools. We have a variety of options to build a workshop from scratch or to update tools you already have, allowing you to give the very BEST of service to your customers. Coupled with our famous training schools, great service, and excellent Technical back-up service we can fit the right Workshop in your premises. 188 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 188 | +44 (0)1934 523900 Not all items are in stock at all stores. Contact your local Golfsmith to check availability. 03/03/2013 05:38 services services CLUBMAKiNg eSSeNTiALS ESSEnTiaL WoRKSHoP TooLS PaRT no. DEScRiPTion uSEaGE PAGE TL242 TL241 TL204 TL277 TL292 TL271 TL310 TL098 TL279 TL190 TL191 TL251 TL214 TL205 Grip Solvent Catch Pan Deluxe Mr T Ferrule Tool Mr T Graphite Shaft Extractor Clubmaker Shaft Extractor Professional Shaft Remover Pro Metal Shaft Clamp Super Shaft Cutter Junior Hacksaw Blades Professional Bench Ruler All-in-One Gauge Beam Balance Scale Hosel Cleaning Brush Basic Loft + Lie Bending Machine Universal Bending Bar Money saving device to recycle grip solvent Safe installation of Ferrules For graphite shafts broken at the hosel Guaranteed to save graphite shafts For steel shafts broken at the hosel For general workshop repairs For cutting steel shafts For use with 12” Hacksaw to cut graphite shafts For measuring tip trim and club length Measures tip diameters,shaft butts,grip sizes and tip trims Measures swingweights and total weight Cleans out hosels on woods and irons To change loft and lie Use with TL214 Loft + Lie Machine 192 195 194 195 194 196 208 208 203 201 201 196 206 206 Epoxy for steel and graphite Mixed with TL183 epoxy 190 190 212 212 191 191 201 ESSEnTiaL WoRKSHoP conSumaBLES TL183 TL258 CRF00 CRF00 TL086 TA052 TL260 Shafting Epoxy Shafting Beads Black Iron Ferrules Black Wood Ferrules Grip Solvent Two-Sided “Miracle” Grip Tape Brass Shims Adapts .335 shafts to .350 hosels FiTTinG EquiPmEnT TL186 TL280 TL185 GAGV033 TL208 Lie Test Hitting Board Grip Sizer Fitting Ruler Shot Sensors Auditor Swing & Ball Speed Tempo Analyser 198 198 198 198 198 Golfsmith Europe’s FREE Technical support If you need help with tip trim, shaft selection, grip size or any general workshop enquiries then please email our Technical Support for assistance. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 189 | +44 (0)1934 523900 189 189 03/03/2013 05:38 GriPPinG tools & and sUPPlies sUPPlies WorksHoP tools a B c D A firm bond, now or later. How soon do you need that custom club? Whether it’s half an hour or half a day, we’ve got the perfect epoxy glue for the job. Shafting Epoxy 1.5-oz. Syringe Tour Van Shafting Epoxy 1.5-oz. Syringe Shafting Epoxy Plus 1.5-oz. Syringe 30/60 Shafting Epoxy 1.5-oz. Syringe TL183 TL184 TL182 TL141 a. Our Shaft Epoxy in a handy syringe. 40-minute work time. Cures in 12 hours to black. B. Get a strong bond in a hurry! Sets in five minutes, ready to play in 30. Cures to cream. c. Pre-mixed with alignment beads. 40-minute working time; cures to black in 12 hours. Shafting Beads D. Super-strong formula. 25-30 minute working time; cures to black in about an hour. Head Tack Rattle Stopper Eliminate shafting clubheads off-centre by mixing these tiny glass oxide granules with the epoxy. One jar treats hundreds of clubs. A syringe injects the reusable thermoplastic glue into the head. The glue coats the inside walls, trapping most rattling objects. TL170 TL258 Shaft Epoxy Works on virtually any shaft material or any two parts. Lap shear strength of 2850 psi; breaks down at 250˚F. Work time: 40 minutes; cures in 12 hours. Cures to black. araldite® Rapid Syringe Double 24ml syringe with 2 part epoxy resin adhesive Ta045 1 Piece TL177 2 x 4 oz., 120 clubs TL178 2 x 16 oz., 480 clubs 30/60 Shaft Epoxy Two economy-priced bottles of our most popular syringe epoxy. Work time 30 minutes. Cures to black in 60-90 minutes. araldite® Rapid 2 part epoxy resin adhesive Ta035 1 Blister, 2 Tubes x 15ml TL176 2 x 4 oz., 120 clubs quick Epoxy Assemble up to two clubs with each handy packet. Work time: 3-5 minutes. Ready to play in 30 minutes. Epoxy Syringe Gun Any Golfsmith epoxy syringe installs in seconds, and the mechanism ensures an even flow of activator and base. TL286 TL316 Epoxy mixing cups & Sticks Graduated in ounces, grams, tablespoons and mm’s/cc's. The skinny mix sticks fit into hosels and hosel weight ports for easy epoxy application. TL285 TL284 190 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 190 | Mix Cups, 25 pk 100 Mix Sticks +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:38 WorksHoP tools GriPPinG tools & sUPPlies Professional Tape Dispenser With spools for double-sided grip tape and 2" masking tape. Set the exact length (1" to 12") of double-sided tape you want; a mechanism winds its backing onto a take-up spool. TL206 Black cloth Thickening Tape 20 metres x 20mm Ta020 Tape Roll Black PVc Tape 33 metres x 20mm Ta015 Tape Roll masking Tape 50 metres x 20mm Ta012 Tape Roll Golfsmith Water activated Grip Tape (2” x 16.5 metres) This environmentally-sensitive 2-sided tape works great, has no chemical smells or messes and doesn’t require solvent disposal. The Water Activated Grip Tape works best by misting with a spray bottle. a B c Ta085 Tape Roll Grip Solvent a. Use liberally to activate two-sided grip tape for the best adhesion. Fast, effective, flame-resistant and ozone safe. Tape Strips TL086q TL086G Ta010 1 Pack x 15 1 quart 1 gallon Professional Grip Solvent B. Concentrated to do the same tasks with less solution. Non-toxic, nonflammable and odourless. Handy spray nozzle. A shop favourite! TL180 TL179 1 quart 1 gallon Two-Sided “miracle” Grip Tape Water-activated Grip Solution Specially designed for firm grip adhesion. Use with one of our grip solvents. c. Environmentally friendly, non-toxic solution that forms a better adhesive bond with Water-Activated Grip Tape. TL287 Ta050 Ta052 Ta054 32 oz. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 191 | +44 (0)1934 523900 19 mm x 33 metres (50 clubs) 48 mm x 33 metres (125 clubs) 48 mm x 16.5 metres (60 clubs) 191 191 03/03/2013 05:38 GriPPinG tools & and sUPPlies sUPPlies WorksHoP tools auto-aligning Gripping Jig Dramatically speeds up your gripping! Clubs lock quickly and easily into the jigs with the face dead square, making alignment a snap. Use with any right- or left-handed club. Adjustable clamping pressure to prevent breakage. TL288 Blade Style Grip Remover Grip Solvent catch Pan The best way to remove grips intact so you can reuse them and save money. Recycle grip solvent with this easy-to-mount, tapered catch basin, which feeds solvent overflow to a drain tube. TL289 TL242 Grip installer Tool Knife Blades An easy way to install grips on oversizebutt graphite shafts (including .865" and .700" butts). Place a grip over the nozzle and slip the whole assembly over the shaft butt. The ideal blade to remove grips from graphite shafts. TL012 10-Pack TL087 neW! Hooked Blades The ideal blade to remove grips from graphite shafts. Fits on any standard utility knife. Golfsmith Head To Shaft Drying clips TL014 5-Pack These strong spring clips attach securely to any shaft and hosel to prevent twisting. TL249 3-Pack Golfsmith Deluxe Gripping Knife Retractable Trimming Knife The very best knife for removing old grips with a shape that positions your hand at just the right angle to control the blade precisely. One straight and one hooked blade included. TL005 1 Piece TL291 192 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 192 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:38 WorksHoP tools GriPPinG tools & sUPPlies ultimate Gripping Station Our all-in-one gripping station for volume shops is the best value on the market. Highquality professional features include a pressure-adjustable shaft clamp, adjustable height, side-mounted supply shelf and club racks, a Perspex® grip aligner, a solvent recovery tank and a geared tape dispenser. The stand (not shown) bolts to the floor and can be adjusted to an ergonomic work height. See for more details and specifications. TL212 Professional Gripping station ★★★★★ “Does just what it says it is supposed to. Very solid vice, and the alignment tool is a big help.” Rob Mallett review from Grip Tape Remover Safely and easily peel old tape from any shaft. Heat tape remnants with a heat gun, plant the shaft butt on the corner of your bench and scrape away. The tape virtually falls off! TL231 Grip Tape Remover TL232 Replacement Blades (6) Grip Remover needles TL084 6 Pieces Pressurised Grip Remover TL082 1 Piece Professional Gripping Station Used in our own production facility, this gripping station is sure to save you time and money. Features include a movable grip alignment tool; an easyto-use sole alignment plate; a powerful, spring-loaded shaft clamp and a solvent catch pan. Bolts to your workbench or can be used in a vice with the included, heavy-duty flange attachment. (Vice not included.) TL192 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 193 | +44 (0)1934 523900 193 193 03/03/2013 05:38 sHaFtinG and eXtraction WorksHoP tools Electric Heat Gun mr. T Graphite Shaft Extractor Tool TL115 TL204 Quickly heat epoxy bonds, loosen inserts and more. Adjustable temperature (500˚-1020˚ F) and air flow. The easiest, safest way to remove broken graphite shafts. Simply screw the threaded tip into the shaft piece, heat the hosel, load into a graphite shaft extractor, and pull. Professional Shaft Removers The perfect solution for removing steel shafts broken off flush with the hosel. High-strength tempered steel. TL292 TL293 For Irons For Woods Golfsmith clear Temple indoor/outdoor Safety Glasses The Golfsmith Clear Temple Indoor/Outdoor Safety Glasses feature a lens that reduces glare in both outdoors and indoors. Its relaxed bridge design fits most wearers and thin, flexible temples provide a secure fit without uncomfortable pressure points. Features: Rimless design for light weight, Clear hard coat lens, Indoor/Outdoor, CE certified TL294 Kwik outs Easily removes broken steel shaft tips from hosels. Break the epoxy bond with heat, then tap the Kwik Out’s threaded tip into the shaft and twist to lock. Dial the pushing nut down and keep turning until the shaft tip backs out of the hosel. TL256 Set Pro-Torch Effective and affordable, especially good for removing heat-sensitive graphite shafts. Refill with butane (not included). TL140 48" Heating Rod for Graphite Shafts Now you can use a heating rod to break the epoxy bond on almost all graphite shafts. Use it by itself or as a supplement to light external heating from a heat gun or torch. TL254 Graphite Shaft Pry Bar Delivers a straight pulling motion that allows shaft reuse. Also handy for shafts stuck in hosels on dry runs. The 15" bar’s end grooves fit woods on one end and irons on the other. TL187 45" Ram Rod Extra-long Ram Rod adds convenience when repacking loose weights in the bottom of shafts. TL255 194 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 194 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:38 Golfsmith Shaft Extractor Ferrule Splitter Designed with the high-volume repair shop in mind. Strong enough to pull any club on the market, this puller will be a workhorse for years to come. The eight-inch T handle provides superior feel when clamping those ultra-light graphite shafts. The six inches of throw accommodates the deeper-than-average bore depths. What makes this puller superior is the super-fast action of the ratchet that literally throws the head from the shaft. TL276 TL244 TL247 Shaft Extractor Replacement Jaw Ferrule Splitter WorksHoP tools sHaFtinG and eXtraction clubmaker Shaft Extractor Industrial-strength performance at an economical price. Durable and easy to use, this tool is designed for smaller shops but has no problem handling high-volume work. In its third version, this constantly improving tool now features a ₅/₈" round guide for the collar gate housing to slide on, rather than the extractor’s frame — in addition to proven features like the pressure-gauging T-handle, shaft clamp and permanently fixed collar gate. TL277 Shaft Extractor Extractor Plate Economy Shaft Extractor Specifically designed to work with any bench vice, this affordable tool extracts shafts from hosels as long as five inches. Comes with a reinforced rubber jaw, hosel plate and ratchet with socket. (Vice not included.) TL194 Shaft Extractor TL233 Extractor Plate Deluxe mr. T Ferrule Tool The easy way to install ferrules featuring a durable aluminum sleeve and comfort grip. TL241 combine the Economy Shaft Extractor with the multi-Purpose Bench Vice TL207 Multi-Purpose Bench Vice See page 197. Ferrule Setter Mount to a bench to set ferrules perfectly. Adjustable depth and apertures for .335", .350" and .370" shafts. TL219 Hosel Protectors Protect hosels from nicks and scratches during shaft removal. Especially useful for aluminum metal wood hosels. In packages of six (three for woods, three for irons). TL235 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 195 | +44 (0)1934 523900 Ferrule Shield for callaway Woods A must-have for removing shafts from Callaway metal woods without damaging the head or special ferrule. TL213 195 03/03/2013 05:39 drill bits and sHaFtinG tools WorksHoP tools Vinyl Rubber Vice clamp Pro metal Vice clamp Firmly secures any shaft without any damage to the chrome finish or graphite. Provides a snug hold for shaft prep, etc. Durable, non-slip aluminum case. cR050 TL271 Hosel cleaning Brush A must-have for any club repair shop. Cleans hosel bores of old epoxy, oil and other contaminants that can weaken a new epoxy bond. Set includes handle and one wood and one iron brush. TL251 TL252 TL253 Spiral Deburring Roll and mandrel TL172 TL173* 5 Rolls, 1 mandrel 5 Rolls Wood/iron Set Wood Brush only iron Brush only Shaft Tip Plugs for Bore-Thru clubheads Rubber Vice Pads Holds clubheads or graphite shafts securely, without any slippage or cosmetic damage. Plastic plugs fit in the tips of graphite and steel shafts to provide a neat cosmetic finish to any bore-through club reshafting job. Also great for plugging drilled holes in metal woods when repairing rattles. cRF0005 cRF0006 Graphite Tip Plugs iron Tip Plugs TL189 a B HSS Bit Reamers c-E HSS Bit — Removes epoxy from the center of graphite shafts. TL148 1/8˝ x 12˝ “R” Reamer — Bores metal wood hosels slightly larger for .335" shafts that are a bit large. TL174 196 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 196 F-H Reamers and Drill Bits a. TL248a B. TL248 c. TL295 D. TL296 E. TL297 F. TL298 G. TL299 H. TL300 i. TL301 | 5/32 48” Drill Bit for Graphite Shafts 7/32 48” Drill Bit for Steel Shafts cobalt Steel Pre-Reaming Drill Bit .335 cobalt Steel Pre-Reaming Drill Bit .350 cobalt Steel Pre-Reaming Drill Bit .370 Straight Fluted Hand Reamer .335 Straight Fluted Hand Reamer .355T Straight Fluted Hand Reamer .370 adjustable Square-Stock Handle for Hand Reamer (use with F, G and H) +44 (0)1934 523900 i Not all items are in stock at all stores. Contact your local Golfsmith to check availability. 03/03/2013 05:39 WorksHoP tools vices and clamPs multi-Purpose Bench Vice This handy design features a 180˚ swivel base and comes with four interchangeable jaws, plus a built-in ferrule setter and extractor. TL207 TL207a Vice clamp (Set of 3 clamps) Putter Shaft Bending Tool Heavy-Duty Lever-action Shaft Vice With a simple, fast adjustment, this premium-grade clamp is perfect for busy shops. Three interchangeable jaws included. Bolt to your workbench or secure in a vice (sold separately). TL193 Performs quick and easy loft and lie changes to putters built with single- or double-bend shafts. Note: Tool cannot make a straight shaft curved. (Vice not included.) adjustable Putter Bending unit clubhead Reaming Vice Safely bends single- and double-bend shafts. A clamp secures the putter tightly in the unit for precise, efficient alterations. Secures clubheads for reaming to a larger bore. The fast lever action provides 250 pounds of clamping pressure. Use with a drill press. TL218 TL237 TL230 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 197 | +44 (0)1934 523900 197 197 03/03/2013 05:39 analysers and FittinG aids WorksHoP tools Putter Fitting Tool Lie Test Hitting Board TL275 TL186 Details putter length and lie angle for accurate fittings with a telescoping shaft and swivel shaft-to-head assembly. The board’s surface leaves a small, temporary mark on any club’s sole, indicating lie angle. Shot Sensor Drivers For deep face drivers 1 Set GaGV0332 48" combination Ruler Measures finished club length. Printed with standard lengths for easy reference. TL250 Fitting Ruler Measure wrist to floor accurately. Shows recommended driver and 5-iron club lengths. TL185 Grip Sizer All-new design for even easier, more accurate measurements, from junior sizes to midsize. Shot Sensor irons For irons 1 Set TL280 GaGV0334 Ghost Tape Driver/Fairway Box 300 x Top, 100 x Sole, 100 x Face 1 Box of 3 rolls auDiToR Swing & Ball Speed Tempo analyser Ta032 Designed for indoor use, this compact gauge provides precise readings of swing and ball speeds up to 150 mph, accurate to a tenth of a second. Easily adjusts for tilt and height and comes with reflective tape stickers to increase reliability. Requires four AA batteries (not included). TL208 198 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 198 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 05:39 WorksHoP tools clUb FittinG aids and WeiGHts Flexible fitting. Changeable weights can fine-tune feel. Head weight screws and backweighting inserts turn one club into many. Golfers can simply change the weights to get a whole new feel and performance profile. Tour Lock Pro Grip modifier Put Tour Lock weights in virtually any grip. Use with a drill to cut a hole in the grip cap, allowing insertion of the weights. TL147 Tour Lock Pro Weights Tour Lock Pro backweighting technology lets you easily adjust the feel and performance of any club. Just install the right weight into a matching grip. Try 8-50 grams in swinging clubs and 50-100 grams to optimize putter feel. Snake Eyes Screw Weights SKu TL302 TL303 TL240 TL220 TL221 TL222 TL223 TL224 TL225 TL226 TL227 Great for lowering the CG, altering the trajectory or adding overall weight to our Snake Eyes 695 and Viper heads. 2 pack 2 pack 6g 8g Screw Weight Screw Weight Weight (g) 8 12 16 20 30 40 50 75 100 neW! Stick-on Lead Swing Weights Lead Weight Strips The convenient, easy and inexpensive way to make simple adjustments to your swing weight. Patches adhere to cavity and contours on almost any club. 8 strips x 3 grams 1 Blister x 8 strips ZDGa0200 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_155-199pp_2013.indb 199 TL304 5g | +44 (0)1934 523900 199 03/03/2013 05:39 WEIGHTS WORKSHOP TOOLS NEW! NEW! NEW! A B Tungsten Tip Weights A. NEW! Resilient composition in a compact design. Benefits include 20% heavier weight than standard lead tip weights, added flex for ease of installation, and rattle-free performance. TL317 TL318 Red 8g Blue 10g Package of 6 Package of 6 C Snake Eyes Machined Brass Hosel Weights B. NEW! The best way to customise Plug-Wates Shaft Tip Swingweights C. Die-cast from an alloy six times harder than pure lead, so you can put maximum mass as low as possible. Packages of six. swingweights. Fits hosel weight ports in select clubheads. Lead-free. Package of 12. TL261 TL319 TL320 2.5g 4g Hosel Weights The best way to customise swingweights. Fits hosel weight ports in most Golfsmith clubheads. Lead-free. Package of 10. TL142 TL322 TL323 TL324 TL325 TL326 2.5g 4g 5g 6g 7g 9g 4g for steel 6g for steel 8g for steel 10g for steel 2g for graphite 3g for graphite 4g for graphite 5g for graphite TL262 TL263 TL264 TL265 TL266 TL267 TL268 Tungsten Powder 50% heavier than lead to increase swingweight more efficiently. Especially useful in clubs with ultralight graphite shafts. TL259 Half-pound Shaft Corks Essential for weighting down the shaft. Pour in tungsten powder and then pack the cork down with a ram rod. Package of 25. TL188 TL257 Woods Irons High-Density Lead Tape Enhance the overall feel of a club by adding weight where you want it, temporarily or indefinitely. Strong but removable adhesive. TA080 TA081 ½" x 75" 1" x 75" Universal Butt Weighting Plug D. Epoxy into the butt end of a putter or graphite shaft and then add tungsten or hosel weights to counterbalance a club. Adds up to 70g. TL210 Shaft Butt Insert E. Epoxy into a steel shaft butt, then epoxy hosel weights inside for fast, efficient backweighting. Adds up to 32g. TL270 1 dozen Package of 6 200 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 200 D E | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:11 WORKSHOP TOOLS INSERTS, WEIGHTS, EXTENSIONS AND SCALES Digital Calipers Beam Balance Scale This 14" beam balance scale’s slide weight slides under the fulcrum, increasing accuracy and ensuring more precise dampening for easy reading. Features two precision indicators for accurate swingweight readings. Scale reads Lorythmic swingweight from A0 to G0 directly below the front edge of the slide weight. Also easily measures total or static weight. TL191 This must-have for any shop precisely measures almost anything with digital accuracy. Includes extra battery and padded case. Measures inches or millimeters. TL120 Hosel Plugs Plastic discs for covering open metal wood bores, preventing annoying rattles caused by epoxy dripping into the clubhead. Brass Shims A repair essential that lets you install .335" shafts into .350" hosels. TL260 CRF0028 Package of 25 1 dozen Oversize Brass Shims A quick, easy way to fit conventional shafts into clubheads with oversized inside hosel diameters. Each weighs only 1.5g. TL197 Shaft Extenders Graphite All-In-One Gauge Measure all common grip sizes, shaft tips and shaft butts. The handy cut-away shaft trim gauge lays over a tip or butt for easy marking. TL190 1 dozen Lengthen virtually any club on the market with our easy-to-install shaft extenders. Just apply epoxy, slide the extender into the shaft butt, let the epoxy cure and cut to length. Graphite extenders can be sanded to fit. Please note: (1) Extending a club more than 2" may compromise shaft integrity and increase risk of breakage. (2) Most steel shafts have .600" butt diameters. Be sure to verify correct diameter before ordering. True Temper SensiCore Inserts SEXPG SEXPGO SEXPX SEXPY SEXPZ TL146 TL217 SGINSERT01 Package of 8 Graphite — for most standard graphite shafts, 5" Graphite — for most ultralight graphite shafts, 5" Steel, Large — double-ended, for .620" steel shafts, 12" Steel, Medium — double-ended, for .600" steel shafts, 12" Steel, Small — double-ended, for .580" steel shafts, 12" Putter Extension Composite — +9", for .600", fits most steel putter shafts, 11" Universal 6-Pack — +3", for .600", fits all steel and most graphite shafts, 5" Putter Universal Aluminium 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 201 Insert these frequency-tuned polymer cores inside shafts to eliminate up to 70% of unwanted vibration at impact. | +44 (0)1934 523900 Steel 201 03/03/2013 06:11 SCALES WORKSHOP TOOLS 205-Gram Tip Weight The standard replacement/ extra weight for frequency analysers. TL330 AUDITOR® MOI Club Scale The future of clubmaking! Simply place a club on the scale and set it in motion. The scale measures the resistance it feels — the same resistance a golfer would feel. This resistance, or moment of inertia, can be duplicated from club to club for a set that delivers maximum consistency. Includes MOI data collection software to help you easily store customer data. TL209 AUDITOR® Frequency Analyzer The industry standard for frequency analysis, this compact design calculates both cycles per minute (cpm) and hertz for precise data. Features strain gauge-based sensing technology for accuracy and an expanded range of 90 to 1000 cpm. 205g tip weight included. TL195 Clubweight Scale Frequency Tip Weight Measures swingweights from A0 to F5, plus static weight up to 650g. The non-restricted beam provides a zero-friction pivot for maximum accuracy. The grip cap compensator and grip channel on top of the beam allow for preassembly dry-fit swingweighting, while the precision bubble level ensures exact readings. The component tray permits weighing of individual small components, and the perpendicular club slot allows for static club weights or shaft weights. with built in laser TL305 TL199 Professional Digital Swingweight Scale Accurate, affordable and easy to use, this unique design eliminates all manual movement of slide weights on conventional scales, registering swingweight in seconds. Based on the 14" Lorythmic® standard of swingweight measurement, it reads swingweight accurately in .003-point increments in the A through F Lorythmic scale. Easily recalibrated to maintain complete accuracy. Instruction manual included. TL196 202 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 202 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:11 WORKSHOP TOOLS MEASURING GAUGES Clubmaker’s Workstation Four of the most commonly used tools in club assembly, all in one tool. Includes a shaft trimming guide, lie angle protractor with offset measuring capability, club length ruler and gripping jig. All this in one convenient, compact tool that mounts easily on even the smallest workbenches. TL236 Professional Bench Ruler Designed by the Golfsmith R&D team, our new Professional Ruler has its markings above where the club or shaft lies. This allows easy, exact measurements for any shaft tip or butt trim markings, or final length markings. Can be mounted to your bench top. Now including the RH/LH Reversible 60° Angle Gauge. TL279 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 203 | +44 (0)1934 523900 203 03/03/2013 06:11 MEASURING GAUGES WORKSHOP TOOLS Professional Clubhead Measuring Gauge This superior instrument allows you to precisely measure virtually any clubhead, regardless of design or material. Professional quality in every detail ensures durability and ease of use for years to come. Measures face progression, hosel offset, bounce, loft angle, lie angle and wood face angle. Built of sturdy ½" steel to make it sturdier than any other similar tool on the market. Each Professional Clubhead Measuring Gauge comes with a loft angle protractor. TL272 Basic Loft and Lie Measuring Gauge The easiest, most economical way to accurately measure the loft, lie, face progression, offset and bounce. TL214 2" Loft Angle Gauge with Ruler Measures face-to-sole angle dimensions of all clubheads. Sole measurements in cm. All-steel construction. TL200 Hosel Bore Gauge Set Measures hosel bores and shaft tips quickly and accurately. Simply slip the tool tips into your hosel bore, or your shaft into the measuring holes, to find the correct size. TL243 204 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 204 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:12 WORKSHOP TOOLS BENDING TOOLS Putter Bending Machine Features an easily legible lie and loft protractor that uses a unique parallel bar system to enhance speed and accuracy. Accommodates larger, high-MOI putters. Mounts on bench or our Universal Bending Stand (TL198, below). TL306 Golfsmith Putter Shaft Bending Bar Universal Bending Stand With protective nylon sheaves, our new putter bar bends both loft and lie on putter shafts. The revamped ergonomic design produces a straighter bend transition. Mount any of our bending machines to this heavyduty stand. You can use the stand-on platform to hold it still with your own weight, but we recommend anchoring it to the floor. (Machine not included.) TL150 TL198 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 205 | +44 (0)1934 523900 205 205 03/03/2013 06:12 BENDING TOOLS WORKSHOP TOOLS OUR TOP-OF-THE-LINE Golfsmith Ultimate Loft and Lie Bending Machine 25% larger than our Professional model (see page 207), more accurate and easier to use. Precision-milled construction ensures top-quality, precise operation with unparalleled gauge accuracy. Mount onto your workbench or use with our Universal Bending Stand (TL198, see pg. 205). Universal Bending Bar (TL205, see below) included. TL211 FEATURES: • 100% milled construction for quality and precision operation with accurate gauge readings • Loft and lie angle scale with full angle reading from 17 to 70 degrees • Precision-machined and engraved lie and loft angle protractors with large gradations for added convenience and accuracy • Solid S45C precision-machined and chrome-plated frame for durability • Narrow base with an extra five-inch deep throat to accommodate today’s largest iron heads with leftover bending room Basic Loft and Lie Bending Machine An economical way to make quick, easy loft and lie adjustments. Simple to operate, with built-in measuring gauges. Mount to your bench or our universal stand. Bending bars sold separately. Golfsmith Forged Iron Clamping Kit With a top clamp and sheaves made of nylon instead of steel, this new clamp for our Ultimate Loft and Lie Bending Machine protects forged clubheads from marks and scratches. TL154 Universal Bending Bar High Strength Bending Bar TL205 TL273 TL238 Designed for short-hosel irons but works with any iron hosel. Two feet of leverage makes easy work of altering loft and lie. Bend any club with the leverage of the High Strength Bending Bar. Recommended for short-hosel irons. Sheaves Pack of 2 TL202 206 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 206 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:12 Professional Loft and Lie Bending Machine Features a finely machined, dial-down clamp with soft metal jaws that keep nicks and mars to a minimum; rollers on the sole mount that readily accommodate cambered sole iron hedges; new clamping seat, dual-roller soling discs and a newly designed topline clamp to provide an even more secure hold on clubheads and far more accurate bends. Offers the same or higher security than many other machines that cost up to 4 times as much. No other machine offers the same level of accuracy and economy. So easy to use, a full set of irons can be adjusted in minutes! Universal Bending Bar (TL205 page 206) included. WORKSHOP TOOLS BENDING TOOLS FEATURES: • Consistent, accurate readings (±1°) • Works on Forged or Investment cast irons • Accepts full oversize irons and wedges • Works on right- or left-handed clubs • Locking mechanism guarantees against slippage • Adjusts a full set of irons in minutes TL245 TL246 TL234 Universal Bending Stand Mount any of our bending machines to this heavy-duty stand. You can use the stand-on platform to hold it still with your own weight, but we recommend anchoring it to the floor. (Machine not included.) TL198 Golfsmith Nylon Clamp and Sheaves High Strength Bending Bar These replacement parts for our bending bars won’t harm forged iron clubheads. The wide openings and shop-tested angles let you bend any club with optimal leverage, great for short-hosel irons. The cam-radiused brass sheaves are safe for all hosels. TL228 (use with TL273) TL273 TL238 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 207 Loft/Lie Bending Machine Deluxe Brass Clamping Kit Soling Upgrade Kit | +44 (0)1934 523900 Sheaves Pack of 2 207 207 03/03/2013 06:12 CUTTING TOOLS WORKSHOP TOOLS Dust-Contained Shaft Cutter This environmentally friendly design features a washable filtration system built directly into the frame, preventing shaft dust from escaping. The 8" rotary blade cuts up to four shafts in one pass. 8000 rpm. TL307 TL308 TL309 Dust-Contained Shaft Cutter Replacement Blade Replacement Secondary Filter Junior Hacksaw Blades 10 pieces Junior Hacksaw 1 piece TL095 TL098 Shaft Cutter Blade NEW! 1 piece TL032 Golfsmith Handheld Shaft Cutter Super Shaft Cutter This heavy duty option has broader guiding rollers and a stiffer stem to prevent the blades from spiraling out as you cut. A new favourite in the Golfsmith club production shop! This durable tool with a hardened blade is the precise way to trim steel and titanium shafts. Not recommended for use with graphite shafts. TL310 TL032 Shaft Cutter Replacement Blade 208 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 208 TL152 TL229 | Replacement Blade (2 pk) +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:12 WORKSHOP TOOLS CUTTING TOOLS & BENCH GRINDERS 14” Chop Saw Don’t settle for inferior chop saws! This high-quality tool is designed for both professional and part-time clubmakers who prefer a lightweight, compact shaft cutter that is easy to operate in tight spaces. This is the shaft cutter of choice for the Golfsmith Europe workshop team because it offers the perfect combination of performance — at a great price! TL311 TL312 Multi-Tool Bench Grinder The most economical setup for custom grinding and cosmetic finishing — and it makes reshafting bore-through irons a cinch. A 1/2 hp, 3450 rpm motor and a variety of 6" finishing wheels on a 1/2" arbor come with the Multi-Tool, or buy the attachment separately for use on any grinder. TL160 Grinder w/Multi-Tool Attachment TL110 Attachment Only 14” Chop Saw Premium Replacement Blade 6” Bench Grinder A must for any shop, this grinder is ideal for clubmakers who want to polish and buff clubheads more quickly and efficiently. Depending on the wheel that is installed, clubmakers can refinish iron heads or polish metal wood heads. The 430W motor provides plenty of power for any grinding job. This bench grinder also includes several safety features like a flexible work light (bulb not included), spark guards, built in dust exhaust and clear plastic eye shields. TL125 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 209 | +44 (0)1934 523900 209 209 03/03/2013 06:12 FINISHING TOOLS AND SUPPLIES WORKSHOP TOOLS Regrooving Tool Two interchangeable cutting heads: a two-in-one steel cutter and a tungsten carbide V-groove cutter. TL239 TL313 TL314 Regrooving Tool 3-Sided Cutting Head 6-Sided Cutting Head A A A. Cloth Buffing Wheel Goes with a polishing compound to bring glossy luster to woods, irons, ferrules and soleplates. Stitched. TL157 Flange Adapter Allows 6" wheels with 1" centre holes to fit 5/8" or ½" shafts. B. Shaft Grinding Wheel for Bore-Thru Hosels Provides final shaft smoothing for a flush angle with the sole plate. Restores soles’ satin finish on titanium and stainless metal woods. Not for use with mirror-finish or painted soles. Requires work arbor adapter for use with bench grinders. 6” x 2” x 1”. B TL162 TL315 C. FX Polybond Wheel Embedded with a special compound that brings luster to polished titanium finishes — perfect for Callaway metal woods. Flange adapter included. 6” x 1” x 1”. TL144 Golf Club Medic Sharpener & Cleaner Revives worn-out grooves to USGA standards for optimal spin and ball control. Not for use on metal woods or titanium-face irons. C D. Finishing Wheel Cleans, deburs, blends, finishes and polishes stainless steel to a high gloss. Flange adapter included. 6” x 1” x 1”. D TL171 TL161 E E. Nylon Wheel Removes scratches from stainless metal woods, irons and putter soles. Also removes old finish from woods. Flange adapter included. 6” x 1” x 1”. TL156 Polishing Bar Goes with the Cloth Buffing Wheel to make polyurethane finishes shine like new. TL145 210 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 210 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:13 WORKSHOP TOOLS CUTTING TOOLS 42" Multi Deluxe Belt Sander with Ferrule Turning Arm Handles all of your shaft tip preparation needs, or use it to quickly turn down ferrules. Mount to a workbench or attach to a stand — it will last a lifetime! Heavy duty 1/3 hp, 1720 rpm motor. One flap wheel included. Cloth belt sold separately. TL278 TL274 Replacement Flap Wheel The Flap Wheel preps graphite shafts. For instruction manual, go to A Dynabrade Felt Belt B C D E A. Safely removes paint and poly from graphite shafts without cutting into the graphite fibers. TL134 (1" x 42") Micron Finishing Belt B. A felt belt perfect for facing ferrules and lasts four times longer than cloth. TL165 (1” x 42”) Trizact Tip Preparation Belts C. Safely removes finish from graphite shaft tips. Fine grit for machine use. Excellent for light steel shafts. TL132 TL131 (1" x 42") (1" x 30") Sanding Belts D. Fast, precise steel shaft tip prep. Indispensable for many wood repairs. (Medium grit) TL133 TL130 (1” x 30”) (1” x 42”) Cloth Belts E. White linen, for turning and polishing ferrules. TL333 TL334 Cloth Belt (1" x 42") (1" x 30") Makes ferrule turning as efficient as possible. The ½" width allows finishing ferrules on metal woods without harm. Works well with any ferrule 5/8" or smaller. TL143 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 211 | +44 (0)1934 523900 (½" x 42") 211 211 03/03/2013 06:13 FERRULES WORKSHOP TOOLS Ferrules for Metal Woods and Irons Ferrules are required on metal clubheads with flat-topped (non-radiused) hosels to enhance the appearance of the club. Ferrules are typically turned with a cloth belt to obtain ferrule-to-hosel smoothness. Many Golfsmith ferrules have outside diameters that closely match those of our clubhead hosels and require little or no turning. Once you install your ferrule, rub it with a little acetone to smooth down any slightly protruding edge. For your convenience, we list each clubhead’s best matching ferrule on its catalogue page. Use this recommended ferrule or one with the same outside diameter (±0.2 mm). NEW! Wood Ferrules CRF0035 CRF0049 CRF0041 CRF0040 CRF0051 CRF0050 CRF0033/ CRF0034 CRF0047 CRF0042A Iron Ferrules CRF0029 CRF0039 CRF0038 CRF0046 CRF0044 CRF0045 CRF0036/ CRF0037 CRF0043 Iron Ferrules CRF0042 CRF0032 CRF0030 CRF0031 CRF0048 Wood Ferrules CRF0035 Half Ring CRF0049 CRF0041 CRF0040 CRF0051 CRF0050 Big Tip CRF0033 CRF0034 CRF0047 Big Tip CRF0042A Description Black Black Black/Silver/Black Black/Silver/Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Inside Diameter .335" .335" .350" .335" .335" .350" .335" .335" .350" .335” Outside Diameter 12.6 mm 12.4 mm 13.7 mm 13.2 mm 13.2 mm 13.2 mm 12.7 mm 12.7 mm 12.5 mm 14.2 mm Length 6 mm 16 mm 15 mm 14 mm 14 mm 14 mm 13 mm 13 mm 13 mm 13 mm Iron Ferrules CRF0029 CRF0039 CRF0038 CRF0046 CRF0044 Tapered CRF0045 CRF0042 CRF0032 Tapered CRF0030 (fits Titleist) CRF0031 CRF0048 CRF0036 CRF0037 CRF0043 Description Black/Silver/Black Black/Silver/Black Black/Clear/Black Black/Double Gold Stripe Black/Gold/Black Black/Gold/Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Inside Diameter .370" .370" .370" .370" .355" T .370" .370" .355" T .370" .370" .370" .370" .370" .370" Outside Diameter 13.4 mm 13.8 mm 13.8 mm 13.5 mm 13.5 mm 13.5 mm 13.5 mm 14.8 mm 13.8 mm 14.2 mm 13.4 mm 13.7 mm 13.7 mm 13.2 mm Length 16 mm 16 mm 16 mm 17 mm 17 mm 17 mm 6.4 mm 30 mm 22 mm 19.5 mm 15 mm 13 mm 13 mm 13 mm 212 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 212 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:13 WORKSHOP TOOLS FERRULES TAYLORMADE REPLACEMENT ADAPTORS & FERRULES TaylorMade Adaptors and Ferrules Replacement ferrules are critical for repairing and reshafting today’s wide assortment of clubheads, including Callaway, PING, Titleist, Nike and TaylorMade. They permit reshafting of these metal woods, as well as irons with conventional shafts. A-B C-D E F A B C D E CRF0022 CRF0023 CRF0055 CRF0056 CRF0018 F CRF0019 G CRF0016 H CRF0017 NEW! G H NEW! I J I CRF0060 J CRF0061 K CRF0062 L CRF0070 M CRF0071 NEW! N CRF0072 O CRF0015 P K L-N 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 213 CRF0014 O-P | +44 (0)1934 523900 TaylorMade R11S .335 Adaptor - RH TaylorMade R11S .350 Adaptor - RH TaylorMade RBZ .335 Adaptor - RH TaylorMade RBZ .350 Adaptor - RH TaylorMade Adaptor - Fits r5 and r7 (.335”) - RH TaylorMade Adaptor - Fits r5 and r7 (.350”) - RH TaylorMade Adaptor - Fits Series 500 (.335) - RH TaylorMade Adaptor - Fits Series 500 (.350) - RH NEW! TaylorMade Ferrule - Fits RBZ Fairway (.335) - RH NEW! TaylorMade Ferrule - Fits RBZ Fairway (.350) - RH NEW! TaylorMade Ferrule - Fits RBZ Driver (.335) - RH TaylorMade Ferrule - Fits R9/R11 White Fluted (.335) - RH TaylorMade Ferrule - Fits R9/R11 White Fluted (.350) - RH TaylorMade Ferrule - Fits R9/R11 White Fluted (.370) - RH TaylorMade Ferrule - Fits Rescue Fairway (.350) - RH TaylorMade Ferrule - Fits RAC, HT, LT, Burner 2.0, CGB and OS Irons (.370) - RH 213 213 03/03/2013 06:13 FERRULES WORKSHOP TOOLS Club re-shafts get more difficult every year due to OEM manufacturers of custom shafts adaptors. The following adaptors and ferrules allow clubmakers to professionally reshaft most OEM woods and iron. PING AND TITLEIST REPLACEMENT ADAPTORS & FERRULES PING Adaptors A B C D E F CRF0012 CRF0011 CRF0013 CRF0075 CRF0010 CRF0021 PING i3 Driver (.335”) PING ISI, TEC, Si3 Drivers-RH only (.335”) PING i3 Fairway Woods (.335”) PING i20 Iron (.355) PING G2 Fairway (.335) PING Lie/Face Angle Adapter Titlest Adaptors and Ferrules The Titleist 910 Adaptor Sleeves are now available for the Titlest 910 D2 and D3 drivers, 910 F and F-d fairways as well as the 910H hybrids. These aftermarket adaptors are precision milled to exact tolerances and allow loft and lie to be set independently for preferred ball flight. G CRF0080 H CRF0081 I CRF0082 J K L CRF0025 CRF0026 CRF0027 NEW! NEW! Titleist 910 Metal Woods (.335), 1/2° Offset NEW! Titleist 910 Metal Woods (.350), 1/2° Offset NEW! Titleist 910H Hybrids (.370) 1/2° Offset Titleist 910. 335 Ferrule Titleist 910. 350 Ferrule Titleist 910. 370 Ferrule NEW! A B C D E F NEW! J G H 214 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 214 K L I | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:13 CALLAWAY, COBRA AND NIKE REPLACEMENT ADAPTORS & FERRULES NEW! Replacement ferrules are critical for repairing and reshafting today’s wide assortment of clubheads, including Callaway, PING, Titleist, Nike and TaylorMade. They permit reshafting of these metal woods, as well as irons with conventional shafts. Callaway Adaptors and Ferrules NEW! A A CRF0085 B CRF0086 C CRF0020 B C D D CRF0001 E E CRF0002 F G H F G H I CRF0007 CRF0003 CRF0091 CRF0095 J CRF0096 K CRF0100 L I J K NEW! NEW! Cobra and Nike Adaptors and Ferrules M CRF0105 N CRF0106 O CRF0110 M N O P P CRF0111 Q CRF0009 R CRF0008 S CRF0004 T Q R S 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 215 NEW! RAZR Fit .335 Shaft Adaptor - RH NEW! RAZR Fit .350 Shaft Adaptor -RH Loft/Lie Adaptor for Callaway VFT, ERC II, 460, FT5 and Fti Metal Woods Fits Fti, Hyper X, Big Bertha Diablo, FT-5, FT-1, X-460, Big Bertha 460, Big Berth 454, VFT, (.350) Fits Fti, Hyper X, Big Bertha Diablo, FT-5, FT-1, X-460, Big Bertha 460, Big Berth 454, VFT, (.350) shims .335 shafts Fits most Callaway Irons (.370) Fits FT Hybrid (.370) Fits Diablo and FT-iz Hybrid (.370) Fits FT-iz, Diablo Edge, Razor Hawk Driver (.335) Fits FT-iz, Diablo Edge, Razor Hawk Driver (.350) Fits FT-iz, Diablo, Razor Hawk Fairway (.335) Fits FT-iz, Diablo, Razor Hawk Fairway (.350) L NEW! NEW! CRF0101 WORKSHOP TOOLS FERRULES CRF0024 NEW! Cobra Amp Driver and Fairway .335 Shaft Adaptor NEW! Cobra AMP Driver and Fairway .350 Shaft Adaptor NEW! Cobra S2, S3 and ZL Enconre .335 Shaft Adaptor NEW! Cobra S2, S3 and ZL Enconre .350 Shaft Adaptor Nike SUMO2 Nike SasQuatch Universal Plastic Shim Converts a .350” to .335” Stretchable rubber O-ring T | +44 (0)1934 523900 215 215 03/03/2013 06:13 GRIPS GRIPS .560" .580" .620" .600" U .700" M Undersize Midsize O J Oversize Jumbo GRIP SIZING Inside the mouth of most grips is a code indicating its inside core diameter and whether the grip is for men or women. The numbers indicate the core diameter, and the letter indicates the type of grip (e.g., M = men’s and L56 = ladies’ .560"). Some grip manufacturers also include a letter R to indicate that the grip is either “round” or “ribbed.” (The letter’s meaning can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.) Look for our icons (above right) to make choosing the right grip easier. REPLACING GRIPS IS AS SIMPLE AS 1, 2, 3… Save 3 to 4 strokes per round! As a golf club’s grip ages, it hardens and the surface becomes smooth. A new grip will make your club feel like new — and it’s easy enough to do in a matter of minutes! You’ll need: Rubber vice clamp (pg. 196) Utility knife with a hooked blade (pg. 192) Grip solvent (pg. 191) Masking tape (pg. 191) Two-sided "Miracle" grip tape (pg. 191) Replacement grip (pgs. 216-259) 1. Remove old grip and tape. 2. Apply new grip tape. 3. Install new grip. Secure the club in a vice using the rubber clamp. The clubface should be perpendicular to the floor, in playing position. Remove the old grip, using a hooked-blade utility knife for graphite shafts. Do not scrape the shaft. Doing so can cut into the graphite fibers and weaken it. Peel off the old grip tape, using a tool like our Grip Tape Remover (TL231, pg. 193) if necessary. Remove any residue with a cloth dipped in grip solvent. Apply a single layer of Double-sided Miracle Tape (2” or ¾”) from the shaft’s end to the point where the new grip will stop. In a well-ventilated area, cover the small hole at the end of your new grip. Pour grip solvent into the other end of the grip, and shake to distribute the solvent. Pour the excess solvent over the entire taped area of the shaft. Hold the grip with the alignment pattern facing you and squeeze open the mouth of the grip. While the tape is wet, slide on the new grip. While you need to act quickly, do not rush. Push the grip firmly onto the shaft to make sure the grip’s cap touches the butt end. Make sure the grip is on straight and squared to the clubface. Allow ample drying time. 216 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 216 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:13 GRIPS GRIPS & TAPES Grip Size Installation This chart lists the combinations of grip core size, shaft butt diameters and build-up tape to achieve oversize conditions. Grip Core M58 M58 M58 M60 M60 M60 M62 M62 M62 L56 L56 L56 L58 L58 L58 L60 L60 L60 Shaft Butt Diameter + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + .580" .600" .620" .580" .600" .620" .580" .600" .620" .560" .580" .600" .560" .580" .600" .560" .580" .600" Layers of build-up tape required to achieve stated sizes STD 0 * n/p 2 0 * 4 2 0 0 * n/p 2 0 * 4 2 0 +1/64 1 0 * 3 1 0 5 3 1 1 0 * 3 1 0 5 3 1 +1/32 3 1 0 5 3 1 7 5 3 3 1 0 5 3 1 7 5 3 +1/16 6 4 2 8 6 4 10 8 6 6 4 2 8 6 4 10 8 6 +1/8" 12 10 8 14 12 10 16 14 12 12 10 8 14 12 10 16 14 12 For all cases of grip installation in the above chart, it is assumed that one layer of 2-way grip installation tape will be added to the total number of build-up tape layers. *- Grip must be stretched ¾” longer equally over it’s length to reduce it’s diameter and create this size. n/p – Not possible to achieve this size with this grip core and shaft combination. Golfsmith Europe’s FREE Technical support If you need help with tip trim, shaft selection, grip size or any general workshop enquiries then please email our Technical Support for assistance. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 217 | +44 (0)1934 523900 217 217 03/03/2013 06:14 GRIPS WORKSHOP TOOLS 3-D hexagonal texture for greater stability Introducing Niion TM Responsive texture. Bold design. Advanced tri-texture surface for increased traction. Performance engineered rubberblend for enhanced shot feedback © 2013 Golf Pride. Golf Pride is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation. 218 GolfSmith-Ads-8.5x11-r11.indd 2 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 218 I 1.800.456.3344 10/16/12 AM 03/03/20139:59 06:14 59 AM GOLF PRIDE GRIPS New from Golf Pride The new Niion™ family of grips combines trend setting colour options with performance-engineered rubber for firmness and durability. NEW! M A NEW! B NEW! C NEW! D NEW! E NEW! F NEW! G NEW! # A Part Each/Kit EA080OA Description NEW! Niion Orange Core .600" Design Round Weight 50 g B EA080YA NEW! Niion Yellow .600" Round 50 g C EA080GA NEW! Niion Green .600" Round 50 g D EA080WA NEW! Niion White .600" Round 50 g E EA080NA NEW! Niion Blue .600" Round 50 g F EA248A NEW! New Decade MultiCompound Cord Black .600" Round 46.5 g G EA248B NEW! New Decade MultiCompound Cord Black (+1/16) .600" Round 59 g H EA239N NEW! Tour Wrap 2G Standard Blue .600" Round 48 g 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 219 | +44 (0)1934 523900 H 219 03/03/2013 06:14 The Fastest Growing Grip On Tour Gets A New Look. High-performance rubber in lower hand for comfort and responsiveness Exclusive BCT® (Brushed Cotton Technology) cord in upper hand for moisture management © 2013 Golf Pride. Golf Pride is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation. GolfSmith-Ads-8.5x11-r11.indd 3 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 220 New Decade MultiCompound ® 10/16/12 03/03/2013 10:00 06:14 AM :00 AM GOLF PRIDE GRIPS Best of both Golf Pride's New Decade® MCC Black or white Velvet Cord on top for firm, all-weather control. Ultra-responsive, soft rubber in the lower hand. M A-B M C-D M E-I M J-K NEW! L M N # A Part Each/Kit EA248A Description NEW! New Decade MultiCompound Cord Black Core .600" Design Weight Round 46.5 g B EA248B NEW! New Decade MultiCompound Cord Black (+1/16") .600" Round 59 g C EA231 New Decade MultiCompound Cord White .600" Round 46.5 g D EA219C New Decade MultiCompound Cord White (+1/16") .600" Round 59 g E EA218B New Decade MultiCompound Cord Red .580" Ribbed 48.5 g 48.5 g F EA218A New Decade MultiCompound Cord Red .580" Round G EA218 New Decade MultiCompound Cord Red .600" Round 46.5 g H EA218C New Decade MultiCompound Cord Red .600" Ribbed 46.5 g I EA219 New Decade MultiCompound Cord Red (+1/16") .600" Round 59 g J EA230 New Decade MultiCompound Cord Blue .600" Round 46.5 g K EA219A New Decade MultiCompound Cord Blue (+1/16") .600" Round 59 g L EA236 New Decade MultiCompound Cord Yellow .600" Round 46.5 g 46.5 g M EA235 New Decade MultiCompound Cord Orange .600" Round N EA232 New Decade MultiCompound Cord Green .600" Round 46.5 g O EA236B New Decade MultiCompound Cord Whiteout Black .600" Round 49.5 g P EA236D New Decade MultiCompound Cord Whiteout Red .600" Round 49.5 g Q EA236C New Decade MultiCompound Cord Whiteout Blue .600" Round 49.5g 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 221 | +44 (0)1934 523900 O-Q 221 03/03/2013 06:15 GRIPS GOLF PRIDE VDR® from Golf Pride The VDR revolutionizes grip feel with new triple-texture technology. Specifically designed for heightened traction, this high-performance grip features shockreduction rubber for stroke consistency. NEW! A B C M D-E F G # A Part Each/Kit EA269 Description NEW! Z-Grip Patriot Core .600" Design Weight Round 50 g B EA265 Z-Grip Cord .600" Round 50.5 g C EA270 Tour 25 .600" Round 25 g D EA260A VDR Black/White, Blue Cap .600" Round 50 g E EA262 VDR Black/White Blue Cap (+1/16") .600" Round 57 g F EA260B VDR White/Black, Black Cap .600" Round 50 g G EA260C VDR Blue/White, Black Cap .600" Round 50 g H EA260D VDR Red/White, Black Cap .600" Round 50 g I EA214B Dual Durometer Red/Black .600" Round 50 g J EA216 Dual Durometer Yellow/Black (+1/16") .600" Round 56 g GOLF PRIDE VDR GRIP ★★★★★ “The VDR provides great all weather traction. And with size and colour options, I can meet the needs of all my customers.” Rob Mallett review from 222 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 222 | M H-J +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:15 GOLF PRIDE GRIPS New feel, new game: Tour Wrap® 2G With a fresh, modern appeal, the Tour Wrap 2G® features enhanced tackiness and the feel of luxury leather combined with the durability of high-tack rubber. J A NEW! B C D E F F G-H # Part Each/Kit A EA239N Description NEW! Tour Wrap 2G Standard Blue Core .600" Design Round Weight 48 g B EA239H Tour Wrap 2G Standard Black .580" Round 50 g C EA239B Tour Wrap 2G Standard White .600" Round 55 g D EA239A Tour Wrap 2G Standard Black .600" Round 48 g E EA239G Tour Wrap 2G Undersize Black (-1/16") .580" Round 43 g F EA239C Tour Wrap 2G Standard Red .600" Round 48 g G EA239D Tour Wrap 2G Midsize Black (+1/16") .600" Round 58 g H EA239F Tour Wrap 2G Midsize White (+1/16") .600" Round 65 g I EA239E Tour Wrap 2G Jumbo (+1/8") .600" Round 73 g 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 223 | +44 (0)1934 523900 I 223 03/03/2013 06:15 GRIPS GOLF PRIDE Tour Velvet from Golf Pride The leading choice of Tour players. The Tour Velvet grip combines an exclusive, state-of-the-art rubber-blend compound with a non-slip surface pattern for maximum playability, comfort and confidence. M E J F U G H I J-K A # A Part Each/Kit EA022D Description Tour Velvet 360 Core .600" Design Round Weight 50 g B EA022A C EA022B Tour Velvet Ribbed .580" Ribbed 51.5 g Tour Velvet Round .600” Round D 49.5 g EA022 Tour Velvet Round .580" Round 51.5 g E EA090 Tour Velvet Midsize (+1/16") .600" Round 53.5 g F EA100 Tour Velvet Jumbo (+1/8") .600" Round 61 g G EA024 Tour Velvet Women's Black (-1/16") .560" Ribbed 50 g H EA005 Tour Velvet Junior .500” Round 45 g I EA026B Tour Velvet BCT Cord White .600” Round 50.5 g J EA026A Tour Velvet BCT Cord Black .580” Ribbed 52.5 g K EA026 Tour Velvet BCT Cord Black .580” Round 52.5 g B-D 224 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 224 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:15 GOLF PRIDE GRIPS Sneak up the leader board Golf Pride's Players Wrap Putter Grip has a smooth paddle front with an arched half-wrap pistol for added touch. NEW! NEW! B C D E M F M G # A Part Each/Kit EA249 Description NEW! B-140 21" Black Belly Putter Core .600” Design Round Weight 142.5 g B EA247B NEW! Players Wrap Black Putter .580” Round 76 g C Players Wrap White Putter .580” Round 76 g D EA221A Tour Tradition Black Putter .600" Round 58 g E EA221C Tour Tradition Red Putter .580" Round 58 g F EA225A Tour Classic Black Putter (+1/16") .580” Round 84 g Tour Classic Red Putter (+1/16") .580" Round 84 g EA247 G EA225B A 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 225 | +44 (0)1934 523900 225 03/03/2013 06:15 lamkin-fearless.pdf 1 10/10/12 2:17 PM GRIPS FEARLESS! NEW PERMA-WRAP ACE 3GEN A breakthrough Advanced Cohesive Elastomer offering the highest level of grip tack and shock absorption. The super tacky Perma-Wrap ACE 3GEN seamlessly connects hand to club allowing you to commit to even the most intimidating shots. So release the tension from your hands, grip with confidence and... LET IT FLY! C M Y CM MY CY CMY K 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 226 03/03/2013 06:15 LAMKIN GRIPS The ultimate in grip tackiness. The incredible tackiness of Perma-Wrap ACE is accentuated by a minimal, simulated wrap texture and a unique unbuffed surface finish, making it one of the tackiest grips ever created. NEW! M C-E NEW! M F-G NEW! M H O NEW! I J # A Part Each/Kit LG060GY Description NEW! Perma-Wrap Ace Grey Core .580" Design Round Weight 52 g B LG060W NEW! Perma-Wrap Ace White .580" Round 55 g C NEW! Perma-Wrap Ace Black .580" Round 52 g LG060B D LG061 NEW! Perma-Wrap Ace Black (+1/16") .580" Round 63 g E LG062 NEW! Perma-Wrap Ace Black (+1/8") .580" Round 78 g F LG070A NEW! Performance Plus 3GEN Black .600" Round 55 g G LG071 NEW! Performance Plus 3GEN Black (+1/16") .600" Round 63 g H LG070B Performance Plus 3GEN White (+1/16") .600" Round 67 g I LG072B Performance Plus White Wedge .600" Round 57 g J LG072A Performance Plus Black Wedge .600" Round 61 g A 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 227 | +44 (0)1934 523900 B 227 03/03/2013 06:16 GRIPS LAMKIN R.E.L. 3GEN Advanced Lamkin technology. 3GEN material combines with R.E.L.'s minimal surface pattern to create one of the most advanced grips available. NEW! B-H A # Part Each/Kit A LG112 Description R.E.L. 3GEN Standard Black Core .600" Design Weight Round 52 g B LG112F R.E.L. 3GEN Standard Grey .600" Round 52 g C LG112G R.E.L. 3GEN Standard White .600" Round 56 g D LG112C R.E.L. 3GEN Standard Blue .600" Round 52 g E LG112B R.E.L. 3GEN Standard Red .600" Round 52 g F R.E.L. 3GEN Standard Purple .600" Round 52 g G LG112A R.E.L. 3GEN Standard Orange .600" Round 52 g H LG112E R.E.L. 3GEN Standard Electric Blue .600" Round 52 g LG112D 86 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 228 03/03/2013 06:16 LAMKIN GRIPS R.E.L. 3GEN Customise your grips! R.E.L. 3GEN grips are ideal for a broad range of golfers looking for a comfortable, light pattern grip with the benefits of superior tackiness and unequaled vibration dampening. Lamkin's 5 most popular colours are now available in Midsize and Oversize in addition to their existing lineup of 10 colors in Standard size and 3 colours in Undersize. M A M B-F O G O H-L U M-O NEW! NEW! # Part Each/Kit A LG113A Description R.E.L. 3GEN Midsize Black (+1/16") Core .600" Design Weight Round 63 g B LG090GY NEW! R.E.L. 3GEN Midsize Grey (+1/16") .600" Round 63 g C LG090N NEW! R.E.L. 3GEN Midsize Blue (+1/16") .600" Round 63 g D LG090R NEW! R.E.L. 3GEN Midsize Red (+1/16") .600" Round 63 g E LG090O NEW! R.E.L. 3GEN Midsize Orange (+1/16") .600" Round 63 g 63 g F LG090EN NEW! R.E.L. 3GEN Midsize Electric Blue (+1/16") .600" Round G LG114A R.E.L. 3GEN Oversize Black (+1/8") .600" Round 78 g H LG100GY NEW! R.E.L. 3GEN Oversize Grey (+1/8") .600" Round 78 g I LG100N NEW! R.E.L. 3GEN Oversize Blue (+1/8") .600" Round 78 g J LG100R NEW! R.E.L. 3GEN Oversize Red (+1/8") .600" Round 78 g K LG100O NEW! R.E.L. 3GEN Oversize Orange (+1/8") .600" Round 78 g L LG100EN NEW! R.E.L. 3GEN Oversize Electric Blue (+1/8") .600" Round 78 g M LG110A R.E.L. 3GEN Undersize Black (-1/32") .600" Round 44 g N LG110B R.E.L. 3GEN Undersize Neon Pink (-1/32") .580" Round 44 g O LG110C R.E.L. 3GEN Undersize Neon Purple (-1/32") .580" Round 44 g P LG115A R.E.L. 3GEN 360 Black .600" Round 52 g Q LG115B R.E.L. 3GEN 360 Midsize Black (+1/16") .600 Round 63 g 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 229 | +44 (0)1934 523900 P M Q 229 03/03/2013 06:16 GRIPS MORE TACK MORE WHACK NEW CROSSLINE ACE 3GEN Gives you the confidence to really rip it. A breakthrough Advanced Cohesive Elastomer offering the highest level of grip tack and shock absorption. The superior tackiness, combined with the high-traction, torsion-control Crossline grip, gives you an exceptionally secure connection to confidently control the club with the ideal light pressure grip. So release the tension from your hands, generate more clubhead speed and... LET IT FLY! 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 230 03/03/2013 06:16 LAMKIN GRIPS Less stress, better swings Crossline has been Lamkin's best selling grip for nearly 15 years. It features an aggressive surface pattern to promote light grip pressure without sacrificing hand traction. Crossline is a perennial favorite among Tour Pros. The new Crossline ACE is designed for those players seeking high traction with a slightly softer feel and increased tack. M O NEW! D-G H U I U J M K-N O P # Part Each/Kit A LG106GY Description NEW! Crossline 3GEN Ace Grey Core .580" Design Round Weight 52 g B LG107GY NEW! Crossline 3GEN Ace Grey (+1/16") .580" Round 63 g C LG108GY NEW! Crossline 3GEN Ace Grey (+1/8") .580" Round 78 g D LG000 Crossline .580" Round 52 g E LG210 Crossline .600" Round 50 g F LG006 Crossline (+1/16") .580" Round 63 g G LG010 Crossline (+1/8") .580" Round 78 g H LG240 Crossline Black .580" Round 52 g I LG008C Crossline Undersize Pink (-1/16") .580" Round 44 g J LG019 Crossline Undersize White (-1/16") .580" Round 44 g K LG013 Crossline Full Cord .580" Round 54 g L LG002 Crossline Full Cord .600" Round 52 g M LG222 Crossline Full Cord (+1/16") .580" Round 65 g N LG222A Crossline Full Cord (+1/8") .580" Round 79 g O LG242A Crossline Tour Black Cord .580" Round 54 g P LG242 Crossline Tour White Cord .580" Round 62 g 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 231 | +44 (0)1934 523900 M O A-C 231 03/03/2013 06:16 GRIPS LAMKIN Great value grips These Lamkin grips provide exceptional quality and feel, all for an economical price. Known for their durability, these true classics will hold up to a lively round of golf in any weather condition. M O B-D U E M F G H I K-M A 232 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 232 # Part Each/Kit A LG130B Description X10 Standard Core .580" Design Round Weight 49 g B LG130C X10 (+1/16") .580" Round 60 g C LG130D X10 (+1/8") .580" Round 74 g D LG130A X10 (-1/32") .580" Round 44 g E LG231 Crossline Paddle Putter .580" Paddle 72 g F LG243 E.B.L. 3GEN Paddle Midsize White/Black Putter (+1/16") .580" Paddle 93 g G LG265 E.B.L. 3GEN Pistol Grey/Black Putter .580" Pistol 73 g H LG260 E.B.L. 3GEN Paddle Red/Black Putter .580" Paddle 76 g I LG270 E.B.L. 3GEN Smooth Pistol White Putter .580" Pistol 79 g J LG300 Right-Handed Training Grip .580" Round 79 g K LG301 Left-Handed Training Grip .580" Round 79g L LG302 Right-Handed Ladies Training Grip .580" Round 79g M LG230 Jumbo Putter grip (+1/8") .580" Round 112g | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:16 i6 3GEN The i6 3GEN features the unrivaled benefits of Lamkin’s proprietary 3GEN compound; tackiness, vibration dampening and greater UV resistance for longer life. A B C D F G Design Round Weight 52 g .580" Round 52 g .580" Round 52 g .580" Round 52 g i6 3GEN Green .580" Round 52 g F LG255 i6 3GEN White .580" Round 56 g G LG256 i6 3GEN Orange .580" Round 52 g # Part Each/Kit A LG250 Description i6 3GEN Black B LG251 i6 3GEN Dark Blue C LG252 i6 3GEN Light Blue D LG253 i6 3GEN Red E LG254 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 233 E Core .580" 03/03/2013 06:16 GRIPS A GRIP LIKE NO OTHER Upper Hand: Elastom ETX rubber compound for a RESPONSIVE, textured feel, non-slip control and long lasting durability. Lower Hand: WinnDry XT polymer for a COMFORTABLE, TACKY FEEL IN ALL WEATHER CONDITIONS THE DURATECH HYBRID GRIP IS WINN'S LATEST BREAKTHROUGH IN OUR QUEST TO PRODUCE THE IDEAL GRIP FOR EVERY GOLFER. UNLIKE ANY WINN GRIP BEFORE, DURATECH COMBINES TWO COMPLIMENTARY PERFORMANCE MATERIALS IN STRATEGIC LOCATIONS OF THE GRIP. RESULT: HIGHLY DURABLE, SLIP-RESISTANT ALL WEATHER PERFORMANCE GRIP Winn, the Winn Brand Symbol, and “The best grips in golf” tagline are registered trademarks, ©2012 Winn, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 234 03/03/2013 06:16 WINN GRIPS DuraTech "Competition Hybrid" Like no other grip before it. The combination of Polymer & Rubber materials in key locations produces a highly durable, slip-resistant all-weather performance grip. NEW! A NEW! B NEW! C D M E # A Price Each/Kit WG0220 Description NEW! DuraTech Black/White Standard Core Design .600" Round Weight 45 g B WG0221 NEW! DuraTech Black/Cool Grey Standard .600" Round 45 g C NEW! DuraTech Black/Blue Grip Standard .600" Round 45 g WG0222 D WG0250 WinnPro Wrap WinnDry PC Black .600" Round 50 g E WinnPro Wrap WinnDry PC Midsize Black (+1/16") .600" Round 52 g WG0251 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 235 | +44 (0)1934 523900 235 03/03/2013 06:17 GRIPS WINN Excel "Ultra Soft Feel" Provides amazing tackiness and cushioned comfort. It is also the premier grip for shock absorption and vibration dampening, making it the hands-down choice for golfers suffering from arthritis and hand fatigue. EXCEL SOFT TAN GRIP ★★★★★ “It's easily one of the most comfortable grips I've ever put on my clubs, with light pressure and an impressive feel overall.” Rob Mallett review from A U B M C-D O E # A Part Each/Kit WG0051 Description Excel Soft Tan Standard Core .600" Design Round Weight 42 g B WG0052 Excel Soft Undersize Black (-1/32") .600" Round 38 g C WG0050 Excel Soft Black Standard .600" Round 42 g D WG0053 Excel Soft Midsize Black (+1/32") .600" Round 43 g E WG0054 Excel Soft Oversize Black (+1/8") .600" Round 47 g F WG0045 Excel Soft Oversize Copper (+1/8") .600" Round 47 g G WG0044 Excel Soft Midsize Copper (+1/32") .600" Round 43 g M O F-G 236 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 236 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:17 WINN GRIPS GRIPS Dri-Tac "Performance Comfort" Winn's Dri-Tac series is the tackiest ever with its WinnDry polymer material and engineered tread pattern for non-slip performance and great all-weather playability. M M O U U NEW A* B* # A C* Part Each/Kit WG0180* D* E* F M U NEW G H I* J* Description Dri-Tac WinnDry Standard Dark Grey Core .600" Design Round Weight 48 g B WG0181* Dri-Tac WinnDry Standard Black/Red .600" Round 48 g C Dri-Tac WinnDry Dark Grey Midsize (+1/16") .600" Round 49 g D WG0183* Dri-Tac WinnDry Black/Blue Midsize (+1/16") .600" Round 49 g E WG0184* Dri-Tac WinnDry Dark Grey Oversize (+1/8") .600" Round 50 g F WG0174 NEW! Dri-Tac WinnDry Ladies Grey/Pink (-1/32") .590" Round 35 g WG0182* G WG0170 Dri-Tac WinnDry Ladies Grey (-1/32") .590" Round 35 g H WG0175 NEW! Dri-Tac WinnDry Junior .550" Round 27 g I WG0173* Dri-Tac Wrap Lite WinnDry Standard Black .600" Round 22 g J WG0172* Dri-Tac Wrap Lite WinnDry Midsize Black (+1/16") .600" Round 23 g K WG0171 Dri-Tac Wrap Lite WinnDry Oversize Black (+1/8") .600" Round 32 g * Special order. Please allow 28 days for delivery. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 237 | +44 (0)1934 523900 O K 237 03/03/2013 06:17 GRIPS WINN Tour Proven NEW! With an array of vibrant designs, multiple profiles and amazing tackiness, it's no wonder Winn putter grips are so popular with professionals and amateurs alike. They are primarily offered in soft, comfortable Excel material but also include a responsive polycord design. NEW! NEW! D E A-C 238 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 238 M F* NEW! M G* NEW! M H M I M J M K M L # A Part Each WG0240 Description NEW! Excel Pro Pistol Red/Blue Putter Core Design Weight .590" Round 63 g B WG0101 NEW! Excel Medallist Dark Grey/Pink Pistol Putter .590" Round 59 g C WG0103 NEW! Excel Medallist Black/Blue Pistol Putter .590" Round 59 g D WG0107 Excel Medallist Red/Yellow/Black Pistol Putter .590" Round 57 g E WG0100 Excel Medallist Black Pistol Putter .590" Round 57 g F WG0113* NEW! Excel Midsize Black/Yellow Pistol Putter .590" Round 76 g G WG0115* NEW! Excel Midsize Black/Red Pistol Putter .590" Round 76 g H WG0111 Excel Midsize Grey/Blue/White Pistol Putter .590" Round 76 g I WG0117 Excel Midsize Orange/White Pistol Putter .590" Round 76 g J WG0116 Excel Midsize Red/White/Blue Pistol Putter .590" Round 76 g K WG0152 Excel Midsize Black Pistol Putter .590" Round 75 g L WG0166A Triple Line Midsize Grey/Black Pistol Putter .590" Round 79 g * Special order. Please allow 28 days for delivery. | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:17 WINN GRIPS Bigger is better Winn's oversized, long and belly designs are intended to stabilise your stroke by eliminating wrist movement. J A J B J C J D J E J F G H NEW! I NEW! # A Part Each WG0121A Description Excel JumboLITE Black/Grey/White Putter Core Design Weight .600" Round 60 g B WG0121 Excel JumboLITE Grey/Red/Stone Putter .600" Round 60 g C Excel WinnLITE Jumbo Red/White/Blue Pistol Putter .600" Round 60 g D WG0119A Lite TL V17 Jumbo Pistol Putter .600" Round 62 g E WG0120 Excel Jumbo Black Pistol Putter .600" Round 124 g F WG0126 WG0123 Excel Giant Pistol Lite Putter .600" Round 73 g G WG0167 2-Piece Putter Mahogany/Black .620" Round 134 g H WG0168 NEW! iGrip Lite 18" Belly Brown Pistol Putter .625" Pistol 65 g I WG0169 NEW! iGrip Lite 21" Belly Brown Pistol Putter .625" Round 65 g J WG0165 Excel 21" Red/Black Pistol Belly Putter .600" Pistol 155 g K WG0161 Excel 17" Navy/Red Pistol Belly Putter .610" Pistol 136 g L WG0230 Polycord 21" Round Belly Putter .600" Round 144 g J 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 239 | +44 (0)1934 523900 K L 239 03/03/2013 06:17 GRIPS 240 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 240 03/03/2013 06:17 Innovative and Deadly Performance on Every Swing The Finisher features revolutionary Gel Tech Material and Three-line Diamond design for prime hand positioning and ultimate feel during high-pressure putts. NEW! BLACK WIDOW GRIPS A B C M D E F M G # Part Each/Kit A SGBWTQ1BB Description Torque Black with White Cord Core Design .600" Round B SGBWTQ2WH Torque White with Black Cord .600" Round C SGBWWM1BB Widow Maker Black/Black .600" Round 47 g D SGBWWM2BB Widow Maker Black/Black (+1/16") .600" Round 60 g E SGBWSG2BL Signature II Black .600" Round 48 g F SGBWSG2WH Signature II White .600" Round 48 g G SGBWPSGBW Signature Midsize Pistol Putter .580" Pistol 88 g H SGBWPWMBW Widow Maker Midsize Pistol Putter .580" Pistol 88 g I NEW! Finisher Jumbo Putter .600" Round 102 g LG244 Weight 49 g 49 g M H 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 241 | +44 (0)1934 523900 J I 241 03/03/2013 06:18 GRIPS BLACK WIDOW Tour Silk II Redesigned for optimal performance. The new Tour Silk II addresses a player's demand for control, while providing consistent feel and performance. NEW! M C NEW! M D-E NEW! F NEW! G H A # Part Each/Kit A SGBWTS3WH Description NEW! Tour Silk II White Core .580" Design Round Weight 48 g B SGBWTS3BL NEW! Tour Silk II Black .580" Round 48 g C SGBWTS2BL NEW! Tour Silk II Black (+1/16") .580" Round 60 g D SGBWH1BW NEW! Black Widow Hybrid Black .580" Round 53 g E SGBWH2BW NEW! Black Widow Hybrid Black (+1/16") .580" Round 60 g F SGBWH1WH NEW! Black Widow Hybrid White .580" Round 53 g G SGBWFS2BL Fusion II Black .600" Round 48 g H SGBWFS2WH Fusion II White .600" Round 48 g B 242 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 242 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:18 YOUR GLOVE HAND WILL BE JEALOUS. THE HIGHLY TEXTURED FUSION II GRIP. Gain the power and club control your game demands with Fusion II. With a highly textured surface and distinct grip patterns, Fusion II gives you the unmatched feel to shape your shots and shave your scores. +44 (0) 1827 56544 Visit for more details. ©2012 Softspikes. All Rights Reserved. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 243 03/03/2013 06:18 GRIPS AVON A unique feel for golfers The Tacki-Mac Itomic grip is a perforated wrap, combined with a proprietary, ultra-tacky compound. Itomic it2 incorporates negative ions with a velvet surface, combined with a new ultra-tacky, ultra-lightweight (44 grams) compound for a very unique look and feel. M C-D* M E-F* M G-H* O I O J-K M # Part Each/Kit A AG70B Description Tacki-Mac Itomic it2 Black, Grey Cap Core .600" Design Round Weight 44 g B AG71B Tacki-Mac Itomic it2 Black, Grey Cap (+1/16") .600" Round 52 g C AG75B* Tacki-Mac Itomic it2 White, Grey Cap .600" Round 44 g D AG76B* Tacki-Mac Itomic it2 White, Grey Cap (+1/16") .600" Round 52 g E AG80B* Tacki-Mac Itomic Wrap Black, White Cap .600" Round 48 g F AG86B* Tacki-Mac Itomic Wrap Black, White Cap (+1/16") .600" Round 52 g G AG90B* Tacki-Mac Itomic Wrap White, Black Cap .600" Round 48 g H AG96B* Tacki-Mac Itomic Wrap White, Black Cap (+1/16") .600" Round 52 g I AG30B Avon Arthritic (+3/32") .600" Round 73 g J AG00B K AG20B Avon Chamois Black .580" Ribbed 52 g Avon Chamois Black (+3/32") .600" Ribbed 63 g * Special order. Please allow 28 days for delivery. A-B 244 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 244 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 06:18 ★ ★ ★GRIPS ★★ GRIPS "Best value." "Great quality." "Why pay more?" Great value grips "Best investment in my game so far." Medallist Grips provide exceptional quality and feel at an economical price and will hold up to a lively round of golf in any weather condition. Sometimes word of mouth A is your best B advertising. C D-E M F G H I J K # Part Each/Kit A GS0000 Description Medallist Velvet White Core .600" Design Weight Round 50 g B GS0001 Medallist Velvet Red .600" Round 50 g C GS0002 Medallist Velvet Blue .600" Round 51 g D GS0003 Medallist Velvet Black .600" Round 51 g E GS0004 Medallist Velvet Midsize Black .600" Round 50 g F GS0005 Medallist Wrap Black .600" Round 48 g G GS0006 Medallist Velvet Cord Black .600" Round 56 g H GS0010 Medallist Putter Black .600" Round 64 g I GS0011 Medallist Putter Blue .600" Round 64 g J GS0012 Medallist Putter Red .600" Round 64 g K GS0013 Medallist Putter White .600" Round 64 g L BU036 Multi Compound Black/White .600" Round 50 g M BU035 Multi Compound Black/Red .600" Round 50 g N BU005 Gents C-Line .600" Round 50 g O BU028 Pack of 3 Grips .600" Round 50 g 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_200-245pp_2013.indb 245 | +44 (0)1934 523900 L M N 245245 03/03/2013 06:19 Golf gear with a little extra bite. Golf gear with a 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 246 03/03/2013 07:14 SNAKE EYES GRIPS Enhance Feel and Performance Striking cosmetics and innovative designs deliver soft comfort, rain or shine. The perfect touch for your Snake Eyes custom clubs. A M B C D # A Part Each/Kit WG0254 Description Snake Eyes DSi by Winn Black/Silver Core .600" Design Weight Round 50 g B WG0037 Snake Eyes DSi by Winn Black/Silver (+1/16") .600" Round 52 g C Snake Eyes Excel by Winn Black/White Putter .590" Round 58 g D GS0060 Snake Eyes Ladies Indigo .580" Round 41 g E RXG002 Snake Eyes Dual Traction Black/White .600" Round 50 g F RXG003 Snake Eyes Dual Traction Black .600" Round 50 g RXG001 SNAKE EYES DUAL TRACTION GRIP ★★★★★ “These grips provide a great combination of control and feel. Great buy!” Rob Mallett review from E 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 247 | +44 (0)1934 523900 F 247 03/03/2013 07:14 GRIPS PING Top-brand grips These grips are reserved for those who wish to renew the feel of their clubs with the original performance-driven touch to which they're accustomed. B NEW! C NEW! U D NEW! M E-F G M U H-K L # Part Each/Kit A PG0070 Description NEW! PING 360 ID8 Black/White Core .600" Design Round Weight 52 g B PG0050 PING I-D8 White .600" Ribbed 51 g C PG0072 NEW! PING I-D8 Black/White Cord .600" Ribbed 55 g D PG0075 NEW! PING Purple ID8-Red (-1/16") .600" Ribbed 45 g E PG0051 PING I-D8 Orange (+1/16") .600" Ribbed 65 g F PG0052 PING I-D8 Gold (+1/32") .600" Ribbed 58 g G PG0040 PING Rapture NTS .600" Ribbed 52 g H PG0030 PING 703 White .600" Ribbed 52 g I PG0033 PING 703 Yellow (+1/32") .600" Ribbed 59 g J PG0034 PING 703 Orange (+1/16") .600" Ribbed 50 g K PG0031 PING 703 Red (-1/32") .580" Ribbed 59 g L PG0032 PING 703 Full Cord .600" Ribbed 54 g A 248 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 248 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:14 PING GRIPS Perfect replacements for your PING putter O A B E F # Part Each/Kit A PG0001 Description PING AVS Grey Oversize Putter Core .590" Design Round Weight 62 g B PG0060 PING AVS Grey/Red Putter .590" Round 58 g C PG0062 PING AVS Red/Grey 2 Piece Putter .600" Round 101 g D PG0061 PING AVS Red/Grey 21" Putter .600" Round 155 g E PG0010 PING Man Putter .580" Round 59 g F PG0020 PING Man Blackout Putter .580" Round 59 g C 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 249 | +44 (0)1934 523900 D 249 03/03/2013 07:15 GRIPS BRANDED GRIPS Top-brand grips These grips are reserved for those who wish to renew the feel of their clubs with the original performance-driven touch to which they're accustomed. B C D E-F G H I J # Part Each/Kit A GS0020 Description TaylorMade RBZ Core .600" Design Weight Ribbed 46.5 g B GS0026 TaylorMade Tour Preferred .580" Round 55 g C LG143 TaylorMade Arrow .600" Ribbed 51 g D GS0050 TaylorMade Women's Arrow 2 .580" Round 40 g E GS0024 TaylorMade Burner Lite .600" Round 25 g F GS0023 TaylorMade Burner SuperFast Lite** .620" Round 25 g G GS0025 TaylorMade Aeroburner .600" Round 50 g H GS0021 TaylorMade Ghost Tour Putter .590" Round 59.5 g I GS0022 TaylorMade White Smoke Putter .590" Round 59.5 g J GS0070 Cleveland CG Velvet .600" Round 51 g A 250 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 250 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:15 ODYSSEY GRIPS A B NEW! C NEW! D NEW! E F G H # Part Each/Kit A GS0055 Description Callaway Men's Universal Dim Core .610" Design Ribbed Weight 51 g B GS0034 NEW! Odyssey White Ice Putter .600 " Round 65 g C GS0035 NEW! Odyssey White Hot Tour Swirl .600" Round 63 g D GS0036 NEW! Odyssey Pistol 3GEN Blk/Red Putter .600" Round 74 g E GS0032 Odyssey Tempest Putter .580" Round 61 g F GS0037 Odyssey Cali Girl Putter .580" Round 61 g G GS0038 Odyssey Vegas Girl Putter .580" Round 61 g H GS0033 Odyssey Vegas Putter .580" Round 61 g I GS0030 Odyssey Black Series Putter .580" Round 61 g J GS0031 Odyssey Jumbo Putter .580" Round 129 g J I-J 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 251 | +44 (0)1934 523900 251 03/03/2013 07:15 GRIPS SUPERSTROKE Tour demanded, golfer approved With the unveiling of this year's newest grip, the Mid Slim 2.0, SuperStroke meets the expectation of golfers with optimised texture and feel to increase consistency and lower scores. NEW! NEW! A-F G-L # Part Each/Kit A TISG120 252 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 252 Description NEW! Ultra Slim 1.0 Splash Black Putter Core .580" Design Round Weight 65 g B TISG121 NEW! Ultra Slim 1.0 Splash Blue Putter .580" Round 65 g C TISG122 NEW! Ultra Slim 1.0 Splash Green Putter .580" Round 65 g D TISG123 NEW! Ultra Slim 1.0 Splash Orange Putter .580" Round 65 g E TISG124 NEW! Ultra Slim 1.0 Splash Red Putter .580" Round 65 g F TISG125 NEW! Ultra Slim 1.0 Splash Pink Putter .580" Round 65 g G TISG140 NEW! Mid Slim 2.0 Splash Black Putter .580" Round 50 g H TISG141 NEW! Mid Slim 2.0 Splash Blue Putter .580" Round 50 g I TISG142 NEW! Mid Slim 2.0 Splash Green Putter .580" Round 50 g J TISG143 NEW! Mid Slim 2.0 Splash Orange Putter .580" Round 50 g K TISG144 NEW! Mid Slim 2.0 Splash Red Putter .580" Round 50 g L TISG145 NEW! Mid Slim 2.0 Splash Pink Putter .580" Round 50 g | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:15 SUPERSTROKE GRIPS New from SuperStroke With tour-proven size and weight, the new SuperStroke offers CrossTraction technology for an increased feel. SuperStroke Slim and Fatso are great for any level of golfer. NEW! NEW! G-K A-F # Part Each/Kit A TISG070 Description NEW! Slim 3.0 Black Putter Core .580" Design Round Weight 55 g B TISG071 NEW! Slim 3.0 Red Putter .580" Round 55 g C TISG072 NEW! Slim 3.0 Blue Putter .580" Round 55 g D TISG073 NEW! Slim 3.0 Lime Putter .580" Round 55 g E TISG074 NEW! Slim 3.0 Orange Putter .580" Round 55 g F TISG075 NEW! Slim 3.0 Pink Putter .580" Round 55 g G TISG080 NEW! Fatso 5.0 Splash Black Putter .580" Round 90 g H TISG081 NEW! Fatso 5.0 Splash Red Putter .580" Round 90 g I TISG082 NEW! Fatso 5.0 Splash Blue Putter .580" Round 90 g J TISG083 K TISG084 NEW! Fatso 5.0 Splash Lime Putter .580" Round 90 g NEW! Fatso 5.0 Splash Orange Putter .580" Round 90 g 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 253 | +44 (0)1934 523900 253 03/03/2013 07:15 LONG & BELLY GRIPS GRIPS Custom fit for better playability These new belly grips are offered in different lengths and weights to accommodate the needs of taller players. NEW! NEW! A-B NEW! C-D # Part Each/Kit A TISG090 NEW! E-F Description NEW! Super Stroke Red Split Putter Grip G-H Core .600" I Design Split Weight 115 g 115 g B TISG091 NEW! Super Stroke Black Split Putter Grip .600" Split C TISG100 NEW! Super Stroke Red 17" Slim Belly Putter .600" Pistol 85 g D TISG101 NEW! Super Stroke Black 17" Slim Belly Putter .600" Pistol 85 g E TISG110 NEW! Super Stroke Red 21" Belly Putter .600" Pistol 145 g F TISG111 NEW! Super Stroke Black 21" Belly Putter .600" Pistol 145 g 155 g G PG0061 PING AVS Red/Grey 21" Putter .600" Pistol H PG0062 PING AVS Red/Grey 2 Piece Putter .600" Split 101 g I NEW! Golf Pride B-140 21" Belly Putter .600" Pistol 142.5 g 254 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 254 EA249 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:15 GRIPS LONG, BELLY & SPECIALTY GRIPS LONG & BELLY GRIPS A NEW! NEW! B C D E F O # Part Each/Kit A WG0167 Description Winn Mahogany/Black 2-Piece Putter Core .620" Design Split Weight 134 g B WG0168 NEW! iGrip Lite 18" Belly Pistol Brown Putter .625" Pistol 65 g C WG0169 NEW! iGrip Lite 21" Round Pistol Brown Putter .625" Round 133 g D WG0165 Winn Excel 21" Red/Black Pistol Belly Putter .600" Pistol 136 g E WG0161 Winn Excel 17" Navy/Red Pistol Belly Putter .610" Pistol 136 g F WG0230 Winn Triple Line 21" Round Belly Putter .600" Round 144 g G AG30B Avon Arthritic (+3/32") .600" Round 73 g H BU012 Training Grip Right Hand .580" Round 79 g G 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 255 | +44 (0)1934 523900 H 255 03/03/2013 07:16 GRIPS NEVERBEND The Ball Retriever Golf Grip The Never Bend Putter Grip/Ball Retriever is the one and only one-piece putter grip and ball retriever making it impossible for the suction cup to fall off M A-B O M O C-D M O M E-F G M H M I # Part Each/Kit A NG006 Description Neverbend Midsize Gents Black Putter B NG000 Neverbend Oversize Gents Black Putter C NG008 Neverbend Midsize Gents Blue Putter D NG002 Neverbend Oversize Gents Blue Putter E NG010 F NG004 G NG012 Neverbend Midsize Gents Copper Putter .600" Oversize 78 g H NG0014 Neverbend Midsize Ladies Hot Pink Putter .600" Oversize 78 g I Neverbend Midsize Ladies Light Blue Putter .600" Oversize 78 g NG0016 256 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 256 Design Oversize Weight 78 g .600" Oversize 133 g .600" Oversize 78 g .600" Oversize 133 g Neverbend Midsize Gents Red Putter .600" Oversize 78 g Neverbend Oversize Gents Red Putter .600" Oversize 133 g | Core .600" +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:16 TIGER SHARK LONG, BELLY & SPECIALTY GRIPS GRIPS New Grips Tiger Shark has expanded their 2013 Grip Line! These three different sizes allow for players to demand Tiger Shark quality in more traditional sized grips. NEW! NEW! NEW! O M J A-D E-H I-K # Part Each/Kit A TISG040 Description NEW! Tiger Shark Jumbo Black Putter Core .600" Design Round Weight 100 g B TISG041 NEW! Tiger Shark Jumbo Red Putter .600" Round 100 g C TISG042 NEW! Tiger Shark Jumbo Blue Putter .600" Round 100 g 100 g D TISG043 NEW! Tiger Shark Jumbo Pink Putter .600" Round E TISG050 NEW! Tiger Shark Mid Black Putter .600" Round 70 g F TISG051 NEW! Tiger Shark Mid Red Putter .600" Round 70 g G TISG052 NEW! Tiger Shark Mid Blue Putter .600" Round 70 g H TISG053 NEW! Tiger Shark Mid Pink Putter .600" Round 70 g I TISG060 NEW! Tiger Shark Mega Lite Black Putter .600" Round 70 g J TISG061 NEW! Tiger Shark Mega Lite Red Putter .600" Round 70 g K TISG062 NEW! Tiger Shark Mega Lite Blue Putter .600" Round 70 g 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 257 | +44 (0)1934 523900 257 03/03/2013 07:16 O V E R S I Z E D P U T T E R G R I P S 11 Tour Title Wins incl. the 2013 Dubai Desert Classic it doesn’t matter how you hold it... BIGGER IS BETTER TWO THUMB CONVENTIONAL ROTATE SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN TO GAZELEY DESIGNED IN REDUCE WRIST BREAK GREAT BRITAIN INCREASED SURFACE AREA WEIGHT OPTIONS FOR PUTTER DECREASES GRIP TENSION HEAD BALANCE 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 258 03/03/2013 07:16 UR N TO OVE PR Midi Rotate Pro-Light Light Shorty Original 110 grams A new unique Midsize grip designed to get the best out of your putter whichever way you fit it. 68 grams Offers players of a highstandard the ultimate transfer of feel and control from the putter head. 150 grams Lightweight compound and an exciting range ofcolours. Full size grip for golfers looking to have greater feel through the putter head. 125 grams Perfect for players who like to have total control and feel over their putter head while employing a pure pendulum action. 180 grams Made from Golf Pride’s Tour Velvet compound. Designed for those who like the security of a maximum size, high quality grip. MIDI ROTATE 2TMR-BW PRO-LIGHT 2TMR-WB 2TPLR EA254 2TPLB LIGHT 2TPLBW 2TLR EA253 2TLB SHORTY 2TL EA251 ORIGINAL 2TS 2TO EA252 EA250 NEW TO THE RANGE - AVAILABLE MID 2013 EA250C DADDY PUR BIGDAD FLAG EA250J EA250B DADDY RED BIGDAD RED EA250I EA250A DADDY BLK BIGDAD BLK EA250H 68 grams - A max sized lightweight grip with our new unique dual grip texture hi tac feel. 110 grams - A mid sized grip with our new unique dual grip texture hi tac feel. TEL: +44 (0)1635 39763 BIGGER IS BETTER WWW.TWOTHUMBGRIP.COM V E 13R grips, S I double-sided Z E D P tape, U Tgrip T E R G R I Pvise S clamp and illustrated instructions. *Note: Grip kits O contain solvent, a rubber Not all items are in stock at all stores. Contact your local Golfsmith to check availability. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 259 259 03/03/2013 07:16 SHAFTS SHAFTS SHAFT PERFORMANCE DIRECTORY FIND THE RIGHT SHAFT FOR YOUR GAME. How it works. The Shaft Performance Directory is useful as part of your Component Performance Matching (CPM) system. Even if you’re not using a CPM-rated clubhead, it’s a handy way to check out a shaft’s performance profile at a glance. The SPD describes three key shaft characteristics: trajectory, torque and weight. Trajectory: The shaft’s ability to help get the ball airborne. Influenced by bend point and tip flexibility. Torque: A measurement of rotational twisting at the tip of the shaft. Measured by securing the butt end and applying force to twist the tip. Weight: The weight of the raw, uncut shaft. A very important influence on a club’s controllability and your distance. LOW MID HIGH High Bend Point Low Trajectory Mid Bend Point Mid Trajectory Low Bend Point High Trajectory Typically suited for Typically suited for Typically suited for LOW MID HIGH Low Torque 3.5˚ and lower Moderate Torque 3.6˚-4.8˚ High Torque 4.9˚ and higher better-than-average players with higher clubhead speeds, who want more penetrating ball flights. Typically suited for stronger players with fast swing speeds and quick tempos, who need help with accuracy. the majority of golfers, average players with moderate swing speeds and tempo. Typically suited for the majority of golfers, average players with moderate swing speeds and tempo. players with slower, smoother swing speeds and tempos, who want to increase distance. Typically suited for players with slower swing speeds, who are looking for softer feel. STANDARD LIGHT WEIGHT ULTRA LIGHT Graphite Woods - 77 g & over Graphite Iron - 88 g & over Steel - 121 g & over Graphite Woods.- 68-76 g Graphite Iron - 71-87 g Steel - 110-120 g Graphite Woods.- 67g & under Graphite Iron - 70 g & under Steel - 109 g & under Typically suited for players with aggressive swings and quicker tempos looking for better control. Typically suited for the majority of golfers, average players with moderate swing speeds and tempo. Typically suited for players with smoother-tempo swings who want to increase distance. Golfsmith Europe’s FREE Technical support If you need help with tip trim, shaft selection, grip size or any general workshop enquiries then please email our Technical Support for assistance. 260 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 260 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:16 PUREing LONG, BELLY & SPECIALTYSHAFTS GRIPS How many of the golf shafts you buy are perfectly round and straight? Most? Some? Any idea? On the PGA Tour and around the world, only SST PURE Shaft Alignment guarantees you are building the best-performing golf clubs. No golf shaft is perfectly round, straight or stiff throughout its length, which can lead to problems like off-line bending and twisting at impact. The USGA and R&A-legal SST PURE process solves this problem. PUREing a shaft identifies its most stable orientation to the clubhead, so it can be installed for optimal performance. Hundreds of touring pros have discovered that clubs with PUREd shafts feel more solid and play more consistently. Our PUREing service includes shaft prep and cutting. When ordering, please specify type of club and club number, and final shaft length within one inch of final playing length. Stock No. PURE NSTKPURE NREPPURE Service PUREing Service on any shaft purchased from Golfsmith PUREing Service on any new un-cut shaft not purchased from Golfsmith PUREing Service on a cut shaft that has been removed from a head *Note: Grip kits contain 13 grips, double-sided tape, grip solvent, a rubber vise clamp and illustrated instructions. | +44 (0)1934 523900 Not all items are in stock at all stores. Contact local Golfsmith to check availability. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 261 261 03/03/2013 07:16 SHAFTS SHAFTS 262 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 262 I 1.800.456.3344 03/03/2013 07:17 SKU Flex mph PXv Tour 52 SGW0150* SGW0151* SGW0152* SGW0153* 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 85-100 100-110 105-115 115+ 4.2 4.0 3.7 3.5 PXv Tour NEW! Torque Wt(g) SGW0160* 6.0 SGW0161* 6.5 SGW0162* 7.0 100-110 105-115 115+ 3.5 3.5 3.0 Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Trajectory Trim 50 52 54 56 .335" .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" .600" 3" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" 46" Low Low Low Low W-E W-E W-E W-E 64 69 76 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Low Low Low W-E W-E W-E Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Woods SGW0023 SGW0020 SGW0021 SGW0022 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 85-100 100-110 105-115 115+ 4.2 4.0 3.7 3.7 56 58 60 62 .335" .335" .335" .335" .590" .595" .595" .595" 3" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" 46" Mid Low Low Low W-E W-E W-E W-E Hybrids .370 Torque Wt(g) SGI0031 SGI0028 SGI0029 SGI0030 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 85-100 100-110 105-115 115+ 3.5 3.2 3.1 3.0 85 87 90 92 .370" .370" .370" .370" .595" .600" .600" .600" 3" 3" 3" 3" 42" 42" 42" 42" Mid Low Low Low H-A H-A H-A H-A SGI0027 SGI0024 SGI0025 SGI0026 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 85-100 100-110 105-115 115+ 3.5 3.2 3.1 3.0 85 87 90 92 .355" .355" .355" .355" .595" .600" .600" .600" 0" 0" 0" 0" 42" 42" 42" 42" Mid Low Low Low H-D H-D H-D H-D Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim SKU Flex mph Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Woods mph SGW0060 SGW0061 SGW0062 SGW0063 SGW0064 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 85-95 90-100 100-110 105-115 115+ 4.3 3.7 3.3 3.3 3.3 60 62 66 69 69 .335" .335" .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" .600" .600" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" 46" 46" Low Low Low Low Low W-E W-E W-E W-E W-E Hybrids .370 Flex SGI0220 SGI0221 SGI0222 SGI0223 SGI0224 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 85-95 90-100 100-110 105-115 115+ 3.0 3.0 2.3 2.3 2.3 84 85 92 95 97 .370" .370" .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" .600" .600" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" Low Low Low Low Low H-A H-A H-A H-A H-A Hybrids .355 SKU Hybrids .355 * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Trajectory Trim SGI0210 SGI0211 SGI0212 SGI0213 SGI0214 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 85-95 90-100 100-110 105-115 115+ 3.0 3.0 2.3 2.3 2.3 84 85 92 95 97 .355" .355" .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" .600" .600" 0" 0" 0" 0" 0" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" Low Low Low Low Low H-D H-D H-D H-D H-D PXv Tour 52 and PXv Tour Wood Shafts The all new Project X PXv Tour 52 is the next generation in the storied Project X franchise. PXv Tour incorporates the PXv technology into a heavier weight shaft. It's the perfect complementing fairway wood design to PXv Tour 52 and also a great option for players seeking a slightly heavier weight driver shaft. PXv Tour 52 delivers a low-mid launch angle with low spin preferred by today’s top professionals and low handicap amateurs. PROJECT X SHAFTS Master Distributor Project X Black Wood and Hybrid Shafts The new Project X Black features reduced weight from the original PX graphite for explosive power while preserving critical tip stability and low spin performance. With Dual Torsional Control, Project X Black reduces spin rates at impact for optimised trajectory and flatter descent angles for greater roll-out. Bend Point: High. Project X Graphite Wood and Hybrid Shafts Designed to provide optimal launch conditions and lower spin rates by as much as 500 RPM, Project X graphite has won multiple tour championships, including three consecutive wins at the British Open. Project X graphite hybrid shafts are designed with the same stiffness profile as Project X iron shafts, making them a great hybrid option for players with Project X in their irons. Bend Point: High. PROJECT X WOOD & HYBRID SHAFTS ★★★★★ “I have added 10 to 15 yards to my drives, without sacrificing accuracy.” Ratings and Reviews Not all items are in stock at all stores. | +44 (0)1934 523900 Contact your local Golfsmith to check availability. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 263 263 03/03/2013 07:17 SHAFTS Master Distributor Tip Dia Butt Dia Length Trajectory Trim 101 101 106 106 .355" .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" .600" 36.5-40.5" 36.5-40.5" 36.5-40.5" 36.5-40.5" Variable Variable Variable Variable I-C I-C I-C I-C Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia Length Trajectory Trim 70-80 75-85 80-90 85-95 108 108 112 117 .355" .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" .600" 36.5-41" 36.5-41" 36.5-41" 36.5-41" Low Low Low Low I-C I-C I-C I-C Flex mph Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia Length Trajectory Trim 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 70-80 75-85 80-90 90-100 100-110 115 115 120 125 130 .370" .370" .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" .600" .600" 1-W 1-W 1-W 1-W 1-W Low Low Low Low Low I-C I-C I-C I-C I-C 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 70-80 75-85 80-90 90-100 100-110 115 120 125 130 135 .355" .355" .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" .600" .600" 1-W 1-W 1-W 1-W 1-W Low Low Low Low Low I-C I-C I-C I-C I-C .355 Irons Project X Iron Shafts A proven winner on the PGA Tour, Project X features a different constant taper per inch for each shaft in the set. Longer taper rates results in more energy transfer to the ball, so it gets up faster and flattens out for penetrating trajectory and ball flight. Bend Point: Progressive. Step Pattern: Stepless. Specify club number when ordering #1 is 41.5" in length. SKU Flex mph SGI048 SGI050 SGI052 SGI054 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 70-80 75-85 80-90 85-95 SKU Flex mph SGI011 SGI013 SGI007 SGI005 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 SKU SGI041/2 SGI041/2 SGI041/2 SGI041/2 SGI041/2 SGI0425 SGI0425 SGI0425 SGI0425 SGI0425 .355 Irons Project X PXi Iron Shafts Incorporates the hallmarks of the Project X band—tour-caliber spin control and tip stability—in a lightweight model. Project X PXi’s lighter weight produces greater distance and improved feel through an optimised butt to tip stiffness calibration. Bend Point: High. Step Pattern: Stepless. Wt(g) Irons Project X Flighted 95 Iron Shafts The lightest steel shaft in the Project X Family. The mid-flight design of this new shaft delivers the tour-caliber control expected of the Project X brand with maximum distance. Project X engineers have incorporated descending weight properties into Project X Flighted 95 for enhanced feel in the mid to short irons. Bend Point: High. Step Pattern: Stepless. 95 Irons PROJECT X NEW! PROJECT X INDIVIDUAL IRON SHAFT ★★★★★★ “This is by far the best steel shaft ever! Ball flight is up quick and flat carry.” Ratings and Reviews 264 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 264 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:17 NEW! Woods Back by popular demand, Grafalloy BiMatrx Tour Prototype is now available in six custom colour options: Pink, Black, Neon Orange, White, Lime Green and Neon Blue. SKU Flex mph SGW0030 SGW0031 SGW0032 R S X 85-95 90-105 105+ Torque Wt(g) 2.0˚ 2.0˚ 2.0˚ 65 65 80 Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Trajectory Trim Low Low Low W-D W-D W-D GRAFALLOY SHAFTS Master Distributor Grafalloy BiMatrix Tour Prototype Wood Shaft Combines the best of both worlds in materials and performance. The ultralight graphite body joins with a steel tip section for ultimate distance and control. BiMatrix also has the unique combination of allowing golfers to increase driver loft by as much as 30% while offering a 20% reduction in spin rate. This high launch and low spin blend delivers incredible carry and roll. Woods 265 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 265 03/03/2013 07:17 SHAFTS SHAFTS 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 266 03/03/2013 07:17 60 NEW! SKU Flex mph SGW0180 SGW0181 SGW0182 R S X 90-100 100-110 110+ Torque Wt(g) 2.8˚ 2.8˚ 2.8˚ 63 64 65 Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .335" .335" .335" .605" .605" .605" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Trajectory Trim Low Low Low W-E W-E W-E Grafalloy ProLaunch Blue 60 Wood Shafts The original Grafalloy Blue remains one of the most popular graphite shafts. For 2013, Grafalloy has redesigned Blue using the best materials available while maintaining the benefits golfers loved about the original. The new Blue delivers maximum stability and distance for stronger swingers. Bend Points: High GRAFALLOY SHAFTS Master Distributor Flex mph SGW0183 SGW0184 SGW0185 R S X 90-100 100-110 110+ SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) 3.7˚ 3.7˚ 3.5˚ 72 74 75 Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .335" .335" .335" .600" .605" .605" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Trajectory Trim Low Low Low W-E W-E W-E Trajectory Trim Woods SKU SGW0040* A SGW0041* R SGW0042* S 70-80 80-90 90-100 5.0˚ 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 54 56 57 .335" .335" .335" .605" .605" .605" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" High High High W-E W-E W-E Hybrids 75 NEW! SGI0205* SGI0206* SGI0207* 55-65 65-75 75-85 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 61 63 66 .370" .370" .370" .605" .610" .610" 4" 4" 4" 41" 41" 41" High High High H-A H-A H-A Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .335" .335" .335" .610" .610" .610" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" A R S * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Woods SKU Flex SGW0050* R SGW0051* S SGW0052* X mph 90-100 100-110 105-115 Torque Wt(g) 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 3.7˚ 59 60 61 Trajectory Trim Low Low Low W-E W-E W-E 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 267 The original Grafalloy Blue remains one of the most popular graphite shafts. For 2013, Grafalloy has redesigned Blue using the best materials available while maintaining the benefits golfers loved about the original. The new Blue delivers maximum stability and distance for stronger swingers. Bend Points: High Grafalloy ProLaunch Blue with Speed Coat Wood and Hybrid Shafts Features a visible technology that improves the performance golfers expect from ProLaunch shaft. ProLaunch Blue with Speed Coat is 30% lighter than the Original Blue and produces greater distance by 20% compared to the iconic ProLaunch Blue. Launch, spin and ball speed are also significantly improved in the new ProLaunch Blue with Speed Coat. Bend Points: Low. Grafalloy ProLaunch Red with Speed Coat Wood Improves lower launch and spin properties compared to the original ProLaunch Red. The new shaft also produces greater ball speed. Bend Points: High. * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Grafalloy ProLaunch Blue 75 Wood Shafts | +44 (0)1934 523900 267 03/03/2013 07:17 SHAFTS Master Distributor SKU Flex mph Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L SGW0120 SGW0121 SGW0122 R S X 90-100 100-110 105-115 3.0˚ 3.0˚ 3.0˚ 62 64 66 .335" .335" .335" .600" .605" .605" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Low Low Low W-E W-E W-E Woods SGW0123 SGW0124 SGW0125 R S X 90-100 100-110 105-115 3.0˚ 3.0˚ 3.0˚ 62 64 66 .350" .350" .350" .600" .605" .605" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Low Low Low W-E W-E W-E .350 Woods GRAFALLOY Grafalloy ProLaunch Red Wood Shafts Designed for stronger swingers seeking penetrating trajectory. Incorporates Grafalloy's proprietary Micro-Mesh Tip technology to strike the perfect balance of top stiffness, stability and spin control, while preserving critical feel for drives that fly long, straight and roll forever. Bend Points: High. Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim GRAFALLOY PROLAUNCH RED WOOD SHAFT ★★★★★ “The control and accurancy I now have is great. The ball stays low and true. The low torque shaft really makes a difference. Both fairway woods are now like lasers, the control and distance is very good, not fantastic but predictable and solid as it should be. This is a great shaft.” Ratings and Reviews SKU Flex mph Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L SGW0081 SGW0080 SGW0082 SGW0083 L A R S 45-55 55-65 70-80 80-90 5.0˚ 5.0˚ 5.0˚ 5.0˚ 44 44 44 48 .335" .335" .335" .335" .595" .595" .595" .595" 2" 2" 2" 2" 46" 46" 46" 46" High High High High W-E W-E W-E W-E 45 SGW0100 SGW0101 SGW0102 R S X 85-95 95-105 105-120 3.2˚ 2.8˚ 2.8˚ 64 64 64 .335" .335" .335" .600" .605" .605" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" High High High W-E W-E W-E 65 SGW0110 SGW0111 SGW0112 R S X 85-95 95-105 105-120 3.2˚ 2.8˚ 2.8 64 64 64 .350" .350" .350" .600" .600" .600" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" High High High W-E W-E W-E 65 .350 Grafalloy ProLaunch Blue Wood Shafts Grafalloy’s ProLaunch wood shaft provides optimal launch angle as it promotes decreased ball spin and maximum clubhead spead. Blue Micro-Mesh Tip technology stabilises larger clubheads. Bend Points: Low. Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim GRAFALLOY PROLAUNCH BLUE WOOD SHAFT ★★★★★ “This shaft delivers…great ball flight, is very easy on the hands, and the control cannot be matched by any other I've used.” Ratings and Reviews SKU Flex mph SGI0240 SGI0241 SGI0242 A R S 55-65 65-75 75-85 Torque Wt(g) 3.2˚ 3.0˚ 3.0˚ 80 81 82 Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" 6" 6" 6" 41" 41" 41" Trajectory Trim High High High I-O I-O I-O Irons Grafalloy ProLaunch Blue Iron Shafts incorporates Grafalloy's patented Micromesh tip technology making it the most torsionally stable composite iron shaft ever introduced. Its launch-monitortuned design promotes higher launch angles for added carry and improved distance on approach shots. Bend Points: Low. GRAFALLOY PROLAUNCH BLUE IRON SHAFT ★★★★★ “This shaft is exactly what is advertised as and that is one that gives me a great lauch angle and great control without the problem of steel causing elbow problems with high use. I have found no loss of distance and I am able to work the ball and get it up and over obstacles while landing softly on the green.” Ratings and Reviews 268 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 268 | +44 (0)1934 523900 Not all items are in stock at all stores. Contact your local Golfsmith to check availability. 03/03/2013 07:18 Woods SKU Flex SGW0200* R SGW0201* S mph Torque Wt(g) 80-95 90-105 4.8˚ 4.5˚ 68 70 Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .335" .335" .602" .602" 4" 4" 46" 46" Trajectory Trim Mid Mid W-E W-E Flex mph Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Woods SGW0010 SGW0011 SGW0012 A R S 55-65 65-75 75-85 4.5˚ 4.5˚ 4.5˚ 64 66 68 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 6" 6" 6" 40" 40" 40" Mid Mid Mid W-E W-E W-E SGI0440 SGI0441 SGI0442 A R S 55-65 65-75 75-85 4.5˚ 4.5˚ 4.5˚ 64 66 68 .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" 6" 6" 6" 40" 40" 40" Mid Mid Mid I-A I-A I-A SKU Flex Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .335" .335" .335" .595" .600" .600" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" Woods SKU Irons * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. SGW0140* R SGW0141* S SGW0142* X mph 70-85 85-95 100+ Torque Wt(g) Torque Wt(g) 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 45 48 50 Trajectory Trim Trajectory Trim High High High W-E W-E W-E Irons Woods * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. SKU Flex mph Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L SGWPTA SGWPT A/L R/S 60-80 80-100 Torque Wt(g) 5.0˚ 5.0˚ 68 70 .335" .335" .595" .600" 6" 6" 48" 48" Trajectory Trim Mid Mid W-F W-F SGIPTA SGIPT A/L R/S 50-70 65-85 4.1˚ 3.9˚ 74 77 .370" .370" .590" .590" 8" 8" 43" 43" Mid Mid I-D I-D Grafalloy COMP MT2 Wood Shafts The Grafalloy COMP MT2 shaft features mid-trajectory and moderate torque. It provides a flatter ball flight and better feel for a wide range of player profiles. Bend Mid. GRAFALLOY SHAFTS Master Distributor Grafalloy AttackLite Wood and Iron Shafts Available in ultralight weights of 62 to 68 grams and mid-range trajectory and torque to help increase distance for average players. Bend Points: A, R and S – Mid. BooYah Wood Shafts BooYah’s unique material, design and bend profile deliver unrivaled energy transfer for incredible distance. Bend Point: Low. Grafalloy ProCustom Wood and Iron Shafts This lightweight series features a relatively low flex design to provide mid-to-high ball flight for longer drives and soft-landing approach shots. Bend Point: Mid. PROCUSTOM WOOD SHAFT ★★★★★ “I was hitting the old driver well but never knew where the ball was going, now it is a bit longer and right down the middle nearly every drive. Outstanding shaft for the price.” Ratings and Reviews 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 269 | +44 (0)1934 523900 269 03/03/2013 07:18 SHAFTS SHAFTS Aldila Ad to come 270 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 270 I 1.800.456.3344 03/03/2013 07:18 60 Woods NEW! SKU Flex mph SGA0020* SGA0021* SGA0022* SGA0023* A R S X 70-85 80-90 90-105 105+ Torque Wt(g) 4.9˚ 4.9˚ 4.4˚ 3.6˚ 65 65 65 65 Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .335" .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" .600" 3" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" 46" Trajectory Trim Mid Mid Mid Mid W-K W-K W-K W-K * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Aldila® Trinity Wood Shafts A combination shaft featuring 3 Aldila patented design technologies. Allows maximum control through the use of RIP Technology coupled with S-core Technology for stability. ALDILA SHAFTS 44 Woods NEW! SKU Flex mph SGA0030* SGA0031* SGA0032* SGA0033* SGA0034* A R S X TX 70-80 70-90 80-105 90-105 105+ Torque Wt(g) 5.6˚ 5.8˚ 4.6˚ 4.0˚ 3.4˚ 43 44 46 49 49 Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .335" .335" .335" .335" .335" .615" .615" .615" .618" .618" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" 46" 46" Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .335" .335" .335" .335" .605" .610" .615" .615" 3" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" 46" Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Trajectory Trim Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid W-K W-K W-K W-K W-K RIP'd NV * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. SKU Flex mph SGA0100* SGA0101* SGA0102* SGA0103* R S X TX 90-100 100-110 110-115 115+ Torque Wt(g) 4.4˚ 3.8˚ 3.2˚ 2.8˚ 69 70 69 68 Trajectory Trim Low-Mid Low-Mid Low-Mid Low-Mid W-K W-K W-K W-K RIP RIP Phenom 70 Phenom 50 * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim SGA0090* SGA0091* SGA0092* SGA0093* R S X TX 90-100 100-110 110-115 115+ 5.4˚ 4.8˚ 4.2˚ 3.8˚ 49 52 54 54 .335" .335" .335" .335" .605" .610" .615" .615" 3" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid Mid W-K W-K W-K W-K SGA0080* SGA0081* SGA0082* S X TX 100-110 110-115 115+ 3.2˚ 2.9˚ 2.5˚ 72 75 75 .335" .335" .335" .605" .610" .610" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-K W-K W-K Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Aldila® NV Magnum Wood Shafts The first truly high performance, ultra lightweight, sub-50 gram shaft design. Aldila engineers have combined exclusive carbon fibre materials and resins with an innovative Magnum shaft profile to achieve the highest level of performance possible in an ultra lightweight shaft. Aldila® RIP'd NV Wood Shafts The new RIP'd NV incorporates the best performance attributes from two of Aldila's most innovative shaft designs. The 'perfect feel' and slim stable shaft profile of the Aldila NV® and the unprecedented control and accuracy of the Aldila RIP®. Aldila® RIP Phenom Wood Shafts The Aldila RIP Phenom incorporates Aldila's Tour-proven RIP® Technology with a unique composite construction to create a new and innovative shaft flex profile for maximum distance and control — The Hyperbolic Flex Zone. SKU Flex mph 60 SGA0217* SGA0218* SGA0219* R S X 90-100 100-110 110-120 3.2˚ 2.9˚ 2.7˚ 62 63 66 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Low-Mid Low-Mid Low-Mid W-K W-K W-K 70 * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim SGA0220* SGA0221* SGA0222* R S X 90-100 100-110 110-125 3.0˚ 2.7˚ 2.4˚ 74 74 77 .335" .335" .335" .605" .610" .610" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Low-Mid Low-Mid Low-Mid W-K W-K W-K Aldila® RIP Alpha Series Patent-pending technology and exclusive materials result in a revolutionary shaft with optimal flex and torque, plus incredible feel. Tested and proven on the PGA Tour. Bend Point: Mid/High. * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 271 | +44 (0)1934 523900 271 03/03/2013 07:18 SHAFTS ALDILA Aldila® RIP Beta Woods Shafts mph 85-95 90-105 105+ 90-105 105+ Torque Wt(g) 3.9˚ 62 3.5˚ 64 3.2˚ 66 3.1˚ 74 2.8˚ 76 Tip Dia .335" .335" .335" .335" .335" Butt Dia .615" .615" .615" .618" .618" PTS 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" L Trajectory Trim Mid W-K 46" Mid W-K 46" Mid W-K 46" Mid W-K 46" Mid W-K 46" Tip Dia .335" .335" .335" .335" .335" .335" Butt Dia .600" .600" .600" .600" .600" .600" PTS 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" 3" L Trajectory Trim 46" Low-Mid W-K 46" Low-Mid W-K 46" Low-Mid W-K 46" Low-Mid W-K 46" Low-Mid W-K 46" Low-Mid W-K 70 Flex R S X S X 60 A mid-launch version of the original lowlaunch, stiff-tipped RIP Alpha that has been tested and proven across the PGA Tour. Made with Aldila’s RIP Technology, featuring lower torque and increased tip stability. SKU SGA0001* SGA0002* SGA0003* SGA0004* SGA0005* * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Aldila® Gamma Woods Shafts Flex R S X R S X mph 85-95 90-105 105+ 85-95 90-105 105+ Torque Wt(g) 3.7˚ 69 3.4˚ 69 3.2˚ 71 3.5˚ 78 3.2˚ 79 3.0˚ 81 70 SKU SGA0010* SGA0011* SGA0012* SGA0013* SGA0014* SGA0015* 60 Incorporates Ailida's patent-pending RIP Technology resulting in lower torque and increased hoop stiffness for greater accuracy and control. * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L 70-80 80-90 90-100 3.9˚ 3.9˚ 3.9˚ 54 56 57 .335" .335" .335" .615" .615" .620" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-K W-K W-K SGA0060 SGA0061 SGA0062 R S X 85-95 95-105 105+ 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 67 67 68 .335" .335" .335" .620" .625" .625" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Low Low Low W-K W-K W-K SGA0070 SGA0071 SGA0072 R S X 95-105 95-105 105+ 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 67 67 68 .350" .350" .350" .625" .625" .625" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Low Low Low W-K W-K W-K SGA0050 SGA0051 SGA0052 R S X 90-100 100-110 110+ 2.8˚ 2.8˚ 2.8˚ 78 78 78 .335" .335" .335" .620" .625" .625" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Low Low Low W-K W-K W-K 75 SGA0053 SGA0054 R S 90-100 100-110 2.8˚ 2.8˚ 78 78 .350" .350" .625" .625" 3" 3" 46" 46" Low Low W-K W-K 75 .350 SGA0040 SGA0041 SGA0042 R S X 90-100 100-110 110+ 2.6˚ 2.6˚ 2.6˚ 86 88 88 .335" .335" .335" .620" .625" .625" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Low Low Low W-K W-K W-K 85 SGA0130 SGA0131 R S 85-95 95-105 2.5˚ 2.5˚ 84 84 .370" .370" .630" .630" 3" 3" 42" 42" Mid Mid I-C I-C HYB 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 272 mph A R S 65 .350 272 Flex SGA0073 SGA0074 SGA0075 65 An exclusive Micro Laminate Technology™ (MLT) design features 20 layers of graphite fibre in its construction for a high-performance graphite shaft that suits large, titanium driver heads. A constant taper and slim profile help generate a consistent flex. The NV Hybrid Transitional shafts provide a smooth transition in shaft feel from drivers to irons. Bend Points: 55 (A, R flex) and Hybrid – Mid; 55 (S flex), 65, 75 and 85 – Mid/High. SKU 55 Aldila® NV Series Wood and Hybrid Shafts | Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:18 Woods ALDILA SHAFTS SKU Flex mph SGA0200* SGA0201* SGA0202* R S X 85-95 95-105 105-115 Torque Wt(g) 3.3˚ 3.3˚ 3.3˚ 63 63 63 Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS .335" .335" .335" .625" .625" .625" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" L Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Aldila® DVS 60 Wood Shafts Trajectory Trim 46" Mid-High 46" Mid-High 46" Mid-High A half-flex stiffer in the butt than the VS Proto, the DVS is softer in the tip, giving extra kick and launch with a very firm, stable feel. Bend Point: Mid. W-K W-K W-K SKU Flex mph 60 SGA0213* SGA0214* SGA0215* R S X 90-100 100-110 110-120 3.2˚ 3.2˚ 3.2˚ 62 63 63 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-K W-K W-K 70 SGA0210* SGA0211* SGA0212* R S X 90-100 100-110 110-125 2.8˚ 2.8˚ 2.8˚ 71 71 71 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-K W-K W-K Hybrids * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Torque Wt(g) SGA0240* SGA0241* SGA0242* R S X 90-100 100-110 110-125 1.4˚ 1.4˚ 1.4˚ 83 94 96 .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" 3" 3" 3" 42" 42" 42" Mid Mid Mid I-C I-C I-C Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Aldila® VS Proto ‘By You’ Wood and Hybrid Shafts Trajectory Trim Unparalleled performance and feel. The straightest, longest shaft Aldila has ever offered, delivered with advanced technology to generate powerful feel, especially for the game’s better players. Bend Point: Mid/High. * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. mph Torque Wt(g) 5.5˚ 5.5˚ 77 77 .335" .335" .585" .585" 7" 7" SGA0111 SGA0111 R S 70-85 85-95 5.0˚ 5.0˚ 87 87 .335" .335" .600" .600" SGA010 SGA010 L A 45-55 55-65 4.5˚ 4.5˚ 79 79 .370" .370" SGA0110 SGA0110 R S 65-75 75-85 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 85 85 .370" .370" 46" 46" W-I W-I 7" 7" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-I W-I .580" .580" 7" 7" 41" 41" High High I-G I-G .600" .600" 7" 7" 41" 41" Mid Mid I-G I-G VX 50-60 60-70 High High VL L A Aldila® VL & VX Series Trajectory Trim VX Irons Flex SGA010 SGA010 VL Woods SKU The VL is lightweight and more flexible for slower swing speeds. For moderate swing speeds, the VX has five degrees of torque. Bend Points: VL – Low, VX – Mid. Woods Irons FULL SHAFT TRIM TABLE IS SHOWN ON PAGE 301 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 273 | +44 (0)1934 523900 273 03/03/2013 07:19 SHAFTS FUJIKURA F1 mph Torque Wt(g) Trim 55 57 57 59 Tip Dia Butt Dia .335" .335" .335" .335" .605" .610" .610" .610" 3" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid Mid W-L W-L W-L W-L SGFU0063* R2 SGFU0063* R SGFU0063* S SGFU0063* X 80-90 90-100 100-110 110+ 3.5˚ 3.2˚ 3.2˚ 3.2˚ 65 65 65 65 .335" .335" .335" .335" .610" .610" .610" .615" 3" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" 46" Low/Mid Low/Mid Low/Mid Low/Mid W-L W-L W-L W-L SGFU0066* R SGFU0066* S SGFU0066* X 90-100 100-110 110+ 3.0˚ 3.0˚ 3.0˚ 75 75 76 .335" .335" .335" .620" .625" .625" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Low/Mid Low/Mid Low/Mid W-L W-L W-L SGFU0070* R SGFU0071* S SGFU0072* X 90-100 100-110 110+ 2.0˚ 2.0˚ 2.0˚ 81 82 83 .370" .370" .370" .615" .615" .620" 3" 3" 3" 42" 42" 42" Low/Mid Low/Mid Low/Mid W-L W-L W-L SGFU0080* R SGFU0080* S SGFU0080* X 90-100 100-110 110+ 3.1˚ 3.1˚ 3.1˚ 61 61 61 .335" .335" .335" .603" .604" .604" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-L W-L W-L SGFU0083* S SGFU0084* X 100-110 110+ 2.8˚ 2.8˚ 71 71 .335" .335” .607" .607” 3" 3” 46" 46” Mid Mid W-L W-L 70 Trajectory 4.3˚ 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 60 L 80-90 90-100 100-110 110+ 80H F3 Flex 75 PTS SGFU0060* R2 SGFU0060* R SGFU0060* S SGFU0060* X 65 F1 Woods* F1 Hybrids* F3 Woods* F3 Hybrids* SKU 55 Fujikura Motore F1 and F3 Shafts Featuring H.I.T. Technology (which stands for High Inertia Tip), the Motore F1 and F3 store more energy during your downswing and release that energy before impact, all while maintaining stability. Smart Shaping on the internal tip section of the shaft raises the balance point and increases tip stiffness. The F1 plays to a golfer with a stronger loading swing, while the F3 plays to a golfer looking for a softer feel. But both provide optimal spin, which gives you more control. Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L 50 3.9˚ 3.9˚ 3.9˚ 56 56 57 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 46" 46" 46" Low/Mid Low/Mid Low/Mid W-L W-L W-L 60 The 'Load Injector Tip' takes the stored energy that is transferred down the shaft from the Combustion Chamber and injects it into the club head for a more explosive and powerful impact. Torque SGFU0003* R SGFU0004* S SGFU0005* X 3.4˚ 3.3˚ 3.2˚ 64 65 67 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 2.5" 2.5" 2.5" 46" 46" 46" Low/Mid Low/Mid Low/Mid W-L W-L W-L 70 The 'Combustion Chamber' consists of a series of high modulus carbon plies oriented at 45 and 90 degrees which reduces overall friction and ovaling during the loading and unloading of the shaft. Simply put, energy is stored at the top of the swing and explodes down the shaft during the downswing. Flex SGFU0000* R2 SGFU0001* R SGFU0002* S SGFU0007* S SGFU0008* X 3.1˚ 3.1˚ 76 78 .335" .335" .604" .604" 2.5" 2.5" 46" 46" Low Low W-L W-L 85HB Fujikura Fuel Rod Shafts Comprised of the 'Combustion Chamber' and the 'Load Injector Tip', allows for a more efficient transfer of energy down the shaft, generating more power and speed. SGFU0100* R SGFU0101* S SGFU0102* X 2.3˚ 2.3˚ 2.3˚ 82 83 85 .370" .370" .370" .630" .630" .630" 3" 3" 3" 42" 42" 42" Low/Mid Low/Mid Low/Mid W-L W-L W-L 95HB * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. SKU Trajectory Trim SGFU0104* S SGFU0105* X- 2.0˚ 2.0˚ 95 97 .370" .370" .606" .606" 3" 3" 42" 42" Low Low W-L W-L * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Driver* Fairway* Hybrids (Fuel 85HB, Fuel95HB)* 274 I +44 (0)1934 523900 523900 | +44 (0)1934 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 274 03/03/2013 07:19 Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L 5.0 SGFU0025* R2 SGFU0026* R SGFU0027* S 4.5˚ 4.5˚ 4.5˚ 55 56 56 .335" .335" .335" .605" .605" .605" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" 46" 46" 46" High High High W-L W-L W-L 6.0 SGFU0028* R2 SGFU0029* R SGFU0030* S 4.5˚ 4.5˚ 4.5˚ 62 63 64 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" 46" 46" 46" High High High W-L W-L W-L 5.1 SGFU0031* R2 SGFU0032* R SGFU0033* S 4.5˚ 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 56 57 58 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" 46" 46" 46" Mid/High Mid/High Mid/High W-L W-L W-L 6.1 SGFU0034* R SGFU0035* S 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 65 66 .335" .335" .600" .600" 3.5" 3.5" 42" 42" Mid Mid W-L W-L 7.1 SGFU0036* R SGFU0037* S SGFU0038* X 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 72 73 74 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-L W-L W-L 6.2 SGFU0039* R SGFU0040* S SGFU0041* X 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 65 67 70 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" 46" 46" 46" Low/Mid Low/Mid Low/Mid W-L W-L W-L 7.2 SGFU0042* S SGFU0043* X 3.1˚ 3.1˚ 78 79 .335" .335" .600" .600" 3.5" 3.5" 46" 46" Low Low W-L W-L 8.2 FUJIKURA SHAFTS SKU Flex Torque Trajectory Trim SGFU0044* S SGFU0045* X 3.1˚ 3.1˚ 83 85 .335" .335" .605" .605" 3.5" 3.5" 42" 42" Low/Mid Low/Mid W-L W-L Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia 65HB SGFU0120* R2 SGFU0121* R SGFU0122* S 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 60 63 66 .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" 6.5" 6.5" 6.5" 42" 42" 42" High High High W-L W-L W-L 75HB * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. SKU Flex Torque SGFU0123* SGFU0124* SGFU0125* 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 73 75 76 .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" 6.5" 6.5" 6.5" 42" 42" 42" Mid/High Mid/High Mid/High W-L W-L W-L R S X PTS L Trajectory Trim Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L 6.0i SGFU0140* R2 SGFU0141* R SGFU0142* S 3.8˚ 3.8˚ 3.8˚ 60 65 65 .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" 6.5" 6.5" 6.5" 42" 42" 42" Low/Mid Low/Mid Low/Mid W-L W-L W-L 7.0i * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. SKU Flex Torque SGFU0143* SGFU0144* 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 77 78 .370" .370" .610" .610" 6.0" 6.0" 42" 42" Mid Mid W-L W-L R S Fujikura EXS Shafts • Unique profile classification through FlexMap • Complete profile availability for all swing types • Numerical and Color coded fitting system for ease of fitting • Guaranteed to fit within a golfers unique swing characteristics • Ideal for Drivers, Fairway woods, Hybrids, and Irons FlexMap Fujikura’s in-house advanced mapping technology that measures specific golf swing characteristics of different shafts through pre and post impact swing phases. Through understanding the micro details of a golf swing, identified markers have allowed for the grouping and classifications of all shafts into three primary shaft profile types. Driver* Fairway* Hybrids* Irons* .0 (Red) = High Launch .1 (Blue) = Mid Launch .2 (Purple) = Low Launch Trajectory Trim * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. SAKURA SKU Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Trajectory Trim SGFU0150* L Flex Torque 4.2˚ 60 .370" .585" 6.0" 42" Low/Mid W-L SGFU0050* L 6.0˚ 45 .335" .595" 3.5" 45" High W-L * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 275 | +44 (0)1934 523900 275 03/03/2013 07:19 SHAFTS SHAFTS Fitting is Easy as 1-2-3 PROFORCE VTS 3DFitting™ system was developed using torque as the key performance characteristic. If you know your swing speed, it’s simple fact it’s as easy as 1-2-3. 1. Locate your swing speed at the top of the 3DFitting™ chart 2. Choose your preferred shaft weight on the left side 3. Find the PROFORCE VTS color and flex best suited to your game PROFORCE VTS 3DFittingª SPEED WEIGHT 55 75 A 65 R R R R R 75 High Torque 95 90 85 80 Medium Torque 100 S S S S 105 X 110 X Low Torque - 2009 - 20 08 10 20 011 -2 200 7- When fit with proper torque, weight and flex – ball speeds increase up to 6 mph and shot dispersion is reduced by as much as 30%. #1 CUSTOM UPGRADE SHAFTS IN AMERICA FIVE YEARS RUNNING 276 I 1.800.456.3344 USA JAPAN ENGLAND AUSTRALIA BANGLADESH CHINA 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 276 03/03/2013 07:19 Butt Dia PTS L 55 SGUS0120* RED-A SGUS0121* SIL-R SGUS0122* BLK-R 75-80 80-85 85-90 5.5˚ 4.5˚ 3.5˚ 56 57 57 .335" .335" .335" .615" .615" .615" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-J W-J W-J 65 SGUS0040* SGUS0130* SGUS0131* SGUS0132* RED-R SIL-R SIL-S BLK-S 80-85 85-90 90-95 95-100 5.0˚ 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 3.0˚ 65 65 66 67 .335" .335" .335" .335" .615" .615" .615" .615" 4" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid Mid-Low W-J W-J W-J W-J 75 SGUS0142* SGUS0050* SGUS0140* SGUS0141* RED-S SIL-S SIL-X BLK-X 90-95 95-100 100-105 110-115 4.5˚ 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 2.5˚ 74 77 77 77 .335" .335" .335" .335" .610" .610" .610" .615" 4" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid-Low Mid-Low W-J W-J W-J W-J 85 Hybrid SGUS0060* BLK-S 90-105 SGUS0061* SIL-S 90-105 SGUS0062* RED-S 90-105 2.5˚ 3.2˚ 4.0˚ 82 81 81 .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .605" 5.5" 5.5" 5.5" 42" Mid-Low 42" Mid 42" Mid-High H-C H-C H-C 100 Hybrid UST MAMIYA SHAFTS SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Trajectory Trim SGUS0070* BLK-S 90-105 SGUS0071* SIL-S 90-105 SGUS0072* RED-S 90-105 2.6˚ 3.1˚ 3.9˚ 96 97 97 .370" .370" .370" .595" .600" .600" 5.5" 5.5" 5.5" 42" Mid-Low 42" Mid 42" Mid-High H-C H-C H-C UST Mamiya Proforce VTS Wood and Hybrid Shafts Uses a third dimension of fitting—torque—to bring you higher ball speed, tighter dispersion and better feel. Your not-so-perfect swing just got a boost. Bend Point: Mid. Woods Hybrids Butt Dia PTS L 50 80-90 90-100 6.0˚ 5.8˚ 57 59 .335" .335" .605" .610" 4" 4" 46" 46" Low-Mid Low-Mid 60 SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim SGUS0280* R SGUS0281* S SGUS0282* X 85-95 95-100 105+ 4.7˚ 4.5˚ 4.5˚ 66 68 69 .335" .335" .335" .615" .620" .620" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" Low-Mid Low-Mid Low-Mid SGUS0290* S SGUS0291* X 95-100 105+ 3.8˚ 3.8˚ 77 79 .335" .335" .620" .625" 4" 4" 46" 46" Low-Mid Low-Mid See for full details Tip Dia SGUS0270* R SGUS0271* S 70 * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. UST Mamiya ATTAS Elements Wood Shafts Research engineers at UST Mamiya's technology lab have revealed new data indicating Mid Flex Stability (MFS™) is the most important performance feature of the golf shaft. After more than two years of in-depth research, the shaft's mid-selectiion stiffness was isolated as the most significant feature affecting ball dispersion, ball speed and distance. USTM's research in torque optimization (Proforce VTS project) led to this discovery, and ultimately the development of the new ATTAS Elements shaft featuring MFS™, providing all golfers with maximum control and distance. Woods Not all items are in stock at all stores. | +44 (0)1934 523900 Contact your local Golfsmith to check availability. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 277 277 03/03/2013 07:19 SHAFTS Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L SGUS0250* R SGUS0251* S SGUS0252* X 85-95 95-105 105-115 3.4˚ 3.3˚ 3.3˚ 64 65 67 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" Low Low Low W-J W-J W-J 60 SGUS0260* R SGUS0261* S SGUS0262* X 90-100 100-110 105-120 2.6˚ 2.6˚ 2.6˚ 74 75 76 .335" .335" .335" .605" .605" .605" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" Low Low Low W-J W-J W-J 70 UST MAMIYA UST Mamiya Proforce AXIVCore Tour Green Wood Shafts Used in the winner’s bag at the 2009 British Open, this shaft utilizes AXIVCore technology to provide a flexurally stable, torsionally responsive tip for lower ball flight and better shot-making. Bend Point: Mid. SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Woods L 68 68 68 .335" .335" .335" .610" .610" .610" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" High High High W-J W-J W-J SGUS0230 R SGUS0231 S SGUS0232 X 90-100 100-110 110-120 2.7˚ 2.5˚ 2.5˚ 74 77 77 .335" .335" .335" .610" .615" .615" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" High High High W-J W-J W-J SKU Flex mph Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L SGUS0211* SGUS0210* SGUS0212* SGUS0213* SGUS0214* L A R S X 45-60 65-75 75-90 90-100 100-110 4.9˚ 4.4˚ 4.1˚ 3.9˚ 3.9˚ 57 58 58 58 58 .335" .335" .335" .335" .335" .590" .595" .595" .600" .600" 4" 4" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" 46" 46" High High High High High W-J W-J W-J W-J W-J SGUS0220* R SGUS0221* S SGUS0222* X 85-95 95-105 105-115 3.8˚ 3.8˚ 3.8˚ 69 69 69 .335" .335" .335" .605" .605" .605" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" High High High W-J W-J W-J 69 Woods PTS 3.1˚ 3.1˚ 3.1˚ 59 UST Mamiya Proforce AXIVCore Blue Wood Shafts An active tip section with optimised torque improves feel and increases carry distance. Bend Point: Low. Butt Dia 85-95 95-105 105-115 79 Woods Tip Dia SGUS0080 R SGUS0081 S SGUS0082 X 69 UST Mamiya Proforce AXIVCore Tour Black Wood Shafts A flexible, low-torque tip section offers high launch, low spin and better control. Bend Point: Low. SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .370" .370" .370" .595" .600" .600" 6" 6" 6" 42" 42" 42" Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim Trajectory Trim * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Hybrids 278 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 278 SKU Flex SGUS0240* R SGUS0241* S SGUS0242* X mph 80-90 90-100 100-110 Torque Wt(g) 2.9˚ 2.9˚ 2.9˚ 85 87 88 Trajectory Trim High High High H-C H-C H-C Hybrids UST Mamiya Proforce AXIVCore Blue Hybrid Shafts An active tip section with optimised torque improves feel and improves carry distance. Bend Point: Low. * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. | +44 (0)1934 523900 Not all items are in stock at all stores. Contact your local Golfsmith to check availability. 03/03/2013 07:19 mph Torque Wt Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L 55 A R S 65-80 75-90 90-100 3.7˚ 3.7˚ 3.7˚ 56 57 57 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-J W-J W-J 65 SGUS0159 SGUS0160 SGUS0161 R S X 85-95 95-105 105-115 3.0˚ 3.0˚ 2.9˚ 65 66 66 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600” .600" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-J W-J W-J 65 .350 SGUS0190 SGUS0191 SGUS0192 R S X 85-95 95-105 105-115 2.9˚ 2.9˚ 2.8˚ 66 67 67 .350" .350" .350" .600" .600" .600" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-J W-J W-J SGUS0180 SGUS0181 SGUS0182 R S X 90-100 100-110 110-120 2.2˚ 2.2˚ 2.2˚ 75 76 76 .335" .335" .335" .605" .605" .605" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-J W-J W-J SGUS0198 SGUS0200 SGUS0201 SGUS0199 A R S X 75-85 85-95 95-105 105+ 2.4˚ 3.4˚ 3.4˚ 3.4˚ 66 70 72 74 .335" .335" .335" .335" .605" .605" .605" .610" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" 44" 44" 44" 44" Mid Mid Mid Mid H-C H-C H-C H-C SGUS0202 SGUS0203 SGUS0204 SGUS0205 A R S X 75-85 85-95 95-105 105+ 3.2˚ 3.2˚ 3.2˚ 3.2˚ 79 84 86 90 .370" .370" .370" .370" .595" .600" .605" .610" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" 41" 41" 41" 41" Mid Mid Mid Mid H-C H-C H-C H-C SKU Flex mph Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Hybrids Woods Trajectory Trim SGUS0360 A SGUS0361 R SGUS0362 S 70-80 80-90 90-105 4.0˚ 3.9˚ 3.9˚ 59 62 62 .335" .335" .335" .595" .600" .600" 4" 4" 4" 46" Mid-High 46" Mid-High 46" Mid-High W-J W-J W-J .350 Woods Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim SGUS0363 R SGUS0364 S 80-90 90-105 3.8˚ 3.8˚ 63 63 .350" .350" .600" .600" 4" 4" 46" Mid-High 46" Mid-High W-J W-J UST Mamiya Proforce V2 Woods and Hybrid Shafts The V2 uses a combination of 19 types of high-modulus, or aerospace quality, material in various low Fabric Area Weight categories. These micro-fibre layers are situated in a proprietary fibre orientation to ensure constant taper with consistent flex and feel. Bend Points: 55 – Low/Mid, 65 & 75 – Mid, Hybrid – Mid/Low. UST MAMIYA Flex SGUS0170 SGUS0171 SGUS0172 Hybrid SKU 75 SHAFTS SHAFTS 55 Woods 65 Woods 75 Woods Hybrids UST Mamiya 65 Gold Wood Shafts High performance meets value in this new, lightweight shaft designed to hit the ball farther and more accurately. It uses the same advanced, high-modulus carbon fiber materials used in the original Proforce models. Bend Point: Mid. SKU Flex mph Torque Wt Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L 75 SGUS0110 SGUS0109 SGUS0111 SGUS0112 A R S X* 67-82 77-92 87-102 95+ 3.3˚ 3.2˚ 3.2˚ 3.2˚ 79 81 83 83 .370" .370" .370" .370" .595" .595" .600" .600" 5.5" 5.5" 5.5" 5.5" 40" 40" 40" 40" Mid-High Mid-High Mid-High Mid-High I-A I-A I-A I-A 95 Woods SGUS0100 R SGUS0101 S SGUS0115 X* 70-80 80-90 100-115 2.9˚ 2.9˚ 2.9˚ 98 98 98 .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" 5.5" 5.5" 5.5" 40" 40" 40" Mid Mid Mid I-A I-A I-A 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 279 | Trajectory Trim +44 (0)1934 523900 UST Mamiya Proforce RV2 Gold Tour Iron Shafts The Tour-tested Proforce Gold iron shaft line is designed to deliver improved balance and control. Bend Points: 75 – Mid/Low, 95 – Mid. Irons 279 03/03/2013 07:20 * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. MP5 Wood and Hybrid Shaft A super-light, low-torque shaft that brings feel, playability and control to the lightweight category like never before. Bend Point: Low. SKU Flex mph SGUS0327* SGUS0326* SGUS0328* SGUS0329* L A R S 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100 4.6˚ 4.0˚ 3.7˚ 3.6˚ 50 50 51 52 Woods Hybrids SGUS0330* R SGUS0331* S 80-90 90-100 5.6˚ 5.5˚ 58 60 MicroLite MP6 and MP7 Iron and Wood Shafts Designed for improved balance and control, these shafts deliver high performance and a rock-solid feel. Bend Points: L and A – Low, R and S – Mid. SKU Flex mph MP6 SGUS0334* SGUS0333* SGUS0335* SGUS0336* L A R S 45-55 55-65 65-75 75-85 4.5˚ 4.3˚ 4.3˚ 4.3˚ 54 66 69 72 SGUS0300* A SGUS0301* R SGUS0302* S 70-85 80-95 90-105 3.6˚ 3.6˚ 3.4˚ SGUS0310* S SGUS0311* TS 90-105 100-110 2.8˚ 2.8˚ mph 64-79 74-89 84-99+ Torque Wt(g) 5.7˚ 5.6˚ 5.4˚ Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .335" .335" .335" .620" .620" .620" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .335" .335" .335" .335" .610" .610" .615" .615" 4" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" 46" High High High High W-J W-J W-J W-J .370" .370" .605" .605" 4" 4" 41" 41" Mid Mid H-C H-C Hybrids Woods Flex SGUS0322* A SGUS0320* R SGUS0321* S Woods SKU Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS .370" .370" .370" .370" .578" .596" .599" .600" 4.5" 5.5" 5.5" 5.5" 63 64 65 .335" .335" .335" .606" .608" .610" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-J W-J W-J 75 76 .335" .335" .605" .605" 4" 4" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-J W-J 46 46 46 Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim High High High W-J W-J W-J Trajectory Trim * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. MP7 Trajectory Trim I-A I-A I-A I-A Woods MP6 Wood MP7 Wood L High 39" High 41" 41" Mid-High 41" Mid-High Irons MP6 Irons Torque Wt(g) Woods UST MAMIYA MP4 Wood Shafts Provides extreme power, excellent feel and total control. Uses advanced aerospace technology. Bend Point: Low. MP6 SHAFTS C UST Mamiya iROD Iron and Hybrid Shafts Flex mph Torque Wt(g) SGUS0380 SGUS0381 R S 80-95 90-105 3.9˚ 3.8˚ SGUS0390 SGUS0391 R S 80-95 90-105 4.3˚ 4.2˚ Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L 74 77 .370" .370" .600" .600" 5.5" 5.5" 46" 46" Mid Mid I-E I-E 70 73 .370" .370" .600" .600" 5.5" 5.5" 46" 46" Mid Mid H-C H-C M Trajectory Trim Irons Hybrids iROD is reborn as a new, low-cost transition iron series. While the new shafts still wear the famous iROD logo, the brand has been redesigned as one of the best values in golf. The iron shafts are for 5-W, while the hybrids are designed for longer 2, 3 and 4 irons/hybrids. Bend Point: Mid/Low. SKU Y CM MY CY CMY Irons Hybrids K Lightweight, durable design with ultimate club-building flexibility. Bend Points: L and A – Low, Woods – Low/Mid, Irons – Mid. SKU Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L SGUS0352 A/L SGUS0353 R/S Flex mph 50-70 70-90 Torque Wt(g) 6.0˚ 5.8˚ 61 67 .335" .335" .590" .590" 4.5" 4.5" 47" 47" Trajectory Trim High High W-P W-P SGUS0350 A/L SGUS0351 R/S 45-65 65-85 5.0˚ 4.7˚ 73 77 .370" .370" .585" .595" 6.5" 6.5" 42" 42" High High I-K I-K Woods Irons UST Mamiya Competition 65 Series Wood and Iron Shafts Woods Iron 280 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 280 +44 (0)1934 523900 | +44I(0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:20 Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS 660 SGUS0010* F2 SGUS0011* F3 70-85 80-95 4.3˚ 4.3˚ 68 71 .370" .370" .600" .600" 5.5" 5.5" 41" Mid-High 41" Mid-High I-A I-A 670 SGUS0020* F3 SGUS0021* F4 80-95 90-105 4.1˚ 4.1˚ 75 78 .370" .370" .605" .610" 5.5" 5.5" 41" Mid-High 41" Mid-High I-A I-A 680 NEW! SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) L SGUS0030* F4 SGUS0031* F5 90-105 105+ 3.8˚ 3.8˚ 82 84 .370" .370" .600" .605" 5.5" 5.5" 41" Mid-High 41" Mid-High I-A I-A 1 12/12/12 Recoil Iron Shafts Technology that will change how you think about Trajectory Trim iron shafts. UST Mamiya’s exclusive recoil™ technology brings feel back into the shaft, while allowing players to hit a wide range of shots that result in better distance control and pin seeking accuracy. By positioning over 19 different layers within the shaft, UST Mamiya has created a design that outperforms the best steel shafts in the market. 660 Iron 670 Iron 680 Iron * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. '13 3-4 Pg Recoil Ad-Generic.pdf 5:58 PM UST MAMIYA SHAFTS Scrap your steel shafts! recoil–better than steel TM TM C M Y CM MY CY T S u. F o A do y S H r and so y with n’t N ette oes urac O rve b tter acc ft that d e R s e a I sh d be ns d r iro ncy an iber iron . u o Y e f on sist eel. olete or st tter con ary carb eel obs f e l t e t n t es s el, b lutio ’t se Don etter fe rst revo ; it mak e b i Get il – the f he gam t o e c g re chan just CMY K It’s more than a reaction. It’s a revolution. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 281 03/03/2013 07:20 SHAFTS Kuro KageTM features MRC's signature "smooth" bend profile, offering balanced stiffness along the entire length of the shaft. High Density Prepreg positioned in the lower third of the shaft provides enhanced feel and stability. Woods Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L SGMI0001* R SGMI0002* S SGMI0003* X Flex mph 80-90 90-105 105+ Torque Wt(g) 5.0˚ 4.9˚ 4.8˚ 57 59 59 .335" .335" .335" .612" .614" .614" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Trajectory Trim Mid Mid Low-Mid W-E W-E W-E SGMI0010* R SGMI0011* S SGMI0012* X 80-90 90-105 105+ 4.6˚ 4.4˚ 3.4˚ 64 66 67 .335" .335" .335" .614" .616" .618" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Low-Mid W-E W-E W-E SGMI0020* S SGMI0021* X 90-105 105+ 4.2˚ 3.0˚ 74 75 .335" .335" .618" .620" 3" 3" 46" 46" Low-Mid Low-Mid W-E W-E 50 SKU 60 Mitsubishi Rayon Kuro KageTM Wood Shafts 70 MITSUBISHI NEW! * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. NEW! Flex mph Butt Dia PTS L 80-90 90-105 105+ Torque Wt(g) 4.6˚ 4.4˚ 3.3˚ 64 66 68 .335" .335" .335" .614" .618" .620" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Trajectory Trim Mid Mid Low-Mid W-E W-E W-E SGMI0040* S SGMI0041* X 90-105 105+ 4.1˚ 3.0˚ 75 76 .335" .335" .618" .620" 3" 3" 46" 46" Low-Mid Low-Mid W-E W-E SGMI0045* X 105+ 2.8˚ 85 .335" .620" 3" 46" Low-Mid W-E 60 Tip Dia SGMI0030* R SGMI0031* S SGMI0032* X 70 Kuro KageTM Silver Wood Series will feature the same High Density Prepreg as the original Kuro KageTM Black Profile, but in a profile that has a stiffer tip and mid section, and a softer butt section. The result is a series of shafts that will deliver extreme stability and lower spin than the original Kuro KageTM Black profile. SKU 80 Mitsubishi Rayon Kuro KageTM Silver Wood Shafts * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Woods NEW! Woods Flex mph Butt Dia PTS L 80-90 90-105 105+ Torque Wt(g) 5.4˚ 4.5˚ 3.7˚ 64 64 67 .335" .335" .335" .602" .607" .607" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Trajectory Trim Mid Mid Mid W-E W-E W-E SGMI0060* S SGMI0061* X 90-105 105+ 4.0˚ 3.4˚ 73 74 .335" .335" .600" .600" 3" 3" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-E W-E SGMI0070* S SGMI0071* X 90-105 105+ 3.6˚ 3.0˚ 83 84 .335" .335" .600" .600" 3" 3" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-E W-E 60 Tip Dia SGMI0050* R SGMI0051* S SGMI0052* X 70 Feature MRC's signature smooth bend profile offering balanced stiffness on both ends of the shaft with a slightly stiffer mid and buttsection than both the Original S-Series and Kai'liTM to deliver an enhanced feel without compromising stability. SKU 80 Mitsubishi Rayon DiamanaTM S+ Wood Shafts * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Woods SKU Flex mph Butt Dia PTS L 80-90 90-105 105+ Torque Wt(g) 3.7˚ 3.6˚ 3.5˚ 64 65 67 .335" .335" .335" .605" .600" .600" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Trajectory Trim Low-Mid Low-Mid Low-Mid W-E W-E W-E SGMI0090* S SGMI0091* X 90-105 105+ 3.3˚ 3.1˚ 74 75 .335" .335" .600" .600" 3" 3" 46" 46" Low Low W-E W-E SGMI0100* S SGMI0101* X 90-105 105+ 3.3˚ 2.9˚ 83 84 .335" .335" .600" .600" 3" 3" 46" 46" Low Low W-E W-E 60 Features a more tip-stiff profile with a slightly firm butt-section to deliver a lower launch and desired spin. Tip Dia SGMI0080* R SGMI0081* S SGMI0082* X 70 Mitsubishi Rayon DiamanaTM D+ Wood Shafts 80 NEW! * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. 282 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 282 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:20 Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L 50 SGMI0110* R SGMI0111* S 81-90 92-105 4.5˚ 4.4˚ 54 56 .335" .335" .600" .600" 3" 3" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-E W-E 60 SGMI0120* R SGMI0121* S SGMI0122* X 81-90 92-105 106+ 3.8˚ 3.7˚ 3.6˚ 61 63 66 .335" .335" .335" .600" .602" .606" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-E W-E W-E 70 NEW! SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim SGMI0130* S SGMI0131* X 92-105 106+ 3.3˚ 3.2˚ 72 74 .335" .335" .604" .606" 3" 3" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-E W-E Mitsubishi Rayon K Series Wood Shafts Power “Ninja” CoreTM eliminates the harsh feel associated with traditional tip firm profiles. Golfers of all skill levels can generate a high-launch, low-spin shot shape. Bend Point: Mid/High. MITSUBISHI SHAFTS Woods Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L 60 SGMI0140* R SGMI0141* S SGMI0142* X 81-90 92-105 106+ 3.6˚ 3.5˚ 3.4˚ 58 61 64 .335" .335" .335" .625" .625" .625" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Mid/Low Mid/Low Mid/Low W-E W-E W-E 70 SGMI0150* S SGMI0151* X 92-105 106+ 2.9˚ 2.8˚ 68 71 .335" .335" .625" .625" 3" 3" 46" 46" Mid/Low Mid/Low W-E W-E 80 * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim SGMI0160* S SGMI0161* X 92-105 106+ 2.8˚ 2.8˚ 78 81 .335" .335" .625" .625" 3" 3" 46" 46" Mid/Low Mid/Low W-E W-E * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L 60 SGMI0170* R SGMI0171* S SGMI0172* X 81-90 92-105 106+ 3.1˚ 3.1˚ 3.1˚ 59 62 65 .335" .335" .335" .600" .602" .604" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Low Low Low W-E W-E W-E 70 Flex mph Torque Wt(g) SGMI0180* X SGMI0181* S 106+ 92-105 2.7˚ 2.7˚ 72 71 .335" .335" .604" .604" 3" 3" 46" 46" Low Low W-E W-E SGMI0190* S SGMI0191* X 92-105 106+ 2.7˚ 2.7˚ 83 84 .335" .335" .604" .604" 3" 3" 46" 46" Low Low W-E W-E Trajectory Trim Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L 60 SGMI0200* R SGMI0201* S SGMI0202* X 81-90 90-105 106+ 3.6˚ 3.5˚ 3.4˚ 58 61 64 .335" .335" .335" .610" .612" .616" 3" 3" 3" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-E W-E W-E 70 SGMI0210* S SGMI0211* X 90-105 106+ 2.9˚ 2.8˚ 69 72 .335" .335" .612" .614" 3" 3" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-E W-E 80 Flex mph Torque Wt(g) Mitsubishi Rayon DiamanaTM 'ahinaTM Wood Shafts Incorporates MDI Technology into the original D-Series bend profile with a slightly stiffer tip and butt section. The result is a lower torque shaft that delivers a slightly lower launch and spin. Bend Point: High. Woods * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. SKU Incorporates MDI Technology to deliver a stiffer mid and tip section than its predecessor. Delivers maximum stability through impact without sacrificing feel to provide the flatter trajectory and low spin preferred by today's strongest players. Bend Point: Mid/High. Woods 80 SKU Mitsubishi Rayon DiamanaTM Kai'liTM Wood Shafts Trajectory Trim SGMI0220* S SGMI0221* X 90-105 106+ 2.8˚ 2.8˚ 79 81 .335" .335" .612" .614" 3" 3" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-E W-E * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Mitsubishi Rayon DiamanaTM 'ilimaTM Wood Shafts Incorporates MDI Technology into a new shaft design. Features an active, low troque tip section, with a stiff mid section and moderate butt-section. The result is a shaft that dramatically promotes energy transfer throughout the swing while delivering a penetrating ball fight with low spin. Bend Point: High. Woods 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 283 | +44 (0)1934 523900 283 03/03/2013 07:20 SHAFTS Bend Points: YS-6+ and Hybrid – Mid, YS-7+ – Mid/High. SGGD0021 S SGGD0022 X Flex R S X mph 86-95 96-105 105+ 96-105 105+ Torque Wt(g) 3.5˚ 65 3.5˚ 66 3.5˚ 67 3.0˚ 3.0˚ 78 79 Tip Dia .335" .335" .335" Butt Dia PTS .600" 4.0" .600" 4.0" .600" 4.0" 4.0" 4.0" L 46" 46" 46" Trajectory Mid/High Mid/High Mid/High Trim W-H W-H W-H 46" 46" Low/Mid Low/Mid W-H W-H .335" .335" .600" .600" Tip Dia .335" Butt Dia .595" PTS 5" L Trajectory Trim 47" High W-I YS-7+ SKU SGGD0010 SGGD0011 SGGD0020 YS+ series shafts are designed with high quality graphite material, resulting in a more responsive feel and ncreased distance. YS-6+ GRAPHITE DESIGN Graphite Design® YS+ Wood Shafts Woods Graphite Design G-Tech Shafts Woods, Irons * L/A Flex is silver; R/S Flex is black. Graphite Design Tour AD Shafts Irons .335" .605" 5" 47" Mid/Highx W-I SGGD0001 L/A* 3.5˚ 77 .370" .595" 6" 41" SGGD0002 R/S* (R)86-95 3.5˚ (S)96-105 80 .370" .605" 6" 41" Mid/High (L)50-60 (A)61-85 High I-E I-E SKU Flex SGGD0030* R SGGD0031* S mph Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia 70-90 2.7˚ 67 .355" .600" 90-105 2.7˚ 67 .355" .600" PTS 4.0" 4.0" L Trajectory Trim 35.5-39" Mid I-C 35.5-39" Mid I-C SGGD0040* R SGGD0041* S 70-90 90-105 2.8˚ 2.8˚ 79 79 .355" .355" .600" .600" 4.0" 4.0" 35.5-39" Mid 35.5-39" Mid I-C I-C SGGD0050* R SGGD0051* S 70-90 90-105 2.4˚ 2.4˚ 89 89 .355" .355" .600" .600" 4.0" 4.0" 35.5-39" Mid 35.5-39" Mid I-C I-C SGGD0060* R SGGD0061* S 70-90 90-105 2.2˚ 2.2˚ 99 99 .355" .355" .600" .600" 4.0" 4.0" 35.5-39" Mid 35.5-39" Mid I-C I-C SKU SGGD0070* SGGD0071* SGGD0072* mph 61-85 86-95 96-105 Torque Wt(g) 5.8˚ 49 5.8˚ 50 5.8˚ 52 Flex RR R S Tip Dia .335" .335" .335" Butt Dia PTS .600" 2.5" .600" 2.5" .600" 2.5" L Trajectory Trim 46" High W-D 46" High W-D 46" High W-D SGGD0080* RR SGGD0081* R SGGD0082* S 61-85 86-95 96-105 4.2˚ 3.9˚ 3.9˚ 59 59.5 60.5 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3.0" 3.0" 3.0" 46" Mid/High 46" Mid/High 46" Mid/High W-D W-D W-D G-50 SGGD0090* R SGGD0091* S SGGD0092* X 86-95 96-105 105+ 3.3˚ 3.3˚ 3.3˚ 66.5 68 70.5 .335" .335" .335" .603" .603" .603" 3.0" 3.0" 3.0" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-D W-D W-D G-60 Woods SGGD0100* S SGGD0101* X 96-105 105+ 3.1˚ 3.1˚ 75.5 77.5 .335" .335" .600" .600" 3.0" 3.0" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-D W-D G-70 Graphite Design G Series Hybrid Shafts SKU Flex mph Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L SGGD0110* SGGD0111* SGGD0112* R S X 85-95 90-105 105+ 4.3˚ 4.3˚ 4.3˚ 83 84 86 .370" .370" .370" .616" .618" .620" 3" 3" 3" 42" 42" 42" Mid Mid Mid H-B H-B H-B 85 SGGD0120* SGGD0121* S X 90-105 105+ 3.3˚ 3.3˚ 96 97 .370" .370" .620" .622" 3" 3" 42" 42" Mid Mid H-B H-B 95 Incorporates X Directional Technology (XDT), a unique, next-generation design that ensures graphite fibre alignment throughout the shaft for measurable performance gains. The most-balanced, versatile, high-performance golf shafts available today. 74 G-40 Graphite Design G Series Wood Shafts SGGD0004 R/S* (R)86-95 5.0˚ (S)96-105 AD 65 AD 75 AD 85 AD 95 A low balance design with exceptional feel and control. These iron shafts exceed overall performance characteristics, and carry the Tour AD moniker, a representation of "Tour Accuracy and Distance." mph Torque Wt(g) (L)50-60 5.0˚ 65 (A)61-85 Irons flex woods – Low, R/S flex woods – Mid, Irons – Low/Mid. SKU Flex SGGD0003 L/A* Woods Neither too heavy nor too light, G-Tech shafts offer the average weight that the majority of golfers are looking for. L/A is Smoke. R/S is Black. Bend Points: L/ A The G Series hybrid shaft with X Directional Technology is the next generation of premium Graphite Design shafts, and is designed to be very adaptable to today's hybrid head technology. Hybrids 284 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 284 Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:21 SKU Flex mph DI-5 SGGD0130* SGGD0131* SGGD0132* R1 R2 S 86-95 96-105 105+ 5.0˚ 4.9˚ 4.7˚ DI-6 SGGD0140* SGGD0141* SGGD0142* R S X 86-95 96-105 105+ DI-7 Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L SGGD0150* SGGD0151* S X 96-105 105+ Trajectory Trim 53.5 54.5 56.5 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3.0" 3.0" 3.0" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-E W-E W-E 3.4˚ 3.3˚ 3.3˚ 64 65 67 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3.0" 3.0" 3.0" 46" 46" 46" High High High W-E W-E W-E 3.2˚ 2.9˚ 74 75 .335" .335" .600" .600" 3.0" 3.0" 46" 46" High High W-E W-E Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Graphite Design® Tour AD DI Wood Shafts The mid bend profile of the Tour AD DI (“deep impact”) allows the player to load the shaft properly, yet it maintains a firm enough tip section through impact to produce optimal spin and launch conditions. Bend Point: Low-Mid. Woods GRAPHITE DESIGN SHAFTS SKU Flex mph BB-5 SGGD0160* SGGD0161* SGGD0162* R1 R2 S 86-95 96-105 105+ 4.3˚ 4.3˚ 4.3˚ 55 56 57 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3.0" 3.0" 3.0" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-E W-E W-E BB-6 SGGD0170* SGGD0171* SGGD0172* SR S X 90-100 95-100 110+ 3.2˚ 3.2˚ 3.2˚˚ 63.5 64.5 66.5 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3.0" 3.0" 3.0" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-E W-E W-E BB-7 * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim SGGD0180* SGGD0181* S X 95-110 110+ 3.0˚ 3.0˚ 74.5 76 .335" .335" .600" .600" 3.0" 3.0" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-E W-E Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Graphite Design® Tour AD BB-5, BB-6 and BB-7 Wood Shafts The Tour AD BB design features an increased stiffness from the tip-to-middle section when compared to the very popular Tour AD DI shafts. The end result is a tighter shot pattern and increase in ball speed. Woods SKU Flex mph GT-6 SGGD0190* SGGD0191* SGGD0192* SR S X 90-100 95-110 110+ 3.1˚ 3.1˚ 3.1˚ 64.5 66.5 67.5 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3.0" 3.0" 3.0" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-E W-E W-E GT-7 * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim SGGD0200* SGGD0201* S X 95-110 110+ 2.9˚ 2.9˚ 74.5 77.0 .335" .335" .600" .600" 3.0" 3.0" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-E W-E Flex mph DJ-6 SGGD0210* SGGD0211* SGGD0212* SR S X 90-100 95-100 110+ 3.1˚ 3.1˚ 3.1˚ DJ-7 Torque Wt(g) SGGD0220* SGGD0221* S X 95-110 110+ 2.9˚ 2.9˚ The Tour AD GT design features an overall slightly stiffer profile than the Tour AD DJ, resulting in a higher kick point that produces a MID trajectory while maintaining optimal spin control. Woods * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. SKU Graphite Design® Tour AD GT-6 and GT-7 Wood Shafts Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Trajectory Trim 64.5 66.5 67.5 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3.0" 3.0" 3.0" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-E W-E W-E 74.5 76.0 .335" .335" .600" .600" 3.0" 3.0" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-E W-E * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Graphite Design® Tour AD DJ-6 and DJ-7 Wood Shafts Features slightly higher spin characteristics than Tour AD DI. This unique material technology and bend profile produces an increase in overall distance while maintaining optimal launch and spin. Woods 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 285 | +44 (0)1934 523900 285 03/03/2013 07:21 SHAFTS Butt Dia PTS L 80-90 90-100 4.6˚ 4.3˚ 66 66 .335" .335" .600" .600" 3.5" 3.5" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-J W-J SGGS0180* SGGS0181* R S 85-95 95-105 4.0˚ 3.8˚ 75 75 .335" .335" .600" .600" 5" 5" 46" 46" Mid Mid W-J W-J SGGS0182* SGGS0183* R S 80-90 90-100 3.8˚ 3.6˚ 72 72 .335" .335" .600" .600" 4" 4" 44" 44" Mid Mid H-F H-F SGGS0134* SGGS0135* R S 65-75 75-85 3.3˚ 3.0˚ 74 74 .370" .370" .600" .600" 5.5" 5.5" 41" 41" Mid Mid I-J I-J SGGS0130* SGGS0131* R S 70-80 80-90 2.9˚ 2.8˚ 85 85 .370" .370" .600" .600" 5.5" 5.5" 41" 41" Mid Mid I-J I-J SGGS0132* SGGS0133* R S 70-80 80-90 2.5˚ 2.4˚ 95 95 .370" .370" .600" .600" 5.25" 5.25" 41" 41" Mid Low I-J I-J i95 SGGS0210* SGGS0211* R S 70-80 80-90 2.4˚ 2.0˚ 122 122 .370" .370" .600" .600" N/A N/A 36.5" 36.5" Low Low I-C I-C Wedge Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim i125 Tip Dia R S i80 * Special order. Allow 10-14 days for delivery. Flex mph SGGS0120* SGGS0121* i70 ss65, ss75 Woods* HFS-75 Hybrids* i70, i80, i95 Irons i125 Wedge* SKU ss75 Hybrids A full layer of steel covering a graphite core for increased stability during the swing. Bend Points: ss65, ss75, i80, i95 (R-flex) and HFS-75 – Mid. i70 – Mid/Low. i95 (S-flex) and i125 Wedge – Mid/High. ss65 AEROTECH Aerotech SteelFiber Shafts * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Aerotech Spec AMi99 Shafts Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Trajectory Trim 85-105 100-115 110-125 2.3˚ 2.2˚ 2.1˚ 96 96 96 .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" N/A N/A N/A 36.5-40" 36.5-40" 36.5-40" Mid Mid/High Mid/High I-C I-C I-C SGGS0004* R SGGS0005* S SGGS0006* X 85-105 100-115 110-125 2.3˚ 2.2˚ 2.1˚ 96 96 96 .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" N/A N/A N/A 36.5-40" 36.5-40" 36.5-40" Mid Mid/High Mid/High I-C I-C I-C SGGS0007* R SGGS0008* S SGGS0009* X 85-105 96-105 110-125 2.3˚ 2.2˚ 2.1˚ 98 98 98 .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" N/A 36.5-39.5" Mid N/A 36.5-39.5" Mid/High N/A 36.5-39.5" Mid/High I-C I-C I-C 4-W SGGS0010* R SGGS0011* S SGGS0012* X 85-105 100-115 110-125 2.3˚ 2.2˚ 2.1˚ 98 98 98 .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" N/A 36.5-39.5" Mid N/A 36.5-39.5" Mid/High N/A 36.5-39.5" Mid/High I-C I-C I-C 4-W * Special order. Allow 10-14 days for delivery. Flex mph SGGS0001* R SGGS0002* S SGGS0003* X 3-W 3-PW 3-PW 4-PW 4-PW SKU 3-W Designed for strong players with fast swing speeds, Aerotech's Players Spec stiffness and control needed for the more experienced golfer. Bend Point: Mid (R) and Mid/High (S) * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Aerotech Powercoil An optimized torsional profile targets every playing style. Hoop wind technology results in more consistent contact with the clubhead. Bend Points: R and S flex – Mid. L and A flex – Low. SKU Flex mph SGGS0110* SGGS0110* SGGS0111* SGGS0112* L/A L/A R S (L) 50-65 (A) 65-75 80-90 90-100 Torque Wt(g) 5.2˚ 5.2˚ 4.6˚ 4.2˚ 51 51 51 51 Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .335" .335" .335" .335" .580" .580" .600" .600" 6.5" 6.5" 3.5" 3.5" 47" 47" 46" 46" Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .335" .335" .580" .580" 7" 5" 46" 46" Trajectory Trim High High Mid Mid W-C W-C W-J W-J * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Woods Aerotech ALT470 Super Soft Wood Shafts A super-soft, flexible shaft for players with slower, smoother swings. A flex: Dark Blue. L flex: Light Blue. Bend Point: Low. SKU Flex mph SGGS0191* SGGS0190* L A 40-65 55-70 Torque Wt(g) 8.0˚ 6.0˚ 47 52 Trajectory Trim High High W-J W-J * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. Woods 286 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 286 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:21 mph Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Trajectory Trim Woods Flex SGGS0145 A SGGS0146 R SGGS0147 S 70-80 80-90 90-105 4.2˚ 4.2˚ 4.2˚ 61 63 66 .335" .335" .335" .595" .600" .600" 4" 4" 4" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-E W-E W-E Hybrids SKU SGGS0140 A SGGS0141 R SGGS0142 S 70-80 80-90 90-105 3.7˚ 3.7˚ 3.4˚ 70 73 73 .370" .370" .370" .595" .597" .597" 6" 6" 6" 41" 41" 41" Mid Mid Mid H-G H-G H-G Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L .370" .370" .370" .595" .598" .604" 6.5" 6.5" 6.5" 41" 41" 41" SKU Flex SGGS0220 A SGGS0221 R SGGS0222 S mph 65-75 75-85 85-95 Torque Wt(g) 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 3.5˚ 75 79 80 Trajectory Trim Mid Mid Mid H-H H-H H-H Snake Eyes Series Wood and Hybrid Shafts Provides the optimal balance of launch and spin for maximum distance. Multidirectional fibres offer ideal tip stability and torsional resistance for the ultimate in shot consistency. Bend Point: Low-Mid. Driver/Fairway Woods, Hybrids SNAKE EYES SHAFTS Snake Eyes Quick Strike 5 Hybrid Shafts A slightly softer tip section provides the higher launch angle needed from nasty rough and fairway bunkers. Quick Strike Q5 comes in .370 tip and weights. Bend Point: Low-Mid. Hybrids Iron Wood SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Trajectory Trim SGGS0231 L 50-65 5.9˚ 63 .335" .580" 3.5" 44" High W-J SGGS0230 L 45-65 4.8˚ 63 .370" .580" 4.5" 38" High I-B Snake Eyes Indigo Wood and Iron Shafts Its light weight helps generate increased swing speed, resulting in longer shots. Bend Point: Low-Mid. SKU Flex mph Woods SGGS0101 SGGS0100 SGGS0102 SGGS0103 L A R S 55-65 65-75 70-80 80-90 5.9˚ 5.5˚ 5.5˚ 5.5˚ Irons Woods, Irons Torque Wt(g) SGGS0091 SGGS0090 SGGS0092 SGGS0093 L A R S 50-60 55-65 60-70 70-80 4.8˚ 4.0˚ 4.0˚ 4.0˚ SKU Flex mph Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L 63 66 69 72 .335" .335" .335" .335" .575" .600" .600" .605" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" 44" 45" 45" 45" High Mid Mid Mid W-J W-J W-J W-J 67 75 77 80 .370'' .370'' .370'' .370'' .575" .595" .600" .605" 5.5" 6" 6" 6" 39" 40" 40" 40" High Mid Mid Mid I-F I-O I-O I-O Tip Dia Butt Dia PTS L Woods SGGS0250 A SGGS0251 R SGGS0252 S 70-80 80-90 90-100 4.6˚ 4.3˚ 4.0˚ 66 66 75 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3.5" 3.5" 3.5" 46" 46" 46" Mid Mid Mid W-D W-D W-D Fairway Trajectory Trim SGGS0260 A SGGS0261 R SGGS0262 S 75-85 85-95 95-105 3.8˚ 3.3˚ 3.0˚ 75 75 74 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 3.5" 5" 5" 41" 41" 41" Mid Mid Mid W-G W-G W-G Irons Torque Wt(g) Trajectory Trim SGGS0270 A SGGS0271 R SGGS0272 S 65-75 70-80 75-85 2.9˚ 2.9˚ 2.5˚ 85 85 85 .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" 5" 5" 5" 41" 41" 41" Mid Mid Mid I-A I-A I-A 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 287 | +44 (0)1934 523900 Golfsmith Carbon Stick Iron and Wood Shafts A quality shaft at an affordable price, the Carbon Stick integrates the optimal combination of weight, bend point and moderate torque stiffness. It provides outstanding performance to players with a wide variety of skill levels. Bend Point: Mid. Woods, Irons Aerotech SteelFiber The famous Aerotech "Hoop Wind' graphite shafts are designed having a longitudinal axis graphite layer manufactured into the shaft, which helps maintain the shafts round profile during play, eliminating unwanted oscillation of the head during swing. 287 03/03/2013 07:21 SHAFTS SHAFTS 288 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 288 I 1.800.456.3344 03/03/2013 07:21 Flex mph Woods SGIW001 SGIW002 SGIW003 R300 S300 X100 Irons SGIU001 SGGS0020* SGIU002 SGGS0021* SGIU003 Tapered Irons SKU Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim 85-95 95-105 105+ 125 127 124 .335" .335" .335" .600" .600" .600" 46" 46" 46" Low Low Low W-A W-A W-A R300 S200* S300 S400* X100 75-85 75-85 80-90 82-92 85-95 127 127 130 134 130 .370" .370" .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" .600" .600" 41" 41" 41" 41" 41" Low Low Low Low Low I-O I-O I-O I-O I-O SGIT SGISL0 SGIT SGISL0 R300 S200* S300 X100 75-85 75-85 80-90 85-95 127 129 130 130 .355" .355" .355" .355" .580" .600" .600" .600" 37"-41" 37"-41" 37"-41" 37"-41" Low Low Low Low I-C I-C I-C I-C SGISL0 S400* 82-92 132 .355" .600" 37"-41" Low I-C True Temper® Dynamic Gold Shafts The No. 1 shaft on the PGA Tour for many years. Matched by weight for consistency throughout the set; weight tolerance on each shaft is 0.03 oz. Bend Point: High. Step Patterns: Woods & Irons – 1.875". Tapered Irons – 1.75". Wood .335" Parallel Iron Tapered Iron TRUE TEMPER SHAFTS Master Distributor * Special order. Allow 10-14 days for delivery. SensiCore * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. SKU Flex mph Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim SGIS001* SGIS002* SGIS003* R300 S300 X100 75-85 80-90 88-95 124 127 128 .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" 41" 41" 41" Low Low Low I-O I-O I-O SGGS0030 SGGS0031 SGGS0032 R300 S300 X100 75-85 80-90 88-95 124 128 128 .355" .355" .355" .580" .600" .600" 37-41" 37-41" 37-41" Low Low Low I-C I-C I-C * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. TRUE TEMPER® DYNAMIC GOLD SHAFTS ★★★★★ “I really like the weight of the shafts because it helps me swing more on plane than a lighter alternative. Now I know why so many tour pros use these shafts.” True Temper® Dynamic Gold SensiCore Shafts Uses patented SensiCore technology to absorb vibration when hitting. A frequency tuned polymer core, located inside the shaft, eliminates up to 70% of unwanted vibration at impact. Bend Point: High. Step Patterns: Woods & Irons – 1.875". Tapered Irons – 1.75". Irons Tapered Iron * Special order. Allow 10-14 days for delivery. SKU Flex mph Irons SGISL001 SGISL002 SGISL003 R300 S300 X100 Tapers Ratings and Reviews Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim 75-85 80-90 85-95 104 109 109 .370" .370" .370" .600" .605" .605" 41" 41" 41" High High High I-O I-O I-O SGISL01 SGISL03 SGISL05 R300 S300 X100 75-85 80-90 85-95 104 106 108 .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" 37-41" 37-41" 37-41" High High High I-C I-C I-C True Temper® Dynamic Gold SL Iron Shafts Dynamic Gold performance in a lighter, S3-alloy design, making the SLs 20% lighter with the same trajectory, feel and swingweight as Dynamic Gold. Bend Point: High. Step Patterns: Unitized Irons – 1.875". Tapered Irons – 1.75". Parallel Iron Tapered Iron SKU Flex mph SGI0250 SGI0251 Wedge Wedge+ All All Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim 124 131 .355" .355" .600" .600" 37" 37" Low Low I-C I-C DG Spinner and DG Spinner Plus Spinner technology increases your ball's spin rate by as much as 700+ RPM. The result: A wedge shot with greater stopping power on the green. Bend Point: Low. Step Pattern: 1.75". Tapered 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 289 | +44 (0)1934 523900 289 03/03/2013 07:21 SHAFTS Master Distributor Designed for players of all abilities. Featuring innovative Speed Step design that increases initial launch angle and maximises the ball's peak trajectory. Specify club when ordering. Pre-trimmed at half-inch increments from 36.5" (wedges) to 40" (3-iron). Bend Point: Low. Step Pattern: 1.25". SKU Flex mph Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim SGIGS009 SGIGS011 R300 S300 70-80 75-85 101 103 .370" .370" .600" .600" Set 3-P, #W Set 3-P, #W Low Low I-C I-C SGIGS013 SGIGS015 R300 S300 70-80 75-85 101 103 .355" .355" .600" .600" Set 3-P, #W Set 3-P, #W Low Low I-C I-C Irons Taper TRUE TEMPER True Temper® GS95 Iron Shafts TRUE TEMPER® GS95 IRON SHAFT ★★★★★ “I have had them for 3 months now and I absolutely love them. They are easy to swing and the shafts feel good.” Tapered Clubmaker review from SKU Flex mph Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim SGIGS001 SGIGS003 R300 S300 65-80 85-100 92 94 .370" .370" .600" .600" Set 3-P, #W Set 3-P, #W High High I-C I-C SGIGS005 SGIGS007 R300 S300 65-80 85-100 92 94 .355" .355" .600" .600" Set 3-P, #W Set 3-P, #W High High I-C I-C Taper SKU Flex mph Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim SGIXP001 SGIXP004 SGIXP006 R300 S300 X100 75-85 85-95 95-110 113 117 120 .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" Set 3-P, #2, #W Set 3-P, #2, #W Set 3-P, #2, #W High High High I-C I-C I-C Taper SGIXP008 SGIXP009 R300 S300 75-85 85-90 117 121 .370" .370" .600" .600" 41" 41" High High I-O I-O Irons SKU Flex mph Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim SGISL125 SGISL126 R300 S300 70-80 75-85 104 105 .370" .370" .600" .600" 41" 41" High High I-O I-O Irons SGISL13 SGISL15 SGISL17 R300 S300 X100 70-80 75-85 85-95 102 103 108 .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" 37"-42" 37"-42" 37"-42" High High High I-C I-C I-C Taper GS85 is the latest addition to True Temper’s Gold Series of super lightweight shafts which includes GS75 and GS95. GS85 features a speed step design for improved feel and maximum durability. A great shaft for any player seeking a lightweight steel alternative to graphite. Bend Point: Low. Step Pattern: 1.25". Irons True Temper® GS85 Iron Shafts Tapered Parallel True Temper® Dynalite Gold XP Iron Shafts Delivers “Xtra” trajectory and spin performance through a more responsive tip section, designed to optimise initial launch angle and maximize distance. Bend Point: Low. Step Pattern: 1.25". Tapered Parallel True Temper® Dynalite Gold SL Iron Shafts Designed to deliver increased ball speed, added distance and less fatigue. A tipresponsive design promotes a high ball flight. Bend Point: Low. Step Pattern: 1.25˝. Tapered Parallel TRUE TEMPER® DYNALITE GOLD SL IRON SHAFT ★★★★★ “The first thing I noticed was the swing weight increased by 3 because of the lighter weight shafts. The launch angle, control and distance on my longer irons especially the 3 and 4 irons improved greatly. If you have problems getting it up and don't like the hybrid alternative these are for you.” Clubmaker review from 290 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 290 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:22 Irons SKU Flex SGGS0200 A SGGS0201 R SGGS0202 S mph 55-70 70-80 80-90 Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim 117 113 113 .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" 43" 41" 41" High Mid Mid I-I I-K I-K True Temper® Snake Eyes Black 90 A soft tip promotes higher ball flight for players seeking a lighter alternative to traditional steel. Bend Points: A – Low. R, S – Mid. Step Pattern: Variable. Taper Irons Irons SKU Flex mph Wt(g) Tip Dia SGI0570 R/S 70-85 128 .370" SGI059 SGI061 R S 75-85 75-85 113 118 .355” .355” Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim .600" 43" Mid I-L .620" .620" 36"-40" 36"-40" Mid Mid I-C I-C TRUE TEMPER SHAFTS Master Distributor True Temper® TT Lite XL Wood & Iron Shafts One of the most popular steel shafts in golf, made with longer lengths for more fitting options. For all skill levels. Bend Point: Mid. Step Pattern: 1.5". Irons TRUE TEMPER® TT LITE XL WOOD & IRON SHAFTS ★★★★★ “These lite shafts will probably add 8-10 yards of distance with every iron! Cheap in price, but solid in quality and performance.” Irons Clubmaker review from SKU Flex mph SGI0001 SGI0002 A/L R/S 65-75 75-85 Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim 119 125 .370" .370" .580" .600" 42" 42" High High I-K I-K True Temper Multi-Step Lite Iron Shafts Designed with a low kick point, for players seeking higher launch angles from a steel shaft. The extended parallel tip section allows multiple trimming options, to accommodate nearly all golfers. Bend Point: Low. Iron Wood Parallel SKU Flex mph Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim SGW0210 R/S SGI0470 R/S 90-110 128 .335" .600" 47" Low W-B 75-90 127 .370" .600" 41" Low I-K True Temper® Steel Wood and Iron Shafts An affordable steel shaft with a conventional step pattern and the feel and performance of traditional steel. Bend Point: High. Step Pattern: 2. Woods Irons 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_246-291pp_2013.indb 291 | +44 (0)1934 523900 291 03/03/2013 07:22 SHAFTS THE NEW STANDARD OF PERFORMANCE From renowned shaft designer Kim Braly, the KBS TOURTM Series incorporates advanced steel shaft technology, forged from tour player feedback, for achieving better performance and control of your golf game. Introduced in early 2008, KBS shafts set the new standard in performance evidenced by our quick ascension within the premiere golf shaft industry. Since 2008, KBS shafts have been utilized in multiple top iron programs, accepted in every manufacturer’s custom department, and adopted by many of the best players on the planet. Visit KBS online to learn why we are the fastest growing steel golf shaft brand. SOFT STEP CUSTOM TUNING HARD STEP SHAFT WEIGHT CHART (FULL LENGTH) 292 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_292-301pp_2013.indb 292 I 1.800.456.3344 03/03/2013 07:37 Taper KBS SHAFTS r SKU Flex mph SGK009 SGK010 SGK011 R S X 70-80 80-90 90-100 Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia 110 120 130 .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" L Trajectory Trim Set 3-P, #2, #6, #W Set 3-P, #2, #6, #W Set 3-P, #2, #6, #W Low Low Low I-C I-C I-C KBS C-Taper Iron Shafts Designed to complement the KBS Tour shaft's exceptional shot control, targeting players with a fast swing tempo. Lower launch and less ball spin. Tour-proven performance. Bend Points: High. Flex mph SGK012 SGK013 SGK014 R S X 65-75 75-85 85-95 110 120 130 .355" .355" .355" .600" Set 3-P, #1, #2, #6, #W Low/Mid .600" Set 3-P, #1, #2, #6, #W Low/Mid .600" Set 3-P, #1, #2, #6, #W Low/Mid I-C I-C I-C SGK017 SGK017 SGK017 R S X 65-75 75-85 85-95 120 130 133 .370" .370" .370" .600" .600" .600" 43.5" 43.5" 43.5" Low/Mid Low/Mid Low/Mid I-N I-N I-N Irons SGK016 SGK016 SGK016 R S X 65-75 75-85 85-95 110 120 130 .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" Set 3-P, #W Set 3-P, #W Set 3-P, #W Low/Mid Low/Mid Low/Mid I-C I-C I-C Black Irons Taper SKU Taper Tour Irons Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia SKU Flex mph L Trajectory Trim SGK018 SGK018 R S 65-75 75-85 110 120 .355" .355" .600" .600" Set 3-PW, #2, #W Set 3-PW, #2, #W Low/Mid Low/Mid I-C I-C SGK0180 SGK0181 R S 65-75 75-85 101 102 .370" .370" .600" .600" 42.25" 42.25" High High I-N I-N KBS Tour and Tour Black Nickel Iron Shafts Incorporates an all-new player-driven design offering a unique combination of improved performance and feel through maximum energy transfer. Note: Label ships unattached to shaft. Bend Points: Low-Mid. Irons KBS Tour 90 Shafts Features a unique combination of light weight and premium design, for better golfers that seek gains in distance without losing shot control or player feel. SKU Flex mph Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim Hi-Rev SGK0080 SGK0081 SGK0082 R S X 80-89 90-99 100+ 105 125 135 .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" 37" 37" 37" Mid Mid/Low Low I-C I-C I-C Black Nickel 90 Irons SGK0150 SGK0151 SGK0152 R S X 80-89 90-99 100+ 110 120 130 .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" 37" 37" 37" Mid Mid/Low Low I-C I-C I-C KBS Tour Hi-REV Wedge Shafts Hi-REV incorporates KBS's Tour design, enhancing feel and ball control, while a re-engineered tip section imparts additional backspin on the ball. Bend Point: Mid/High Wedges KBS Black Nickel Wedge Shafts Offered in our exclusive black nickel finish, incorporates the same design as the KBS Tour optimised for short distance and partial shots. Wedges 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_292-301pp_2013.indb 293 | +44 (0)1934 523900 293 03/03/2013 07:38 SHAFTS KBS KBS Custom Iron Shafts SKU Irons Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim SGK001* S SGK001/2* X Flex 90-100 100+ mph 120 130 .355" .355" .600" .600" 37-40.5" 37-40.5" Mid Mid I-N I-N SGK003* S SGK003/4* X 90-100 100+ 120 130 .355" .355" .600" .600" 37-40.5" 37-40.5" Mid Mid I-N I-N SGK005* S SGK005/6* X 90-100 100+ 120 130 .355" .355" .600" .600" 37-40.5" 37-40.5" Mid Mid I-N I-N Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim 115 115 .370" .370" .600" .600" 43" 43" High Mid I-Q I-Q Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim 100 .370" .600" 41" High I-H Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim 115 115 .370" .370" .600" .600" 43" 43" High Mid I-H I-H White Black Silver Combining the advanced performance of the KBS Tour shaft series with stateof-the-art premium finishing technology, the KBS Custom Iron Shaft offers golfers three stunning colour options applied to premium high-carbon steel: White Pearl, Black Pearl and Silver Pearl. * Special order only. Allow 2 weeks for delivery. FST Pro 115 Stepless Iron Shafts SKU Flex mph SGK0003 SGK0004 A/R S/X 60-75 75-90 SKU Flex mph SGK0005 A/R 55-75 SKU Flex mph SGK0001 SGK0002 A/R S/X 60-75 75-90 Irons Increases ball flight without sacrificing consistency and control. The light weight lets you use a head with a lower CG or more mass. Note: label ships unattached. Bend Point: Mid. Step Pattern: 1.5". Irons At 25% lighter than conventional steel, this shaft produces more head speed with less effort while retaining solid feel and accuracy. Note: label ships unattached. Bend Point: Low. Irons FST 90 Ultralight Steel Iron Shafts Irons FST 115 Light Steel Iron Shafts Irons This lightweight steel shaft is designed to increase ball flight without sacrificing consistency and control. Bend Point: Low/Mid. Irons Tour Proven Steel Shaft Technology 294 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_292-301pp_2013.indb 294 I 1.800.456.3344 Not all items are in stock at all stores. Contact your local Golfsmith to check availability. 03/03/2013 07:38 APOLLO SHAFTS mph Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory SGGS0040 SGGS0041 R S 70-80 80-90 2.7 2.5 82 85 .370" .370" .595" .595" 40" 40" High High I-F I-F SGGS0042 R/S 70-90 2.2 105 .370" .600" 42" Mid-High I-F 95 SGGS0043 R/S 70-90 2.2 105 .370" .600" 42" Mid-High I-F 95 Gunsmoke Acculite Iron Shafts Flex 75 SKU Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory 136 .370" .600" 44" Mid-High SKU Flex mph Torque SGGS0050 L/A/R/S All 2.0 Trim Trim I-P The ideal combination of weight, flex, bend point and torque for golfers who want a superior-feeling, distance shaft. Bend Points: 75 – Low, 95 – Low/Mid. Step Pattern: Stepless. 75 Irons 95 Irons 95 Gunsmoke Irons Balistik Iron Shafts An overlength, stepless design lets you get all flexes from one shaft. Bend Point: Low/Mid. Step Pattern: Stepless. Irons SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory SGGS0060 SGGS0061 A/L R/S 50-70 70-90 2.0 2.2 98 105 .370" .370" .580" .600" 42" 42" Mid Mid Trim I-K I-K Spectre Lite Iron Shafts Allows for more head weight. That means faster swings,more feel and higher trajectory. Bend Point: Mid. Step Pattern: Stepless. Irons SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory SGGS0070 SGGS0071 A/L R/S 50-70 70-90 2.1 1.8 122 125 .370" .370" .580" .600" 41" 41" Mid Mid Trim I-E I-E Standard Stepless Iron Shafts Standard weight and mid-kick characteristics fit a wide variety of players. Bend Point: Mid. Step Pattern: Stepless. Irons 295 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_292-301pp_2013.indb 295 03/03/2013 07:39 SHAFTS NIPPON NS PRO 750GH. SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) The lightest constant weight steel shaft manufactured. Tetra-Axial graphite filament sheets applied to the grip section help to create an Ultra light weight golf shaft with the power, performance, strength and stability once thought impossible in a golf shaft at this weight. SGN005 R 65-75 2.2 79 Tip Dia Butt Dia .370” .594” Set 3-P, #2, #W L Trajectory Trim High I-C SGN005 S 75-85 2.2 83 .370” .594” Set 3-P, #2, #W High I-C NS PRO 850GH. * All Nippon shafts are available in Taper tips on request. SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) The Dual step construction at the grip end helps disperse shock at impact across the length of the shaft. This combined with unique shock absorbing steel alloy gives a sweet feeling at impact and efficient head control. Gives you confidence in a full swing to “attack the pin”. SGN001 R 65-75 2.2 87 Tip Dia Butt Dia .370” .600” Set 3-P, #2, #W L Trajectory Trim Mid I-C SGN001 S 75-85 2.2 91 .370” .600” Set 3-P, #2, #W Mid I-C NS PRO 950GH. * All Nippon shafts are available in Taper tips on request. SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) The first sub 100 gram constant weight shaft ever to be manufactured and the shaft that attracted the golfing world to Nippon Shaft. A favourite with professionals and amateurs since its launch in the late 1990s, over 12,000,000 sold to date confirms the place in golf history for the NS PRO 950GH. The “daddy” of our lightweight series. SGN003 R 65-75 2.2 95 .370” .610” Set 3-P, #2, #W Mid I-C SGN003 S 75-85 2.2 98 .370” .610” Set 3-P, #2, #W Mid I-C NS PRO 1050GH. SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) SGN041 R 70-80 2.2 106 .370” .600” Set 3-P, #2, #W Mid I-C SGN043 S 80-90 2.2 110 .370” .600” Set 3-P, #2, #W Mid I-C 296 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_292-301pp_2013.indb 296 Parallel Taper Irons Trajectory Trim Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim * All Nippon shafts are available in Taper tips on request. NS Pro 1150 GH Tour Iron Shafts Bend Point: Mid. Step Pattern: 1 1/2". L * All Nippon shafts are available in Taper tips on request. For golfers who like to feel a little more overall weight in their club, this shaft provides a little more “heft”. As with all of the NS PRO series, constant weight and unique proprietary material delivers a tight solid feel at impact for consistent ball flight and distance control. This exclusive two-weight design swings significantly faster, while reinforced tip and butt sections maintain the shaft’s stability. Tip Dia Butt Dia SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) SGN003 SGN003 R S 65-75 75-85 1.8 1.7 112 116 .355" .355" .600" .600" Set 3-P, #2, #W Set 3-P, #2, #W Mid Mid SGN007 SGN007 R S 65-75 75-85 1.8 1.7 112 116 .370" .370" .600" .600" Set 3-P, #2, #W Set 3-P, #2, #W Mid Mid | Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:39 SKU Flex mph Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia SGN056 R 65-75 2.2 87 .370” .600” 35”-39” SGN058 S 75-85 2.2 SGN059 R/S see website L Trajectory Trim Mid I-C 91 .370” .600” 35”-39” Mid 118 .370” .600” 40” Mid I-C see website SKU Flex Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory SGN0001 R/S 1.6 111.5 .355" .600" 37" Mid SGN0002 R/S 1.6 122.5 .355" .600" 37" Mid SGN0003 R/S 1.6 133 .355" .600" 37" Mid Description SKU Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trim SGN0090 136 .370” .600” 35.5” I-C NS Pro Gold Putter Shafts SGN0091 136 .355” .600” 35.5” I-C NS Pro Black Putter Shafts SGN0092 149 .370” .600” 35” I-C NS Pro Super Gold Putter Shafts SGN0093 149 .355” .600” 35” I-C 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_292-301pp_2013.indb 297 | +44 (0)1934 523900 A classic 32mm step pattern shaft manufactured from our proprietary steel alloy makes this R/S combination steel shaft an attractive introduction to Nippon Shaft Quality and performance. NS PRO WV WEDGE SHAFT. Designed to bring out the best in your wedge game. The WV offers low launch, combined with a mid bend point helps promote lower ball flight. The NSGS8655V Nisshin steel alloy provides a soft feel. This combined with the lower balance point increases club head feel in the hands to give you the confidence to swing precisely and increase spin on the ball. “Wedge for Victory!” NS Pro Purple Putter Shafts F16 STEEL. NIPPON SHAFTS NS PRO PUTTER SHAFTS. These heavier putter shafts are ideal when shortening putters. This premium putter shaft will provide a stable platform even when the putter length is reduced. Maintaining a solid feel that you can rely on when addressing a crucial putt. 297 03/03/2013 07:39 SHAFTS SHAFTS 146 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_292-301pp_2013.indb 298 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:39 75 65 55 SKU Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory SGN0400 R 3.8 55.5 .335” .604” 46” Mid-High see website SGN0401 S 3.8 58 .335” .608” 46” Mid-High see website SGN0402 R 2.9 63 .335” .604” 46” Mid-High see website SGN0403 S 2.9 66 .335” .608” 46” Mid-High see website SGN0404 X 2.9 68.5 .335” .610” 46” Mid-High see website SGN0405 S 2.5 75.5 .335” .608” 46” Mid-High see website SGN0406 X 2.5 78.5 .335” .610” 46” Mid-High see website SKU Flex Flex SGN042 S SGN044 XS SGN046 TXS NIPPON SHAFTS NS PRO REGIO FORMULA. Trim Having the same rigidity profile as the MODUS3 Tour 120 the Regio Formula was a best selling after market driver shaft in Japan last year. High elasticity CSR (Core Shell Rubber) material in the tip section delivers the length you want from the tee! mph Torque Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L Trajectory Trim 75-85 80-90 85-95 1.7 1.6 1.5 114 120 126 .355" .355" .355" .600" .600" .600" Set: 3-P, #1, #2 Set: 3-P, #1, #2 Set: 3-P, #1, #2 Mid Mid Mid I-C I-C I-C NS PRO MODUS3 TOUR 120 Tested for a year on the PGA Tour, this new shaft meets stronger players’ shot-control demands on three platforms: trajectory, distance and directional control. Bend Point: High. Step Pattern: Stepless. SKU Flex SGN050 R SGN052 XS SGN054 TXS mph Torque Wt(g) 75-85 80-90 85-95 1.3 1.2 1.2 121 124 129 Tip Dia Butt Dia .355"/.370" .600" .355"/.370" .600" .355"/.370" .600" L 37"-41" 37"-41" 37"-41" Trajectory Trim Mid Mid Mid I-C I-C I-C NS PRO MODUS3 TOUR 130 Tested for a year on the PGA Tour, this new shaft meets stronger players’ shot-control demands on three platforms: trajectory, distance and directional control. Bend Point: High. Step Pattern: Stepless. 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_292-301pp_2013.indb 299 | +44 (0)1934 523900 03/03/2013 07:39 PUTTER SHAFTS SHAFTS UST Frequency Filter Putter Shafts Designed to improve the ability to feel where ball impact occurs on the face. This means more consistant strikes on the sweet spot of the putter. Straight Taper Putter Shafts These steel putter shafts work great in a variety of putter designs. SKU Description SGUS0371* SGUS0372* SGUS0370* Straight 90° Bore, Double bend Belly Putter Shaft Wt(g) Tip Dia 106 106 140 .370" .370" .370” Butt Dia L .580" .580" .580” 35.75" 35.75" 53” * Special order. Allow 10-14 days for delivery. SKU Description SGP0001* SGP0003* SGP0011* SGP016* SGP014* SGP0005* SGP0009* SGP0010* Stepless, Steel Straight Taper Flared Over Hosel Straight Taper ID Control Stepped Parallel Stepped ID Control Taper Tip Straight Taper Parallel Pro Putter Shaft Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L 120 128 122 122 122 118 122 125 .370"OD .382"ID .328"ID .370"OD .324"OD .355"OD .370”OD .370”OD .580" .580" .600" .580" .580" .600" .600” .600” 35" 37" 38" 35" 35" 38" 38” 37” * Special order. Allow 10-14 days for delivery. True Temper Single Bend Putter Shafts Top quality chrome putter shafts provide a perfect fit for double bend putters. True Temper Double Bend Putter Shafts These double bend steel putter shafts are designed with 10mm of offset and fit right-handed putters with 900 bore angles. True Temper Belly & Long Putter Shafts These Belly and Long Putter Shafts make a great replacement shaft for your overlength putters. 300 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_292-301pp_2013.indb 300 SKU Description Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L SGP0006 Single Bend 122 .370" .600" 38" Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L 208 122 .370" .370” .625" .600” 47" 38” SKU Description SGGS0195 SGP0012 90° Bore, 12 deg Offset, RH Double Bend SKU Description SGP015 SGP013 SGP0004 SGP0006 SGP0017 SGP0002 Single Bend Belly Double Bend Belly Stepped Ski Pole for Overlength putters Single Bend Ski Pole for Overlength Putters Double Bend Ski Pole for Overlength Putters Mid-Length Straight | +44 (0)1934 523900 Wt(g) Tip Dia Butt Dia L 242 242 242 242 242 208 .370" .370" .370" .370" .370" .370" .625" .625" .625" .625" .625" .620" 53" 53" 53" 53" 53" 47" Not all items are in stock at all stores. Contact your local Golfsmith to check availability. 03/03/2013 07:39 W O O D S CODE Driver 3 Wood 5 Wood 7 Wood 9 Wood W-A 1 1/4" 1 3/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" For thru bore subtract 1 1/4" For blind bore subtract 1/2" 2 1/4" For thru bore subtract 1 1/4" For blind bore subtract 1/2" R/S for S flex add 1" A/L for A flex add 1" 2" A/L Flex for A flex add 2" W-B 1 1/4" 1 3/4" 2 1/4" 2 1/4" W-C 0 1" 2" 2" W-D TIP TRIM TABLE TIP TRIM TABLE BUTT TRIM ONLY DO NOT TIP TRIM W-E 0 1/2" 1" 1" 1" W-F 0 1/4" 3/4" 1" 1" W-G 0 0 1" 2" 2" W-H 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2" 2" For thu bore subtract 1" for blind bore subtract 1/2" W-I 0 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" R/S for S flex add 2" A/L for A flex add 2" W-J 0 1" 2" 2" 2" W-K 0 1" 1" 1" 1" W-L 0 0 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" H Y R/S for S flex add 2" A/L for A flex add 2" For hosel depths greater than 2" insert shaft only 1 3/4" B R I D S CODE H-A 16d 0" 18d 1/2" 21d 1" 24d+ 1 1/2" H-B 15d-18d 0" 19d-22d 1/2" 23d-26d 1" 27d+ 1 1/2" H-C #1 0" #2 1/2" #3 1" #4 1 1/2" H-D #5 2" BUTT TRIM ONLY DO NOT TIP TRIM H-E 15d-17d 0" 18d-20d 1/2" 21d-23d 1" 24d-27d 1 1/2" 28d+ 2" H-F 41" + 0" 40.75-40.25 1/2" 40-39.5 1" 39.25-38.75 1 1/2" 38.5-38 2" Wedges I R O N CODE #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 I-A 0 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3 1/2" 4" 4" I-B 0 0 0 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3 1/4" 0 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 3 1/2" 4" 4 1/4" 2 1/2" 3" 3 1/4" I-C I-D I-E I-F I-G I-H BUTT TRIM ONLY DO NOT TIP TRIM 2" 2 1/2" 3" R/S for S flex add 2" A/L for A flex add 2" 0 0 0 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" R/S for S flex add 1" A/L for A flex add 1" 0 0 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3 1/2" 3 1/2" 0 0 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3 1/2" 4" 4 3/8" 5" 5" 0 5/8" 1 1/4" 1 7/8" 2 1/2" 3 1/8" 3 3/4" R/S for S flex add 1" A/L for A flex add 1" I-I 0 0 0 1/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 0 0 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3 1/2" 3 3/4" 0 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3 1/2" 4" 4 1/4" 4 1/2" 5" 5 1/2" I-L I-M R/S for S flex add 1" A/L for A flex add 1" 1 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3 3 1/2" I-P I-Q I-R 4" R/S for S flex add 2" A/L for A flex add 2" 0 1/2" 1" For thru bore subtract 1” 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3 1/2" 4" 4 1/4" A/L Flex for A Flex add 1" R/S for S flex add 2" I-N I-O wwww R/S for S flex add 2" A/L for A flex add 2" I-J I-K 37.75 > S See 0 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3 1/2" 4" 4 1/4" 0 0 1/2" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3 1/2" 3 1/2" For A flex add1" for R flex add 2" for S flex add 3" 0 5/8" 1 1/4" 1 7/8" 2 1/2" 3 1/8" 3 3/4" 4 3/8" 5" 5" A/R for R flex add 2" S/X for X flex add 2" 0 0 0 1/2" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3 1/4" A/L Flex for A flex add 1" 3143_GolfsmithCatalogue_292-301pp_2013.indb 301 1" | +44 (0)1934 523900 301 03/03/2013 07:39