PATHWAYS - Whakatane High School


PATHWAYS - Whakatane High School
Whakatane High School
Curriculum Guide
For Years 11 - 13
Challenging Students to Achieve
Kia Whakatane Au I Ahau
2017 Senior Curriculum Guide – Index
Fee Schedule
Transition Education
Employment Skills
Information for Year 12
Information for Year 11
The Arts
Maori Performing Arts
Visual Art: Drawing & Painting
Visual Art: Design & Photography
Media Studies
Te Reo Maori
The Arts
Maori Performing Arts
Art: Design
Art: Photography
Art: Painting
Media Studies
Physical Education
Physical Education
Outdoor Education
Te Reo Maori
Marine Studies
Social Sciences
Business Studies
Physical Education
Physical Education
Health Science
Social Sciences
Business Studies
Food Technology
Spatial & Industrial Design
Digital Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Product Development
Digital Technology
Food Technology
Hospitality Studies
Spatial & Industrial Design
Mechanical Engineering
Product Development
Transition Education
Early Childhood Education & Care 1 31
Trades Academy
Information for Year 13
The Arts
Maori Performing Arts
Visual Art: Design
Visual Art: Painting
Visual Art: Photography
English & Communication Skills
Media Studies
Physical Education
Physical Education
Outdoor Education
Sport & Fitness Studies
Te Reo Maori
Marine Studies
Social Sciences
Business Studies
Classical Studies
NZ History
Global History
Tourism 2
Digital Technology
Food Technology
Spatial & Industrial Design
Hospitality Studies
Product Development
Transition Education
Early Childhood Education & Care 2
Trades Academy
Guidelines for using this Curriculum Guide:
The Whakatane High School Curriculum guide is about your future. Use the Pathways chart on page 10 to
check the pathways for the subjects taught at this school
Choose subjects that keep as many career options open as possible
Check how subjects develop in the senior school and where they lead to in careers
Credits are a check of achievement. Grade Point Average (GPA) is the most valuable progress mark and the
number of Achieved, Merit and Excellence grades gained is considered as an entrance requirement to some
courses of tertiary study
Important dates for Course Selection:
Course Selection evening: Wednesday 24 August 2016
Year 10 Subject Selection Interviews: Wednesday 21 September & Thursday 22 September
Year 11 Subject Selection Interviews: Wednesday 31 August & Thursday 01 September
Year 12 Subject Selection Interviews: Wednesday 07 September & Thursday 08 September
People you may need to see:
Your course selection requires careful planning and consultation. Make use of the resource people in the school who
Careers Advisors: Ms Jo-Anne Stuart and Mr Mathew Martin
Senior Tutor: Ms Lena Cassidy-Clark
Head of Curriculum:
Art: Mrs Susanne Whale
Commerce: Mr Stephen Curnow
Drama: Ms Angela Harland
English: Ms Shae McLean
Geography: Mrs Linda Bonne
Gateway Programme: Ms Jo-Anne Stuart
Languages: Ms Joanne Stuart
Digital Technology: Mr Jared Cochrane
Music: Mr Adam Warner
Mathematics: Mr Declan Manning
Science: Ms Karen Asquith
Physical Education: Mrs Helen McKane
Technology: Mr Paul Goodman
Social Science: Mrs Linda Bonne
Te Reo Maori: Whaea Hiria Wallace
Head of House:
Kauri: Mr Mathew Martin
Matai: Mr Travis Burnette
Rimu: Mr Chris Brown
Totara: Mr Mark Hanlen
Deputy Principal Curriculum: Ms Lauren Crowe
Learning Support: Mrs Jose Howe
Form Teachers: Please ask your form teacher if there are matters that you do not understand with regard to the
careers and course selection for 2017.
Choosing a Programme of Study
Your academic programme should be designed to meet your learning and future needs. This school attempts to
offer continuity of courses and the only barrier to this is insufficient numbers in subjects which may limit teacher
contact hours. You must consider the following formula when choosing your subjects:
Interest + Ability + Career Ideas = Subject
What do you enjoy?
Plus - Ability
How good are you at a
Do you like the work or
is it just that you like
the teacher? Are you
influenced by the
choices friends are
How does your future
career look?
Your assessment results
will help you decide
how good you are at
Is it a choice that is
challenging but
achievable for you?
Plus - Career Ideas
What do you want to do
after school?
Think about more than
one possible pathway.
Research the pathway to
your career choice – does
it suit your strengths and
Equals - sound Subject Choice
Investigate fully all the subjects
you are interested in.
Talk to your careers
advisors about which
subjects you need to
follow your dream.
Are you happy with the choices
you’ve made?
Source: CPaBL
Your Choices are Your Future
Achievement Standard: Each subject has a number of Achievement Standards worth a certain number of credits.
These are assessed internally (in school throughout the year) and externally at a National Examination in November.
Achieved/Achieved with Merit/Achieved with Excellence: the level of awards attainable for Achievement
Credit: The worth of the standard. Most standards are worth 2-6 credits and all the credits are awarded if the
standard is passed, irrespective of the grade received.
External Assessment: Assessment of the standard at a National Examination held in November each year. The
examinations are set by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA).
Internal Assessment: Assessment of the standard at school, sometimes moderated by a national moderator to
ensure a fair marking process.
Moderation: NZQA’s audit procedure to ensure authenticity of work.
NCEA: National Certificate of Educational Achievement. This qualification is achieved at three levels: Level One usually achieved at Year 11 with 80 credits required to achieve; Level Two - usually achieved at Year 12 with 60
credits required; Level Three - usually achieved at Year 13 with 60 credits required for success.
Unit Standard: Unit standards are made up of credits in the same way as Achievement Standards however; a
student may only receive an Achieved or Not Achieved grade.
All year levels:
Assessment will be from a selection of the Achievement/Unit Standards
Every attempt is made to provide you with your selection but occasionally staffing and timetable
considerations may mean this is not possible
Entry criteria/pre-requisites have been specified in many subjects. If you do not have the specified
prerequisites, you must approach the Head of Curriculum to seek approval to enter the subject
Heads of Curriculum reserve the right to determine entry into all classes
You have the opportunity for multi-level study to cater for your varying strengths and interests
All your options will be checked with the Careers Advisors when you have your interview to ensure you have
made satisfactory and appropriate choices
General information:
At Year 11 you must take English, Mathematics and a Science, plus THREE other subjects of your choice
At Year 12 you must take English plus five other subjects of your choice
At Year 13 you can select any six subjects that you choose, however, if you are taking five subjects that are
approved for university (see the pathways chart) then you will have a study line. Otherwise, you must select
six subjects
Endorsement certificates
Endorsed certificates are awarded by gaining 50 or more credits at Merit grade or 50 or more credits at Excellence
grade. These endorsed certificates are a reflection of a very good year’s work academically and are sought after at
tertiary institutions. The Record of Achievement (the results sheet) will record the number of Merits and Excellences
Top Ten Skills for the future
This is a list of the top ten skills detailed by employers that they want their employees to have according to the New
Zealand Employment Service.
Oral and written communication skills
An increasing emphasis on client service and on management practices which focus on teamwork means that
personal interactions become vitally important. Also be able to write clearly and accurately is imperative.
Information processing
Understanding, analysing, reasoning, interpreting and presenting information and the ability to think critically are
tools that make thinking easy.
Planning and organising, managing your time, finances and stress levels are very valuable skills to learn whilst at
school. The ability to work unsupervised and/or independently is important and meeting deadlines is crucial.
Teamwork and co-operation
The ability to be a co-operative, supportive, reliable and committed team member is important.
Numerical and data skills
Being able to interpret figures, charts, graphs and tables is useful. The majority of workers need at least a good basic
understanding of numbers.
Creativity and problem solving
Design and innovation of new products, processes or outcomes. Problem solving, lateral thinking, visualising and
conflict resolution in inter-personal activities are essential skills to make your job easier.
Second language skills
There is an increasing demand for knowledge in Tikanga Maori and Te Reo Maori. Businesses involved with Law,
accountancy and consultancy as well as public sector jobs seek people with such attributes. Business and tourism
look for people with foreign languages especially German, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish.
Business skills
Employers’ and employees’ responsibilities include setting up and running a small business, legal requirements and
understanding of multi-skilling in the work-place.
Learning skills
Understanding how learning takes place and having a curiosity and enthusiasm to constantly seek out new
information is important.
Personal skills
Every employer emphasises the importance of high-level personal skills. In many service industries they are valued
more highly than academic or technical skills. Presentation and grooming, loyalty and commitment, maturity, desire
to hard work, flexibility and adaptability to change are some of the personal skills frequently mentioned by
New Zealand Scholarship
New Zealand Scholarship is designed to extend our most academic students and acknowledge their commitment and
focus to their studies. Scholarship subjects are those that are approved for University Entrance. The scholarship
standard is high and includes critical analysis, cogency of argument, wide reading, deep understanding of processing
of resources and interpretation of information. Scholarship examinations are dispersed throughout the NCEA
External Examination timetable in November. Assessment is a standards-based examination except for in the
subjects of Design and Visual Communication, Technology, Design, Photography and Art. If the examination is missed
for any reason there is no compassionate consideration. The New Zealand Scholarship is awarded either as
Scholarship, or Outstanding Performance.
There is a monetary award for gaining a New Zealand Scholarship:
 Single Subject Award - the student receives a one-off payment of $500 per subject awarded
 Top in Scholarship Subject - the student will receive $2000 for three years as long as a B grade average is
achieved each year in tertiary study
 Scholarship Award - the student who achieves a Scholarship in three subjects will receive $2000 each year
for three years as long as they maintain a B average in tertiary study
 Outstanding Scholar Award - this is for the students who achieve outstanding performances in at least two
or three scholarship subjects. The student will receive $5000 for three years as long as they maintain a B
grade average in tertiary study
 Premiere Award - this is for the student who achieves three outstanding scholarships. The student will
receive $10,000 for three years as long as they maintain a B grade average in tertiary study
At Whakatane High School we select our students early in Level 3 and encourage extra classes alongside study
groups to support learning and create sound study habits. If you think that you would like to participate in the
Whakatane High School Scholarship programme, speak to your subject teacher. Entry into each Scholarship subject
costs $30.00.
Senior School Career Action Plan
Make your plan on this page using the Curriculum Guide
NCEA Level 1
1. English
2. Mathematics
3. Science
7. (reserve subject)
Career Options
1. _________________
Skills/Qualities required
1. Check pre-requisites
2. Check the subject leads on to the next academic
NCEA Level 2
1. English
7. (reserve subject)
NCEA Level 3
7. (reserve subject)
Pathways - Subjects marked * are approved for University Entrance at Level 3
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
The Arts
Visual Art
Visual Art
Visual Art
Visual Art
Visual Art
- Drawing & Painting
- Design & Photography
- Design*
- Painting*
- Photography*
Media Studies*
Outdoor Education
Physical Education*
Business Studies*
Classical Studies*
Economics *
Spatial & Industrial Design*
Digital Technology*
Food Technology*
Mechanical Engineering ITO
Product Development *
Maori Performing Arts
Te Reo Māori*
Physical Education
International Languages
Marine Studies
Social Sciences
Te Reo Māori
Transition Education
Early Childhood Education & Care
Trade Academy
Fee Schedule 2017 – Years 11, 12 and 13
The prices below are subject to change if suppliers’ prices change/increase
Voluntary School Donation (Tax deductible)
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
One child (or more than one child)
$65 $85)
$65 ($85)
$65 ($85)
$ 50
$500 approx
$350 approx
Optional fees
Student ID Photos
School Magazine
NZQA Fee - approximate fee only, information will be sent out in Term 2
Business Studies - start-up capital
Marine Studies (optional dive and training fee $500-720.00)
Outdoor Education - please note these are per year costs
Level 2 - Snow Trip, Tramp, High Ropes
Level 3 - Surf Trip, Tramp, Waka Ama
Senior Subjects - Cost per module
Art Visual - Drawing and Painting (Materials including Folio Board)
Art Visual - Design and Photography (Materials including Folio Board)
Art Visual - Design (Materials including Folio Board). Additional costs for digital
printing must be budgeted for
Art Visual - Photography (Materials including Folio Board). Additional costs for
digital printing must be budgeted for
Biology - workbook
Business Studies - Young Enterprise Fee
Chemistry - laboratory manual
Digital Technologies - resources pack (plus extra charge if in excess of allocation)
Food Technology - ingredients
Spatial & Industrial Design (A3 paper and textbook)
History - Level 3 notebook
Horticulture (Plants)
Hospitality - ingredients and workbooks
Mathematics - Level 1 Achievement Standards (workbooks)
Mathematics - Level 1 Numeracy Course (workbook)
Mathematics - Level 2 Calculus (homework book and workbook)
Mathematics - Level 2 Statistics (homework book)
Mathematics - Level 2 Achievement Standards (workbooks)
Mathematics - Level 3 Calculus (MCA workbook)
Mathematics - Level 3 Statistics (workbook)
Mechanical Engineering - Level 1 (plus extra if excess of material allocation)
Mechanical Engineering - Level 2 Pocket bike (plus extra if excess of material
Music - booklet and CD
Physical Education - please note that these are per year costs
Year 11 - Snorkelling Trip
Year 12 - Mountain Biking Trip
Year 13 - Tough Guy/Girl Challenge
Physics - Level 1-3 (workbook)
Science - Level 1 Excellence, Achievement Standards classes only (workbooks)
Textiles - Level 1-3 (materials for 2 projects)
Wood & Metal - Hard materials Technology (plus extra if excess of material
$400-$450 approx. dependant on cost of kit
Please note that additional fees may be charged for trips, sports, materials and other activities as required
throughout the year.
The above fees are for materials or resources used for projects that can be taken home by students.
Information for Year 11 Students
National Certificate in Educational Achievement Level 1
Planning your course of study In Year 11
Choose subjects that meet the requirements of the qualification and are appropriate for you. Think ahead to
Year 12 and 13 and be careful not to limit your options
Select 6 subjects plus a reserve subject. Three must be English, Mathematics and a Science (Horticulture,
Health Science or Science)
Entry into Year 11 classes requires students to have reached a certain standard in Year 10. Heads of
Department have records of all marks gained in Year 10
National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA)
NCEA Level 1:
To achieve the Level One National Certificate of Educational Achievement, a student must have a minimum of eighty
credits, including a minimum of ten literacy credits and ten numeracy credits.
NCEA Level 1 Subjects
The Arts
Teacher in Charge: Ms A Harland
Pre-requisites: Completion of any junior Drama course or by HoD discretion
Leads to: NCEA L2 and L 3 Drama
Number of credits offered: 21
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (17 credits) and External (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA Level 1 credits in Drama
Students will learn to extend their performance skills and acquire knowledge and understanding of theatre
technologies. They will combine written explanations and performance work to demonstrate their
understanding. They will learn to understand and use drama terminology. Students are assessed individually,
although their internal assessments will be carried out in groups. Full attendance is essential. There is a trip to
view a theatre performance in Auckland that will cost approximately $95.00.
Māori Performing Arts
Teacher in Charge: Mrs S Barsdell
Pre-requisite: Completion of Te Reo Māori at Year 10
Leads to: NCEA L2 and L3 Māori Performing Arts
Number of credits offered: 16
Assessment: Internally assessed Unit Standards
End of course qualification: NCEA Level 1 credits in Māori Performing Arts
The students will begin researching the basic knowledge of Māori Performing Arts. They will also begin work
towards a Level 2 Unit Standard.
Teacher in Charge: Mr A Warner
Pre-requisites: Students must have received instrumental or vocal tuition for a minimum of two years in order
to be able to complete this level of study, or at HoD’s discretion
Leads to: NCEA L2 and L3 Music
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (16 credits) and External (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Music
This course consists of several topics - group and solo performance, composition and music theory. Students
are expected to be part of a school group performing music and they will be encouraged to perform in public.
Students need to bring their own headphones to class each day.
Students will need to organise their time to rehearse at lunchtimes, interval and after school when
Visual Art: Drawing & Painting
Teacher in Charge: Mrs S Whale
Pre-requisite: Completion of Year 10 Visual Art 1 or Visual Art 2
Leads to: NCEA L2 and L3 Painting, Design or Photography
Number of credits offered: 22
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (10 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Visual Art
You will learn to develop and extend your picture making ideas and techniques. You will develop skills in a
wide range of media, including colour pastel, charcoal, paint, chinagraph pencils, conte and ink pen. You will
produce a workbook and folio of original art works. You will use contemporary Maori and Pakeha artists’
work as inspiration. You will gain confidence with art terminology.
There are two internal assessments of four credits, and one external standard of 12 credits. One 4 credit
internal assessment is compulsory. Students will be guided by the art teachers to select units of work to which
they are best suited in terms of skill level and ability.
Visual Art: Design & Photography
Teacher in Charge: Mrs S Whale
Pre-Requisite: At least one Year 9 or Year 10 Art or Graphic Design or Digital Technology Course
Leads to: NCEA L2 and L3 Photography and/or L2 and L3 Design
Number of credits offered: 22
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (4 - 6 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of Course Qualifications: NCEA L1 credits in Visual Art
Students will develop their skills and understanding of Design and Photography processes and procedures
through a range of practical and research activities. These will include drawing to a Design brief, using digital
media to create design visuals as well as exploring dark room and digital photographic media and techniques.
Students will complete a combined Design and Photography Internal A.S. and a combined External A.S. as a
two panel folio.
English (External & Internal Standards)
Teacher in Charge: Ms S McLean
Pre-requisites: Working at Level 5 and 6 in English or teacher recommendation
Leads to: NCEA L2 English
Number of credits offered: 22
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (14 credits) and External (8 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in English
Students will practise and produce both creative and formal writing, and visual and oral presentations. They
will explore non-fiction, novel, short story, poetry and film texts, by developing strengths in exploring
language and thinking critically.
English (Internal Achievement Standards)
Teacher in Charge: Ms S McLean
Pre-requisites: Working at Level 5 in English or teacher recommendation
Leads to: NCEA L2 English
Number of credits offered: 21
Assessment: Achievement Standards- Internal (21 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in English
Students will concentrate on reading a wide range of written and visual texts. They will also practise and
produce formal and creative writing.
Media Studies
Teacher in charge: Ms S McLean
Pre-requisites: None
Leads to: NCEA L2 Media Studies
Number of credits offered: 16 (with an optional additional 3 credits)
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (12 credits) and External (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Media Studies
This course will introduce students to media concepts and develop their media literacy. Students will be able
to analyse media texts critically, gain an insight into the media industry and be exposed to a range of media
technology. Students will have the opportunity to create their own short film.
Teacher in Charge: Ms S Everitt
Pre-requisites: Completed Year 10 course
Leads to: NCEA L2 French
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (14 credits) and External (10 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in French
Includes topics such as; holidays, sport and leisure, travel, eating and drinking out, communications, health
and talking about your own country.
Please note: This class will run subject to numbers. This subject can be studied by VLN.
Teacher in Charge: Mr I Black
Pre-requisites: Completed Year 10 course
Leads to: NCEA L2 Japanese
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (14 credits) and External (10 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Japanese
Topics covered in this course include; “We’re off to Japan”, where students will learn to create a passport,
what to take, draw up an itinerary, arrival in Japan, a homestay experience and getting to know the host
Please note: This class will run subject to numbers. This subject can be studied by VLN.
Te Reo Māori
Teacher in Charge: Ms H Wallace
Pre-requisites: Completed 2 courses at Year 9 and 3 courses at Year 10
Leads to: NCEA L2 Te Reo Māori
Number of credits offered: 30
Assessment: Achievement standards - Internal (18 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Te Reo Māori
Students will study topics including mihimihi, korerorero, whakaatu pikitia, purongorongo and tohutohu.
Physical Education
Physical Education
Teacher in Charge: Ms Grammer
Pre-Requisites: Student must have a strong interest in physical activity and have brought PE gear consistently
in Year 10 PE. Completion of the School Cross Country is also required
Leads to: NCEA L2 Physical Education and L2 Outdoor Education
Number of Credits offered: 18
Assessments: Internally assessed Achievement Standards (18 Credits)
Endorseable: Yes - NZQA Exception to Endorsement Rule
End of course qualification: 18 NCEA L1 Physical Education Credits
Students will analyse factors that influence the quality of individual performance in an applied setting, study
the function of the human body and how it relates to the performance of a physical activity and demonstrate
responsible behaviour in an Outdoor Activity.
Other details (costs fields trips etc) $40 Snorkelling Day Trip
Mathematics (Numeracy)
Teacher in Charge: Mr D Manning
Pre-requisites: Grades at Year 10 Mathematics
Leads to: Terminating course
Number of credits offered: 14
Assessment: Portfolio of work
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Mathematics
The students will follow a theme-based course dealing with Number, Statistics and Measurement.
Mathematics (Achievement Standards)
Teacher in Charge: Mr D Manning
Pre-requisites: Students must have regularly obtained merit or above in Year 9 and Year 10 assessments at
levels 4 & 5 of the Mathematics National Curriculum of NZ
Leads to: NCEA L2 Mathematics
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (12 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Mathematics
Students will learn about Algebra, Measurement, Geometry, Statistics, Trigonometry and Probability.
Mathematics (Internal Achievement Standards)
Teacher in Charge: Mr D Manning
Pre-requisites: Students have worked at Level 5 of the National Curriculum
Leads to: Can lead to Year 12 Mathematics (Teacher discretion)
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Internally assessed Achievement Standards
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Mathematics
The students will deal with Number, Measurement, Statistics, Probability and Geometry.
Teacher in Charge: Ms K Asquith
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of Year 10 Science or at HoD’s discretion
Leads to: NCEA L2 Biology, Marine Studies, Chemistry, Physics, L2 Science and Horticulture
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (8 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Science
The Achievement Standard course will cover Chemistry, Physics and Biology topics and the assessment will
involve five standards, all from the Science domain. Two of the standards will be internally assessed and three
will be assessed by end-of-year examinations. The total credit value of the course will be 20 credits.
Science (Excellence)
Teacher in Charge: Ms K Asquith
Pre-requisites: By invitation
Leads to: NCEA L2 Biology, Marine Studies, Chemistry, Physics, L2 Science and Horticulture
Number of credits offered: 23
Assessment: Achievement Standards - 2 Internal (8 credits) and 4 External (15 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Science
The Excellence class will complete standards from the Physics and Chemistry domains as well as from the
general Science domain. Topics covered will include mechanics, electricity and magnetism, chemical
reactions, elements, genetics and ecosystems. The course will be assessed by six standards, four of which are
external and two will be internally assessed. The total credit value of the course will be 23 credits.
Science (Internal)
Teacher in Charge: Ms K Asquith
Pre-requisites: At HoD’s discretion
Leads to: NCEA Level Science
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Internally assessed achievement standards
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Science
Note: You cannot access L2 Biology, Chemistry or Physics from this course
Teacher in Charge: Mr C Brown
Pre-requisites: Satisfactory completion of Year 10 Science and an interest in horticulture
Leads to: NCEA L2 Horticulture
Number of credits offered: 17
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (17 credits). No external examinations.
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Horticulture
Other details: Field trip $20.00
This course includes practical plant propagation techniques, aspects of the horticultural industry in New
Zealand, and Landscaping.
Health Science
Teacher in Charge: Mrs J Blakeway
Pre-requisites: An interest in health and human biology
Leads to: NCEA L2 Health Science, L2 Science, L2 Biology
Number of credits offered: 22
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (18 credits) External (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Science, Biology and Health Education
Health Science offers the student opportunities to develop personal skills and study the implications of making
informed choices. Topics in this course include global setting, an investigation of life processes, a report on a
biological issue, strategies for positive sexuality and making health enhancing decisions in drug related
Social Sciences
Teacher in Charge: Mrs L Bonne
Pre-requisites: Open Entry
Number of Credits Offered: 21
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (9 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of Course Qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Economics
Economics is the study of how households and firms interact in the market system. Supply and demand
concepts are essential business tools when analysing production, the government and the economy.
Business Studies
Teacher in Charge: Mr S Curnow
Pre-requisites: Open Entry
Number of Credits Offered: 17
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (9 credits) and External (8 credits)
End of Course Qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Business Studies
Business Studies is the study of how a business starts up, makes a business plan and carries out an actual
business operation. The marketing mix is examined in terms of product design, promotion, distribution and
pricing. The internal and external factors that affect large businesses are also examined.
Teacher in Charge: Mrs L Bonne
Pre-requisites: Satisfactory levels of achievement at Year 10
Leads to: NCEA L2 Geography
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (13 credits) and External (7 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Geography
Other details: Field trips to Waihi Mine and Kohi Point. Entry fees and travel costs where applicable
Students will study extreme natural events such as earthquakes in New Zealand. They will also investigate
gold mining in New Zealand as well as research global studies and current issues.
Teacher in Charge: Mr H Morris
Pre-requisites: Satisfactory level of achievement at Year 10
Leads to: NCEA L2 History
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (12 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in History
The content of this course is student derived, where students will select three topics by consensus from any
period of world history. We will begin the year by working on skills and research for a New Zealand based
topic. This will enable students to decide what aspects of History interests them so they can make informed
choices about their future study.
Food Technology
Teacher in Charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: Achieved grades in a Year 10 Food Technology module
Leads to: NCEA L2 Food Technology
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (20 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Food Technology
Students will undertake study in food safety, cultural influences on New Zealand food, including labelling and
packaging as well as researching an individual’s food needs.
Spatial & Industrial Design
Teacher in Charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: At least two modules at Year 9 and Year 10. Others who have an interest in technology, art
and/or computer work and an aptitude for the level of work involved may be considered in consultation with
the HoD Technology
Leads to: NCEA L2 Spatial & Industrial Design
Number of credits offered: 21
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (21 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Spatial & Industrial Design
Students will undertake two graphic projects that will require them to work through the technological process
to achieve a graphic outcome. They will also learn graphic skills using a variety of modes and media.
Digital Technology - Achievement Standards
Teacher in Charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: Completed 1 Year 10 DGT module and achieved a minimum of 14 credits OR by consultation
with teacher in charge
Leads to: NCEA L2 and L3 Achievement Standard DGT
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (17 credits) - External (3 credits). Internally assessed Unit
Standards (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Digital Technology, aim towards Merit or Excellence endorsed
This course enables students to learn in a practical, hands on environment. The main focus of this course is
communication using digital means. It covers information literacy, coding using HTML5 and CSS, image
manipulation using GIMP, game design and construction using Game Maker, presentations, graphic design
and spreadsheets.
Digital Technology - Unit Standards
Teacher in Charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: None
Leads to: NCEA L2 Unit Standard DGT
Number of credits offered: Variety of L1 credits, individual learners’ abilities and interests will be considered
Assessment: Unit Standards - Internal credits - up to the student as to how many are completed
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 Unit Standard credits
This course enables students to learn in a practical, hands on environment. The main focus of this course is
communication using digital means using different programs, mainly in the Microsoft Suite.
Teacher in Charge: Mr J Cochrane
Pre-requisites: Need to have passed Technology at Year 10. Entry may be at the discretion of HoD as numbers
are limited
Leads to: NCEA L2 Mechatronics
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Achievement standards Internal and External (20 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Mechatronics
This course provides an introduction to Mechatronics, the science that exists at the interface of five
disciplines: mechanics, electronics, informatics, automation and robotics.
Mechanical Engineering
Teacher in Charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: Need to have passed Technology at Year 10. Entry may be at the discretion of HoD as numbers
are limited
Leads to: NCEA L2 Mechanical Engineering
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Internally assessed Unit Standards (24 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Mechanical Engineering
This course allows students to learn through a hands-on, practical course. The qualification is made up of
three Level 1 Unit Standards with a balanced, project-based course that includes a wide range of practical
skills and knowledge. A national qualification at Level 1 requires a minimum of 40 credits; the remaining 16
credits can be taken from the subfield of Technology and Mathematics.
Product Development
Teacher in Charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: Achieved grades in Year 10 Technology (Hard Materials) modules. Priority will be given to
those with the highest grades
Leads to: NCEA L2 Product Development
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (16 credits) and External (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Development – wood/metal
This course is split into two components. The first part will focus on practical skills and technological
knowledge. The second part incorporates a design project where students are assessed on their problem
solving ability and their use of the technology process.
Product Development - Textiles
Teacher in Charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: Achieved grade in Year 9 or Year 10 textiles or wood/metal technology module
Leads to: NCEA L2 Textiles
Number of credits offered: 22
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (14 credits and External (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 credits in Product Development Textiles
Students will make two projects - a leisurewear garment and a garment which gives sun protection. A
researched written report will make up the four external credits.
Transition Education
Employment Skills
Teacher in Charge: Ms J Stuart
Pre-requisites: None, Year 11 students only
Leads to: Gateway and Trades Academy programmes
Number of credits offered: 18
Assessment: Unit Standards - Internal
End of course qualification: NCEA L1 Core Skills credits
This course contains work and study core skills Unit Standards that may help students with their career
choices in preparation for entering Gateway and Trades Academy courses for Year 12. Units covered include
curriculum vitae, personal wellness and employee/workplace requirements. There may be opportunities to
attend trade taster courses at local providers.
Information for Year 12 Students
National Certificate in Educational Achievement Level 2
To achieve the Level Two National Certificate of Educational Achievement, a student must have 60 credits at
Level 2 or above, plus 20 credits from elsewhere, to make a total of at least 80 credits. (You can reuse 20 of
your Level 1 credits).
Planning your course of study in Year 12
Choose subjects that meet the requirements of the qualification and are appropriate for you. If you
intend to further your studies at university, you will need to choose wisely with possible Year 13
subjects in mind
If you intend to further your studies at university level you should note which are approved subjects
and which are domains. Select six subjects plus a reserve subject. Universities recommend that you
do not drop Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics if they are needed in any careers you are considering
You are required to take an English course and you are encouraged to take a Mathematics course
Please note that some subjects have pre-requisites. For example, you may require a certain level of
attainment of an NCEA Level 1 subject to progress to Level 2 in that same subject
NCEA Level 2 Subjects
The Arts
Teacher in Charge: Ms A Harland
Pre-requisites: 14 or more L1 credits in Drama or at HoD discretion
Leads to: NCEA L3 and Scholarship Drama
Number of credits offered: 21
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (17 credits) and External (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Drama
This is an extension of the Level 1 course. Students will continue to develop their performance skills and
understanding of theatre technologies and drama terminology. They will combine written explanations and
performance work to demonstrate their understanding. The students are assessed individually, although
internal assessments will be carried out in pairs or small groups. Full attendance is vital.
There is a trip to view a theatre performance in Auckland that will cost approximately $95.00.
Māori Performing Arts
Teacher in Charge: Mrs S Barsdell
Pre-requisites: L1 Te Reo Māori or demonstrate equivalent knowledge and skills
Leads to: NCEA L3 Māori Performing Arts
Number of credits offered: 22
Assessment: Internally assessed Unit Standards (22 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Māori Performing Arts
Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills of haka, waiata, poi and waiata-ā-ringa individually and as a
member of a group.
Teacher in Charge: Mr A Warner
Pre-requisites: Prior instrumental or vocal tuition through school tutors or private tuition. NCEA L1 Music or
at HoD’s discretion
Leads to: NCEA L3 Music
Number of credits offered: 27
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (23 credits) and External (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Music
This course will consist of several topics; group and solo performance, composition, aural skills, music theory,
researching the music of composers and songwriters. Students must be receiving weekly instrumental
lessons. They must be part of a school group performing music and they will be encouraged to perform in
public. Students must have their own headphones. Students will need to organise their time to rehearse at
lunchtimes, intervals and after school when necessary.
Visual Art: Design
Teacher in Charge: Mrs S Whale
Pre-requisites: At least 12 credits at either L1 Visual Art, Spatial & Industrial Design or Information Technology
Leads to: NCEA L3 Design
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (8 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Visual Art Design
You will explore the inventive possibilities of illustration or promotional graphic design. You will investigate
the principles and processes of digital text and image manipulation. Using design software, you will produce
inventive solutions for design problems. You will create corporate logos, promotional graphics, illustrative
images, advertising images and design for digital media.
There are two internal assessments at 4 credits each and one external standard of 12 credits. One of the four
credit units is compulsory. Students will be guided by the art teachers to select units of work to which they
are best suited in terms of skill level and ability.
Visual Art: Photography
Teacher in Charge: Mrs S Whale
Pre-requisites: Open entry
Leads to: NCEA L3 Photography
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (8 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: 20 NCEA L2 credits in Visual Art Photography
Other details: Additional costs for digital printing must be budgeted for
You will learn the skills of a photographic artist. You will learn to use a single lens reflex camera and gain skills
in digital processing of images. You will investigate contemporary photographic artists and their images. You
will present your original photographic images as a workbook and folio.
There are two internal assessments of 4 credits each and one external standard of 12 credits (the folio). One
of the four credit units is compulsory. Students will be guided by the art teachers to select other units of work
to which they are best suited in terms of skill level and ability.
Visual Art: Painting
Teacher in Charge: Mrs S Whale
Pre-requisites: At least 12 credits at L1 Visual Art
Leads to: NCEA L3 Painting
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (8 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Visual Art Painting
You will develop and extend your skills, knowledge and understanding of drawing and painting from Level 1.
This will include an exploration of new media and techniques. You will learn to interpret a class topic in your
own way to produce drawings and paintings for your exhibition folio.
There are two internal assessments of 4 credits each and one external standard of 12 credits. One of the four
credit units is compulsory. Students will be guided by the art teachers to select other units of work to which
they are best suited in terms of skill level and ability at entry into the course.
English (Internal & External Standards)
Teacher in charge: Ms S McLean
Pre-requisites: 14 or more English L1 credits, including at least 4 credits gained in externally assessed
Leads to: NCEA L3 English
Number of credits offered: 22
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (16 credits) and External (8 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in English
Students will continue to develop and implement their writing skills across a range of texts types. They will
practise and produce both creative and formal writing and oral presentations. They will explore novel, short
story, poetry and film texts.
English (Internal Standards)
Teacher in charge: Ms S McLean
Pre-requisites: Working at L5 or below in English of the National Curriculum of New Zealand or teacher
Leads to: NCEA L3 English and Communication Skills
Number of credits offered: 16
Assessment: Internally assessed Standards (16 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in English and Communication Skills
This course covers English Standards at Level 2 or below, with an emphasis on practical communication skill
development. As the students develop competency in English, they may be given an opportunity to achieve
selected externally assessed Achievement Standards. This course only offers some standards that lead to
University Entrance Literacy.
Media Studies
Teacher in charge: Ms S McLean
Pre-requisites: None
Leads to: L3 Media Studies
Number of credits offered: 18 (with an optional additional 3 credits)
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (14 credits) and External (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Media Studies
Media Studies explores the creation and use of media. The course has a focus on visual text, in particular the
horror genre. One component of this course requires students to design and create their own short films.
Physical Education
Physical Education
Teacher in charge: Mrs H McKane
Pre-Requisites: Student must have achieved at least 15 credits at L1 Physical Education (including AS 90963
Leads to: NCEA L3 Physical Education and L3 Outdoor Education
Number of credits offered: 17
Assessments: Internally assessed Achievement Standards (20 credits)
Endorseable: Yes - NZQA Exception to Endorsement Rule
End of course qualification: 20 NCEA L2 Physical Education Credits
Students will analyse factors that influence the quality of individual performance in applied settings. Students
complete a practical unit in mountain biking and study societal issues in physical activity. Students apply
advanced theory and apply their learning in practical settings.
On completion of this course, students will be able to plan and implement a physical activity programme that
suits their own personal needs by understanding the principles and methods of training.
Other details: (costs, field trips etc) $260 - Mountain Bike Camp in Rotorua and $30 Fitness Group Sessions
(Spin and Boxfit classes)
Outdoor Education
Teacher in charge: Mr G Muru
Pre-Requisites: Student must have achieved at least 10 credits at L1 Physical Education (including AS 90962
Leads to: NCEA L3 Outdoor Education
Number of credits offered: 17
Assessments: Achievement Standards - Internal (17)
Endorseable: Yes - NZQA Exception to Endorsement Rule
End of course qualification: 17 NCEA L2 Physical Education credits
This course is designed to introduce Year 12 students to Outdoor Education and provide students with
experiences that are both new and exciting. Students will be theoretically and practically challenged in a wide
range of outdoor contexts. Course content includes Snowboarding, Tramping, Camping and leadership
Students suitable for this course will be motivated and willing to challenge themselves.
Other details (costs, field trips etc) $500 (total for year) - Snow Trip, Tramp/Camp
Teacher in charge: Ms S Everitt
Pre-requisites: 18 credits or better at L1 French
Leads to: NCEA L3 French
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (14 credits) and External (10 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in French
Topics covered in this subject include French speaking countries, health, the cinema, cultural life, leisure and
future plans. This course is dependent on student numbers and it can be offered by VLN.
Teacher in charge: Mr I Black
Pre-requisites: Minimum of 18 credits at L1 Japanese
Leads to: NCEA L3 Japanese
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (14 credits) and External (10 credits).
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Japanese
Students will study family life, eating and drinking, travel and tourism. This course is dependent on student
numbers and it can be offered by VLN.
Te Reo Maori
Teacher in charge: Ms H Wallace
Pre-requisites: Complete L1 course, pass external Panui and Tuhituhi
Leads to: NCEA L3 Te Reo Māori
Number of credits offered: 28
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (16 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Te Reo Māori
Students will study a variety of topics under the headings; Nga Tikanga o te Marae; Wawata; Pakiwaitara.
Teacher in charge: Mr D Manning
Pre-requisites: 16 credits at L1 Mathematics. Merit passes in Algebra and Graphs
Leads to: NCEA L3 Calculus and/or L3 Statistics
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (11 credits) and External (9 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Mathematics
Students will continue from Level 1 studying Algebra, Co-ordinate Geometry, Statistics, Probability, Calculus,
Trigonometry and Graphs. They will require a graphics calculator.
Teacher in charge: Mr D Manning
Pre-requisites: 16 credits at L1 including Chance and Data
Leads to: NCEA L3 Statistics
Number of credits offered: 19
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internally assessed (16 credits) and externally assessed (3credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Mathematics
Students will deal with, Statistics, Probability, Networks and Trigonometry.
*This course requires a good level of literacy as students are required to write reports.
Teacher in charge: Mr D Manning
Pre-requisites: 14 L1 Achievement Standard credits
Leads to: NCEA L3 Mathematics at HoD’s discretion
Number of credits offered: 16
Assessment: Internally assessed to “Achieved” grade only
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Mathematics
This course is designed for students who are focusing on gaining achieved only credits at Level 2 in
Teacher in charge: Ms K Asquith
Pre-requisites: 8 credits in Science at L1 and 80% attendance at Year 11
Number of credits offered: 16 L2 credits
This course will be student driven with each student developing their own course of work derived from the
Level 2 science curriculum, with guidance and support from the teacher.
The students must be independent learners and be motivated and willing to do homework regularly.
Teacher in charge: Ms L Cassidy Clark
Pre-requisites: 14 credits (including AS 90948) at L1 or at Teacher in Charge’s discretion
Leads to: NCEA L3 Biology
Number of credits offered: 22
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (10 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Biology
Other details: Field trip to rocky shore $5
For internal assessment students will study animal way of life, conduct a scientific investigation and write an
ecological report. External assessment topics are: Life processes at the cellular level; Genetic Variation and
change; Gene expression.
Teacher in charge: Ms K Asquith
Pre-requisites: Minimum 12 credits at L1 Science (must include AS90944) or at HoD discretion
Leads to: NCEA L3 Chemistry
Number of credits offered: 23
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (10 credits) and External (13 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Chemistry.
This course includes atomic structure and bonding, qualitative chemistry, thermo-chemistry, energy, rate and
equilibrium, acids and bases, organic chemistry and oxidation-reduction.
Teacher in charge: Ms K Asquith
Pre-requisites: Achievement Standard (AS 90940) Mechanics and Achievement Standard (AS 90935) Physics
Leads to: NCEA L3 Physics
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (7 credits) and External (17 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Physics
This course covers such topics as light properties and waves, mechanics, atomic physics, electricity and
electro-magnetism and practical measurement, data collection and analysis.
Marine Studies: Full Year Course
Teacher in charge: Miss L Cassidy-Clark
Content: This course is all internally assessed
 Bio 2.3 - How the adaptations of 3 different marine organisms help them to survive - (3 credits)
 Bio 2.6 - Investigate the pattern of zonation at the rocky shore - (4 credits)
 Bio 2.1 - Carry out a practical investigation on how shrimp heart rate can change - (4 credits)
 Sea Food - Describe the biology of crayfish - (5 L3 credits)
 Sci 2.4 - Survival in extreme environments: the deep ocean - (4 credits)
 Sea Food - Describe the biology of mussels - (5 L3 credits)
 Sustainability 2.2 - Consequences of a Human Activity: Shark finning or trawling - (4 credits)
Other details (costs, field trips, etc): Optional - Padi Open Water Scuba Diving Certificate - (11 L3 credits)
($515-$720). Rocky shore field trip ($10.00). Trout Hatchery & Fly fishing field trip ($40.00)
Pre-requisites: Students must have an interest/passion for our oceans and want to protect them for the
future. Having passed L1 Science is an advantage
Skills: Research, marine ID, measuring biodiversity, dissections, scuba diving
Leads to: NCEA L3 Marine Studies, L3 Science and possibly L3 Biology
Marine Studies
Teacher in charge: Miss L Cassidy-Clark
Pre-requisites: 12 credits in L1 Achievement Standards Science, including 1 External and the Ecology Internal.
Students must be able to swim 200m for PADI course.
Leads to: NCEA L3 Marine Studies
Number of credits offered: 26
Assessment: Achievement Standards from Science, Biology and Sustainability - Internal (16 credits). Internally
assessed Unit Standards (10 credits) plus PADI qualification
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Marine Studies and Biology. L2 Seafood (10 credits) and
Science (4 credits)
Other details: Opportunity to complete PADI Open Water Course (optional and approx $450), plus a trip to
This course aims to develop knowledge and skills in the area of Marine Sciences with an emphasis on Marine
Biology and the sustainable use of marine resources. There will be opportunities for students to develop
practical skills such as SCUBA diving and marine surveying. There is a fee for the SCUBA diving training.
Teacher in charge: Mr C Brown
Pre - requisites: 8 Achievement Standard credits (4 in Science and 4 in Literacy)
Leads to: NCEA L3 Biology, at the discretion of the HoD
Number of credits offered: 17 credits
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (7 credits) Unit Standards - Internal (10 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Horticulture, 3 credits in Biology
Other details: Visit ‘Mystery Creek Field Days’ cost approx $45
This course is designed to give students an opportunity to gain an insight to the Horticultural industry. The
course will cover the structure of plants, identification of plants, observing plant structure at the microscope
level, and practical application of plant sexual and asexual techniques.
Social Sciences
Business Studies
Teacher in charge: Mrs L Bonne
Pre-requisites: Open Entry
Number of Credits Offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (12 credits) and External (8 credits)
End of Course Qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Business Studies
Business Studies is the study of how a business starts up, makes a business plan and carries out an actual
business operation with a view to serving the community. Market research is carried out in terms of the key
marketing aspects of product, promotion, distribution and pricing. The internal and external factors that
affect large businesses are also examined.
Teacher in charge: Mr S Curnow
Pre-requisites: Open Entry
Number of Credits Offered: 22
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (10 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of Course Qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Economics
Economics is the study of how inflation, economic growth, international trade, employment and government
policy combine in the New Zealand economy. Topics may include the TTPA, government policies, the future of
the Dairy Industry and carbon emission reduction. Students are advised to have their own spreadsheet
capable electronic device.
Teacher in charge: Mrs L Bonne
Pre-requisites: Satisfactory grades at L1 or a pass in English Formal Writing AS90053
Leads to: NCEA L3 Geography
Number of credits offered: 19
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (11 credits) and External (8 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Geography
Other details: Field trips to The Strand and Bayfair. Entry fees and travel costs where applicable.
Students will study a natural landscape, concepts and skills, contemporary issues and undertake a global study
and a research assignment.
Teacher in charge: Mr H Morris
Pre-requisites: Satisfactory level of achievement at L1 History or English
Leads to: NCEA L3 History
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (12 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in History
The overall theme at Level 2 is Ideas and their Impact. We look at the development of new ideas and the
ways in which they changed the structure of society.
The Renaissance: A study of the rebirth of the interest in learning and art and how this changed societies from
the 14th Century onwards
Communism: The study of the belief system that provided an alternative world view to Capitalism in the 20th
Century and how this impacted on New Zealand and the world
Nationalism: The study of how nationalist ideas and actions in South East Asia (particularly Vietnam) in the
1960’s influenced New Zealand Society
Students choose topics which fit these themes. This has included:
 The Russian Revolution
 Māo Zedong and China
 The war on terrorism
 New Zealand and the Vietnam war
National Certificate in Tourism - Two year course
Teacher in charge: Ms J Stuart
Pre-requisites: At the discretion of the HoD. NCEA L1 Literacy and Numeracy
Leads to: NCEA L3 to complete the National Certificate in Tourism
Number of credits offered: 18-21
End of course qualification: L2 NCEA credits towards the National Certificate in Tourism
Assessment: Internally assessed Unit Standards
Other details: Field trip to Rotorua in March
Students will study the Tourism industry including Destination New Zealand and World Tourism. These credits
can be counted towards NCEA L2.
Digital Technology - Achievement Standards
Teacher in charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: Achieved a minimum of 8 Year 11 DGT Achievement Standard credits OR by consultation with
Teacher in charge
Leads to: NCEA L3 Achievement Standard DGT
Number of credits offered: Achievement Standards (16 credits)
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (16 credits). External (4 credits) by consultation
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Digital Technology, aim towards Merit or Excellence endorsed
This course covers computer programming in Python, database design, advanced word processing features,
and a digital media project where the student must integrate work from two of the following areas: 3D
modelling; computer animation; image editing; desktop publishing; movie editing; and advanced website
Focus this year is on 3D design using Blender and 3DF printing a prototype.
Digital Technology - Unit Standards
Teacher in charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: None
Leads to: NCEA L3 Unit Standard DGT
Number of credits offered: Variety of L2 credits, individual leaners abilities and interests will try to be
Assessment: Unit Standards - Internal credits, up to the student as to how many are completed
End of course qualification: L2 Unit Standard credits
This course enables students to learn in a practical, hands on environment. The main focus of this course is
communication using digital means using different programs mainly in the Microsoft Suite.
Teacher in Charge: Mr J Cochrane
Pre-requisites: L1 Mechatronics
Leads to: NCEA L3 Mechatronics and University Degree in Mechatronics
Number of credits offered: 22
Assessment: Achievement standards Internal and External (22 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Mechatronics
Building on the Level 1 course students will develop their understanding of the science that exists at the
interface of disciplines in Mechatronics: Mechatronics, Electronics, Informatics, Automation and Robotics
Food Technology
Teacher in charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: At least 12 credits at NCEA L1 Food Technology
Leads to: NCEA L3 Food Technology
Number of credits offered: 16
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal and one external standard
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Food Technology
You will practise advanced processing of a food product and understand how advanced concepts work in the
food processing industry. Preservation will also be practised and four external credits will be gained by looking
at food sustainability.
Hospitality Studies
Teacher in charge: Ms M Knott
Pre-requisites: An interest in the Hospitality Industry
Leads to: NCEA L3 Hospitality Studies
Number of credits offered: 18 L1 and L2 credits
Assessment: Internally assessed Unit Standards (18 credits)
End of course qualification: Credits Hospitality Studies
Foundation level students can start to build entry skills into Hospitality. Topics covered include food safety
and cookery skills.
Spatial & Industrial Design
Teacher in charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: Minimum of 12 credits at L1
Leads to: NCEA L3 Spatial & Industrial Design
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal and External
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Spatial & Industrial Design
Topics in this course cover architectural drawing, media studies and engineering development.
Mechanical Engineering
Teacher in charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: Mechanical Engineering L1
Leads to: Engineering Apprenticeship or Polytechnic Courses
Number of credits offered: 35
Assessment: ITO Unit Standards
End of course qualification: National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering L2
Product Development
Teacher in charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: Minimum of 12 credits in L1 Technology
Leads to: NCEA L3 Product Development
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal and External Standards
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Product Development
This course builds on from Level 1. Throughout the year, students will engage in two projects. The first is a
practical skills assessment, including knowledge and understanding of advanced process. The second project is
a design problem solving topic where students are assessed on technological processes in designing.
Product Development - Textiles
Teacher in charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: Achieved 10 or more credits at L1 Technology (Textiles or Wood/Metal)
Leads to: NCEA L3 Textiles
Number of credits offered: 22
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal and External. Internally assessed Unit Standards (18 credits)
and External Standards (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Textiles
This course builds on Level 1. Students will complete two practical projects and the associated design work
including pattern adaptations which show the planning and problem solving carried out.
Transition Education
National Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care - Year One
Teacher in charge: Mrs G Harper
Pre-requisites: Interest in early childhood education
Leads to: Year Two of the National Certificate of Early Childhood Education and Care at Level Two
Number of credits offered: 23
Assessment: Internally assessed Unit Standards
End of course qualification: NCEA L2 credits in Early Childhood Education and Care to complete the L3
National Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care
Study will develop and continue from Level 2 Early Childhood course working towards National Certificate.
Teacher in charge: Ms J Stuart
Gateway assists the school to make learning relevant for students and to broaden their options by offering
them both traditional and workplace learning. Gateway students pursue individual learning programmes
which allow them to gain new skills and knowledge in a workplace in our local community. The learning is
hands-on and practical.
Students are assessed in the workplace against Unit and Achievement standards which contribute to the
National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA), as well as Industry-specific qualifications.
Gateway is not a work experience programme. It is a programme that helps ensure that our students have a
smooth transition from school to work or further training/education. Gateway students are currently working
in a wide variety of industries including; hospitality, automotive, retail, tourism, engineering and building,
which to date have been most popular.
This is a very successful programme providing students with both industry-related qualifications and
Trades Academy
Teacher in charge: Ms J Stuart
Pre-requisites: At the discretion of the HoD
This is an opportunity for Senior Secondary students to be dual enrolled at Whakatane High School and at the
Waiariki Institute of Technology. The concept of dual enrolment: studying for tertiary trade qualifications
while still at school and the fact that this training will be free to students, are important developments in New
Zealand education. Students will spend their academic year between Whakatane High School and the Wairiki
Institute. They may choose to go into the workplace for one day a week.
In 2017 Tertiary programmes may be offered in:
Automotive Engineering
Building Construction
Electrical Engineering
Engineering - Rotorua
Fabrication (yet to be confirmed)
Hair and Beauty
Health Care
Information for Year 13 Students
National Certificate in Educational Achievement Level 3
To achieve the Level 3 National Certificate of Educational Achievement, a student must have 80 credits. 60 of
these credits must be at Level 3 or above. You can re-use 20 of your Level 2 credits.
Students need to ensure that they:
 Are completing any outstanding requirements for NCEA level 1 or 2
 Have a course that offers the required credits for NCEA Level 3
University Entrance
What do I need to enter a degree course at University or Polytechnic?
60 credits at Level 3 is the basic requirement but a number of Universities now require more than this and
accept students based on their Achieved, Merit and Excellence grades.
14 credits
14 credits
14 credits
Subject A
Subject B
Subject C
Approved Level
Approved Level
Approved Level
10 credits in Numeracy at Level 1 or higher
5 credits in Reading at Level 2 or higher
5 credits in Writing at Level 2 or higher
BUT - requirements and pre-requisites are changing all the time and students need to check the University
websites and/or talk to the Careers Advisors to find out the minimum entry criteria for each individual tertiary
In Year 13:
Choose subjects that meet the requirements of a qualification that interests you
If you intend to further your studies at university level you should note carefully which subjects are
University Entrance approved
All students must select a full-time course of five approved or six subjects. No subjects are compulsory;
however it is important to have a balanced programme
Most subjects have pre-requisites. For example, you may require a certain level of attainment in NCEA
Level 1 and Level 2 subjects to progress to Level 3
If you are enrolling in a full academic course, that is, all your subjects are in the approved for University
Entrance section of the pathways chart on page 9, you may select five subjects
If you are not selecting a full academic course, you will be required to select six subjects. Remember to
select a reserve subject also
Some tertiary courses require a language-rich NCEA Level 3 subject like English, History or Classical Studies
to support their degree. For example, the Bachelor of Design at Victoria University requires this. Check
with the Careers Advisor
NCEA Level 3 Subjects
The Arts
Teacher in charge: Ms A Harland
Pre-requisites: 14 credits at L1 and 14 credits at L2 or at HoD discretion
Leads to: University, Broadcasting School, Performing Arts Institutions and Polytechnics
Number of credits offered: 21
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (13 credits) and External (8 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Drama
This is an extension of the Level 2 course. This year the student is required to think critically and interpret
both in-depth scripts and professional performances. The student will combine high level written
communication and performance skills to demonstrate their understanding of theatre technologies and
drama processes. Students are assessed individually. The student may enter Scholarship. There is a trip to
view an Auckland theatre performance that will cost approximately $95.00.
Māori Performing Arts
Teacher in charge: Mrs P Barsdell
Pre-requisites: L2 Māori Performing Arts
Leads to: L4 Māori Performing Arts Unit Standards or to tertiary courses in Māori Performing Arts
Number of credits offered: 26 (girls) 30 (boys)
Assessment: Internally assessed Unit Standards
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Māori Performing Arts
Students will perform a Māori performing arts bracket; demonstrate knowledge of the historical development
of Māori Performing Arts; perform Taiaha for the boys and Koikoi for the girls. They will also be given the
opportunity to begin Level 4 Māori Performing Arts Unit Standards.
Teacher in charge: Mr A Warner
Pre-requisites: NCEA L2 Music or at HoD’s discretion. Students must be receiving regular, on-going
instrumental or vocal tuition at school, or from a private tutor. Students should be in a school group such as
the concert band or Kapa Haka. At L3 students are expected to take on leadership roles.
Due to a huge range of differences in genre and also the new music technology assessments, students can
focus on traditional or more 21st century aspects of Music. Most students will gain around 20 credits.
Leads to: L4 Music at University or Polytechnic
Number of credits offered: 48
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (44 credits) and External (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits Music
Music students at Level 3 can specialise in Performance, Composition, Music Studies or Music Technology. In
consultation with the HoD Music, students will select achievement standards that best fit their skills and
requirements. Students are required to have weekly instrumental/vocal lessons to fulfil learning criteria for
performance Achievement Standards. Students must have their own headphones.
Visual Art: Design
Teacher in charge: Mrs S Whale
Pre-requisites: At least 8 credits at L2 Design
Leads to: This course leads on to Polytechnic and University in a wide range of visual communication and
media design courses
Number of credits offered: 22
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (8 credits) and External (14 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Visual Art Design
This course continues and extends work from Level 2 Visual Art Design. You will develop a personalised design
brief and use both drawing and digital media to research, generate and develop ideas. You will use the design
process to create inventive solutions for a range of design tasks which can include promotional graphics,
corporate identity, illustration, packaging and digital media design.
Visual Art: Painting
Teacher in charge: Mrs S Whale
Pre-requisites: At least 12 credits at L2 Painting or Design or at the discretion of the HoD.
Leads to: This course leads on to Polytechnic and University in a wide range of visual arts courses
Number of credits offered: 26
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (12 credits) and External (14 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Visual Art Painting
You will extend and develop your skills, knowledge and understanding of art making media, techniques and
concepts. You will develop your research skills in Visual Art by analysing artists’ works and linking their
practice with your own picture-making activities. You will select a personal topic and link it with
contemporary practice to produce a workbook and a three-panel exhibition folio.
Visual Art: Photography
Teacher in charge: Mrs S Whale
Pre-requisites: At least 12 credits at L2 Photography
Leads to: This course leads on to Polytechnic and University in a wide range of visual arts courses
Number of credits offered: 26
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (12 credits) and External (14 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Visual Art Photography
Other details: $35 course materials including folio boards and freight. Additional costs for digital printing
must be budgeted for.
You will extend your skills and knowledge of photographic picture making from Level 2. You will investigate
contemporary photographic artists, their images and concepts and you will link their practice with your own
photographic image making. An in-depth study of Multiple Image Construction will be undertaken. You will
produce a workbook of images and a three-panel exhibition folio.
English: Internal & External Standards
Teacher in charge: Ms S McLean
Pre-requisites: 14 credits gained from English L2 Achievement Standards
Leads to: University or other Tertiary institutions
Number of credits offered: 22
Assessment: Achievement Standards (Internal 10 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in English
Topics covered in this course are writing, literature, Shakespeare and film. These are developed through
understandings of language and literature, using critical thinking.
English & Communication Skills
Teacher in charge: Ms S McLean
Pre-requisites: 12 credits gained from English and Communication Skills Standards at L2
Leads to: Polytechnic Courses
Number of credits offered: 16
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (4 credits) and Communication Standards (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in English and Communication Skills
Students who undertake this course will have an opportunity to develop their practical writing skills, learn
business correspondence, work as a group and develop interpersonal communication skills. This course also
provides an opportunity for students to gain any outstanding University Entrance Literacy credits.
Media Studies
Teacher in charge: Ms S McLean
Pre-requisites: None
Leads to: Universities or other Tertiary institutions
Number of credits offered: 17 (with an optional 3 credits)
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (14 credits) and External (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Media Studies
Media Studies at Level 3 focuses on the genre of film noir. The course involves close analysis of media and the
production of media products, namely short films. Those students who are interested in careers in film,
journalism and other media fields would enjoy this course.
Physical Education
Physical Education
Teacher in charge: Mrs H McKane
Pre-requisites: Student must have achieved at least 15 credits at L2 Physical Education (including AS 91328
(2.2) and AS91329 (2.3)
Leads to: Degree/Diploma in Physical Education/Sport and/or Leisure Industry
Number of credits offered: 19
Assessments: Internally assessed Achievement Standards (19 credits)
Endorseable: Yes - NZQA Exception to Endorsement Rule
End of course qualification: 19 NCEA Level 3 Physical Education credits
Other details (costs,field trips etc) $60
Students develop higher critical thinking skills and analyse in-depth physical education principles.
Students appraise their own performance of a physical activity, plan and implement a training programme and
produce a critical inquiry writing piece. Students also train for and compete in the Tough Guy/Gal Challenge in
Rotorua. This course caters for students who are going to University or higher academic study in Sport,
Recreation and Health fields.
Outdoor Education
Teacher in charge: Mr G Muru
Pre-requisites: Student must have achieved at least 10 credits at L2 Physical Education or L2 Outdoor
Leads to: Certificate in Outdoor Education or Diploma in Physical Education and/or Sport and Leisure Studies
Number of Credits offered: 16
Assessments: Internally assessed Achievement Standards
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 Physical Education credits (7) and Level 3 Unit Standards (9)
Year 13 Outdoor Education is designed as a progression from Year 12 Outdoor Education. Students will build
on their previous knowledge and experiences in the outdoors while gaining recognised outdoor skills.
The course builds towards a multi-night tramping experience in a remote, wilderness area.
Suitable students for this course will be physically fit, motivated and willing to challenge themselves in a range
of outdoor environments.
Other details (costs,field trips etc) Approx $300
Sport & Fitness Studies
Teacher in charge: Mrs H McKane
Pre-requisites: Student must have achieved at least 10 Credits at L2 Physical Education or L2 Outdoor
Leads to: Diploma in Sport & Leisure, Fitness based Industry qualifications
Number of Credits offered: 18
Assessments: Internally assessed Achievement Standards (4 Credits) and L 2 and 3 Unit Standards
End of course qualification: This course is designed for students who have an interest in sport coaching and
Fitness. Content of the course includes a practical sports activity, anatomy and planning and implementing a
Fitness Programme. This course allows students to work towards tertiary study in the Sport, Recreation and
Health fields. Students apply advanced theory and apply their learning in practical settings.
Other details (costs,field trips etc) $50 for group fitness sessions
Teacher in charge: Ms S Everitt
Pre-requisites: 18 credits or better at L2 French
Leads to: University or Polytechnic
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (14 credits) and External (11 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in French
Students will cover topics about young people, literature, the world at work and technology, the environment
and current social issues in France. Time will also be spent on examination preparation. This course is
dependent on student numbers and can be studied by VLN.
Teacher in charge: Mr I Black
Pre-requisites: 18 credits at L2 Japanese
Leads to: University and Polytechnics
Number of credits offered: 21
Assessment: achievement Standards - Internal (14 credits) and External (10 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Japanese
Students will cover topics such as education, entertaining and the environment. This course is dependent on
student numbers and can be studied by VLN.
Te Reo Māori
Teacher in charge: Ms H Wallace
Pre-requisites: L2 Te Reo Māori
Leads to: University, Whare Wānanga, Polytechnics
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (17 credits) and External (7 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Te Reo Māori
Students will cover such topics as Ngā Kaupapa o te Ao Māori at Level 3.
Teacher in charge: Ms C O’Leary
Pre-requisites: 14 L2 Statistics or Mathematics credits, or teacher discretion
Leads to: University courses
Number of credits offered: 18
Assessment: Achievement Standards - internally assessed
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Statistics
This course will focus on “Achievement” grades. Topics studied will include Bivariate Data, Time Series,
Statistical Inference and Statistical Experiments.
Teacher in charge: Ms C O’Leary
Pre-requisites: 16 L2 credits including merit in AS91267
Leads to: University courses
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (12 credits) and External (8 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Statistics
Students will study Bivariate Data, Time Series, Probability Distributions, Statistical Inference and Evaluating
Statistical Reports.
Teacher in charge: Mr P Troy
Pre-requisites: 16 L2 credits including merit in L2 Calculus, Algebra and Graphs
Leads to: University courses
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (7 credits) and External (17 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Mathematics
At this level students will study Algebra, Differentiation, Trigonometry, Integration and Conic Sections.
Teacher in charge: Mr C Brown
Pre-requisites: 12 Biology credits (including AS 91157) at L2 or at teacher in charges discretion
Leads to: University and Polytechnic courses
Number of credits offered: 19
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (6 credits) and External (13 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Biology
Other details: Field trip to Waikato University web day and Hamilton Zoo ($70 approximately), $30 workbook
Students will study plant and animal responses to the environment, including orientation in time and space
and inter and intra relationships such as reproductive behaviours, territoriality, predation and competition.
Learn evolutionary processes that lead to speciation: examine findings and trends in human evolution,
homeostasis, and genetic transfer of genetic material.
Teacher in charge: Ms K Asquith
Pre-requisites: A minimum of 14 credits at L2 (must include two externals) or at HoD discretion
Leads to: University and Polytechnic courses
Number of credits offered: 21
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (6 credits) and External (15 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Chemistry
This course covers oxidation-reduction reactions, electrochemistry, solubility equilibria, organic and acid-base
reactions. There is also a spectroscopy internal. Additional credits may be available for a research topic
depending on time.
Teacher in charge: Ms K Asquith
Pre-requisites: 10 or more External Achievement Standard credits
Leads to: University and Polytechnic courses
Number of credits offered: 20 - 26
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (6 credits) and External (16 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Physics
This course covers practical measurement, data collection and analysis, methods of processing uncertainties,
rotational mechanics, wave phenomena, atomic physics and electricity, electromagnetism an AC circuits.
Marine Studies
Teacher in charge: Miss L Cassidy-Clark
Content: This course is internally assessed
There are two possible pathways to take in this course: It can be a university entrance course by doing 14
credits in the Education for Sustainability domain, or a way to get credits towards Level 3.
The first part of the course is run through the Bay of Plenty Polytechnic Marine Studies Smart Path course. All
students must complete:
 Identify marine species common to a dive site by snorkelling or scuba at Mayor Island, as well as carry
out reef and fish surveys (4 credits)
 Demonstrate knowledge of ecosystems (4 credits)
 Dissect and describe the biology of snapper (5 credits)
Then students can chose to complete either or a mixture of:
University Entrance (14 credits from a choice of the following sustainability internal assessments)
 Sus 3.1 - Evaluate a personal action that contributes towards a sustainable marine future (6 credits)
 Sus 3.2 - Evaluate measures that may be taken to sustain and/or improve a biophysical Mayor Island
Marine Reserve (4 credits)
 Sus 3.4 - Analyse the impact that policies such as shark finning have on a sustainable future (5 credits)
 Sus 3.5 - Develop a strategy for an organisation that will contribute to a sustainable marine future (5
Level 3 credits
 Bio 3.2 - Are marine reserves a good idea? (3 credits)
 Bio 3.1 - Carry out a practical investigation on the behaviour of crabs (4 credits)
 Seafood - Dissect and describe the biology of kina (5 credits)
Other details (costs, field trips, etc): Optional – Padi Open Water or Advanced Scuba Diving Certificate: 11 L3
US credits ($515-$720). Ohiwa Harbour field trip ($10.00). Mayor Island dive/snorkelling field trip ($50.00).
Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia field trip – optional ($3000.00).
Pre-requisites: Students must have an interest/passion for our oceans and want to protect them for the
future. Having passed L2 Marine Studies or another L2 Science is an advantage
Skills: Research, marine ID, measuring biodiversity, dissections, scuba diving
Leads to: University entrance, &/or credits towards L3
Social Science
Business Studies
Teacher in charge: Mr S Curnow
Pre-requisites: Open Entry
Number of credits offered: Up to 23
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (15 credits) and External (8 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Business Studies
Business Studies is the study of how a business starts up, makes a business plan and carries out an actual
business operation by interacting with an actual third party. A marketing plan is also developed looking at key
product specification, promotion, distribution and pricing aspects. The internal and external factors that affect
businesses in a global context are also examined.
Teacher in charge: Mr S Curnow
Pre-requisites: Open Entry
Number of credits Offered: 23
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (11 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Economics
Economics is the study of how market equilibrium works and how the government can intervene when there
is market failure. We examine large macroeconomic factors that affect the New Zealand economy. Topics
may include the TTPA, the future of the Dairy Industry or carbon emission reduction. Students are advised to
have their own spreadsheet capable electronic device.
Classical Studies
Teacher in charge: Mrs L Bonne
Pre-requisites: Open to all students although it would be an advantage to have L2 English or History
Leads to: Tertiary study, particularly law and teaching
Number of credits offered: 26
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (12 credits) and External (14 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Classical Studies
Classical Studies is a study of Ancient Roman and Greek Societies. In this course you will discover the
background of the Trojan War, gain an insight into Roman Religion and explore the art of Greece. You will
gain an understanding of how this period has influenced our modern thinking.
Teacher in charge: Mrs L Bonne
Pre-requisites: None required
Leads to: Polytechnic and University courses
Number of credits offered: 23
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (11 credits) and External (12 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Geography
Other details: Field trip to Rotorua, travel costs and entry fees as required
Students will study the Rangitaiki Plains and Tourism in New Zealand and Bali. They will also study geographic
issues, patterns, skills and concepts, and undertake geographic research.
New Zealand History
Teacher in charge: Mr B Donaldson
Pre-requisites: Satisfactory achievement in L2 History or English
Leads to: Polytechnic and University courses
Number of credits offered: 25
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (15 credits) and External (10 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in History
Have you ever wondered why New Zealand is the way it is? This course examines key moments in the history
of Aotearoa. It is a story of adventure, betrayal, gold, sheep, milk, bravery, love, hope, war and peace. Find out
why Maori and Pakeha have the relationship they do. Discover how our economy was formed. Understand
how people get power in New Zealand Politics. Look at how strong motivated Women from New Zealand
changed the world!! Develop an understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi and be able to explain it to others.
Learn how to research like you will have to at University. Gain skills in presentation, organisation and
academic writing.
Global History
Teacher in charge: Mr H Morris
Pre-requisites: Satisfactory level of achievement at L2 History or English
Leads to: University Course
Number of Credits offered: 31
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (15 credits) and External (10 or 16 credits)
End of Course Qualification: NCEA L3 credits in History
The overall theme of Global History is World Changing Events. We will discuss a range of events, ideas and
movements in Term One and decide on the events and themes that interest the class. These events and
themes will focus on major events which have helped to shape our modern world.
National Certificate in Tourism - Year Two
Teacher in charge: Ms J Stuart
Pre-requisites: Completion of Year 1 course
Leads to: This course leads on to Polytechnic, University, employment in Tourism and Travel industry and
Tourism and Travel providers
Number of credits offered: 24
Assessment: Internally assessed Unit Standards (24 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits. National Certificate in Tourism
There may be an opportunity to have an extended field trip, destination and cost to be advised. Students will
study the Tourism industry including Destination New Zealand, Australia and the Pacific Islands. These credits
can be counted towards NCEA Level 2 and 3.
Digital Technology - Achievement Standards
Teacher in charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: Achieved a minimum of 8 Year 12 DGT Achievement Standards OR by consultation with the
teacher in charge
Leads to: Tertiary study at University or Polytechnic
Number of credits offered: 18
Assessment: Achievement Standards - internal (14 credits) external (4 credits)
End of course qualification: L3 NCEA credits in Digital Technology, aim towards Merit or Excellence endorsed
This course enables students to learn in a practical, hands on environment. The main focus of this course is
communication using digital means. It covers an extension of the skills that students have learned about in
Year 11 and 12 DGT including still images, video, game programming, web coding, databases and graphic
design. It focusses on the planning, designing and prototyping of a 3D Design for a client.
Digital Technology - Unit Standards
Teacher in charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: None
Leads to: Tertiary study at Polytechnic
Number of credits offered: Variety of L3 credits, individual leaners abilities and interests will try to be
Assessment: Unit Standards - Internal credits - up to the student as to how many are completed
End of course qualification: L3 Unit Standard credits
This course enables students to learn in a practical, hands-on environment. The main focus of this course is
communication using digital means using different programs mainly in the Microsoft Suite. This course is not
approved for University Entrance.
Food Technology
Teacher in charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: 12 credits at L 2 Food Technology
Leads to: Polytechnic and University courses
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (16 credits). Externally assessed Unit Standards (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Food Technology
Other details: (costs, field trips, etc) $120 or $30 per term
This course entails developing complex procedures to make pastry, designing and making an Italian meal, and
researching industrial preservation. The external credits will involve producing a written report about the
production of plates and cutlery using potato.
Spatial & Industrial Design
Teacher in charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: L2 Spatial & Industrial Design or in consultation with the HoD
Leads to: Polytechnic and University courses
Number of credits offered: 21
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Spatial & Industrial Design
Students will complete negotiated assignments in Architecture, Engineering or Media.
Hospitality Studies
Teacher in Charge: Ms M Knott
Pre-requisites: Achieved mandatory Unit Standards in L1 and L 2 of this course
Leads to: This course can lead to catering and hospitality industry, tourism industry, National Diploma in
Hospitality Management, Cookery, Food and Beverage Service
Number of credits offered: 16
Assessment: Internally assessed Unit Standards
End of course qualification: NCEA Level 3 credits
This course is a continuation of the first year and includes food and beverage, customer services and a barista
Product Development
Teacher in charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: Students must have passed AS 91356 and AS 91357 at L2 in Technology (Product
Leads to: Polytechnic and University courses
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards – Internal (16 credits) and External (4 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA Level 3 credits in Product Development
For this course students will be working on one design project. They will be assessed on how they manage
their resources and how well their solution meets its expected purpose. The level of practical work for this
course is of a complex nature and the quality of outcome will be assessed at industry standard.
Product Development: Textiles
Teacher in charge: Mr P Goodman
Pre-requisites: Achieved 12 or more credits at L2 Technology (hard or soft materials)
Leads to: Polytechnic and University courses
Number of credits offered: 20
Assessment: Achievement Standards - Internal (20 credits)
End of course qualification: NCEA Level 3 credits in Product Development Textiles
This course builds on from Level 2. Students will complete three units of study involving advanced processes
in design work using a client.
Transition Education
National Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care - Year Two
Teacher in charge: Mrs G Harper
Pre-requisites: Achieved 23 credits at L2 Early Childhood course
Leads to: This course leads on to child care, teaching and nursing
Number of credits offered: 28
Assessment: Internally assessed Unit Standards
End of course qualification: NCEA L3 credits in Early Childhood Education and Care to complete the L3
National Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care.
Study will advance from Level 2 Early Childhood course to working towards National Certificate.
Teacher in charge: Ms J Stuart
Gateway assists the school to make learning relevant for students and to broaden their options by offering
them both traditional and workplace learning. Gateway students pursue individual learning programmes,
which allow them to gain new skills and knowledge in a workplace in our local community. The learning is
hands-on and practical.
Students are assessed in the workplace against unit and achievement standards which contribute to NCEA as
well as industry-specific qualifications.
Gateway is not a work experience programme. It is a programme that helps ensure that our students have a
smooth transition from school to work or further training/education. Gateway students are currently working
in a wide variety of industries including, hospitality, automotive, retail, tourism, engineering, and building,
which to date, have been the most popular.
This is a very successful programme providing students with both industry-related qualifications and
Pre-requisites: Interview and at the discretion of the HoD
Assessment: Internally assessed Unit Standards
End of course qualification: Credits towards NCEA and Industry-based qualifications
The course offers structured workplace learning opportunities to senior students. The Gateway programme
involves students completing a work placement 1 day per week and having their learning in the workplace
assessed against Unit or Industry Standards on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). These standards
are integrated with their current programme of study.
Trades Academy
Teacher in charge: Ms J Stuart
Pre-requisites: At the discretion of the HoD
This is an opportunity for senior secondary students to be dual enrolled at Whakatane High School and at the
Waiariki Institute of Technology. The concept of dual enrolment: studying for tertiary trade qualifications
while still at school and the fact that this training will be free to students are important developments in New
Zealand education. Students will spend their academic year between Whakatane High School and the Wairiki
Institute. They may choose to go into the workplace for one day a week.
In 2017 Tertiary programmes may include:
 Automotive Engineering
 Agriculture
 Forestry
 Electrical Engineering
 Health Care
 Building Construction
 Business Administration - Year 2 only
 Hair and Beauty
 Hospitality
 Engineering – Rotorua
Virtual Learning Network (VLN)
Virtual Learning Network (VLN)
Teacher in charge: Ms J Stuart
Whakatane High School is a member of The Volcanics eLearning Community
Course Options 2017
We welcome opportunities to talk with students, whanau, parents and caregivers.
As a member of Volcanics, we are able to provide students with access to teachers from other schools
nationally through eLearning. There are multiple benefits to enrolling in an eLearning Community course.
Students are able to take courses that are not currently offered at their school and timetable clashes can be
Year 10 students are welcome to enrol in NCEA Level One courses as an extension opportunity.
We also have access to a number of courses provided by tertiary institutions, which adds to the range of
options available.
Successful eLearners are also very well prepared for tertiary study.
Volcanics is a Community of Schools who work together to provide high quality learning opportunities based
around the New Zealand Curriculum. Volcanics is a member of the New Zealand Virtual Learning Network
Community (VLNC.) There are other such clusters that work together to provide a wide range of curriculum
subjects. As a member of Volcanics, we are able to provide students with access to teachers from other
schools nationally through eLearning.
How it works?
Each eLearning course will have one or more of the following learning components:
 Paper based (workbooks, textbooks and notes)
 An online component accessed through an online learning environment such as Moodle, UltraNet,
Google Docs
 Video conferencing (VC), or web based conferencing using Adobe Connect or Google Hangouts
All NCEA courses offer NZQA Achievement Standards. Communication is maintained through videoconferencing and a combination of tools in the online learning environments such as email, google
communities, google drive, google sites, learning management systems, skype and texts.
Please note that acceptance into a virtual course is dependent upon available resources, the level of
student enrolment and the timing of the enrolment. Sometimes students will be on a waiting list for a short
Acceptance into eLearning courses will also be determined by a recommendation that the student is
sufficiently self-motivated and has the ability to work with less direct teacher supervision than would normally
be the case in a face to face class.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who will be my teacher?
If you are enrolled in an online course, your eTeacher will be from another school in New Zealand.
How often will I see my teacher?
You will have an hour long video or web conferencing class each week, and your eTeacher will provide an
online classroom (like a website) in which you will work 3-4 hours each week.
How will I communicate or get work to and from my teacher?
You will be able to communicate regularly with your eTeacher through emails, online forums, online chats,
news forums, discussion boards, skype and text messages.
How do I receive work or send work to my eTeacher?
You will be able to upload your assignments, assessments, tests and any other work into your online
classroom. You can also email your work, share it eg through Google Docs, Dropbox etc or simply post it. For
work sent online, your eTeacher will mark your work online and send it back the same way.
Do I need access to a computer or device at home?
You will require access during school time to a computer or a device (eg tablet, laptop, phone) and the
internet so that you can work independently in your “online environment/online classroom”. If you have the
internet at home, that is an added bonus.
What happens if I have another class at that time?
Video-conference lessons take precedence. You will have to make up for the lost time by working with your
teacher from your school on what you have missed in their lesson. This is why you need to be self-motivated.
Who can apply for an online class?
You may apply through the eDean to be enrolled in an online course if the subject/course you wish to study is:
 Not currently offered at your school
 Clashes with another timetabled class
 Offered through a tertiary organisation
Students who apply must:
 Be self-motivated and well organised
 Have suitable prior learning for the course applying for
Your school eDean - Jo-Anne Stuart
Volcancis ePrincipal - Sara Field
Ass’t Volcanics ePrincipal Volcanics Google Site: Mob. 021 246 6148
Jan Collier Mob. 027 380 8735
Subjects offered in 2016:
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3/4
Art History
Business Studies
Fashion and Textiles Technology
Human biology
Classical Studies
Digital Technology
Digital Photography
Te Reo Maori
Maths with Calculus
Maths – Statistics and Modelling
Physical Education
Print Journalism
Media Studies
Performance Music
Social Studies
Web Design
3D Animation
Tertiary Course (Unit Standard courses)
Level 2
Level 3
Telford Rural Polytech
Telford Rural Polytech
Telford Rural Polytech
Telford Rural Polytech
Telford Rural Polytech
Telford Rural Polytech
Sheep Farming
Telford Rural Polytech
Please note that the cost of Tertiary courses are covered by STAR funding, Gateway funding or by the
student and their families where funding is not available.