Computer Information Systems
Computer Information Systems
as COMPTINFO BS Computer Information Systems Major: Database Management 120 credits Associate in Applied Science Computer Information Systems 2010-2011 (Classes taken at Mott Community College to complete associate degree are in red) Foudatlmls or IxcelleDee 11 eredlCs Mott Community College COMMl20 Presentation Techniques 3 COMMI31 Fundamentals of Communication ENGLl09 Composition 3 ENGLlOI English Communication I ENGLlIO Advanced Composition 3 ENGLl02 English Composition II ENGL311 Professional Writing Career & Education Seminar or (if exempt) Open Elective 3 FRSMIOO 3 SOSC201 3 Diversity in Society FOIIIldatiou of Mstllematies aDd Scleaee 15 eredits 3rdYMr 3 3 3 Social Science Elective 3 3 3 Mott CommaDI Iy Colleae Transfer Credit 3rdYear MATH I 25 Intermediate Algebra 3 MATHl20 Intermediate Algebra (Math req .) MATH\35 College Algebra 3 MATHl30 College Algebra 4 STAT220 ENVSI25 or PHYSIOO and PHYSIOOL Introduction to Statistics Environmental Studies or Applied Physics and Applied Physics Lab 3 MATHl50 Probability and Statistics 4 3 PHYS281 and PHYS28lL General College Physics I and Lab 4 MATHI40 Finite Mathematics MATH 150 STAT322 Pre-Calculus Inferential Statistics FODDdatioas of BasIDe5S ACCT200 or ACCT201 BUSN210 MGMT211 Accounting Basics for Managers or Accounting Foundations I Professional Ethics Management Foundations FoDDdatiou of Tec:IaDoJocy 3 9-10 credits Mott CommuDi iy College 3-4 ACCT20I 3 #PHIL295 3 MGMTI81 18 credits D1vtllport Credit 4 3 Choose one of the following : D1veaport Cftdit 3 3 HUMN310-315 Global Cultures: Choice of country or culture Tnufer Credit Principles of Accounting I Ethics (H umanities elective) Principles of Management Mott CommuDI iy Contle Tnasfer Credit 3n1 Year DaVtllport Credit 5 3 3 TnDsfer Credit 3n1Year Dave_port Credit CISPIII Systems Foundations 3 COMSI70 Intro. To Programming CISP220 Web Applications 3 COMW241 Interactive Web Page Design CISP250 Discrete Structures 3 3 GPMT350 Principles of Project Management 3 3 CISP231 or CISP233 or CISP237 or CISP241 Programming Language I: C++ Programming I or C# Programming I or Java Programming I or Visual Basic Programming I 3 Programming Language II Sequential to language chosen in Programming Language I COMSI71 3 COMS280 3 3 Introduction to C++ 4 Advanced Programming in C++ 4 (Page I of2) 32 Major BITS212 43 credits TraDsrer Credit Molt CommllDily Colle&e Microcomputer Applications: Database 3 COM261 Database Conc~s Daveaport 3n1 Year Credit 4 CISP247 Database Design 3 CISP280 Artificial Intelligence 3 CISP311 Database Systems 4 COMI263 CISP312 Data Structures 3 3 CISP325 Data Mining 3 3 CISP420 Distributed Architectures 3 3 IAAS22 I Security Foundations 3 3 3 3 3 Structured Query Language (SQL) 4 IAAS33 I Databases and Distributed Systems 3 NETWIOI PC Operating Systems 3 3 NETWI41 MS Client and Server OS 3 3 NETW217 UNIX Operating Systems 3 COMS130 NETW243 MS Administer SQL Server 3 3 TECH 497 School of Technology Capstone 3 3 l()pea Electives Introduction to Linux Administration 3 Tnurer Credit 13-14 credits Molt CommuDlty College 3n1Year Daveaport Credit Tnurer Credit 3n1 Year Davenport Credit Minimum Minimum Minimum 64 28 51 Recommended Electives: ENVS125 Introduction to Environmental Studies (if not completed for Foundations) CISP490 Computer Information Systems Internship Choose from the following sequenced programming languages not completed as part of the Foundations: C++ Programming I and CISP231 and C++ Programming II CISP232 C# Programming I and CISP233 and C# Programming II CISP234 CISP237 and CISP239 Java Programming I and Java Programming II CISP24I and CISP242 Visual Basic Programming I and Visual Basic Programming II COMCI15 A+ Core Hardware Components 3 COMGI61 Intro to Computer Security 3 COM II 60 Intro to Computer Info Systems 3 COMII69 Supporting End Users 3 COMI261 Database Concepts 4 COM 1262 Systems Analysis and Design 3 COMNI12 COMSI72 and COMS272 Principles of Computer Networking Introduction to Visual Basic and Advanced Visual Basic 2 TOTAL CREDIT HOURS 143 credits to complete # Preferred Course 7 18 DU courses to complete (Page 2 of2) 33
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