Ashley roof Final Report-Oct 2011
Ashley roof Final Report-Oct 2011
FINAL REPORT COMPARATIVE ROOF TESTING AT ONONDAGA COUNTY CORRECTIONAL FACILITY Final October 2011 Submitted to: Onondaga County Dept. of Correction 6660 East Seneca Turnpike Jamesville, NY 13078-0143 Submitted by: Ashley-McGraw Architects, PC 500 South Salina St, Suite 1100 Syracuse, NY 13202 CDH Energy Corp PO Box 641 2695 Bingley Rd Cazenovia, NY 13035 315-655-1063 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Onondaga County sought to evaluate the energy and water retention performance of green or vegetative roofing systems relative to other conventional and energy-efficient roofing systems. A major roof replacement project on multiple buildings at the Jamesville Correctional Facility offered the opportunity for a side-by-side test to evaluate different roofing systems. Monitoring equipment and instrumentation were installed to measure the performance of the different systems. The test considered four different roofing systems: 1. A conventional roof with 4 inches of foam insulation and a black Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) membrane 2. A roof with 4 inches of foam insulation with a white Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) roof membrane. 3. A vegetative roof with 4 inches of foam insulation 4. A highly-insulated roof with 8 inches of foam insulation and a TPO roof membrane. Onondaga County extended the design contract with Ashley McGraw Architects to complete this testing. CDH Energy was hired to develop and implement a monitoring approach to quantify compare the performance of the four roofing systems. Temperature sensors and other instrumentation were installed in the roof assembly during construction in the Summer and Fall of 2009. Continuous data collection at 15-minute intervals has continued since October 2009 to obtain performance data to assess performance of the different roofing systems for all seasons of the year. The measured results showed that the TPO and vegetative roof systems had much lower roof temperatures than the conventional EPDM surface. The reduction in solar absorption reduced solar gains in the summer but also increased heat losses during the heating season. Compared to the EPDM membrane, the TPO roof had 30% higher heating losses and the vegetative roof had 23% higher losses. The TPO roof with extra insulation did have lower heating losses than the EPDM roof. Overall the TPO roof was cost neutral compared to the EPDM roof when both heating and cooling losses are considered. The vegetative roof had net cost savings of $7 per year per 1000 sq ft of roof area. The vegetative roof retained a significant amount of the rainfall across the year. On an annual basis only of about 20% of the measured rainfall was sent into the storm drain system. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 Description of Roofs ....................................................................................................................... 2 Monitoring Approach...................................................................................................................... 5 Instrumentation ........................................................................................................................... 5 Major Events During Monitoring Period .................................................................................. 12 Measured Results .......................................................................................................................... 13 Roof Thermal Performance....................................................................................................... 13 Water Retention and Drainage .................................................................................................. 27 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 32 Recommendations ..................................................................................................................... 32 Appendix A – Monitoring System Details Appendix B – Comparison of Rainfall Data from Various Local Weather Stations LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Aerial View of the Four Units at Jamesville Facility ..................................................... 2 Figure 2. Description of the Green Roof on Unit 3 (Roof Garden System from Carlisle) ............. 3 Figure 3. Photos of Roofs at Onondaga County Correctional Facility (before installation) ......... 3 Figure 4. Photos of Roofs at Onondaga County Correctional Facility (after installation) ............ 4 Figure 5. Thermocouple installations TRI and TRO ..................................................................... 6 Figure 6. Thermocouple Installation TAI ....................................................................................... 6 Figure 7. Detailed Drawing of Thermocouple Locations at each Station (the colored lines indicate how the thermocouple wires are routed through assembly and back to the datalogger) .............................................................................................................................. 7 Figure 8. Unit 1 Station Positions (‘O’ is the datalogger, ‘X’ is the thermocouple position) ....... 8 Figure 9. Unit 2 Station Positions (‘O’ is the datalogger, ‘X’ is the thermocouple position) ....... 8 Figure 10. Unit 3 Station Positions (‘O’ is the datalogger, ‘X’ is the thermocouple position) ..... 9 Figure 11. Unit 4 Station Positions (‘O’ is the datalogger, ‘X’ is the thermocouple position) ..... 9 Figure 12. Vegetative Roof Mockup with Rain Gauge to Measure Water Drainage ................... 11 Figure 13. Green Roof Mockup on Unit 2 ................................................................................... 12 Figure 14. November 9, 2009, Temperature Profiles, Insolation Profile, and Resulting Heat Loss Profile .................................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 15. Comparing Heat Transfer Rates for A (solid) and B (dotted) Locations on Each Unit ............................................................................................................................................... 15 Figure 16. Roof Temperature (TRO) and Heat Loss Profiles for Summer Conditions .............. 17 Figure 17. Roof Temperature (TRO) and Heat Loss Profiles for Fall Conditions ...................... 18 Figure 18. Roof Temperature (TRO) and Heat Loss Profiles for Winter Conditions ................. 19 Figure 19. Roof Temperature (TRO) and Heat Loss Profiles for Spring Conditions ................. 20 Figure 20. Daily Heat Loss Compared to Daily Outside Temperature........................................ 22 Figure 21. Plot of Monthly Heat Transfer with Four Roofing Systems ...................................... 24 Figure 22. Temperature Profiles, Heat Loss Profiles, and Rainfall/Drainage for December 2010 ............................................................................................................................................... 25 Figure 23. Monthly Drainage Rate versus Rainfall (WUG data, Airport).................................... 28 Figure 24. Percentage of Monthly Drainage/Rainfall (WUG) Compared to Insolation .............. 29 Figure 25. Impact of Rainfall on Measured Soil Moisture Content ............................................ 30 Figure 26. Comparing the Impact of Roof Moisture Content on Roof Temperatures ................. 31 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Construction Details for the Roofs on Each Unit ............................................................. 2 Table 2 Instrumentation Installed for EACH Measurement Station .............................................. 6 Table 3. Instrumentation for Additional Measurements .............................................................. 10 Table 4. Summary of Major Events During Monitoring Period .................................................. 12 Table 5. Summary Days Included in the Plots Below ................................................................. 16 Table 6. Monthly Heat Loss Rate ................................................................................................ 23 Table 7. Annual Heating Load and Costs for Each Unit .............................................................. 26 Table 8. Monthly Rainfall and Drainage Data Along with Weather Conditions......................... 27 Introduction Introduction Onondaga County sought to evaluate the energy and water retention performance of green or vegetative roofing systems relative to other conventional and energy-efficient roofing options. A major roof replacement project on multiple buildings at the Jamesville Correctional Facility offered the opportunity for a side-by-side test to evaluate different roofing systems. The results of this testing are intended to provide technical feedback and guidance to inform the county’s decision making process for future roofing renovations for the all buildings across the county. For this test, four different roofing systems were installed: 1. A conventional roof with 4 inches of polyisocyanurate foam insulation with a black EPDM single ply-rubber roof membrane. 2. A conventional roof with 4 inches of poly-iso insulation with a white TPO roof membrane. 3. A vegetated roof with 4 inches of poly-iso insulation underneath it. 4. A highly-insulated roof with 8 inches of poly-iso insulation with a white TPO roof membrane. A side-by-side test of these four roofing systems provided the means for thermal performance to be quantitatively assessed for: • White TPO vs. conventional EPDM (1 vs. 2) inches vs. 4 inches of insulation (2 vs. 4) • vegetated vs. non-vegetative roof systems (3 vs. 1 or 2) •8 CDH Energy was contracted by Ashley-McGraw Architects to develop and implement a monitoring approach to quantify and compare the performance of the four roofing systems. Temperature sensors and other instrumentation were installed during construction in the Summer and Fall of 2009. The data collection system was fully vetted and commissioned by late 2009. Continuous data collection at 15-minute intervals has continued since then to obtain performance data to assess performance of the different roofing systems for all seasons of the year. During the monitoring period, CDH Energy has also posted the data to a website where County staff could review plots and tables summarizing the collected data. The database and website was updated nightly with the newest data throughout the monitoring period. The website is available at: (Click on “Comparative Roof Testing at Onondaga County Detention Facility”). CDH Energy Corp. 1 October 2011 Description of Roofs Description of Roofs The four buildings or Units at Jamesville that were included in this test program are shown in Figure 1 below. Each Unit had a different roofing system installed, as described in Table 1. All of the roofing systems included a ½-inch layer of Georgia Pacific DensDeck™ fiberglassreinforced gypsum board between the insulation and the roof membrane. In each case the insulation was secured to the roof using adhesive foam. Unit 4 Unit 3 Unit 2 Unit 1 Figure 1. Aerial View of the Four Units at Jamesville Facility Table 1. Construction Details for the Roofs on Each Unit Location Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Insulation 4 inches Poly Iso1 foam board (R22) 4 inches Poly Iso1 foam board (R22) 4 inches Poly Iso1 foam board (R22 + vegetative laver) 8 inches Poly Iso1 foam board (R45) Surface EPDM rubber2 TPO White3 EPDM w/ Vegetative Assembly on top TPO White3 Notes: 1- Polyisocyanurate foam board applied in 2-inch layers 2- Black EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) single-ply rubber roof membrane 3- White TPO (Thermoplastic Polyolefin) roof membrane CDH Energy Corp. 2 October 2011 Description of Roofs The vegetated roofing system was the Roof Garden System by Carlisle. The assembly includes a drainage board on top of the membrane followed by a moisture retention mat and 2-3 inches of small aggregate. The 12 inch by 15 inch sedum tiles are place on top of the aggregate. The drainage board includes plastic cavities or cups to retain water. Figure 2. Description of the Green Roof on Unit 3 (Roof Garden System from Carlisle) Figure 3 shows photos of the roofs before installation and Figure 4 shows the new roofing systems. View from Unit 2 looking towards Unit 3 View from Unit 3 looking towards Unit 1 Figure 3. Photos of Roofs at Onondaga County Correctional Facility (before installation) CDH Energy Corp. 3 October 2011 Description of Roofs View from Unit 3 (vegetative) looking towards Unit 2 (TPO) View from Unit 4 looking towards Unit 3 Figure 4. Photos of Roofs at Onondaga County Correctional Facility (after installation) CDH Energy Corp. 4 October 2011 Monitoring Approach Monitoring Approach Several approaches to quantifying the energy impact of the different roof systems were considered including measuring the heating energy use of the HVAC system before and after retrofit. Ultimately the approach of measuring the temperature differences within the roof assembly was ultimately selected as most compatible with the project schedule, building configuration, and limited access inside the facility. Two independent monitoring stations were installed on each roof, for a total of eight stations. Each station used a Campbell Scientific data logger. The eight loggers were located on top of the roof, space out over several hundred yards. A mix of hardwired and wireless networking was used to connect the loggers. Communications outside of the building was provided by a phone modem link. Each monitoring station was based around a Campbell Scientific CR800 or CR1000 data logger (Station 2A uses a CR1000 to accommodate the extra data points). The data loggers were programmed to sample all sensors once per second. Calculated averages and totals were recorded for each 15-minute interval. After all records were created at each station, the data logger located at 3A collected each record from all the other data loggers. That master data logger was called and data was downloaded each night by phone modem. The data was loaded into a database at CDH Energy for automatic verification, processing and display on the web. Appendix A provides more details on the monitoring system. The rational for installing these points is given below. Instrumentation The overall experimental approach was to measure and compare the temperatures across the assembly for the different roofing systems in a side-by-side test. The heat transfer through the roof surface is proportional to the temperature difference through each layer. Since all the roof systems are exposed to the same ambient conditions, as well as similar indoor temperatures, the performance of the different systems can be directly compared at each time. At each monitoring station, three temperatures are collected. The top point is the roof temperature above the insulation and below the DensDeck™ (TRO). The middle point is under the insulation but above the deck (TRI). The third point is indoor air temperature measured just below the ceiling in the space below (TAI). These points are compared to the outdoor air temperature (TAO) which is measured at one location. The measurements listed in Table 2 are taken at two separate locations (A & B) on each Unit (1, 2, 3, & 4) for a total of 8 locations. Figure 5 and Figure 6 show where the thermocouples were installed at each station. Figure 7 schematically shows the locations of each sensor through roof assembly. The indoor temperature sensor was difficult to fish through the roof and into the space below. However, we were able to get at least one sensor into the space for each unit. CDH Energy Corp. 5 October 2011 Monitoring Approach Table 2 Instrumentation Installed for EACH Measurement Station Point Description Instrument TRO Roof Temperature (on top of insulation, under roof brd) Roof Temperature (under roof insulation, above deck) Indoor Temperature (just below the roof) Type-T Thermocouple Type-T Thermocouple Type-T Thermocouple TRI TAI Eng Units ºF Locations At each station ºF At each station ºF At each station Insulation Board Thermocouple installed above the insulation and below the dense deck for location 1B (TRO) Thermocouple installed on top of Roof Deck (TRI ) - Before Insulation is Installed Figure 5. Thermocouple installations TRI and TRO Thermocouple installed just below the ceiling for Location 4B Thermocouple installed just below the ceiling for Location 4A Figure 6. Thermocouple Installation TAI CDH Energy Corp. 6 October 2011 Monitoring Approach Figure 7. Detailed Drawing of Thermocouple Locations at each Station (the colored lines indicate how the thermocouple wires are routed through assembly and back to the datalogger) CDH Energy Corp. 7 October 2011 Monitoring Approach Figure 8. Unit 1 Station Positions (‘O’ is the datalogger, ‘X’ is the thermocouple position) Figure 9. Unit 2 Station Positions (‘O’ is the datalogger, ‘X’ is the thermocouple position) CDH Energy Corp. 8 October 2011 Monitoring Approach Figure 10. Unit 3 Station Positions (‘O’ is the datalogger, ‘X’ is the thermocouple position) Figure 11. Unit 4 Station Positions (‘O’ is the datalogger, ‘X’ is the thermocouple position) CDH Energy Corp. 9 October 2011 Monitoring Approach One of the stations (2A) also included additional measurements for the overall site. Table 3 lists these additional measurements. A weather station was installed to measure ambient temperature (TAO), horizontal solar flux (ISH) and rainfall (RAIN). Table 3. Instrumentation for Additional Measurements Point Description Instrument TAO Outdoor Temperature ISH Solar Flux or Insolation (horizontal) Green Roof Temperature (in middle of soil layer) Green Roof Moisture Content (in middle of soil layer) Rainfall Type-T Thermocouple Licor LI200x TGR MGR RAIN WF Water Flow from Green Roof Mockup Type-T Thermocouple Campbell Scientific CS616 Texas Electronics 525 Texas Electronics 525 Eng Units ºF Location Station 2A W/m2 Station 2A ºF Station 3A 0-1 Station 3A Inches Station 2A Gal/h Station 2A A 4 ft by 4 ft mockup of the vegetative roof system was also created and located on the roof of Unit 2. The purpose of this mockup was to provide the means to directly measure the water retention of the vegetative roof assembly. Figure 12 shows the mockup with the instrumentation added to measure its water retention performance. The instrumentation included a rain gauge (RAIN) and as well as a modified rain gauge to measure the water flow down the drain of the roof assembly (WF). The rain gauge included an electric heater so it could provide a reading of snowfall as well as rain. Figure 13 schematically shows the analysis approach. The rainfall data was compared to the total water flow from the drain of the 4 ft by 4 ft mockup. Comparing these values provided a direct measurement of the moisture holding ability of the green roof surface. CDH Energy Corp. 10 October 2011 Monitoring Approach The mockup of the vegetative roof assembly with rain gauge underneath The drain gauge (WF) underneath the roof mockup WF Figure 12. Vegetative Roof Mockup with Rain Gauge to Measure Water Drainage CDH Energy Corp. 11 October 2011 Monitoring Approach RAIN Rain Gauge Green Roof Mockup Roof of Unit 2 WF Figure 13. Green Roof Mockup on Unit 2 In addition, monitoring station 3A has an extra thermocouple that is embedded in the “soil” layer of the vegetative roof (TGR). This location also has a water content reflectometer embedded within the vegetative assembly to measure the moisture content of the “soil” (MGR). These sensors were installed to provide further performance information about the vegetative roof. Major Events During Monitoring Period Table 4. Summary of Major Events During Monitoring Period May 2009 • Installed embedded thermocouples for 1A • Installed embedded thermocouples for 1B June 2009 • Installed embedded thermocouples for 2A • Installed embedded thermocouples for 2B • Installed embedded thermocouples for 3A • Installed embedded thermocouples for 3B • Installed embedded thermocouples for 4A • Installed embedded thermocouples for 4B September 2009 • Vegetative roof was installed October 2009 • Installed data loggers for each monitoring station • Mockup sensors installed • Indoor temperature sensors installed • Data collection begins November 2009 • The phone line for data collection operational • The conduit for the pyranometer had been tilting; it was been straightened and reinforced. March 2010 • The collector on the rain gauge was knocked off the top of the device over the winter (precise date unknown) The top was replaced. CDH Energy Corp. 12 October 2011 Measured Results Measured Results The data collection system at the site was fully commissioned starting on October 22, 2009. This section analyzes the data collected from November 1, 2009 through March 31, 2011. Roof Thermal Performance The calculation to determine the heat loss for each roof is made by determining the temperature difference across the layers of insulation and dividing by the rated R-value for the installed insulation: TAO Veg roof (optional) Deck Board membrane Insulation Board Where: Rinsulation - R-value for Insulation layer (ºF-h-ft2/Btu) q - Heat flux through the roof assembly (Btu/h-ft2) TRO q Rinsulation TRI Concrete Deck TAI q = (TRI-TRO) Rinsulatiion Where q is defined as positive for heat loss from the space through the roof to ambient. On each roof, a different amount of insulation board (with an R-value of 5.7 ft2-h-°F/Btu per inch) was installed on each Unit. The resulting R-values are given in Table 1. Because the insulation board has very low thermal mass, the calculated heat loss values for each 15-minute interval determined by this method are expected to provide a representative estimate of the dynamic (or time-varying) heat transfer through the roof. Figure 14 shows the temperatures, insolation, and resulting roof heat flux for the four different roofs during a sunny Fall day (November 9, 2009). The top of the insulation for the EPDM membrane is at a much warmer temperature on this day since more heat is absorbed from the sun. The TPO roofing surface significantly reduces this impact as expected. The vegetative roof provides thermal mass that smoothes out the fluctuations across the daily cycle. CDH Energy Corp. 13 October 2011 Measured Results Ambient Temperature, Top of Insulation, Bottom of Insulation, Indoor Temperature Unit 1: 4 in, EPDM Unit 2: 4 in, TPO 80 Temperature (F) Temperature (F) 100 80 60 40 70 60 50 40 20 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 8 9 30 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 10 8 9 Unit 4: 8 in, TPO 80 80 70 70 Temperature (F) Temperature (F) Unit 3: 4 in, Veg 60 50 60 50 40 40 30 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 30 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 8 9 10 8 9 200 0 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 8 9 10 2 Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2-h) 400 Insolation (W/m^2) 10 0 Unit 1: 4 in, EPDM Unit 2: 4 in, TPO Unit 3: 4 in, Veg Unit 4: 8 in, TPO -2 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 10 8 9 10 Figure 14. November 9, 2009, Temperature Profiles, Insolation Profile, and Resulting Heat Loss Profile CDH Energy Corp. 14 October 2011 Measured Results Figure 15 shows that the heat transfer performance was very similar for the two locations or stations on each Unit. The solid lines correspond to station A while the dotted lines correspond to station B. Stations A and B generally showed very similar responses for each different roofing system. Therefore the plots beyond this point in the report use the average heat transfer rates for the A and B locations. Insulation Layer 1.5 Heat Loss Rate (Btu/ft^2-h) 1.0 0.5 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 22: Unit 1: 4 in, EPDM Unit 2: 4 in, TPO Unit 3: 4 in, Veg Unit 4: 8 in, TPO 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 8 9 Nov 2009 0: 10 Figure 15. Comparing Heat Transfer Rates for A (solid) and B (dotted) Locations on Each Unit The series of plots shown in Figure 16 through Figure 19 below compare the performance of the four roofing systems in the various seasons. In each case, specific days were selected to represent or highlight a condition common to that season. CDH Energy Corp. 15 October 2011 Measured Results Table 5. Summary Days Included in the Plots Below Season Summer, Figure 16 Fall, Figure 17 Winter, Figure 18 Spring, Figure 19 Date May 29, 2010 May 16, 2010 May 12, 2010 November 2, 2010 November 9, 2010 January 30, 2010 January 24, 2011 January 19, 2011 April 17, 2010 April 14, 2010 Condition Summer, Sunny, 71F Summer, Sunny, 59F Summer, Cloudy, 44F Fall, Sunny, 38F Fall Cloudy, 40F Winter, Sunny 2F, after notable melt Winter, Sunny 3F, min temp -13F Winter, Cloudy, 25F Spring, Morning, 41F Spring, Sunny, 49F Summer Days Figure 16 compares roof temperatures (i.e., at top of insulation) and heat loss rates for three different summer days. On the sunny days the roof temperature for the EPDM roof is more than 50ºF hotter than the TPO surface. The vegetative roof was even 20ºF cooler than the TPO surface presumably due to evaporation at the surface. The thermal mass of the vegetative assembly above the temperature sensor (TRO) also mitigates heat loss and results in much less variation in both temperature and heat loss across the day. The heat gain (or negative heat loss) with the EPDM surface on the sunny days is considerably greater than for the other roof systems. The EPDM roof has a summer time heat gain that is greater by 2-4 Btu/h per square foot (or about 0.2-0.3 tons per 1000 sq ft) than the other roofing systems. Adding the 4 inches of insulation with the TPO membrane reduces the peak cooling load by about 0.5 Btu/h per square foot (or about 0.04 tons per 1000 sq ft). Fall Days Figure 17 shows the profiles for two fall days. Even on cloudy days the heat gain with the EPDM roof increases surface temperatures by 20-30°F. Winter Days Figure 18 shows profiles for several winter days. The temperature just under vegetative roof stays in 30-40F range regardless of ambient conditions, presumably because of its thermal mass and its ability to retain snow cover. The cloudy winter day with snow cover showed the temperature just under the vegetative roof remaining near 40F while the other roofs have surface temperatures very near the freezing mark – as would be expected for a snow-covered roof. This implies the vegetative layer is some thermal resistance by raising the freezing layer above the roof surface. Spring Days Finally, Figure 19 shows profiles for some spring days. The impact of a rain event on this plot is apparent for one of the days. CDH Energy Corp. 16 October 2011 Measured Results Unit 1: 4 in, EPDM, Unit 2: 4 in, TPO, Unit 3: 4 in, Veg, Unit 4: 8 in, TPO Summer, Sunny, 71F Summer, Sunny, 71F 2 Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2-h) 160 Temperature (F) 140 120 100 80 60 40 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 28 29 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 30 28 29 Summer, Sunny, 59F Summer, Sunny, 59F 4 Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2-h) Temperature (F) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 15 16 2 0 -2 -4 -6 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 17 15 16 Summer, Cloudy, 44F Summer, Cloudy, 44F Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2-h) 70 60 50 40 30 20 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 11 12 17 4 90 80 Temperature (F) 30 2 0 -2 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 13 11 12 13 Figure 16. Roof Temperature (TRO) and Heat Loss Profiles for Summer Conditions CDH Energy Corp. 17 October 2011 Measured Results Unit 1: 4 in, EPDM, Unit 2: 4 in, TPO, Unit 3: 4 in, Veg, Unit 4: 8 in, TPO Fall, Sunny, 38F Fall, Sunny, 38F 3 Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2-h) Temperature (F) 100 80 60 40 20 0 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 1 2 2 1 0 -1 -2 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 3 1 2 Fall, Cloudy, 40F Fall, Cloudy, 40F 2.0 Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2-h) Temperature (F) 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 8 9 3 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 10 8 9 10 Figure 17. Roof Temperature (TRO) and Heat Loss Profiles for Fall Conditions CDH Energy Corp. 18 October 2011 Measured Results Unit 1: 4 in, EPDM, Unit 2: 4 in, TPO, Unit 3: 4 in, Veg, Unit 4: 8 in, TPO Winter, Sunny, 2F, notable melt prior Winter, Sunny, 2F, notable melt prior 4 Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2-h) Temperature (F) 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 29 30 2 0 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 31 29 30 Winter, Sunny, 3F, Min temp of -13F Winter, Sunny, 3F, Min temp of -13F 3.5 Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2-h) Temperature (F) 40 30 20 10 0 -10 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 23 24 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 25 23 24 Winter, Cloudy, 25F Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2-h) 40 35 30 25 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 18 19 25 Winter, Cloudy, 25F 45 Temperature (F) 31 20 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 18 19 20 Figure 18. Roof Temperature (TRO) and Heat Loss Profiles for Winter Conditions CDH Energy Corp. 19 October 2011 Measured Results Unit 1: 4 in, EPDM, Unit 2: 4 in, TPO, Unit 3: 4 in, Veg, Unit 4: 8 in, TPO Spring, Morning, 41F Spring, Morning, 41F 2.0 Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2-h) Temperature (F) 60 55 50 45 40 35 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 16 17 Rain 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 18 16 17 Spring, Sunny, 49F Spring, Sunny, 49F 4 Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2-h) Temperature (F) 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 13 14 18 2 0 -2 -4 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10: 12: 14: 16: 18: 20: 22: 0: 15 13 14 15 Figure 19. Roof Temperature (TRO) and Heat Loss Profiles for Spring Conditions CDH Energy Corp. 20 October 2011 Measured Results Figure 20 plots the integrated heat loss for each day versus the daily ambient temperature. Each symbol corresponds to a day and each roof system is shown as a different color. Each daily value is average of the A and B locations on each roof. All the roof systems show the expected trend of more heat loss at lower outdoor temperatures. The EPDM roof on Unit 1 with 4 inches of insulation has the most heat gain the summer and nearly the highest amount of heat loss in the winter. The TPO roof on Unit 2 with 4 in of insulation has less heat gain the summer – as expected. However the TPO roof also shows more heat loss in the winter, presumably when the roof is clear of snow. The TPO roof with extra insulation also shows the expected reduction in heat transfer. All the roof surfaces show the impact of snow on the roof in the winter – though this effect is most pronounced for the vegetative roof. The heat loss flattens out once the ambient temperature drops below 35°F or so on some days because the phase change associated with snow on the roof tends to hold the roof surface at a constant temperature near the freezing point. There is more scatter at these temperatures since the heat transfer performance is much different whether the roof surface is snow covered or exposed. The highly-insulated TPO roof shows less variation and a more linear pattern because the phase change impact of freezing and thawing is not apparent until much lower ambient temperatures are reached. CDH Energy Corp. 21 October 2011 Measured Results 60 Impact of Snow Cover Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2-day) 40 Unit 1: 4 in, EPDM Unit 2: 4 in, TPO Unit 3: 4 in, Veg Unit 4: 8 in, TPO 20 Heat Loss 0 Heat Gain -20 -40 0 20 40 60 Outdoor Temperature (F) 80 100 Figure 20. Daily Heat Loss Compared to Daily Outside Temperature CDH Energy Corp. 22 October 2011 Measured Results Table 6 shows the result of integrating the heat loss over each month for the four roofing systems. Figure 21 shows a plot of this data for 2010. From a heating season perspective, the EPDM membrane provides a benefit of lower overall heat loss in the winter (October to April) because of the solar gain. The heat loss with the TPO and vegetative roof are actually 30% and 23% greater when using the same insulation level. Adding 4 inches of insulation with a TPO surface reduces the heat loss by 11% compared to the conventional roof. In the cooling season1 the TPO and vegetative roofs reduce the heat gain to the roof compared to the EPDM roof. The added roof insulation has only modest impact on the heat gain compared once a TPO membrane has been used (the impact of insulation would have much greater had insulation been added to the EPDM surface). Table 6. Monthly Heat Loss Rate Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2) Unit 1 4 in EPDM Month November-09 675.2 December-09 1,063.2 January-10 1,089.5 February-10 939.6 March-10 629.8 April-10 138.8 May-10 (178.1) June-10 (261.0) July-10 (437.9) August-10 (302.7) September-10 (8.8) October-10 394.8 November-10 724.2 December-10 968.7 January-11 970.8 February-11 879.4 2010 Htg Season 4,885.5 (Oct to April) 2010 Clg Season (May to Sep) (1,188.5) Unit 2 4 in TPO 930.2 1,253.3 1,231.3 1,043.6 900.5 496.9 248.0 75.4 (22.2) 34.4 306.7 641.0 946.5 1,101.0 1,178.0 1,074.0 6,360.8 1,475.3 30% Unit 3 4 in Veg 815.8 1,078.4 1,090.0 999.0 883.9 550.2 339.3 178.5 135.8 174.5 313.3 621.6 874.8 1,013.5 1,035.6 942.2 6,032.8 1,147.4 23% Unit 4 8 in TPO 603.1 823.1 824.1 728.1 623.6 379.4 216.3 117.5 59.6 83.6 221.0 445.9 636.2 729.2 734.1 679.1 4,366.6 (518.8) -11% 642.2 1,830.7 1,141.3 2,329.9 698.0 1,886.5 1 While the correctional facility has does not have cooling, we completed an analysis to assess the impact of the roof systems assuming the facility did have cooling. CDH Energy Corp. 23 October 2011 Measured Results 1,400 Unit 1: 4 in EPDM 1,200 Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2) Unit 2: 4 in TPO 1,000 Unit 3: 4 in Veg 800 Unit 4: 8 in TPO 600 400 200 Heat Loss - Heat Gain (200) (400) -10 De c -10 No v 0 Oc t-1 -10 Se p -10 Au g 10 Ju l- -10 Ju n 0 y-1 Ma 10 Ap r- r-1 0 Ma 0 Fe b-1 Ja n -10 (600) Figure 21. Plot of Monthly Heat Transfer with Four Roofing Systems The impact of snow cover and the associated freezing and thawing at the roof surface is shown by Figure 22. On December 1, it starting raining and the temperature dropped until the rain turned to snow. In this case the temperatures on top of the insulation reached freezing (32oF) and stayed there for several days. On December 4 through 9, there was precipitation but no drainage from the roof mockup (indicating snow). The surface of all the EPDM and TPO roofs stayed near 32oF, indicating freezing at the roof surface. The temperature probe under the vegetative roof never reached freezing and started to get warmer as the snow started to build up and the snow provided an insulating layer. The temperature inside the vegetative layer (green dotted) did reach freezing but increased as the snow layer built up) However, while this change in temperature is noticeable, the change in heat loss rate was modest and may even show a slight increase in heat loss from the roof. CDH Energy Corp. 24 October 2011 Measured Results Temperature (F) 60 40 20 Heat Loss (Btu/ft^2-h) 0 30 1 2 Nov Dec 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 30 1 2 Nov Dec Unit 1: 4 in, EPDM, Unit 2: 4 in, TPO, Unit 3: 4 in, Veg, Unit 4: 8 in, TPO, Ambient Temperature Water (inches) 0.25 Rainfall Drainage 0.20 0.15 Rain Snow (no drainage) 0.10 0.05 0.00 30 1 2 3 December 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Figure 22. Temperature Profiles, Heat Loss Profiles, and Rainfall/Drainage for December 2010 CDH Energy Corp. 25 October 2011 Measured Results Table 7 compares the overall heating and cooling costs for the different roofs. The EPDM roof is used as the reference or baseline; fuel use and cost savings are compared relative to that roof system. The TPO and vegetative roofs actually result in slightly higher fuel costs. Heating costs increase by $18 and $14 per year per 1000 sq ft assuming and 80% efficient heating system and a gas cost of $1.00 per therm. The TPO roof with extra insulation does save about $6 per year per 1000 sq ft. Comparing the results for Unit 2 and Unit 4 implies that the extra 4 inches of insulation saves about $24 per year per 1000 sq ft. Table 7. Annual Heating Load and Costs for Each Unit HEATING Unit 1 4 in EPDM Annual Heat Load (MMBtu per 1000 sq ft) Annual Gas Use (therms per 1000 sq ft) Annual Cost per 1000 sq ft $ Savings per 1000 sq ft COOLING 4.9 61.1 61 Unit 1 4 in EPDM Reduced Cooling (ton-hrs/yr per 1000 sq ft) Reduced Cooling Power (kWh/yr per 1000 sq ft) Savings per 1000 sq ft COMBINED Unit 2 4 in TPO $ $ NET Savings per 1000 sq ft 6.4 79.5 80 $ (18) $ Unit 2 4 in TPO $ Unit 1 4 in EPDM Unit 3 4 in Veg 152.6 137.3 16 Unit 2 4 in TPO $ 6.0 75.4 75 $ (14) $ Unit 3 4 in Veg $ (2) $ Unit 4 8 in TPO 194.2 174.7 21 Unit 3 4 in Veg 7 4.4 54.6 55 6 Unit 4 8 in TPO $ 157.2 141.5 17 Unit 4 8 in TPO $ 23 Cooling costs are reduced by about $16 and $21 per year per 1000 sq ft for the TPO and vegetative roofs respectively, assuming an overall cooling efficiency of 0.9 kW per ton and an electric cost of $0.12 per kWh. Adding the extra 4 inches of insulation with the TPO roof had very little impact in the cooling season. The overall savings from the TPO roof are slightly negative, with the cooling and heating savings essentially canceling out. The vegetative roof does result in net savings of $7 per year per 1000 sq ft. The TPO roof with extra insulation provides the most savings ($23 per year per 1000 sq ft) since the TPO membrane helps in the summer and the extra insulation reduces heat loss in the winter. CDH Energy Corp. 26 October 2011 Measured Results Water Retention and Drainage The rain gauge under the roof mockup was calibrated to measure the volume of water draining from the 4 ft by 4 ft section. Dividing the volume of water by the area of the mockup provides the amount (and therefore the fraction) of total rainfall draining from the section. Drain (in) = water volume (in3) / area (in2) Table 8 shows the monthly rainfall and drainage data along with weather conditions for the site. The rainfall data in Table 8 is the Weather Underground (WUG) data from Syracuse Airport. We used this data because the rain gauge on the roof at the site malfunctioned for the part of the period (see Appendix B). For the 12 month period ending March 2011, 48.2 inches of rain were recorded at the airport and only 9.7 inches of that rainfall drained from the mockup roof (20%). Therefore on an annual basis the vegetative roof system retained about 80% of the rainfall. Table 8. Monthly Rainfall and Drainage Data Along with Weather Conditions Average Insolation Rainfall Drainage Ambient (kWh/m^2) WUG (in) (in) Temperature Date Nov-09 46.7 1.8 0.5 44.0 Dec-09 35.6 2.2 0.4 28.2 Jan-10 42.8 1.1 0.5 23.8 Feb-10 45.7 2.0 0.3 26.3 Mar-10 109.4 2.5 0.9 41.0 Apr-10 146.4 0.8 0.0 52.8 May-10 183.0 2.7 0.2 62.7 Jun-10 157.1 5.4 1.1 68.0 Jul-10 199.2 4.3 0.6 75.1 Aug-10 152.4 6.4 2.1 71.5 Sep-10 98.8 5.2 1.6 63.1 Oct-10 74.5 4.2 1.4 50.9 Nov-10 45.8 2.6 0.8 40.6 Dec-10 29.8 5.7 0.7 25.5 Jan-11 41.7 3.6 0.0 22.2 Feb-11 54.6 4.7 0.7 25.8 Mar-11 98.3 2.8 0.4 33.9 1281.6 48.2 9.7 592.1 Annual 3/10 CDH Energy Corp. 27 October 2011 Measured Results Figure 23 is a plot comparing the monthly rainfall and drainage. The data confirm the overall drainage rate was about 20%, but there is considerable variation from month-to-month. One of the factors thought to drive this variation is the amount of solar energy hitting the roof surface. Solar radiation causes more evaporation and decreases the drainage rate. 8 Drainage (in) 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 Rainfall (in) 6 8 Figure 23. Monthly Drainage Rate versus Rainfall (WUG data, Airport) CDH Energy Corp. 28 October 2011 Measured Results Figure 24 compares the monthly drainage fraction to the monthly solar energy. There is a weak trend of more drainage in months with modest solar flux and less drainage with more solar flux. Drain/Rain (%) 40 20 0 0 50 100 Insolation (kWh/m^2) 150 200 Figure 24. Percentage of Monthly Drainage/Rainfall (WUG) Compared to Insolation The moisture content of the roof was shown to have a modest impact on overall heat transfer. Figure 25 shows a two week period in July 2010 that occurred after a long dry period. The measured soil moisture content starts off fairly low at 5-10% before July 23 when a rain event occurs. This storm causes the moisture content of the vegetative assembly to reach 25%. A second rain event a couple days later pushes the moisture content above 25%. CDH Energy Corp. 29 October 2011 Measured Results Precipitation (in) 0.4 Rainfall Drainage 0.2 Soil Moisture Content (%) 0.0 18 19 July 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 18 19 July Figure 25. Impact of Rainfall on Measured Soil Moisture Content Figure 26 shows the impact of moisture content on roof heat transfer. The plots compares the data for July 20 (when the roof assembly was dry) and July 27 (when the roof was moist). These two days were selected for comparison since both the ambient temperature and solar radiation were similar. The moisture content is clearly higher on July 27 and the resulting temperature at the roof deck is 4-5ºF cooler. CDH Energy Corp. 30 October 2011 1.0 Insolation (W/m^2) 100 80 60 July 20, 2010 July 27, 2010 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 40 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10:12:14:16:18:20:22: 0: 0.0 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10:12:14:16:18:20:22: 0: 25 80 20 Roof Temp (F) Soil Moisture Content (%) Ambient Temperature (F) Measured Results 15 10 5 0 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10:12:14:16:18:20:22: 0: 75 70 65 60 22: 0: 2: 4: 6: 8: 10:12:14:16:18:20:22: 0: Figure 26. Comparing the Impact of Roof Moisture Content on Roof Temperatures CDH Energy Corp. 31 October 2011 Conclusions Conclusions The vegetative roof clearly retains water and minimizes the amount of rainwater that drains from the roof. Drainage into the storm water system is only about 20% of the rainfall on the roof. Some modest variation was noted due to the amount of solar radiation striking the roof surface: in the summer when the insolation is higher, the amount of water draining from the roof decreases slightly. The thermal performance of the four roof systems was different in summer and winter. The EPDM surface did result in roof temperatures that were as much as 50ºF higher than the other surfaces. This surface had higher heat gains in the summer but also more modest heat losses in the winter. The TPO membrane significantly reduced the surface temperatures in the summer but also resulted in greater heat losses in the heating season (since beneficial solar gains are reduced). The vegetative roof adds thermal mass to the roof assembly that dampens the temperature swings. Evaporation at the surface also provides cooling in the summer and swing seasons. The vegetative roof may have also retained more snow cover more often. Overall the TPO surface with 4 inches of insulation had 30% higher thermal losses over the heating season and increases heating costs by $18 per year per each 1000 sq ft of roof area. However, the reduced summer time heat gains equate to about $16 per year per 1000 sq ft in cooling energy savings. Overall, heating losses and cooling savings tended to cancel out. The vegetative roof added thermal mass though the loss of solar gains in the winter still resulted in 23% higher heating losses. The estimated increase in heating costs was $14 per year per 1000 sq ft. However, the reduced summer time heat gains equate to about $21 per year per 1000 sq ft in cooling energy savings. Overall the net heating and cooling savings are about $7 per year per 1000 sq ft. The TPO roof with an additional 4 inches of insulation had best thermal performance. The thermal losses from the roof in the heating season were reduced by 11%. Heating costs were reduced by $6 per year per each 1000 sq ft of roof area. The reduced summer time heat gains equate to about $17 per year per 1000 sq ft in cooling energy savings. Overall the combined savings are about $23 per year per 1000 sq ft. The impact of the additional 4 inches of insulation reduce the thermal losses by about 31% (comparing Unit 2 and Unit 4). These heating cost savings are $24 per year per 1000 sq ft. The insulation has only a modest impact on cooling costs when combined with the TPO membrane. The cooling savings from adding insulation with the EPDM membrane would be more significant. Recommendations Onondaga County should consider using green roofs on their facilities when water retention is the primary objective. The vegetative roof was shown to have some thermal benefit, though CDH Energy Corp. 32 October 2011 Conclusions similar thermal performance probably can be achieved more cost effectively by using a TPO membrane and/or adding additional insulation. The TPO membrane is energy neutral in the Central New York climate. The reduction in cooling energy use and peak cooling load is offset by the increase in thermal losses during the heating season. If TPO roofs are considered, insulation should be added to reduce heating energy use in the winter. CDH Energy Corp. 33 October 2011 Appendix A Monitoring System Details Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples The enclosure, data-logger, MD485, and battery for Location 1B Conduit after installation of insulation & board (Location 1B) Conduit mounted to roof deck at each station Appendix A A-1 July 2011 Finished conduit assembly with boot and thermocouple wires shown (Station 2B) Finished monitoring station (2A) and weather station (solar radiation and ambient temperature). Position of the CS616 sensor from 3A Appendix A A-2 July 2011 Network map Location Datalogger type 1A CR800 1B 2A CR800 CR1000 2B CR800 3A CR800 3B CR800 4A CR800 4B CR800 Appendix A Pak Bus Address Points 11 Roof Temperatures and indoor temperature 12 Roof Temperatures 21 Roof Temperatures, Weather conditions, and Mockup 22 Roof Temperatures and indoor temperature 31 Roof Temperatures, Soil conditions, Modem 32 Roof Temperatures and indoor temperature 41 Roof Temperatures and indoor temperature 42 Roof Temperatures and indoor temperature A-3 July 2011 Database Setup Point Name LID_1A BATTV_1A RT_1A TRO_1A TRI_1A TAI_1A LID_1B BATTV_1B RT_1B TRO_1B TRI_1B TAI_1B LID_2A BATTV_2A RT_2A TRO_2A TRI_2A TAI_2A TAO ISH TSF RAIN WF LID_2B BATTV_2B RT_2B TRO_2B TRI_2B TAI_2B LID_3A BATTV_3A RT_3A TRO_3A TRI_3A TAI_3A TGR MGR MPA LID_3B BATTV_3B RT_3B TRO_3B TRI_3B TAI_3B LID_4A BATTV_4A RT_4A TRO_4A TRI_4A TAI_4A LID_4B BATTV_4B RT_4B TRO_4B TRI_4B TAI_4B Description Logger ID Number = 11 Battery Voltage Reference Temperature Top of insulation Under insulation Indoor Temperature Logger ID Number = 12 Battery Voltage Reference Temperature Top of insulation Under insulation Indoor Temperature Logger ID Number = 21 Battery Voltage Reference Temperature Top of insulation Under insulation Indoor Temperature Outdoor Temperature Solar Insulation Total Flux Rainfall Water Flow (Model) Logger ID Number = 22 Battery Voltage Reference Temperature Top of insulation Under insulation Indoor Temperature(bad) Logger ID Number = 31 Battery Voltage Reference Temperature Top of insulation Under insulation Indoor Temperature (bad) Soil Temperature Soil Moisture Content Period Average Logger ID Number = 32 Battery Voltage Reference Temperature Top of insulation Under insulation Indoor Temperature Logger ID Number = 41 Battery Voltage Reference Temperature Top of insulation Under insulation Indoor Temperature Logger ID Number = 42 Battery Voltage Reference Temperature Top of insulation Under insulation Indoor Temperature Appendix A Unit of measureInstrument Volts F F F F From datalogger From datalogger Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Volts F F F F From datalogger From datalogger Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Volts F F F F F kW/m^2 MJ/m^s Inches Inches From datalogger From datalogger Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Campbell Scientific LI200X-L10 Pyranometer Campbell Scientific LI200X-L10 Pyranometer Texas Electronics TR-525USW Tipping Bucket Hydrolynx 5050 Tipping bucket Volts F F F F % Volts F F F F F % uSec From datalogger From datalogger Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples From datalogger From datalogger Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Campbell Scientific CS616 Water Content Reflectometer Campbell Scientific CS616 Water Content Reflectometer Volts F F F F From datalogger From datalogger Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Volts F F F F From datalogger From datalogger Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Volts F F F F From datalogger From datalogger Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples A-4 July 2011 Instrumentation Information Instrument Output Watlow Gordon AFEC0TA060U8200 Thermocouples Campbell Scientific LI200X-L10 Pyranometer Texas Electronics TR-525USW Tipping Bucket Hydrolynx 5050 Tipping bucket Type T Campbell Scientific CS616 Water Content Reflectometer Appendix A mV Multiplier and Notes Offset output*9./5. + 32 converts from C to F, The thermocouple wires with a red tag are TRI while a blue tag indicates TRO 0.2 kW m-2 mV-1 Pulse 1/25.4 Pulse 4.455/482 square wave with frequency depenent on water content A-5 Converts from mm to inches of rain Converts from pulses to inches of rain using the calibrated value of 73ml/tip: volume (in^3) / area (in^2) = inches 1 Volumetric water content = 0.0663+(-0.0063*PA)+(0.0007*PA) where PA = period average of the output July 2011 Appendix B Comparing Rainfall Data From Various Sources A high-quality rain gauge with an electric heater (to convert snow into water) was installed at the site to measure the amount of rainfall. Sometime in the winter of 20092010 the top of the rain gauge was blown off. The problem was found and corrected in March 2010. In order to assess when the data collected by the rain gauge was correct, we compared it to the other sources of rainfall data from area, including: 1. Weather Underground (WUG) data from Hancock International Airport and, 2. The weather station at the Syracuse Center of Excellence in downtown Syracuse. The two sources of weather data are compared to the rooftop rain gauge at the Jamesville in Table B-1 Some discrepancy might be expected since the location of these gauges are different by a few miles. The data from the period of December 2009 through March 2010 for roof gauge is not reliable as discussed above. The COE data also had a hole in the data when the tower was moved in mid 2010.. Table B-1. Comparison of Jamesville Roof Rain Gauge to Other Sources 11/1/2009 12/1/2009 1/1/2010 2/1/2010 3/1/2010 4/1/2010 5/1/2010 6/1/2010 7/1/2010 8/1/2010 9/1/2010 10/1/2010 11/1/2010 12/1/2010 1/1/2011 2/1/2011 3/1/2011 Measured Rainfall (in) Jamesville COE WUG Roof Downtown Airport 2.0 2.3 1.8 0.8 1.9 2.2 0.0 1.9 1.1 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.8 3.0 2.5 1.3 0.8 2.0 2.7 6.8 5.4 4.2 4.3 7.1 6.4 5.6 5.2 4.0 2.7 4.2 2.2 2.0 2.6 2.3 1.2 5.7 0.8 0.3 3.6 2.8 1.2 4.7 2.7 1.3 2.8 Figure B-1 shows a monthly comparison between the CDH data and the WUG data for the months after the rain gauge was fixed. During most months the two data sources are in good agreement, with the exception of the winter periods when the CDH rain gauge has failed. Appendix B B-1 July 2011 8 Winter (sensor failed) Other Seasons WUG-Airport Rain (in) 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 6 8 Jamesville Roof Rain (in) Figure B-1. Comparison between Rainfall Sources Therefore, the data from Weather Underground is used as the primary source in the main report. Appendix B B-2 July 2011