UPCOMING EVENTS August 2013 Newsletter


UPCOMING EVENTS August 2013 Newsletter
“Striving Toward Riding Improvement and Dressage Education”
STRIDE is the Ocala, FL, Group Membership Organization (GMO) of the US Dressage Federation (USDF)
August 2013 Newsletter
President Hellena Smejda
Immediate Past President Vickie Rollack
Vice President Irene Gentile
Recording Secretary Margaret Mayer
Treasurer Karen Kim, 352-591-0578
Membership Secretary Charlotte Trentelman
Member-At-Large Barbara Brown, 352-427-7345
Show Secretary Sandra Trussell, 407-491-5690
Advertising Staci Sperandeo
Volunteer Coordinator Irene Gentile, 352-245-2730
Webmaster Maurice Grafe, 352-236-5848
Newsletter Editor Lisa Walsh, 352-812-1262
Newsletter is published on www.stridedressage.org
and www.stridedressage.com (slower internet)
Facebook Administrator Loretta Lucas
(352) 854-7803 meadowlarkhill@earthlink.net
8/17: Sat, 5:30pm. Pool Party & General
Membership Meeting, Lonni Bechen’s farm,
17244 SE 130th Ave, Weirsdale, FL. See flyer on
page 5.
09/18: Wed, 6:30pm, Ruby Tuesday,
Membership Meeting, Topic TBA
09/29: Sun, 8:00am, Fall Schooling Show, Florida
Horse Park. Entry Deadline is September 16.
10/16: Wed, 6:30pm, Ruby Tuesday,
Membership Meeting, Topic TBA
10/27: Sun, Costume Schooling Show, Florida
Horse Park.
11/9-10: Sat/Sun, STRIDE Driving Clinic,
Cranewood South, Ocala
11/20: Wed, 6:30pm, Ruby Tuesday,
Membership Meeting, Topic TBA
12/18: Wed. Membership Meeting, TBA
1/11/14: Annual Awards & Volunteer
Appreciation Banquet
Download REVISED Omnibus Show Bill from
TIME TO RENEW! The STRIDE membership year
begins September 1. Renewal form is located at
Member benefits include membership in the
USDF, USDF monthly magazine, discounts at local
services and retail stores, scholarships, clinics,
ridden and driven schooling shows, year-end
awards and trophies at a banquet, educational
opportunities, STRIDE dollars for volunteering, and
loads of fun!
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By Hellena Smejda
Incredibly, we’re already in the eighth month of
the year! In December my 2-year tenure as
STRIDE President will end. This brings up the topic
of STRIDE leadership.
Loretta Lucas, who, in the past, has served in
almost every position, including President, is
stepping up to run for President next year.
Several officers will stay on, but other positions
are opening up.
I encourage you to scan the job descriptions
below and see whether you might have the
skills and interest to help lead our 200-member
club. Terms are one year, though many stay on
for the maximum 2 consecutive terms.
The descriptions below are the positions as they
have evolved (I may have overlooked some
tasks). This provides more detail than the formal
duties prescribed in the Bylaws, which you can
download as either a Word document or PDF at
this link:
www.stridedressage.org/stride_business.htm .
Included below are the names of the current
office holders. Feel free to contact them if you
want to know how they see those positions.
Contact details are on the first page of every
and also on this page:
which you can bookmark on your computer,
smart phone or tablet computer.
Much time and effort are put into each of these
positions; please thank the current office
holders when you speak with them or meet
them at STRIDE events.
President (Hellena Smejda): Prepares agendas
for Board and member meetings; schedules
speakers; is a member of special committees
(clinics, shows, etc.); coordinates efforts of
other club leaders; prepares budget for Board
approval for next year; acts as official liaison
with public and USDF (United States Dressage
Federation). Serves on Board; participates in
Board meetings and votes on STRIDE
policies/contracts. Note: Computer skills
required, since much of the club business is
now handled via email, PDFs, etc. For example,
when a decision is necessary between Board
meetings, we discuss and vote by email.
Vice President (Irene Gentile): In charge of
shows; works with Show Committee; prepares
annual Omnibus show bill for approval by
Board; appoints judges, show managers and
volunteer coordinator; supervises Show
Secretary (STRIDE hired a professional show
secretary this year); selects dates for next year
(2014 dates are in place); supervises Year End
Award calculations; with other YEA committee
members selects awards to be given out at
banquet; coordinates with other club leaders;
serves on Board; participates in Board meetings
and votes on STRIDE policies/contracts.
Membership Secretary (Charlotte Trentelman):
Maintains member records; Enters new and
renewing members into member database;
transmits membership information to USDF;
responds to members’ questions about
membership; coordinates with other club
leaders; serves on Board. Serves on Board;
participates in Board meetings and votes on
STRIDE policies/contracts. Note: spreadsheet
skills very helpful.
Recording Secretary (Margaret Mayer): Takes
minutes at Board meetings and membership
meetings or designates stand-in if unable to
attend; records attendance at STRIDE events;
mails or hands out STRIDE coupons to members
who have earned them through meeting
attendance (after 5, you get one coupon
worth $20); handles other member and
external correspondence; maintains club
records. Note: word processing skills very
Treasurer (Karen Kim): Keeps books for club
(now on Quicken); makes payments as
needed (e.g., for judges, meeting venues,
etc.); reconciles checkbook and shares
monthly reports with President; prepares
summary of income/expense per activity (per
budget); purchases insurance for STRIDE
events; submits IRS and Florida documents;
participates in Board meetings and votes on
STRIDE policies/contracts. Note: Quicken
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bookkeeping software and financial skills
Member at Large (Barbara Brown): Represents
club members to the Board (e.g., complaints,
concerns, suggestions); organizes/coordinates
events as needed (e.g., STRIDE annual awards
banquet); serves on Board; participates in
Board meetings and votes on STRIDE
Immediate Past President (Vickie Rollack):
Helps as needed with club activities (banquet,
clinics, shows, etc.); supports President; serves
on Board; participates in Board meetings and
votes on STRIDE policies/contracts.
In addition, others contribute their time and
expertise to make STRIDE as friendly and helpful
as possible. While not Board positions, these are
Webmaster (Maurice Grafe): Maintains and
enhances www.STRIDEdressage.org, our
primary communication with members. Here
you find club documents, calendar, newsletter,
your online membership card ready for
printing, etc.
Newsletter Editor (Lisa Walsh): Edits and creates
PDF of monthly (except July) newsletter; sends
newsletter to Webmaster for posting; sends
email to all members that newsletter has been
posted and can be downloaded from here:
Ad Manager (Staci Sperandeo): Sends reminder
email to all members about submitting free
classified ad for newsletter (up to 50 words);
compiles and edits ads; submits ads to
newsletter editor; answers questions about
Facebook Administrator (Loretta Lucas):
Coordinates and maintains STRIDE’s Facebook
page; posts items of interest; posts notice of
upcoming events.
Volunteer Coordinator (was Fiona LindsayDelfino and now is Irene Gentile): Contacts
members and others for show and event
volunteers; assigns positions at shows; works
with show managers. A list of volunteer
positions can be downloaded from here:
Show Co-Managers (2, varies per show): Work
together to ensure smooth and safe
functioning of all aspects of shows. Details are
in the Show Manual which can be
downloaded from here:
Equipment Manager (Lisa Walsh): Stores
equipment trailer; organizes equipment in
trailer; brings trailer to shows and other events
(i.e., clinics) as needed.
Historian (Norma Vollmar): Maintains physical
record of STRIDE activities; archives newsletter
and minutes.
I’ve been involved in STRIDE club leadership
since moving here from Illinois in 2004, where I
had been newsletter editor and had also
organized a SW Chicagoland group within the
club. Serving STRIDE members has been
rewarding. Occasionally it’s been frustrating:
Dressage riders are a forceful group with strong
opinions! Fortunately we also know how to
cooperate. During my tenure, I believe we have
made some administrative progress, including
for the first time preparing annual budgets.
Overall, being President has honed my
cooperation skills, has resulted in deeper
friendships with other club leaders, and has
allowed me to meet many members.
If you are interested in running for office next
year, send an email to hellenas@mac.com or
call 875-8156 (mobile).
We’ll be appointing a nominations committee
at our Aug 17 Board meeting. Voting takes
place late in the year and new officers will be
announced at our January 11, 2014 annual
awards and volunteer appreciation banquet.
Aahhh, summer in Florida. As my daughter says,
“It’s hot, and it might rain.” We can’t do much
about the heat, except relax in the cool
comfort of Lonni Bechen’s swimming pool and
enjoy the company of each other.
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Our next STRIDE meeting is August 17, 2013.
Bring a dish and a suit – a Florida suit, that is – no
black tie. The meeting conversation will center
around the upcoming Fall shows and clinics.
Please join us! And speaking of fall shows and
This month's training tip comes from Hector
Carmona Jr. Several have asked for biography
information. Access biography information
at www.hectorcarmonadressage.com
STRIDE seeks one show co-manager for the
October show. Duties are posted in the Show
Manual on www.stridedressage.org/shows, and
STRIDE will train any volunteers. Contact
Charlotte Trentelman at rebelridge@aol.com if
Drivers, we need your input for the Fall driving
clinic. Anne Tucker, Max Meinel and Margaret
Mayer have volunteered to organize it, and are
seeking suggestions for speakers, topics and
clinicians. This will be a 2-day clinic and will be
held at Cranewood South Farm (NW 117th St &
Hwy 441/301). Email your ideas to
mamyer02@earthlink.net or
Download the **REVISED** 2013 STRIDE
Omnibus. Please be aware there are new
changes to the Omnibus, most notably that all
riders AND DRIVERS must wear a helmet when in
the saddle or in the carriage.
Tim & Shirley Callahan, with Chevy and Peppy on July 4th,
in downtown Tavares. Tim and Shirley are two of our
newest members. Welcome!
Each time you or a relative volunteer at a
STRIDE 2013 show, your name will be placed
into a raffle for the STRIDE 2014 show season
pass. Check your inbox late August for an
email with details. Better odds than the Florida
Lottery or Vegas!
The Walk: A clear indicator of your training
By Hector Carmona Jr.
If you have volunteered at a STRIDE show this
year and your name is not included
below, please contact Irene Gentile (page 1)
with details. (Sometimes volunteers did not sign
into the "Angels Book.")
In training we must strive that we are finishing
our rides with a content and fresh horse. Which
means we need to allow the free walk during
breaks be a clear indicator of how the training
is progressing. Straightness and long, relaxed,
full ground covering strides become a
byproduct of quality training that can be
influenced with minimal effort from the rider. If
this is lacking its vitally important that the
training is with those ideals as a goal. Until this
becomes clearer I find it best and more suitable
to hand walk as a cool down after the ride
instead of either a plodding or rider involved
walk. Ultimately it leads to horse pleased in its
effort with the rider on its back during the cool
down phase.
2013 Show Volunteers On Record as of July 31,
2013: Kim Benson, Elliott Blackmon, Barbara
Brown, Albert Cotton, Fiona Delfino, Williams
Don, Judy Downer, Dibbie Dunnam, Helen
Eagleston, BarbaraEaton, Edith Finlayson, Irene
Gentile, Carolyn Hall, Debbie HattanNazarshah, Carol Hibbard, karen Kennedy,
Karen Kim, Loretta Lucas, Margaret Mayer,
Sarah Meinel, Laura Perla, Denise Perrone,
Vickie Rollack, Renan Sauer, Brenda Schmidt,
Paula Sheldon, Joanna Simonton, Hellena
Smejda, Patricia Tackett, Chris Trentelman, Lisa
Walsh, Anne Ward, Nancy White, Ellie Wright,
Sharon Young, Lynn Zachary, Ray Brown, Carol
Clausen, Monica Grove, Amy Neale, Ron
Nickerson, Rebecca Quinn.
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From our Sun Country Trail Blazer Friends
With all of the rain we have been having, I
thought this was a timely tip!! Each of us has our
recipes for dealing with scratches, but this one
sounded like a winner.
What I’m going to tell you now is both
ridiculously cheap & easy for both rain rot and
heel “scratches”. I use Dreft laundry detergent.
It is a gentle antibacterial, designed for
laundering baby clothes. Shampoo the
affected areas, let sit for 5-10 minutes, then
rinse. If you have crusty areas, you should gently
pick them off after they have soaked for a bit to
soften (not a pleasant process, be patient and
go slowly). The next day the areas will be
improved. I do the shampoo a couple times,
then the new hair grows right back in, it works
fast. I also use the Dreft as my soap to clean
wounds before applying antibiotic ointment.
Got this tip a few years ago from Chronicle of
the Horse boards, it has never failed to work
well for me in any case of the “crud,” and costs
a fraction of all the fancy stuff in spray bottles.
Looking for a place to get fresh produce,
baked goods, plants, local art? The 326
Farmer’s Market is located at 2250 NE 70th
Street, on CR326, just east of CR200A
(Jacksonville Road). The market is open
Thursdays, from 4:00pm to 8:00pm.
Produce is locally grown, the vendors are your
neighbors, and the baked goods are delish!
Other offerings include seafood, jerky, goat
cheese and milk, handmade goat milk soaps
and shea butter, all the baked goods you can
imagine, and handmade clothing and jewelry.
And did I mention the baked goods?
For more information, contact the Market
Manager, Cathy Snyder. Phone is 352-2164524. See the webpage, at
http://www.localharvest.org/north-magnoliafarmers-market-M26420, or see the Facebook
page, at
Karl Mikolka, USDF Hall of Famer and former
Chief Rider of the Spanish Riding School in
Vienna, brings the art of classical dressage to
the web. Purchase and download articles and
detailed arena exercises. Topics include:
Safety; flying changes; correct circles and
voltes; shoulder-in; the correct half pass; the
correct half halt plus the groundwork for
pirouettes, piaffe and passage. Visit
Veterinary Oncology Services has now
developed a vaccine for the treatment of
melanomas in horses. Prices in the article may
not be current. See their website,
at: www.veterinaryoncologyservices.com.
Florida Trend also featured this firm in
Many thanks to Barbara Brown for these timely
and informative sources.
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Pot Luck Picnic
& Pool Party !!!
Ok…we can have a meeting too! Come
meet new STRIDE members, catch up with old STRIDE members, and
share ideas for the upcoming fall show season. Peel those britches
off, we all have white legs, and jump in the pool!
Hear all the latest news from the horse’s mouth!
When? Saturday, August 17, 5:30pm til…..?
Where? Lonni Bechen’s house, from north, go 9 miles
south of Belleview on 441, turn left/east on CR 42, go 3 miles
towards Weirsdale and turn right on SE 130 Ave. Turn right 8/10th
mile, @ black board fence, Oak Hill Farm sign on fence - #17244,
SE 130Ave,Weirsdale, FL 3219
Bring? Picnic dish & bathing suit and volunteers for the
September show!
Call Lonni at 821-3459 or oakhilleclipse@yahoo.com for more info/food coordinating
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When & for
how long?
What you do
To volunteer contact Irene Gentile 245-2730 or pinkwoman55@aol.com
Show Co-Manager
Before show,
Sat 2pm+ and
Sunday 8-5
Show Co-Manager
Before show,
Sat 2pm+ and
Sunday 8-5
Before show
& Sunday 8-5
Scribe for Judge 1
Sunday 8-5
Scribe for Judge 2
Sunday 8-5
Runner for judge 1
Sunday 8-5
Responsible for safe conduct of show. Coordinate with show secretary, volunteer
coordinator and STRIDE show committee. Responsible for all aspects except show
secretary’s functions. Resolve crises and issues. Carry walkie-talkie. For details,
download STRIDE Show Manual from http://www.stridedressage.org/shows.
Responsible for safe conduct of show. Coordinate with show secretary, volunteer
coordinator and STRIDE show committee. Responsible for all aspects except show
secretary’s functions. Resolve crises and issues. Carry walkie-talkie. For details,
download STRIDE Show Manual from http://www.stridedressage.org/shows.
Contact volunteers. Create schedule of volunteers with cell phone numbers and
email addresses. Send completed schedule to Show Managers and to all volunteers. Call
volunteers day before to confirm that they know what they will do, where. Post volunteer
schedule with phone numbers in show office. Greet each volunteer and
review duties. Hand out lunch vouchers to volunteers. Replace no-shows.
Scribe for judge 1. Check that tests are available and in order.
Write scores and comments dictated by judge.
Scribe for judge 2. Check that tests are available and in order.
Write scores and comments from judge.
Collect score sheets frequently from judge and take to show office.
Runner for judge 2
Sunday 8-5
Collect score sheets frequently from judge and take to show office.
Gate Steward
Gate Steward
Sunday 8-5
Regulate safe and orderly entrance of competitors to warm-up and
competition arenas. Carry walkie-talkie.
Regulate safe and orderly entrance of competitors to warm-up and
competition arenas. Carry walkie-talkie.
In show office, hand out ribbons and answer questions when show secretary is
AM Scorer #1
AM Scorer #2
PM Scorer #3
PM Scorer #4
Dressage by the
Letters – Setup &
Dressage by the
Letters – Setup &
Trails Class #1
Trails Class #2
Driving: Cones
Course Designer
& Judge
Driving: Cones
Sunday 8-5
Sunday 8-5
Sunday 812:30
Sunday 812:30
Sun 12:305:00
Sun 12:305:00
3 hours
3 hours
Before show
and 4 hrs
4 hrs Sunday
Before show
and 4 hrs
4 hrs Sunday
What you
(1 credit)
(1 credit)
(1 credit)
(1 credit)
(1 credit)
(1 credit)
(1 credit)
(1 credit)
(1 credit)
(1 credit)
To volunteer contact Irene Gentile 245-2730 or pinkwoman55@aol.com
In show office, calculate scores from judge’s sheets.
In show office, add up and calculate scores from judge’s sheets.
In show office, add up and calculate scores from judge’s sheets.
In show office, add up and calculate scores from judge’s sheets.
(half credit)
(half credit)
(half credit)
(half credit)
(half credit)
In Driving arena, set up cones. Then time competitor from entrance to exit.
After last competitor, collect cones and return to show office or other designated
location for storage.
In Driving arena, set up cones. Then judge competitors by making sure
that competitor completes all letters in alphabetical order. Note on test sheet.
(half credit)
After last competitor, collect cones and return to show office or other designated
location for storage.
Before show, design trails course & obstacles for riding and driving.
Day of show, set up and dismantle obstacles on cross-country course. Judge competitors. Note
(half credit)
on test sheet.
Day of show, assist designer to set up and dismantle obstacles, help judge
(half credit)
Design cones course and then judge competitors. Note on test sheets.
(1 credit)
Set up and dismantle cones. Restore cones dislodged by competitors.
(half credit)
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if you submit a complete business card size ad.
Ad must be ready to insert, in jpg format
3.5" wide by 2" high
$10 per month – Prepaid
Due by 25th of month preceding (no July issue)
1) Email jpg file to ads@stridedressage.org
2) Mail check to STRIDE Ads, c/o S. Sperandeo,
PO Box 242, Ocklawaha, FL 32183
WHERE ADS APPEAR: The STRIDE e-newsletter (digital version only) is
published 11 times a year (no July) and website. Classified ads and display
ads also appear on both STRIDE websites: www.STRIDEdressage.org
(and wwwSTRIDEdressage.com for viewers with slower internet
AD DEADLINE: Payment and/or order must be received by 25th of
preceding month.
QUESTIONS: Ad Manager Staci Sperandeo, ads@STRIDEdressage.org
 STRIDE members: First 50 words FREE. Additional words at 5 cents
per word. Payment must accompany order for ads over 50 words.
 Non-members: 5 cents per word. Payment must accompany order.
 Renewals: Classified ads run for 2 months (see months listed in
brackets at the end of your ad). To renew, notify us by email to
ads@stridedressage.org by the 25th of the preceding month (e.g., Jan
25 for Feb issue).
DISPLAY AD RATES: Two sizes only
 Business card size (3.5" wide by 2" high): $10 per month or $100
prepaid for 11 issues (no July)
 Full page: $45 per month or pre-paid annual rate $450 prepaid
 Check must accompany order
 Complete ads must be submitted in electronic format to
SPONSOR ADS: Businesses that offer STRIDE members a 10% discount
get a FREE business-card size ad. Ad must be submitted in electronic
format, and contain the words "10% Discount for STRIDE Members.”
MAIL CHECKS TO: STRIDE Ads, c/o Staci Sperandeo, PO Box 242,
Ocklawaha, FL 32183
Professional Body clipping, show braiding and grooming, farm and pet
sitting. Excellent references, reasonable rates. Vickie Rollack (352)
425-4000 or vickier352@aol.com. [Aug/Sept]
Registered half red Connemara driving pony for sale. 9 yr old Dark bay
mare. 13.3hh. Friendly and very easy to work with. Asking $2500.
Call Nancy Kilcrease at 352-572-1444 (June/Aug)
BG Guns N Roses Registered flea-bitten gray Paint mare. Twelve
years, 16.1hands. Great trail horse; trained Western Pleasure.
Excellent conformation; Mr Super Tuff Cat breeding. Will send
photos. $2500 or possible lease. (352) 812-1262. [Jun/Aug]
RL Forever A Mr, Registered AQHA sorrel mare. Fourteen years,
15.2hands. Excellent conformation and health; Own daughter of Mr
Conclusion - newly inducted to AQHA Hall of Fame. Will send
photos. $1500 (352) 812-1262. [Jun/Aug]
Custom German-made Hennig dressage saddle, 17 1/2", black, MW
tree, exterior knee rolls, long Billets. Excellent condition. Sold
without fittings. $4500 Carol Rike, 352-351-8047. NW Ocala
Wintec Pro Extra Wide Tree saddle, 17.5” seat, with CAIR. Includes
leathers, stirrups, pad & leather english girth. Excellent condition;
very comfortable. $350.00. Located in Belleview; can meet to show.
(352)812-1262. [June/Aug]
FOR SALE 2012 New Wintec Isabell saddle, tags still on, never used.
Full easy change gullet kit included. Equigrip panel design with
CAIR. 17 ½” seat. $1150.00 OBRO. Robin Bush 352-402-9973
FOR SALE Older model Wintec Isabell saddle, 17 ½ “ seat with CAIR
panels. “Y” girth system and adjustable flexiblock easy change
black medium gullet. Good condition, well cared for. $500.00
OBRO. Robin Bush 352-402-9973 (June/Aug)
Stubben Scandica Dressage saddle, 17.5" seat, with leathers, stirrups
and girth $1.250. Wintec 17.5 all-purpose saddle with leathers and
stirrups. $450. Bob or Brenda Giles 352-489-0867 or mobile 352708-0476. (Aug/Sept)
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17.5 Smith Worthington, short flap, wide tree. Very good
condition.$1200. 17.5 Verhan, short flap, wide tree. Very good
condition $2200 Reasonable offers considered
Please contact Eleanor Metelits <justaellie200@hotmail.com>
18" Rembrandt Integra with adjustable tree. Very good condition. A
great saddle for the growing horse! $650 Contact Loretta Lucas at
meadowlarkhill@earthlin.net or 352-875-3613 (Aug/Sept)
Used 17" hunt brown seat saddle, good condition, suede knee rolls,
medium wide tree, comfortable. For small adults or teen. Only
$65! Call or text Lonni 352-454-3255, or
Oakhilleclipse@yahoo.com (Aug/Sept)
Handmade John Pavlik cart, fits a 39-46" pony. Natural wood grain,
show seat and practice seat, chrome accents, used 5 times, in
perfect condition. Asking $1,200 Call Pam Roush 813-765-7162
Easy Entry pony cart, with motorcycle style tires. Fits small to large
pony, approximately 10-13 hands. Good balance, red leatherette
seat; very comfortable. Black metal tube shafts. $450 (352)8121262. [Jun/Aug]
Kuhnle Marathon Carriage, pair or draft horse size. $4,800. Bob or
Brenda Giles 352-489-0867 or mobile 352-708-0476. (Aug/Sept)
Wanted in S. Marion: Boarder willing to share farm chores and feeding.
Includes private paddock, box stall, use of arena, and adjacent
trails. Oak Hill Farm, Weirsdale. Near Grand Oaks, Lady Lake
Equestrian, and the Villages, 20 mins to Florida Horse Park.
$375/mth. Contact Lonni Bechen at oakhilleclipse@yahoo.com or
352-821-3459 [June/Aug]
Boarding with 50 acres of Trails and great trail riding buddies. Large
stalls, 2 arenas;dressage arena with mirror and lights, small lunging
arena. Large pastures with shade trees. All day turnout. Lessons.
Located 12 miles west of Ocala. Www.Alwaysabreeze.com 352861-7405 Kathy Rohlwing (Aug/Sept)
Small, quiet barn 1 mile from Horse Park offering quality boarding.
Clean stalls, lots of grass, large ring. Quality dressage lessons,
training, and sales available. Please call Laura Perla at 352-3617012 (Aug/Sept)
PRICE REDUCED! 4/3 Pool home on 11+ acres in NW Ocala.
Cracker-style home has over 3300 sq.ft. under roof, completely
remodeled. The pool is screened & solar heated. Asking $399,000.
Carol Rike, Broker, United Realty Corp of Ocala, 352-351-8047.
Easy entry cart (Big Dee's) cob size. Brand new condition. Two sets of
wheels, including Jerald tires. $450.00 contact
lwilsonstables@earthlink.net (Aug/Sept)
Quality Instruction available Classical or Western Dressage, Working
Equitation, Trail ,General Horsemanship, Ground work. Humane
effective methods, reasonably priced sessions, with USDF Bronze
Medalist and lifetime versatile horse woman, discounts for Stride
members. Vickie Rollack. 352-425-4000 Vickier352@aol.com
1996 Featherlite 3-horse slant with dressing room. Awnings over
gooseneck windows and 12’ awning on street-side. Ramp was
changed to step-up, and can be changed back. Excellent condition
– 1 owner. Can be seen at Nelson Trailers. Joanie Baur 352-4275657. $9,000. (June/Aug)
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