2014 conbook


2014 conbook
Map of Convention Space
The Wall:
The Twins:
Kings Landing:
The Gate:
The Eyrie:
Storm’s End:
King’s Feast
Con suite
Movie Room
Security Checkpoint
Video Game Room
Table Top Game Room
Panel Room
Dance and Bar/Panels
Panels (a.m.)/VIP (p.m.)
Headless Lounge
Table of Contents:
Con Map
Soron Bearathon on the Iron Throne by Spiritfox412
King’s Proclamation
House Bearathon Heraldry
Hexagonal Coin Art
Soron of the Knight’s Watch by PMoss
Convention and House Leadership
Convention Staff and Merchants
House Foxish Heraldry
Code of Conduct
House Lyonstare Heraldry
GoT Themed Poster Commissioned by Snowpony, and Painted by Pinkuh
Where do we Forage for Noms?
House Bark Heraldry
Where do we Find Stuff we Need to Buy?
House Taurgaryen Heraldry
Who/What is Frozen Oasis
With All things, an End Must Come…
Unofficial Foxish House Crest by Etheras
Themed Badges by Ram the Dragon Ser Spirit of House Foxish by
Ser Spirit of House Foxish by Spiritfox412
Convention Acknowledgements
Use Page 4.jpg
You are about to be part of another ground breaking convention, where one lucky attendee will become the honorary
chair of the next year’s convention. As the honorary chair, the winner will get a free room on the staff floor,
complete access to the 2015 convention, their character on the 2015 promotional product, be able to provide input into
some aspects of the convention, and the right to sit on the throne during functions during the 2015 convention.
The more active you and your house are the better chance you have to win, however, it will still be possible to do
nothing but attend the convention and still win the game!
The winner will be chosen through the convention game by a two step process.
The First Step: Choosing the Ruling House
House Ranking:
Houses will compete for status and position throughout the weekend. Houses gain status and position by their
members doing things they normally would do at any convention. These are things like going to panels, playing
games, participating in or attending events. When you enter an event room, look for a computer and a barcode
reader that will be set up near the exit. Just hold the QR code on your badge under the scanner till it beeps when you
enter the room and your house will receive an increase in status for your attendance. Do not worry, the barcode
reader is set to only credit your house once per panel, per fur. So if it does double scan, it won’t skew the results.
Sunday before Closing Ceremonies, the house points will all be tallied and the house rankings will be announced at
Closing Ceremonies.
The Second Step: Individual Wealth, Power, and Backing!
Hexagonal Coins:
You have been supplied with hexagonal coins of the realm at registration based on the day you picked up your
registration and the level of your registration. These coins can be used throughout the convention to wager on
contests, to make alliances by donating them to another player, to play the table top GOT game that is on the wall in
the game room, to pay any penalties for bad deeds, or offer rewards for good deeds done for you. The idea is to gain
as many coins as possible so that you might win the game. So get them however you can! Be cunning, be light of
finger, have sticky paws, be wise in your choices, be bold in your bets, be brave in your contests, and get as many as
you can. Even if you don’t want to win, you can accumulate wealth to back another fur that might. This year the
coins are worth the following points: Gold: 50 points Green: 20 points Red: 10 points Neon: 5 points Black: 1
Making alliances (friends):
When you make a friend by scanning another fur’s QR code or navigating to their user page and they accept, you
receive credits (based on your reg level and their’s) to your “bank” that can be left there or withdrawn as hexagonal
coins and used to create more wealth. You get more credits for friending a person with a higher reg level than yours,
and you get more credits for friendships outside of your own house. Remember your friendship must be accepted to
The Bank:
In registration there will be a banker. You can bring all or some of your coins to the banker at any time to keep
them safe from theft or loss, however, when they are in the bank you can’t use them, they are locked up and kept safe.
Keep in mind ALL coins must be turned into the banker by the start of the Furry Drama Show on Sunday in order
to count. Loose coins will be collected after the FDS, however, they will not be used to determine the winner. So
turn your coins in EARLY.
The Winner!
The choice of the winner is simple! The winner will be the fur, in the house with the highest status, with the most
wealth, power, and backing that is not a staff member or a house leader. REMEMBER! Your coins must be in the
bank to be counted.
So a few days from now the fur in the new ruling house that has the most wealth, power, and backing will win and
becomes the next year’s honorary chair and will be named at Closing Ceremonies on Sunday and Coroneted at
Opening Ceremonies FurryCon 2015.
me of Con
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Convention Leadership:
Soron, of House Bearathon, First of His Name, King of the Anthros and the First
Furs, Lord of the Seven Fandoms, and Protector of the Realm: Convention Chair
Soron is a giant panda that stands at 6'6"
tall and is often seen cloaked in dark
green, brown, and black archer's garb
from the Renaissance period. His leather
armor is embellished with a head of a
fennec and has a wolf head on his belt
buckle, both tributes to his friends. He
totes a green bow and long arrows with
green and yellow fletching, leading Soron
to also be called "The Green Archer
Soron often tends bar at various room
parties including the Frozen Oasis and
this has earned him the nickname “The
Booze Bear”. This affectionate term was
first “coined”, by Soron’s friend Draconis,
many years ago.
Etheras, Lord of House Foxish:
Creative Director, Convention Tyrant,
Professional Fennec
The nefarious little white fennec that helped put this
convention together, Etheras is a fox driven by
pursuit of perfection. This has lead him to question
and re-imagine many aspects of what passes for furry
cons, and also to drive Soron crazy with nagging
demands about every little detail.
Etheras (the character) entered the fandom less than
a year ago. Before this, Etheras (the person) used the
fennec Jaspian as his character. He started the
Frozen Oasis Parties alongside Soron in 2006, and
since there have been over 25. He is a well-known DJ
and music-producer and artist.
Etheras is also a proficient fashion and costume
designer, and is easily-recognized by his outlandish
(and provocative) costumes, that have become a
trademark of his at furry cons (Often leaving trails
of feathers in his wake).
NIIIC the Sin
nging Dog, Lord of House
NIIIC is a greeen singing doog associatedd with Electtro-Pop mussic by
Kyyle McCarth
hy, an indeppendent prodducer from New York City.
he music of NIIC featu
ures an arseenal of elecctrifying oriiginal
ngs - featuriing range-deefying male vocals and syncopated
beaats. The son
ngs released under NIIC
C are powerfful and dynaamic,
wiith intrinsic lyrics that narrate thee struggles and
a achievem
alll along the way
w in our grreat pursuit of
o love.
Roxikatt, Lord of House
Roxikat was createdd in 1995, and is the most-noted character and
o furry artiist John Baarrett. One of the earliiest
sometimees fursona of
east-coast crossplay fursuits, Rooxikat is a silly
cat-braained femalee(?)
and is a lot chattierr in suit thaan out! In John's own artwork, Roxi
speaks in
n the third person
and punctuates
nces with felline
squeaks. From 1996-1999, Roxi appeared in
n the Furtheest North Crrew
APAzinee in a Trekk
ky spoof com
mic story callled Roxikatt's Myah. Here
he createed his closeer-to-life fu
ursona Johnn
nykat and had
h cameoss of
friends and
a other fan
nzine contribbutors.
He’s com
mmissioned seeveral artistss to interpret his art to build
the Roxi fursuit in
n spandex, geetting
branded with
w the term
m “boobsuit”” in the questt to make th
he cartoony character loook like the bu
source material.
Over the years, John
n has been published
n Antarctic Press’
Gold Digger Ann
nual, writingg and
drawing a graphic noovel for Radio Comix callled Gold Diigger Edge Guard,
alongg with homoeerotic
comic shoorts in Genu
us Male and FurPlanet called
Game Boys, aboutt a raccoon and
a collie doog gay
couple wh
ho played viideo games alll through th
heir relation
With thee help of besst friends, hee decided to try to build a costume himself,
and created Hosssifer,
a countryy-fried femm
mey canine/eequine hybriid with longg red hair. More
recentlly, he’s taken the
sewing exxperience in
n order to reebuild Roxik
kat in fur in
nstead of spaandex, with a goal of haaving
her compplete by Anth
hrocon 2014 (hopefully!))
Roxikat was a guest of honor att a few anim
me conventioons, Camp Feral
in 20033, FA: Unitted in
2007, Con
ndition in 20010, and Morrphicon in 2011.
This yearr, John has been puttingg a lot of hiss artistic effoorts towards the successfful City of Titans
kickstartter, who are creating a spiritual
succcessful to th
he City of Heroes
O, on which John
spent 7 yeears chasingg badges.
Drraconis (A
AKA Calam
mity Couggar), 1st Loord of Hou
Lyyonstare, and
a Furryy Drama Show
Drraconis camee into the fan
ndom no straanger to bein
ng in costum
me or
ndom conven
ntions. His first
Furry Con
C was in a one year con
callled Furry Spring Break
k (FSB) in th
he same hoteel Draconis was
hellping run an
nother fandoom’s conventiion there, Gaargoyles, Th
Gaathering of Gargoyles.
H talents were
w acknowlledged and he
was brou
ught on to staaff to run thee gaming traack along witth the charitty auction th
hat year alon
with bein
ng its auction
neer. It was while at FS
SB that he foound what trruly interesteed him and that
was fursu
uiters and hoow many of them
got theeir own costu
umes to wearr at the con.
Long beffore seeing fu
ursuiters he had worked at Disney World,
in thee entertainm
ment dept for the
parade. In
I addition to
t the paradee he did otheer roles, Plutto, Prince Joohn, Eeyore, and many
more. He
H even had opportunity
t play a few
w out of his height
range due to the parks
lax rulles.
His favorrite was Kin
ng Lion from
m Bedknobs and
a Broomstticks. But th
he year of Diisney ended so
did beingg in costume.. It was not till he atten
nded FSB an
nd got to see fursuiters,
soome of which
made theeir own costu
umes, which he realized this was som
mething he wanted
to do””
In additiion to photoggraphy, man
ny of his photos can be foound on timdduru.org, aftter watching the
mascot gaames in Florrida he develloped the firrst fursuit gaames for the fandom on the
t East coasst of
the US sttarting at Miidwest Fur Fest
F he madee them into themed
gamees based off his
h work at
Disney. The
T first gam
mes were based around National
mpoons’ moviie “Vacation
n” and run att a
number of
o cons inclu
uding MFF, Megaplex, FWA
and alsso RCFM.
Draconiss’ main passiion is still fu
ursuiting. He
H brings to life
l to the lovveable redneeck characterr
Calamityy Cougar, a partial
suit made
Latin Vixen.
Calamityy is Florida cougar
also known
as a Florida
Pantther though he likes bein
ng known ass a
n Lion also. He is know
wn to drink whenever
he can and preefers liquor hard
beers , lik
kes lon chairrs and will gladly
tell yoou about them
m along with
h TV trays and
a Pink
Flamingoos in his yarrd. If you arre looking for someone who
w is classy it is not thiss cat. He can
n be
found noormally wearring camo an
nd some sort of cap on hiis head. He will gladly talk
to you soo
long as yoou can give him
h somethiing to talk abbout. He is not very brigght but let him
h think hee is.
He hopess one day to be
b placed in a breeding program
wheere the girls have no chooice but to lett
him give them some of
o his luv’n.
Calamityy is an innovvative characcter as he speeaks with a voice
all his own when most
m perform
do not sppeak when in
n suit. This innovation
l to an inteeresting probblem, where to perform, as at
the time many cons did
d not proviide variety sh
hows. No onee would stepp up to run th
hem, so Dracconis
did. He set
s them up by first assissting with FWA
and lateer running them
at RCF
FM, Oklacon
Wild Nigghts and Furrry Fiesta.
In additiion to all thiis Draconis is
i currently Con
C Chair off Fangcon, has
h chaired Oklacon
for 2
years andd has been Event
Directoor for Wild Nights
sincee 2010, staffeed for variou
us cons every year
he has beeen in the fandom and iss on the boarrd for RCFM
M and the Orrganizing Com
mmittee for
Wild Nigghts. He hass brought un
nique entertaainment to th
he fandom in
n bringing radio
plays too the
con as weell introduciing new enterrtainment su
uch as Rhubbarb the Bear’s Julie Bun
nny must Diie
and Fosggate a musicaal to the fanddom along with
w Jeff Gooode's Furson
na Non Grataa. Draconis can
be found on FA as Caalamity Couggar and occaasionally on Live Journaal also.
Keefur (AKA Cu
utter Cat),, 2nd Lord of House Lyonstaree,
ntion Printter, and Furry
ma Show
Keefur discovered
t Fandom
m 5 years aggo (thanks CSI). He is
i a
fursuiterr (Cutter Catt the Sabertoooth Cat - th
he mascot foor the Housee of
Mews caat rescue in Memphis, TN), printeer for manyy furry conss, a
parody poster
ner (with Drraconis), andd a parody song
writer. He
also helpps out with th
he Furry Drrama Show. He
H is Presiddent of Fanggcon
in Knoxvville, TN, an
nd has twicee been an atttending Gueest of Honorr at
Mid-Soutth Con as a pioneer
in th
he Sci-fi warr game indusstry.
FrostElf is our Director of
Operations. She has worked for
numerous conventions in this and
other capacities in the past. She has
been a good friend to the Frozen
Oasis Soron and Etheras for many
years. Stay mellow and make her
(and there by your own life) easy during your time at
the convention.
Lighting and Communications
Arel is our lighting designer again
this year. Working with Soron and
Nimbus he is bringing Etheras’ vision
to life during the dances Friday and
Saturday night! He has also been
kind enough to help set up our radio
system and help us get our FCC
Sets and Construction
Wags has helped build all our
sets this again year and he has
done a wonderful job! He has
been pivotal in transforming the
convention space into our own
vision of Westeros. Thanks a
Sasuke is our fursuiting and writing
lead. Sasuke is an avid fursuiter (who
plays several characters [Cerval is
pictured]) and author. In his “spare”
time he also staffs at a number of
other furry conventions.
Kila has helped lead this year’s
programming track. She has
come up with a few good panel
ideas to keep you laughing and
having fun throughout the
weekend. Please look for her
table in the dealer’s den besides
setting up our programming she
is an awesome fursuit maker!
Corraled heads up the game room
again this year, returning after an
extremely successful series of events
at the End of the world. He will be
hosting numerous clinics and
convention. Stop on in the game
room and say hi!
Dean, run’s Dragon Snack Games
and has donated his games and
time to supply our game room and
to host the sanctioned MTG
tournaments! Stop on in and play
some magic and buy some stuff!
Video Game Room
X 25 is heading up our Video
Game Room this year. He is
bringing in several of his own
games and systems for us to use!
Set-up Foreman
Nimbus is our set up foreman and
has helped with set construction
and lighting. His help has been
invaluable both in making the
convention happen and keeping
Soron sane.
This year we have two leads to assist you in getting
your registration materials;
Mori (AKA Moriarty St.James) is a
friendly fruit bat that lives in
Bloomington Indiana. He has staffed
and volunteered at many conventions
including End of the World Con,
IFC, MWFF, Morphicon, GenCon,
and FurFright.
Janu (AKA Janushka Liirka) is a
Deer studying Classical Languages
at Indiana University Bloomington.
He has Staffed for End of the
World Con and Morphicon.
Con Suite:
Shy Matsi returns to head the
hospitality suite. Need a snack?
Come over and grab a bite to
eat! Or just sit and relax a bit.
Fray is your typical tan n white
husky. He is in charge of all the
medical goodness at the con. He has
been involved with EMS since he was
a pup. If you have any medical issues
please feel free to contact Fray and
he will help you out.
SeaFox is our video lead again
this year. He has been very
helpful with promotional and AV
needs. Smile for the fox behind
the camera!
HothFox is an arctic vixen who
started attending fur cons in
2011. At FurryCon, A Game of
Con Chairs, Hothfox is assisting
with event audio and video.
Firefox will be our security lead
this year, returning from his role
in the End of the World as a
position, Fire will be helping keep
us all safe and organized.
Somnius is our webmaster this
year and has done a wonderful
job on the website. Working
with Sidley they have recreated
and redesigned Etheras’ vision
from the End of the World
website to give you a more user
experience. Somnius is a white tiger who mostly grew
up in the Rochester, NY area. He likes designing and
making websites and playing lots of video games too!
Check out his other work at http://etohehir.com/
Other Staff and Helpers:
FurryCon would like to acknowledge the following
furs who have also helped out: Jayef, Kalida, Katty
Wampus, Mazer, SaphLion, Sidley, Sunstab, all our
other volunteers, our ravens, panelists, and lastly
YOU the con go’er, for whom all this is for!
FurryCon Store and
Katty Wampus
M&T Comics
NIIC the singing dog
Pawpad Printing
Squeaky Chewtoy
Tiger of the Winds
Zigler Arts
Code of Conduct for Attending FurryCon™
The primary purpose of FurryCon is to have fun and meet new and interesting people. To ensure
our guests achieve this objective we have established certain rules that govern your conduct while
at the convention. FurryCon welcomes all persons with an interest in anthropomorphics and the
community commonly known as “furries”, however, the convention's management reserves the
right to deny or revoke the membership of any individual at any time for any reason. Kanouse
Entertainment Group reserves the right to amend these rules at any time without prior or posted
notice and reserves the sole right of interpretation. In any dispute, the convention chair has final
say. If you have any questions, please contact Soron for assistance.
Anyone who accepts a membership badge agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Kanouse
Entertainment Group, FurryCon, the hotel, and the convention staff from any claim for personal
injuries or other damages or equity arising out of any individual's activities at FurryCon, even if
such injury or damage is caused by negligence by or on the part of Kanouse Entertainment
Group, FurryCon, the hotel, and/or the convention staff.
As a condition of membership, all FurryCon attendees are required to abide by these standards of
conduct for the entire duration of their stay, even prior to Opening or after Closing Ceremonies.
These terms and conditions may be updated at any time and without prior notice. Changes to
legal documentation will be posted on the furrycon.com news board. Changes are not subject to
appeal or re-negotiation. Convention membership will not be refunded to users who disagree with
revised legal documentation. Rest assured: we won’t change legal agreements unless it is
important. By attending FurryCon, you agree to these terms and conditions.
General Rating of the Convention
All convention areas are considered to be "PG-13" at all times, even though this is a 21-and-up
convention there may be minors in visual or audible range and attendees should act accordingly.
Attendees, when in public areas, may not wear clothing which is inappropriate to the atmosphere
of the convention or could be deemed obscene by the hotel staff or guests. Basically use your good
judgment here. Generally speaking, nightclub rules apply. If you would be kicked out if you were
to wear it at a decent dance club, you should reconsider your wardrobe. If you have a question,
ask convention security or operations.
Shirts, pants/shorts, and footwear must be worn when in areas of the hotel, that are accessible to
other hotel guests, such as lobbies, restaurants, and concourses.
Full-body fursuits are excluded from the "shirts/pants/footwear" rule, provided that the costume
is not unacceptably revealing.
Public displays of affection beyond what is appropriate in public are frowned upon. Again if this
is you have questions please ask we will be glad to let you know what is acceptable and what is
Public Decorum
No items of any kind, including paper airplanes, may be thrown or dropped from the hotel
balconies, patios, or room windows.
No water pistols, silly string, confetti, rice, glitter or similar materials may be used in any area of
the hotel.
Handheld glowsticks are permitted in the dances at all times. For safety reasons, Glowsticks on
strings (aka "poi") will also be allowed only as room permits. Convention staff will have final say
on this and their decision will be final.
No sleeping in the lobby, the hallways, the meeting rooms or the Zoo. You must have a room or go
Convention attendees must abide by instructions given by Convention staff. Failure to do so will
result in escort from the convention and the hotel. There will be no refund of membership fees.
Any disputes or concerns may be addressed with Convention staff.
FurryCon functions are open only to paying members who have not had their memberships
revoked, and all attendees MUST wear their membership badges at all times. A badge is valid
only for the person to whom it was issued; badges cannot be shared under any circumstances. You
will be caught if you share badges. Your picture is brought up when your badge is scanned.
Badges are scanned at every checkpoint. If the picture is not you then the badge will be
confiscated and you and the badge owner will be questioned by Convention staff. Those found to
be willfully attempting to defraud FurryCon by not paying, or using a badge without permission
of the registered party, you will be turned over to the local authorities and prosecuted for theft of
services and possible the use of a false ID for those under the age of 21. If the badge was used
with the permission of the owner you will both be removed from the convention and the hotel
without refund.
There is no smoking in any area within the hotel, including the guest rooms. Smokers are asked
to use designated smoking areas provided by the facility, and comply with any other smoking
rules of the facility. Cigarette butts must be disposed of properly and not left on the ground.
Providing transportation or housing, or otherwise enabling an individual that is known to be
unwelcome at FurryCon or of a person who is under 21 to attend or enter the Convention's space
will result in permanent revocation of membership privileges and possible criminal charges.
Consumption of Alcohol
FurryCon offers free and unlimited drinks we require you to be responsible for your consumption
of alcohol. Our bartenders and Convention staff have last say in cutting you off from consuming
alcohol. As a condition of membership you assume all responsibility for your actions and agree
not to hold FurryCon, the Convention staff, Kanouse Entertainment Group and/or the hotel
liable if any injury, damages, or accident occurs because of your alcohol consumption. Drink
your fill but know your limits. Public drunkenness will not be tolerated.
Attendance by Minors
Minors and persons under the age of 21 years of age as of May 8th, 2014 will not be allowed to
register or attend. Any minor attempting to register or providing false identification will be
turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency as required by law and no refund will be
Inappropriate parties are not permitted and will be shut down, and participants reprimanded,
including possible revocation of convention membership.
Sales of Merchandise
The sale of any merchandise, excluding personal commissions, may only take place in the
provided spaces (Dealers room).
It is the seller’s responsibility to abide by NYS tax laws. Those laws are available for your review
at http://www.tax.ny.gov/ .
The convention has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY on harassment of any nature (physical,
verbal, or sexual). If someone tells you "no," then your business with that person is over. "STOP"
means "STOP!" "GO AWAY" means "GO AWAY!" If someone will not understand these simple
commands, contact a member of Security or any member of Staff.
The convention and convention staff are not responsible for solving any interpersonal problems
that may arise between individuals.
Substance Abuse
The sale or other distribution of any illegal or controlled substances is not condoned or allow by
the convention. Any individual found to be in possession of or distributing such substances will
be removed and reported directly to the local law enforcement.
Knowingly or unknowingly providing alcohol to an individual under the age of 21 is a felony,
both parties will be turned over to local law enforcement. It is the sole responsibility of persons
providing alcohol in their rooms to ensure that every person in attendance is over the age of 21,
even if that person is not drinking alcohol. New York State and the county courts are extremely
serious about the social host laws and we ask our members to respect it.
No journalists, media photographers, nor any other members of the press are welcome to attend
FurryCon unless they do so not in conjunction with their press duties. We are a private group
and wish to remain that way please respect the wishes of our members. We have nothing to hide,
however, we have nothing to share with the public either.
If members of the media are present, attendees must act responsibly. As a condition of
membership you are informed that that audio and/or video recordings are frequently made in
convention areas and that your likeness(es) may appear in those recordings. Attendees further
agree that FurryCon, The Frozen Oasis, Kanouse Entertainment Group, or the hotel may use
these pictures or recordings for promotional materials.
If you suspect that an individual may be uninvited media, please notify our staff.
Ending Thoughts
Have fun be safe and stay within the rules. The main idea behind FurryCon is to enjoy your
furry friends and family.
Any person allowing their badge or ID to be used by a minor will be turned over to the local law
enforcement for providing alcohol to a minor.
Weapons Policy
Theme appropriate blades, bows and prop firearms are allowed (no real firearms), however, these
must be peace bonded by convention security staff and never drawn in convention space. Any
weapon drawn in convention space will immediately become the property of the con chair (Soron
likes new additions to his collection) and the previous owner will be removed from the
Real firearms are prohibited in convention space. State and local laws apply elsewhere.
NOTE: In New York you must not only posses a NYS pistol permit but you MUST also be a
resident of New York to posses or carry a handgun. So please leave the handguns at home, no one
wants to spend time in jail.
Pet Policy
FurryCon does not allow pets in convention space. This is for the protection of the pet, the pet
owner, and our attendees as a whole. Service animals are permitted in accordance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
Parties and Similar Gatherings in Hotel Rooms
Room parties are allowed but discouraged. We have gone to great lengths to provide a whole con
room party in convention space. Please party with the con and keep the hotel happy!
Gatherings in hotel rooms must not generate any noise that can be heard in neighboring rooms
during nighttime hours.
Hotel doors must be kept shut during such gatherings and guests are not permitted to congregate
in the hotel corridors.
Loud parties will be given a single warning to remain quiet. No second warnings will be given
before action is taken by the hotel to remove the offending individuals. There is a huge party
being provided for you at the convention. Go there, enjoy, and keep your hotel neighbors happy!
Hotel guests who host any gathering are responsible for cleaning up afterward. Excessive
amounts of unbagged trash must not be left for housekeeping staff to clean up (it's just plain
rude). Trash bags are available. Ask for them and use them.
Other Hotel Matters
Any act of vandalism, deliberate or excessive damage to hotel property, or interference with any
hotel worker in the performance of their duties will result in at least permanent revocation of
membership and removal from the hotel, and possible legal action.
The person in whose name a room is rented is solely responsible for the conduct of all individuals
in the room as well as for the condition of the room.
If you are going to hang door signs or notices please do so with non-marring adhesive, such as
blue painter’s tape. Please use the convention message board or the website social media sections
for posting of events and room locations.
Wheree do we forage
foor noms??
There arre many greaat places to obtain nom
ms within a short
ng distance from the “R
There arre even moree, a short drrive/cab ride away. Herre is a listin
ng Soron hass put togetheer for
your refeerence and he
h has given ones that he has eaten at a “Bambooo Rating”. The more sttalks,
the betterr the noms! There
are allso a ratings for an approoximate totaal cost (drink
ks, noms, andd tip)
per fur in $10 increments (one symbol
woulld be under $10 and tw
wo would be between $100-$20
per fur an
nd so on), sppeed of servicce, delivery/ttakeout, and if reservatioons are recom
Legends Sports Bar & Grille
Trinities Restaurant
120 E Main
n St
(585) 232-99174
36 W Main St # 60
(585) 319-40047
31 E Main St
S # 100
Rochester, NY
N 14614
(585) 546-78880
Dinosaurr Bar-B-Quee
Nick Tahou Hots
Home of the garbage platee
320 West Main
Rochester, NY
N 14608
(585) 436-01184
420 Monroe Avenue
N 14607
Rochester, NY
(585) 271-25447
99 Court Sttreet
(585) 325-77090
Scotland Yard Pub
The Old Toad
Marshall Street
Bar an
nd Grill
187 Saint Paul
Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 730-55030
277 Alexandder Street
Rochester, NY
N 14607
(585) 232-26626
81 Marshall Street
Rochester, NY
N 14607
(585) 325-21991
Nathanieel’s Pub
The Owl House
251 Exchan
nge Boulevardd
Rochester, NY 14608
(585) 232-88470
75 Marshalll Street
Rochester, NY
N 14607
(585) 360-29920
Rating =
F Service =
Sllow Service =
Delivery =
Price (≤ $10
$ per fur) =
Unknown =
Reservations Reccommended =
Pontillo's Pizzerias
Strombolii Express
1687 Mt. Hope
(585) 442-66865
113 East Avvenue
Rochester, NY
N 14604
(585) 546-21121
343 Meigs Stt
Rochester, NY
N 14607
(585) 244-11110
Pizza Stoop
Mark's Piizzeria
Papa John
123 State Street
Rochester, NY 14614
(585) 546-77252
619 Monroee Avenue
Rochester, NY
N 14607
(585) 256-10040
Store #1957
1673 Main St
Rochester, NY
N 14609
Galleria Pizza
16 Main Sttreet East
Rochester, NY 14614
(585) 262-22222
Panzari'ss Italian Bisstro
321 Exchan
nge Boulevardd
Rochester, NY 14608
(585) 546-77990
Mex Restau
295 Alexandder Street
Rochester, NY
N 14607
(585) 262-30060
Salena's Mexican Restauraant
302 Goodmaan St N
Rochester, NY
N 14607
(585) 256-59980
Chen Garden
1750 Mon
nroe Avenuee
Rochesteer, NY 146188
(585) 2411-3070
He's Chin
nese and Jappanese
Best Chinese foodd in Rochestter! Soron is their
urant mascoot and perforrms there yeearly!
Cheapp prices, greeat bar, and lots of good food.
Sit down,
take out, or deliivery. Tell them
“Pandda sent mee!” and theyy will treatt you
Californiaa Rollin
20 Exchan
nge Boulevard
Rochester, NY 14614
(585) 325-33880
274 Goodmaan Street
Rochester, NY
N 14607
Village Gatte Shops
(585) 271-89990
Lotus Orriental Chineese
Sakura Home
(sushi &
79 State Sttreet
Rochester, NY 14614
(585) 957-77082
House off Sushi
101 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 546-22480
2775 Monrooe Avenue
Rochester, NY
N 14618
(585) 288-81130
Arigato Jaapanese Steak
House (susshi & hibach
2720 West Henrietta
Rochester, NY
N 14623
(585) 292-11111
Plum Gardden Japanese
nt (sushi &
3349 Monroee Avenue
Rochester, NY
N 14618
Pittsford Squ
(585) 381-87330
Where to go for?
Tops Market
285 Upper Falls Boulevard
Rochester, NY 14605
(585) 454-4430
The Rochester Public Market
280 Union Street North
Rochester, NY 14609
(585) 428-6907
1750 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14610
(585) 244-7950
Family Dollar
Dollar Tree
176 Main Street East
Rochester, NY 14604
(585) 232-3370
923 Clinton Avenue South
Rochester, NY 14620
(585) 256-9810
Wal-Mart Super Center
1490 Hudson Avenue
Rochester, NY 14621
(585) 266-2000
Medical Care
AccelCare – Urgent Care
3400 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY 14618
Office: (585) 203-1056
Strong Memorial Hospital
601 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, NY 14620
(585) 275-2100
Rochester General Hospital
1425 Portland Avenue
Rochester, NY 14621
(585) 922-4000
Rite Aid
565 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607
(585) 244-1711
685 Park Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607
(585) 244-4220
1650 Elmwood Avenue
Rochester, NY 14620
(585) 244-2160
What is Frozen Oasis?
Frozen Oasis is a group led by Etheras and Soron that holds parties on
Friday nights at several conventions around the United States, usually
including a dance room with live DJs and a laser light show. In the bar
area/party room, frozen golden margaritas and strawberry daiquiris are
typically served, however the drinks can and do change to reflect the
convention’s theme, as well as non-alcoholic drinks.
How did Frozen Oasis start?
Frozen Oasis was born out of the principle of “if you don't like how
something is done, do it yourself”. Etheras and Soron didn't like how a lot
of the best furry parties seemed to be elitist and popufur-only events, either
by design or by circumstance. While at Further Confusion 2006, Etheras
and Soron attended the Klingon-run Black Hole Party which reaffirmed
their belief that furs needed an open and awesome room party. One thing
that impressed them about the Black Hole was that it was open to all and
the Klingons didn't just pander to the famous furs. The Klingon Party was
drama-free, fun, and well-regarded, but Etheras and Soron didn't want the
Klingons to have the best party at a furry con! They wanted to show that
furries knew how to party too!
Etheras and Soron started out at FWA 2006 with a simple “open to all party”
and the foundation was set for what today has become a legendary furry
party. They created a place where any fur could hang out without regard to
fandom status. They were all just furs having fun. Afterwards, while
discussing how the party went and what vision they were to have moving
forward, the topic of themes was discussed. They didn't like how a lot of
cons had themes, but don't do much with them. Etheras and Soron decided
that the Oasis would be heavily theme driven. This started out as a luau style
party but they quickly realized that this might get stale after a while. It was
decided that in the future the party theme would reflect the con's theme, or
an element thereof, while still keeping a luau flare.
From the beginning, the team would entirely transformed two connecting
hotel rooms, and later on suites, into a nightclub. The room was transformed
through the use of curtains, lighting rigs, and wall coverings so you would
never know you were
in a hotel room. The
dance area walls were
mirrored backdrop to
add the lighting’s effects. The sound system and light shows
were leaps and bounds ahead of the convention’s dances. A lot
of the most popular cons are just now catching up to where
they were in 2008. During its run some of the fandom’s best
DJs spun at the Oasis.
During its tenure as a “room party”, Frozen Oasis redefined the
term and has become the model for others to attempt to
emulate. To date all attempts have fallen short of achieving the
same results as Frozen Oasis.
One major factor that set Frozen Oasis apart from other parties,
aside from the physical atmosphere, is the philosophy that they
attempted to make every guest not only feel like they were a GoH,
but also an integral component of the party. This was
accomplished by :
• Each party having a unique poster featuring Etheras and Soron
that were posted throughout the hotel (these were often taken as
souvenirs by party attendees).
• Making sure every guest was presented a lei upon entry, and is
personally greeted by Soron or Etheras.
• Guests were provided with glow sticks if they wanted to use them
while they dance.
• Whenever possible guests new to the party were given up to 3
business cards that contained Etheras’, Soron’s, and the Frozen
Oasis’ contact information (one for each).
• Soron several times throughout the night would take a pitcher of
drinks around and fill people's glasses so they did not have to wait
in line at the bar.
• Announcements were made, usually by Soron, throughout the
party as to the number of drinks served usually reported by the 5
gallon batch.
• Whenever possible guests were said goodbye to by Etheras and
Soron, often with a goodbye toast
• Anyone left at the end of the night was typically invited to the
“hangover breakfast” which immediately follows the end of the
party at a local 24 hour diner.
Frozen Oasis parties have also been used by patrons as
their birthday parties, as well as other significant lifetime
events such as wedding receptions and anniversary parties.
Since Friday February 17th, 2006, Frozen Oasis has hosted
25 parties (17 at conventions). The six conventions around
the country that have had a Frozen Oasis are: Further
Confusion, Furry Weekend Atlanta, Morphicon,
Anthrocon, Mephit Fur Meet, and Fur Fright. Frozen
Oasis has also hosted parties at Soron’s residences in and
around Rochester, NY.
With alll things, an
a end musst come…
The party grew
far too poopular to be coontained in a seet of hotel room
ms. This coupleed with room blocking
mistakes on
the part off the hotel (andd the unavoidabble noise compplaints caused by
b them) and given
the fact th
hat there was just
j no
way they could
stuff anyymore furs intoo a set of adjoin
ning rooms, Ettheras and Sorron made the decision
to not host a
Frozen Oassis at a conventtion unless it was
w in conventiion space and could
be done properly.
With everyy end there is, however, also a new beginniing. In 2011, Frozen
Oasis toook over the Friday
night daance at
n. The party waas attended by over
o 85% of thee con’s registereed members thee past two yearss. Given that su
Etheras an
nd Soron decidded to put in too motion a plaan that had beeen formulated in November of 2008. They would
host the laast furry event ever,
taking place directly on
n the eve of thee Mayan apocallypse, being tru
ue to their prin
and refusin
ng to accept an
ny weekend exccept the authen
ntic date. Thiss was publically announced at
a the annual Frozen
Oasis Chrisstmas Party att Soron’s resideence. It was alsso announced th
hat it would bee the last partyy held with thee name
Frozen Oasis at a privatee residence as with
w hotel room
ms, the party had
h grown too large to properrly accommodaate the
house. All future eveents will be hoosted at venues or in the ou
ut of doors in order to ensurre that
guests in Soron’s
everyone has
h a safe and fun
f time. The future of Frozzen Oasis eventts held at conveentions, other than
ones chaiired by
Etheras an
nd Soron, is on a case by case basis.
Look for th
he next Frozen
n Oasis as we go
g back to the ‘660s as GoHs att FangCon 20144 in Knoxvillee, TN, Novembeer 7th,
2014 at 9pm
me of Con Chairs
insppired badgges by Ram
m the Dragoon
Use Page 33.jpg
Convention Acknowledgements:
Persons of Title:
Lord D Bandit, of House Bark, Warden of the North
Lord Delyun, of House Foxish, Lord of Horn Hill
Lord Finn Wolf, of House Bark, Master of Laws
Lord Good Shepherd, of House Taurgaryen, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard
Lord Happypup, of House Foxish, Knight of Cornfield
Lord Itachi Prower, of House Foxish, Defender of the Vale
Lord Jon Foxx, of House Foxish, Master of Whispers
Lord Kedri Fox, of House Foxish, King-Beyond-the-Wall
Lord Koss Kelir, of House Foxish, Master of Ships
Lord Loveless, of House Foxish, Lord of the Crossing
Lord MOLDRED, of House Bark, Warden of the East
Lord Ozarkfoxx, of House Lyonstare, Warden of the South
Lord Phoenix Audubon, of House Bearathon, Lord of Dragonstone
Lord SaphLion, of House Lyonstare, Master of Wine & Drink
Lord Sasuke, of House Bark, First Sword of Braavos
Lord Skate, of House Foxish, Lord of Last Hearth
Lord Wolf Seisenbacher, of House Foxish, Lord of Bear Island
Lord Woyro, of House Taurgaryen, Master of Ravens
Royalty (pre-registered only):
Lord Baron Weisser Wolf
Lady Spitfire
Lord C Rex
Lady Excel Hyperial
Lord LupineFox
Lord Jhoffmaniac
Lady Tansy
Knights (pre-registered only):
Ser Shyhoof
Ser Dunbangel
Ser PunkCat
Ser SomaCat
Ser Shroud
Ser Musekitty
Ser SpiritFox412
Ser Goatie
Ser Zara74ustra
Ser Sabrettiger
Ser WarszawaScream
Ser X 25
Ser Barker the
Ser Ukiah
Ser Chiono
Raven Contest Winner:
Dingo! Dingo will apply her prize to Season 2 of a Game of Con Chairs in 2015
Wildnights Ad
Place Holder
FangCon Ad
Place Holder
Gamee of Con Ch
hairs inspiired house banners byy Ram the Dragon