2015 conbook
2015 conbook
Map of Convention Sp MAP OF the CONVENTION SPACE LEGEND Genesee E: Genesee F,G: Skyway Lobby: Lilac: Boardroom: Frontier Hall: Club Med: Silver: Registration Dealers Room Zoo & Events Video Games Panels Dance, Events Fursuit Lounge Tabletop Games Third Floor Patch: Movie Room, Con Suite, Lounge Table of Contents () PAGE s Convention Map Welcome to FurryCon 2015 House Bearathon Heraldry King’s Proclamation Con Game Rules Convention Leadership House Leaders (GoHs) House Avarryn Heraldry “One of Many” story by Sasuke “Soron of the Night’s Watch” artwork by P_moss Dining and Amenities Guide Direwolf spot art by Foxy Convention Staff Centerfold “Daughter of Dragons” artwork by Foxy Coins of the Realm Code of Conduct Who/What is Frozen Oasis House Lyonstare Heraldry House Foxish Heraldry With All things, an End Must Come… Dealers/Merchants DJs Convention Acknowledgements House Bark Heraldry Advertising House Taurgaryen Heraldry Unofficial Foxish House Crest by Etheras Heraldry created by Soron Con Book Authored and Assembled by: Foxy and Soron 2 4 5 6 6 8 9 12 13 13 14 15, 18, 29, & 35 20 22-23 24 25 30 32 33 34 35 35 36 37 38, 39, 42, & 43 40 41 DEAR FURRY FRIENDS, I would like to take th his opportunitty to welcome you to the 2015 edition n of FurryCon: A game of Con Ch hairs Season 2 War is com ming. This iss the second year y in a th hree year the eme based on n the HBO series Game e of Thrones. We at FurryCon F prid de ourselves for immersion n in theme. Therefore T you u will see thingss referred to differently d tha an at other con nventions. For F example, the con chair is called the Paw of the King, K our regiistration lev vels are Serfs S (attendee), Squires (atttendee + shirt), Knights (ssponsors), Ro oyalty (super sponsors) an nd Persons of o Title (limited ed dition) or ourr House Lead ders (guests of honor). While W we do things t differen ntly (and hop pefully better) tha an other conv ventions, you u as a conven ntion attendee can expectt to see all off the typical things t the fandom has come to expect like e, a con suite e, dealers den n, dances, pa anels, fursuit games, and so on whilst still maintaining our o over arch hing theme. Game of Con Chairs was w selected as a theme because b of the grand and epic nature of o the story byy JRR Martin. I felt that it pla ayed well with h the grand vision v that is FurryCon, F how wever, it wass not feasible to do for only one year. This has lead to o us spreading g the theme over o a series of three conventions, eacch the same and d building upo on the previou us year but each e unique in their own right. To my knowledge k thiis has not been attempted before b by a convention c an nd I am glad d you have chosen c to be part of the grand experimen nt with us. Last year I served dou uble duty as the t con chair and as king. The winner of last year'ss convention game (more on this later in the t con book)) SomaCat, won w the privile ege of being this year's king and I will serve as Paw off the King (co on chair). A lot of ve ery hard work k, from a myriad of individu uals, has gone e into this pro oduction for your y enjoymen nt this weekend. Please hav ve fun and im mmerse yoursself in the exp perience as much m as you u wish. but also be ate to yourself and others by making su ure you follow w standard co onvention etiq quette such as a the considera 6-2-1 rule e, know your limits (both ph hysical and with alcohol) an nd respect others wishes/p personal spacce. FurryCon would like to o give a hearttfelt thank yo ou to everyone that has made this weekend possible e; the F Stafff, our volunte eers, our rave ens, panelistss, and lastly YOU Y the con go’er, hotel and their staff, FurryCon for whom all this is for! Have a grreat weekend! P.S. TH HIS IS THE MESSAGE M YOU HAV VE BEEN LOOKING L G FOR! HIS GRACE, SOMACAT, OF HOUSE TARGARYEN, FIRST OF HIS NAME, KING OF THE ANTHROS AND THE FIRST FURS, LORD OF THE SEVEN FANDOMS, AND PROTECTOR OF THE REALM WELCOMES YOU TO FURRYCON™2015: SEASON TWO OF A GAME OF CON CHAIRS. You are about to be part of another ground breaking convention, where one lucky attendee will become the honorary chair of the next year’s convention. As the honorary chair, the winner will get a free room on the staff floor, complete access to the 2016 convention, their character on the 2016 promotional product, be able to provide input into some aspects of the convention, and the right to sit on the throne during functions during the 2016 convention. The more active you and your house are the better chance you have to win, however, it will still be possible to do nothing but attend the convention and still win the game! The winner will be chosen through the convention game by a two step process. The First Step: Choosing the Ruling House House Influence The total house influence will be calculated from four parts of the game: panel attendance, tournaments, the marketplace, and the War Room. Whichever house has the most points at the end of the convention elevates their most personally influential member to be the new Con Chair! Panel attendance Each attendee at a panel will earn notoriety for their house by giving it a public face. But, naturally, if the assembled public has no idea who the attendee is, it is of less value to the house! Houses will earn: 5 points for each Serf and Squire attending a panel 10 points for each Knight attending a panel 15 points for each Lord and Person of Title attending a panel Tournaments The tournaments are a place for attendees to prove their skills and put on a display of character for the whole kingdom to see. Those who show themselves worthy earn not only personal glory but recognition for their house and it’s capability to rule. Even the lowliest of serfs can attain notoriety by overcoming all opponents and attaining an unexpected victory while the highest ranking of lords may find themselves outperformed. 3rd place earns their house 15 points 2nd place earns their house 25 points 1st place earns their house 40 points All participants in the tournament earn their normal house points for competing. But remember, those with enough wealth can always put forward a wager for a rematch to upset the balance! Personal duels, while fun for spectators, are not of sufficient notoriety for them to alter a house’s points. They will only count for personal reputation. The Marketplace Central to any well-functioning kingdom is the marketplace where subjects of all ranks mingle to acquire their wares. Thus, the vendors that work all day in the market are critical to upholding the standards of their house and promoting its splendor. Houses compete with one another to be the most visible throughout the market. Whichever house spends the most money in the Den on a given day will earn 100 points at the end of the market day as well as 5 resources to be used in the War Room. The War Room The War Room is the battle at large taking place between the houses outside the festival at which they all pretend to be getting along. Players will have the opportunity to finance armies, purchase territories for their house, and help lead the attack against the other houses! The Second Step: Individual Wealth, Power, and Backing! Personal Influence System Personal Influence will be won throughout the course of the convention by assisting the convention, engaging in con activities, and exploring the city of Rochester and so on. Anybody who is actively engaged in the convention has a reasonable shot at being crowned the King! Wealth is only one factor in the calculation of Personal Influence this year. Achievements can be verified at the Ironside Bank table (in Dealers Den). The calculation is: Total points from achievements and awards + (personal wealth/house wealth)*RankModifier= Influence Thus, personal wealth is reckoned as a percentage of intra-house wealth to compare the person with their peers. The Rank Modifiers are: Serf x50 Squire x60 Knight x75 Lord x100 Person of Title x125 Details of the achievements and the War Room rules are available as a separate handout The Monetary System: Hexagonal Coins: You have been supplied with hexagonal coins of the realm at registration based on the day you picked up your registration and the level of your registration. These coins can be used throughout the convention to wager on contests, to make alliances by donating them to another player, to offer rewards for good deeds done for you, or to purchase resources for your house to use in the War Room. As in real life, the more coins the better, so get them however you can! Be cunning, be light of finger, have sticky paws, be wise in your choices, be bold in your bets, be brave in your contests, and get as many as you can. Even if you don’t want to win, you can accumulate wealth to back another fur that might. This year the coins are worth the following points: Black: 100Neon: 50 Green: 20 points Red: 10 points Blue: 5 points Gold: 1 The Ironside Bank In the Dealer’s den there will be a banker. You can bring all or some of your coins to the banker at any time to keep them safe from theft or loss, however, when they are in the bank you can’t use them, they are locked up and kept safe. Keep in mind ALL coins must be turned into the banker by NOON on Monday, in order to count. Loose coins will continue to be collected, however, they will not be used to determine the winner. So turn your coins in EARLY. Convention Leadership SORON, PAW OF THE KING (CON CHAIR), HOUSE BEARATHON (DEFEATED) Soron is a giant panda that stands at 6'6" tall and is often seen cloaked in dark green, brown, and black archer's garb from the Renaissance period. His leather armor is embellished with a head of a fennec and has a wolf head on his belt buckle, both tributes to his friends. He totes a green bow and long arrows with green and yellow fletching, leading Soron to also be called "The Green Archer Panda". Soron often tends bar at various room parties including the Frozen Oasis and this has earned him the nickname “The Booze Bear”. This affectionate term was first “coined”, by Soron’s friend Draconis, many years ago. ETHERAS, LORD OF HOUSE FOXISH: CREATIVE DIRECTOR, CONVENTION TYRANT, PROFESSIONAL FENNEC The nefarious little white fennec that helped put this convention together, Etheras is a fox driven by pursuit of perfection. This has led him to question and re-imagine many aspects of what passes for furry cons, and also to drive Soron crazy with nagging demands about every little detail. Etheras (the character) entered the fandom less than a year ago. Before this, Etheras (the person) used the fennec Jaspian as his character. He started the Frozen Oasis Parties alongside Soron in 2006, and since there have been over 25. He is a well-known DJ and music-producer and artist. Etheras is also a proficient fashion and costume designer, and is easily-recognized by his outlandish (and provocative) costumes, that have become a trademark of his at furry cons (Often leaving trails of feathers in his wake). TEMPERANC CE, LADY OF O HOUSE E AVARRYN N mperance is a fursuitt maker fro om western n Canada. She Tem spe ends her da ays making g costumes and her evvenings pla aying vide eo games and a watchin ng horror movies. m Tem mperance has been making m cosstume for over o ten ye ears. Herr early wo orks consissted mainlyy of cosplay from comic boo oks, cartoon ns and vide eo games. While W workking as a ve endor at Calgary C Co omic and Entertainment Expo ba ack in 2008 8 she spotted a fursuiter wandering the halls. She S immed diately decid ded she wa anted to tryy and make on ne of those e animal co ostumes, an nd so bega an research hing on the internet. It was there sh he discoverred the furry fandom.. After com mpleting her first fursu uit she instantly wanted to t make an nother, and then anoth her. It wasn't long afterr she learne ed her craftt that and beccame involv ved in the furry f comm munity that she began n making fu ursuits for other o people. Tempera ance makes fursuitss professio onally thro ough her art and costume c sttudio KomicKrrazi studios. She hass won various costume awardss for works at high level costume e contests Such S as Sa an Diego Comic C con and DragonCon. Her work has been b featured d in a music c video for the t Australian metal ba and "DZ De eathrays". HIXBI-F FOX, LORD D OF HOUS SE BARK At 16, Hixbi H started d as a hip hop h produce er that onlyy wanted to make e his own style, and be acceptted for it. He H tried cosplay,, it didn't work w for him m. A friend of his asked if he knew an nything abo out furrys and wondere ed about th hem. He then became insta antly excite ed hearing that people e in the fandom liked the people in it for f being original and unique. He wass asked to bring his music, hiss joke and upbeat attitude to the fand dom, and he e has regre etted nothin ng about it! He started outsc coring his fiirst hit, a co omedy cove er spoof, "W We Like Fu ursuits, We Like Furs." He love es working with otherss, and really thinks that t is the reason wh hy he likess this fandom.. He worked with othe er artist till he got the next hit, "P Paws up!" He H makes Rap, hip-hop, RnB, Ne eo-Soul, House H (Dee ep, French h) Techno o, Trance, Ambient, and Dubstep p. He has developed a technique e to mash th hem all in crazy c ways;; Hixbi hope es to continue e to work ha ard and sticck with the fandom, f alw ways trying g new thingss. DR RACONIS (AKA CALA AMITY COU UGAR), 1STTLORD OF F HO OUSE LYONSTARE, AND A FURR RY DRAMA A SHOW Dra aconis cam me into th he fandom no strang ger to bein ng in cosstume or fa andom convventions. His H first Furrry Con wass in a one e year con n called Furry Spring Break (FSB) in the same s hottel Draconis was help ping run ano other fando om’s convention the ere, Gargoyyles, The Gathering G o Gargoyle of es. His talents we ere acknowlledged and d he was bro ought on to o staff to run n the gaming track along with h the charitty auction that t year along a witth being its auctioneer. It was while w at FSB B that he fo ound what tru uly intereste ed him and d that was fursuiters f a how ma and any of them m got their own costume es to wear at a the con. Long be efore seeing g fursuiters he had wo orked at Dissney World, in the ente ertainment dept for the parade. p In addition a to the parade e he did oth her roles, Pluto, P Prince e John, Eeyyore, and man ny more. He H even ha ad opportun nity to play a few out of his height range du ue to the parkks lax rules.. His favoriite was King Lion from m Bedknobss and Broom msticks. Bu ut the year of Disney end ded so did being in co ostume. It was w not till he attende ed FSB and d got to see fu ursuiters, some s of wh hich made their t own costumes, c w which he re ealized this was something he wantted to do.” In addittion to pho otography, many m of his photos can be fou und on tim mduru.org, after watching g the masc cot games in Florida a he develo oped the first f fursuit games forr the fandom on the East coast off the US sttarting at Midwest M Furr Fest he made m them m into ased off his work at Disney. The first ga ames were based aro ound themed games ba ns’ movie “Vacation” “ and run at a numbe er of cons including MFF, M Nationall Lampoon Megaple ex, FWA an nd also RCF FM. Draconiss’ main pa assion is still s fursuitiing. He brings b to life l the lovveable redneck characte er Calamity y Cougar, a partial suitt made by Latin L Vixen.. In addition to all this Draconiss is currenttly Con Cha air of FangC Con, has chaired c Okla acon for 2 yea ars and has been Eve ent Director for Wild Nights N since e 2010, sta affed for various cons evvery year he h has been in the fa andom and is on the board for RCFM and d the Organizing Committee for Wild W Nights. He has brought b unique enterttainment to o the n as well introducing new n enterta ainment succh as fandom in bringing radio playss to the con Rhubarb b the Bear’s Julie Bun nny must Die D and Fossgate a mu usical to the e fandom along a with Jefff Goode's Fursona Non N Grata.. Draconiss can be found f on FA F as Cala amity Cougar and occasionally on Live L Journal also. KEEFUR R (AKA CU UTTER CAT T), 2ND LOR RD OF HOUSE LYONST TARE, CONVENTION N PRINTER R, AND FUR RRY DRAMA A SHOW Keefur discovered d the Fandom m 5 years ago a (thankss CSI). He is i a fursuitter (Cutter Cat the Sa abertooth Cat C - the ma ascot for th he House of o Mews ca at rescue in n Memphis, TN), printter for man ny furry cons, a paro ody poster designer (with ( Draco onis), and a parody song writer. He also helps out with the Furry F Dram ma Show. n Knoxville, TN, and has h twice been an atte ending Gue est of He is Prresident of FangCon in Honor at Mid-South h Con as a pioneer in the Sci-fi war w game in ndustry. SOMA ACAT, LORD OF HO OUSE TAURGARYEN N (HONOR RARY CON CHAIR) Soma aCat discovvered the fa andom in la ate 1999 wh hile cruising g the intern net checking g out TLK boards b and such. It wa as a surprisse for him to o find that there t was a whole an nthropomorp phic community out th here, and he e jumped right in… we ell not quite e that fast. Cats are a little more e cautious. More like he dipped d his paw in to checkk the tempe erature first, but wouldn’t you kn now, it wass just right. For the last nine years, So oma’s been n co-hostin ng furmeetts and eve ents in easstern Pennsylvania with his foxy ma ate, LupineF Fox. He’s gott his dream ms like any cat: from pillows p to ca astles, to flu uffiness and snuggless and paws on n… you nam me it. It was quite q a coin ncidence fo or him to have been selected s fo or kingship this year since s he’s acttually been n working on o designin ng a real, smaller sca ale castle to live in. He’s already dreaming of the days when Lupine L will serve him m breakfast in bed every e g… kippers in cream, or o cream wiith kippers… … morning So furryy is a big part p of his life l both em motionally, and socially, and beiing King att this year’s Game G of Co on Chairs se eems fitting g… at least to him. ONE OF MANY. BY SASUKE I am just one of many. So many of the others around me have never tasted blood. Never known what it was like to be brought into battle. Never cleaved a limb from one's flesh, nor drank from the blood-soaked pool known as violence. No, I am unique to those around me. Worn, beaten down, and used to the point at which I would never be useful again. And yet I stood beside those of far more use as an equal, something which was not ever possible; until I was given a new life, and a new purpose. Many have used me since I have come to join the others, and I have served each new master as faithfully as a worn out warrior can. I have seen blood, violence, and arrogance pass before me time and time again, and yet each time a new victor comes and claims the spoils which myself and my many companions can only possibly grant. It is no small task, to be the one which has such power, and yet it is one that my old, tired frame does dutifully day in and day out. As worn down as I am, and as much as I lust to be brought back out into battle so that I may fall or be broken down utterly in a manner befitting my true purpose, I relish every single time a new master comes and makes use of me and my compatriots. We are a symbol after all; a beacon to be lusted after in the great seven kingdoms and one which will be fought over until the very end of time itself. No one man, nor woman, can ever hope to truly claim us for good. We never expect on serving just one master, and are always waiting in silence for another to come and claim our loyal servitude. We are but the instrument of the king however, a tool that he can use to display his dominance over all of the land as we serve whichever man has claim to us for the time being. When we were forced through the crucible of battle, and the fire of our creation as a group of one, we knew that the life we had been given would be one of nigh eternal strife and battle. It was a known fact, and yet all that we would be allowed to do was watch and give our service to the victor. It was hard for the warrior in me to accept, but being that I have always been but a tool, an instrument, who was I to complain? I have been given a second chance to serve a warrior king, and to be used as what I am... How could I? For I am but a sword after all. A sword on the Iron Throne. Dinin ng an nd AMEN NITIES S GUID DE In n between sccheming and plotting to brring down the e other Houses, we all ne eed to eat and take care of o other b business! This guide is sorted by ty T ype of cuisine e and include es addressess and telepho one numbers (correct as of April 2 2015) and listss more than 30 3 nearby din ning options. Listed after th L he dining options are serrvices such as a nearby ba anks and AT TMs, grocerie es, pharmacie es, etc. S Services that offer o 24 hour availability arre marked forr your conven nience. Do keep in miind this is justt an assortme D ent, and there e are plenty of o other local dining d optionss. Got a real favorite th hat you want everyone to know k about? Let Soron kn now! W Where do o we fo orage fo or food? Key to t Food Gu uide Symb bols The ere are ma any great places to obtain o food d within a sho ort walking distance frrom the “RR RR”. There e are even mo ore, a shorrt drive/cab b ride awayy. Here iss a listing Soron has pu ut together for your re eference an nd he has givven ones th hat he has s eaten at a “Bamboo o Rating”. The e more sta alks, the be etter the foo od! There are a also a ratings for an approxima ate total co ost (drinks, food, and tip)) per fur in n $10 incre ements (on ne symbol would be und der $10 an nd two would be betw ween $10-$2 20 per fur and d so on), speed s of service, s dellivery/takeo out, and if resservations are a recomm mended. A nice little restau urant that serve es sushii and tra aditional Japane ese noo odle dish hes. 277 7 Alexander St #102 Rocchester, NY Y 14607 (58 85) 325-655 55 Veg gan and ve egetarian preparation p n available e. AMERICA AN ASIA AN Dinosau ur Bar-B-Q Que Che en Garden n 99 Court Street S Rochester, NY 14604 (585) 325 5-7090 1750 0 Monroe Ave enue Rocchester, NY 14 4618 (585 5) 241-3070 Jay's Diner Callifornia Rollin 2612 W Henrietta H Rd Rochester, NY 14623 (585) 424 4-3710 274 Goodman Sttreet Rocchester, NY 14 4607 (585 5) 271-8990 Jines Restaurant R He''s Chinese and Japan nese Resta aurant 658 Park Ave Rochester, NY 14607 (585) 461-1280 20 Exchange E Bou ulevard Rocchester, NY 14 4614 (585 5) 325-3880 Legends Sports Bar B & Grille e Hou use of Sus shi 120 E Ma ain St Rochester, NY 14604 (585) 232-9174 101 East Avenue e Rocchester, NY 14 4604 (585 5) 546-2480 Nick Tahou Hots Lottus Orienta al Restaura ant 320 West Main Street Rochester, NY 14608 (585) 436 6-0184 79 State S Street Rocchester, NY 14 4614 (585 5) 957-7082 Starbuc cks Plu um Garden 680 Monrroe Ave Rochester, NY 14607 (585) 244 4-4545 3349 9 Monroe Ave enue Rocchester, NY 14 4618 (585 5) 381-8730 Subway y Sak kura Home e 31 E Main n St # 100 Rochester, NY 14614 6-7880 (585) 546 2775 5 Monroe Ave enue Rocchester, NY 14 4618 (585 5) 288-8130 The Dis stillery 1142 Mou unt Hope Ave Rochester, NY 14620 (585) 271-4105 Tim Horrtons 710 Lake Ave Rochester, NY 14613 4-0110 (585) 254 PIZZA PUB BS Domino os Marshall Stre eet Bar and d Grill 1699 Culvver Road Rochester, NY 14609 (585) 654 4-9900 81 Marshall M Stree et Rocchester, NY 14 4607 (585 5) 325-2191 Galleria a Pizza Natthaniel’s Pub P 16 Main Street S East Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 262-2222 251 Exchange Bo oulevard 4608 Rocchester, NY 14 (585 5) 232-8470 Mark's Pizzeria P Sco otland Yard d Pub 619 Monrroe Avenue Rochester, NY 14607 (585) 256 6-1040 187 Saint Paul Street Rocchester, NY 14 4604 (585 5) 730-5030 Papa Jo ohns The e Old Toad d 1673 Main n St E Rochester, NY 14609 (585)288--7272 277 Alexander Sttreet Rocchester, NY 14 4607 (585 5) 232-2626 Pizza Sttop The e Owl Hous se 123 State e Street Rochester, NY 14614 (585) 546 6-7252 75 Marshall M Stree et Rocchester, NY 14 4607 (585 5) 360-2920 Pontillo o's Pizzeria as 1687 Mt. Hope Ave Rochester (585) 442-6865 Stromboli Express 113 East Avenue A Rochester, NY 14604 (585) 546 6-2121 MEXICAN N Mex Res staurant 295 Alexa ander Street Rochester, NY 14607 (585) 262-3060 Salena's sMexican Restauran nt 302 Good dman St N Rochester, NY 14607 (585) 256 6-5980 ITALIAN Panzari'sItalian Bistro 321 Excha ange Bouleva ard Rochester, NY 14608 (585) 546 6-7990 LEGEND E GROCER RIES MED DICAL CARE E The Roc chester Pu ublic Marke et Acc celCare – Urgent U Carre 280 Union n Street North h Rochester, NY 14609 (585) 428 8-6907 3400 0 Monroe Ave enue Rocchester, NY 14 4618 Officce: (585) 203-1056 Tops Market Roc chester Ge eneral Hos spital 285 Uppe er Falls Boulev vard Rochester, NY 14605 (585) 454 4-4430 1425 5 Portland Avvenue Rocchester, NY 14 4621 (585 5) 922-4000 Wegmans Stro ong Memorrial Hospitall 1750 East Avenue Rochester, NY 14610 (585) 244 4-7950 601 Elmwood Avvenue Rocchester, NY 14 4620 (585 5) 275-2100 GENERA AL SUPPLIES PHA ARMACIES Dollar Tree T CVS S 923 Clinto on Avenue So outh Rochester, NY 14620 (585) 256 6-9810 2100 0 Monroe Ave e Brighton, NY 146 618 (585 5) 461-3995 Family Dollar D CVS S 176 Main Street East Rochester, NY 14604 (585) 232-3370 789 Elmwood Avve Rocchester, NY 14 4620 (585 5) 271-5031 Home Depot D Rite e Aid 1111 East Ridge Road d Rochester, NY 14621 (585) 342-0970 565 Monroe Aven nue Rocchester, NY 14 4607 (585 5) 244-1711 Wal-Mart Super Center Wa algreens 1490 Hud dson Avenue Rochester, NY 14621 (585) 266 6-2000 1650 0 Elmwood Ave A Rocchester, NY 14 4620 (585 5) 244-2160 ART SUP PPLIES ART T SUPPLIES AC Moo ore Mic chaels 2833 Wesst Ridge Road d Rochester, NY 14626 7-6630 (585) 227 720 Jefferson Ro oad, Market Square S Hen nrietta, NY 146 623 (585 5) 445-3667 Jo Ann Fabric and d Craft Roc chester Arrt Supply In nc 3333 Wesst Henrietta Rd R Ste 90 Rochester, NY 14623 (585) 292-1160 150 West Main St S Rocchester, NY 14 4614 (585 5) 546-6509 OFFICE SUPPLIES & SHIPPING G BAN NKS & ATMss FedEx Office O & Sh hip Ban nk Of Ame erica 941 Jefferrson Road Rochester, NY 14623 (585) 240 0-2679 1 Ea ast Ave Rocchester, NY 14 4638 (585 5) 546-9203 Staples Can nandaigua a National Bank B 1100 Jeffe erson Rd, Suite 12 Rochester, NY 14623 (585) 424 4-1901 45 E Main St Rocchester, NY 14 4614 (585 5) 262-0356 US Postt Office Cha ase Bank 116 West Main Street Rochester, NY 14614 5-8777 (800) 275 1 Ch hase Square Rocchester, NY 14 4643 (585 5) 258-5888 Key y Bank 100 Bausch and Lomb Pl 4604 Rocchester, NY 14 (585 5) 263-4744 M& &T Bank 28 E Main St Rocchester, NY 14 4614 (585 5) 246-3200 LOCAL AREA MAP FOOD. 1. Dinosaur Bar-B-Que 2. Legends Sports Bar & Grille 3. Nick Tahou Hots 4. Subway 5. He’s Chinese and Japanese Restaurant 6. House of Sushi 7. Lotus Oriental Restaurant 8. Shema Sushi Inc 9. Pizza Stop 10. Nathaniel’s Pub 11. Scotland Yard Pub 12. The Old Toad 13. Mex Restaurant 14. Panzari’s Italian Bistro AMENITIES. A. Family Dollar B. Rochester Art Supply Inc C. US Post Office D. Bank of America E. Canandaigua Bank F. Chase Bank G. Key Bank H. M&T Bank Convention Staff Video Game Room Operations FrostElf is our Director of Operations. She has worked for numerous conventions in this and other capacities in the past. She has been a good friend to the Frozen Oasis, Soron and Etheras for many years. Stay mellow and make her (and there by your own life) easy during your time at the convention. Fursuiting Sasuke (right) has been in the fandom for 15 years, so one many call him a grey muzzle… though behind his back, because this wolfdragon doesn’t take too kindly to such quips. An avid fursuiter (He has 6 of them!), staffer of 3 cons besides FurryCon, an author, and a fan of most things round, Sasuke tends to be quite busy! Barker Jr. (left) The purple dragon hails from the east, in search of lands to conquer. He lays shared claim to the fursuiting track in this kingdom, as well as the far kingdoms of AC, MFF and FC. X 25 is heading up our Video Game Room this year. He is bringing in several of his own games and systems for us to use! Game Master Janu (AKA Janushka Liirka) is a Deer studying Classical Languages at Indiana University Bloomington. He has Staffed for End of the World Con and Morphicon. Main Events A veteran to staff since Furry End of the World, Arel joins FurryCon again this year as the Main Events manager, coordinating tech and performers in Frontier Hall and again generating the light plot that hangs during the dances. Dealers’ Liaison Mori (AKA Moriarty St. James) is a friendly fruit bat that lives in Bloomington Indiana. He has staffed and volunteered at many conventions including End of the World Con, IFC, MWFF, Morphicon, GenCon, and FurFright. Programming/Marketing Logistics Kila has helped lead this year’s programming track. She has come up with a few good panel ideas to keep you laughing and having fun throughout the weekend. Please look for her table in the dealer’s den besides setting up our programming she is an awesome fursuit maker! Nimbus is our Logistics director and has helped with set construction, lighting, load in and load out. His help has been invaluable both in making the convention happen and keeping Soron sane. Gaming New to staff this year, Raltz joins us running the tabletop games room. He's brought along a small collection of board games and RPGs and will be teaching and running games throughout the con. Dance Coordinator Ashadan returns this year as not only a DJ but as the Dance Coordinator. Since the EotWC in 2012, Ash has helped FurryCon both as a DJ and a volunteer. This year he is making the mistake commitment to be a FurryCon Staffer. Registration Movie Room/Con Suite Foxy is head of registration for the first time. After attending ConFurence way back in 1993 she was hooked for life. She has staffed and volunteered for many conventions including Anthrocon, MAGfest, DrawnCon and Shinnenkai. Artist, publisher, costumer, cosplayer and part cat, expect to see her meowing around! Rumor has it she is also responsible for this year’s FurryCon convention book. D’Bandit is a red furred husky dawg with one blue eye and one green. He's a greymuzzle that has attended most of the major fur cons in the US & Canada, going all the way back to his first, Anthrocon '02, when it was in Philly. Videographer SeaFox is our video lead again this year. He has been very helpful with promotional and AV needs. Smile for the fox behind the camera! Staff Videographer I’m Rico Raccoon. Long time adventurer in Video Production and everything techy IT related. I work fulltime at a community access TV station in Concord, NH and love every moment of it. I love meeting new people, making sweet videos and love doing live video production whenever possible. When equipped, I do 3d20 electrical damage. Audio HothFox is an arctic vixen from CNY who started attending furcons in 2011. At FurryCon: A Game of Con Chairs, Hoth is hosting a panel on body modification, assisting SeaFox with audio, and volunteering where needed. Volunteer Coordinator/Con Suite Good Shepherd is joining us this year on our staff as volunteer coordinator for FurryCon. He has been running with the crew since the End of the World in 2012, helping with setup, teardown, and other necessary modifications to hotel rooms and making sure everyone has a great time. If you have spare time to lend a paw and help out the convention, find him and volunteer as we appreciate every bit of help available! Sets and Construction Wags has helped build all our sets this again year and he has done a wonderful job! He has been pivotal in transforming the convention space into our own vision of Westeros. Thanks a bunch! Security Firefox will be our security lead this year, returning from his role in the End of the World as a combined medical/security/Ops position, Fire will be helping keep us all safe and organized. Medical Fray is your typical tan n white husky. He is in charge of all the medical goodness at the con. He has been involved with EMS since he was a pup. If you have any medical issues please feel free to contact Fray and he will help you out. Gam me of Con C n Ch hair rs Co oins s of the e Re ealm m Black hex=100 0, Neon hex=5 50, DK Green n hex=20, Red hex=10, Blu ue circle=5, Gold G hex=1 Code of Conduct for Attending FurryCon ™ Introduction The primary purpose of FurryCon is to have fun and meet new and interesting people. To ensure our guests achieve this objective we have established certain rules that govern your conduct while at the convention. FurryCon welcomes all persons with an interest in anthropomorphics and the community commonly known as “furries”, however, the convention's management reserves the right to deny or revoke the membership of any individual at any time for any reason. Kanouse Entertainment Group reserves the right to amend these rules at any time without prior or posted notice and reserves the sole right of interpretation. In any dispute, the convention chair has final say. If you have any questions, please contact Soron for assistance. Anyone who accepts a membership badge agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Kanouse Entertainment Group, FurryCon, the hotel, and the convention staff from any claim for personal injuries or other damages or equity arising out of any individual's activities at FurryCon, even if such injury or damage is caused by negligence by or on the part of Kanouse Entertainment Group, FurryCon, the hotel, and/or the convention staff. As a condition of membership, all FurryCon attendees are required to abide by these standards of conduct for the entire duration of their stay, even prior to Opening or after Closing Ceremonies. These terms and conditions may be updated at any time and without prior notice. Changes to legal documentation will be posted on the furrycon.com news board. Changes are not subject to appeal or re-negotiation. Convention membership will not be refunded to users who disagree with revised legal documentation. Rest assured: we won’t change legal agreements unless it is important. By attending FurryCon, you agree to these terms and conditions. General Rating of the Convention All convention areas are considered to be "PG-13" at all times, even though this is a 21and-up convention there may be minors in visual or audible range and attendees should act accordingly. Attendees, when in public areas, may not wear clothing which is inappropriate to the atmosphere of the convention or could be deemed obscene by the hotel staff or guests. Basically use your good judgment here. Generally speaking, nightclub rules apply. If you would be kicked out if you were to wear it at a decent dance club, you should reconsider your wardrobe. If you have a question, ask convention security or operations. Shirts, pants/shorts, and footwear must be worn when in areas of the hotel, that are accessible to other hotel guests, such as lobbies, restaurants, and concourses. Full-body fursuits are excluded from the "shirts/pants/footwear" rule, provided that the costume is not unacceptably revealing. Public displays of affection beyond what is appropriate in public are frowned upon. Again if this is you have questions please ask we will be glad to let you know what is acceptable and what is not. Public Decorum No items of any kind, including paper airplanes, may be thrown or dropped from the hotel balconies, patios, or room windows. No water pistols, silly string, confetti, rice, glitter or similar materials may be used in any area of the hotel. Handheld glowsticks are permitted in the dances at all times. For safety reasons, glowsticks on strings (aka "poi") will also be allowed only as room permits. Convention staff will have final say on this and their decision will be final. No sleeping in the lobby, the hallways, the meeting rooms or the Zoo. You must have a room or go home. Convention attendees must abide by instructions given by Convention staff. Failure to do so will result in escort from the convention and the hotel. There will be no refund of membership fees. Any disputes or concerns may be addressed with Convention staff. FurryCon functions are open only to paying members who have not had their memberships revoked, and all attendees MUST wear their membership badges at all times. A badge is valid only for the person to whom it was issued; badges cannot be shared under any circumstances. You will be caught if you share badges. Your picture is brought up when your badge is scanned. Badges are scanned at every checkpoint. If the picture is not you then the badge will be confiscated and you and the badge owner will be questioned by Convention staff. Those found to be willfully attempting to defraud FurryCon by not paying, or using a badge without permission of the registered party, you will be turned over to the local authorities and prosecuted for theft of services and possible the use of a false ID for those under the age of 21. If the badge was used with the permission of the owner you will both be removed from the convention and the hotel without refund. There is no smoking in any area within the hotel, including the guest rooms. Smokers are asked to use designated smoking areas provided by the facility, and comply with any other smoking rules of the facility. Cigarette butts must be disposed of properly and not left on the ground. Providing transportation or housing, or otherwise enabling an individual that is known to be unwelcome at FurryCon or of a person who is under 21 to attend or enter the Convention's space will result in permanent revocation of membership privileges and possible criminal charges. Consumption of Alcohol FurryCon offers free and unlimited drinks we require you to be responsible for your consumption of alcohol. Our bartenders and Convention staff have last say in cutting you off from consuming alcohol. As a condition of membership you assume all responsibility for your actions and agree not to hold FurryCon, the Convention staff, Kanouse Entertainment Group and/or the hotel liable if any injury, damages, or accident occurs because of your alcohol consumption. Drink your fill but know your limits. Public drunkenness will not be tolerated. Attendance by Minors Minors and persons under the age of 21 years of age as of May 21st, 2015 will not be allowed to register or attend. Any minor attempting to register or providing false identification will be turned over to the appropriate law enforcement agency as required by law and no refund will be given. Any person allowing their badge or ID to be used by a minor will be turned over to the local law enforcement for providing alcohol to a minor. Weapons Policy Theme appropriate blades, bows and prop firearms are allowed (no real firearms), however, these must be peace bonded by convention security staff and never drawn in convention space. Any weapon drawn in convention space will immediately become the property of the con chair (Soron likes new additions to his collection) and the previous owner will be removed from the convention. Firearms: Real firearms are prohibited in convention space. State and local laws apply elsewhere. NOTE: In New York you must not only possess a NYS pistol permit but you MUST also be a resident of New York to possess or carry a handgun. So please leave the handguns at home, no one wants to spend time in jail. Pet Policy FurryCon does not allow pets in convention space. This is for the protection of the pet, the pet owner, and our attendees as a whole. Service animals are permitted in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Parties and Similar Gatherings in Hotel Rooms Room parties are allowed but discouraged. We have gone to great lengths to provide a whole con room party in convention space. Please party with the con and keep the hotel happy! Gatherings in hotel rooms must not generate any noise that can be heard in neighboring rooms during nighttime hours. Hotel doors must be kept shut during such gatherings and guests are not permitted to congregate in the hotel corridors. Loud parties will be given a single warning to remain quiet. No second warnings will be given before action is taken by the hotel to remove the offending individuals. There is a huge party being provided for you at the convention. Go there, enjoy, and keep your hotel neighbors happy! Hotel guests who host any gathering are responsible for cleaning up afterward. Excessive amounts of unbagged trash must not be left for housekeeping staff to clean up (it's just plain rude). Trash bags are available. Ask for them and use them. Other Hotel Matters Any act of vandalism, deliberate or excessive damage to hotel property, or interference with any hotel worker in the performance of their duties will result in at least permanent revocation of membership and removal from the hotel, and possible legal action. The person in whose name a room is rented is solely responsible for the conduct of all individuals in the room as well as for the condition of the room. If you are going to hang door signs or notices please do so with non-marring adhesive, such as blue painter’s tape. Please use the convention message board or the website social media sections for posting of events and room locations. Inappropriate parties are not permitted and will be shut down, and participants reprimanded, including possible revocation of convention membership. Sales of Merchandise The sale of any merchandise, excluding personal commissions, may only take place in the provided spaces (Dealers room). It is the seller’s responsibility to abide by NYS tax laws. Those laws are available for your review at http://www.tax.ny.gov/ Harassment The convention has a ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY on harassment of any nature (physical, verbal, or sexual). If someone tells you "no," then your business with that person is over. "STOP" means "STOP!" "GO AWAY" means "GO AWAY!" If someone will not understand these simple commands, contact a member of Security or any member of Staff. If you feel like you are being harassed (in our out of costume), talk to the person you feel is harassing you. If you don’t feel comfortable doing so, or they don’t listen to you, please tell a con staff member. If you’re okay with random hugs, that’s fine. Please say so, or put it on a badge. We just don’t want it to be the assumption for all (in costume or not). The convention and convention staff are not responsible for solving any interpersonal problems that may arise between individuals. Substance Abuse The sale or other distribution of any illegal or controlled substances is not condoned or allow by the convention. Any individual found to be in possession of or distributing such substances will be removed and reported directly to the local law enforcement. Knowingly or unknowingly providing alcohol to an individual under the age of 21 is a felony; both parties will be turned over to local law enforcement. It is the sole responsibility of persons providing alcohol in their rooms to ensure that every person in attendance is over the age of 21, even if that person is not drinking alcohol. New York State and the county courts are extremely serious about the social host laws and we ask our members to respect it. Media No journalists, media photographers, online content producers/publishers, nor any other members of the press are welcome to attend FurryCon unless they do so not in conjunction with their press duties/online content producer role. We are a private group and wish to remain that way, please respect the wishes of our members. We have nothing to hide, however, we have nothing to share with the public either. If members of the media are present, attendees must act responsibly. As a condition of membership you are informed that audio and/or video recordings are frequently made in convention areas and that your likeness(es) may appear in those recordings. Attendees further agree that FurryCon, The Frozen Oasis, Kanouse Entertainment Group, or the hotel may use these pictures or recordings for promotional materials. If you suspect that an individual may be uninvited media (as defined above), please notify our staff. Copyright This convention is copyrighted by Kanouse Entertainment Group and is for the private non-commercial use of our attendees. Any commercial or other use of video footage, or of any pictures, descriptions, or accounts of the convention without Kanouse Entertainment Group's express written consent, is prohibited. Ending Thoughts Have fun be safe and stay within the rules. The main idea behind FurryCon is to enjoy your furry friends and family. What is Frozen Oasis? Frozen Oasis is a group led by Etheras and Soron that holds parties on Friday nights at several conventions around the United States, usually including a dance room with live DJs and a laser light show. In the bar area/party room, frozen golden margaritas and strawberry daiquiris are typically served, however the drinks can and do change to reflect the convention’s theme, as well as non-alcoholic drinks. How did Frozen Oasis start? Frozen Oasis was born out of the principle of “if you don't like how something is done, do it yourself”. Etheras and Soron didn't like how a lot of the best furry parties seemed to be elitist and popufuronly events, either by design or by circumstance. While at Further Confusion 2006, Etheras and Soron attended the Klingon-run Black Hole Party which reaffirmed their belief that furs needed an open and awesome room party. One thing that impressed them about the Black Hole was that it was open to all and the Klingons didn't just pander to the famous furs. The Klingon Party was drama-free, fun, and well-regarded, but Etheras and Soron didn't want the Klingons to have the best party at a furry con! They wanted to show that furries knew how to party too! Etheras and Soron started out at FWA 2006 with a simple “open to all party” and the foundation was set for what today has become a legendary furry party. They created a place where any fur could hang out without regard to fandom status. They were all just furs having fun. Afterwards, while discussing how the party went and what vision they were to have moving forward, the topic of themes was discussed. They didn't like how a lot of cons had themes, but don't do much with them. Etheras and Soron decided that the Oasis would be heavily theme driven. This started out as a luau style party but they quickly realized that this might get stale after a while. It was decided that in the future the party theme would reflect the con's theme, or an element thereof, while still keeping a luau flare. From the beginning, the team would entirely transformed two connecting hotel rooms, and later on suites, into a nightclub. The room was transformed through the use of curtains, lighting rigs, and wall coverings so you would never know you were in a hotel room. The dance area walls were covered with a mirrored backdrop to add the lighting’s effects. The sound system and light shows were leaps and bounds ahead of the convention’s dances. A lot of the most popular cons are just now catching up to where they were in 2008. During its run some of the fandom’s best DJs spun at the Oasis. During its tenure as a “room party”, Frozen Oasis redefined the term and has become the model for others to attempt to emulate. To date all attempts have fallen short of achieving the same results as Frozen Oasis. One major factor that set Frozen Oasis apart from other parties, aside from the physical atmosphere, is the philosophy that they attempted to make every guest not only feel like they were a GoH, but also an integral component of the party. This was accomplished by : • Each party having a unique poster featuring Etheras and Soron that were posted throughout the hotel (these were often taken as souvenirs by party attendees). • Making sure every guest was presented a lei upon entry, and is personally greeted by Soron or Etheras. • Guests were provided with glow sticks if they wanted to use them while they dance. • Whenever possible guests new to the party were given up to 3 business cards that contained Etheras’, Soron’s, and the Frozen Oasis’ contact information (one for each). • Soron several times throughout the night would take a pitcher of drinks around and fill people's glasses so they did not have to wait in line at the bar. • Announcements were made, usually by Soron, throughout the party as to the number of drinks served usually reported by the 5 gallon batch. • Whenever possible guests were said goodbye to by Etheras and Soron, often with a goodbye toast • Anyone left at the end of the night was typically invited to the “hangover breakfast” which immediately follows the end of the party at a local 24 hour diner. Frozen Oasis parties have also been used by patrons as their birthday parties, as well as other significant lifetime events such as wedding receptions and anniversary parties. Since Friday February 17th, 2006, Frozen Oasis has hosted 27 parties (18 at conventions). The seven conventions around the country that have had a Frozen Oasis are: Further Confusion, Furry Weekend Atlanta, Morphicon, Anthrocon, Mephit Fur Meet, Fur Fright and FangCon. Frozen Oasis has also hosted parties at Soron’s residences in and around Rochester, NY. With all things, an end must m com me… The partyy grew far too o popular to be b contained in a set of ho otel rooms. This T coupled with w room blo ocking mistakes on the part of o the hotel (a and the unavo oidable noise e complaints caused c by them) and give en the fact that there t was jus st no way they could stuff anymore furss into a set of o adjoining ro ooms, Etheras and Soron ma ade the decision to not ho ost a Frozen Oasis O at a co onvention unless it was in convention space s and could d be done properly. s, however, also a a new be eginning. In 20 011, Frozen Oasis O took ovver the Fridayy night With everry end there is dance at Morphicon. The T party wass attended byy over 85% off the con’s re egistered mem mbers the passt two years. Givven that succe ess, Etheras and Soron de ecided to put in to motion a plan that ha ad been formu ulated in Novem mber of 2008. They would host the lastt furry event ever, e taking place p directlyy on the eve of o the Mayan ap pocalypse, be eing true to the eir principles and refusing to accept anyy weekend exxcept the auth hentic date. Thiss was publically announced d at the annu ual Frozen Oa asis Christma as Party at So oron’s residen nce. It was also announced that it would d be the lastt party held with the nam me Frozen Oasis O at a private p e as with hote el rooms, the e party had grown g too larrge to properrly accommod date the gue ests in residence Soron’s house. h All futu ure events will be hosted at venues orr in the out of o doors in orrder to ensure e that everyone has a safe and a fun time.. The future of Frozen Oasis events held h at conve entions, otherr than ones chaired by Ethera as and Soron, is on a case e by case bassis. The mostt recent Froze en Oasis wass in Knoxville e, TN when Soron S and Ettheras were GoHs G at Fan ngCon 2014. Th here are no cu urrent plans for f future Frozzen Oasis events, except maybe a 10 year y birthday party in Atlanta 2016. Who knows k it could d happen… Dealers and Merchants: DJ Moogle Elegant Touch Stained Glass Figment's Fantasies Frisky Beast Enterprises Ironside Bank – Con Game Komickrazi Studios M&T Comics Paw Pad Printing Primal Hardwere Soron’s Armory/Con Store Studio Kitsune Tiger of the Winds Zigler Arts DJs: Ashadan Ash is a Hoss what else do you need to know?! Not only is he a Hoss and FurryCon’s dance lead, but also one of our very talented DJs and a proud member of Fur the Record. He has spun for FurryCon since its inception in 2012 at the End of the World Con. When not behind the decks or working at cons, Ash is an avid fursuiter and all around nice fellow! Ash had much more to say but we couldn’t understand everything he was telling us. As Ash is fond of saying, “it is hard to talk with a ball gag in your mouth.” Genki With a name synonymous with US freeform hardcore, Genki has made a sound all his own. Known for over the top energy and stage presence, original and rare music, and rock solid mixing skills, he has been an in demand DJ for almost all of the last two decades. He has been a resident at the Candyball NYC events since their beginning in NYC, and has been a part of the Ravers Only family since 1999. Genki has brought the hardcore sound around the US and beyond since the 1990s, into places it had never been before, and been a driving force in exposing underground artists and producers rather than catering to the mainstream sound at the times. He has been a resident DJ of Klub Ambush, Vanqul, The Abyss VA, Bugatti’s, and many other clubs and events over the years and has been a regular on the UK’s largest Hardcore station Krafty Radio. Genki is a signed artist on Kniteforce records where he has released several original songs, and is quickly building a catalog of new music. Genki has also played several Frozen Oasis parties since their debut at FWA in 2006. Etheras Etheras is a DJ in the furry fandom, playing mostly Frozen Oasis parties, he debuted as a convention DJ at Morphicon from 2009-2012, spinning Complextro, Drum and Bass, Dubstep, and Electro House. As Jaspian, he was the first furry DJ to play Dubstep at a major furry event. As Etheras, he was the first furry DJ to play a Complextro set at a major furry event. Convention Acknowledgements Persons of Title: Lord Astralentity, of House Bark, Master-at-Arms Lord Brutus the Hardwere Wolf, of House Bark, Royally Appointed Provider of Toys Lord Burd Burd, of House Avarryn, The Word Lord Delyun, of House Foxish, First Ranger Lord Draconis, of House Lyonstare, Lord of House Lyonstare Lord Etheras, of House Foxish, Lord of House Foxish Lord Finn Wolf, of House Bark, Royal Taster of Treats Lord Good Shepherd, of House Taurgaryen, Order of Canis Lord Happypup, of House Foxish, Royal Catnip Bearer Lord Jon Foxx, of House Foxish, Master of Taxes Lord Kedri Fox, of House Foxish, Lord of Light Lord Keefur, of House Lyonstare, Lord of House Lyonstare Lord Lupine, of House Taurgaryen, Master of Scritchers Lady Oakley, of House Bark, High Sparrow Lord Ozarkfoxx, of House Lyonstare, Prince of Cream Lady Pan Pan, of House Lyonstare, Warlord of Noodles Lord Samael, of House Taurgaryen, First Sword of Braavos Lord Soron, of House Bearathon, Paw of the King Lady Temperance, of House Avarryn, Lady of House Avarryn Lord Wolf Seisenbacher, of House Lyonstare, Captain of the Guards Lord Woyro, of House Taurgaryen, Lord of Griffin’s Roost Lord Xan Leonis, of House Lyonstare, Master of War Lord Xijque, of House Foxish, Master of Coin Lord ZippoWolf, of House Bark, Lord Commander of the Night’s Howl Royalty (pre-registered only): Lord Ærun Wolfsong Lady Excel Hyperial Lord Rowan SilverOak Lord JVitrano Lord JWilson Lady KamiM Lady Keelah Lord Mere Shadow Lord Norby Wolfy Lord SLovell Knights (pre-registered only): Ser Barker the Dragonheart Ser bcusick1213 Ser Sabre T Tiger Ser X 25 Paw Pad Ad Place Holder FangCon Ad Place Holder UNOFFICIIAL FOXIISH CREEST BY ETHERASS