Public Hearing on CUP 15-004, an application by
Public Hearing on CUP 15-004, an application by
AGENDA: January 6, 2016 Regular Meeting ITEM #4B: Public Hearings B. Public Hearing/Discussion/Consideration of CUP 15-004, a Conditional Use Permit application by Forlano Properties, LLC, property owner, for a Conditional Use Permit to expand the Duck Deli at 1221 and 1223 Duck Road by establishing an outdoor dining and entertainment area with up to 18 seats. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Conduct the Public Hearing Discuss & Consider Approval of the Conditional Use Permit SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: The applicant is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to add a seasonal outdoor dining/entertainment area for Duck Deli in the yard between the restaurant at 1223 Duck Road and adjoining residence at 1221 Duck Road. Specifically, this proposal includes: Addition of three picnic tables seating up to 18 people in an outdoor dining/entertainment area on the lawn to the south of the building. The proposed dining/entertainment area is approximately 1,000 square feet in size. Reduction in the interior seating for the restaurant from 44 seats to 37 seats. Installation of an 84 square foot (7’ x 12’) wooden deck against the retaining wall near the rear of the property for use as an entertainment stage. Addition of two (2) turfstone parking spaces in the front yard of the residence. Abandonment of the existing septic system for the residence and connection of the residence to the existing commercial septic system serving the restaurant. The Duck Planning Board has recommended approval of the proposed conditional use permit with conditions outlined in the staff report. ATTACHMENTS: Letter of Transmittal from the Planning Board Chair Staff Report Location Map and Property Information Conditional Use Application and Cover Letter Site Plan Draft Findings & Conditions Written Comments from Neighboring Property Owners - Tad & Deborah Grenga, 122 Gifford Circle - Franklin & Josephine Crawford, 102 Marlin Drive Decembeer 16, 2016 D Kingston n & Memberrs of the Ducck Town Couuncil Mayor Don P. O. Box x 8369 Duck, NC C 27949 RE: Con nditional Usee Permit 15-004, Outdoo or Seating/Enntertainmentt Area, Ducck Deli, 1221 1 & 1223 Du uck Road Dear Mayor Kingston n and Town Council Meembers: nning Board discussed the t proposed d applicationn at its reguular meeting on Decembber 9, The Plan 2015 and d voted 3-0 to t recommen nd approval of this condditional use ppermit to estaablish an ouutdoor seating and a entertain nment area at 1221/122 23 Duck Rooad. Boardd member R Ron Forlanoo was recused from f voting due to his relationship r with the appplicants. B Board member James Coofield abstained d from votin ng without having h been excused by the other Pllanning Boarrd members. The Board’s recommenda r ation is subjeect to the folllowing condditions: L coverage calculationss on the site plan must bbe corrected to include thhe existing ggravel 1. Lot parking prior to consideraation by Ducck Town Couuncil. 2. The T two park king spaces in front of the t residencee (noted as spaces 14 annd 15 on the site plan) are to be designated d for staff paarking. 3. The T applican nts must co onstruct a five fi foot wiide sidewalkk in the sppecified locaation, acccording to the design specification ns preparedd by VHB, aand replace the existingg pea grravel parking area with permeable p paving p by thee end of Januuary 2017. 4. The T applicantts must subm mit an as-bu uilt survey doocumenting all of the siite improvem ments att the compleetion of the work w describ bed in Condiition 3. 5. The T applican nts must obttain approvaal from thee Communitty Developm ment Departtment prrior to installlation of any y exterior lig ghting, whicch must com mply with thee Town’s ligghting sttandards and d may requirre a building permit. 6. Any A signage to be addeed must comply with the Town’ss Zoning O Ordinance annd be permitted by the Commun nity Develop pment Deparrtment priorr to installation. 7. Entertainmen E nt activities must m comply y with all appplicable Toown standarrds, includinng the noise ordinan nce. P. O. Bo ox 8369 ● Duck, D North Carolina 279949 252-255-1234 ● 252-255-1 1236 (fax) ● m Conditional Use Permit: Duck Deli, 1221 & 1223 Duck Road Planning Board Recommendation to Town Council Page 2 of 2 As part of this recommendation, the Planning Board made affirmative findings that the proposed text amendment is consistent with the ordinance standards for conditional uses, standards for outdoor dining/entertainment areas, and the Town of Duck CAMA Land Use Plan. Sincerely, Joe Blakaitis, Chair Town of Duck Planning Board Toown of Duckk, North Carrolina Deepartment oof Communiity Development C CUP 15-0044, Duck Delii Outdoor Seeating 1221 & 1223 Duck Road Agenda Iteem 4b TO: Mayor Kingston and a Memberrs of the Ducck Town Couuncil FROM: Joe Heard, AICP, Director of Communityy Developmeent DATE: Januarry 6, 2016 RE: Staff Report R for CUP C 15-004, 1221 & 12223 Duck Roaad (Duck Deeli) Applicattion Information Applicatiion #: Project Location: L Dare Cou unty PIN: Zoning: Property Owner: Applican nt/Contact: CUP 15 5-004 1221 & 1223 Duckk Road 985912 2766311 Villagee Commerciaal (V-C) Forlano o Properties,, LLC Ronald d & Kenneth Forlano, Duuck Deli Public Hearing Date:: January y 6, 2016, 7: 00 p.m. Public Hearing Adveertised: Decemb ber 20, 20155 & January 3, 2016 (Cooastland Tim mes) Decemb ber 23 & 300, 2015 (Outeer Banks Senntinel) Decemb ber 14, 20155 Decemb ber 10, 20155 Decemb ber 10, 20155 Decemb ber 11, 20155 Public Hearing Noticces Sent: Public Hearing Sign Posted: Public Hearing Town n Website: n Hall Posted d: Public Hearing Town Proposal As outlin ned in the application a materials m forr the propossed project (Attachmennts B and C)), the applicantt is requestting approv val of a co onditional uuse permit tto add a sseasonal ouutdoor seating/entertainmen nt area for Duck Deli in the yard bettween the reestaurant at 1223 Duck Road and adjoiining residen nce at 1221 Duck D Road. Specificallyy, this propoosal includess: Addition A of th hree picnic tables t seating g up to 18 ppeople in an ooutdoor diniing/entertainnment arrea on the laawn to the so outh of the building. b Thhe proposed seating/enteertainment arrea is ap pproximately y 1,000 squaare feet in size. Reduction R in the interior seating for th he restaurannt from 44 seeats to 37 seaats. In nstallation of an 84 squaare foot (7’ x 12’) woo den deck aggainst the retaining walll near th he rear of thee property fo or use as an entertainmen e nt stage. Addition A of tw wo (2) turfsttone parking g spaces in thhe front yardd of the residdence. 1 Toown of Duckk, North Carrolina Deepartment oof Communiity Development C CUP 15-0044, Duck Delii Outdoor Seeating 1221 & 1223 Duck Road Agenda Iteem 4b Abandonmen A nt of the ex xisting septicc system foor the resideence and coonnection oof the reesidence to the t existing commercial c septic system m serving thhe restaurantt. E: If approved, this cond ditional use permit will supersede thhe previouslly approved CUP ** NOTE #12-001,, which was granted on March M 7, 201 12. y Informatio on Property The two properties at 1221 and d 1223 Duck k Road havve recently bbeen combinned into a ssingle parcel off land. This combined parcel p is 25,1 161 square ffeet (0.58 acre) in size aand zoned Viillage Commercial (V-C). Constructed d in 1981, th he Duck Delli restaurant building at 1223 Duck Road s feet in i size and presently p con ntains seatingg for 44 custtomers. Thee adjoining tthreeis 1,698 square bedroom m residence at a 1221 Duck k Road was constructed in 1983 andd is 1,848 sqquare feet inn size. The resid dence is pressently occupied by the ow wners’ familly. The adjo oining propeerty to the so outh is zoneed Single-Faamily Residdential (RS-11) and contaains a single-fam mily residen nce. Four (4 4) parcels siituated on a bluff nearlyy 30 feet abbove the prooperty abut the rear of the subject pro operty to thee east. Theese propertiees are zonedd RS-1 and each contains a single-fam mily residencce fronting on o Gifford C Circle. Anotther adjoininng property tto the east is zo oned Single--Family Ressidential (RS S-1) and conntains a singgle-family reesidence froonting on Marliin Drive. Across A Duck k Road to th he west aree a couple of propertiees zoned Viillage Commercial (V-C). The smallerr property contains an ooffice for Staan White Reealty. The llarger property contains thee Waterfrontt Shops shop pping center. Prior Ap pproval History Based on n a conversaation with th he applicantts, the Duckk Deli restauurant buildinng was origiinally constructted as a resid dence, but was w later conv verted to rettail use over time. Following purchaase of the propeerty, the app plicants obtaained buildiing permits to remodel the interiorr of the buillding, relocate the t deck, an nd add a 140 square foot storage buillding in 19888. Additionnal remodeliing of the kitcheen occurred in 1998. CUP 12-001: In 2012 2, the Duck Town Council granted aapproval of a conditionaal use permitt for a project th hat would haave involved d combining g the subjectt property w with the adjooining lot at 1221 Duck Ro oad, demolish hing the existing restaurrant at 1223 Duck Roadd and residennce at 1221 Duck Road, co onstruction of o a new 44 seat restauraant, and insttallation of a 17 space parking area. The applicantts have com mbined the two t propertiies, but werre unable too proceed w with the apprroved project. Earlier this year, y the app plicants insteead completted significannt renovatioons to the exiisting nt building th hat included d the installaation of a neew septic syystem in the lawn area tto the restauran south of the t restauran nt. 2 Toown of Duckk, North Carrolina Deepartment oof Communiity Development C CUP 15-0044, Duck Delii Outdoor Seeating 1221 & 1223 Duck Road Agenda Iteem 4b Staff An nalysis Proposed d Use – 156.036(B): Expansio on of the Du uck Deli resttaurant with an outdoor seating/enteertainment arrea. A restaaurant is a cond ditional use in the Villlage Commercial (V-C)) zoning district. Outddoor seatingg and entertainm ment areas are a permitted d as part of a restaurant ssubject to ceertain conditiions. Lot Areaa – 156.036(D D)(1): The new wly combined d parcel at 1221/1223 1 Duck D Road iis 25,161 sqquare feet (00.58 acre) inn size, which co omplies with h the minimu um lot size of 20,000 squuare feet for the V-C district. Prior tto the combinattion of the lo ots, both pro operties weree of nonconfo forming size. Lot Coveerage – 156.0 036(D)(5): The prop posed projecct will chan nge the existting lot covverage of the site by addding a turffstone expansion of the driv veway, smaall walkway extension, aand additionn of two parrking spaces with curbing in i front of th he residence at 1221 Du uck Road. Inn addition, ssome existingg concrete w would be remov ved from thee residential driveway d an nd replaced w with turfstonne. Existing Lot Coverag ge: Driveway y/Parking/W Walkways Buildings/Structures TOTAL 4,882 s.f. 3,486 s.f. 8,368 s.f. (33.3% lott coverage) Proposed d Lot Coveraage (estimateed): Driveway y/Parking/W Walkways Turfstonee Driveway//Parking (851 x 60%) Buildings/Structures TOTAL 5,134 s.f. 510 s.f. 3,486 s.f. 9,130 s.f. (36.3% lott coverage) m lot coverage requirement r in the V-C C district is 660%. With an estimateed lot As the maximum coveragee of 36.3%, the proposed d improvemeents easily coomply with tthis standardd. 1 (2), (3) & (4)): Building Setbacks - 156.036(D)( The prop posed projectt will not exp pand or chan nge the locattion of any eexisting buildings on sitee. The existting restauraant building at a 1223 Ducck Road has tthe followinng setbacks: Setback k Distance Minimuum Setback Front (Du uck Road) 18 feet 115 feet Rear 5 feet 220 feet de 110 feet South Sid 102 feet The restaaurant buildiing compliess with the To own’s minim mum setbackk standards fr from the fronnt and side prop perty lines, but encroacches into thee rear setbacck. As the building waas constructted in 3 Toown of Duckk, North Carrolina Deepartment oof Communiity Development C CUP 15-0044, Duck Delii Outdoor Seeating 1221 & 1223 Duck Road Agenda Iteem 4b 1981, priior to Town n standards, the location n of the buillding is legaally nonconfforming and does not preseent any issuees regarding its continued d use. The existting residencce at 1221 Duck D Road haas the follow wing setbackks: Setback k Distance Minimuum Setback Front (Du uck Road) 36 feet 115 feet Rear 38 feet 220 feet South Sid de 110 feet 41 feet The resid dence complies with all applicable a seetback standdards. Access – 156.093(G)) & 156.112: Existing access in fro ont of the reestaurant con nsists of vehhicles pullingg directly intto parking sppaces located perpendicula p ar to Duck Road. R Nearly y the entire ffront propertty line is a curb cut. Wiith no drive aissles or man neuvering area a on sitee, the currennt access aand parkingg arrangemeent is problemaatic, but con nsidered to be a legal, no onconforminng situation. No changes are propossed to this park king layout, but the applicants a have h propossed to add a five-fooot wide conncrete sidewalk k/apron to minimize m the amount of gravel g beingg tracked froom the parkiing area ontto the adjoining g shoulder off the Duck Road. R Access to t the resideence is via an existing driveway eeleven feet (11’) in widdth. In ordder to accommo odate two (2 2) commercial parking sp paces, this aaccess drive is proposed to be widenned to the Town n’s minimum m standard width w of 20 feet f to allow w for proper ingress and egress. Thee new entrance will includee a ten foot (10’) concrete apron too the edge oof Duck Roaad, followedd by a onnecting to o parking spaaces at the frront and rearr of the propperty. stretch off turfstone co plicants havee submitted d a drivewaay permit aapplication tto the N.C. Departmennt of The app Transporrtation for th he proposed driveway d wiidening and iimprovemennts. Parking Spaces S (156.093 & 156.0 094): An estim mate of the minimum m num mber of park king spaces ccurrently reqquired is calcculated below w: Existing Uses Restauran nt (Duck Deeli) Sizze 44 seats 8 employees 6 occupants Ratiio 1/3 sseats 1/3 eemployees 1/2 ooccupants # Spaaces 14.7 sspaces 2.7 sspaces Residencce (3 bedroom ms) 3.0 sspaces TOTAL 20.3 sspaces **The ex xisting miniimum parkiing requirem ment round ds down to 220 parking sspaces. The attacched site plan n shows a to otal of thirteeen (13) existting parking spaces on thhe restaurantt site. Howeverr, please notte that at leeast six (6) of these parrking spacess encroach bbeyond the front property line. Theese spaces can continu ue to be uused, but aare considerred to be llegal, 4 Toown of Duckk, North Carrolina Deepartment oof Communiity Development C CUP 15-0044, Duck Delii Outdoor Seeating 1221 & 1223 Duck Road Agenda Iteem 4b nonconfo orming park king spaces.. The park king area aassociated w with the ressidence pressently contains three (3) parrking spacess. So, the to otal amount oof parking aavailable on tthe site is sixteen (16) park king spaces,, a shortfall of four (4)) parking sppaces from w what is neeeded to servve the existing uses u on the site. As thee current amo ount of parkking does noot meet the m minimum paarking required for the site, the parking situation is legally, l noncconforming. The park king standard ds for restaurrants read ass follows: “1 parking space fo or every 3 customer seats, s plus 1 additionall parking sppace for eaach 3 employeees; seasonaal outdoor dining d areaas that are appurtenannt to restauurants locateed in contiguou us portions of o the Villag ge Commerccial District sshall requiree no parking in addition tto the existing restaurant parking p prov vided that the outdoor ddining area sshall not inccrease the seeating capacity of the restaaurant by mo ore than 25% %, or seat m more than 188 persons, w whichever iss less, without providing th he requisite parking forr all of the additional patrons as specified inn this subchaptter, and furth her provided d that the to otal seating capacity off the restauraant includinng the outdoor seating s area is appropriaately authorizzed for wast ewater manaagement.” As Duck Deli presen ntly contains 44 seats, an n increase off 25% in the seating capaacity would aallow the addittion of 11 seats, s bringin ng the totall seating cappacity to 555 seats. Raather than siimply adding 11 seats in th he outdoor seeating area to t achieve thhis total, thee applicants hhave propossed to he amount off seating insside the restaaurant to 37 seats (a reduuction of 7 sseats) and addd 18 reduce th seats in the t outdoor seating/enteertainment arrea. The tottal amount oof seating w would be 55 seats, consisten nt with the maximum m 25 5% seating capacity c incrrease. Thereefore, the prooposal appeaars to meet the stated criterria and no ad dditional park king is requiired. ount of seatin ng in the existing restaurrant, the appplicants havee also reduceed the By reduccing the amo amount of o parking necessary n to o accommod date restauraant customerrs. Thereforre, the miniimum parking calculations c for the proposed develop pment are ass follows: Proposed d Uses Restauran nt (Duck Deeli) ms) Residencce (3 bedroom TOTAL Sizze 37 seats (indoo or) 18 seats (outdo oor) 8 employees 6 occupancy Ratiio 1/3 sseats nonee required 1/3 eemployees 1/2 ooccupants # Spaaces 12.3 sspaces 0.0 sspaces 2.7 sspaces 3.0 sspaces 18.0 sspaces With thee addition of two (2) tu urfstone park king spaces in the fronnt yard of thhe residencee, the applicantt is providin ng a total of o 18 parkin ng spaces o n the subjeect property.. Thereforee, the proposed d development will comp ply with the Town’s minnimum parkiing standardss. As one of o the existin ng parking sp paces in fron nt of the resttaurant is AD DA compliaant and adjoiins an ADA acccessible ramp p, standards for handicap pped access are already met on site. 5 Toown of Duckk, North Carrolina Deepartment oof Communiity Development C CUP 15-0044, Duck Delii Outdoor Seeating 1221 & 1223 Duck Road Agenda Iteem 4b Proposed d Improvemeents to Existting Parking Area During itts review off the applicattion, the Du uck Planningg Board exprressed conceerns about ggravel from the existing parrking lot beiing dragged into the righht-of-way, ccreating unsaafe conditionns for cyclists and a others. In responsee to this con ncern, the appplicants revvised their pproposal andd site plan to sh how the add dition of a fiv ve foot (5’) wide w sidewaalk within thhe right-of-w way in front oof the parking area a that wo ould serve a dual purpose as a sidew walk and conncrete apron. Prior to addding the sidew walk on the site plan, th he applicantts consulted with VHB, the design//engineeringg firm working on implemeentation of th he Town’s Pedestrian P Pllan, on the loocation and specificationns for the sidew walk. The ap pplicants haave proposed d to install thhe sidewalkk and replacee the existingg pea gravel paarking area with w permeab ble paving by b the end off January, 20017. Wastewaater Disposall (156.125): Duck Deeli is presenttly served by y an on-site septic system m that was iinstalled as ppart of the rrecent improvem ments to thee restaurant. The resideence is preseently servedd by a separaate septic syystem sized to accommodat a te the three-b bedroom hou use. The appllicant has ob btained appro oval from th he Dare Counnty Environm mental Heallth Departmeent to disconnect the resideence from itss existing sep ptic system aand tie into tthe commerccial septic syystem for the reestaurant. Th he recently obtained o Heaalth Departm ment approvaal will allow w up to 37 seats in the restau urant and 18 seats in the outdoor din ning area. Signs (15 56.130): The appllicant’s coveer letter statees, “A small sign will bbe required to let peoplle know whaat the area is. The T size and d location off this sign wiill be permittted by the toown.” The T Town’s standards would peermit a smaall directionaal sign for this t purposee. Such siggn would reqquire review w and approval by the Com mmunity Dev velopment Department. N No other siggn changes aare proposedd. andards - 15 56.129(c) Outdoorr Dining Sta In additio on to complliance with the t tradition nal developm ment standarrds, outdoorr dining areaas are subject to o the followiing specific standards fo or this type oof use: 1. Covered C outd door dining areas shall not n be encloosed with peermanent siddewalls and shall not be air con nditioned. Any A permaneently enclossed space shhall be consiidered part oof the in nterior portio on of the eating establish hment. The T proposed d outdoor din ning area is an a open-air sspace with nno roof or waalls. 2. Parking shalll be provideed for outdoo or dining arreas in accorrdance withh the standarrds in Section 156.0 094. The ap pplicant shalll delineate the outdoorr dining areaa on a floor plan, drrawn to scalle, and shall provide a caalculation off the square ffootage of thhis area. As A outlined above a in thee parking an nalysis, the proposed im mprovementts would proovide en nough parkin ng to accom mmodate the existing e andd proposed ddevelopment on the propeerty. 6 Toown of Duckk, North Carrolina Deepartment oof Communiity Development C CUP 15-0044, Duck Delii Outdoor Seeating 1221 & 1223 Duck Road Agenda Iteem 4b 3. Outdoor O diniing areas lo ocated in the common space of grroup develoopments shaall be directly contiguous to thee frontage off the unit conntaining the eating establishment. This T standard d is not ap pplicable ass the subjecct property is not defiined as a ggroup development.. 4. The T location and use off the outdoo or dining arrea shall noot obstruct tthe movemeent of pedestrians, goods g or veh hicles, and sh hall not be loocated in drivveways or pparking areass. The T proposed d outdoor din ning and enttertainment areas are located away from the paarking arrea and walk kways. 5. Outdoor O dinin ng areas shaall not be loccated in requuired front yyards and lanndscape or bbuffer arreas. The T proposed d outdoor diining area iss located in a side yard and is not w within a reqquired bu uffer area. 6. Adequate A sollid waste an nd recycling containers shall be proovided and shall be servviced an nd maintained in a neatt and clean manner. Ouutdoor diningg areas shalll be kept frree of liitter, debris and a food refu use at all tim mes. The T applicantt plans to pro ovide the con ntainers andd comply witth these stanndards. 7. Live L music an nd other forms of enterttainment connducted in ooutdoor dininng areas shaall not occur after 10 0:00 p.m. Per the appliicant’s proposal and thee recommennded conditiion, the appplicant intennds to co omply with this t standard d. nts from Neeighboring Property P Ow wners Commen The Tow wn of Duck has h received written com mments from two abuttingg property oowners. Tad & Deborah Gren nga, 122 Giffford Circle: ngas’ letter expresses e a concern c abou ut potential nnoise levels from the prooposed The Gren entertainm ment activitiies and asks if there is a curfew for eentertainmennt activities. Franklin & Josephinee Crawford, 102 Marlin Drive: The Craw wfords’ email expresses a concern ab bout potentiaal noise leveels from the proposed entertainm ment activitiies and increeased traffic. ns & Questio ons: Responsee to Concern Noise: 7 Toown of Duckk, North Carrolina Deepartment oof Communiity Development C CUP 15-0044, Duck Delii Outdoor Seeating 1221 & 1223 Duck Road Agenda Iteem 4b The T applicantts’ cover lettter states an intention off limiting thee entertainmeent to acousttic music m with litttle amplification, which h typically w wouldn’t generate a signiificant amouunt of noise. It is im mportant to note n that the type of mussic cannot bee enforced byy the Town. The T Town off Duck’s noisse ordinancee contains opperational staandards that are generallly en nforced by th he Police Deepartment iff a noise viollation occurss. Unless theere is a speccific reeason to beliieve that sign nificant noisse will be gennerated, poteential noise issues are noot ty ypically deallt with durin ng the site plaan review prrocess. There T are insttances when n noise issuess can be lesssened or mitiigated through design. T The lo ocation of th he proposed stage s is conssistent with m many of thesse noise mitiigation teechniques. The T stage baacks up direcctly to a bulkkhead, whichh in turn backks up to a thhickly wooded w hillsiide. These ty ypes of featu ures will reddirect and filtter much of the sound frrom th he stage awaay from adjoining residen ntial propertties. Curfew: As noted d in the conditions abovee, outdoor en ntertainment activities m must cease byy 10:00 p.m. Traffic: The seaso onal net incrrease of 11 seats s to the reestaurant is uunlikely to rresult in any significant increase of traffic alo ong Duck Ro oad or trafficc impacts to the Saltaire neighborhoood along Maarlin Drive. Consisteency w/ CAM MA Land Use U Plan The Tow wn of Duck’ss adopted CA AMA Land Use U Plan conntains the folllowing poliicy and objecctive: POLICY Y #4c/12b: Duck will rev view and anaalyze developpment and reedevelopmennt proposalss for consisten ncy with the future land use u map inclluded in thiss land use plan. OBJECT TIVE #12c: Enforce, E and d amend as necessary, n th e Town zoniing ordinancce which includes designation((s) of permittted and cond ditional usess intensity annd density crriteria. on, the adoptted Land Usse Plan contaains a Futuree Land Use M Map that shoows the form mer In additio property at 1223 Ducck Road as a Village Com mmercial arrea and the foormer propeerty at 1221 D Duck Road as a Transitionaal area. Thee property at 1221 Duck Road was reezoned to thhe VillageCommercial (V-C) district d in 201 12 and the tw wo parcels w were recentlyy combined iinto a singlee parcel off land. k Planning Board B found that this dev velopment pproposal and conditional use permit aare The Duck consisten nt with the Town T of Duck CAMA Laand Use Plann. 8 Toown of Duckk, North Carrolina Deepartment oof Communiity Development C CUP 15-0044, Duck Delii Outdoor Seeating 1221 & 1223 Duck Road Agenda Iteem 4b Planning g Board Reccommendattion At its pub blic meeting g on June 10,, 2015, the Duck D Planninng Board vooted 3-0 (withh member Forlano recused r from m voting and d member Co ofield abstainning from thhe vote) to reecommend APPROV VAL of this conditional use u permit to o establish aan outdoor seeating and enntertainmentt area at 12 221 & 1223 Duck Road,, subject to the followingg conditions: 1. Lot L coverage calculationss on the site plan must bbe corrected to include thhe existing ggravel parking prior to consideraation by Ducck Town Couuncil. 2. The T two park king spaces in front of the t residencee (noted as spaces 14 annd 15 on the site plan) are to be designated d for staff paarking. 3. The T applican nts must co onstruct a five fi foot wiide sidewalkk in the sppecified locaation, acccording to the design specification ns preparedd by VHB, aand replace the existingg pea grravel parking area with permeable p paving p by thee end of Januuary 2017. 4. The T applicantts must subm mit an as-bu uilt survey doocumenting all of the siite improvem ments att the compleetion of the work w describ bed in Condiition 3. 5. The T applican nts must obttain approvaal from thee Communitty Developm ment Departtment prrior to installlation of any y exterior lig ghting, whicch must com mply with thee Town’s ligghting sttandards and d may requirre a building permit. 6. Any A signage to be addeed must comply with the Town’ss Zoning O Ordinance annd be permitted by the Commun nity Develop pment Deparrtment priorr to installation. 7. Entertainmen E nt activities must m comply y with all appplicable Toown standarrds, includinng the noise ordinan nce. HMENTS ATTACH Attachmeent A Attachmeent B Attachmeent C Attachmeent D Attachmeent E Attachmeent F T to t Town Couuncil Letter of Transmittal Draft Find dings and Co onditions Conditionaal Use Appliication and C Cover Letterr Location Map M and Pro operty Inform mation Site Plan Written Co omments fro om Neighborring Property ty Owners - Tad & Deborah Grrenga, 122 G Gifford Circlle - Frankllin & Joseph hine Crawforrd, 102 Marllin Drive 9 Return to: Town of Duck P.O. Box 8369 Duck, NC 27949 Document Prepared by: Town of Duck P.O. Box 8369 Duck, NC 27949 NORTH CAROLINA TOWN OF DUCK RE: Application by Forlano Properties, LLC, owner of the property at 1221/1223 Duck Road for conditional use permit to add a seasonal outdoor dining and entertainment area for Duck Deli in the yard between the restaurant at 1223 Duck Road and the residence at 1221 Duck Road. Outdoor dining/entertainment is a conditional use in the VillageCommercial (V-C) zoning district. Conditional Use Permit 15-004 Conditional Use Permit to expand the existing Duck Deli restaurant by establishing a seasonal outdoor seating and entertainment area with up to 18 seats at 1221/1223 Duck Road. On January 6, 2016 the TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF DUCK, NORTH CAROLINA considered an application for a Conditional Use Permit to add a seasonal outdoor dining and entertainment area for Duck Deli in the yard between the restaurant at 1221/1223 Duck Road in the Village Commercial (V-C) zoning district in the Town of Duck, and the Town Council FINDS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the written application of Petitioners with attachments have been duly submitted to the Town of Duck Planning Board as required by Town Code Section 156.036 and 156.145 of the Town of Duck Zoning Ordinance (hereinafter referred to as “Code”); 2. That the application substantially complies with the requirements of the Code in that it requests uses permitted by Conditional Use Permit, including a restaurant; 3. That the Petitioners own the property at 1221/1223 Duck Road, further identified as Dare County Parcel Identification Number (PIN) 985912766311; 4. That the Town of Duck Planning Board recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit with conditions as described in the draft meeting minutes of the Planning Board meeting of December 9, 2015 and as described in a transmittal letter to the Town Council dated December 16, 2015; 5. That the Town of Duck is empowered under sections of the Code set out above to grant conditional uses such as allowed herein and has received testimony at public hearing and considered the application and received input as shall be reflected in the approved meeting minutes; 6. That the hereinafter-described conditional use is deemed to be reasonable and is not in derogation of the intent of this ordinance; and, 7. That the application IS consistent with the Town’s adopted CAMA Core Land Use Plan related to the stated goals and objectives for commercial development. NOW, THEREFORE, under the provisions of the Code, the following conditional use permit, 15-004, is approved with conditions to Forlano Properties, LLC, to add a seasonal outdoor dining and entertainment area for Duck Deli at 1221/1223 Duck Road, subject to such conditions as are hereinafter set out: CONDITIONAL USE: This conditional use permit amendment hereby authorizes the addition of a seasonal outdoor dining and entertainment area for Duck Deli in the yard between the restaurant at 1223 Duck Road and the residence at 1221 Duck Road per the layout and dimensions depicted on the attached site plan dated December 21, 2015 which is attached to and made a part of this Permit. CONDITIONS: 1. Lot coverage calculations on the site plan must be corrected to include the existing gravel parking prior to consideration by Duck Town Council. 2. The two parking spaces in front of the residence (noted as spaces 14 and 15 on the site plan) are to be designated for staff parking. 3. The applicants must construct a five foot wide sidewalk in the specified location, according to the design specifications prepared by VHB, and replace the existing pea 2 gravel parking area with permeable paving. completed by the end of January, 2017. Both of these improvements must be 4. The applicants must submit an as-built survey documenting all of the site improvements at the completion of the work described in Condition 3. 5. The applicants must obtain approval from the Community Development Department prior to installation of any exterior lighting, which must comply with the Town’s lighting standards and may require a building permit. 6. Any signage to be added must comply with the Town’s Zoning Ordinance and be permitted by the Community Development Department prior to installation. 7. Entertainment activities must comply with all applicable Town standards, including the noise ordinance. 3 THIS __6th__ date of _January____, 2016 SEAL: ATTEST: TOWN OF DUCK By: ___________________________ Lori A. Kopec Town Clerk By: ___________________________ Don Kingston Mayor I, ______________________, a Notary Public of ________ County and State of ______________, certify that _____________________________________________ personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this _____ day of _________________, 20___. My Commission Expires: __________ _______________________________ Notary Public STATE OF __________________ COUNTY OF ________________ 5 THIS PERMIT AND THE CONDITIONS ARE ACCEPTED: BY: _________________________________ _________________________________ Forlano Properties, LLC 6 Sandy Cross From: Sent: To: Subject: Josephine Crawford <> Monday, November 30, 2015 8:55 PM Joe Heard Forlano use permit Mr. Joseph H. Heard Director of Community Development Town of Duck, NC Dear Mr. Heard: We have received your letter of November 18, 2015 about the application by Forlano Properties,LLC for a conditional use permit to expand the Duck Deli restaurant by establishing an outdoor dining area with up to 18 seats and an entertainment stage. We are the owners of the property at 102 Marlin Drive, a property that abuts Duck Deli, and we are writing to object to the approval of this application. As has been repeatedly debated in the past, the expansion of the Deli operation impinges directly on our property in terms of increased traffic and noise pollution. It further degrades the neighborhood character of Saltaire which from its beginning has been a community of single-family dwellings. We trust the Planning Board will take our concerns into account as it considers this case. Sincerely, Franklin J. Crawford Josephine N. Crawford 4603 Chevy Chase Blvd. Chevy Chase 20815 tel. 301 656 2978 cc. Martin B. Crawford Dallas, TX 1