FRENCH LANGUAGE AND CULTURAL CENTRE SINCE 1947 f || 65 ye ar so f teach ing e tôt vi s it ou r galle ry d mé d i p l o ma em a s co n çais f co n film festival f r ench Cor k f Autumn 2015 f Spring 2016 f Summer 2016 f F R ENC H L A N G U AGE AND C U LT U RAL CE NT R E S I NCE 1 9 4 7 Je er ng Cert prep eavi &L rk e nc PAGE 04 EDITORIAL 05 COURSES FOR ADULTS (Autumn/Spring) New! DFP A2 & B1 Preparation Business French Course 10 DIPLOMAS & CERTIFICATES FOR CHILDREN & 11 COURSES SECOND-LEVEL STUDENTS (Autumn/Spring) Leaving Cert & Junior Cert Exam Preparation Irish Courses for Junior & Leaving Cert SHORT-TERM 15 SPECIFIC EXAM PREPARATION COURSES Oral & Written Exam Preparation Courses for Leaving & Junior Cert Students 17 SUMMER COURSES Adults | Secondary | Primary | Toddlers 20 CULTURAL PROGRAMME OVERVIEW 22 MÉDIATHÈQUE FOR BUSINESS 23 FRENCH FRENCH IN YOUR SCHOOL Tailor-Made Tuition for Companies Other Services: Translation French in Primary Schools French in Secondary Schools Workshops for Teachers 25 INDIVIDUAL TUITION 27 COURSE APPLICATION FORM TERMS AND CONDTIONS – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY The Alliance Française is not bound by any error in or omission from, the following regulations: 1. Places are on a first-come, first-served basis and cannot be reserved without full payment. To avoid disappointment, please ensure we receive your full enrolment fee well in advance. Please note that a minimum number of students is required to open a course as advertised. This varies according to course type. In the event of a class having below the minimum number of students, Alliance will endeavour to customise the course in order that students will be able to progress through the programme in a shorter period of time. Alliance Française reserves the right to change the course tutor at any stage throughout the term. Alliance Française de Cork reserves the right to change course date where it deems it necessary. Student will be informed of any change as soon as possible. CONTENTS UPSKILL THIS YEAR AT ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE CORK! 2. We welcome payment by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, debit card (Laser), cheque or cash. Please note that cash can only be accepted in the office during office hours. 3. Fees are exclusive of course books. You can purchase your course books in the office during office hours 4. For Primary and Secondary classes, students must agree to abide by the AF Code of Conduct (available at office) supplied on registration. 5. Fully registered adults can also avail of up to 4 hours Speedlingua practice over the course of the semester. Please note that hours are subject to availability, and cannot be carried over to the following term. Suitable only for Elementary levels onwards. 6. Refund policy: - We regret that fees are not refundable or transferable once the course has started - We reserve the right to add, cancel or customise classes subject to demand, and to return applications at our discretion. In the event of a cancellation, we will endeavour to provide an alternative class-option for students as soon as possible (see 1. Above). If such an alternative is not possible, fees will be refunded or transferred to following term. Please allow a few weeks for this to be processed. - No partial refund can be granted for classes not attended. For the comfort of all participants, it is not possible for students to attend an alternative class to compensate for any missed lessons. - Students who have paid the full course fee must notify the Alliance before the course commencement date that they do not intend to take up the place reserved. Fees minus an administration fee of €50 will be transferred to the following term or refunded. Application for such refunds should be made to the Director in writing. - Students who have already paid the full course fee must notify the Alliance Française de Cork within two weeks following the course commencement date that they do not intend to take up the place reserved. Half of the course fee will be transferred to the following term or refunded. - In exceptional cases of hardship (e.g. medical, bereavement), requests for refunds of fees outside the limits set out above may be considered, but such requests should be made in writing to the Alliance Française de Cork together with supporting documentation. Such requests must be made within 3 months of term start date. - Full or partial transfer of fees where allowed by AF de Cork, can only be applied within the same academic year, otherwise transfer lapses. 7. We reserve the right to refuse admission. 8. All students and library subscribers are similarly bound by terms and conditions of use of library materials as outlined in library and on registration. 9. Please refer to Private Tuition terms and conditions on page 27. Your statutory rights are not effected. 3 EDITORIAL EDITORIAL Bienvenue à l’Alliance Française de Cork! We are delighted to welcome you to savour the Alliance Française de Cork experience, as we begin a new academic year, and an exciting and diverse cultural programme. Situated in the heart of this vibrant ‘cultural capital’, Alliance Française de Cork is your tangible link with French life – un petit coin de France au coeur de la ville de Cork. Since 1947, we have been dedicated to the fostering of Franco-Irish cultural bonds, as the longest-established language and cultural centre in the city. This year we have crafted for you a year-long cultural calendar embracing numerous art forms from the ‘regards croisés’ programme in our Art Galérie, exhibiting the works of French and Irish artists, to conferences, foodie events, Café Français, literary readings, together with associated events with our partners Cork City Council, UCC, Cork Chamber of Commerce, CIT Crawford Art Gallery, Cork City Library. Coming up first week in March 2016, the 27th edition of our internationally acclaimed Cork French Film Festival, the highlight of our cultural programme. We are hugely excited about the forthcoming edition, bringing to you as always, the best of French cinema. So do look forward to enjoying the unique ambiance the French Film Festival brings to our city in early springtime, and a perhaps a surprise or two... Notez cette date dans votre agenda! At Alliance Française de Cork, your learning objectives are central to our teaching philosophy. As you walk through the AF Galerie to our Language Centre, you will immediately sense the real Alliance Française experience.Here you will receive professional and personalised advice from our welcoming admin team who will advise you on our programmes and evaluate your current level, allowing you to achieve your learning goals. All our team are fully qualified educators, and French native speakers, with vast experience in French tuition for all levels, ages and objectives. We are delighted to announce that Alliance Française de Cork is the Official Exam Centre in Cork for the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris Ile-de- 4 Nora CALLANAN, Présidente France DFP Diplomas. Through this new partnership with the Centre de Langue Française de la CCIP, we bring you our new Professional French Diplomas, officially recognised by the French Ministry of Education, as well as by a wide range of third-level and academic institutions in the francophone world. Given that French is spoken in all five continents, our diplomas will meet the needs of the increasing demand from the business sector in Munster. As part of your language learning experience with us, you will have access to our médiathèque, with its collection of over 500 films, as well as books and magazines keeping you in constant touch with France. At Alliance Française de Cork, you will have the unique opportunity to accelerate your language acquisition with our smartboard technology. As we continue to develop courses, this year we are delighted to introduce English for Practical Purposes as part of our curriculum. We continue to develop our very popular Irish language programme, introducing new courses for adults as well as secondlevel students. We sincerely thank all our students, sponsors, partners and friends for their continuing support of Alliance Française de Cork! Au nom de toute l’équipe de l’Alliance Française de Cork, nous vous invitons à vivre une expérience unique! Nora CALLANAN, Présidente Autumn 2015 - Spring 2016 Niamh SWEENEY, Vytené LAUČYTÉ, Admin & Course Marketing Manager Coordinator Marina ORACOLO, Cultural Coordinator Why choose to learn French at Alliance Française? International Label of Quality Teaching in French As an international label of quality teaching, the Alliance Française has a long-standing tradition of excellence and expertise in teaching French and promoting French culture. At AF de Cork, you can be assured that you are being provided with the best and most ample options to improve your language skills. We analyse your needs and objectives, as well as evaluating your current level in French and providing you with the tools to attain the level you wish to achieve. All our teachers are fully-qualified educators and French native speakers and our personalised service ensures a clear understanding of each student’s needs and objectives - we can assess students’ levels, advise them on the best course options, whether they wish to learn French for pleasure, business or exam purposes. We offer courses at all levels, from A1 to C2 of the Common European Framework of Reference. COURSES F OR ADULTS COURSES FOR ADULTS Will you evaluate and advise me about my level prior to enrolment? Bien sûr! We recommend our free, optional pre-enrolment test to help you choose your course: Free online written level evaluation. If you are unsure of your level, you can now do a quick, 10-minute online test. Just go to our website, click on the link, follow the prompts, and send the completed test to us. We evaluate your level, contact you and briefly assess your oral level, and advise you on a suitable course option. The on-line evaluation is part of the AF Frames quality initiative. If you are not in a position to do the on-line test, you can still of course avail of our free oral assessment by telephone or in the office. LOOK OUT FOR OUR NEW COURSES: New! 10-WEEK COURSE IN INTRODUCTORY FRENCH: Cost: €160 or 140 with early booking Dates: From week commencing 21 September to week ending 28 November 2015, 25 January - 21 May 2016. New! ENGLISH FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES BASICS AND IMPROVER LEVELS: Cost & Dates: As per Adult courses page 6. IRISH RUSTY BEGINNERS Cost & Dates: As per Adult courses page 6. PREPARATION COURSES FOR DIPLOMAS IN PROFESSIONAL FRENCH (DFP) Cost & Dates: As per Adult courses page 6. 5 COURSES F OR ADULTS REFRESHER COURSE FOR RUSTY BEGINNERS Cost: €70 | Dates: 8-17 September 2015 Have you forgotten all your French? This class will help to refresh your knowledge and build your confidence before starting a longer course. Classes held twice weekly over 2 weeks (6 hours): Tuesdays & Thursdays 5.45-7.15pm. GENERAL COURSES FOR ADULTS Autumn 2015 & Spring 2016: TERM DATES, COSTS, COURSE DETAILS TERMS: Autumn Term: 21 September 2015-16 January 2016 Christmas Break: Saturday 19 December 2015-Sunday 3 January 2016 inclusive Spring Term: Monday 25 January-21 May 2016 Easter Break: Monday 21 March-Sunday 3 April 2016 inclusive Note: Classes normally scheduled for Tue 17 March will be made up on Thursday 26 May 2016 COURSE DURATION: 1.5 hours per week over 15 weeks (22.5 hours in total) COST: €240 or €210 with early-booking discount before Saturday 5 September 2015 for Autumn Term and Saturday 16 January 2016 for Spring Term. BOOK AUTUMN AND SPRING TERMS TOGETHER AND AVAIL OF A FURTHER €20 DISCOUNT ON TOTAL! Discounts available after early-booking rate expires. The discount rate will still apply to the following categories with suitable proof: *Retired persons *Unemployed *Families where 2 or more members are enrolling *Referral: enrol with a friend (new student) after the early booking date, and you can both still avail of discount rate Please note that these discounts apply only after the early-booking discount expires. No other discount will be offered during the early-booking period. Note: Discounts cannot be combined. TEXTBOOK: Scénario 1 & 2 | Cost: €30 each PAYMENT METHODS: Cash, Cheque, Visa (Credit & Debit), Laser, Mastercard, Online booking. THIRD-LEVEL STUDENTS ADVANCED PROGRAMME FOR 3RD-LEVEL The aim of the course is to help students: Compose grammatically correct, coherently argued written pieces and summaries on a range of abstract topics, (current affairs, cultural, socio-cultural, etc.) concentrating on specific advancedlevel vocabulary and idiomatic structures. Improve reading comprehension skills across a variety of genres (journalistic, critical, literary pieces). Improve translation skills. Develop oral expression skills in key topic areas. Our staff members have experience teaching and examining at Irish University level TERMS: In line with new semesterisation at UCC, Autumn term course dates are week commencing 21 September weekend 11 December 2015, Spring Term week commencing 11 January - weekend 3 April 2016. COST: €240 or €220 with early booking discount. Book both the Autumn and Spring courses together for €420, saving €60 in total! PRIVATE TUITION is also available for Third-level students. See page 25. 6 COURSE LEVEL IF I WANT TO JOIN THIS CLASS… CEFR EQUIVALENT LEVEL ON COMPLETION Beginners I have no knowledge of French Towards A1 level Basics 1 I have studied French in the past and recognise VERY basic vocabulary but have no real knowledge of the tenses Towards A1 level Basic 2 I have some knowledge of the present tense and can answer simple questions about personal details Towards A1 level Elementary 3 I have some knowledge of the past tense and can talk about myself, my family, home, hobbies and simple events in the past Towards A1 level Elementary 4 I can talk about personal and every day topics (family, home, hobbies, work) as well as past and future events. A1 level Intermediate 1 I can talk about personal experience, every day topics in the present, past, and future. I can describe , compare and express feelings. I have some knowledge of the ‘imparfait’. Towards A2 level Intermediate 2 I can talk about every day topics, experiences and feelings in the present, past, ‘imparfait’ and future. I can describe, give advice A2 level and use the conditional tense. Intermediate 3 I can relate a story in the present past, ‘imparfait’ and future, I can describe, explain, give reasons. I can use the conditional and have some knowledge of the ‘subjonctif’. Towards B1 level Intermediate 4 I can use all the main tenses including the ‘plus-que-parfait’ and the ‘subjonctif’. I can talk about concrete and abstract topics. B1 level Advanced I can use all tenses effectively and have a wide range of vocabulary. Towards B2 level Perfectionnement I am fluent: I can describe, explain and develop arguments with ease. I can speak and write at some length on concrete and abstract topics, I have a very wide range of vocabulary. Towards: C1 Fluent C2 Fluent & academic COURSES F OR ADULTS GUIDELINES TO OUR COURSE PROGRESSION 7 COURSES F OR ADULTS AUTUMN TERM 2016 TIMETABLE FRENCH COURSES FOR ADULTS 21 September 2015 - 17 January 2016 (except French for Introductory French* and 3rd level**) Christmas Break: Saturday 19 December 2015 – Sunday 3 January 2016 inclusive CLASS DAYTIME INTRODUCTORY FRENCH EVENING Tuesday 5.45-7.15pm BASIC 1 Wednesday 11.35am-1.05pm BASIC 2 Tuesday 7.20-8.50pm Tuesday 7.20-8.50pm ELEMENTARY 3 Tuesday 11.35am-1.05am Thursday 7.20-8.50pm ELEMENTARY 4 Thursday 10-11.30am Tuesday 5.45-7.15pm ELEMENTARY REVISIONS Thursday 10-11.30am Tuesday 5.45-7.15pm Wednesday 7.20-8.50pm INTERMEDIATE 1 Thursday 10-11.30am Wednesday 5.45-7.15pm INTERMEDIATE 2 Tuesday 10-11.30am Thursday 5.45-7.15pm INTERMEDIATE 3 Thursday 11.35am-1.05pm INTERMEDIATE 4 Wednesday 7.20-8.50pm INTERMEDIATE REVISIONS Tuesday 11.35am-1.05pm Thursday 10-11.30am INTERMEDIATE CONVERSATION Wednesday 10 -11.30am ADVANCED CONVERSATION Wednesday 11.35am-1.05pm Tuesday 7.20-8.50pm ADVANCED Wednesday 10-11.30am Thursday 11.35 am – 1.05pm Thursday 7.20-8.50pm 3RD LEVEL ADVANCED PERFECTIONNEMENT Wednesday 5.45-7.15pm Thursday 5.45-7.15pm Wednesday 7.20-8.50pm Wednesday 10-11.30am Wednesday 5.45-7.15pm DFP A2 - INTERMEDIATE BUSINESS FRENCH Tuesday 7.20-8.50pm IRISH RUSTY BEGINNERS Thursday 5.45-7.15pm ENGLISH FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES BASICS Tuesday 5.45-7.15pm ENGLISH FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES IMPROVERS Tuesday 7.20-8.50pm *10 weeks from week commencing 21 September to week ending 28 November 2015 **12 weeks from 23 September to 9 December 2015 8 25 January – 21 May 2016 (except French for Introductory French* and 3rd level**) Easter break: Monday 21 March - Sunday 3 April 2016 inclusive CLASS DAYTIME INTRODUCTORY FRENCH EVENING Tuesday 5.45-7.15pm BASIC 1 Wednesday 11.35am – 1.05pm Tuesday 7.20-8.50pm BASIC 2 Wednesday 11.35am-1.05pm Tuesday 7.20-8.50pm ELEMENTARY 3 Tuesday 7.20-8.50pm ELEMENTARY 4 Tuesday 11.35am-1.05am Thursday 7.20-8.50pm ELEMENTARY REVISIONS Thursday 10-11.30am Tuesday 5.45-7.15pm INTERMEDIATE 1 Thursday 10-11.30am Tuesday 5.45-7.15pm Wednesday 7.20-8.50pm INTERMEDIATE 2 Tuesday 10-11.30am Wednesday 5.45-7.15pm INTERMEDIATE 3 Tuesday 10-11.30am Thursday 5.45-7.15pm INTERMEDIATE 4 Thursday 11.35am-1.05pm Tuesday 11.35am-1.05pm INTERMEDIATE REVISIONS Thursday 10-11.30am INTERMEDIATE CONVERSATION Wednesday 10 -11.30am ADVANCED CONVERSATION Wednesday 11.35am-1.05pm Tuesday 7.20-8.50pm ADVANCED Wednesday 10-11.30am Thursday 11.35 am – 1.05pm Thursday 7.20-8.50pm 3RD LEVEL ADVANCED COURSES F OR ADULTS SPRING TERM 2016 TIMETABLE FRENCH COURSES FOR ADULTS Wednesday 7.20-8.50pm Thursday 5.45-7.15pm Wednesday 7.20-8.50pm PERFECTIONNEMENT Wednesday 10-11.30am Wednesday 5.45-7.15pm DFP A2 - INTERMEDIATE BUSINESS FRENCH Tuesday 7.20-8.50pm IRISH FOR RUSTY BEGINNERS Thursday 5.45-7.15pm ENGLISH FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES BASICS Tuesday 5.45-7.15pm ENGLISH FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES IMPROVERS Tuesday 7.20-8.50pm *10 weeks from week commencing 25 January to week ending 16 April 2016 ** 12 weeks from 13 January to 30 March 2016 9 DIPLOMAS & CERTIFICATES DIPLOMAS & CERTIFICATES Our Official Exam Centre Diplômes de français professionnel de la Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris If I want to up-skill, improve my CV and broaden my career prospects, what can Alliance Française de Cork offer me? AF de Cork is the only accredited exam centre in Munster for the DFP diploma exams. We are delighted to offer these exams, as well as preparation courses, in response to ever-increasing demands from the business sector for specialization in French. The DFP are internationally recognized Professional Diplomas in French, issued by the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris and approved by the French Ministry of Education, which enable candidates to officially certify and prove competency to use French for a variety of professional contexts. They provide a particularly advantageous means of official certification in French which is recognized by a wide range of third-level and academic institutions in the francophone world, international business and industry, as well as within the medical, scientific, tourist, legal and administrative fields. If you are currently working, or aim to work, in any of these domains, the DFP are an instantly recognizable accreditation, not only of general French, but of your ability to work through French. Tableau des DFP (alignement sur le CECR) Exams held bi-annually subject to registration – more details on website. Other Exams at Alliance francaise de Cork: TCF/TCFaQ, TEF/TEFaQ – see website for details. 10 Alliance Française de Cork specialises in providing a wide range of courses for children and teenagers Detailed Course Descriptions available on Website 2nd level students enjoying educational screenings at our Cork French Film Festival 2015. LEAVING CERT FRENCH & IRISH: 29-week Yearlong Courses COURSE DATES: 14 September 2015 - 21 May 2016 HOLIDAYS & MIDTERMS: As per All Children’s & Second Level Courses COURSE DETAILS: 1.5 hours per week over 29 weeks 45 minute extra listening comprehension practice sessions every second week conveniently scheduled before and after classes g 2x2 hour mid-term oral practice workshops with Bring-a-Friend option g mock oral g mock written g regular class tests g mid-term reports g after-school study: dedicated room are available to our JC, 5th year & LC students Monday to Thursday afternoons until 5.30pm (subject to booking) g online contact g 6-10 students per class COST: €570 or €540 with early-booking discount TIMETABLES: Page 15 g g COURSES FOR CHILDREN & SECOND-LEVEL STUDENTS COURSES FOR CHILDREN & SECOND-LEVEL STUDENTS 11 COURSES FOR CHILDREN & SECOND-LEVEL STUDENTS 12 JUNIOR CERT FRENCH & IRISH: 29-week Yearlong Courses COURSE DATES: 14 September 2015 - 21 May 2016 HOLIDAYS & MIDTERMS: As per All Children’s & Second Level Courses COURSE DETAILS: 1.5 hours per week over 29 weeks mock written (subject to booking – during Easter break students will be informed of date) g regular class tests g mid-term reports g after-school study: dedicated room are available to our JC, 5th year & LC students Monday to Thursday afternoons until 5.30pm (subject to booking) g online contact g 6-10 students per class COST: €500 or €470 with early-booking discount TIMETABLES: Page 15 g g OTHER SECOND-LEVEL AND CHILDREN’S TERM DATES: COURSE DATES: 21 September 2015-21 May 2016: 27 week yearlong courses f f f f f AUTUMN MID-TERM BREAK: Monday 26 October-Sunday 1 November 2015 inclusive (Teens & Kids classes will be held on Saturday 24 October. No Teens’ Classes will be held on Wednesday 28 October or Saturday 31 October 2015). CHRISTMAS BREAK: Monday 14 December 2015-Sunday 3 January 2016 inclusive (Teens’ and Kids’ Classes will recommence on Wednesday 6 and Saturday 9 January 2016. SPRING MID-TERM BREAK: Monday 15-Sunday 21 February 2016 inclusive (classes will be held on Saturday 14 February). EASTER BREAK: Monday, 21 March-Sunday 3 April 2016 inclusive. NOTE: Classes will be held on Wednesday 16 and Saturday 19 March 2016. Note! Except for Junior Cert and Leaving Cert classes below, all other 2nd-level and children’s classes will not be held on the Saturday before the Leaving cert French Oral Exam due to the scheduling of the Leaving Cert Oral Preparation Course. This is accounted for in the above dates The exact date for oral preparation weekend will be issued in due course. 5TH YEAR FRENCH & IRISH COURSE DETAILS: 6-10 students per class 1.5 hours per week over 27 weeks g regular class tests g mid-term reports g after-school study: dedicated room available to our JC, 5th year and LC students Monday to Thursday afternoons until 5.30pm (subject to booking) COST: €470 or €440 with early-booking discount g g 1ST YEAR, 2ND YEAR, TRANSTION YEAR FRENCH COURSE DETAILS: 6-12 students per group 1 hour per week over 27 weeks COST: €320 or €300 with early-booking discount g g CHILDREN’S CLASSES - COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ON WEBSITE CHILD YEAR 1-YEAR 4, AFTER-SCHOOL CAMP, & PREP FOR SECONDARY COURSE DETAILS: 6-12 students per class 1 hour per week over 27 weeks COST: €320 or €300 with early-booking discount g g PRE-SCHOOLERS FRENCH FOR 2-5 YEARS COURSE DETAILS: Maximum 8 children per class (accompanied by an adult) 45 minutes per week over 13 weeks Autumn Term: Saturday 26 September 2015-Saturday 16 January 2016. Spring Term: Saturday 31 January-Saturday 21 May 2016. COST: €150 or €135 with early-booking discount g COURSES FOR CHILDREN & SECOND-LEVEL STUDENTS OTHER SECOND LEVEL CLASSES: g ** The discount rate will apply after the early-booking date to families where 2 or more members are enrolling, the retired, and for the un-employed. No other discount will apply during the early-booking period 13 COURSES FOR CHILDREN & SECOND-LEVEL STUDENTS YEAR-LONG TIMETABLE FOR CHILDREN & TEENAGERS CLASS DAY TIME CHILDREN YEAR 1 Saturday 9.30-10.30 CHILDREN YEAR 2 Saturday 10.30-11.30 CHILDREN YEAR 3 Saturday 11.30-12.30 CHILDREN YEAR 4 Saturday 12.30-13.30 FRENCH FOR PRE-SCHOOLERS Saturday 14.45-15.30 PREPARATION FOR SECONDARY Saturday 13.30-14.30 AFTER-SCHOOL FRENCH CAMP Tuesday 15.30-16.30 1ST YEAR Saturday 10.30-11.30 2ND YEAR Saturday 9.30-10.30 JUNIOR CERT Saturday Wednesday 9.15-10.45 14.30-16.00 JUNIOR CERT IRISH Saturday 11.30-13.00 TRANSITION YEAR Saturday 11.30-12.30 TRANSITION YEAR IRISH Saturday 13.00-14.00 5TH YEAR Wednesday Saturday 16.00-17.30 14.30-16.00 5TH YEAR IRISH Saturday 13.00-14.30 LEAVING CERT Saturday Wednesday 11.30-13.00 14.30-16.00 LEAVING CERT LISTENING* Saturday Wednesday 10.45-11.30 13.45-14.30 LEAVING CERT (IRISH) Saturday 9.15-10.45 *(alternating Irish/French every second Saturday; French every second Wednesday commencing week of the 21st of September) 14 Meet our excellent team of teachers and admin staff! 10-WEEK ORAL EXAM PREPARATION COURSE: f 6 students f Thursday evenings 7.15-8.45pm (enrolments on a first come basis) f 10 weeks commencing Thursday 21 January 2016 f COST: €220 IMPORTANT: SPECIAL DISCOUNT RATE OF €190 FOR STUDENTS ALREADY ENROLLED IN AF YEAR-LONG LEAVING CERT COURSE INTENSIVE PREPARATION WEEKEND FOR LEAVING CERT HONOURS FRENCH ORAL EXAM f Also available for Irish Oral Exam SPECIFIC EXAM PREPARATION COURSES SPECIFIC SHORT-TERM EXAM PREPARATION COURSES f 6-12 students f COST: €195 f COURSE STRUCTURE Day 1: 5 hours group tuition covering concrete & abstract topics Day 2: Over a 4-hour period, students will have one-to-one practice on each subject area with our tutors followed by a 30-minute individual session including mock exam and advice session. f DATES: Saturday & Sunday before the exam week for Leaving Cert Oral French (At the time of printing exact dates yet to be released by Dept of Education and Skills). f DAY 1: Saturday 10.30am-4.30pm (lunch-break 1-2pm). DAY 2: Sunday 9.30am-1.30pm, individual sessions from 2pm by appointment (times are allotted on a first come first served basis). 15 SPECIFIC EXAM PREPARATION COURSES 2-DAY EASTER INTENSIVE EXAM PREPARATION FOR LEAVING CERT HONOURS f 6-12 students, 8 hours group tuition f COST: €150 f DATES: Wednesday 23 and Thursday 24 March 2016 f Day 1: 10.30am-12.30pm (30-minute lunch break) 1.00pm-3.00pm Day 2: 10.30am-12.30pm (30-minute lunch break) 1.00pm-3.00pm JUNIOR CERT EXAM PREPARATION DAY f 6-12 students, 4 hours group tuition f COST: €65 f DATES: Saturday 11 June 2016 (Saturday before Junior Cert French Exam) f TIME: 9.30-13.30 LEAVING CERT EXAM PREPARATION DAY f 6-12 students, 4 hours group tuition f COST: €65 f DATES: Saturday 11 June 2016 (Saturday before Junior Cert French Exam) f TIME: 9.30-13.30 INDIVIDUAL TUITION FOR SECONDARY STUDENTS: A comprehensive option when preparing for the exams, Individual Tuition is available at mutually convenient times between you and an Alliance Française tutor, and is tailor-made to meet your particular needs. Individual attention allows you to concentrate on particular areas of the curriculum at your own pace, thus increasing your confidence. See details page 25. 16 Summer term: 7 JUNE – 26 AUGUST 2016 SUMMER COURSES FOR ADULTS FREE ASSESSMENT TO HELP NEW STUDENTS CHOOSE THEIR LEVEL contact 021 4310677 SUMMER COURSES SUMMER COURSES AT ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE CORK CONVERSATION CLASSES €65 f These classes are designed for participants who wish to practice their speaking and listening skills. They are purely conversational and aim at improving oral fluency. An ideal way to brush up before a holiday in France! Classes held once a week over 4 weeks (6 hours) Choice of 3 sessions: 7 June-1 July, 5-29 July, 2-26 August 2016 CONVERSATION CLASSES DAY EVENING BASICS CONVERSATION Thursday 10.00-11.30am Tuesday 5.45-7.15pm ELEMENTARY CONVERSATION Tuesday 10.00-11.30am Thursday 5.45-7.15pm INTERMEDIATE CONVERSATION Wednesday 11.30-1.00pm Thursday 7.15-8.45pm ADVANCED CONVERSATION Wednesday 11.30-1.00pm Thursday 7.15-8.45pm RUSTY BEGINNERS €70 f Have you forgotten all your French? This class is designed to refresh your knowledge and build your confidence before starting a longer course. Classes held twice weekly over 2 weeks (6 hours) Tuesdays & Thursdays 5.45-7.15pm 1 session: 6-15 September 2016 GENERAL COURSES FOR ADULTS €200 Classes held once a week over 12 weeks GENERAL CLASSES DAY EVENING BASICS Thursday 10.00-11.30pm Tuesday 5.45-7.15pm INTERMEDIATE REVISIONS Wednesday 11.30-1.00pm Wednesday 7.15-8.45pm 17 SUMMER COURSES SUMMER COURSES FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL FRENCH & IRISH IMMERSION COURSES Keep your French and Gaeilge refreshed over the summer months! Brush up on your language skills in our enjoyable immersion courses before returning to school in September 2016. An excellent alternative to an exchange or Gaeltacht stay. JUNIOR CERT IMMERSION COURSES €250 (suitable for students entering both 2nd year & 3rd year in September 2016) f Enhance your understanding & expression in a purely French/Irish-speaking class environment f Refresh & develop your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary f Hand-outs provided Classes held over 1 week (20 hours) Monday to Friday 10am-12pm & 1-3pm daily (max 12 students) J.CERT FRENCH IMMERSION DATES: Choice of 3 Sessions: 20-24 June, 25-30 July, 15-19 August 2016 J.CERT IRISH IMMERSION DATES: Choice of 2 Sessions: 27 June-1 July, 8-12 August 2016 Special Discount of €40 on combined total for a student booking for both French and Irish Junior Cert Immersion courses. LEAVING CERT IMMERSION COURSES €310 (suitable for students entering both 5th Year & Leaving Cert in September 2016) f Develop your speaking & understanding abilities in a purely French/Irish-speaking class environment f Refresh & improve your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary f Hand-outs provided Classes held over 1 week (25 hours) Monday to Friday 10am-12.30pm & 1.30-4pm daily (max 12 students) L.CERT FRENCH IMMERSION DATES: Choice of 3 Sessions: 13-17 June, 13-17 July, 8-12 August 2016 L.CERT IRISH IMMERSION DATES: Choice of 2 Sessions: 20-24 June, 15-19 August 2016 Special Discount of €50 on combined total for a student booking for both French and Irish Leaving Cert Immersion courses. 18 SUMMER CAMP FOR KIDS 7-11 YEAR OLDS €120 f A fun French camp for all levels – games, activities, art, drama Classes held over 5 days (12.5 hours) Monday-Friday 10am-12.30pm Session Dates: 25-30 July 2016 GET READY FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL! €100 (suitable for children who have just completed primary school) f A course specially designed to build confidence in French just before starting 1st year at secondary level Classes held over 4 days (10 hours) Tuesday to Friday 10am-12.30pm (max 12 students) Session Dates: 2-5 August 2016 TODDLERS & PRE-SCHOOLERS SUMMER CAMP €100 f A fun-filled immersion course for young children, accompanied by a parent/guardian, introducing them to the SUMMER COURSES SUMMER COURSES FOR TODDLERS & CHILDREN French language and culture Classes held over 4 days (8 hours), Tuesday to Friday 10am-12pm Session Dates: 22-25 August 2016 SUMMER COURSES POST-SECONDARY & THIRD-LEVEL PREPARATION COURSE FOR UNIVERSITY FRENCH €75 (suitable for students who have just completed Leaving Cert and are taking French at Third Level) f Build on your written and oral expression, develop your understanding of the particular requirements involved in the advanced acquisition of French at 3rd level. Classes held over 3 consecutive days (6 hours) Tuesday & Thursday 11am-1pm 1 Session: 30 August-1 September 2016 PREPARATION COURSE FOR ERASMUS YEAR €75 (suitable for students who are going on ERASMUS to France in 2015-2016) f A course specially designed to help students prepare for ERASMUS year: enhancing understanding and expression of French for a variety of situations -lectures, administration, student life etc. Classes held over 2 weeks (6 hours) Tuesday & Thursday 1pm-3.30pm 1 Session: 2-11 August 2016 19 CULTURAL PROGRAMME CULTURAL PROGRAMME OVERVIEW CORK GUINNESS JAZZ FESTIVAL in association with CORK FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL welcome 38 TONNES BRASS BAND – GRENOBLE Crowned “Best Street Band In France” New Orleans jazz, funk, groove and hip-hop collide in the brilliant music of this incredibly fun and colourful street band from Grenoble, already crowned the best in France, will show its award-winning style and flair on its first visit to the Guinness Cork Jazz Festival. Enjoy big, bold and brassy sounds on the streets of Cork throughout the Jazz weekend from a really spectacular bunch of top musicians. C’est top ! CORK GUINNESS JAZZ FESTIVAL 23rd – 26th October 2015 More Information at || VISUAL ARTS Visual Arts have a lively and continuing presence in our Galerie. ‘Regards croisés’ a series of monthly exhibitions by French and Irish artists and photographers. Coming up in Autumn 2015: September: exhibition of print-works Forward – Hereafter by Dearbhla Coffey, winner of 2015 AF Cork Expo prize at CIT CCAD Graduation; the exhibition will be officially launched by internationally acclaimed artist Morgan Doyle. October: Irish artist, Fiona Lynch, exhibition with architectural flair; November: Irish Artist, Alan Carey, photographic exhibition; Spring season in the Galerie: Check website for further details. MUSIC Alliance Française de Cork is pleased to have a long association with Cork Guinness Jazz Festival with stars like Michel Legrand, Didier Lockwood, Henri Texier, Jean-Luc Ponty, Richard Galliano. This year the award-winning brass band 38 Tonnes will fill the streets of Cork with superb live music. Date for your diary: Cork Culture Night 18th September and Fête de la musique on 21st June. Artists interested in exhibiting in our gallery, please send your CV and samples of work to our cultural coordinator at CAFÉ FRANÇAIS We welcome you to our regular Cafe Francais mornings in our Galerie. Enjoy a convivial Francophone moment over coffee and croissants with readings, music and flowing conversation. Check website for dates and details. DÉBAT D’IDÉES Part of our mission here in Cork is to foster and develop le Débat d'Idées, through hosting a series of conferences and public talks throughout the year. In Autumn 2015 we are delighted to welcome speakers: Prof. Grace Neville, “Hold the front page! Irish politics and the French press”; Dr. Mary Murphy, on The French influence in Myanmar; Diarmuid O’Catháin, Irish Colleges in France and Wild-Geese. In Spring 2015: Cork poet Thomas MacCarthy, poetry readings. Check website for dates and details. 20 ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE CORK PRESENTS EVENTS FOR: • Cork Culture Night • Lifelong Learning Festival • Cork Volunteer Fair • World Book fest • Fête de la Musique 28th February – 6th of March 2016 ‘Je préfère idéaliser le réel, sinon pourquoi aller au cinéma?’ Jacques Demy Attention all cinéphiles and CFFF followers, 28th February–6th March 2016 Alliance Française de Cork will roll out the red carpet for the 27th Cork French Film Festival. Our nationally acclaimed festival, supported by Arts Council, Cork City Council, Le Cordon Bleu, screens the best of French feature films, documentaries, shorts, and retrospectives. Make our upcoming edition a week to invite your friends to savour the best of French cinema while enjoying the unique French ambiance the Festival brings to Cork in early springtime. Sounds from the Festival Office have all the indications that another cutting-edge programme is in the pipe line, so settle into your seats for a cinematic tour de force for this 27th edition! The Artistic Director’s past line-up of stars and guests have included Mathieu Amalric, Agnès Varda, Pierre Etaix, Christophe Lambert, Jean Claude Carrière, Bertrand Tavernier, Claudie Ossard, Guillaume Laurant, Rosalie Varda-Demy and this year...? Our French Film Festival has become renowned for its ciné-concerts – with the Passion of Joan of Arc, from 2013 Festival and The Fall of the House of Usher, continuing their international tour with sold-out performances at Glasgow Film Festival, Cork French Film Festival, London’s Union Chapel, with upcoming dates in Rennes, Paris, and Rouen. Don’t miss out – check our festival website for updates. As always, the Festival will mirror our audience – curious, open-minded, diverse – with whom film-makers and actors can engage in real dialogue through masterclasses, workshops, Q&As. Mathieu AMALRIC with Cork French Film Festival team: Susanna FABRIS, Vytene LAUCYTE, Nora CALLANAN, Julien PLANTÉ and Paul BLOOM. CULTURAL PROGRAMME 27TH CORK FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL Mathieu AMALRIC, Guest of Honour CFFF 2014, and Paul BLOOM, CFFF Director. Press launch Cork French Film Festival 2014 like us: follow us: 21 MÉDIATHÈQUE MÉDIATHÈQUE ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE RESOURCE CENTRE All our students have automatic access to our Resource Centre. Subscription to the Resource Centre includes free lending services of the collections, regular emails regarding our cultural events, and costs €50 for the year. Special discount for third-level students. Our collection includes: At AF de Cork we endeavour to offer more in the language-learning experience. At no extra cost, all our students and library subscribers can receive our monthly newsletter and can attend our: f Conference Series f FRENCH CINEMA CORNER: a lending collection of over 500 films on DVD, most available with English subtitles, new titles added regularly! f PRESS CORNER: Current French newspapers and magazines, latest brochures, leaflets on services and tout ce qui est français. f OUR NEW UP-DATED CHILDREN’S CORNER: animations and films on DVD f FRENCH LITERATURE: a large choice of classic and new titles f Alliance Française de Cork revue de presse f Photographic record of Cork French Film Festival f Monthly AF French Writers Circle (see website for regular updates): an excellent forum for native and non-native speakers to converse Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to keep in touch with all our events: BIBLIOTHÈQUE DES ENFANTS FRANCOPHONES Alliance Française de Cork a le plaisir d’accueillir la bibliothèque des enfants francophones de Cork tous les samedis matin - salle Bruxelles – de 11h à 13h30. Nous sommes également heureux d’accueillir les enfants bilingues de l’Association des Enfants Francophones de Cork un mercredi après-midi sur deux à l’Af de Cork. 22 Alliance Française de Cork: • Member Cork Chamber • Partner of Ireland France Chamber • Partner of Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris AF Cork and UCC conference. TAILOR-MADE TUITION FOR COMPANIES Did you know that France is the 6th largest world-economy, Ireland’s 5th largest export market, that Belgium is Ireland’s 3rd largest foreign market, and that Canada is a significant emerging market for Irish goods? Did you also know that French is a major language of high-tech and business, and is the 2nd language of the Internet after English? So knowing French opens many potential business opportunities. As an internationally recognised label of quality teaching, Alliance Française provides a range of business tuition options and diploma exams to cater for a variety of business needs. We offer specialised tuition in French for Business, Tourism, Law, designed to help participants to further develop their French communication skills in a business environment. We also prepare students for interviews in all sectors. FRENCH F OR BUSINESS FRENCH FOR BUSINESS Alliance Française de Cork organises tailor-made language programmes for its corporate clients throughout the year, designed to adapt to your company’s requirements. Initial free assessment of all participants. f Designing a tuition programme to suit your company’s objectives f Flexible session times at mutually convenient times at Alliance or on-site f Possibility of cancellation up to 24 hours in advance f Every Participant will be given free access to our Resource Centre’s lending collection for a year f In-house corporate training Connect with us on Linkedin! New Exams! CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D’INDUSTRIE DE PARIS DIPLÔME DE FRANÇAIS PROFESSIONNEL See page 10. TRANSLATION SERVICES AF de Cork will provide translations of a range of documents (birth certificates, official documentation, legal, medical, educational...). Our team of experienced and qualified translators translate into their native languages (English or French). Do you need a prompt and professional translation? Please contact office for quotation. 23 FRENCH IN SCHOOLS FRENCH IN YOUR SCHOOL FRENCH IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS FRENCH CLUB IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS The AF offers a range of French tuition programmes for Primary Schools. Our French Club for Primary level is specifically designed to help children develop an ear for French in a stimulating and fun learning environment. In order to accommodate schools in their class-scheduling, the French Club is held at the school premises, and can be scheduled during the school day or as an after-school activity: we can adapt to the school timetable. If you are a principal or teacher in a primary school, or if your child is attending primary school, we will be happy to speak to you regarding our programme. FRENCH IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS ATTENTION SECONDARY-SCHOOL PRINCIPALS AND FRENCH TEACHERS! Alliance Française is also delighted to continue our highly successful programme supporting the teaching of French in secondary schools: f open evenings for teachers: check our website for updates. f lectures/talks for your students at your school or at AF on a range of topics from French language, culture, society and politics. f Mock-Oral Examiner Provision Programme. f After-school on-site group tuition with French native tutor. New! WORKSHOPS FOR SECOND-LEVEL TEACHERS Workshop seminars for second-level teachers are conducted through French and will cover a range of topics including, working on your students’ pronunciation skills, using audio-visual tools (video/dvd etc) to enhance learning etc. Details and calendar to be announced – Check out website for details. 24 INDIVIDUAL TUITION INDIVIDUAL TUITION CAN ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE CUSTOMISE A COURSE FOR ME? Alliance Française de Cork provides a range of options for students who wish to take tuition on a one-to-one or smaller group basis in order to achieve particular objectives at a more rapid pace - to prepare for exams (Junior Cert, Leaving Cert, Third-level and other exams such as DFP, TEF, TCF, DELF, DALF etc), job interviews, visas, or simply to concentrate and overcome problem areas in your learning. Customised Tuition is available for everyone: Adults, Third-level, Teenagers or Children designed to adapt to your specific needs, tailor-made tuition includes: f initial assessment of level and requirements f flexible session times during working hours f possibility of cancellation up to 24 hours in advance (cancellation for a Monday class must be made on Saturday during Autumn & Spring terms, Friday during summer term) f Free Alliance Library Subscription giving you access to our Resource Centre’s lending collections until August 2016. f Price: We have introduced a more flexible and favourable price-scale: g €40 per hour if you book 20 hours or more g €42.50 per hour if you book between 15 and 19 hours g €45 per hour if you book between 10 hours and 14 hours g €47.50 per hour if you book between 5 and 9 hours g €50 per hour if you book between 1 and 4 hours g (Please note: to avail of the reduced rates, hours are block-booked and paid for in advance) g Tuition is valid for one year from contract payment. Payment 24 hours in advance. Fees are either refundable nor transferrable once course has commenced. f ONE-TO-ONE TUITION IN FRENCH FOR BUSINESS, TOURISM, LAW, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ETC. 25 POUR VOUS INSPIRER… “Je ne veux parler que de cinéma, pourquoi parler d’autre chose ? Avec le cinéma on parle de tout, on arrive à tout.” “Aimer, ce n’est pas se regarder l’un l’autre, c’est regarder ensemble dans la même direction.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery Jean-Luc Godard “Bien lire l’univers, c’est bien lire la vie.” Victor Hugo “J’ai fait un peu de bien, c’est mon meilleur ouvrage.” Voltaire Name Address Tel DOB Mobile Payment method: Cash Cheque Laser Visa Card Number: Expiry Date / Name on Card Address if different from above Signed: / Email Course Title I have read and I understand the terms and conditions of my enrolment (see page 3). / Day Time Mastercard Fee: Security No. APPLICATION F ORM COURSE APPLICATION FORM Consent for photographs Date: 27 AT ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE DE CORK YOU WILL FIND: of ars te A H M ST. uay Enterprise House, 2nd Floor, 36 Mary Street, Cork. t: +353 (0)21 4310677 | e: w: | w: íG aei lge llen xce ce e Bridg like us: follow us: LL MARY SULLIVAN’S QUAY . T ST tree ke S E Stre T SOU KET bro Pem Main ARAD ND P South treet ey S Tuck LUN ER P OLIV s Place 68 GRA hing e ac Paradise . 68 ye EXCELLENT STUDENT-FRIENDLY SERVICE VIBRANT CULTURAL CENTRE | ART GALLERY | QUALITY EDUCATION TEAM OF QUALIFIED NATIVE FRENCH-SPEAKING TUTORS OFFICIAL DIPLOMA & CERTIFICATE EXAM CENTRE (DFP TCF TEF DAEFLE) JUNIOR & LEAVING CERT EXAM PREPARATION FRENCH MÉDIATHÈQUE | CORK FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL