Buccaneer News June 2016 Published for Residents by the Buccaneer Homeowners’ Association (BHA) June 2016 View Online: Email: Sign up for email messages from the BHA Board of Directors at From the Captain’s Quarters Greetings Buccaneers, Another month has passed— time truly does fly. We are continuing to build our relationship with the Lee County Sheriff’s Office to best use all the programs and services they provide, with the goal of making our park as safe and secure as possible. The safety and security presentation held in May was a big success. We will strive to provide similar events in the future; watch for dates and times. We have made much progress in a short amount of time. Park conditions are improving. We now have a full-time, on-site manager. Security is better, seeing many changes. We are moving forward! As we enter the summer season, I would like to continue to hold town hall gatherings to keep in touch with everyone and keep the ball rolling, so to speak. Watch for notices. I am very pleased with our overall progress so far. Your efforts do not go unnoticed! Thank you each and everyone for your hard work and dedication. Have a safe and happy summer, and see you this fall. Your president, Keith Ver Haagh Rent Negotiation Committee (RNC) TOWN HALL GATHERING Tuesday, July 19 Club House 7 p.m. If you have a topic, please drop a note through the BHA office door by July 1. Our committee will try to add as many as we can to our agenda. Please include your name and a contact number. In this Issue … President’s Message … 1 Meet New Park Manager … 3 Welcome New Residents… 4 What’s Going On … 5 Summer Birthdays … 10-12 Summer Anniversaries …13 Hurricane Tips … 14 WOW! Look what all the snowbirds will be missing out on this summer! Summer Dances Fourth of July Picnic Monday Morning Coffee Hour Shopping at Trash & Treasure Billiards Bingo Card Games Library Swimming Pools Community Patrolling & Breakfasts Bocce Ball Horseshoes Shuffleboard Biking Walking Picnics by the lakes Working out Sauna & Spa Activities & Calendar ... 16-17 Trash & Treasure … 18 Homeowners’ Minutes … 22-23 Energy Savings & EHEAP ... 26 Buccaneer News June 2016 BHA BOARD OF DIRECTORS (As of press time) The Buccaneer News PO Box 3368 North Ft. Myers, FL 33918 BHA Office Phone/Fax: 239-995-4412 Email: Web Site: Joy Simpkins, Editor 239-297-8435 The Buccaneer News is currently published monthly, October through June 2016. Beginning next season, the news will be published monthly, September 2016 through June 2017. It is delivered by the first of each month to all homes in Buccaneer, as a service to residents by the Buccaneer Estates Homeowners’ Association. Article and advertising deadlines are the 15th of the month for the following month’s edition. The Buccaneer News reserves the right to edit submitted material for proper grammar, punctuation, content and length. To submit an article for consideration, email or place clearly written material by deadline in the Buccaneer Homeowners’ Office drop box (located to the right of the main Club House). Include a contact number and name, along with date, time and place of event, or fill out a convenient form located in the office. To place an ad, please contact the editor at 239-297-8435. Note: All efforts are made to ensure accuracy of information contained herein, but cannot be guaranteed. If you notice inaccuracies or omissions, please notify the editor. The Buccaneer News is delivered by volunteers. If you did not receive your copy of the Buccaneer News, pick one up in the BHA office, Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday, 10 a.m.—noon, or view online at http:// Advertising Calendar Circulation Proofreading Vital Statistics Web Site Printing Joy Simpkins 239-297-8435 Jo Schofield 239-656-4940 Eloise Stearns 239-565-9798 Gail Rader, Arlene Bradford, Cindy Sabens, Alan Farrell Gwen DeHollander 239-995-0126 Richard Kulies 239-209-0591 Arthur Printing Receive important notices by email from the BHA Board of Directors. Sign up by sending an email to President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Treasurer Secretary OFFICERS Keith Ver Haagh Margaret Steele Jo Ann Scullin Gordon Foster Pat Meyer 715-851-3655 540-333-2789 239-656-5830 239-848-5284 239-336-4069 DIRECTORS Arlene Bradford Dave Cunningham Terryl Russell Judi Roth 239-738-0522 916-806-7248 954-665-3707 239-223-9421 COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS BHA Office Buccaneer News Celebration of Life Community Patrol FMO Representative Loan Closet Name Tags & Keys Parliamentarian Safety & Security Sgt. At Arms Sick & Sunshine Storage Compound Street Captains Trash & Treasure Cindy Sabens Joy Simpkins Gloria O’Reilly Doreen Muraida Judi Roth Margie Mathers Jo Schofield Lois Hartel 765-230-6362 239-297-8435 612-599-2042 239-997-0416 239-656-8640 239-246-2052 239-656-4940 239-656-5561 Sal Fusco Sandy Orr Karl Schmidt/Rick Smith Lois Hartel James Mullins 239-656-2929 239-878-7153 239-656-5561 239-339-7738 Event Chairpersons Craft Shows Entertainment Summer Dances Ball Team Bingo (Wednesday) Trash & Treasure Donna Kulies Debbie Perrone Roy Pringle Dave Leschewski Jo Ann Scullin Pat Obermiller 239-989-7353 856-217-3728 239-691-7071 239-656-5817 239-656-5830 815-540-7688 Office numbers BHA Office Phone/Fax ELS Sales Office ELS Emergency Maintenance 239-995-4412 239-995-3337 239-349-0962 Please Volunteer! Volunteers are needed for many activities, projects and clubs here at Buccaneer. If you have time and would like to make a difference using your talents, please call one of the contacts listed above. Opportunities are open to all residents. Help is needed: Patrolling our Community Celebration of Life Memorial Services The Buccaneer Working on Committees Working in BHA Office Event Setup & Cleanup Moving Furniture for Trash & Treasure News thanks its many loyal advertisers but is not able to endorse them or their products & services. 2 Buccaneer News A Little About ELS (from AboutELS/) About Equity LifeStyle Properties Equity LifeStyle Properties is the leading operator of Manufactured Home Communities, RV Resorts and Campgrounds in North America. We offer beautiful communities and parks in the most desirable locations, while offering various homes and camping options to meet a wide variety of our customers' needs. Corporate Profile Equity LifeStyle Properties, Inc. is a selfadministered, self-managed real estate investment trust (REIT) headquartered in Chicago. ELS is one of the nation's largest real estate networks with 388 properties containing 144,244 sites in 32 states and British Columbia. ELS is committed to providing its residents an attractive and affordable lifestyle. BHA Office Update Off-season days and hours of operation for June — August are now: June 2016 Meet the new ELS Park Manager Dear Buccaneer residents, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as your new Community Manager. My name is Antonette Fazlic, and I am very excited to have joined the team here at Buccaneer Estates. I am originally from upstate NY and have been living in Florida since 2008. I moved to Florida after graduating from Syracuse University and have been working as a community manager since 2009. I love being a community manager for many reasons, the interaction with residents and the daily challenges. I hope to meet all the residents of Buccaneer and will be attending upcoming resident events. I would like to mention that we will be acquiring many new homes in the community and offer a Resident Referral Program. This program gives residents the opportunity to benefit from referring friends and family to purchase these new homes. Refer your friends and you will receive $2,500 when they purchase a new home. Wishing everyone a great summer — keep cool! Regards, Antonette Fazlic, Community Manager 239-995-3337 ELS Office Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 10 a.m. — noon Here you can make copies, send and receive faxes, and purchase event tickets. A big thank you for the office supplies of envelopes, paper, etc., that were donated recently. Thank you to Don Perrone for installing the new doorbell. Volunteerism is what keeps this office open, so please consider giving some of your time. The office will be closed on Saturday, July 2. The phone/fax number is 239-995-4412. Your Office Chairperson, Cindy Sabens 3 Buccaneer News June 2016 Welcome New Residents! * = Renters Please provide any changes in name, address and telephone number to Gwen DeHollander at 239-995-0126 or place in her drop box at 433 Hidden Cove Road. Eugene Aillery 361 Jose Gaspar Drive Robert Bennett * 146 Blue Beard Drive 580-470-5416 Joe & Carol Blanchard MD 658 Brigantine Boulevard 410-241-4517 410-375-1288 Kelly & Sharon Green 312 Blue Beard Drive 740-317-9800 Gayle Hassinger 469 Avanti Way Boulevard 941-916-7033 Luella Hasty 16 Parrot Place 239-980-1193 Marlene Rahm 736 Pirates Rest Road 239-738-6479 Kenneth & Susan Herrmann 573 Plaza Del Sol Vicki Salas 607 Plaza Del Sol 915-238-6229 Sharon Loveless 16 Parrot Place 239-410-6967 Jerrold Smith 60 Galleon Drive Harry & Barbara Milakeve 556 Plaza Del Sol 239-691-6441 239-691-5732 Sherra Stonebraker 603 Plaza Del Sol Michele Wilson 60 Galleon Drive George & Abby Olson 487 Avanti Way Boulevard 860-208-3020 860-377-8043 Around the Neighborhood Events Trash Pickup WastePro picks up trash (garbage), recyclables and horticultural waste on Wednesdays beginning at 7:30 a.m., except for major holidays; then it will be picked up on Thursday. Questions? Call WastePro at 239-337-0800. Wear name tags to events. To order name tags, call Jo Schofield at 239-656-4940. Tickets to events are sold ahead of time and are not always sold at the door. Activities cannot be added to the calendar without board approval. Call Jo Schofield at 239-656-4940 for calendar requests or changes. Check Out Our Bulletin Boards Residents may place ads on bulletin boards in both club houses and pool areas. Ads must be dated and may remain one month. Use 3 x 5 cards only. 4 Buccaneer News advertisers may display their ad for as long as they advertise in our newspaper. Lawn Mowing Lawns are mowed once a week (four times each month) beginning in June. Remember to move things out of the way. Pet Care Please walk pets on a leash . Check your prospectus for approved areas to walk pets. Please clean up immediately after your pet! Buccaneer News June 2016 Monday Morning Coffee Hour Will take place at the Hospitality House through December Everyone’s invited! Coffee Hour is a great place to meet friends and neighbors, catch up on news and events, buy tickets, have a donut & coffee … and even win prizes. See you there Mondays! 8:30 — 9:30 a.m. Per our bylaws, there are no scheduled BHA Board meetings or homeowners’ meetings throughout the summer. The next regular BHA Board meeting is Monday, Sept. 5 at 9:30 a.m. in the Hospitality House. The next regular homeowners’ meeting is Monday, Sept. 12 at 7 p.m. in the Club House. facebook Simply email to be invited to our closed Buccaneer group. 5 Buccaneer News June 2016 WOW! COMMUNITY PATROL’S BREAKFAST Saturday, June 11 8—9:30 a.m. Hospitality House ~ Menu ~ Oven Omelet ~ Sausage or Bacon French Toast ~ Biscuits ~ Sausage Gravy Fruit ~ Orange Juice ~ Coffee Tickets for the breakfast are $6 in advance or $7 at the door. Purchase tickets at the BHA office, (Tu-Th-Sat, 10 a.m.—noon) or call Eloise at 239-565-9798 or Doreen at 239-997-0416 The patrol needs volunteers! Stop by and find out how you can help. 6 Buccaneer News June 2016 7 Buccaneer News June 2016 Did You Know … Gourmets On The Go … we have a “LOAN CLOSET” for Buccaneer residents! The loan closet contains helpful items that have been donated by residents and are available for ‘check out.’ Current stock includes wheel chairs, canes, crutches, roll-a-way beds, a pak-n-play, booster chairs, a hi-chair, walkers, commodes and various other items. If you need an item, all you have to do is call and come sign it out. We are well stocked — but we need crutches and canes. If you can donate, please do, and if you need something, please call. I will meet you at the Loan Closet in the Hospitality House. Wednesday, June 8 at noon The June luncheon adventure is scheduled for Longhorn Steak House at 13701 S. Tamiami Trail, 239-437-3395. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Club House. If you are unable to go, please cross your name off the list or call Kathie E. Miller, 239-652-0025, or MJ Congilio, 239-997-2963. Margie Mathers, 239-246-2052 8 Buccaneer News June 2016 9 Buccaneer News June 2016 HAPPY SUMMER BIRTHDAY! * = Renters All efforts are made to ensure accuracy of information contained herein, but cannot be guaranteed. If you notice inaccuracies or omissions, please provide any changes in name, address, telephone number, birthday or anniversary to Gwen DeHollander at 239-995-0126 or place in her drop box at 433 Hidden Cove Road. 9th Marshall, Patti Petroff, Nancy 1st Bedard, Laura Casey, John McClain, Dolores Richey, Gayle Vallone, Monica 2nd Begalle, Jerilyn Goguen, Henry Hentz, John Jr. 3rd Bierkamp, Carol Pace, Joseph L. Vega, Lizzette 4th Bauer, Raymond Eichorst, Diane Peltzer, Ann Marie Paterson, Keith Sark, Tarry Tomacheski, Jean Zayas, Rose 5th Kuespert, Thomas Meyer, Patricia Stalker, Scott Stead, Karen 10th Carlson, Sally Harpster, Nancy Syracusa, Peter 11th Rosner, Lorraine 12th Casey, Patricia Pace, Barbara Rader, Gail 13th Jobling, David Roberts, Anne Theil, Sharon Turner, Carl * 14th Bauman, Kathleen Boden, Angelina Good, Judith 15th Deschene, Paul Munn, Kathy Peterson, Joan Shanley, James 20th Clann, Herbert Kneis, Peter Lamy, Rose Mourhess, Sandy 21st Morse, Helene 22nd Burnett, William Fountaine, Neil Oatley, Betty Pelkey, Michael Roberts, Janet Siria, John Spicer, Clyde 24th Consiglio, Catherine Harrison, Ben Holland, James Smith, Joy 25th Kellenburger, Charles Dickson, Rose Lesperance, Marie Miller, Raymond Presley, Oscar Tawney, Joe Thorne, William 6th Fisher, John Holler, Jean Kreps, Yvonne 16th Bovill, Chris Caldwell, Noreen Downie, Bill Hart, Terry Milam, Melissa 7th Bedard, James Eberle, James Kulies, Donna Meyer, Rosalee Newmann, Ernest Sabin, William Skalicky, Bob 17th Berberian, Viola Bley, Patricia Hagy, Ronald Milakeve, Harry Sautel, Alma Jean Stuckwisch, Roy Swiftney, Tom 8th Belle Isle, Barbara Crosby, Kenneth Lewis, Leah LoScalzo, Christine Mulvey, Pat Musseilman, Kathy 18th Fleming, Gordon Frost, Linda Schroeder, Kimberly 29th Haste, Myrna 19th Young, James 30th Buchanan, Florence Gardner, Richard Gray, Tracey 10 26th Denson, Betty Hentz, Delores Johnson, Janis Rose Murphy, Theresa Sutherland, Max Terry, Robert 27th Burmeister, Nancy Kyswaty, Ronald Pupkiewicz, Dave 28th Alberico, Mike Allard, Lorraine Buccaneer News 30th Nalley, Beatrice Quilla, Hildegard Ross, Charles Smith, James 1st 2nd 3rd Brunelle, Vivian Daniels, Andrew Isley, Linda Lucas, Betty Noble, Joyce Cattano, Phyllis Longhouser, John Plis, Marilyn Pohlman, Laurel Butwill, Kevin Freeze, Melvin Garrison, Dinah June 2016 11th Deschene, Jaqueline Latimer, Londa Marx, Gary 12th Bierkamp, Robert Fisher, Shirley Muller, Michelle Smith, Carol Wright, Frank 23rd Aycock, James Beck, Deborah Brady, Robert Fitzgerald, Gail 24th Esteves, Sara Heath, Mary Hololik, Lori Landis, Susan Skalicky, Jan 13th Hoover, Serera 14th Alderman, Ray Cuddby, Barbara Johnson, Jean 15th Isenor, Kendall O’Reilly, Gloria Reed, Lois 25th Cremeens, Rodney Hanko, Karen Young, Dawn 26th Archer, Mary Arnold, Nell Baer, Marcia Bell, Donald Mika, Donald Smith, Ellen 4th Carpenter, Dwight 5th Garland, Ruth Heberle, Cheryl Stumbaugh, Mary 16th Alton, Margaret Carlevale, John Childress, George Fugmann, Richard Peck, Patricia Robichaud, Daniel Wills, Gail 6th Morey, Kathryn Thorne, Nancy 17th Jones, Geraldine Tremblay, Carl 28th Manna, Judy Noce, Peter 7th Abruntilla, Christina Benoit, Richard Collins, Eraine Dellisanti, Frank 18th Mills, Robert Root, Kay 29th Eaton, Emmy Leach, Lois Miedema, Roger Wood, Lois 8th 9th Farrell, Diana Hunter, Barbara Mathews, Sharon Piechnik, Jim St. Onge, Norman Taylor, Barbara Benoit, Arleene Kruse, Lynn McCaughey, Bruce Nobel, Kevin Sanchez, George 10th Knight, William 19th D’Amato, Dennis Motto, Reva Smith, Thomas Speight, Lewis 20th Card, Dave Phylis, James Vasbinder, Candra 21st Ahmad,Carole Bonini, Aldo Cook, David L. Hostetter, Stanton Kidder, Beverly Martin, Danny 22nd Armstrong, Gloria Day, Peggy 11 27th Carlson, Brenda Luce, Nancy MacKenzie, Joseph Murphy, Frank Simpkins, Joy 30th Bartnikowski, Barbara Ruster, Doug Smith, Richard 31st Campell, Barry Corvo, Aracely Eichorst, Daniel Buccaneer News 1st Bradford, Arlene McKelvey, David 2nd Weatherstine, Addie 3rd Albright, Ann Brady, Maria (Dee) Durbin, Lucille Marton, Michael Paap, Wolfgang Pierson, Katherine Pringle, Roy Scott, Sharon 4th Custer, Ruby Yetter, Susan 5th Bevington, Nancy Casbeer, Angie Edwards, Donald Ishler, Marilyn 6th 7th 8th 9th Bigos. James Boyd, Phillip Foy, Paulette Decraene, James Parker, Nancy Smith, Janet DeMichele, Karen Orr, Sandra Phylis, Sandra Clay, Russ Everett, Jane Landis, Michael Loredo, Ydalia Savage, Meridith 10th D’Amato, Linda Logan, Russell Patterson, Dottie Sawyer, Pat 11th Bovey, Della Byrd, Victor Caudill, Cynthia Kellogg, Gayle Leach, Lauraleen June 2016 Reichling, Sandra Schroat, Patricia Wold, Margaret 13th Murphy, Joan Norman, Shirley Osborne, Dave 14th Brooks, Paul Daniels, Ruth Moore, Doris 15th Bushman, Dennis Kast, Ronald McClellan, Sam Pettit, Emma Smith, William Wall, Larry 16th Adams, Joan Brennan, Nancy Dellaventura, Richard Deschaaf, John Hill, Robert Pion, Stephany 17th Levasseur, Paula Matejek, Frank Shaunita, Jastice Trilett, Alyce 18th Burdette, Carolyn Hagy, Patti Little, Frances McFadden, Richard Simmons, Dennis Smith, Patricia Staggs, Sharri 19th Carpenter, Linda Maltese, Frank Damato, Gloria Savage, Michael Yates, Betty 24th Anzalone, Marie Bert-Hagen, Wilma Fusco, Salvatore Grady, Mary McLaurin, Constance Miller, Kathie Pollard, Diane Whalin, Ruth 25th Fanus, Carl McCauley, Mildred Prather, Don 26th Hanko, Roger Hoffman, John Lewis, Nancy 27th Guinond, Dana Johnson, Myerie Kuhn, Debra Mulvey, Mary Upham, Thomas 28th Criswell, Sandra Lizotte, Roland McCann, Carolyn Moran, Daniel Perrone, Deborah Smith, Mark 29th 30th McPeak, Cathy Schofield, Dale Vanasse, Claire 31st 20th Dwyer, Joyce Maison, Mabel Tremblay, Marianne 21st Pooley, Steven Staffon, Marion Stiles, Shirley 23rd Artrip, Mabel Campell, Christina 12 Courtney, James Graff, Judy Dellisanti, Debra Mathers, Marge Reid, Kenneth Buccaneer News 1st HAPPY SUMMER ANNIVERSARY! Robert and Dorothy Hermann 1st Roger and Karen Hanko 1st June 2016 Jack and Pat Mulvey 2nd Joseph and Lillian Tuminski 2nd Myron and Rosalee Meyer 2nd Richard and Arleene Benoit 3rd James and Judy Spinks 4th Roland and Estelle Lizotte 4th Ben and Lucia Harrison, Jr. 6th Rodney and Mabel Artrip Ed and Joyce Gilbert Fred and Patricia Youmans 5th Bernie and Sandra Criswell 5th William and Arlene Smith 6th Harry and Marilyn Ishler 6th Joseph and Ann Albright Laurence and Catherine Braasch 11th John and JoAnn Scullin 7th James and Jeanne Lavelle 12th Carl and Marianne Tremblay 8th Alan and Gina Riendeau 8th Neville and Nancy Bevington Steven and Ann Beroza 13th Paul and Jacqueline Deschane 9th Richard and Carolyn Perron 9th William and Marilyn Knight 15th Cyril and Patricia Hanko 11th Robert and Christine Seeke Donald & Dolores Wildner 12th Kenneth and Mary Jane Hays 16th Jim and Candy Bearly Donald and Joy Smith 14th Frank and Rebecca Wright 13th Daniel and Judith Hogan 19th Zeke & Gwen DeHollander 15th George and Carolyn Robert 20th Robert and Marylyn Shepard Duane and Nancy Werkman 17th Jaime and Carol Glass 15th Henry and Carol Goguen 16th Skip and Jean Wilde 18th Eugene and Hildegard Quilla 18th Rick and Kay Root 21st Scott and Karen Stead 22nd Neil and Cheryl Fountaine 23rd Jack and Serera Hoover 19th Robert and Maria Brandy Melvin and Janet Freeze Jerry and Shirley Newby Ken Zigelstein and Lorraine Rosner 19th Martin and Joan Dunn William and Caroline Shreve 21st Richard and Florence Buchanan 22nd Gerald and Yvonne Kreps 24th Gary and Darlene Davis Richard and Susan Landis 20th Walter and Sharon Paul 24th Fred and Yvette Brown 22nd Ronald and Patricia Sawyer 26th Rodney and Mabel Artrip 27th Russ and Janet Clay Joseph and Nancy Mihalyi 28th Stanley and Patricia Meyer Roy and Joyce Stuckwisch 25th Richard and Janet Lamonthe Dean and Emma Pettit Robert and Dawn Young 26th William and Doreen King 27th David and Leah Lewis 29th James and Reva Motto Paul and Helen Vincent Michael and Barbara Jerovsek 28th Barry and Christina Campbell 29th Jeff and Lisa Castonia 30th David and Barbara Barnikowski Mark and Sharon Thede 31st David and Jerilyn Begalle 13 25th Michael and Terry Conda Thomas and Sharyn Kuespert 29th Kevin and Phyllis Noble Buccaneer News June 2016 2016 Atlantic Hurricane Season On the Way Hurricane season is June 1 until November 30. Think about what you would do if a hurricane or another disaster struck near you. And think about what you would need to carry out a survival plan. Keep informed and make your decision ahead of time on whether or not to leave your home. When an evacuation order is issued, move into action immediately! Before the storm ... - Have your evacuation kit ready to go out the door. - Have at least two shelter options plotted out. (Downed power lines, downed trees, flooded streets may prevent access to your first choice.) -Once you’ve reached your shelter, notify your pre-planned contact person of your whereabouts (someone not in the storm’s path). - If you have special needs or wish to bring pets, get information NOW from Lee County Emergency Operations Center. - Prepare your house by securing all outside items and fixtures, shut off all gas lines, shut off all breakers and air conditioners. - Listen to shelter workers who will help you ride out the storm. After the storm... - Evacuees will be allowed to leave shelters only when authorities are confident all is safe. - When you return to Buccaneer Estates and if damage is evident, do not enter without being accompanied by the Fire Department. - If your home requires repairs, hire a contractor who is licensed, insured and has local references. For valuable information on preparing for an emergency, please visit, the official website of the Department of Homeland Security. Go online to publicsafetyemergencymanagement for complete local information about all types of emergencies and about shelters. Watch for local hurricane guides in the grocery stores. Attend the June 7 event in the Hospitality House for specific, local information. Smoke Alarm Tips Are your alarms in the right place? They must be outside each sleeping area and inside each bedroom. Can everyone in the house hear the alarm? Install smoke alarm notification appliances and accessories designed for the hard-ofhearing or deaf. Do you test them once a month? Press the TEST button to ensure the alarm is working. Have you changed the batteries recently? Change batteries once a year or sooner if they begin to "chirp" or "beep." Do you know how old the alarms are? The components inside smoke alarms wear out over time, which could affect their operation in an emergency. Change the alarm every 10 years or if you are unsure of their age. 14 Buccaneer News June 2016 Safety and Security Events Thank You So Much For Caring! Thank you to all who came out for the first Safety and Security Event. Michelle Sargis from the Lee County Sherriff’s Office was very interesting and informative. I hope everyone came away with at least one idea to keep themselves safe. A special thanks to Margie Mathers who set up the refreshments. Please keep the following dates on your calendar for the next two events in this series: Tuesday, June 7, 2 p.m. A volunteer speaker from the local Red Cross will speak to us on ‘Hurricane Precautions and Protection.’ Tuesday, July 12, 2 p.m. Michelle Sargis will return to speak on ‘Identity Theft and Personal Protection.’ These events will take place in the Hospitality House, and snacks will be served. Gail Rader, Safety & Security Event Coordinator I have ridden my bike in our community for a few months to learn something I’ve always wanted to do. Not long ago, I almost had my bike stolen. A van parked in front of my house with several people in it, who walked over and checked out my bike. They were holding a piece of paper, like they were there for official business, until a woman who just happened to be looking hollered at them, knowing what they were just about to do — steal my motorcycle! Well, I would love to thank the lady who saved my bike from being stolen! This should tell us to look out for each other and don’t hesitate to call the Sheriff’s office if you see something unusual going on. Place the Sheriff’s number close by and help protect each other. Thank you again to the woman who saved my bike! Ginger McCoy 15 Buccaneer News June 2016 JUNE ACTIVITIES HH = Hospitality House CH = Club House Many of our clubs do not meet during the summer months. An updated activity list will be published in September. MONDAYS WEDNESDAYS FRIDAYS Lawns Mowed Trash Pickup, Recycle & Yard Waste Pickup Water Exercises Pool 1 8 am Water Exercises Pool 2 8:30 am Water Exercises Pool 1 9 am Chair Volleyball CH 10 am Billiards HH 1 – 5 pm Dime Bingo HH 6:30 pm Coffee Hour HH Water Exercises Pool 1 8:30 am 8 am Water Exercises Pool 1 8 am Water Exercises Pool 2 8:30 am Water Exercises Pool 2 8:30 am Water Exercises Pool 1 Water Exercises Pool 1 9 am 10 am Chair Volleyball CH 10 am Quilt/Craft/ Sewing HH 10 am Chair Volleyball CH 9 am Billiards HH 1 – 5 pm Chair Yoga CH 3 pm Bridge CH 12:30 pm Men’s Poker CH 6 pm Billiards HH 1 – 5 pm Monte Carlo Whist CH 6:30 pm Bingo HH 6 pm Water Exercises Pool 1 8 am Water Exercises Pool 2 8:30 am Water Exercises Pool 1 9 am Double Pinochle CH 9 am Bridge Lessons CH 10 am Billiards HH 1 – 5 pm Bridge CH 6:30 pm Dominoes CH 6:30 pm Payme CH 6 pm For specific details about activities, refer to the Buccaneer Estates Resident (telephone) Directory. Water Exercises Pool 1 8 am Water Exercises Pool 2 8:30 am Water Exercises Pool 1 9 am Bridge CH 12:30 pm Billiards HH 1 – 5 pm Rummykub CH 2 pm Euchre CH 6:30 pm Texas Hold’em CH 6 pm Lifeboat 101 Bible Study HH 7 pm Keys for the summer: Jo Schofield 239-656-4940 16 Billiards Karaoke w/ Scott HH HH 10 am 6 pm SUNDAYS Open Music Session HH 1 pm Pinochle CH 6:30 pm THURSDAYS TUESDAYS SATURDAYS Planning Reminder: If you have, or are planning, a group activity that takes place in the Club House or Hospitality House, a request form must be filled out and approved. Requests are on a first-come, first-served basis. Any activity that does not receive board approval will not be placed on the calendar of events. To obtain a request form or to report updates, errors or omissions, call Jo Schofield at 239-656-4940. Buccaneer News June 2016 JUNE EVENTS Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 5 Coffee Hour 7 8 Speaker Hurricane Gourmets On Preparedness The Go HH 8:30 a.m. HH 6 12 13 14 2 p.m. FLAG DAY Saturday 2 3 4 9 10 11 Community Patrol Breakfast noon HH 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 8 a.m. Coffee Hour HH 8:30 a.m. 19 20 SUMMER SOLSTICE FATHERS DAY 21 June Dance Coffee Hour CH HH 8:30 a.m. 26 27 28 29 30 Coffee Hour HH 8:30 a.m. 17 7 p.m. Buccaneer News June 2016 Donate to our BHA Trash & Treasure Do you have unwanted furniture and household items? Items in good condition are collected by T&T throughout the year and sold at the annual BHA Trash & Treasure Sale. Money raised goes for BHAsponsored events and expenditures. Call for a pickup appointment. Lamps Small and Large Appliances Knick Knacks Kitchen Ware Tools Linens Clothing Call James or Eloise at 239-339-7738 Volunteers are needed to help move heavy items. 18 Shop for furniture or household items, Wednesdays, 8—10 a.m. The T&T trailer is located in the yard across from the RV Storage Compound. Take Strongbox going east, take first right, and turn right into the yard. For buccaneer residents only! Buccaneer News June 2016 19 Buccaneer News June 2016 Celebration of Life Committee Buccaneer Sick & Sunshine George VanDeWalle (wife Dee) on Hidden Cove passed away in April. Many of our residents have "gone north" for the summer. With that in mind, please remember that it is even more important that, when you hear of a resident being ill, in the hospital or having passed away, to let me know. I will then be able to announce it at Monday Morning Coffee Hour and at homeowners’ meetings to let others know. Please leave a message on my answering machine or give me a note. Thank you so very much. This committee was formed to assist residents with ceremonies remembering loved ones. Volunteers help organize, set up, clean up and prepare for each event. If you need help in planning a memorial service, or if you would like to help with any of these services, please contact Gloria O'Reilly at 612-5992042. I want to thank my family and friends for helping us get through my illness. Meals, cards and visits made things so much easier … and to know we have so many friends who are praying for us. Our kids came to help us when needed and my husband, Zeke, has been an Angel from Heaven by doing so much and keeping me comfortable. All I can say is ‘Thank You, God’ for my family and friends. Amen. Gwen DeHollander A resident brought a list to me a few months ago. It appears that during the time when I was not taking care of Sick and Sunshine, two residents were overlooked for the newsletter. I would like to take this time to let you know of their passing: Former resident on Port Royal, Henry Filliettaz, passed away. Claire Filliettaz on Strongbox passed away. Please to not hesitate to call me if you know of some who might have been left out. We do not ever want to forget anyone. Thank you. Sandy Orr Sick and Sunshine 239-656-2929 20 Buccaneer News June 2016 Quilts/Sewing/Crafts Thank you… If you love to make quilts or sew, join us at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays at the Hospitality House. There are no fees. Bring your project to work on. Call Emma Pettit for details at 239-628-0306. ... to the Homeowners’ Association for the check and to neighbors Dean & Emma Pettit and Mike & Kathy Tannenbaum from Pine Lakes for being with me after the passing Gentle Yoga for EVERYBODY of my husband, George. Chair Yoga is offered at the Club House on Mondays at 3 p.m. No Previous Yoga Experience Needed! A gentle way to perform yoga while seated in a chair (or on the mat if you prefer). Certified Yoga Instructor Shirley L. Stiles, 540-420-0979 To all the friends and neighbors who have visited me, met my son and daughter from Marshalltown, Iowa and Blue Springs, MO, offered help if I needed it, brought food, and most importantly, showed the love An invitation to drive by and see our Heron fountain ... that good friends do in this community. You have assured my kids that I am in good hands. This past month we lost a dear friend and 17-year resident of Buccaneer. In George Van DeWalle's memory, this fountain has been added to our yard by his wife, Dee. Dee, we are saddened by your loss. We offer a prayer of peace in his passing to you and your family. With love, Dean and Emma Pettit God bless … Dee Van De Walle facebook Simply email to be invited to our closed Buccaneer group. 21 Buccaneer News June 2016 Buccaneer Estates Homeowners’ Association Meeting Minutes from Monday, May 9, 2016 The May 9 minutes are subject to amendment and approval at the next scheduled BHA meeting on Monday, September 12, 2016. Roll Call Present:, Keith VerHaagh, President; Margaret Steele, 1st VP; JoAnn Scullin, 2nd VP; Gordon Foster, Treasurer; Pat Meyer, Secretary; Directors: Arlene Bradford, Dave Cunningham, Terryl Russell, Judi Roth Call to Order at 7 p.m. by President VerHaagh Pledge to the Flag New Residents: Sam and Rhonda Raplee at 428 Hidden Cove Minutes: Motion to approve minutes 4-11-16 as written and published in Buccaneer News was made by Gloria O’Reilly, and seconded by Lois Hartel. Motion carried unanimously Correspondence: none Treasurer’s Report: Financials for April were distributed by Gordon Foster. Will be filed for audit. President Report: President VerHaagh reported that JoAnn Scullin had been appointed as 2nd VP, and Judi Roth was appointed to fill the directorship of Roy Pringle who resigned. A park manager has been hired and has been invited to attend the Town Hall Gathering on May 17th. He also noted that Queen Street is being watched very closely to see that no one moves back in. He in- formed the residents that the Sheriff will be here in our Club House at 1 p.m. on Wednesday and asked for a donation. Joan Fusco moved to donate $100, seconded by Gordon Foster. Motion carried. Committee Reports: Rent Negotiation: Keith reported that the committee has been meeting internally, but with the new manager and regional manager, he expected to schedule an upcoming meeting with them as soon as possible. He also indicated he was stepping down as Chair, but expected the Board would appoint Emma as Chair. He would still be involved as President and ex-officio member of the committee. Sick & Sunshine – Sandy Orr. In the hospital this past month was Norman St. Onge (new resident), Jo Schofield and Gwen DeHollander. Residents who have passed were: George VanDeWalle on Hidden Cove. A moment of silence was held. Audit Report: Pat Hanko distributed the audit report, which included a profit & loss statement for 2015, showing a loss for the year of $6,239.14 22 Trash & Treasure - Pat Obermiller. Pick-ups continue by calling James or Eloise. Sales will continue during the summer on Wednesdays in the morning from 8 to 10 a.m. Entertainment: Deb Perrone reported the Mother’s Day brunch on Sunday was a success, and Roy Pringle has summer dances scheduled thru September plus a 4th of July picnic and dance. Community Patrol - Doreen Muraida – Community Patrol Breakfast on Saturday, May 14. New Business JoAnn Scullin thanked Scott McFarland for his help in straightening out the HH microphone speakers. Gail Rader reminded everyone of the Safety & Security presentation on Tuesday May 10th at the Hospitality House beginning at 2 p.m. Discussion on the lack of volunteers for set-up/clean-up at BHA functions and whether they should be paid or unpaid. The discussion will be referred to the Board of Directors for their suggestion. Also discussed was whether to cancel the Welcome Back and holiday parties traditionally held Buccaneer News June 2016 in the fall. Due to the limited BHA budget, this discussion was referred to the Board of Directors for their input. The Board is preparing a ‘wish list’ to be presented to ELS and welcomed residents’ input. Motion to adjourn by Pat Hanko at 8:15pm. God Bless America Sung Respectfully submitted, Pat Meyer, BHA Secretary 23 Buccaneer News June 2016 Do You Own Your Mobile Home? Check Out These Advocacy Groups for Mobile Home Owners: Federation of Manufactured Home Owners of Florida, Inc. (FMO) Florida Statutes, Chapter 723 Florida lawmakers have worked to protect mobile home owners in parks by creating laws. Chapter 723 of the Florida Statutes governs the legal duties and rights between mobile home landlords and their mobile home tenants. The Florida Statutes define a mobile home tenant as one who owns his own mobile home but leases lot space from a park owner. A "mobile home" is defined as a residential structure that is at least eight feet wide, 35 feet long, transportable and constructed on an integral chassis. To see all of Chapter 723, go online to FMO is the only nonprofit consumer advocacy organization dedicated to protecting the rights of over 1.2 million Florida manufactured home owners: It helps residents of rental manufactured home communities prepare for negotiating with park owners regarding rent increases. FMO provides information about Chapter 723, Florida Statutes (FS), which governs unique park owner/lot renter issues. FMO offers workshops on negotiating with a park owner and resident purchase of a community. FMO offers personalized, individual assistance to members. Our FMO representative for the Buccaneer Homeowners’ Association is Judi Roth. Networking for Progress (NFP) is a group of residents from various ELS parks—usually comprised of HOA board members — who meet regularly to share information with each other about ELS concerns. Our BHA board members regularly attend NFP meetings, incorporating newly acquired information when effective. Statutes/2015/Chapter723/All The web site states, “Since state laws can frquently change, do not use this information as a substitute for legal advice. Seek advice through an attorney licensed to practice law in your state.” Your Buccaneer Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors adjusts its bylaws on a continual basis to adhere to the latest 723 laws. ~~ Learn More! Join FMO Today ~~ For a $25 annual membership, you receive FMO’s bi-monthly, informative magazine. 24 Log On:!newmember-signup/cq56 Write: 4020 Portsmouth Rd., Largo, Florida, 33771 Call: Member Services Manager Beth Pankow at (727) 530-7539 Email: Buccaneer News June 2016 Rent Negotiation Committee (RNC) TOWN HALL GATHERING Tuesday, July 19 Club House 7 p.m. 25 Buccaneer News Energy Saving Tips and EHEAP June 2016 stripping is deteriorating, install new stripping. emergency energy-related costs during the heating and cooling seasons. Replace Broken Or Cracked ** Eligible households may be Your home is made up of winGlass — If you cannot fix a provided one benefit of up to $600 dows, walls, floors, doors and a roof. All of these things could be broken or cracked window imme- per season. To be eligible for assisadding to your electric bill if they diately, invest in some heavy-duty tance, households must have: transparent tape that is intended A documented heating or are not maintained. cooling emergency Following these simple tips can to seal cracks or breaks until you can make a permanent fix. At least one individual age 60 act as a barrier against losing or older in the home energy to cooling, heating, etc. The Emergency Home Energy A gross household annual inAssistance for the Elderly come equal to or less than Seal All Cracks — Use caulk to Program (EHEAP) 150% of the federal poverty eliminate cracks around places This Florida program* assists guidelines (to be determined) such as windows, door frames, low-income households that are If you meet these requirements, where pipes enter the home and experiencing a home energy call the Helpline at 1-866-413-5337 where different materials (such emergency. on Thursdays between 8 a.m. and as concrete and wood) meet. A home energy emergency may 3 p.m. to see if they can help you. result from a delinquent utility Weather-strip Windows— Refas- bill, lack of electricity or a shut-off * sponsored by the SW Florida Area Agenten with nails, staples or whatever notice. Payments are for home cy on Aging, a part of the Florida Departis appropriate. If your weather ment of Elder Affairs heating or cooling and other 26 Buccaneer News June 2016 facebook Simply email to be invited to our closed Buccaneer group. BHA Office June — August Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Make copies 10 a.m. - noon Send/receive Phone/fax 239-995-4412 faxes Closed Saturday, July 2 Please consider volunteering! Purchase event tickets 27 Buccaneer News June 2016 o 28 Buccaneer News June 2016 Receive important notices by email from the BHA Board of Directors. Sign up by sending an email to Mark Your Calendar! Rent Negotiation Committee (RNC) TOWN HALL GATHERING Tuesday, July 19 Club House 7 p.m. 29 Buccaneer News June 2016 ‘ICE’ YOUR PHONE This information was brought to a recent Safety Meeting by the Sheriff’s Office. The ICE Your Phone™ campaign encourages mobile phone users to enter emergency contact information into their mobile phone under the heading of ICE, an acronym for ‘In Case of Emergency.” How to ICE your phone: Choose a responsible person to be your In-Case-OfEmergency (ICE) contact. Record their information. Inform your ICE contact that you have chosen them as your designated contact and provide them with information that may affect your treatment. In the event of a park problem after management hours If you see something, say something! Add this contact as a new entry, with their phone number, in your mobile phone address book under the heading “ICE.” Example: ICE—William or ICE— Dad. Apply an ICE Sticker™ to the back of your phone. This will serve as a visual alert that you have established a communication protocol. 30 239-477-1000 (Sheriff) 239-994-5467 (Buccaneer Night Patrol after 10 pm) Call 9-1-1 Buccaneer News June 2016 Buccaneer News May Survey Results Out of only 20 returned surveys: 100% were homeowners All read the news, feel the newspaper keeps them informed, feel the typeface is large enough and want to keep the birthdays/ anniversaries. 90% would use advertisers’ services The topics in order of favorites, President’s Corner, activities & events, new residents, Sick & Sunshine, calendar, minutes, ELS articles, updates, and ads Respondents ranked their overall impression of the newsletter as 50% excellent and 50% good. Some new ideas included library news, items for sale, move the calendar to back page, more pictures, programs for residents in need, networking with other parks and crime reports. 70% of respondents provided an email address; 100% preferred receiving the Buccaneer News on paper. 31 Buccaneer News June 2016 32
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