Buccaneer News
Buccaneer News
Buccaneer News Buccaneer News June 2015 Published for Residents by the Buccaneer Homeowners’ Association (BHA) June 2015 Website: http://buccaneer-news.com Email:BuccaneerEditor@yahoo.com Sign up for email messages from the board at buccaneerbha@yahoo.com Welcome Summertime! With the snowbirds gone for the summer, we have the parks’ services all to ourselves! Some of the fun things to enjoy here during the summer include: Summer Dances You’ll meet plenty of Buccaneer neighbors at our summer dances. And you can get a hot dog meal as well. So, forget cooking on the last Saturday of each month, May through September! The DJs provide a wide variety of enjoyable music, and if you don’t dance, people watching is always fun. Summer Events Fathers’ Day Cookout Fourth of July Picnic Cool Times in the Club Houses: Both club houses offer cool comfortable workout rooms! And if you like the heat, have you tried the sauna? Library—New books are being donated and are begging to be read. Our librarian catalogues each new batch. Why not donate yours? Billiards—Improve your skills in the Hospitality House. Check the calendar for open times. Bingo—Held in the Hospitality House all year long, this is a Buccaneer favorite! Card Games—Why not try one the many games offered in the Club House all year round? Check the monthly calendar. Morning Coffees—A great way to meet new friends on summer mornings. Swimming Pools Morning exercise classes Less crowded pools Read and relax pool-side or party on the porch Try the whirlpool after a cooling summer rain Facility Features Coin operated laundry facilities are located in the Club House and at the back pool bath house. RO water dispensers also are located here. For only 25 cents per gallon, the purest water around can be enjoyed. Residents can obtain free ice located in each club house kitchen. And if your tires are getting low, there’s a free air machine just behind the BHA office. BHA Office : Residents can send a fax or make personal copies for free: just stop by the BHA office weekdays and Saturdays from 11 am until 2 pm. That’s also the place to purchase tickets to Buccaneer events and to pick up forms for placing articles or purchasing ads in the Buccaneer News. Community Patrol: Why not volunteer to be a part of our Community Patrol? This group rides around our streets on a regular basis in its golf cart to observe and report anything suspicious to the Sheriff. They also host a delicious hot breakfast each month to support the patrol’s operational costs. Sports: In the summer, check out bocce ball, horseshoes, shuffleboard, biking and walking. The only rule for summertime is — have a good time! Buccaneer News June 2015 The Buccaneer News PO Box 3368 North Ft. Myers, FL 33918 Office Phone/Fax: 239-995-4412 Email: buccaneereditor@yahoo.com Web Site: http://buccaneer-news.com Joy Simpkins, Editor The Buccaneer News is published the first of each month, October through June, as a service to residents of Buccaneer Estates by the Buccaneer Estates Homeowners’ Association. Circulation is monthly. Article and advertising deadlines are the 13th of the month for the following month’s edition. The Buccaneer News reserves the right to edit submitted material for proper grammar, punctuation, content and length. To submit an article for consideration, email buccaneereditor@yahoo.com or place clearly written material by deadline in the Buccaneer Homeowners’ Office drop box (located to the right of the main Club House). Include a contact number and name along with date, time and place of event, or fill out a convenient form located in the office. To place an ad, please contact the editor at 239-297-8435. Note: All efforts are made to ensure accuracy of information contained herein, but cannot be guaranteed. If you notice inaccuracies or omissions, please notify the editor. The Buccaneer News is delivered to each home by volunteers. If you did not receive your copy of the Buccaneer News, pick one up in the BHA office, Monday—Saturday, 11 am—2 pm, or view online at http:// buccaneer-news.com. Editor Calendar Proofreading Vital Statistics Circulation Advertising Web Site Printing Joy Simpkins 239-297-8435 Jo Schofield 239-656-4940 Gloria O’Reilly, Arlene Bradford Gwen DeHollander 239-995-0126 Eloise Stearns Joy Simpkins 239-297-8435 Richard Kulies 239-209-0591 Arthur Printing arthurprinting@aol.com To receive the newsletter by mail: Clearly print your name, summer address, Buccaneer address, telephone number and email address. Decide which months you would like to receive the news: (Oct. —June). Include a check for the total amount payable to ‘Buccaneer Homeowners’ Association.’ ($2.50 per issue per month US, $3 Canada) Place BOTH in the drop box at the Buccaneer Homeowners’ Office, or mail to the Post Office Box address above. See the Buccaneer News in Full Color at http://buccaneer-news.com. If you do not wish to receive a printed version, please inform the editor. The Buccaneer Boards, Committees and Chairpersons President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Treasurer Secretary Executive Board Connie McLaurin Margaret Steele Arlene Bradford Tom Swiftney Kennettee Lampman Directors Judi Roth Jo Ann Scullin Keith Ver Haagh Vacant Parliamentarian Sgt. At Arms FMO Representative Safety & Security Sick & Sunshine Celebration of Life Trash & Treasure Storage Compound Community Patrol Street Captains Name Tags & Keys Loan Closet Lois Hartel William Johnson Judi Roth Ken Basak Kenny Lampman Gloria O’Reilly James Mullins Vacant Doreen Muraida Lois Hartel Jo Schofield James Mullins 239-656-6789 540-333-2789 239-738-0522 616-928-4781 239-440-9382 239-656-8640 239-656-5830 715-851-3655 239-656-5561 239-656-8640 239-440-4413 239-440-9382 612-599-2042 239-339-7738 239-997-0416 239-656-5561 239-656-4940 239-339-7738 Buccaneer Homeowners’ Office Open Mon-Sat, 11 am—2 pm Buccaneer Homeowners’ Office Phone/Fax 239-995-4412 ELS Sales Office 239-995-3337 ELS Emergency Maintenance 239-349-0962 Events Chairpersons and Contacts Craft Shows Donna Kulies Entertainment Debbie Perrone Summer Dances Ruth Whalin Ball Team Dave Leschewski Bingo Jo Ann Scullin 239-989-7353 856-217-3728 239-997-6089 239-656-5817 239-656-5830 We Need Volunteers! Volunteers are needed for many clubs, activities and projects here at Buccaneer. If you have time and would like to make a difference using your talents, please call any of the contacts listed above. Opportunities open to all residents. Help is needed: ____ Patrolling our Community ____ Event Setup and Cleanup ____ Event Photographer ____ Working in BHA Office (Open Mon –Sat) ____ Moving Furniture for Trash & Treasure News encourages readers to patronize our advertisers. They make our publication possible. 2 Buccaneer News June 2015 President’s Corner Connie McLaurin, President Buccaneer Homeowners’ Association Hi Pirates, This is my last letter to Buccaneer News for this season. I will resume in September with my letters. We met again with our ELS Manager, Leighanne. One item brought up was a handicap access to the office. Another was a lift for handicap people to use the pool. She will check this all out and get back to us. It was mentioned that there might be grants available for this type of lift. Pat Hanko gave us the report on the audit for 2014. This has taken much time and research to finish. The main reason being missing documents and very careless paperwork. We owe Pat a big hand for all her hard work. We are moving forward as we just had a great Mothers Day Luncheon. Thanks to Luanne Swiftney. Next we have a Fathers Day lunch coming soon. This we understand is going to be great also. Get your tickets soon. Also, to fill in our summer for all you who are still here. We have Ruth Whalin to thank for all the great dances, food and bands. She does a great job. Thank you again for all your support. From all the Buccaneer Homeowners’ Board and myself. Our Trash &Treasure facility will be OPEN FOR CASH SALES Wednesdays 9 am—11 am Shop from a large variety of household items at reasonable prices. Call James at 239-339-7738 if you would like to donate household items to T&T. (located across the street from the RV Compound off Strongbox) Your president, Connie McLaurin Homeowners Meetings There will not be any homeowners’ meetings during the summer per by-laws. Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month and will resume on Monday, Sept. 14, at 7 pm in the Club House. 3 Buccaneer News June 2015 Welcome New Residents! * = Renters Please provide any changes in name, address and telephone number to Gwen DeHollander at 239-995-0126 or place in her drop box at 433 Hidden Cove Road. John & Gayle Kellogg 462 Avanti Way David & Leah Lewis 770 Pirates Rest Rd Sharri Staggs 787 Pirates Rest Rd IL FL OH Leon Podvin & Devota Miles 665 Brigantine Blvd NY Joan Peterson 652 Brigantine Blvd Bruce Neumann & Tiki D 636 Tortugas Drive Jeffrey & Joy Purcell 514 Avanti Way FL Paul & Jane Raymond 262 Caviller Court Mark Armstrong 320 Doubloon Drive Rose Dickson & Salvatore Ippolito 700 Brigantine Blvd Christina Abruntilla 208 Caviller Court Douglas & Arlene Olson 97 Jose Gaspar Drive FL Katherine & Joseph Nagy 395 Hidden Cove Wanda Neubert & Karen Sautel 85 Jose Gaspar Drive FL William Shreve Jr. 49 Galleon Drive James Caple & Mary Mann 16 Parrot Place Jennifer Carrabba 949 Strongbox Lane Betty Eberly 8 Parrot Place IN Sandra Danielson 11 Parrot Place MN James & Candyce Bearley 517 Avanti Way Beverly Gallagher 782 Frenchman’s Creek OH Paul & Cheryl Elhard 480 Avanti Way Welcome Packets for Newcomers Welcome packets are available for new residents. They contain a wealth of information about many facets of life in and around Buccaneer Estates. Street captains will be delivering them to all newcomers. In the event of a park problem after management hours Sign up for the new email address you can join to automatically receive important notices from the Board of Directors: Sign up by sending an email to buccaneerbha@yahoo.com 239-477-1000 (Sheriff’s Office) 239-994-5467 (Buccaneer Night Patrol) after 10 pm 4 Call 9-1-1 Buccaneer News Tickets to Events If you’d like to attend the events here, please remember to purchase tickets ahead of time in order to be able to be granted access. Each event is advertised ahead of time with a phone number and/or location to purchase tickets. Wear your name tag to events. To order one, call Jo Schofield at 239656-4940. Do you have an event to schedule? If so, call Jo Schofield at 239-656-4940 for calendar requests or changes of activities or times in the Club House or Hospitality House. Without board approval, she cannot add your activity to the calendar. Trash Pickup WastePro picks up trash (garbage), recyclables and horticulture each Wednesday, except for holidays: then add a day. June 2015 A Message From Leighanne Weekly Mowing Lawns are mowed on Mondays on a weekly basis during the summer season. Don’t forget to move your golf cart or other items. Community Manager June is almost here, and that means summer is right around the corner. Over the summer months, I will continue to conduct daily community tours. It is each and every homeowner's responsibility to maintain your home, home site, mailbox and mailbox light. In addition to regular maintenance, during the summer, every lawn must be line trimmed every 7-10 days. I am reminding folks again to please slow down while driving in the park. Please be courteous of your neighbors and friends while driving. Also, a reminder that there is no parking on the grass of vehicles or golf carts. We will start to tow vehicles this month. Thank you for your cooperation with rules and regulations. Happy Summer to all! Advertise on our Bulletin Boards Residents are welcome to place ads on bulletin boards in both club houses. Each ad, including business cards, must be dated and will remain posted only for one month. Prepare Now for Emergencies Hurricane season is around the corner. See Security Committee Chairman Ken Basak’s article (Part 2) on hurricane preparedness on page 24. Emergency preparedness booklets contain everything you’ll need to know about all types of emergencies, including hurricanes. Pick one up in either Club House. Leighanne Bryan Community Manager Buccaneer Estates 239.995.3337 Office Gourmets On The Go This popular monthly outing brings Buccaneer friends and neighbors to an area restaurant to enjoy dining together. June’s destination is Longhorn Steakhouse on Wednesday, June 10, at noon. You must check the bulletin board in the Club House to see if has filled to capacity or sign up to be included in the reservation. 5 Buccaneer News June 2015 HAPPY SUMMER/FALL BIRTHDAY! All efforts are made to ensure accuracy of information contained herein, but cannot be guaranteed. If you notice inaccuracies or omissions, please provide any changes in name, address telephone number, birthday or anniversary to Gwen DeHollander at 239-995-0126 or place in her drop box at 433 Hidden Cove Road. * = Renters June 1st Bedard, Laura Casey, John Flosi, Carlo McClain, Dolores Vallone, Monica 2nd Goguen, Henry Hentz, John Jr. 3rd Good, George Pace, Joseph L. Vega, Lizzette 4th Bauer, Raymond Eichorst, Diane Peltzer, Ann Marie Paterson, Keith Sark, Tarry Schafer, Cheryl Tomacheski, Jean Zayas, Rose 5th Kuespert, Thomas Meyer, Patricia Morcell, Robert Staker, Scott Stead, Karen 6th Brown, Martha Fisher, John Holler, Jean Kreps, Yvonne Rust, James 7th Bedard, James Eberle, James Jr. Kulies, Donna Meyer, Roselee Newmann, Ernest Sabin, Sr., William Skalicky, Bob 8th Belle Isle, Barbara Crosby, Kenneth LoScalzo, Christine Mulvey, Pat Musselman, Kathy 17th Sautel, Alma Jean Swiftney, Tom 18th Fleming, Gordon Frost, Linda Schroeder, Kimberily 9th Marshall, Patti Petroff, Nancy 19th Betts, Donald Brooks, Tracey Young, James 10th Carlson, Sally Weinberger, Daniel 20th Clann, Herbert Kneis, Peter Lamy, Rose Lynn, Lisa Mourhess, Sandy 11th Barlow, John Little, Ray Rosner, Lorraine 12th Casey, Patricia Gielow, Thomas Hillmann, Gordon Pace, Barbara Rader, Gail 26th Denson, Betty Hentz, Delores Johnson, Janis Rose Murphy, Theresa Terry, Robert 27th Burmeister, Nancy Kyswath, Ronald Pupkiewicz, Dave 28th Allard, Lorraine 29th Haste, Myrna 21st Morse, Helene 22nd Burnett, William Fountaine, Neil Oatley, Betty Pelkey, Michael Siria, John Spicer, Clyde 13th Jobling, David Roberts, Anne Theil, Sharon Turner, Carl 24th Consiglio, Catherine Harrison, Jr., Ben Holland, James Smith, Joy 14th Bauman, Kathleen Benson, Rhonda Boden, Angelina Good, Judith 25th Kellenburger, Charles Lesperance, Marie Miller, Raymond 15th Alder, Jerold Munn, Kathy Shanley, James 16th Bovill, Chris Downie, Bill Hart, Terry Milam, Melissa Rogers, Ronald 17th 25th Presley, Oscar Tawney, Joe Thorne, William Berberian, Viola Bley, Patricia Fisher, Elmer Hagy, Ronald 6 30th Buchanan, Florence Gray, Tracy Nalley, Beatrice Quilla, Hildegard Ross, Charles Smith, James July 1st Brumelle, Vivian Daniels, Andrew Ishley, Linda Lucas, Betty 2nd Cattano, Phyllis Buccaneer News Longhouser, John Plis, Marilyn Pohlman, Laucil 3rd Freeze, Malvin Garrison, Dinah Honken, Bob 4th Carpenter, Dwight Foy, Paulette 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th June 2015 12th Bathel, Gene Bierkamp, Robert Fisher, Shirley Smith, Carl Wright, Frank Garland, Ruth Heberle, Cheryl Stumbaugh, Mary Main, Glen Morey, Kathryn Thorne, Nancy 15th Isenor, Kendall O’Reilly, Gloria Reed, Lois Benoit, Richard Collins, Eraine Dellisanti, Frank 16th Alton, Margaret Carlevale, John Childress, George Fugmann, Richard Kiperman, Raisa Peck, Patricia Robichaud, Daniel Wills, Gail Benoit, Arleene Grahm, Mark Kruse, Lynn McCaughey, Bruce Nobel, Kevin 21st Ahmad,Carole Bonini, Aldo Cook, David Hostetter, Stanton Kidder, Beverly Martin, Danny 13th Hoover, Serera 14th Alderman, Ray Bosavage, Edward Cuddhy, Barbara Johnson, Jean Smith, Shirley Zoph, Milagros Hunter, Barbara Mathews, Sharon Piechnik, Jim Taylor, Barbara 20th Card, Dave Phylis, James Vasbinder, Candra 22nd Armstrong, Gloria Day, Peggy 23rd Aycock, James Beck, Deborah Brady, Robert Fitzgerald, Gail 28th Manna, Judy Noce, Peter Steele, James 29th Eaton, Emmy Leach, Lois Miedema, Roger Wood, Lois 30th Bartnikowski, Barbara Ruster, Doug Smith, Richard 31st Campell, Barry Corvo, Aracely Eicherst, Daniel 24th Esteves, Sara Heath, Mary Holalik, Lori Skalicky, Jan 25th Acheson, Diana Bright, Kimberly Dudley, Helen Hanko, Karen 17th Jones, Geraldine Moreland, Pat Tremblay, Carl 18th Mills, Robert Root, Kay 10th Knight, William 11th Latimar, Londa Marx, Gary VanDeWalle, George Murphy, Frank Simpkins, Joy 19th D’Amato, Dennis Filliettaz, Claire Motto, Reva Speight, Lewis 7 August 1st Bradford, Arlene 2nd Weatherstine, Addie 26th Archer, Mary Arnold, Nell Baer, Marcia Bell, Donald McKeaney, Grace Smith, Ellen 3rd Albright, Ann Brady, Maria Marton, Michael Paap, Wolfgang Pierson, Katherine Pringle, Roy Scott, Sharon Thomas, Norman 27th Carlson, Brenda Luce, Nancy MacKenzie, Joseph 4th Custer, Ruby Schmidtke, Elvira Yetter, Susan Buccaneer News 5th Bevington, Nancy Casbeer, Angie Edwards, Donald Ishler, Marilyn 6th Bigos. James Foy, Paulette June 2015 13th Carpenter, Beverly Murphy, Joan Osborne, Dave 20th Maison, Mabel Tremblay, Marianne 21st Pooley, Steven Staffon, Marion Stilas, Shirley 14th Daniels, Ruth David, Lynn Moore, Doris 28th Lizotte, Roland McCann, Carolyn McKinney, John Moran, Daniel Perrone, Deborah Smith, Marki Yarrison,Sondra 22nd Gersonde, Geneva 7th Decraene, James Parker, Nancy 8th DeMichele, Karen Orr, Sandra Phylis, Sandra 15th Bushman, Dennis Kast, Ronald McClellan, Sam Pettit, Emma Smith, William Wall, Larry 23rd 24th 9th Clay, Joseph Everett, Jane Landis, Michael Loredo, Ydalia Moreland, Ted Savage, Meridith 16th 17th 10th D’Amato, Linda Johnson, Vickie Logan, Russell Patterson, Dottie Sawyer, Pat Weber, George 11th Bovey, Della Byrd, Victor Caudill, Cynthia Leach, Lauraline McPheeters, Pat Reichling, Sandra Schroat, Patricia Wold, Margeret 12th Jones, Barry Adams, Joan Brennan, Nancy Dellaventura, Richard Hill, Robert Pion, Stephany Artrip, Mabel Campell, Christina Savage, Michael Yates, Betty 29th Courtney, James Graph, Judy 30th Anzalone, Marie Bert-Hagen, Wilma Fusco, Salvatore 31st Grady, Mary McLaurin, Constance Miller, Kathie Pollard, Diane Rogers, Kathleen Whalin, Ruth McPeat, Cathy Schofield, Dale Vanasse, Claire Wadden, Peter Dellisanti, Debra Mathers, Marge Reid, Kenneth September Hamilton, Janice Levasseur, Paula Matejek, Frank Shaunita, Jastice Trilett, Alyce 18th Burdette, Carolyn Fitzgerald, Cheryl Hagy, Patti Little, Frances McFadden, Richard Simmons, Dennis Smith, Patricia 25th Fanus, Carl McCauley, Mildred Prather, Don 26th Hanko, Roger Lewis, Nancy 19th Carpenter, Linda Maltese, Frank 27th Guimand, Dana Johnson, Myerle Kuhn, Debra Moore, Crag Mulvey, Mary Upham, Thomas 20th Dwyer, Joyce 28th 8 Criswell, Sandra 1st Billy, Albert Clark, Raymond Cyr, Janet Damato, Dennis Foster, Will Gilbert, Joyce Kuesport, Sharyn 2nd Bisbee, John Linder, Timothy Longhouse, Cheryl Rowe, Robert Taylor, Gary 3rd Clark, Sandra Sabens, Cynthia Buccaneer News 3rd Unruh, Dorothy 4th 5th 6th 7th Clark, Carolyn Morrissey, Robert Post, Carol Cladopulos, Joanne Rogers, William Salewsky, Shirley Wright, Rebecca Compton, Nancy Furtado, Robert King, William Littlejohn, Richard MacKenzie, Sis Pittman, Carol 19th Lynch, Joan Newton, Jane Wisinski, Rita 12th Decosta, Delora Jackson, Robert Livezey, Roy 13th Anzalone, Edward Smith, Bea Yarrison, Charles 14th Johnson, William 15th Achterberg, Leon Brown, Fred Digennaro, Phyllis Pistey, Jean Watson, Robert Crider, Linda Erkenbeck, Marjorie Foy, Joseph Holler, John Knight, Marilyn Leschewski, David 26th 20th Clement, Elizabeth Paul, Sharon Latimer, Dennis Newton, Francis Reid, Tina Russell, Terryl Stetham, Barbara Vincent, Helen 21st Eades, Richard 27th Mechler, Otto Payne, Linda Russel, Elaine Scheele, Joan Marie 28th Robert Aalderink Adams, Richard Landrum, Patricia 29th Martin, Patricia Aalderink, Joyce Couillard, Joseph Murphy, James Russell, James 22nd 16th 17th Lipchik III, Charles Schmitz, Thomas 10th Dansee, Debbie Peirolo, Ann Perrien, Michael 11th 11th Adrian, Joyce Dix, Gail Fountaine, Cheryl Morrison, Linda 8th Brown, Kenneth Byrd, Erma Harris, Robert Uhde, Emily Wade, Georgiann 9th June 2015 23rd Eltzroth, Gray Mathews, Don Receveur, Richard Boardman, Teresa Johnson, Chase Miziel, Joyce Read, Lorraine Wilson, Leona 18th Castonia, Richard Landrum, Terry Ott, Patricia Pollard, Lannie Purnell, Jordan 19th Binkov, Pamela Darneil, Tammy Leary, Wilma 9 Halvorsen, Reina Sproul, Chirstal Stebbin, John 24th David, Biron Field, William Mosely, Dolly 25th Cohen, Herbert Dansee, James Davis, Schaun Gifford, Doris Ingram, Janice Kallio, Darlene Kapoll, Angela Lamothe, Janet Landmeyer, Judy Lott, Nina 26th Albright, Joseph Handy, Elizabeth 30th Ward, Josephine Wegener, Virginia Gargano, Guna Hogan, Judith Myers, Jeffery Blackburn, Lance Driscoli, John Frost, Sr., Harvey Buccaneer News June 2015 HAPPY SUMMER/FALL ANNIVERSARY! June Anniversaries 1st July Anniversaries Robert and Dorothy Hermann 2nd Joseph and Lillian Tuminski 3rd James and Judy Spinks 4th Phil and Martha Brown 6th Ed and Joyce Gilbert Fred and Patricia Youmans 11th John and JoAnn Scullin 12th Jack and Viola Berberian Carl and Marrianne Tremblay Roger and Karen Hanko 2nd Myron and Rosalee Meyer 4th Roland and Estella Lizotte 5th Bernie and Sandra Criswell 6th Harry and Marilyn Ishler 7th John & Diane Acheson James and Jeanne Lavelle 9th Richard and Carolyn Perron 10th Dennis and Londa Latimer 11th 14th Thomas and Nancy Gielow 15th Cyril and Patricia Hanko Robert and Christine Seeke Donald & Dolores Wildner 14th Frank and Rebecca Wright 16th Bearly, Jim and Candy Donald and Joy Smith 15th George and Carolyn Robert 17th Jaime and Carol Glass 19th Zeke & Gwen DeHollander 18th Rick and Kay Root 20th Robert and Marylyn Shepard Duane and Nancy Werkman 21st 1st 19th Robert and Maria Brandy Melvin and Janet Freeze Jerry and Shirley Newby Ken Zigelstein and Lorraine Rosner Scott and Karen Stead 22nd Neil and Cheryl Fountaine Lester and Shirley Salewsky Norman and Barbara Thomas 20th Walter and Sharon Paul 21st 23rd Jack and Serera Hoover Elmer and Ann Fisher 22nd Darryl and Tracey Brooks Ronald and Patricia Sawyer 24th Gary and Darlene Davis Charles and Sondra Yarrison 26th Rodney and Mabel Artrip 25th Richard and Janet Lamonthe Dean and Emma Pettit 27th Russ and Janet Clay Joseph and Nancy Mihalyi 26th William and Doreen King 28th Stanley and Patricia Meyer 29th Berry & Christina Campell Jeff and Lisa Castonia 29th James and Reva Motto Paul and Helen Vincent 30th Barnikowski, David and Barbara Mark and Sharon Thede 10 Buccaneer News June 2015 September Anniversaries August Anniversaries 4th Richard and Gloria Armstrong 5th Stephen and Carol Syhocki Frank and Jerrilyn Murphy William and Nancy Thorne 6th Robert and Linda Carnahan David and Susan Hays Bob and Jan Skalicky 1st Jack and Pat Mulvey 2nd Richard and Arleene Benoit 4th Ben and Lucia Harrison, Jr. 5th William and Arlene Smith 6th Joseph and Ann Albright Laurence and Catherine Braasch 9th Bob and Cindy Hadley 8th Neville and Nancy Bevington **50 years** 10th Donald and Georgia Edwards 9th William and Marilyn Knight 11th Robert and Pattie Johnson 12th George and Delores VanDeWalle 16th Timothy and Jeanette Linder 13th Daniel and Judith Hogan 17th Salvatore & Joan Ward Fusco 14th Tom and Cathy Boyland 18th 15th Henry and Carol Goguen William and Mary Grady William and Brenda Shevchik 16th William and Dorrie Conrad Skip and Jean Wilde 24th Robert and Joyce Aalderink 25th Doug and Gail Fitzerald Normand and Stephany Pion Keith and Gail Wills 27th Lawrence and Ellen Smith Tom and Luanne Swiftney 28th Greg and Sharon Pike Tom & Sharon Scafidi 18th Eugene and Hildegard Quilla 19th Charles and Schaun Davis Marton and Joan Dun Stephen and Kathleen McCarthy William and Caroline Shreve 21st Richard and Florence Buchanan Gerald and Yvonne Kreps **50 years** 24th Fred and Yvette Brown 25th Michael and Terry Conda Thomas and Sharyn Kuespert 26th Sammie and Vickie Johnson 29th Kevin and Phyllis Noble Daniel and Dianne Schwartz Engagement Announcement Mr. Richard Friedman Originally from New Jersey and Miss Marie McDermott Also from New Jersey Congratulations and “A Match Made in Heaven” 11 Best Wishes! Buccaneer News June 2015 12 Buccaneer News June 2015 SUMMER DANCES Put your dancing shoes on, or simply enjoy listening to music and mingling with friends at our summer dances, scheduled for the last Saturday of each month. 7 pm—10 pm In the Club House Purchase $6 tickets (including tax) at the Buccaneer Homeowners’ Office, Monday—Saturday, 11 am—2 pm and from Ruth Whalin: 239-997-6089 Dance Dates Music by: Eloise Stearns: 239-599-8416 Hot dogs, soft drinks and snacks are included in the ticket price. 13 Buccaneer News June 2015 COMMUNITY PATROL’S HOT BREAKFAST BUFFET Saturday, June 13 8 am—9:30 am Club House ~ Menu ~ Scrambled Eggs ~ Pancakes Sausage ~ Biscuits Coffee Tickets for the breakfast are $5 in advance and $6 at the door. Tickets at the BHA office, M—S, 11 am—2 pm, or call Eloise Stearns at 239-565-9798. The patrol needs volunteers! Stop by and find out how you can help. 14 Buccaneer News June 2015 Celebrate At our annual Saturday, July 4 Hamburger or Hot Dog 3:30 pm—7:30 pm Potato Salad Club House Baked Beans Entertainment by ‘Erich’ Apple Pie Sodas & Lemonade $8 residents $10 non-residents Tickets available from Ruth Whalin: 239-997-6089 and Buccaneer Homeowners’ Office (M—S, 11 am—2 pm) Morning Coffee and Bingo Sponsored by the Buccaneer Homeowners’ Association 15 Buccaneer News June 2015 JUNE ACTIVITIES 2015 HH = Hospitality House CH = Club House NOTE: NOT ALL ACTIVITIES ARE HELD DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS MONDAYS WEDNESDAYS FRIDAYS Coffee Hour HH 8:30 am Water Exercises Pool #1 8 am Water Exercises Pool #2 8:30 am Chair Volleyball CH 10 pm Billiards HH 1 – 5 pm *Men’s Poker CH 6 pm Monte Carlo Whist CH 6:30 pm Lifeboat 101 Bible Study HH 7 pm Shuffleboard 7 pm Trash Pickup Recycle & Yard Waste Pickup Water Exercises Water Exercises Chair Volleyball Billiards Dime Bingo TUESDAYS Water Exercises Water Exercises Ceramics Dble Pinochle Billiards Zumba Bridge Dominoes Payme Pool #1 8 am Pool #2 8:30 am HH 9 am CH 10 am HH 1 – 5 pm CH 3:30 pm CH 6:30 pm CH 6:30 pm CH 7 pm Please report updates, errors or omissions to the editor. Water Exercises Water Exercises Shuffleboard Chair Volleyball Quilt/craft sewing Bridge Billiards Zumba Bingo Shuffleboard Pool #1 8 am Pool #2 8:30 am 9 am CH 10 am HH 10 am CH 12:30 pm HH 1 – 5 pm CH 3:30 pm HH 6:30 pm 7 pm Pool #1 8 am Pool #2 8:30 am CH 10 am HH 1 – 5 pm HH 6:30 pm SATURDAYS Billiards (Oct-Mar) HH Karaoke w/ Scott HH 10 am 6 pm SUNDAYS THURSDAYS Pinochle CH 6:30 pm Water Exercises Pool #1 8 am Water Exercises Pool #2 8:30 am Craft Social Group HH 9 am Dbl Pinochle CH 10 am Bridge CH 12:30 pm Billiards HH 1 – 5 pm Rummykub CH 2 pm Euchre CH 6:30 pm Texas Hold’em CH 6 pm Just a reminder … those groups with an * next to their name will NOT have their time reserved for the fall season unless a calendar request is submitted. Call 239-656-4940 to reserve your group time or if you would like to start a new group. CLASSES FORMING Crafts Social Group This group will start up again in November at the Hospitality House on Thursdays from 9 — 11 am. All crafters welcome. Creative Writers’ Group A writers’ group will start in November if enough sign up … time and day to be determined. Any type of writing would be acceptable. 16 Please contact Phyllis Digennaro for either group. 508-982-5446 phyllisdigennaro36@comcast.net Buccaneer News June 2015 JUNE EVENTS 2015 Sunday 7 14 21 Flag Day 1st Day of Summer Father’s Day Father’s Day Celebration CH 4 pm 28 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Coffee HH 8:30 am 2 3 4 5 6 8 Coffee HH 8:30 am 9 10 11 12 13 Patrol Breakfast CH 8 am 15 Coffee HH 8:30 am 16 17 18 19 20 22 Coffee HH 8:30 am 23 24 25 26 27 BHA Summer Dance CH 7 pm 29 Coffee HH 8:30 am 30 17 Buccaneer News June 2015 Buccaneer Estates Homeowners’ Association Meeting Minutes from May 11, 2015, 7 pm Homeowners’ meetings will break for the summer, per the by-laws. Minutes are subject to amendment and approval at the next scheduled BHA meeting on Monday, September 14, 2015. Roll Call of Officers: President-Connie McLaurin, 1st Vice-Margaret Steele, 2nd Vice-Arlene Bradford, Secretary-Kenny Lampman, Treasurer-Tom Swiftney, Directors: Jo Ann Scullin, Judi Roth, Keith Ver Haagh. Absent; Rick Van Dusen. President's Report: The board met with Leighanne last Monday at 1:00 pm after the board meeting. Many things were discussed. A chair lift for the pool and handicap access to the office. Leighanne is looking to see if we would qualify for any grant money for these projects. We met Tuesday afternoon with a regional manager from the ELS office in Tampa. They received a letter about the KT Band issue and ATF. Connie explained about the payment on the bill and about our visit from ATF. She also explained that we did not receive all paper work for last year. We had problems with the audit. Many things were missing. That brought up many red flags. He said we were doing what our by-laws instructed us to do. He said we should have called someone in from outside the park to help us. Too many red flags. He indicated that a small group of homeowners seems to be causing this and for us to continue to stick to our by-laws as we the association voted on. We can call him back if we encounter any more red flags. Pledge of Allegiance Minutes of the April 13th, 2015. Amended: Joyce Gilbert asked why we couldn't get a license to serve alcohol at our functions. (Cost is to much. We have to be a caterer for 2 years first before we can apply.) Connie rescinded a motion regarding payment of KT Entertainment. It is a closed subject. Motion to approve the minutes. John Scullin. 2nd by Diane Belanger. Motion approved. Correspondence: - Letter from Rick Van Dusen - Resigning from the board and all committees. - Letter from Emma Pettit -Regarding the mowing/ compound. - Letter from Sandy Orr- Regarding Sick/Sunshine. Sick/Sunshine: Several people have been ill. Jean Johnson on Brigantine and Dale Froehlich on Tortugas (wife Pat) passed away. A moment of silence for them. Treasurer's Report: Tom gave a hand-out at the door regarding our accounts. He is now collecting weekly from Trash/ Treasure. Ruth Whalin wondered why all deposits weren't deposited in the same month as BHA functions. Tom would watch that more closely. Judi Roth said that we as a board voted to replace Sandy. Connie thanked her for the job she did in the past. Kenny is the liaison. She will report S/S until we have a replacement. This is Sandy's 18 Buccaneer News June 2015 last report. Please forward all information to Kenny Lampman for S/S. urer needs to be involved in anything having to do with the monies of the BHA. There are too many records that don't match up. Still having problems with last year's audit. T/T still needs to be using 3 part receipts on every sale. All clubs that do anything for BHA needs to complete their paper work correctly. ( Forms in policies/procedures.) Pat's report was accepted and Connie thanked her and her committee for all the many hours they have put in. We know that there is still more to do for this year's audit. Compound: Karl Schmidt was upset about having items in the compound that have not paid their lot fee and about the non-tagged items in the compound. Emma is still working to resolve these issues. Entertainment: Connie thanked Luanne and her committee for the beautiful Mother's Day lunch. Everyone was happy and loved the little gift. (wash cloth) New Business: - AI Peirolo announced the Memorial Day celebration. May 25th, 2015 - Ruth Whalin is having a dance on May 30th, 2015 - Karl Schmidt wanted the board to make sure that all items in the compound are covered by insurance. - Gloria O'Reilly suggested that clubs that don't follow up with correct paper work on their functions, not be able to reserve dates in the clubhouse. Rent Negotiation: Keith and his committee are working on their 1st proposal to start the ball rolling. Margaret: nothing Kenny: nothing By-Laws: Judi Roth is the chairperson. The board just received 38 pages of Legislation for #723. It will become effective July 1st, 2015. Her committee will see what changes need to be made with our bylaws. Arlene had heard some more info about the alcohol issue. She will call 1 more time to see what we can do. As of now, no alcohol is permitted in the halls. No other business. God Bless America was sung. Motion to Adjourn by Gloria O'Reilly. 2nd by Diane Belanger. 7:55 p.m. Audit Report: Pat Hanko gave her report. She said that the treas- Respectfully submitted, Kenny Lampman 19 Buccaneer News June 2015 Cello / ViolinCello Lessons at Buccaneer Anyone interested in learning how to play cello or violincello is invited to call for details about beginner lessons from a Buccaneer resident and member of the Fort Myers Chamber Orchestra Inc. If enough people are interested, classes will be planned, with dates, times and location to follow. Instruments must be purchased or rented by students, and a fee will be charged for lessons. All funds for the orchestra are not-for-profit. Contact instructor Wil Foster at 239-344-9163 for all the details. To learn more about the Fort Myers Chamber Orchestra, visit their web site at www.fmcorchestra.com. 20 Buccaneer News June 2015 21 Buccaneer News June 2015 Celebration of Life Committee If you need help in planning a memorial, or if you would like to help with any of these services, please contact Gloria O'Reilly at 612-599-2042. 22 Buccaneer News June 2015 Sick & Sunshine Report I wanted to say a heart-felt thank you to the residents who supported me during the recent event here in Buccaneer. The letters, the hugs, the phone calls and the ‘talks’ meant more to me than you will ever know. I did not know that what I did and what I said meant so much to so many. I am truly blessed. Thank you a million times over. It is with sadness that I report the following folks have passed away during the last month: Jean Johnson on Brigantine Dale Froehlich on Tortugas (wife Pat) Sandy Orr Former Sick & Sunshine Committee 23 Buccaneer News June 2015 Security Corner -Once you’ve reached your shelter, notify your preplanned contact person of your whereabouts (someone not in the storm’s path). - Listen to shelter workers who will help you ride out the storm, and don’t forget to help those less fortunate who need a hand... Last month we covered how to be prepared for the upcoming hurricane season. This column will deal with evacuation, preparing your home and steps to follow after the storm. After the storm... During the storm … - Evacuees will be allowed to leave shelters only when authorities are confident all is safe … so be patient! Many dangers must be addressed before the streets can be traveled. - When you return to Buccaneer Estates, of course we’re going to pray that all is well. But if damage is evident, do not enter without being accompanied by The Fire Department! - If your home requires repairs, be sure to procure a contractor who is licensed, insured, and has local references! (Con men come out of the woodwork when disaster strikes!) - Most importantly … look out for your neighbors who may be less fortunate. Hurricanes are by nature, unpredictable. New technology can track and plot their course, but they can change direction and intensity without warning! So the first advice is simple, Be Aware. During hurricane season (June thru October), pay attention to weather broadcasts, and the closer a storm gets, the more attentive you need to be! When an evacuation order is issued, move into action immediately! Remember: - Have your evacuation kit ready to go out the door. - Have at least two shelter options plotted out. (Downed power lines, downed trees, flooded streets may prevent access to your first choice.) - If you have special needs or wish to bring pets, get information NOW from Lee County Emergency Operations Center for special shelters. - Help reduce the damage to the neighborhood by preparing your house, as well. Secure all outside furniture and fixtures, shut off all gas lines, shut off all breakers. Here's to a peaceful summer, but if Mother Nature gets nasty, let's be prepared! See you in October (Security Meeting October 15th at 7 pm in the Hospitality House). Kenneth Basak 239-440-4413 or kennethbasak@aol.com 24 Buccaneer News June 2015 INVITATION TO BID ON MOWING The Buccaneer Board of Directors is taking bids for regular maintenance of the RV Compound grounds, including grass mowing, weed removal and bug treatment. Preference will be given to qualified Buccaneer residents. Bids should be based on a per-treatment basis throughout the year for the year beginning July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016. Bidders may use our equipment or their own and must show proof of insurance. Place bids in the open slot in the BHA Office door no later than noon, Monday, June 8. A decision will be made by June 21. Any questions, contact Tom Swiftney at 616928-4781. 25 Buccaneer News June 2015 26 Buccaneer News June 2015 27 Buccaneer News June 2015 Derby Day 28 Buccaneer News June 2015 Mothers’ Day (Left) Tom and Luanne Swiftney 29 Buccaneer News June 2015 30 Buccaneer News June 2015 AMVETS Under New Watch Bob Nipper recently was installed in a recent ceremony announcing him as Commander, replacing Commander Bruce McCaughey. The AMVETS Duty: Our duty is to help Veterans in need. Our AMVET functions bring income into AMVET Post 81 funds that help pay for assistance to these Veterans. The AMVETS Post 81 location is close to Buccaneer at 1910 N. Tamiami Trail, Fort Myers, FL 33903 (239) 995-1001 Check out meal specials and events at ‘AMVETS Post 81’ on FaceBook. 31 CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE We, the American Veterans who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II, fully realizing our responsibility to our community, to our State, and to our Nation, associate ourselves for the following purposes: to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States; to safeguard the principles of freedom, liberty, and justice for all; to promote the cause of peace and goodwill among nations; to maintain inviolate the freedom of our country; to preserve the fundamentals of democracy; to perpetuate the friendship and associations of these Veterans; and, to dedicate ourselves to the cause of mutual assistance, this by the Grace of God. Buccaneer News June 2015 32
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