May 2014 - Temple Israel


May 2014 - Temple Israel
Memphis, Tennessee
May 2014 ~ Iyar-Sivan 5774
Voice volume 68; number 9
Temple Israel is a sanctuary for prayer
and inspiration, a vibrant center for
Jewish learning, and a congregational
home for living Torah. We are a source
of strength and a force for good for
Reform Jews, the greater community,
and the world.
Friday, May 23
“It was 1854, seven years before the start of the Civil War, and Memphis, Tennessee, was a boomtown on the
edge of the western frontier.” So begins Judy Ringel’s book Children of Israel: The Story of Temple Israel.
Now, 160 years and 48 Presidents later,
Temple Israel has never been more vibrant or
energized to carry our historic congregation
into the future.
Whether you are a newcomer to Temple Israel
or a multi-generation member, May 23rd is the
evening to take pride in our past, present, and
future, as we express gratitude to outgoing
President Paula Jacobson and celebrate the
start of Jonathan Frisch’s tenure as President.
Temple Israel Trustees are Byron Besser, Beni
Dragutsky, Raymond Evans, Lee Filderman,
Jody Franklin, Arlene Goldner, Mike Goldstein,
Marty Grusin, Jeff Kerlan, Meggan Kiel, Amy
Kirshbaum, Jay Lindy, Joanna Lipman, Billie
Pierce, Wendy Rotter, Paul Royal, Esther
Saltzman, Betsy Saslawsky, Bobbie Shainberg,
Jill Steinberg, Elissa Taub, Barrie Wurzburg,
and Ralph Yaffe.
Officers are Jonathan Frisch, President; Elkan Scheidt, Senior Vice President; Laurie Meskin, Vice President;
David Rosenthal, Vice President; Alex Saharovich, Vice President; Leigh Mansberg, Secretary; Mark Fogelman,
Treasurer; David Bearman, Counsel, and Paula Jacobson, Immediate Past President.
The evening begins at 5:45 pm with the 160th Annual Meeting of Temple Israel.
Everyone is invited as we rejoice in the past year and look forward to a great
synagogue year ahead. The meeting will include the election of trustees and
officers and the presentation of the 2014-2015 budget.
A Shabbat dinner follows at 6:15 pm when we will recognize our outgoing
trustees for their devotion and dedication to Temple Israel. A highlight of
the dinner will be the presentation of the Jeffrey H. Manis Service Award to a
Temple Trustee. As Executive Director, Jeff, of blessed memory, exemplified a
selfless and ongoing commitment to raise the bar of excellence at Temple Israel
and make it a better place.
The evening’s Shabbat service at 7:30 pm will follow dinner, and an Oneg
Shabbat, hosted by WRJ-Temple Israel Sisterhood, will be enjoyed immediately
Jonathan Frisch
after the service.
Be a part of all the celebrations the memorable evening offers! Please make dinner reservations
($18/person by May 16; $25/person after that) at, by scanning this QR code, or by
check. For more information, contact Sylvia Appleton, or 901.761.3130.
“What is a volunteer? A volunteer is one
who willingly gives of herself—her time, her
attention, her brains, heart, and skills and
who receives in return a bonus of mind and
personality enrichment more potent than any
LSD trip.”
These words were written by my mother,
Ernestine Greenberger, as part of an essay that
was published in 1968 in the alumni magazine
of Case Western Reserve University. It was
Judy Ringel
among the treasures I discovered while sorting
through her papers after she passed away last summer.
A longtime leader in the Cleveland, Ohio, Jewish community
and a determined activist for social justice, Mom had been
asked, according to an editor’s note that accompanied the
essay, to “share her personal reactions to the entire question
of volunteering.” I laughed out loud as I sat on the floor of her
apartment, surrounded by piles of old letters and snapshots,
and read her comments about some of the radical trends—
LSD, “militant neo-feminism”—that marked the turbulent
Sixties. But what really struck me was her passionate advocacy
for volunteerism—a subject about which, as far as my mother
was concerned, there was no question at all.
“Our voluntary organizations are constantly searching
out areas of need and devising ways to mend the seams
in our fraying social fabric,” she wrote. “Where shall we
give our strength today? To the mentally ill? The physically
handicapped? The uneducated? The socially deprived?
Wherever their feet and skills take them, volunteers find work
to do—work which demands every ounce of intelligence,
maturity, understanding, and self-discipline which they can
give to it . . . Alone, a volunteer can bring hope and comfort
to an individual. Banded together, volunteers can move
“Volunteers can move mountains!” Those words are just
as true today as they were back in 1968 when my mother
wrote them. In fact, as I sat in a meeting of the Social Action
Committee a few months ago, I was struck by the realization
that the spirit that had driven my mother’s activism—cando optimism combined with a strong sense of obligation
to help repair the world—was the very same spirit that
was motivating us to develop Temple Teamwork, a pair of
ambitious new projects that will address illiteracy and hunger.
I had been searching for an appropriate way to memorialize
my mother here in Memphis, and it occurred to me, then and
there, that this was the perfect fit. So Nick and I, along with
our children and grandchildren, have chosen to honor my
mother’s memory and perpetuate her commitment to social
action by funding Team Read and Team Garden.
Team Read will use a proven, step-by-step method to boost
the reading ability of second-graders at Wells Station
Elementary School, and Team Garden will establish and
maintain a vegetable garden on the Temple property that will
supply fresh produce to the Memphis Food Bank.
Both projects are exciting. Both will need teams of dedicated
volunteers, and we encourage Temple members of all ages to
get involved. As my mother put it in that long-ago essay, “The
challenges [for volunteers] are endless and irresistible; the
opportunities endless; the doors are wide open. Come on in!”
Next time you are in conversation with a
Memphian of the Christian faith, ask your
friend the following question: “Out of the
approximately 1 million people living in
Shelby County, how many would you guess
are of the Jewish faith?” (Remind your friend
that 10% is 100,000.)
When I told a longtime Christian community
volunteer the answer to that question, he
could not believe that less than 10,000
Rabbi Greenstein
Memphians, fewer than 1%, are Jewish.
“That’s impossible,” he said, “when you consider all the
Jewish families and individuals involved in everything from
MIFA adn the Church Health Center to BRIDGES, the Child
Advocacy Center, the Mid-South Food Bank, fighting cancer
and heart disease, the arts, and….” I cut off my friend before
he could name another cause for which Jews volunteer and to
which Memphis Jews contribute. “Stop,” I said. “You are right
that all those causes have Jewish volunteers, but if you look
closely, it’s the same people! There aren’t that many of us,
but voluntarism is at the heart of Judaism, for we are here as
God’s partners to help heal and repair this shattered world.
The concluding Aleinu in our prayerbook is the clarion call to
social justice. The liturgy reads, “[You are] to repair the world
[tikkun olam] for the sake of bringing God’s dominion on
earth, so that all humankind will call Your Name One….”
The jewel in the Reform Jewish crown always has been the
primacy of spreading Judaism’s social justice message. We are
called to feed the hungry, teach the illiterate how to read, heal
the hurt of child sexual abuse and violence against women,
clothe the naked, and help get the homeless off the streets
not because it’s a nice thing to do, but because this is precisely
what God calls us to do as as Jews.
There are many gardens and reading programs because God
needs so many of us to repair and heal, teach, and till. The
Team Read and Team Garden initiatives inspired by Ernestine
Greenberger emanate from our role as Jews to be repair
people. Finally, you don’t have to overcommit or promise
what you can’t deliver. You can use this opportunity to get to
know kindred spirits within the Temple Israel family who are
interested in devoting an hour to teach others to read and/or
grow food to feed the hungry.
An ancient Jewish text reminds us that, “A blanket warms
a person, but not a stone.” Interestingly, someone who is
generous in Hebrew is called “Nediv-Lev,” someone with a
generous heart. When we give of our time and resources, we
fulfill our mandate as Jews to be like God.
Rabbi Micah Greenstein
For details about Team Read, contact Betsy Saslawsky, or 901.682.1238.
For details about Team Garden, contact Sharon Berman, or 870.208.5454.
Judy Ringel
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Summer 2014 is fast approaching, and so is the Temple
Israel Fellowship’s second summer hosting a new group of
TI Fellows in Memphis! The TI Fellowship’s founders, David
Edelson, Jeff Dreifus, and I, led by Rabbi Adam Grossman,
have been working tirelessly since the close of last year’s
inaugural summer to enhance the program, recruit
Fellowship applicants from all over the country, and find
ways for the 2014 TI Fellowship to be even more successful
than the first. After a rigorous and competitive application
and interview process, the TI Fellowship founders are
pleased to announce that the 2014 TI Fellows cohort has
been selected. Sixteen young Jewish men and women,
representing sophomores, juniors, and seniors from colleges
and universities across the country, will arrive on May 31 to
begin their 10-week summer experience in Memphis. This
will be a summer of learning, working, and experiencing all
of the great things that Temple Israel and Memphis have to
offer. The Fellowship has partnered with the New Memphis
Institute to engage the Fellows in networking events that
will connect them with other young professionals in town.
The Rhodes College Career Services Center will conduct
workshops in resume writing, career assessment, and
interview skills. The TI Fellowship could not be what it is
today without the support of the Temple Israel family, and
we look forward to your continued support this summer and
in summers to come as the program continues to grow.
Wednesday, May 7, 5:30-7:30 pm
~an update from TI Fellowship co-founder Sam Fargotstein
RACHEL ALTFELD from Jackson, TN; a rising junior at the
University of Arizona
Prepare snacks in the Temple kitchen at this Sisterhood
sponsored effort for MIFA’s COOL initiative. This month,
we’ll make snacks for the participants’ College Signing
Day celebration. Call Jane Eckstein, 901.230.7536, or
Linda Paddock, 901.861.5419. Children ages 12 and older
are welcome to participate.
Sunday, May 25, 3-5 pm
Enjoy a little visiting, bingo, and a cookout with
residents of Synergy Transitional Center, 2305 Airport
Interchange Ave. Male and female adult volunteers are
needed. Call Neal Berlin, 901.481.1752.
ALYSSA BARNEA from Milbourne, NJ; a rising junior at
Tulane University
ELISA BARRACK from Memphis, TN; a graduating senior
from Indiana University
MIRA BILLER from Morris Plains, NJ; a graduating senior
from Muhlenberg College
LAUREN COHEN from West Orange, NJ; a rising senior at
the University of Texas
MAX FARGOTSTEIN from Memphis, TN; a graduating
senior from Tulane University
JACOB HARRIS from Memphis, TN; a rising junior at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
JORDAN LEVI from Memphis, TN; a rising senior at the
University of Tennessee
ADAM LIBBY from Memphis, TN; a graduating senior
from Indiana University
ALANA MILLER from Highland Park, IL; a rising senior at
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
MATTHEW NEIBERT from Annandale, NJ; a rising senior
at Wake Forest University
JOEY NOTOWICH from Memphis, TN; a rising senior at
Indiana University
MICHELE OZER from Philadelphia, PA; a rising senior at
the University of Pennsylvania
JEREMY REISMAN from Memphis, TN; a rising junior at
Washington University
MICHELLE ROSENBAUM from Atlanta, GA; a rising senior
at Tulane University
ETHAN SNEIDER from Concord, MA; a graduating senior
from the University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Place items in the bins on the “Mitzvah Mile” driveway
on the north side of Temple near the entrance to the
Barbara K. Lipman Early Learning Center.
Mary’s Catholic Church’s MATTHEW’S CLOSET: Adultsize sweatshirts, dress shirts, long and short sleeve
t-shirts, pants and jeans, belts, baseball caps, and
backpacks. We ask that all clothing be gently used, clean,
and neatly folded.
Mitzvah Day is November 2, 2014: Please start collecting
unopened sample-sized toiletries from your travels.
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays 8-11:30 am
1268 Jefferson Avenue
Get directly involved at this place of hospitality for the
homeless. Welcome guests who drop in for a much
needed respite with coffee and conversation, a shower
and change of clothes, plus hygiene items. Contact Ann
Wilson, Ann also needs help
sorting and packing clothing items donated by Temple
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Share in their simchas with them at these Shabbat services.
Friday, May 2, 7:30 pm
JOSHUA ABRAHAM, son of Kitten Abraham/Kenneth Abraham
ELLIE BALLIN, daughter of Josie & Steve Ballin
SAMANTHA BALLIN, daughter of Josie & Steve Ballin
HAYLEY BARDOS, daughter of Michelle & Istvan Bardos
ALEXANDRA BASAR, daughter of Kate Basar/Steve Basar
JOSHUA BENDER, son of Susan & Mark Bender
JOSEPH BESSER, son of Julie & Byron Besser
PAULINA BULLARD, daughter of Samantha & Brian Bullard
JOSHUA CLEIN, son of Michelle & Paul Clein
LEO FARGOTSTEIN, son of Leslie & William Fargotstein
MAX FRIEDMAN, son of Rena Feller Friedman & Stanley Friedman
ALEXANDER HUNTER, son of Karla Hunter/Chuck Hunter
CHUCKIE HUNTER, son of Karla Hunter/Chuck Hunter
HANNAH JORDAN, daughter of Elise & Richard Jordan
JACKIE KAMIN, daughter of Kimberley Kamin/Ehud Kamin
MACY KLOVILLE, daughter of Janet & Jeffrey Kloville
STEPHANIE LANE, daughter of Suzanne & Steven Lane
HARRISON LEITNER, son of Helen Leitner/David Leitner
DANIEL LEVIN, son of Audrey Zucker-Levin & Michael Levin
SOPHIE LEVY, daughter of Shelley & Donald Levy
KATIE LIBBY, daughter of Betsy & Stephen Libby
BLAKE LINDY, son of Wendy & Peter Lindy
ANDREW ROGERS, son of Michelle & Jeff Rogers
WISE RUDOLPH, son of Elizabeth & David Rudolph
ETHAN SCHAFFER, son of Lisa & Joel Schaffer
RACHEL SELIGSTEIN, daughter of Marcy & Sidney Seligstein
BRETT SILVER, daughter of Lisa & Howard Silver
LANA SINGER, daughter of Amy & Tod Singer
RYAN STEINBERG, son of Suzanne & Carter Bagley/
Heather & David Steinberg
BRITTANY STRUMINGER, daughter of Terri & Scot Struminger
CLAIRE TANENBAUM, daughter of Laura & Alan Tanenbaum
JORDAN WALLACE, son of Robin & Jeffrey Wallace
RACHEL WOODMAN, daughter of Susan & George Woodman
Friday, May 9, 7:30 pm
AIMEE ADLER, daughter of Peggy & William Adler
ABIGAIL ALDEA, daughter of Patricia Eby & Peter Aldea
REBECCA ASHNER, daughter of Joel & Dub Ashner
BENJAMIN BALLIN, son of Josie & Steve Ballin
MITCHELL BASAR, son of Kate Basar/Steve Basar
DAVID BENHAM, son of Melinda Benham/Herbert Benham
JEREMY BOSHWIT, son of Julie & Andrew Boshwit
MOLLY BURING, daughter of Michele & Daniel Buring
EVA CATE BURSON, daughter of Sharyn Burson
SAMUEL CHARNEY, son of Hallie & Marc Charney
LACEY CHAUM, daughter of Patricia Shaw & Edward Chaum
ELAINE FELSENTHAL, daughter of Judy & Sandy Felsenthal
HANNAH FILDERMAN, daughter of Amy & Lee Filderman
EDWARD FINESTONE, son of Cindy & Mark Finestone
TYLER FINN, son of Margaret & Cary Finn
DENA FRISCH, daughter of Lisa & Jonathan Frisch
JOSHUA GOLDSTEIN, son of Margaret & Shep Fargotstein/
Donald Goldstein
ALEX GORDON, son of Martha Gordon/Richard Gordon
LEAH GREENBERG, daughter of Phyllis & Jay Greenberg
MARGO GRONAUER, daughter of Helen Gronauer/Donald Gronauer
SAMANTHA JORDAN, daughter of Elise & Richard Jordan
KATHERINE KAMIN, daughter of Kimberley Kamin/Ehud Kamin
DANIELLE KATZ, daughter of Margie & Benjamin Katz
JOSHUA KNIGHT, son of Carole & Brian Knight
SAMUEL LEVIN, son of Audrey Zucker-Levin & Michael Levin
JUSTIN LIBBY, son of Betsy & Stephen Libby
JACOB MABRAY, son of Cathy Silverstein & Hal Mabray
ELI PEPPER, son of Jaycee Pepper, of blessed memory, & Barney Pepper
RACHEL ROTTER, daughter of Wendy & Cary Rotter
JULIA RUBNITZ, daughter of Karin & Jeffrey Rubnitz
LEAH SHERMAN, daughter of Connie & Michael Sherman
JARED SHERMER, son of Tami & Mark Shermer
CARLY SINGER, daughter of Amy & Tod Singer
HALEY STEINMAN, daughter of Robyn & Fred Steinman
DAVID WRIGHT, son of Laurie & Charles Wright
Honor the confirmands and graduates with a Mazal Tov Card from WRJ-Temple Israel Sisterhood. Proceeds benefit the WRJ’s Y.E.S.
Fund, which includes programming for high school students. Please refer to the form you received in the mail for details or contact
Phyllis Gregory, or 901.288.7728.
Saturday, May 3, 9 am
At Tot Shabbat, celebrate Shabbat with our children, teach them to love Judaism, and help them
know Temple Israel as a second home. Usually, we gather on Friday nights. In May, we’ll gather in
the morning for a pancake breakfast, followed by a Shabbat activity and a service
created for our youngest members (ages 5 and under). We’ll have a chance to
experience Shabbat as a holiday that lasts a whole day and take advantage of our
little ones’ boundless morning wiggles.
Breakfast is complimentary to Temple members who RSVP by May 1; after that date
and for non-members: $8/adult, $4/child. Make reservations at or
scan the QR code. For more information, contact Jackie Evans, or 901.937.2777.
Shabbat Experiences for Families, including Tot and Family Shabbat, are made possible by the generosity and vision of the Mildred H.
and Edgar C. Haas, Sr. Family Endowment for Education.
Thursday, May 8, 6 pm
This evening, which features a dinner and
program, will be a wonderful occasion
to honor outgoing Sisterhood President
Sharon Berman and her board and to elect
and install incoming President Debbie
Jackson and her new executive committee
and board.
Call 901.937.2790 to RSVP ($18/person) by
May 5 and send checks (payable to WRJDebbie Jackson
Sisterhood) to Temple Israel. Also, indicate
if you have any seating preferences.
The Nominating Committee, chaired by Sue Pfeffer,
presents the following slate of officers for the 2014-2016
Executive Committee:
Debbie Jackson, President
Nancy Kline, Executive Vice President
Julie Boshwit, Phyllis Gregory, Cathy Poulin,
Vice Presidents
Barbara Towbin, Recording Secretary
Cathy Kessler, Corresponding Secretary
Waynette Besser, Treasurer
Marisa Baggett, Bari Eiseman, Brandi Gruber, Gina Jolly,
Jan Klein, Natalie Royal, Lorraine Steinberg, Directors
Come into the Judaica Shop for all your graduation and
confirmation presents. Also, sign up for bar and bat
mitzvah registries. Sisterhood members, use your “10%
off one item” and pick up your packet of Uniongrams,
which are perks offered with your 2013-2014 membership.
Money raised through sales in the Judaica Shop helps
Sisterhood fund many projects at Temple Israel and in
the community.
Shop hours: Mon.-Thurs. 10 am-4 pm; Wed. 10 am-6 pm;
Fri. 10 am-1 pm, and Sun. 9 am-12:30 pm (when religious
school is in session). The shop will close on Sundays after
May 4, the end of religious school classes. Summer hours
begin June 2: Mon.-Fri., 10 am-1 pm.
To volunteer for a shift in the Judaica Shop, contact
Phyllis Gregory,
Purchase bulbs now from WRJ-Sisterhood, and your
order purchased in the spring will be available in the fall.
If your garden is full, you can donate to Temple Israel
grounds, Memphis Jewish Home, Plough Towers, and the
Cancer Survivors Park.
Bulbs make great teacher gifts and housewarming
presents, and Sisterhood can send a gift card at any time.
The sales help
fund Sisterhood’s
many activities
and tikkun olam
efforts throughout
the year.
Please contact
Judy Royal, or
901.683.7959, for
more information.
Since 2007, WRJ-Temple Israel Sisterhood has actively
participated in the Mother Bear Project, a program that
knits bears to give to children affected by HIV/AIDS in
emerging nations. Founder Amy Berman started the
grassroots group in Minnetonka, Minnesota, in 2003 to
give children
the gift of
love in the
form of a
hand-knit or
bear. This
simple gift
with a tag
signed by
the knitter
has touched children with the message that they are
unconditionally loved. The Memphis group, which started
when Temple member Jenny Bear read about Amy’s
efforts, has knitted over 2,500 bears. To date
in the national program, nearly 100,000
bears have been sent to children affected
with HIV/AIDS. Amy is coming to Memphis
May 8 to thank the knitters who have
continued to support Mother Bear. If you
would like to participate, come to Temple on
Thursdays from 1:30 to 3 pm. No knitting experience is
required. Please contact Jenny Baer at,
or Phyllis Niegelberg,, for details.
Wednesday, May 14, 1:30 pm
The Sisterhood book club meets the
second Wednesday of each month
at 1:30 pm. All are welcome! Meet
other book lovers and enjoy excellent
reading and discussions.
The book for May is The Kitchen House
by Kathleen Grissom, and the selection
for June is The Husband’s Secret by
Liane Moriarty.
Thursday, May 29, 7 pm
During Rosh Chodesh for the month of Sivan, we will
learn little-known traditions surrounding the celebration
of Shavuot. Enjoy dairy desserts and discover who among
us can earn the title of “Shavuot Maven.” For more
details, contact Teri Peacock,
June 4, 11, 18, 25
Help Sisterhood with
its Adopt-A-School
this summer by
assisting at Colonial
School’s Vision Camp.
This wonderful
mitzvah opportunity
is a great way for
middle and high
schoolers to earn
service hours.
For more information,
contact Paula Lynch, or
901.581.45447, or Rochelle Fenton, 901.596.0264 or
MAY 2014 VOICE - 5 -
Monday, May 12, 12 pm lunch, 1 pm shotgun start
Ridgeway Country Club, 9800 Poplar Avenue
Be a part of this top-flight tournament.
To RSVP and for details, e-mail, but hurry!
MAY 2014 VOICE - 7 -
Who is wise? The one who learns from every person… ~Pirkei Avot 4:1
Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Students in the
Wendy and Avron Fogelman Religious School join in our
morning tefillah with Cantor Kaplan and the Teen Team,
fill all our rooms with a joyful buzz, and laugh and play
throughout the Temple grounds. Teens wander in, ready
to fill their afternoons with meaningful conversations and
interesting projects. Parents and teachers engage with one
another, sharing our children’s challenges and successes. Learning is happening in
every corner of Temple Israel.
This year, our school has been filled with incredible learning, from the wholeschool exploration of what it means to be a mensch, to the building of individual
relationships among our students, teachers, teens, and families. I could go on and
on about the learning we have celebrated (and I am happy to talk with you about
it anytime!), but for now I will only share a few of the highlights:
Each Sunday morning, our faculty has engaged in deep learning
with one another. We have explored how to build community,
how to make our classes
more interactive and
engaging, and how to
develop and enhance
the overall culture of our
school. This learning has
inspired many positive
changes, from colorful
walls in our classrooms to
student-produced videos
about Bible characters.
Learning with the faculty
in this capacity has
been a pleasure, and we will continue to engage in this type of
professional growth and development in future school years.
Our madrichim (teen teachers’ assistants) have served as positive role models for all our students. They, too, learn with one another
each week about helping individual students and inspiring all our children to become mensches. Our religious school would not be a
success without our madrichim, and we are so lucky to have this dedicated group of teens to inspire our students and teachers.
Beyond the madrichim program, all
our teens have made a significant
impact on Temple this year. Each
Sunday afternoon, they come
together to explore Jewish culture,
Jewish texts, Jewish leadership, and
making an impact within Temple and
throughout the greater Memphis
community. Our teens volunteer to
tutor b’nai mitzvah students, sing on
Teen Team, and play basketball with
one another. MeFTY and the ninth
grade class held a fabulous “Road to Shushan” Carnival for Purim, which raised
more than $1,000 for tzedakah.
Families have joined together to learn and celebrate our Jewish holidays. We created edible
sukkahs on Sukkot, assembled mishloach manot baskets on Purim, and shared matzah during
our Passover seders. Our family learning has been inspiring and engaging and has given our
children the opportunity to learn about Jewish traditions from their parents, and vice versa.
Family learning opportunities will continue to grow and expand next year.
It is hard to believe the Wendy and Avron Fogelman Religious School year has come to an
end. I will miss the learning that we share on Sunday mornings, but I know we will continue
to grow and learn together for many years to come.
Please stop by my office anytime over the summer
to chat or share ideas. Thank you to everyone who
has shared their time and their learning with all
of us in the Wendy and Avron Fogelman Religious
Lauren Luskey, RJE, Director of Congregational Learning
Twitter: @LELuskey
The Barbara K. Lipman Early Learning Center has been caring for infants in a
Jewish environment since 1988, accepting babies for enrollment at the age of nine
months. But increasingly, we have found that young families face the necessity of
finding out-of-home child care for very young infants. Since there is a need in the
community for a high-quality setting for young infants and we’ve done it so well
for many years, we will open a new room for infants at age three months.
Overwhelmingly, research indicates
the social benefits of high quality
care for infants. Currently, our
caregivers, the babies they serve,
and parents form and sustain deep
and responsive relationships, a
true mark of excellence in an infant
care program. Our caregivers are
trained to use every moment of the
day to build trust with the infant
and the family. As has always been
our practice, a written schedule
is documented for the family on
an individual daily form. Since our
program is nationally accredited by
NAEYC, the National Association for
the Education of Young Children,
the new infant room will follow its
The new program will be contained
in a small, cozy environment, with
an intimate ratio of 1:4. There will
be a crib for every baby, plus comfy
areas to play and sit. Additionally, a
comfortable place for adults within
the children’s environment will
encourage parents to visit at dropoff time and also will be used to
promote continued breastfeeding
with infants. Parents also will be
encouraged to engage in
conversation with caregivers at the
end of the day.
After a lengthy process of focus
group input, surveys, and visits
to other infant programs, we
determined that we are well
equipped to accommodate the
infants of the families we serve.
We’re especially pleased to provide
a Jewish environment for our
community’s youngest children.
Caregivers will provide a secure
base for each infant, with teaming
of adults for each child. In our
intimate setting, flexible scheduling
will be possible. Babies will sleep
when they want to sleep, and they
will eat when they are hungry. They
will play when they want to play with plenty of opportunities to get down on the floor, to explore a variety of toys and
materials, and to play alone and with adults. For babies who are enrolled for an August start date, several visits will be
scheduled for parents to become familiar with the baby room and caregivers. For enrollment information, please contact
Susan N. Feld, Ed.S., Director, Barbara K. Lipman Early Learning Center / 901.937.2784 / Twitter: @BKLipmanELC
MAY 2014 VOICE - 9 -
After several years of planning and through the
generosity of one of our congregants, Temple
Israel is preparing to dedicate a new memorial for
those congregants and their family members who
have given all in service to their country.
If you have a close family member or know of
congregants who died while serving our country
since 1914 and their names are not listed below,
e-mail David Rosenthal,,
by June 1.
Edward M. Allenberg James Nathan, Jr.
Peter O. Binswanger Abe Nickol
Edgar M. Rothschild, Jr.
Albert Cohen
Robert Secher
Harry J. Cohn
David H. Steppach, Jr.
Elias Kiersky
Andrew K. Stern
Milton H. Levitch
Sherman M. Levy
Benjamin H. Levy, Jr.
Leo Malkin
Joseph M. Sugarman, Jr.
Norman Summerfield, Jr.
Erwin Weiss
Bernard Yolles
Go to to view photos
from the Tot and Congregational Passover Seders.
(You do not need a Facebook account.)
Temple Israel extends its deepest sympathy and
condolences to the families of these loved ones of
blessed memory:
Dr. Ralph Alperin
Matilda Keimach
Stella Menke
The Temple Israel family shares in the happiness of
its members and is thankful for the blessings they
enjoy. Mazal Tov to:
Sarah Stedman and Rob France on their marriage.
Anna Katherine Metzger and Chris Columb on their
Lena Kirk and Sallis Murrell on their marriage.
Laynie and Hal Towbin on the birth of a daughter;
Barbara and Dr. Norman Towbin and Barbara and
Herbie Richman on the birth of a granddaughter;
Anna and Sid Binder on the birth of a greatgranddaughter.
Jennifer and Jay Strasberg on the birth of a son;
Harriet and Lou Strasberg and Patricia and Donald
Arnett on the birth of a grandson; Roberta Strasberg
on the birth of a great-grandson.
The Temple Israel family welcomes its newest
Carol Stowell
Sara and Dennis Kusluch
Charlotte Levitch
Nancy Eimer and Tod Grober
Dorit and Paul Boxer, Jonah and Sarah
Danielle Feiner and Owen Ricciardi
In compliance with the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA), our local hospitals
cannot release patient lists to us. Our rabbis and
cantor visit the hospitals regularly, but we rely
solely on you to give us the information.
If someone you know is hospitalized, please call
Carol Geller at 901.937.2771, or leave a message on
her voicemail.
Sundays: May 4 & May 18, 9:30 am
Receive help finding a job through resume writing
tips, enhanced interview techniques, and other
methods. For additional details, please contact
David Silberman,, or Rob
Giving is measurable, but the Jewish impact of one’s generosity to Temple is immeasurable. ~Rabbi Micah Greenstein
In memory of
Frank Sher
Lynn & Dr. Gerald Eisenstatt
Dale & Richard Caen
For the recovery of
Bennett Joseph Towbin
Barbara & Dr. Norman Towbin
In honor of
Rabbi Micah Greenstein
The Guillot Family
Drs. Lisa Usdan & David Portnoy’s
Judy Royal
In memory of
Ben Isenberg
Andrea & Dr. Robert Kerlan
Sam Jacobs
Barbara Michel
Alvin O’Mell
Brenda & Marshall Gordon
Harold Goodman
Jan & Marc Reisman
In honor of
Cantor John Kaplan
Marilyn & Wayne Granger
Cantor Robert Solomon
Madelyne & Jay Daneman
Jane & Dr. Gene Eckstein
Muriel Turner’s 90th birthday
Hilda & Irwin Kaufman
For the recovery of
Dr. Robert Buchalter
Marcia & Allan Hayden
In memory of
David Lazarus
Frank Sher
Marcia & Allan Hayden
William Bullard
Welville Wolfson
Deborah & Sam Brackstone
For the recovery of
Dr. Burt Bodan
Lynn Gruber
Jan Stein
Sandra Beatus
Sally Kesselman
In memory of
Alvin O’Mell
Diane Goldfeder
Russell Strauss
Amelia Burson
Betty Green
Ben Isenberg
BBB of the Mid-South
Diane Sachs & Bob Vidulich
Linda Ellen & Ronny Sklar
Sherry & Dr. Alan Samuels
Elise & Henry Lewis
Ruth Toff
Frances Bass Gill
Mary Bass Brown
Frank Sher
Dr. & Mrs. Leslie Burson
Melanie & Ricky Fine
Laurie & Elkan Scheidt
Margie Snetman
Debbie & Steve Kahn
Sherry & Dr. Alan Samuels
Gerald Fried
Margie Snetman
Harold Goodman
Sally Kesselman
Russell Strauss
Ann Wilson
Ike Gruber
Sally Kesselman
Tina Kahn
Jack Phillips
Karen Wener
Fred Landau
Fred Kesselman
Ann Wilson
Lenore Binswanger
Margie Snetman
Sherry & Dr. Alan Samuels
Ronna Wilons Sandler
Bobbie Wilons, Michael, Elliott & Rochelle Wilons
Rose Evans
Paula & Joel Picker
Rose Gerber Evans
Irwin Evans
Sidney Lazarov
Jan Lazarov LaVene
In honor of
Rabbi Micah Greenstein
Ann Wilson
Barbara Michel’s birthday
Margie Snetman
Muriel Turner’s birthday
Gerry Haspel
Dick Orgel’s birthday
Sally Kesselman
Additional contribution
Helaine & Richard Grassgreen
In memory of
Blanche Morris
Robin & Billy Orgel
Alexander Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Bernstein
In honor of
Mary Shainberg being named a
Woman’s Foundation “Legend”
Susan Adler Thorp
Rabbi Rachel Bearman’s ordination
Myrna & Dr. Joe Levy
Susan Adler Thorp
Bene & Saul Kaplan
In memory of
Stella Menke
Millie & Alan Katzen
Gerald Fried
Bettye & Louis Roman
Ben Isenberg
Susan Adler Thorp
In honor of
Rabbi Katie Bauman
Jaynie Hodges
Aaron Bardos
Hayley Bardos
Johanna Hughes
Yvonne & Paul Levine
In memory of
Frank Sher
James Bong
Betsy & Andy Saslawsky & family
Gerald Fried
Judy & David Bearman
Betsy & Andy Saslawsky & family
For the recovery of
Dr. Burton Bodan
Dr. Robert Buchalter
Terri Burson
Yvonne & Paul Levine
Marcella Panitz
Janis & Dr. Brian Kiel
In honor of
Rabbi Harry Danziger
Patricia & David Halpern
Cantor John Kaplan
Peggy Rae & Sidney Evensky
Muriel Turner’s birthday
J. Edward Wise
In memory of
Marshall Zuckerman
Mavis Zuckerman
Pauline Plesofsky
Sandra Kessler
In memory of
Alvin O’Mell
Evelyn Rubin
James Bong
Frank Sher
Gerald Fried
Jane Strauss
Jaycee Pepper
Jan & Marc Reisman
Ben Isenberg
Jane & Dr. Merlin Cohen
Adele Bedrin
Linda Bedrin & Don Klotwog
Annie Krivcher
Ezra Krivcher
Doris Tenenbaum
Sonya Krivcher
Barnett Magids
Jan & Jack Magids
Ben Isenberg
Anise & Ron Belz
Judy & Jim Lindy
Charles Rothschild
Nora Rothschild
Clara Brody Kashdan
Bonnie & Michael Kochman
Dr. Richard Cohn
Nancy & Dr. John Stallings
Dr. Richard Harlan Kisber
Julie & Kelsey Kisber
Erika Tritsch Barlow
Sharyn & Tom Tritsch
Frank Sher
Jean & Buddy Ballin
Marilyn & Herb Notowich
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Balkin
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Weiss
Mollie & Doug Robbins
Terry & Richard Orgel
Fred Klyman
Linda Bedrin & Don Klotwog
Freda Kahn
Bernard Frisch
Ellen & Herb Kahn
Gerald Fried
Terry & Richard Orgel
Jill Fisher
Marcia & Tom Fisher
Matthew David Goodman
Roseanne & Jack Goodman
Patty Evans Wurzburg
Debbie, Bucky, Erin & Nora
Sarah Karno Jeffer
Sidney Lazarov
Roselle Lazarov
Stella Menke
Anise & Ron Belz
Nell Levy
For the recovery of
Jon Scharff
Jan & Marc Reisman
Dr. Burt Bodan
Jean & Buddy Ballin
Sandra Beatus
Beverly & Dr. Bob Buchalter
In honor of
Rabbi Micah Greenstein
Judy & Dr. Michael Edelson &
family, Marilee Sher & Alan Sher
Rochelle & Jeff Fenton
Carolyn & Buddy Spiegel renewing
anniversary vows
Carolyn & Buddy Spiegel
Dick Orgel’s birthday
Miki Caplan
Birth of Georgia Evelyn Towbin
Barbara & Dr. Norman Towbin
In memory of
Alvin O’Mell
Jane Strauss
Joy & Leo Bearman
Frankie Cooper
Rosanna Brogan
Louis Siegel
Suzanne & Sam Siegel
Victor Shainberg
Deanna & Dr. Albert Burson
Sylvia Cohen
Jacob Platt
Arlene Stamm
Ezra Krivcher
Amy Lynn Levy
Annie Krivcher
Doris Tennenbaum
Jake Cohen
Children of Marie & Abe Krivcher
In honor of
Avron Fogelman’s birthday
Mary Lynn & Arnold Perl
In memory of
Frank Sher
Diane Rudner
Sonia Lewis Van Buskirk
Gail & Dr. Myron Lewis
Temple Israel
1376 East Massey Road
Memphis, Tennessee 38120
901.761.3130 A
Rabbi Micah D. Greenstein
Rabbi Adam B. Grossman
Rabbi Katie M. Bauman
Cantor John M. Kaplan
Rabbi Harry K. Danziger, Emeritus
Paula Jacobson, President
Jonathan Frisch, Sr. Vice President
David Rosenthal, Vice President
Debbie B. Lazarov, Vice President
Laurie Meskin, Vice President
E. Elkan Scheidt, Secretary
Mark Fogelman, Treasurer
David L. Bearman, Counsel
Nancy R. Robinson, Immediate Past Pres.
Sharon Berman, WRJ-Sisterhood Pres.
Tod Singer, MRJ-Brotherhood Pres.
Stacy Canales, Executive Director
David Benham and Lainey Felsenthal,
MeFTY Co-Presidents
Isti Bardos, Erma Cohen, Carol Geller,
Jan Reisman, Voice production
Temple Israel is a member congregation
of the Union for Reform Judaism.
MAY 2014 VOICE - 1 1 -
The Voice is published monthly by Temple Israel, 1376
E. Massey Road, Memphis, TN 38120-3299. Periodicals
postage paid (USPS 780-460) at Memphis, Tennessee.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Temple Israel,
1376 E. Massey Road, Memphis, TN 38120-3299
Torah Study
Shabbat mornings, 8:45-9:45 am
Friday, May 2, 6:15 pm
Confirmation, Friday, May 2, 7:30 pm
See page 4 for details.
Tot Shabbat, Saturday, May 3, 9 am
See page 4 for details.
Saturday, May 3, 10 am
Friday, May 9, 6:15 pm
Graduation, Friday, May 9, 7:30 pm
See page 4 for details.
Saturday, May 10, 10 am
Tuesday evening, June 3, is erev Shavuot—the anniversary of the
giving of the Torah to the Jewish people—and there are several
ways to celebrate at Temple Israel.
The celebration begins at 6pm with a family holiday service that
honors the newest members of the Jewish people (babies born
between May of 2013 and May of 2014). Please contact Jackie Evans
in the Education Office, 901.937.2777 or, to
let us know that you and your infants will be there!
Then at 7:30 pm, Rabbi Sam Stahl, Rabbi
Emeritus of Temple Beth El in San Antonio,
Texas, a brilliant thinker, author, and orator,
will speak on Do Jews Still Consider Themselves
the Chosen People?
Friday, May 16, 6:15 pm
Saturday, May 17, 10 am
Friday, May 23, 7:30 pm
Please note the time of this service.
See cover page for details.
Saturday, May 24, 10 am
Ryan Karchmer, son of Laurie and Randy
Karchmer, will become bar mitzvah.
Friday, May 30, 6:15 pm
Saturday, May 31, 10 am
Michael Greenberg, son of Sharon and
Barry Greenberg, and Polly Strassburger,
daughter of Dory and David Greenberg
and Julien Strassburger, will become
b’nai mitzvah.
Rabbi Sam Stahl
Following Rabbi Stahl’s illuminating talk, we
will do the mitzvah of kindling the Shavuot
lights at a Shavuot service in the round led
by Rabbi Katie Bauman and Rabbi Micah
Greenstein. The service begins at 8:45 pm, and
afterward, we will enjoy sweet dairy treats
On Wednesday morning, June 4, we will continue the tradition of
reciting Yizkor, which means remembrance in Hebrew, during the
holidays of Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Passover, and Shavuot. The names
of any relatives lost since our last Yizkor service on Passover will be
recited. Additional information will be included in the June issue of
the Voice.

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