blossom is alive with the sound of music a word from rabbi bob


blossom is alive with the sound of music a word from rabbi bob
July/August 2010
Tammuz-Av-Elul 5770
Vol. 57, No.7
Blossom Bash-Sat., July 17, 2010-Concert at 8 p.m.
Perfect for a summer evening! Come and enjoy! Bring friends!
$16.50 per concert ticket in the pavilion-$10 per picnic meal (optional)
We will meet at 6:30 p.m. in a covered picnic area for a box dinner prior to the concert. You may select a turkey
sandwich or a vegetarian sandwich. The meal includes salad, chips, a cookie and either water or lemonade. If you
prefer, you may bring your own picnic and still join us in the picnic area prior to the concert.
The Cleveland Orchestra
Peter Otto, Violin
VIVALDI-The Four Seasons
HANDEL-Music for the Royal Fireworks
Make your reservations by July 4 by sending a check to Temple Israel, 133 Merriman Road, Akron OR 44303,
Attn: Blossom. Tickets may be picked up at Temple Israel or mailed to the buyer. Limited tickets are available.
Contact Laura Lee Garfinkel at (330) 836-2614 for more information.
ur summer programming had
an auspicious beginning. Some
of you may remember the afternoon
ofFri., June 4. The sky was heavily overcast. A
"trailer" at the bottom of our television screens
warned of impending thunderstorms. There were
reports of damaging storms elsewhere in Summit
County. The Temple office fielded dozens of phone
calls. Our home phone and cell phones did not stop
ringing. Was the picnic at Rabbi and Myra's house
on or off? We debated all afternoon: Should we
proceed at our house or move the program into
the Temple?
But the weather held--just barely--and eighty of
our members gathered in our back yard for a picnic
and Shabbat service. It was an amazing evening. All
age groups were represented. In addition to the
"regulars," there were people who ordinarily don't
attend services. A phenomenal sense of energy
filled the air. What a wonderful way this was to take
our minds away from the concerns of the week and
welcome Shabbat. How good it was to
bread and sing the Sabbath songs, as if our
prayers willed the rain to wait until our
service concluded.
Afterwards, Myra and I agreed that this
was one of the finest congregational events
we have experienced through the years.
Perhaps it can serve as a template for future
programming. We hope that this sentiment
was shared by many of you, because we
intend to begin next year's summer
programming with a Shabbat service and
picnic in our backyard; and, with a bit of
luck, the weather will fully cooperate.
In the meantime, I look forward to
seeing you at the 6 p.m .. Friday evening
services, Blossom Bash and other activities.
May the summer months give all of you a
chance to enjoy and replenish, and may
days be filled with love.
L'shalom, Rabbi Bob
Back Cover
Annual Meeting June 2010
rt, when we reflect back on your term as President of
Temple Israel, we will see that you have been the model of
a very important and consistent message. Allow us to quote
directly from you.
This will be the first time in the history of Temple that we
will have co-presidents for the next year. We are pleased
that the board passed the motion of co-presidents unanimously. It is important to stress that the two of us are
uniform in our entire philosophy and structure of how
Temple should be guided over the next year.
It is also important to note that when you consider all of the
Two years ago during your presidency installation speech, you
stated, "I come here tonight with one agenda item: to maintain
a Reform Jewish presence in Akron for as long as possible."
Last year at the High Holidays, you opened with the following
comments: "A year ago, I stated that my goal is to preserve
Reform Judaism in Akron for as long as possible. This remains
my primary objective as I enter the second and fmal year as
your Temple President."
Even in a recent article in the May 2010 WINDOW, your last
two sentences were as follows: "We are doing what is in the
best long term interest of Temple Israel. Reform Judaism in
Akron will continue to thrive and survive because of our
actions today."
Finally, in your fmal WINDOW article in June 2010, you
wrote, "We must do all we can to preserve Reform Judaism
in Akron."
Art, no one can ever doubt your deep-rooted consistent
intentions to indeed help secure and grow Reform Judaism
in Akron. Your message has been clear, your leadership sound
and your determination unsurpassed. Our good friend, Temple
is stronger and fortunate to have had you serve as our President.
activities that Temple is involved in, such as a Rabbi and
Cantor fairly new to Temple, enhanced programming, the
grooming of future committee chairs and leadership,
endowment fundraising, and the funding of a potential new
home, co-presidents do indeed make sense. There is a great
deal of work ahead of us, and time is passing quickly.
We must make swift decisions over the next year that will
benefit Temple both short-and long-term. In making
pro-active decisions, we believe in the popular quote:
"Do not sacrifice the good for the perfect."
We also will continue to secure Reform Judaism in Akron,
Ohio, for generations to come. We will achieve this by
encouraging our Temple family to be user-friendly. On my
installation night four years ago, I quoted Rabbi Eric Y offie
as follows: "There is one absolute rule of synagogue
life. The synagogue that is hospitable to the stranger and
welcoming to its own members is healthy and vibrant.
The synagogue that is not hospitable and welcoming is
unhealthy and struggling."
May we continue to grow from strength to strength.
Keith anj:l Michael
Certified Public Accountant
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(330) 666-4199
Fax (330) 666-3604
3501 Embassy Parkway
Akron, Ohio 44333
The Cantor's Song
s I am writing this, a newly discovered
so~g ~as been unearthed (at least by me)
In the Torah Itselfllt IS In parshat Huqat which we read in
the middle of June. The verses are Numbers 21: 17-18.
In two other places in the Torah, we read about a special
song, that is introduced by the words, "Then [Moses
Miriam, Israel] sang this song ...... . ....... . " The oth~r two
songs of the Torah get a lot of press in our tradition. One of
them is the Song At The Sea, after the Sea of Reeds had
been parted in Cecil B. DeMille fashion. The other is just
before Moses is about to die at the end of Deuteronomy.
The song that I just discovered, because it does not get a lot
?f press from our tradition, happens after the people have
Just been led to a well of water which God had promised,
and reads as follows:
"Then Israel sang this song: Spring up, 0 well! Sing to it.
The well that the ministers dug out, the nobles of the
people delved with the scepter, with their staves . . ...... .. ."
The next two Hebrew words, umeeMidbar Matanah, can
be translated two different ways: a) "and from the wilderness, [they traveled to a location called] Matanah " and
b) "and from the wilderness, a GIFT."
had led them, especially since the Torah actually includes
th~ Hebrew word for "gift." The song also comes in the
mI~st of a string of incidents in the book of Numbers in
whIch the co?cept of gratitude is somewhat of a lacking
theme. That IS to say that the lack thereof is the theme.
There are some interesting linguistic observations about
the Hebrew root used for gratitude as it connects to other
important names. The inter-related words are as follows:
Todah-Thank you, ModehIModah-grateful, L 'hodotto thank , Yehudah-Judah, Yahadoot-Judaism.
Judah, the child of Israel, from whom our people are
d~scended, and after whom our faith is named, was given
hIS name ~ecause ~is mother was very grateful. Our people
and our faIth are gIven a name and an identity that centers
around thankfulness. Reflecting on this fact during this
summer, I am very thankful for the year behind us for all
the blessings of the past year, and for the exciting things
that are happening in the year and years ahead of us.
Speaking of song, choir is once again rehearsing for the
High Holy Days, and new members are always welcome.
We practice Wed. evenings at 7:30 p .m. The more,
the merrier.
Todah uv'Shirah (Thank you and in Song)
Cantor Jason Rosenman ~
So why is this song one which we rarely notice while the
other two are famous? A simple explanation could be that
perhaps the content of the song didn't have a lot of merit
since the people were taking credit for a well to which God
\,IIgNr 1'0
The Book Discussion Group
n Tues., July 13 at I p.m. in the
Temple Israel Library, we will
meet to discuss the book, Pictures At An
Exhibition by Sara Houghteling. Northwest Branch Library will have several
books on reserve.
A family's fabulous art collection is confiscated during the Nazi occupation of
Paris. The quest to recover these masterpieces is based on the real life French
woman who was a curator of stolen art.
Early Sbabbat services will continue throuah
starting at 6 p.m. The tinal6 p.m. summer .-via:
Our July 9 service will be followed by a . . . . of
Executive Board Picnic. It has been awhile siace have
seen Keith, MidIaeI aad Steve behind the griDs. Joyce, It.oa
and Sue will have to learn the ropes from the old p:os. e
need RSVPs foI'the picnic ifyou plan to attaId. A wGrd
about RSVPs: You may DOt realize how importaat RSVPs
are for Temple events. We waDt to accommoclate ftayoDe
but without an accurate COUDt ofwho pIaDs to auead, we ead
up buying more food and supplies tbao we aeed, wIIich can
be very wasteful. StartiDg this SlIIiIIIW pIIIl to COllIe to lots
of Temple evads and call in your RSVP by the JeqUeIted
date. 1baob for your cooperation.
Also over the SlUIII1ICII". memben oftile
be assigning the bima hoDon fot1be Ifi&Ia
.,.,. . .
reviewing our usbering guideljDes for die
JWy Days
and our next Iiturgica1 year.
The next Ritual and Warship C(II!IIIIi.tee
held on Oct. 26. 7 p.m.. at Temple. AD lie
David Kalish and Bob Pollock co-chair1his (nominee.
___________________________________ 3 ____________________________________
The 20th Mothers' Day Brunch is history, but not forgotten. This is how special the day was for all of our guests. The
brunch was delicious and auction fabulous. The perfonnance by the ETC All American Song and Dance Group deserved
a standing ovation.
We want to thank the congregants and the community members who helped make this day an overwhelming success.
The commitment to the Temple and the Temple family was evident by the great level of participation. A special thanks
to Laura Lee Garfinkel for her dedication as a co-chair of the event.
Karen N ackes
Thank You to the Individuals
Who Made the 2010 Mothers'
Day Brunch a Success
Marti Adams
Joyce Butlien
Cha-Vonne Caldwell
Michael Cohen
Jerry and Debbie Engleson
Rabbi Robert and Myra Feinberg
Janet Fisher
Laura Lee Garfmkel
Marcia Hirsh
Michael Hood
Loris Horwitz
Shelley Kaye
Phyllis Komerofsky
Art and Shelley Krakauer
Carol Krueger
Judy Lasher
Mike Levinstein
Thorn and Lisa Mandel
Steve and Jeannine Marks
Diane McCluskey
D. J. Mims
Keith and Candy Mirman
Manuel and Karen Nackes
Harvey Nelson
Michael and Elaine Neumann
Marti Newman
Joyce Pinkus
Renee Pinsky
Bob and Charlotte Pollock
Dr. Steven Radwany
Lois Reaven
Lynne Reisberg
Cantor Jason Rosenman
Ricki Schwartz
Michael and Teri Segal
Carrie Shkolnik
Patsy Siff
Sue Sigalow
Kathy Wade
Lynne Weinberger
Ron Winer
Milton and Edith Wiskind
Judy Yabroff
Moshe Zarouk and Leslie Ungar
Laurie Zuckerman
A Sincere Thank You to the Following
Businesses or Individuals for Their
Donations to the 2010 Mothers'
Day Brunch
• Moshe Zarouk-Four Tickets to a Taping
ofthe Dr. Phil Show
• Barbara and David Adler
• Aire-Therm
• Akron Coin Company & Paul and Audrey
Baker-Opal Pendant
• Akron Radio Group (the Mandels}Cleveland Indians Tickets
• Akron Symphony-Tickets
• Steve Swed!er-University ofAkron
Basketball Tickets
• Beau' s Restaurant--Gift Certificate
• Dr. Arthur Benson-Teeth Whitening
• Blockbuster--Gift CI!rTifU~aM
• Capri Pi~Ut Ce11iti1.-:ate
• Cleveland BIClIBlm--ncau
• Diamond
2010 Mothers' Day
Prize Winners
Alan Woll
Troy Bishop
Bernie & Bette
Karen & Manuel
Mel & Lud Stem
Emma Young
Temple Cookbook
Chris Levey
Michael's AM Gift
Bunny Lacey
Sterling Jewelers Diamond
Carol Krueger
Mr. G's ~ Cl:rtifi£;ate
Murdocco Eleetric Co.
Pallotta's Pastries
Diane Denson-Pedicure
Pilates by Murphy--Gijt Certificate
Carol Kushkin-Reiki
Renee Pinsky---Sterling Silver Necklace
Richard's Florist
Rosemont Country Clu~oif
Shaw JCC-Three Month Membership
Sterling Jewelers--Diamond Necklace
Tallmadge Vision Clinic (Dr. Larry Roth) Sunglasses
• Temple Israel-One Month Ad in the
• Temple Israel-Holidays Parking Space
• Thompson Electric Inc. (Jack DeFiore)
• Vaccaro's Trattoria Restaurant-Gift
• West Side Bakery--Gijt Certificate
• Yes Press Printing Company
Beau's Gift Certificate
Janet Silverman
David and Marci Allin
Autumn Marie Allin Born 9/23/96
1212 Morris Road
Kent, OH 44240
(330) 968-6236
William H. Marks
164 Harcourt Dr.
Akron, OH 44313
(330) 836-3161
--_________________________________ 4 ____________________________________
Thank You to Those Who Purchased Raffle Tickets
Bob Abramson, Marti Adams, David & Barbara Adler, Miriam & Lauri Agins, Aire-Therm, Inc., Mark & Michelle Allio,
Stan Apple, Mark & Sandra Auburn, Kimberly Austin-Aronson, Paul & Audrey Baker, Belenky, Inc., Troy & Kyong
Bishop, Carol Blum, Paul Bonardi, John & JoAnne Borrell, Steven Botnick, Michael & Linda Brotsky, Michael & Joyce
Butiien, Capri Pizza, Susan Clements, Marvin & Lynn Cohen, Michael Cohen, Frank Comunale, David & Robyn Cutler,
Jack Difiore, Jerry & Deborah Engleson, Joy Epstein, Rabbi Bob Feinberg, Bernard Fishman, Carol Friedman, Laura Lee
Stuart Giller, Mark & Pamela Goldfarb, George & Eileen Goldman,
Garfinkel, Nick & Ruth George, Stanley & Sybil
Gordon Flury Memorial Home, Erwin.
Groner Mark Tausig, Jeffrey & Rose Heintz,
Harriet Herskowitz, Richard &
Clifford Isroff, Scott & Elaine
Jaffe, Steve Johnson, Richard &
& Susan Kattan, Morris &
Barb Katz, Steve & Alan Katz, Don
Kent, David & Shelley
Koch, Phyllis Komerofsky, Arthur
Kutnick, Shirley Labelle,
Marilyn Lapides, Judy Lasher,
Monument), Chris Levey,
Gary Lichten, Lucky Shoes,
Larry & Chris Levey, Maxine
Mimi Markis, Steve Marks, Chuck
&: Candy Mirman, Steve
Mitchell, Ruth Moss, Eliot &
Murdocco Electric,
Dale & Cynthia Murphy, Steve
&: Michael Neumann, Marti &
Les Newman, Steve & Debbie
Pastries, Don Peters, Jacob
Pollack, Bob & Charlotte Pollock,
Radwany, Louren Rapport,
Albert & Lois Reaven, Edwin
Rockoff, Helene Rogovy,
Brian & Randie Sass, Milton
Bunny Rose, Jason & Amy
Sass, Fred Schaffer, Eileen
Seider, David & Edna
Shapiro, Kate & Molly Shapiro, Mark & Nancy Shapiro, Marv Shapiro, Janice
Steven & Susan Sigalow, David &
Janet Silverman, Stanley & Judy Silverman, Brian & Margaret Slesnick, August Sodora, Jr., Dave Spector, Eunice Sperber,
John Stathopoulos, Michelle Stein, Sidney & Andrea Steinberger, Lud & Mel Stem, Joel Stile, Bob & Rochelle Stone,
Irv & Beth Sugerman, Steven Swedler, David & Mary Sweet, Arthur Taub, Judges Thomas & Linda Teodosio,
The K Company, Howard & Susan Walton, Harvey & Roz Weil, Lynne Weinberger, Mark & Teresa Weinberger, Todd
Willen, Leonard Winer, Ron Winer, Milt & Edith Wiskind, Alan Woll, Judy Yabroff & Dianne Cartwright, Joseph &
Deborah Zarconi, Moise Zarouk, Sidney & Shirley Zetzer, Terry & Julie Zimmerman, Lewis Zimmerman and
Laurie Zuckerman.
__________________________________ 5 ___________________________________
Students with Perfect Attendance: Hayley Cymerman,
Samantha Hoffman and Morgan Mirman
Teachers with Perfect Attendance: Lisa Pesantez and Mina
Star Reader Program: Highest participation rate ever!
59% of the entire school participated this year. 254 books were
read (100 more than last year!). WAY TO GO!
Participants: Caroline Cutler, Rachel Hilton, Seth Kalish,
Matthew Kimberly, Ryan Kimberly, Hagen Leeds Richman,
Benny Lipkin, Anna Magoline, Daniel Mandel, Natalie
Nobel, Miranda Norin, Sam Shkolnik, Tori Shulan, Claire
Stone, Daniel Weinerman, Tori Zimmerman
Star Readers (6 books): Sondra Brown, Talia Horowitz,
Bradley Jarosz, Adam Kalish, Grace Lipkin, Seth McKee,
Adam Post, Jack Sacks, Aiden Weiland, Jonah Zurn
Superstar Readers (12 books): Danielle Bender, Jacob
Brawley, Ethan Connery, Hayley Cymerman, Caroline Kimberly, Abby Kushner Benson, Anna Marks, Morgan Mirman,
Sonya Pidhorodeckyj, Ben Rosenfeld
Minyanaires: Abby Kushner Benson, Sam Shkolnik, Michael
Ickes, Nicole Neiman
Siff Award: Benjamin Sass, son of Randie Ostroff Sass & Brian
Sass; Kyle Gersman, son of Tammy & Mark Gersman
Thank you, Religious School Teachers: Lisa PesantezK, 1st; Lori Jarosz-2nd; Leah Levinstein- 3rd; Mina
Ronen-4th; Amy Rosenman-5th; Bryan Read-6th; Marti
Newman-7th; Mike Levinstein- 8th; Hannah WalshOffice Assistant; Jenna Baker-Hebrew Assistant; Carol
Weintraub-Hebrew Specialist; Julie Krueger-Resident
Artist; Allison Marks and Lois Reaven-Librarians; Cantor
Rosenman ; Rabbi Feinberg
Julie Krueger: Thank you for your time and dedication to
working with our classes on pottery projects this year.
Special Student Awards from the Staff
From Mrs. Lisa Pesantez-K & 1st grade
Hayley Cymerman-Great understanding
of the Jewish holidays
Jonah Zurn-Hebrew excellence
From Mrs. Lori Jarosz- 2nd grade
Talia Horowitz-Star student and role model
From Mrs. Leah Levinstein-3rd grade
Caroline Kimberly- Most outstanding 3rd grader
Daniel Mandel- Most creative 3rd grader
From Ms. Mina Ronen-4th grade
Ian Weiland-Most improved and courteous 4th grader
From Mrs. Amy Rosenman-5th grade
DanieUe Bender-Most studious and courteous 5th
Tori Shulan-Most improved 5th grader
Sam Shkolnik-Most improved participation
Rachel Hilton-Most self-motivated student
From Mr. Bryan Read-6th grade
Jessica Leeds-Richman-Outstanding Hebrew
From Mrs. Marti Newman-7th grade
Brady Marks-Most positive and creative 7th grader
Bob Krueger-Best participation and class artist
Andrew Pidhorodeckyj-Most enthusiastic and
resident Jewish historian
From Mrs. Carol Weintraub--Hebrew Specialist
Jeremy Bogdanoff-Speedy reading
Jason Bogdanoff-Mastering Hebrew phonics
Thank you, Religious Education Committee: Janet Silverman,
Chair; Elyssa Hilton, Co-Chair; Rita Weinberg, Wendy Weiland,
Melissa Pidhorodeckyj, Kathy Lipkin
Thanks to all of those volunteers, parents, Temple Israel
members and the Board of Trustees, who made all of our
activities and programs a huge success. A special thanks to
the Religious Education Committee for their support and
guidance this year.
ConfirmationiShavuot service and last day of school pictures
------___________________________ 6 __________________________________
SIS1'ERttOCllD AcnvmES
Thanks to Carol Friedman and Elyssa Hilton for installing
our Board at the Sisterhood Ladies Night OutlInstallation
Dinner on Sun., June 6 at Bravo Cucina. Each board member
was given a flower which was donated to Temple and planted
by Carol Friedman and Audrey Baker.
Brotherhood Picnic is Sun., Aug. 8 at 4 p.m. at the home of Bob
and Charlotte Pollock. All Temple men are invited. We want this
year's picnic to be the biggest and best ever! We always have a
lot of great food and fun - make plans to come. RSVP Bob
Pollock (
Our That's My Pan Fundraise~ is going strong. The first
order has been submitted. Weare still taking orders.
Attention: Men of Temple Israel
Summer Ladies Night Out
Join us at Hana Asian Market at 1390 N. Portage Path at
5:30 p.m. on Sun., July 25. For $20 per person, we will be
treated to a 3-course meal with a cooking demonstration.
Money is due to Audrey Baker no later than July 10. Your
check is your RSVP.
Temple Israel Sisterhood Board 2010-2011
Executive Board
President: Audrey Baker
VP MembershipfFinancial Secretary: Iris Caston
VP Programming: Teresa Weinberger
Corresponding Secretary: Marti Newman
Recording Secretary: Randie Sass
Treasurer: Wendy Weiland
Immediate Past President: Carol Friedman
Committee Chairpersons
Archives: Lois Reaven
Caring Community: Carol Blum, Eileen Schonfeld &
Sally Katz
Ceremonial Objects: Edith Wiskind
Challah Fundraiser: Shelley Krakauer
Chanukah Dinner: Co-chairs: Carol Friedman, Heidi
Cohen & Beth Sugerman; Myra Feinberg- Latkes;
De Friedman-Briskets
College Youth: Patti Margolis
Decorations: Michelle Moses
Gift Shop: Renee Pinsky, Christine Levey, Ricki Schwartz
and Marsha Krieger
Community Passover Bazaar: Renee Pinsky
High Holiday Babysitters: Amy Rosenman
HouselKitchen: Audrey Baker
Mailings: Mitzie Mild
Purim Dinner: Co-chairs Shelley Kaye and Teresa
Weinberger; Beth Sugerman and Carol FriedmanHarnantashen
Remembrance: Esther Tass
Uniongrams: Barbara Renstrom & Karyn Katz
Religious School Liaison: Melissa Pidhorodeckyj
Wrap Chairman: Janet Silverman
Board Members at Large: Barbara Adler, Myra Feinberg,
Janet Fisher, Jan Fortnoff, Harriet Herskowitz, Elyssa
Hilton, Shelley Kaye, Phyllis Komerofsky, Charlotte
Pollock, Jean Schwartz, Linda Sugarman, Beth Sugerman
and Candy Walker-Sartori
FRI., JULY 16, 2010
If you have been looking for a way to get more involved with
Temple, we have a golden opportunity for you. Become an
usher, wear a cool flower and bond with other men in our
It is a fact that the more you put into an organization, the more
you get out of it. What is more important to you and our family
than your religion? The commitment for ushers is to attend 3-4
Shabbat services and one High Holy Day service a year. It is
a wonderful way to do a mitzvah and meet other members of
our congregation.
All ushers are invited to the Brotherhood Picnic on Aug. 8 at Bob
Pollock's home, and to our October Usher Brunch at Rosemont.
Brotherhood is the sponsor of these events, and it is a great way
for you to decide if you want to join Brotherhood.
Teams and schedules are being assigned for the 2010-2011 year
at this time. Please contact the usher chairman, Robert Lazarow,
at 330-734-0260 for more information and to sign up. You'll be
glad you did!
Mazel Tov to our Members
David Mine-President of the Shaw JCC
Michael Gersman-Shaw JCC Youth Volunteer Leadership Award
Mark Baer-Shaw JCC Volunteer of the Year
Leslie JOhnson-Lippman School Outstanding Graduate Award
Thorn Mandel-Stewart SurloffPresident's Award
Ronald & Carol Weintraub are
pleased to announce the marriage of
their son, Jared Daniel, to Kendra
Alta Ann Busson, daughter of Larry
and Bonnie Busson of Doylestown.
The wedding took place at the
Chenoweth Golf Course and Banquet
. "!"- ,
Center on June 25, 2010. Jared is the
grandson of the late Jack and Betty
Weintraub and the late Samuel and Gertrude Kotler of Maplewood,
New Jersey. Kendra is the granddaughter of Mildred Busson and the
late Donald Busson and the late Charles Frederick Hopkins and Edna
Mae Hopkins. Jared graduated from Copley High School in 1998 and
Kent State University in 2008 as an IT major in the School of
Business. Kendra is a 1998 graduate of Chippewa High School and a
2009 graduate of the University of Akron with a BS in Business
Administration. She plans to pursue an MBA at the University of
Akron. Kendra was bitten early by the retail bug and has continually
advanced at Bed, Bath and Beyond during the past ten years. Jared
has recently begun to work at Lowes. The couple will reside in
Doylestown. They are planning a September honeymoon to Punta
Cana in the Dominican Republic.
_____________________________________ 7 _______________________________________
July 2
July 9
July 16
July 23
July 30
Megan Barrett
Della Block·
Harold Brieger·
Bernice Burman·
Samuel Calderon·
Gaynell Ruth
Miriam L. Davis
Nancy Davis
Robert Droz
Gendzel Eydelman
Leonard Friedman
Harry W. Greenberg·
Lena Hirsh **
Thomas R. Isroff'"
Lawrence Josephson
Nathan Katz
Abraham Krakover·
Ann Krieger
Myrna Isroff Lazarow
Florence Lessing
Jerrold Lockshin
Frank Moldavsky·
Phyllis Pinsky·
Maurice L. Pules·
Dr. Robert R. Rosen·
Hanna Rosenfeld··
Albert J. Scherr·
Libby Schneir
Norman Siegel
Dana Silverman
Evie Weinberger
Ruth Winer
Nathan N. Wollins·
Elaine Berkman
Burney Bobkoff
Norwin Brovitz
E. Morris Budoff
Florence B. Dobrow·
Shirley Glick
Ann Goodweather
Samuel Goodweather
Anna Greenberg·
Pearl Korman
Joseph Krakover·
Joyce Lajeunesse
Marvin Levine
Hilton Levy
Louis Medvin·
Louis Meyer·
Miriam 1. Neuman·
Morris Sacks·
Ida Shapiro
Mildred Sperber
John Waits
Dante Walker
Shari Ann Appel
Sarah Applebaum·
Simon Bear··
Nathaniel J. Brisker·
Max Essner
Ray Fawcett
Leo Finegold
Clarence Gerin
Harry Gutman
Adeline Jacobs**
Sol Kellerman
Ralph Komerofsky
Benjamin Krieger
Morton Leeper·
Sylvia Minsky
Elinor Mirman Nadel·
Ruth (Brandt) Panitch·
Irene Perelman·
Sara Rosenblum·
Abdou Sabet
Esther Schifman
Leo Seenberg
Robert K. Shine·
Lillien Shwartz
Patricia Smalheiser
Joan Maxine Solomon·
Hulda Tuholske**
Leon Tuholske·
Rae Union·
Janet Waisbrot
Frank Wilson
Sylvia S. Burg·
Chaim Calderon
Tillie Essner
Allan Godshall
Esther Jo Greenberg
Herbert W. Herz·
Bessie Isroff
Saul Isroff'"
Pauline Klein
Phyllis Klein
Blanche Levine·
Melvin I. Lichtman
Milton E. Litt
Joseph Love
Sadie Miller·
David Nelson
Pearl P. Ostroff
Meir Rapoport
Ike Reder··
Max Rogovy·
Esther Kodish Rotblat
Beatrice Schwartz·
Harry Shapiro
Henry Shaw
Rachel H. Smith·
Judith Ann Sweet·
Anna Weisman
Harry M. Zabell·
Samuel Arenson·
Lucy Axner
Albert Beyer
Minnie Brotsky
Charlotte Cohn**
Herman Ferbstein··
Rose Finkelstein
Isadore Gergel
Frank Gleichman**
Rosa Hollander··
Fannie B. Holub·
Philip Lapides·
Frances Lebovidge
Blanche Lieberman
Kornel Markis
Alvin Neisser
Miriam K. Olson·
Matthew Rivitz
Edward John Ruff
Irving L. Schwartz·
Jennie Schwartz·
Benjamin Segel··
Carl Shapiro
Samuel Paul Sobel·
Elaine Volk
Jack L. Waldman
Marble plaque
Brass plaque
In the Jewish Community
gift cards from Sue
you buy anything else.
in hand, you can visit a Giant
to places such as Macy's and
Bath &
for the wedding gifts. Buy gift cards to
the stores where you can purchase the computer.
By purchasing gift cards from Sue, you are helping Temple
Israel raise money without spending any additional money.
As a bonus, you also receive GetGo credit when you buy the
gift cards, so you can save on gasoline as well. Thanks for
your continued support for this painless way to raise funds
for Temple Israel.
Akron Hadassah's Adult Hebrew classes
continue to expand 'Ibis summer and fall a
new class on prayerbook Hebrew will meet
Tuesdays at 9 a.m. at the Shaw JCC. We will
use our own new CCAR prayerbook,
Mishlam T'jiJah. Teacher Beth Lawton
welcomes everyone. During the mnmner, the
classes will be adjusted for vacation schedules.
Please call Bobby Adler (330) 864-5702 or reach
her at, for more information on the class.
_______________________________________ 8________________________________________
August 6
August 13
August 20
August 27
Rose Smith Arenson*
Kemal Atacman
Esther R. Barnett*
John Baron
Albert Bellowe*
Rabbi Samuel Berman
Dolores "Dolly" Droz
Ida Engleson
L.G. Federman**
Harry Fineman*
Maurice E. Goldman*
Ben Goodman
Doris Marks Green *
David Greenberg
Dorothy Horton
Celia Katz
Estelle Klein
Emil Korach**
Gertrude Kotler
Jean Lazarow*
Marie Frost Levin*
Dorothy Levy
Nathan Morris
Ben Pinsky*
Frances Rosenfeld
Jean Ruben
Samuel M. Sokol'"
William C. Solomon*
Robert I. Union*
Anna Waisbrot
Elizabeth Wallack
Katherine Webb
Joseph Weinberger
Shirley Surloff Weinstein
Bertha Weissfeld
Rose Wise
Burton Belsky
Chaim Calderon
Reva Lola Cohen*
Louis Cohn**
Esther Streng Finegold
Morris Glick
Jack Karn*
Leopold W. Kaschner*
Molly Klebanow*
Hannah Koplin*
Herman Korycan
Morris B. Leventhal*
Pearl Ostroff
Hannah Shecter*
Sylvia Surloff
Rabbi 1. Marshall Taxay*
David Tuholske**
Michael Adler
Vera Alexander
Bill Brenner
Sylvia Federman
Phyllis Fishman
Regina Frost
Isador Glick
Reba N. Holub*
Dr. Irvin N. Kaplan
Dr. Alan Krivis
Arlene Landau
Rebecca L. Leeper*
Raymond 1. Munitz
David Ostroff
Dr. Philip I. Panitz*
Dora Raab*
Moses Reder**
Israel Sass*
Ruth Schaffer
Sheila Silver
Samuel Sperber
Hyman S. Subrin*
Stuart Willen
Sam Wolfand
Dorothy Birnbaum*'"
Louis Philip Birnbaum**
Rhodalee Butlien
Lois DeCoste
Jason Federman
Ben Felstein*
Harold Firestone*
Harry G. First
Ethel Fruman
Samuel Goldman
Sarah Goldman*
Esther Gross
Eve Henkin*
Albert Hoffenberg
Ben W. Holub*
Samuel D. Kates*
Albert Klausner
Esther Leiby*
Rose M. Milstein
Ben D. Oster
Mollie Riseberg
Bob Rosenthal *
Joseph Scherr*
Dr. Victor Schiller*
Ruth Schulman*
ana Sloan Schultz*
Margaret L. Schweda
Martin Schweiger
Hattie Shaw
Betty Jane Schecter*
Israel Shmukler
Lawrence E. Siff
Joel Silverman*
Louis Skeegan
Louis I. Topper*
Simcha Uziel
Jacob Vineberg**
Mollie Wiener
Samuel Zoss
Marble plaque
Brass plaque
You can honor the memories of your loved ones by pladng
a memorial plaque in the Temple Israel lobby. For more
information, contact the Temple office at (330) 762-8617.
*Helen S. Shulan, wife ofthe late Jay; mother of David J.
Shulan (Mollie) and John L. Shulan (Stacy); grandmother of
Jay, Joseph, Evelyn, Andrew, Carolyne and Victoria.
*Bebe Schachter, mother of Patti Margolis and Dr. Larry
Schachter; grandmother of Sarah, Franklin, Michael and Shana.
*AUan Markey, father of Carrie Shkolnik and Dr. Robin
(Andrew) Shapiro; grandfather of Sam Shkolnik and Zachary
Shapiro; ex-husband of Arlene (Samuel) Markey.
*Bernard Raffel, husband of Etta; father of Dr. Edward Raffel;
uncle of Bea Gehringer.
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_______________________________________ 9 ________________________________________
Sat., Sept. 4
Sun., Sept. 5
Wed. , Sept. 8
Thurs., Sept. 9
Selichot Service at Beth El
Cemetery Service at Rose Hill
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah Day
Children's Service
Morning Service
Tashlich-Metro Parks
(Cascade Valley-Oxbow Area)
Fri., Sept. 10
Shabbat Shuvah
Fri., Sept. 17
Erev Yom Kippur-Kol Nidre
Sat., Sept. 18
Yom Kippur
Children's Service
Morning Service
Afternoon Service
Neilah Service
Break Fast- Social Hall
Thurs., Sept. 23 Sukkot Morning Service
Thurs., Sept. 30 Yizkor
Fri., Oct. 1
Simchat Torah & Consecration
10:30 a.m.
7:30 p.m.
9 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
4 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
9 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
2 p.m.
3:45 p.m.
5 p.m.
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
7 p.m.
The choir sings "And the Youth
Shall See Visions" at the request
ofArt Krakauer.
Our new co-presidents: Michael
Neumann and Keith Mirman
The Grief' R~overy® Outreach Program
The Action Program For Moving Beyond Loss
There is no cost for the program which will start in the fall. The book is
SI2.50. If you have experienced one or more losses, and you wish to move
beyond the pain, this program. offers you the probability of a richer and
more rewarding life. The program will meet once a week for eight weeks.
For more information about the program, contact:
Certified Grief tReeoverye Spedalilt
Phone: 330-864-8442
Photos of Foodbank packaging 1-3; USO packaging 4-8;
IHN 9-11; Open M 12-13; Access 14-15; Linus Project 16
-17; Ronald McDonald House baking project at
Temple Israel 18-19.
____________________________________ 10 _____________________________________
In memory of Drs. Ruth & Manuel
Aronson: Doug Thrashe?
In memory of Marvin Bud & Phyllis Klein:
Doug Thrashe?
Mr. & Mrs. William McCune 3 ; Rolinda
& Ted Schneiderman; Sandra & Sidney
Landskroner; Shirlee & David Wrightl;
Susan & Bruce Zake3 ; Susan & Howard
Walton; Susan & Jeffrey Weiler l
Cantor Rosenman Discretionary
The Blanche Hoffenberg
Mitzvah Day Fund
Rose Smith Arenson Floral Fund
In sincere appreciation of Aria nne, cousin of
Amy Rosenman: Harriet Herskowitz l
In honor oUhe birth of Samantha Ann
Rosenman: Harriet Herskowitz l
In honor of the BarlBat Mitzvah of Sam
Wagner and Lili Wiseman: Emogene &
Alvin Weisman I
Endowment Fund
In memory of Dr. Charles Greene: Diane &
Neil Greene
In memory of Jess A. Greenberger: Diane &
Neil Greene
In memory ofYetta Rogovv: Diane &
Neil Greene
Joseph and Laura Lee Garfinkel
Music and Cultural Fund
In memory of Be be Schachter: Julie & Terry
Zimmerman I
In honor of the birth of Evan Matthew
Miller, grandson of Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Segal: Laura Lee Garfinkel
In memory of mother, Esther Shapiro:
Marilyn Kent
In memory ofYetta Lichtman: Laura Lee
Gedaliah Gertz Education Center
Endowment Fund
In honor of the birth of Lev Beari Rolnick:
Arlene Markey
In honor oUhe 6(/h wedding anniversary of
Marilyn & Stan Regal: Faye & Morton
Sobel I
In memory ofBebe Schachter: Charlotte &
Bob Pollock; Laura Lee Garfinkel l
For the recovery ofEsther Bober: Arlene
In memory of Lois Shifrin: Arlene Markey
In memory ofYetta Lichtman: Charlotte &
Bob Pollock
In memory ofAU an Markey: Beverly Rosel ;
Bonnie & Jess Blockl; Bonnie & Terry
Burman; Butler, Rubin, Saltarelli & Boyd
LLp 3; Carol Shkolnik & Andy Meyers;
Charlotte & Bob Pollock; Iris & Jeffrey
Caston; Jeanette & Sanford Gerardi; John &
Rebecca FalatoJC; Karen & Manuel Nackes;
Karin & Roy AlIeni ; Kathy & Jim Wade 2;
Laura Lee Garfmkee; Laurie & Ron
Shkolnik; Linda & Mic~ael Os~erow; ~jnll &
Michael Maye2; Madeline & 11m Berlm ;
Maryann Hexter; Micki Wise; Mr. & Mrs.
Alan Cohen2 ; Mr. & Mrs. Fred Schaffer l;
In memory of Helen Shulan: Karen &
Manuel Nackes
The Rabbi David M. Horowitz
Campership Fund
In honor ofthe 9(/h birthday of Morrie
Tass: Toby & Rabbi David Horowitz l;
In honor of Myra Feinberg completing
her course as a paralegal: Toby &
Rabbi David Horowitz
In memory of Harriet Cohen, the sister
of Phyllis Sugerman: Sally Eichner
For the recovery of Rabbi David
Horowitz: Edith & Milt Wiskind; Esther
& Morris Tassi; Ilene & Gary Kammer;
Janet Fisher
Joseph & Marie Levin AudioVisual Arts Fund
In memory of parents, Alice & Albert
Backer and uncle, Morris Evans:
Judith Dambrot
LippmanlKanfer Building
Maintenance Fund
In memory ofRobert Moss: Ruth Moss
Ben Maidenburg Memorial
In memory ofHelen Shulan:
Kaylette Jaffe
In honor ofthe work ofthe Social
Action Committee: Susan & Bruce
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
In honor ofM~a & Rabbi Bob
Feinberg's 30anniversary:
Micki Wise
In memory of Bebe Schachter: Teri &
Mike Segal
In honor ofthe birth of Evan Matthew
Miller, grandson of Teri & Mike
Segal: Susan & Steve SigaloW2
In memory o£Burton Goldberg:
Miriam Agins
In sincere appreciation of Rabbi
Feinberg: Lici Calderon2; Alan Wole;
Penny & William Ze1l 3
In memory of Helen Shulan: Teri &
Mike Segal
For the recovery ofRand Agins:
Miriam Agins3
Ruth & Arthur Rose
Remembrance Fund
In memory of sister, Leah R.
Goodman: Ruth Mossl
Special Building Fund
In memory of Be be Schachter: Iris &
Jeff Caston; Joan Freeman; Joyce &
Martin Levin2 ; Judge Jef})' Larson 2;
Mary & David Tschantr
Shabbat Shelley Fund
In honor oUhe 6S" anniversary of
Mel & Lud Stern: Micki Wise
In memory of Allan Markey: Anita &
Bill Bloch
In memory ofAnn Zetzer: Leah &
Martin Bliman
In memory of aunt, Alberta SamplinerGerson: Audrey Baker
In memory of Bebe Schachter: Judy
Subotin l; Rolinda & Ted Schneiderman
In honor ofBernard Goldfarb: Carol
Portman "Chix with Styx"
In memory ofHelen Shulan: Jeannine
& Steve Marksl; Joyce & Martin
Levin2;Marlene & Louis Epsteinl;Rolinda & Ted Schneiderman;
Sunshine Club of Certified Allergy
For the recovery ofMorrie Katz:
Janet Fisher
In memory ofmother, Bessie
Kellerman: Irene & Edward Kellerman
In memory ofRocheUe Peskin
Godshall: Marti & Leslie Newman3
In honor oUhe graduation of Lesley
Krakauer: Teri & Mike Segal
In memory of Yetta Lichtman: Arlene
Dr. Irwin R. Weiner Leadership
Development Fund
In honor of the 2(/h anniversary of
Karen & Manuel Nackes: Linda
In honor oUhe 4th anniversary of
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sacks: Linda
In memory ofBill Rapport:
Linda Weiner
William Weisberg Memorial
For the recovery ofJerry Pollock:
Carole & Bob Weisberger
In memory of Randy Geller: Arnold
Shapiro 1
In honor of the marriage ofPam Giller
and Matthew Williams: Carole & Bob
In memory ofYetta Lichtman:
Carole & Bob Weisberger
_________________________________ 11 __________________________________
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage Paid
Akron, OH 44309
Permit No. 55
133 Merriman Rd.
Akron, OH 44303-1943
WINDOW is published monthly by Temple Israel,
133 Merriman Road, Akron OH 44303 330-762-8617
Rabbi Robert S. Feinberg
Cantor Jason M. Rosenman
Director of Education Carrie A. Shkolnik
Rabbi Emeritus David M. Horowitz
Co-Presidents Keith Mirman and Michael Neumann
Editor Phyllis Komerofsky
::;: .
1.1 •• 1.1.1 ••• 1.1 •• 1.1" ••••• 1.1.1 •• 11 •• 1.1 •• 1.11 •••••• 11.1 •• 11
S3 P2
CINCINNATI OH 45220-2488
= '
July 2
July 3
July 9
July 10
July 16
July 17
July 23
July 24
July 30
July 31
Aug. 6
Aug. 7
Aug. 13
Aug. 14
Aug. 20
Aug. 21
Aug. 27
Aug. 28
Shabbat Service at 6 p.m., Engleson Aufruf
Shacharit Service at 9 a.m.
Torah Study at 9:40 a.m. (Pinchas)
Shabbat Service at 6 p.m.
Executive Board Cookout following services
Shacharit Service at 9 am.
Torah Study at 9:40 a.m. (Mattot Masei)
Shabbat Service at 6 p.m.
Shacharit Service at 9 a.m.
Torah Study a 9:40 a.m. (Devarim Huon)
Shabbat Service at 6 p.m.
Shacharit Service at 9 a.m.
Torah Study at 9:40 a.m. (Vaethanan Nahmu)
Shabbat Service at 6 p.ID.
Shacharit Service at 9 LID.
Torah Study at 9:40 Lm. (Ekev)
Community Shabbat with tbe T7.IOftm FrieDdsIlip
Caravan at the Shaw
at 5:30 ....
Shacharit Service at
Torah Study at 9:40
Shabbat Service at (;
Shacharit Service at
Torah Study at 9:40
Shabbat Service at (;
Shacharit Service at
Torah Study at 9:40
Jason and Jeremy
at 10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service at (;
Shacharit Service at
Torah Study a 9:40
II {\nOIl i, lI"hli,II<'li d"H'lIlilll<" IH'I H'.II.Ih'.llililH' 101 :IIlidl"" III<' III'"
01 I Ill' Pll'\ 1011' 1I1111111r ..... l'IIlI .rli ill'III' 101 pll hli<".111II1I 10 11r .. "liillli I" l'-III.I;I
"I pl,""III; I ~ 1/ !.!,".lIl.llllll III III Il""pk I" .Id.
Every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. throughout the summl
Adult Choir Rehearsals for High Holy D-;, ~ -'
July 4
Engleson Wedding
July 9
Executive Board Cookout following services
Alana Kroot Naming
July 11
Young Families to Aeros Game at 7 p.m.
July 16
Blossom Bash at 6:30 p.m.
July 17
DD Party at 2 p.m.
July 18
Sisterhood Ladies Night Out at the Hana
July 25
Asian Market at 1390 N. Portage Path at
Youn~ Families Summer Splash at 11 a.m. at
Aug. 7
Brotherhood Picnic at 4 p.m.
Aug. 8
Lindsay SDverman Wedding
Aug. 21
II II II ."'"'pk;" .Id,d" IIII.III!.!

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