August - Congregation Temple Israel, St. Louis, MO


August - Congregation Temple Israel, St. Louis, MO
August 2014
Av/Elul 5774
Volume XXXIII / Number 10
Coming Home...
High Holy Days 2014
A New Look for a New Year
High Holy Days 2014 information on pages 2 through 5
Congregation Temple Israel is a caring, inclusive community committed to living Reform Judaism
and participating in the sacred destiny of the Jewish people and Israel through education, worship, and repair of the world.
Friday, August 1, 2014
7:30 p.m. Shabbat Worship with Chavurat Shira
Oneg Shabbat to follow.
Friday, August 8, 2014
6:00 p.m. Pre-Oneg
6:30 p.m. Shabbat B’Shir
Join us in preparing for the High Holy Days at our
S’lichot service on Saturday, September 20, at 7:00 p.m.
in the May Chapel. This beautiful and moving service
will be enriched this year with music provided by our
wonderful Chavurat Shira volunteer choir.
S’lichot offers a way to prepare for the coming Days of
Friday, August 15, 2014
6:00 p.m. Pre-Oneg
6:30 p.m. Learners’ Shabbat & Birthday Blessings
Repentance. We incorporate the celebration Havdalah,
Friday, August 22, 2014
6:00 p.m. Pre-Oneg
6:30 p.m. Shabbat Worship with HaShemesh
S’lichot, we also begin the process of separating the
Friday, August 29, 2014
6:00 p.m. Pre-Oneg
6:30 p.m. Shabbat Worship
There will be no Saturday morning worship services or Bible
Study in August. Both will resume Saturday, September 6.
S’lichot .......................................... Saturday, September 20
the beautiful ceremony at the conclusion of Shabbat
that separates Shabbat from the rest of the week. On
year coming to a close from the one about to begin.
2014 High HolY daYs at TI
Erev Rosh Hashanah ............ Wednesday, September 24
Rosh Hashanah .......................... Thursday, September 25
How to CoNtact Us
Erev Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre) ................ Friday, October 3
Yom Kippur ......................................... Saturday, October 4
Our Rabbis, President, and Temple staff are always
Erev Sukkot .................................... Wednesday, October 8
happy to hear from you to answer questions, address
(Temple closes at 4:00 p.m.)
concerns, or simply to chat and get to know you better.
You can reach us via e-mail or by calling the Temple,
Rabbi Amy Feder,
Rabbi Michael Alper,
Dee A. Mogerman, President,
Don’t know who to contact at the Temple for a birth
announcement, death, billing issue, religious school,
or any other matter? Check out our staff directory
First Day of Sukkot ............................ Thursday, October 9
(Temple closed)
Sukkot Celebration ................................ Friday, October 10
Erev Simchat Torah ..................... Wednesday, October 15
(Temple closes at 4:00 p.m.)
Simchat Torah ................................... Thursday, October 16
(Temple closed)
Simchat Torah Service
and Consecration ................................... Friday, October 17
2 page / August 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
welcome home!
High HolY DaYs 2014
Welcome home for the holidays! All High Holy Day
services will be back at Temple Israel this year.
We can’t wait to show off the fresh new look of
our renovated Gall Family Sanctuary and Isserman
Auditorium. Our High Holy Day services will be open
to all this year, no tickets needed, so invite your friends
and family to attend.
While much will look familiar, including our historic
bimah, we have replaced the pews with new comfortable
chairs; installed carpeting throughout the sanctuary;
lowered the ceilings and installed new chandeliers that
will bring much light and warmth into our worship space;
added cloth accent panels to our wood walls, and have
put in an all new sound system.
Rosh Hashanah takes place Wednesday evening,
September 24, and Thursday, September 25.
Yom Kippur begins with Kol Nidre on Friday, October 3,
and continues on Saturday, October 4.
2014 Guide to
the High HolY DaYs
Workers prepare to fill the new lowered ceiling grid with drywall,
maintaining the Star of David pattern of the original ceiling.
Our new worship space will be filled with light. The historic bimah
is safely “under wraps” on the left. It will be cleaned
and freshened up for the High Holy Days.
reNderiNg oF New saNctuarY iNterior
with remoVeable bimah
We will once again produce a “Guide to the High Holy
Days” that will include everything you need to know,
including service descriptions and times, children’s
activities, child care information, parking instructions,
and much more. The Guide will be mailed to all member
households in early September.
Guests may request a copy by contacting
Amanda Radman at
or at 314-432-8050.
This rendering depicts the Gall Family Sanctuary as it will look with
a new, removeable bimah and Ark. This configuration will be used for weekly
Shabbat worship and most holidays. For the High Holy Days, we will continue
to use our historic bimah. / August 2014 / 3 page
ushers Needed
Ushers play an important role in making all feel
Child Care OptioNs
welcome at our High Holy Day services. Please consider
- Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Evening
Ages 6 months - Grade 3
- Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Morning
Ages 6 months - Pre-K
(Children in Grades K-3 are encouraged to attend our
morning service and activities designed just for them.)
Child care will be provided by professional babysitters.
Child care rooms will be located in the Deutsch Early
Childhood Center. Check-in will begin 30 minutes prior to
each service.
volunteering, individually or as a family, at one of our
High Holy Day services. Ushers enjoy the benefits of early
parking and reserved seating.
Rosh Hashanah services are Wednesday evening,
September 24, and Thursday morning, September 25.
Yom Kippur worship begins with Kol Nidre (Yom Kippur
eve) on Friday, October 3 and continues on
Saturday, October 4.
For more information or to volunteer, contact
Ron Chatmon, 314-423-2676 or
Thank you for performing this mitzvah.
How to Register
- FREE for Temple Israel members and
Deutsch Early Childhood Center families
- Non-members $18 per child (Fee covers both Holidays.)
To ensure adequate staffing and supplies, reservations
High holY daY
bimah Flowers
must be guaranteed with a credit card and received
Flowers on the bimah enhance our worship throughout
by Friday, September 19. In fairness to all who request
the High Holy Days. Donations of $50 or more to our
child care, a $36 fee will be assessed to “no shows” if
Floral Fund to sponsor bimah flowers are a beautiful way
cancellation is not received at least 48 hours in advance.
to honor or memorialize a loved one. All High Holy Day
To register for child care, contact Sydney Masin,
bimah flower sponsors will be acknowledged in the High Forms can be downloaded online
Holy Day Service leaflet and the Dateline newsletter.
Checks payable to Temple Israel can be mailed to the
Temple, #1 Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin Dr., St. Louis, MO 63141.
Please indicate “Floral Fund” on the memo line.
If you are interested in honoring or remembering a
loved one in this special way, please contact Ann Epstein,
4 page / August 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
SubmissioN DeadliNe: FridaY, September 5
At Temple Israel we prepare our annual Book of Remembrance that will be distributed during Yizkor (Memorial)
Services on Yom Kippur, Saturday, October 5. If you would like to include the names of your departed loved ones,
please complete the form below and return it along with your donation to the Temple office. Names of those inscribed
for Perpetual Memorial or on our Wall of Honor are automatically included.
Please include the names of my departed loved ones in the Temple Israel Remembrance Book as follows:
___ Use the same entry as last year.
Please write new listings, additions and/or corrections below: (Please Print):
If you have lost loved ones since last Yom Kippur, please list their information below for our records.
Date of Death:
Remembered by: (List Names; Please Print):__________________________________________________________________
___ I’m interested in establishing a new Perpetual or Wall of Honor Memorial. Please contact me.
Donations are traditionally made in multiples of $18, symbolic of Chai (life). Enclosed is my gift of:
___ $36 ___ $54 ___ $72 ___ $90 ___ $108 ___ $144 ___ $180 ___ $250 ___ $500 ___ $1,000 ___ Other
___ I/We have enclosed a check payable to Temple Israel
___ Please charge the following acct. ____ VISA
NAME ON CREDIT CARD: ____________________________________________________________________________________
ACCT.# ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___
EXP. DATE: ___ ___ /______
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY: ________________________________________________ STATE: _______________ ZIP__________________________
PHONE NUMBER: _____________________________________
(Please consider an additional 3% to cover our credit card processing fee.)
Mail to: Remembrance Book, Congregation Temple Israel, #1 Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin Drive, St. Louis, Missouri 63141 / August 2014 / 5 page
IF Not Now, WheN?
Rabbi Amy Feder
The first time I had the opportunity to give a High
Holiday sermon as a rabbinical student, I remember
asking my parents what they thought people might want
to hear. I’ll never forget my mother’s advice. She didn’t
have any particular topics in mind that I should discuss,
but she knew the one thing I shouldn’t talk about. “Don’t
tell people they should come to services more,” she said.
“No one wants a guilt trip. They’re here now, and that’s
what matters.”
I have thought about her words many times over the
years. It’s true, when I stand in front of you on the
High Holidays and look out into the hundreds of faces,
many of whom I don’t see on a regular basis, my gut
reaction is to want to urge you to come more often, to
help you realize that Judaism is so much better when
it’s a regular part of your lives, that for as much time as
we put into High Holiday preparation, regular Shabbat
services often feel much more powerful, intimate, and
real. Yet I know that (as seems to be the case with
amazing frequency) my mother was right. It’s neither
fair nor helpful for me to take that precious time on
the bima to tell you how much better it would be if you
came to Temple more. To be a Reform Jew is to be
able to make your own Jewish choices wisely and with
personal autonomy, and that includes determining how
much “Temple time” you desire. Whether you’re a Friday
night regular or only here once a year, I trust that you’re
coming to Temple as much as you want or need to, and
that you know we’re here every day of the year in case
your needs ever change.
What matters on the High Holidays is that you’re here.
My job, then, and the job of Rabbi Michael and the rest
of our service leaders, is to make sure that when you’re
here on the High Holidays, we provide you with as
meaningful of an experience as we possibly can. It is a
challenge that we take incredibly seriously, and we think
about it all year long. We want the music to be beautiful,
the prayers uplifting, and the sermons thoughtprovoking and inspiring.
Yet let me be clear. All guilt-trips aside, the
High Holidays simply don’t work as well as they
should if you haven’t thought about them and what
they represent until you pull onto Ladue Road. For the
High Holidays to really impact your life, to give you the
chance to renew yourself, to make peace with your loved
ones, to wipe your slate clean from the mistakes of the
past year, a little preparation goes a very long way.
So I invite you to join us this year for a brief, intensive
High Holiday Boot Camp and S’lichot. On Saturday,
September 20, we will take the evening to teach you
exactly what you need to do so that the High Holiday
are truly are a meaningful experience for you. It will take
less than an hour for your rabbis to give you everything
you need to know to prepare yourself to enjoy and be
impacted by Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur this year!
Following our Boot Camp, our Chavurat Shira choir will
lead us in a beautiful S’lichot service, giving us a taste
of the music they’ll sing during the High Holidays so that
we get to hear those haunting melodies and even the
shofar blast a little early. I hope you’ll join us and ensure
that this year, when you’re sitting in our beautifully
refurbished sanctuary on the High Holidays, you will
have the experience that you need and deserve to have,
and to make sure those days really are holy ones.
6 page / August 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
Rabbi Michael Alper
what matters.”
TBD / August 2014 / 7 page
Deutsch EarlY Childhood CeNter
Leslie Wolf, Director
Another fabulous year of Camp Shook is behind us!
we will be able to implement these techniques
Debi Porfidio, one of our DECC teachers, did an
school-wide, and in the future wewill be offering
incredible job of running the day-to-day activities
workshops to parents.
at camp. The campers were extremely happy and
exhausted at the end of their busy fun-filled days.
The eight weeks of Camp Shook always seem to fly
by. As we end Camp Shook, we look forward to the
The four basic principles of the Love and Logic
program are:
Build “Self” Concept.
beginning of a great new school year at Deutsch Early
Everything kids learn and do affect how they see
Childhood Center.
themselves, which in turn, determine what they
This year promises to be very busy. We are welcoming a
couple new teachers to our staff and saying good-by to
choose to do with their lives.
2. Share Control.
one of our most beloved long-time teachers, Ivy Klein.
Control is like love. The more we give away, the more
Ivy has been a teacher at DECC and Camp Shook for
we get in return.
more than 20 years. Her husband, Michael, is retiring
and they want to spend time traveling and visiting
their children and grandchildren, all of whom reside
in Chicago. Ivy will be missed. Her love and dedication
to the kids at DECC shone through every activity
3. Offer Empathy, Then Consequences.
Empathy allows children to learn from their mistakes
instead of learning to resent adults.
4. Share the Thinking.
she planned. She was creative, nurturing, and most
Give your kids a life-long gift. Every time they cause a
importantly, LOVED every single child that walked into
problem or make a mistake, allow them to think more
her room. I thoroughly enjoyed working with Ivy and
about the solution than you.
knew that I could count on her to always do the right
thing and always do more than what was expected.
Enrollment at DECC is ongoing. School starts on
She worked well with all of our staff and was a true
August 18. I’m always happy to give you or any of your
team player. Ivy Klein will be missed!
friends or relatives with preschool-age children a tour
of our incredible school. Our warm, loving, and nurturing
I am excited to tell you about a new program that
environment, along with our academically superior
we are introducing at the preschool. Some of you
curriculum and flexible scheduling, provide parents
may be familiar with the Love and Logic model for
with a true second home for their children.
parenting. There is an adaptation of this model for use
in preschools that will give our teachers an effective,
practical, and logical way for our students to be
accountable for their actions and accept responsibility.
One of the awesome components of this program is that
8 page / August 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
religious school HappeNiNgs
Jed Filler, R.J.E., Director of Youth Education
I am working to develop new and flexible ways
Shalom Chaverim!
I’m so excited to be starting my first year here at
TI — meeting so many new people, sharing stories,
and even trading a joke or two! I have been working
to connect our students and their families to our TI
community, our St. Louis Jewish community, and our
rich Jewish heritage.
closely with the Rabbis, Dee Mogerman and our lay
We arrived in St. Louis a few weeks ago — travelling
leaders, Preschool Director Leslie Wolf, and the rest of
from Massachusetts. My wife, Lisa, and our children
our wonderful TI professional staff to learn about our
Aryeh and Eliana are looking forward to exploring this
community and its history — so that we can create new
amazing city and being Midwesterners!
pathways together to strengthen the Jewish identities of
ourselves and our children through both learning
and experience.
Please feel free to call or email me with any questions
(about registration or anything at all) or to say hi or 314-432-8076, ext. 209.
Jewish education is not an end goal; it isn’t material to
be mastered for a test. Jewish education is a part of
living a Jewish life. It is a part of every day; whether
we are celebrating holidays, life cycle events, observing
We look forward to meeting all of you, and would
love it, when you are in the neighborhood, if you stop
by and say hi!
mitzvot, giving tzedakah, helping those around us and in
the world who are in need, and yes, even playing soccer
and softball and other sports. Being Jewish includes all
these things and more!
it’s registratioN time!
New Year, new learning opportunities!
Lost your registration packet?
Contact Jed at 432-8076 or / August 2014 / 9 page
Classes begin Sunday, September 7.
Help us plan and prepare by returning your school
registration materials now.
eNgagiNg our Youth
Stephanie Rhea, Youth Groups Advisor
Youth Gro
at C
amp Sabra
ups Advis
or Stepha
visits wit
nie Rhea
h TI cam
pers (fro
Leah Snid
m left) Ji
ll Goldwas
man, Han
nah Mau
and Adam
r, Sam Be
(Not pict
ured: Etha
n Shucar
Great Regional Youth Group Events
TraiNiNg INstitute (LTI)
Fall ChaVurah
at Camp Sabra
August 29 - 31, 2014
KaNsas CitY, Missouri
October 17 - 19, 2014
Learn leadership skills and make lasting friendships
the time of your life with singing, learning, and sharing
Meet new friends and reunite with old ones as you have
with fellow teens from throughout the Midwest.
with teens from throughout the Midwest.
This year’s event is open to
Registration is now open at
High School Freshman!
For more information or to RSVP to any of these events,
contact Stephanie Rhea, youth groups advisor, at
314-432-8050 or
10 page / August 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
woNder Years
Sunday, August 17, 2014
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Saul Mirowitz Jewish Community School
$12 per person in advance, $18 at the door
Celebrating the Mishegas of the Preschool Years.
For parents of children 5 and younger
This half-day conference will provide parents of
infants and toddlers with valuable information.
Keynote presenter Sharon Duke Estroff will speak on
“The Big Picture of Jewish Parenting.” Other activities
will include breakout sessions by parenting experts
including rabbis, teachers, psychiatrists and more,
as well as an information fair featuring many local
community organizations.
Our own Rabbi Amy Feder will be leading one of the
breakout sessions.
JoiN our TI group
at Stages St. Louis
Fiddler on the Roof
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
8:00 p.m.
The Robert G. Reim Theatre in Kirkwood
Special group rate of $42 per person
It’s the 50th anniversary of the Broadway debut of
The Wonder Years Conference is sponsored by the
Fiddler on the Roof. Don’t miss this great opportunity
Helene Mirowitz Family Center, Jewish Parents as
to see a musical masterpiece. This inspiring and
Teachers (JPAT), PJ Library, the Concierge for Families
universal tale of heritage, love, and acceptance still
with Young Children, Chabad, and Saul Mirowitz Jewish
resonates today with such classic and beloved songs
Community School and is supported, in part, by the
as “Sunrise, Sunset,” “If I Were a Rich Man,”
Staenberg Family Foundation.
Matchmaker, Matchmaker,” and more.
Register online at
Limited tickets are available at this special reduced
For information, contact: Marianne Chervitz,
rate. RSVP by Friday, August 15, to Amanda Radman at
314-442-3454. or 314-432-8050.
Join us for a night of Tradition! / August 2014 / 11 page
summer happeNiNgs at temple israel
coNFirmatioN class
oF 2014
eagle court
thiNk pi
Nk wome
N’s coNN
ectioN e
komeN race
’ summer
oF hoNor
Jess R
rg (cen
an Eagl
ter) re
e Court
of Hon
his Ea
11. He
or con
gle aw
is pict
ured w
by Tem
ith his
ple Isra
ts, Jim
el’s Boy
and Dan
a Roth
For the
12 page / August 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
7:30 pm Shabbat Worship
with Chavurat Shira
Oneg to follow
10 am Judaism for
Tisha B’Av
Temple Office
closes at 5 pm
7 pm Boy Scout Troop 11
6:30 pm Executive Committee
6:30 pm Life in Transition
10 am Judaism for
7 pm Board of Trustees
9:30 am Study Group
7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop 11
Meeting, BBQ and
6:30 pm
Exploring Life’s
7 pm Crafting for
7 pm Gala Planning Meeting
9:30 am
Religious School
Teacher Training
10 am Judaism for
2:30 pm
Chavurat Shira
Temple Office
closes at 5 pm
7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop
11 Meeting - Youth
Protection Training
4:30 pm TIFTY Board Retreat
6 pm TIFTY Board Retreat
6 pm Pre-Oneg
6:30 pm Learners’ Shabbat &
Birthday Blessings
7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop 11
Committee Meeting
10 am Judaism for
6:30 pm Shabbat B’Shir
2:30 pm
Chavurat Shira
6 pm Pre-Oneg
7 pm Crafting for
6 pm Pre-Oneg
6:30 pm Shabbat Worship
with HaShemesh
7:30 pm Boy Scout Troop 11
Hot Dog Roast and
6 pm Pre-Oneg
6:30 pm Shabbat Worship
For the most up-to-date news on TI programs and events, subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter, connecTIons.
E-mail or visit / August 2014 / 13 page
FEED THE MIND... Nourish the Soul
Judaism For Beginners (and we’re all beginners)
Torah Tuesdays with Rabbi Alper
Mondays, 10:00 - 11:00 am
Torah Tuesdays will resume in September.
Join Rabbi Feder for a casual introduction to
Judaism class. We will discuss everything from
Life in Transition
life cycle to theology to holidays, and everything
Monday, August 5, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
in between! This class is perfect for Jews, those
This group is for individuals who are coping with
considering conversion, and those in interfaith
a recent loss, whether through death, divorce,
families. All are welcome to come and learn;
unemployment, retirement, or other life
no question is too basic or too tough.
Babysitting will be available.
Exploring Life’s Journey
Crafting for Community
Mondays, August 11 and 18, 7:00 - 9:00 pm
in the Gathering Place at the Temple. Join Jody
Chassin in learning fun and easy crafts to make and
Tuesday, August 19, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
This group is for individuals who are interested in
exploring life’s lessons and purposes, spirituality,
and other related topics.
donate to organizations that serve people in need.
Please note:
For details, contact Jody at 314-566-1274.
Life in Transition and Exploring Life’s Journey
both meet at the Temple and are led by Jan Nykin,
M.Ed., LCSW, a psychotherapist in private practice
Food for Thought (formerly Rabbi’s Roundtable)
who has para-rabbinic certification.
All are welcome to participate.
Thursday, September 4, 12:30 pm at Temple
Israel Seniors, empty nesters, and anyone with
midday time to spare are invited to join our
Rabbis for lunch and conversation on the first
For more information on adult education programs,
contact Rabbi Alper, or 314-432-8050.
Thursday of each month. We’ll bring the lunch;
you pick the discussion topics!
Cost for lunch: $10.
RSVP to Evie Bernstein, 314-434-3937.
14 page / August 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
Temple Israel Wish List
Thank you to Jack and Ellen Deutsch for their generous contribution to underwrite two Tot Shabbat programs.
$2500 One month of IT support
To fulfill a wish list item, mail a check payable to
Temple Israel to:
$600One month’s Tot Shabbat program
$200One month of Internet service
Temple Israel Wish List
$200 Sponsor a Shabbat Pre-Oneg
P.O. Box 790379, St. Louis, MO 63179
$100 Supplies for one Religious School class
Donate online by credit card at
Please specify the item you are funding. Contributions will be recognized in future issues of the Dateline, so please let
us know if you prefer to donate anonymously.
For more information, contact Carol Wolf Solomon, Director of Development and Communications,
or 314-432-8050.
Send me a FREE Schnuck’s Community e-Scrip Card
Please enter quanity for each card desired:
Dierbergs: ____ $25 ____ $100 ~ Whole Foods: ____ $25 ____ $100 ~ StL Bread Co: ____ $10 ____ $25
____ Total number of cards ordered. $_______ Total purchase amount.
____ Please make this a recurring monthly order.
____ This is a one-time purchase.
____ Check enclosed (for one-time orders only; checks payable to Temple Israel)
____ ACH auto debit (for monthly recurring orders only; $100 minimum, please attach a voided check)
Charge: ____ MasterCard: ____ VISA: ____ Discover (for one-time or monthly orders; $100 minimum)
Acct. No. __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Exp. __ __ / __ __
____ Please add a 3% tax deductible donation to this order to help TI cover credit card processing fees.
Please complete information below for ALL purchases and send to the Temple, attn: Diane Packman:
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
City: ____________________________ State: ________ Zip: ___________ Phone: (_____) _________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________________________ / August 2014 / 15 page
iN our temple FamilY
Mazal Tov to
Rob Aronson on his engagement to Julie Naturman,
cantorial soloist of Temple Sinai Congregation
in Atlanta, Ga. Rob is the son of
Martha and David Aronson.
Mazal Tov to
Sanford Weissman on the marriage
of grandsons Jonathan Scott McAlister
to Abigail Sedaghatfar from Arlington, VA.
and Barrett Rundbland to Anne Phelps.
Mazal Tov to
Brian Goldberg on his marriage to Julie Dyas.
Mazal Tov to
Steve and Karla Rosenblum and Jerry Rosenblum
on the birth of their grandson and great-grandson
Spencer Jed Scissors, born June 6, 2014
to Irl and Jennifer Scissors.
Mazal Tov to
Elaine Korn on the birth
of grandson Elliot Alan Hamberg
on May 21 to Michael and Lauren Hamburg;.
and on the birth of grandson Graham Ian Corson
on May 31 to Emily and Josh Corson. Graham joins
elder siblings Spencer and Sloane.
Mazal Tov to
David and Jody Chassin on the graduations
of daughter, Emily, from the
Northern Arizona University College of Nursing,
and of son, James, from
the University of Hawaii, with a master’s degree
in education management.
Mazal Tov to
Harvey and Judy Harris, who’s grandson,
Benjamin Harris, recently became a Bar Mitzvah
in Thousand Oaks, CA.
Mazal Tov to
Nancy and Ed Solomon, on daughter, Liz’s
graduation from the University of Missouri-Columbia,
with a bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Studies
with concentrations in Communication,
Digital Media and Psychology, and a Minor
in Journalism. She also received a
Multicultural Certificate.
Mazal Tov to
Jim Thomeczek and JoAnne Levy
on the graduation of son, Jake,
from the University of Missouri-Columbia with a
bachelor of arts degree in political science. Jake will
attend the St. Louis University Law School in the fall.
Daughter Mari, also graduated from
Ladue Horton Watkins High School and will be
attending Hendrix College in the fall. Jake and Mari
are the grandchildren of members Jerry and Judy
Levy and Jim and Marilyn Schlitter.
Mazal Tov to
Jim and Marilyn Schlitter on the graduation
of their son, Alex, from University City High School.
Alex will be attending Southeast Missouri State
University in the fall.
Todah Rabah to
Milton Fry and Fry Wagner Moving & Storage,
for housing our sanctuary pews until we could find
them a good home.
Todah Rabah to
Rita Freed for mending one of our Torah covers.
Todah Rabah to
our June and July Shabbat greeters:
David Aronson, Amy Fenster Brown,
Ron Chatmon, Fred Cohen, Marni Deutsch,
Carla Feuer, Sarah Falkoff, Jayme Fingerman,
Pepe Finn, Neil Marglous, and Jan Nykin.
16 page / August 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
We gratefully acknowledge these tributes received as of July 10.
allaN & gloria molaskY/barrY & marti simoN
childreN’s programmiNg FuNd
In memory of Elaine Rapoport Levinson
Marti and Barry Simon
broadcast FuNd
In appreciation of broadcasting services over the internet
Debbie Schultz
In memory of Barbara Margulis and Alan Margulis
June R. Bierman
buildiNg FuNd
In memory of Ben Feldman
JoAnne Levy, Jim Thomeczek and Family
In honor of amazing moms Kim Wallis, Emily Wallis, Sarah Wallis
and Rachel Andreasson
Lynn Wallis
In honor of Neil Marglous being recognized as a 2014 Unsung Hero
by the St. Louis Jewish Light
JoAnne Levy, Jim Thomeczek and Family
In honor of a speedy recovery for Ron Chatmon
HarVeY M. gillermaN Music aNd book FuNd
In honor of the marriage of Sharon Gillerman and Mark Quigley
Marcia Gillerman, Jeanie Bassman and Dr. Don Bassman and Family,
and Margaret Gillerman and Mark Schlinkmann
In honor of the 80th buirthday of Roberta Gillerman
Marcia Gillerman, Jeanie Bassman and Dr. Don Bassman and Family,
and Margaret Gillerman and Mark Schlinkmann
In memory of Sylvia Holtzman, Leah Levitt and Shirley L. Bass
Marcia Gillerman, Jeanie Bassman and Dr. Don Bassman and Family,
and Margaret Gillerman and Mark Schlinkmann
In honor of Zoe Hahn’s Bat Mitzvah
Jessica and Curt Billhymer
heleN aNd mYroN schwartz ark
aNd praYer book FuNd
Thank you to the following donors who have dedicated one or more copies
of our new Mishkan T’filah prayer book
Dee, Cary, Jacob, Samuel and Benjamin Mogerman
In memory of Ronald Fenster
Marge Fenster
Neil Marglous
INterFaith FuNd
deutsch earlY childhood ceNter FuNd
In memory of Mary Caroline Pratt
Marti Maurer and Family
In memory of Ronny Howard Protzel
Cynthia and Alex Berer
temple israel geNeral FuNd
In memory of Beverly Tober
In memory of Ralph Kalish
Suzanne Hoffman
Aliso and Miachel Seidler
In memory of Scott Zamler
Jamie and David Steinbach
In honor of Neil Marglous being recognized as a 2014 Unsung Hero
by the St. Louis Jewish Light
Anne and David Rosenberg
esther & SimoN WerNer ChildreN’s LibrarY FuNd
In honor of Marilyn Werner’s birthday
Joy and Al Melman
Frieda & lester haNdelmaN
earlY childhood art FuNd
In honor of Rebecca Bloom’s Confirmation
Natalie and Neil Handelman / August 2014 / 17 page
temple israel geNeral FuNd
In memory of Ada Kramer
Ilse Altman and Bette Abeles
Muriel Bono
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Fagin
Debbie Herman
Dale and Jerry Kaminsky
Jaime and Dominic La Rosa and Family
Brenda Rabhan
Caroline Thurlow
Debbie and Leon Zoller
(Continued on page 18)
temple israel geNeral FuNd continued
millard s. coheN cariNg commuNitY FuNd
In memory of L. D. Brodsky
In memory of Martin Goldberg and Heini Winter
Hildegard Rochman
Liz and Larry Linkon
In memory of Beverly Tober
Sandy and Frank Wasserman
In memory of Elaine Corson
Sandy and Frank Wasserman
In memory of Judy Kreisman’s Mother
Sandy and Frank Wasserman
In hoor of the birth of Baby Spencer Scissors
Sandy and Frank Wasserman
In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Michele Ross
Marjorie Ross Martin
In honor of Neil Marglous being recognized as a 2014 Unsung Hero
Dorette and Ed Goldberg
Dee and Cary Mogerman
Karla and Steve Rosenblum
NathaN kahN - erNestiNe kahN - charles kahN
FouNdatioN FuNd
In honor of Claudia Montague’s Confirmation
Thelma Davidson
In honor of Neil Marglous being recognized as a 2014 Unsung Hero
by the St. Louis Jewish Light
Cathy and Randy Arst
OFFeNbach FuNd For INterFaith EducatioN
oF Temple Israel
In memory of Ada Kramer
Jan Nykin
In honor of the birth of Mary Ann and Andrew Sabin’s twin boys
Jan Nykin
Dee and Cary Mogerman
In honor of the engagement of Rob Aronson and Julie Naturman
Jan Nykin
In honor of Greg Arst’s wedding
Karla and Steve Rosenblum
In honor of a speedy recovery for Ron Chatmon
Jan Nykin
In honor of David Aronson’s special birthday
Susan K. and Paul Goldberg
rabbis’ discretioNarY FuNd
In honor of Thelma Davidson’s special birthdaqy
In honor of Rob Aronson’s engagement
Susan K. and Paul Goldberg
In appreciation of Rabbi Michael Alper
Lu Lozanov
kirk NackmaN gardeN FuNd
In memory of Sheldon Greenberg
Mel and Geri Rich
In honor of Dr. Byron Gross’s special birthday
Gloria Portnoy
In appreciation of Les Nackman
Dee Mogerman
liVNot FuNd
In memory of Ben Feldman
Judy and Art Lewis
In memory of Michael Levinson
Kathy Brodsky
In memory of Jim Goodman
Vida Sax
In honor of the stone dedication of Norman Rubenstein
Lynn Wallis
Jane Wasserman
In honor of the Confirmation Mitzvah project
Hans Levi
In honor of Jared Tedder’s Bar Mitzvah and Mauri Lynn Tedder’s Confirmation
Ina and Allan Padratzik
In honor of Rabbi Feder and Rabbi Alper
Ramon Morganstern
In honor of Jillian Wolfman’s Bat Mitzvah
Natalie and Neil Wolfman
In appreciation of Rabbi Feder
Susie Knopf
18 page / August 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
rabbi mark aNd carol shook camp upkeep FuNd
In memory of Arthur Z. Guller
Phyllis and Stanley Cohen and Family
ralph kalish teacher traiNiNg FuNd
In memory of Ralph Kalish, Jr.
David Allard
John Appuhn
Jessica Brown Billhymer and Curt Billhymer
Judy and David Capes
Frances Joy Cohen
Charles Elbert and Karen Berry Elbert
Sarah and Ed Fehlig and Family
Marilyn and Fred Firestone
Leonard J. Frankel
Nancee and Andy Glaser
Susan and Fred Granich
Sid Goldstein and Laura Kipis
Keith Guller
John Gusdorf
Eric Kittner
Nancy and Randy Green
Karen and Hempstead
Ann and Philip Isserman
Michelle and Michael Isserman
Kings Point Capital Management
Ann Lazaroff
Morris Lazaroff
Thomas M. Lasker
F. Lester Levy
Sally S. Levy
Adele and Arthur Litz
Owen E. McCafferty
Katheine Menz
Devin and Brian Mueller
The Stuart Murphy Family
Jeannette and Alan Nissenbaum
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Purcell, Jr.
Ira. Potter
William A. Richter
Richard Ross
Ann Sat
Carol Rubin and Howard Schlansky
Susie and Bob Schulte
Marti and Barry Simon / August 2014 / 19 page
Susan Skinner
Joseph Sloofman
Richard Sloofman
James Steiner
Harvey Tettlebaum
Debbie and Harold Tzinberg
USA&M, Robert D. Litz and Michael S. Geigerman
Esther W. Watel and Family
Ginny and Ron Weil
Adrienne Yawitz, Michael Jay Yawitz and
Dr. and Mrs. Tad Wm. Lowdermilk
Vivian Zwick
In memory of Stuart Bartfeld
Nanette Holtzman
In memory of Isaak Bershteyn
Zhanna Bershteyn
In memory of Rose Fadem
Diane F. Packman
In memory of Theodore Finkelstein
Dolores Schneider
In memory of Minnie and Louis Gelber
Marvin Gelber
In memory of Wesley Goldfarb
Marvin Goldfarb
In memory of John Gusdorf
Ruth and Walter Gusdorf
In memory of Elaine Jacobson
David Jacobson
In memory of Samuel Kofkoff
Susan and Richard Kofkoff
In memory of David Kramer
Arlene and Mark Kramer
In memory of Aline Koslow Lawson
Teddi Baumgarten and Mickey Gelber
In memory of Ira Lieberman
Elayne and David Lieberman
In memory of Joseph Montefiore Montague
Audrey Montague
Eli Montague and Sheryl Breadman
(Continued on page 20
YAHRZEIT FuNd continued
In memory of Nita Pass
Jules L. Pass
Robert Pass
We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of:
In memory of Sidney Ring
Joan Ring
L. D. Brodsky
In memory of Florence Skop
Alan R. Skop
Carolyn Fireside
In memory of Erin Smith
Erin Smith
David Milton Frank
In memory of Julius Traeger
Lynne and Mike Lippmann
Constance Fry
In memory of Harry and Rose Wilkins
Robert Stone
son of Vida Strauss Sax
brother of Barbara Kantrovitz
cousin of Connie Levy
father of Steve (Cindy) Frank
In memory of Lucille Wylan
Donald Wylan
Jim Goodman
Sumner Holtz
husband of Barbara Holtz
In memory of Joseph Jay Yawitz, Jr,
Adrienne Yawitz and Children
In memory of Morris Young
Toby Young Chod
Ralph Lowenbaum
husband of Barbara Lowenbaum
Father of Michael (Lecie) Lowenbaum
Beverly Tober
In memory of Dr. William B. and Suzy Zelik
Jessica Brown Billhymer
shabbat spoNsors
mother of Susan (Barry) Goldenberg
Wall oF hoNor
A Wall of Honor Memorial has been established for:
Jeanne Seidler
May 30 - 31
Sponsored by Susan and Newton Schiller and MaryAnn Paulson
In honor of their granddaughter, Jillian Mann,
becoming a Bat Mitzvah
dedicated by Michael and Allison Seidler
June 6 - 7
Sponsored by Teresa, Brad, Jacob and Lucas Padratzik
In honor of Jared Tedder’s Bar Mitzvah
and Mauri Tedder’s Confirmation
Perpetual memorial
A Perpetual Memorial has been established for:
Gerta Hirsch
dedicated by Helen Rovak
June 6 - 7
Sponsored by the 2014 Confirmation Class
and by Ina and Allan Padratzik
In honor of Jared Tedder’s Bar Mitzvah
and Mauri Tedder’s Confirmation
20 page / August 2014 / Congregation Temple Israel DATELINE
July 27 - August 2
Emma Aach
Mamie Benson
William Eiseman, Jr.
Henry Friedman
William J. Fuchs
Belle Miriam Green
Rose Greenberg
Meyer Louis Katz
Maye Weil Koenigsberg
Isidor Kronick
Ben Landauer
Henry Landauer
Sam Levin
Abe Miller
Mildred Prel Penner
Nettie Ritchey
Roselle Mishow Rokaw
David J. Ross
Joseph F. Ruwitch
Lillian Sarner
Edwin Schiele
Helene Schuchat
Dorothy B. Schukar
William I. Seltzer
Alvin A. Smith
Jerrold M. Steiner
Pearl Wagner
Dr. Samson Wennerman
Dollye R. Yawitz
Stanley Yawitz
Frank Yusman
Hannah Zeve
Edward A. Dubinsky
Dr. Joseph Efron
Jacob Fihn
Sidney Fuchs
Marcus Goldman
Gabriel L. “Gabe” Gould
Bessie Miller Jacobs
Ray K. Kaufman
Alfred J. Levy
Mathilda Levy
Henry Librach
Max Littmann
Sigmund Losos
Ruth Marglous
Sarah Michelson
Dr. Gerald Newport
Dr. Irving B. Perlstein
Hylda G. Reichman
Rae Rubenstein
Edith Crockett Rubin
Nathan E. Silverman
Grace Levin Treiman
Louis E. Washauer
Marion A. Weil
Charles H. Weiss
David Harvey Weiss
Jesse A. Wolfort
Joseph J. Yawitz
Myra Friedman Dubinsky
Esther Fishman
Goldie Baer Freund
Joseph Geller
Hilda Schuchat Goldberg
Charles Goldman
Julia P. Heimann
Rosalie Axelbaum Hinch
Robert J. Honig
Selma Honig
Nathan L. Horwitz
Lena Sherman Katz
Rose Kruger
Erich Levi
Rebecca Levin
Anne Levy
Sol Ludmerer
Erna Wolff May
Bertha Mendelson
Samuel Morgan
Harry Orchard
Paul E. Peltason
Tillie Pollack
Martha Rosen
Eleanor Rosenblum
Pearl B. Roufa
Jacob Samuel Salada
Louis Silver
Charles I. Stein
Henry Strauss
Lillian Sundheimer
Bertha S. Weil
Emil Weil
Moses Wolfheim
Rowland I. Wolfort
Harry Zimmerman
Lotte Brand
Rose Bromburd
Rosa Hahn Deutsch
Mary A. Kranzberg-Freedman
Leon J. Friedheim
Edna Rosenberg Friedman
Harry Gertz
Jeanette P. Gilles
Julius Glaser
Rose Goldberg
Robert Charles Goran
Henry Grotsky
Hyman Hershman
Dora Prinz Horwitz
Rae Abrams Horwitz
John A. Isaacs
Flora K. Jacobs
Dan B. Koslow
W. Patrick Malley
Morris Michelson
Golde Mogerman
Willard N. Orenstein
Dr. Aaron J. Reiches
Meyer Rosentreter
Ben Sachs
Lillian Wise Segal
Estelle R. Seidel
Dr. Hyman R. Senturia
Nina Ettman Stein
Birdie Strauss
Dr. Sol Weisman
Sarah Ruth Wolfson
Marie J. Frankle
Helen-Marie Freund
Marilyn “Mame” Friedman
Marie London Fry
Mollie Glassman
Bess Brown Goltzman
Faye Kaiserman Greenberg
Joseph David Gross
Charles Irwin Hartmann
David Hearsh
Ida Leibman Kaufman
Louis Kay
Esther D. Kohn
Arthur Kurlander
Pearl Saifer Lasky
Samuel Lasky
Jennie Scharz Libman
Eva Caviar Mcfall
Milton D. Mendle
Eugene Pearline
Tillie Franzel Portman
Janey Ross
Mary S. Seidler
Mildred Shaikewitz
Jeanne Stiffelman
Emil Strauss
Florence Terry
Mary Weinstein Waldman
Karl Weil
Stefan Weil
Fannie Jaffe
Richard Alan Kaiser
Rabbi Martin E. Katzenstein
Sophia Lindley Kessler
Mae Sievers Klein
Walter L. Koch
Fannie K. Landau
Rebecca Levy
Max M. Librach
Muriel S. Littmann
Morris (Mac) H. Mandel
Lucille Nuell
Charles A. Peltason
Sadie Perlmutter
Melan Price
Birdie Quicksilver
Isidore Reisfeld
Betty E. Robinson
Burt Rosenblatt
Saul H. Sachs
Rose B. Saizow
Robert S. Schwartz
Esther Senturia Sentner
Harry Siegfried
Louise G. Skrainka
Moss A. Stern
Max Weil
Lillie Weinstein
Ben Weisberg
May Tash Weiss
August 3 - 9
Ann Zabrack Bender
Joseph Berger
Horatio Jackson Bernard
Isidor Bistrow
Harold Brown
David Cotler
Gladys Frank Cutter
August 10 - 16
Harvey Mickey Altman
Louis Aronson
Irven M. Barker
Lester Beldner
Helene Bienenstock
Deborah L. Burg
Eva Cohen
Beatrice E. Crone
Joseph Angelo Davidson
August 17 - 23
Celeste Eileen Aach
Ruth Louise Kerst Arenson
Charlotte Ruth Barken
Mollie M. Baron
Hortense F. Baum
Meta Pollak Bettman
Margaret Katz Bloom
Rabbi Eric Bram
August 24 -30
Sidney Baer
Mary Fanelle Baron
Esther Lissner Bensinger
Dr.Nathan Blackman
Sarah Cohen
Fannie Frank Cook
Max H. Feder
Minnie Fuchs Feinstein
August 30 - September 6
Abraham S. Abrahamson
Gene H. Altman
Geraldine Waldman Blumberg
Louis Blumberg
Esther G Brenner
Mildred L Errant
Gertie Feinstein
David Framer
Raymond M. Freed
Doris June Fry
Sabina Gelber
Hattie B. Glaser
Beatrice Pasternak Goodman
Lawrence Greenberg
Julius Greenblatt
Caroline Gregor
Sara Gross
Herman Haimann
Loraine Goldberg Hansen
Edith Abeles Harris
Rabbi Leon Harrison
Louis Hillel Horowitz / August 2014 / 21 page
For the month of August, the
Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry is looking
for these specific items in order to assist the
community in need:
Canned Tuna Fish,
Any Type of Canned Vegetables,
Canned Fruit, Healthy Soups, Kosher Food,
Healthy Cereals, Dry Pasta, Peanut Butter,
Detergent, Hand Soap, Tooth Paste
and Tooth Brushes
Items should be brought to our collection site by
the May Chapel. For further information, please
contact Louise Levine, 636-227-1259.
New Mt. Sinai is going green! A bank of solar panels
has been installed on the ground next to our Community
Mausoleum. The 25 kw solar array will power the
mausoleum, saving the cemetery thousands of dollars
per year. New Mt. Sinai is the first cemetery in the
St. Louis area to be utilizing solar power. A real-time
display can be viewed on the cemetery website,
New Mt. Sinai Cemetery is located at 8430 Gravois Rd.,
St. Louis MO 63123. For information, call 353-2540.
Dan Brodsky, Executive Director
August 2014
Av/Elul 5774
Volume XXXIII / Number 10
#1 Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin Drive
St. Louis, MO 63141-7670
Amy Feder, Rabbi
Michael Alper, Rabbi
Mark L. Shook, Rabbi Emeritus
Eli K. Montague, F.T.A., Executive Director
Leslie Wolf, Director, Deutsch Early Childhood Center
Jed Filler, R.J.E., Director of Youth Education
Carol Wolf Solomon, Director of Development and Communications
Amanda Radman, Director of Membership and Special Events
Marisa Reby, Special Events Coordinator
Dee Mogerman, President
David Chassin, Vice President
Carol Cohen, Vice President
Harvey Harris, Vice President
Jeremy Shook, Vice President
Michael Weiss, Vice President
Neil Marglous, Secretary
Pamela Dern, Assistant Secretary
Debbie Schultz, Treasurer
Jeffrey Stern, Assistant Treasurer
2014 Congregation Temple Israel’s
Time to Shine Annual Fundraising Gala
Sunday, November 16th
Four Seasons Hotel, St. Louis
Monday - Tuesday, 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday - Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 314-432-8050
Fax: 314-432-8053
NOTE: Temple Israel Dateline (USPS: 128-700) is published monthly except bi-monthly June-July by Congregation Temple Israel. Periodicals postage paid at St. Louis, MO.
Postmaster: Send address changes to: Temple Israel Dateline, #1 Rabbi Alvan D. Rubin Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141-7670