April 2015 - Temple Israel
April 2015 - Temple Israel
TEMPLE ISRAEL Memphis, Tennessee April 2015 ~ Nisan-Iyar 5775 Voice volume 69; number 8 timemphis.org MISSION STATEMENT Temple Israel is a sanctuary for prayer and inspiration, a vibrant center for Jewish learning, and a congregational home for living Torah. We are a source of strength and a force for good for Reform Jews, the greater community, and the world. SHABBAT SERVICES Torah Study Saturday mornings, 8:45-9:45 am Prenegs (Onegs before services) Friday evenings, 5:45-6:15 pm A Friday, April 3, 5 pm Shabbat and Pesach service Please note early start time. A Saturday, April 4, 10 am A Friday, April 10, 6:15 pm Passover Ruach service See right for details. A Saturday, April 11, 10 am voice PASSOVER Chag Sameach! Enjoy these Passover celebrations with your congregational family! TOT AND FAMILY SEDER Saturday, April 4; crafts begin at 5 pm, Seder begins at 5:45 pm Enjoy the second night of Passover at this fun and lively celebration, designed for families with kids up to age 10, followed by dinner. The evening includes music, games, activities, and good food, all in a child-friendly time frame. To RSVP (Temple members: $8/adult, $4/child; non-members: $12/adult; $8/child) by March 30, scan this QR code, go to timemphis.org, or contact Jackie Evans, jackiee@timemphis.org or 901.937.2777. Kosher meals are available upon request in advance. Tot and Family Seder is made possible by the generosity and vision of the Mildred H. and Edgar C. Haas, Sr. Family Endowment for Education, PJ Library and WRJ-Temple Israel Sisterhood. CONGREGATIONAL SEDER Saturday, April 4, 7 pm Temple Israel and WRJ-Temple Israel Sisterhood invite you to share the second Shabbat and Passover Yizkor service night of Passover with your congregational family at this 33rd annual celebration. The prices, Temple members & their families: $30/adult, $15/child (12 & under); non-members: $36/adult, $18/child (12 & under), have remained the A Friday, April 17, 6:15 pm same for the tenth Please see page 4 for details about year in a row and Yom HaShoah. include donations to MIFA and MAZON: A A Saturday, April 18, 10 am Jewish Response to Hunger. To RSVP, by March 30, scan this QR code, go to timemphis.org, A Friday, April 24, 6:15 pm send a check to WRJ-Passover L’dor Vador Shabbat Seder (c/o Temple Israel), or See page 4 for details. call Sylvia Appleton, 901.761.3130. Provide the names of everyone attending (note A Saturday, April 25, 10 am number of children) and include any seating requests. AAA Thank you to those who sponsored Prenegs in March: Brenda & Marshall Gordon; the Blen, Boxer, and Lewis families; Paula & Avrahm Cohen, Myrna & Joe Levy, Teri & Jeff Peacock, Wendy & Cary Rotter, and WRJTemple Israel Sisterhood. Commemorate a joyous family occasion or honor a loved one by sponsoring a Preneg before a Shabbat service. Call Sharon Nickol, 901.937.2797, for details. PASSOVER RUACH SERVICE & CONGREGATIONAL DINNER Friday, April 10, 6:15 pm Our Shabbat service on the last night of Passover will be enhanced by the beautiful, spiritual, and uplifting music provided by members of Temple Israel’s Ruach band and the award-winning Sherwood Middle School Concert Choir. After the service, break Passover with your congregational family at a Shabbat dinner which will include pasta and bread. To RSVP for the dinner ($8/adult; $4/child) by April 7, scan the QR code, go to timemphis.org, or call Sylvia Appleton, 901.761.3130. PASSOVER FESTIVAL YIZKOR SERVICE AND SHABBAT MORNING SERVICE Saturday, April 11, 10 am BETWEEN YOU AND ME B’chol dor vador chayav adam lirot et atzmo k’ilu hu yatza mimitzrayim. In every generation, each individual must see herself as if she personally went out of Egypt. ~Pesachim 116b This is a central passage in our Passover Haggadah, and it is one of the most profound ideas in Jewish tradition. The idea is this: our history lives within us. The Exodus from Egypt is not just a story to be retold. It is an experience to be relived. We are challenged by this text to engage in a sort of religious method acting, to immerse ourselves completely in empathy and intimate identification with our ancestors. Rabbi Bauman But why would our tradition command us to relive an experience we never actually had? This question plagues me (no pun intended) when I think about the upcoming holiday. It feels like such a tall order, a process so taxing and a goal so illusive. Why not just say, “In every generation, we must tell the story of the Exodus from Egypt?” Why must each person, each individual Jew, think about this as if it happened to her? Standing at the edge of the majestic unknown in the life of our congregation and in our own personal lives – for every day is a wilderness of sorts – I find myself believing that this text is more accessible than it appears, because we each find ourselves in narrow places in our lives sometimes, in our own Egypts. And if we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that we have, at least once or twice and, God willing, even more often, emerged from them. And connecting with those experiences allows us to make statements like these I make now, even if you would say them differently than I. When I came out of Egypt, I had scars. Frightening experiences leave their mark. When I came out of Egypt, I found gratitude. Second chances are a gift. When I came out of Egypt, I knew I was different, that life was different. When I came out of Egypt, I came to believe in miracles, for I had seen one with my own eyes. Where is your Egypt? What was it like for you when you left? I pray that reliving that experience becomes a path to a meaningful Passover for you. L’Shalom, Rabbi Katie Bauman -2- TIMEMPHIS.ORG | FACEBOOK.COM/TEMPLEISRAEL | TWITTER: @TIMEMPHIS WELCOME TO THE TEMPLE FAMILY We are thrilled to share with you the wonderful news that Rabbi Bess Wohlner will join Temple Israel as our Assistant Rabbi on July 1, following her graduation in May from the Hebrew Union College–Jewish Institute of Religion. Rabbi Bess’ engaging spirit, passion for pastoral care, experience as an educator, energetic Rabbi Bess Wohlner personality, and eagerness to weave herself into our Temple family will help to enrich our spiritual journey as a congregation as well as our deep traditions. Also, beginning June 1, Abbie Strauss and her husband, Rabbi Feivel Strauss, – an energetic and highly talented couple – will join Temple as our Music Director and as our Senior Educator, respectively. We are fortunate to bring them into our Temple family. Abbie’s love of song promises to enhance our joy of worship at Temple. She has a natural ability to connect with people by personality and through her music, both of which were clear when she recently led a spiritually inspiring song session for about 40 of our congregants. Some of you may even remember Abbie when she mentored our Teen Team with Rick Recht. She will bring a wealth of enthusiasm and talent to Temple. Rabbi Feivel was ordained at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Israel Rabbi Feivel and Abbie Strauss and has spent his professional life in Jewish education, most recently as Hillel’s rabbi and senior Jewish educator at Ohio State University. Rabbi Feivel is a true scholar. His intimate knowledge of Torah, his dynamic teaching, and his warmth and kindness will make him a wonderful addition to our education team and community. His charge is to promote a culture of meaningful Jewish learning at Temple with a special focus on adult learning. APRIL 2015 VOICE JUDAISM’S BIG IDEAS INTRODUCTION TO JUDAISM FOR ALL LEARNERS Wednesdays, April 8, 15, 22, and 29 and May 6, 13, and 20; 7-8 pm According to Torah, the Jewish people are commanded to count every day from the second day of Passover (the day the Omer harvest offering was brought to the Temple) to the festival of Shavuot, 7 weeks in total. The act of counting this 49-day period (7 weeks x 7 days) is called Counting of the Omer. It is a time of contemplation and anticipation which represents the journey of the Israelites from the Red Sea to Sinai, from Passover to Shavuot, the holiday when we celebrate receiving the Torah. During this significant 7-week period, Rabbis Greenstein and Bauman will offer a course entitled “Judaism’s Big Ideas.” WHAT Judaism’s Big Ideas ~an introduction to and exploration of several major areas of Jewish religious tradition~ WHO Taught by Rabbis Greenstein and Bauman and offered as an introduction to Judaism for those new to the religion and as an exploration and refresher for those looking to deepen their understanding (and everyone in-between). WHEN Every Wednesday night during the Counting of the Omer, 7-8 pm April 8 Introduction April 15 Torah and Mitzvot (Commandments) April 22 The Jewish Holidays and Calendar April 29 Jewish Beliefs and Faith May 6 The Jewish Life Cycle May 13 Israel and Anti-Semitism May 20 The Biggest Ideas! WHERE Temple Israel WHY The Counting of the Omer is a perfect time to deepen our relationship to Torah and Judaism, to learn more about ourselves and our neighbors, and to strengthen our community through learning. HOW To register for the seven-week course by April 6, go to timemphis.org, scan the QR code, or call Sylvia Appleton, 901.761.3130. The cost, which covers learning materials for the course and supports Temple’s educational initiatives, is $18 for Temple members and $36 for non-members. Please contact Program Director Jan Reisman, 901.937.2781 or janr@timemphis.org, with questions. We look forward to learning with you! TIMEMPHIS.ORG | FACEBOOK.COM/TEMPLEISRAEL | TWITTER: @TIMEMPHIS APRIL 2015 VOICE -3- MITZVAH OPPORTUNITIES PREPARE SNACKS & COOK CASSEROLES Wednesday, April 1, 5:30-7:30 pm This WRJ-Sisterhood sponsored effort in the Temple kitchen supports MIFA’s COOL initiative. Call Elise Meyer, 901.309.3818, or Jennifer Ross, 415.342.1063. Children ages 12 and older are welcome to participate. SERVE AT SOUP KITCHEN Sunday, April 5, 1:45-3:30 pm First Presbyterian Church, 166 Poplar Avenue This is a wonderful double mitzvah for everyone age 14 and older, filling in for our Christian neighbors to serve the homeless on Easter Sunday. 20-24 volunteers are needed; wear comfortable shoes. Please bring new socks, new underwear, and hotel-size toiletries to donate. Directions: west on Poplar, right on 3rd Street (one way North), 1st left on Exchange, immediate access to church driveway. RSVP to Brian Blake, catphishum@gmail.com or 901.340.8885, or Adam Cohen, adcoh625@aol.com or 407.415.3085. DELIVER PESACH MEALS Monday, April 6, between 1-2 pm Pick up a Pesach meal at the double glass door entry in Temple’s back driveway for delivery to a Temple member that afternoon. Thanks to Temple’s WRJ-Sisterhood, the meals will be cooked and ready to go. Call Dorothy Hirsh, 901.737.2792. DONATE BLOOD Sunday, April 12, 8:30 am-1:30 pm Saving a life, pikuach nefesh, is the mitzvah of all mitzvot, and one pint of blood can save up to four lives. To make an appointment, contact Julie Klein, julie@kossmankleinco.com or 901.335.9981, or go to timemphis.org. SERVE AS TEST PROCTORS Wells Station Elementary, 1610 Wells Station Road Temple Israel’s adopt-a-school, Wells Station Elementary, needs volunteers to serve as proctors for upcoming standardized tests. People may volunteer one or more days. April 27-30, 8:45-11:30 am TCAP exams for 3rd-5th graders May 4-7 from 8:45-11:30 am SAT 10 tests for 1st & 2nd graders Please contact Phyllis Niegelberg, 901.270.7718 or phyllisn56@gmail.com. -4-TIMEMPHIS.ORG | FACEBOOK.COM/TEMPLEISRAEL | TWITTER: @TIMEMPHIS HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY Friday, April 17, 6:15 pm On the Shabbat concluding Yom HaShoah – Holocaust Remembrance Day – we will read the names of loved ones lost in the Holocaust for whom there are no known yahrzeit dates. Please call Carol Geller in the Rabbis’ office, 901.937.2771, by April 16, if you have names to be recited during the Shabbat service. L’DOR VADOR SHABBAT Friday, April 24, 6:15 pm L’dor Vador Shabbat is a congregational Shabbat celebration held several times throughout the year. Adults and children enjoy worshipping at the service together. The Shabbat service is designed to appeal to congregants of all ages and features participatory music, both traditional and contemporary. After the service, enjoy Shabbat dinner with your congregational family. RSVP for the dinner ($8/adult; $4/child) by April 22 by going to timemphis.org or by scanning the QR code. Questions? Call Jackie Evans, 901.937.2777. L’dor Vador Shabbats are made possible by the generosity and vision of the Mildred H. and Edgar C. Haas, Sr. Family Endowment for Education. PANCAKES AND PRAYER Saturday, May 2, 9 am Pancakes and Prayer is an opportunity to celebrate Shabbat morning with our youngest children, to teach them to love Judaism, and to help them know our synagogue as a second home. We will gather to experience the sweetness of Shabbat, taking advantage of our little ones’ boundless wiggles. The morning will include songs, stories, activities, and a pancake breakfast. Breakfast is complimentary, but to have enough for everyone, scan the QR code or go to timemphis.org and RSVP by April 30. Questions? Please call Jackie Evans, 901.937.2777. Pancakes and Prayer is made possible by the generosity and vision of the Mildred H. and Edgar C. Haas, Sr. Family Endowment for Education, WRJ-Temple Israel Sisterhood, and the PJ Library. APRIL 2015 VOICE CAREER TRANSITION GROUP Sundays, April 5 & April 19, 9:30 am Receive help finding a job through resume writing tips, enhanced interview techniques, and other methods. Please contact group facilitators David Silberman, dssilberman@aol.com, or Rob Mann, robertdmann@gmail.com, for additional details. JEWISH SPIRITUAL PATHWAYS Sundays, April 5, 12, 19, 26; 11 am-12 pm With longtime Temple Israel educator Dr. Joe Levy leading the conversations, continue to delve into the world of musar, Jewish spiritual pathways, such as responsibility (April 5), trust (April 12), faith (April 19), and yirah, fear (April 26). Dr. Joe Levy DOVER QUARTET CONCERT Tuesday, April 7, 5-6 pm The Dover Quartet, an award-winning ensemble from Philadelphia, will present a free concert suitable for all ages. They will play short, kid-friendly selections and answer questions from the audience. The Dover Quartet rose to international stardom following a sweep of the 2013 Banff International String Quartet Competition, becoming one of the most in-demand ensembles in the world. The New Yorker recently dubbed them “the young American string quartet of the moment.” TEMPLE ISRAEL MOVIE CINEPLEX Tuesday, June 2, 7 pm Inspirational Stories is the theme of this year’s Temple Israel Movie Cineplex. See one of three thought-provoking and heartwarming films: Glickman, Front of the Class, or American Masters: Marvin Hamlisch - What He Did For Love and then share in an enlightening discussion about the films. There is no charge for the movies and refreshments; however, so that we will have enough popcorn for everyone, we ask that you RSVP by scanning the QR code, going to timemphis.org, or calling Sylvia Appleton, 901.761.3130. The Temple Israel Movie Cineplex is chaired by Jimmy Ringel of the Lifelong Learning Committee. Scan the QR codes to view movie trailers. TIMEMPHIS.ORG | FACEBOOK.COM/TEMPLEISRAEL | TWITTER: @TIMEMPHIS RSVP APRIL 2015 VOICE -5- Judaism is a religion of action. We often define our Jewish identity by what we do – celebrating holidays, commemorating moments in our lifecycles, learning Torah, completing tikkun olam, eating Jewish foods, and the list goes on and on. Through these actions, we affirm that we are part of the Jewish people and that God’s commandments affect our lives. This year in the Wendy and Avron Fogelman Religious School, we have focused on the doing of Jewish learning. Our students participate in regular tefillah (prayer) and use Hebrew both in tefillah and as an active language in Hebrew Through Movement. In their Judaic studies classes, our students deepen their knowledge base and discover more meaning in what they learn through group projects that bring Jewish stories and values to life. Each grade in the Wendy and Avron Fogelman Religious School has spent this semester working on an in-depth project about Jewish life, and the topics have ranged from holidays, to Israel, to Torah stories. These projects are designed to allow students to learn, build relationships with one another, and apply what they learn to their lives beyond religious school. Our students have been working on some incredible projects this semester: Kindergarten: Making posters that share how they celebrate begin Jewish First Grade: Creating a “holiday box” with Jewish items and artifacts used to celebrate each holiday Second Grade: Building dioramas of scenes from the Exodus story, and using printed images of the dioramas to supplement their Passover Seder Third Grade: Exploring the idea of kedusha (holiness) through the creation of a “Kadosh Kid” Fourth Grade: Discovering Israel through the exploration of six different cities and regions throughout the country Fifth Grade: Learning about the Books of the Prophets by creating their own “modern day” Prophet Sixth Grade: Constructing offline “Facebook pages” for characters in the Book of Genesis Seventh Grade: Designing their own tikkun olam projects that benefit the homeless, the environment, and animals within the Memphis community We hope you will join us for our Jewish learning fair on Sunday, April 26, to learn more about these incredible projects and everything our students have learned this year. The entire Temple community is invited, and it will be a huge celebration of learning and Jewish life. By engaging in Jewish learning through projects and experiences, our students not only have expanded upon their love of Judaism, but they also have built even stronger relationships with Temple and one another. L’Shalom, Lauren Luskey, RJE, Director of Youth and Family Learning laurenl@timemphis.org / 901.937.2776 / Twitter: @LELuskey -6-TIMEMPHIS.ORG | FACEBOOK.COM/TEMPLEISRAEL | TWITTER: @TIMEMPHIS APRIL 2015 VOICE Please note: This article originally was posted in our Barbara K. Lipman Early Learning Center E-Newsletter, but I wanted to reprint it so that our entire Temple family could read it. My heart is feeling somewhat heavy because I just returned from a farewell luncheon for our beloved groundskeeper, Mr. Eddie. Mr. Eddie has been the sole caretaker of our Temple’s beautiful grounds for 30 years, and he has decided it is time for him to retire. It’s fitting and bittersweet: 30 acres and 30 years. It always has amazed me that Mr. Eddie managed to find the time to visit with every child, learn all their names, teach the children all about trees, planting and gardening, talk with all of our teachers, and still he was able to keep Temple Israel beautiful and safe for our children and families. One of the things that I always will remember is that whenever I was taking my class on a nature walk or to the garden, Mr. Eddie would magically appear and take my lesson to a whole new level. One child put it perfectly when he said that Mr. Eddie is “the outdoor teacher.” Even in our rooms with the youngest children, you always would find the kids’ faces pressed against the window as they watched him cut the grass, ride his tractor, or stop for a hello wave. He is a brand, one of a kind; there NEVER will be another Mr. Eddie around here. When we asked the children what they love about Mr. Eddie, this is what they had to say: “I am going to miss him.” “I’m going to miss him telling me about the trees.” “I’m going to miss seeing him ride his tractor around.” “Mr. Eddie is always happy.” “I like hugging him.” “He always comes to see us.” And one child summed it up with, “We are just going to miss him.” Yes, we are, Mr. Eddie! Thank you for 30 years of being such an integral part of the Barbara K. Lipman Early Learning Center. L’Shalom, Jamie Baer, Interim Director jamieb@timemphis.org / 901.937.2784 TIMEMPHIS.ORG | FACEBOOK.COM/TEMPLEISRAEL | TWITTER: @TIMEMPHIS APRIL 2015 VOICE -7- WRJ-TEMPLE ISRAEL SISTERHOOD SEDER SET-UP AND HELP Saturday, April 4, 12-2 pm It’s almost time for Temple Israel’s Congregational Seder! (See cover for details.) Help is needed with setting tables in the afternoon and serving on the night of the Seder. Contact Nancy Kline, nancyskline@me.com, for more details and to sign up to volunteer. WEDNESDAY BOOK CLUB Wednesday, April 8, 1:30 pm This book club meets on the second Wednesday of each month, and all are welcome to participate! ROSH CHODESH ADAR Tuesday, April 21, 7 pm Join us as we celebrate the month between Passover and Shavuot–Iyar. Karen Kestner will lead us in an intriguing discussion entitled, “The Lights of Iyar: From Stars to War.” WRJ GOES TO THE BALLET SLEEPING BEAUTY Thursday, April 23, 7:30 pm Germantown Performing Arts Center We welcome the Russian National Ballet to the Mid-South as this world-famous group captures the delight, fantasy, drama, and one magical kiss in the cherished story Sleeping Beauty. To RSVP ($36/ person) by April 10, send a check to WRJ-Sisterhood or call 901.937.2790 and pay with a credit card. The selection for April is All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, and the book for the May 13 meeting is The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin. LADIES GO TO BRENNAN’S Thursday, April 16, 11 am-1 pm Owen Brennan’s, 6150 Poplar Ave. Your “sisters” invite you for a lunch break! RSVP, 901.937.2790 or sisterhood@timemphis.org, by April 6. See you there! WOMEN’S RETREAT April 17-19 Greene Family Camp; Bruceville, TX Camp isn’t just for kids! The Women’s Retreat will be a rustic weekend of fun, spirituality, and relaxation. Join the URJ’s Southwest District women in Shabbat services, Torah study, boating, climbing, art, dancing, games, laughter, and more. For more information, contact Debbie Jackson, djack327@bellsouth.net or 901.604.1511. -8-TIMEMPHIS.ORG | FACEBOOK.COM/TEMPLEISRAEL | TWITTER: @TIMEMPHIS JUDAICA SHOP The WRJ-Sisterhood Judaica Shop has many items for Passover as well as a large selection of mezuzot, Shabbat candles, baby gifts, children’s books, cookbooks, jewelry, greeting cards, and much more. Judaica Shop regular hours are: A Monday-Thursday: 10 am-4 pm (Wednesday until 6 pm when Hebrew school meets) Passover items A Friday: 10 am-1 pm in gift shop Sunday: 9 am-12:30 pm A (when religious school is in session) For more information or to explore volunteer opportunities available at the Judaica Shop, please contact Susie Bender, sbb813@bellsouth.net. APRIL 2015 VOICE MRJ-TEMPLE ISRAEL BROTHERHOOD 12 ANNUAL CHARITY GOLF TOURNAMENT TH Monday, May 11, 12 pm; Ridgeway Country Club Start off with a delicious lunch catered by Corky’s, then hit the beautiful course for a great round of golf, and cap off the day with a fabulous Ruth’s Chris dinner. Participants have a fantastic time, and the funds raised benefit Temple Israel and area organizations. Please contact Jeff Rosenberg, brotherhood@timemphis.org, ASAP for sponsorship opportunities and to sign up. TEMPLE ISRAEL LIVING TORAH Celebrate our Confirmands and Graduates by sponsoring Temple Israel’s Living Torah in their honor! Created by Israeli artist Michal Meron in her studio in Venice, Italy, the Living Torah is a colorful, beautifully illustrated Torah that is displayed in the Temple lobby for all to see and enjoy. The four levels of sponsorship are: the overall Torah ($18,000), Book ($5,400), Parsha ($540), and Panel ($180). You even can sponsor a Book or a Parsha as a group, such as an extended family; a b’nai mitzvah, Confirmation, or Graduation class; a scout troop, a business, and more. All sponsorships are acknowledged in the lovely leather-bound recognition book that accompanies the Living Torah. To become a sponsor, go to timemphis.org or contact Jan Reisman, janr@timemphis.org or 901.937.2781. TIMEMPHIS.ORG | FACEBOOK.COM/TEMPLEISRAEL | TWITTER: @TIMEMPHIS APRIL 2015 VOICE -9- CREATE YOUR JEWISH LEGACY According to the Talmud, giving is as important as all other commandments combined. Please contact Temple Israel Executive Director Stacy Canales, 901.937.2765, about creating your Jewish legacy with a deferred gift to Temple Israel. THANK YOU TO THOSE MAKING DONATIONS TO TEMPLE ISRAEL (MARCH 2015) BARBARA K. LIPMAN EARLY LEARNING CENTER FUND In memory of Ellen Auerbach Alice Ahart William D. Billingsley Sondra Price Miriam Baer Barbara K. Lipman Early Learning Center Staff & Teachers Jan & Marc Reisman Barbara Towbin Marsha Bender Sondra Price Harry Bloom Toba & Leslie Kornberg Faylese Gruber Sondra & Scott Price; Edie, Eric & Sophie Efron Dr. Karin Gubin Terri & Paul Burson Bettye & Louis Roman Lois Jacobs Lindsay & Brian Califf Minette Kochman Dr. Max Weis, Jr. Mildred Schwartz Abe Herman Kriger Drs. Lisa Usdan & David Portnoy Dr. Alvin Labens Sondra Price Elise & Henry Lewis Ruth B. Toff For the recovery of Sheril Greenstein Geri & Hal Lansky & Family CANTOR EMERITUS FUND In memory of Ernie Bernhardt Regina Jacobsen Emily Bernhardt & Family Nina Katz Marilyn & Alan Magnus & Family Minette Kochman David Rosenberg Family In honor of Mia Waisbrod Amy & Richard Greenberg CEMETERY FUND In memory of Benjamin Beck Sylvia Beck Sharon & Lou Gadless Howard David Ginsburg His Children & Grandchildren Faylese Gruber Barbara Konig Linda Ellen & Ronny Sklar Milton Frank Rubel, Jr. Arlene Rubel Pauline Underberg Mike Underberg Ronald Underberg GENERAL FUND In honor of Stacy Canales Patrick Tamburrino Ann & Dr. Sidney Friedman’s 50th anniversary Mildred Schwartz -10-TIMEMPHIS.ORG Julie Klein’s birthday Barbara & Marshall Ostrow Mary S. Shainberg Leslie & Dr. Mark Gillenson For the recovery of Andrew Boshwit Laurie & Elkan Scheidt Richard Faber Bobbie & Herman Goldberger Terry Lohnes Hermine Davidson Jon Poulin Sylvia Appleton Laurie & Elkan Scheidt In memory of Dr. Karin Gubin Maureen, Chris, Jack & Meredith Perkins Susan & John Hathhorn Peggy & L. R. Jalenak Esther Alabaster Sam Alabaster Ellen Auerbach Lisa & Jonathan Frisch Mr. & Mrs. William Hagerman Wendy & Cary Rotter Naomi & Grant Stewart Miriam Baer Mr. & Mrs. Maurice Bredow Ellen & Sammy Salky Marsha Bender Laurie & Elkan Scheidt Allen Cohen Linda Ellen & Ronny Sklar Thelma Cohn Marcy, Marshall, Daniel & Jacob Siegel Ralph “Mickey” Finn Sarah Finn Dorothy Friedman Linda & Walt Grabon Bernard Frisch Ellen & Herbert Kahn Alfred Jacob Gardner Ronni & Joe Kirsch Faylese Gruber Sylvia Appleton Lisa & Jonathan Frisch Ronni & Joe Kirsch Barbara & Marshall Ostrow Wendy & Cary Rotter Drs. Rose & Richard Rubin Mary S. Shainberg Gertrude & Sam Jacobs Hermine Davidson Lois Jacobs Hilda Kaufman Freda Julia Joseph Kahn Ellen & Herbert Kahn Minette Kochman Bonnie & Mike Kochman Mildred Schiff Alene & Bennett Simpson Barbara Konig Shara Lynn & Arnold Goldin Mary S. Shainberg Dr. Alvin Labens Beverly & Dr. Bob Buchalter Carol & Elliott Slutsky | FACEBOOK.COM/TEMPLEISRAEL | TWITTER: @TIMEMPHIS Dianne Gallant Morris Don Gallant Fannie Zuckerman Padawer Diana & Ronald Padawer Lawrence Perlberg Crown Liquor Milton Perlman Mary Lynn & Arnold Perl Inez Pure Sarah Finn Minette Schwartz Radin Kochman Sandra & Allan Rosenberg Helen Samuels Laurie & Elkan Scheidt Beth & Mitchell Sherr Dr. Alan Schwartz Bonnie Schwartz Dr. & Mrs. Brian Schwartz Emily VanStavoren Weinberg Ronald E. Weinberg Additional donation Helaine & Richard Grassgreen MEFTY FUND In memory of Madelynne Cantor Robin & Billy Orgel Minette Kochman Kayla & Jason Salomon MUSEUM FUND In honor of Leo Bearman Dr. Joe Levy In memory of Bert Bernheim Faylese Gruber Millie & Alan Katzen Dorothy Friedman May Lynn & Dr. Charlie Mansbach Alvin Meyer O’Mell Myrna & Dr. Joe Levy RABBI KATIE BAUMAN DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Ellen Auerbach Steve Sansone & the Kravitz Family Andy Alsenas & Leanne Kleinmann David & Carol Bakowicz FedEx Properties & Facilities Care Blecher Bromley Family Hilary & Neil Chavkin Renee & William Dietz Susan Dreyfus Maureen & Doug Gordon Ron Lazarov & Marty Kelman Ken Levi & Family Liz & Tom Marbry Jenny McDowell Joan Messmore Patricia Owen Drs. Lisa Usdan & David Portnoy Scott Price Karen & Carl Raff Pat Rowland Anita & Bob Ryan Sherry & Dr. Alan Samuels Carol & Glenn Sigman Helen & Jerry Summerfield Mimi & Rob Uhlmann Joanne & Milton White Julia & Richard Wood RABBI HARRY DANZIGER DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Dr. Alvin Labens Lynne & Bob Kanter Charles Rothschild Nora Rothschild Natalie Loeb Alexander L. Julian Alexander Phyllis & Edward Kaplan In honor of Rudi Scheidt’s birthday Carol Schneider RABBI MICAH GREENSTEIN DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Ike Anzaroot Pat Anzaroot Ellen Auerbach Lynn & Vic Butcher Temple Israel Brotherhood Miriam Baer Bobbie Miller Carole & Bob Pinstein Carole & Dr. Charles Plesofsky Stanley Barnett Pat Anzaroot Lewis Binder Irma Binder Burton Bodan, Jr. Doris & Dr. Burton Bodan & Family Harry Boston Joe Boston Larry Buring Mary S. Shainberg Jerry Buring Brenda & Dr. Rodney Wolf Mark Cowles Deni Hirsh Nell Ettelson Sandra & H. William Ettelson Faylese Gruber Bettye & Louis Roman Mrs. Harry Schneider Lois Jacobs Carole & Bob Pinstein Lynda & Dr. Stephen Shiffman Nina Katz Elaina & Mike Sexton Isabel & Lou Klitzner Judy & Jim Lindy Minette Kochman Myrna & Dr. Alan Salomon Mary Shainberg Temple Israel Troop 25 Dr. Alvin Labens Carole & Dr. Charles Plesofsky Sidney Lazarov Roselle Lazarov Leon Less Mr. & Mrs. Michael Less Harry Loket Lynn & Dr. Robert Kline Nathan Loskovitz Myrna & Myron Thomas Helen Samuels Harry Samuels Ronna Wilons Sandler Rochelle & Elliott Wilons APRIL 2015 VOICE DONATIONS (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10) Leo Slavney Ruth Slavney Harry Stone Linda & Dr. Edward Kaplan For the recovery of Andrew Boshwit Marilyn Haas & Tommy Howard Lynn & Dr. Robert Kline May Lynn & Dr. Charles Mansbach Diane Halperin Brenda & Dr. Rodney Wolf Jon Poulin Lynn & Dr. Robert Kline Audrey & Greg Siskind, Lynn & Samuel Susser In honor of Teter Finn’s 90th birthday Barry & Stephanie Leff Rabbi Micah Greenstein Doris & Irvin “Butch” Califf Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis, LLP Dina Ifrah Peggy & L. R. Jalenak Natalie & Jim Jalenak’s anniversary Jeff Sanford & Cynthia Ham Sally Rosenberg Dina Ifrah The December 2014 Israel Trip Debra, David, Seth & Josh Blanke Additional donation Patti Tatlock WRJ-SISTERHOOD TEMPLE GROUNDS & BEAUTIFICATION FUND In memory of Adele Bedrin Michelle & Brian Blake Linda Bedrin & Don Klotwog Faylese Gruber Minette Kochman Judy Royal For the recovery of Andrew Boshwit Carol Franklin Donna Reisman Wendy & Cary Rotter Jon Poulin Jan & Marc Reisman Wendy & Cary Rotter WRJ-SISTERHOOD SERVICE TO THE BLIND FUND In memory of Faylese Gruber Lisa Harris Rena Walker Karchmer Barbara & A. W. Karchmer WRJ-SISTERHOOD BEULAH R. VOSSE LIBRARY FUND In honor of Teter Finn’s 90thbirthday Connie Shelton In memory of Dr. Max Weis Connie Shelton WENDY & AVRON FOGELMAN RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND In memory of Ellen Auerbach Robin & Jeffrey Wallace Miriam Baer Lois Jacobs Ina & Dick Eiseman In honor of Avron Fogelman’s 75th birthday Mary & Dr. Maury Bronstein Ina & Dick Eiseman Jan & Jack Magids Mary Lynn & Arnold Perl RABBI JAMES A. WAX MEMORIAL FUND In memory of Dorothy Friedman Sylvia & Ron Elsner Helen Wax Jonathan Wax James Wax OUR SYMPATHY The Temple Israel family extends its deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of these loved ones of blessed memory: Bert Bernheim Robin Hooper Bernice Bloom Barbara Konig Jerry Buring Larry Perlberg Camille Isenberg Duplentis Ida Schechtman Alfred Gardner Loren Sparks Faylese Gruber Dr. Max Weis, Jr. IS SOMEONE YOU KNOW IN THE HOSPITAL? In compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), our local hospitals cannot release patient lists to us. Our rabbis visit the hospitals regularly, but we rely solely on you to give us the information. If someone you know is hospitalized, please call Carol Geller in the Rabbis’ office, 901.937.2771. TIMEMPHIS.ORG | FACEBOOK.COM/TEMPLEISRAEL | TWITTER: @TIMEMPHIS NOMINATIONS Temple Israel’s Nominating Committee, which is chaired by Immediate Past President Paula Jacobson, presents the following slate of Trustees and officers continuing or to be elected during the annual meeting portion of the Congregation Celebration on Friday, May 15, 2015: EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE serving June 2014 through May 2016 Jonathan Frisch, President Elkan Scheidt, Senior Vice President Laurie Meskin, Vice President David Rosenthal, Vice President Alex Saharovich, Vice President Leigh Mansberg, Secretary Mark Fogelman, Treasurer David Bearman, Counsel Paula Jacobson, Immediate Past President Debbie Jackson, WRJ-Sisterhood President Jeffrey Rosenberg, MRJ-Brotherhood President 2014-2016 SERVING SECOND YEAR OF TERM 2 Lee Filderman Arlene Goldner Meggan Kiel Betsy Saslawsky Barrie Wurzburg 2015-2017 SERVING FIRST YEAR OF TERM 2 Amy Kirshbaum Jay Lindy Ralph Yaffe 2014-2016 SERVING SECOND YEAR OF TERM 1 Byron Besser Raymond Evans Jeff Kerlan Billie Pierce Wendy Rotter Esther Saltzman Bobbie Shainberg Elissa Taub 2015-2017 SERVING FIRST YEAR OF TERM 1 Marisa Baggett Lisa Barden Ben Beatus Melanie Fine PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEES serving a one year term 2015-2016 Jody Franklin Leigh Royal TEMPLE ISRAEL 1376 East Massey Road, Memphis, Tennessee 38120 901.761.3130 ~ timemphis.org Temple Israel is a member congregation of the Union for Reform Judaism. reformjudaism.org A urj.org Rabbi Micah D. Greenstein, Senior Rabbi Rabbi Katie M. Bauman, Associate Rabbi Rabbi Harry K. Danziger, Emeritus Cantor John M. Kaplan, Emeritus Jonathan Frisch, President Paula Jacobson, Immediate Past Pres. E. Elkan Scheidt, Sr. Vice Pres. Debbie Jackson, WRJ-Sisterhood Pres. Laurie Meskin, Vice Pres. Jeff Rosenberg, MRJ-Brotherhood Pres. David Rosenthal, Vice Pres. Daniel Saharovich, JCM Pres. Alex Saharovich, Vice Pres. Stacy Canales, Executive Director Leigh Mansberg, Secretary Mark Fogelman, Treasurer David L. Bearman, Counsel APRIL 2015 VOICE -11- TIME-SENSITIVE MATERIAL PLEASE DELIVER BY APRIL 1, 2015 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID voice AT MEMPHIS, TN The Voice is published monthly (with a combined June/July issue) by Temple Israel, 1376 E. Massey Road, Memphis, TN 38120-3299. Periodicals postage paid (USPS 780-460) at Memphis, Tennessee. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Temple Israel, 1376 E. Massey Road, Memphis, TN 38120-3299 LIFELONG LEARNING WITH RABBI HARRY DANZIGER Tuesday, April 7, 7-8:30 pm LIVE FROM NY’S 92ND STREET Y Tuesday, April 21 introduction at 6:15 pm, broadcast at 6:30 pm Join New York Times columnist David Brooks for an in-depth discussion about what constitutes character as explored in his new book. RABBI DANZIGER WILL LEAD A DISCUSSION ON EMERGING ANTI-SEMITISM: THE 1930’S AND TODAY–SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES “When someone says, I will destroy you,” the Holocaust taught us, “Believe him!” Is current antiSemitism as dangerous as in the 1930s? How does Israel change the equation? Rabbi Harry Danziger Do attacks on others beyond Jews make a difference? Does the world now understand what Rabbi Jonathan Sacks wrote that “the hatred that begins with the Jews never ends there?” TIMEMPHIS.ORG | FACEBOOK.COM/TEMPLEISRAEL | TWITTER: @TIMEMPHIS David Brooks Some people seem to possess inner lives that are more substantive than the rest of ours. How do they do it? Depth, argues Brooks, is the core of our being and something we cultivate over time; it’s engraved by thought and action; it’s built through the commitments we make—to a nation, a faith, a calling or loved ones—and the sacrifices we endure because of those commitments. Sponsored by the Hohenberg-Scheidt Fund for Lifetime Learning. APRIL 2015 VOICE
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