New Trustee Introductions


New Trustee Introductions
Vol. 8, Issue 3
Village Voice
The Newsletter of the Village of Chatham
November 2013
Village Board
Tom Gray, Village President
Phone: 217-483-4219
Ken Boyle, Trustee
Phone: 217-415-0881
Mark Clayton, Trustee
Phone: 217-415-3487
Tracy Formea, Trustee
Phone: 217-306-6125
Dan Holden, Trustee
Phone: 217-483-2434
Dave Kimsey, Trustee
Phone: 217-553-3359
Joe Schatteman, Trustee
Phone: 217-483-5939
Pat Schad, Village Clerk
Phone: 217-720-3429
Planning Commission
Third Thursday of the month
7:00 p.m.
Village Hall
117 East Mulberry
Village Board
Second and Fourth Tuesday
of the month
6:00 p.m.
Village Hall
117 East Mulberry
New Trustee Introductions
Dave Kimsey
After graduating from Millikin University, Dave and his wife, Tana, moved to Chatham in 2001.
They are the parents to two little girls. He enjoys being involved in several groups that help make
the village a better place. He’s been involved with the Chatham Jaycees, a group that has a hand in
a wide range of projects in the village. In 2012, he was honored as Officer of the Year, and continues to serve as the group’s treasurer. He also served as a trustee for the Chatham Area Public
Library District and was the deputy chair of the village’s planning committee.
Dave’s career is rooted in financial management and strategic business and leadership development. He serves as the chief financial officer of a locally owned and operated, multimillion-dollar
hotel management and development company. He is a Certified Public Accountant, Chartered
Global Management Accountant, and Certified Hotel Administrator. Dave is a member of the
Government Affairs Committee for the Illinois Hotel and Lodging Association and was recently
named to the Emerging Leaders Council for the Intercontinental Hotels Group Owner’s Association.
On the village board, he is currently serving on the administration and parks committees; two
areas where he can use his greatest strengths to contribute to moving Chatham forward.
Mark Clayton
Mark Clayton was elected to the Village Board in April 2013. Raised in Chatham, he graduated
from Glenwood High School in 2002. Mark attended Benedictine University where he received a
degree in Business & Economics. He furthered his education at University of Illinois – Springfield,
receiving his Master’s in Business Administration. In his earlier career, Mark worked in performance auditing with the Illinois Auditor General and later with St. John’s Mercy Hospital in St.
Louis, Missouri. Prior to his current position as Chief Financial Officer and Program Director for
a vocational and educational institute, Mark worked in a variety of roles with a local bank. Mark is
also a small business owner in Chatham.
Mark and his family have long been a part of Chatham and have been active in the community and
various local organizations for many years. His parents and three brothers all reside in Chatham
as well. Mark and Becky Carver were married in July.
Continued on Page 2 - CLAYTON
Tracy Formea
Tracy Formea was nominated by Mayor Tom Gray and approved unanimously by the board as a
Chatham Village Trustee. She was officially sworn in on October 22nd. She is a graduate of Glenwood High School and Illinois State University. In 2003, she founded Formea Insurance Group,
Inc., an independent insurance agency, in Chatham. Since opening her business, she has been an
active member of both the Chatham Area Chamber and the Greater Springfield Chamber of
Commerce. Her involvement with the Chatham Area Chamber has included volunteering on all
event planning committees along with a member of the Board of Directors. For six of those years
on the Board, she has also been a member of the Executive Board serving as Secretary, Vice President and is currently in her third term as President. Her volunteer work with the Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce includes ten years as an Ambassador. Tracy is a member of the Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois, Local First, Pi Beta Phi, and Chatham Christian Church,
where she teaches Sunday School. Tracy and her husband Chad are the proud parents of Reagan
and Cooper.
Village Voice
Family . Community . Prosperity .
Page 2
ICSC Chicago Deal Making
Trade Show
Joe Schatteman and Del McCord, two Village of Chatham officials, spent two days in Chicago in early October to spread the
word to businesses about all that Chatham has to offer. This
was the first year that the Village of Chatham had a booth at
the International Council of Shopping Centers’ Chicago Deal
Making trade show. According to the organization’s website,
“these deal making events are a great opportunity for owners,
developers, retailers, brokers, lenders, municipalities, property
asset managers and product and service providers to gather
under one roof to exhibit, make deals and form successful business partnerships.”
There were many well-known retailers in attendance, including:
Starbucks Coffee, Dunkin Brands and Jimmy Johns. Schatteman
and McCord were able to network with national retail and restaurant representatives and say they are confident these leads
could lead to more business for Chatham. Attending this trade
show is just the first step Village officials are taking toward
building commercial growth for the community.
As part of the Office of the Comptroller’s “Local Officials Day” at the Illinois State
Fair, the Chatham Fire Explorer Post 1928 were recognized by Comptroller Judy
Baar Topinka. Pictured here are: Karla Mueller, Matthew Meyer, Kevin Aldrich,
Adam Mueller, Cole Cumby, Shawn Murhphy, Corey Hillen,
Francesca Paul, Brian Mueller, Lacey Yazell
Picture provided by the Office of the Comptroller
CLAYTON - Continued from Page 1
As Village Trustee, Mark will ensure that our local government
is transparent, open, and responsive to the residents of Chatham. As your trustee, Mark believes in keeping the public informed and updated on the issues we face. Mark’s priorities as
Village Trustee are to ensure you receive quality and professional public service. As Chatham continues to grow, we must
be responsible in our growth and create short and long-term
plans to address the needs of the residents. Most importantly,
Mark promises the Chatham residents that he will be accessible
and listen to your needs as your representative on the Village
Council. Mark is always willing to discuss any of your specific
issues, and will continue an open access and availability policy.
From the Utility Office:
Online Payments: Paying your utility bill is easy with our
online bill payment system. From our website,, you can access a link that will take you to
the payment portal so that you can setup your online account.
Chatham Village Trustees Joe Schatterman, Dave Kimsey, and Mark Clayton were
sworn in on May 14th by State Senator Sam McCann. Each will serve four-year terms.
Picture provided by South County Publications
If you are taking advantage of the recurring payment option in
the online system, please remember to watch the expiration
date on the debit/credit card that you use for your payment.
When the card expires, it drops automatically from the system
and you may not realize that your payment isn’t being made.
We just ask that you log in from time to time and make sure
that your card has not expired.
Budget Billing: Our staff is currently training and testing the
new budget billing system. We will be including an insert with
your utility bill as soon as we are ready to begin enrollment.
If you have any questions or need help setting up your online
account, feel free to contact our office at 217-483-2451.
Tracy Formea was officially sworn in as a Chatham Village Trustee
on October 22nd with State Senator Sam McCann doing the honors.
Picture provided by South County Publications.
Village Voice
Family . Community . Prosperity .
Page 3
Treats on the Square
Treats on the Square was sponsored by the Village of Chatham
through our Parks and Recreation department. Vicky Huffstutler, Coordinator, recruited help from several Village of Chatham employees and their families and coordinated the event in
conjunction with the Chatham Jaycee’s Haunted Hayride. A
special thank you to Chatham Jaycee’s for their monetary donation for candy, County Market and Walgreens for donating
candy and Dollar General for decorations.
There were many families who brought their children to this
event despite the chilly and windy weather. It was a fun event
and plans are already being made to make it even more fun
next year.
If your organization has an event or story that you would like
included in the Village Voice, contact Lynn at 483-2451 Ext.
240 or at
Yard Waste Pick Up Began
November 4th
Village of Chatham Treats on the Square
Pictures provided by Jill Butler and Jamie Franke
Santa Plans a Visit
Have your kiddos started working on
their wish lists? If not, tell them to
get their pencil and paper out because our Parks and Recreation Department is planning a special visit
from Santa next month. He’s busy
scheduling all his visits, but as soon as he
has confirmed the date, we will announce it on our
website and throughout the community.
Twice a year, the village provides yard bags
and picks up residents’ leaves and twigs.
Grass clippings will not be picked up.
Residents are limited to 3 packs (15 bags)
in the Spring and 3 packs in the Fall.
Residents who want to participate in the
free Yard Waste Pick Up Program may get
paper yard waste bags from the village utility office at 116 East
Mulberry Street. Bags are available for pick up from October
28th through November 22nd.
Pickup began on November 4th and the last day for pickup will
be Friday, November 25th.
To ensure pickup during the respective week, all bags must be set
out curb side by 7:00 a.m. on the following Mondays:
November 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th
When the village’s free pick up program is not in effect, yard
waste will be collected by the residents’ trash haulers, who
require yard waste stickers. Yard waste bags and stickers may
be purchased at most hardware stores and County Market.
Standard Mail
Chatham, IL
Permit No. 5
116 E. Mulberry Street
Chatham, IL 62629
217-483-3574 (Fax)
We’re on the Web
Residential Customer
Chatham, IL 62629
If your organization has an event or story that you’d like included in the
Village Voice , send an email to
Chatham Business Information
Canny Accounting, LLC
Kara’s In Town Grooming
348 Williams Lane • 217-414-4088
251 Industrial Dr. • 217-483-5626
Chatham Heating and Air
Midwest Auto World, Inc.
305 Williams Lane • 309-533-8237
107 Spruce Street • 217-717-7056
Chem Dry of Springfield
Midwest Rifle Works
303 Williams Lane • 217-789-9788
235 E. Walnut Street • 217-494-8171
Coz’s Pizza Inc. (Business office)
Peanut Butter of Trains
205 North Main • 217-494-2303
9805 Palm Road • 217-626-4200
CT’s Hideout
Springfield Youth Performance Group
319 North Main Street • 217-299-0279
329 Williams Lane • 217-494-8059
High Maintenance Salon
320 Williams Lane • 217-572-3118
House of Bouncers
Curves of Chatham
307 Williams Lane • 217-971-9444
20 Cottonwood • 217-483-4615
Jimmy John’s
Koke’s Kidzone
208 North Main Street • 217-362-2040
143 Market Street • 217-483-4615