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Who's in charge?
Managing Director Andrew Hiransomboon
Editor in Chief / Product Director
Grégoire Glachant
Managing Editor Oliver Irvine
Deputy Editor Carl Dixon
Features Associate Monruedee Jansuttipan
Senior Staff Writers Vasachol Quadri, Lily
Junior Content Coordinator Nontaya Kumyat
Junior Writers Natcha Sanguankiattichai, Bonnie
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Peeraya Sirathanisa
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From our
(Bangkok) Due to tightening economic sanctions on key industries and a global economic slump, it is expected Bangkokians
will continue to not expect anything from their government in
2016, heightening pressure on the junta to carry on as usual.
“I’m skeptical about the whole shrimp slavery thing. I
mean, do shrimps really have feelings?” said Theeparak Winsakul, food and beverages director of the Siam Mansion Palace Hotel. “I guess we could always switch to rock lobster. The
margins are better anyway.”
On the political front, Thailand is expected to submit a new
constitution to a national referendum in August 2016. Rejection of the constitution would be a serious vote of no-confidence for the military government, which has promised democratic elections in 2017.
“I still haven’t read the last constitution. Was it any good?”
says Wasana Praewpring, a marketing consultant. “I think I
might skip this one too and hold out for the 2021 one. We get
a new one every five years, right?”
Topping everyone’s agenda will also be the eroding prices
of commodities like rubber and rice, as China’s growth continues to slow and the price of crude oil plummets. Growing
discontent among farmers could force the government to roll
out the very kind of populist policies it sought to stamp out.
“I actually don’t eat that much rubber. I think they use it in
yogurts­— or is that gelatin? As for rice, I’m trying to cut down
this year. My new year’s resolution is to eat more salads,”
says Santi Sutichai, a data entry clerk at a major insurance
company. “Actually, could you repeat the question?”
For financial markets, the year began with drops in Japan’s
Topix index, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index and a retreat in
the Straits Times Index in Singapore, creating palpable fear
among investors from Bangkok to Shanghai.
“I tried buying some LTF fund thingies because my banker
told me they’re great. I lost 5,000 baht. Thanks a lot!” says
Siriporn Monsiri, an administrative assistant. “And we didn’t
get a bonus this year anyway so it’s not like I was planning
on buying stocks anyway. I’m banking on the underground
lottery this year.”
The prime minister will have to tread carefully as he manages Bangkokians’ complete lack of interest in their government and attempts to deliver as little as they expect.
In the meantime, everyone at BK Magazine wishes you a
wonderful 2016.
BK “Asia City Living” Magazine is edited by Andrew Hiransomboon and published 51 times a year, every Friday of each month by Asia City Publishing (Thailand) Ltd. Copyright ©2015 Asia City Publishing (Thailand) Ltd. The titles “BK Magazine,”
“BK ‘Asia City Living’ Magazine” and their associated logos or devices, and the content of BK “Asia City Living” Magazine are the property of Asia City Publishing (Thailand) Ltd. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is strictly
prohibited. Article reprints are available for B50 each. The magazine may not be distributed without the express written consent of Asia City Publishing (Thailand) Ltd. Contact the Advertising Department for ad rates and specifications. All
advertising must comply with the Publisher’s terms of business, copies of which are available upon request. Printed by Comform Co.,Ltd. 212 Moo 13 Krungthepkreetha Rd., Saphansoong, Bangkok 10250
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BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
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Hot: 2016
Not: 2015
What did 2015 give to anybody? Another year of military rule, some Korean
shaved ice desserts and a cafe where you can stroke fennec foxes. Thanks,
but we’ll happily do without any of that stuff (except maybe the mango
cheese bingsu at Seobinggo). To find out what 2016 has in store (or, if our
predictions from this time last year are anything to go by, what it doesn’t),
flip to page 6.
Hot: Festive lights
Not: Public spending
Now that Christmas is over, we thought we’d seen the last of LED light displays
intense enough to give a five-year-old a seizure. But when you’ve spent nearly
B40 million in public change on your festive decorations, it stands to reason
you want people to see them till long after the holiday season is over. So we’ll
excuse our rosy-cheeked governor for keeping his latest purchase up well after
Jan 1. Let’s hope it doesn’t bring him bad luck with the ombudsman. (Our prediction: it won’t.)
Hot: New restaurants Not: La Liste
The French didn’t like how things were going for their restaurants in World’s
50 Best and so came up with a new ranking. One based on facts, figures and
cold-hard empirical testing. The result: forget anything this city has to offer
except a couple of places last visited by your big-haired auntie in 2004 (see
page 15). If neither of them whet your appetite, find out where the under75s will be dining next on page 14.
Hot: Charging Reds
Not: Charging Yellows
Just as the NACC announces it has dropped all charges against Abhisit, Suthep
and the trigger-happy soldiers of May 2010, out comes news of one more
malfeasance case for the man in Dubai and his family. This time, it’s the Shinawatra children in the Criminal Court’s firing line courtesy of some dodgy
share deals back in ’06. Good luck with that one.
If you made it to last month’s Wonderfruit festival, we doubt you missed one of its
most iconic sights: the Molam Bus. More than just a photo opp, this project from
the Jim Thompson Art Center combines a mobile exhibition platform with a music
stage dedicated to molam, the rhythmic brand of Isaan folk music. Here, we speak
to Gridthiya Gaweewong, 51, the curator of the Jim Thompson Art Center at Jim
Thompson Farm in Nakhon Ratchasima, about the story behind this ongoing project.
How did the Molam Bus project
It originated from Khon Kaen University, where they were preparing
to build a molam museum. But the
project was eventually terminated
when the government didn’t stump
up the funding it promised. The university had previously awarded us
[Jim Thompson Foundation] for our
work preserving traditional Isaan
houses at our Jim Thompson Farm,
so we asked them to give us this
project. We ran a molam competition among students, which we
transformed into a molam exhibition, “Khaen Long Khanong Lam”
(Joyful Khaen, Joyful Dance), at Jim
Thompson House in Bangkok three
years ago. Then we decided to transform it into a traveling bus.
Where did you get the bus?
It’s actually an old bus we’ve been
using since the ‘70s to transport our
employees in Nakhon Ratchasima.
We worked with Jiro Endo, a Japanese designer, and the molam bus
exhibition was originally shown at
Jim Thompson Farm. We decided to
bring it to Wonderfuit to showcase
get in the loop
live molam music. We see it as a
mobile museum. It wasn’t easy to
drive here, though, as the bus is
so old. It took us one night to drive
from Korat to Chonburi.
What’s been the feedback so far?
It’s been really varied. The people
at Wonderfruit had a lot of fun with
it. Some climbed on top of it and
struck yoga poses. The people at the
farm were more subdued, but also
really interacted with the exhibition.
It’s separated into three phases that
chart the history and subsequent
commercialization of the music.
Some of the Wonderfruit audience
love molam just as much as they
enjoy Western dance music—some
even plan to book the bands for
their wedding!
How many bands have joined you?
So far, we’ve worked with four
bands, led by Sombat Simla, aka the
“God of Khaen.” We want to bring
in more famous molam bands but,
you know, they are really, really busy.
Some tour around playing more than
200 shows in 365 days! There’s no
way anyone can say molam is dead.
giveaways, updates, stories
Why do you think Isaan culture is
so enduring?
We’re so interested in Isaan culture, especially molam, because
we see it as this great undead culture. Molam music has such a universal appeal that easily transcends
borders. This may be due to the
nature of the Isaan people themselves, many of whom need to
travel long distances to earn a living. This gives them a wider perception of the world, which impacts
their own culture. Culture is in constant flux; when you try to freeze
traditions so that nothing changes,
that’s when a culture dies. Unlike,
say, Thai court traditions, Isaan culture is all about everyday life. It can
never die. I really appreciate what
DJ Maft Sai is doing by taking molam
to global audiences, too.
What’s next for the Molam Bus?
We plan to take it on the road, but
we don’t have anywhere specific
yet. We’re concerned about driving
it too far, as it’s really, really old.
Interview by Monruedee Jansuttipan
see what we’re up to
by Kathy MacLeod
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
Upfront_622_Jan8_16_NEW.indd 4
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Must-Have Sustainable Items
for any Business Events
Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB) has been supporting the country’s MICE
(meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions) industry since 2008 with valuable ways
to make the industry more sustainable. Here, we present you with invaluable, stylish and
reusable items to brighten up your meeting room while saving the world at the same time.
Top Tips For an Even
Greener Meeting
Use LED Lights
They consume a whole lot
less energy than traditional
Eat Locally
Reduce the carbon emis10
sions of pre-packaged processed food by ordering from
suppliers in your area.
25 c
Forever 25
1. Water Jars
6. Paper Chairs
11. Eco Whiteboard Markers
Ditch the plastic water bottles and provide a stylish
SCG used recyclable paper to create these reus-
Tip Green Room’s eco-friendly markers can be re-
pitcher that can be filled up at the office water sta-
able, space-saving temporary chairs. www.scg-
filled with non-toxic alcohol that lasts longer. www.
tion like this one from Qualy.
2. Condiment Jars
7. Recycled Pen
12. Eco Ceramic Whiteboard
Avoid individual sachets of coffee and sugar with
Concept Tree’s recycled pens also have touch-
Made from durable, anti-reflection ceramic, Tip
these charming ingredients jars from IKEA. www.
screen tips to use with your smart device. www.
Green Room’s white boards double as excellent
projection screens.
3. Smart Paper
8. Pana Objects Stationery
13. Solar Powered Clock
Encourage a paperless environment by adopting
Bring only what you need and don’t waste stationery
This clock from Lathem can transform both artificial
With less to wash afterwards,
smart devices to take notes and read reports.
with Pana Objects’ tofu stationery set. www.pana-
and natural light into power.
there’ll be less toxins heading
4. Ecological Coasters
14. Thumm Acoustic Dock
These coasters from CCCOBJECTS are made using
9. Maxi Mug
Forget plastic speakers: this beech wood dock
wasted pineapple fiber to both cut down on paper
This plus-size mug from Qualy can be used as a cof-
from Pana Objects gives great sound for when you
usage and provide pineapple farmers with an extra
fee mug, rubbish bin and tissue paper holder. www.
need to hold a group conference call. www.pana-
source of revenue.
5. Bio Calculator
10. Pot Plants
This calculator from Concept Tree is made from bio-
A bit of greenery brightens up any meeting room
and creates a more welcoming environment for
Set the air-conditioner at 25
degrees Celsius and keep it
Ditch Tablecloths
into the environment.
Smart Registration
Get rid of print-out registration forms and use a smart
device instead.
those attending.
To get more information,
please visit
TCEB#19.indd 7
1/5/2559 BE 11:57 AM
cover story
A complete guide to what we think we know will go down in the next 12 months.
As part of its attempted rebrand of Soi Sukhumvit 77 as T77, giant property developer Sansiri is
rolling out its first community mall in the area. Habito has been designed by Winkreative, the
branding and design agency founded by Tyler Brule of Monocle. The four-rai area will comprise
some 32 shops and a co-working space. Sadly, we’re hearing that might mean no more Winter
Market Fest. Set to open in February.
Sukhumvit Soi 77.
After 18 years, Siam Piwat closed down Siam
Discovery in May for major renovations. The B4
billion makeover is set to open in March under
the new concept, “Breaking All the Rules: The
Wonder of Discovery”—whatever that means.
We do know the overall shopping area will far
exceed the previous 40,000 sq meters. Among
the new shops already confirmed are Danish
home decor brand Hay, who currently have a
pop-up at Siam Center.
This entertainment-cum-shopping complex aims
to attract tourists and K-pop fans. The B3 billion,
27-rai precinct will comprise Himmapan Avatar, a walk-through Thai fantasy 4D experience;
and K-Town, which they claim will be the biggest
Korean Town in the world, focusing on fashion,
beauty and a huge Lotte Duty Free. The 1,500-seat
sports arena will host a live Ong-Bak show, while
the 5,000-seat exhibition hall will be managed
by YG Entertainment—you know, the guys who
look after PSY, BIGBANG and 2NE1. For food, they
promise street bites from all over Asia. Open June.
Rama 1 Rd. BTS Siam.
Chaturathit Rd., near RCA.
After the B335-million revamp of Anantara Bangkok Riverside Resort & Spa, Minor Group is set
to unveil its new hotel, Avani, right next to the
riverside property, this April. The 26-story complex will consist of 251 all-river-view rooms plus
a 4,500-sq-meter grand ballroom and four F&B
outlets including the stunning Attitude rooftop
bar. The project also includes the Riverside Plaza
out front, which is now in its soft-opening with
some chains like Coffee Club, Yayoi and Pizza
We were touting this green-concept lifestyle
mall (nai-pa or naiipa is the Thai word for “in
the forest”) to open last year. But after some
complications with the construction—namely
preserving all the trees on the land—it should
finally see the green light this year, housing
exhibitions, a co-working space and rental
units for retailers (expect organically minded
257/1-3 Charoennakorn Rd., next to Anantara Bangkok
Sukhumvit Soi 46. BTS Phra Khanong.
We’re counting down the
days till the final unveiling of this glitzy high-rise.
The Cube is already home
to some of the most talked-about restaurants in
town: L'Atelier de Joël
Robuchon, M-Krub by Chef
Man and Vogue Louge.
The project will be complete this year with the
opening of the super-luxurious Ritz-Carlton Residence condos and Edition,
a Marriot hotel designed
by Ian Schrager (the man
who introduced the world
to “boutique” accommodation). Another highlight will be Terrace Bar
and Restaurant, which is
set to be the tallest rooftop bar in Bangkok.
Narathiwat Ratchanakarin
Rd. BTS Chong Nonsi. www.
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2015
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cover story
Thonglor just welcomed The Commons, a new lifestyle mall by the Roast empire, at the end
of December. Now, the Sapparot group (Rocket, Lady Brett) will open their own food mall on
Thonglor’s main drag, too. Set to open in February, 72 Courtyard will feature a Rocket, Lady
Brett and UNCLE, a few new dining concepts, plus Touche Hombre (a Mexican restaurant and
bar from Australia) and Beams nightclub, which had its first pop-up party in December featuring Canadian DJ Jacques Greene.
Next to Penny's Balcony, Sukhumvit Soi 55 (Thonglor)
This project was the talk of the town. Opposite’s
Jess Barnes and Eat Me’s Tim Butler refurbishing
a huge shop-house in Sathorn and doing what
they do best: farm-focused dishes made from
mostly local ingredients. Now that Barnes has
severed ties, though, we're hearing talk of a
Michelin-star chef from New York and a March
opening date. Oh, and a change of name.
One of this city’s first brunch institutions,
Asoke’s Chu, has taken its sweet time before
branching out. This year, it will finally expand
to the rising Sathorn-Silom area. Expect all the
original favorites and coffee from Roots. Open
in January.
Narathiwas Soi 3. BTS Chong Nonsi
Sathorn Soi 12
Chef Dario Busnelli has
jumped from one rooftop
restaurant, Radisson Blu’s
Attico, to another, on the
25-26/F of Hotel Indigo.
The new outlet of Indigo’s Char brand is set to
open in March, comprising three zones: private
dining, restaurant and bar.
The food will focus on grill.
After leaving State Tower's Mezzaluna last
year, twin chefs Thomas and Matthias Suhring
have been working on a secret project on Yen
Akat Soi 3 set to open any day now. Though
the pair are still giving little away about what
exactly the eponymous Suhring will have in
store, we're expecting something very highend, very produce-driven and very German.
81 Wireless Rd., 02-207-4999.
BTS Phloen Chit
10 Yen Akat Soi 3, 080-447-3672
Chef Masato Shimizu was only 29 when he was
awarded his first Michelin star as head chef at
New York’s Jewel Bako. His minimalist sushi
restaurant 15 East, which he helmed for nine
years, later repeated the trick. Now he’s relocated to Bangkok with his half-Thai wife to open
a restaurant under his own name, specializing in
fresh fish with delicate twists.
3/22 Sukhumvit Soi 31
MK 2
The siblings behind Thai
restaurant The Local had
an eventful 2015. Their follow-up seafood joint Crab
and Claw caused such a
stir at Emquartier that it
branched out to Paragon
at the end of the year (see
page 19). Now, they return
to their roots with a Thai
restaurant at the new Central Eastville mall, serving
regional, home-style food
inspired by local market
offerings. It opens this April,
followed by a dessert shop
and a steakhouse.
Central Eastville, 69 Pradit
Manutham Rd.
After launching Seed, Water Library is seemingly content with keeping things relatively casual. The
group’s upcoming project is a pasta and pizza place on Silom’s Soi Pipat, set to open in February. Not
far from this spot, you can also expect a ramen shop in the near future.
Soi Pipat, Silom Rd.
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2015
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cover story
The veteran American alt-rock band head to
Moonstar Studio to perform tracks including “Black Sun” and “Little Wanderer” as part
of the Asian tour promoting their latest studio
album, Kintsugi. Of course, fans can also expect
to hear all-time favorites such as “I Will Follow You into the dark” and “Soul Meets Body.”
Tickets are B1,800 from Thaiticketmajor.
Two years on from the first edition, this 10-day
celebration of underground art returns to take
over Bangkok with public wall paintings, art
exhibitions, artist talks and animated film
screenings from emerging and established
artists. This year promises a focus on bizarre,
uncanny and surreal art that will spread over
Chinatown and the riverside, plus various art
spaces around the country. There’s a pretty
awesome music festival at Bangkok Docklands
to kick everything off on Jan 23, too, with the
likes of Spanish psych-pop artist El Guincho and
locals Yellow Fang, Apartment Khunpa and Paradise Molam Bangkok.
Mar 3, Moonstar Studio, 701 Lad Phrao Soi 80, 02-5393881
Suffering Wonderfruit withdrawals? Here’s
another hippie gathering worth fleeing town for.
This time taking place at Mountain Creek Golf
Resort and Residences in Nakhon Ratchasrima,
the fest features all things vintage, open-air film
screenings as well as plenty of camping space.
Entry is also free, which is a bonus.
Jan 23-31, various art spaces around Bangkok
Jan 30-31, Mountain Creek Golf Resort and Residences,
Mittraphap Rd., Nakhon Ratchasima, 02-250-7521
The five-time Grammy Award-winning jazz artist performs tracks from her latest studio album,
Wallflower, comprising covers of popular pop and
rock hit songs from the ‘60s through to today,
including those by Bob Dylan, Elton John and The
Eagles. Tickets are B1,500-5,000 from Thaiticketmajor.
Feb 19, Royal Paragon Hall, 5/F, Siam Paragon, Rama 1
Rd., 02-610-8023. BTS Siam
A Bangkok restaurant won it last time (Gaggan),
so it's only fitting that the regional restaurant
awards’ night of nights should take place here
in 2016. Details are still a little sketchy but, hey,
surely we can outdo Singapore, the host of the
past three editions.
After the success of last year’s debut, the massive
fire-breathing robotic spider from Glastonbury is
heading back to Bangkok, along with huge names
in the EDM scene including DJs Kaskade, DVBBs,
Blend, Must Die! and Zomboy. Tickets are B2,5005000 from Thaiticketmajor.
The 57-year-old Queen
of Pop takes over Impact
Arena as part of her
Rebel Heart tour. This
will be her 10th world
tour, which promises to
include performances
of her all-time greatest
hits including “Like a
Virgin”, “Material Girl”,
“Music”, “Hung Up” and
“4 Minutes”. Tickets are
B2,000 all the way up to
B16,000 from Thaiticketmajor.
Jan 23, Lumphini Square, Rama 4 Rd. MRT Lumphini
Feb 29, venue TBA
The three-day indie music
camping festival was
rescheduled from its original date due to problems
with the local authorities
in Saraburi. Instead, it will
be heading back to its original venue in Kanchanaburi
for plenty of outdoor music
from a total of 56 bands,
including the likes of Yellow Fang, Stylish Nonsense
and Samurai Loud. Here’s
hoping that there are no
more last-minute changes
this time around. Tickets
B1,500 on the door.
Feb 9, Impact Arena Muang
Thong Thani, 99 Popular Rd.,
Jan 16-17, Baan Khao Yai, Kanchanaburi
Moving the market to the
sixth floor of Central Embassy
was a bold choice for this vintage market pioneer, and we
have to say we’re pretty glad
to see it return to the original
open-air venue, right next to
Hua Lamphong station.
Jan 9-10, Hua Lamphong, State
Railway of Thailand, 1 Rong
Muang Rd.
Some of the biggest names in the Thai music
industry take the stage at Airport Link Makkasan, including Apartment Khunpa, Somkiat,
Young Man and the Sea, Sesse Mek, Mattnimare, Sundaydrive, the 38 Years Ago, My Life
as Ali Thomas, The Parkinson and Greasy Cafe.
Tickets are B500 from all 7-Eleven convenience
This festival combines traditional Thai art with
huge names in the EDM scene including Tiesto, Dash Berlin, Don Diablo, Vicetone, DBSTF
and AV21. They’ll be joined by local favorites
including the likes of Thaitanium, Potato, Da
Endorphine, Big Ass, 25 Hours and Cocktail.
Tickets are B2,200-3,600 from all 7-Eleven convenience stores.
Jan 30-31, Airport Rail Link, Makkasan Station, Phetchaburi Rd.
Feb 20, Maya Space, Bang Lamung, Chonburi, 085225-9225
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2015
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By BK editorial
Keep it Simple
Need an excuse for a working holiday? Simple Space (Fifth Avenue, 555/16 Chiang
Mai-Prao Rd., 095-448-7892, is a new addition to
the Northern co-working scene. This mix of black metal and floor-to-ceiling curved
mirrors offers meeting rooms (B150/hour), seminar rooms (B280/hour) and studio
spaces (B100/hour) for freelancers, creatives and entrepreneurs. Monthly hot desk
packages start from B990/month, which comes with 10 complimentary drinks. The
cafe bites are another highlight, with beautifully presented comfort dishes
like krapao gai (B59), stir-fried squid with salty egg (B79) and black ink spaghetti
with shrimp (B109). On top of the usual coffees and teas, we recommend their velvety hot chocolate with toasted marshmallows (B99) and the decadent chocolate
caramel dome (B129). Need more brain food? Opt for one of the cold-pressed juices
(B119) instead. Art and About
Chiang Mai artist Torlarp “Hern” Larpjaroensook (you probably know him from
those figurines with light switches for
heads) has opened a new gallery in his
hometown twinned with the already
buzzing Gallery Seescape. Situated right
on Ping River, Hern Gallery (1/3 Padat
Rd., 088-268-3893) showcases works
from both local and national artists,
launching with an exhibition of pieces from Chiang Mai-based stand-up comedian
Udom Taepanich, Taweesak Srithongdee (Lolay), Silwataka Ramyananda from Yonyang art group and Torlarp himself.
Boutique Stay
The Monttra ( proves
that Pattaya hotels don’t always need
to feel like tower blocks. Located next
to the Royal Varuna Yacht Club on the
leafy Phra Tumnak Hill, this all-suite
property with private beach access
boasts an exclusive island resort feel thanks to 23 suites that look out over nearby
Koh Larn and put the emphasis on open space. Other notable features include a
beachside pool, tai chi classes and even a soap concierge. Special opening rates
start at B4,400 (down from B8,000) for the 42-meter garden suite up to B7,800
(from B15,000) for the 83-meter canopy suite with private plunge pool.
Cruise the Web
Gift Guide
Much as we try to relegate them to the realm of retirees, cruises seem to never
completely go out of style. Exhibit A: the new, hip-looking, mobile-optimized
site, an aggregator and booking portal for cruises around the world.
Choose the region you want to hit on a map, including faraway options like Alaska
and the Canary Islands, select your preferred duration and off you go. The site aggregates cruise itineraries from the likes of Princess Cruises and Royal Caribbean,
along with the travel dates and price ranges for reserving different suites on board.
You can also see the interactive deck plans, and there are details on dress codes, facilities and itineraries. You can use a price tracker as well to grab a bargain.
Download our free guide to the best new openings
in Phuket, Chiang Mai, Krabi, Samui and more.
Have some cool rooms? Email your news and promotions to
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BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
1/4/16 6:47 PM
Compact Crossover
Japanese automaker Mazda has jumped on the crossover
SUV trend with the Mazda CX-3. Though modeled on the
Mazda2, the newbie boasts more space for passengers
and luggage—though that also means a heftier price tag.
The design comes approved by the Red Dot Design Award,
which extolls its “powerful lines” and “striking proportions.”
With the latest Skyactiv technology, the CX-3 also comes
with additional safety functions like an adaptive front-lighting system, high beam control, smart city brake support
and advanced blind spot monitoring—a real problem area
with other compact crossovers. Petrol and diesel versions
are available, with prices from B835,000-1,155,000. Available in seven colors: white, gray, blue, black, white, red
and titanium.
On the Market
Star Gazing
Paint the Town
This year saw the closure of some of the city’s favorite markets,
but here’s some good news: Suan Lum Night Bazaar, once the
city’s biggest night market, has made its long-awaited return.
Closed back in 2011 after the expiry of its land lease, the popular
market has moved over to Ratchadaphisek Road. Set for an official opening in February, the market claims it will welcome many
of the vendors from the original location. The 125,000-sq-meter
space is said to have room for nearly 2,000 shops. Early reports
suggest a number far lower than that, but we’ll give them the
benefit of the doubt. The new area will eventually also include a
shopping complex and a four-star hotel, along with more high-end
fashion stalls, a boxing ring, a cabaret show and more. Ratchada-Lat Phrao intersection. MRT Lat Phrao. Open daily 4pm-midnight.
After eight months’ renovation, Bangkok Planetarium just
unveiled its B95-million makeover. Still sitting at the same
Sukhumvit Road location it has occupied since 1964, the planetarium has been upgraded with aurora-themed decor, new
digital projectors and a state-of-the-art 4K-resolution Digistar 5 digital theater system. The new projector is capable of
screening more than 9,000 stars, including those of the Milky
Way and other faraway galaxies. Entry is free until Jan 9. After
that, final ticket prices are still TBA, but we’re not expecting
too much change from the former prices, which were B20 for
children and B30 for adults. Daily shows will continue to happen at 11am and 2pm. National Science Centre for Education,
928 Sukhumvit Rd. BTS Ekkamai.
Located way out on the outskirts of town in Nonthaburi, Meraki Studio offers an arty weekend escape. Run by Thanawan
Liangthong, the studio specializes in painting with watercolors
and natural colors made from flowers. Set in a classy glasshouse with a lush garden, this really is the kind of venue you
can spend a day at. One-day workshops include watercolor
portraits (B1,500) and landscapes (B1,500), as well as the art
of pressed flowers (B1,200/hrs), making garlands (B1,900)
and mini bouquets for parties (B1,900/hrs). Workshops run
from 9am-4pm, limited to only 14 seats, so advance booking
is highly recommended. Soi Chang, Nonthaburi, 081-459-6666
and 098-824-2165. Open Sat-Sun 9am-4pm.
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Fashion Forward
Get with the times. Here are seven fashion trends that are
sure to be big this year. By Vasachol Quadri and Chantich
Pins & Badges
Ever since Kris Van Assche rolled out his
flower pin set for Dior Homme’s fall/
winter collection 2015, the humble button hole has become the hottest thing
in menswear. For a playful choice, consider Jonathan Anderson’s spaceship
and Saturn pin set as part of his spring/
summer 2016 collection for Loewe. You
don’t need to look towards international
luxury brands to get such a look, though,
and nor do you have to go as fancy as
Anderson’s mix and match style. Start
with a flower pin by Rams, and maybe
add a pocket square from P.mith.
JW Anderson
SS 2016
Dior Homme FW 2016
Canali SS 2016
Kenzo SS2016
JW Anderson SS 2016
Ermenegildo Zegna SS 2016
Even More Faded Color
Indigo and natural dyeing took over the local
designer scene last year and look set to stay for
some time yet. Forget hippie-style jersey patterns; the look for brands like The Hill Side and
local labels SSAP and Wardrobe Ministry sees
the trend used on preppy, button-down Oxford
shirts. French fashion house Kenzo confirms the
trend switching from its regular bold color palette, alongside Canali for spring/summer 2016
and even the streetwear line Yeezy by Kanye
West. So guys, please go soft next year.
Fifties Shirts
As for patterns, menswear welcomes back
oversized textured shirts from the 1950s.
Italian fashion house Prada was the one to
popularize short-sleeve printed shirts back in
2012, and we’re seeing more for its spring/
summer collection 2016. Similar patterns
appear at Lanvin and even Raf Simons for
the same season. Not comfortable going
oversized after all those years spent in a
well-tailored Oxford? Try the short-sleeved
look during a beach holiday before braving
it back in the city.
Raf Simons SS 2016
SS 2016
Prada SS 2016
Gucci SS 2016
Louis Vuitton
SS 2016
Dior Homme. G/F, The Emporium, 622 Sukhumvit
Rd., 02-664-8363. BTS Phrom Phong
Louis Vuitton. G/F, Gaysorn, 999 Phloen Chit Rd.
02-656-1149. BTS Chit Lom
Loewe. M/F, Siam Paragon, Rama 1 Rd., 02- 6109825. BTS Siam
Gucci. Luxe Galerie, 1/F, Central Chidlom, Phloen Chit
Rd., 02-793-7000. BTS Chit Lom
P.mith, Rams and SSAP available at Gin & Milk, 3/F,
Siam Center, Rama 1 Rd., 02-658-1000. BTS Siam
Fendi. G/F, The Emporium, Sukhumvit 24, 02-6648370. BTS Phrom Phong
The Hill Side available at
Wardrobe Ministry available at
Hood By Air available at American Rag Cie, 1/F,
Groove, CentralWorld, 999/9 Rama 1 Rd. BTS Chit
Kenzo. 1/F, Central Embassy, 1031 Phloen Chit Rd.,
02-119-7777. BTS Phloen Chit
Rag & Bone NY. M/F, The Glass Quartier, Emquartier, Sukhumvit Rd., 02-003-6450. BTS Phrom Phong
Prada and Dolce & Gabbana. M/F, Siam Paragon,
Rama 1 Rd., 02- 610-9800. BTS Siam
Spring/summer 2016 collections will be in store
around end of Jan or early Feb, 2016.
Dolce & Gabbana SS 2016
Chinoisery Print
Usually interior design takes one or two years to catch up with fashion,
but not this year. The Orientalism that took over showrooms last year
is one of the biggest inspirations for high-end brands’ spring/summer
2016 collections, from Louis Vuitton with its street-like bomber jackets printed with Chinese paintings to Guccci’s matching bird-print suits
and trousers and even vintage side-button shirts at Dolce & Gabbana.
Lanvin. 1/F, The Erawan Bangkok, 494 Phloen Chit
Rd., 02-250-7951. BTS Phloen Chit
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
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Fendi SS 2016
JW Anderson
SS 2016
Playful Sleeves
The vintage English sleeve was really a standout
for spring/summer season thanks to JW Anderson’s avant-garde Victorian white top, Fendi’s
turtleneck top, Louis Vuitton’s horse-racing
inspired white top and the adorable knit top by
Dior. Other brands like Oscar de la Renta and
Juan Carlos Obando also suggest that you can
go for wide or bell-sleeves and maintain a street
look that steers clear of sweet vintage.
Dior SS 2016
Casual ‘70s
Rebecca Minkoff
SS 2016
A touch of the ‘70s played a big
part all over the global fashion
scene last year, and it’s here to
stay. But if you’re looking further
into the next season, think more
casual hippie. You don’t need to
always go for flared pants and a
matching suit, but rather flared
jeans with some embroidered
details matched with a casual
T-shirt. Floral print dresses, suede
jackets, fringe details and added
dimension courtesy of pins and
badges all work too (see page 10).
Coach SS 2016
Prabal Gurung
SS 2016
Balmain SS 2016
Proenza Schouler SS 2016
Show Your Shoulder
Hood By Air
SS 2016
The focus is on shoulder and sleeve details more than
ever. If you don’t want to go with wide or bell-sleeves,
try off-shoulder, either with or without helter detail.
Even NY cult brand Hood By Air embraces the style for
its white top while Rag & Bone has come out with a
classy midi dress.
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
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1/4/16 6:50 PM
bites & blends
Second Best
Gaggan Anand, culinary whiz behind Asia’s
Best Restaurant, has opened a new venture on Ekkamai where back-to-basics meat
grilled on wood-fired ovens takes over from
the fancy, molecular Indian fare of Gaggan.
At Meatlicious, you’ll find a healthy obsession with prime Japanese ingredients, from
A5-plus Miyazaki gold-winning beef to
tuna fresh from Tsukiji, but if you’re not
the type to drop B3,000 on 200g of butter-like Japanese cow, then there are some
more earthy cuts, too. We love the Argentine grain-fed tenderloin (300g/B990) and
delicious country-raised local roast chicken
(B390). Or simply grab a rich bowl of beef
khao tom (B60) and pull up a stool at the
outside beer bar. 8 Ekkamai Soi 6, 091-6986688.
Organic Haven
Feather Weight
Cream Dream
Thai spa brand Organika has taken over the top two stories
above D’Ark in Piman 49 complex and transformed the space
into a white-washed spa and cafe. Chalee Kader (of Surface,
The Beer Bridge and Knock) creates health-focused dishes
like the hearty chicken garden salad (chicken breast, avocado,
poached egg, tomato, beetroot and subtle Indian curry powder, B400) and backyard garden carrot salad (with wild arugula
and aioli, B320). The brand also plays around with scented tea
blends like Memoirs of Sunrise (dried apple, roselle, lemongrass, dried orange and dried peach, B295/pot), which are also
served in high tea sets alongside house-made scones, Danishes
and sweets at B1,250 for two people or B2,750 with Chandon
Brut. 6/F, Piman 49, Sukhumvit Soi 49, 02-665-1899
Alongside the feathery earrings, handmade stone jewelry and
artisanal French soaps at Ekkamai’s new Featherstone boutique, you’ll also find a charmingly decadent bistro serving
Western comfort food like salad, pasta, steak and pizza. Don’t
miss the Down to Earth salad (greens, cherry tomatoes, black
olives, sunkist orange, radish and feta cheese, B220), smooth
mashed potato with chicken skin (B160) and duck confit with
raspberry sauce (B380). The coffee is also impressive. Ceresia single origin drip coffee is priced at B120 while the shop’s
customized blend for espresso starts at B90. We also love the
deconstructed lavender soda dubbed Wild Gardenia (B140),
which is presented with floral ice cubes. 60 Ekkamai Soi 12,
Amid the hustle and bustle of this year’s Winter Market Fest
on Sukhumvit Soi 77, Bangkok’s latest ice cream player, Guss
Damn Good, made a big first impression with its bold and
bright flavor Galaxy of Pearypie, inspired by the beauty blogger herself. Other playfully titled flavors (all B80/cup) include
the deliciously milky Don’t Give Up #18, Kuppa espresso (made
using Kuppa’s coffee) and its milder sister named Why Can’t
Coffee be White?, as well as sorbets like Virgin Umeshu and
Tokyo Mist (yuzu orange). Available at Kuppadeli (Centerpoint
of Siam Square), online and at the next Made by Legacy market (Jan 9-10, Hua Lamphong Station).
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
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Il Fumo
Le Normandie
Turning the Tables
La Liste was meant to demonstrate how biased and meaningless
the World’s 50 Best Restaurants list is. Instead, it reveals France has
completely lost the plot when it comes to understanding the global
culinary scene. By Gregoire Glachant
“Oh no you didn’t,” was my first thought as I searched for Bangkok
restaurants in La Liste, a ranking of the world’s best restaurants
which came out on Dec 17. La Liste is 1,000 venues strong, which
should allow for more diversity than World’s 50 Best Restaurants.
And yet, not a single Thai restaurant is to be found on La Liste’s
first page, which includes restaurants ranked 1-250. I tried page
2, restaurants ranked 251-500, still nothing. Page 3, nothing.
Finally, on the last page, I found this: #988. Le Normandie. At
that point, I laughed.
La Liste is a direct response to World’s 50 Best Restaurants,
a ranking in which Bangkok had two restaurants in 2015: Gaggan (10th) and Nahm (22nd). Launched in 2002, World’s 50
Best is now as popular as it is controversial.
Initially praised for celebrating culinary destinations where Michelin had never set foot,
such as Bangkok, it has come under scrutiny
for a voting system its critics say is opaque and
nepotistic: panelists might be close friends of
restaurateurs and there is no way to ensure
they’ve eaten at a sufficient number of venues to have informed opinions.
Some of 50 Best’s fiercest critics are
French, Joel Robuchon among them. He
described 50 Best as “flip-a-coin voting.” In the
2015 edition of World’s 50 Best, there were no
French restaurants in the Top 10 and only four
in the entire list. Food is big business in France.
Local designations of origin, like Champagne, are fiercely guarded.
Chefs like Robuchon and Alain Ducasse are global brands. And the
French government was not going to watch 50 Best undermine
the country’s culinary reputation without a fight.
Enter La Liste. Backed by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
no less, La Liste is meant to be just the opposite of 50 Best. It
draws from a variety of sources, not just from an incestuous panel.
And it is compiled by a computer, not by erratic human beings.
The New York Times wrote:
“La Liste is based on an algorithm named Ciacco … invented
by Antoine Ribaut, a French-American computer systems architect. He drew on data from sources that included 200 food guides
in 92 countries, such as Michelin, Gault & Millau and Zagat, and
crowd-sourced sites like TripAdvisor and OpenTable.”
As a result, La Liste’s tagline is “Objectively Delicious, Deliciously Objective.” Really? Along with Le Normandie at 988, Tensui managed to make the cut at 991. Is Bangkok objectively that
much worse than 50 Best seems to think, with a mere two entries
out of 1,000 versus two out of 50? (Thailand’s third entrant,
Samui’s Ocean Eleven, sneaks in at 999).
The answer probably lies in how France sees the global fine
dining scene. La Liste is very much in line with the venerable
Michelin Guide. Since 2011, Michelin has crowned some 26 restaurants with three stars in both France and Japan, making the two
countries culinary equals at the top of the food chain. Similarly,
La Liste has 126 restaurants in Japan, 118 in France, 101 in the
United States, 69 in China, and over 50 for Spain, Germany and
Italy each. Both rankings fit a worldview where France remains
number one in the Western hemisphere. In fact, there is enough
French fine dining in Japan that you could argue many of Paris’s
hat tips to Tokyo are really a celebration of French
cuisine gone global. It’s also a vision of cuisine
where lines were drawn decades ago, before El
Bulli’s molecular tricks or the global rise of Thai,
Mexican and Pacific Rim cuisine.
La Liste’s Bangkok restaurants are in line with
this antiquated vision. Le Normandie is arguably
the city’s most traditional French restaurant, Tensui its most traditional Japanese one. Farewell,
Nahm and your sloppy bowls of curry. So long,
Gaggan and your molecular takes on Indian comfort food. You made it into 50 Best, but you’re
not wanted in La Liste, where kaiseki and souffle
reign supreme.
In Thailand, too, we’ve had our fair share of
misguided protectionism. Let’s not forget David Thompson was
not given a hero’s welcome when he first relocated from London
to here. And since we’re on the topic of ridiculous uses of technology to objectively assess food, Thailand has a foodie robot of
its own, the e-delicious machine, financed by the government’s
Thai Delicious Committee to verify the authenticity of Thai food
served at restaurants. Food protectionism makes idiots of us all.
The French foreign ministry’s Philippe Faure said, “In a short
time, La Liste will become the global reference.” We’re betting it
will be ignored. Thailand seems to be moving in the right direction, though. Not only is the Thai capital hosting Asia’s 50 Best
Restaurants this February, showing it is eager to engage with the
world, but the Thailand Tourism Authority, which is sponsoring the
event, held the press conference at Paste, a Thai restaurant run
by an Australian-Thai couple. While it would appear Thailand is
making progress in embracing the diversity of its chefs, La Liste
is a worrying indication that France plans to continue to ignore
the new world order.
It’s a vision of
cuisine where
lines were drawn
decades ago,
before El Bulli’s
molecular tricks or
the global rise of
Thai, Mexican and
Pacific Rim cuisine.
The buzz: A grand old villa on Rama 4 has been reborn as
a cocktails and Italian grill restaurant. Swing by the cozy
bar out front for a Sazerac or Negroni (with de rigueur
house tweaks), slip past the showcase of beef carcasses
spotlighted like priceless art, and join the elegant clientele
of diners facing the large open kitchen for some imported
Spanish beef.
The decor: Plenty of nostalgia infuses the Rama V-style
house and the bar, which is all wood paneling and tufted
leather. The white dining room’s minimal elegance makes
for a clever contrast, creating two very distinct venues
under one roof. There are also a couple private dining rooms
and a terrace.
The food: Chef-partner Luca Appino (La Bottega di Luca,
Pizza Massilia) and head chef Walter d’Ambrosio have
rounded up some of Europe’s most prized meats. The veal
is a Piedmontese breed raised on hazelnuts, the prosciutto
and pork neck hail from the Ca’ Lumaco Estate (between
Modena and Bologna), the beef either from Galicia (Spain)
or Piedmont—although some ever-so-slightly-moreaffordable Australian wagyu is also on offer. The dry-aged
Rubia Gallega from Spain (B5,400 for a 1kg prime rib) is
the star of the show here, offering the greatest density
and depth of flavor. But the pork is a delicious surprise,
too, with qualities almost reminiscent of beef (B990 for
Ca’ Lumaco pork neck). You can also just about get by under
B1,000 with a butcher’s cut of Piedmontese Fassone
(B350/100 grams). All this, plus some seafood like Canadian
lobster (B1,590) or octopus (B420) gets popped into a big
wood-fired oven then finished on grills with adjustable
heights and different woods based on the produce: cherry
for meats, oliver for fish, almond for delicate seafood like
red shrimps. Even the pasta and risotto come with ovenroasted or grilled ingredients. Dessert, too: the roasted
Moscato wine peaches paired with ricotta and pomegranate
reduction (B390) is a tart delight with subtle smoky notes.
The drinks: Husband-and-wife restaurateurs Choti
Leenutaphong and Debby Tang of Vesper Cocktail Bar &
Restaurant have enlisted their Soi Convent cocktail
institution’s team to create a drinks list even more
traditional than Vesper’s. Headed by Pailin Sajjanit (2015’s
Diageo World Class Thailand finalist), the bar fixes oldies
like a Boulevardier with the addition of a smoky mezcal
(The Smoking Bulleit, B620), a whiskey sour with Chartreuse
as per the original 1870s formula (Daisy, B420) and a
Martinez with their own house-made gin (B420).
Why you should care: There’s a lightness of touch here
that makes this much more than a place to get some
grilled cow. Case in point: the creative and delicious trio
of Fassone beef tartare (B680): one with truffle and
burrata, one with lemon zest and olive oil, one with
mustard and red onions. Gregoire Glachant
1098/2 Rama 4 Rd., 02-286-8833. Open Mon-Sat 6pm-1am
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
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722 Craft Experience
Drink This
Six super-creative new cocktails to drink in Bangkok right now. By Vasachol Quadri
I-Sa-Nu at Ainu (B320)
Survival Kit at Bonfire (B550)
This new Japanese restaurant and bar is inspired by the historical indigenous people of Hokkaido of the same name. The concept shines through in the signature cocktails, too. This smoky, vodka-based long drink also comprises Genmai tea (green tea with
roasted brown rice), sweet vermouth, green tea syrup, homemade
pandan syrup and lime juice, topped with khao kua (crushed roasted
rice). If you’re wondering why this main ingredient used in Isaan
food is added here, that’s because Hokkaido is also in the Northeast
of Japan. And it matches the aroma of the Genmai tea perfectly.
This rooftop bar at Rain Hill community mall carries an adventurous
camping theme, which is also reflected in the cocktails. Created by
Niks Anuman-Rajadhon (Teens of Thailand and Drinks Academy),
the Survivors Kit comprises two cups of vodka-infused pomegranate tea mixed with honey, lime, St. Remy cognac, wild berry syrup
and Amaro peach liqueur, accompanied by almonds, rosemary, mint,
orange, jelly and apple inside a metal rice cooker.
121 Sukhumvit Soi 55 (Thonglor), 02-005-1008.
Tid Koh at 80/20 (B220)
Dusk Rosita at Dusk Thonglor (B340)
This new rooftop bar on Thonglor Soi 13 takes its craft cocktails seriously. The most interesting has to be the Dusk Rosito, which is like
a spruced up Hendrick’s cucumber with pomegranate, jasmine and
homemade syrup adding even more freshness, while a little egg
white creates a foamy texture on top.
Thonglor Soi 13, 096-860-7690.
Shoshoni at Jubei Izakaya (B220)
This Japanese izakaya (see below) is not all about draft Asahi—their
signature cocktails are pretty tasty and well-priced, too. Shochu and
sake are the main spirits, here. Try the Shoshoni, a Negroni-inspired
cocktail that uses shochu instead of gin, mixed with Campari and
vermouth, and topped with Campari foam (made with espuma)
and orange zest.
888/28-29 Mahatun Plaza, Phloen Chit Rd., 02-651-5020. BTS Phloen Chit.
Rooftop/F, Rain Hill, 841/11 Sukhumvit Soi 47, 061-850-7722. www.fb.
The Thai-Western restaurant on Charoenkrung Road not only serves
delicious food, but also does inventive, Thai-twist cocktails. The list
focuses mainly on local spirits and ingredients; don’t miss the Tid Koh
(Chalongbay rum, sugarcane juice and coconut juice foam, topped
with chopped kaffir lime leaves).
1052-1054 Charoenkrung Rd., 095-843-2056.
Customized Coffee Cocktail at 722 Craft
Ekkamai’s newest rooftop bar serves a range of craft beers, but the
guy behind the bar also mixes a fine customized drink. On our last
visited, we requested a cocktail made from beer. The guy picked
Hammer & Sickle imperial stout as the base, topping up the stout’s
coffee aroma with Kahlua and syrup, then garnishing it with raisins
and a cinnamon stick. A potent yet refreshing mix. Do note: this
drink is not on the menu.
9/F, Paradise Sukhumvit Hotel, Ekkamai Soi 12 (Soi Preedee 31), 093-4263591.
Jubei Izakaya
Jubei Izakaya
The buzz: The restaurant and bar community at Mahatun Plaza has grown
beyond Mexican food and craft beer to offer this modern Japanese izakaya
(informal bar-diner). The stylishly minimal Jubei Izakaya serves both lunch
and dinner along with a classic list of drinks focused on sake and shochu
with a few signature cocktails.
The decor: Unlike most of Bangkok’s dark and gritty izakaya, Jubei goes for a
cafe-style mood and tone that’s clean and attractive—just as you’d often find
in Tokyo. Out front sit three little seats that face the open kitchen where you
can order a quick meal, while inside is a casual dining room where blondewood low tables and bar seating match with modern enamel blue walls.
The crowd: Phloen Chit’s after-work crowd and people from the neighboring high-end residences.
The music: Upbeat electro remixes of recent indie hits
The food & drinks: Shintaro’s head chef, Satoshi Sawada, helped the bar
with its food, which goes beyond bar snacks and yakitori (grilled skewers,
B50 for chicken and white leek and B180 for marbled beef) to offer serious plates like the really yummy tonkotsu gyokai ramen (B220)—perfect
for both lunch and dinner time. Lighter options include the Bari Bari salad
(B180) served with onsen egg, deep-fried ramen and chashu pork, and
the chashu pork bun (B140). To drink, shochu and sake are used as the
main spirit for classic-with-a-twist signature cocktails like the Shoshoni
(B220, see above), and the Kyoto Fizz (B220), in which sake takes center
stage in a Gin Fizz-style cocktail of egg white, lime juice and orange bitters.
888/28-29 Mahatun Plaza, Phloen Chit Rd., 02-651-5020. Open daily 11am-11pm.
BTS Phloen Chit.
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2015
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Iwane Goes Nature
International. 14 Sukhumvit Soi 23, 02-664-0350.
BT S A s o k / M RT S u k h u m v i t . O p e n d a i l y
7:30-midnight. B-BB. Corkage B500. F
Having operated as a bakery since 2011,
the space in front of Sha Raku Japanese
restaurant recently expanded into a proper
cafe with an all-day dining menu. Amid a
lush garden setting you’ll find salads,
sandwiches, pastas, rice dishes and steaks
as well as the original freshly baked items,
served up either out on the terrace or in
the cozy, home-style dining room. Though
we’ve found little remarkable about this
new direction, there is one reason we’d
recommend repeat visits to Iwane Goes
Nature: its pancakes. The Marron Five
pancakes (served with candied chestnuts
and chestnut cream, B220) are fluffy and
delicious, while the ricotta pancakes
(B185) benefit from a soft, smooth texture
and slightly salty taste. Otherwise, it’s
business as usual for a Bangkok brunch
Not Just Another Cup
International. 75/1, Sathorn Soi 10, 02-6353464. Open daily 7am-7pm. BTS Chong Nonsi. BB-BBB. H
Taking on Sathorn brunch royalty Rocket,
this airy, two-story restaurant on Soi 10
deals in a similar combination of eggfocused dishes, prettily poured coffee and
cold-pressed juices served in a daytimefriendly dining room. Though the mix of
printed fabrics and mismatched wood
veneers don’t have quite the same
harmonized design direction as Rocket,
Another Cup still packs in such a crowd on
Saturday morning that you’d do well to
book ahead—perhaps Sathorn’s residents
prefer its private tables with slouchy seating
to dining at come-one-come-all communal
countertops. We can also see why the more
extensive menu might appeal to the
masses, composed mainly of full-fat, guilty
pleasure comfort food. Pastas, sandwiches,
salads and toasts are handled competently
Price guide
PPPP Forget it
PPPP Only if you’re in the neighborhood
PPPP A pleasant dining experience
PPPP Not to be missed
BB BBB BBBB BK pays for its meal and does not call ahead or
sit with the chef.
cafe, from egg dishes and salads to fusion
pastas with Thai tweaks. Appetizers don’t
stray far from the usual fried fare like
calamari (B130) and French fries (B130),
while more inventive creations lurk in the
salad and sandwich selection. The
Traveler’s Salad (greens, grilled baby corns,
potato and asparagus, ricotta, egg, fried
chicken and boiled shrimps, served with
Japanese-style sesame dressing and
mustard, B220) and Fisherman’s sandwich
(creamy omelette with shrimp and squids,
B215) are both original and comforting, if
not outstanding. The recommended
spaghetti tom yum (B165) is a surprising
highlight thanks to a delicate approach to
spicing and the added punch of shrimp roe
and olives. Sadly not all Iwane’s flavors are
so impressive. The Popeye spinach pesto
spaghetti (B160), for example, features a
bland, too-dry pesto sauce covering
overcooked pasta. Our Farmer’s set (fried
potatoes, bacon and a sunny side-up egg
served with cinnamon French toast, B135)
also comes with a rather sad-tasting dry
egg, although the overall mild flavors are
just right. On top of the regular coffee
options, interesting drink surprises include
the Canadian latte (with maple syrup,
B120), Bulletproof coffee (with coconut oil
and butter, B130) and HeineKafe (with
beer, B150). Add in service that’s
competent and friendly and Iwane Goes
Nature makes a passable addition to
Asoke’s brunch offerings.
by a kitchen team which can turn out wellplated, simple food as described. Their king
prawn fettuccine in pesto sauce (B420) and
chicken caesar salad (B260) won’t set the
culinary world alight, but there’s nothing
about either’s ample portion to leave you
unsatisfied. As for the fillet of skin-on
salmon served with a potato rosti, egg and
tomato (B550), its fish just on the
acceptable side of overdone benefits from
a delicate dill creme fraiche, if not from the
inelegant handful of supermarket lettuce
on the side. Bolder flavors can be found in
the Moroccan-style skillet of eggs in a richly
spiced tomato sauce (B320), served
alongside some deliciously fluffy bread for
dunking. In the French toast with seasonal
fruit (B280), splashes of kiwi, pomegranate,
strawberry and blueberry are made all the
sweeter thanks to perfectly caramel-glazed
banana, little pink meringues and dollops
of sharp pomegranate sauce. The biggest
deterrent from a languid brunch at Another
Cup might be its coffee which, though not
terrible, certainly doesn’t show the devotion
to bean sourcing and brewing method that
you’ll get at either Rocket or the fastidiously
caffeine-snooty Luka further down on
Sathorn. At least here you can get a beer
(Heineken, Singha, B140/bottle) or glass of
wine (B220) if you want one. Would we go
back and while away a couple of hours of
a weekend morning at Another Cup? Sure.
Just as long as we’re not entertaining
design nazis and coffee snobs.
Under B500
B900-1,500 B1,500 and up
Price per person, including one drink, appetizer,
main course, dessert, charges and tax.
H Reservations recommended
F Parking available
E Dress requirements
G Live music
Get the freshest dining news on
BK bites & blends:
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
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Pizza Massilia
The much-hyped pizza truck finds a playful and baroque new home
The buzz: Pizza Massilia originated as an impressive pizza truck on
the banyan-tree-shaded back lot of Soi Sala Daeng’s MK Gold. A collaboration between French restaurateur Frederic Meyer (Issaya Siamese Club and Namsaah) and Italian chef Luca Apino (La Bottega di
Luca), the truck’s menu makes a few nods to Marseille, the French
coastal city a three-hour drive from Italy, on top of its classic Italian fare. This Ruam Rudee location is Massilia’s brick-and-mortar
home, a playful and baroque dining room that contrasts French
antiques, global contemporary art and simple wood-fired dishes
that go beyond pizza.
The decor: Vast and uncluttered thanks to a breezy palette of white
tablecloths and cyan walls where the mirrors dressed as French
windows, a faux fireplace and distressed Provencal furniture act as
catchy accents rather than centerpieces.
The food: Apino has imported two massive, twin ovens from Italy—
and a chef, Flavio Argenio, who had a stint in Marseille (and speaks
fluent French) making him an ideal fit for this “Italy with a touch
of Provence” concept. On the menu, that translates to tomates farcies (tomatoes stuffed with sausage, B490) and baby squid bouillabaisse (B310) alongside traditional Italian fare like margherita pizzas (B290) and lasagne alla Bolognese (B390). Argenio’s resume
includes work at Gabriele Bonci's Pizzarium, one of the best pizza-by-the-slice joints in Rome. Argenio insists on using Minere
mineral water to make his pizza, keeps his flour air-conditioned,
and uses only natural yeast. Order his handiwork topped with four
cheeses (B590) or homemade cooked ham (B490); or go fancy
with the sea urchin and yellow tomato (B690) and Canadian lobster (B1,750) options.
The drinks: The wines are 80-percent Italian, starting from just shy
of B1,000, most of them below the B3,000 mark. Highlights include
a 2013 Monferrato DOC Barbera Nebbiolo Merlot (B1,700), a 2012
Tenuta dell’Ornellaia Le Serre Nuove Bolgheri (B2,990) and an Australian 2011 Torbreck Semillon Woodcutter’s (B1,990).
Why you should care: There are only two places in town with these
fancy, imported pizza ovens—Peppina and Pizza Massilia. Your visit
will allow you to partake in informed conversations on who makes
the best pizza. In your pursuit of pizza paradiso, don’t overlook Massilia’s provencal touches, though. Gregoire Glachant
15/1 Soi Ruam Rudi, Phloen Chit Rd., 02-651-5091
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
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Pirate Chambre
Crab and Claw
Out of Towner
This vast new Japanese dining-and-drinking spot in a far-flung
location offers modern izakaya-style fare served amid bold contemporary architecture. At Haru (96 Soi Yothinpattana, Praditmanutham Rd., 02-515-0058), the food covers most of what you’d
expect from a Japanese restaurant—sushi, sashimi, ramen, tempura, nabe (hot pot) and rice bowls as well as yakitori for those
who just want something to go with their drink. Expect drinks
like Tsuki Usagi sparkling sake (B459/300ml), Kikusui Karakuchi
sake (B359/300ml) and Puru Puru sparkling jelly sake in umeshu, peach or apple flavor (B239/can).
Hidden Treasure
The people behind Pirate Chambre (3/F, Maneeya Building,
Phloen Chit Rd., 02-252-5131) are the same bunch who established Fallabella as hi-so clubbers’ favorite player. At this hidden away restaurant and bar, the focus shifts from bold Thai and
Isaan tastes during the day (11am-3pm) like som tam taad (som
tam platter with side accompaniments, B320), “Khao Pad Nai
Ying” river prawn fried rice (B320) and grilled chicken (B250 for
half bird), to Western fare by night (5pm onwards), including
saffron risotto prosciutto (B380) and Le Banyan pressed duck
(B3,200 for two people). You’ll find some pretty ambitious cocktail creations at the bar, too.
Rising Tide
Opened earlier this year, Crab and Claw was the first to introduce New England-style seafood to Bangkok. And judging from
the crowd there compared to Emquariter's other restuarants, it’s
no wonder this seafood place has now branched out to another
hi-so mall. At Crab and Claw Siam Paragon (991 Rama 1 Rd.,
061-912-3145. BTS Siam), expect the same reliable lobster rolls
(B950) and a bunch more lunch sets. Natcha Sanguankiattichai
G/F, Oriental Residence, 110 Wireless Rd., 02-252-8001.
Open Mon-Sat noon-2:30pm, 6-10pm
After his ventures in the Netherlands and France, Dutch
chef Henk Savelberg (formerly of the now-defunct
one-Michelin-starred eponymous restaurant in Hague)
landed in Bangkok and opened his first outpost outside
of Europe. Here, he serves fine French cuisine, with his
own interpretation in clean and beautiful presentation. Do
expect seasonal variations in the rotating menu where his
creations highlight selected quality ingredients including
the fillet of doe (B2,000) served with roasted chestnuts,
chestnut puree, red cabbage, apple, Époisses gnocchi
and pepper sauce and the grilled North Sea turbot
(B1,900) served with broccoli, romanesco, balsamic gel,
old Dutch cheese, pistachio and lemon dressing.
Exclusive privileges for Citibank credit cardmembers.
A complimentary dessert when ordering main dish
(Limit 1 dessert/main dish/person)
Today - 30 Nov 16
To redeem your favorite dining vouchers, please visit
Simply click “Thailand” and then “Gift voucher”
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
BB_NNOD_622_Jan8_16_NEW.indd 19
1/4/16 7:39 PM
bites & blends market +
Up & Above bar
Park Society
From Jan 4-10, Park Society pairs
cheese with wine and spirits according to German cheese master Kathrin Fuchs’s recommendation. Meet
the master in person on Jan 8-9 from
Up & Above bar presents a range of
shaved ice desserts dubbed Kakigori
Okura. Served through Mar 31, the
desserts are priced from B250 with
toppings including strawberry, coconut, yuzu and sparkling pear.
24/F, The Okura Prestige, 57 Wireless Rd.,
02-687-9000. BTS Phloen Chit
29/F, Sofitel So, 2 Sathorn Rd., 02-6240000. MRT Lumphini
your business
with us ­
starting from
The K Village weekend market lets
you meet the producers and buy
your food from them. Jan 9 -10,
K Village, Sukhumvit Soi 26, 02-258-9919
The weekend foodies market where
you can buy products straight from
the source takes place at Gateway
Ekamai on Jan 9-10, 10am-6pm.
Gateway Ekamai, 982/22 Sukhumvit Rd.,
02-108-2888. BTS Ekkamai
call 026249601
Everyday from 5-7pm, buy one get
one free on sangria and gin tonic at
Mahatun Plaza, Phloen Chit Rd., 02-6514399. BTS Phloen Chit
Credit card/Debit card payment accepted
New Venues
Maiuu offers an izakaya buffet
at B599 featuring various gyoza,
grilled squid, karaage fried chicken,
yakisoba and tempura roll as well as
free-flow beer and chuhai.
Phaholyothin Soi 5, 02-619-8664
The fourth floor of Badmotel has
been injected with some serious
Andy Warhol vibes.
4/F, Badmotel, 331/4-5 Sukhumvit Soi 55
(Thonglor), 02-712-7288
A cozy little cafe on the corner of
Thonglor Soi 10 that certainly lives
up to its name.
137/1 Thonglor Soi 10, 02-714-9974
A Guide to
Best Restaurants
The Square
Every Mon through Feb 29, The
Square adds lobster dishes including baked lobster with herbs and
white wine and charcoal-grilled lobster with five sauces to its buffer dinner at B1,099.
Novotel Bangkok Ploenchit, Sukhumvit
Rd., 02-305-6000. BTS Phloen Chit
A gelato shop that’s actually from
G/F, Emquartier, Sukhumvit Rd. BTS Phrom
Find out more and Book online at
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
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1/4/16 7:08 PM
Leandro Godoi
He’s been nominated for Mix Mag’s ‘Greatest DJ
Of All Time’ award and now he’s heading over to
Bangkok for a huge night of nothing but his best
drum ‘n’ bass and electro tracks. Join The Brazilian
DJ Marky at Glow (96/4-5 Sukhumvit Soi 23, 02261-3007. MRT Sukhumvit) this Jan 8 and expect
hits such as “LK” and “So Tinha Que Ser Com Voce”.
SAT Market Finds
Grab yourself a Beerlao and start rifling
through the selection of well-weathered
clothes and specialty fashion finds imported
from Japan at Made by Legacy flea market
this Jan 9-10, when it once again takes over
the State Railway’s garden (Hua Lamphong
Train Station. MRT Hua Lamphong) with row
upon row of booths, beer bars and food
FRI Wild Style
WED Just Dance
Head over to Chomp (63-65 Samsen Soi 1, 02-629-2026) for Graffiti Gang’s Bangkok Sweet Dreams, an exhibition showcasing the works of 29 Thai graffiti and street
artists from Jan 8-Feb 8. Annatar, Zrim, Poyd, Muay, Big K and many more will be
hosting the opening night featuring a live joint spray show on one of the restaurant's
walls plus plenty of live music.
If you like your dance performances to be contemporary,
experiment and Japanese,
head to Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (939 Rama 1 Rd.,
02-214-6630 BTS National
Stadium) this Jan 13-14 for
Another Story. There’ll be
mime, ballet, butoh and more
courtesy of
the Company
Derashinera Theater troupe
and their friends at The Japan Foundation in Bangkok.
Tickets are B200-500 at the
door. See the full schedule at
MON Found Footage
Raul Gallego is one of those guys
in blue flak jackets who shoot video footage at warzones around the
world. At his Bangkok Video Journalism and Filmmaking Workshop, he’ll show how you too can
become a documentary maker for
outlets like UK’s Channel 4 News and
the Associated Press—mind that the
course costs US$1,500 (B54,128).
Jan 11-17 at Cho Why (17 Soi Nana,
Charoenkrung Rd.) Tickets are available at
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
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DJ Marky
A one-of-a-kind exhibition showcasing the works
of 29 Thai graffiti and street artists, including Annatar, Zrim, Poyd, Muay, Big K and many more.
The opening night will feature a live joint spray
show on one of the restaurant's walls plus live
Dates: Jan 8-Feb 3
Jean Claude Chambr's series of oil paintings
captures cityscapes and still life from his travels
through Southeast Asia using a French impressionistic style.
Dates: Jan 9-14
The Pikture Gallery, 47/1 Sukhumvit Soi 49. Free.
Chomp, 63-65 Samsen Soi 1, 02-629-2026.
B. Bravo
Stylish Nonsense
Stylish Nonsense, Julien Boudart, Mint Park and Space Monkey host a night of synthesizers, experimental collaboration and improvisation. Jan 8, 8pm. Jam, 41 Charoen Rat
Soi 1, 083-5451-833. B150. BTS Surasak.
The Californian DJ known for combining interstellar funk, hip-hop and R&B with dance and
bass music is joined by DJs Pichy, Boogie G amd Maarten Goetheer. Dress code is smart.
Jan 8, 9pm. Vogue Lounge, 6/F, Mahanakhon Cube, Silom, Narathiwat Ratchanakarin
Rd., 02-001-0697. B350 (includes one JW Gold Label cocktail). BTS Chong Nonsi.
A collaborative exhibition between eight renowned
and emerging artists, showcasing works ranging
from silkscreen designs to cartoon drawings.
Dates: Jan 9-Feb 11
A photographic exhibition capturing the lonely and daunting journey of being a foreigner learning the ways of Bangkok for the
first time, as experienced by French artist
Jean-Sebastien Faure over the past four years.
Dates: Jan 9-Feb 28
La Lanta Fine Art, 254/14 Sukhumvit Soi 31, 02-2605381, 02-204-0583.
Kathmandu Photo Gallery, 87 Pan Rd., 02-234-6700.
DJ Saranyu takes over the club with his best electronic tracks, with support from DOTT. Jan
8, 10pm. Dark Bar, 2/F, Ekamai Mall, Ekkamai Soi 10, 02-381-9896, 090-528-4646. Free.
The rooftop bar promises a night of hip-hop, electro, old school, funk and mash-up from
DJs Arin, Swindali and Cam. Jan 8, 9pm. Nest, Rooftop/F, Le Fenix Hotel, 33/33 Sukhumvit
Soi 11, 02-2550638/9. Free. BTS Nana.
The Brazilian DJ who has been nominated for Mix Mag’s ‘Greatest DJ Of All Time’ award
hosts a night of nothing but drum ‘n’ bass and electro. Jan 8, 10pm. Glow, 96/4-5
Sukhumvit Soi 23, 02-261-3007, 02-261-4446. Free. MRT Sukhumvit.
Every first Thursday of each month until next year is dedicated to deep melodic house,
progressive and techno music from DJs Mody, Moca, Kani, A_Lien and Kanabis Stoned.
Through Feb 5, 9pm. Dickinson's Culture Cafe, 64 Pra Arthit Rd., 089-497-8422. Free.
Jean-Marc Louis presents his collection of
dressed-up clay sculptures resembling rural
African people in their day-to-day activities.
Dates: Jan 14
Rinna Clanuwat's whimsical and playful paintings of cats.
Dates: Through Jan 16
Pandora Art Gallery, 10/4, Soi Convent, Silom, 02635-5353.
Cassia Cafe & Tea Room, Sukhumvit 31, Soi Sawasdee,
Director Suwandi Jakraorawut presents
a unique performance featuring robotic
dogs, following a touching tale about
man’s best friend. Jan 8-24, 2pm,
7:30pm. M Theater, 2884/2 New Petchaburi Rd., 08-0260-0771/-6. B1,0002,500.
The Japan Foundation hosts this mimebased performance by Company Derashinera theater troop that combines mime,
contemporary dance, ballet, butoh, acting and more. Jan 13-14, 7:30pm. Bangkok Art and Culture Centre (BACC),
939 Rama 1 Rd., 02-214-6630-8. B200500. BTS National Stadium.
The cosmetics brand presents a unique photo
gallery capturing colorful shades of lipstick.
Dates: Jan 14
Anon Pairot presents his collection of objects that
recreates memores and past experiences in an
absurd and bizarre way.
64/99 Praditmanutham Rd., Lad Phrao.
Dates: Through Jan 15
Numthong Gallery, 72/3 Ari Soi 5, Phahonyothin Rd.
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
BK Now_622_Jan8_16_2_NEW.indd 22
1/4/16 7:49 PM
Start your day with the latest lifestyle news,
direct to your inbox.
SPOTLIGHT Attasit Pokpong
Be the first to hear about brand new openings,
exciting events and news you actually care about
• Sent Mon-Fri before 9am • Optimized for your phone
• Share straight to social media • 100% free
My favorite Thai artists are… Natee Utrarit and Tawan Watuya. The way they work
shows that they take the life of being an artist seriously. Tawan is closer to my age—a
painter whose style is very distinct and has had a very interesting career path.
My favorite art gallery right now is… Adler Subhashok Gallery. It has plenty of space
which is always a great factor for a public gallery—it makes it easy to exhibit large pieces
like mine. Plus, it is centrally located.
One thing I love about the Thai art scene is… the fact that, compared to when I started
10 years ago, there are so many talented young artists emerging in the scene that have
great potential. It’s great to see.
One thing I dislike about the Thai art scene is… the support for artists is still lacking.
There might be loads of emerging artists like I mentioned, but it’s hard for them to
grow. Plus, there’s still a lot of “politics” in the Bangkok art scene, which doesn’t make
it any easier.
Attasit Pokpong’s latest exhibition, “Beyond a Shadow,” runs at Adler Subhashok Gallery from Jan 16-Feb 21. His collection of oil paintings captures East Asian women in a
hauntingly seductive pop-art style.
The Adler Subhashok Gallery, 160/3 Sukhumvit Soi 3, 02-662-0299. MRT Sukhumvit.
Sign up now at
or email
HPV BK Daily.indd 1
BK Now_622_Jan8_16_2_NEW.indd 23
BK Magazine Friday, January
8, 2016
7:48 PM
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Early 2016 Runs
After the festivities of Christmas and New Year, it’s time to get back in shape. Here are the biggest
running events coming up to kickstart your healthy 2016.
Folk Ville
Made by Legacy
The popular flea market is back with booths
selling vintage fashion and furnishings alongside beer bars and food trucks. This edition
focuses on specialty fashion finds imported
from Japan. Jan 9-10, 1pm. State Railway
of Thailand, 1 Rong Muang Rd. B120.
Alongside the low-key HOBS beer garden, the
Canapaya Riverside also welcomes a brand
new market promising plenty of fashion and
lifestyle booths, plus some of the city's favorite food trucks. Jan 29-31. Canapaya Riverfront, 888 Rama 3 Rd., 02-291-9499.
A week-long pop-up market promising the
perfect place to find gifts for Valentine's Day.
Jan 21-27, 10:30am-9pm. The Mall Bangkapi, 3522 Ladphrao Rd., 02-173-1000.
Hello Kitty Run
BITEC Half Marathon
A rock-centric run followed by a mini concert
from Da Endorphine and 25 Hours.
Date: Jan 26, 5pm
Venue: Suanluang Rama IX Public Park, Sukhumvit Soi 103, 02-328-8982.
Distances: 5, 10km
Registration: B650-800 at www.letsrockrun.
One of the city’s biggest running events returns
with a grand prize of B10,000.
Dates: Jan 31, 5am
Venue: BITEC, 88 Bang Na-Trat Rd., 02-7493939. BTS Bang Na.
Distances: 5, 10.5, 21.1
Registration: B300-700 at
The third edition of this marathon for both
professional and beginner runners, with prizes
worth more than B500,000.
Date: Jan 31, 6am
Venue: Suanluang Rama 8
Distances: 3, 5, 10km
Registration: B300-700 at
A healthy morning activity for you and your
partner, offering both couples and solo packages.
Date: Feb 14, 4am
Venue: Lumphini Park, Rama 4 Rd.
Distances: 3, 10, 20 km
Registration: B400-1,000 at
The fun run makes its Bangkok debut in celebration of the brand’s 40th anniversary. Registration comes with a Hello Kitty limited-edition
shirt, bag, and medal.
Date: Jan 31, 8am
Venue: Makkasan Railway Station
Distance: 5km
Registration: B790-1000 from Thaiticketmajor.
A superhero-themed charity run to raise funds
for the Peace of Life Foundation.
Date: Feb 28
Venue: King Rama V Monument, Rachadamnoen Nok Rd.
Distances: 3, 5, 10, 21km
Registration: B500-600 at www.peaceoflife.
Creative Wax Working
Fashion Photography Masterclass
Create unique pieces of jewelry or small metal objects through the art of wax casting. Previous
design work or metal skills not required. Jan 9, 1pm. Atelier Rudee, 70/3 Sukhumvit, 02
745-5527. B2,900.
Learn all about commercial fashion photography with Vivian Grey, an independent fashion
photographer who has worked for brands including Versace and Nine West as well as on various fashion weeks. The class runs through working with prefessional models, creating your
unique look, planning and setting up scenes, working with top brands, and basics on how to
edit using Photoshop CC. For location details and registration call 096-505-5596. Venue TBA.
Jan 10, 10am. B18,999.
Award-winning documentary maker Raul Gallego, who has previously worked for the Associated Press and UK’s Channel 4 News, runs a weeklong workshop of practical training for
shooting and editing journalism documentaries. Jan 11-17, 10am. Cho Why, 17 Soi Nana,
Charoenkrung Rd. B54,128 (USD1,500). MRT Hua Lamphong.
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BK Weekend
Jesse Marlow and Matt Stuart from Loopers Collective, a group of street photographers based
in Bangkok, host a four-day workshop detailing shooting techniques, editing techniques and
photo walks for a hands-on feel. All levels are welcome. Jan 11-13, 9am-6pm. Wecosystem,
6/F Gaysorn Plaza, 999 Phloen Chit Rd., 02-656-1149. B49,600. BTS Chit Lom.
Our weekly e-newsletter with top
stories and happenings around town
BK Magazine Friday, January 8, 2016
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1/4/16 7:49 PM
FILM Opening
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): In her poem “Tree,” California poet Jane Hirshfield
speaks of a young redwood tree that’s positioned next to a house. It grows fast—as
much as three feet per year. “Already the first branch-tips brush at the window,”
Hirshfield writes. “Softly, calmly, immensity taps at your life.” This will be an apt
metaphor for you in 2016. The expansion you have witnessed these past few months
is likely to intensify. That’s mostly good, but may also require adjustments. How will
you respond as immensity taps at your life?
Drama. When Tilly Dunnage (Kate Winslet), a talented dressmaker in the 1950s,
returns to her small hometown in Australia to take care of her mentally unstable
mother, she ends up transforming local
fashion trends. Jan 7
Drama. Four outsiders of the finance
world (Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Brad
Pitt and Ryan Gosling) predict the global
economic collapse of the mid-2000s and
decide to make a bold investment. Jan 7
Western. Quentin Tarantino’s latest Western sees eight strangers, including two
bounty hunters (Kurt Russell, Samuel L.
Jackson), a fugitive prisoner and a sheriff,
seek refuge during a blizzard in Wyoming
after the Civil War. Jan 7
Adventure/Sci-fi. Cassie (Chloe Grace
Moretz) and her younger brother (Nick
Robinson) go on the run after waves of
deadly alien attacks decimate the Earth.
Jan 14
Mystery. The Boston Globe newspaper’s
investigative unit is set on a task by their
editor to look into allegations a priest
molested more than 80 young boys.
Jan 14
Thriller. Two young boys jokingly steal a
police car abandoned in an open field,
only to find that its owner (Kevin Bacon)
has left a dying hostage hidden in the
trunk. Jan 14
Who Am I—No System is Safe
We are Young We are Strong
The Goethe Institut of Thailand’s annual German Open Air Cinema, a series of outdoor
film screenings in the club’s garden, continues on into the New Year. This Jan 12 sees
the screening of Sabine Boss’ I Am the Keeper (2014), which follows a recently released prisoner who returns home and attempts to right his wrongs by starting a new
life. However, it’s not long before his past catches up with him. Other upcoming films
include Who Am I—No System is Safe, We are Young We are Strong, The Circle and Suck
me Shakespeer. All films are screened on Tue at 7:30pm with English subtitles. Free
entry with free popcorn. For the full schedule, visit
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Centuries ago, lettuce was a bitter, prickly weed that no one ate. But
ancient Egyptians guessed its potential, and used
selective breeding to gradually convert it into a tasty
food. I see 2016 as a time when you could have a
comparable success. Look around at your life, and
identify weed-like things that could be turned into
valuable assets. The process may take longer than
a year, but you can set in motion an unstoppable
momentum that will ensure success.
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Imagine that a beloved
elder has been writing down your life story in the
form of a fairy tale. Your adventures aren’t rendered literally, as your waking mind might describe
them, but rather through dream-like scenes that
have symbolic resonance. I’ll predict a key plot
development of 2016: You will grow increasingly
curious about a “forbidden” door. Your inquisitiveness will reach such an intensity that you will consider locating the key for that door. You may even
think about breaking down the door.
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): John Steinbeck won the
Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962. His novel Of Mice
and Men helped win him the award, but it required
extra persistence. When he’d almost finished the
manuscript, he went out on a date with his wife.
While they were gone, his puppy Toby ripped his
precious pages into confetti. As mad as he was, he
didn’t punish the dog, but got busy on a rewrite.
Later he considered the possibility that Toby had
served as a helpful literary critic. The new edition
was Steinbeck’s breakout book. You may receive
comparable assistance, Aries, although you may not
realize it is assistance until later.
TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): Remember back to your
life during the first nine months of 2004. I suspect
that you fell just short of fulfilling a dream. Maybe
you were pushing to create a new life for yourself but weren’t wise enough to make a complete
breakthrough. Almost 12 years later, you have
returned to a similar phase in your long-term cycle.
You are better equipped to do what you couldn’t
quite do before: rise to the next level.
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 20): To become a skillful
singer, you must learn to regulate your breath.
When you’re beginning, it feels weird to exert so
much control over an instinctual impulse, which
previously you’ve done unconsciously. Later, you
have to get beyond your self-conscious discipline
so you can reach a point where the proper breathing happens easily and gracefully. I think you will
have comparable challenges: 1. to make conscious
an activity that has been unconscious; 2. to refine
and cultivate that activity; 3. to allow your consciously-crafted approach to become unselfconscious again.
This technology was essential to the development
of civilization. I predict that 2016 will bring you
opportunities to develop and embellish on what
nature provides.
LEO (July 23-Aug 22): British author Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) had a day job with the postal
service until he was in his 50s. For years he awoke
every morning at 5:30am and churned out 2,500
words before heading to work. His goal was to
write two or three novels a year, a pace he came
close to achieving. “A small daily task, if it really
be daily,” he wrote in his autobiography, “will beat
the labors of a spasmodic Hercules.” I recommend
that you borrow from his strategy in 2016, Leo. Be
regular and disciplined as you practice the art of
incremental success.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): Umbrellas shelter us from
the rain, saving us from the discomfort of getting
soaked. They also protect us from the sweltering
heat of the sun. I’m very much in favor of these
practical perks. But when umbrellas appear in
your nightly dreams, they may have a less positive meaning. They can indicate an inclination
to shield yourself from natural forces. I hope you
won’t do much of that in 2016. You need a lot of
face-to-face encounters with life in its raw state.
LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22): Around the world, an average of 26 languages go extinct every year. But it
increasingly appears that Welsh will not be one
of them. It has enjoyed a revival in the past few
decades. In Wales, it’s taught in many schools,
appears on road signs, and is used in some mobile
phones and computers. Is there a comparable phenomenon in your life, Libra? A tradition that can be
revitalized and should be preserved?
SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21): Fourteenth-century
author Geoffrey Chaucer produced a collection of
stories known as The Canterbury Tales. It became
a seminal text of English literature even though he
never finished it. The most influential book ever
written by theologian Thomas Aquinas was a work
he gave up on before it was completed. The artist Michelangelo never found the time to put the
final touches on numerous sculptures and paintings. 2016 will be an excellent time to wrap up
long-term projects—and also to be at peace with
abandoning those you can’t.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): A bottle of Chateau
Cheval Blanc wine from 1947 sold for $304,000.
Three bottles of Chateau Lafite-Rothschild 1869
went for $233,000 apiece. The mystique about
aged wine provokes crazy behavior like that. But
here’s a more mundane fact: Most wine deteriorates with age, and should be sold within a few
years of
CANCER (Jun 21-Jul 22): Ancient humans didn’t
“invent” fire, but rather learned about it from
nature and then figured out how to produce it as
needed. Ropes had a similar origin. Our ancestors
employed long vines made of tough fiber as primitive ropes, and eventually got the idea to braid
and knot the vines together for greater strength.
Goethe Institut of Thailand, 18/1 Soi Goethe, Sathorn Soi 1, 02-287-0942-4. MRT Lumpini
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