See you next year it`s free!


See you next year it`s free!
it's free!
See you
next year
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page 3
cover story
The Year That Was
It’s All Over
Kick it!
Through the
BK Now
NYE Parties
Who's in charge?
Managing Director Andrew Hiransomboon
Editor in Chief / Product Director
Grégoire Glachant
Managing Editor Oliver Irvine
Deputy Editor Carl Dixon
Features Associate Monruedee Jansuttipan
Senior Staff Writers Vasachol Quadri, Lily
Junior Content Coordinator Nontaya Kumyat
Junior Writers Natcha Sanguankiattichai, Bonnie
Production Supervisor Komkrit Klinkaeo
Art Director Dechart Sangsawang
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Peeraya Sirathanisa
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Parida Ritthiron
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BK “Asia City Living” Magazine is edited by Andrew Hiransomboon and published 51 times a year, every Friday of each month by Asia City Publishing (Thailand) Ltd. Copyright ©2015 Asia City Publishing (Thailand) Ltd. The titles “BK Magazine,”
“BK ‘Asia City Living’ Magazine” and their associated logos or devices, and the content of BK “Asia City Living” Magazine are the property of Asia City Publishing (Thailand) Ltd. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is strictly
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get in the loop
contest, updates, stories
This is the last Page 3 of the year, where we have to be witty
about the last 12 months—as if we remember any of it. Do you
realize what the year-end does to our bodies? This morning, people at the office actually greeted each other with, “Wonderfruit
was great. I was still throwing up this morning.” They don’t call it
the Seven Dangerous Days for nothing. From hereon, we won’t
be sober until 2016.
The few things we can remember from 2015 are not all that
funny. Like the slaves. Or that bomb. Or the park that cost a few
billion. Or the SET dropping by a few hundred points. Or Opposite
Mess Hall’s Jess Barnes not opening that restaurant named after
his deceased grandmother. Not funny at all.
In fact, 2015 was the year we realized we wouldn’t get anything we’d been promised. Ever. You wanted a traffic-free city?
You got a copy of Maggie Choo’s. You wanted food free from formaldehyde? You got plans for a riverside walkway in Nonthaburi.
A new constitution? You got waffle stacks. Thanks, 2015!
That sets the bar pretty high for 2016. Can it suck even more
than 2015? Will we get some French dude who won “best baguette”? Will we get somakase, the new dining trend where a
sommelier charts your meal? Will slavery-free shrimp become
the new craft beer, with humanely-fished critters making their
way into Le Du’s seasonal menu, then trickling down into a salad at Rocket, then appearing on Siam Center’s Magnum Cafe’s
menu, where food trends go to die?
You’re definitely going to get a load of “natural” and “honest”
labels, like the ones on the quinoa salads now sold at our local
Tops. That’s right, Tops now carries the same sad food you find
at British fast-food chain EAT. So while you might not get a highspeed train to Chiang Mai this decade, you should soon be able
to sink your teeth into a delicious medium-speed train to Ayutthaya served with a chicken-satay wrap with spicy peanut sauce
and spring onion salad. Please note that our trains are created
(in China) from the heart, made from scratch using the freshest
ingredients, and that our tickets are printed with a minimum of
seven different old-school fonts daily.
We’re confused. How can a city with food that rivals Tokyo,
London and New York be fourth to last when it comes to road
safety, or tied with Zambia when it comes to corruption? You’d
think having really good macarons would have a beneficial effect
on our aviation safety standards, right? Or that having a Robuchon would improve our English skills? (OK, Joel doesn’t speak
English but you get our point.)
Maybe it will all work out in 2016. After all, a souffle au chocolat looks like a lump of crap until it balloons into this glorious,
airy, treat. Maybe that moment when our caca turns to patisserie
is just around the corner? Ignore our eggnog-laced depression
and have a happy year-end. You really, really deserve it.
There will be no BK Magazine on Jan 1, 2016. We’ll be back Jan 8.
latest news and trends
see what’s happening
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
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12/21/15 6:19 PM
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Hot: Youtube Rewind: Not: Year in Review
Now Watch Me 2015
Last-year Facebook managed to crank out movies about our lives, complete with a
stirring soundtrack. This year, you got a handful of crooked pictures on faux Polaroid frames. It looks more like a 2007 year-end review. YouTube Rewind videos
have been consistently good these past few years, though. And as Wired wrote:
“YouTube ‘Rewind’ Video Proves Nothing Is Mainstream Anymore.”
Hot: Hi, my name is... Not: Rajabhakti
Just when you thought Rajabhakti Park had shifted the full force of social media
towards bashing the military, a series of hilarious Yingluck photos with candid captions reminding us of her more enlightened moments (“jangwat Hatyai,” “pratet
Sydney,” “thank you three times”) has gone viral. The best part: you won’t go to
jail for sharing these.
Hot: Miss Thailand
Not: Whitening cream
We’re having a national conversation about skin color again because the stunningly beautiful Miss Thailand Universe, Aniporn Chalermburanawong, is a couple
shades of tan darker than the usual porcelain-doll-levels of pale favored in Thailand. The consensus is that she’ll make it to the finals and we should all ditch our
whitening creams to look more like her. (Before you hit the tanning bed, she’s
not exactly Buakaw black either.)
Hot: Bingsu
Not: Waffles
A couple weeks ago we said, “hot: egg waffles, not: waffle stacks” due to Hong
Kong-style egg waffles taking over menus at Sweetery, Once Cafe and even The
House on Sathorn. Well that’s all old news now, and you should be having ice
topped with some soy bean powder and red beans. Dee-licious. See page 28 for
our roundup.
Sarith “Rich” Saengviroon, 25, Pongphop “Mickie” Rattanasangchod, 22,
and Jarapong “Aof” Chotikunakorn, 27, get paid to play video games. They’re on
Thailand’s national teams for Heroes of Newerth, Point Blank and League of Legends,
respectively. In fact, Thailand just won the world championships for Point Blank.
Esports are becoming big business and our local champs make tens of thousands of
baht per month for their skills. Here, they tell us what it takes.
When did you guys start playing?
Mickie: I’ve played games since I was
12. I was really addicted, sleeping at
the games shop on most nights. My
mom was fine with it; she told the
shop staff to take care of me. Luckily, the guy in the game shop ended
up being a good life coach. In 2007,
esports started having competitions
in Thailand including Point Blank, the
first-person shooter that I played. I
won the competition, which came
with a B25,000 grand prize, and realized that I could make money from
gaming. I became a member of
Definite GZ, Thailand’s esport team.
There are five members.
Rich: I became addicted with I was
11. I’d ask my mom B100 a day and
stayed late at an internet shop every
night. Eventually, she decided to buy
me a computer so I could play at
home. I played Raknarok and started
making money from selling [virtual]
in-game items to other gamers. I
was making a couple thousand baht
every week. That’s a lot for a kid!
I started competing in esports back
in 2004. I changed to play Heroes of
Neweth three years ago.
get in the loop
How much do you earn?
Rich: We have one tournament with
five programs every four months.
If we win every program, we get
B70,000 each and a grand prize of
B250,000 at the end. Our team also
gets sponsored by Mountain Dew,
which is another B25,000 a month.
After we share all that among the
five of us, I’d say we make B30,00050,000 per month. I also get paid to
consult for a game company.
Mickie: Yeah, I would say it’s about
B50,000 a month as Point Blank has
a tournament every two months with
a B100,000 grand prize and this year
we won US$50,000 (B1.8 million).
I’m also a commentator on Talk Talk,
a program where gamers stream
games for fan clubs and where fans
can buy virtual gift items for streamers. I make a few thousand a month
from that but net-idols can make
hundreds of thousands from this program each month.
Aof: The kids in my team get B15,000
a month plus prize money, which this
year was over B2 millions.
How do you guys normally train?
Mickie: We started young, 12 hours
a day. First-person shooters require
precise finger-and-mouse skills. Now
giveaways, updates, stories
I just need to train three hours a day,
Rich: My team trains every day from
7pm to midnight or 2am. We train for
tactics and teamwork.
Rich, esports has a pretty misogynistic reputation. Do you feel welcome among your peers?
Rich: They’re all nice. I love being
surrounded by guys. I hope I can find
a husband among them! I always
dress up for competitions. Like last
time, I was dressed as Sailor Moon.
How well do gamers age?
Mickey: I would say it’s like a football. Start training as young as 12
and you will be a great footballer at
16. It’s the same for us. But as you
get older, into your 30s, your reaction times can’t beat young athletes
who will be at their peak at 20-25
years old.
Aof: There are so many international
young gamers who are millionaires,
like Sumail Hassan Syed from Pakistan who is the world champion
and made B50 million last year. The
game industry has come a long way.
It’s the real deal now. Interview by Monruedee Jansuttipan
see what we’re up to
by Kathy MacLeod
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
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cover story
The Year That Was
Fifty things that shaped Bangkok in 2015.
We ran the longest
“half marathon” ever
We swapped our craft beers
for local homebrews
Everyone and their dog
opened a food truck
No weekend was complete without an art,
music and craft market
We began eating Chinese
food by way of America.
Or France.
We crashed the
system with an F5 key
Our cold,
hearts were
melted by
EmQuartier and
its waterfall
We fought over
tickets to see
Adam Levine. For
the fourth time.
We downloaded taxi apps and
wondered how we ever got
anywhere before
Meanwhile, the docklands flooded our
Instagram feed and showed us everything
the river could possibly be.
Giant chicken was
replaced by giant squid
Opposite closed and sent
Thonglor’s hipsters into a
restaurant wilderness...
‘90s boybands proved
Bangkok still loves them
A state-designed riverside promenade
struck fear in the hearts of Thai architects
...only to open a few
weeks later on—
shock, horror—Silom!
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
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cover story
And we went to see all of them
in one night. Or attempted to.
A new wave of art spaces
showed us art galleries don’t
always need to double as bars
A kid from Isaan with a
camera phone and some
chicken baskets became
the country’s biggest
fashion sensation since
low-cost Cosplay
After years
of watching
Korean soap
opera, we
finally got to try
their desserts
out for real
Grilled cheese
Color Run, Music Run, Run with Me,
Run with the Blind—we ran them all
We started taking
tea as seriously as
we take our coffee
Or healthy dose of
uni in everything.
Lobster roll...
We all became
We decamped to Pattaya
and pretended to be hippies
for a weekend
GTH left a quality Thai cinema-shaped
hole in all our hearts
Terry Richardson’s campaign for Central Embassy generated the greatest
collective “I can’t even” in history
Dear Leader out-Trumped Donald
Trump for saying stupid things: from
wanting to punch journalists in the
face, to wanting to print salaries on
our ID cards, to accusing Southern
hunger strikers of sneaking out to
eat at night.
We stopped queuing
for popcorn and started
queuing for dim sum
Virgin Active, Physique 57, Surfset, that Eastern European one—
we never knew gyms came in
so many varieties
No new restaurant’s menu was
complete without a
tomahawk steak...
One set of charter drafters
got the boot and another
lot set to work
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
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cover story
A movie about
a less-than-holy
monk got our film
censors’ knickers
in a twist
Indigo tie-dye took over the collective
imagination of our fashion designers
One of our fave
somtam restaurants
got a Michelin star...
in New York
We took to two wheels and
showed the world just how
much we love our country
“Secret” bars weren’t so
secret but did pour some
damn fine cocktails
We waved goodbye to our
favorite markets: from the
food on Sukhumvit Soi 38,
To the old men with their
magic monks at Tha Phra
Chan, to the dodgy electronics at Saphan Lek
Ramen burgers
came to town but
lasted all of one
This fish can now
be bought pretty
much anywhere
Our airlines were
kicked out of U.S.
Baa Ga Din and Err took
street food indoors and
served it with style
Tea cocktails
bloomed into
“botanical” cocktails
TCDC got threatened
and we all freaked
the f*** out
Thailand’s remake
of Gossip Girl was
as bad as everyone
thought it would be
Sushi Hiro started to multiply,
Sala Daeng sprouted some
amazing places for pizza, and
Peppina took to the seaside
The Chinatown bar
boom proved more
than just a flash in
the pan
One bomb blast shook
our hearts and made
everyone in Bangkok put
aside their differences
Someone from Game
of Thrones turned up in
Smalls and took selfies
with everyone
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
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Celebrate New Year in style with exclusive offers on eating,
drinking and traveling with Krungsri Exclusive’s 360-degree privileges, a special financial and investment service for the ultimate
freedom of lifestyle, and Krungsri Exclusive Signature credit card,
a credit card with the best privileges in Thailand guaranteed by
the Best Credit Card Offering Award from Cards & Electronic
Payment International Awards 2015.
5 Ideas for Artful Gifts
Guaranteed to Impress
1. Observe your loved ones
Take notice of your loved ones’ lifestyles and interest. This is the first essential to picking the perfect
2. Give a gift that lasts
Choose something that creates long-term happiness,
such as a gift voucher, investment or membership
3. Get creative
Give something creative, like DIY items made by you
or one-of-a-kind handmade items.
4. Choose the perfect match for their star
Astrology-based or birthday-based gifts include lucky
stones, jewelry and home decor items.
5. Spend precious time
Create an impression or come up with fun activities
to spend time with your loved ones, such as a trip, a
party, a special meal or a visit to an amusement park.
Gift Giving Tips
There are many gift ideas, but what really
matters is the thought you put into it. In this
season of giving, choose with your heart
and buy something meaningful because
you are giving it to someone you love.
Get 20% extra discount by using Krungsri Exclusive Signature credit card points equal to
the value of your purchase every Fri-Sun at
The Mall*, Central**, and Robinson*** department stores. Promotional periods vary.
*The Mall Group 2016 Brilliant Thanks runs
from Dec 3, 2015-Jan 3, 2016. Minimum point
redemption is 2,500 points for minimum purchase of B2,500. Siam Paragon minimum
point redemption is 3,500 points for minimum
purchase of B3,500. Emquartier/ Emporium
minimum point redemption is 4,000 points for
minimum purchase of 4,000 baht.
**Central Let’s Celebrate Wow 2016 / ZEN Anniversay runs from Dec 18, 2015-Jan 3, 2016.
Minimum point redemption is 3,500 points for
minimum purchase of B3,500.
***Robinson All About Gift runs from Dec 8,
2015-Jan 3, 2016. Minimum point redemption is 2,500 points for minimum purchase of
For more information, contact Krungsri Exclusive Customer Service at 0 2296 5566 from Monday to Friday at 8:30-17:30.
621_DEC25_2015_DP.indd 8
Honmono Sushi
3 Restaurants to Celebrate New Year
Book a special meal with your family and loved ones during the festive season at five top restaurants offering
exclusive privileges and sumptuous treats for Krungsri Exclusive Signature cardmembers.
1. Hong Bao at Thanya Park, Sukhumvit 3. Hokkai-don at The Emquartier and
39 and Central Embassy
Siam Paragon
Hong Bao is a Chinese restaurant offering Cantonesestyle Chinese cuisine and dim-sum. The restaurant is
decorated in a modern Chinese style. Spacious and
cozy, there are private rooms for those looking for
exclusivity. The delicious a la carte Chinese dishes
include deep-fried shrimp with spices, Millionaire
Fried Rice, and freshly made steamed dim-sum.
Special offer! Krungsri Exclusive cardmembers
receive 10% off food (except Saturday, Sunday
and public holidays).
The Japanese restaurant offers sushi, sashimi and
donburi. Hokkai-don is decorated in a sushi-bar style
for diners to converse with the chefs. Imported ingredients are carefully selected by the very experienced
Japanese sushi chef and owner who has been in the
industry for more than 20 years. Premium produce
includes 200kg hon-maguro, madai, hirame, shima aji
and scallop in the shell.
Special offer! Krungsri Exclusive cardmembers
receive 15% off food when spending B500 on
or more. *15% off for Platinum card or
2. Honmono at Thonglor, Central Chid- cards
higher. *10% off for other cards.
lom, Park Lane Ekkamai, Central Bang Exclusive Dining Tips
Na, Siam Paragon, Central Grand Plaza - Receive up to 35% discount, exclusively for
Rama IX
Krungsri Exclusive Signature and Krungsri Signature
Honmono is an authentic high-end Japanese restau- cardmembers.
rant known for its "King Aburi 3 Style," a three-piece (For more details, contact Krungsri Exclusive Customer Service at 0 2296
sushi dish created by the Iron Chef Boontham Pakpo 5566 Monday to Friday during 8:30am-5:30pm.)
and Japanese cuisine experts.
Special offer! Krungsri Exclusive cardmembers
receive 20% off the a-la-carte menu, with a bonus of an additional 15% off if purchases are
made excact with points. Valid at all branches
except for Central Chitlom. For more information,
call 02-185-2806,
12/18/15 5:53 PM
3 Luxurious Getaways for 2016
Escape from the city and treat yourself to a peaceful and
relaxing vacation at these five luxurious destinations, with
special travel privileges exclusively for Krungsri Signature
clients and Krungsri Exclusive Signature cardmembers.
1. Anantara Lawana Koh Samui Resort
A five-star resort with modern Thai-style suites and spacious villas set amid a private and serene atmosphere on
Chaweng Beach, Koh Samui. Here you’ll find a luxurious
spa, a restaurant with magnificent views, an outdoor infinity pool overlooking the ocean, and a wide array of water
sports and recreational activities.
2. Cape Dara Resort Pattaya
At this five-star resort on Cape Dara, North Pattaya, the
architecture and landscape have been meticulously designed to blend with nature in a contemporary style, inspired by the stars, the universe and time. The resort is
surrounded by lush greenery with its own private beach
to offer a natural experience and a chance to gaze at the
starry sky.
3. Intercontinental Hua Hin Resort
This Asia Pacific Hotel Award and World Luxury Hotel
Award winning hotel is inspired by the exquisite architecture of King Rama VI’s summer palace. The resort is
home to luxurious suites, seaside pool villas and La Residence, a two-floor house by the beach with a private pool
designed in a luxurious and classic Colonial style. The
centerpiece of the resort is the beautifully lit, 55-sq-meter
infinity-edge pool.
UP with Signature
Upgrade your privileges to the highest level with
Krungsri Exclusive.
• UP Class
The privilege to upgrade your air ticket with Thai Airways International one level up around the world.
Exclusively for Krungsri Exclusive Signature cardmembers.
• UP Room
The privilege to upgrade to the next room category
at five-star hotels and boutique hotels such as Dusit
Thani, Dusit Devarana, dusitD2, Dusit Princess Hotels & Resorts, Anantara hotels, Starwood hotels, X2
Resorts, Indigo Hotel, The Naga Phuket, Cape Dara
Resort Pattaya, Photo Hotel, and Serenata Hotels &
• UP Rest
Access to Thai Airways’ Royal First Lounge (2 times
per calendar year).
• UP Value
3% cash back with no minimum spending at Bangchak
gas stations.
• UP Service
Privilege for exceptional service from our professional
team at Krungsri Exclusive Customer Service 24
hours every day. Simply call 0 2296 5566.
621_DEC25_2015_DP.indd 9
About Krungsri Exclusive
Krungsri Exclusive is a special service provided to customers of deposit,
investment and life insurance products with a net worth of five million baht
or higher. Further exclusive privileges are provided to customers of deposit,
investment and life insurance products with a net worth of ten million baht
or higher for six months retroactively and to customers of policy payment
for insurance with a net worth of five hundred thousand baht or higher under
the same account on the same day. We offer wealth management products and services through a team
of experienced wealth management professionals who are committed to making finance, investment and
business life simple for our customers. As members of Krungsri Exclusive, customers are entitled to a wide
range of exclusive privileges that will complement every aspect of their life and “Make Life Simple.”
Krungsri Exclusive Signature offers the best privileges in Thailand,
as guaranteed by the Best Credit Card Offering Award from Cards
& Electronic Payment International Awards 2015 given to its UP with
Signature campaign
12/18/15 5:53 PM
Active volcanoes, Asia’s biggest safari park and incredible museums—
there’s nowhere quite like East Java’s Mount Bromo. Text by Monruedee
Jansuttipan, photos by Taradol Chitmanchaitham
Mt. Bromo
tanding at a mighty 2,329 meters, Mount Bromo is arguably Indonesia’s most
iconic mountain. While most travelers tend to fly in to Surabaya and head the
two hours by road to Bromo, we suggest stopping off at these cities for a
more rounded taste of East Java.
Mount Bromo
Instead of basing the majority of your trip
in the rather dull and crowded Surabaya,
nearby Malang City has much more to offer (and it’s also much closer to Bromo).
The second largest city in the province is
sometimes dubbed the “Paris of East Java,” owing mainly to its cool climate, and
sits on a high plateau between three active volcanoes: Kawi, Sumeru and Bromo.
Begin your journey at Singosari Temple,
built back in the 13th century A.D. as the
funerary temple of the last king of the
Singhasari dynasty, King Kertanagara
(1268-1292). The four sides of the main
stupa are small chambers that were once
home to sculptures of Hindu gods Ganesha, Trimurati, Brahma and Vishnu. Just a
five-minute walk away you’ll find Dvarapalas, a pair of monolithic statues that
were beautifully crafted to be the guardians of the royal cemetery. For another
day trip, we recommend Taman Safari
Indonesia II ( in
Prigen, a 40-minute drive from Malang.
The biggest safari park in Asia is home to
Tiger Cave Restaurant, where only a
long glass window separates you from
huge white tigers.
Just a 30-minute drive from Malang, Batu
has been a highland wonderland for
city-slickers since back in the colonial era.
Today, Batu is popular for its farm stays
and well-built theme museums. Stay at
Kusuma Agrowisata (www.kusuma-agro, to take their fruit farm tour
that lets you indulge in all-you-can-eat
guava and apple, the main economic
fruits of Batu. Staying here also grants
you a picture-perfect view of another active volcano, the 3,339-meter Mount Arjuna. For a fun history lesson, visit the giant 38,000-square-meter Museum
Asia’s first modern transportation museum looks like something from Universal
Studios, showcasing pretty much every
vehicle imaginable, from countries all
over the world: Chinese junks, Vespas,
retro Japanese motorcycles, German autos and London buses. Next stop is Timur
Park II, the zoo where Museum Satwa
(, or animal museum, is located. Passing through the Roman façade,
you are greeted by dinosaur fossils standing tall under a blue-hued roof, surrounded by display rooms of taxidermied animals. It also houses large collections of
bugs, butterflies and marine life.
Now to the main attraction. The best way
to enjoy Mount Bromo is to book a jeep
with a driver (around IDR 550.000,
B1,400) from any of the resorts dotting
the mountainside. The entrance fee for
foreigners is IDR 217.500 (B557) for
weekdays and IDR 317.500 (B813) for
weekends. Better head there early (we
mean, like, 3am), otherwise the viewpoint gets extremely crowded. However,
there is also an alternative to the main
viewpoint, Love Hill, a small hill on the
way to the peak that actually gives you a
much wider view of the crater. After sunrise, the jeep will take you to the foot of
the crater where you have two options:
walking or riding a horse (IDR 100.000 for
round trip) to the ladder that leads you to
the abyss of Bromo. (Note: Bromo erupted earlier this month, so check conditions
before booking!) If you want something
more off the beaten path, trekking to the
peak of Mt. Semeru is the real deal, requiring a 4-6-hour hike. Be sure to check
the conditions before heading out and
make time to stop by the stunning Madakaripura Waterfall—you’ll need to pay
an extra IDR200.000 (B516) to the jeep
driver to get there, though.
Eat: In Malang, make sure you visit Toko
Oen (Jalan Jenderal Basuki Rahmat No.5),
the oldest ice-cream shop in town, nestled beside a colonial-style wooden
house since 1930. Try Oen’s Special, a
sundae-like mixed of ice cream and wafers. For a full meal, taste the traditional
cuisine of Java at Inggil (Jl. Gajah Mada
no. 4), which sells Javanese staples like
sate komoh (spiced beef satay) and sambal tempe penyet (chili paste with soybean cake).
Where to stay: Hotel Santika Premiere
Malang ( Room rates start at IDR 1.400.000
Eat: For lunch, we recommend Waroeng
Bamboe (Jl Raya Selecta, Desa Punten,
Kecamatan Bumiaji), a bamboo-dominated restaurant that offers local food
next to a clear man-made pond full of koi
fish. The highlight dishes are fried fish
and sambal tempe.
Where to stay: Kusuma Agrowisata
Hotel (
Room rates start IDR 1.000.000 (B2,560).
Where to stay: Bromo Cottage (www. Room rates starts
IDR 1.800.000 (B4,612).
Singosari Temple
Museum Satwa
Kusuma Agrowisata
AirAsia ( offers daily
direct flights from Bangkok to Surabaya
starting from B6,830.
IDR 1.000 = B2.5
Thais can stay in Indonesia without a visa
for 30 days along with some 45 other nationalities.
Museum Ankut
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
Escape_621_Dec25_15.indd 14
12/18/2558 BE 8:41 PM
With this exclusive privilege for MasterCard® cardholders, choose between a host of
benefits redeemable in cities across the world. MasterCard provides one-of-a-kind
advantages that upgrade your experiences, from shopping and hotel stays to front-row
seats at sold-out shows and special dining privileges.
Jim Thompson House
Tucked down a peaceful soi not far from the bustling Siam area, you’ll find this extraordinary
venue. The former home of Jim Thompson, the American entrepreneur who made Thai silk famous
globally, not only showcases exquisite silk, but also houses a restaurant that radiates Thompson’s
well-known hospitality.
The House
The Shop
The Restaurant
Showcasing so much more than
collections of hand-woven fabrics,
this beautiful, six-building Thai
house complex operates as a
museum. Aside from presenting
the company’s history and
extraordinary products, the venue
also displays a range of exquisite
Asian antiques from the private
collection of the former-architect
American owner.
Learning about the man and his
contribution to Thai silk may make it
hard to resist owning a masterpiece
yourself. The on-site shop is just
one of the company’s 13 official
retail shops in Bangkok, selling not
only silk as a fabric but also products
made from hand-woven silk. There,
you’ll find home furnishings like
cushion covers and table linen as
well as scarves, blouses, dresses,
handbags, shirts and neckties.
Regarded as one of the best
hosts in town during his time,
Jim Thompson’s hospitality was
the inspiration behind a series of
eponymous restaurants, bars and
cafes, including a bar and restaurant
under the roof of his house. Foodies
know Thompson Bar and Restaurant
as a place for delicious Thai and
Western favorites, elegantly plated
and served in a tranquil environment.
6 Soi Kasemsan 2, Rama 1 Rd., 02-216-7368. BTS National Stadium.
Privilege for World & World Elite MasterCard cardholders
Terms & Conditions
Private visit of Jim Thompson House Museum (daily at 5-6pm)
and dinner with an exclusive wine pairing for MasterCard credit
card members only at Jim Thompson Wine Bar and Restaurant
for THB 6,000++ per person. Through Dec 31, 2016.
• Minimum booking for dinner is 2 people and private dinner is
6 people.
• Two days advance reservation required.
• This promotion must be paid by MasterCard card only.
• This promotion is not valid in conjunction with any other
promotions, offers or deals.
Master card_620_Dec25_15_3.indd 7
12/22/2558 BE 11:39 AM
By Pinnyada Tanitnon
In Plain Sight
Bordering Pang Nga, Surat Thani and Myanmar, the lush, mountainous province of Ranong is one of Southern Thailand’s more overlooked travel destinations. But now it’s
welcomed one of its first cool design hotels. Dressed in elegant shades of white and silver, The Hidden Resort (077-821-900, blends Sino-Portuguese and Scandanavian styles in six private villas and two garden pavilions. Prices start
at B1,832 per night. While the pool won’t be ready until Jan, the Raksawarin Hot Springs
(whose temperatures sit at 65-degrees celsius all year round) are a short walk away. As
Thailand’s least populated province, 80 percent of Ranong is still covered in rainforest.
It’s also home to some of the country’s most beautiful waterfalls, which you can explore
without the usual throng of tourists.
Pick and Choose
After launching Movenpick Hotel Sukhumvit 15 earlier in the year, the Swiss hotel chain
continues to expand across the country. They’ve just announced that their brand new
Pattaya property is now open to the public. Located on Jomtien Beach, Movenpick Pattaya ( is home to 262 rooms, boasting sea and/or sunset
views. There are six different room types, ranging from the deluxe sea view to the presidential suite. Expect the regular Movenpick color scheme of orange and turquoise accents, plus a big lagoon pool, a tennis court and karaoke facilities. Although regular rates
haven’t been announced just yet, you can be assured that this will not be a cheap stay.
Luckily, through Mar 31, 2016, the hotel is offering a special introductory rate of B4,999
per night for their deluxe sea view rooms.
Coffee Run
Northern Thailand’s coffee culture continues to spread, partly thanks to locals
who’ve trained with the real coffee snobs
in Australia and beyond. Chiang Rai’s
Z Cafe (094-298-9794,
Maesai) is a humble little cafe up in Mae
Sai, a stone’s throw from the Myanmar border, run by a barista who’s previously worked in Melbourne. The focus is mostly on local,
single origins, in particular peaberry beans that have been hand-sourced from the province’s own Akha village, Pha Hee. There are also plenty of selections from Doi Tung, as
well as carefully sourced beans from overseas. Word is all their espresso-based drinks
are delicious, including the recommended Choconut Espresso (B50), which combines an
espresso shot with their homemade traditional Thai-style coconut ice cream.
Pack Your Bags
Singapore’s design hotel scene has gone through a boom lately, with most new openings handily placed in the city center. Here are a few that caught our eye. Designed by
famed decorator Jacques Garcia, the man behind the likes of Paris’ Hotel Costes and New
York City’s NoMad, the Moulin Rouge-esque Hotel Vagabond ( boasts 41 suites (B5,061 per night) filled with velvet ottomans, mahogany
desks and glittery gold light fixtures to make for a luxe-boho vibe. South Beach (www. is a 654-room hotel (B11,503 per night) filled with quirky designs (think brightly colored cushions amid black and white carpet) alongside two sky
gardens and two infinity pools. Designed by big-time French designer Philippe Starck, it
also comes with a ladies-only floor. Meanwhile, the glamorously-hip Park Hotel Alexandria ( is home to 442 contemporary rooms
(B3,578 per night), as well a swanky club lounge and an infinity pool.
Download our free guide to the best new openings
in Phuket, Chiang Mai, Krabi, Samui and more.
Have some cool rooms? Email your news and promotions to
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
EscRoutes_621_Dec25_15_NEW.indd 16
12/21/15 7:23 PM
Dining Deals
A very popular spot with the town’s movers and shakers, the food
encompasses modern interpretations of American, French and Italian
Up to 10% discount
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KRUNGSRI_621_DEC25_15.indd 7
12/16/15 10:27 AM
Go Volunteer
Bangkok’s new archery field lets you live out your Hunger Games
fantasies. And good news: no one has to die. Just outside “The
Capitol,” in Nonthaburi, you’ll find a little war zone littered with
haystacks, targets and obstacles. A passionate archer, the owner
of District 13 decided to add a twist to his favorite sport by swapping pointed arrows for rubber-tipped ones, and throwing in some
paintball and BB gun action too. To play, you’re divided into two
teams, where the aim is simple: shoot everyone on the opposing team. There’s also a separate range, where you can hone
your shooting skills before entering the arena. The venue is still
in its soft opening, so all-day tickets are currently marked down
to B300 per person. 69/399 Srisaman Rd., 083-084-2850. www.
Chrissy Collab
Prints are not only for summer. This festive season, young accessories brand Labyrinth integrates prints into its dailywear. As part
of its annual collaborative collection, the label is teaming up with
vintage-loving illustrator Jeep Kongdechakul for a line dubbed Red
Heart Like Tomato. Items like scarves (B1,890), aprons (B1,190)
and small clutches (B1,450) feature illustrations of backyard garden scenes in Christmas red and green. The collection is now available at The Selected (3/F, Siam Center, Rama 1 Rd., 02-658-1378),
Workshop (1/F, Mega Bangna, 39 Moo 6, Bangna Trad Rd., 082558-8152) and online at
Indie Edition
There’s another reason to visit the Tha Maharaj riverside mall apart from checking out all
the latest restaurants: new independent bookstore Editions. A huge map of Bangkok’s
Old Town separates the store’s two wings, whose floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and display
tables showcase a selection that’s geared towards local art and culture. Owned by Shane
Suvikapakornkul (Serindia Gallery, Good Design Store), the collection spans coffee table
books on cycling and cafe culture, as well as more in-depth reads on Thai history through
to Monet’s impressionism. They also stock artisanal souvenirs like ceramics by Chiratorn
and organic spa products from Divana, plus photographs and postcards. Tha Maharaj, Trok
Mahathat, Maharaj Rd., 092-248-1566. Open daily 10am-9pm.
Night Train
The third branch of Rodfai Night Market has finally opened in
Kaset-Nawamin, just in time for the year-end. Unlike the warehouse-dominated site of the original Srinakarin Road market,
the new one goes for a ‘50s train town vibe with lots of brightly
colored containers and retro neon signage. The fully completed
venue is considerably larger than the second branch on Ratchadapisek, but for now the only zone open comprises regular stalls
and classic cars selling wares in a garage sale style. Still to come
is the container zone, featuring vintage shops, old-school barbers
and bars, and a fake train station zone filled with yet more vintage
shops (Jan, 2016). Kaset-Nawamin Rd., 092-359-8877, 092-3597117 and 092-331-9977. Open Thu-Sun, 5pm-1am.
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
AVN_Landing_621_Dec25_15_NEW.indd 18
12/21/15 6:14 PM
CitiBank Dec25.pdf
12/17/2558 BE
5:30 PM
Cool Kicks
Slim down your gym bag with these fashionable sneakers
you can also work-out in. By Vasachol Quadri
Adidas Originals NMD
Price: B6,990
Style: Forget the Yeezy; this model is a hit for
sneakerheads seeking something they can actually run in. The design of this classic black NMD
(stands for Nomad) model is inspired by three
previous models—Micropacer, Rising Star and
Boston Super—with the addition of the brand’s
latest Primeknit and Boost technologies. The
white, blue and red details add a slightly Gallic
but cool street touch, too.
Performance: Running shoes
Available at Adidas Concept Store, 3/F, CentralWorld,
Ratchadamri Rd., 02-613-1490. BTS Chit Lom
Asics Gel-Fit Nova
Prices: B4,000
Style: Good news! For ladies who may consider
Asics sneakers too neon and showy to match
with their daily outfit, this women’s training
series comes in plain old, good looking black
and white with metallic carbon details.
Available at Asics shop, 2/F, Mega Bangna, 39 Moo 6
Bangna-Trad Rd.
Price: B3,990
Style: The slim black and white design with black
net on top makes these shoes an easy match
for pretty much any look, whether street or
Performance: Training shoes
1/F, Siam Center, Rama 1 Rd., 02-658-1000. www.
Saucony Grid 9000
Puma R698
Price: Price TBA
Style: This iconic model debuted way back in
1991. In keeping with the time, the new colors
come in faded shades of dark purple, purple and
washed pink.
Performance: Running shoes
Available at SuperSport shop, 3/F, CentralWorld,
Ratchadamri Rd., 02-646-1318.
Performance: Training shoes
Under Armour SpeedForm StudioLux Twist AR3
New Balance Fresh Foam
Price: B4,590
Style: Only like to step out in white sneakers?
You might consider making a minor exception for
a pair of these in white-blue sky shades.
Price: B4,200
Performance: Running shoes
Style: The black and green color combo is our
pick from this series from Saucony. The mesh
provides comfort and breathability, too.
Available at SuperSport shop, 3/F, CentralWorld,
Ratchadamri Rd., 02-646-1318.
Nike Women Roshe One
Performance: Running shoes
Available at Knockbkk, 3/F, 333/1 Sukhumvit Soi 55
(Thonglor between soi 15 and 17), 081-375-6625.
Price: B3,100
Style: This is a classic for women who love black
sneakers that are not too swag. They’re not really
suited to running, but the soft cushioning makes
them a reasonable pick for less-intensive workouts.
Performance: Training shoes
Available at Carnival Shop, 218/5-6 Siam Square Soi.1,
HEALTH Three new gyms to get in shape before the New Year
Here, you’ll find giant trampoline beds interconnected to form
bouncy floors and walls that are divided into four zones: the
Rockin’ Arena (a freestyle jumping), Rockin’ Splash (jumping
from a trampoline into a foam pit), Rockin’ Dodge (for games
of trampoline dodgeball) and Rockin’ Dunk (for games of trampoline basketball, equipped with hoops at each end). Prices
range from B400 for 30 minutes to B1,000 for two hours, while
you can also purchase packages that span three (B1,500), five
(B2,250) and 10 hours (B4,000) of jumping.
428 Ratchadapisek-Rama 3 Rd., 02-212-0222.
This new gym on Sathorn puts the focus on good beats and
builds its workout routines around them. Ommo Studios (or
Original Music Movement) pumps out sets by local DJs and even
live bands through the latest Bose speakers as you sweat away
at your choice of indoor cycling, boxing, yoga or Pilates. Prices
go from B450/class, B4,200/10 classes, B3,900/unlimited onemonth and B21,000/unlimited six-month membership. Or sign
up for the year for B38,400.
8/8 Narathiwas Soi 4. 02-286-8307. Open Mon-Sat 7am9pm.
Under one roof, you’ll find a hair salon that offers organic treatments, a nail spa and a balcony cafe that serves coffee and salads. It also hosts yoga and Pilates classes on its airy, semi-outdoor
rooftop. A combined pedicure-manicure sets you back B1,500,
with acrylic extensions B1,800; while the hair salon focuses
mainly on hair masks and head massages using all organic ingredients—try the nourishing coconut oil hair mask and head massage (30mins/B300). Yoga and Pilates classes start from B600
for a one-day pass and B3,900 for one-month unlimited classes.
1747/9 Chan Kao Rd., 02-287-3439. Open Thu-Tue 9am8pm.
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
AVN Fashion 621_Dec25_15.indd 20
12/18/2558 BE 8:45 PM
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For more information or to make a reservation, please contact 02-2074999 or
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
P.21 Indigo-Force-Continent_Dec25_621.indd 21
12/21/15 6:17 PM
bites & blends
Warm and Welcoming
Warm Wood Cafe, a cozy little venue on the corner of Thonglor Soi 10, certainly lives
up to its name. The homey interior comes courtesy of Be Gray (who else?) and is
dominated by warm brick work, worn wood and pot plants. In addition to cafe staples like eggs Benedict, served here with pulled pork (B240), chef Chanachai Chansamak (previously of Sirocco) does familiar all-day eats like tuna salad (B240), ebiko
cream pasta (B280) and ribeye steak (B850). There’s an equal focus on desserts,
with pastry chef Praparporn Leosirikul (also formerly of Sirocco) whipping up delicious desserts include thing fluffy, chocolatey souffle (B320) and—our favorite—the
airy churros (B220), accompanied by spot-on yuzu and chocolate dips. Aside from
coffee and smoothies made using house-made frozen yogurt, you can also sip on
season-themed cocktails (B240) and sangria made with white or red wine (B300 per
glass/B800 per jug). 137/1 Thonglor Soi 10, 02-714-9974
Parked Pizza
Big Smoke
Sub Zero
Pizza Massilia, the impressive Sala Daeng pizza truck, now has
a proper playful and baroque home on Ruam Rudee. Italian chef
Luca Apino has imported two massive, twin ovens from Italy—
and a chef, Flavio Argenio, who’s worked for Gabriele Bonci’s
Pizzarium, one of the best pizza-by-the-slice joints in Rome.
Argenio insists on using Minere mineral water to make his pizza,
keeps his flour air-conditioned, and uses only natural yeast.
Order his handiwork topped with four cheeses (B590) or go
fancy with the sea urchin and yellow tomato (B690). The “Italy
with a touch of Provence” concept also sees dishes like tomates
farcies (tomatoes stuffed with sausage, B490) and baby squid
bouillabaisse (B310). The wines are 80 percent Italian, starting
from just shy of B1,000. 15/1 Soi Ruam Rudi, 02-651-5091
A grand old villa on Rama 4 has been reborn as a cocktails and
Italian grill restaurant, Il Fumo. Chef Luca Appino (La Bottega
di Luca, Pizza Massilia) dry-ages Rubia Gallega from Spain
(B5,400 for a 1kg prime rib) and sources Italian Ca’ Lumaco
pork neck (B990) that’s even better than many beef steaks.
Vesper Cocktail Bar & Restaurant’s Pailin Sajjanit (2015’s Diageo World Class Thailand’s Finalist) is on board, too, mixing tweaked oldies like a Boulevardier with the addition of
a smoky mezcal (The Smoking Bulleit, B620) or a whiskey
sour with Chartreuse as per the original 1870s formula (Daisy,
B420). 1098/2 Rama 4 Rd., 02-286-8833
Seenspace has had a little makeover. The front spot that used
to be Mr. Jones Orphanage has been transformed into a dimly-lit, sci-fi concept bar by the same old Fico Group—now shorn
of mad genius Ashley Sutton. Bon Bon’s moody 19th-century
steampunk design sure looks familiar, though. In contrast with
the stark surrounds, the menu goes for vibrant Mexican cuisine with twists, such as kimchi pulled pork tacos (B140) and
grilled Australian steak served with Thai nam jim jeaw (B460),
plus frozen cocktails with lots of liquid nitrogen. The real fun
can be had in the ice bar, where the temperature plummets to
-13 degrees Celsius. Gather a group of five and enjoy unlimited
free-flow herb-infused vodka for 10 freezing minutes (B300).
There’s also a ping pong table. Seenspace, 251/1 Thonglor Soi
13, 02-185-2378.
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
BB_Landing_621_Dec25_15_2_NEW.indd 22
12/21/15 6:22 PM
During December 2015 and January 2016
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BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
P.23 KOI-Pilatest-ModeSathorn_Dec25_621.indd 23
12/21/15 6:39 PM
5 ways to guarantee an
unforgettable New Year
in Bangkok
Muse BKK
Essential tips and parties to upgrade your Bangkok New Year experience.
1. Skip the CBD
Bangkok’s answer to Time Square is the CentralWorld square. Except
it’s not Time Square: way too many people, underwhelming fireworks.
The nice fireworks are on the river, where all the five-star hotels are
competing with each other to put on the most amazing show.
2. Which means you need to be by
the riverside
And that’s a bit of a problem, given that most riverside places tend to
be super pricey and booked out for special gala events. Here are some
places with free entry and great river views: The Deck at Arun Residence (36-38 Soi Phatu Nokyung, Maharaj Rd., 02-221-9158/9),
where the rooftop bar has a prime view of Wat Arun; and Sala Rattanakosin (39 Soi Ta Tien, Maharaj Rd., 02-622-1388), which has just
as great views, a more modern atmosphere, and some wonderfully
well-poured cocktails.
3. Alternatively, check out the best
rooftop bars
Give the tourist traps above five-star hotels a miss. Here are three
places we know are putting on some of the best parties in town:
Gramercy Park (35/F, Fraser Suites, Sukhumvit Soi 11, 083-5421111), where DJs Deloin, Delorean and Luck-E start at 10pm for an
entrance fee of B2,000 (includes two drinks); Vogue Lounge (6/F,
Mahanakhon Cube, Silom, Narathiwat Ratchanakarin Rd., 02-0010697) where the White Ball New Year’s Eve Party crowd will be
air-kissing the arrival of 2016 to DJs Maarten, Karl Andy and MC Unda (9pm onwards, B900 includes one drink); and Nest (Rooftop/F, Le
Fenix Hotel, 33/33 Sukhumvit Soi 11 02-255-0638/9), where the entracnce fee of B800 including two free drinks makes for one of the
best-priced rooftops in town.
BK Magazine Friday, Decenber 25, 2015
BB Pernod BK621_Dec25_15.indd 24
4. Or if you’re looking for something more alternative...
OK, so glitzy rooftops and fireworks aren’t you’re thing? Then check
out Ekkamai’s alt-scene favorite, Dark Bar (2/F, Ekamai Mall, Ekkamai Soi 10, 02-381-9896), where the Kontraband collective will be
playing low-tempo dub, future R ‘n’ B and drum ‘n’ bass. Alternatively, swing by Maggie Choo’s (underground/F, Hotel Novotel Bangkok
Fenix Silom, 320 Silom Rd., 091-772-2144) to catch Bangkok’s indie
queen, Gene Kasidit, whose sultry platinum blond diva act will rock
the faux colonial basement bar.
66 Station
5. Don’t Drink and Drive
Obviously, we highly recommend you install Uber or GrabTaxi. And
we highly recommend you do it in sober, Wi-Fi comfort. Drunk, in a
club, on an end-of-the-month EDGE connection is not the best time to
install apps with fiddly login processes where you have to type in your
credit card details. So get the app set up now if you haven’t already.
On that note, there’s an even cooler trick to getting home without driving. The U Drink, I Drive program offers vouchers for every two bottles of Chivas Regal Extra purchased at selected bar across town. You
can use the vouchers to get a personal driver that will drive you home.
Here are the participating bars: Maldives Maodeep (Ratchada Niwet
Soi 21, 02-274-3829), Waterside Restaurant Bangkok (13/16 Praditmanutham Rd., 086-326-7392), Per Pub and Restaurant (Ekkamai-Ramintra Rd, 081-571-7970), 66 Station (9/9 Praditmanutham
Rd., 02-530-0066), Lizm (9/240 Ratchadapisek Soi 74, 02-913-9880),
Noxs Bangkok (61 Praditmanutham Rd., 02-539-2000), Muse BKK
(159/8 Thonglor Soi 10, 089-988-5995), 7th Street (Ten Building
Thonglor Soi 10, 02-714-8052) and Sky Moon Bar & Bistro (10/F,
Vanilla Moon Building, Chan Rd., 02-111-0178).
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BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
P.25 HolidayInn-HyattRegency-Sukosol_Dec25_621.indd 25
12/21/15 6:52 PM
Under the Stars
Five brand new rooftop bars open just in time for the year-end.
By Vasachol Quadri, photos by Peeraya Sirathanisa
The fourth floor of Badmotel has been taken over by a couple
of party celebrities, Piyavipa Indradat and Jay Plodpai, who’ve
injected it with some serious Andy Warhol vibes. The colorful
paintjob comes courtesy of up-and-coming street artists October
29, while a neon-lit Campbell’s Soup can installation is a particularly nice touch. The music is mostly hip-hop and old-school
R’n’B, with some live acoustic sets during the early hours on Tue
and Fri-Sat. Drinks are fuss-free and well-priced: Singha on tap
(B129/330ml) and Jameson by the bottle (B2,140). It’s probably
the only rooftop bar in Thonglor to sell your old friend Sangsom
(squared bottle/330ml, B375), too. This popup will remain at
Badmotel through Feb 28, but we’ve been told the concept will
travel to a new venue in March.
4/F, Badmotel, 331/4-5 Sukhumvit Soi 55 (Thonglor), 02-712-7288.
The rooftop on Sukhumvit Soi 47’s Rain Hill community mall
has been transformed from a Japanese bar to a casual Western
and Asian restobar. The industrial glass-house-like venue boasts
plenty of rustic markers in the form of faux deer heads and
decorative logs, while outside there’s a chill alfresco zone. The
comfort food sticks loosely to theme such as the BBQ “Bonfire”
ribs (B420), which sees the ribs and some crisp herbs piled up
like a bonfire, and the World War Appetizer (deep-fried calamari
and Japanese icefish served in a WWII-style Japanese soldier
metal rice cooker, B180). The cocktails, created by Niks AnumanRajadhon (Teens of Thailand), are even more showy. The metal
rice cooker makes a return in the Survivors Kit cocktail (B550),
which comprises two cups of vodka-infused pomegranate tea
mixed with honey, lime, St. Remy cognac, wild berry syrup and
Amaro peach liqueur, accompanied by almonds, rosemary, mint,
orange, jelly and apple.
Rooftop/F, Rain Hill, 841/11 Sukhumvit Soi 47, 061-850-7722. BTS
Phrom Phong/Thonglor
722 Craft Experience
Occupying the rooftop garden at Paradise Sukhumvit Hotel, this
bar serves up craft beer, cocktails and American comfort dishes
beside the pool. The space is dominated by wood and steel furniture but has a definite house party vibe. There’s 12 different
taps of beer, from Singha (B12/330ml) and Hoegaarden (B250/
pint) to more esoteric drops like Stone IPA (B300/pint) and Stone
Delicious IPA (B310/pint). Last time we visited, they also had
the limited edition Christmas beer from Mikkeller. The head
bartender has worked at both Demo and J. Boroski, so knows a
thing or two about flaming shots and customized drinks. As for
food, they’ve teamed up with the BBQ Sandwich King restaurant in Chaengwattana to serve ribs, chicken wings, quesadillas
and more comforting grub. DJs spin electro-pop and old-school
R’n’B, plus live cover bands perform every Wed-Thu and Sat.
722 Craft Experience
9/F, Paradise Sukhumvit Hotel, Ekkamai Soi 12 (Soi Preedee 31), 093426-3591.
Dusk Thonglor
Right next to our old fave, Wanderlust, this newbie goes for a
similarly easygoing vibe, only with slightly more polished decor
(think steel and marble). Food is focused on Thai and Isaan
dishes, plus a few curveballs like Thai-style fish ‘n’ chips. The
bar focuses on craft cocktails using fresh and seasonal ingredients; try the aromatic Dusk Rosito (B340), a gin-based drink with
pomegranate, cucumber, fresh jasmine, lime juice and syrup.
Hoegaarden and Asahi are the only draught beers right now.
Asahi priced at a special B89 (330ml) throughout Dec 26. We
recommend chatting up the bartender for a customized cocktail
or to find out the latest bottles in stock.
Dusk Thonglor
Thonglor Soi 13, 096-860-7690.
Top Knot
Over on Charoenkrung, the freshly opened modern-colonial
Once boutique hotel is run by the second generation owners
of the longstanding Ramada Plaza Bangkok Menam Riverside
Hotel. Situated right out front of the mother hotel, Once may
not be exactly riverside, but the views from the rooftop bar are
pretty amazing. Head up to the eigth floor for the main restaurant room, but take another spiral staircase for a full 360-degree
look at the river. Food spans breakfast, lunch and dinner, but
the specialty is barbecue (B140 for pork and chicken, B220
for beef, shrimp and salmon) and pasta (from B200 for olio to
B250 for fettuccine carbonara). Local and imported beers come
by the bottle (B160 for Singha and Beerlao to B280 for Brothers ciders). Going in a big group? You might want to consider
their buy-10-get-10-free deal on Beerlao—just be careful with
those stairs afterwards.
8-9/F, Hotel Once Bangkok, 2074/99 Charoenkrung Soi 72/2, 02-6882596.
Top Knot
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
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Event is Everywhere
With sustainability in the
MICE industry a pressing
concern globally, both
Thailand Convention and
Exhibition Bureau (TCEB)
and Thailand’s leading
organizations are on board to
hold environmentally-friendly
events and spread the word
about sustainable practices.
Thailand’s leading companies such as PTT Public
Company Limited (PTT) and Siam Cement Public
Company Limited (SCG) are highly respected for their
roles in boosting the country’s economy, but now they
are also taking great strides to promote sustainable
practices ranging from internal meetings to international
events. They've demonstrated how businesses can
grow sustainably through creativity and innovation.
SD Symposium 2015
PTT's Smart Office
SCG's Innovation for Sustainability 2015
SCG Symposium app
PTT's M-Meeting app
carbon footprint of 23 tons, which we offset
winning building Energy Complex: EnCo is
through SCG’s biomass project.
also equipped with solar power and we use
How can other organizations calculate
their carbon footprint?
food waste for biogas.
We created the SCG Symposium app,
Working creatively can help you save your
which has a carbon footprint calculator.
resources. We created the M-Meeting app,
It helps people boost their awareness of
which executives now need to use to read
Numpol Limprasert
Sustainable Development Manager,
Center of Excellence and Sustainability
Development, SCG
how much carbon is produced by their
How did SCG's sustainability development
policy start?
commute, for example.
Tell us about the sustainable practices of
SCG's exhibitions?
How does innovation help in sustainability?
Pipit Hongjinda
Executive Vice President,
Sustainability Management, PTT
all the reports from smart devices rather
than print out. We also just opened our
“Smart Office,” a shared space for staff who
How sustainable are PTT's events?
usually work outside and only occasionally
We use innovative materials that are
Our green meeting practices help us reduce
come into the office. The office is attached
developed to be more efficient. For
waste, energy and paper usage. For outside
to smart technology like digital phone lines
Since 2007, we've used innovation as a
example, previously we would have used
events, apart from picking venues that are
that mean their extension numbers can
means to reduce our environmental impact
a 100-percent cement block; now, we
easily reached by public transportation,
be transferred to whichever desk they are
and implement sustainable practices. The
use 80-percent cement combined with
we also encourage people to carpool.
working at. As this space is shared, it helps
biggest achievement was encouraging our
recyclable waste from our manufacturing
We also ensure our big events are carbon
us save resources on building workspaces
staff to be sustainability-minded as well.
plant. We also try to use more recycled
neutral by buying carbon offsets from the
for every single member of staff.
What is the outcome so far?
materials in things like paper chairs.
Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management
Since 2012, we have been holding our SD
How can we spread the word about
Organization (TGO).
How do you encourage your staff to be
(Sustainability Development) Symposium,
which last year took place at Plaza
Athenee, a venue ISO 20121-certified for
its sustainability. We also ensure that our
event is always carbon neutral. This year,
our SD Symposium at the CDC Design
Center, where we also had a big exhibition,
Innovation for Sustainability 2015, had a
Sustainability isn't about one organization.
It affects the economy, environment and
employees with a sustainability mind-set.
If they can spread the word to four people
around them, that’s already 280,000
people. Let’s do this together.
What about PTT's internal sustainability
Sustainability means managing resources
Saving energy starts with our daily lives.
We have changed our uniform to be more
growing. The future is bleak unless we use
these resources responsibly. We saw the
decreased the air-con to 25 degrees
effects of Thailand’s big floods in 2011 and
Celsius. Our energy-saving Leed Awards-
it made us realize how important it is to take
efficiently. The world’s resources are
care of our environment.
To get more information,
please visit
TCEB#18_2.indd 7
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Elmar Offwhite
Snow Tree
Snow Town
Bangkok’s top six places to get the trending Korean frozen
milk dessert, bingsu. By Natcha Sanguankiattichai
This pioneering Korean dessert cafe started off right in the heart
of Siam Square earlier this year, introducing Bangkok not only
to the fluffy snow-like frozen milk treats but also to Korean-style
toast, glued together by melted tteok (rice cake). Apart from
injeolmi (soy powder) and red beans (both starting at B140),
other toppings come with a scoop of ice cream including the
best-seller mango cheese (B235 for small) and the popular new
addition, melon popsicle (B350).
Originating in Ngam Wongwan, this shop instantly attracted lots
of students in the area. So it didn’t take long for it to franchise to
downtown. The CentralWorld shop offers all the same options:
shaved frozen milk with toppings that range from classic soy
powder and red beans to fruit varieties including watermelon
and kiwi, each topped with different ice cream. Prices start at
B79 for injeolmi bingsu in a small-size takeaway cup.
432 Siam Square Soi 7, 086-394-4245. BTS Siam.
2/F, Chamchuri Square, Rama 4 Rd.
4/F, The Mall Bangkapi, 3522 Ladprao Rd., 02-173-1000
1/F, Major Cineplex Rangsit, Phaholyotin Soi 94, 02-515-5555. www.
The mother of all bingsu brands, with more than 490 stores back
home, Sulbing had humble beginnings 453 kilometers southwest
of Seoul, in the port city of Busan. You may not rely on the name
for the mellowest treats but do expect fun tweaks like melon
(with tteok, red beans and corn flakes, B385) and yogurt melon
(yogurt, cheesecake and half-melon, B395) on top of classic
injeolmi and red bean (both B210). Alternatively, skip the ice and
tuck into some toast or savory cheese stuffed tteok (both B140).
Siam Square Soi 11, 02-261-7554. BTS Siam.
Elmar Offwhite
This humble Ekkamai cafe does its bingsu differently to most.
Inspired by little neighborhood shops in Korea, the Korean-Thai
couple who own it roll out homemade desserts and drinks including Dutch baby pancakes (B260) and yummy New-York cheesecake (B130). Instead of snow-like shaved frozen ice, their homestyle bingsu (B160-380) is made from rougher shaved ice. But
that doesn’t detract from the flavors. Try the Canary Mango
(B340), which is dressed with unsweetened milk, topped with
massive chunks and slices of two sweet mangoes and served
in a hot pot with mango sauce, red bean paste and cornflakes.
50/5 Sukhumvit Soi 63 (Ekkamai), 099-194-6169. BTS Ekkamai. www.
The Wicked Snow
89 Ngam Wong Wan Rd., 099-226-6925
7/F, CentralWorld, Rama 1 Rd. BTS Siam/Chit Lom.
The Wicked Snow
This Korea-hailing eatery is an offshoot of a company that makes
ice-shaving machines, so it’s perhaps no surprise that this is
some of the softest ground frozen milk around. The base comes
in two flavors—milk and chocolate. Aside from mango, offerings
include chocolate (featuring Oreo crumbs, brownies and chocolate sauce, B150/240) and green tea (B120/180). Toast starts at
B120, hot drinks at B105 and smoothies at B135.
2/F, I’m Park, Chula Soi 22.
Baan Ratchakru, Phahon Yothin Soi 5,
Snow Tree
This bingsu cafe now has six branches across town, and wins
when it comes to variety. The plain milk options comes in at B130
for small size, while you can choose from a multitude of toppings
like black sesame (B170/240), caramel popcorn (B150/200) and
brownie chocolate (topped with chocolate powder, brownie and
chocolate ice cream, B200/270).
Thonglor Soi 13, opposite Misokatsu Yabaton, 061-819-2268
M/F, Esplanade, Ratchadapisek Rd.
1/F, Major Ratchayothin, 1839 Phahon Yothin Rd., 02-515-5555.
2/F, Major Pinklao, 554-554/12 Borommaratchachonnani Rd.
2/F, Mega Bangna, 6 Bangna Trad Rd., 02-105-1000.
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
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bites & blends market +
Top Knot
Black Highball Garden
Through Jan 3, Groove’s central
courtyard serves a special menu
from Hyde & Seek Peek-a-Boo, Tales
of Gold Mine and 1881 along with
Johnnie Walker Black Highball drinks.
Groove at CentralWorld, 999/99 Rama 1
Rd., 02-613-1270. BTS Siam/Chit Lom
A Christmas Barrel: Beer Tales and
This Dec 25 from 8pm, I Hate
Pigeons holds a beer talk by Mr. Q,
Beercycopedia with tasting flights
from Smiling Mad Dog and music
from DJ Ekception (Kolour).
Top Knot Countdown Party
New colonial-themed boutique hotel
Once’s Top Knot rooftop restaurant
offers a special BBQ buffet with freeflow beers on Dec 31 from 7-11pm
at B1,399 per person. Limited to only
200 seats.
8-9/F, Hotel Once Bangkok , 2074/99
Charoenkrung Soi 72/2, 02-688-2596.
starting from
call 026249601
34/2 Sathorn Soi 1 (Sribumphen), 097234-8067
Frying Pan Canvas
On Dec 28, chef Jess Barnes (Opposite Mess Hall) teams up with Evolution 48 producer Justin Dunne (Namsaah Bottling Trust, Ku De Ta and Bed
Supperclub) to host a dinner with
discussion. B2,650 for four courses
and four cocktails. Guests will take a
taxi from Emquartier to the location.
For more information, visit www.
your business
with us ­
King of Crabs
Through Dec 31, Kitaohji celebrates
the prime season for Hokkaido crabs
with three special sets featuring
snow crabs from the abundant Shiretoko area, guaranteed by a goldlevel award in the annual Japan Food
Selection guide by Japan Food Analyst. The five-course promotional sets
(for two people) starts at B4,000.
Credit card/Debit card payment accepted
212 Thonglor Soi 8, 02-174-7997
Ladies’ Night
Ladies enjoy buy-two-get-one-free
on cocktails all night every Tuesday
at Bitterman.
Silom Soi 1 (Sala Daeng), 091-740-6486,
BTS Sala Daeng Ceresia
Latin Food Festival
This Dec 26 from 1pm, Ceresia and
Spanish Meeting Point showcase
food from Latin countries including
Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico,
Paraguay and Venezuela. Free entry.
Tisco Building, Soi Sala Daeng, 098-2514327
Lady Brett
Daily Happy Hour
Buy-one-get-one-free on selected
cocktails from 5-7pm every day at
Lady Brett.
149 Sathorn Soi 12, 02-635-0405
A Guide to
Best Restaurants
New Venues
Farmers’ Market
Bangkok Farmers’ Market
The weekend foodies market where
you can buy products straight from
the source takes place at Gateway
Ekamai. Dec 26-27, 10am-8pm.
982/22 Sukhumvit Rd., 02-108-2888. BTS
Cubic 63
Through Feb 23, Cubic 63 gathers
together food stalls, food trucks and
beer in an outdoor space.
Cha Panya
A modern tea house that really,
really wants you to mellow out.
26/1 Sukhumvit Soi 59, 094-550-4659
The Summer House Project
The Never Ending Summer has a sister restaurant. And it’s even more
41/5 Charoen Nakorn Rd., 02-861-0953
Sukhumvit Soi 63 (Ekkamai), 089-4974441, 089-693-6555
Find out more and Book online at
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
BB_Market+Chope_621_Dec25_15_NEW.indd 30
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Sambalacha HHHH
Malay-Singaporean. 3/F, I’m Park, Chulalongkorn
S o i 2 2, 0 9 1- 0 2 5 -7 2 6 9 . O p e n We d - S u n
11am-9:30pm; Mon 11am-9:30pm B-BB
Situated on the third floor of I’m Park, a
bland, student-centric community mall
behind Chulalongkorn, this modest
operation doesn’t immediately stand out
from all the Japanese chains and copycat
cafes. With its fluoro lighting and candycolored walls, it looks like just another
dessert cafe. But in fact Sambalacha does
some of Bangkok’s most authentic MalaySingaporean food. It’s owned by a
Singaporean and his Thai wife, who cooks
up a tight menu of recipes drawn from the
former’s Malaysian mother. There’s
nothing too fancy; just home-cooked
staples like nasi lemak, laksa and Hokkien
mee, done right. These are not quite street
food prices, but nor are they exorbitant
considering many of the ingredients need
to be imported. The cutely-named My
Mother’s Nasi Lemak Set (B129), which
International. 5/F, The Emquartier, 693, 695
Sukhumvit Rd., 02-003-6208. Open Mon-Fri
11am-10pm, Sat-Sun 11am-11pm. BTS Phrom
Phong. BB-BBB. F
Having made his name with the modern,
ready-to-wear womenswear label Asava,
designer Polpat Asavaprapa now combines
fashion with food at Sava Dining by Asava.
Like the clothing line, the dining area
manages a sleekness that isn’t overly
complicated, combining floor-to-ceiling
glass with blue, wood and white tones.
Unfortunately the same can’t be said for
the messy, magazine-like menu, which
skips between Thai, Western and fusion.
They say the focus is on hearty, home-style
dishes, including some dressed-up street
food classics. But the results just aren’t that
exciting, dogged by neutral flavors or
unnecessary combinations. One example
of experimentation gone wrong is the
spaghetti kapi moo hong (spaghetti with
kapi shrimp paste and white wine sauce
Price guide
PPPP Forget it
PPPP Only if you’re in the neighborhood
PPPP A pleasant dining experience
PPPP Not to be missed
BB BBB BBBB BK pays for its meal and does not call ahead or
sit with the chef.
comes with fragrant coconut rice, fried
anchovies, prawn crackers, peanuts, eggs
and cucumber, only bursts to life once you
add a liberal dollop of spicy and pungent
sambal—but oh how it all comes together.
The highlight of the dish, though, has to be
the accompanying “air-fried” chicken (no
oil used in the cooking process), which is
so juicy and nicely seasoned that you’ll
want to order seconds (B40 per piece or
B100 for three). The laksa (rich, coconutbased soup, B179) is near-overflowing
with seafood, fried bean curd and chicken.
It’s certainly spicy but far from onedimensional owing to the inclusion of fresh
cockles, which add these unexpected little
pockets of salty goodness. The fishballs,
too, are a far bouncier and flavorful
prospect than those found in most Thai
soups. More of an acquired taste is the
rojak rojak (B79), a sweet and spicy fruit
salad (pineapple, Asian pear, water
chestnut and more) that goes heavy on the
tamarind and shrimp paste; we found
ourselves most interested in digging out
the delicious little chunks of fried tofu. We
love that these flavors are real and not
toned down. The friendly co-owner and
chef told us, “Most of our clientele is
foreign. Thais don’t really know our food.”
That’s a shame, really. Sambalacha serves
up a no-holds-barred homage for those
familiar with the flavors of Singapore or
Malaysia, amid an atmosphere that’s
welcoming for newbies.
topped with caramelized pork belly, B320).
The texture of the pork is great, but the
sweetness doesn’t match at all with the
weirdly sour and salty shrimp paste. The
pad mie krached nong ped grob (stir-fired
rice noodle with water mimosa served
with duck confit, B320) is another
mismatched dish. While the duck is as good
as it gets, crispy without being too dry, the
noodles and vegetables seem to have
been stir-fried separately; the former ends
up being oily and tasteless, while the
vegetables lie sad and unseasoned
underneath. The oiliness continues in the
khaopad pla salid (fried rice with gourami
fish with basil and spare ribs soup, B240),
though at least it’s more flavorful. The
street-style yam sen pla haeng (spicy fish
and shrimp balls mixed with poached
morning glory and crispy fish flakes, B220)
just can’t live up to what we’ve tried on
the roadside, though we appreciate the
fresh and chunky ingredients. There is still
some hope, and strangely it comes in the
form of fusion dishes like bruschetta nham
(B190), a tasty combination of fresh chili
and garlic sprinkled with cheddar cheese,
and the matoom aoon pudding (warm bale
fruit pudding with vanilla ice cream, B220)
with its gloriously sticky and salty caramel
sauce. In the end, we’re left wondering
how long Sava Dining can survive without
delivering a stronger, more consistent
statement, in keeping with its sister
fashion label.
Under B500
B900-1,500 B1,500 and up
Price per person, including one drink, appetizer,
main course, dessert, charges and tax.
H Reservations recommended
F Parking available
E Dress requirements
G Live music
Get the freshest dining news on
BK bites & blends:
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
BB_Food_Reviews_621_Dec25_15.indd 31
12/21/15 7:04 PM
From food to decor, Charoenkrung’s new diner is a clever mix of Thai and Western
The buzz: Taking over the space of the short-lived Saddle and Bun
restaurant on Charoenkrung Road, 80/20 blends old-school Thai
elements into its modern decor to reflect its menu's composition:
80-percent local, 20-percent creative tweaks.
The decor: The windowed facade features the kind of iconic, retro
signage you usually see on old shop-houses. The raw industrial
interior is smartly accentuated with typical domestic touches like
iron window grates and geometric-pattern concrete blocks, picked
out by co-owner Nattha Techamethakul. The result is casual but
packed with character.
The food: Above the open kitchen hangs a chalkboard menu indicating the offerings of the day. Owner-chefs Napol Jantraget and Saki
Hoshino take control of the open kitchen serving up delicate casual
dishes. Drawing on skills honed at Toronto’s Creme Brasserie, Napol
gets creative in dishes like the flavorful garden salad (B140), which
combines yu choy and chayote shoots, longevity spinach, bougainvillea leaves and red oak with a cream-based dry shrimp lime dressing, and the warm 80/20 Caesar salad (B220) with sauteed brussel
sprouts, melting pork belly confit and a dressing salted with shrimp
paste. Another sharing highlight is the half roast chicken (B320),
which is served on a bed of seasoned potato hash and seasonal
veggies with jus gravy. Dessert chef Hoshino rolls out fun desserts
like warm molten chocolate (B180) baked a la minute and served
with house-made chili ice cream, and the light, fresh panna cotta
with coconut-lemongrass sauce and fresh fruits (B180).
The drinks: Another co-owner, Thanavut Kosolwongse, whips up
cocktails that incorporate Thai flavors as well as local spirits. Chiang
Mai’s “flower spirit” Maajaidum features in the lemongrass- and ginger-infused Thai Tea (B120) and Rosella Orange (rosella juice and
housemade orange syrup, B200), while Phuket’s Chalongbay rum
is used in the Tid Koh (sugarcane juice, coconut juice foam topped
with chopped kaffir lime leaves, B220). They also offer local wines
from GranMonte, starting at B300 by the glass.
Why you should care: Charoenkrung is cool and all, but there’s not
too much to grub apart from guay tiew. This new opening not only
serves delicious food, but also offers some genuinely creative twists.
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
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Sukhumvit Soi 55 (Thonglor), 02-005-1208. BTS
Thonglor. Open daily 5pm-1am
Gelato King
Finally, Bangkok has welcomed a gelato shop that's actually
from Italy. Established in 1981 by Palmiro Bruschi, who later
won the title of Italian Champion Ice Cream Maker in 1994, Ghignoni (G/F, Emquartier, Sukhumvit Rd., 02-651-8688) was one of
the first gelaterias in Tuscany's Upper Tiber Valley. The gelato is
made fresh daily using the same traditional methods as in Italy,
boasting no coloring or preservatives in flavors like pistachio
(made with real Sicilian pistachio), ricotta, pineapple and orange
chocolate. Prices start at B89 for a maximum of two flavors.
Suburban Empire
Set in a dazzling white two-story building, Emmie’s (387, Rama
9 Soi 49, 097-237-9777) is the latest comfort-food opening from
the folks behind Rama 9 strongholds Photynine (Vietnamese)
and Yod Lard Ped Udon (Isaan). Here, the focus is a little looser,
centering on all-day Western dishes, with chef Eiang Thanongsak Rungsri (formerly of Mandarin Oriental) rolling out hearty
options like the tender half-roasted chicken with carrot and
potato (B480), grilled rack of lamb with chimichurri sauce (single B680 or shared B1,850) and mac n’ cheese (B210). Drinks
cover cold-pressed juices and smoothies (B100-B180) and coffee
made from Roots beans (B70-B180). Sweet options include buttery pancake with honey, cream cheese, banana and mixed berries (B150-B180) and panna cotta topped with berries (B150).
Meta Thai
Chatrium Hotel Group’s Maitria Hotel has welcomed a new
Thai eatery and bar, Metta (26 Sukhumvit Soi 18, 02-3025777). Drawing on over 20 years' experience, Sarawut Im-Sup,
the former chef de cuisine at Erawan Tea Room, rolls out
beautifully-presented traditional Thai dishes, as well as some
Western staples like club sandwiches (B200) and pasta dishes
(B220). Fancified Thai staples include pad Thai (B220), pomelo
salad (B180) and roasted duck curry (B280). Signature cocktails
are priced at B190.
This sizable bar, named after the indigenous people of
Hokkaido, takes full inspiration for its decor and food from
Northern Japan. That means this seafood-focused izakaya
serves up Hokkaido specialties like salmon chan chan yaki
(grilled salmon on sauteed vegetables, B250). Don’t miss the
Hokkaido seafood platter (B999) which features three kinds
of crab, namely taraba king crab, snow crab, hairy crab, plus
hotate and ikura. They also highlight bar snacks, shabu, grilled
dishes and sashimi, made with fish delivered three times a
week from Tsukiji Market in Tokyo.
Get 50% discount on Salmon Sashimi valued 220 Baht,
get 30% discount on Hokkaido Seafood Platter, and get
10% discount on food only (Today – 29 Feb 16)
To redeem your favorite dining vouchers, please visit
Simply click “Thailand” and then “Gift voucher”
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
BB_NNOD_621_Dec25_15.indd 33
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SAT Got the Knack
This Dec 26-27 sees the
monthly pop-up on the lawn
of the Jam Factory (41/1-41/2
Charoen Nakorn Rd. 02-8610950), The Knack Market,
expand into a new zone that
stretches all the way to the river bank. On top of the regular
vintage items, chill music and
trendy clothes stalls, expect
plenty of gifts and lucky draws
to celebrate the festive season.
SAT What’s Love?
Some of the biggest names in Thailand's music industry will
walk the red carpet at Boyd Ko Concert, the massive endof-year concert that celebrates the year's best music, at Impact Arena (Muang Thong Thani, 99 Popular Rd., 02-833-4455)
this Dec 26. The night promises live performances of some of
the year’s greatest hits from the Love Is record label, including
those by Lipta, Pru, Friday, Two Popetorn, Tor and 7th Scene.
Tickets are B1,200-3,500 from Thaiticketmajor.
SAT Star Runners
Needless to say, Bangkok has been a
little Star Wars-obsessed this month.
But this Dec 26 you can step things
up even more when the Star Wars
Run sees legions of Han Solos and
Princess Leias take over the grounds of
Siam Square One (Rama 1 Rd.). Runners will be tasked with making their
way through the Laser Station, Snow
Station and Space Tunnel Station, and,
after all is said and done, there’ll be
a huge EDM concert. Tickets are B900
from Thaiticketmajor.
TUE That Guy
SUN Tools of the Trade
David Guetta, the world-conquering
French DJ and producer behind hits
like “Titanium”, “Hey Mama” and
“Sexy Bitch,” headlines the Output
Festival this Dec 29. He’ll be joined
by Indian-American KSHMR, making
his Southeast Asia debut, plus huge
names including Dyro, Deniz Koyu
and Otto Knows for the massive EDM
festival taking over BITEC (88 Bang
Na-Trat Rd., 02-749-3939. BTS Bang
Na). Tickets are B2,500 from Thaiticketmajor.
In a series of refreshingly confrontational
video installations dubbed Tools, Kawita Vatanajyankur explores the concept
of everyday household work by transforming herself into representations of
domestic tools such as a clothes hanger,
a broom, and a juice blender, in an exhibition that aims to empower women as
the emotional and physical center of the
house. Running through Jan 10 at The
Jam Factory (41/1-41/2 Charoen Nakorn
Rd., 02-861-0950). See Artist Q&A, page
A night of experimental music, ranging between hip-hop, jazz and drum
'n' bass from three electronic DJs from
New York, The Netherlands and Thailand. Support from DJs DK9, Jamie
James and Sol Aguilera. Dec 25, 8pm.
Jam, 41 Charoen Rat Soi 1, 083-5451833. B150 (includes one shot). BTS
Sick Individuals
The German DJ and model duo take over the
night with their set of minimal techno tracks
with support from DJs Messie Joe and Dog on
the Turns. Dec 26, 8pm. Live RCA Bangkok,
RCA, Rama 9 Rd., 086-860-0808. Free.
The electronic music DJ brings his unique
blend of dark wave, Krautrock and techno to
the stage straight from Berlin. Dec 26, 9pm.
Studio Lam, Sukhumvit Soi 51, 02-261-6661.
Free. BTS Thong Lo.
The Dutch EDM duo, known for their singles
"Lost and Found", "Made for This" and "Wasting Moonlight," host a multi-coloured neon
glow-themed party with plenty of electro and
progressive house. Dec 26, 9pm. Onyx, Soi
Soonvijai, Rama 9 Rd. Free.
Deep melodic house, progressive and techno
music from DJs Mody, Moca, Kani, A_Lien and
Kanabis Stoned. Through Feb 5 2016, 9pm.
Dickinson's Culture Cafe, 64 Pra Arthit Rd.,
089-497-8422. Free.
DJs Vincent Smith, V.E.G.A and Jodie Foster host
this edition of the bar's dedicated bass music
night. Dec 26, 10pm. Dickinson's Culture
Cafe, 64 Pra Arthit Rd., 089-497-8422. Free.
The world-famous French DJ and producer David Guetta headlines this EDM festival, joined
by Indian-American KSHMR, making his Southeast Asia debut, Dyro, Deniz Koyu and Otto
Knows. Dec 29, 5pm. BITEC, 88 Bang Na-Trat
Rd., 02-749-3939. B2,500. BTS Bang Na.
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Urban Appeal
Asiatique the Riverfront has expanded to offer a whole range
of new fashion and lifestyle accessories and services. The new
Urbano zone, which stretches across warehouses 5, 7, 8 and 9,
is filled with the coolest young boutiques and businesses, from
clothes for both men and women to DIY leather accessories, barber shops, beauty services and bike cafes. Here are just some of
the highlights:
Try Me Accessories
Perfect Combination
This trendy new store focuses on “wearable art,” including the finest quality
leather products like shoes, bags and
wallets for both men and women, all in
sophisticated, original designs.
It’s all about accessories at this little
boutique offering a variety of cute and
colorful handmade rings, bracelets,
necklaces, earrings, clips and much
more, all decorated with unique designs
that you won’t be able to resist trying on.
Sugar Moustache
These simple and colorful T-shirts,
sweaters, tote bags and phone cases
all adorn the one-of-a-kind Sugar Moustache mascot character that both men
and women will love and not be able to
find elsewhere.
For those who love street fashion and
the full urban look, this store lines up limited edition trainers and sneakers from
brands including Adidas, Nike, Reebok,
Supra, Victim of Vanity, New Balance and
many more. You’ll also be able to find
plenty of trendy sportswear accessories
including snapbacks and sports bags.
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The “secret” Cuban bar rings in the New Year
with a night of live music from the Caribesound
band and their Cuban dancers, with an after
party featuring DJ Slomororo after the clock
strikes midnight. 6pm onwards. Free entry.
Havana Social, Sukhumvit Soi 11, 087-0667711. BTS Nana.
David Collins designed the place and this is
where you want to be air-kissing your way
into 2016. Dress '60s, bring a mask, and let DJs
Maarten, Karl Andy and MC Unda do the rest.
9pm onwards. B900 (includes one drink).
Vogue Lounge, 6/F, Mahanakhon Cube,
Narathiwas Rd., 02-001-0697. BTS Chong
Havana Social
There’s no excuse to head home early
with this all-nighter party, featuring three
rooms of underground music from DJs Dragon, Gramaphone Children, David Fostier
and Sun that promises to go on until sunrise. 9pm onwards. B200 (includes 1 drink).
Whiteline, Silom Soi 8, 087-061-1117. BTS
Sala Daeng.
The Old Town’s beach-themed club celebrates with tech house from DJs Chris
and Rob Thompson. Dress code is white.
B500 includes 2 drinks. 7pm onwards.
Superflow City Beach Club, 9 Khao San Rd.,
A free-flow bar and dinner deal for B3,500 starting at 7pm onwards. Otherwise, B2,000 gets
you a night of free-flow drinks, including the
winter wonderland décor, fireworks and music
from DJs Vladi and Tek Harringoton. Dress code
is white, silver and blue.
AmBar, 8/F, Four Points by Sheraton Hotel,
Sukhumvit Soi 15, 02-309-3113.
Sing Sing
For a clubby vibe and 39/F views, take an elevator to this winter-themed bash. The first 200
guests get a free glass of Moet & Chandon and
the dress code is white. 8pm onwards. B800.
Ku De Ta, 39 & 40/F, Sathorn Square, 98
Sathorn, 02-108-2000. BTS Chong Nonsi.
Gene Kasidit takes his sultry platinum blond
diva act to the faux-colonial basement bar
where his electro-jazz will pave the way to
the year-end countdown before DJs take over.
Maggie Choo's
9pm onwards. B800 (includes one glass of
Chandon Brut and all tickets enter a raffle to
win a Moet & Chandon Champagne magnum).
Maggie Choo's, underground/F, Hotel Novotel Bangkok Fenix Silom, 320 Silom Rd.,
02-635-6055. BTS Surasak.
T h e s e o p e n - a i r D J s e t s p r o m i s e fa n cy visuals to back up the beats. 9pm onwards,B800 (includes two free drinks).
Nest Rooftop Lounge, 9/F, Le Fenix Hotel,
33/33 Sukhumvit Soi 11, 02-305-4000. BTS
Not into dress codes? Head here for reasonable
prices, a hipster crowd and very good taste in
music. Specifically, DJ Digital will spin drum ‘n’
bass with support from Kontraband resident DJs
Delorean, Azek and Will. 9pm onwards. B200.
Dark Bar, 2/F, Ekamai Mall, Ekkamai Soi 10,
The rooftop Gramercy Park’s picnic vibe takes it
up a notch with DJs Deloin, Delorean and Luck-E.
10pm onwards. B2,000 (includes 2 drinks).
Above Eleven, 33/F, Fraser Suites Sukhumvit,
38/8 Sukhumvit Soi 11, 083-542-1111. BTS
Hollywood meets Bangkok; pick between the
Gala Dinner, including courses of fresh seafood
and international dishes plus free-flow drinks
until midnight for B2,900, or the Countdown
Party package for a barbeque buffet and drinks
until midnight for B1,400. There will be live
music, a magician and plenty of prizes to be
won. 6pm onwards.
Pullman Bangkok Grande Sukhumvit, 30
Sukhumvit Soi 21, 02-204-4000. BTS Asok.
Now in its fourth year, the charity event hosts
international DJs Tony Moran, Danny Verde and
Preeda Tony, plus a special live performance
from Deborah Cox. All proceeds are donated to
the B-Change Foundation and the HIV Foundation. 9pm onwards. B2,000.
Zen Event Gallery, 8/F, CentralWorld, Ratchadamri Rd, 02-635-1111. BTS Chitlom.
Visit for updates.
Charinthorn Rachurutchata presents
a sequel performance to the series
surrounding a young, privileged girl
growing up. This edition sees the
character going through puberty and
adapting to the social norms in high
school, exploring the issues of bullying and violence in a surreal and
fantastical way. Through Dec 31,
7pm. Alliance Francaise de Bangkok, 179 Wittayu Rd., 02-670-4200.
Free. MRT Lumphini.
Some of the biggest names in Thailand's music industry will walk the
red carpet to this much-anticipated
end-of-year concert that celebrates
the year's best music, as well as live
performances of the greatest hits
from the "Love Is" label. Dec 26,
7pm. Impact Arena, Muang Thong
Thani, 99 Popular Rd., 02-833-4455.
B1,200-3,500 from Thaiticketmajor.
A concert in celebration of 10 years
of the record label, including performances from the Japanese fushion jazz group Jun Abe & J-Jazz
Super Band, Danish jazz sensation Mads Mathias and Thai saxophone band Funktion. Dec 28,
7pm. Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, 60 New Ratchadapisek Rd., 02-229-3000. B2,000
from Thaiticketmajor. MRT Queen
Sirikit National Convention Centre.
Join the percussion legend for a night
and live samba-style music supported by DJ Alex Fischer's house tracks.
Dec 25, 9pm. Oskars Bistro, 24
Sukhumvit Soi 11, 02-255-3377. Free.
Local rock bands Outro, Jimmy Revolt,
Silly Machine, Madman, Conductor,
The Octopuss and Planet T-Rex cover
hit songs from massive 90's bands
like Korn, Nine Inch Nails, Red Hot
Chilli Peppers, Oasis and Radiohead.
Dec 25, 7pm. The Rock Pub, Hollywood Street, 93/26-28 Phaya Thai
Rd., 02-251-9980, 086-977-0621.
B250-300. BTS Ratchathewi.
Celebrate Christmas with live music from Noppakorn Lertlak and the
Gardener Twins. Dec 26, 7pm. 1979
Vinyls and Unknown Pleasures,
4/F, Black Amber, Sukhumvit Soi 55
(Thonglor). B200.
Urban Happiness
A concert series in celebration of the
festive season, featuring Boy Pokorn,
Toomtam Yootana from The Star, Tao
from Academy Fantasia and Tattoo
Colour. Dec 25-27, 6pm. Gateway Ekkamai 982/22 Sukhumvit Rd., 095547-6870. BTS Ekkamai. Free.
The veteran Thai rock band performs
their last gig of the year. Dec 28,
11:30pm. Parking Toys, 17/22 Ram
Indra Soi 14, 02-907-2228. B350.
Are You 90's II
10th Anniversary
Hitmanjazz Party
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Exhibition Openings
An exhibition that focuses on returning to
the less technologically-advanced artforms
of analogue photography, hand drawn illustrations and ceramic handmade pottery.
Four emerging Thai photographers present
their raw, gritty styles shooting political or
sexual topics.
Dates: Dec 22-Feb 1, 2016
Ansel & Elliott, 19, Sutthisarn Rd.,
Dates: Dec 25-Jan 17 2016
Kalwit Studio & Gallery, Wireless Soi 2
(Ruam Rudi).
Dramatic city and firework views, gourmet tastes and
cool tunes set the perfect mood to ring in 2016
in rooftop glamour.
31 DECEMBER 2015
Korean, Thai and French artists explore
flowers and femininity through jewelry design, video installations, acrylic paintings,
sculptures and art photography.
Nipon Jungkina presents his graphic, complexly detailed paintings that blur the line
between religion and nudity.
Dates: Through Jan 24, 2016
YenakArt Villa, 69 Soi Prasat Suk, Yen
Akat Rd., 02-235-9800.
Dates: Dec 25-Jan 23, 2016
Chulalongkorn University, 254 Phaya
Thai Rd., 02-215-0871/-3.
Plant your own miniature garden
100° East & Poolside from 6.00 pm - 10.30 pm
Enjoy salad bar selections with tender BBQ meats and
seafood. Then splurge on desserts.
THB 1,500++ (food only)
Zoom Sky Bar & Restaurant from 7.00 pm - 10.00 pm
Savour five gourmet courses with live band music and
sensational city views.
THB 9,900++ including a glass of champagne and
entrance to the countdown party
Zoom Sky Bar & Restaurant from 10.00 pm – 2.00 am
Ring in 2016 at a glamorous rooftop party to uplifting
tunes by DJ Fabrizio Vittuci from Italy.
THB 3,900++ including a glass of champagne
Tiny Tree, a cafe specializing in growing and selling decorative terrariums, is running a series of workshops that demonstrate how to create your own miniature
garden, as well as outline the history behind this gardening form. Visitors have a
choice of four different types of terrarium to create: the Pine Forest, Silver Forest, Green Glass XL and Sweet Tea Time, which all range in size and container shapes. Two classes are running on Dec 26 at 10:30am-12:30pm and 2pm4pm. Register through Line ID: Tinytreegarden or 080-555-1595. B1,600-2,500.
Tiny Tree Garden, 235/5 Sukhumvit Soi 31, 080-555-1595.
For reservations and more information, tel 02 210 9000
or email Advance reservations
are recommended.
BK Weekend
Our weekly e-newsletter with top
stories and happenings around town
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January 2016 Exhibitions
ARTIST Q&A Kawita Vatanajrankur
4 Flows
A collaborative exhibition between
eight renowned and emerging
artists, showcasing works ranging
from silkscreen designs to cartoon
Dates: Jan 9–Feb 11, 2016
La Lanta Fine Art, 245-14 Sukhumvit Soi 31, 02-204-0583.
French artist Pierre Bonnefille uses
liquefied and frozen bronze to create abstract patterns on canvas.
Dates: Jan 27-Feb 24, 2016
Yenak Art Villa, 69 Soi Prasat Suk,
Yen Akat Rd., 02-235-9800. MRT
Khlong Toei.
Thai graffiti artists and cartoonists
Trk, Chz, A.M.P and Warhead
present their colorful and radical
pop art pieces.
A collection of never-before-exhibited watercolor painting works by 60
current Thai artists capturing architecture, daily life and culture around
the country.
Dates: Jan 15-Feb 12, 2016
Jam, 41 Charoen Rat Soi 1, 0835451-833. BTS Surasak.
A photographic exhibition capturing the lonely and daunting journey of being a foreigner learning
the ways of Bangkok for the first
time, as experienced by French artist Jean-Seabastien Faure over the
past four years.
Dates: Jan 26-Feb 16, 2016
Chamchuri Art Gallery, Chulalongkorn University, Phayathai Rd., 02
218 3709.
My favorite Thai artist is… Kamonpan Chotvichai. I like how he combines craftwork and photography
into his pieces, which is quite unique.
Also, he explores gender-based issues
like I do, so his work has never failed
to be a great source of inspiration.
Dates: Jan 9-Feb 28, 2016
Kathmandu Art Gallery, 87 Pan Rd.,
02-234-6700. BTS Surasak.
One thing that bugs me about the
Thai art scene is… although there’s
more and more galleries in Bangkok,
each one has its own concept and
many of them may not be interested
in showing my work, which is a little controversial and different. There
are still very few galleries that are
deemed cool or noteworthy by everyone, not just art lovers, and those
are the hardest to get your work exhibited at.
Christmas Riverfest
Pinklao Market
The popular market moves onto its
third new location, starring 200 design shops and 150 food stalls. The
theme will continue to change every
other weekend through the end of
the year. Dec 25-27, 4pm-midnight.
The Emquartier, The EmDistrict,
Sukhumvit Rd., 02-269-1000. Free.
BTS Phrom Phong.
A low key, chilled-out pop-up HOBS
beer garden by the Chao Phraya River, with Christmas-themed food and
fashion stalls. A mini concert by The
Voice Thailand Season 4 contestants.
Dec 25-27, 4pm-midnight. Canapaya Riverfront, 888 Rama 3 Rd.,
Two floors of shopping with a zone
My favorite Bangkok gallery is…
the BACC. I like that it showcases
works of both Thai and foreign artists, whether they are new or old to
the art scene. Also, the curator really
makes an effort to get artists exposure beyond the BACC. He helped
bring my work to Taipei and London,
so getting your work into the BACC
usually means more than just the one
tive this month, with live music
under the theme "Christmas Jazz,"
some food trucks and cheap fashion finds. Special performance by
Atom on Dec 18 at 7pm. Through
Dec 27, 7pm-10pm. The Sense Pinklao, 71/50 Borommarachonnanee
Rd. Free.
The up-and-coming food and bike
focused, riverside community mall
celebrates the end of the year
with a cozy market featuring DIY
Christmas cards and scarf-knitting
workshops, a cute outdoor chocolate fondue party as well as outdoor
movie screenings through the rest
of the year. Through Jan 2 2016,
4pm-midnight. Tha Maharaj, 11/1,
Maharaj Rd., 02-866-3163-4, 090926-5265. Free.
The Thonburi Community Mall's
weekend pop-up market goes fes-
In the future, I’d like to see Thai
artists… remember that art is meant
to be viewed and shared. Of course,
you shouldn’t create art for that
sole purpose, but definitely keep it
in mind. Art needs to make people
think, it needs to be interesting.
Kawita’s latest exhibition of video
installations, Tools, is currently
running at The Jam Factory until Jan
10 (see highlights, page 34).
The Jam Factory, 41/1-41/2Charoen
Nakorn Rd., 02-861-0950.
Marshmallow Market
dedicated to fashion, gifts, home
decor and handmade products, a
zone for food and drinks, some food
trucks, as well as a beer garden and
live music by Better Weather and
Yokee Playboy. Dec 25-27, 10am10pm. Gateway Ekamai 982/22
Sukhumvit Rd., 095-547-6870. BTS
Over 200 fashion stalls taking over
Quartier Hall at this new pop-up,
with fashion, craft, food and lifestyle
brands offering year-end discounts.
Dec 26-27, 10am-10pm. The Emquartier, The EmDistrict, Sukhumvit
Rd., 02-269-1000. BTS Phrom Phong.
One thing I love about the Thai art
scene is… there are more places that
are incorporating other features into
art galleries, like a bar, restaurant or
a nice view. Because art is still something not everyone is interested in,
having these other elements present
in the same space can draw in a new
crowd of people. You might not be
into art, but you go to a restaurant
that has an art exhibition and you
might end up seeing something you
10.5km and 5km runs along the riverside. Registration is open now at
entryform.htm. Jan 10, 2016, 6am.
Canapaya Riverfront, 888 Rama 3
Rd., 02-291-9499. 300.
A rock-centric run followed by a mini
concert from Da Endorphine and 25
Hours. Offering 5 and 10km distances.
Register now at Jan
24, 2016, 5pm. Suanluang Rama
IX Public Park, Sukhumvit Soi 103,
02-328-8982. B650-800.
The annual running event returns
to kick off the New Year. Offering 5,
10.5, 21.1km distances. Register now
at Jan
31, 2016, 5am. BITEC, 88 Bang NaTrat Rd., 02-749-3939. B300-700. BTS
Bang Na.
The Hello Kitty Run makes its Bangkok
debut with a 5km fun run. Registration
comes with a Hello Kitty limited edition shirt and bag. Winners receive a
limited-edition Hello Kitty medal. Registration open now at Thaiticketmajor.
Jan 31, 2016, 8am. Makkasan Airport Link Station, B790-1,000 from
A healthy activity for you and your
partner, offering both couples and
solo packages at distances of 3, 10
and 20km. Register now at Feb 14, 2016, 4am. Lumphini
Park, Rama 4 Rd. B400-1,500.
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FILM Opening
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): The coming year will be a favorable time for you to nourish a deeper devotion to truth, beauty and goodness. Anything you do to make your
morality more rigorous will generate benefits that ripple through your life. Curiously,
you can add to the propitious effect by also cultivating a deeper devotion to fun, play
and pleasure. There is a symbiotic connection between the part of you that wants to
make the world a better place and the part that thrives on joy, freedom and wonder.
Feed your lust for life by being intensely compassionate and vice versa.
Adventure/Fantasy. Zach Cooper (Dylan
Minnette) falls hard for his beautiful
neighbor Hannah (Odeya Rush). When he
accidentally unleashes the beasts in her
father’s best-selling fantasy novels, they
must all join forces to stop them. Dec 24
Family/Comedy. When four generations
of the Cooper family reunite for Christmas, they must overcome their own
individual crises to come together for a
festive holiday celebration. Dec 24
Documentary. Following the life of fashion icon Iris Apfel and her journey to
fame. SF Cinemas only. Dec 24
Comedy. Brad (Will Farrell), a dorky radio host, must compete for the attention
of his new stepchildren when their cool
father (Mark Walhberg) comes back to
town. Dec 31
Animation. Charlie Brown develops a
crush on his new neighbor, Little RedHaired Girl, while his best friend Snoopy
also falls for a beautiful poodle named
Fifi. Dec 31
Drama. When two childhood friends, Pueng and Boy, unexpectedly return home
to attend a mutual friend’s wedding, they
spend the weekend facing unresolved
feelings from their past. Dec 31
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): I predict that 2016 will be
your Year of Fruitful Obsessions. In giving this positive
spin, I’m hoping to steer you away from any behavior
that might lead to 2016 being your Year of Fruitless
Obsessions. One way or another, I think you’ll be driven
to express your passions with single-minded intensity.
Focused devotion—sometimes verging on compulsive
preoccupation—is likely to be one of your signature
qualities. That’s why it’s so important to avoid wasteful infatuations. Please choose fascinations that are
really good for you.
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Your symbol of power in
2016 will be the equal sign: =. Visualize it every morning for 20 seconds. Tattoo it on your butt. Write it on an
index card that you keep under your pillow. Gestures
like these will deliver highly relevant messages to
your subconscious mind, like “Create balance and cultivate harmony!” and “Coordinate opposing forces!” and
“Wherever there is tension between two extremes,
convert the tension into vital energy!” Here are your
words of power in 2016: “symbiosis” and “synergy.”
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): The raw materials you have
at your disposal in 2016 may sometimes seem limited.
You could be tempted to feel envy about the vaster
resources other people can draw on. But I honestly
don’t think these apparent inhibitions will put you at
a disadvantage. Within your smaller range of options,
there will be all the possibilities you need. The constraints could stimulate your creativity in ways that
would have never occurred if you’d had more options.
TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): You know what physical
hygiene is. But are you familiar with imaginal hygiene?
Educator Morgan Brent defines it like this: “Imaginal
hygiene is the inner art of self-managing the imagination, to defend it from forces that compromise, pollute,
colonize, shrink and sterilize it, and to cultivate those
that illuminate, expand and nourish it.” It’s important for everyone to attend to this work, but it’s especially crucial for you to focus on it in 2016. You will be
exceptionally creative, and therefore likely to generate long-lasting effects out of the raw materials that
occupy your imagination.
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 20): Your mind sometimes works
too hard and fast for your own good. But mostly it’s
your best asset. Your versatility can sometimes be a
curse, but far more often it’s a blessing. Your agile
tongue generates more fun than trouble, and so do
your smooth maneuvers. As wonderful as all these
qualities can be, however, I suggest that you work on
expanding your scope in 2016. It will be a good time
for you to study and embody the magic that the water
signs possess. Give greater respect to your feelings.
Tune in to them more, encourage them to deepen,
and figure out how to trust them as sources of wisdom.
CANCER (Jun 21-Jul 22): Swedish movie director Ingmar Bergman won three Academy Awards and was
nominated for eight others. Numerous filmmakers
have cited him as an important influence on their
work. His practical success was rooted in his devotion
to the imagination. “I am living permanently in my
dream, from which I make brief forays into reality,”
he said. Can you guess his astrological sign? Cancer
the Crab, of course! No other tribe is better suited at
In keeping with the celebration of HM the King’s 88th birthday, the theme for this
month’s movies at The Japan Foundation is “father”. Dec 25 sees the screening of
Koyama Seichiro’s 1983 film Home Village. When the construction of a dam threatens the livelihood of residents in a Japanese village, one family with a 78-year-old
senile father must figure out how to protect their wellbeing.
Screening starts at 6:30pm. Japanese with Thai subtitles. Free admission.
The Japan Foundation, 10/F, Sermmit Tower, 159 Sukhumvit Soi 21, 02-260-8560.
moving between the two worlds. You are virtuosos at
interweaving fantasy with earthy concerns. The coming year will afford you unprecedented opportunities
to further develop and use this skill.
LEO (July 23-Aug 22): Avoid pain and pursue pleasure. Be kind, not cruel. Abstain from self-pity and ask
for the help you need. Instead of complaining, express
gratitude. Shun people who disrespect you and seek
the company of those who enjoy you. Don’t expose
yourself to sickening entertainment; fill your imagination up with uplifting stories. Does the advice I’m
offering seem overly simple? That’s no accident. In my
opinion, what you need most in 2016 is to refresh your
relationship with fundamental principles.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): Many of the atoms that compose your flesh and blood were not part of your body
12 months ago. That’s because every year, 98 percent
of you is replaced. Old cells are constantly dying, giving way to new cells that are made from the air, food,
and water you ingest. Of course, you’re not the only
one whose physical form is regularly recycled. But
here’s what will be unique about you in 2016: Your
soul will match your body’s rapid transformations. In
fact, the turnover is already underway. By your next
birthday, you may be so new you’ll barely recognize
yourself. Take full charge of this opportunity! Who do
you want to become?
LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 22): The English word “ain’t” can
mean “am not,” “is not,” “are not,” or “have not.” But
it ain’t recognized as a standard word in the language.
If you use it, you risk being thought vulgar and uneducated. And yet “ain’t” has been around since 1706,
more than 300 years. Most words that are used for
so long eventually become official. I see your journey in 2016 as having resemblances to the saga of
“ain’t,” Libra. You will meet resistance as you seek
greater acceptance of some nonstandard but regular
part of your life.
SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21): My old friend John owns
a 520-acre farm in Oregon’s Willamette Valley. Blueberries are among the crops he grows. If he arranges
their growing season so that they ripen in July, he can
sell them for $1.75 a pint. But if he designs them to
be ready for harvest in late summer, the price he gets
may go up to $4 a pint. You can guess which schedule he prefers. I urge you to employ a similar strategy
for 2016, Scorpio. Timing may not be everything, but
it will count for a lot.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): In 1803, the US government bought a huge chunk of North American land
from the French government. At a price of three cents
per acre, the new republic doubled its size, acquiring
what’s now Louisiana and Montana and everything
between. I don’t think you’ll add that much to your
domain in 2016, Sagittarius, but it’s likely you will
expand significantly. I suspect the cost, both in terms
of actual cash and in emotional energy, will also be
manageable. There’s one way your acquisition will be
better than that earlier one. The Americans bought
and the French sold land they didn’t actually own—it
belonged to the native people—whereas your moves
will have full integrity.
Explore Your Favorite Neighborhoods
BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
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12/18/2558 BE 2:29 PM
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FullPage BK Daily.indd 1
12/18/2558 BE 11:44 AM
For Sale
A-SPACE Condo. 2 km from
BTS On-Nuch (Sukhumvit
77). 6 Floor, 35.5 SQM. 1 bed
1 living, wide balcony. Swimming pool view. Furnished
facilities are pool, security card
& guard, parking. 1.87 MB. or
rent minimum 1 year contract.
Contact: Duke 084-081-1178
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BK Magazine Friday, December 25, 2015
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12/21/15 7:26 PM
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12/18/2558 BE 6:44 PM
Siam Piwat_Dec25.pdf
12/17/2558 BE
2:47 PM
P.44 Siam Piwat_Dec25_621.indd 2
12/18/2558 BE 3:42 PM