ripensa annual report 2009


ripensa annual report 2009
Risk Psychology, Environment and Safety
Pictures left, right & upper middle: ©
Table of Contents
This is the 3rd Annual Report from the research team for Risk Psychology, Environment and Safety. The team
is organized within the Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU,
in Trondheim. Our main activities involve teaching and research. The personnel group includes five full time
employees as well as time limited positions. The teaching tasks mainly involve supervision and courses at
the Master's and Doctoral levels. The research projects vary over time, but basically aim at developing
knowledge and practices within a larger cross-disciplinary and societal framework. Most of us have a basic
training in psychology. Current projects are listed in a later part of the report.
The RIPENSA research group was constituted in June 2007 based on five academic positions. In 2008, two
colleagues with ordinary positions in social psychology joined the team. Changes in 2009 involve one new
doctoral student and a guest researcher, as well as additional support in the administrative work. One
university lecturer was teaching within another unit at the department during the autumn semester, one
doctoral student changed affiliation, and one of our associate professors (20%) retired. We thank you all
very much for your input and the good times we enjoyed together.
All persons in RIPENSA are related to broad national and international networks. The denominator guiding
the work is the relationships between human beings and risk, safety and environmental issues. Current
research projects involve collaborations within as well as outside of the group. A wide range of relevant
environmental and societal issues provide the basis for the research topics in our projects. The focus can be
theoretical or applied, the project work of shorter or longer duration, but they aim at gaining insights into
human views and reactions relative specified problem areas or demands.
We also list the projects of the ten Master students, who joined the RIPENSA Master’s Education in 2008, in
this report. These students work with a large thesis (45 study units or ECTS), in the estimated time of 1,5
semesters, so this workload certainly represents a major effort and a good basis for a presentation here.
Other master students currently supervised by someone in the RIPENSA team are also listed in the end of
this report.
Previous work with the RIPENSA Master’s Programme laid the foundation for the uptake of international
students in a new two-year International Master´s Degree from August 2009. Six students joined this first
group within the international programme. Their master thesis work will start in 2010 and be presented in
next year’s annual report.
In 2009 a closer collaboration between existing Master’s Programmes was initiated and discussed with the
team of the Industrial Ecology programme at NTNU in November. In the end of the year there was an
accepted outline ready for combining courses from the respective International Master’s programmes. This
outline involves additional options for interested students who may combine courses from the RIPENSA and
the IndEcol programmes. The broader alternatives of choice will be available for students starting in the
autumn 2010. During the autumn semester the RIPENSA team has participated in presentations of NTNU’s
International Master Programmes.
The year 2009 involved internal RIPENSA-team meetings approximately twice a month, and totally six
workshops when more time was allocated to selected tasks or discussions. The team planned and
coordinated teaching and research activities, internal and external seminars, and the collaborative
forthcoming project of producing an edited book. One major collaborative event was the RIPENSA-team
presentation (in two sessions) of our current research at the SRA-E conference in Karlstad, Sweden (JuneJuly). The sessions attracted interest from a variety of researchers and practitioners in Europe and from
The RIPENSA-group also arranged an international seminar on positive occupational health psychology in
Trondheim, 3-5 June, 2009. The seminar was arranged in collaboration with the Research Centre for Health
Promotion and Resources (ISS) at NTNU / HIST and the Department of Leadership and Organisational
Management, at the Norwegian School of Management (BI). This seminar was oriented towards Ph.D
students (who could earn credit for their project work) and researchers interested in positive occupational
health psychology. Invited speakers were professors Wilmar Schaufeli, Marisa Salanova, Joar Vittersø and
Jari Hakanen.
A number of externally announced Advanced Seminars were held during 2009 with invited persons or
colleagues from other universities. Two doctoral courses were given in the spring term, as well as one
“Experts in team” course, which successfully attracted students from across the university. Five doctoral
students have been working on their theses in relation to a supervisor or co-supervisor in RIPENSA, and one
doctoral thesis was submitted in December to the TIK-department, at the home university in Oslo.
Eight Master theses were finalized and defended (each 45 study units or ECTS) with supervisors within
RIPENSA during the year. In all, the teaching work at the Bachelor, Master’s and Doctoral levels covered
102,5 ECTS, apart from Master´s theses work, and the supervision of individually selected texts. The
following parts of this Annual Report present the team, and give overviews of publications, activities and
research projects.
Ordinary, or current,
Employment at NTNU
Bendixen, Mons
Associate Professor
Drottz Sjöberg, Britt-Marie
Professor (Group leader)
Gabriel, Ute
Klöckner, Christian
Associate Professor
Ellen Matthies
Sjöberg, Lennart
Professor II
July 2002 - March 2009
Burgess, J. Peter
Professor II
December 2007 – December 2010
Nayum, Alim
July 2009 - June 2013
Leonard van Duijn
Guest researcher
August 2009- September 2011
Christensen, Marit
Lecturer / Ph. D.-student
May 2002 – June 2009
Aasen, Tone
March 2008 - May 2009
Wold Johnsen, Nina
Irene Raaum
Mons Bendixen started working as an associate professor in social psychology at
NTNU, in 1999. In 1993 he got a Ph.D. scholarship from the Norwegian Research
Council and did his research at the University of Bergen under supervision of prof. Dan
Olweus. Between 1998 and 1999 he worked as a researcher at the local Police
Department in Trondheim analyzing relapse rates and risk factors for relapse in firsttime offenders. He did his Ph.D. in 2006 on the subject "Antisocial Behavior in Early
Adolescence". His current research interests are within the domains of antisocial
behavior, bullying, sexual harassment, sexual exploitation and social exclusion in
children and adolescents. Since 1999 he’s been a member of the EuroGang Network and involved in gang
research and gang prevention. Since 2007 he’s been the Norwegian consortium member of the International
Parenting Study administered by prof. Murray A. Straus.
Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg (Ph.D., professor of social psychology, NTNU, from 1997,
founder and leader of the Risk Psychology, Environment and Safety, RIPENSA, unit
2007-09). Drottz Sjöberg’s main educational background is psychology, but she has also
sociology, pedagogy, English and business economics from the University of Gothenburg
(Fil. kand./B.A. 1980, Fil. lic./M.A. 1986 and Docent (associate professor) in 1994). She
presented her doctoral thesis in psychology (Fil. dr./Ph.D.) in 1991 at the Stockholm
School of Economics (HHS), Sweden, when working at the Center of Risk Research. She
was a visiting graduate student at the University of Amsterdam (1985), visiting scholar at Stanford University
(1988-89), and at the EIASM institute in Belgium (1990-91). Many research projects are related to use of, or
reactions to, new technology, attitudes, and values. The licentiate thesis concerned motivation and interests
in education. Since late 1980’s many projects have dealt with environmental and energy related issues,
perception and communication of risk. Drottz Sjöberg is a member of the National Committee of Radiation
Protection, The Royal Academy of Science (Nationalkommittén för strålskyddsforskning, Kungliga
Vetenskapsakademien, KVA), Sweden, the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA), the
Scientific Advisory Board of the Swedish Risk Academy (Riskkollegiets vetenskapliga råd), and the Social
Science Advisory Board (Beredningsgruppen) of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company
(SKB AB). She is on the editorial board of the International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management. In
2004-09 she was an adjunct professor of safety management at the University of Stavanger. In 2008 she
chaired Panel 5 in the Research Quality Assurance for the Future, RQ08 evaluation of Lund University. In
2009 she was invited to present a key note speech at the TIEMS conference in Instanbul, and at the
AEN/NEA workshop of “Science and Values in Radiological Protection”, in Vaulx de Cernay, France.
Ute Gabriel (Dr. phil., Technical University of Berlin, Germany, 1998; Habilitation,
University of Bern, Switzerland, 2005) professor of social psychology joined NTNU in
May 2006. Her research expertise is within social psychology and psycholinguistics.
Much of her social psychological work centers on stereotypes and prejudices, especially
on the differentiation of spontaneous and deliberate evaluations of members of
stigmatized groups. Bridging the gap to psycholinguistics she investigates the influence
of gender stereotypes in language processing. She currently serves as Associate Editor
for the European Journal of Social Psychology.
Christian A . Klöckner joined RIPENSA as an associate professor in December 2007.
He is a social psychologist working in the field of environmental psychology. Besides
social psychology he has an educational background in cognitive and developmental
psychology. He got his Ph.D. at the Ruhr-University in Bochum, Germany, in 2005,
where he was a member of the research staff since 2001. Between 1999 and 2001 he
worked as a researcher in the Secretariat for Futures Studies, Gelsenkirchen, Germany.
Since 2000 he is a member of the research staff of the privately funded PROSOZ
ProKids Institute for Applied Child Research in Herten, Germany. He taught environmental and cognitive psychology at the Ruhr-University and environmental psychology
at the University of Koblenz-Landau. His research interests are modelling and changing of environmentally
relevant behaviour (e.g., travel mode choice, ecological shopping, energy saving, etc.) and influences on
children’s well being. He is a member of the German Association of Psychologists (DGPS, Divisions for Environmental, Social, and Developmental Psychology) and the International Society for Child Indicators (ISCI).
In 2009 he has been reviewer for the Journal of Environmental Psychology and the German journal Umweltpsychologie.
Ellen Matthies (Dr. phil. 1993; Habilitation 2001; Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)
joined RIPENSA as professor in environmental psychology in August 2009. She has been
associate professor (Hochschuldozentin) of Applied Psychology at the Ruhr-University of
Bochum, RUB since 2001. She has guided several research projects related to fields of
applied social psychology and environmental psychology, e.g. on the role of personal
and social norms in resource consumption, on development and evaluation of interventions to promote pro-environmental behavior and health protection (mainly funded by
the German Science Foundation and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research). From 2003 to
2009 she was member of the board of the Environmental Psychology Division within the German Association
of Psychologists (DGPs), from 2007 to 2009 she was chair woman of the division. Her current research interests are in the field of resource consumption, in particular travel mode choice and energy consumption
J. Peter Burgess is Research Professor at PRIO, the International Peace Research
Institute, Oslo, Leader of PRIO's Security Program, and Editor of Security Dialogue. He
was trained in Mechanical Engineering, Comparative Literature, and Philosophy in the
U.S., Germany, France and Norway. He has broad experience in publishing scholarly
work that is situated in the intersection between multiple disciplines. Burgess has
published 11 books and over 45 articles in the fields of philosophy, political science,
gender, history and cultural studies. His current research focuses on the mapping and
analyzing the changing nature of threat and insecurity, particularly in Europe.
Lennart Sjöberg got his Ph.D. and became a “docent” (associate professor) in
psychology at the University of Stockholm in 1965, was adjunct professor of psychology
at the universities of Lund and Uppsala 1966-68 and tenured full professor at the
University of Göteborg 1970-88, and at the Stockholm School of Economics 1988-2005,
at which he is also Head of its Center for Risk Research. He joined NTNU as an adjunct
professor in July 2002, and RIPENSA when the unit was formed in 2007, until his
retirement in 2009. He has been a visiting professor at the Universities of California,
Berkeley campus (1968-69), and Stanford University (1988-89), and at the Dutch
research institute NIAS and the Belgian institute EIASM. He was a member of the research council in
Sweden in several mandate periods, and Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Swedish Psychological
Association. He is a licensed psychologist. He is a member of the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences
and the Royal Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Risk
Research and a member of the editorial board of two more scientific journals. He does research in social
psychology (attitudes, risk perception) and personality (emotional intelligence, personality testing), with a
quantitative orientation. He also takes part in public debate in media and popular scientific magazines.
Marit Christensen has been working as a Ph.D. student and later as a university
lecturer at the Department of Psychology, NTNU since 2002. She has a Master in
Psychology from 2001 at the same department. She has been working as an
educational psychological adviser and manager of the Educational-Psychological Service
in Steinkjer from 2000-2002. Her recent work involves management of a 3-year Nordic
project on Positive Factors at Work together with researchers at the Norwegian
Business School (BI), Department of Psychology at the University of Stockholm,
Karolinska Institutet, The National Research Centre for the Working Environment in
Denmark, and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health in Helsinki. The aim of the
project is to develop theory and methods concerning positive factors at work adapted to Scandinavian
working conditions. Her areas of interest are in the fields of work and organizational psychology, and
positive psychology. More specific areas of interest include emotions, positive health at work, job
engagement, coping and adaptability, downsizing, job insecurity, and communication. She is publishing her
results in international journals and on international conferences related to the above mentioned topics. She
is a member of CAPP (Centre for Applied Positive Psychology) and IPPA (International Positive Psychology
Association). Her current research is oriented towards positive factors and coping at work.
Alim Nayum is a first year doctoral student. He got his MPhil in Psychology in 2008 at
the University of Oslo. He is interested in understanding human risk taking behavior and
its impact on our society and environment, facilitators and barriers of environmentally
significant behavior, and alternative courses of action that can reduce negative impacts
of human behavior. His doctoral research project focuses on pro-environmental consumer behavior (e.g., vehicle purchase and use) and its objective/subjective determinants in the context of
household decision making process.
Tone Aasen completed her undergraduate degree in psychology in 2006 at the Department of Psychology, NTNU. She was a first year doctoral student from 2008 till May
Leonard F. van Duijn joined RIPENSA as a guest researcher in September 2009. He
has an educational background in Development Studies (Wageningen University, The
Netherlands) and is in the processes of obtaining a Ph.D. from Oxford Brookes
University. His Ph.D. is a reflection on aid and development in turbulent environments
from the perspective of the thinking of military theorist Von Clausewitz. Leonard has
worked for several humanitarian and development agencies (in Albania and Nepal). His
current research interests are risk, risk perception and decision-making processes within
development and humanitarian aid agencies. Leonard provided lectures at Oxford
Brookes University, Rijks Universiteit Groningen, (The Netherlands), Uppsala University (Sweden). He is an
associate trainer for RedR, a British charity providing (security management) training to the humanitarian
sector. His current research project relates to the role of risk, risk perception and risk calculation in the
Dutch Aid Sector.
Nina Wold-Johnsen has worked with administrative support of RIPENSA. She
coordinates time schedules, instructions to the students, exams, etc. She joined the
university administration in 1995.
Irene Raaum has worked with administrative support of RIPENSA in 2009. She has
coordinated information related to the International Master’s Degree programme,
calalogue information, student contacts, etc. She joined the university administration in
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Drottz-Sjøberg, B.-M., & Aven, T. (2009). ESREL 2007 – the 18th European Safety and Reliability Conference. Journal of Risk Research, 12, 279.
Gygax, P., Gabriel, U., Sarrasin, O., Oakhill, J. & Garnham, A. (2009). Some grammatical rules are more
difficult than others: The case of the generic interpretation of the masculine. Special Issue, European
Journal of Psychology of Education, 24(2), 235-246.
Haustein, S., Klöckner, C. A., & Blöbaum, A. (2009). Car use of young adults: The role of travel socialization. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 12 (2), 168-178.
Holgersen, K. Høyer, Bøe, H. J., Klöckner, C. A., Weisæth, L., & Holen, A. (in press). Initial stress levels
and early recovery in relation to long-term outcome – using the Post-Traumatic Stress Scale (PTSS)
across three decades. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.
Klöckner, C. A., Beisenkamp, A., & Hallmann, S. (in press). Klimawandel aus der Sicht 9-14jähriger Kinder
– Emotionen, Bewältigungsressourcen und allgemeines Wohlbefinden. Umweltpsychologie.
Klöckner, C. A., Beisenkamp, A., & Hallmann, S. (in press). Wie motivieren klimawandelbezogene Emotionen Kinder zum Klimaschutz? Ein Arbeitsmodell. Umweltpsychologie.
Klöckner, C.A., & Matthies, E. (2009). Structural Modeling of Car Use on the Way to the University in Different Settings: Interplay of Norms, Habits, Situational Restraints, and Perceived Behavioral Control.
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39 (8), 1807-1834.
Klöckner, C.A., & Ohms, S. (2009). The importance of personal norms for purchasing organic milk. British
Food Journal, 111 (11), 1173-1187.
Matthies, E., Selge, S., & Klöckner, C.A. (in press). Verantwortung für die Gesundheit von anderen? Eine
Anwendung des Normaktivationsmodells auf nichtraucherschützendes Verhalten im universitären Kontext [Feeling responsible for the health of others? Applying a norm activation model to explain nonsmoker-protective smoking behavior in a university setting]. Zeitschrift für Gesundheitspsychologie.
Sjöberg, L., & Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Public risk perception of nuclear waste. International Journal
of Risk Assessment and Management, 11, No.3/4, 264-296.
Sjöberg, L., & Engelberg, E. (In press). Risk Perception and Movies: A Study of Availability as a Factor in
Risk Perception Risk Analysis.
Sjöberg, L. (2009). Precautionary attitudes and the acceptance of a local nuclear waste repository. Safety
Science, 47(4), 542-546.
Sjöberg, L. (2009). Are all crowds equally wise? A comparison of political election forecasts by experts and
the public. Journal of Forecasting, 28(1), 1-18.
Sjöberg, L., & Engelberg, E. (2009). Attitudes to economic risk taking, sensation seeking and values of
business students specializing in finance. Journal of Behavioral Finance, 10(1), 1-11.
Books and Book Chapters
Beisenkamp, A., Klöckner, C.A., & Hallmann, S. (2009). 10 Jahre LBS-Kinderbarometer NRW. Wie unsere
Kinder denken. Recklinghausen, Germany: RDN Verlags GmbH & Co KG.
Beisenkamp, A., Klöckner, C.A.,Hallmann, S., & Preissner, C. (2009). LBS-Kinderbarometer Deutschland
2009. Wir sagen euch mal was. Recklinghausen, Germany: RDN Verlags GmbH & Co KG.
Berner, B., Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M., & Holm, E. (2009). Samhällsforskningen 2004-2009. Tema, Resultat
och Reflektioner. Stockholm: Svensk Kärnbränsle-hantering AB. (ISBN 978-91-977862-7-0).
Berner, B., Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M., & Holm, E. (2009). Inledning. I Samhällsforskning 2009. Betydelsen för
människorna, hembygden och regionen av ett slutförvar för använt kärnbränsle (pp. 4-17). Stockholm: Svensk Kärnbränslehamtering AB. (ISBN 978-91-977862-8-7; ISSN 1654-8043).
Christensen, M., & Berthelsen, M. (2009). Always look on the bright side of life? A study of optimism, positive affect, job characteristics and positive health. In M. Salanova and A. Rodrígue-Sánchez (Eds.),
Looking for the Positive Side of Occupational Health at work (pp. 127-148). Colección e-psique. Publicacions Universitat Jaume I, Castellón. ISBN: 978-84-8021-711-8.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M., & Sjöberg, L. (2009). The perception of risks of technology. In G. Grimvall, Å.
Holmgren, P. Jacobsson, and T. Thedéen (Eds.), Risks in Technological Systems, Chapter 16 (pp.255273). New York: Springer.
Gabriel, U. (2009). Emotions and legal judgments: Normative issues vs. empirical findings. In M. E. Oswald,
S. Bieneck & J. Hupfeld (Eds.) Social Psychology of Punishment of Crime> (pp. 157-172). Chichester: Wiley.
Klöckner, C.A. (in press). Towards a Psychology of Climate Change. In W. Leal Filho (ed). The Economic,
Social and Political Elements of Climate Change". Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Sjöberg, L. (2009). EMF Hazards and principles of risk perception. In C. Del Pozo, D. Papameletiou, P. M.
Wiedemann, P. Ravazzani & E. Van Deventer (Eds.), Electromagnetic field exposure: Risk communica-
tion in the context of uncertainty (pp. 25-44). Rome: World Health Organization.
Sjöberg, L., & Thedéen, T. (2009). Reflections on risks and technology. In G. Grimvall, D. Jacobsson, T.
Thedéen & Å. Holmgren (Eds.), Risks in Technical Systems (pp. 7-17). New York: Springer.
Sjöberg, L. (2009). Public perception research. In WHO (Ed.), Risk perception and communication. Setting
the agenda for the 5th ministerial conference on environment and health, 2009 (pp. 10-11).
Copenhagen: WHO.
Straume, L. Vivoll, Christensen, M., & Klöckner, C.A. (2009). Resources and job performance: The mediating role of flow. In M. Christensen (Ed.). Validation and test of central concepts in positive work and
organizational psychology. Copenhagen, Danmark: TemaNord.
Van Duijn L.F. (in press). "Bergern vol verspilde bewegingsruimte: een analyse van twee Nederlandse hulporganisaties op zoek naar bewegingsruimte in Nepal" (pp. 215-256). In: D. Dijkzeul and J. Herman
(Red.), Humanitaire Bewegingsruimte: Humanitaire Hulp tussen Politiek en Onpartijdigheid [Humanitarian Space: Humanitarian Action Caught between Politics and Impartiality]. Ghent: Academia Press.
Non-Refereed Journal Articles and Published Conference Papers
Beisenkamp, A., Klöckner, C. A., & Hallmann, S. (2009). Wann fühlen sich Kinder wohl? Ergebnisse aus
dem LBS Kinderbarometer Deutschland 2009 zu Gesundheit, Ernährung und Mediennutzung. Das
Baugerüst, 61 (3), 36-41.
Klesse, A., Hansmeier, N., Zielinski, J., Wagner, H.-J. & Matthies, E. (in press). Energiesparen ohne Investitionen – Feldtest in öffentlichen Liegenschaften [Saving energy without investments - A field test in
public buildings]. Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen.
Klöckner, C.A. (2009). Towards a Psychology of Climate Change. Presentation at the Online Conference:
Klima 2009 / Climate 2009, Hamburg, Germany, 2.-6. November 2009. (Best paper award received)
Matthies, E. (2009). Planning interventions on a theoretical basis. Application of a new integrative influence
model of pro-environmental behaviour to promote energy efficient behaviour. Proceedings of the First
European Conference Energy Efficiency and Behavior, Oct. 18-20, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Matthies, E. (2009). Developing Sustainable Energy Behavior in Organizations: A transdisciplinary project
of psychologists, engineers, and practitioners. Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Sept. 9-12, Zürich, Switzerland.
Bendixen, M., & Kennair, L.E.O. (2009). Bruk av nedsettende bemerkninger om og overfor gutter og jenter
i videregående skole: en kvalitativ studie. Trondheim: Psykologisk institutt 2009 (ISBN 978-82-8094013-1) 36 s.
Christensen, M. (2009). Validation and test of central concepts in positive work and organizational psychology . TemaNord 2009:564, 1-99.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M., Richardson, P., & Prítrský, J. (2009). Risk communication strategies. Conclusions
and summaries of feed-back comments from participating countries. ARGONA-report. Arenas for risk
governance. FP6-036413. Deliverable D18. Date of issue 13/12/2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M., Richardson, P., Prítrský, J. & Engen, O. A. (2009). Similarities and differences in
risk communication strategies on nuclear waste management across countries. ARGONA-report. Arenas for risk governance. FP6-036413. Deliverable D9. Date of issue 13/12/2009.
Sjöberg, L. (2009). UPP-testet: Korrektion för skönmålning. Stockholm: Psykologisk Metod AB.
Sjöberg, L. (2009). UPP-testet: Kriterierelaterad validitet. Stockholm: Psykologisk Metod AB.
Van Duijn L.F. (2009) "Clausewitz inspired reflection on aid operations in turbulent environments: the case
of Nepal (1999-2005)", PhD thesis, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford. (PhD thesis to be examined
spring 2010).
Invited talks and Chaired Symposia
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Invited panellist at Panel 1 “Recycling of nuclear waste” at the conference
on Managing Radioactive Waste: Problems and Challenges in a Globalizing World, University of Gothenburg, December 16, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Invited panellist at the Round Table & End of Conference at the conference on Managing Radioactive Waste: Problems and Challenges in a Globalizing World, University of
Gothenburg, December 17, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Samspelet mellan aktörer inom kärnavfallsområdet – hur man påverkar
och påverkas [The interaction between actors in the nuclear waste field – how one influences and is
influenced]. Invited presentation, Kärnavfallsrådets seminarium, Näringslivets Hus, Stockholm,
December 9, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Civil society needs. Invited introductory presentation at AEN/NEA “Science
and Values in Radiological Protection”, the second workshop of the CRPPH on radiological protection
and public health. Vaulx de Cernay, France, November 30 – December 2, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Current European Union research on risk communication. Invited Key note
speech, in the SAMRISK seminar series, BI Nydalen, Oslo, November 27, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Centrala resultat. SKB:s samhällsforskningsprogram [Central results. SKB’s
social science programme]. Invited presentation at SKB’s Social Science Seminar, Skepparholmen, November 5-6, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Invited panellist at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences seminar “The
present and future of radiation protection research”, Stockholm, October 16, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). The problem of risk perception in ionising radiation. Invited presentation at
the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences seminar “The present and future of radiation protection research”, Stockholm, October 16, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Risk communication for saving life and health. Invited Key note presentation, June 11th at the TIEMS conference in Istanbul, Turkey, June 8-11, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Summing up the end-user conference, the ARGONA End Users’ Conference,
Euroatom PCRD6, Governance of radioactive waste, Uppsala, March 18, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Risk perception. Presentation at the NTNU Doctoral Course “Analyzing risk
and safety. Theoretical and methodological approaches. Dragvoll Gård, February 3, 2009.
Klöckner, C. A. (2009). Emotional reaction of children aged 9-14 years to climate change and how emotions are linked to action. Invited presentation in the RIPENSA seminar series, NTNU, Trondheim,
Norway, 2. November 2009.
Matthies, E. (2009). Der menschliche Faktor als Ressource - Veränderung nachhaltigkeitsrelevanter Routinen in Organisationen. Invited presentation at the Network Meeting of the BMBF-Projects “From
Knowledge to Action”, Feb., 12-13, Bad Brückenau, Germany.
Matthies, E. (2009). Herausforderung Klimawandel: Wie kann die Psychologie zur Bewältigung globaler
Probleme beitragen? Invited presentation at the Research Seminar of the Faculty of Psychology, May,
17, at the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany.
Matthies, E. & Bamberg, S. (2009). Multi- and Transdisciplinarity as a Challenge for Environmental Psychology. Symposium at the 8th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Sept. 9-12, Zürich,
Matthies, E. (2009). "Energierelevante Entscheidungen und Energienutzungsverhalten aus psychologischer
Sicht - Perspektiven für Maßnahmen" Invited presentation at the BMBF-Workshop „Wettbewerb
Energieeffiziente Stadt“, Sept. 24-25, Bonn, Germany.
Matthies, E. (2009). Planning interventions on a theoretical basis. Application of a new integrative influence
model of pro-environmental behaviour to promote energy efficient behaviour. Invited presentation at
the First European Conference on Energy Efficiency and Behavior, Oct. 18-20, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
Oral presentations
Bendixen, M., & Gabriel, U. (2009). "The blow of a whip raises a welt, but the blow of the tongue crushes
bones": On perceived insults of derogatory terms. Paper presented at the 11th National Conference
on Social and Community Psychology; Bergen 12-13 November 2009.
Christensen, M. (2009). Job satisfaction and perceived risks in municipality services related to reorganization and downsizing. Presentation at the SRA-E conference in Karlstad Sweden, 29th of June-1st of
July, 2009.
Christensen, M. (2009). Work engagement and job performance: the roles of demands and job- related/personal resources. Oral presentation at The 14th EAWOP-conference in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 13th-16th of May, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Risk communication related to management of nuclear waste in Europe:
Work in workpackage 4 of the ARGONA project. Presentation at the conference on Managing Radioactive Waste: Problems and Challenges in a Globalizing World, University of Gothenburg, December 1517, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Perceptions of nuclear wastes across extreme time perspectives. Presentation at the conference on Managing Radioactive Waste: Problems and Challenges in a Globalizing
World, University of Gothenburg, December 15-17, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Science in society, governance, and project examples. Presentation in the
RIPENSA seminar series, November 16, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M., Engen, O. A., Richardson, P., Pritrsky, J., & Bolado, R. (2009). Communication on
management of nuclear waste in Europé: Examples from the framework 6 ARGONA project. Presentation at the VALDOR conference, Närigslivets Hus, Stockholm, June 8-10, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M., & Vatn, J. (2009). Community reactions to the development of a LNG plant. Presentation June 29th at the RIPENSA-symposium “Risk psychology, environment and safety” at the SRAE conference in Karlstad, June 28 – July 1, 2009.
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Concerned neighbours to a refuse incineration plant. Presentation (standin for T. Aasen & G. Vatn) at the June 29th RIPENSA-symposium “Risk psychology, environment and
safety” at the SRA-E conference in Karlstad, June 28 – July 1, 2009.
Gabriel, U., Gygax, P., Sarrasin, O., Garnham, A. & Oakhill, J. Gender representation in language. Talk, given in the RIPENSA-research seminar series, NTNU, Trondheim, 28 September, 2009.
Gabriel, U., Gygax, P., Sarrasin, O., Garnham, A. & Oakhill, J. Gender representation in language: When
beauticians, musicians and mechanics remain men. Talk, given on the 12. Meeting of the German Section Social Psychology, Luxemburg, 2-4 September, 2009.
Holgersen, K. Høyer, Bøe, H. J., Klöckner, C. A., & Holen, A. (2009). The use of Post-Traumatic Symptom
Scale (PTSS) across three decades. Oral presentation at the European Conference on Traumatic Stress
2009, Oslo, Norway, 15.-18. June 2009.
Innstrand, S. T., Christensen, M. (2009). Positive occupational health psychology. Presentation at the 23rd
Annual Conference of the European health Psychology Society in Pisa, Italy, 2009-09-23 - 2009-09-26.
Klöckner, C.A. (2009). Understanding the Driving Forces behind Climate Behaviour of Individuals. Oral
presentation at the SRA-Europe Conference, Karlstad, Sweden, 28. June – 1. July 2009.
Klöckner, C. A., Beisenkamp, A., & Hallmann, S. (2009). Emotional reaction of children aged 9-14 years to
climate change and how emotions are linked to action. Oral presentation at Climate Change - Global
Risks, Challenges & Decisions, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-12. March 2009.
Matthies, E. (2009). Energy consumption in organizations – An intervention to change routines. Paper presented at the JOACC 8.-10.6. in Aalborg, Denmark.
Matthies, E. (2009). Developing Sustainable Energy Behavior in Organizations: A transdisciplinary project
of psychologists, engineers, and practitioners. Paper presented at the 8th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology, Sept. 9-12, Zürich, Switzerland.
Matthies, E. (2009). The Role of Psychology in the Field of Climate Change. Presentation at the RIPENSA
Research Seminar, Oct. 5th, NTNU Trondheim, Norway.
Matthies, E. (2009). “Switching off and turning down - How curtailment in energy use behaviour can be
initiated and supported”. Paper presented at the TRANSPOSE Konferenz, 5.11. in Münster, Germany.
Matthies, E. (2009). Psychology and Climate Change. Paper presented at the IndEcol Research Seminar,
Dec. 3rd, NTNU Trondheim, Norway.
Sjöberg, L. (September 21-22 2009) Dynamics of risk perception. Seminário Internacional: Risco, Saúde e
Meio Ambiente. Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo
(July 7 2009). How improved models of risk perception can inform risk communication. Governing uncertainty: The contribution of social sciences to the governance of risks in environmental health. Conference, École des Mines and Agence Francaise de sécurité sanitaire de l´environment et du travail,
Sjöberg, L. (June 29 2009). The place of emotions in a world of risks. SRA-Europe conference, University
of Karlstad, June 28-July 1, 2009.
Sjöberg, L. (June 15 2009). Perceived risks of chemicals in consumer products in the European Union:
Clothing textiles. JRC, Ispra, Meeting June 15-16 2009.
Sjöberg, L. (June 9 2009). Accepting a high-level nuclear waste repository: An empirical study. VALDOR
symposium, Stockholm.
Sjöberg, L. (March 11, 2009). Risk perception, trust and antagonism. Training workshop on risk communication, European Chemicals Agency, Helsinki.
Van Duijn, L. (2009). ”Risk perception and decision making of aid agencies in fragile states”. Presentation
at the RIPENSA seminar November 23, 2009.
Poster presentations
Bendixen, M., & Kennair, L.E.O. (2009). Sociosexual orientation and timing of sexual onset in adolescence.
Poster presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society; Los Angeles, 27-31 May 2009.
Sopha, B. M, Skjevrak, G., Hertwich, E. G., & Klöckner, C.A. (2009). Will Wood Pellet Heating System be
Less Adopted? Poster presented at the 5th International Conference on Industrial Ecology, Lisbon,
Portugal, 21.-24. June 2009.
Popular Press
Drottz-Sjöberg, B.-M. (2009). Medverkan i Studio Ett, Sveriges Radio P1, [Participation in Studio One,
Swedish Radio P1], December 15, (16.10-16.35), 2009.
Sjöberg, L. (2009). "Wisdom of the crowd" säkrare än opinionsundersökningar. Newsmill (11 Juli).
Selected Research Projects:
Governance, risk and safety communication: Opportunities and limitations in the
communication between various interest groups in the management of petroleum and marine
resources in the High North (planned PhD-project, 2008-2011)
RIPENSA Project members: Tone Aasen, Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg (Supervisor), Christian Klöckner (Cosupervisor)
The Barents Sea - Lofoten area is regarded as being Europe's last large, clean and relatively untouched
marine ecosystem. Currently, the living marine resources of these waters are coming under increasing
pressure from human impact. Petroleum exploitation in Northern Norway is a controversial issue. The
contemporary risk debate concerning possible environmental impacts or consequences related to petroleum
activities in the Barents Sea, and the possibility of future oil revenues in the Lofoten area, illustrates an
arena displaying several conflicting interests in a multi-facetted decision-making process. Views by various
interest groups, involving perceptions and evaluations of risk and safety issues in relation to petroleum
industrial development in the High North, were reviewed in the project. Project interests also involved issues
of participation, dialogue and transparency in risk management and decision-making processes. The
theoretical basis of this research project rested on theories and methodologies in behavioral and social
sciences; especially materials found in risk psychology and risk communication work. Qualitative data
collections (focus group interviews and personal interviews) were carried out during 2008 and 2009.
Unfortunately, however, was the project terminated in the late spring of 2009 due to changes in preferences
of the doctoral work.
Sexual Harassment among students in senior high-school, partly internally funded. 2007-2009
RIPENSA Project member: Mons Bendixen
Partners: Sør-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune, Leif Edward Ottesen Kennair, NTNU
The aim of the project is to examine the prevalence of sexual harassment among high-school students in
Sør-Trøndelag. An important aim of the project is to identify potential negative health consequences of
sexual harassment in male and female students. Furthermore, we want to identify sexual and non-sexual
risk factors for being sexually harassed. The survey, covering more than 1600 respondents, also covers
questions on various sexual experiences, sexual attitudes, the use of pornography, and attitudes and social
norms associated with harassment and sexual exploitation.
SEC- Social exclusion in children
RIPENSA Project member: Mons Bendixen, Ute Gabriel
Partners: Francoise Alsaker (University of Bern, Switzerland), Adrian Baumgartner (PH Bern, Switzerland)
This research focuses on how children react to being socially excluded. Social exclusion or ostracism
describes the act of being ignored and excluded. The project aims at closely monitoring the process of
ostracism’s immediate impact on children during an experimentally induced episode of exclusion. Research
on children so far has mainly focused on self-report and “other-report”. In assessing reflexive and reflective
reactions to ostracism we intend to investigate the very dynamic of such negative social encounters.
IPS-International Parenting Study, internally funded. 2008-2010
RIPENSA Project member: Mons Bendixen (coordinator in Norway)
Partners: Murray A. Straus and Angele Fauchier (project coordinators), University of New Hampshire.
This is a cross-cultural project including 37 nations world-wide. Using Straus' newly developed Discipline
Inventory on two Norwegian samples (one national sample of parents with children aged between 3 and 10,
and one student sample) the project aims at examining the use of punitive and non-punitive discipline
strategies toward young children. Information collected on respondent's own discipline history is exclusively
retrospective. Correlates and heath consequences of punitive discipline behaviors are examined.
Projects related to PRIO.
RIPENSA Project member: J. Peter Burgess
Converging and conflicting ethical values in the internal/external security continuum in
Europe (INEX),
Three-year project (2008-2010) funded by the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme
and coordinated by the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo. The project examines the
ethical tensions created when security challenges blur the border between internal and external
security in Europe.
Global Border Environment (GLOBE)
One-year project (2008-2009) funded by the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme.
The project. The project examines European border systems on the premise that a holistic approach,
including, technology, economics, and social and cultural aspects, is necessary for understanding the
new border security challenges
Security: A new framework for analysis (SAFE)
A three-year (2007-2009) ESF/NATO Forward Look project with the ambition of forming and
contributing to a new European security research agenda for the coming decade.
The Social Construction of Threats, COST A24
Four-year project (2005-2009) funded by the European Sciene Foundation. The project develops a
long-term analysis of the nature of threat perceptions and their political impact in the post-9/11
Cross-sector Observations of Threat Perceptions and Research Priorities for Biological
Homeland Security in Europe (CORPS)
Three-year project (2006-2009) funded by the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme.
The project maps and analyzes the existent bio-security research activities in Europe and develops
an overview of their research needs.
The Changing Landscape of Liberty and Security in Europe (CHALLENGE)
Four-year (2006-2010) project funded by the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme.
The project seeks to understand the evolution of the trade-off between security and liberty as the
threat landscape to Europe evolves in the post-9/11 environment.
The Social Determination of Risk (SORISK)
Three-year project (2008-2010) funded by the SAMRISK programme of the Research Council of
Norway. The project aims to study the link between social and cultural norms and structures and the
understanding of risk they support with particular attention to the Norwegian Civil Aviation sector.
Liberal Peace and the Ethics of Peace-building
A three-year project (2007-2009) funded by the POVPEACE programme of the Research Council of
The project studies the philosophical underpinnings of contemporary varies of liberal
peace-building, particularly those carried out with European participation.
Living in Surveillance Societies (LiSS)
Four-year project (2009-2013) COST action funded by the European Science Foundation. The
project examines the interplay between social understands of privacy and individuality, and social
mechanisms which it are its object.
Seminar on Positive Occupational Health Psychology
RIPENSA Project member: Marit Christensen (coordinator)
Other members: Siw Tone Innstrand, NTNU, Geir Arild Espnes, NTNU, Karoline Hofslett Kopperud, BI,
Christina Nerstad, BI, Britt‐Marie Drottz Sjöberg, NTNU (organizing committee).
The RIPENSA-group arranged an international seminar on positive occupational health psychology in
Trondheim, 3-5 June, 2009. The seminar was arranged in collaboration with Research Centre for Health
Promotion and Resources, NTNU / HIST and Department of Leadership and Organisational Management, BI,
Norwegian School of Management. The seminar was oriented towards Ph.D students and researchers
interested in positive occupational health psychology. Invited speakers were Wilmar Schaufeli, Marisa
Salanova, Joar Vittersø and Jari Hakanen.
Work and Health in a Changing World, PhD-project 2006-2009
RIPENSA Project member: Marit Christensen, Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg (supervisor)
The project is financed by the Norwegian Research Council. It focuses on how changes in communities, i.e.
downsizing in cornerstone industries, in addition to internal reorganization, affect experiences of job
insecurity and well-being in employees.
Building engagement and healthy organizations, funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers,
RIPENSA Project member: Marit Christensen (project leader)
Partners: Lisa Vivoll Straume (NTNU), Karoline Hofslett Kopperud (BI, Norwegian School of Management),
Gunnar Aronsson (University of Stockholm), Ulrika Hallberg (University of Göteborg), Klas Gustafsson
(University of Stockholm), Jari Hakanen (The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health), Krita Pahkin (The
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health), Vilhelm Borg (The National Research Centre for the Working
Environment in Denmark), Thomas Clausen (The National Research Centre for the Working Environment in
Denmark), Dóra Guðrún Guðmundsdóttir, The Public Health Institute of Iceland, Iceland.
The project is a joint venture project between the Nordic countries of Norway (Department of Psychology at
the Norwegian University of Science and Technology; The Norwegian Business School), Sweden
(Department of Psychology at the University of Stockholm), Denmark (The National Research Centre for the
Working Environment in Denmark), Finland (The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health) and Iceland (the
Public Health Institute).
The aim of the project is to design and pilot-test methods for investigating organizational health – i.e. the
relationship between positive factors in the psychosocial work environment, individual well-being and
organizational performance.
More specifically, the aims of the study are:
• to use our background in positive psychology to propose a new, up-to-date definition and
conceptualization of the healthy organization concept.
• to (re)develop existing measure(s) for investigating healthy organizations, by adding insight generated
within the literature in positive work and organizational psychology and our previous project.
• to test our measures and model and show some preliminarily evidence on the assumptions we make
of the impact of psychosocial work environment factors and individual well-being on organizational
European Commission, 3-year on Risk Communication, Work Package 4 in the ARGONA project
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg
Other members: Josefin Päiviö Jonsson, SSM, Sweden, Project coordinator, SSM web site:, Kjell
Andersson, Karita Research, Sweden, Project manager;, Karita web site:, Göran Sundqvist, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Mark Elam, University of Gothenburg,
Sweden, Hana Vojtechova, NRI Rez, Czech Republic, Matti Kojo, UTA, Finland, Jozef Pritrsky, DECONTA,
Slovakia, Meskens Gaston, SCK-CEN, Belgium, Erik Laes, SCK-CEN, Belgium, Bronislaw Szerszynski,
University of Lancaster, Great Britain, Lucie Steinerova, RAWRA, Czech Republic, Linda Soneryd, Stockholm
University, Sweden, Ricardo Bolado, Joint Research Centre, the Netherlands, Phil Richarson, Galson Sciences
Ltd, Great Britain, Ole Andreas Engen, University of Stavanger, Norway, Clas-Otto Wene, Wenergy, Sweden.
One point of departure of the ARGONA project (Contract no.: FP6-036413, 2006) was that participation and
transparency are key elements for effective risk governance. The acronym ARGONA stands for "Arenas for
Risk Governance" and the project has investigated policy making structures, theoretical perspectives of
participation and democracy, the roles of mediators, risk communication, and it has tested and applied
participatory processes. It has also studied how approaches of transparency and deliberation relate to each
other and how they relate to the political system in which decisions are taken, for example in relation to final
disposal of nuclear waste.
In the work package on risk communication the focus was on how good risk communication can be
organized taking cultural aspects and different perspectives into account. Two approaches were used: a) to
compare and summarize different countries' approaches to, and utilizations of, risk communication strategies
in the management of nuclear wastes (by questionnaires, interviews and focus groups in several countries),
and b) to investigate how experts and laypersons deal with approaches to uncertainty. The results of the
two approaches to risk communication were aimed at improving public awareness about risks associated
with nuclear waste using a systematic approach to risk communication. Contacts related to 4:1 and 4:2 are
Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg, Norway, and Ricardo Bolado-Lavin, Joint Research Centre, the Netherlands.
Book summarizing 5 years of SKB’s Societal Sciernce RPsearch programme, 2004-2009
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg.
Other members: Boel Berner, University of Linköping, and Einar Holm, University of Umeå.
SKB’s societal programme includes research and studies that highlight various aspects surrounding the
planning of a final repository for high level radioactive waste in Sweden. The programme examines e.g.
socioeconomic aspects, decision processes, ethics and philosophical issues, opinion formation, media
coverage, local economic and cultural developments, and EIA processes. The programme started in 2004
and an external scientific committee was appointed to judge the scientific relevance and quality of
applicants’ suggested research projects. Committee members are professors Boel Berner, Britt-Marie Drottz
Sjöberg and Einar Holm. Eighteen research projects and large studies have been conducted so far. The book
“Samhällsforskningen 2004-2009. Tema, Resultat och Reflektioner”. Stockholm: Svensk Kärnbränslehantering
AB. (ISBN 978-91-977862-7-0), by Boel Berner, Britt-Marie Drottz-Sjöberg, and Einar Holm, 2009, summarizes
and comments on the concluded projects, and reflects on the past and future of the Social Science Research
project . The book is currently translated into English and will be available in 2010 from SKB. For more
Workshop on clearance of radioactive materials
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg
Other members: Markku Koskelainen, Inspector, STUK, Finland (coordinator)
Participation in on-line workshop on clearance of radioactive materials, November 23-25, 2009.
IASTED IPC Program Committee
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg
Invitation by the International Association of Science and Technology for Development, to participate in the
preparations of the IASTED International Conference on Advances in Management Science and Risk Assessment, Beijing, China, October 12-14, 2009.
Scientific Steering Committee for SCK.CEN’s Risk Barometer Research Project
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg
Other members: Benny Carlé, SCK.CEN, Belgium and an Advisory Group.
The project concerns the planning of a new CAPI-survey in Belgium every other year, starting with preparations in 2009. In each barometer some questions will be repeated to collect longitudinal data, and a second
part will be devoted to a specific research project at SCK.CEN. A design has been finished for the 2009 Barometer, and its focus is on risk communication in nuclear emergency management. Sections on the Belgian
iodine pre-distribution campaign and on the recent IRE incident are included. An experiment on communication with a news-item simulation to measure reception and acceptation of the communication is also included. The setting up of a scientific steering committee was initiated in Feburary 2009. SCK.CEN likes to
have discussions with the steering committee members once a year, during a meeting in Brussels, or by using a video conferencing tool, and/or written feedback.
Vulnerability and security in a changing power system
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg
Other members: Dr. Ing. Gjerd Hovin Kjølle, SINTEF Energy Research (coordinator), project researchers and
an Advisory Council.
The aim of this project is to build competence and knowledge regarding vulnerabilities related to the
changing electric power system, especially due to new requirements and changing operating conditions, and
thereby contribute to ensure an appropriate level of security of supply. In particular the project will:
Establish a scientific basis for monitoring and management of vulnerabilities in a changing power system;
Provide a methodical framework for analyses of vulnerability and security in the development and operation
of the transmission and distribution systems. The project focuses on failures and disturbances in the power
grids leading to wide-area interruptions with severe impact on society. The objectives of the project are to:
Establish a framework of definitions, indicators and methods to monitor and classify vulnerabilities in electric
power grids; Establish methods and operational tools for power system risk and vulnerability analysis and
assessment of the level of security of supply; Provide new knowledge through 1 - 2 PhD studies within the
fields of methods for analysis of extraordinary events and/or risk attitudes and criteria related to wide-area
Finland project connection
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg
Other members: Matti Kojo, Tapio Litmanen
Preparatory contacts to develop collaboration between RIPENSA and University of Tampere were developed
during 2009.
GREL_Gender representation in language, 2009-2010
RIPENSA Project member: Ute Gabriel
Partners: Pascal Gygax, University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Funding: Swiss National Foundation.
Gender Representations in Language: A project on the Interaction of the Generic Masculine and
Stereotypical Information in Constructing a Mental Representation of Gender (GREL). In cooperation with
Pascal Gygax, University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Marie Curie Initial Training Network Language, Cognition & Gender, 2009-2012
RIPENSA Project member: Ute Gabriel
Funding: EU 7th Framework
The Marie Curie Initial Training Network - Language, Cognition, and Gender (ITN LCG) investigates
European languages from an interdisciplinary perspective to expand current knowledge of how language
influences and forms the cognitive representations of women and men. To enhance the scientific
understanding of this topic, ITN LCG provides a research programme and a structured training programme
for 15 early stage researchers (ESR) and 3 experienced researchers (ER). The interplay of Language,
Cognition, and Gender is investigated from cross-language and cross-cultural perspectives by partners from
10 universities of the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom
and associated partners from public and private sectors.
Prejudice Control
RIPENSA Project member: Ute Gabriel
Partners: Rainer Banse, University of Bonn, Germany
The Interplay between Personal and Situational Factors. In cooperation with Rainer Banse, University of
Bonn, Germany.
Moral judgment of domestic violence and sexual harassment
RIPENSA Project member: Ute Gabriel
Partners: Oddfrid Skorpe Tennfjord, St. Olavs, Trondheim and Mons Bendixen, NTNU.
EcoRock - Communicating environmental aspects at rockfestivals, 2008-2009
RIPENSA Project member: Christian Klöckner
Partners: PSTEREO-festival, NTNU
The EcoRock project develops a communication and intervention strategy for environmental protection on a
local 2 days rock festival (PSTEREO) in Trondheim. The aim is to analyse if a group experience, such as a
rock festival, could be an innovative way to reach young people's conscience and influence their
environmentally relevant behaviour. The project will develop a communication strategy that combines
positive aspects of rock festivals (e.g., social experiences) with pro-environmental slogans without
moralising. A student planning cell in the "Experts in Teams" program of the NTNU will develop specific
interventions that will be implemented in the festival. A pilotstudy on environmental behaviour and attitudes
has been conducted in autumn 2008 on four rock concerts in Trondheim and Bergen. A large scale
evaluation of the projects impact will be conducted around the next summer's festival.
LBS-Children's Barometer Germany - Predictors of wellbeing of children between 9 and 14
years, funded by the Association of federal states building and loan associations (LBS) 20062011
RIPENSA Project member: Christian Klöckner
Other members: Anja Beisenkamp (coordinator), Sylke Hallmann, Claudia Preissner (all PROSOZ Prokidsinstitute)
The children's barometer Germany is one of the largest children studies in Germany, including a
representative sample of about 6.500 children between 9 and 14 years from 7 German federal states in the
first wave (2006/2007) and about 12.000 children from all 16 federal states in the second wave
(2008/2009). The aim of the project is to identify predictors of children's wellbeing in all relevant domains of
their life (family, school, peers, residual area). The study is conducted as a survey in schools and covers
among other things health, supporting systems in family, school and peergroup, responsibilities and jobs,
relation to (new) media. It is conduced in close cooperation with the German minister for children's affairs
and the German Child Protection Agency (Deutscher Kinderschutzbund)
LBS-Children's Barometer Northrhine-Westfalia- Predictors of wellbeing of children between 9
and 14 years, funded by the federal states building and loan associations (LBS-West) 19962009
RIPENSA Project member: Christian Klöckner
Other members: Anja Beisenkamp (coordinator), Sylke Hallmann, Claudia Preissner (all PROSOZ Prokidsinstitute)
The LBS-children's barometer Northrhine-Westfalia (NRW) is the local edition of the children's barometer
Germany for one federal state and started already in 1997. Since then each year a representative sample of
about 2.000-2.500 children between 9 and 14 years was surveyed in schools about varying topics specific for
NRW . In spring 2009 the 10 years anniversary edition will be published that analysed medium and long
term changes in the children's answers.
Children's Barometer Hessen - Predictors of wellbeing of children between 9 and 14 years,
funded by the hessen fund, 2003-2009
RIPENSA Project member: Christian Klöckner
Other members: Sylke Hallmann (coordinator), Anja Beisenkamp, Claudia Preissner (all PROSOZ Prokidsinstitute)
The children's barometer Hessen is the local edition of the children's barometer Germany for one federal
state and started in 2003. Since then each year a representative sample of about 1.800-2.200 children
between 9 and 14 years was surveyed in schools about varying topics specific for Hessen. The study is
conduced in close cooperation with the Minister for children's affairs in Hessen and funded by the
"hessenstiftung - familie hat zukunft".
TRAFFIX - On the genesis of travel mode fixations, funded by the German Research Foundation,
RIPENSA Project member: Ellen Matthies (coordinator), Christian Klöckner
Further Members: Anke Blöbaum (coordinator), Thomas Friedrichsmeier, Sonja
Haustein (all Ruhr-University Bochum)
This project is concerned with researching the phenomenon of fixation, i.e. the stability of travel mode
preferences regardless of changing internal and external conditions. Our analysis is based on an extended
norm activation model. A primary focus is to analyse which mechanism (association, scripts, heuristics),
serves best to explain travel mode fixation. Also, influcences of socialization on the genesis of habits are
considered. The study was conducted with about 4.400 students of the Ruhr-University Bochum as a
longitudinal online study with a series of complementing experiments in subsamples.
Changing Sustainability-relevant Routines in Organisations (Change), funded by the German
Ministry of Education and Research, 2008-2011
RIPENSA Project member: Ellen Matthies (coordinator)
Research consortium
University of Bochum, Workgroup of Environmental Psychology and Cognition: Prof. Dr.
Ellen Matthies
(Project manager), Dipl.-Psych. B.A. Geogr. Nadine Hansmeier, M.Sc.-Psych. Jennifer Zielinski, University of
Bochum, Energy Systems and Energy Economics: Prof. Dr. Hermann-Josef Wagner, Dipl.-Ing. Andreas
Klesse HIS GmbH: Dipl.-Geogr. Joachim Müller, Dipl.-Ing. Ralf-Dieter Person, Sina Domscheit
EnergieAgentur NRW: Elke Hollweg
Field partners
University of Bielefeld, University of Bonn, Bremen University, TU Dortmund, University of Münster,
University of Paderborn, University of Siegen, Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences
Project Background and Aims
Reducing carbon dioxide emissions in Germany on a lasting basis will require many different approaches.
Technical solutions and new energy systems offer enormous potential for a more efficient use of energy.
However, they often require sizable investments and consequently scare off many target groups. Substantial
energy savings can also be achieved simply through changes in consumer behaviour - and with much
smaller investments. The NRW Energy Agency estimates the potential for reducing energy consumption in
public buildings alone at 15 per cent. Public buildings offer opportunities to reduce energy consumption
substantially through changes in electricity and heat consumption behaviour. The Ruhr-Universität Bochum
(University of Bochum) for example could potentially reduce its energy consumption by up to 20 per cent.
Building on interdisciplinary collaboration, this project aims to develop and implement new and effective
intervention strategies to foster efficient user behaviour in organisations - the project will initially examine
universities - and then evaluate it on a scientific basis. It is to be expected that these types of changes in
behaviour will be adopted by other institutions and consumers in private households as a result of the model
and disseminator effect universities have.
Evidence based methodology for employee opinion surveys (EOS), funded by Psykologisk
Metod AB, 2008-2010
RIPENSA Project member: Lennart Sjöberg
There is a large number of approaches to how to conduct an EOS. The costs are considerable and examples
can easily be found where the results are small or absent. There are probably several reasons. Work in the
area is focused on satisfaction, but that is an insufficient factor if job performance is the ultimate criterion.
This project will introduce willingness to work which is a much better measure of work motivation. Risks and
threats are rarely treated in EOS, perhaps because management wants to avoid such issues, yet they are
very important for opinions and motivations. Reliance on single questions is very risky because linguistic
details are very important. Attitude scales, on the other hand, are hard to interpret in an absolute manner but this is still being done. A further problem is connected with the interpretation of correlational data, be
they based on variations among individuals or units. Finally, lack of a clear connection with goal setting is a
probable cause that few or no improvements occur, in spite of the best of intentions. The project aims to
elucidate these matters on the basis of selected examples in Swedish industry and communities. Extensive
data from a biotechnology industry have been collected and are being analyzed for generating hypotheses
regarding the important factors in willingness to work and job satisfaction.
Development of a personality test, the UPP test, funded by Psykologisk Metod AB 2005-2011
RIPENSA Project member: Lennart Sjöberg
This is a major effort to develop an improved self-report personality test for use in industrial and
organizational psychology. Fifteen studies have been conducted, and about 3000 persons have been tested.
Several goals have been achieved: developing scales which are better predictors of criteria than the Big Five,
construct validation of all scales, correcting for impression management, measurement of data quality for
each persona taking the test, measurement of mood state during test taking, development of a methodology
for assessment in relation to the specific demands in any application, and development of both normative
and ipsative narrative reports. Large-scale applications are underway.
CO2-håndtering: En Studie av Nordmenns Kunnskap om og Holdninger til Miljøspørsmål og
Håndtering av CO2
RIPENSA Project member: Mons Bendixen (supervisor)
Masterstudent: Anders Berg Hansen
The project involves a questionnaire study of popular knowledge and attitudes to environmental issues, and
focuses on how Norwegians view future management of Carbon Dioxid.
Safety Effects of Serious Accidents at Work
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg (supervisor)
Masterstudent: Anna Bakhilkina
This project investigates follow-up reports of serious accidents at Norwegian workplaces, and whether
behavioural safety programmes or other safety measures have been introduced or fully implemented after
previous serious events.
Perception of Risk in the Environment of Integrated Operations
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg (supervisor)
Co-supervisors: Eirik Albrechtsen, Tor Olav Grøtan, og Fred Størseth, SINTEF
Masterstudent: Therese Jenssen Espeland
The project investigates how experts from various areas of Integrated Operation work (IO) view risk, and
what challenges they foresee in the future regarding risk management.
Alarmhåndtering og Mental Arbeidsbelastning i Prosesskontrollrom [Management of Alarms
and Mental Workload in Process Control Rooms]
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg (supervisor)
Co-supervisor: Stig O. Johnsen, SINTEF
Masterstudent: Marie Halvorsen
The project aims at a literature review of empirical and theoretical studies that deal with mental workload in
control rooms managing alarms related to industrial processes. It focuses on effects of low mental
stimulation or workload in the work situation.
Risikokommunikasjon og risikomanagement [Risk communication and risk management]
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg (supervisor)
Masterstudent: Sana Ahsan Khan
Effekt av sammenslåing av politidistrikt for publikum og politiets risikopersepsjon og
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg (supervisor)
Masterstudent: Nora Lilly Myrland
Engasjerte ledere og ansatte – en del av en positive spiral som bidrar til økt optimisme, trivsel
og produktivitet? [Involved leaders and employees – part of a positive spiral to increased
optimisme, well-being and productivity?]
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg (supervisor)
Masterstudent: Tonje Holand
Motivasjon og Kreativitet blant Regissører i Norsk film [Motivation and creativity among
Directors of Norwegian Film]
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg (supervisor)
Masterstudent: Glenn Robert Aas
The project investigates how Norwegian film directors view the process of creation, and has a specific
interest in the relationship between autonomy and creativity.
Politiets krisekommunikasjon
RIPENSA Project member: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg (supervisor)
Masterstudent: Bengt Eidem (Politihøgskolen, Oslo)
Well-being among immigrant elders and immigrant youth
RIPENSA Project member: Ute Gabriel (supervisor)
Masterstudents: Ramunas Kazakauskas
Moralsk identitet som moderator for moralsk legitimitet ved hjelpeatferd
RIPENSA Project member: Ute Gabriel (supervisor)
Masterstudents: Anine Marie Stiansen
Students’ Motivation to Take the Swineflu Vaccination
RIPENSA Project member: Christian Klöckner (supervisor)
Masterstudents: Tina Langaas & Silje Skaug
Two master theses explore psychological factors behind the gap between high vulnerability for swineflu of
students between 18 and 29 years of age and the comparably small proportion of students that took
vaccination. One master thesis is focusing on motivational factors using an extended protection motivation
theory, the other focuses on the influence of differently designed media reports on the perceived risk of
Personality Differences between Parachutists on the National Team and Hobby Parachutists
RIPENSA Project member: Christian Klöckner (supervisor)
Masterstudent: Kristian Moxness
The project tests both elite and non-elite skydivers, and elite low-risk athletes on two measures of
personality: Hardiness and Sensation Seeking. Hypotheses are that the elite skydiver group scores higher
than the average skydiver group on the Hardiness scale, but similar on the Sensation Seeking Scale, the elite
low risk group score lower on the Sensation Seeking Scale than both the skydiving groups, and the elite low
risk group score higher than the average skydiver group on the Hardiness scale.
Do Norwegian Egalitarian Values just Cover up Negative Attitudes to Foreigners?
RIPENSA Project member: Christian Klöckner (supervisor)
Masterstudent: Sacha de Raaf
The project analyses if the strong egalitarian values Norwegian society hold lead to a reduced level of
negative attitudes to foreigners or just suppress open expression of negative attitudes. In the project implicit
and explicit attitudes of young adolescents to foreigners as well as the degree of egalitarian value
orientation will be measured before the adolescents take part in a group discussion about a topic related to
immigration to Norway. The group discussion setting will be experimentally varied (homogenous group of
Norwegians vs. mixed nationalities and Norwegian vs. Non-Norwegian moderator) to test if different settings
trigger different norms to (not) express negative attitudes.
A Gender Perspective on the Interaction between Job and Private Life
RIPENSA Project member: Christian Klöckner (supervisor)
Masterstudent: Maria Eidsaa Larsen
The project analyses how in modern Norwegian work arrangements the interaction between job and private
life influences women and men differently depending in gender roles, education and living situation.
Waste Separation by Students in Four Norwegian Cities
RIPENSA Project member: Christian Klöckner (supervisor)
Masterstudent: Inger Olin Oppedal
The master project applied a comprehensive action determination model built on several social psychological
theories to recycling behaviour in four domains: Paper, plastic, glass, and metal. More than 700 students in
four Norwegian cities were included in a quantitative survey. The interactions between situational and
psychological predictors of waste separation were analysed with structural equation modelling.
Photo: Alexander Ivanov/
Master in Risk Psychology, Environment and Safety
The RIPENSA master programme started in August 2008. It provides the opportunity to focus on issues
associated to risk, environment and safety on the basis of knowledge gained in psychology and the social
sciences. It offers studies of individual’s and of groups’ reactions and actions, including risk communication,
when confronting challenges related to threats, and uncertainties, management and prevention.
The programme aims at giving students a deeper insight into the perceived risk and risk communication
fields as well as the areas of environmental psychology, and of safety/security issues. There is an emphasis
on linking risk, environment and safety issues on the basis of selected topics or problems on an
interdisciplinary knowledge platform. Materials and tasks in the courses relate to challenges in the RIPENSA
areas. This programme was developed into an international master’s programme, MPHIL, from the autumn
of 2009.
Courses in spring/autumn term 2009
Course name
Teaching services provided by:
(Norwegain sp)
PSY2004 Verbal harassment
Mons Bendixen
PSY2004 Language and Gender
Ute Gabriel
PSY3090 Risk Psychology,
Environment and Safety
Christian Klöckner (Coordinator); BrittMarie Drottz Sjøberg; J. Peter Burgess;
Marit Christensen; Ellen Matthies; Mons
Bendixen; Ute Gabriel
PSY3533 Groups, Decision-making
and Risk Communication (V09)
Britt-Marie Drottz-Sjöberg (Coordinator);
Christian Klöckner
EiT PSY3800 (V09)
Christian Klöckner
PSY3511 Individually Selected
Texts (V09; H09)
Christian Klöckner; Britt-Marie Drottz
Sjøberg; Mons Bendixen; Ute Gabriel; J.
Peter Burgess; Marit Christensen
PSY3901/PSY3905 Master’s
Thesis (V09/H09)
Christian Klöckner; Britt-Marie Drottz
Sjøberg; Mons Bendixen; Ute Gabriel
PSYPRO4030 Social Psychology,
Theory and Method (V09)
Mons Bendixen (Coordinator), Christian
Klöckner, Marit Christensen, Ute Gabriel,
Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg
PSYPRO4030 Social Psychology,
Theory and Method (H09)
Ute Gabriel (Coordinator); Mons Bendixen, 15
Christian Klöckner, Marit Christensen, BrittMarie Drottz-Sjøberg
PSY8002 Risk Perception and Risk
Communication (V09)
Britt-Marie Drottz-Sjöberg (Coordinator);
Christian Klöckner
PSY8003 Multivariate Quantitative
Research Methods
Christian Klöckner (Coordinator)
Completed Master Theses
Helle, S. (2009). ”Lekdommarar og fagdommarar sine haldninger til kjønnsroller og seksuelle overgrep mot
kvinner.” (Supervisor: Kirsten Rasmussen and co-supervisor Mons Bendixen)
Hepsø, T. (2009). ”Skjer det adekvate endringsprosesser i bedrifter/ organisasjoner på bakgrunn av erfaringer fra alvorlige kriser?” En intervjustudie av erfaringer og oppfatninger av risiko innen utvalgte organisasjoner. (Supervisor:Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg)
Hjulstad, T. (2009). ”Emosjoner og ledelse. En intervensjonsstudie med en case der ”the Emotional and
Social Competency Inventory – University Edition” testes i en kunnskapsorganisasjon i Norge”. (Supervisor:Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg)
Koziel, E. (2009). ”Kreativitet i Experter i Team: Prediktorer for oppfattet klima og opplevd kreativitet.”
(Supervisor:Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg)
Lønnås Stokke, M. (2009). Kronisk utmattelsesyndrom/ myalgisk encefalopati (CFS/ME). ”En intervjustudie
om erfaring, kunnskap og synspunkter innen utvalgte grupper tilknyttet helsesektorn”. (Supervisor:Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg)
Stensen, K. (2009). ”Kan erfaringer med aggresjon i hjemmet i barndommen forklare noe av variansen for
den mentale helsen i tidlig voksenalder,samt aggressiv atferd overfor egen partner?” (Supervisor:
Mons Bendixen)
Stiansen, A. M. (2009). Moralsk identitet som moderator for moralsk legitimitet ved hjelpeatferd. Norwegian Universtity of Science and Technology: Unpublished Masters thesis. (Supervisor: Ute Gabriel)
Ziener, M. L. C. (2009). “Utøvelse og motivasjon i norsk ledercoaching. En intervjustudie basert på 7 praktiserende coacher.” (Supervisor:Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg)
Doctoral Theses
Bjerkan, A. M. “Work, Health and Safety Culture/Climate. A Study of Employees in the Norwegian Oil and
Gas Industry.” Submitted PhD-thesis, exam in 2010.
Involvement in Current Doctoral Theses Work
Meenakshi Barthakur, Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Doctoral thesis. (Supervisor:
Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg).
Anne-Mette Bjerkan, TIK, Oslo. Doctoral thesis. (Supervisor: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg).
Marit Christensen. Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Doctoral thesis. (Supervisor: BrittMarie Drottz Sjöberg).
Kristin Hellesø-Knutsen, Cand.politi, Politihøgskolen, Oslo. Doctoral thesis. (Co-Supervisor: Britt-Marie
Drottz Sjöberg).
Stig O. Johnsen, Seniorforsker Sikkerhet og pålitelighet, SINTEF, Trondheim. Doctoral thesis. (CoSupervisor: Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg).
Alim Nayum, Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Doctoral thesis.
(Supervisor: Christian Klöckner).
Bertha Sopha. Industrial Ecology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Doctoral thesis. (Cosupervisor: Christian Klöckner).
Elisabeth Kuhn, Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Doctoral thesis. (Supervisor: Ute
RIPENSA Events in 2009
Advanced seminars
Dag Otto Skar, Office of the Sør-Trøndelag County Governor. “Civil protection and emergency planning on
central, regional and local level.” March, 27, 2009.
Giesela Böhm, Department of Psychology, University of Bergen. “Public perception of environmental risks.”
March 27, 2009.
Ellen Matthies, Workgroup of Environmental and Cognitive Psychology Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.
“Promoting curtailment or helping to adapt – What can environmental psychology contribute to cope with
climate change?” Trial Lecture, title in. April 15, 2009.
Matti Kojo, Department of Political Science and International Relations
UNIVERSITY OF TAMPERE, Finland. "The strategy of site selection for a spent nuclear fuel repository in
Finland", May 12, 2009
Mons Bendixen, RIPENSA, NTNU. “Evolutionary psychology’s contribution to understanding sexual
harassment and stages of sexual development during adolescent years.” September 7, 2009.
Ute Gabriel, RIPENSA, NTNU. “Gender representation in language.” September 28, 2009.
Ellen Matthies, RIPENSA, NTNU. “The Role of Psychology in the Field of Climate Change.” October 5,
Edgar Hertwich, Industial Ecology Programme, NTNU, “Household environmental impacts and sustainable
comsumption”, October 12, 2009.
Christian Klöckner, RIPENSA, NTNU, “Emotional reactions of children aged 9-14 years to climate change
and how emotions are linked to action.” November 2, 2009.
Britt-Marie Drottz Sjöberg, RIPENSA, NTNU, “Science in society, governance, and project examples”,
November 16, 2009.
Gundula Hübner, University of Halle-Wittenberg, Germany, ”Social acceptance of wind energy”, November
23, 2009.
Leonard van Duijn, RIPENSA, NTNU. ”Risk perception and decision making of aid agencies in fragile
states”. November 23, 2009.
Alim Nayum, RIPENSA, NTNU, “The role of attitudes and personality in predicting risky driving behaviour”,
December 14, 2009.
Workshop I (March 30, 2009): Current situation and RIPENSA strategy.
Workshop II (May 19, 2009): Applicants doctoral position, research applications, the SRA-E conference
participation and contributions).
Workshop III (August 31); The “Europsy” educational contents; current course contents and schedules;
autumn advanced seminar series.
Workshop IV (September 21); Status of book chapters; update on teaching; presentations of the RIPENSA
International Master for BA students.
Workshop V (October 5). The new RIPENSA catalogue text, uptake of new students.
Workshop VI (December 7). Planning spring semester; discussion with deputy leader of the institute.