Fall 2013 - Suffolk University
Fall 2013 - Suffolk University
Dates to Remember December 24- Jan 1—Winter Break: University Closed Jan 6—OUTREACH Fellowship Application for Ph.D. Program Applicants due by 12pm Jan 13—Spring 2014 Courses Convene Jan 20 —Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: University Closed February 1—Deadline to apply for May 2014 Graduation February 17 - Presidents’ Day: University Closed Feb 28-March 1 - Ph.D. Program Interview Weekend Inside this issue: Director of Clinical Training Update 2 UG Psych Club 3 Psychology LLC 3 Alumni Highlights 4-5 Department Announcements, Publications, & Presentations 6-9 Colloquium Recap 9 Department Chair’s Notes 10 Suffolk University Psychology Department Newsletter Volume 16, Issue I Fall 2013 School Counseling Program Update by Dr. Tim Poynton The school counseling program has benefited tremendously from the contributions of Dr. Carol Kerrissey, our Visiting Assistant Professor for the 2013-2014 academic year. As a longtime school counselor and guidance director in area schools, we all benefit from her knowledge and expertise. Dr. Kerrissey is not new to us, though – she has been teaching and mentoring our students since 2009 as an adjunct faculty member. While she may be a little less present after this academic year, she will not be absent! We have been fortunate over the years to have had wonderful adjunct faculty – a sampling of the knowledge and expertise our adjunct faculty bring to our classroom includes two guidance directors, an energetic school psychologist, and a school counselor with over 15 years of experience. All of our adjunct faculty have earned doctoral degrees in addition to their experience, and are therefore highly qualified to prepare our graduate students to be effective school counselors. We have started the process of searching for a tenuretrack assistant professor to join the school counseling program. While we are relatively early in the search process, I am pleased to report a robust pool of Continued on page 3 Mental Health Counseling Program Update by Dr. David Shumaker The Mental Health Counseling (MHC) Program continues to enjoy a seamless transition into the Psychology Department. Both faculty and students greatly appreciate the warm welcome we have received from the department faculty, staff, and students. Dr. Medoff, the MHC Program Director, and Dr. Shumaker, the other full-time faculty member, have appreciated the wealth of expertise that the Psychology Department Faculty has offered to us and our students. Given the warm reception we have received it is perhaps no surprise that, in addition to being one of our largest classes in recent years, our 2013-2014 first-year incoming class includes several former Suffolk undergraduates. We hope to continue to get to know the many talented Suffolk undergraduate Psychology majors. To that end, both Dr. Medoff and Dr. Shumaker are looking forward to their undergraduate-level course offerings which will provide students a unique opportunity to experience first-hand our passion for the profession and field. We are also happy to report that our second year students are thriving at a variety of challenging and rewarding practicum placements throughout the great- er Boston area. A sample of this year’s practicum placements includes the South Boston Community Health Center, Roxbury Head Start Program, MCI-Concord Department of Corrections, and Victory Programs residential substance abuse treatment facilities. In addition, our Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies (CAGS) program has enjoyed a robust enrollment as well, with several of our students earning internship credit hours at full-time, paid positions that were offered to them upon completion of the MHC program. These dynamic graduates of our MHC program Continued on page 3 Page 2 Suffolk University Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology Update by Dr. Dave Gansler, Director of Clinical Training The faculty and staff and student body welcome the nine first-year graduate students to our Suffolk University Psychology Department Community. As of this writing there are 65 members of the doctoral program student body. The nine outstanding new students are - in alphabetical order - Alexandra Dick, Daniel Glass, Grace Gu, Leela Holman, Amanda Khan, Jessica Pan, Kerrie Pieloch, Carlos Rivera, and Kristin Serowik. As I write this update these students are completing their first semester of coursework (the first of six semesters), preparing their Early Research Project proposals, and thinking about which first year practicum options might best suit them. Some of them, like Jessica Pan, were born and raised in Boston, and know what it is like to get through a New England winter. For others from balmier cli- mates, such as Amanda Khan, we welcome them to a Boston winter, and hope that they have sharpened their ski edges, or are planning on taking a few lessons in the winter sport of choice! Among the practicum options being considered by these students are placements in the Newton Public Schools, McLean Hospital’s OCD program, and Outpatient Psychiatry at BWH. We wish them the best in the application process, and over the course of their entire first year. ers) in the state of their choice (many of our students remain in Massachusetts but not all). Those students are - in alphabetical order Kirstin Birtwell (Mass General Hospital- Child Track), Jill Bloom (Harvard Cambridge Health Alliance), Erika Clark (Bedford VA), Bridgid Conn (Primary Children’s Medical Center- Utah), Adriana DeAmicis (Yale University- Psychiatry Service), Carla Gabris (Visiting Mental Health, Davie, Fl.), Debra Glick (Tewksbury Hospital), Michelle Jackson (University of Mississippi, Jackson VA), At the opposite phase in the Mary Beth McCullough process of becoming clinical (Brown University- Child psychologists are our ten Track), and, Sarah Valentine students now on clinical (Mass General Hospital- Beinternship throughout the havioral Medicine). Many of United States, engaged in these students will be defendthe provision of high quality ing their doctoral dissertaclinical care and important tions in the springtime while research projects. Once simultaneously applying for those students successfully post-doctoral fellowships in complete the internship areas of clinical expertise that year and the doctoral disserwill be the focus of the early tation they will become eliphase of their careers. These gible as licensed psycholostudents will soon experience gists (health service provid- the thrill of signing ‘Ph.D.’ after their name for the first time in July or September of 2014, and they often contact their mentor on that day to share the moment (a rewarding event for a mentor). We wish them all the best as they arrange their first postdoctoral year. There are also thirteen students who are in the process of applying for clinical internship. These students have typically completed most coursework, are enrolled in an advanced practicum, and are engaged in the data collection phase of their doctoral dissertation. As I am writing this, those students have completed the internship application forms, and are waiting to hear from programs that will invite them for interview. At this time, we wish those students all the best in obtaining the interviews they are seeking. Happy Holidays to Alumni, Faculty, Staff and Students!! Psychology Dissertation Research Award The Psychology Department plans to acknowledge outstanding academic achievement of a doctoral student engaged in dissertation research through its Psychology Dissertation Research Award. This is a meaningful opportunity for alumni, parents, and friends to contribute to the success of a deserving Ph.D. student. A heartfelt thank you to all the alumni who generously donated to this award. You can be confident that your donation of $25 or more will directly benefit the Department’s award winner, to be announced in March. If you have already made a contribution, THANK YOU! If you have not, but would like to, please see the link below to make your gift online. Click on “Donate Now” found in the bottom right corner, and then under “Area of Giving” please select OTHER and enter: Psychology Award. http://www.suffolk.edu/support.php If you prefer to send a check by mail, please indicate “Psychology Award” on the MEMO line and remit to: Suffolk University Office of Advancement 8 Ashburton Place - Boston, MA 02108 Volume 16, Issue I School Counseling Continued applicants that have expressed an interested in joining us. The search committee, consisting of myself, Dr. Coyne, Dr. DiBiase, and Dr. Fireman will have to make some difficult choices in the coming weeks, but we are all looking forward to a successful search. practicum placements across a variety of schools in urban and suburban communities in the greater Boston area. It is always refreshing to see the transformation from graduate student to counselor unfold as these students hold responsibility for growing the profession of school The class of 2014 are out counseling in the future – applying their school counthe future of school counseling knowledge and skill in seling is in good hands. Page 3 Mental Health Counseling Continued are working in a variety of mental health counseling settings, including as an adjustment counselor at Medford High School, an outpatient clinician at Arbour Counseling Services, and a staff clinician at the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services. Following completion of our CAGS program, these students will be eligible to sit for a licensing examination that ultimately leads to careers as Licensed Mental Health Counselors (LMHC). Although not the focus of our applied clinical program, MHC Program faculty continue to involve our students in ongoing research leading to publications in both edited volumes and peer reviewed journals articles. For those students who are interested in these types of opportunities, this adds a valued layer of professional experience. Undergraduate Psychology Club by Laurah Shames BS’14 The biggest goal for our club in the past couple of years has been to establish a presence in the Suffolk community. Students this year have come together to help reach this goal. We still have a long way to go but feel there has been a great improvement. With great ambition, our E-Board has worked together to create two awesome events that will take place in the spring semester. Our first event will be from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) where we will have two individuals with mental illnesses come talk to us about their experiences and then show a video. For our second event, we are very excited because the Student Leadership and Involvement office chose our club’s idea to receive a financial grant to hold an event during their Unity Week. We are very excited to share that this award-winning public speaker, HIV/AIDS educator and author will be joining us here at Suffolk. Although this is an event that will be led by the Psychology Club (people think that just because it is a psychology club they need to be a psychology major, which is not true), Scott Fried is the perfect educator for all aspects of life. Mental and physical health, religion, the arts, to name a few, but most importantly the difficult steps we go through in life and how to approach them are some of the topics he speaks of in his lecture. For more information on him, please visit his website at www.scottfried.com. Dates and locations have yet to be determined but will be announced as soon as possible. We appreciate any extra promotion that can be given by you all in order to make this a bigger and more successful event from which many can benefit. We look forward to seeing you all there and don’t forget to like us on Facebook @ Suffolk University Psychology Club and follow us on Twitter @SUPsych_Club to keep up with whatever we have going on! Psychology Living Learning Community by Reid Turner Fultz BS’16 The Psychology Living Learning Community at Suffolk University is relatively new, only commencing Fall 2012 semester. The purpose of the Psychology LLC is to give on-campus Psychology majors the opportunity to form deeper connections with each other, faculty and graduate students, by participating in events and activities related to the major outside of the classroom. The LLC students all live within a single community (usually one floor) and have the added benefit of forming relationships with one another based on similar academic interests and pursuits. As the Resident Assistant, I am responsible for the Psychology LLC, along with Dr. Gary Fireman, my advisor. We’ve done an excellent job of ensuring that LLC students are aware of the resources available to them and the manner in which they can manipulate these resources. Dr. Fireman has offered to advise all of the LLC students during their time here at Suffolk, and the students have responded with gratitude knowing that they have the Chair of the Psychology department as their mentor. The first Psych LLC event for the semester was a welcome event to the LLC and meeting Dr. Gary Fireman and I so we could talk about the purpose of the LLC and hear suggestions for any further events that we could tailor to the students’ particular interests within psychology. Over plates filled with Chipotle burritos, we got to know each other, and discussed how to succeed in psychology at Suffolk and explore resources students could use to advance their academic careers at Suffolk. The second event of the semester was a visit to Samaritans - a 24 hour suicide hotline agency that started in Boston and has spread its community outreach to help many individuals in these very sensitive cases. The students learned about the intense training involved in dealing with these types of phone calls and the necessary skills and appropriate techniques required in handling the very serious phone calls. Samaritans also educated the students on the myths of suicide and when there should be cause for concern. The Psychology students look forward for what we have in store for the spring semester and are using their voices to express which events they would like to see planned in the future. Page 4 Suffolk University Alumni Highlight: Bachelor of Science in Psychology Pollie Lang ’96 has been active in many areas pertaining to psychology. Since graduation she has worked in a variety of fields including Human Resources at the Dept. of Mental Health in Boston where she was involved with training & development, workers’ compensation, and recruitment. She also spent some time in Columbia, SC hospital systems within a grant position helping an educational healthcare team teach physicians to hone their skills in rural areas. After moving to Philadelphia and starting a family, Pollie has also become very active in Hospice work by volunteering her services in mostly grief work. For the past seven years, Pollie founded and has facilitated Life Changes bereavement group. It’s a free service that meets every Tuesday and is open to all residents within the Philadelphia region. Pollie’s also currently enrolled in a clinical social work masters program at Bryn Mawr College School of Social Work and Social Research in Bryn Mawr, PA. Pollie has concentrated her studies on trauma, brain injury, and veterans’ affairs along with suicidality, grief, meditation, sexuality issues, individual, group, and family therapy. Her field placement last year involved working at a local community hospital with Substance Abuse individuals who also suffered from co-occurring disorders and brain injury. This year she will be focusing her therapeutic efforts on those who suffer from severe mental illness, again at a local community hospital. Pollie graduates with her MSS and CBT Certification in May 2014. Shortly thereafter she plans to sit for the LSW exam and eventually the LCSW exam. She hopes to find work providing therapeutic services in a hospital or other agency system and eventually private practice. Pollie also plans to maintain her grief group and possibly expand it. What is your favorite memory at Suffolk? One of my fondest memories of Suffolk was Dr. Webb’s Brain & Behavior class which opened my mind to the capabilities of the human mind and why we behave as we do. It was a fascinating class that has informed my thinking ever since. Another favorite was Dr. Bursik’s Advanced Personality Perspectives class. It was new to the curriculum that year and, as such, we got an amazing, nearly masters-level education that was very insightful for me. Finally, I really loved Suffolk in general and the student body who was a hard-working and dedicated group. Do you have any advice for current students at Suffolk University? Network with your peers and professors and take advantage of other professional organizations and above all, enjoy exploring all that Suffolk has to offer in your field and other fields which will help broaden your strengths and employment options. Alumni Highlight: Master’s in Metal Health Counseling Patricia Bethune, LMHC, graduated from Suffolk University in 2006 with her master’s in Mental Health Counseling and again in 2007 with her CAGS. She worked at Health & Education Services, Inc. (currently Lahey Health Behavioral Services) in Haverhill from her internship through the next five years as a fee-for-service clinician. In 2012, Patricia accepted a position as clinic director for Riverfront Counseling Center in Fitchburg, Mass as part of the COSI Counseling Centers. There, she oversees an administrative team of four and a clinical staff of fourteen while seeing her own clients. What is your favorite memory of Suffolk? I was Dr. David Medoff’s graduate fellow and loved every minute of it. His classes were amazing and directly impacted the kind of clinician that I am today. In 2007, I was invited to be on the search committee for a new Suffolk University professor and it was a great opportunity to see the process by which someone becomes a professor at the university. Do you have any advice for current students at Suffolk University? Everything you are learning now you will use in the clinical setting. As a therapist, you will be committing to a lifetime of learning in order to become a fully competent clinician. Take every opportunity to learn from these fantastic professors and other students to build a comprehensive network of like-minded professionals. Last, but not least, be mindful of self-care as this type of work can be difficult. In order to help others, you need to take good care of you! Want to stay connected with our alumni network? Update your contact info: http://www.suffolk.edu/alumni/1332.php Volume 16, Issue I Page 5 Alumni Highlight: Master’s in School Counseling Laura Matthews ’13 graduated from Stonehill College in 2009 with a double major in Psychology and Criminology. She spent a year working as an advocate in a domestic violence shelter before deciding to go back to get to get a master's degree in school counseling. She went to Suffolk University full time for 2 years, and graduated with an M.Ed. in School Counseling in May 2013. She was fortunate enough to start working as a school counselor the fall after graduating from Suffolk. She was hired in August of last summer to fill a 3 month maternity leave position at a junior high school in Webster, MA. Two weeks before she was supposed to be finishing her position in Webster she was asked to interview in Norwood, MA for a permanent position as a middle school guidance counselor. A few hours after she interviewed, she received a call saying that she was hired for the position and loves the job! What is your favorite memory at Suffolk? My favorite memory at Suffolk was definitely my internship experience working in Boston Public Schools. My position as an intern in Boston was incredibly challenging and often times a bit overwhelming, but it taught me very quickly what it was to be a school counselor in a tough urban environment. I often use the experiences I had there and the lessons I learned to inform the work I carry out in my current position. It was also great that the internship went along with a practicum class where my peers and I were able to share experiences and learn from one another. Do you have any advice for current students at Suffolk University? My advice for current students would be to start applying for jobs early! I started applying in February of my final year, and although the following September (when I hoped to start working) seemed incredibly far away, I was able to get a feel for the job market early on. I didn't hear back from many positions until later in the year, but by the time summer rolled around I felt like I had my application perfected and I was confident in what I was sending out. Another piece of advice I might have is to seriously consider any interim or short-term positions that might come up. My first instinct was to apply only to permanent positions because that seemed like the best option. The market was tough though and it wasn't until summer rolled around that I realized I needed to broaden my search. Taking the maternity leave position ended up being the best thing I could have done and it is one of the reasons that I was hired for my current job. Alumni Highlight: Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology Dr. Peter Vernig ’12 came to Boston from Colorado to study clinical psychology at Suffolk. While in the program, he worked under the mentorship of Dr. Susan Orsillo, and completed clinical practica at Bornewood Hospital, the Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial VA, and the Men’s Addiction Treatment Center. In addition to teaching at Suffolk, he taught courses in psychology at Newbury College and the New England School of Acupuncture. During his time in the program, Dr. Vernig served as the President of the Association for Psychological Science Student Caucus. He completed his internship at Friends Hospital in Philadelphia, and a post-doctoral fellowship at the Anxiety Treatment Center of Austin. After his post-doc, he received his license and returned to Friends Hospital as a Supervising Clinical Specialist. Dr. Vernig’s current position involves helping to oversee the hospital’s psychology, social services, expressive art therapy, chaplaincy, and residential departments, as well as developing the hospital’s interdisciplinary research program. What is your favorite memory of Suffolk? I met so many great people and had so many amazing experiences that it’s hard to narrow it down (the 21st with my cohort, teaching my first course, discussing cases with Edith, supervision with Tracey, Matt’s multivariate class, ABCT conferences with the AME Lab, defending my dissertation with Amy, Matt, and Sue). Two probably stick out most for me, though. First, my many meetings with Sue Orsillo. She really shaped my development as a psychologist and mentored me in every area of the program. Second, working under Gary Fireman and Dave Gansler at Bournewood. They taught me so many practical skills, and helped me to see what it is like to function as a psychologist in a hospital setting. Do you have any advice for current students at Suffolk University? Avail yourself of every opportunity you can while you are in graduate school. This is one of the last times you’ll be in a position where you have a faculty to distill and present to you the received knowledge of our profession. Take the opportunity to learn and try new things. And also, try to have some fun. Page 6 Suffolk University Department Announcements Kirstin Brown Birtwell and Dr. Lisa Coyne received grant funding: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for parents of children with autism spectrum disorders. Organization for Autism Research (OAR). 2013-2015 ($2,000). Haley Duncanson was nominated for a P.E.O. Sisterhood Scholar Award which is a "philanthropic organization that seeks to promote educational opportunities for women through scholarships, grants, awards, and loans. P.E.O. Scholar Awards (PSA) was established in 1991 to provide substantial merit-based awards for women of the United States and Canada who are pursuing a doctoral level degree at an accredited college or university." Additionally, Haley got married to Peter Gagnon on 11/8/2013 at the Public House in Sturbridge, MA — Picture right: Haley on her wedding day surrounded by her cohort. Dr. Tim Poynton, along with Lisa Shatz, Leonardo Gomez, and John Zinkowski, were awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) training grant for support of a project, entitled “Electrical Engineering Scholars at Suffolk University.” Department Publications and Presentations Publications pathology. Guilford. Cavalari, R., DuBard, M., Luiselli, J., Birtwell, K. B. (2013). Teaching an adolescent with autism to tolerate routine medical examination: Effects of compliance training through graduated exposure and positive reinforcement. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 1(2), 121-128. Gansler, D., & Duncanson, H. (2013). Substance Abuse Disorders. In : Stucky, K., Kirkwood, M., & Donders, J. Clinical Neuropsychology Study Guide and Board Review, Oxford University Press. Coyne, L. W. & Birtwell, K. & McHugh, L. (2013). Acceptance and commitment therapy: transdiagnostic processes in child and adolescent psychopathology. In J. T. Ehrenreich & B. Chu (Eds). Transdiagnostic treatment approaches to youth psycho- B.A. (Eds.). Psychologists’ desk reference (3ndedition) pp. 82 - 87. New York: Oxford University Press. Kivisto, A., Gacano, C., & Medoff, D. (2013). Does Conn, B. M., Marks, A. K., the R-PAS meet standards & Coyne, L. (2013). A three- for forensic use? Considerations with introducing a new generation study of Chinese Rorschach coding system. immigrant extended family child caregiving experiences Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice,13,389-410 in the preschool years. Research in Human DevelopMedoff, D. & Sternlieb, S. ment, 10(4), 308–331. Doi: (2013). Screening for sexual 10.1080/15427609.2013.846 offender risk. In Koocher, G. 047 P., Norcross, J. C., & Greene, Mello, N. K., Peltier, M. R., & Duncanson, H. (2013). Nicotine levels after IV and Smoked Tobacco in Men. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 21, 188-195. Mustakova-Poussardt, E., Lyubanksy, M., Basseches, M., Oxenberg, J., Eds. (2013) Toward a sociallyresponsible psychology for a global era. New York: Springer Basseches, M. (2013, October 2) Contexts for Adult Development: Work, Higher Education, Life-Crises, Psychotherapy and Supervision of Psychotherapy. Invited honor seminar by the University of Minho. Braga, Portugal Basseches, M. (2013, June 8) Invited discussant for symShumaker, D. & Medoff, posium on Therapeutic ColD. (2013). Ethical and legal laboration: Interactive and considerations when obpsychophysiological processes taining informed consent at annual meeting of the Socifor treating minors of high ety for the Exploration of Psyconflict divorced and sepachotherapy Integration. Barrated parents. The Family celona, Spain. Journal, 21 (3), 318 - 327. Basseches, M. and Brandao, Presentations A. (2013, June 8) Using developmental analysis of psyAlvarez, V., Clapp, M., chotherapy processes for reBasseches, M., Smidt, flective practice and decision K., Thomas, A. (2013, making: Respecting all theoJune 9) Tracking the Proretical and technical apcess of Development proaches. Miniworkshop preThrough Conflict Resolusented at annual meeting of tion in a Case of Couples Therapy. Paper presented at the Society for the Exploraannual meeting of the Soci- tion of Psychotherapy Integration. Barcelona, Spain ety for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Bedard, K. K., Tresvant, J., Barcelona, Spain Volume 16, Issue I and Dunlap, P. (2013, October 12) Putting process into practice: Building community as a mental health care professional. Presented at Psychology, Social Justice, Science, and Spirituality: Integrating Work for Peace and Justice with Respect for Data Birtwell, K.B., Lyman, B., and the Search for Truth." Parent, V., & DuBard, M. Psychologists for Social Re(2013, October). CBT and sponsibility New York City ASD: Utilizing school-based Regional Conference, 15th consultation to promote skills Street Friends Meetinghouse, generalization. In Cavalari, R. New York, NY (Chair), Promoting SocioEmotional Development: In- Collier, M. K. & Friedman, tegrating Cognitive Behavior- P. (2013, October). From Conversion Disorder to Creutzal Therapy into Special Edufeldt-Jakob disease: A case cation Settings. Symposium presented at the annual meet- highlighting the importance of ing of the Berkshire Associa- clinical flexibility and differtion for Behavior Analysis and ential diagnosis. Poster preTherapy (BABAT), An Affiliat- sented at the National Acadeed Chapter of the Association my of Neuropsychology Annufor Behavior Analysis Interna- al Conference, San Diego, CA. & Marks, A. K. (2013, April). Dating, relationships, and sexuality in female adolescents: A qualitative analysis. Poster presentation at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Seattle, Washington. Page 7 K. (2103, August). A crosscultural qualitative study of adolescent prescription drug misuse. Poster accepted for presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii. Danitz, S.B., & Orsillo, S.M. (2013). The mindful way through the semester: An investigation of the effectiveness of an acceptancebased behavioral therapy Program on psychological wellness in first year students. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, TN. Danitz, S.B., & Orsillo, S.M., Hayes-Skelton, S. & Roemer, L. (2013, November). Predictors of change in tional (ABAI) and of the Asso- Conn, B. M. (2013, Deceman acceptance-based behavciation for Professional Beber). A three-generation study ior therapy and applied relaxhavior Analysts (APBA), Am- of Chinese immigrant extendation for GAD. In M. J. Duherst, MA. ed family child caregiving ex- gas, (Chair), Beyond the Brooks, A., & DiBiase, R., periences in the preschool Horserace: What Are the Facyears. In What We Might (2013, March) Who is Doing tors that Predict and Explain the Rating Matters When Pre- Have Missed: Lessons from Treatment Response to CBT dicting Child Behavior Prob- Diverse Methodologies in the for GAD? Symposium conlems. Presented at the annual Study of Immigrant Families. ducted at the annual meeting Invited webinar paper presen- of the Association for Behavmeeting of Eastern Psychological Association. New York, tation for the Society for the ioral and Cognitive TheraResearch in Human Develop- pies, Nashville, TN. NY ment. Brooks, A., DiBiase, R., & DeAmicis, A,, Forbes, H., Ezen, M. (2013, November) Conn, B. M., & Marks, A. Taylor, N., Fireman, G. K. (2013, April). CrossThe Relationships Among (2013, November) Perceived cultural differences in the inTemperament, Attachment, social support serves as a fluence of parental and peer Life Events, and Mental protective factor against peer substance use disapproval on aggression and victimization Health in Young Adulthood. adolescent prescription drug and negative psychological Presented at the meeting of misuse. Poster presentation at adjustment of first year colthe Society for the Study of the Society for Research in Human Development. Fort lege students. Poster presentChild Development Biennial Lauderdale, FL. ed at the annual meeting of Meeting, Seattle, Washington. the Association for BehaviorCampbell, M., Oxenberg J., al and Cognitive Therapies, Conn, B. M., & Marks, A. Basseches, M., Chien, V., Nashville, TN. DiBiase, R. & Miller, P.M. (2013, April) Are Impulsive Preschoolers Living in Poverty More Likely to Have Behavior Problems Than Those who are Not? Presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development. Seattle, WA . Ezen, M., DiBiase, R., & Brooks, A., (2013, November) Predictors of Maternal Acceptance and SelfConcept in Preschoolers. Presented at the meeting for the Society for the Study of Human Development. Fort Lauderdale, FL. Ferreira, J.F., Vasco, A.B., Basseches, M., Conceicao, N. VazVelho, C. (2013, June 8) Looking at Lisa again! Can a phase-byphase map add anything to a moment-by-moment map? Paper presented at annual meeting of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration. Barcelona, Spain Foglia, M., Carpenter, L., Taylor, N. Fireman, G. (2013, November) Mindfulness, stress exposure, and daily sleep. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, TN. Jackson, M. J., Bennett, T., & Raiker, J. S. Executive functioning and PTSD in a cohort of Veterans: Implications for treatment. Poster accepted at the Associa- Page 8 tion of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Annual Convention, Neurocognitive Therapies/ Translational Research Special Interest Group (SIG). Jarvi, S. M., Swenson, L. P., Muehlenkamp, J. J., & Batejan, K. L. (2013, November). Use and motivations for social network sites among self-injurers and noninjurers. Presented at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Conference in Nashville, TN. Suffolk University May). The Nexus of Psychological testing and Parenting: Clinical and Legal Considerations. Fiftieth Annual Conference of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Los Angeles, California. obesity: The mediating role of sedentary behaviors. Poster presentation at the biennial meeting for the Society for Research in Child Development, Seattle, Washington. Organizers: António P. Ribeiro and Miguel M. Gonçalves, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal Basseches, M. (2013, June 8) Invited discussant for symposium on An integrative model on the regulation of psychological needs satisfaction at annual meeting of the Society for the Exploration Jarvi, S. M., Swenson, L. of Psychotherapy IntegraDaniel Millstein chaired a P., Muehlenkamp, J. J., & tion. Barcelona, Spain. Orsymposium "Expanding the Batejan, K. L. (2013, Noganizer: António Branco vember) Expectancies and the Focus in GAD: UnderstandVasco, University of Lisbon, ing and Addressing Probrelationship between nonPortugal. suicidal self-injury and alco- lems in Interpersonal Funchol use. Presented at the As- tioning and their Impact on Organizer: Cláudio Pina FerTreatment Outcome" at the nandes, University of Lissociation for Behavioral and 47th annual conference of Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) bon, Portugal Basseches, Conference in Nashville, TN. the Association for Cognitive M. (2013, June 8) Invited and Behavioral Therapies in discussant for symposium Kivisto, A., & Medoff, D. Nashville, TN on November on Innovative Moments and (2013, March) Progress and 23rd. Also taking part were Ambivalence in PsychotherPerils: The Status of the RorDr. Susan Orsillo and Dr. apy at annual meeting of the schach in Forensic Contexts. Jonathan Lee, both of Suf- Society for the Exploration Paper presented at the 75th folk University. of Psychotherapy IntegraAnnual Meeting of the Society tion. Barcelona, Spain. Millstein, D.J., Orsillo, for Personality Assessment, S.M., Hayes-Skelton, S.A., & Organizers: Eugénia Ribeiro San Diego, California. Roemer, L. (2013, Novem- and António P. Ribeiro, UniMarks, A. K., Bedard, K. ber) Changes in Interperversidade do Minho, Braga, K., Brown, C., Perkins, C. & sonal Problems Over the Portugal Basseches, M. Garcia Coll, C. (2103, April) Course of an Acceptance(2013, June 8) Invited disMultiethnic identities and the Based Behavior Therapy for cussant for symposium on school context: A mixedGeneralized Anxiety Disor- Different levels of promoting methods approach. Paper der. Paper presented at the and evaluating change in symposium presentation at 47th annual conference of work with a specific populathe Society for Research in the Association for Behavtion: Integrative psychotherChild Development Biennial ioral and Cognitive Theraapy with university students. Meeting, Seattle, Washingpies, Nashville, TN. at annual meeting of the ton. Society for the Exploration McCullough, M. B., & Medoff. D., Ferriter, M., of Psychotherapy IntegraMarks, A. K. (2013, April) Jones, A. & Harper, J. (2103, tion. Barcelona, Spain. The immigrant paradox and Medoff, D. Durand, J., Deutsch, R. & Hurley, R. (2013, April). Attorney Mental Health Professional Consultation in Action. Annual Conference of the Massachusetts Chapter of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts, Weston, Massachusetts. Smidt, K. E., Suvak, M. K., Chiupka, C. A., Carpenter, L. S. (2013, November). Investigating correlates of emotional granularity. Poster presented at the 47th Annual Convention of The Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Nashville, TN. Vasco, A.B. and Basseches, M. (2013, January 4-5). Seminar: Improving psychotherapy using the "developmental analysis of the psychotherapy process (DAPP)," the ""phases of therapeutic process " and "the regulation of needs satisfaction.” Two-day workshop sponsored by the Portuguese Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy, (Lisbon, Portugal) Xi, P., Hollis, A., Duncanson, H., Kapust, L., & O’Connor, M. (2013). An update on mental status screening for the impaired driver. Massachusetts Neuropsychological Association Symposium. Dissertation Defenses Anthony Annunziata successfully defended his dissertation on July 22, 2013 entitled: The Impact of Fear of Self-Compassion on the Relationship Between Mindful Attention and Well-Being Rachel Bieu successfully defended her dissertation on June 6, 2013 entitled: Structural Neuroimaging Analysis of Executive Functioning Jill Bloom successfully defended her dissertation on June 6, 2013 entitled: Effect of Adolescents' Emotional experience on Judgment: Volume 16, Issue I Page 9 Positive, negative and mixed emotions Carla Gabris successfully defended her dissertation on August 29, 2013 entitled: A Comparative Therapeutic Relationship Study in a Group of Older Adults with Depression and Executive Dysfunction Athene Lee successfully defended her dissertation on June 10, 2013 entitled: Psychopathic Personality Traits and the Brain's Default Network Kara Massie successfully defended her dissertation on May 16, 2013 entitled: Hooking Up or Settling Down: An Empirical Examination of Sexual Commitment, Intimacy, and Satisfaction among Emerging Adult Women Annie McCue successfully defended her dissertation on July 23, 2013 entitled: Internalization of the Thin-Ideal, Experiential Avoidance, and Body Image Flexibility as Predictors of Dietary Restraint and Disordered Eating Behaviors: A Correlational and Experimental Investigation Fall 2013 Colloquium Recap by Dr. Lisa Coyne On Wednesday, December 4, 2013, Dr. Anthony Biglan, a Senior Scientist and prevention researcher from the Oregon Research Institute, gave a spirited talk detailing how we might make the best of our evidence-based interventions to create a “nurturing environment” for our young people in the United States. Such an environment would promote prosocial skills, such as empathy, kindness, and altruism, and in so doing, reduce coercive behaviors, such as aggression. The audience was deeply engaged in his talk, as evidenced by their many excellent questions and wholehearted applause at the conclusion of his lecture. Top Left: Mental Health Counseling graduate students, Alicia Brooks and Molly Ezen, presenting at the Society for the Study of Human Development in Fort Lauderdale, FL in November 2013. Top Right: Representing the Psychology department at Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s Dodgeball Tournament on November 21st, Ph.D. students Vanessa Alvarez, Zack Held, along with Drs. Matt Jerram and Michael Suvak. Bottom Left: The 3rd year cohort excited on the first day of the Fall 2013 semester. Bottom Right: Dr. Sue Orsillo introduced her mentees, Ph.D. Students Dan Millstein and Sara Danitz, to her own graduate school mentor, Dr. Rick Heimberg, at the ABCT conference in Nashville, TN in November 2013. Suffolk University Psychology Department 41 Temple Street Boston, MA 02114 Phone: (617) 573-8293 Fax: (617) 367-2924 Department Email: psychdepartment@suffolk.edu PhD Program Email: phd@suffolk.edu The Department Newsletter can be found on the web: http://www.suffolk.edu/ college/ departments/14449.php Want to stay in touch with the department or have your personal/professional announcements published in the next newsletter? Update your contact information: http://www.suffolk.edu/ alumni/1332.php This Newsletter was brought to you by: Lauren Vermette, Editor-In-Chief Chair’s Notes by Dr. Gary Fireman With finals over, grading done and folks off for the winter break it is time to say Happy Holidays and Congratulations for completing the semester. For those students who are graduating mid-year a huge congratulations. A review of the rich material in this newsletter highlights the impressive activities and accomplishments of our students, faculty and alumni. Members of the department have presented at National conferences, published in peer review journals, and provided important services to agencies and individuals in the Boston Metropolitan area. Our undergraduate and graduate students have been placed with Medical Centers, Schools, Courts, Community Centers, Community Service organizations, and businesses organizations in practicum and internship experiences. In exciting ways students have built their professional skills (and resumes) while giving back to the community and being great ambassadors representing Suffolk University. Bringing these experiences back to the classroom through your discussions with peers enhances the educational experience for all. Please remain engaged in clubs, organizations, and affiliations so that you can be a part of making the Psychology Department an exciting community. See you in the new year!