October 2015 Journal - St. John`s—Pekin, Illinois


October 2015 Journal - St. John`s—Pekin, Illinois
October 31 is the festival of the Reformation. This is a
good time for us to remember and give thanks for the
truths of Scripture that God restored to light through
the work of His servant Martin Luther. Under the papacy the Roman church had seriously strayed away
from God's word. The central teachings of the Scriptures were badly obscured. But our Lord used the
preaching and teaching and writing of Luther and his
associates to make His true doctrine known clearly
once again.
The central truth of Christ's doctrine is who He is and
what He came to do: save us. And the centerpiece of
His saving work is our justification – the truth that
God declares us righteous by His grace for the sake of
Christ's redeeming death on the cross, and that we receive this through faith in Christ.
This truth is so important because it makes known
most clearly the genuine character of God, that He is
loving even toward undeserving sinners. This truth
also addresses our single most critical human need.
Each of us must stand before the Lord when He comes
to judge the living and the dead. The article of justification tells us how we will escape the condemnation to
hell, which we deserve, and how instead we will have
everlasting life in glory.
Justification is God's declaration that a sinner is righteous and holy in His sight. It is similar to a presidential pardon, whereby the president may excuse a convicted criminal from his sentence. The criminal,
though truly guilty, is treated as though he were innocent; he is not punished.
God's justification of sinners, however, is no arbitrary
declaration of innocence. It is a declaration of innocence based upon the life and death of Jesus Christ as
our substitute. Jesus was truly innocent and righteous.
When God justifies us, therefore, He gives us credit
for Jesus' genuine righteousness and innocence. God
does this purely by His grace. Nothing we do helps us
earn this in any way. We do not and cannot choose to
accept it. We do not and cannot get it because we resist it less than others do. It is simply a gift we receive
from God, simply through the faith in Jesus Christ that
God Himself works in us.
This is exactly what Christ teaches us in the Holy
Scriptures. Those of you who have been attending the
Sunday morning Bible class recently will find this
quite familiar, as we discussed it thoroughly just a couple weeks ago from Romans chapter three. “(All)...
are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.... For we maintain that
a man is justified by faith apart from observing the
law.” Romans 3:24,28
Because of this truth of Christ we Lutherans state in
our A ugsburg Confession, A rticle IV :
Our churches also teach that men cannot be justified before God by their own strength, merit, or
works, but are freely justified for Christ's sake
through faith when they believe that they are received into favor and that their sins are forgiven on
account of Christ, who by His death made satisfaction for our sins. This faith God imputes for righteousness in His sight. (Romans 3,4)
We will have opportunity to give thanks publicly to
God for the gifts He has bestowed on us through the
Reformation, including the clear teaching of justification, in our regular divine services on October 25, the
Sunday on which we will observe the festival. Let us
joyfully gather together to receive God's gifts and to
give Him thanks, all to the glory of God and the praise
of Christ's merits, and for the comfort of us poor sinners.
- Pastor Bishop
Christian Education
Sunday School
Perfect Attendance
August 2015
Raegan Norman
3rd Grade
Zachary Webb
6th Grade
Sydney Webb
High School
Emma Canterbury
Jacob Kelley
I used the class that the students were in
for the first three Sunday’s of August for
the perfect attendance.
Oct 05
Wesley Bussey
Hanna Hicks
Kenneth Memken
Aaron Miller
Oct 06
Pastor Daniel Bishop
Karen Hall
Madelyn Hicks
Maci Hicks
Oct 07
Richard Becker
Paul Driskell
Sean Kelley
Oct 08
Benjamin Gould
Zachary Stoehr
Linda Wagner
Katherine Wright
Oct 09
Griffin Glass
Brian Williamson
Oct 10
Robert Oliverius
Brayden Hoover
Oct 02
Joyce Fornoff
Elizabeth Niemann Beaman
Oct 03
Linda Turney
Oct 04
John Adkins
Theresa Isenberg
Vincent Tennell
Oct 21
James Bohannon
Diane Bolen
Michele Deiss
Barbara Wagner
Oct 22
Julie Noble
Oct 23
Gregory Becker
Laura Niemann
Oct 24
Brian Fuelberth
Adam Miller
Dawson Reese
Oct 25
Brian Ford
Oct 26
Delmar Deiss, Jr.
Rev. Bruce Lakamp
Nicholas Nafziger
Vincent Oltman
Daniel Sego
Oct 11
Lucas Woith
Oct 20
Linda Cooper
Eric Dupent
Marilyn Moll
Kelsy Stoehr
Oct 12
Joyce Long
Oct 13
Douglas King
Oct 14
Wilmadean Habberfield
Tricia Thomason
Diane Wagle
Oct 15
Denise Adkins
Aria Morgan
Michael Wiseman
Oct 16
Virginia Gauger
Shelley Gee
Oct 17
Nicole DeBoer
Garret Kesselmayer
Oct 27
Ryan Engelbright
Oct 28
Jamie Bohannon
John Durdle
Thomas Ivey
Kinley Norman
Oct 29
Alecia Blakeslee
Beth Ruder
Oct 30
Olivia Driskell
William Isenberg
October Birthdays (Cont’d)
Oct 31
Carl R. Whitlatch II
No daily meal is complete
without the “Bread of Life.”
Oct 01
Ross & Diane Gould
Oct 03
Jonathan & Shantel Becker
Oct 05
Troy & Susan Keefer
Mickey & Deebe Pitchford
Oct 07
Brian & Molly Hicks
Oct 08
Raymond & Karen Hall
Oct 09
Jeff & Shannon Stevenson
Oct 10
Brian & Tracy Lundeen
Oct 15
Mark & Tomi Pfanz
Oct 18
Matthew & Monica Lappie
Oct 20
Mike & Jackie Nauth
Joseph & Lori Schiavone
Oct 21
David & Nancy Drockelman
Brian & Ann Fuelberth
Oct. 23
Philip & Janelle Hopping
Oct 25
Terry & Nancy Swearingen
Oct 29
Dale & Shirley Schott
Daniel & Michelle Watson
John Gillespie
Worship Chairman
Lisa Pool
Oct 31
Horst & Waltraud Hupke
Dave Drockelman
Carl Cox
___________________________ Sean Kelley
Brian Ford
Jacob Kelley
Walt Long
Bob Morrison
James Lonergan
James Widby
Ray Pitchford
Church Attendance
Brain Umbach
Merle Wiseman
Aug 2015
Aug 2014
Aug 2013
Oct 05 8:00 Ron Reising
Sunday School Attendance
8:00 Ron Reising
Aug 2015
Aug 2014
Aug 2013
Oct 19 8:00 Ron Reising
Oct 26 8:00 Ron Reising
Please think about volunteering to welcome
Oct 04
our members and guests to the 10:30 a.m.
Sydney Webb
service. Thank you.
10:30 Cailin Wilson
Oct 11
Kethry Whitlatch
Cooper Theleritis
Oct 18 8:00
Lainey Jenson
Daden Ruder
Oct 25 8:00
Zane Dobbelaire
Audrey Driskell
Elders Communion Assistance
Oct 04 8:00 Dan Rees
10:30 Steve Depew
Oct 18 8:00
The Flower Chart for 2016 is posted in the
Narthex. Please sign-up for the Sunday(s)
that you would like to provide flowers for the
altar and call Marilyn Liescheidt, 346-0396,
and let her know what
you want in the
Flowers by Florence will
then send you an invoice.
Remember you can pick
up your flowers after the
10:30 service (please
leave the liners)
Dave Drockelman or Mon. to Fri. from
Tom Ivey
8:00 a.m. to 12 Noon.
September 14, 2015
AUGUST, 2015
President Ray Barnes called the meeting to order. A quorum was present. Pastor Bishop opened with devotions.
- 2,474.64
Note Payable
Payroll Liabilities
Misc LCMS Orgs Fund
The Parish Reports for June 2015 and July 2015 were approved as published. A motion was made by Dan Rees and
247,692.16 seconded by Tom Ivey to approve the August 2015 Parish
263,766.46 Report – motion carried. The minutes from the June 8,
-16,074.30 2015 Voters Meeting were approved as published.
CURRENT Checking & Link Money Market
General Fund
Schwab Cash Account
Cat Stock at FMV
GAP Stock at FMV
General Fund Total
Educational Fund Accounts
Educational Grant Fund Checking
Educational Grant Fund CD #1
Educational Grant Fund #2-Vanguard
Educational Fund Total
Building Fund Checking
Sunday School Fund Checking
Memorial Fund Checking
East Bluff Property Fund CD
Checking Account Balance
Building Improvements
Net Income (Loss)
Capital Accounts
Treasurer’s Report – Ron Reising presented the June, July,
and August 2015 Treasurer’s Reports. The Voters tabled
consideration of the Treasurer's report until the next meeting so that revisions can be made to separate building fund
income from general income. A payment was made recently for $70,000 against the loan for church renovations.
Board of Trustees – Gary Pool noted that the Trustees received written notice that Steger Furniture will not continue
to lease the Bristow Building at 720 Court Street after the
current agreement ends in December 2015.
Trinity Lutheran Church of Pekin gave their older
quadrabell system to St. John’s, and Mordue Moving Company was hired to move this equipment. Jack Hall used
- 1,893.34 parts of this system to repair our quadrabell. The Trustees
102,213.10 have agreed to make a donation of $250 to Trinity Lutheran
76,564.71 Church.
A bequest of $1,000 was received from the Frank Meyer
59,207.31 estate.
49,438.57 The two roofs located alongside the bell tower were leak105,970.29 ing. Energy Resource Roofing has been contracted to seal
these two roofs for an estimated cost of $1,200.
Board of Finance – Busey Bank has requested that the line
84,149.75 of credit be in the amount of $25,000 for three years which
84,149.75 is secured by our CDs. A motion was made by Gary Pool,
seconded by Howie Proehl, to approve a line of credit for
$25,000 for three years with Busey Bank – motion carried.
-299,680.34 No costs will be incurred by the church unless it is used.
445,810.26 St. John’s will continue with the same plan for the Concor190,855.62 dia Health Plan in 2016. The 2016 proposed budget needs
to be returned by October and recommendations will be
presented by the Board of Finance in November and voted
$417,743.03 on at the December Voter’s Meeting.
Board of Elders – The Elders will be hosting a special service and potluck on Oct. 4 celebrating the 60th anniversary
of the ordination of Pastor Kesselmayer. Pastor Mark
Thompson from Zion Lutheran Church in Lincoln will be
preaching at the 10:30 service, and a potluck will follow.
The meat, desserts, drinks, and dinnerware will be provided. Please bring a covered dish to share.
Educational Grant Fund Committee – No report.
East Bluff Property Committee – No report.
Unfinished Business – No report.
New Business – Dave Drockelman gave a report on the
CID convention held in Springfield on July 5 to 7 which he
The Elders Care Fund is money set aside to provide assis- attended with Pastor Bishop. Resolutions voted on includtance to members of the community in need. Assistance,
ed reaffirming the God given form of marriage, discontinuon a one time basis, has been provided for rent, utilities,
ing the lay deacon program, addressing false teachings of
groceries, gas and medications. The parameters have been Rev. Becker at Valparaiso University, and the need for a
adjusted by now limiting our assistance to two hundred
better process for expulsion of synod members teaching
dollars and no longer helping with rent. This allows the
false doctrine.
congregation to help more people and to extend the funds
A Circuit Forum will be held on September 27. A motion
longer into the year. In 2015, $4,000 was budgeted and
was made by Daryl Dagit and seconded by Tom Ivey to
approximately $560 remains.
appoint Dave Drockelman as lay delegate – motion carried.
A motion was made by Pastor Kesselmayer and seconded
The Elders would like to establish a steering committee at by Tom Ivey to nominate Dave Drockelman to be placed
St. John’s to gather information, assess our willingness as a on the ballot to stand for election as the Tazewell Circuit
congregation to participate, and serve as a liaison with the lay delegate to the synodical convention – motion carried.
on-going Family Promise project. For more information or Gary Pool announced that the Concordia University Choir
to serve on the steering committee, contact Ray Barnes or will visit and perform for our congregation on Friday, OcDan Rees.
tober 23. Dinner will be provided for the choir by the Ladies Guild. Housing is needed for the 40 members of the
Board of Worship – Pastor Bishop reported that there will choir with two choir members per household. A donation
be a Bulletin Insert on September 27 to obtain feedback on of $1,000 to the choir for their travel expenses is also recpreferences on the use of the new hymnal. A tally and re- ommended. Contact Gary if you are able to provide assisport will be given at the October Voter’s Meeting.
Board of Christian Education –John Gillespie reported that President Barnes reminded committees to make recommenthe GSLS Parents Meeting on August 23 had very good
dations for the slate of officers for 2016.
The meeting adjourned and closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Both Mrs. Dobbelaire and Mrs. Bishop have been commissioned and installed as called Lutheran teachers.
Respectfully submitted,
The Jog-a-thon is scheduled for September 20, and St.
Cheryl Ivey
John’s Church Picnic is scheduled for September 27 at
GSLS. Our youth will meet back at St. John’s after the Jog
-a-thon for volleyball and pizza.
Board of Stewardship – Allison Gillespie gave an update
on the Share Program. Thanks to Jack Hall for installing
the baseboard in the room used by the Share Program. A
delivery will be made this week. Items needed will be
listed in the Sunday Bulletin as well as the Monthly Newsletter.
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Pekin is hosting a
special service and potluck on October 4
celebrating the 60th anniversary of ordination
for Rev. Darwood Kesselmayer. Pastor Mark Thompson
of Zion Lutheran Church in Lincoln will be preaching our
10:30 service and the potluck will follow at noon. The
church will provide meat, desserts, drinks and dinnerware. Please bring a covered dish and we will have
baskets available for those who wish to bring a card for
Pastor Kesselmayer. We look forward to honoring God,
who raised up a Pastor who helped and served so many.
Hope to see you there!
Envelopes have been ordered and will be labeled in November for pick up in December.
Board of Evangelism – No report.
Long Range Planning Committee – No report.
By Eileen Tiona
By Deb Lakamp
The Ladies Guild
will meet on
"The Lord God has given me the tongue of
those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with
a word him who is weary. Morning by morning he awakens; he awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught."
Isaiah 50 verse 4.
Thursday, Oct. 22nd at 6:00 P. M.
Viola Deppert has donated a series of 5 books,
"The Chronicles of the Kings" by Lynn Austin.
Book 1 - "Gods & Kings".
Book 2 - "Song of Redemption".
Book 3 - "The Strength of His Hand".
Book 4 - "Faith of My Fathers".
Book 5 - "Among the Gods".
for our annual potluck meal. The meat, drink and
table service will be provided. We will meet in the
church basement. Please bring a dish to pass. Our
hostesses for the evening are Carol Long and Joyce
All ladies of our congregation are welcome and
encouraged to come.
Thanks Viola for donating these books. I am sure everyone
will enjoy reading them.
Please come to the library and look over all the wonderful
books that are available for your reading enjoyment.
YESTERDAY is a cancelled check.
TOMORROW is a promissory note.
TODAY is the only cash you have.
Spend it wisely.
By Eileen Tiona
St. John's Fellowship Club will be holding a "Work at
Church" October 10, 2015, from 9-12 pm. We have talked
with Gary Pool and he is thinking of "things" that we can
help with. If we need to bring any supplies, he will let us
know, so watch for any additional information in the bulletin!!! Please try to come and help do some of the odds and
ends that need to be done at the church. After working all
morning, we will have a lunch. BBQ's and drink will be
furnished; please bring chips or dessert or anything that
sounds good to you!!!!
is the topic of an evening of Scripture study and
discussion for parents who have children of any
age at home, as well as for grandparents who
have significant involvement in caring for
grandchildren. We will have directions and
encouragement from God’s Word for Christian
parents, as well as some good examples from
the Bible. We will also spend time discussing
numerous specific and practical ways we can
teach children the Christian faith at home.
will meet on Sunday,
October 18th
for bowling at 2:00 p.m.
So, parents and grandparents, please set aside
Thursday evening, October 15, 7:00 to 8:30 for
“Teaching the Faith at Home.” We’ll meet in
the basement classroom. You will enjoy this,
and your family will be blessed.
Place to be announced at a later date.
Watch future Sunday
bulletins for more information
The Lutheran Women of
Great Peoria (LWGP) are
once again selling the Dining
Tour Books as a fundraiser
for the Lutheran Hillside
Village and Lutheran Social
You may have heard discussion at the Voter’s Assembly or
talk amongst members of the congregation about a program called Family Promise and wondered what it is about.
Family Promise is a program that provides shelter and
meals to homeless families within our community. This
program relies on local churches to host families for one
week at a time by providing space within the church for a
place to stay and volunteers that provide meals for up to 14
people. Each church hosts families approximately four
times per year and the program provides a day center for
adults, transportation between the participating churches,
transportation for the adults to the day-center, and beds for
the families staying within the church. While the kids are
at school their parents are at a day-center being assisted in
finding employment and permanent housing by a program
director. Children remain at their home school.
The cost is $30 each.
If you would like to purchase one, please contact
Marilyn Liescheidt at 346-0396.
In Our Prayers
If you know of anyone who needs to be added,
please let the church office know.
This is a national program that has been established to
serve families while they get back on their feet. There are a
variety of programs that serve homeless men. There are
programs that help women and children. Family Promise is
one of the few programs that helps homeless families and
keeps the family intact.
All our shut-ins
Walt Dozard - GSLS student
Nathan Barth - member of Armed Services
Griffin Glass - serving in the Navy
Adam Jackson—member of Armed Services
(grand-nephew of Lila Lisenbee)
Pastor Niemann
Lee Morgan
Dale Schott
Jeanne Andersen
Shannon Stocke
Cheryl Knussman
Luke Barclay
Cheryl Williams
Vaylen Tomlinsen
Jack Hall
A coalition of churches and social agencies are in the initial
stages of establishing a Family Promise affiliate in Tazewell County and we have been asked to join. In the coming
months we will be gathering information and deciding if
this is a program in which we are willing and able to participate. Look for more information in the newsletter and at
future Voter’s Meetings.
For more information see the sheet called What Is Needed
for a Congregation to Host?” on the bulletin board in the
Change of Addresses
Below you will find address corrections to the Church
Concordia University Kapelle
(with our own Sierra Pool in the choir)
Charles P. Brown, Director
will have a performance here at St John’s on
Friday, October 23, at 7:00 p.m.
Address corrections:
Ray and Wilma Garber, 1111 S. 18th St., Pekin
Darlene Meyer, 2700 S. 14th Street, room 234, Pekin
Judy Nizzia, 400 Fairlane, Pekin
“God Is Love”
Music for Reformation and All Saints
Works by
Gjeilo, Pinkham, Chesnokov, Hurd,
Hildebrand, Issac, Clausen, Daley,
And Gibbs.
If you know of any other corrections to the
Directory, please call the church office. Thank you.
Life is like a mirror—
if you frown at it,
it frowns back;
if you smile,
it returns the greeting.
World Premier of a new work by Luke Wieting
You can take old cell phones to the Police Department.
They will remove all information and fix the phone for 911
They will then give the phone to someone who needs it.
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Kewanee, Illinois
October 4-6, 2015 (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
You can take old TV’s up to 27” screen sizes to
Best Buy for disposal.
The Twentieth Annual Oktoberfest! and Gottesdienst Central will be hosting the Rev. Richard Stuckwisch,
PhD, Pastor at Emmaus Lutheran Church in South
Bend, Indiana.
The question of the Eucharistic sacrifice is a critical ingredient in the Lutheran understanding of worship. Pastor
Stuckwisch happens to be an expert among us on the matter. He became interested in the Lutheran confession of
Eucharistic sacrifice in the course of his STM studies at
Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne. He explored
this further in his doctoral work at the University of Notre
Dame, where he investigated the Inter-Lutheran Commission on Worship, focusing especially on the development
and discussion of the Eucharistic rites of theLutheran Book
of Worship (1978) andLutheran Worship (1982). His PhD
research was published in 2011 under the title, Philip Melanchthon and the Lutheran Confession of Eucharistic Sacrifice. His topic for this conference is
Peoria Area
Lutherans for Life
will again stand in the Life Chain that stretches from the
abortion clinic on North University south to the Metro
Center on Sunday, October 4, 2015. We will gather in
the parking lot next to Culver’s on North University at
2:00 p.m. and quietly stand along the street in from of
Metro Center, holding the signs provided by Central
Illinois Right to Life.
“Eucharistic Sacrifice and Eucharistic Prayer in Theology and Practice”
The event begins Sunday the 4th with Choral Vespers at
5 p.m. Following the service is our annual bratwurst banquet. When everyone has had their fill of brats and beer, Dr.
Stuckwisch will give a synopsis of his Monday seminar. Following the banquet is the after-the-party party, at Pastor
Eckardt’s home, where, as always, a gaggle of the editors of
Gottesdienst will be milling about.
On Monday, October 5th, the day begins with Mass
at 9:00 a.m., with Rev. Fr. Michael Frese from Redeemer in
Fort Wayne, Indiana, as our special guest preacher. Following Mass and a continental breakfast, Fr. Stuckwisch will
hold forth for the rest of the day, in two sessions running
until about 2:45, followed by Vespers.
On Tuesday, October 6th, the conference will continue in the same format, with discussion of a new video
project Gottesdienst is planning, showing the rubrics of the
Divine Service, with Fr. Eckardt, pastor at St. Paul’s, holding forth. The Tuesday sessions will be framed by morning
low Mass (spoken Divine Service) and Vespers.
If you are a THRIVENT FINANCIAL member with
Choice Dollars® to direct, you can help our church continue
its ministry here and reach out to the greater community.
Simply direct Choice Dollars to St. John's. We plan to use
these grant funds to help offset the cost of the remodeling
project underway.
You can make your direction online at Thrivent.com or call
Thrivent at 800-847-4836, and say “Thrivent Choice®” after the prompt.
The Thrivent Choice charitable grant program lets eligible
Thrivent members recommend where some of Thrivent’s
charitable dollars are distributed. So far this year, churches
nationwide have received more than $23 million in charitable grant funds as a result of the Thrivent Choice program.
To see if you are eligible to participate or have questions,
call Thrivent toll-free at 800-847-4836.
REGISTRATION: $40 per person, $60 per couple, students $20 — includes Sunday banquet and Monday continental; no charge for children with parents. Register by
email (b.f.eckardt@gmail.com) or call 309-852-2461 and
leave your name, address, and which days you plan to attend. You may pay the registration fee when you arrive. Lodging: AmericInn. 309-856-7200. Special
rate $97.66 (mention Oktoberfest when you register, by September 14th); Aunt Daisy’s B & B, 888-4224148; Quality Inn, 309-853-8800; Days Inn (Sheffield),
815-454-2361; Best Western (Annawan), 309-935-6565;
Kewanee Motor Lodge, 309-853-4000. (Annawan), 309935-6565; Kewanee Motor Lodge, 309-853-4000.
Dear Fellow Church Members,
Thank you for the nice reception for
my installation service. You are all
so thoughtful. God bless you and I
look forward to serving others in my
calling. Laura Dobbelaire.
We also received thank you note/letter from Concordia
Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, In. and Concordia
Seminary in St. Louis, Mo for donations we have made
to them.
Lutheran Women of Greater Peoria invite you to experience
Wine and Laughter!
Sunday, October 18th starting at 2:00 p.m.
At Mackinaw Valley Winery
We begin in the Mackinaw Valley Vineyard tasting room, where you can sample your choice of 3
award wining wines and light snacks. Then at 3:30, we move to the pavilion for a light supper, and enjoy a dinnertheater presentation of the comedy “Adam and Eve Go For Marriage Counselling”, presented by Up Stage Products of St. Louis. (After thousands of years of marriage, Adam and Eave decide they need a little help, and so they
go to marriage counseling, only to find their counselor seems to know a lot more about love and sex and sacrifice
than they ever imagined he could—perhaps because of who he really is.)
Tickets are $25 per person (write your checks payable to Lutheran W omen of Greater Peoria). Proceeds will go to
the LSSI Intouch for Seniors program. Reservations are required by October 11th!
To reserve your seat call either: Pepper Bauer, (309) 697-5762 or email to: pepperbauer@att.net or JoAnn Lambie,
(309) 697-5098.